Status: Active

All About Us

Valentine's Day

It's Thursday, and thankfully we have some time off. We all of course went home instead of staying at the hotel. Now it's not just Thursday, but it's also Valentine's Day. You and I both knew that Ted and Justin would have something planned like they always do for any holiday. Vi was still sleeping in bed while Justin was wide awake preparing something special for her. He did make sure that she would still be asleep and stay asleep as he did prepare that something special for her. Took him quite some time before he gathered everything and carried it to the bedroom. He set the tray he had everything on, on the nightstand next to the bed. He then took out the rose that he had in a small vase and started to lightly runs it from her forehead down her nose, to her lips. He did that a few times until she started to stir slightly. "Good morning." He grins. "...morning..." She smiles, opening her eyes slightly. "You're up early." She adds. "Any reason?"

"Look next to you on the nightstand..." She sits up a bit on the bed to see the tray of food that he made. "You did all that? For me?"

"Yes I did."

"Awww. You're the best." She smiles pulling him to her and giving him a kiss.

"And this is for you too." He says after they pull away, holding up the rose. "My favorite." She grins, taking it and smelling it. "Is this what woke me up?"


"Always thinking of different ways to wake me up. I love it."

"And this is all because it's Valentine's Day. All about you today."

"That's right. I totally forgot 'cause to me, with you, everyday is Valentine's Day."

"And that's because it doesn't matter what day it is, you're treated like this all the time."

"That's why I love you. You make me fall in love with you all over again everyday."

"That's my goal."

"It works too. Everyday I fall for you more and more like it's the first time."

"I feel the exact same way."

"Awww." She blushes. "I'm so happy that we're getting married. That's the best thing that's ever happened to me...besides you, but I'm marrying you so..."

"Right, I understand completely." He chuckles. "Good." She laughs. "So...what did you make?" She peeks at the tray. "All your favorites."

"Ooooh. I can't wait to eat it then."

"And I was thinking we could spend the whole day together, of course. Since it's all about you today, you can pick everything."

"Hmmm..." She starts to think while he puts the tray on her lap. " about...the beach after we eat since we are in Tampa then dinner later?"

"Sounds perfect."

"I'll let you pick the swimsuit this time, but the dress for later will be a surprise."

"I can handle that."

"That's why I'm letting you pick the swimsuit...that should hold you over until later."

"It's held me over before, I believe it can again."

"I figured." She chuckles, taking a bite of the stuffed french toast he made her. " is...amazing..." She manages to say after swallowing. "I was hoping."

"Here." She puts some on her fork and feeds it to him. "It is good." He nods. "You just make the best food." She whips some of the filling off the corner of his mouth. "I try."

"You don't have to. You just are."

"But I still do try."

"I know and that's what make you even more amazing."

"Just like you."

"Justy..." She hides her face. "Just telling the truth."

"I know, but you know how I get..."

"I know."

"And that's why you do it too."

"Exactly." She continues to eat what he made, giving him bites in between hers. Once he's done with the french toast, she starts to eat the fruit. She picks up a strawberry, teasing him with it by slowly licking it before biting into it and sucking the juice out of it. "Trying to tease me are you?"

"Me? No. Never. This is how I always eat strawberries."


"Honestly." She smirks, picking up another one and doing the same thing, but slower. "That's not doing anything better for me." He groans inwardly. "Oops." She giggles. "My bad." She finishes that one, then takes another, feeding it to him this time. "Uh huh...suuure." He mumbles as he eats it. As he eats it, he mocks the same thing she did to him. "Oh, I see how it is..." She bites her lip. "I don't know what you're talking about." He grins. "Of course you don't." She mocks his grin. "Love you."

"Love you too." She gives him a quick kiss."Now why don't you help finish the rest of the breakfast you made?" She adds. "I'd love to."

"Because once it's gone, you can pick out that swimsuit of mine."

"What are we waiting for then? Let's eat." He eagerly says as she laughs. "Now you're oh so eager."

"I always am when it comes to seeing you in a swimsuit."

"Yes, I know."

" up."

"Don't worry, I will." They go back to eating the fruit that was left, feeding it to each other at times. He steals a few kisses in between being all sweet and affectionate. It isn't too much longer before they both finish all the food that he had made. He gets up and takes the tray and puts it back onto the nightstand for now. He then heads over to where she keeps all her swimsuits, looking through them all. It takes him a bit of time, but once he finds one, he turns back around and comes back to the bed. "I knew you were going to pick that one." She chuckles. "Of course you did." He grins. "It is your favorite one afterall."


"And let me want to help putting it on too."


"I don't know..." She pretends to think. "Do I have to add the face?"

"No no. You can help."

"Works every time." He smirks. "I can't resist that face, you know that all too well."

"Which is why I do it a lot."

"And you always get your way too."

"Yes, yes I do."

"Just like now...touchy."

"Can you blame me for being touchy?"

"No...there is a lot to touch so..."

"So much..."

"Your fault for last night." She gives him a look. "Oops?"

"Uh huh."

"Couldn't help myself."

