Status: Active

All About Us


Finally after being busy for the longest time, we have time off for the holiday, Thanksgiving to be exact. Ted and I had gone back home to Mississippi, while Vi and Justin had gone home to Capetown, South Africa to spend the holiday with his family. Since they had a long flight in after the shows, she was still fast asleep while Justin was awake just watching her sleep for a bit, holding her close to him. Of course, he decides to stay there until she wakes up, not wanting to move her because she looked so peaceful. It isn't until a half hour later that she starts to stir, mumbling in her sleep, burying her face in his chest.

"Good morning to you." He chuckles.


"Not ready to get up, that's okay."

"Nuh uh." She mumbles, shaking her head.

"That's alright, you won't have to get up yet." She mumbles something then snuggles into him more, laying there until she feels like waking up fully. When she does, she opens her eyes and looks up at him. He leans down and gives her a good morning kiss. She smiles into the kiss then fully wakes up.


"Much better." She yawns.


"I know I'm going to need all the rest for everything you got planned today."


"What did you have planned for today?"

"Well can't pass up seeing the sights. So how about a bike ride along the coast or the mountains?"

"Ooohhh...they both sound nice. You know I like doing but so it doesn't matter to me."

"When did you want to do all that?"

"Whenever you feel up to it."

"I'm a bit. I'm too comfy right now."

"I thought so."

"Although, something does smell good. Mom must be cooking breakfast."

"I think she is." He nods.

"She sure knows how to get us out of bed." Vi laughs.

"Yes she does." He chuckles.

"I do think I'm ready to get up now. That smells way to good to just lay here. I have to get try it."

"Of course." He nods, letting you go so that you could get up first.

"Going to get up or watch me get dressed?"

"You know I don't mind watching."

"Of course you don't." She chuckles. "Enjoy the show then." She grins, going over to her things to find something. Once she does find something, she starts to take off the clothes from the night before as slow as she could. She put on a loose fitting tank top along with a pair of jean shorts, shaking her hips a bit extra just for him. She slips on her flip flops then walks over to the bed, kneeling on it. "Your turn." She gives him a kiss.

"You kill me so much sometimes, you know that right?"

"I know I do." She smirks. "It's just so easy to do it."

"It's easy for me too."

"How well I know. You get me everyday without even trying."

"Yes, yes I do."

"Mhm." She nods. "Now get dressed 'cause you're killing me right now."

"Alright alright, I'm going." He chuckles, moving from the bed. He goes over to his things to get something to wear for the day while she watches for a bit. As he gets dressed, he does the same thing to her that she did to him. She bites her lip, groaning at the torture. Once he's all dressed and she's calm, she goes to work on her hair and makeup while he comes in and does his hair as well.

"You know you look beautiful even without the makeup."

"You always say that." She blushes.

"Because it's true."

"How about I just do it very light this time. Make it look like I'm not wearing any?"

"Alright." He nods. Since she just started with her makeup, she does it very lightly so it doesn't look like she has any on, but enough to accent the color of her eyes.

"Beautiful." He grins.

"Anything for you." She kisses his cheek.

"Love you."

"Love you too."

Once she finishes, she puts everything away, and watches as he fixes his hair. He takes his time so it looks perfect before finishing up.

"It's perfect." She grins.

"I just know how you like it." He grins.

"Of course you do."

"Now let's go get some of that yummy smelling food."

"After you."

She heads out of the bathroom first, him slapping her butt on the way. She squeals then gives him a look. He acts all innocent, but she knows what he did. They start to leave the room, hands laced then head downstairs to the kitchen where they smelled food. "Something smells good." He says as we walk in, going to his mom and kissing her cheek.

"You always know how to wake us up." You add.

"I'm a mom. That's just what I do." She smiles.

"I'll help with the dinner later if you need any help." Vi offers.

"That would be great hun, thank you."

"It's no problem."

"See, I told you there was something I loved about her. She's just so sweet." His mom says to him.

"That's why I love her."

"Aww. You both." She blushes. "I do my best."

"And you do it without even trying."

"It's just a gift I have. I'm just that lovable." She jokes.

"Yes, yes you are."

"More than you know sweetheart." Rose kindly says. "Breakfast is almost ready. Justin, would you mind setting the table please?" He nods and goes into the cabinet for plates and such, bringing them out to the table, setting it. Vi stays in the kitchen with Rose, helping her with getting everything from the stove to dishes, to take out to the table. Once everything is out on the table, Justin goes and gets drinks, and when he comes back they all sit.

"Everything looks so good. I love coming home to this."

"Why do you think I make breakfast all the time for you?"

"Because you love me." He smiles cheesily.

"Yes I do. So very much."

"How can anyone not love him? I mean, look how adorable he is." Vi grins, pinching his cheek playfully.

"That he is."

"Stop." He blushes. "Nope. We never will." Vi grins.

"Because you love me, I know." He chuckles.

"Yes, both of us do." She kisses his cheek.

"And I love both you oh so much too."

"We know dear. You never stop showing us." His mom smiles.

"And I'll continue to never stop showing you."

"That's how we raised you. Always showing those you love how much you care for them."

"That and being respectful."

"Of course." She nods. "We taught you very well."

"And I thank you and Dad for that. As I keep saying, he would absolutely love you." Justin says the last part to you.

"I'm sure he would. You're everything he wanted for our son and much more."

"I'm positive he would love me." Vi nods.

"Always positive. That's a good thing,"

"So, if you're ready to eat, feel free to grab what you want."

They nod, grabbing what they want, which happens to be a bit of everything. They put it on their plates and say grace before they start eating.

"This is really good."

"Best food we've had in months."

"I think it gets better every time we come home here."

"Why thank you. I do have time to practice and get better."

