Status: Active

All About Us

Tropical Christmas

It's Christmas finally, and Justin has been awfully quiet about her gift that he got her. He's decided against giving any hints that could possibly give away what the gift is. But she and him are currently sleeping in. She was feeling a bit better after what happened at the last show, but still getting all the rest she could. She starts to shift in her spot then settles back down feeling his arms around her. It isn't until much later where she finally wakes up, and she sees him still sleeping himself though. She smiles up at him, her hand running through his hair. She does that for a bit then runs her fingers over his scruff, him shifting slightly. When she gets bored of that, she starts to kiss him softly on the lips. It takes a bit, but she feels him start to kiss back, which means he's starting to wake up. She goes to pull away from the kiss, but he holds her in place, keeping the kiss going until he feels he's awake enough. "You should do that more often." He mumbles after he pulls away.

"Maybe I will." She grins.

"You really should."

"Then I will. Every morning I'm up before you."


"By the way, Merry Christmas." She kisses him quick.

"Merry Christmas to you too."

"Our first together being engaged." She smiles.

"And it couldn't be anymore better."

"No it couldn't." I agree.

"Well...after you see your gift anyway." He grins.

"When do I get to see it exactly?"

"Well we do need to pack for warmer weather first."

"Oh? We going to Tampa?"


"I can't wait to see what it is then." She gets excited.

"I know you'll love it."

"When do we have to leave?"

"A couple hours."

"Aww. I suppose I can wait that long."

"I know you can."

"What do you propose we do until then?"

"I'm content with laying here....if you are."

"I'm perfectly fine with that." She moves closer to him.

"I thought you would be."


"You look too comfortable to move anyway."

"I really am." She nods. "Laying here as long as we can would be perfect."

"And that's exactly what we'll do."


"Unless of course, you want breakfast at some point."

"Hmm...we could do that, but that would mean we have to move."


"We can do that in a bit. I'm not ready to move yet."

"Alright." He nods. They end up laying there for a bit long, him taking advantage of the time and being as touchy as he could be. "Touchy this morning."

"Any reason for that?" She adds amused.

"Oh you'll find out later."

"It's really that good of a gift huh?" I chuckle.

"Oh yeah."

"You know it's killing me right?"

"I know, but it's worth the wait."

"Everything you give me is. Especially this." She holds up her hand with the ring on it.

"Well I believe this gift is going to top everything."

"Are we getting married when we go to Tampa or something? You've got me curious now."

"I can't give anything away. You're gonna have to wait."

"Justy." She whines. "That kills me even more."

"I give anymore hints, it's going to give the whole thing away. I don't want to do that."

"I know. It's fine. I'll make it...somehow."

"I'll help. You know that."

"Of course I know that."

"The hours will pass by and we'll be there before we know it."

"You're good at making them pass too."

"Yes I am."

"So, breakfast first them something to pass the time or the other way around?"

"That's up to you. What do you want to do first?"

"I am getting pretty hungry."

"Breakfast it is then."

"Room service or go out?"

"Well if we get room service we won't have to move much..."

"Room service." She then lets him go long enough so he can get the room service menu for breakfast. They look it over, deciding on what they want. Once they decide, he gets the phone, calling the order in. They don't have to wait long for the order to get to the room. When there's a knock on the door, Justin gets up to let them in with the food. The server brings it in the room and sets the cart by the bed. She goes to sit up a bit, pulling the blankets up with her when she catches him starting. She waves her hand with the ring on it in his face then he turns back to Justin. Of course Justin saw everything, so he only paid him the cost of the food and no tip. Once he leaves, Justin comes back to the bed, sitting next to her. "Calm down Justy. I'm all yours and only yours."

"I know. I just don't like people looking at you like that. Only I can do that."

“You're the only I want looking at me like that and you're the only one that is allowed to do that.”

"Wish people would realize that."

"They're all just jealous that you get to have what they can't. They'll just have to deal with the fact that I'm taken."

"Exactly." Since she can tell he's still tense, she takes his face in her hands then she kisses him hard. When she feels that he starts to relax, that's when she slows the kiss down, but makes it linger a bit. "Better now?" She asks after pulling away.

"Better." He nods.

"Good. Now let's eat before it gets cold." He nods, reaching over and grabbing her plate of food and handing it to her before he grabs his own. She relaxes against him while they eat. They enjoy the meal, feeding each other bites of food while they do so and he steals a few kisses here and there. It isn't long before they both finish their breakfast, and he takes both plates and puts them back on the cart. He then takes the cart and puts it in the hall by the door. When that's done, he closes the door and comes back in the room. "Now I believe we still have some time to ourselves before we need to pack up and go." He grins.

"And what did you have in mind, hmm?"

"I think you know."

"Do I now?" She teases.


"You might have to so me..."

"Hmm...that won't be a problem." Before she could think of doing anything, he was on the bed hovering over her. "Not wasting any time, are you?" She chuckles.


"I'm all yours." She bites his bottom lip. "'re in for it now." He smirks.

"Bring it." I tease him more. "Oh, I will."

"So will I." She smirks."I say this will be a round two from last night."

"I believe it will be."

"And since you're not dressed, it makes it easier for me."

"You got lucky this time."

"Very lucky."

"However..." She trails off, running her hands down his sides. "...these need to come off." She tugs at the waist of his boxers before pressing one of his indents with her finger. "...well those got put on because I needed to answer the door for the room service."

"Oh I know....just stating a fact....and having fun." She snaps the band of his boxers.

"Do I need to restrict your hand movements?" He asks after he tenses.

"No." She quickly says, retracting her hands.

"I thought so. But they will come time."

"...torture..." She groans.

"Equals more fun for me."

"Always does."

"Can you blame me?"


"Thought so." He then starts the torture by letting his hands wander. He then makes it seem like he's going to press his lips to hers, but he moves to her neck instead. She moves her head to the side to give him better access while her hands run through his hair. He decides to stay away from the spot for now, wanting to catch her off guard when he wants to go after it. Instead he trails kisses up her neck and to the spot behind her ear. She bites her lip, a few noises escaping. She then wraps her legs around his waist, pulling him as close as he can get. After kissing that spot behind her ear a few times, he nips at her earlobe gently a few times before moving from there. He moves to her jawline and kisses along it, and makes it to her lips, and she kisses him back hard. She keeps her one hand in his hair, the other moving down his chest. She makes a few noises, letting him know she can't wait much longer. "...go ahead..." He mumbles against her lips the best he can, in reference to her helping him remove his boxers. She smirks, starting to tug them down as far as she can. he gets them off the rest of the way and they get tossed to the side. Once that's done, he pulls the blanket fully over them. Once that's over them both, that allowed them both to continue with round two from last night. He was sleeping peacefully, his arms still wrapped around me, holding me close to him. Since I've let him sleep in for a long time, because he looked so peaceful, I decided that now would be the time to wake him up. Plus I wanted to know when I would be getting my gift, because the wait was just killing me. I start by kissing him softly on the lips. When that doesn't work, I start to pick up the kiss. He soon starts to respond and when I feel he's awake, I pull away.

"Morning sleepyhead."

"...morning..." He mumbles.

"I let you sleep in. I couldn't sleep anymore when I woke up."

"Hmmm....any reason?" He grins, knowing why.

"I'm just excited for my gift. I wanna know what it is."

"Well first, Merry Christmas to you too." He chuckles. "Second, you'll get that later today."

"How much later?"

"In a few hours or so."

"That'll take forever."

"I'm sure we can make the time go by fast."

"I'm sure we can."

"We always seem to find something."

"Yes we do...grabby."

"Can't help it. I'm just enjoying my gift."

"Oh, of course you are."

"Best present ever."

"Always try to give you the best."

"You don't have to. You are the best no matter what."


"Always for you."

"So, what shall we do to pass the time?" I ask with a grin, arms going around his neck.

"I think you have a pretty good idea." He smirks.

"And I say breakfast after." I remark, pulling myself closer and resting my forehead against his. "Deal." He steals a kiss. He goes to pull away, but I don't let him this time. My fingers have locked together around the back of his neck, holding him in place so he can't go anywhere. "Not ready to move yet?" He chuckles.