"You never seem to be able to."

"Your fault."

"My bad..." She gives him an innocent look. "Sure, whatever you say."

"Sure, whatever you say."

"I can't help that I look so damn good." She smirks. "You're oh so right about that." He says as he looks her over. "And it's all for you and only you."

"Yes, yes it is."

"I do should change..." She says as he starts to nip at her neck. "...before things happen...again..."

"If you insist."

"Unless we can be quick...I really want to go to the beach."

"I think I can resist for a while."

"Like always...good luck."

"I'll need it, that's for sure." He chuckles. "You so will." She smirks, taking the blanket off. She then takes the top part of the bathing suit from him and puts it on, and he helps to tie it, of course being as touchy as he can in the process. "Someone's having fun." She giggles, shifting so he can help with the bottoms. "I always do."

"Always when you can be extra touchy."

"Exactly." He grins. She puts her legs in the bottoms then lets him have fun pulling them up. Once he's pulled them up and they're on, he wraps his arms around her and pulls her close. She wraps one arm around his neck, the other resting on his shoulder as she looks him in the eyes. She wraps one arm around his neck, the other resting on his shoulder as she looks him in the eyes. "Love you so so so much."

"Love you so so so much too."

"Even though words can't describe how much I love you, I still try to find the words."

"I know you do, although you did find the four right words to say that express how much you love me."

"One of the best days ever was you saying yes to that."

"There's no reason I would deny you. I just love you that much to ever say no to you."

"And I know that."

"As you should." She grins, brushing her lips over his. "I do think you need to change though."

"Yeah, that would help wouldn't it?" He chuckles. "I do believe it would silly."

"That means I'll have to let you go. Darn."

"You'll survive." She chuckles. "Oh I know I will. Just means I get to be more touchy on the beach." He smirks. "You're so lucky it's private out there too."

"Very lucky."

"Now go get ready before it gets too late. I'll be here, I promise."

"Alright. I'll try not to be too long."

"You better not be." She kisses him quickly.

"Promise." He then forces himself to move from the bed then over to where he keeps his swim trunks. She was about to get up to get things ready when she say him drop his boxers and change right in the room. She almost fell off the bed when she saw what he was doing, but saved herself. "Hope I wasn't too distracting there." He smirks, after turning around to face her. "...beach...wait...huh?"

"I'll take that as a yes."

"I...umm..." She stutters. "That's a yes definitely."

"What were we talking about?" She shakes her head. "Me being distracting."

"Oh...that makes wonder I feel lost right now."

"Maybe I should warn you ahead of time before changing in front of you suddenly?"

"No no. There's no need for that. I don't mind it at all."

"Well good. It's more fun when I don't warn you."

"For you it is." She laughs. "I'm so getting you back for that." She grins. "Expecting it."

"Of course you are, but you'll never see it coming." She smirks, getting up from the bed then walking out to get towels. Once she has the towels, she heads downstairs without telling him to tease him. It's not until she gets outside that she calls up to him from the patio just under the window. "You coming?" He comes over and sticks his head out of the window after pulling the screen up. "You left without me.."

"Not yet I didn't, but I will..." She slowly steps away. "Oh no you don't." He says, closing the screen and dashing out of the bedroom. Before she knows it, he's coming through the kitchen and out the sliding doors. She then starts to walk away from him quickly. "I will catch you."

"You always tend to." She calls over her shoulder. "Because I'm faster."

"That or I let you catch me."

"Either way it's fun."

"It really is." She starts to sprint away. "Oh it's on now." He chuckles, before sprinting after her. She glances over her shoulder to see him starting to catch up. She squeals a bit, trying to run as fast as she could, but the sand was making it hard. "Gonna get you now."


"Oh yes."

"Not fair...the sand is making it hard."

"Should've thought about that before running away."

"Too late now." She starts to slow down from the sand. "Yes it is too late. Cause now....I've got you." He says as his arms wrap around her. "Aw man." She pouts. "You'll survive."

"I know I will...I'm in your arms."

"And you always will be."

"Good. That's the only place I want to be." She leans into him. "I wish we could stay like this forever."

"I wish we could too."

"At least we have today."

"Yes. Take advantage of the time we get off as much as we can."

"I love that idea."

"You always do."

"I love anything that involves you."


"How about we set out these towels then get in the water?" She suggests. "Good idea. But don't forget the one important thing before the water....sunscreen. Can't have that skin of yours burning. Then I wouldn't be able to touch you for a while."

"Oh right. We can't have that happening."

"Plus, you know me and seeing you in any kind of pain."

"I hate seeing me in pain."

"I really do."

"Well you won't have to. Here." She hands him the sunscreen. "Get the spots you can reach yourself before I help?"

"I could, unless..."

"....unless I do that for you." He finishes her sentence. "You know you want to."

"I do." He nods.

"Have fun then."

