Status: Active

All About Us

TLC 2012

It's been one crazy month or so, so far. After who are now called The Shield debuted at Survivor Series last month, things have been crazy to no end. Everyone's had to be sure to watch their backs whether they're in the ring or backstage. But tonight is TLC and there's many great matches set. We've all been at the arena since the early afternoon, getting ready for tonight, and even getting in some workouts in the ring that was set up in the arena for tonight. But now we're all backstage in our locker rooms, relaxing as we wait for showtime.


"Ah. That should be a good match. It's just a normal one, right?"

"Tables match for the title."

"Scar..." He gets concerned. " know I don't like when you have those matches."

"I know, but I just get worried about you. I know you've done this in the past, but I can't help to worry."

"I know. Nattie's done this in the past too, so we know how to be careful how to fall through the table so we don't get seriously hurt."

"I guess if you're careful, I'll be okay with it."

"I promise."

"Good." He sighs. "When is your match?"

"Third of the night, so we get it done and over with."

"That's good at least."

"Then we have the rest of the night to ourselves."

"I do like the sound of that."

"I thought so."

"I always love our alone time."

"I know you do."

"Can never get enough of it."

"So you show me every day."

"I'll continue to do so." He kisses me quick.

"Of course you will."


"I'm interested to see who's facing Vi tonight though. See who wins that battle royal in the pre-show."

"Right. I'm sure Eve will do everything to win that."

"I hope to god she doesn't win though. She's had enough title shots with me, she doesn't need one against Vi."

"That may be true, but Eve doesn't see it that way. She believe she deserves to hold a title."

"Well she's in for a rude awakening."

"She sure is. Even if she does win, Vi is not going to let her get that title again."

"No, not at all."

"Let's just hope she doesn't win."

"Crossing my fingers."

"I'm sure we'll find out once the show starts."


"We do have enough time before it starts though, am I right?" He gives me a look.

"We do..."

"Well then..." He pulls me onto his lap, pressing his lips to mine.

" did I know...that was coming...?" I manage to mumble against his lips.

" know me..."

"...I do..."

He goes back to kissing me, not wanting to waste any time, his hands wandering as he does. Then my arms instinctively move to wrap around his neck as I pull myself closer. He keeps the kiss going while behaving himself since we're both in public and not at the hotel.

"I outfit isn't helping." I say when we break for air.

"They never do."



"I'm innocent."

"Uh huh."

"You'll never be able to disprove that." I grin.

"Maybe not now, but I will later."

"We'll see."

"That we will."

"I'm not moving am I?"

"Not until you have to."

"Good...because I'm sure you won't let me move anyway."


"I thought so."

"You just know me."

"Yes, I think we've established that many many times." I laugh.

"So I have."

"But you like reminding me, I know."

"Yes, I do."

"But that's why I love you."

"I love you too."

*In the meantime, you were in the locker room with Justin, making sure you were ready, because you had decided to go out during the pre-show match to watch the match and see who you would be facing later tonight.*

"I really wish you would stay here." Justin whines.

"I know, I know."

"It's only for a little bit. Then you'll have all the time before my match." She adds.


"I still have a few minutes before I have to leave though..."

"I say we make the most of those few minutes right now..." She grins, walking over then sitting on his lap, her arms wrapping around his neck.

"Reading my mind are you?" He chuckles.


"You so are."

"So I am." She grins.

"Can you guess what I'm thinking now?"

"Hmm? Maybe this..." She presses her lips to his. She knows that it was what he was thinking because he almost instantly kissed back. His one hand rests on her lower back while his other runs up her leg to her thigh, him pulling her close to him. She lets her hands run through his hair, making a few soft noises in content. He smirks against her lips, knowing that what he's doing is getting to her, so he continues to do it even more. At one point, she moans into the kiss, not being able to take it anymore. He then takes that chance to pull from the kiss and goes after he neck, like always.

" marks..."

"I know, don't worry."

"Alright." She moves her head to the side.

"If I decide to leave any, they'll be only noticeable to me..."

"Like always."

"Can't help myself."

"You never can."

"Well I try anyway."

"Uh huh." Then he goes back to kissing along her neck, making sure to not leave any marks. He grazes over the spot on her neck making her tense. She bites her lip hard to keep any noises from coming. But since he knew she was holding back, he kept going back and forth with grazing over the spot, not stopping until he hears what he wants to hear. The noises that come from her are muffled against his neck. Once he's satisfied, he makes his way to her lips, her kissing back eagerly. But of course, the few minutes you had ended up passing by fast and there was a knock on the door, followed by an attendant saying through the door that she was needed.

"...don't want you to go..." He clings to her.

"I know, but I have to go."


"You'll be fine."

"I'm sure I will be."

"I know you will be. You can hope this doesn't take long."

"Crossing my fingers." He kisses her quick. "I'll be back." She moves from his lap, grabbing her title then leaving the room.

"I'll be watching." He calls after her.

"Of course you will." She calls over her shoulder.

Since the pre-show was going on right now, but with other stuff, once Vi reaches the curtain, they play her music and she heads out to head down to commentary. Once there, she sits down, putting on her headset then being greeted. Once they cut her music, Christmas music goes off and every Diva that's involved in the battle royal comes out.

"The following is a Santa's Helper, Number One Contender's Diva Battle Royal. Introducing Rosa Mendes, Cameron and Naomi, Kaitlyn, Alicia Fox, Eve Torres, Aksana, and Tamina Snuka."

"Well let me tell you something Scott, the stakes are so high because the winner of this battle royal will go onto later on tonight to face Violet for the Divas Title. Your predictions on who's going to win this?" Striker remarks, the last part being asked to Vi.

"That's right Matt. I for one am looking forward to this. All those Divas in that ring are good, but we'll find out who's good enough to face me for the title later on tonight. Not that they're going to win the title, but it's worth a try."

The bell rings and it's chaos...absolute chaos. But right off the bat, Rosa got eliminated.

"Aw. Too bad Rosa." Vi mocks, waving at her.

"We've noticed as of late that she's been trying to get at you and your Divas Championship. Looks like she just lost yet another chance."

"It looks that way. I'm just glad I don't have to deal with her tonight. She's been really annoying with all the Spanish nonsense."

"I mean do we even all know what she's saying half the time?" She adds.

"I don't think we do."

Rosa then starts to go off in Spanish of course and tries to get back into the ring, but the ref sends her to the back with some struggle, the match continuing on in the ring.

"Such a sore loser." Vi shakes her head. "She got thrown out fairly. Not my fault no one likes her and wanted her out first. Just shows that she's weak."

Cameron and Naomi then worked together and took care of Aksana, before Alicia went after them and Tamina ended up eliminating Cameron, and then Alicia got eliminated by Aksana.

"This is crazy. you never know who's going and who's staying." Striker comments.

But Aksana was the idiot, by laying across the middle rope taunting Eve, before Eve kicked her off and she tumbled to the floor. "Now she deserved that. It was a stupid rookie move. she should know better." It was now down to four Divas, Eve, Tamina, Naomi and Kaitlyn. Tamina went after Naomi before focusing her attention on Kaitlyn and tries to eliminate her, but Kaitlyn holds on and with the help on Naomi, Tamina gets eliminated. "Out of the three in the ring, who would you like to face?"

"Personally, Naomi. She's got some major talent and it would be interesting to be in a match with her. We're both fast and like high risk moves. So, I'm going to say Naomi."

"I for one would want to see that match myself, two talented Divas, with the same kind of style of competing, it'll definitely make one great match."

