Status: Active

All About Us

Friday Night SmackDown: February 3, 2012

Another week of Smackdown, Ted won't be on it this week due to his wrist, they want him to heal a bit before coming back. We're all currently at the arena, Ted and I hanging out in what would be his locker room if he was competing, Charity and Cody getting ready in his locker room and then Justin and Vi getting ready in his locker room as well.

"Another long night tonight." Vi sighs, getting her attire out of her bag.

"Yes, but you have match tonight."

"I know. Against Charity though."

"All you have to do is act like you hate each other."

"That is the hard part. I hate doing that."

"I know."

"We do, do a good job at it though." She laughs.

"You really do."

"She makes it fun. I may hate doing it, but it is fun. Everyone thinks we hate each other."

"'Cause you play your characters extremely well."

"That we do."

"By the way, speaking of matches, I'm facing Hunico tonight."

"Not him! Anyone but him!" Vi says, worried.

"I'm taking Ted's place since he's not competing against him tonight."

"I want to be out there with you for it!"

"I want you safe when you're out there then."

"I will be. Don't worry. I will do what Scar does and stay by commentary."

"Alright, good."

"When is your match anyway?"

"After Cody''s the 2nd match of the night."

"Good. I will wait to change then."

"Alright." He nods.

Justin goes in his bag and gets his gear out and goes to change as she goes and sits on the couch. Once Justin is finished he walks out and puts his clothes away and sits next to her on the couch. He puts his arm around her and she leans into him.

"When's your match?" Justin asks.

"The fourth one."

"Ah ok." He nods. "I'll be able to come out and support you then."

"I would love that!" She says, kissing his cheek.

"I knew you would."

"My good luck charm."


She leans closer to Justin and reaches and gives him a quick kiss on the lips, moving back down next to him. The show soon starts and a video package of Wade's destruction on Randy is shown, and advertising a match between them tonight. The intro video is played, before going to the ring where the pyro and everything went off. Usual introduction to the show by Cole, Josh and Booker before Teddy is introduced, already standing in the ring.

"I wish Cole would shut up." Vi says, making a face. "Wonder what Teddy is going to say?" She adds.

"Alright! Ladies and gentlemen, this past Sunday's Royal Rumble pay-per-view event was off the chain, you can believe that playa'. And tonight I am happy to announce that Smackdown will be participating in the 2012 Elimination Chamber pay-per-view. Now at this time, allow me to introduce the participants in the Elimination Chamber match for the World Heavyweight Championship. Now first up, he is the current World Heavyweight Champion, Daniel Bryan."

"Of course." Vi scoffs.

"Second we have the British Brawler, Wade Barrett."

"I see he finally is getting his chance. Maybe he will stop whining now."

"The world's largest athlete, The Big Show."

"Nothing new there."

"The Intercontinental Champion, Cody Rhodes."

"Charity is going to be happy."

"The World's Strongest Man, Mark Henry."


"And finally, the last participant in the 2012 Elimination Chamber match for the World Heavyweight Championship, The Viper Randy Orton."

"I hope Randy takes it to them! They all need to stop whining, expect Cody of course."

"Alright, now that we know who all the participants are going to be, let me quickly explain the rules. Now superstars will draw numbers one through six. Now the superstar that draws numbers one and two will start the match. Now doing regularly scheduled intervals, eliminations will occur during submission or pinfall. And the last man standing will be the winner and the World Heavyweight Champion, and will go onto WrestleMania to defend that title. Now good luck to every one of them."

And that's when Mark Henry's music plays and he comes out to the ring.

"What is his problem now!? He is in the match!"

"Who knows." Justin shrugs.

"Teddy I'm not liking this one bit. You put me in this match, I got a mathematical chance of six to one that I'll come out as the winner. And it's less than that, depending on the number that I draw. I don't deserve this."

"Oh shut it! You are in the match, so just be happy about that!"

