Status: Active

All About Us

Halloween Party

It doesn't take them long to reach the room and when they do, she has him sit on the couch. He nods, whining a little. she laughs, then gives him a kiss before grabbing her bag and heading in to change. It does take her a bit to get changed since there was a lot to go with the costume. Once she had everything, she fixed her hair and makeup then put on the halo/horns on her head. She smirks at herself then headed back out into the room with him.

"All ready."

He looks at her, his eyes going wide and his jaw dropping. "Even better than before?" She does a spin for him.

"Uh huh."

"I can see. You dropped the ice." She laughs.

"Did I? My bad." He says, reaching down and picking it back up.

"You did." She laughs.



"You can get ready now if you want." She adds.

"I think I'm ready." He nods getting up.

"Need help or are you good?"

"I think I'll be fine, but I'll call if I need you."

"Alright." She nods. He heads in to get ready himself. He takes his time with his arm being sore, but the pain meds the trainer gave him was helping. He comes out a bit time later all ready. When she sees him, she whistles. "Now that's a sexy werewolf." She winks.

"Why thank you."

"Anytime love. I really love it."

"Well I knew it was perfect."

"It really was. How you kept this from me is amazing."

"I have my ways."

"You always do."

"Yes I do."

"You ready to head out? I got everything ready while you were changing."

"Yeah, I'm ready." He nods. She gets up from where she was sitting, grabs their backs and titles then laces her fingers with his as they head out of the room and to the car.

"You driving or should I?" He asks.

"I'll drive. Give your arm time to rest."

"Right." He nods, getting into the passenger side after putting his things in the back. She made sure that he gets in and is comfortable before going over to the drivers side. She gets in and gets set then heads to the party. In the meantime, Ted and I were getting ready ourselves and he let me get ready first of course.

"Almost done in there?" He calls.

"Yup, almost done."

"Good. I can't wait much longer."

"You are so impatient."

"Can you blame me?"

"No not really."

"I can't wait to see you in it again."

"I know you can't."

"Huuurrry." He whines.

"I'm going as fast as I can."

"I can help."

"The costume is already on silly."

"Then what's taking so long?"

"Hair and makeup."

"You don't need any of that."

"It goes with the costume."


"I shouldn't be too much longer, don't worry."

He just groans wanting to see everything now It isn't much longer, and I finally finish, coming out. "Well...what do you think?" I spin for him.

"Even better than before."

"I figured." I laugh. "Just by the look in your eyes.

"Can't help it."

"Of course you can't."

"You can go get into your costume now...that is if you can move...." I snicker.

"I believe I can move."

"You sure now?"

"Yeah...I'm sure."

"Alright, I'll be waiting."

He nods, giving her a quick kiss then grabbing his bag and heading in to get changed. I make sure I have all my things together as I sit on the couch and wait for him. It doesn't take him to long and soon he comes back out.

"Trying to kill me are you?"

"Is it working?"


"Then I am."

"Looks awfully familiar though. I swear I've seen it before....wait...that's not from your movie is it?"

"You're right. It is from the movie." He grins.

"They let you keep that?"

"They did. There were a lot of extras on set so I got to keep a few."

"And you've been hiding it from me for how long now?"

"A few months or so."

"You sneak."

"I wanted it to be a surprise."

"Well I'm surprised."

"Good to know I can still surprise you."

"You thought you couldn't anymore?"

"I knew I could, but you just know me so good now."

"You'll always be able to surprise me."

"Good to know."

So are we ready to go now?"

"We are." He nods.

"And after you." He adds. I grab my bags and title, then head out of the room with him behind me. he laces his fingers with mine as we both head for the car.

"I know for a fact it's gonna be fun after we go back to the hotel after the party."

"It will be."

"You have no idea what all that does to me." I motion to his costume.

"I have a feeling I do." He smirks.

"Sure you do."

"I know how you get when I wear hunting gear...remember?"


"See? There's that look again." He chuckles.

"Oh shush." I laugh, putting my things into the back seat.

"Nope. Never."

"Well let's just get going before we never end up leaving."


"Because you have that look."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Uh huh..."

"Lets just go." He chuckles.

"Good idea." I nod, getting into the car first.

Once we're in the car, he heads over to the other side. He gets in the car, getting ready. When he's ready, he starts to head for the party. When we get there, he parks and then we head inside. Vi and Justin are already there, so when we walk in we look for them. It was a bit crowded since mostly everyone was there already. We spot them sitting at a table not too far from the back of the place.