"Yes, it will be. We'll just have to wait and find out who's going to win."

Eve of course tries to reason with Kaitlyn and Naomi, doing the fake smile, fake sportsmanship, but both girls are not having it. Instead of siding with Eve, they go after her and work together, getting her quickly eliminated.

"Haha. Looks as if that fake act isn't going to work anymore."

It's definitely a good match now with Naomi and Kaitlyn. Eve never left ringside, she stayed there, and decided to get involved on the outside when Kaitlyn was handing onto the ropes on the outside. Eve came up and slapped her and started to walk away, just as Naomi kicked Kaitlyn off the side to become the winner.

"Now that was a good match."

"It was, now if you'll excuse me, I have something I need to do." She takes her headset off, leaving commentary.

"What do you think we're gonna see here Scott?" Striker asks him as you leave.

"I'm not really sure."

She then gets into the ring, congratulating Naomi on her win and tells her she brings all she's got to the title match later on. She then asks for a mic. "Let's hear it for Naomi." She starts to clap, getting the crowd going. "There's one thing I want to add about the match later on." She pauses, the crowd chanting 'what'. “This is not going to be your typical match. Since this is a tables, ladders, and chairs pay-per-view, our title match will be a chairs match.”

"As long as you're okay with it of course." She turns and says to Naomi.

She nods in agreement. “Even though I am the champion and I get to pick the stipulation. I'm glad you're on board.”

"May the best woman win."

"May the best woman win." She repeats, shaking her head before leaving the ring. She heads to the back and gets about halfway down the hall heading back to the locker room when she ends up bumping into someone. She looks up to see that it's Heath. "Ugh." She rolls her eyes. "What the hell do you want?"

"Just passing through the halls."

"Then keeping moving and get out of my way. I have somewhere to be." She tries walking past him only for him to block her way. "But now that you're here, I don't have to keep moving."

"Whatever." She scoffs, holding her hand up with the ring on it. "Just leave me alone." She flashes the ring at him.

"Whoa....what is that? That's not what I think it it?"

"Oh it is. And it's as real as they get." She smirks. "Now you can stop bothering me and find someone else." She's then able to push past him and continue down the hall and back to the locker room. Once there, she walks in, still laughing to herself.

"Idiot." She says under her breath.

"What's so funny?"

"Wendy." She laughs. "He doesn't think this is real." She holds up her hand with the ring on it.

"Psh...he would think it's fake."

"Right? But, his reaction was priceless. I wish you were there to see it."

"I wish I was there to see it too. Darn."

"I'm sure we'll be seeing a lot of it. Every time we see him, I'm going to flash the ring in his face." She grins, setting her title down then sitting on his lap.

"Just to rub it in his face that you're mine forever now and he can't change that."

"No he can't. No matter how hard he tries. It's you and me forever."

"Forever." He repeats.

"I love you so much." She kisses him quick.

"I love you more than you could ever know."

"I have a pretty good idea how much." I chuckle.

"Well the ring proves it of course."

"Yes it does." She smiles, moving her hand to admire it more.

"I'm glad you love it."

"I do. It's the best gift you could ever give me."

"I thought it would be."

"I'll never forget that day."

"Neither will I. You said yes so of course it'll be a day I'll never forget."

"Other than the wedding day, that's one of the best days of our lives."

"I agree."

"Everything is going to be perfect from here on out." I rests her head against his shoulder.


She kisses his cheek, moving closer to him while the show begins to start. The show begins with Cody and Damien facing off against Rey and Sin Cara in a Tables match, the winning team getting a chance at the Tag Team Titles. "Honestly, it should be Cody and bathrobe boy. The other two have done nothing to earn it."

"Yeah, they haven't pinned the title holders first of all so..."

"Nope. Non deserving team." She mutters the last part.

During the match, the intelligence of Team Rhodes Scholars would result in severe pain for Sin Cara as his leg gets trapped between the steel steps and the ring post. Cody and Damien drive a table into the stairs, smashing Sin Cara's leg between the steel.

"Ouch." Vi winces. "That's going to leave a mark."

"No doubt."

The match however was over within a blink of an eye, when Sin Cara goes for a springboard maneuver off the top rope. But Cody would shove him of the top rope and through a table at ringside, securing the victory and the #1 contenders' spots for him and Damien.

"Of course they would win. There was no doubt in my mind at all."

"I know. Rey and Sin Cara get these title chances and blow them."

"Just like we saw tonight."


And then like they have been doing since they debuted at Survivor Series last month, The Shield appears on the screen.

"Oh boy."

"They scare me. I don't like their tactics at all."

"Oh I know. We all have to watch our backs now. Always looking over our shoulder."

"Hopefully they leave us alone."

"I hope so." Justin nods.

"You're reckless, you're dangerous. Punk's champion for 382 days, and he's robbed of the honor of defending his title tonight?"

"We can't let it stand, we won't let it stand."

"So tonight Ryback, The Shield will give you a taste of your own medicine."

"Feed me more, feed me more. Well tonight The Shield will feed you more than you can handle. And when you can't stand, when you can't walk, when you are crawling, The Shield will be the ones to finish you."

"Kane...Daniel, think you two are off the hook?"

"Hell no."

"You guys have the audacity to walk around calling yourselves the Tag Team Champions?"

"A team never argues, a team never doubts each other, a team works together, a team trusts each other. A team fights together, a team wins together. We fight together, we win together. You two are a disgrace, you're an insult to all tag teams and what tag teams stand for. That is an injustice. And on top of all that..."

"...we just don't like you."

"I'm Dean Ambrose."

"Seth Rollins."

"Roman Reigns. Welcome to the shield of justice."

"I do have to agree with them on that part, but that doesn't mean I like them anymore than before."

"Right, I mean they just attack people now for no reason and I see no injustices done by those they attack."

"That, I don't agree with. They need to stick with those they feel are an injustice. Not innocent people doing their job."

"Exactly." He nods. And just then there was a knock on the door and Justin was being asked for since his title match was up next, Cesaro instating his rematch for tonight.

"Ready to beat his ass?" Vi grins as they get up.

"Of course I am."

"Let's do it then."

"After you." He says as he grabs his title. She decides to elave her title behind this time, grabbing his hand as they head out of the room.

"There's no chance he's winning this back. Not at all."

"Not if I can help it. You won that fair and square and you're not losing it anytime soon."

"I don't plan on losing it anytime soon anyway."

"Spoken like a true champion." She leans up, kissing his cheek.

"Of course." He grins. Once they arrive at the curtain, Cesaro wasn't there yet so Justin used that time to be as touchy as he could. "Touchy." She giggles.

"Enjoying it while I can."

"I can see that." She laughs, also taking the time to run her hands down his chest since he wasn't wearing a shirt. "You know sometimes I'm glad you don't wear a shirt out to the ring like others do." She adds.

"That's the reason I don't wear one. It's just for you."

"And I love it."

“Especially when we get times like this.” She adds.

"How well I know." He chuckles.

"Mhm." She grins. "But, I'll behave because of where we are."

"Right. Save it for when we get back until your match."

"Exactly." She smirks.

"Oh god. Will you both get off each other. It's just sickening." Cesaro says as he walks up.

"Says the one who's lonely. I'm sorry, was Aksana too dumb for you? Is that why you dumped her?"

"Actually, it was because she made me look bad. She may not be as hot as you, but she sure is smarter." He smirks.