"Well Mark, considering that you lost a steel cage match at the Royal Rumble pay-per-view, you should be happy I'm even putting you in this match playa'."

"What is that supposed to mean? What is that supposed to mean, I'm supposed to be thanking you now? I'm the most dominant talent on this program. I'm the big fish. I'm your meal ticket. So what I'm gonna need you to do, is I'm gonna need you to take me out of this Elimination Chamber match, and book me in a match for the World Heavyweight title tonight with Daniel Bryan."

"You wish you were the best. Stop complaining!"

"And if I don't?"

"So you trying me now? Give these people what they want, you hear them. Give ME what I want. Give me what I deserve."

"Let me tell you something right now. I don't know who you think you are, you understand? But I'm gonna give you half your wish. First, I'm taking you out of the Elimination Chamber, and second...there will be no World Title match for you tonight. You got that?"

"Ooohhh....What now?!"

"You don't get it do you? You're replaceable. Just like John Laurinaitis was on Raw. You have got to do the right thing. I'm not asking you, I'm demanding."

"Slow your roll playa'. Now I'ma tell you something. You see what you just did? It's gonna cost ya. I'm the general manager of Smackdown, and you just put your hands on me. So as of this moment, you are indefinitely suspended!"

"Oooohhh...That is what you get! Nice one Teddy!"

Teddy tells him to leave and he hesitates, before grabbing Teddy by the tie.

"If I'ma get suspended, then I might as well get my money's worth about you."

"I would not do that if I were you. You will get more than suspended."

Sheamus' music plays and he walks down to the ring, interrupting Mark's attempted attack on Teddy before he leaves on suspension. Teddy and Mark argue before Sheamus hits Mark with a Brogue Kick.

"In your face loser."

"Hah, literally." Justin laughs.

"I know! Don't mess with Sheamus." Vi laughs.

Mark rolls out of the ring, laying on the ground, recovering from the kick before finally getting up and heading up the ramp.

"Mark, Mark security will be waiting on you in the back to escort you right out the door."

"He messed up big time tonight. Bringing in the big boys."

"Ladies and gentlemen, let's give it up for the 2012 Royal Rumble winner, Sheamus! Sheamus, I just got one question I wanna ask you. Have you decided on uh...what title you're gonna go after at WrestleMania?"

"No, actually Teddy over the last few days that's a question that everyone's been asking me. But my answer I haven't decided which championship I'm going for, and I'm gonna wait until after the Elimination Chamber pay-per-view. So rather come out here every week and do speeches, I'm gonna do what I do best."

And then Cody's music interrupts Sheamus before he could finish.

"This should be good."

Cody comes out with Charity of course, a mic in hand, ready to talk as he walks down the ramp with her.

"Relax Great White. I don't wish to fight you, I wish to warn you. Don't let success go to your head, in the end...nobody is going to remember that you won the 2012 Royal Rumble match. The only thing that any of these people remember is the fact that I eliminated the most superstars in that match. Six...two of them hall of famers, I lasted over 45 minutes, I did all the work."

"He is right. He was one who lasted the longest." Vi says.

Then he and Charity get into the ring before he continues.

"And I'm gonna take that momentum, I'm going to carry it into the Elimination Chamber, and I'm going to become the World Heavyweight Champion. I'm going to be the first dual champion in the WWE since the Ultimate Warrior."

"That would be a nice change." Vi says.

"Striking...striking parallel between the Warrior and yourself Sheamus. And especially you tonight too Teddy. Half the time I can't understand what either of you are saying."

"He's got a point there."

"Teddy..." Sheamus says.

"Well I'll see if you understand what I'm about to say to you right now. It works for me Sheamus. So I tell you what, Cody Rhodes...thanks for coming, because tonight you're going to go one on one with Sheamus!"

"Oh boy."

"And I wanna see if you understand this. Give me a referee out here, because that match is next, right now!"