"Oh....I will." He then puts some on his hands, motioning for her to turn around first. She turns around, then shivers from the coolness of the lotion but soon gets used to it. He takes his time, before telling her that she can turn to face him now. She does so and he takes his time again with each area that he applies the sun lotion. She closes her eyes, enjoying his touches. It's not too long until he finishes, leaving her catching her breath. "Too distracting?" He chuckles. "Maybe just a little..."

"My bad." He grins. "Uh huh." She gives him a look. "Now it's my turn." She smirks. "I know that look.."

"What look?" She acts innocent. "You know."

"Hmm...maybe I do."


"Okay...I know."

"Thought so."

"Now...turn around." She grins, taking the sunscreen from him. He grins as well, turning around so his back is facing her first. She puts some of the lotion on her hands, starting at his shoulders. She takes her time, making sure to get all the skin that is exposed. Once she's done, she lets him know he can turn around. That's when she starts to have her fun. Like his back, she starts at his shoulders very slowly making her way own his chest. When she reaches his abs, she take her time, letting her touches linger. She moves her fingers down to the waist of his trunks, lightly running her fingers above the hem. She feels him tense then smirk, letting her fingers brush over his indents before trying to dash away. "Heyyyy."

"Yes?" She giggles. "Dashing away like that."

"You could've stopped me."

"I was distracted."

"Oops?" She chuckles "You're gonna get it now."


"Not gonna work this time."

"I didn't mean it...honest."

"Really?" He gives her a look. "Yes..." She looks for a way out. "If you say so..."

"Am I forgiven or do I have to run?"

"I think run. Even though I'm gonna catch you." She squeals, starting to dash away from him. He just chuckles and starts to run after her. She keeps running until she reaches the water, that slowing her down. She turns to see him starting to catch up and she tries to go faster. "No no no no no no no. No catching me." He just chuckles, picking up speed. "You can't escape me now."

"Noooo. Not fair." She does her best to get away. "Blame the water. It's slowing you down."

"Darn you water!" She yells at it. "And....I got you....again."

"That's so're faster than me." She pouts. "I'm sorry." He kisses her cheek. "It's fine. I'm in my favorite place anyway."

"In my arms, I know." He grins. "Exactly." She grins, shifting in his arms so she's facing him, her arms going around his neck. "You always will be in this spot."

"Good. I don't want to me any other place but here." She leans her forehead against his. "Never have to worry about not being here in my arms."

"I would hope not. I would just die if I wasn't."

"And we can't have that happening."

"No, 'cause I wouldn't be with you."

"And I wouldn't be with you."

"That would just crush me...we belong together and that's how it's going to be."


"Forever." She repeats, giving him a few soft kisses, not wanting to stop. His hands move from where they were resting on her hips, so that his arms wrap around her and holds her tight against him. He doesn't want to stop the kisses either, so he keeps it going for the both of them. She sighs in content, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck, hooking her one leg around his. He grins against her lips, and decides to lightly trace patterns along her skin, in result giving her goosebumps. She shivers slightly, starting to kiss him a bit more roughly. She pulls him closer to her than he already is, leaving one arm around his neck, the other moving so her hands can run through his hair. One of his hands in result come up to rest on her cheek, cupping her face in his hand. Then he decides to give her a bit of a boost and she wraps her legs around his waist and he supports her more with his free hand. She makes a few noises into the kiss, happily. She moves her one hand so it's resting on his wrist while her other runs through his hair. When he starts to nip at her bottom lip after a while, that makes her tug on his hair gently. That causes him to build a growl in his throat. Since it was not loud enough for her and she knows she can get a louder one, she moves her hand and runs her fingers over the back of his neck, using my nails as I do so. He knows what she's trying to do so he tries to resist the best he can. She knows he's trying to resist, so she tries even harder, dragging her nails across the back of his neck even more than before. Because of that, he can't hold it in anymore and he growls loud enough to satisfy her. She smirks the best she can since he still has her bottom lip between his teeth. She then moves her hand back to his hair letting it gently run though it. When he decides to let her lip go and kiss her normally again, she kisses him back eagerly and hard. He kisses back with just as much intensity as her. His hands also begin to wander since they had returned to resting on her sides. She gets so wrapped in the kiss, she loses all sense of what is going on and forget that his hands were wandering. He then breaks the kiss, and starts to trail across her jaw and to her neck, making each kiss linger on her skin as he goes. She rests her head on his shoulder, her hand tugging at his hair gently. That causes him to smirk against her skin as he continues to move along it, reaching her neck and going to the spot behind her ear first, leaving lingering kisses there.

She sighs in content, letting her fingers run through his hair while she enjoys his affection. She absentmindedly runs her fingers from her other hand over the skin on his shoulder where that hand was resting. He moves from the spot behind her ear and starts to kiss along her neck, only grazing the sensitive spot he loves so much from time to time, avoiding it for now. Each time he grazes the spot, her legs get tighter around his waist, a few noises coming from her. She starts to tug on his hair a bit harder, her nails lightly digging into his shoulder. He grazed over it one more time before hitting the spot straight on, his lips attaching to it almost instantly. She doesn't even try to hold back the noises, because she had his shoulder to muffle them into. That's exactly what she does when what he's doing gets to be too much for her. She hides her face in his shoulder the best she could as she muffles any noises that come from her into it. He keeps on the spot for a bit longer, wanting to leave his mark. When he feels one will be forming, he slowly pulls away with a smirk. He then makes his way back to her lips. When he reaches her lips, she kisses him hard and eagerly. After a while, she can feel herself losing air. So, despite her wanting to continue, she had to break for air, and they rest their foreheads against each other's. "" She says between breaths. " you very much."