"That's fine. We got time." I nod, and then press my lips back to his because the quick kiss he gave me wasn't enough. This time I don't let him pull away, wanting to pull away when I was done. His arms go around me, pulling me close to him. He rolls the both of us over so I'm hovering over him, him holding me in place. Since then, my arms have moved and my hands are resting on his shoulders. Since I was the one hovering over him this time, I took the advantage to have my fun for now. My hands move from his shoulders and slowly trail down his chest, making sure to torture him until I reach his abs. He starts to tense up, his hold on me tightening. I smirk against his lips, and continue on, making sure to torture him even more with running my fingers extra slow with light touches on his abs. I feel his grip get tighter and I know that I'm getting to him more than before. "....Scar..." He mumbles. "...can't take...much more.."

"I'm having my fun."

"I know, but we might not make breakfast first."

"Alright, I'll ease the torture down."

"That's all I it for after we eat."

"Deal." He pulls me back down, pressing his lips to mine while his hands start to wander a bit. He manages to roll us over again so that he was hovering over me this time, and he took that chance to pull from my lips and make his way to my neck, while pinning my hands to the mattress so I couldn't touch him at all while he was having his fun. I whine in protest, wanting to touch him. He mumbles against my neck, slowly nipping at my skin. He kisses around the spot on my neck, waiting for the right moment. He moves from there then goes to my ear, nipping and sucking at my earlobe. once he gets the reaction he wants out of me, he goes back to the spot on my neck, going right after it. Of course the initial reaction is squeezing his hands, which I do. But as soon as he puts his lip to the spot, I try to conceal any noises that would come from me for the moment. Even though I knew he would try even harder to get the noises out of me, that I was expecting. To help prevent any noises for now, as soon as I feel one wanting to come from me, I keep my lips together, but instead arch against him a bit as my head moves to the side. He smirks against my neck, nipping a bit harder than before while his hand moves to my thigh. He waits for the right moment before squeezing down on my thigh. And of course that works and catches me off guard and whatever noises I was holding in, were loud and clear to him. He smirks, being satisfied at my reaction. He keeps going for a bit longer before pulling away and moving back to my lips, me kissing him hard. The only time we break is for air, and I realize that my lips feel bruised so going back to kissing probably wouldn't be a good idea at the time. So my head falls back against the pillows and he follows, leaning his forehead against mine.

"Love you."

"Love you much. There's a mark isn't there?"


"I'm sure I'll see it later."

"I do believe you will."

"I say room service for breakfast. I don't feel like moving."

"I was already planning on that."

"I just read your mind then."

"Yes you did. Like always."

"You can order it. You know what I like anyway."

"Alright." He nods then steals a kiss. He moves next to me so he can get the phone to call in the order. As he does so, I can't help but to snuggle into his side, getting comfortable for now. Once he's done he hangs the phone then cuddles with me. Not too long after that, the food's there. He gets up from the bed then walks to the door to let them in. They walk in with the tray of food, without any problems. After that, they turn to face Ted and he pays them the amount for the food and a tip for the good service. After they leave, he joins me back on the bed, handing me my plate of food, then taking his. "Actually not a creepy waiter this time. Surprised."

"Me too. I think he was intimidated a bit."

"If only hey all could be like that."

"Things would be a whole lot better."

"It really would be."


"So are you sure you can't give me any hints about the gift?"

"Nope. If I do, it'll give it away."


"I know. All I can say is dress for warm weather."

"I'll probably do that in the airport, or on the plane. Whichever is easier."

"That's all up to you. It doesn't matter to me."

"I'll figure it out when we get there."


"Still so much to do. Pack all my stuff up, pack clothes for warmer weather in my carry-on bag.."

"Right. We'll get that all done after we eat."

"Right. Getting excited now."

"I bet. I know I'm just as excited as you are."

"Excited to see my reaction to when I actually see it."

"Yes. I've been waiting for this for months."

"So you've been planning this for months."

"Been hard to keep it from you too."

"Must be pretty big."

"You have no idea."

"Until I see it, I know."


"Well I can't wait. Like I said."

"I can tell. You can't sit still." He chuckles.

"That is your fault."


"Uh huh...suuure." He grins, kissing me quick before going back to eating like he did nothing. It isn't long before we finish eating and Ted takes care of everything. While he's doing that, I get up and find some clothes to change into before packing everything up. When he comes back, he gets changed then starts to pack himself. It took a good amount of time for me to get ready, but I got done just in time.

"All packed?"


"Then I think it's time for us to go." He grins.

"Yayy!" I cheer. We both pull on our jackets and grab all our luggage and head out the door and down to the lobby to check out. After checking out, we head out to the car, putting all our things in the trunk. Once that's done, we both get in the car and head to the airport. In the meantime, after taking a shower, Vi and Justin had both gotten dressed for the cold weather, but packed for warmer weather in a carry on bag. Once everything is packed up, she and him both headed out the door and down to the lobby to check themselves out. Once they're checked out, they head to the airport as well.

"Getting excited." She bounces in her seat.

"I can tell. You won't stop moving around." He chuckles.

"Can you blame me? I can't wait t see what you got me."

"No, can't blame you at all."

"Didn't think so." She laughs. But, wait...where are you going? Don't we have to go over there?" She points to the main entrance for the airport.

"Oh we've got a private plane. Much better than the public plane."

"You really went all out for this, didn't you?"

"Yes I did."

"Eep." She squeals with excitement. "Love you so much." She leans over, kissing his cheek. "I love you too." He then finds a place to park. Once he does, he shuts the car off and they get out, then get their things from the back. They get halfway to the plane when people come and take their bags. They thank them, Justin laces his fingers with hers as they board the plane. When they do, that's when they see me and Ted sitting there."

"Ted? Scar? What're you two doing on the plane?" Vi questions. "Justy? What's going on?" She looks at him confused. "This gift is actually for both of you."

"Really?" I ask.

"We both agreed on it." Ted nods.

"Then I know it's going to be amazing." Vi smiles. "Are you sure we're not getting married in Tampa?" She looks at Justin.

"I can't give anything else away."

"Aw man." She pouts.

"You can thank my dad for letting us use his private jet." Ted remarks. "Believe me, I will. If I could, I'd do it right now."

"He is just a phone call away..."

"You think he'll be okay if we did call to thank him? Being Christmas and all..." She asks as Justin and her sit.

"Of of course. It's not too early in the morning, he's up. Trust me."


"I'll get him on the phone now." Vi nods, leaning back against Justin while Ted calls his dad. After a few rings he answers, and Vi and I thank him for letting us use the jet. He tells us it's no problem and to enjoy the holiday, not giving anything away. We tell him that we will, before Ted lets him go, and they both hang up. "Your dad is just really amazing."

"He is." I nod.

"He just likes doing things for others. He's got a really big heart."

"I can see where you get it from then."

"That's how I was raised."

"Of course." Soon the plane takes off and we all relax for a bit until we can move around. Once we can, Vi and I try looking out the windows to see where we're really going.

"Trying to peek are you?"


"Uh huh.."

"We're just looking at the clouds..." Vi looks at me.

"Right." I nod.

"Sure you are." They look at each other.

"We are. Honest."

"We'll let it slide since it's Christmas, but you're only going to be able to do that for a little while longer."

"Oh alright." We do that for a bit longer, trying to see if there's anything to give us a hint on where we're going.

"Don't think we're gonna figure it out until we land." I remark. "I think you're right." Vi sighs. "But..." I put my finger to my lip so we can hear what the guys are talking about.

"Eavesdropping....good idea." I mutter quietly. We make it seem like we're looking out the window, but we're really listening to what they are saying.*

"So, they're definitely going to love this." Justin remarks.

"Yes they really are. It's been so hard to keep it a secret."

"Hard to give hints without giving everything away at the same time too."

"That was the hardest part of all. I didn't know what to tell her this morning on how to dress."

"Same here. Said Vi's gift was in Tampa."

"Very smart. All I could say was to dress for warm weather. That's about it."

"Well either way, we made sure they knew nothing about where we were going."

"We did a good job too."

"Yes we did."

"Or did we?" Ted silently motions over to us just as we quickly turn our heads.

