Status: Active

All About Us

Hell In A Cell 2012

After a very busy day, we finally have some time to relax, while we were at the arena anyway. Vi and Justin were in their locker room, and she was debating on whether she should get ready that very minute or not. "Need some help?" Justin asks, seeing her conflicted.

"I do. Do you think I should get changed into the dress to wear for a while before I need to change into my attire? I'm conflicted here."


"And you haven't even seen it yet."

"I'll love it regardless, you know I always do."

"You do." She laughs. "I'll go change into that then." She grabs her bag.

"Good." He grins.

"You stay here. We don't need a repeat of this morning."

"You say that like it's a bad thing." He smirks.

"It's really not, but we can't have that happen here."


"I'll be right back mister insatiable."

"Alright." He chuckles.

She heads into the changing area to get ready. Since everything else was done, her hair and makeup, all she had to do was put her dress on. It was a red, one frill shoulder dress with a frill pleated overlay shoulder and a thin strap on the opposite shoulder and asymmetric neck line. After getting that on, she sprays some body mist on and re-applies her lip gloss. When everything looked perfect, she heads back out into the room. "Oh Justy." She sings once she walks into his view.

"That...could not look...more perfect on you."

"Charmer." She blushes a bit, setting her bag down then walking over to him.

"You know I always am."

"You are." She smiles. "One of the many reasons I love you." She kisses him quick after sitting on his lap.

"And I love you too."

"So...I'm defending my title tonight."

"Against Layla right? Since she gets the rematch?"

"Yeah." She chews her lip. "I'm just nervous since this is my first pay-per-view defense."

"I know you'll do just fine."

"Oh I know I will, it's just the first time jitters."

"Right. It's normal."

"Yeah, but I know you're going to be there with me through it all so I'll be just fine."

"Of course."

"You have a big night too."

"That's right, I do."

"I can't wait to see the look on his face when you beat him for that title." She grins.

"Right? He won't know what happened. He'll probably start crying in Swiss or something."


"I'll be there with you through the whole thing. Doing what I do best."

"Wouldn't want it any other way."

"You won't have to either." She pecks his lips.


"It feels so good to finally relax after such a busy day."

"I know right?"

"So much media and signings. I thought it was never going to end." She rests her head against his.

"Just wait until WrestleMania time. Then it gets really busy."

"I remember from last year. That was just crazy. There was no time for anything. From morning til night it was signings and Axxess, but I wouldn't change ot for anything. I love all the excitement around that time."

"The best time of the year for all of us."

"It is. I just hope you make it to the main card this year. Both of us really."

"Well we'll get a good idea of what's going to be on the card possibly after the Rumble." He nods.

"That's true. Hopefully they don't change it at the last minute like they always do."

"I hope not."

"I'm just happy we both have title matches tonight. I'm especially excited for you. You finally get a title shot!"

"I know it's amazing."

"I'm more pumped for your match then I am for my own."

"It's because it's been a while since I've had a title match."

"Exactly." She nods. "You really deserve this and I'm so happy the time has finally come for you."

"All I've got to do is win."

"As long as he doesn't do anything to screw this up for you, I know you'll be coming home with the title."

"I plan on bringing that home."

"And bringing it home you shall."

"I can't wait."

"Neither can I."

" know what you'll gt if you do win too." She smirks.

"Oh yes." He grins.

"I won't stop you either. Anything you want, you'll get."


"When is that match exactly?"

"4th match of the night."

"Perfect. That's before mine so I don't have to rush to change."

"When's yours?"

"Second to last."

"Oooh almost main event. Where you should be."

"I know. I'm excited about that. Too bad it's not the main event, but this will do."

"You'll main event one day, and I'll be proud."

"I can't wait for that day to come."

"Me neither."

"That's going to be great for my career, just like tonight."

"Yes it will be."

"Now I'm all excited." She bounces a bit on his lap.

"Hey...easy now." He chuckles.

"Oops." She giggles. "Sorry."

"It's ok."

"Random burst of energy." She laughs.

"You have that a lot."

"Must be all the sugar I eat." She looks innocent. "You didn't hear that." She tries to cover up what she said.

"I think I did."

"Nu uh. I said nothing." She denies.

"Uh huh...suuuure."

"When are you going to change?" She tries changing the subject quickly, hoping he forgets.

"Well since it won't take me too long, I was thinking about the 3rd match of the night I'll change."

"Awww." She pouts. "I was hoping to have some fun before we went out there."

"Well I could change now if you really wanted me to."

"I think you know the answer to that."

"I'll go change now."


"Shouldn't take me long." He says, getting up.

"Better not." She grins, smacking his butt.

"I'll make sure of it." He heads into the changing area to change and like he said, it doesn't take him long. Once he comes out, he sits back in his spot, her on his lap. "So much better." She lets her hands wander.

"Yes, because there's more skin for you to touch." He chuckles.

"Mhm." She nods. "So much." She leans down, kissing his shoulder, slowly going up to his neck.

"I would say the same for you.....but the dress covers up most of your skin..."

"I could go change, but..." She trails off, moving to the one spot on his neck. "...I'm have to much fun." She nips at his skin, sucking lightly. His arm that was wrapped around her waist had tightened around her in response. She smirks against his skin, staying on the spot while she slowly moves her hands down his chest. His hold on her tightens even more the farther down she gets. She makes her way to his lips, licking his bottom lip as she moves her fingers, pressing one of his indents. Like always, that causes him to tense and a quiet growl comes from him. It wasn't good enough for hers she presses into the same indent again. This time the growl is much louder than before. She smirks against his lips and before she knows it, she's on her back and he's hovering over her with a smirk of his own.

"Hi." He grins.

"Hi to you too."

"You should know that if you keep doing what you just did, this is where you end up." He chuckles.

"Maybe that's why I do it." She smirks.

"Oh of course."

"What's you big plan this time, hmm?"

"I think you know."


"Don't think that's working this time."

"Oh darn."

"This time anyway."

"At least I still have my hands..." She smirks, pressing his indent once more.

"I knew I forgot something...."

"Nooo." She whines when he takes her hands, lacing his fingers with hers.


"Awww." She pouts. "I was having fun." She gives him the face, sticking her bottom lip out. He just grins and catches her offguard when he leans down and quickly but lightly nips her bottom lip. Her eyes fall shut as she hums slightly. "For now on, whenever you stick your lip out, I'll do that." He grins.


"When I feel necessary anyway."

"That'll be all the time, knowing you."

"Quite possibly."

"Hmm..." She trails off, sticking her lip out again.

"Testing me."


"You know I take everything as a challenge..."

"I do...very well."

"You love to challenge me."

"It's fun to do."

"Of course it is."

"Just like you love to torture me." She tugs at her hands, wanting them free.

"It's fun."

"Jusstttyyy." She whines.


"I wanna touch youuu."

"Will one hand work for you?"

"Right now, I'll take what I can get."

"One hand. I'll let go of one hand." He nods, doing so. She instantly takes that hand, running it through his hair happily.


"Very happy."