"Today is...perfect." She smiles. "That's the goal...make it perfect."

"Everyday is perfect...I wake up to you."

"That's exactly how it is for me."

"And that's the way it will always be."

"Yes it will." He nods. She kisses him quickly one last time then rests her head on his shoulder. In the meantime, I'm still sleeping but Ted's awake preparing something special for me this morning. He does it quietly and such so he doesn't wake me. It isn't until I start to shift in my sleep, and my hand goes to reach out for him, only to not find him there. Instead when I start to open my eyes, I see Riggs in Ted's spot on the bed next to me. "Now what are you doing there?" I question. All Riggs does is bark, wagging his tail. He then jumps down from the bed and goes out of the bedroom. I watch him as he does so, only to notice something on the ground leading out the door. I kind of rub my eyes a bit to wake up more and get a better look at what I saw. I notice that it's rose petals, leading from my side of the bed and out the door. I start to wonder what's going on, so I move from the bed and grab a robe and pull that on before following the trail out of the bedroom. I see they lead down the hall to the stairs. I follow them down the stairs then through the hallway. I then see that they go through the living room and out the doors leading to the backyard, which were open. Even more curious, I keep following and stop in the doorway when I see what the trail was leading to. "Morning." Ted grins once he sees me. "Morning. What's all this?"

"It's breakfast just for you."

"So that's what you were doing while I was sleeping."

"It was and you woke up just in time too."

"Well I had woken up, to find you not there, instead Riggs was in your place. Let me guess, you sent him in to try and wake me up?"

"Actually, no. He saw you weren't with me and came to look for you. I was going to come up and wake you myself."

"Aha so he beat you to it."

"He did." He pouts. "I'll just save what I was going to do for later." He grins. "Oh boy."

"That's right." He smirks, moving closer to me. "Happy Valentine's Day." He gives me a quick kiss. "Kind of figured this breakfast was in celebration of this particular day....with the rose petals."

"I had a feeling you would like those. That took a bit of time. Had to leave you earlier then I wanted to."


"It was all worth it though. The look on your face said it all."

"Well all this is pretty amazing afterall."

"Only the best for the one I love."

"And I love you too."

"How about we sit so you can eat?" He suggests. "Good idea." I nod. He grins, picking me up then carrying me over to the table. He pulls out a chair for me, then sets me down on my feet, me sitting in the chair. "So what did you make exactly?"

"All of your favorite breakfast foods."

"Smells good, that's for sure. Surprised I didn't get woken up by the smell of everything."

"I am too. Must have worn you out more than I thought last night." He smirks. "That I don't doubt at all. Youuuu."

"Oops?" He chuckles. "Uh huh..."

"I just couldn't control myself...your fault."

"It's always my fault." I laugh as I fill my plate with the various foods.

"Some of the time, not all the time."

"Right." He watches amusedly as I keep putting things on my plate. "Hungry?" He laughs. "You know how I get when it's my favorites."

"I do and that's why I made them. Today is your can eat however much you want of whatever you want."

"Well in that case I'll have to work all of it off when we go back on the road and get to a gym." I laugh. "Or know I can help with that..." He grins. "Like last night..."

"Possibly." He smirks. "Of course." I shake my head amusedly, before starting to eat. He sits there just watching me while I eat. "So what else is planned for today?" I ask. "Whatever you want to do."

"But I do have a dinner planned for tonight. Besides that, you can choose everything." He adds.

"Oooh...that sounds nice."

"I think I have the perfect dress to wear tonight for the occasion." I add with a grin. "Oh? Do tell." He looks interested. "You really think I'm going to tell you what I'm wearing? It has to be a surprise."

"Darn. It was worth a shot thought."

"If I give you any hints, it'll give the dress away."

"Not even the color?"

"I suppose I can tell you that at least."

"Well...what color is it?"

"Well it's a mix of red and pink. Like Watermelon color."

"Oooohhh. That's a new color for you...I have a strong feeling I'll love it."

"I already know you will."

"You're so going to be killing me all day long."

"Wasn't even the plan until now. I was even thinking of not even bothering to get dressed today either." I smirk a bit. "You know what will happen if you make that decision..."

"Yes I know." I grin. "So that's what you want to do today? Stay in bed?"

"Maybe not all day, but half of the day at least."

"And when will this happen? After you eat?" He asks hopeful.

"Possibly." I tease him. "I sure hope you're not teasing...if you are'll be so in for it when it does happen."

"I like a challenge."

"Of course you do."

"I may be teasing just a little bit."

"Really? Making me wait..."

"You'll survive."