"Please. Don't make laugh." She rolls her eyes. "If she's so smart, where's her title at? Hmm? Yeah...that's what I thought."

"And don't forget about her not being able to speak proper English." Justin adds.

"That's another thing. At least I know how to speak the language properly So please, don't compare me to her." Vi puts her hand in his face.

"And if you think you're winning back the title, not gonna happen. For someone who degrades America, you don't deserve it."

"We'll see about that. You won't be able to get out of it that easy this time."

"Says you."

"That's right. I know all your moves. Nothing will be a surprise to me." He smirks just as his music hits. "See you both out there." His smirks widens, him blowing a kiss to her, taunting Justin.

"Ugh. I can't wait for you to win and rub it in his face."

"He's so going down." Justin grits his teeth. "No one does that to one but me."


"It's creepy when others do it." She shudders.

"It really is."

"I think you should teach him a lesson for doing so."

"Oh I plan on it."

"Good." She smirks as his music goes off. "Now let's go out there." He laces his fingers with hers as they head out. They stop at the top of the ramp, him doing his poses and holding the title up. When he's done, he takes her hand and they head to the ring. Once there, she gives him a kiss, then stays ringside while he gets in and does a few more poses. After that, he hands the title off to the ref, and he holds it up for everyone to see before handing it off and the bell rings to start the match.

"Come on Justy. Teach him a lesson."

And of course the match starts off with Cesaro talking trash and muttering things that's only audible to Justin. Some of it involves the title, and some of it involves Vi because he points to her.

"Don't even talk about her! You don't deserve to." Justin shoves him. That turns into a shoving match between them, and it gets to the point where Justin just hits him with a Spinning Heel Kick, which knocks him down and he backs up into the nearest corner holding his face. "Keep on him Justy! You're doing good. Keep it up." Cesaro is seen mumbling a few things to himself before he pulls himself up, so he's standing again. He goes right for Justin, and Justin ducks, turning around and kicking Cesaro in the legs a few times, backing him into the corner again. "Oh yeah! Wear him down! Take out the legs! Get him good!"

All Justin does in the situation is laugh, because Cesaro is acting like a coward at this point. "Aw...someone's scared." Vi mocks. "You should be!"

Justin then goes and sits on top of the opposite corner, just amused at Cesaro's lack of courage in the match. "I'm waiting Antonio." Justin grins.

"Oh I'm coming."

"I don't see you moving."

"You'll never expect it." Cesaro smirks. Vi rolls her eyes and then gets an idea to hopefully distract him enough. She starts a 'coward' chant, and gets the crowd into chanting it as well. He then glares at her, starting to yell at her to stop, but she keeps it going. Justin at this point hops down from where he was sitting and Cesaro tries to get back into focus for the match, but he just can't with the chants, as Justin hits him with a few arm drag takedowns before working on one of his arms, holding him to the mat. "Haha. Someone's not doing so good." She laughs. "Keep him down Justy!" Justin holds him there for as long as he can, but eventually Cesaro gets to his feet. Once he's to his feet, he gets out of the hold by elbowing Justin in the side of the head a few times, which makes him let go and stumble backwards. He looks behind him and quickly goes after Justin, getting him in a side headlock and holding him in it for as long as he could.

"Damn it." Vi mutters. "Get off him! That's enough! Come on ref! Get him off of him!" Justin tries to get out of it, but ends up getting pulled into it for a second time. Justin gets out of it again, but only to be clubbed over the back and knocked down to the mat. "No no no." Vi panics and runs to the side he's on. "You've gotta get up. Come on baby. For me." She hits her hands softly on the mat. Cesaro comes over and motions for her to back up as he helps Justin get to his feet, only to throw him hard into the nearest corner, which makes him bounce off hard and fall back down to the mat. "No! Stop it!" She pleads with him. "Come on Justy. You've got to get up...for me. You can do it." He starts to crawl towards the ropes to help himself up, but Cesaro comes over and grabs him by the hair, picking him up himself. That's when she gets onto the side of the ring and causes a distraction, yelling at the ref and trying to get to Cesaro. He lets go of Justin and turns to argue with her, giving Justin enough to recover. Gave him a little too much time, because once she climbed down and Cesaro turned around, Justin hit him with a monkey flip which sent him across the ring.

"My job's done." She says to herself, acting innocent. Justin's got the momentum back in the match now and hits Cesaro with everything he's got. Cesaro can't catch a break. It came down to the last moments of the match and Justin had Cesaro down and out. It was time to end the match and finally win and retain the title. With Cesaro near the corner, that's when Justin climbed to the top and waited before hitting him with his signature 450 Splash, going for the pin and getting it. "Yes!!!" She jumps up and down. "Give me that!" She takes his title from the attendant, then gets into the ring, handing it to Justin and giving him a huge hug. "There goes your only rematch. No more!" She says to Cesaro, after getting down to his level. "Not get out of our ring!" She uses her foot to push him under the ropes. She then goes back to hugging Justin, ecstatic that he won the match and retained, despite all the bumps he got in the match. She lets go of the hug so he can celebrate a bit more before they get out of the ring and head up the ramp to the back. "How're you feeling after everything in that match?" She asks.

"A bit sore, but nothing ice can't fix."

"Well good. We'll get that before heading back to the locker room."

"Sounds like a plan." He nods. "And, you're resting for a bit too. No playing around."

"Me? Play around? What makes you think I'm going to do that?" He asks, all innocent.

"Uh huh. I know you. Just rest for a match or so then you can have fun."

"Alright, I promise."

"Good. That's all I ask."

"Anything for you."

"Of course." She grins, kissing his cheek.

She then wraps an arm around his waist as they head to the trainers to get him ice. Once there, they get what they need then head back to the locker room. When they get there, they walk in and go right to the couch. She sits down then makes him lay down with his head on her lap.

"Now you're not moving for a while."

"I'm too comfy anyway."

"That's because I made sure you would be."

"And that's why I love you."

"I love you too." She runs her fingers through his hair.

"Now and forever."


She grins and leans down, kissing him quick. She makes sure the kiss lingers so he'll be good until he's able to sit up.

"That should hold you over for a while...I hope."

"It should."


"One successful title defense so far tonight. There's no way he's losing that." I remark, after having watched Justin's match.

"One of three that are going to happen tonight...that we care about anyway."

"Exactly. And mine's coming up soon, after this next segment."

"So we have to move again?" Ted sighs.

"Not yet. But soon."

"Then I shall take full advantage of the time now then." He grins, his hands wandering more.

"While trying not to distract me from this...seems like it's MizTV. Ohhh this should be good. But go ahead and continue doing what you're doing."

"I was planning on it."

"Of course you were."

He grins, being touchy, but not enough to distract me.

"That's a good question. He doesn't seem to look to happy right now so maybe he did."

"Awww poor him. Not really." I laugh.

"Sucks for him."

Jinder ends up referring the group as a 'super group', with Drew saying that 3MB is much better than Jay-Z. "He's not serious is he?"

"Sadly, I believe he is."

Heath then claims that The Rolling Stones wish they could rock out with 3MB before vowing that 3MB will be performing live on RAW tomorrow night.

"Oh god no."

"That's going to be a trainwreck."

"That's great news! Said absolutely no one. Congratulations. At least you set the official bathroom break for the Slammys, thank you." Mike remarks.

"Haha. Good one."

"Oh that's funny huh? You people think that's funny? You think that's funny? I know you do nothing that's funny, since you can't even speak English." Jinder says, motioning over to the Spanish announce team.