"I really don't think you need practice to get better. Your cooking is amazing."

"Oh I know, but I like to try different things. You know that hunny. That's why I'm such a good cook."

"That is true."

"That's one reason I love coming here when we can. I can never get enough of your cooking." I add.

"I told you it was amazing." Justin chuckles.

"You did. Thank you both again."

"You're welcome." They continue to eat, enjoying the lovely home cooked meal that they don't usually get while on the road. They have small talk while they eat then help Rose clean up when they're done.

"So what do you two have planned for today?"

"Justy was thinking of a bike ride along the coast and going up to the mountains."

"Aww, that's sweet."

"He just knows all the things I love to do."

"Well I wouldn't be a good boyfriend if I didn't." He kisses her cheek.

"I guess not." She chuckles.

"That's why I found out everything when I did."

"And you did an amazing job too."

"Why thank you."

"You're oh so very welcome."

"So need help with anything else?" Vi asks.

"No no. you two go have fun before tonight. I got everything here."

"Thank you for breakfast again."

"It's no problem. Anything for my son and his beautiful girl. It's my pleasure."

"You're welcome any time, whenever you want to come back." She adds.

"That's sweet. I'll keep that in mind. Thank you again." Vi gives her a hug.

"Anytime." She smiles. Justin gives her a hug and a kiss before they say goodbye one final time. They then head outside to where he keeps his bikes when he's home.

"The collection just keeps growing doesn't it?"

"Oh these? That's nothing. I've had these for awhile. The ones in the states are newer."

"So you've shown me."

"Just wait until the next tour. We get to go to the home of Ducati." His eyes light up.

"Oh boy." She giggles. "I sense we'll be coming home with a few new bikes after that tour." She adds.


"Maybe more than a few." He adds.

"Oh you and your bikes." She laughs.

"Yes, me and my bikes. I love you more though."

"Yes, I know." She kisses his cheek. He then goes to get the one he wants, getting helmets as well. Once he gets it all ready, he hands her a helmet and she climbs on behind him, her arms going around his waist. Once they're both all set, he pulls out and heads down the road. Meanwhile with Ted and I, we were both still in bed since it was still morning in the states. I had started to wake up, and I shifted, but I didn't get to move that much since he had a tight grip on me. He was still sleeping peacefully, mumbling a few things while he held me close to him. I try to listen to close to the things he was mumbling, but he was mumbling too quietly so I couldn't make them out, but I couldn't help but laugh a bit. He started to settle down after a bit, going back to resting more comfortably. I started to get bored laying there, what with me awake and him still sleeping. So I carefully turn in his grip so that I'm facing him. I decide to have some fun and try poking him first, see if I get any reaction out of that. He starts to smile a bit, thinking it was a dream. The more I poke him in different spots, the more he moves around until his eyes start to open.

"Morning sleepyhead." I grin.

"...morning..." He says between yawns.

"I was getting bored, being the only one awake."

"Sorry...must've been tired then I thought."

"It's okay."

"I'm up now and I really love the view." He smiles at me.

"Of course you do."

"It's the best thing to see right when I wake up." He kisses me quick.

"Whether I'm awake or still sleeping."


"You were mumbling in your sleep."

"Was I? I didn't even know I did that." He chuckles.

"Oh you do. I couldn't understand you this time, but it was funny."

"Probably one of the many dreams I was having about you."


"You're all I ever dream out. Even though the dream continues when I wake up."

"There you go being all sweet first thing in the morning."

"That's just what I do for the one I love."

"Love you too." I kiss him quick this time.

"Never gets old." He sighs in content once I pull away.

"You know, if my poking wasn't going to wake you up, I was gonna get Riggs in here. He would've woken you up. I'm surprised he hasn't come in here yet." I laugh.

"I'm sure he would have." He laughs as well. "He's probably still sleeping himself."

"I'm glad it's not too cold in November here. Don't have to pack away the summer clothes just yet."

"No. That's the one thing I love about here this time of the year."

"So on the topic of holidays, where are we going Christmas? Back here or my family?"

"Since we came here I was thinking of going to your family for Christmas."

"Sounds good."

"We don't have to be at mom's until about 2. We got most of the morning to do whatever."

"Hmmm...well I think I should make breakfast this time. You make it all the time when we come home, I think I should this time."

"I don't mind doing it, but I do love when you cook."

"Cause I'm just so amazing at it."

"Yes you are."

"You probably want to wait a few moments before letting me go so I can go do that, don't you?"

"You know me all to well." He grins, holding me closer.

"I would hope so." I laugh.

"I know you do."

"Then you also know, I'm too comfortable right now to move myself."

"Of course. We'll just wait until Riggs comes in then. "

"Alright." I nod. We both lay there for a while longer, him stealing a few kisses now and then. at one point, he doesn't pull away and that is the moment Riggs decides he wants to come in and jump on the bed. He ends up getting in between us and makes us pull away.

"Riggs." I laugh, patting his side.

"You always pick the wrong times boy." Ted chuckles.

"I have a feeling he knows exactly what he's doing."

"He does it all the time."

"He just wants all the attention. He just misses us that much. "

"Wonder if he still finds the socks like you said in your video months ago when you were out in your ankle injury."

"I'm sure he does. I've found a few that have no pairs to them."

"Ohhh Riggs, what are we going to do with you?" I shake my head amusedly. All he does is bark I'm response, licking my face. "I love you too." He licks my face again, moving his head under my chin. "Awwww."

"He loves you just as much as I do."

"I can see that." I grin.

"I do know that I love you more."

"Well of course."

"I believe he wants us to get up now."