"Are you two listening to us?"

"Huh?" I turn to look at them. "No...we're just looking out the window here." Vi says nonchalantly.

"If you say so."

"I have a feeling they were." Justin says quietly to Ted.

"Yeah, they're acting way too suspicious."

"I think it's time they came back over here."

"Good idea."

"You go one way and I'll go the other." Ted nods and gets up, going one way while Justin goes the other way. Since we were too busy looking out the window trying to figure out what they were talking about, we didn't even hear them come up behind us until they had their hands around our waist. Then next thing we know, we're being pulled away from the window. "You little sneaks." She laughs.

"That's us."

"We didn't even hear you coming either."

"That was the idea."

"Of course it was."

"Any reason for that?"

"Figured we should keep you closer so that you're not eavesdropping on us again."

"We were not eavesdropping..."

"Uh huh...sure you weren't."


"Whatever you say."

"How much longer until we're there? I can't wait much longer."

"Shouldn't be too much longer."


"Wait...shouldn't we be in Tampa by now?" Vi asks.

"Yeah...about that...."


"Kind of had to lie to keep the the gift a secret."

"So...if we're not going to Tampa, where are we going?"

"That is a secret. You'll see when we get there."

"Aw. That's not fair." She pouts, giving him the eyes. "Have to keep it a secret until we get there, I'm sorry."

"Alright. I know it's going to be good then."

"It really is."

"Always is and always will be." Vi kisses Justin quick. "If you don't think about where we're going, the trip might go a bit faster."

"True, but it's soooooo hard."

"I know, I know."

"I think we know one way to not think about it." She looks at me and smirks.

"I think we do." I nod. We then start to tease them the best way we know how to.

"Oh you two are so in for it when we land."

"When aren't we in for it?" We giggle.


"That did seem to pass time though."

"And I suppose we can let you look out the window to see where we are."

"For real?"

"Sure, why not." We get up from their laps quickly then rush to the windows, looking out. "Bahamas?"

"Just wait till you see where we end up landing."

"There's more?"

"Much more."

"You're both to much."

"We love you both so much."

"We love you two so much too."

"You show it everyday."

"And will continue to do so."

"Of course you will."

"I think we'll be landing soon."

"So we should probably get back in our seats then."

"That would be a good idea." We nod then move from the windows, sitting in our seats and buckling back up.

"Getting more and more excited."

"We can tell. You both can't sit still."

"Well it's the Bahamas afterall."

"Nothing can beat that."

"Not really. Well...maybe one know what I'm talking about." I say to Ted.

"I do." He nods. "You've only been there, and I want to go there now."

"We'll go there. Don't worry about that."

"Oooh I know where you're talking about." Vi grins. "The one place you've always wanted to go." She adds.

"You know like everything." I laugh.

"Mhm." She nods. "I'll never tell either."

"Not saying you have to."

"I know."

"You know what I forgot to do? Was so excited about the gift, I forgot to change into clothes for the warmer weather."

"I'm sure we can do that after we land."

"I think that's what I will end up doing."

"I do believe we're landing now so it won't be much longer."

"Right." I nod. Soon the plane lands and we wait for the okay to get up from our seats. Once we do, we lace our fingers with the guys and start to walk off the plane. "Oh my..." Vi gasps as she walks off. "...this is gorgeous."

"And we're not even at the gift yet." Justin chuckles.

"We're not?" She looks confused.

"No, not yet."

"I can't wait too see it then."

"I can't wait for you to see it either."

"Let's go then. We both can't wait."

"After you." We step off the plane, following the guys. There's cars there already waiting for us, our luggage getting put into them as we head over. We then get in the cars and they start to head across the small island to where the houses are, us looking on in awe. "Just can't believe you did all this."

"It was the best thing we could think of getting for you."

"Of course."

"We're almost there too."


"I do think you should close your eyes."


"Only for a moment. We promise."

"Alright, if you say so." We then close our eyes, excitedly waiting to open them again. We feel the car stop and that's when we're told that we can open our eyes. As we open our eyes, we see a beach with a few houses in the distance. We gasp, not knowing what to say.

"They're speechless." Justin chuckles.

"That's a first." Ted laughs.

"Can you blame us?"

"No." They laugh. "Merry Christmas."

"Tell us exactly why we see houses, what's the gift exactly?"

"Everything you see. It's now yours."

" mean you bought the houses?"

"Those. The sand, the water, everything."

"Must've cost a fortune though."

"Money is no option when it comes to you two."

"So you say all the time."

"Because it's the truth."

"Of course."

"How about we go explore our new island?"

"I love that idea."

"We knew you would."

"After you two." Justin adds. We get out of the car, waiting for them to get out as well. Once they do, we lace our fingers with theirs and start walking along the beach while our bags are taken to the houses. "Just can't believe you two did this for us."

"It was totally unexpected."

"That was the plan."

"We wanted to something that we could all enjoy no matter what time of the year it is."

"And now we can come here whenever we want."

"That's the plan. And since everything is already done and taped, we can stay here all week long."

"This is definitely going to be a good holiday then."

"For us, it all started when we woke up." Just says for him a Ted.


"Everyday is like that for us." Ted adds.

"You're being sweet."

"Just saying the truth."

"It's just amazing here. Can't wait to see the houses."

"From what we've seen, they're amazing."

"We'll take your word for it."

"We can go do that now. We got all week to explore the island."

"Right. Let's go." We then head up te beach to the houses. When we reach the houses, we split up. Vi and Justin going to one and Ted and I going to another. "Wow...this is amazing." Vi looks around in awe. "I knew you would think so."

"Everything is And that view..." She goes over to the window, Justin following and putting his arms around her waist, his chin on her shoulder. "...the water is so close."

"Which is why I got this one right on the beach."

"It's perfect."

"I'm glad."

"So much to see and do. What do you want to do first?"

"Well unpacking would be the best thing to do first, and the beach wouldn't be a bad idea."

"Right." She nods. "I knew you were going to say the beach." She chuckles. "I have my reasons." He smirks. "Hmm...that wouldn't have to do anything with me wearing a swimsuit, would it?" She gives him a look.


"Uh huh. That's so the reason."

"Can you blame me?"

"No. It has been awhile since I've been able to wear one..."

"It really really has been a while."

"Once we unpack then I can change."

"Then let's get to unpacking." He grins, taking her away from the window.

"I see walking is not an option." She laughs since he picked her up.


"Too slow, I know."


"Just gives me more time to have fun." She smirks, running her fingers across the back of his neck right under the collar of his shirt.

"And the more you do that.....the more in for it you are."

"Maybe that's what I want." She whispers in his ear, nipping at it.

"Wouldn't doubt it." He smirks. She giggles, continuing what she's doing until they reach the room. Once in the room, he stops by the bed until he can control himself enough. Since she won't stop, he moves his hand, grabbing her butt causing her to stop. "If I had let you continue, we probably wouldn't even make it to the beach."

"You say that like it's a bad thing."

"Save it for later." He grins.

"Oh you know I will." She grins.

"I figured as much."

"Going to put me down so we can unpack?"

"I knew I forgot something. Oops." He chuckles, setting her down. "You always forget that." She laughs. "My bad."

"Good." She shakes her head then heads over to her bags. "One of the many reasons why you love me."

"Yes it is."

"I love you too." She blows him a kiss then starts to unpack all her things, putting them in the dressers along with his stuff. The whole time she's doing that, he tries to be as touchy as he can. She has to keep telling him that if he keeps that up, she'll never get done and no beach. He stops enough for her to finish then she gets out swimsuits for them. She decides to head to the bathroom to change, making him wait to see the one she chose. After she has everything on, including her coverup, she walks back into the room to see him all ready to go. She bites her lip slightly, almost tripping over her feet. "You okay?" He asks with a slight chuckle.

"I-I'm fine."

"If you say so."

"Oh I know I am." She smirks, shaking her hips.

"Hmmm, that coverup is leaving me wondering...are you wearing a new swimsuit or one I've already seen underneath?" He asks, his eyes wandering.

"Maybe." She grins.

"I won't get to find out until we get down to the beach though right?"

"You're oh so smart." She pinches his cheek.