"You might be right. I should be able to wait."

"I know you can." I nod. He grins, kissing me quick before I go back to eating. I make sure to take my time, so he has to wait longer. And I know that the wait is just killing him, but I still do make him wait. When I'm finally done, I relax in the chair. "All full now?"

"Mmhmm." I nod. "Good. I'm glad."

"It was all very good. As always."

"Why thank you." He bows his head. "You're welcome."

"I'll get this all cleaned up, you just sit here and relax until I'm done."

"Alright." She nods. He then starts to gather everything up, taking in what he could. After putting that in the kitchen, he comes out for the rest. He heads back into the house, putting the extra food away and the dishes in the dishwasher. "So gonna tease me some more or are we going to go lay in bed for a while now?" He asks, after coming back outside. "Oh, I don't know." I grin. "Oh come on." He whines. "I've waited long enough." He pouts. "Just kidding." I laugh. "Come and get me." He grins, walking over to me. Once he reaches the chair I'm sitting on, he leans down, picking me up. My arms go around his neck, his around me. He uses one hand to support me while the other wanders up and down my leg then to my butt, squeezing down on that as he walks through the house. "Grabby aren't you?" I grin. "Yes I am." He smirks. "Extra grabby today, that's for sure."

"Mhm." He nods. "Just because I can."

"Never said you couldn't."

"Oh I know." He then heads up the stairs and makes his way back into the bedroom. When he walks in, he doesn't bother to shut the door because we don't have to worry about that. He reaches the bed and sets me down on it before climbing onto it next to me. "Finally I get my time with you." He grins, his fingers wandering. "As if I would deny you that."

"I know you wouldn't, but it's been a long morning."

"Poor you."

"It was torture." He pouts.

"But it was worth it." I kiss him quick. Instead of letting me pull away, his arms wrap around me, pulling me closer to him. His one hand goes to the back of my head, holding me in place. He keeps the kiss going while he lets his free hand wander to the strap of the robe eagerly. I didn't have time to really stop him if I wanted to since he had me distracted, and as his hand made it there and had untied it already before I could react. He smirks, opening the robe and letting his hands wander over all the new skin. His hands do wander over my skin lightly, which ends up causing goosebumps. That causes me to cling to him and my nails dig into his shoulder gently where my hand was resting for now. He smirks even more, shifting so he's hovering me. He opens the robe even more, before trailing kisses from my lips to my neck then over all the exposed skin he can reach. He makes sure to take his time, especially when he gets to the sensitive spots. The longer he takes on the sensitive spots, the more it tortures me. A hand moves to his hair as I gently tug on it, each time he goes to a spot and stays on it to the point where I can't take it anymore. He wanted that reaction out of me, so he smirks every time against my skin, and continues. He keeps going until he feels I've had enough torture for now. His hands move to my thighs, resting there while he makes his way back to my lips. "...killing me..."

"...almost done..." He trails up my neck, making it to my lips. I waste no time in kissing him eagerly, after all the torture he gave me. My arms go around his neck and I hold him as close to me as possible, not wanting to let him go just yet. He can sense me not wanting to move so he moves his hands from my thighs to my hips, letting me know he's not leaving. The kiss starts to heat up, his hands now moving to the robe, starting to tug it off my arms. "Wait..." I say after breaking the kiss, moving so I can sit up, so it would be possible for him to remove it. Once it comes off, he tosses it somewhere, not caring where it lands. When that's out of the way, he presses his lips back to mine. He knows what I was going to do next, so he takes my hands and laces his fingers with mine, before holding them to the mattress. He smirks against my lips as I start to struggle and whine in protest. "...nope...not this time..." He mumbles. " fair..."

"...all's love...and war..." He smirks. "...evil.."

" did tease me so...."

"..point taken."

" turn now..."

" more talking now." He adds. He goes back to kiss me, keeping me hands pinned for now. he keeps them like that for a little longer before letting them go. I make a noise of relief and go back to where they were, around his neck. Except, my hands rest on the back of his neck and I keep them there, just in case I decide to use my nails like I always do, despite knowing the consequences he would probably have in store for me if I did decide to do it. Since he knows what I'm most likely going to do, he takes my bottom lip between his teeth, gently nipping and sucking on it. That makes me arch into him just a bit, while my grip on him gets tighter. I soon can't take it anymore and retaliate. I retaliate the best way I know how to right now and that's with dragging my nails across his neck. But I drag them across the back of his neck slowly just to torture him a bit for now. A growl comes from his throat, him letting my lip go, kissing me normal now only rougher. That causes me to smirk into the kiss, and I continue to drag my nails across the back of his neck for a while. Once I feel he's had enough of that, I start to move them away from his neck. I do it slowly so it just makes him go crazy. Moving away from his neck and over his shoulders, I then move them down his chest until I reach his abs and that's where I keep my hands, my nails dragging across there this time. That drives him crazy, his hands moving from my hips to my thighs. His fingers lightly run over my skin, giving me goosebumps. He feels me tense a bit and smirks. He waits for the right moment then squeezes down on both of my thighs at the same time. Wasn't expecting him to squeeze both of them, let alone one, so that catches me off guard and I muffle any noise that comes from me against his lips. But it's still loud and clear to him, so he smirks against my lips, being satisfied. The teasing and torture from us both keeps up for a bit before we both can't take anymore. Soon he starts to reach for the blanket to pull over the both of us for some privacy.