"What do they have to do with anything? He's funny no matter what language you speak."

"What did you say? Hold on a minute." Heath says as they all leave the ring and go over to them. "What did you just say huh? I know you're not trying to make fun of 3MB, talking in your little foreign Mexican voices are you? Listen up. In this country, in this country, we speak American!"

"That's true, but it's for the fans watching in Mexico you idiot."

"What part of shut up do you not habla espanol?" Drew remarks, pushing one of the commentators down. But that's when Ricardo shows up, coming to their aid, and of course Drew, Jinder and Heath go after him next. That's when Alberto shows up and takes out every member of 3MB.

"And that's what they get. Ruined a good MizTV too."

"Seems to have a lot of interruptions on his show that ruin it."

"He does and it's a shame. It's a good show too."

But then the numbers game gets the best of Del Rio, throwing him into the ring. That's when Heath shoves Mike and he falls onto the couch in the ring. Mike wasn't having that so he grabbed Heath and went after him, kicking him out of the ring, before going after Jinder. "Damn! He made a mistake in shoving Mike. You just don't do that. Not on his show."

Del Rio in the end sends Drew out of the ring as well, and at this point Heath grabbed a mic.

"Come here! Come here. Hold on no. This ain't how it's gonna play out. No. How 'bout we do this. How 'bout you two find a partner tonight, and you all take on 3MB baby!"

"You three?"


"That's not a problem. See, what's gonna happen is, we're gonna find a partner. We'll find a partner. And the beating you three will receive, will be...aweeesooome."

"This is going to be good. wonder who they're going to get?"

"Well from the crowd's chanting it seems like they want Zack. We'll have to see."

"He deserves a chance. I really hope they choose him."

"Especially after how he's been treated as of late."

"Exactly. As Zack would say 'Not cool bro'."

"Couldn't say it any better myself."

"I'm just that good."

"Well I suppose we should get going now."

"Right." He nods, slowly letting me go so I can get up.

"I know this is gonna be hard for you to watch out there."

"Very hard."

"But I'll be careful. I promise."


"It'll definitely be a good match, that's for sure." I nod, as I grab my title.

"I bet it's going to be. You're in it afterall." He grins, lacing his fingers with mine as we both head out of the room.

"And Nattie is in it too. We're both talented and this match will definitely last a while."

"I had a feeling it would. I'll be a nervous wreck the whole time too."

"I know you will be."

"I can't help it. I always worry about you."

"Just like I worry about you." I nod.

"That just shows how much we love each other."

"Very much." He grins, stealing a kiss just as we reach the curtain. When we walk up, we see Natalya already there and waiting. We greet each other and I let go of Ted long enough so she and I can hug.

"I just want to say that I;m honored to be in this match with you and I'll try to take it easy on you." Nattie says, joking at the last part.

"Likewise. He's all concerned I'm gonna get hurt, of course. But we've both done this type of match before, so we know how to do things without getting seriously hurt."

"Right and that's exactly what we're going to do out there."

"We'll put on a great match, definitely."

"You both always do."

"I promise I won't hurt her Ted." Nattie reassures him.

"I know you won't."

"I do have to say it's a relief to be done with Eve now." I nod.

"Right? She was getting pathetic."

"I wouldn't mind actually going against you a few times for the title. Friendly feud."

"Well, if we put on a good match tonight, maybe that'll happen."

"I hope so."

"We'll find out. That's my cue." She says once her music hits. She then heads out and I grab Ted's hand and lace my fingers with his once again as we wait. Once she's done with all her poses, they hit my music, Ted and I heading out. Once we walk out, I see all the tables and grin. I do the usual routine, before Ted and I head down the ramp. When we get to the end and to the ring, he gives me a kiss for luck like always, before walking around to sit at commentary. I then get on the side of the ring, doing my poses before getting inside. The ref takes the title, showing it to me and Nattie before the crowd. When that's done, he hands it off and rings the bell.

"Well we've got an incredible matchup for you right now for the Women's Championship. A Tables Match to be exact. Two incredibly talented women, Scarlet and Natalya. And we're being joined on commentary by Ted DiBiase. Welcome Ted."

"Thank you Michael. It's great to be out here again."

"Now as this match gets underway as we can see right now, we do want your thoughts on what can be a very dangerous match, especially for our Divas."

"This can be very dangerous for our Divas, that is, if they haven't been in one of these matches before. Scarlet and Natalya, they have both been in them before. I'm not saying it's not dangerous, but they both know what to do in order not to get seriously injured."

"Right, and what makes the match better is the amount of respect they have for each other, and the sportsmanship they showed with the handshake before they started."

"Exactly. They are the best of friends in and out of the ring. They show nothing but respect for each other and that's a good asset to have in this type of match."

"I would ask who you would want to win, but I believe we all already know the answer."

"Come on Cole. That's not a question to ask. I can't believe you would even think of asking me that."

"Which is why I stopped myself before asking it."

But the thought of you even thinking of asking me that was just...well...not very smart."

"Just doing my job."

"Try doing it a little better, yeah."

"Obviously I'm behind Scarlet 100 percent." He adds.

"I kinda figured that."

In the ring, Natalya had me in a pretty tight side headlock, and I was trying to figure out how I could get out of the hold. She applies the pressure when she feels the need to, before I start to elbow her in the side, making her let go. But she hits me with her signature clothesline, which knocks me down. Now since this is a tables match she can't pin me like she would normally do after the clothesline.

"What a clothesline. Looks Natalya has the Women's champ where she wants her." Cole comments as Natalya tries to set up a table.

"Don't count Scarlet out just yet. It's still pretty early in the match."

"I'm not, just calling it like it is."

With that clothesline, I had the wind knocked out of me, because her clotheslines are hard hitting. I crawl over to the ropes and pull myself up as I get my breathing back to normal. I've gotten into the corner now and that's when she turns around to check on me, seeing me in the corner. She had the table set up, but left it as she came over to me, pulling me out of the corner by my hair, and walks over to the table. She then proceeds to hit my face on the table, which causes me to slump down over it before falling to the mat. "What a match! They are both giving their all, but Natalya seems to have the upperhand. We might just have a new Women's champion when this is over."

"I will have to disagree with you there Michael."

"Of course you do. You going for the champion here. I'm calling it from both sides."

"Don't get me wrong, I respect them both, Natalya is just as talented as Scarlet is. But there is no way Scarlet is losing the title. Not yet. She's going to be the longest reigning Women's Champion."

"Says you and her. There are a lot of people that want that title and they're not going to go as easy on her for as Natalya seems to be doing. She's got a huge target on her back and it's going to be a long, hard road for her if she going to hold that title for as long as she plans to."

"We all know she has a big target on her back. But she don't need any help winning these matches. She's won every title match fair and square."

"I'll give her that, but only time will tell. She can't stay that way forever."

"No, but it will be like that for a long time."

"I wish her luck with that."

Natalya at this point, helped me up and laid me across the table, before climbing to the top rope in the corner. I have enough strength to move so I just pretend to lay there for a few seconds and as she gets ready to jump off the top, I roll off the table and to safety, causing her to second guess her actions and jump down from the top. She comes over to me and I trip her, making her land on the middle rope. I then put my knees onto her back, using all my weight and I stay there until the ref has me get off and let her go. "Wanna take back anything you said about her Cole or does she have to keep proving you wrong?" I then help her to her feet and get her into the corner, before sending her into the opposite one, followed by charging at her and hitting her with a dropkick to the midsection which makes her fall. With her down, I decide to move the table from where it was, to it being closer to her. "See? This is the reason she's the champ. Always on top of things."