"Cody has got to be pissed, not to mention Charity."

"It seems like it, they're both yelling at Teddy."

"Not cool, not cool at all." Vi shakes her head.

During the break since everything out in the ring is shown, just not shown for when Smackdown air Friday night, Cody and Charity are still pissed as Teddy walks away. Charity tries to calm herself down and then Cody, but it doesn't seem to work very well.

"Charity, you need to calm down." Cody says, pulling her close and kissing the top of her head.

"Easy for you to say."

"It is going to be fine. He is nothing. I can beat him easy."

"I know you can."

"Then there is no need to be upset." Cody hugs her tight.

"Hey, you were pissed off too."

"I know. You are my main concern right now. I am saving my anger for the match."

"The break is almost over, so why don't you get out of the ring?"


Cody and Charity step out of the ring right before the shows comes back on. Cody takes off his jacket and title, handing it to Charity before kissing he quickly. He gets back into the ring, getting back into character for the match, saving his anger for it. Sheamus takes Cody down with a snapmare then shoves him in the corner and whips him across the ring, and Cody tries leapfrogging him but Sheamus catches him. He powerslams Cody for a near fall, then they end up near the apron and Sheamus ties Cody up and pounds on his chest.

"Cody!" Charity winces. "Come on!" She cheers, trying to bring momentum.

Cody goes to the floor but Sheamus follows and hits him and tries to throw him into the ringpost, but Cody slides out and hits a Beautiful Disaster kick off the barricade. He rolls Sheamus back in and kicks him in the corner then hits a moonsault for two, and follows it up by choking Sheamus on the ropes and putting him in a crossface variation.

"Get him Cody! You can do it!" Charity yells, cheering Cody on.

Sheamus gets up so Cody breaks the hold and hits a legdrop bulldog, then kicks Sheamus on the mat but Sheamus makes it to his feet and hits an axehandle smash. Sheamus follows with a powerslam for two and goes up top, then Cody cuts him off and tries to knock him down but Sheamus shoves him hits a shoulder tackle. He calls for a Celtic Cross but Cody slides out and tries to hit another Beautiful Disaster, but Sheamus ducks and hits a back-to-belly driver for the win.

"Damn it!" Charity screams. Charity walked over to the side of the ring where Cody was making sure he was ok. "Codes..You alright?" Charity asks worried.

He nods, but groans in pain at the same time as he rolls out of the ring. Charity says that they should head backstage, but he refuses, starting to get a little aggravated with the loss to Sheamus. They stay out there the whole time during the break, even after the break was over.

"Well, time to head out there." Justin says.

"Ready." Vi asys, standing up. Justin takes her hand and they walk to the curtain, waiting for his theme to go off.

It finally does and they both head out, down to the ring, Justin letting her into the ring first before cartwheeling in off the top turnbuckle like always. He and Cody have a stare down until Hunico's music goes off.

"Don't worry about him." Vi says to Justin.

Hunico speaks in Spanish before speaking in English.

"You people think you can...come and judge me and my homie Camacho? Huh? Just by the way we look? Huh ese? You think we're thugs? We're not thugs holmes huh? We're not the people that make you nervous when you walk down the street ese. We have each other's back. Just ask Ted DiBiase about it holmes."

"Do not even bring that up!" Vi scowls.

Hunico speaks in Spanish one more time and Cody slides in and attacks Justin from behind. Thankfully though, Vi had gotten out of the ring just mere seconds earlier. Cody, Hunico and Camacho all gang up on Justin, before Khali's music goes off and he comes walking out to the rescue.

"Thank god for Khali!" Vi says, looking on in panic

Cody, Camacho and Hunico throw Justin out of the ring, so there's no match afterall. Khali gets up onto the side of the ring, Camacho and Hunico storm at him, only to be grabbed and pushed away. Cody exits the ring and Camacho tries going after Khali again as he gets into the ring, only to be met with a huge hit to the head. That's followed by one of Khali's chops to the head and when he turns around, Khali goes right after Cody, but Cody jumps down just in time, him and Charity leaving.