In the meantime, Vi and Justin have taken a break from the water and had gone back up to their towels, sitting on the beach as they dry off for now. She was sitting on her towel until he pulled her over to him so she was in between his legs, her back resting against his chest, his arm draped over her shoulders. "Much better." He grins. "It is." She sighs in content. "I had a feeling I was going to end up here." She chuckles, referring to being on his towel. "You always do."

"It never fails...I can never be that far away from you."

"No, you can't." He chuckles. "Not that I ever want to be that far's to far for me too."

"Of course it is."

"I just feel much safe when you're close to me." She shifts so she's slightly laying on him, snuggling close to him. "As you should."

"I do...all the time." She tilts her head so she's looking up at him and smiles. "That's what I make sure of, every time." He smiles back. "It works really well too." She leans up, giving him a quick kiss. "I'm glad it does."

"Another reason I'm happy to be marrying you."

"And I have many reasons why I'm happy that I'm marrying you." He nods. "Tell me them?"

"Well, you're amazing to me first of all."

"I try."

"You don't even have to try. You just are amazing."

"Awww." She blushes. "Anything else?"

"You're always yourself, and I love that about you."

"I can do that around you."

"Which I'm glad you can be around me."

"I'm just that comfortable around you."

"Not done yet though. I love your eyes, you don't realize this, but I think I can get lost in them forever."

"Awww...Justy..." She blushes, biting her lip. "Love running my fingers through your hair and feel how soft it is.." She smiles up at him, tears filling her eyes. "And I'm still not done." He grins. "You're gonna make me cry..."

"Tears of happiness."


"I shall continue. Your lips, I can just kiss those forever. Which I will anyway, but still."

"Yes you can. They are only for you to kiss."

"Yes they are. Now your smile. It mesmerizes me, just like the first day I saw you."

"Just like yours got me too."

"Everything just...amazing. I do love your body, and I do show it every day."

"That you do...just like now...touchy." I giggle. "It all yours too...only you can touch and see me like you are right now."

"That's right."

"People can keep being're the only one that gets me and I'm the only one that gets you."


" what?" She looks up at him, biting her lip while her fingers walk up his chest. "Whatever you want to do. Your choice all day today."

"In that case..." She trails off, moving so she's on her knees facing him. " about..." She moves her hands up his chest to his shoulders, pulling him closer and brushing her lips against his. "...we...take a nap?" She suggests, teasing him. "A nap huh?"

"Mhm." She nods. "I'm a bit tired..." She fakes a yawn. "Oh...of course." He grins. "I think we should go before I fall asleep here..." She lightly runs her nails over his skin, going to retract them.

"Although I could always carry you back if you..fall asleep."

"True..." She purses her lips. "...on second thought...I'm not really that tired." She lightly moves her fingers along the waist of his trunks where they were resting. "I had a feeling."

"Is that so?"

"I knew you were just kidding about napping....for now."

"I haven't moved around that much. You've been carrying me all day."

"Because I'm just that caring."

"You just shows how much you love and care for me."

"Which is a whole lot."

"Just as much as I love you." She leans close to his face, slipping her finger under the band of his trunks, brushing over his indent.

"Just want to tease me...don't you?"

"Maybe I do..." She runs her tongue over his bottom lip. " is my day afterall." She smirks. "That is is." He nods. "Taking full advantage of it too." She presses his indent. He tenses a bit, leaning his forehead against hers. " are."

" love it." She whispers, nipping at his bottom lip. He growls lowly, his eyes closing instinctively. "I do."

"I thought so." She smirks, kissing along his jaw, making her way to his ear, nipping gently at his while her hands stay where they are. "We may just end up going back inside..."

"Maybe...that's what...I want..."

"A few more minutes."

"If you say so." She shifts so she's straddling his lap while nipping at his ear. His hands in the meantime start to wander, moving over all the exposed skin there is, to keep himself busy while she distracts him with nipping at his ear. She does her best to stay focused on what she was doing, moving from his ear to his neck. She lightly nips at his skin, adding her tongue after each nip. She slowly makes her way down his neck to his sensitive spot, just moving her tongue over it for now. When she does that, he reacts with squeezing down on her sides when his hands go there. He squeezes down on her hips as well, before moving them to her thighs, and squeezing down on those as well. A muffled noise comes from her making her stop what she's doing. Since my hands were still on his hips, she pressed down on his indent while she nipped and sucked on his sensitive spot. "" He mumbles.

"I move..."

"...carry you..." She nods her head, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around him the best she could to prepare herself. "What about our stuff?"