"I just know you." He chuckles.

"All to well."

"I would hope so, I am marrying you afterall."

"You are and you do know me."

"Just like you know me."

"I do. So much that I know it's killing you to see what's under this." She plays with the coverup.

"It really is killing me."

"Then let's go to the beach."

"After you." He grins. She starts to head out of the room and since she knows he's staring, she sways her hips a bit more then normal. She hears him groan and smirks to herself. "I may just have to carry you down there at this point."

"Can't handle it?" She grins, doing it again.

"Not for much longer...."

"Alright...I'll stop."

"Only if you want to."

"Hmm...I'll give you a break...for now."

"Alright." She reaches back for his hand, lacing her fingers with his. They head out of the house and down to the beach. Once there, they set their things down. "I think we should go into the water now..."

"Don't you want this off first?" She points to her coverup.

"You know I do."

"Well then..." She slowly starts to take it off.

"I wanna help."

"Then come over here and help." He grins and walks over, grabbing the fabric of her coverup and tugging at it a bit before helping her remove it. He then tosses it over with the blanket they brought with them. "Like?" She grins. "Try love."

"I figured. One of the new ones I never got to wear."

"I'm glad you're wearing it now though."

"I can tell...touchy." She giggles. "In the water, we go." He says as he picks her up and hoists her over his shoulder, heading towards the water. "Justy." She laughs. "I can walk."

"It's better if I carry you."

"Right. I do thank you for the view though." She smacks his butt. "You're oh so welcome." She smacks it one more time only to have him grab hers in retaliation. "I'll keep doing that too if you keep that up." He remarks.

"Awww." She pouts. "Just enjoy the view while you can before we're in the water."

"Trust me, I am."

"Good." He chuckles. Soon he reaches the water, helping her down so she's in front of him, his arms around her waist, hers around his neck. "Much better."

"I agree. And no one is around so you got me all to yourself." She grins.

"That's right. Another reason why I bought this place."

"Very smart. You're always thinking."

"Yes I am."

"I love you for that too." She kisses him quick.

"I know you do."

"This is so nice. I feel relaxed already." She rests her head on his shoulder.

"Good. You should be. Gonna be nothing but relaxed this whole vacation."

"Looking forward to it."

"So am I."

"Starting now."

"Yes, starting now." He lifts her chin up, giving her a soft kiss. She pulls herself closer to him, her legs wrapping around his waist. His one hand stays on her waist while the other rests on the back of her head. He keeps the kiss going as they float around in the water. While he has one of his hands resting on the back of her head, since her hair isn't wet yet, he's able to run his fingers through her hair for the time being, and that's what he does. She hums lightly into the kiss, running her one hand through his hair while the other trails across his shoulder blade. He makes a noise of content, that ends up being muffled by the kiss that hasn't been broken yet. The kiss keeps going, only broken when air is needed. He keeps it going a bit longer before pulling away. "The day is already starting off good." He grins, resting his forehead against hers. "Oh yes it has."

"Just wait until tonight."

"Oh boy." She laughs. "Are you going for a new record or something?" She jokes.

"Well don't you think we gotta test out the bed?"

"We do. Let's hope it doesn't break."

"I think it can handle us." He chuckles.

"I don't know...the one this morning almost didn't make it. You're in rare form today."

"I have my moments."

"There must be a full moon this week. That's the only time you get like this."

"Well...there's one coming up soon..."

"I had a feeling. I can feel it too."

"Of course you can."

"Just a gift I picked up from you."

"Well you've been around me long enough so it was bound to rub off on you."

"It didn't even take that long actually. It was almost instantaneous."

"I'm just that good."

"Very good." She rubs her nose against his. "My insatiable little werewolf."

"You make me insatiable."

"Oops?" She giggles.


"That's why you love me so much."


"And I love you too. So so very much."

"And the ring shows how much I love you."

"Which is a whole lot."

"More than I can ever explain in words."

"You don't have to.. All I have to do is look at my hand and I'll always know."

"And that makes me happy."

"Good." She kisses him quick, then lays her head on his shoulder, nuzzling his neck. In the meantime, Ted and I have just finished looking around the house that he bought for us. "All of this is amazing, I can't believe you bought all this."

"I did. You deserve to have nothing but the best."

"Even though I have the best already, and that's you."

"I know...I'm hard to compete with, but I do like to try." He grins.

"Yes, I know."

"What do you want to do first?"

"Well I do think unpacking would be the wise first thing to do."

"Right, of course." He nods.

"And I think maybe relaxing for a bit would be nice after the flight we had."


"Maybe the beach later. I know you missed being on the beach, and seeing the swimsuits I have."

"I really did. So so much."

"Maybe I'll surprise you with a new one, or you can pick one out. I'll think about it."

"Now that's just torture."

"You'll live."

"I believe I can."

"I do think I need to change into better suited clothes for the weather, since I didn't get a chance to change yet. But if you want to unpack everything while I do that, you can go right ahead."

"I can do that." He nods.

"Alright, then I will be right back." I kiss his cheek and grab my carry on bag and head to the bathroom to change. While I do that, he takes the bags and starts to unpack everything, putting it all away. Doesn't take me too long to get changed, and I don't do much with my hair, except put it up in a ponytail. When I finish, I grab the bag with my other clothes in it now, and walk out of the bathroom and go into the bedroom where he is. "Everything's done."

"Probably had a little too much fun with putting my clothes away didn't you?" I give him an amused look.

"I did like seeing all the stuff you brought..."

"I figured as much."

"I do know what you're wearing to bed later though." He smirks.

"Oh boy."

"Hard decision, but I picked the right one."

"It's always a hard decision for you."

"Especially when you bring all my favorites."

"Question it going to stay on tonight, or not?" I question.

"I think you know the answer to that." He chuckles.

"I'll take that as a no then."

"Then you would be correct."

"And let me guess....there's gonna be some testing out of the bed, since we didn't get to do any of that last night?"

"You're on a roll today. You seem to know everything."

"Oh they're just lucky guesses, that's all."

"Very lucky and good ones at that."

"I have my moments."

"That you do."

"Now where do you want to relax? Inside or outside?" He asks.

"Of course. Just one thing." He nods, as he kicks his shoes off and takes his shirt off. "You trying to kill me?"

"Is it working?"

"Maybe a little."

"Then yes, yes I am trying to kill you."

"Oh, I'll get you back for that."

"Looking forward to it."

"You always do." I laugh, heading out to the deck. He follows me out and we stand on the deck to see the view which is amazing. "I believe there's a hammock around here we can use or we got the chairs down there. Your pick." He remarks. "I say the hammock."

"Let's go find it." I nod, taking his hand as we both walk around the porch to find the hammock. "There it is. And still a perfect view."

"I don't think there's a place that doesn't have a view."

"You picked a great place to buy." I add, waiting as he gets onto the hammock first. "It was the best one we saw. We just had to get it."

"Glad you did." I nod, as I get onto the hammock, get comfortable and lean back against him. "So am I." He wraps his arms around me.

"Definitely need the relax time."

"We have all week to do so too."

"I'm so not gonna want to leave this place once our little vacation is over."

Me either, but we can come back at any time."

"Right, I know."

"We technically never have to leave if you don't want to."

"Like live here permanently?"

"If that's what you want to do then yes."

"I do love it here already, but I do love it back home in Mississippi with you too. I think this should be a vacation home, for when we need that time off."

"That's fine. It's ours and we can use it however we want to."

"Right." I nod.

"And I don't have to worry about anyone looking at you either."

"That too."

"Another reason we bought this place."

"Best thing you could ever do."

"It was."

"Well I love it here already."

"I'm glad."

"The holiday just can't get any better than this."

"I have to agree with you there. It's been pretty amazing."

"Well I'm with you so it already started off amazing."


"Love you." I remark, leaning up and kissing his cheek. "Love you too." We both relax, him holding me close to him as we swing on the hammock, just looking over the view. "Just can't get over the view."

"It's the best view out of all the islands too."

"When I get the chance to take some pictures and they get posted, people are gonna be jealous."

"I know they will be. I saw Vi already posted a few of them too and people are jealous of her. Wait until they know you're here too."