"Justin! Are you alright?!" Vi says after rushing over to him. looking him over.

"I' fine, help me up."

"Of course!" Vi says, helping Justin up and over to the ramp as they head backstage.

Hunico goes after Khali by himself and it does barely anything. Hunico then suffers a power bomb.

"Adios Hunico." I laugh. "Serves you right for what you did last week."

"It sure does." Ted laughs as well.

"We both have the night off..."

"I am really liking it too." Ted smirks, pulling me closer and starting to run his fingers, on his good hand, up and down my arm causing me to shiver.

"What're you planning?"


"...I'm curious now."

"I'm sure you are." Ted grins.

"When am I going to find out?"

"Hmmm...." Ted pretends to think.

He leans down as if he was going to whisper something, but he instead starts to kiss my cheek trailing down to my neck. I tilt my head to the side slightly as Ted gently kisses and nips at my skin. He grazes my sensitive spot, causing me to tense. I feel him smirk against my skin as he moves from the spot to the back of my ear. He slowly makes his way back down and goes for the spot. I bit my lip and try to control myself, but a soft moan escapes me. Ted makes his way back to my lips and pulls away, leaving me breathing heavy. "That was just a preview." Ted gins.

"Tease..." I mumble.

"Learned from the best."

"Of course you did."

"There will be more later...Trust me."

"Have I ever doubted you?"

"Nope. Never."

"I thought so."

"Just hope you're ready."

"I'm always ready."

"Hmmm...I don't know this time..." Ted says, trailing his fingers up my thigh.

"Ted....." I mutter.


"You're teasing again...."

"Am I?"

" are."

"Want me to stop?"

"Unless you want to be attacked....the good kind of attack..."

"...I don't mind..."

"I'm trying to control that urge're not making it any easier."

"Is that a bad thing?" Ted says, hovering over my lips.

"Don't tempt me Ted."

"We have nothing going on tonight..."

"....I know that, but you can get far too tempting."

"I know." Ted grins.

"But like you said...more later..."

"Yes...later..." Ted says, moving his hand to my side.

Then Drew is seen backstage with Teddy yet again this week.

"I know Teddy, I just...Teddy you've got to help me get out of this slump. I can be the biggest superstar of all time, I just need to..."

"Drew, I've heard that before, all you do is disappoint me."

"It's not his fault, he's put in pointless matches."

"I'm just asking for one more opportunity Teddy...."

"Listen...let me explain something to you. See there's nothing worse than predictable television. And every time you go out, it's lose. Now I suggest to you, that you find another way to impress me and be glad you still have a job playa'."

"Right Teddy, thank you." Drew says, trying to be nice and walks out.

"I would be pissed if I was him too. It is not right what they are doing to him now."

Then Santino comes into the room, doing the man hug thing with Teddy.

"Look last week with SanToshi, I know that did not quite go it was 'posed to."

"True that."

"Worry not, for I have found a new tag team partner. Get ready to experience the magic of Santin..."

"Hooooooooo!" Hacksaw Jim Duggan says, coming into the room.

"Hooo?" I laugh. "That did not sound to good." I laugh more.


"Italia Italia Italia!"

"Wait wait wait wait wait. Alright alright alright alright. I'll give you a match tonight with the tag team champions. Primo and Epico and that match is next. Now I'm begging both of you, get out of my office."

"Great." I roll my eyes sarcastically. "We get to see HER." I add in a scoff.

Then the color of the room changes like always, romantic music plays and Aksana comes into the room.

"Here we go with the awkward flirting."

"Don't pay attention to that." Ted says, turning my face and looking at me.

"When do I ever?"



"Before you know it, it will be over."

Just like he said it was over and the match was up next. Santino comes out first, followed by Hacksaw. Out next was Epico and Primo with Rosa like always.