"Good." She keeps running her fingers through his hair then moves down to his face, playing with the scruff on his cheek. She pulls him down, brushing her lips overs his. He grins against her lips and his free hand rests on her hip as he kisses back. She cups his face with her hand, kissing him back. Her hand stays there for awhile before moving to the back of his neck. She runs her fingers through the bottom of his hairline before running them lightly over the back of his neck. That causes a shiver to go through him, and another growl. It also causes him to kiss back even more intense than before. She goes to do it again and he knows it's coming so he moves his hand from her waist to her thigh, squeezing down on it causing her to moan into the kiss. He smirks into the kiss and waits a while before he decides to do it again. This time the noises are louder, muffled by the kiss but also loud enough for him to hear. He keeps that going while he kisses her. He only starts to stop when he starts to pull away, the kisses lingering. She whines softly, not wanting him to stop.

"More later...I promise."

"...holding that."

"Especially after we both win tonight." He winks.

"Especially after that."

"Love you."

"Love you too, so very much."

"More than you can ever know."

"Exactly." She smiles.

"By the way, do you plan on keeping me like this until your match?"

"Well I never thought of it...but now that you ask...."

"...maybe I will." He grins.

"Can I have my other hand then...pwease?"

"I can do that." He nods, letting it go.

"Now we can stay like this until we have to move." She wraps her arms around his neck. pulling his closer to her, his head laying on her chest.

"Won't argue with that."

"Didn't think you would."

"You say I'm are you."

"Now you're going to want to lay on me all the time like I do you." She chuckles.

"Yes, yes I will."

"You can do it whenever and however much you want."


"Anything for you. You're the only one that gets to do this."

"Oh, I know."

"I know you do..." She picks up her shoe from the floor, throwing it at the door, hearing someone curse on the other side. "...NOW GO AWAY!" She yells, knowing who was on the other side.

"Such a eavesdropper." Justin shakes his head.

"Must not have anything better to do." She shakes her head. "Probably thinks you left me 'alone' again." She adds air quotes around 'alone'.

"I'm never going to leave you alone so he can come after you. Especially since he's got a new posse now."

"I know you won't. and I don't like who he's with. They're just as sneaky and creepy as he is." She shudders.

"No kidding."

"I'm just so glad I have you to protect me from him now. It was horrible before I had you."

"Let's not go back to how horrible it was before me. All that matters now is that you're with me and we love each other."

"We do. Very much and nothing is going to change that."

"Nothing at all." She holds him closer to her, her one hand tracing patters on his back as she tries to ease her mind.

"All you need to focus on is your first title defense tonight." He grins.

"Oh I am. This is helping me out a lot."


They lay like that while they wait for the show to start, him tracing patterns on her stomach while she does the same to his back. After I had gotten changed into the dress I was wearing tonight, and put everything else on and did my hair, I walk back out into the main area of the room, taking my spot back on the couch next to Ted. "You look absolutely stunning."

"Oh....I try."

"Like you even need to."

"I know the answer to"

"No you don't. You never have to. You always look me."

"Of course I do."

"You have anything tonight?"

"The usual title defense."

"Oh, you so got that won already. Can't we just say the match happened and be done with it?" He chuckles.

"You would like that."

"I would. Early night." He grins.

"But then we wouldn't have anything to celebrate"

"We would. You would have already won the match. You'll be coming home with the title still. That's what we'll celebrate."

"Ohhh you."


"I feel more accomplished if I actually physically win."

"I know you do, but I can still imagine it."

"I know you can."

"It's all so perfect." He looks off. "" He smirks.

"Daydreaming there huh?"

"Oh yeah."

"Just don't space out too much."

"I won't. I still have you right a dress I love." He lets his hands wander.

"One that I bought the last time we went shopping."

"I'm so happy you bought it too."

"Of course you are."

"Mhm." He leans down, kissing my shoulder.

"Mr. Affectionate."

"Only for you."

"I should know that's the first thing you go for when my shoulders are exposed."

"You really should. It's easier for me."

"I'll keep that in mind."


"Of course it's kind of hard to wear stuff like this when it's cold out."

"True, but you make up for it in other ways."

"I do. I have my ways."

"Yes you do."

"So do you."

"I just know what you like."


"So, when's your match exactly?"

"After Justin's."

"Ah, so about halfway through the show."

" we're gonna have to wait a while. And I wanna stay for Vi's match of course. That's 2nd to last I believe."

"Right, right." He nods. "A night of firsts."


"Going to be one exciting night..when it officially starts anyway."

"Shouldn't be too much longer."

"Good. Gives us more time..." He kisses across my shoulder to the back of my neck.

"....don't really pay attention to....the pre-show anyway..." I manage to say. He mumbles against my skin, moving up my neck. I tilt my head to the side and he smirks against my skin. Since he knows he can't leave marks, he nips lightly at my skin. From there, he grabs me and pulls me over so that I'm sitting on his lap. "Much better." He mumbles against my neck.


"Gives me more access to things." I grin.

"Nothing's stopping you either."

"Good, because I was already planning it."

"I figured." He chuckles.

Since his hands were wandering and occupied, I took the chance to have my hands wander themselves. One of my hands rests on the back of his neck first and I occasionally drag my nails across his skin. He shivers slightly, his hold on me getting tighter as he tenses. I giggle quietly and do it again, and in retaliation like always his hands moves to my thigh and squeezes lightly. I bite my lip to try to keep any noises from coming. He senses I'm trying to hold back so he does it again, a bit harder this time. I shake my head, pursing my lips, trying my very best to hold everything in. Since he knows I won't give in, he trails kisses across my jaw to my lips. "Give in..." He mumbles. " know you want to."

"" I shake my head.

"...fine..." He grins before reaching my lips.

He presses his lips to mine in a rough kiss. This time he waits a while before catching me offguard with squeezing my thigh harder than before. Only because catching me offguard always seems to work when I refuse to let any noises out. And of course like always it works, but the noises are muffled into the kiss. He smirks against my lips, slowing the kiss down leaving lingering kisses. As he starts to pull away however, I end up following him, not wanting him to stop yet, whining in protest. He gives in, letting me keep the kiss going until i'm content enough to pull away.

"I'm satisfied now." I sigh in content.

"Good. You should be."

"I always am."

"That's how it should be."

It isn't too long after that when the show officially starts, with the normal video packages of the main matches and such, followed by the pyro and everything. The first match of the night would see Randy facing off against Del Rio.

"This is going to be good. They have some bad blood going on between them."

"Del Rio likes to start fights with everyone it seems."

"He picked the wrong person this time."

"Oh yeah."

"I wish him all the luck in the world."

At the end of a punishing match, Del Rio went for a springboard enziguiri on Randy, but even with an injured shoulder, Randy catches Del Rio in mid-air wih the RKO to pick up the win.

"Serves him right."

"It does and what and amazing RKO."

"Randy's good for that. The mid-air ones are the best."

"They are, but they hurt like hell."

"Right I know, because you've been on the receiving end many times."

"I have and I'm hoping that I don't have to be anymore."