Since she was still laying there, I had to get her up somehow. It was kind of a struggle and I got her to the point where she was leaning on the table. But that's not where I wanted her. I tried to get her so she was on the table but she wasn't budging, and next thing I knew, she was battling back by elbowing me in the side a few times before kicking me away. That didn't phase me though as I rand back at her and she caught me. She then proceeded to fall backwards, and I didn't go through the table, but again my face bounced off it pretty hard as the impact could be heard.

"That was..." Cole trails off, watching as Ted stands up from commentary, trying to see if I'm alright. The first thing I do instinctively is to check for blood. Seeing nothing, I sigh in relief and I try to get myself up again. But this time I crawl to the corner as I recover. Natalya comes over and helps me get to a standing position and in the corner. She sends me into the opposite one and I hit it hard, but stay there. She comes charging at me and I move at the last second so she hits her shoulder off the turnbuckle. I lean against the ropes and wait for the right time since I was close to her. I use to ropes to help launch myself and I hit her with an enziguri kick to the head, hoping this will be the last thing I have to do before putting her through a table. “That was a nasty hit Scarlet took to the table.”

“Thanks for stating the obvious captain.” Ted rolls his eyes. I then go over to the table and pull it away from the corner it's near just enough so I won't end up hurting myself. I then grab Natalya and bring her to that said corner and help her up to the top. I then climb to the top and get her up so she's standing. I get her in position for a suplex...not a superplex, because then someone would get hurt. She wasn't moving at this point really so I took the chance and surprisingly hit the suplex and she ended up through the table and I retained. "Put that in your juice box and suck it Cole." He states, taking off his headset and grabbing my title. After my hand is raised in victory by the ref, I go over and make sure Natalya is alright, helping her out of the remains of the broken table. "Good match." She manages to say.

"You okay?"

"Nothing ice and a hot bath can't fix."

"How's your nose. Kind of made you hit the table pretty hard." She asks.

"A little sore, but I'll be alright." Ted comes in and hands me the title, and I get a hug from him, before he takes the hand I'm holding the title in and I take Natalya's hand with my free one and we all raise our hands in the air. Natalya congratulates me one last time before getting out of the ring, leaving me to celebrate a bit more.

"How's the nose?" Ted asks. "I got concerned when I heard that impact."

"Hurts like hell. No blood which is good, but really hurts."

"Ice it is for you."

"I'm going to need it."

"Might have to be careful when you go to kiss me too. I have a feeling it's gonna be sore for a while." I add.

"Right, of course." He nods.

"Should get that ice as soon as possible."

"Let's do that now." He then goes over and holds the ropes for me, letting me get out first before he follows. I hold the title in the air as we leave, the crowd cheering and clapping until we get to the back. As soon as we get there, it's right to the trainers to get ice. Once at the trainers, they check my nose to see if it's broken. Luckily, I was right and it's just going to be bruised. They give me ice and something for the pain, then Ted and I head back to the locker room.
"I can never leave the pay-per-view matches without meds for the pain."

"I don't think anyone really can."

"But now you're resting for the rest of the night." He adds.

"I had a feeling you were going to say that."

"And you won't be moving, until we leave."

"No complaints here."

"I didn't think so." He puts his arm over my shoulder as we both continue to the locker room. When we get to the locker room, he sits first, before making me lay down with my head resting in his lap. "Just lay there and relax until we leave."

"Like I have a choice."

"No you don't."

"I figured." He then makes sure that I'm comfortable enough, grabbing a small blanket that was on the back of the couch, draping it over me. "You didn't have to do that."

"I know, but I don't want you to get cold. IT can get chilly in here."

"Yeah when the heat isn't on."

"I can take it off if you want."

"No it's okay."


"Hope I don't get too comfortable that I end up falling asleep."

"I'll make sure you stay up. I know you want to see Vi's match."

"I really do." I nod.

"Don't worry. You won't miss it"

"Good." I start to relax into him, but not enough to go to sleep. Soon the show comes back on. And of course, it's a Punk segment where he was in a personal skybox in hte Barclays Center, with Heyman. He says that it was tough to leave Chicago to come to Brooklyn, calling Brooklyn the "slums of Staten Island". He continues, saying that Ryback is also "lucky" that he injured him. He says that he "single-handedly" defeated Ryback at Hell in a Cell and again at Survivor Series, saying that no one is going to take the WWE Championship away from him. He then vows that he will end 2012 the same way he started it, saying that he's just getting started.

"Psh." Vi scoffs.

"I just wish he would shut up already."

"I think that's the last we'll hear from him tonight, thank god."


And that was indeed the end of his whole speech as the 6-man TLC tag match between Ryback and Team Hell No and The Shield, was next. "Thank god he done, but now we have to see them. No thank you."

"We can only hope it doesn't last too long."

"Knowing them, they'll cheat and win like all the other times."

"Typical heels though. It's expected."

"I know."

"Well we'll see how they do in this TLC match. Nothing is off limits really."

"Right and I'm sure they'll use that to their advantage."

"Of course they will."

"Joy." She says sarcastically.

"Something we're gonna have to deal with."


The match starts quickly and ferociously with the six men pairing off, but after temporarily taking out Kane & Daniel Bryan, The Shield would hone in on Ryback, knocking him out of the ring. They then continue their strategy of singling out their opposition, using a ladder on Daniel Bryan. Ryback would then return to the fray, taking Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins down with a ladder before Roman Reigns takes it to Ryback with a steel chair. Shortly after this, Kane targets Roman Reigns as he and Daniel send him into a ladder set up in the corner. Kane then places Seth in the center of a ladder, before sandwiching him in the ladder with several chair shots. A little later on, Ryback would find himself in the ring alone with Dean Ambrose & Seth Rollins and he would take it to both of them, delivering a double suplex to them on top of the ladder.

"Ouch. That had to hurt."

With Roman joining in, The Shield manages to isolate Ryback, stomping and pummeling away at him. Then, on the outside of the ring, The Shield dismantles the Spanish announce table before hoisting Ryback up and driving him through the table with their signature three-man powerbomb. While Roman and Kane battle on the outside, Dean and Seth focus on Daniel in the ring with Dean slamming Daniel onto a steel chair. He and Seth then horizontally set up a table in the corner of the ring before they send Daniel face first into the side of it. Dean and Seth then use the table as a platform as they deliver a double superplex to Daniel. Kane then saves Daniel from being pinned, but would then become The Shield’s target as he sends Roman to the outside and Dean and Seth try to superplex him, but Kane would knock Dean out of the way before taking Seth down with a flying clothesline. Shortly after this, Kane grabs Dean by the throat, delivering a chokeslam through a steel chair. " I know that had to hurt."

"Big time."

"Sucks for him."

The destruction then continues on the outside with Roman charging Kane and driving him through the ringside barricade with a spear. The Shield then bury Kane under a pile of rubble before targeting Daniel again as Dean and Seth set up a steel chair in the center of the ring. But Daniel is able to fight back, delivering kicks to them. But of course the numbers game would catch up to Daniel, before Set delivered a stomp to Daniel's head, sending his head into the steel chair. But somehow Ryback is able to rejoin the fray, tossing Dean and Seth to the outside before focusing on Roman. Dean makes the save for him, but becomes the target and gets hit with a Meat Hook Clothesline, followed up with Shell Shocked.

"Not so hot now, are they?" Vi snickers.