"Look it's the whore. At lease she covered up a bit, better than those strapless tops."

"A bit better, but not much."

The match starts and Santino tries to sweep Epico's legs then brings him down with a hiptoss, and he tags in Duggan, who hits a clothesline and follows with an Irish whip. Epico kicks his knees then he and Primo both hit Duggan, and Primo puts him in a headlock but Duggan makes it to his feet and blocks a face smash in the corner. He knocks Primo down and Santino comes in and gets a near fall, then Duggan stops Epico from coming in. Santino pulls out his sleeve and sets up for a Cobra, but Rosa jumps up and blows him a kiss then Primo counters and hits a Backstabber for the win.

"Figures she would get involved again." I huff.

Then after the break, Cole was in the ring to interview Daniel Bryan.

"Can I have your attention please. Ladies and gentlemen, there is no doubt that he is the most unlikely World Heavyweight Champion of all time. Fresh off his victory in the Triple Threat, Steel Cage match this past Sunday at the Royal Rumble event, my guest at this time, Daniel Bryan."

"Great...MORE whining from the baby."

He takes his time getting to the ring, but he finally gets there.

"Bryan there's no doubt that all of these people here and myself included have been extremely critical of you. I mean at best I thought you were nothing more than a nerd, and at worse I never thought you'd make it here in the WWE."

"Took them 10 years to discover him."


"But you proved something to all of us Sunday at the Royal Rumble event. You won the Triple Threat Steel Cage Match. Now let's not get ahead of ourselves, wasn't a dominant victory, in fact many people are saying that you were extremely lucky. But you did indeed win. So I am man enough to stand up here tonight, admit that I was wrong, admit that I was wrong about you."

"Suck up. You never liked him. Just shut up."

Cole goes to shake his hand but Daniel reaches out and takes the mic in his hand instead.

"I appreciate the sentiment, but believe it or not Cole, this interview is not about you."

"Unfortunately it's about you."

"Everything is not about you. This is about me. So if you would excuse me, I have something I need to say. This past Sunday, I succeeded in defeating two monsters inside a steel cage, who together weigh close to a half ton. Proving not only am I a champion, but I am a great champion."

"You climbed out like the coward you are you. You hardly competed!"

"I also consider myself to be a great role model. And as such, I urge you to follow in my footsteps. Follow me in living the American Dream. Be like me, be a Vegan."

"No I like eating my meats thank you."

"Amen to that."

"Stop...eating...meat. By eating meat, you are poisoning your intestines. By eating meat, you are killing innocent animals. If you were to go to a slaughter house, and witness the murder of the cattle, of the chicken, of the precious, little innocent pigs. You would never eat meat again. But unfortunately, the people in this city are some of the worst offenders."

"That is something I did not want to know."

"And that's why I'm confident in saying that because I'm a Vegan, I am healthier than everyone in this building. I do not have clogged arteries, I will never have congenital heart failure, I will never have the diseases that many of you carry around right this second."

"Will you shut up already?!"

"So I urge you for your own good, follow me. Become Vegans!"

"No thanks. I will stick with meat. Do not want to be like you at all."

"I realize there are many sacrifices that I have to make. And many injustices that I have to endure. But I will not stand for prejudice against me. I should not have to defend my championship in an Elimination Chamber. Especially not against 5 other men. Especially not against the man I've dominated over and over again. Especially not against the man who holds the record for the shortest title reign in WWE history. Especially not against the man who I have beaten in 4 championship matches already!"

"Suck it up you little baby!"

"I'm talking about The Big Show. A man who has consistently failed, yet consistently been rewarded. A man who intentionally ran over my 95 pound girlfriend, as if she were a piece of meat. The Big Show is a failure. Both as a competitor and as a human being and as such, he should not be in a championship match. And that's why if Teddy Long does not change his mind, and take The Big show out of the Elimination Chamber, I am going to take my case to the WWE Board of Directors, and Teddy Long like many of you, will join John Laurinaitis in the unemployment line."