"It seems so." I nod. We both move so we're able to get out of bed. Of course Riggs is the first one out of the room. I don't bother to get changed yet, heading out of the room myself. Ted just gets a shirt on before following me downstairs. "So you can just sit in the living room, I'll make everything."

"You sure you don't want help?"

"I'm sure."

"Alright." He kisses me quick before heading to the living room.

As he goes there, I get everything out that I could need to make breakfast, from pans and such and the food, before going to work on it. Once I get everything ready, I start to cook it. "Smells good already!" He calls from the living room.

"It should. It's your favorite afterall." I call back.

"I knew that."

"Should be ready soon." He then decides to get up from the couch and comes out into the kitchen to watch the rest get cooked. His hands rest on my waist, his chin on my shoulder. "Smells even better from in here."

"That's because you're right up close."

"You know I can't resist." He tries stealing some that was done.

"Uh wait."

"Awww." He pouts. "Not even on little piece?"

"Okay, fine." He grins, taking a little piece then kissing my cheek. "You're the best."

"I know." I laugh. "It should be done in a few so if you want to set the table, you can do that."

"I will do that." He nods. He gets all the plates and sets them on the table while you get everything ready to set on the table. Once everything is done, I bring over the plates that I had put everything on, setting those on the table.

"Everything looks and smells so good." He says as he puts stuff on his plate.

"You don't even have to. It's one of your many talents."

"Same goes for you."

"Mine's not as good as you though."

"I beg to differ."

"I do make my best for you though."

"Touche." Once we have everything we want on our plates, we both start to eat. "Just wait until we go home to my family for Christmas, I make cookies around that time."

"Ooohhh....I do love your cookies."

"I know you do."

"I so can't wait for that time."

"I can tell."

"I just love your cookies so much. They're that good."

"The dough is even better. And I know you know that too."

"I do. That's why you never have many cookies to make."

"Well not this time, because I make them with my mom when I go home."

"Aw man."

"You'll live."

"I don't know. I'll be having withdrawals the whole time." He chuckles.

"Poor you."

"I'll work my magic to get some. It always works."

"We'll see."

"Mhm...we will." He grins. After we finish eating, he offers to clean everything, since I cooked everything. He does not take no for an answer and has me go up and start to get ready for the day. Since it was going to be warm today, I went the t-shirt and shorts thing. The jewelry matching of course. I leave my hair flat and straight, not wanting to do anything special with it right now, choosing to only put it up if I got hot. I do my makeup and everything, before walking back into the room and putting shoes on. Just as I had gotten the other shoe on, Ted had walked in from finishing the dishes. Once his eyes land on me, he stops walking and just stares. I don't notice of course, until I stand and look up to see him frozen in place. "Hellooo...spacey." I laugh, waving my hand in front of his face.


"You were staring again."

"Was I? My bad."

"Uh huh...sure."

"Alright, so it's your fault." He smirks.

"It always is."

"Yes it is."

"You get me all the time, no matter what you wear." He adds.

"Of course."

"Makes me wonder what you're going to wear tonight."

"That will be a surprise."

"It always is."

"It's fun to surprise you."

"And I love when you surprise me too."

"Which is why I do it."

"You just know what I love."

"Yes I do."

"And that's what makes me love you more each day."

"Love you too." He gives me a quick kiss then goes to find something to wear for the day.

"Resisting the urge to be touchy are you?" I laugh.

"Yes or we won't get out of this house at all today."

"You say it like it's a bad thing." I make an innocent face, trying so hard not to laugh.

"It's not, but if we don't show up later, I'm sure mom will send Brett and Mike over and we don't need them walking in on us."

"No...'cause they won't knock, they'll just walk in...being your brothers and all."

"Exactly." He nods. "That's why I'm resisting until later tonight."

"Uh oh."

"Uh oh is right." He smirks.

"I can't prepare can I?"

"No, not this time."


"You'll survive."

"I can try."

"I know you will."

"I'll let you get dressed now though."

"That might be a good idea." He chuckles.

"Don't mind me." I grin, sitting back down.

He chuckles, going over to the closet to find something to wear. Once he finds something, he gets a pair of jeans from his dresser. When he has all that, he starts to slowly get undressed to torture me then does the same thing as he puts his clothes back on.

"Really?" I groan.

"Yes, really." He smirks.

"And I can't do anything about it, I know."

"Nope. It's my day to torture you."

"But I am the one wearing the shorts and everything. That's more skin for you to touch though."

"I know, but I'm the one who can take their shirt off if they get to hot."

"That's right. Oh darn."

"Maybe I'll be nice and keep it on though."

"But if you get too hot, I can't blame you for taking it off. Happens all the time when we spend a day out by the lake."

"Right, of course."

"So what are we doing today anyway, before heading over to your parents'?"

"I don't about we just hang down at the dock? I need to practice my golfing."

"And where are they gonna go? In the water?" I laugh.

"Actually, I have a little island out there now that I can aim at."

"But some probably end up in the water though."

"Most likely. That's what practice is for."


"I'm ready to head out when you are."

"I'm all set."

"After you."

"All the time." I shake my head amusedly, getting up from the bed and heading out first.

"Mhm." He grins.

"I've got my eyes on you." I give him a look over my shoulder.

"You always do."

"Because I know what you do sometimes when you let me walk ahead of you."

"Of course." We manage to get downstairs with him behaving to the best of his ability. We make sure we have everything, before leaving. Of course when the door gets opened, Riggs goes right to the car waiting to get into the back seat. Once there, I let Riggs into the back while Ted puts everything in the back. Once everything is in the back, he comes around and gets into the drivers side and after the car is started we head off to the dock. Since it was right next to his house, it didn't take long at all to get there. After parking the car, we both get out along with Riggs and he gets his stuff out of the back.

"I like coming out here. It's peaceful."