"Let's hope not."

"Oh I am."

"Shouldn't have to worry about it until he goes heel again."


Then Vickie appears backstage, revealing that not only will she present evidence of the affair between John and AJ on RAW, but she's in viting AJ to appear on Raw to see it for herself. Paul Heyman then appears and asks Vickie to call off the Hell in a Cell match, but Vickie refuses, saying Punk is afraid of Ryback. Paul then screams at Vickie that Punk is not afraid of anything, but calms himself enough to tell Vickie that everyone thinks she is doing a great job, also advising her to not mess it up.

"She'll mess up."

"She always does."


"And the whole thing with AJ and John is total bull. Vickie is making it up so she can get the GM position back."

"I guess she really would go that low to get what she wants."

"She should talk about inappropriate relationships though."

"Right? She's had her share of them."

"Edge...Ziggler....who she's been involved with for like 2 years now."

"And she even admits she's with Dolph. Saying 'her' boyfriend."

"Well now he's her 'client'. Psh. Client my ass."

"I'm sure that's all it is." He says sarcastically.

"She wants us to think so."

'We all know the truth."

"Especially what goes on behind closed doors....I don't even want to think of that."

"Neither do I." He makes a face.

Then it came time for the Tag Team Championships to be defended. Daniel and Kane would be facing Cody and Damien, in their first title defense.

"I hope Cody and Damien win. That divison has been a joke since Team Hell No got the titles."

"Tell me about it."

"There are way better teams that deserve those titles."

"Hell, put you with anyone and you deserve the titles more." I add.

"You're right. Anyone is better then them."

During the match, Kane would ready himself to chokeslam Cody, but Daniel tags himself in, hitting the falling headbutt on Cody. However, Kane pulls him off of the pin and shortly after this, Daniel jumps to the outside, aimed to hit Cody with a knee. But Daniel accidentally collides with Kane.

"See. So dysfunctional."

This leads to a shoving match on the outside between the two and Cody tries to take advantage, hitting the Cross Rhodes on Daniel. Kane saves Daniel from being pinned before he goes off on Cody and Damien, refusing to stop the pummeling of them to the point of the ref calling for the disqualification. Cody and Damien are victorious, but Kane and Daniel retain.

"What?! That is just not cool at all. Some champions they are."

"Do anything to win. Taking their anger out seems to work."

"It does, but it could have been a fair match."

"Right, unfortunately it doesn't go that way sometimes."

"I know, but still."

After the match, Kane shoves Daniel down before planting Damien with the chokeslam and yet another argument ensues between the two again.

"This is getting old. I'm getting tired of seeing them fight all the time."

"You're not the only one."

"It's time for a change."

"Hopefully we get that soon."


After his proclamation that he has to regain the IC title in order to save the world, Mike would get his shot to earn back the IC title from Kofi. "I really hope Mike wins it back. It was not fair that is was taken from him with no build up or feud."

"And not to mention he lost every non-title match, but won every title match. He has so much more potential than what they're showing he has."

"He does. I'll give him that. He's a good champion and competitor."

"But they continue to make him look like a joke. He deserves so much better."

"It's really a shame they're doing that to him. He does deserve better."

"You'd think coming off making his movie things would improve."

"Right, but that's not how they see things."

"Of course not."


Throughout the match, Mike would focus on the knee of Kofi, even ripping the knee and kick pads off the leg. But Kofi started fighting his way out of the Skull Crushing Finale moments before hitting Trouble in Paradise on Mike en route to retaining the IC title.


"How in the hell does he go from getting one title match to retaining the title? That is just wrong on so many levels, not to mention unfair to Mike."

"This is not a night I wanna deal right now." I sigh.

"Try to relax...for me." Ted starts to rub my shoulders.

"The way they booked this show so far is just pissing me off."

"I can tell. You need to relax. Can't have you tense for your match."

"Although you could easily fix that. But that's not the point, I know." He kisses behind my ear while rubbing my shoulders, hoping to help me relax. In the meantime, Vi and Justin had gotten up because his match was coming up next finally.

"I can't believe how they're treating Mike. It's pathetic." She shakes her head.

"It's a regular thing with them isn't it? Treating people like they treat him."

"It is and it's really sad. They better not even do that to you or I'll raise hell."

"I know you will."

"Things better go good tonight or I'm starting after your match."

"I'll do the absolute best I can to win. I promise you that."

"I know you will. It's just him I don't trust."

"Right, I know."

"He's making that title a disgrace. Bashing on this country. Psh. Some US Champion he is."

"I know right?"

"Exactly. I hope you beat him and beat him good."

"I'll make sure of it."

"I know you will." She kisses his cheek.

"Shall we head out there?"

"We shall."

He grabs her hand and aces his fingers with hers, and then tey both head out the door and make their way to the curtain. Once they get there, they see that Cesaro is already there waiting to go out. She stays close to Justin, whispering words of encouragement to him. He nod and grins, leaning down to kiss her a few times. She can hear Cesaro saying things in Swiss, but plays it off. They don't have to listen to him much longer since Justin's theme goes off. Like always, he heads out, doing his poses followed by her. They then link hands and head to the ring. He does his usual entrance while she climbs up the stairs. When he's done, she joins him in the ring while they wait. It isn't long before Cesaro's music goes off and walks out, doing his usual, but ridiculous entrance. She rolls her eyes, getting annoyed with how long he's taking. Finally he gets to the ring and gets ready for the match. She gives Justin a quick kiss then steps out of the ring. He then holds up a finger, telling everyone to wait. He then walks over to the side and asks for a microphone so he can speak.

"Oh come on. Just shut up so we can have the match."

The whole time he talks, he speaks in Swiss, so no one can understand him. She rolls her eyes, tapping her fingers on the side of the ring. "You done yet?"

He finally finishes, ending with his name, before handing the mic off.

"God. That wasn't a waste of time at all." She sarcastically says. The bell then rings, the match starting. They immediately lock up and Cesaro takes Justin down not too long after. After some struggle to get away from him, Cesaro grabs Justin's hair and slams him back.

"Not the hair! Come on ref! Already?! Pay attention!"

Cesaro then works on the hand of Justin and he gets up, getting out of it, until Cesaro spears him and kicks him in the head, getting him into the corner. He takes him out to break the ref's count and then goes to hit him face first off the turnbuckle, but Justin blocks it and starts to repeatedly hit Cesaro in the chest. Cesaro goes for a hip toss, but Justin counters and hits him with a monkey flip. That causes Cesaro to move into the corner and Justin backs up into the opposite one. He goes right at him and Cesaro moves, Justin hopping up and sitting on the top turnbuckle, Cesaro then knocks him off and to the floor. Vi gasps, rushing over to check on him. he tells her he's fine then she helps him back into the ring.