"For doing their job?! You are pathetic!"

"Thank you very much and please take every word that I have said..." Daniel is cut off by Show's music.

"Oooohhh..This is going to be good!"

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I would've came out earlier to interrupt you, but I was in the back finishing a great big steak."


"Now, you call yourself a role model? Daniel the key to being a role model is you don't tell everyone what to, like a dictator. You let people follow you by your actions. They want to follow you, because you're the model..the example to follow. You're not a role model."

"That is true. Never liked people telling me what to do."

"I mean you''re a pompous, arrogant, little ass."

"That he is. Thank you for saying that!"

"A very very lucky, pompous, arrogant little ass. But see after the Elimination Chamber, unfortunately for you, you will still be pompous, arrogant little ass. But you will not be World Heavyweight Champion anymore."

"We can all hope that is the case."

"You can't hide in that match Daniel. You can't escape, no one can save you, you can't climb out..."

"Listen, I understand that mathematically the odds are stacked against me. And it is possible that I will lose my World Heavyweight Championship. But it will not be to you. You will not win that match, you will lose. Just like you always do. Once a loser, always a loser. I have proven that I can defy the odds, and I have proven over and over and over...." Daniel says, poking Show in the chest before Show attacks him.

"That was not a smart move on his part."

"No, but then again, he's not smart."

"That he is not." I laugh.

AJ walks out and Show stops and she tries to reason with him, then he lets go and Bryan tries to hit Show from behind. Show grabs him by the throat and calls for a Knockout Punch but AJ grabs his arm and begs him to stop, then he lets go and Bryan gets AJ out of the ring. Show watches them leave and Bryan hugs AJ and says he will never let anything happen to her and he will keep her safe.

"You will keep her safe like last time? I bet you do not even love her. You are just using her!"

"That's what everyone's thinking."

"Because it is true. I just wish she would see it."

"She's blinded by him, that's what it is."

"Someone needs to help her see it then."

"Right. You know, I think we can leave after Charity and Vi's match. I'm sure with what you have brewing in that mind of yours, you want to be back at the hotel."

"That is perfect. Hope they hurry up."

"Well aren't you the eager one."

"Yes...yes I am."

"I'm in for it aren't I?"

"You so are." Ted grins.

"I figured."

"Had time to plan."

"Too much time if you ask me." I laugh.

"Which is a good thing."

"For you."

"And you too."

"Oh of course." I nod.

"Good thing we do not have much planned for tomorrow."

"That's when I know I'm so in for it....oh boy."

"Better start preparing yourself."

"I'll try."

"Although....I do not know if you will be able to this time."

"We'll find out won't we?"

"That we will."

Shortly after, the next match had started and it was Vi vs Charity. Charity was the one to come out first.

"This should be interesting. They put on a good show when they are out there."

"I know, makes everyone believe they really hate each other."

"I know. They are so good at that."

Next to come out was Vi and of course Charity had to act like she hated her, glaring at her as he got into the ring.

"Oh man. This should be good. They are giving each other glares already."

The bell soon rang and they circle before locking up. Vi lifts Charity up and slams her down on the apron. But Charity gets up quickly and kicks Vi in the stomach and then they fight until Charity picks Vi up and slams her onto the apron this time.

"Jeez. They are really going at it."

"Well they have to make it seem believable."

"They sure are."

Charity then goes to drop an elbow but Vi moves out of the way just in time. She takes advantage of the moment and goes for the pin, only getting a one count. She then gets her in a reverse chinlock, keeping the pressure constant as she holds her to the apron. Charity soon gets to her feet and gets Vi to release the hold.

The match goes on for a long time actually, longer than typical diva matches are. They both tried their hardest, but in the end, Vi had won.

"That was a good match. Longer than any other divas match we have seen in a long time."