"Oh, I know right?"

"You know what would make them even more jealous?"


"You and me in the picture of the view."

"Oh people would be going crazy, definitely."

"They would." He chuckles. "I say we do that in a bit."

"Got my phone in my pocket, so I'll be ready."

"Sounds good."

"Too comfortable to move to take it out right now anyway."

"I wasn't planning on letting you go anyway."

"Of course not."

"Not yet anyway."

"Well I'm so comfortable and relaxed I may end up dozing off on you."

"That's fine. We have all week."

"A week I hope that drags for once."

"We'll make sure that it does the best we can."

"Oh I know you'll make sure of that." I give him a look.

"I will."

"You're getting a bit touchy by the way."

"Oops." He laughs. "I just can't help myself."

"Let me guess, that's my fault?"

"Always is."



"You said to pack for warmer weather, and I did."

"You sure did."

"Let's see if this is another good guess. You'll rarely be wearing a shirt this whole week."

"You really good today. You know everything."

"I'm good like that."

"How well I know." After a bit, we both fall quiet, just paying more attention to the sounds around us, and the view. It really wasn't long until I did end up dozing off. He looks down at me and sees that I'm asleep. He kisses the top of my head then looks at the view. Every so often, he goes from looking at the view to me, looking at me longer. Vi and Justin however have taken a break from the water, and went up onto the deck, choosing to relax on the chairs there. "Today has been the best day ever...well, next to Thanksgiving, but it's still one of the best."
"Right, even though the day isn't over yet."

"I don't know how much better it can get."

"You'd be surprised."

"I'm sure I will be."

"You know I always come up with things."

"You do and I love them."

"Which is why I always do it."

"That's why you're the best." She leans back, giving him a kiss.

"I know." He grins.

"What else do you have planned?"

"You'll see."

"Awww." She pouts. "No hints?"

"I'll think about it."

"As long as it's with you, I know I'll love it."

"We'll be doing everything together, don't worry."

"Just the way I like it."

"That's just the way I like it as well."

"It's going to be that way all the time. No matter what anyone says or does. You're mine forever and I'm yours."

"And the engagement ring proves that."

"It does and I couldn't be any happier then I am now."

"I'm glad."

"I say we take a picture." She gets out her phone. She then opens the camera on her phone while he gets ready for the picture. Right as she takes the picture, he turns her face to him, kissing her as she takes it. He pulls away and they look at it. She then goes on Twitter and sends it out saying how she's in paradise with the best fiance ever. "I can just see people's reactions now."

"One person in particular."

"He's probably still not believing it. Denial."

"It would appear he doesn't. Look at the first comment."

"So in denial." Justin shakes his head.

"He's not the only on though. There are some that don't believe it either, but then we have others that are happy for us."

"And those are the only ones that matter, the ones who support us."

"Exactly." She nods. "No one will accept the fact we're getting married and that's their problem."

"That's right."

"Awww." She says after looking at a comment. "This person says we're the best couple and people need to leave us alone and lets us be happy."

"Those kind of people are the best kind."

"They are and she just got a follow from me for that too."

"Probably just made her day with that follow."

"I'm sure I did." She smiles.

"Your Twitter will probably be blowing up." He chuckles.

"It actually is, but that can all wait until later." She sets her phone down. "All my time is devoted to you now." She rolls over so she's hovering him.

"Of course it is." He grins. She starts to run her hands up his sides then down his chest slowly, kissing up his chest as she does so. "Oh so you want to do that huh?" He smirks.

"Mmhmm." She mumbles against his skin, making her way to his neck, nipping lightly. "Alright, you can have your fun. I'm so getting you back later." He says as he starts to tense. "" She says between nips. While she does that, his hands start to wander, touching all the skin that he can reach because of her swimsuit. She shifts a bit on his lap, trying to stay focused on what she's doing. His hands start to slip under the seam of her bottoms making her tense. She makes her way to his ear, nipping and sucking gently on it. That causes him to lose concentration on what he was doing as he gets lost in the feeling that he's getting from her actions. She does that for a bit longer before moving to his jaw. She makes it seem like she's going for his lips, but she goes to the other side of his neck, doing the same thing. She hears a faint growl come from him and that makes her smirk and do it even more, knowing that she can get an even louder one from him. She makes her way to his ear, nipping and sucking on that. Since she can tell he's holding back from how tight his hold got on her waist, she started to suck a bit harder. His arms wrap around her this time as he holds her close to him, and he hides his face in her shoulder as he lets out a much louder, but muffled growl. She smirks to herself then slowly makes her way down his neck to his jaw, then finally his lips. He wastes no time in kissing back, and when he does, he kisses back hard and the intensity builds. She moves her hands to his shoulders, resting them there for now as she kisses back with as much intensity as he is.

The only times that they do pull away is for air, but once they feel like they can breathe again, they go right back to kissing. His hands begin to wander yet again, not being able to contain himself. She makes a few noises into the kiss, picking the kiss up when he goes over certain spots that get to her. Since she had her fun earlier, he took the chance to have his fun now. He slowly pulled from her lips and started to make his way to her neck this time, making each kiss along her skin linger. She moved her head to the side while her fingers dug into his shoulders. To prevent any noises from coming, she bit down hard on her lip. "I're holding....back..." He mumbles against her neck. She shakes her head, biting down harder on her lip. He just chuckles and continues moving along her neck, surprising her with nips here and there, making it harder for her to hold any noises in. She does her best at holding in the noises, but that only makes him try harder to get them from her. She holds them in for as long as she possibly can. It finally gets to the point where she can't take it anymore, and at the last second, one of his hands move down to her thigh and he squeezes her thigh as he goes after the sensitive spot on her neck, driving her crazy from both. Since her face was in his neck, the noises that come from her were muffled, but loud enough for her to hear.

He grins against her neck, happy with the reaction he got and wanted. He stays on the spot a while longer until he knows a mark is going to form, before pulling away and making his way back to her lips. Once he reaches her lips, she kisses him hard and rough, her hands moving to his cheeks so she can hold him in place. By doing that, she makes sure that he won't be able to pull away anytime soon, and only will when she feels like she should. She does keep the kiss going for a bit longer, only until they need air again. She starts to slow the kiss down then rests her forehead against his, trying to catch her breath.

"Went a little crazy there." He chuckles.

"I do believe you did."


"Uh huh. You knew what you were doing."


"You did." She laughs. "This has a week to go will be gone, right?" She gives him a look.

"It should go away." He nods.

"Until you feel the need to touch it up that is."


"This is going to be a long week." She chuckles.

"Yes it will be."

"Oh boy."

"Oh boy is right."

"And there's no getting out of it, I know."


"I can deal with that. Just know I'll be getting you back for it all."

"Of course. I'm expecting it."

"Of course you are." She grins.

"Always got to right?"


"Thought so."

"Exactly." She grins. "Now what to do?" She starts to move her hand down his chest, tracing patterns along his skin. "Well since I picked the last thing, which was the beach, I believe you can pick now."

"Hmmm..." She starts to think. " much as I don't want to move, how about we walk around for a bit? Explore the island?"

"Great idea."

"Best part...we don't even have to change."


"Now or in a bit?"

"We can go now."

"Gotta let go...grabby."

"Right, almost forgot." He chuckles, doing so.

"You always do." She laughs, carefully moving off him then standing. "Coming?" She adds.

"I'm coming. Just enjoying the view."

"It is amazing so go ahead."

"Oh...not that view." He smirks.

"Should I move then?" She teases.

"No no...there's no need for that."

"Just making sure." She smirks, doing a few poses. Then he finally moves from the chair and walks over to her. "Now I'm ready."

"You sure now?" She chuckles, giving him a look.

"I'm sure."

"Let me guess...after me?" She turns, starting to walk off the deck.

"Yes, after you." She then starts to walk down the steps of the deck to the beach making sure to torture him even more since she knows he's watching. "Killing me."

"That's the point." She calls over her shoulder. He chuckles and walks after her as she walks away. She sees him from the corner of her eye and she starts to walk a bit faster. "Oh no you don't."

"Eep." She squeals when she sees him catching up. She then starts to run across the beach.