Cesaro goes back to work on beating him, hitting Justin with a leg drop. He grabs Justin by the hair again and makes him lay flat so he can go for the cover. Justin kicks out at one. Justin gets back up and is able to hit him once before being grabbed again and hit with an uppercut which knocks him right back down again. Cesaro starts gloating before craling over him and throwing punches. He goes for the cover, gets a one count, and he argues with the ref a bit before going back over to Justin. He helps Justin up and stands behind him, holding him in a way where he hits an uppercut to his back. He goes for the cover, getting a two count.

"Come on Justy! You can beat him! I know you can do it. Stay strong!"

He then gets Justin in a facelock, telling him to give up. Justin starts to struggle to get out of the hold, but Cesaro won't let go. Justin gets to his feet and fights back, only for Cesaro to drop him on the top turnbuckle and then kneeing him in the gut where he's laying. He lifts Justin up from where he's laying and then throws him backwards, going for the cover, but Justin kicks out again. He then proceeds to stomp on Justin's chest twice, before going for another cover, but still Justin kicks out.

"Ouch." She winces. "Come on baby. Power back. Ahow him what you can do."

Justin starts to fight back from where he's laying and kicks Cesaro in the head. Cesaro retaliates with a stomp to the face. He grabs Justin's hair and then his ear and the ref goes at him for it. He then goes after the arm, Justin saying no to giving up. Cesaro picks him up and drops him, still holding on. Justin starts to fight back and Cesaro tosses him back, Justin landing on his feet, and then when Cesaro turns around, he turns and kicks him in the face. He goes over to the ropes and hits the moonsault, going for the cover instantly when he hits him, but Cesaro kicks out.

"Damn." She mutters. "Almost baby. You're so close. Keep up the high flying!"

Justin gets up and then kicks Cesaro in the chest. He then goes off the ropes, comes back and gets hit with a hard clothesline from Cesaro that makes not only Vi, but everyone wince. He covers Justin for the pin, but Justin turns it around into a pin of his own, Cesaro kicking out. Cesaro gets Justin into the corner and throws punches to his midsection left and right. He backs up when the ref tells him to and Justin reaches up and kicks Cesaro in the face when he comes back. He then hits him with a DDT and goes for the cover again, but Cesaro kicks out of that. With Cesaro still laying there, Justin looks to the top of the nearest corner and heads there. He went for the 450 Splash and hits it, hooking Cesaro's leg and he gets the win. Vi stands there in shock for a moment, not realizing that Justin won. As she hears his theme, it hits her that he won. She slides into the ring the best she can then goes right over to him, engulfing him in a hug. "You did it! You won!" She squeals from excitement.

"I can't believe it myself." He says still in shock, but happy. The ref walks over with the title and she takes it from him, giving it to Justin. "Yours." She grins.


He takes the title, her and the ref raising his hand in victory. He kisses the title before going to each corner, holding it up for everyone to see. He hops down from the last corner just as they replay how he won the match. As they do that, they both exit the ring to head to the back. Once they get behind the curtain, she squeals, jumping on him in pure excitement.

"More excited than me I see." He chuckles.

"I am. You finally got what you deserve! I couldn't be any more happy then I am right now."

"You're keeping that for a very long time." She adds.

"I plan on it."

"And I'll help by any means necessary."

"Of course you will." He kisses her quick.

"You and I will be the best champions ever."

"That we will be. Nothing can stop us now."

"Nothing and no one."

"You got that right. Everyone better get out of our way."

"That's right." He chuckles.

"One more title match and we can get out of here and celebrate." She winks.

"Can't wait."

"Me either."

"So, get my name put on this?"

"Oh but of course."

"Let's go then." He grins. they head to where he can get his name put on it then head into the room. It doesn't take too long to get his name on it and once that's done they head back to their room. "Now that looks better." She runs her fingers over his name.

"Doesn't it?"

"Way better then it did before. It's perfect now."

"Yes, yes it is."

"If we get back to the room now, there might be enough time for a pre-celebration."

"Say no more." He says, picking her up and carrying her to the room.

"Someone's eager." She giggles.

"A bit."

"You goof."

"Love you too."

She shakes her head, laughing as he makes his way back o the room. They pass by Heath and his posse who look at them. She sticks her tongue out at them then kisses Justin's neck. She glances back at Heath who looks pissed then smirks. Once they get back to the room, Justin walks in and heads right for the couch, her on his lap.

"Much better."

"I agree." She rests her one hand on his chest, her other on the back of his neck while she lightly nips at his neck.

"I think you know where this will be going soon...." He grins, remembering earlier.

"Mhm." She pays no mind, moving up his neck to his ear, lightly sucking and nipping at it. Like before, his grip tightens around her waist. His other hand was wandering along her legs. She does her best to hold back the urge of giving in. She nips at his ear a few more times before moving down his jaw to his lips, her fingers running over the back of his neck lightly. And just like earlier, he moves her so that she's laying back on the couch and he's hovering over her, the kiss not breaking. Since her hand was on his chest, it moved down to his hip when he laid her back. She lightly runs her fingers over his skin, pressing his indent slightly, only getting a slight growl. Not being satisfied with that, she does it again, but harder, getting a much louder growl from him only muffled by the kiss. In retaliation, he takes her bottom lip between his teeth and nips at it lightly. A few noises come from her, her back arching into him. She moves her hand to his hair, gripping at it as she presses her finger into his indent again. That causes him to let her lip go and moves his way from there to her neck, but also keeping in mind about her match later so he knows not to leave marks. He lightly nips at her skin knowing that drives her crazy.

She bites down on her lip to keep any noises from coming. Since he knows she's holding back, he goes right for his favorite spot, nipping lightly while adding his tongue after each nip. That makes her go crazy and she muffles any noises that come out into his shoulder. He smirks against her skin and moves away from the spot and back to her lips. She pulls him closer to her, kissing him hard and eagerly. She moves her hand from his hip to his neck, wrapping both arms around him so he's as close as he can get. She lets her fingers trail over the skin she can touch while her arms are wrapped around him, drawing patterns at times. He kisses her back roughly before starting to slow the kiss down. She starts to whine in protest, not wanting him to stop.

"There'll be much more later when you win tonight."

"But I want more now." She whines.

"I know, but I believe Scar has her match up next."

"Right. Almost forgot in all the excitement."

"That's okay." He chuckles.

"We have to move, don't we?"

"Not unless you want to."

"I don't."

"Then we don't have to move."


"I'm comfortable anyway."

"Because I'm that comfortable, I know."

"Yes you are."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

He relaxes against her like earlier and they watch the TV for my match. Meanwhile, I had just come back out from getting changed out of my dress and into my ring attire for my match.

"Man I love when you're in your attire."

"Because it's true."

"Of course it is."

"Ready to bring that back home?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

"I'll be right there with you too."

"I know you will be."

"Shall we head out then?"

"We shall."

I grab my title then he laces his fingers with mine as we both head out of the room and down the hall to the curtain.

"I just wish this feud with Eve would end. To be honest it's getting tiring having to beat her all the time. I want new competition."

"I'm sure you'll get someone new. Maybe after tonight, she'll stop getting chances at your title."

"I hope so."

"This will be like what, the 10th time you beat her? It's time for a new feud."