"Exactly why I bought a house on the lake."

"And that's why I like coming home here when we can."

"It sure does help get you relaxed."

"It does, and it's not crowded like a beach."

"No because this is a private dock. Only for us to use."

"Exactly." Once he has everything, he laces his fingers with mine and we head down to the grassy area. I set up the chairs that we had brought, sitting down in one and taking out the sunblock that was packed since we would be in the sun the whole time, putting that on. After that was on, he started to set up all his golfing equipment. "You're gonna end up being distracting aren't you?"

"Oh I don't know...maybe I will, maybe I won't. You'll have to want and see."

"You so will."


"Thought so."

He starts to get ready, hitting the first ball, making it onto the green.

"I wonder how many golf balls are actually at the bottom of the lake." I laugh.

"I have no clue. Probably a lot." He chuckles.

"I wouldn't doubt that."

"Me either since Brett comes out here all the time."

"Let me guess, most of the golf balls he hits end up in the lake." I snicker.

"Pretty much. He needs more practice than me."

"Seems like little brother needs some tips from his big brother."

"He really does." He laughs.

"Get him on a real golf course, he'll probably always get the ball in the sand pits, or the ponds."

"Oh he has, trust me. It's funny to see though."

"Sounds like me. I have my moments on the course." I laugh.

"Yeah, but you're actually better than he is."

"That's because I take tips from you and you help me."

"Right and he doesn't listen. He thinks he can do it on his own."

"Of course."

He then goes back to focusing on what he was doing, hitting the balls across the lake. Very rarely did any end up in the lake. Maybe about a few here or there hit the water. He does that for a few more hours or so before deciding he's one for the day.

"Aww time to head back already?"

"Yeah...almost time to go to mom's."

"I think I'll bring what I'm wearing over there with us and I'll get ready there. Make you wait some more."


"You'll be fine."

"I'm sure I will be."

"Now the question is, are you going to get ready at home or wait until we get there like I am?" I ask as we start to pack up everything we brought.

"Hmm...I'll probably get ready before we leave."

"Alright." I nod. Once everything is packed, we take it to the car, putting it in. He opens the door for Riggs while I get in the passenger side. After Riggs is in, he gets in and starts the car, heading back to the house. When we do get back, he gets everything out of the back of the car, while I go and unlock the front door after letting Riggs out and Ted follows shortly after with everything, bringing it inside.

Back in Capetown, Justin and Vi had just finished the bike ride and were sitting on top of the mountains just looking over the city. "This is so beautiful, I love it here." She says at the view.

"Not as beautiful as you though."

"Justy..." She blushes. " say that all the time."

"Because it's true."

"You really know how to make me love you more and more each day." She leans back to kiss his cheek since she was sitting between his legs.

"It's a gift." He grins.

"One that I adore and love oh so very much."

"I'm glad." His hold on her tightens as he pulls her closer to him, kissing the top of her head. "I really wish we could stay here all day."

"I do too."

"When do we have to head back?"

"Not for another hour. I say we stay here for a little while longer."

"I love the sound of that." She leans back into him more.

"Should definitely come back here for the sunset sometime this week before we go back to the states."

"That would be perfect. I love the sunsets here."

"Perfect spot to see them."

"It is." She nods. "I still remember the last one we saw while you were ount from your injury last year."

"So do I."

"I've never seen on so incredible or pure before."

"It's a lot different seeing it over here, that's for sure."

"I just wish we could see it more often. I love it here."

"I know right?"

"I really think we should see about getting a house here. This way we can come and not have to bother mom all the time."

"Right, even though she doesn't mind us staying with her."

"I know she doesn't, but this way we can have some alone time that you miss so much when we stay with her."


"I just know that it's killing you with having to wait. One of the reasons I've been behaving."

"Right." He nods. They sit there for a bit longer just enjoying the peacefulness of everything. Every so often, he would steal a kiss while smiling and hold her as close as he could. A while after that is when he decides that it's the best time to go, just so they have enough time to get changed and stuff when they get back. They walk down hand in hand, stopping to take more pictures as they do. When they make it to where he parked, they get their helmets on then climb back on. Then he makes his way back to the house. It doesn't take too long to get back and when they do, they both get off the bike, leave the helmets on top and them head inside. "We're back." He calls once they walk in the door so his mom knows.

"How was the ride?"

"Amazing and refreshing."

"That's great."

"It's always good to go for a ride to unwind every now and then."

"Of course."

"I'm going to go get cleaned up so I can start to help you with everything."

"No rush, take your time."

"Alright." Vi nods.

Then she heads upstairs and to the bedroom to get ready. She goes over to her things that were in the closet and takes out the dress she picked for tonight. She sets that on the bed while she gets her shoes and everything else that she may need. After that was all ready, she started to take off the clothes she was wearing so she could put the dress on.

"I know you're staring..."

"It's the most I can do."

" could come help...if you can control yourself."

"I really don't think I can. Not this time." He chuckles.

"That bad this time huh?" She laughs.

"Just a bit, yeah."

"We'll have to fix that as soon as we can then." She winks as she slips on her dress. "Zipper please?" She turns around.

"Of course." He nods, taking the zipper and pulling it up.

"Thank you." She turns back around, kissing his cheek. "You go get ready while I do my hair. I'm sure you'll be done before me anyway."

"Right." He chuckles.

Since he was too busy staring, she had to turn him around and nudge him to his things. She shakes her head with a laugh then heads to the bathroom to do work on her makeup and hair. She did her makeup light to match her dress first since she was curling her hair and that would take a bit. Once that was done, she started with curling, making them a bit loose since he loves to play with them. Once she was done, she walks back out into the room where he was waiting for her. She goes over to the jewelry box she had with her and gets out the diamond set he got her for her birthday, putting that on.