"Over there." I point and start to head there. When we reach the table, we don't notice right away since he was being all touchy with her on his lap of course.

"Someone's touchy."

"Oh hi." She turns her head. "And yes he is. Ever since we got here."

"Any reason why?"

"There's just so much to touch."

“We ran into...” She nods her head over at my stalker.

"Oh jeez."

"It's like he has a radar or something and knows where I am." She shudders.


"Psycho is more like it."

"Psycho creeper."

"Well of course he has."

"Nothing is going to ruin this night. not if I can help it." He holds her close, kissing her neck lightly.

"Exactly. It's supposed to be fun. Oh by the way, how's the arm?" I ask him as Ted and I sit.

"It's doing better. Not really that sore anymore. I think it's starting to go away."

"That's good."

"I'd rather he rest it, but you know him. As stubborn as they come." She laughs.

"We all know that." I laugh too.

"Nothing can keep me down. I'm stronger than ever."

"Yes you are, we know." Vi kisses his cheek.

"Awww." I gush.

"Oh shush."

"Nope." I laugh.

"Oh, I'll get you back. Don't worry." She smirks.

"Uh oh..."

"Mhm." She nods. "You'll never see it coming either."

"I never do."

"That's a good thing then."

"You know I'm so glad we got out of that arena before Del Rio. Totally disgusting what he did to you out there as you were helping Justin. He better not be thinking what I think he's thinking."

"I sure hope not. I already have one crazy, I do not need another."

"Well I really think he should know that we can kick his ass, not like the other Divas."

"He may know and that might be why he's...attracted to us." She shudders at the last part.

"Ew. Oh god, he would be the kind of person to be attracted by that. We can't win here can we?"

"No, but-"

“He won't have the chance to get to either of you. We'll make sure of it.” Ted cuts her off.

"Just makes me wonder why he waited until now to show the least bit of interest."

"I have a feeling I know what it is..." She bites her lip.


"Justin's title."

"That actually makes sense. But I don't see a reason why he waited so long to give me the same looks he was giving you tonight."

"Probably to throw us off of his real plan. He probably didn't want it to be obvious."

"Ugh." I shudder. "Well let's not think about that, and let's have fun."

"That's the plan."

"Oh, great promo interview tonight." I remark.

"Thanks. I think that was my best one yet."

"I definitely have to agree with you on that."

"I'm not happy with her at all and she's going to it. No matter how I have to act. That was just unacceptable."

"It really was. Layla deserved that shot and it was just taken away from her."

"Not really. I'm going to talk to Booker and suggest that the next defense will not be until Layla is ready to come back. I'll do non-title matches, but Layla gets that shot before anyone."

"Right, because it's her rematch."

"Exactly. She's the only one I want to face for it right now. I'm not like the others who just see it as the competition is down and out. I'm better then that."


"How about now we go have some fun?" Vi suggests. "You think you're ready to dance a bit?" She asks Justin.

"I'm more than ready." He nods.

"You both coming?" She asks Ted and I.

"Of course we are."

"Let's go then." She says trying to get up. " have to let go first." She chuckles.

"Oops. My bad."

"Suure." She laughs. "Now...come on." She takes his hand, pulling him up.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." He chuckles. He follows her out to the floor along with me and Ted. They find a spot and start to dance to the music. So she couldn't get away from him, Justin had a tight grip on her as they danced close. "Preventing any more torture I see."

"For now."

"Hmmm...I can handle that."

"Good, because I don't want to let you go right now."

"Aww. I don't want you to anyway." She wraps her arms around his neck so they're as close as they can get.

"Wasn't planning on it."

"I didn't think so." I kiss him quick.

"Because the more torture you give me, the more I'm gonna want to leave early, and I want to enjoy the party for a while at least."

"Right. I'll behave then...until necessary."

"And when will that be hmm?" He gives her an amused look.

"That's for me to know and you to find out." She smirks.

"Like always."

"Mhm." She nods. "No fun if you know it's coming."

"Touche." He keeps his arms around her while they dance closely to the music. Ted and I have been dancing and he has me close to him as well. He does start to get touchy...within reason because we are in public and it is a dance floor afterall.

"You're behaving. I'm surprised."

"That's because I know we're in public, I can't do much right now."

"That's right."

"That's why I'm behaving."

"Good. You just might get a reward when we get back then."

"I do like the sound of that."

"Like always."

"You know I like the rewards for behaving."

"I do. That's why you get them so often."