"It is and I'm sure the fans are sick of it as well."

"Probably as sick of it as we are."

"I dread talking to Vickie about this."

"Well, since we're technically on Smackdown, how about you have Booker there. Maybe even talk to him about it first then have him bring it up to her. Make it easier on you."

"That works."

"We can do that after your match or tomorrow. Whatever is best for you."

"Tomorrow night seems good."

"Alright." He nods. "Tomorrow it is." He kisses my cheek. We reach the curtain just as the match was being announced. Since I was the title holder, I was going out first. They wait until I'm ready to play the music and then Ted and I head out. I do my normal routine, holding the title in the air for all the fans to see. After draping it over my shoulder, Ted and I link hands then walk the rest of the way to the ring. When we reach the ring, he helps me up and then holds the ropes for me. I get in first and he follows. I do the usual before hopping down and standing by Ted as we wait for Eve to come out. Ted rubs my shoulders, helping me relax just as Eve's theme hits. She walks out doing her poses before making her way to the ring, waving like the queen she thinks she is. "She's taking too long." I grumble. "Can I just go take her out now?"

"As much as I would love that, you may get in trouble for that."

"Others do it all the time. You can just pull me off if I get to be too much. A little spear won't hurt. Or a dropkick. Anything where she falls down."

"Be my guest then." He grins.

"Let me go first."

He lets me go so I can do what I wanted to do. I wait for her to turn around, and that's when I spear her. I don't stop there. I then start wailing on her, to the point where Ted has to pull me off. While he's pulling me off, Eve holds her head starting to yell at the ref.

"That's for taking too damn long!" I yell.

"Stop being soo damn impatient!" Eve yells. "I didn't know you were so eager to lose that title." She smirks mockingly.

"Ohhhh that's it. Let me at her." I struggle in Ted's grip.

"Calm down." He soothingly says. "This is exactly what she wants. Don't let her get to you."

"Wait for the bell, then you can do what you want to her." He adds. I slowly start to relax as Eve gets into the ring finally. Once I'm calm enough, Ted lets me go, giving me a quick kiss before I get back into the ring.

I hand off the title to the ref, hopefully for the last time against Eve tonight. He raises it for everyone to see before handing it off ringside. He then calls for the bell and it does ring. Eve's not paying attention, because she's being her usual self, trying to impress the fans. I come up behind her and roll her up just for one and she kicks out, standing across from me with a look of shock on her face. I just give her a smirk and an amused look.

"Really?! Trying to win already? I don't think so." She comes towards me. When she does, I drop down into a split, something that no one has seen me do before because no one knows I can do it. I then move as quick as I can and as she tries to pick me up, my feet lock around her neck and I move into a handstand position. I then twist myself and let go of her so she goes flying and tumbling out of the ring.

"That's my girl! Keep that up and that title will STILL be YOURS!" Ted cheers.

I follow her to the outside of the ring, making sure she doesn't try and chicken out on the match, which I know she'll try to do. So I grab her by the hair and throw her back into the ring, immediately sliding in and covering her for the pin. She however kicks out at two.

"You're getting there! Keep it up! You'll have this match won in no time at all."

I then sit her up and lock my hands in front of her face, applying the face lock from behind. I also at the same time, wrap my legs around her midsection at the same time. I keep telling her to give up, but she refuses. She starts to make me let go by elbowing my side. My legs move from around her midsection, but my hands stay locked in front of her face. Since her hands are free she starts to pry my hands apart. But I just let go and elbow her in the back a few times. I let her go completely before standing up and then throw her into the ropes. She comes back and I fall for it when she kicks me in the shoulder, followed by her signature dropkick a few times. She stands by my side and does her little dance move and goes for the standing moonsault, but I move out of the way at the last second. Since she's still on the mat, I get up and go over, deciding to stand on her back. The ref starts to count for me to get off and I do, but not before I stomp with both feet on her back.

"Damn!" Ted winces. "Give her all you got! You're doing great!"

I then go over to the corner and climb to the top, waiting for her to get to her feet. When she does, I hit her with a missile dropkick. From there, I go for the cover, but it's still not good enough. Well I've had enough of her and with her on her stomach, I go over and stand on her legs, wrapping her feet around my legs. I reach forward and grab her arms and pull her up a few times before being able to lay back with her in the air. I repeatedly pull on her arms and she screams out in pain. She tries to withstand it the best she can, but I make it harder for her to. She finally in the end gives up and I let her go, making sure her nose bounces off the mat. I then stand and my hand is raised in victory.

"Yess!" Ted cheers from ringside. He takes my title from the attendant then gets in the ring, engulfing me in a hug.

"Hopefully this is the last time for a long time."

"It better be. You really beat her ass tonight."

"And proved a point."

"That you did."

"Now I think we should get out of here before she tries to get back at me."

"Good idea. She looks pissed too."

I stick my tongue out at her before quickly exiting the ring before she could even get me. Ted puts his arm around my waist while I hold the title in the air, both of us heading up the ramp. We don't spend too much time on the stage, before heading to the back. "That match was amazing!" He gives me a kiss once behind the curtain. "Too bad we have to stay later."

"I know, but it can be your choice whether I change now or stay in my attire."

"You know that's hard for me..."

"I know. But do you really want me to make that decision?"


"I thought so."

"You can change after Vi's match."

"I somehow knew you would say that."

"You just know me that well." He grins.

"Yes I do."

"Lets get back so I can have some fun."

"Wanna carry me so it's quicker?"

"There you go, reading my mind again." He chuckles, scooping me up in his arms.

"I'm good like that." I laugh.

"Mhm." He nods, walking the rest of the way to our room. When he gets there, he never puts me down. He goes right over to the couch and sits, placing me on his lap. "Every time." I laugh.

"That's right."

"I just love holding you." He adds, nuzzling my neck.

"And I love being held by you."

"I'm glad."

"I'll always love it."


I then move my head, which makes him move and I press my lips against his in a quick kiss for now. He tries to keep it going, but I pull away.

"Awww." He whines.


"What's that again?"

"I know you don't have any right now." I laugh.

"You're right, I don't."

"And I'm not helping either, that I know too."

"It's going to be a long night when we get back."

"Isn't it always?"

"True." He chuckles. "But you've really done it tonight."

"Have I now?" I grin as I move on his lap so that I'm straddling him and facing him, my arms around his neck.


"Good to know." He shivers and bit, licking his lips as his hold on my hips gets tighter.

"I'm getting to you right now....aren't I?"

"...uh huh..."

"Then I'm doing my job."

"Very well too."

"It's a gift."

"One that I love."

"How well I know."

All he does is nod, not being able to do much of anything right now.

"So...not gonna do anything? Maybe I should move then..."

"No." He holds me in place. "I-I just needed a minute."

"Okay then." Once he calms down enough, he presses his lips to mine in a rough, eager kiss. I smirk into the kiss before kissing back, especially when he pulls me closer to him. He keeps the kiss going until he feels the need to stop. Once he's satisfied for now, he slows the kiss down, pulling away.