"That always makes you look even more amazing."

"And I have you to thank for them too."

"You're welcome."

"It's the best gift I could ever get from you." I smile at him through the mirror.

"The gifts will never stop either."

"I didn't think they would." She turns to face him.

"I know exactly what I'm getting you for Christmas. I saw something the other day that I know you'll love."

"Oh really?"

"Well I suppose I can give you one hint. It involves taking time off for ourselves."

"That could be anything." She chuckles. "Anymore?"

"Anymore hints and I believe I'd be giving it away." He chuckles.

" I have to wait a whole month to find out." She pouts.

"You'll survive."

"I don't know..." She bites her lip, looking down. " know what might help?" She looks at him through her lashes. "I know exactly what will help." He grins. He walks over to where she is, lifting her chin. Her arms go around his neck the moment his lips press against hers. His hands rest on her waist until he starts to walk forward, making her walk back until they meet the wall. she tries to break away, but he holds her in place. He makes a quiet noise, telling her that he's not ready to let her go yet. Seeing as how he hasn't been able to do this much, she lets him continue until he's ready to pull away.

"Wanted to have a little more fun before we go downstairs." He grins, after pulling away.

"Understandable. I really missed that today." She runs her fingers through his hair.

"You and me both."

"After we leave tomorrow, you can make up for all the time lost."

"I can't wait."

"I know you can't." She laughs. "I can see it in your eyes."

"It's been so hard to resist."

"Tell me about it." She chuckles.

"Just have to get through tonight."

"You'll make it...I'm sure you can."

"And so will you."

"I've made it this far so I believe I can."


"I say we head down so we can help mom with everything."

"Good idea."

"You, uh...kinda have to let go first."

"Oops. My bad."

"You can hold me all you want later." She pecks his lips, moving from his grip.

"I plan on it."

"Of course." She giggles. "Now lets go lover so we can help mom." She laces her fingers with him, leading him out of the room and downstairs to the kitchen. "We're here to help." She says once they enter.

"Oh good. I got some of the easier stuff done, and you can help with the rest."

"Alright." She nods. "Just point me in the direction and I'll get it done."

She points to what she had set aside for her to do and she does the same for Justin. She gets back to what she was doing as Vi and Justin do what she had set aside for them both to do. They get to work on what was left to be done, getting it all ready to be cooked. Once it was ready, they put it in the oven and on the stove, checking on it from time to time. While they were waiting, they made small talk with each other until everything was ready to be set out.

"Now we just have to wait for more of the family to show up."

"They should be her soon. We got everything done a bit early. Everyone should be here in about 10 minutes or so." His mom says.

"I'm sure everyone is gonna be happy to see you." Just says to Vi with a grin.

"I can't wait to see them again and meet the others I didn't get to last time. It's going to be good to see them again."

"Another reason why I love coming home."

"Justin, can you help me with something?" His mom asks.

"Sure. Be right back." He kisses Vi's cheek before getting up and following his mom out of the room. They head downstairs to the basement where she keeps all her special wines from her collection. "Are you still planning on asking her tonight?"

"I am and it's been so hard to hide this from her."

"Did she almost find the ring? I swore I hid it in place she wouldn't see." She says as she looks through her collection.

"No no, she doesn't even know anything about it."

"Thank goodness." She sighs in relief. "Here." She takes a bottle off the rack. "This one will be perfect for tonight." She hands it to him.

"Thanks." He grins, taking it.

"Anything for my baby boy." She pinches his cheek then kisses it. "I've been waiting for this day since you met her, told me about her and the first time she came here." She adds.

"So have I. She everything I could want and more. I can't have her not be my wife any longer."

"Of course."

"Justy? Mom? Everyone's here now." Vi calls from the top of the stairs. They both then head back up the stairs, and Justin brings the wine over to the table you'll all be sitting at, setting that down in the middle of it. Once he's done, he comes over and introduces her to everyone she did not get to meet last time. After that was done and she got greeted and hugs from everyone else, they made their way to the table for dinner. Justin of course helps his mom with bringing the food out to the table, setting everything down as well. when that's all done, they all sit around the table getting ready for grace. One of Justin's relatives does a traditional African prayer before they all start to get their food. "Everything looks and smells amazing."

"Thanks to the both of you, it all came out perfectly." His mom smiles kindly, squeezing his hand.

"Always happy to help."

"It's our pleasure." Vi nods.

Once they have everything they wanted, they start to eat, everyone talking amongst each other. During the dinner, Justin keeps his hand on her leg, squeezing down at times with a smile. Soon they finish with the dinner and his mom brings out the dessert. "Before we get to the dessert, I have something I want to say." Justin announces.

"What is it?"

His mom looks on getting teary eyed, trying to hide it. "Vi..." He turns to her. "“ mean everything to me and more. You're my world and I would not change that for anything. I love you so much, words can't describe how much.” He pauses.

"Justy...what are you saying?"

"Vi..." He gets up, moving his chair and getting on one knee. “...will you marry me?” He opens the box with the ring in it. She gasps, covering her mouth as tears of happiness start to fall. "Yes! I would love to!" He grins and takes the ring out of the box and slips it onto her finger. He gives her a kiss once it's on her finger then takes his spot next to her. "I-I didn't see this coming." She wipes tears from her face.

"That was the whole point."

"Things can't get any better than they are right now."

"It was hard hiding this from you all day."

"I'm sure it was, but you're good at keeping things from me too."

"I am."

"He has been tempted all day to tell you and I must say, I'm very happy you said yes. It's going to be great having you in the family."

"Well I already felt like a part of the family anyway, before tonight."

"You always have been. You're like the daughter I've always wanted."