"Running away? Really? You know I always catch you."

"Still fin for me." She calls back to him.

"So gonna catch you now."

"You can try." She laughs, going faster.

"And I will succeed."

"Good luck."

"I don't need any luck. You should know that by now."

"I do." She looks behind her to see him getting closer. "Nooo." She tries to go as fast as she can, the sand slowing me down. "Yesss." She can sense he's getting closer to her and at the last second she goes a different way and stops, him running past her. She looks at him and giggles then takes off the other way. "Heyyy."

"Oops." She laughs, taking off again.


"Learned from the best."

"You sure did."

"Hey! What's that?" She points to the sky to distract him. "Aha, I'm not falling for it this time."

"Crap." She mutters.

"I know what you're trying to do."

"Innocent!" She sings.


"I am!" She calls, stumbling over her feet.

"Whatever you say!" She keeps running even though she's starting to get tired. She tries to use all her strength to go on, but it doesn't work. She starts to slow down until she stops completely. And of course that allows him to catch her, his arms suddenly going around her. "Caught you." He smirks. "Cause I let you." She grins, leaning into him.

"This time."

"Next time won't be so easy though." She adds.

"We'll see."

"We will." She nods. "Now...those sights..."

"Right." He nods, and they continue to walk to look at the sights. They walk most of the island, finding a cliff with an amazing view of the ocean. As they walk on through the trees, they come across a little area of water with a waterfall. They stand there looking at that for a bit before moving on to walk more of the island. "The island is already amazing."

"I had a feeling you would love it. Did some research last time I was home."

"Of course you did."

"Had to make sure it was perfect for you and I was right."

"You tend to always be right."

"I am when it comes to you."

"Because you love me, and I love you too."

"Exactly." He grins, kissing her quick. "And that's why I'm marrying you, because I do love you so much." He adds.

"That's why I said yes too. To show you how much I do love you."

"Even though I pretty much knew how much you did, since you did show it every day."

"I still do too."

"So do I."

"And I have proof of that too." She laughs, referring to her neck.

"Got a little carried away, I'll have to admit." He chuckles.

"You tend to when a full moon is close."

"Can't help it."

"You never can." She giggles.

"My bad."


"Well, you are half of the cause of me getting carried away anyway."

"Oops." She giggles. "I can't help it."

"How well I know."

"You do the same to me too."

"Yes I know, but it's fun."

"Yeah...for you."

"You have your fun too."

"True..." She bites her lip.

"So either way we both end up getting each other back."

"We do...never fails."


"I don't see it ending anytime soon either."

"You're right."

"I always am." She grins.

"I have to agree." He chuckles.

"Of course you do." She chuckles. "Love you." She kisses his cheek.

"Love you too."

"Want to head back to watch the sunset? I'm sure it's almost that time."

"I was just going to suggest that."

"Guess I read your mind then."

"It seems so."

"I'm just that good."

"Yes you are."

"Just like you."

"Want me to carry you back?" He offers.

"I am a bit tired from all that running earlier..."

"Say no more." He says, picking her up. She wraps her arms around his neck, her head resting on his shoulder. "Mmm...much better."


"Can't wait to see the sunset. I bet it's gorgeous from here."

"Not as gorgeous as you, but pretty close."

"Justy..." She blushes, hiding her face in his neck. " and all the charm."

"I'm full of it."

"How well I know. You're like that all the time."

"Only for you."

"It better me." She laughs.

"It is. Don't worry."

"Good." He then starts to make his way back to the house, going in the direction they both came from. It takes a bit of time with the sand slowing him down, but he does reach the deck. Once he does, he goes back over to the lounge chair they were sitting in before and sits down with her on his lap.

"So how was the first day here for you?" He asks.

"Honestly?" She looks at him. "It's been the best day ever."

"I was hoping you'd say that. I'm glad."

"I'm in paradise with the one I love. I couldn't be happier."

"Neither could I." He grins.

"Nothing is going to ruin this...nothing."

"Nothing at all."


"And once the sun is down, I'm gonna make us both dinner."

"Awe. You don't have to do it all. I'll help you."

"I insist."

"Alright. I know better than to fight with you over cooking." She chuckles.

"You can help tomorrow. Promise."

"Sounds good." She nods. "Maybe I'll make breakfast, that is if you let me go in the morning."

"I think I can make an exception for you making breakfast."

"I'm sure, but I want to try to do it before you wake up. It's really hard to get out of your grip when you're sleeping." She laughs.


"I know you just want me close. I'm never going to be farther than the next room."

"I know."

"You'll never have to worry about be being to far away."

"Right, of course." He gives her a quick kiss then she leans back against him. "And there goes the sun, beginning to set. Still not as beautiful as you."

"You and the compliments." She blushes. "It is gorgeous though."

"It is." He nods. "Are you even looking at it?" She chuckles. "Of course I am."

"If you say so." She glances up at him to see him quickly look at the sky. "I say we take another picture..."

"Good idea." She nods taking out her phone.

"Alright, ready?" She asks when she gets the camera ready. He nods then she takes the picture just as he kisses her cheek. She then goes to Twitter posting it. 'Perfect sunset with the perfect fiancee.' She then posts it to Twitter. He then goes on his phone and re-tweets it, 'Gorgeous sunset with the most gorgeous girl.' She gushes at what he posts, kissing him quick. "Nothing but the truth in the re-tweet." He grins. "Same goes for what I tweeted too." They then put their phones away and turn their attention back to the sunset, watching it as the sky turns darker with every passing minute. Soon the sun sets, leaving it dark out except for the tiki torches that were lit. "Have the strength to walk or should I carry you again inside?" He asks.

"I should be able to walk now." She nods. "Alright. We can come back out here after dinner if you want. Easier to see the night sky here than in any city we've been in."

"That's not a bad idea. We should really do that."

"Knew you would love that."

"You do know how much I love looking at the stars."

"Yes I do."

"I do think I'm going to change first though. I want to get out of this swim suit."

"Right, of course." He nods. "I'll do that while you start dinner so we don't get to distracted." She gives him a look.

"What? Giving me that look." He chuckles.

"Because I know you." She pokes his side. "If you come with me then nothing will get done that we have planned."


"See?" I grin. "Lets go get that all done now so we can get to other things."

"After you, like always."

"Of course." She laughs going to get up only to be pulled back down. "Uh...have to let me go first silly."


"Uh I have to do something for you to let me go?" She smirks, her fingers moving up his legs slowly. "Seems as though you've already made that decision..."

"Oh this?" She drags her nails lightly over his skin. "That's not even the half of it."

"How well I know."

"Going to let me get up?" She grins, stopping her hands at the bottom of his trunks.

"Yes, I'll let you get up." He nods, reluctantly letting her go.

"Oh of course you will."


"Looking forward to it." He grins as he gets up as well.

"You always do." She takes his hand as they head inside.

"Because I get you back every time."

"Even worse each time too." She chuckles.

"That's your fault. With the things you do for me to get you back that bad."

"Oops." She giggles. "I just have fun." She shrugs innocently.

"Oh you have fun alright."

"I just know how to get to you."


"Well, this is where I leave you." She says once they get to the kitchen. "I'll be right back." She kisses him quick.

"No rush. Take your time."

"Hmm...maybe I will."

"I'll be in at some point to get changed myself real quick anyway."


"Once everything gets started anyway."

"That should give me enough time to get everything done I need to."

"Alright, well go get changed before dinner doesn't get started." He chuckles. "I'm trying, but someone doesn't want me to leave." She laughs since his arm is still around her. "Oops. My bad." He says, letting go once again. "Goof." She chuckles, shaking her head. "Love you too."

"Always." She calls over her shoulder as she heads to the bedroom. Once there, she goes over to the drawers with her clothes in it. She takes out a light pink cami and a pair of gray boy shirts. She takes off her swim suit, laying on the floor for now. She pulls on the cami, then slides on the shorts next. After she does that, she gets him out a pair of shorts and sets them on the bed. Once that's done, she heads into the bathroom to brush out her hair. A while after that, he comes into the bedroom, since the food was cooking and was able to be left alone to do so while he changed. "You already picked out a pair of shorts for me, you're sweet." He remarks. "It's the least I could do." She says as she comes out of the bathroom and leans on the door frame. When he grabs the shorts that were laying on the bed, he looks over at her and he ends up staring, looking her over a few times. "You like?" She grins, moving her hands down her sides, shimmying a bit. "You so know that won't be lasting on you very long after dinner and everything right?"