"And I thank you for them."

"You always do."

He kisses me quick. "Love you."

"Love you too." We both keep dancing until that song ends. The next one that plays is more upbeat and we're able to slip away from the guys to dance to the song better. That in returns ends up being torture to them, which is something they wanted to avoid for a little bit at least. We just laugh since that was not the intent we had. Soon it gets to be too much for them and they pull us to them.

"Trying to torture us that early already?"

" We can't help that we're just that hot tonight." She winks.

"Oh...I can't argue with that."

"Didn't think either of you would." Vi and I giggle.

"Afterall, we did help pick out your costumes anyway, so of course we know." Justin adds.

"Exactly. You both brought all this torture on yourselves."

"The costumes just look sooo good on you though."

"Oh we know.That is why we got them."

"Wonder what next year is gonna be like. See what new costumes there'll be."

"That should be fun. If they went crazy this year, next year will be worse."

"Oh boy." They sit there looking innocent with slight grins on their faces.

"Uh huh. We know those looks."

"We don't know what you're talking about."


"We've got our eyes on you."

"We know. That's why we plan." They smirk.

"Well we can plan too you know."

"Uh oh. Your plans usually cause us torture..."

"That's what makes it fun."

"Yeah...for the both of you."


We sit at the table relaxing for a bit until we start to get thirsty. "You guys want something to drink?" Vi asks everyone.

"You know what I like." I nod.

"I do. I'm guessing the usual for everyone?"

The three of us nod. "I do think I'll go with you....just in case." I remark.

"Alright." She nods. "We'll be back." She gives Justin a quick kiss before getting up.

"And yes we'll be careful." I say to Ted, doing the same.

"I know. We'll be watching."

"Of course you will." They let us go then we head over to the bar area to get what we want while greeting a few friends from work. "I like getting out and having fun like this."

"Me too. Since we don't get to do it very often. Plus, so far, it's been a good night."

"It really has." I nod.

The bartender comes over, taking our order of what we want. While we wait, we turn around to see the guys looking at us. We blow them kisses then turn back around. Just before our drinks get done, we feel people come up behind us, their hands going on our waists. Since we know it's not the guys, we turn around to see who it was. "Ugh, not you two."

"So much for a good night." She mutters.

"What's wrong baby girl? The party is jsut getting started." Heath tries to impress.

"Uh no. It just ended." Vi rolls her eyes.

"And what are you two supposed to be? Wannabe rockstars? Oh wait, you already are, you don't need a costume to be that." I insult.

"Oh that hurts." Drew acts offended.

“We're not wannabes, we ARE rockstars. Rockstars who just found their backup dancers.”

“Haha. Don't make us laugh. Please.” Vi says sarcastically.

"And get your me." I forcefully remove Drew's hands.

"You know you like it." He moves back closer.

“And you, get the hell off me!” She pushes Heath away, only for him to grab her hand.

"We really don't want to make things hard for you." I grumble.

"Then come and be with us. We're much better then those other two"

“Violet knows I am. She really wants to come.” Heath smirks.

“Like hell! Now get off.” She pulls her hand free, rubbing it from his hold.

"Now if you excuse me, we have drinks to bring back to OUR table, with OUR boyfriends. And no they're not you."

"Oh come on. It's more fun at our table."

"You mean with the chick from Wendys, the Scottish wannabe rockstar, and the towel head? No thank you." With that, we push past them, but not before Heath gets on last thing in. "You know what?" She spins around, throwing her drink in his face. “Touch me again and it won't be a drink that hits your face!” Then she storms off back to the table and I follow. She sets Justin's drink down in front of him then sits in the chair next to him with her arms crossed over her chest, mumbling to herself in Celtic.

"The nerve. Ugh, if I didn't like this costume so much I would burn it." I remark.

"What happened? We lost sight of you both for a minute."

"Guess who..."

"Heath?" Justin grits his teeth.

"And Drew." I add.

"Oh hell no." Ted gets up. "This has gone to far." He and Justin go to look for them.

"No...just sit down. We're fine."

"You look fine, but Vi..." Ted looks over while she rubs her wrist.

"Hm?" She looks up with her eyes.

"'re rubbing your wrist."

"Oh. I'm fine. I must have banged it on the way back."

"You sure?"

"Yeah..I'm sure." She gives me a look to not say anything.

"Yeah she just as so angry at Heath she whacked her hand off of something." I cover for her.