But he gets saved from being pinned. The action returns to the outside of the ring as Ryback goes to war with Roman and Seth in the entrance area, but the tide would turn following a chair shot from Dean. The Shield then grab steel chairs, waylaying Ryback with several chair shots before setting up a table, putting Ryback on it. Seth then climbs a gigantic ladder, instructing the others to go deal with Kane and Daniel. That ended up being a mistake as Ryback would get off the table, chasing him to the top of the ladder, before sending him through a stack of tables tot he concrete below.

"Ow." Vi winces.

"Ryback is...I don't the Terminator. Nothing can stop him."

"It does seem that way."

"Yet I believe he'll always be remembered when he was a part of Nexus with you." She adds.

"That's true. He was just the same back then too."

Meanwhile, in the ring, Ambrose & Reigns deliver a double powerbomb to Daniel off the top rope through a table and Ryback would try his best to get back into the ring in time, but Roman is still able to pin Daniel to pick up the big upset and the win for the Shield, and all three of them manage to surprisingly leave on their own accord, despite all they went through. "Honestly, I knew they were going to win. They are on a winning streak and it seems like it's not going to end."

"Right, but now it's time for us to head out there. My match is next."

"And I was oh so comfortable."

"So was I." She sighs. "But, after this we can leave."


"Let's go lover boy." She laughs, moving his hands so she can stand. He chuckles and gets up after she's moved. She grabs her title, then takes his hand lacing his fingers with hers. He pulls her to his side while they head out of the room and to the ramp. "You so got this match won. But it's definitely going to be a good one."

"Oh I know. Namoi is good, but not good enough to beat me, plus I'm a pro at chairs matches."

"Yes you are."

"And yes, I'll be as careful as I can."

"Right, because I do worry with these kinds of matches."

"I know you do and that shows how much you love me."

"Which is very very much, especially even more now."

"How well I know." She smiles. "Speaking of...can you hold this?" She takes off her ring. "Must've forgotten to take it off before we left."

"Of course. Can't have it getting ruined afterall."

"No. That would not be good at all." She hands it to him, him putting it in his pocket.

"It'll be safe with me."

"Just like I am."


"And forever." She adds.

"I can't wait for us to go over all the details and everything for it. You'll probably go crazy looking at everything."

"You think?" She laughs. "I've been waiting for this day since...forever. And the best part is, I get to do it all with you."


"We should talk about the date over Christmas. Figure out when we want to get married exactly."

"That's a good idea."

"You know me, I'm full of 'em." She grins.

"We both are."

"Exactly." She steals a kiss. They reach the curtain, finding that Naomi was already there and waiting. After walking up, they greet each other.

"This is going to be an amazing match."

"I can tell already. We're both full of energy and that's what gets the crowd going."


"I promise to take it easy on you out there for your first time."

"Oh you don't have to do that. You just give me your very best out there."

"Challenge accepted." She nods with a grin.

"And you give me your very best out there as well." She adds.

"You know I will."

"Of course."

"I'll see you out there." She says once her music hits.

She nods then heads out, doing her thing before going to the ring. After she does everything, Vi's music hits, Justin and her walking out. She stops at the top of the ramp, doing her poses and holding the title in the air. They then make their way to the ring while she looks at all the chairs set up around the ring. Once at the ring, she gives him a kiss then hops up doing all her poses once more, the title in the air. As she gets in the ring, he heads over to commentary. The ref then takes the title, showing it to Naomi and Vi, then the crowd. He hands to off to an attendant then rings the bell. Even though Justin was on commentary, he chose not to wear a headset, because he just didn't want to listen to Cole through it while watching the match. "Nice going Cole. Now Justin doesn't even want to talk with us. Real nice."

"What? I didn't even say anything! Or do anything for that matter."

"Maybe he doesn't want to hear you degrade his girlfriend. You know, Like you did with Scarlet and Ted."

"I just say things as they are."

"How well we all know Michael, how well we all know."

"And I'm going to continue to call it how it is, during this match as well."

“Have at it. Nothing stops you anyway.” The match starts of like any normal match would with Vi and Naomi locking up and Vi gets her into a side headlock to start. She does the usual and pushes Vi and herself into the ropes, making her let go as she pushes her off. But when Vi comes back, Naomi jumps over her so she have to duck. She does it again before hitting her quickly with a dropkick. "What are with the Diva champions tonight. It's like they have no focus in the beginning of these matches. They need to stop dying their hair so much, the fumes seem to be getting to them."

"You just better be lucky that Justin can't hear you all that well. I can probably guarantee that you wouldn't be talking so much after he gets his hands on you."

"Please." Cole rolls his eyes. "What's he going to do? Bite me? I highly doubt that."

"Uh talk such a big game now, but when it comes down to when you're about to get beat down, you chicken out and grovel and plead, begging and apologizing."

"That was before. Now no one can touch me. I have that in writing." He smirks.

"Why can't you learn to respect the women we have in that ring right now?"

"Because they're not even that good! I would rather see two pigs in there fighting for slop then see them in there. No talent what so ever." Clearly Justin heard that clear as a bell and that's when his head snaps in Cole's direction, not very happy. "You want to go there? You really want to go there?" He says at Cole very angry.

"Looks like he heard you."

"Who cares. He can't do anything about it."

"I can have a talk with the Board of Directors of your behavior. I'll go to Booker and I'll bring the problem to him." Justin remarks.

"Oh I'm so scared."

"I can't sit here anymore." Justin scoffs and gets up, walking up to the ring so he can stand there and watch the match instead.

"You and your big mouth Cole. You never know when to shut the hell up." Meanwhile in the ring, Vi had Naomi down and went for a chair which was outside of the ring. Once she grabs one, she slides it into the ring before getting back into the ring herself. That's when she set the chair up, so she could use it every soon. "Come on Vi. You're doing great." Justin encourages. She helps Naomi up and get her in the right spot where she can make her hit the chair, but she gets out of it and almost sends Vi into the chair instead, but she stops herself before she could hit it.

"Thank god." Justin sighs in relief. "That's it! Stay one step ahead of her. That's why you're the champ." She turned to go after Naomi, but she dropped down in a split, making Vi miss her. She got to her feet and Vi had held onto the ropes. She came at her, but Vi sent her up and over the top rope and she fell to the floor below. "There's your opening. Go get her!" Just as Vi was gonna go get her, the crowd started going crazy and the next thing she knows, she's hit in the back with a chair before she could even get out of the ring. She falls to he mat, yelling out in pain as the person keeps hitting her with the chair. Of course the bell rang to stop the match...even though it was a chairs match, but there was an interference. Justin pales and he acts quick and gets into the ring and grabs the chair, stopping Rosa...who was attacking Vi. "Rosa stop!"

"Out of my way!" She tries pushing past him.

"No! That's enough!" He exclaims, tossing the chair away and trying to hold her back. "The winner by disqualification and still Divas Champion, Violet!" Her being announced the winner. While Justin's still trying to keep her away, the ref brings her title over, laying it next to her. More refs start to come out, pulling Rosa away and out of the ring. Once she's gone, Justin rushes over to her. She was still on the mat and in pain. "Vi...Vi talk to me...are you alright?"

"...ugh..." She groans in pain. "...Justy?" She tries to get up only to fall back down.

"No no don't move. I've got you. Hold on." He says as he slides out of the ring and carefully pulls her out. He makes sure to get her title as well then he picks her up, carrying her to the back. And of course, Naomi was concerned too. So she decided to go along with him, since he was going to head right to the trainers. When they make it there, he lays her down on one of the tables that are set up. The trainers come right over and start checking her out. While they're doing that, that's when Ted and I show up.