"Oh I know. That's why is so little."

"Well I love it."

"That I knew too."

"Have you been hiding that from me?"


"Well I haven't seen the outfit before so that's why I'm asking."

"I just bought it...yeah...last week."

"That explains why." He nods. "Right." She quickly says. "You just like to hide things from me to surprise me when you do wear them though." He smirks. "Aw shucks. You caught me."

"I always do."

"I need to work on my poker face with you." I laugh.

"It seems so. But I think I should get changed so the food doesn't burn."

"Go right ahead." She keeps her eyes on him. "Try not to jump me now. I know you'll want to." He says as he starts to remove his swim trunks.

"...going hard..." She bites her lip, resisting the urge.

"Always is." He smirks.

"...uh huh..." She slowly nods. Even though it was hard for her to resist, she managed to while he put the shorts on. "You okay there?"

"I-I'm fine..."

"You sure now?"

"Huh?" She shakes her head. "I'm fine."

"Spaced out for a second didn't you?"


"I thought so. You just like what you see, so you space out."

"Try love."

"Well I love what I see too."

"What's not to love?" She poses for him.

"Exactly. I love everything."

"Just like I love everything I see." She pushes herself from the frame then walks over to him.

"As you let me know every day."

"I'll continue that too." She rests her hands on his hips when she reaches him, leaning up to give him a kiss.

"So will I."

"Of course, but after dinner."

"Right, of course."

"Come on love. We've already spent more time in here than we should have." She takes his hand, leading him out of the room. When they get back out to the kitchen, she lets him go so he can go over and check the food he left cooking. She starts to get the dishes and everything that they need then takes them and sets them on the table on the deck. When that's done, she got back to where he is and wraps her arms around his waist, resting her head on his back. "Everything smells amazing."

"Is that my favorite you made?" She lifts her head, peeking around him.


"Yayy." She cheers. "I've been craving it since the last time your mom made it."

"And you'll probably be craving it after tonight again." He chuckles. "Most likely." She laughs. "Almost done."

"Can't wait." As soon as it's done, everything gets shut off, and she helps him bring the food out to the table on the deck. They sit down, getting what they want on their plates. "Everything has been just perfect today."

"It wouldn't be Christmas if it wasn't perfect."

"Well you made it the best Christmas ever."

"Good. That was the plan the whole time."

"All this is the best gift ever."

"I don't know how I'm going to top it for you." She adds.

"I'm sure you'll think of something."

"I'm sure I will. It's going to be hard though."

"But I'm sure it's going to be amazing."

"I hope so."

"You know I love anything you get me though."

"I know. You'll get something, but it might be late."

"That's okay."

"That's why I love you. Always so understanding."

"Wouldn't be a great fiance if I wasn't understanding."

"Of course, even though you're already the best."

"So are you."

"I do try."

"You don't even have to."

"Neither do you."

"But we both try anyway."

"Exactly. And we don't even have to."

"No we don't."

"That just shows how much we love each other when we still try to impress the other."

"Exactly." They go back to eating and once they're done, he goes inside with the plates. She insisted on helping, but he told her to stay. After a while, he came back out with a slice of her favorite cake. "Is that...double dark dutch chocolate cake?"

"It might be." He grins.

"Oohh...give me, give me, give me." She holds her hands out excited like a little kid. "Alright alright, relax." He chuckles, setting the plate down in front of her. Before he can even sit, she takes a bite. Once the cake hits her tongue, she moans at how soft and delicious it tastes. "Been a while since you've had that. Thought tonight was a good night for it being dessert."

"It has been and it's perfect. Thank you." She kisses him quick. "You're welcome."

"'s so good." She moans. "Here." She puts some on the fork then feeds it to him. "Really?" She looks at him. "Not for long." She chuckles.

"I'll make sure it lasts."

"Not if you're sleeping." She grins.

"Well you won't be able to if I have a tight grip on you."

"Awww. That's no fair."

"Then you won't be getting up in the night now will you?"

"No...I'll wait for breakfast."

"That's better."

"That's better."

"It's just so good. I want more." She says when they finish the piece he brought out.

"Yes, I know. I can tell."

"Can I have another?" She gives him the eyes.

"I don't see why not." He chuckles.


"I will go get that for you."

"Thank you." She grins, kissing his cheek.

"Anything for you."

"Of course."

He then heads back inside and to the kitchen to get her another piece of the cake, coming back out with it on the plate, setting it down in front of her again. She starts to eat it, giving him more bites then she did last time. They enjoy the last piece of cake for the night. When they're all done, he takes it back into the house. While he does that, she goes over to one of the lounge chairs, getting ready to look at the stars. He makes sure everything is cleaned up and put away, before coming back outside and joining her on the lounge chair, her moving so she can sit with him, leaning back against him like earlier in the day. His arms go around her, making sure she stays in place. "It's so gorgeous out here."

"And I know, not as much as me, but close enough." She adds. "You're exactly right."

"But it really is." He nods. "Between the the view, the small breeze, and the warm air. It's perfect."

"Not as perfect as you, but close enough."

"Right." They lay there for a bit, just looking up at the stars. After a bit of laying there, he starts to get touchy. "Alright, I think it's time we go inside."

"You were getting my hints weren't you?"

"Yes I was."

"I was hoping you would."

"Oh I got them. Loud and clear."


"Going to carry me inside?"

"Oh yes I am." He smirks. Before she could even respond, he's sitting up with her in his arms. She squeal as he stands quickly and hoists her over his shoulder. "Time to test out our new bed." He chuckles.

"Just don't break it." She laughs.

"I'll try not to." Once he reaches the room, he lays her down on the bed, hovering over her. "So, how's the bed? Comfortable I hope."

"Very. Soft too."

"Good. Makes it all the better."

"Oh boy."

"You are so in for it." He smirks as the fingers of one of his hands start to wander lightly over her skin. She bites her lip, arching into him as a slight shiver runs through her. "And to quote you from earlier today...that's not even half of it. I've got much more planned to do to you."

"Uhhh." She groans in protest.

"Getting you back for everything today."


"Hmm....I don't think that's gonna work....not this time."

"Oh darn." She pouts. "If not..." She moves her hand from his shoulders, slowly down his chest.

"You're just asking for it to be a rough night aren't you?"

"Maybe..." She acts innocent then slips her fingers under his shorts, pressing his indent.

" so are...."


"Well then prepare for a long night. A very long night."

"Those are the best kind of nights." She smirks. "Yes, yes they are."

"Mhm." She grins, pressing his indent one more time. With that he tenses again, and he decides to waste no time in pressing his lips to her neck. She takes a deep breath, biting her lip. She does manage to keep her hand where it was while the other was wrapped around his neck. She then realizes that he's avoiding that spot on her neck, for obvious reasons of course. While his lips linger across every inch of skin on her neck, his hands wander lightly across the other exposed skin that she has. In the meantime, her hand moves to resting on his side, the other now in his hair. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him as close as he could get. At this point, he moves away from her neck, and towards the other skin that she had exposed, replacing his hands with his lips and nipping at the skin here and there. She bites down harder on her lip, not being able to keep the noises from coming. Both her hands go to his hair, tugging at it gently. He smirks against her skin, knowing that it's starting to get to her. But since she does have him held closer to her by her legs, he can't move any further than he is now. So, he keeps going over the same spots he nipped at, to see how much more she could really take. Soon it gets to be too much for her and she drops her legs from his waist to the bed. He then starts to kiss all new skin he can reach now, taking his time. When he does decide to move back up to her lips, his hands go back to wandering, before they start to tug at her clothes, biting her bottom lip just a bit. She moans softly, nodding her head slightly letting him know to go ahead. He grins, and the first thing that he goes after is the cami, inching that up until they both had to sit up in order for him to take that off, being extremely touchy as he does so. Once he gets that off, it gets tossed to the side. The next thing he goes for is the bottoms she has on, but she stops him. "...blanket..."