"Alright. Let me see your wrist." Justin scoots his chair over, looking at her wrist. She looks at me and mouths 'Thank you' since I helped her out. "I'm okay...honest." She says as he looks over her wrist.

"I just want to make sure. You know I always worry about you."

"I know."

"Come here." He opens his arms for her to sit on his lap. Once she sits, one arm goes around his neck while the other rests on his chest, her face in the crook of his neck. "I think staying for a couple more songs or so will be good. Knowing they're here now, makes me not want to be here." She mumbles.

"That's fine. I don't want you in the same room with him if you don't have to be anyway."


"We'll probably go then too. I don't want to be in this now that he touched it."

"Don't blame you."

"I say we just try to enjoy the rest of the night."


We sit there for a bit trying to calm down after what happened. Since she threw her drink at Heath, Justin shared his with her. After having a few sips, she was feeling a bit better.

"I think we should dance for the rest of the time we're here." She suggests.

"I agree." I nod. We finish off the drinks before heading out onto the dance floor for the last time of the night. They keep us close to them in case they other two are lurking around somewhere. We're actually able to enjoy the last few songs, giving our guys a nice show. After those songs, we decide it's the best time to get out of there and head back to the hotel. We gather up everything that we brought with us then head out to the cars. "I'm so showering when I get back." I say as I remove the hat part of my costume from my head.

"I don't blame you. I don't want any part of him on you."

"Looks like we do have someone to worry about now. Ugh."

"He better just give up. He's not going to do anything to you. You're mine and that's how it's going to stay."

"I know."

"Lets just get you back so you can get that filth off you."

"Yes, let's please do." We both make it to the car, him opening my door for me. Once I'm in, he heads to the other side, getting in. When he's ready, he heads for the hotel. Vi and Justin do the same, him making sure she's all set before going around to the driver's side, him offering to drive this time. Once he's in and ready, he heads for the hotel. We all get there at the same time, heading up to our floors. Ted and I reach our floor first, and say our goodnights to Vi and Justin before heading to our room. "Now to get that shower." I say as we walk into the room.

"Want company?"

"You would like that, wouldn't you?" I chuckle.

"I would, and I know you would too."

"I would. Tonight more then ever."

"I thought so."

I get everything that I need then head into the bathroom. The first thing to come off was my costume since I did not want it on any longer.

"This is definitely getting washed when we get a chance to go home."

"We'll send it back to my mom. She'll be more than happy to do that for you."

"Alright." I nod. He starts to get the water ready for the shower before starting to take off his costume as well.

"I don't get to help?"

"I figured you wanted to hurry and get in the shower. You know I always love your help."

"Oh I won't take long, don't worry."

"Have at it then." He chuckles.

"Well you need to be be closer silly. That's not close enough."

"Right, right." He moves closer.

Then I start to help him get his costume off, tossing each article of clothing to floor. I run my hands down his chest just to torture him a bit before I step into the shower like nothing happened.



"You know what." He gives me a look. "You're in for it now." He grins, stepping in the shower.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."


"I'm innocent."

"Right. You don't look so innocent to me."

"And what makes you say that?"

"The fact you keep moving when I come to you."

"Trying to find a good spot stand under the water."

"Uh huh. I'll give you that." He puts his hands on my waist, holding me in place.

"Now you can't move away from me."

"Uh oh..."

"Uh oh is right."

"Sorry?" I give him my best pouty face.

"Sure you are."

"I am." I give him the eyes.

"Alright, that may work...this time."

"Yayy." I grin slightly.

"Now we can finish our shower."

"Mmmhmm, yes we can." He lets me go so that I'm able to get under the water better. He helps with getting the places I can't reach, using that time to be as touchy as he can. Once he was finished, he helped with my hair before I started to help him. Once I was done helping him, we spend a little bit more time in the shower because he wanted to be more touchy. But after that, we decide to get out, grabbing the towels and wrapping them around ourselves. "I feel so much better now."

"Good. You should feel that way."

"You helped of course."

"That's what I'm here for. I'll always be here to help you feel better."

"Likewise." We both head back into the room, to find something to wear for bed. I go to my bags but he stops me. "What? I can't go to my bags?"

"You can, but I chose what you're wearing to bed." He smirks.

"I should've known."

"It's one of those nights." He starts to lead me to the bed.

"Oh yeah."


"Uh huh. You knew what you were doing."

"Maybe I did." I shrug innocently.

"I can torture you just as much." He brushes his lips over mine then moves away, sitting on the edge of the bed.

"How well I know."

"That you do."