"Is she alright?"

"I don't know. They just started checking her out. She can talk, but she can not walk on her own."

"Oh no."

"I just hope she's okay. I don't know what I would do if anything happens to her." He starts to get nervous.

"If anything serious happened, I'm gonna kill Rosa." I grumble.

"I wouldn't even try to stop you."

"She had no right even being out there."

"No she did not. She's not even in the title picture yet. I don't get why-."

"Justin." A trainer gets his attention. "She's asking for you."

"-hold that thought." He finishes, heading over to her.

"No! Get away! I only want Justin!" She starts to yell at everyone around her.

"Vi relax....I'm right here."

"Justy!" She tears up, reaching out for him. "What's going on?"

"You're in the trainers."

"What about my match?!" She panics. "I have to get out there!" She tries to get up again.

"'s over."

"What?! No! I won right?"

"You won, don't worry."

“Thank goodness.”

“Justin.” The head trainer motions him over.

“I'll be back.” He says to Vi.

"No! Don't leave!" She clings to him. He then motions for Ted and I to come over and once I do, she lets go of Justin, him going over to the trainer.

“What's wrong with her?”

“She has a slight concussion. Nothing serious, but she's going to need to take it easy the next few days. Her back is going to be sore too. Nothing's broken or damaged. She's going to be fine. We're going to need to run more tests over the next week.”

"Right, I understand." He nods.

"I'm going to give her something that will take care of all the pain. She might have some memory loss tonight, but back to normal tomorrow. Knowing how tough she is, she might not even have the memory loss. The initial trauma she went through is what caused her to not remember the match. I know it can be scary, but it's nothing to worry out. She'll be just fine." He assures Justin. "Thank god."

"I'll bring the meds over. You go back to her now. She needs you." He nods. "Thank you."

The trainer pats Justin on the back then goes off to get the meds while Justin comes back over to her. "Justy..." She tilts her head up. "...ring please?"

"Of course." He nods, taking the ring out and putting it back on her finger.

"Much better." She lays back down, putting her hand on her head.

"So is there anything wrong? Is she alright?" I ask him.

"A mild concussion and just a sore back. That's about it."

"Concussion?" I ask, but then go instantly quiet, and that's never a good thing.

"I'm afraid so." He sighs. "They say she'll be fine in the morning, but they still want to do all the tests on her."

I nod. "I have something that I need to do...."

"Scar wait." Justin goes to stop me. "Save it for tomorrow night. Take care of her then."


"I want nothing more then you to beat the living crap out of her, but I don't want you getting in trouble for it either. I'd rather you do it in the ring and I'm sure Ted will agree with me."

"He's right Scar..."

"Fine. But, if I see her before then, I' m not making any promises."

"I'll make sure you don't see her before then."

"Good luck with that." I mutter.

"I'm kind of thirsty, I'm gonna go get a drink okay?"

"I'll go with you." Ted insists. "No. I'll be fine. You help Justin with Vi. Naomi will go with me."

"If you're sure."

"I'm sure. I'll be back." I kiss him quick.


Naomi and I then leave the room and start to head down the hall. "You're not thirsty, are you?" Naomi asks.

"No, not really."

"And you're going to do what I know you're going to do."

"Oh maybe just a bit....I can save the better stuff for inside that ring tomorrow night. Make her scared of me."

"I really like your thinking." She smirks.

"Now there's only one place she could be that I can think of....the locker room." We both then head there, walking in to find her on the other side talking to Tamina, gloating about what she did. I shake my head and storm over and shove her so hard she falls to the ground. "You have the audacity to gloat about what you did?!"

"She deserved it!" Rosa yells then goes off in Spanish.

"She really deserved a mild concussion too? I don't think so. Let's go." I say, picking her up by the hair and dragging her out of the locker room.

"¡ Ah, mira. Parada!" Rosa yells in Spanish for me to stop.

"No one can understand you! I'm going to make you pay for what you did!" I exclaim, finally letting her go when we're out in the hallway. "You're crazy! ¡Estás demente!"

"I'll show you crazy." I grumble, jumping on her and just trying to hit her with everything I've got. And of course the cameras come running over to catch this and they turn the cameras on for everyone to see. And unfortunately that means everyone...even backstage. Some of the girls stood around us and cheered me on, some were telling Rosa to fight back. Next thing I know, we were being pryed apart. "No! Let me at her!" I fight off who was holding me.

"Scar...stop!" I hear Ted's voice and after I'm seperated from Rosa by the officials.

"She's not going to get away with this! That was uncalled for! She said Vi deserved what she got out there!"

Rosa's then dragged away from me, and Ted takes me from the officials. I still struggle to get away, but soon give up the struggle and the anger goes away, but I end up leaning into his arms and just fall to the floor, not being able to hold any tears at all. "Scar..." He gets to my level, pulling me to him. "'s alright. I'm not mad. I know why you did it. Don't worry."

"It's not that....she said Vi deserved everything..."

"I really doubt she meant that. She probably didn't know she was hurt that badly."

"She doesn't care.....she was gloating to Tamina about what she saw her out there in the ring, she didn't want to stop.""I-I don't know what to say. I'm not going to defend her or what she did out there. It was uncalled for and we can only hope something will be done about it."

"I just want to go. I can't be here anymore."

"Then we'll leave. Vi's still getting checked out. They're going to be leaving soon. You can call her in the morning."


"Come on." He slowly stands, helping me up. "Let's get out of here." He picks me up. I nod as I cling to him and he walks back to the locker room. Since I had changed out of my attire already, all he had to do was grab the bag I brought. Once he has that, he leaves the room then heads to the car. When we got to the car, he opened the back door and put my bag in the back seat, before opening my door and putting me down so I'm sitting in the passenger seat. He makes sure I get my seat belt on before he goes over to the other side. Once there, he gets in and puts his seat belt on then stats to head for the hotel, lacing his fingers with mine the whole time. "You heard Justin tonight....he said she'll be fine." Ted remarks.

"I know, but I've never seen this happen to her and she's been in some pretty intense matches. I can't help but to worry. We've been friends for like...ever."

"I don't know what I'd do if something serious happened to her." I add.

"You and me both. Especially would have been hard for him too."

"More hard for him than us though....that's for sure."

"Exactly. Even now with them engaged and everything. He would be a mess."

"Yes he would be."

"But, she's fine. There's nothing to worry about. She'll just be in bed for a few days, that's all."


"I'm just glad that you're okay. You had a rough night too. I'm surprised you didn't get a concussion with how hard you hit your head."

"I'll stay away from the matches like I had tonight for a while."

"Good. That's all I ask. Nothing that dangerous anymore."

"I don't want what happened to Vi to happen to me. So nothing dangerous."

"I don't think anyone would come out and do that to you. Eve maybe, but you don't have to worry about her anymore."


"But, staying away from those matches is good."

"Right." He starts to pull into the hotel parking lot, finding a place to park. He tells me to stay in the car while he shuts it off, then gets out and goes around, getting my bag then opening my door. He helps me out then picks me up again, carrying me inside. It doesn't take too long to get up to our floor, and once we reach it, we head to the room and he heads in after unlocking the door. "I'll pick something out for you." He says after setting you on the bed.

"No protest there. You always do."

"Mhm." He grins, walking over and setting my bag down. He then starts to search for something, finally deciding on one of his shirts for the night.