"Now you're not moving." He smirks. "You're staying right here." He adds.

"I didn't think so."

"Gonna have to be able to see the TV for Vi's match though." I add.

"Oh right." He lets me go so I can turn around. "Now you're not moving."

"Not planning on it."


"Yes, she won. Take that Eve." Vi sticks her tongue out at the TV. "Not only did she win, she wiped the mat clean with you. Now go cry to someone who actually cares." She adds.

"We can hope that's the last time she has to deal with her."

"Probably, but you know she's going to come after me next for my title."

"We'll see about that."

"She's probably crying to Booker right now about how that whole thing with Scar was unfair and she wants anther shot at the title. That title being mine."

"She really needs to stop sucking up to get what she wants. She has to earn it. The only way she can earn a shot at your title is winning a contender's match or beating you in a non-title match."

"Why do I have a feeling that's exactly what she's suggesting right now?"

"Maybe she is, maybe she's not. We'll just have to wait and find out."

"Right. She can try all she wants...I'm never letting that title go...ever."

"That's right. You're keeping for a very long time."

"I am. No one is taking it from me right now, tomorrow, next week, or even in the next few months. I'll keep this for years if I can."

"I firmly believe that you will do that too."

"I really hope it all comes true."

"Even if I have to help, it will come true."

"Same goes for you. I'll do whatever it takes so you keep your title for as long as I do."

"Of course."

"We're going to dominate this company."

"I couldn't agree more."

"I can't wait for my match so we can get out of here. And you're not helping either, mister touchy."

"Oops. Sorry."

"You always get like that when I'm in my attire. It never fails."

"Can you blame me?"

Between everything that went on, they weren't paying attention to the TV so they missed the match after mine. But now it was time for the World Heavyweight Championship to be defended where Sheamus would go up against Big Show. "I don't see this ending well for Sheamus at all."

"Sheamus can surprise you sometimes."

"That maybe true, but Show has been on a rampage as of late."

"Crazy rampage."

"So crazy, everyone's afraid to get near him."

Big Show would dominate Sheamus throughout the match, but the champion would continue to hang on, kicking out of the chokeslam and even Big Show’s K.O. Punch. Big Show then winds up for another K.O. Punch, but Sheamus dodges the giant right hand, blasting Big Show with the Brogue Kick, but Big Show kicks out. Sheamus would then go for a second Brogue Kick, but Big Show would counter the move in mid-kick, landing the K.O. Punch on Sheamus. Big Show then finally manages to pin Sheamus, getting the pinfall and becoming the new World Heavyweight Champion.

"I so saw that coming."

"Now we have to deal with him being champion and blah blah blah. Joy." She adds.

"Well, whenever he is on, we'll just mute the TV."

"I like that plan."

"There are other things we could do too..." He winks.


"I'm sure you would love that." She adds with a smirk.

"So much."

"If he won't shut up tomorrow then maybe I'll just let you do that."

"Can't wait."

"You never can." She laughs.

"Your fault." He chuckles.

"Always is."

"Yes, yes it is."

"I can't help it if you're so insatiable." She chuckles.

"You cause me to be though."

"My bad." She laughs.


"Love you." She smiles innocently.

"Love you too."

She leans back against him, his one arm around her waist while his other continues to wander. She tilts her head, nipping lightly at his neck.

"Always know what gets to me..."

"I wouldn't be a good girlfriend if I didn't." She smirks.

"You're not a good're the greatest."

"I try."

"You're the greatest girlfriend I could ever have, even without trying."

" you're going to make me cry."

"Tears of joy I hope."

"Yes. Tears of joy."

"Well it's don't even have to try."

"Guess I can stop worrying now." She chuckles.

"Yes you can stop worrying. You have no reason to worry."

"I know...I'll stop worrying so much."


They go back to being affectionate with each other, focusing back on the TV. Backstage, WWE Champion CM Punk confronts WWE Chairman Mr. McMahon, demanding that the Chairman call off the WWE Title match. McMahon accuses Punk of being “afraid” of and “intimidated” by Ryback, but Punk denies it and the Chairman tells Punk to go out and “prove” that he is not afraid and that he is truly the best in the world.

"He is so scared. You can see it. He knows Ryback is the one that can beat him."

"We all know Ryback can beat him."

"And that's what he's scared of the most."

"Exactly. So you know he's gonna cheat tonight."

"The same way he has been for months."

"Never fails."


"I believe your match is up next though." He grins.

"So it is." She grins. "You know what that means..."

"Yes I do."

"Suppose we should head out now."

"Wait...look." Justin points to the TV as the cameras are backstage on Layla warming up for the match and she gets hit from behind.

"What the hell?" She looks in shock. "We need to check on her."

"Isn't that....that's Rosa. Why would she attack her?"

"That little..." She clenches her fists. "...she wants what I have and she thinks if she takes out Layla she going to get a shot."

"You're right though...we need to check on her."

"Let's go." She quickly moves from his lap, heading out the door and to where Layla is. When they get there, they see her on the floor, holding her knee in pain. "Justin, go get help." She tells him.

"Lay, what happened?" She asks once she got to her.

"I was warming up for our match and I got attacked from behind. It was so fast, I didn't see who it was."

"I saw who it was. It was Rosa. She has some nerve doing this, but don't worry. You will get a decent re-match."

"Who's going to face you tonight though if I can't?"

"I really have no idea. There's no one else that really can."

Justin soon comes back with one of the trainers so they can look over Layla's knee to see if she's alright. They check her over, her grimacing in pain when they touch her knee. It takes them some time, but they help her to her feet and tell her that she is not to compete tonight.

"Lay you go get that taken care of alright?"

"I will. Thank you, both of you."

She and Justin nod and he trainer helps Layla to the trainers room. "What're you gonna do now?" Justin asks.

"I have no idea. There's no one for me to face."

"Could always call out Rosa for what she did. May not end up being a title match though."

"That's not a bad idea. I think I'll do that. I'm actually happy it's not for the title now."

"Call her your worst."

"Oh I plan on it." She grins evilly.

"After you."

She walks ahead of him, her title on her shoulder. She looks down at it, running her hand over it before looking straight ahead with a fierce look on her face. They reach the curtain and she motions for them to cue her music and they do, her and Justin heading out. She wastes no time in getting to the ring so she can call out Rosa. "Rosa! I know you're back there. I saw what you did to Layla. If you were a real woman, you would not have done something like that. If you want a piece of me, I am. Come on out. Face me like the 'woman' you are...that is...if you're not to scared to come out here and face me." She waits for a bit only to have her not come out. "Oh look...she's scared." She mocks crying. "I really don't care! I want you out here right now! You and me! If you don't come out here, I'll come back there and bring you out here myself!" When she thinks that she's not coming out, she goes to leave the ring, only for the group music she comes out to now that's Primo and Epico's. "Finally." She rolls her eyes, getting back into the ring.

"You're accusing me of taking out Layla? Please."

"I saw you, he saw you..." She points to Justin. "...we all saw you. You want this title so bad that you'll attack someone for it. Well come and try to take it. I can guarantee that you will NOT be able to take it from me."