"We'll get it later." He then does his best to get to his feet while carrying her. Once he is standing, he makes his way to the house, with her still being as distracting as ever, so he walks slowly so he doesn't end up falling or bumping into anything. She eases up on the distracting a bit so he can make it into the house where he knows where everything is. As soon as they make it into the house and halfway up the stairs, she goes right back to nipping at his neck, her fingers lightly running over the back of his neck. That causes him to slow his speed again, until he gets to the top of the stairs. He makes it seem like he's going to head straight for the bedroom, but a bit into the hallway, he turns and he presses her against the wall. He then takes her hands and laces his fingers with hers and pins them against the wall. " like." She smirks. "You caused it."



"Honest..." She moves her hips a bit against him. "...which is're doing that...right now.."

"Mhm." She smirks. "I'll win like always."

"We'll see."

"We will..." She does it again, but harder and slower this time. " this rate....we won't make the bedroom." He says as he squeezes her hands. "Won't be the first time..."

"No..." He smirks. "Your or there..."

"'re making it very hard to last much longer."

"That's the plan."

"Looks like it's out here. We can go to the bedroom to rest after." She smirks, squeezing his hands since she wants them free while moving her hips against him. He then buries his face in her neck, still keeping her hands pinned to the wall, and he retaliates for a bit with nipping gently at her neck. But the more he does that, the more she moves her hips. He can't take it any longer, and he releases her hands, as his go to her swimsuit top to get that off first, not wanting to wait anymore. Since she knows her top will be coming off soon, she just rests her hands on his shoulders for now while he starts to untie the strings. He gets those undone then tosses her top to the side, pulling his head up to look at her. "Amazing...every time." He grins.

She blushes, biting her lip while her fingers run through his hair. "Now in order for other things to come off, you're gonna have to let go and hop down for a moment."

"Alright." She grins, moving her arms from his neck. "You first of me?"

"You..." She smirks, playing the the waist band of his trunks. "Of course. I should've guessed that." He chuckles, kissing you briefly. "Have at it." He grins. All she does is smirk, slowly starting to tug them down. She leans forward, kissing his chest, letting her tongue travel over his skin. She gets them down as far as she can, but she kisses down his chest while she pulls his trunks until they reach the floor. He steps out of them, but she doesn't move back up his chest. She lightly nips at his skin, making her way to his indent. She feels him tense, a smirk appearing on her lips. She moves to his indent, moving her tongue over it then lightly sucking on the skin. He tenses again, and a hand goes to her hair and he runs his fingers through it, tugging lightly at times. She can tell that he's not going to last much longer, without him telling her. So she continues there for as long as she can, before moving back up, and when she does, he takes her face in his hands and presses his lips to hers eagerly, kisses her more roughly than before. She starts to get lost in the kiss, her hands resting on his chest for now. Since she can't do much, she lightly runs her fingers over his skin. His hands move, and they travel along her skin slowly to cause goosebumps along her skin as he goes. He moves them over her shoulders and down her arms and then her sides. He stops when he reaches her hips and where her bottom half of her swimsuit is still on her body. He doesn't take it off at first, he trails his fingers along her waistline first a few times just to tease her. He moves to the strings and plays with those for a while, before finally deciding to untie them, letting the bottoms fall to the floor, where she kicks them to the side somewhere. He then process to give her a boost again and she wraps her legs around his waist, her arms going around his neck. Once again he presses her against the wall, where round two from last night starts.

It's not until a few hours later that they actually start to get dressed for the evening after getting a shower. All he told her was to dress her best. She did just that, picking out the best dress she had. It was a one shoulder pink dress with little diamond type jewels all over the top half. It was semi tight to her body, a slit starting at about mid-thigh going down the dress. While she was in the closet changing, she decided to slip on her heels while she was in there before walking back out into the room to add makeup and jewelry, her hair already being one in curls. "Stunning." Justin remarks as he finishes getting ready himself. "Why thank you." She grins. "This is the best thing I of right now."

"We can fix that tomorrow and take you shopping so you have more than just that."

"You would love that, but nothing will be the best until I find the right wedding dress. That will be the best thing I own."

"And I know I won't be able to see it until the day."

"No...that's the only'll love it though."

"I know I will. You'll be in it, so of course I'll love it."

"You love anything I wear...or don't wear." She chuckles. "Since nothing ever seems to stay on me long enough."

"That's your fault. You cause me to go crazy."

"You're just insatiable, that's what it is."

"Yeah, that's true."

"And yes...that's may fault too." She laughs as she starts to apply her makeup. "Yes it is."



"Sowwy." She pouts in the mirror. "I'll take it...this time."

"Yayy!" She cheers, applying some lip gloss before putting in her earrings. "Alright...all done." She states, turning to face him. "Amazingly stunning."

"Same goes for you. I love the suit."

"I knew you would."

"It brings out your eyes so perfectly...your skin tone..." She bites her lip. "...just perfect."

"Good to know." He grins.

She doesn't respond to him right away, she just stands there looking him over since he's looking really good. "Just remember, we don't have time for a round three." He chuckles. "...damn..." She mutters. "Later then..."

"..we'll see."