"You would pick that."

"I would." He grins. "Plus, you look good in my clothes."

"As you tell me every single time."

"Because it's true."

"I'm assuming you want to help."

"Of course I do."

"Have at it." A smirk forms on his face while he thinks of what to take off first. He decides to start with my pants, taking his time while unbuttoning them, his touches lingering.


"That's right."

"Never fails."

"I'm just happy with who I have and I'm plan on showing it every chance I get."

"I'm happy with you too." He leans forward, giving me a kiss, but being careful not to hurt my nose. After he gets my pants undone, he starts to pull them down, me helping him. When they're off, he tosses them to the side then starts to run his hands up my legs to my sides, moving my shirt up as he goes. That soon comes off too and gets tossed over where my pants landed. He's even more touchy a bit, before he takes his shirt and pulls it on, again being careful of my nose. "Gorgeous."


"Only for you."

"Of course. Now you can get ready for bed yourself."

"I'm going, I'm going." He chuckles. I give him a quick kiss before he goes over to his things and I move up towards the pillows and go under the blankets and wait. It doesn't take him to long to get change since he only sleeps in his boxers. When he's done, he puts everything with the bags then walks over to the bed, getting under the covers with me.

"Much better." I snuggle into his side.

"Good." He kisses the top of my head, holding me close to him.

"Turned out to be a long night."

"It sure did. Longer than expected."

"And I'm sure we'll find out what happened in the rest of the show tomorrow."


"And Vi's gonna be alright, so that's another good thing. But tomorrow night...I'm gonna make sure Rosa is going to be scared of me everytime she sees me."

"I think we're all glad Vi's okay and I'm sure she'll love to see what you do to Rosa tomorrow."

"Gonna do it all for her."

"She'll appreciate that very much. Just wait until she sees what you did tonight."

"Oh I can't wait for her to see it. No one saw what happened before we were out in the hall. I dragged her out of the locker room by her hair. I don't mess around when it comes to my friends."

"You really did all that?"

"Well after shoving her so hard she fell to the ground, then I dragged her out by her hair, but yeah."

"That's my girl." He grins.

"I'm vicious, what can I say? But that's only when I'm provoked. Oh and she called me crazy so I showed her crazy...clearly."

"Good. No one calls you crazy. You're not crazy at all."

"No, not at all."

"You just stand up for those you care about and that's the main thing."


"I say we get some sleep now. You really need it."

"I do." I nod.

"We can go see Vi in the morning to see how she is. I know you'll want to."


"For now, it's sleep."

"Right." I nod. He starts to run his hand through my hair more since that always helps me fall asleep. And of course it didn't take too long for me to fall asleep, like always. He smiles down at me, kissing the top of my head. He watches me sleep for a bit longer before going to sleep himself. Meanwhile, with Justin and Vi, they have just gotten back to the hotel and she was feeling a bit better, but her head was still hurting. "When we get to the room, its right to bed with you."

"Not fighting you on that one."

"Do you want to know what happened tonight? And what the trainer said?”

"As much as I don't want to, I think I really should know."

“Well first of all, Rosa attacked you from behind during your match...with a chair, and she wasn’t gonna stop hitting you. I had to do something, so I stopped her myself.”

"So that's what happened. All I remember is going after Naomi then feeling a sharp pain. Everything else is a blur."

“The trainers said nothing’s broken have a mild concussion.”

"I'm glad nothing's broken, but what does this mean? Do I have to give up the title? How long will I be out?"

“No you don’t have to give anything up. They said you just have to take it easy for a bit. They want to give you the proper tests this week to make sure you’re alright. They also said that there could be memory loss overnight, but it should be gone by the morning. But with how strong you are, you may not even have the memory loss at all.” She goes silent for a bit, biting her lip. "Well, I remember you, Scar, Ted, the fact we are engaged. Just not the match."

“I kind of had the idea you didn’t remember the match with all the questions you asked back in the trainers. They said you’ll be alright though.”

"I hope so. All I know is that my head is killing me."

“They gave me meds for you to take for that. When we get to the room, I’ll give them to you.”

"Alright." She nods. "You're the best."

"Because I love you."

"I love you too."

“Wait until you see what Scar did to Rosa....” He says as you finally reach your floor.

"What did she do?"

“Don’t know all of what happened, but the cameras caught them mid-fight, and it got so intense that they needed to be pryed apart...several times.”

"Oh wow. I'd love to see that and I have to thank her for that. Rosa's just lucky I can't do anything right now...she'll be so in for it once I get back."

“She’s actually going to be in for it even worse tomorrow. Scar’s insisting she have a match with her tomorrow night.”

"Ohhh. I so want to be there for that."

“We’ll see how you’re feeling in the morning and see how the first test goes, to see if you are able to be there or if you need to rest.”

"I should be good enough to be there. I'm strong remember. I'll past those tests with no problem."

“Right, but if they advise you rest, I want you to.”

"If they say that then I'll have to. As long as you're here with me"

“I always will be.”


“I never leave your side, no matter what.”

"And that's why you're so perfect."

“I try to be...just for you.”

"You'll always be perfect to me. You have been since the first day we met."

“So have you.” He says right as they reach their room door and walk inside.

"I believe I can walk now. It's not that far to the bed."

“I know, but you know I love carrying you.”

"I love when you carry me. Go ahead. Continue." She kisses his cheek. He grins and goes over to the bed and places her down on it. “I’ll pick out what you wear to bed.” He says, kissing you quick, before going over to her things. "Don't have too much fun." She laughs.

“I’ll try not to.”

She laughs to herself while trying to rest her head while he looks for something. “Oh before I forget....the meds for your head.”

"Oh right." He grabs a water bottle and the meds, walking back over and handing them to her. She takes the pills, putting them in her mouth then taking a sip of water.

“Should feel better in no time.”

"I hope so." She lays against the pillows while he goes back to searching for something for her to wear.

"Aha, perfect." He says as he finds something.

"What did you find this time?" He grins and turns to show her.

"Of course you'd pick that."

“Yes I would.”

"And you want to put it on me too, right?"

“You know me so well.”

"I do." She grins. "Plus, I know you won't let me leave this bed unless I have to."

“Exactly.” She slowly starts to sit up as he comes over to the bed, sitting next to her. Instead of the dress that she originally wore tonight, she had a more comfortable pair of clothes on, because she always brings a pair just in case. He helps take her shirt off first. "Ow." She winces a bit when she goes to lift her arms. He carefully pulls her shirt up and over her head, making sure to not hurt her more than she is, and he tosses that aside. Once that's off, he helps her slip on the top that he picked out. After that's on, she lays down on the bed and helps her with pulling down the pants she had on. Once those are off, he takes those and then goes and grabs her shirt and puts both with her things, before getting ready for bed himself. It doesn't take him that long to get ready and once he's ready, he comes over to the bed, pulling the blankets down then laying next to her. She slowly scoots over so she's closer to him. “I love much.”

"I love you too." She reaches for him then snuggles into his side the best she can.

“Get some rest. You need it.”

"Mkay." She nods. "Hold me?"

"Of course. And never letting go.”

She moves so she's laying on his chest, his arms going gently around her.

“Goodnight Vi.”

“Night Justy.” She mumbles since the meds started to kick in. Before she knows it, she's out like a light. He stays up for a bit longer just watching her, making sure that she's fine. He runs his hand over her cheek, whispering that he loves her one more time. He then kisses the top of her head then slowly starts to fall asleep himself.