"And that means a lot."

"More than you'll ever know." She adds. "Oh, Scar is gonna flip when we tell her." She says to Justin.

"She might." He grins.

"I know who will flip the most when they find out." She smirks.

"Now that, I can't wait to see."

"Total hissy fit." She snickers.

"We're so going to have to get it on video."

"Yes, we'll have to." She nods in agreement. "I'm so tempted to tell everyone now, but I'll just tell Scar and Ted." She says, getting her phone and taking a picture.

"Right. Tell everyone when you're ready to. No rush."

"I'm thinking at the next show we can tell them. This way everyone is around."

"Good idea."

She opens the camera on her phone, taking a picture of the ring and sending it to me, with a message. "And sent." She sets her phone down. As she waits for a reply, she gets the dessert that was brought out to the table. That too was a traditional African dessert. Instead of getting two pieces, they get one big piece and share it, feeding it to each other. "Everything tonight has been perfect."

"And it's going to continue to be that way too." He steals a kiss.

"Of course it is."

"Only the best for the love of my life."

"You give me the best no matter what."

"Because you deserve it and so much more.”

"As you say all the time."

“Because it’s true.”

"I know."

"You're both just so adorable. I'm so happy you found each other." His mom gushes.

"I'm happy I found her too."

“He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I could not be anymore grateful.”

"Be sure you let me know when you decide on a date for the wedding. Then I'll be counting the days down."

“You’ll be the first one to know when we do.”

"Great." She smiles."Before I both have the house to yourselves tonight. I'm going to a friends house. It's a gift for the both of you."

"Aww, thank you."

“It’s no problem. I know you both would like some time alone.”

"Right, of course."

“That’s really sweet of you mom. Thank you.” Justin smiles.

"Always thinking of you two."

“Of course. That makes you the best mom ever.” He leans over, kissing her cheek.

"I try."

“You don’t even have to. You’ve been the best my whole life.”

"Oh, I know." They then finish up with everything, starting to take all the dishes and left over food into the kitchen, wrapping and putting the food away. Once that's done, she goes and helps his mom with the dishes. While they do that, Justin sees everyone out that was getting ready to leave. Once everyone is gone, he comes back into the kitchen just as they were finishing up with the dishes.

"Everyone's gone home." He says.

“And everything is done out here too.”

"I thank you both again for the help."

“It’s the least we could do. We’re not going to stay here and not do anything. We were happy to help.”

"Well I suppose I should go get my things so you two can have the house to yourselves for the night."

“Do you need any help with that?” Vi offers.

"Oh no, that's okay. I've only got one bag I'm bringing with me. But thank you for offering."

“You’re welcome.” Vi nods. She then heads upstairs so she can get her things to leave. Justin puts his arms around Vi's waist, pulling her close to him. "I believe we have some celebrating to do." He smirks. "After she leaves." She giggles.

“I know...I just can’t wait any longer.” He groans.

"She won't be that long, I think you'll survive until she leaves."

"I might be able to..."

"You can, I know it."

“It’s so hard.”

"I know it is." Soon his mom comes back down, telling them she's leaving. They give her a hug and thank her again for dinner and the house for the night. They follow her out the door and stand out front as they watch her get into the car. They both wave to her before she pulls out and goes down the road. "Now we can go." She says since she knows he's really eager.

"Finally." He grins, pulling her back inside. She squeals as he picks her up, carrying her inside so they get there quicker. "In a hurry I see." She giggles as he hurries up the stairs.

"Yes I am."

"And I did nothing this time."

"No you didn't. It has to do with me having to behave the whole time we were here­."

"If I do say so, you've done a good job too. Now you get to go crazy."

"And I plan on doing so."

“Oh boy.” She chuckles. “I’m going to be sore in the morning, aren’t I?” She gives him a look.

"It's possible."

“Then I guess I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.”

"Mmhmm." He reaches the room, opening the door then closing it, then sets her on her feet. "I can sense the torture already." She giggles as his hands slowly move down her sides.

"Oh yes."

“Bring it on then.” She challenges, brushing her lips over his while her hands slip under his shirt.

"Ohhh you're so in for it now."

“That was the whole idea.” She smirks.

"It's gonna be a long night that's for sure."

“Yes it most certainly will be." She smirks, pressing one of his indents.

"Keep doing that and you'll be in for it even more."

"Maybe that's what I want." She grins, doing it again.

"Really now?" He smirks.

"Really." She nips at his bottom lip.

"You so want that." He grins.

"Hmmm..." She nips at his bottom lip while pressing his indent. " I do."

"I know everything. You can't anything from me."

"You just know me that well."

"Just like you know me."


"I think the dress should come off now." He smirks.

"You know where the zipper is."

"I just wanted to take my time getting to that first."

"Let the torture begin." She giggles.

"You've got that right." He grins before pressing his lips to hers and reaching around for the zipper. While he does that, he starts to walk forward making her walk backwards to the bed. He slowly moves his fingers along the zipper, sending a chill down her spine. She tenses up, kissing back with more intensity. He then finally pulls the zipper down and decides to help her take the dress off. He starts by slowly moving the sleeves off her shoulders and down her arms. She pulls her arms out then he slowly moves his hands down her sides, helping the dress fall to the floor. She then steps out of it and starts to tug at his shirt, wanting it off. He smirks against her lips, that being a signal of letting her know that she can go ahead and take his shirt off. She wastes no time in lifting his shirt up, breaking the kiss to get it over his head. Once that's up, she tosses it somewhere in the room, not caring where. She then takes the advantage to be as touchy as she can with all the skin of his that's exposed. He too, took advantage of the exposed skin, his hands moving wherever they pleased. He then moved from her lips and started to kiss across her jaw to her neck. She tilted her head to the side, giving him better access. He continues making her back up, until the back of her legs hit the bed. He helps her lay down, not moving from the spot her was. They move up to the pillows, her hands in his hair, his on her waist.