"And it's about time if I do say so myself."

"Well, they are both hoping to change the divas division, along with myself. So that is a start."

"Right, well the match is over now..." He trails off.

"We can go." I say, giving in to his temptation.

He grins and gets up, taking me with him and we head out of the locker room, back in the direction of the parking lot and get in the car, heading back. When we get back to the hotel we walk to our room and go in and set our bags down. Ted then turns to me and grins, walking over to me and wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to him and presses his lips to mine kissing me hard. I wrap my arms around his neck as he starts to walk toward the bed, me walking backwards. When we get the he gently lays me down, not breaking the kiss and lays so he is hovering me. He pulls away and brushes his lips against mine. I make a whimper nose when he does not kiss back. He then trails down my cheek toward my neck, while moving his hand up my thigh. I shiver at the touch and lean my head to the side. Ted starts to kiss and nip at my neck, being sure to leave a few marks. I moan as he hits my soft spot on my neck. Once he is satisfied he then trails back up to my lips kissing me back passionately. I have my hands in his hair gently running my hands through and pulling at his hair. He then pulls away, leaving his one hand on my thigh and his other hand on my side.


"You loved it."

"You totally look like you have sex bad."

"I do not mind. Was going to happen at some point tonight."

"Just don't leave the room without fixing it, people will be thinking things, I don't think we need that right now."

"Hmmm...I do not think I will be leaving anytime soon...."

"Oh, I know that, I'm just saying."

"If I do, I will be sure to fix it."


"So...." Ted trails off looking at me.

"So...." I repeat, looking back at him.

"Shall we finish?" Ted smirks.

"Well I really don't have a choice do I?"

"Not really." Ted says. He then leans down and presses his lips to mine again before pulling away and rolling over into his spot. He wraps his good arm around me and pulls me close. "Night." Ted whispers.

"Night." I say back.

I snuggled into Ted's side the best I can, without hurting his wrist and lay on my hand on his chest. Soon I am passed out and Ted follows shortly after. Charity and Cody have gotten back to their room as well, and from the very beginning since they walked in, things were heated. Cody was carrying Charity as she had her legs wrapped around his waist, hand around his neck. His were around her waist but roaming around until he reached her thighs. He was kissing her hard and she as kissing back just as hard. They made their way over to the bed and Cody sat down with Charity in his lap as the kept kissing.

"You may not have won your match tonight, but I'm still proud of you." He mumbles.

"I know you are. Vi is very good. She is hard to beat."

"Well so are you."

"I know. She just got the win tonight. Next time I will get it."

"And I am proud of you tonight too." She adds.

"Hence why we are the way we are right now."

"Oh but of course."

"Next time however, when you win a match, there's will be something special for you." She adds.

"Oh I will be looking forward to that." Cody grins.

"I'm sure you will be."

"Always do."

"Well, I suppose we should get ready for bed, before we get too carried away. I don't want to just yet."

"We can save it for another time."

"You have to let me go in order for me to get ready for bed Codes." She laughs.

"Oh." He pouts. "If I must." He says, moving his hands so she can get up.

But to torture him one last time she moves around on his lap before getting up and going over to her things to change.

"Tease..." Cody mutters.

" love it." She says before going into the bathroom to change.

Cody just makes a noise in response and slowly gets up and walks over to his things. As Charity is changing in the bathroom, Cody quickly changes in the room. When Charity walks out she sees him in only shorts, and bites her lip.

"You're killing me Codes."

"You do the same to me."

"I know." She says with a smile, putting her clothes in her bag before going over to the bed and climbing under the covers.

Cody goes over to the bed and climbs under the covers himself and pulls Charity next to him. She lays on her side, laying on Cody's chest as he has his arm wrapped around her.

"Night Charity." He says quietly.

"Night Codes." Charity manages to say back. She snuggles into Cody's side and he kisses the top of her head. Soon they are both fast asleep.