"Well this definitely will be a long night then." I give him a look.

"It usually is." He grins,

"And I believe it'll be both of our faults this time."

"For once it will be."

"Now, what're you doing over there now hmm?" He adds.

"Just enjoying the view."

"That makes two of us then." I stand there for a bit longer then walk over to him, straddling his lap, hands wandering. "What about now?" I ask.

"I'm loving it even more." He looks me over, his hands wandering.

"So am I." I kiss him quick, teasing him for now.

"You're so making things harder for yourself." He groans.

"I like a challenge, you know that."

"You always do." He chuckles. He then pulls me close to him, pressing his lips to mine. He wastes no time in moving so he's hovering over me, not breaking the kiss. He goes to tug on the top of the towel that's still around me, but I grab his hand, that being a sign telling him not yet. That causes him to whine, his free hand moving up the towel instead. He starts to move so that I'm laying against the pillows. He breaks the kiss only to kiss every inch of skin that he can. He makes sure to take his time before making his way back to my lips.

"Now?" He mumbles.

I shake my head with a smile. He grins, slowly removing the towel from around me. Once it's off, he tosses it to the side. He lets his hands wander a bit more while looking me over with a smile. "Don't forget about yourself."

"Saving that for you."

"Of course you are." I start to undo the towel, letting my fingers linger. He tenses up, a slight growl coming from him. I smirk, removing the towel, tossing it to the side then quickly pressing his indent. That gets an even louder growl and he presses his lips back to mine in a rough kiss and then proceeds to pull the blankets over us. From there, that's where the night got really long. With Justin and Vi, they had just gotten out of the shower themselves. She walked back into the room before him and was looking at her wrist again since it was bothering her. Once he had wrapped a towel around himself, he came into the room himself. "You okay?"

"Huh? Oh yeah. I'm fine." She smiles.

"Wrist bothering you?"

"Just a bit, but I'll be fine."

"You sure?"

"Positive." She assures him, walking over, letting her hands wander down his chest.


"I'll let you know if it gets to be to much. I just want to forget about everything that happened."

"Right, of course."

"How's the arm? Does it hurt again?"

"It's sore. Doesn't hurt as much as it did before. I'll live."

"Well that's good. I know you're tough." She gives him a quick kiss.

"So are you."

"It's because I have you with me."


"So I'm assuming you'll get me back for all the torture later."

"You know I will."

"Of course."

"We both should definitely rest. Me with my arm and you with your wrist."

"Right." She nods. "Want to pick out what I wear?"

"Of course I do."

"Go right ahead then."

"Alright, you go sit and I'll find something." She nods, going to sit on the bed. he goes over to her things to find something. It doesn't take him too long since she keeps all his favorites right on top. Once he finds something, he comes over to the bed. "Of course you'd pick that one." She chuckles.

"Well duh." He chuckles.

"Want to help putting it on?"

"You know I always do."

"I know."

"Gonna need to stand for me to help."

"Right. My bad." She laughs, standing up.

"Uh huh sure."

" I was a bit distracted."

"You tend to always be distracted."

"Especially when you're just in a towel."

"Touche." He then starts to remove her towel, being as touchy as he can while he does so. "Touchy..."

"There's so much to touch." He grins, looking her over.

"Yes, I know."

"Just don't start anything we can't finish."

"I won't, don't worry."

"Good." He continues to be touchy when he helps her put on what he picked out for her to wear. He places light kisses along her shoulder, while holding her waist. She removes his towel, letting that fall to the floor. Since it was going to be a calm night for them, she decided against teasing him. Then he grabs a pair of shorts to put on and does so, coming back to the bed, climbing in next to her under the blankets, since he had gone there while she waited for him to get dressed. "Finally we can relax."

"Exactly what we need too."

"Mhm." She lays her head on his chest, snuggling into him while he holds her close.

"Hopefully tomorrow is better."

"I really hope so. Maybe me can spend most of it in bed before the show."

"We can try." He nods.

"I would love that very much."

"I know you would." He kisses the top of her head.

"I'll get to be with you and only you." She smiles, trying to hide a yawn.

"That's right. And looks like someone's tired."

"Just a tad."

"Maybe you should sleep then."

"Good. We both need it." He nods. She nods, relaxing into him more while he runs his hand through her hair. Like always, it doesn't take long for her to go to sleep. Once he notices, he smiles down at her, kissing the top of her head again. he holds her close, watching her sleep for a bit longer before he goes to sleep himself.