"You still have more clothing on than me..." She mutters.

"...still having my fun..." He mutters against her neck.

"...can't take much more...but you already know that."

" did ask for it." He smirks, nipping around his favorite spot.

"You're killing me here..."

"That's the idea."

"Of course it is."

"Try not to to go to crazy."

"Can't make any promises, but I'll try."

"...uh oh..." She bites down on her lip when he grazes the spot.

"Uh oh is know how I can get."

"I do."

"I thought so." He grins, going back to what he was doing. He keeps grazing the spot making me tense each time he does it. The more she tenses, the more keeps up with the torture. She starts to tug on his hair the closer he gets to the spot. He finally decides she's had enough torture with moving around the spot, and he presses his lips to the spot instantly. She tenses up, a few soft moans escaping. He smirks against her skin, getting the reaction he wanted out of her. But he doesn't stop there, he keeps going until he knows a mark will be forming. Once he feels a good sized one will form, he pulls away with a smirk seeing one starting to form. He makes his way back to her lips, her kissing him eagerly. She manages to move her hands down to his pants, starting to undo them. She gets them pulled off as far as she could reach and he does the rest, kicking them off once they get to around his ankles. He then kicks them off and they land wherever. She takes even more advantage of the exposed skin, her hands wandering all over. His hand goes to her thighs, squeezing down on them making her moan. In retaliation, she presses one of his indents, getting a loud growl out of him. From there, he pulls the blankets over them and they have a long night of celebrating.

In the meantime, Ted was already ready and he was downstairs with his family helping with setting the table, while I was upstairs finishing up getting ready myself. While I was getting ready, my phone goes off and I see it's a text from Vi about Justin proposing. I grin, waiting to reply then finish getting ready. Once I'm ready, and everything looks perfect, I leave the room and start to make my way downstairs. When I get downstairs, I head into the kitchen to see if anything needs to be done.

"Need anymore help or are you all set?"

"I believe we're all"

"It's no problem. I'm always ready to help."

"You can look at what I'm wearing now you know." I say to Ted.

"I think he noticed already." Brett snickers, hitting Ted on the back of the head.


"You were drooling dude."

"You kinda were." I laugh.

"Was not." He mutters, wiping his mouth.

"Whatever you say."

"I do love the dress though." Ted gives me a wink.

"Of course you do."

"Pink looks good on you."

"You say that about every color basically."

"They all just look so good on you."

"Of course they do. But I have some news to tell you."

"What's this news?"

"Well....Justin and Vi are now engaged."

"Wow. Really? I was wondering when he was going to ask her."

"Well looks like tonight was it."

"Why do I have a feeling you knew about this?"

"Well I was the one who went with him to help get the ring afterall."

"So that's what you both did that day. You're really good at hiding things."

"Yes I am. You know that all too well."

"Yes I do." He grins.

"Now I think we should go sit and wait as more people show up." He adds.

"Good idea." I nod. He takes my hand and we head out into the living room, sitting down as we wait for more of the family to show up. While we wait, we watch the football game that was on TV. Soon everyone starts to show up, us greeting them as we do. Once everyone was there, we all made our way over to the table since the food was already set there, and we all pick a place to sit. After we sit, grace is said before we start to get our food. And of course everything tastes just as it looks, and that's amazing.

"Another amazing dinner mom."

"I have to agree." I nod.

"Anything for my babies and their wonderful girls." She smiles.

"I always leave here feeling full after eating what you make. It's just that good."

"Well I'm glad. It makes me feel good to know you're well fed."

"Definitely something you don't have to worry about at all."


"One of the reasons why I like coming back when we can, your cooking."

"Nothing's better then a good home cooked meal and that's what you'll get whenever you come here."

"Of course."

"This really is the best time of the year. All the home cooked meals."


We all go back to eating, making small talk. Since there was no rush, we all took our time eating until it was time for dessert.

"Speaking of dessert, I'm going to have to send you some of the cookies I'm making for Christmas when Ted and I go spend that with my family." I remark.

"Oh, that would be lovely. I heard you make great desserts."

"Well when I try to make cookies here, it's hard to keep him away from the kitchen." I laugh.

"How well I know dear. This dinner was hard enough to make with him here." Melanie, his mom, laughs.

"Do we have to keep you out of the kitchen whenever there's food being made?" I ask him, jokingly of course.


"Then I think you have to control yourself around the food next time."

"Aww. It just all smells so good, I can't help myself sometimes."

"We know you can't."

"I'll try my best next time."

"As long as you try."

"That's all I can do."

"Right." I nod.

Ted Sr. brings out the dessert and sets it on the table for everyone to take.

"Now that looks good."

"It's mom's speciality. She makes it ever year." Brett beams.

"I'm assuming you have more than just one piece then, that's how good it is." I laugh.

"I think we should get ours while we can. He tends to take the whole thing." Mike says.

"I do not."

"Really? Then how come you gain weight after each holiday? Explain that one."

"Oooh busted." I snicker.

"I...uh...oh shut up." He mumbles. We get our pieces of the dessert before he gets a hold of it. After we all have our pieces, he only takes one for now. After being semi-full from the dinner, Ted and I decided to share a piece, so that neither one of us would be too full to eat if we had our own piece.

"That was really good."

"Like always."

"That's something you can't get on the road."

"Not at all."

"I'll be sure to send you some whenever I can." Melanie says.

"Of course."

"You're the best mom." Ted grins.

"As you tell me every time you come home."

"Because you are the best mom ever."