"You're right, I do want that title so bad. I will do anything in my power to take it away from you."

"You're right, I do want that title so bad. I will do anything in my power to take it away from you."

"Then get in here right now and show me hoe bad you want it!"

"Oh I would, but I'm simply not prepared. So I don't think so chica."

"You're not ready?! Really?! You looked ready enough to attack Layla backstage so you more than ready to compete here tonight! Now get down here before I come and get you."

"Please. I'm not scared of you." She says before going off in Spanish.

"That's it. I've had enough." Vi growls, inaudible to everyone but Justin. She gets out of the ring, heading up the ramp. She tries to run away, but Vi grabs her by the hair and drags her to the ring. Once she gets her there, she throws her in, sliding in after her, telling the ref to ring the bell. The ref signals for it and it rings and Rosa immediately tries to run as she scrambles out of the ring. Vi grabs her by the ankles, pulling her back into the center of the ring.

"Not scared huh?!"

"Chica loca!" She screams in Spanish.

"You think I'm crazy? I'll show you crazy!" That's when she crawls over her and starts to throw punches left and right, and then grabs her by the hair, slamming her head against the apron a few times until the ref has to pull her off. She backs off like he said, giving her a few moments.

"Get her Vi! Teach her not to mess with you!"

She starts to back up and then starts saying things to Vi in Spanish. Some things she couldn't understand. She charges at her and then knocks her out of the ring as she gets to her feet.

"Oww." Justin winces. "Take that! Don't mess with my girl!"

The ref starts to count and when she moves towards the ropes, the ref backs her up and continues counting. She exits the ring another way and goes around to her, picking her up and spearing her into the side of the ring. She does it a few more times, the ref yelling at her to bring it back in the ring. She nods and then does so, sliding in and covering her for an early pin, but she manages to kick out.

"Damn it." Vi mutters, thinking she had her.

"Relax Vi. You'll get her. Just keep it up. You're doing great." Justin encourages. She gets to her feet and decides what she's going to do. She looks to the corner and a grin comes across her face and she heads there, starting to climb to the top.

"Yes! You got her! Go it Vi!"

She waits purposely for her to get to her feet. When he does and turns around, she jumps and hits her with a cross body. She manages to hold onto her as she rolls over and stands. Then she drops her onto her knee on her side. She falls down screaming, holding her side in pain.

"Nicely done." Justin claps. "Give her everything she deserves."

"Let's go Rosa! Get up!" She screams at her, getting ready to finish her off. Rosa rolls around on the mat, trying to get under the ropes. She does manage to do so, but she grabs her feet and pulls her out as she holds onto the second rope. Using all her strength, she lifts her up and then slams her back down, making her let go of the ropes.

"Finisher her off! You got her where you want her!"

She makes sure to stomp on her a few times for good measure before climbing to the top again to end the match once and for all. "You got it! Go! Go! Go! Nail it!" She looks to Justin and nods and then delivers the 450 Splash to Rosa and then covers her for the win. Vi's theme goes off while she pushes Rosa away. She stands up getting her hand raised in victory, Justin coming in the ring with her title, engulfing her in a hug.

"I knew you could do it."

"You cheering me helped...a lot."

"As it always does."

"Mhm." She grins, kissing him quick. She takes her title then does a few poses on the ropes before hopping down. He holds the ropes for her, then they both head up the ramp while she gives Rosa a mocking smirk. She holds the title in the air and mocks her some more as soon as she comes to, before she disappears to the back.

"That was amazing!" He picks her up, spinning her around. "You think?" She giggles.

"I don't think, I know."

"I did it for Layla...mostly...half of it was for you."

"Of course."

"I'd just like to see her try to do something else. She'll get it even worse than she did tonight."

"Yes she will." He nods.

"Now that, that's know what time it is..." She smirks.

"Time for you to change so we can leave."


"Well, what are we waiting for then?"

"You to put me down." She laughs.

"Hmm, I think I'll carry you back."

"You would."

"Yes I would."

Her one arm goes around his neck while the other holds onto her title. On the way there, she does what she's been doing all night and that's nipping at his neck. "You're making it very hard to focus on walking back..."

"Oops." She giggles.


"I'll stop...for now."

"Only if you want to."

"I need you to focus so we don't run into anything though."


"Exactly." She rests her hand on his shoulder, her forehead against his cheek. It isn't long until they both get to the locker room. She reaches down and opens the door and he walks in.

"Alright clingy...gotta put me down so I can change."


"If you come with me, I know it will take longer for me to change."

"I know..."

"You really want to come with me, don't you?"

"I do, but I think I can survive."

"It won't take me that long...promise."

"I believe you."

"Good. Now all you have to do is put me down."

"Right." He nods, doing so.

"Be right back." She kisses him quick.

"I'll be here."

She grabs her bag, heading back to the changing area while he gathers everything else up. She makes sure to be a quick as she can so he doesn't have to wait too long. The last thing she does is put on the white leather jacket she brought since it was getting chilly out. Once she was done, she headed back out to him.

"Ready to go?" She asks.

"Mhm." He nods.

They make sure they have everything before lacing fingers with him and then they leaves the room and head out. They make it to the car just fine, but she can't shake the feetling of someone watching them. She glances over her shoulder a few times, trying to shake the feeling away. After they get everything in he back of the car, he opens her door for her then goes to the other side, getting in himself. He starts the car and then they pull out of the parking lot and head back to the hotel.

"Everything alright?" He asks, lacing his fingers with hers.

"Hm? Oh, yeah. Everything's fine."

"You sure?"

"I-I don't know..." She bites her lip. "...just having that feeling again."

"Nothing's going to happen. I promise you. We're perfectly safe in the car."

"Oh I know. I'm not having it so much now as when we were heading to the car."

"Well I won't let anything happen to you."

"You never do."

"Because I love you."

"I love you too."

They soon get back to the hotel and he parks. They get out and gather their things from the back, Justin locks the car and then they head inside, heading over to the elevators. They only have to wait a short time before stepping on and going up to their floor. Once there, they head right to their room, walking in. As soon as they walk through the door, she kicks her shoes off and takes off her jewelry.

"I think I can help with the rest." He grins.

"I do believe you can." She smirks, turning to face him. "But first..." She moves her hands to the bottom of his shirt, lifting it over his head. "...that needed to come off."

"Oh, of course." He chuckles.

"You do have more on than I do so..."

"...I know, I know. I see where you're going with this."

"Like always." She grins, moving her hands down his chest to the waist of his pants, slowly unbuttoning them.

"Take as long as you feel like taking." He grins.

"My pleasure." She smirks, running her fingers just below the band of his boxers, brushing over his indent. "And yes I know it's killing you." She adds.

" always does..."

She then takes her time removing his pants, making sure to be touchy before she does so. He groans as he steps out of them. "Now it's my turn." He smirks.

"Have your fun."

"Oh I will." He grins, slowly moving his hands up her sides. She bites her lip hard, trying to hold back.