"It's not like anyone can see like in the city though..."

"True...go ahead then."

"We can save the blanket for the very last moment....if you want."

"Works for me."

"But your shorts are coming off right after mine." She adds.

"I had a feeling." She then presses her lips to his for a short time before her shorts got removed and tossed to the side, followed by her working on getting his off eagerly. She tugs them down as far as they can go before he has to help the rest of the way. Those get tossed to the side like her shorts then he decides to torture her a bit more. Not being able to take it anymore, she reaches for the blanket, letting him know she can't wait any longer.

"I think you can blame me in the morning if you have trouble walking." He chuckles.

"Believe me, I will."

"I apologize in advance."

"Apology accepted." He smirks with that look in his eye before they both once again pick up where they left off with the kiss and they continue to test out the bed for the night. Meanwhile, Ted was in the middle of making dinner for us both. "I would've helped." I say as I come back into the kitchen after getting changed.

"Oh I know, but today is all about you."

"So you kept telling me today."

"Because this is all a part of your gift."

"And I appreciate it."

"I'm glad."

"So, what're you making?" I ask, hopping up and sitting on the counter behind him.

"Your favorite of course." He grins.

"I knew it."

"The smell huh?" He chuckles.



"That's ok though."

"Kind of hard to hide the smell. Only way for that is to have you leave and I don't want that."

"I would never leave anyway."


"So dinner is my favorite. Does that go towards dessert too?"

"Possibly." He grins. "You'll have to wait and see."

"Surprises, surprises."

"I'm full of 'em."

"How well I know."

"That's why you love me so much." He smiles cheesily.


"It's almost done."

"Great. I can't wait."

"Everything is already set up outside too."

"On top of everything aren't you?"

"I am." He nods.

"You're amazing."

"Only for you."

"Of course." Once everything is done, he takes it off the stove and out of the over then puts it in separate dishes. "I'll help you with this now."

"Alright." He nods. Once we get everything outside and set down on the table, that's when we sit at the table. We both then start to get what we want, setting it on our plates. "Everything just looks so good."

"I would hope. It's your favorite afterall."

"Well of course, but everything you make me looks good."

"I've had practice."

"Right, of course." We both start to eat, the food tasting even better than it looks. "It's amazing."


"This really has been the best holiday ever."

"And the day's not over yet."

"Oh, I know."

"Just wait for the rest of the week."

"Lots planned huh?"

"Oh yeah. Since we slept most of the day, tomorrow I was thinking the beach then later on exploring the island some."

"That sounds like a perfect idea."

"I thought you would like it."

"I love it."

"Even better."

"Can't wait for the rest of the week and what you have planned."

"I've got lots planned, but that's all a surprise."

"Of course it is."

"About ready for dessert?" He asks when you both finish.

"Oooh yes."

"I'll go get that and be right back."

"Alright." She nods. He then gets the plates and heads inside. Once back in the kitchen, he gets two pieces of the dessert, it being both of our favorites of course. He puts the rest back into the fridge before coming back out to me, setting a plate down in front of me. Once he does that, he takes his plate and sits back down in his chair. "You made it? I've been dying for that since the last time we had it."

"You've only been asking me forever to make it." He chuckles.

"It's just that good." You laugh. "I can't help it."

"In that case, I have a feeling you'll want to get up during the night to get some more."


"Don't think you'll be able to though."

"Let me guess. You're going to make sure I can't move huh?"

"Aw darn, you caught me."

"I could tell by the look on your face."



"Can't hide anything from you."

"Nope." I chuckle. "You can try all you want, but I always know what's going on." I add.

"You just know me that good."

"Yes I do, and the same goes for you."


"But that's what just makes us love each other more."


"Which is so very much."

"More than anyone will know."

"Exactly." We both keep eating the dessert, feeding each other bites at times. Once we're done, we take the bowls inside then go back out to look at the stars for a bit. He sits on one of the lounge chairs, me leaning back against him. "Perfect ending to a perfect night."

"All that with the perfect girl too."


"For you, always." He kisses my cheek. "Forgot how much fun looking at the stars can be."

"Right. Since we can't do that much on the road."


"Now you have all week to look at them."

"Enjoy it while I can."

"And you will."

"I know you'll make sure of that."

"I will."

"I would stay here all night in this lounge chair with you, because I am so comfortable, but I know you have other plans."

"I do, but we can stay here for a bit longer."

"You're getting touchy already though."

"Oh I am? Oops."

"Like you didn't realize it." I say amusedly. "I didn't." He chuckles. "Honest."

"I believe you."


We stay there for a while longer before his touches get to be too much. "Alright touchy. I think we should go inside now."

"If you're sure."

"Unless you want things to happen out here when the touches get to be too much."

"Not like anyone can see, but I would like to test the bed sometime this week." He smirks. "We already planned on doing that tonight, so let's stick to that."

"I'm fine with that." He starts to get up, holding me so I don't fall. "I got to ask, plan on carrying me or no? Because you always seem to carry me inside wherever we are."

"Oh I'm carrying you alright."

"I thought so." Once he gets off the chair, he picks me up, carrying me inside. My arms go around his neck and I cling to him, and while he's heading inside, I decide to have my fun and start to kiss lightly along his neck. He slows his pace a bit, trying to focus on where he's going "I'm going to run into the wall if you keep that up."


"Keep that up and you'll be in for it even worse."

"Hmmm, should I take my chances with that?"

"You always do."

"Very true." I continue to kiss his neck lightly. He gets halfway to the room when he stops, shifts me in his arms so I'm facing him. He presses my back to the wall, pressing his lips to mine. I smirk against his lips, knowing that I got to him that bad that he couldn't make it to the bedroom without doing something. My legs end up locked around his waist, and my arms are still around his neck, except my hands are in his hair and my fingers are running through it. He keeps one hand on my back while the other rests on my thigh. Waiting for the right moment, he squeezes down on it, getting the reaction he wanted out of me. He does that a few more times before pulling from my lips so he could walk the rest of the way to the bedroom. Once in there, he lays me on the bed, pressing his lips back to mine hard. My legs go back to locking around him so that he couldn't go anywhere for the time being, and I hold him closer to me between doing that and with my arms. During the kiss, here and there, he would tug on my bottom lip with his teeth. And that would cause me to make a quiet noise, and my nails end up digging lightly into his shoulders. He smirks, doing that a few times before he lets my lip go. Instead of going back to my lips, he slowly makes his way across my jawline then to my neck, nipping lightly as he goes. He goes from kissing behind my ear to nipping on my earlobe. He does that for a bit before moving to my neck. He wastes no time in pressing his lips to the spot. since he can tell I'm holding back, he uses his tongue between nips. When he gets the reaction he wants out of me, he stays on the spot for a bit longer until he knows a mark would be forming. When he feels one is starting, he pulls away, smirking at the mark. He then moves back to my lips, me kissing him eagerly. Since he just had his fun, I want to have mine now. So I manage to get him to roll us over so that I was over him this time. My hands move from his shoulders, and move down his chest to his abs, my nails trailing along light enough to get a reaction out of him.

He tenses up, a slight growl coming from him as he grips my hips. All I do is smirk, and continue on, making sure to take my time to see how much he could take. Once I was done on his abs, I move to the indents and waste no time in pressing my fingers into both and that's enough to drive him crazy and he grabs my hands and takes them away. "No more."


"But since you were going there, I don't think we need to waste anymore time..."

"I don't think we do."

"I apologize for any bruises that you find either tomorrow or later on in the week."

"Apology accepted."

"Now I believe that you have some things that need to come of..."

"Go for it." I smirk. I sit up and so does he so that it's easier for the top to come off. It wasn't very hard to get off, considering it took him no time at all and that was tossed to the side. His hands wandered over the newly exposed skin before he tugged on the bottom of my shorts. Since I wasn't stopping him, I let him go ahead and work on getting those off once I had moved. Those got tossed to the side where my top was and his shorts were the next thing getting worked on taken off. Once those were off and thrown to the side, he had a bit more fun with all the newly exposed skin before we both spend the rest of the night testing out the bed.