"I try."

"You don't have to mom. You're naturally that way."

"All moms are like that." I nod.


Once everyone was done, we helped with getting the dishes and putting them by the sink and then we grab the leftovers and put those away. When that was all done, we all went into the living room to sit down for a bit before people started to leave. "Tonight's was fun."

"It was." He nods. "Always good to see family and friends after being away for so long."

"And we get to do it all over again next month with my family."

"I can't wait for that. I'm excited to meet your family."

"Well they can't wait to meet you either."

"I just hope the time goes by quick, I'm to anxious."

"I know you are."

"I'm also really anxious to get back home too." He gives you the look.

"Oh of course you are."

"I vote for leaving soon. I can't wait much longer."

"I can tell."

"You're not making it easy either."



"Will you two get a room." Brett teases.

"We're only talking you goof. And we do have a room...back home." I laugh.

"Yeah, well I know my brother good enough to know by his expressions what he's talking about."

"So do I."

"Then I repeat, you both should get that room." He jokes.

"When we decide to leave."

"Aw. You're not leaving yet?" He acts disappointed. "I'm just kidding." He laughs.

"Haha...but we'll be leaving soon...for obvious reasons."

"Please. Just don't do any of that lovey dovey stuff here."

"Well we've been good about that so far haven't we?"

"So far, but it's only a matter of time before you do."

"I can keep him in line, don't worry."

"I would hope so." Brett chuckles.

"He knows he doesn't get what he wants unless he behaves."

"TMI!!" He makes a face.

"Oh you're a grown man, I'm sure you've heard a lot worse before."

"Yeah, but that's my brother. I don't want to know that about him."

"That's why we don't tell you the specifics."

"I thank you for that."

"You're welcome."

We sit around talking and watching the rest of the game that was on until it started to get late.

"I think I'm ready to go now." Ted remarks.

"If you're ready, so am I."

"Just need to go get my other clothes from upstairs, and then I'll be all set to go." I add.

"Okay. I'll get the leftovers I know mom has waiting for us." He chuckles.

"Of course." I laugh as we both get up from the couch. He heads into the kitchen to tell his mom that we're both going to leave while I go get my clothes. It doesn't take me long to grab my clothes since they were in a bag. So I just grab the bag and head back downstairs. I then head to the kitchen since Ted was still in there and we say goodbye to everyone. Once we say goodbye to everyone, we head out to the car, getting inside, and then heading back home. Since he doesn't live that far, it didn't take too long to get home. He parks the car and then we both get out and head inside, being greeted by Riggs. "Should probably let him outside to do his business before we have our business to attend to."

"Right." He nods. "I'll do that if you put this in the fridge." He hands me the leftovers.

"I will do that." I nod. I go and put everything away while he lets Riggs out. After everything is put away, I take my shoes off and hold them in my hand as I head outside since he was still out there, waiting for Riggs to finish his business. "Still not done yet?"

"No, not yet."

"Come on Riggs. Hurry up boy."

He finally finishes up and runs back into the house, and we follow, closing and locking the door behind us. We both then head up to the bedroom, Ted grabbing my waist and pulling me close to him.

"Touchy, touchy, touchy."

"I've been waiting all night to do this."

"I could sense that."

"Then you can sense that things are going to be very long tonight."

"Yes I can sense that."

"Good. Now this dress needs to come off."

" let you go ahead and do it, or to make you wait.." I say, teasingly.

"Noooo. Don't make me wait." He pleads.

"But it's fun."

"Fun for you."

"Yes, so much fun for me."

"Please?" He pouts, adding the eyes.

"Not that look..." He does it more, knowing how it gets to me. "Okay okay, stop with that look, I give in."

"Yayy." He grins.

"Have your fun." He starts to slowly move his hands up my arms to the shoulder strap of my dress, pulling that down, kissing my shoulder as he does so. Then he reaches around for the zipper in the back as he continues to kiss my shoulder, and of course he takes his time, and tortures me. I let out a few noises, him smirking against my skin, getting the zipper all the way down. Once that's down, he tugs the dress down, letting it fall to the floor. I step out of it and I hand it to him to put it somewhere so it doesn't get ruined. He lays it on the dresser then walks back over to me. I start to tug at his shirt. He nods, letting me know I can take it off. I start to pull it up, moving my hands slowly up then helping him pull it off, it getting tossed to the side. It isn't long before he presses his lips to mine and he starts to make me walk backwards towards the bed, like always. When my legs touch the bed, he helps lay me down gently, not breaking the kiss. I move up to the pillows, him follownig my lead. The kiss starts to get more intense while his hands wander all over. He pulls away from the kiss, much to my protest, but ends up moving towards my neck instead. He takes his time, enjoying the reaction he's getting from me. Like he tends to do, he nips around the spot, driving me crazy. That makes me, in retaliation, make my hands wander down to the spots that get him the most, his indents. He growls as I press down, attaching his lips to the spot on my neck, not holding back this time. And just so I couldn't do it anymore, he grabs my hands and pins them to the mattress. I whine at not being able to touch him and he mumbles against my neck.

"Better be coverable..." I manage to get out as he keeps going until he's sure a mark will be there when he's done.

"Mhm." He mumbles, satisfied with the mark.

"Good." He them moves from my neck to my jaw, making his way back to my lips. I struggle against his hands which still haven't let mine go, trying to get free any way that I could. He lets my one hand go in favor of reaching for the blankets. I grin and of course my free hand moves to the waist of his pants that he still had on. He lets my other hand go so I'm able to get them undone. It takes some doing, but I finally get them undone and start to pull them as far down as I can. Once they're down far enough, he kicked them off not caring where they go. My hands start to wander again as he pulls the blankets up and over us both.