"You're holding back." He chuckles.

"Make it more of a challenge for you."

"Every time."

"More fun for you."

"Oh yes."

"I'm so in for it."

"You so are."

"And it's to late to take it all back too, I know."

"You're spot on tonight aren't you?" He chuckles.

"I just know how it's going to end."

"Do you now?"

"I do."


"And you're killing me already." She groans since he's lightly moving his fingers over the skin he can reach.

"I know."

He smirks, leaning down pressing kisses all over the exposed skin he can reach. She rests her hands on his waist while he reaches for the zipper of her dress, slowly pulling it down. Once he gets the zipper down, he starts to play with the thin shoulder strap first, pulling that over her shoulder. She moves her arm, allowing him to pull it off. She then moves her other hand, him pulling that off as well. Once those were off, he started to pull the dress down, her stepping out of it.

"I like what I see." He grins.

"You always do and it's all for champion."

"I'm your champion and you're mine."

"Mhm. Forever too."

"Forever." He repeats.

"Now...where was I?" He grins, looking her over.

"The bed perhaps?"

"Good idea." He chuckles, giving her a boost, so her legs wrap around him.

"You're really that eager." She giggles.

"I am."

"I can tell."

"Your fault."

"Really? I had no idea."


"Honestly." She tries not to laugh.

"You know what your outfits do to me..."

"I do...very well."

"Then you know how eager I get sometimes."

"Just like I get when you're in your gear."


"I see you're not wasting any time." She chuckles after he lays her on the bed, getting everything ready.


"Not until after I have my fun."

"I didn't think so."

"Go ahead then."

"Oh I will." He smirks, leaning down making it look like he's going for her lips, but goes for her neck instead. Like always, he takes his time moving along her neck before getting to his favorite spot. She moves her head to the side, biting down hard on her lip while her hands grip his hair as she tries to hold back as long as she can. She whines softly, wrapping her legs around him, pulling her closer to her. She moves her one hand from his hair to the back of his neck, lightly moving her fingers over his skin. That causes him to growl against her skin, and just for that he makes his way back to the spot, hesitating before pressing his lips it. The smirk that was on her face faded once he went after the spot. She bites down even harder on her lip, trying to hold back. He can sense that she's holding back so he starts to nip and suck a bit more roughly. It gets to the point where she can't take it anymore and she muffles any noises into his shoulder. He smirks against her skin as he continues a bit more. Once he feels she's had enough, he moves from the spot and back to her lips. She kisses him back roughly and eagerly, pulling him as close as he can get, not letting him move. Her legs get tighter around his waist while his hands start to wander. While his hands did wander that did let him start to run his fingers along what was left on her for clothing, tugging on it unconsciously at times.

"...I off..."

"So bad."

"Go for it."

He grins and makes sure to pull the blankets over them both before removing the rest of their clothing. Once the blankets were over them, the rest of what he had on had come off and they spend the rest of the night celebrating. Meanwhile, Ted and I were back in our room. I had just gotten all my jewelry off and put away.

"So glad the night is over."

"Me too, but it was a good night. You came home with the title." He grins.

"Yes I did."

"So the night's not quite over yet." He smirks.

"Of course not."

"Nope." He chuckles. "Far from over."

"Oh boy."

"Oh boy is right." He grins. "Now come here." He pulls me to him.

"I still have my shoes on you know." I giggle.

"Then I believe they should come off."

"Now the question is, do you want to take them off for me, or should I take them off myself?"

"Hmm...I think I can."

"Gonna have to let me go so I can sit then."

"Or..." He lifts me up, carrying me to the bed sitting me down.

"That works too."

"Mhm." He nods, leaning down so he can take my shoes off. He starts by slowly running his hands down my leg, being as touchy as he can. He takes that shoe off then does the same thing on the other side, kissing my inner thigh as he does that.

"You're killing me."

"Good. My plan is working then."

"Your plans always work."

"Because I know how to get to you."

"I know how to get to you too."

"How well I know." He grins, his hand moving to my thigh as he squeezes down on it.

"...can't wait....can you?" I lean my forehead against his.

"For that reaction...never." He does it again.

"You just want me to jump you don't you?"

"Possibly." He grins. "That's never a bad thing."

"No, not really."

"Didn't think so." He presses his lips to mine as he starts to play with my dress.

"....I have less on than you right now....before the dress goes...some of your clothes go..." I mumble into the kiss. He makes a noise of disappointment, moving his hand so I can start with his clothes. I make sure to take my time, just to torture him. My hands move to the bottom of his shirt and I play with that a bit, only for now. He groans against my lips, helping me move my hands up so it will come off faster. "Hey now...patience."



"Not with you."



"Gonna have to...break the kiss to...get your shirt off." He pulls away so I'm able to lift his shirt over his head. Once it's off, it gets tossed to the side. "I suppose we're even now."

"We are." He grins, working on my dress again, more eagerly this time.

"Gonna have to untie it from around my neck. Better than finding a zipper." He nods, slowly moving his hands up my sides, then arms to the tie of the dress. He gets that undone then starts to pull it down. In order to get it off the rest of the way, I had to stand back up. I step out of it, picking it up and tossing that to the side where his shirt was. Once that was out of the way, he pulls me back to the bed, hovering over me.



"My fault, I know."

"Yes it is."

"My bad."

"Uh huh. Like always."

"You're just so insatiable."

"You make me that way."

"Do I now? Enlighten me how I make you insatiable." I grin, even though I very well know the reasons why.

"Your outfits, the way you walk, your eyes, smile, laugh...everything."

"I thought so."

"Can we?" He asks anxiously.

"Okay okay Mr. Eager. But we're not even anymore." I laugh, running my nails across the skin above the waistline of his pants.

"Uhhh." He groans.

"Once these come off, there's only limited clothing stopping us."

"What are you waiting for then?"

"I like to torture you first, you know that."

"Of course you do."

"You torture me all the time so.."

"It's your turn for fun...I know."

"Mmhmm." I nod, dragging my nails across his skin again. He tenses up, a slight growl coming from him, his hold on me getting tighter.

"Hmm how much longer can you possibly last..." I grin.

"...not long..." He groans. The longer I take the more impatient he grows. To show me that he can't take anymore, he presses his lips to my neck and wastes no time in going for his favorite spot. "Oh no you don't..."

"...taking too long..." He mumbles.


"Too late."

"But-" I start to say, but he presses his lips to the spot, catching me offguard so I really didn't have any chance to muffle any noises. Any noises that come from me are loud and clear to him. He smirks against my neck, keeping on the spot for a bit longer before moving to my lips. I kiss him back just as eager as he was kissing me, and at the same time I was fumbling with getting his pants unbuttoned and unzipped. Once those are done, I start to tug them down as far as they can go. He helps with getting them off the rest of the way. He kicks them off, not caring where they land. When those are out of the way, he starts to tug at the rest of what I have on while pulling at the blanket. He gets the blanket over up and wastes no time in taking off what I have on. The ref of what he had on comes off as well and we spend the rest of the night celebrating.