"I'll take that."

"So are we ready to go?"

"I'm ready."

"After you." She grabs her clutch off the dresser then starts to head out of the room. He follows close behind, of course staring the whole time like always. They make it to the stairs and she does stop, him almost running into her. "Staring again?" She chuckles. "I can't help it."

"Does my butt really look that good in this dress?" She turns her head, trying to look at it. "Oh yeah."

"Good." She grins. "The reason I stopped is..." She takes out her phone. "...I want to post a picture."

"Of course." He comes up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist while she opens the camera. She holds up her phone and goes to take a picture but stops. "Justy..." She chuckles. "...eyes up." She says since he was looking a bit too far down for the picture. "Oops. Sorry."

"Understandable...this dress does make them bigger."

"Mmhmm." She shakes her head, laughing then takes the picture. Just as she took it, he leaned in and kissed her cheek. She smiles at the picture then goes to post it on Twitter. Having the most amazing Valentine's Day with the best fiancee ever. Love him! She then sends the tweet and lets everyone comment on it. "Now I think we're ready to go."

"We are." She nods, taking his hand from her waist and lacing her fingers with his. He lets her lead the way and they both head down the stairs. He grabs the keys, before they both make their way out of the house and out to the car. Once at the car, he opens her door for her. She kisses the corner of his mouth, then picks up her dress so it doesn't get caught on anything. When she's in and set, he closes her door then goes over to the other side. After getting settled himself, he starts the car and then heads to where dinner is. "Any hints on where we're going?"

"I think hints would give it away."

"Aww." She pouts.

"You'll love it. Trust me."

"I'll be with you...of course I'll love it."

"Of course. And I couldn't go through the day without getting you some things. There's a bag in the backseat, pull something out."

"Really?" She turns around, getting the bag out of the back. "Justy..." She gasps, seeing a box of chocolates, candy hearts, a container of cookies, and another box with cupcakes in it. " got me all this? When? How?"

"I went out early early this morning."

"You must've had this all planned out for a long's all amazing. I love it." She leans over, kissing his cheek. "I'm glad."

"This day just keeps getting better and better." She takes a picture of everything he got her and posts that as well. "That was the plan."

"Love you." She takes his hand in hers. "I love you too. So very much." He lifts her hand up, kissing the back of it. She lays her head on the back of the seat just staring at him while he drives. She gets so lost looking at him that She doesn't realize that they've arrived to where he was taking her. "We're here."

"Already?" She blinks her eyes a few times. "It's like we just-" She stops when she realizes where they are. "This...our first date?" She looks at him. "You remembered."

"Of course I remembered."

"You know I love this place. I can't believe we were able to come's so hard to get into."

"I got lucky tonight."

"Very lucky."

"Only the best for you."

"Of course." She smiles as they start to get out of the car. "Wait until you see the table set up." He grins. "Oh went all out, didn't you?"

"I might have, yeah."


"Love you too."

"I hope it's not to crowded tonight...being Valentine's Day and all."

"Right." He nods. He keeps his fingers laced with hers while they head to the doors. Like before, the doorman there opens the door for them. They thank him, then head inside. Once inside, she notices that the place is empty. "Odd. I thought there would be more people here." She says to him, noticing no one there. "Oh I know right?" Since no one was there, the hostess came right over to them. She then leads them to their table that was already set up with a vase full of pink roses, and the wine that they had on their first date. She puts her hand over her mouth, in awe of what she sees. "Like it?" He asks. "I-I love it." She nods, getting teary eyed. "It's perfect."

"That's what I wanted." He nods. "Any other surprises?" She jokes as he pulls out her chair for her to sit. "Well there's a reason why no one else is here..."

"You didn't?" She looks at him shocked. "I did."

"That must have cost a didn't have to do that."

"I wanted to."

"I don't have to spend all your money on me. I love you for you, not your money."

"I know that. But you're worth everything to me."

"Awww." She blushes. "You're everything to me too."

"Believe me, I know." She smiles, watching as he goes over and sits down in his chair across from hers. "One menus..."

"Well, I remember what you got last time that you loved so much.."

"So you had them make that..."


"Let me guess...everything is already done for the night. We don't have to do a thing."


"How you did all this without me knowing will forever be a mystery, but I'm so happy with what you did."

"You're welcome." She can't help but to smile at how sweet he's being. he then takes the wine bottle out of the ice bucket and pours some into both their glasses. "Here's to us. Our future is going to be the best ever. I know this because I'll be with the most gorgeous, talented, and loving girl every. I'll be with my fiancee, soon to be wife, Violet. I love you so very much, you don't even know."

"Justy..." She tears up. "...I love you too...oh so very much it hurts."

"Hope it's a good kind of hurt."

"It me."

"Good." They then clink their glasses together, sipping the wine. It wasn't until a few minutes or so after that where the food was brought out to the table. It was set in front of them, looking and smelling as good as it did the first time. "Looks as good as it did the last time."

"Mmmm..." She says after taking a bite. "...taste even better too."

"If you think that's good, just wait until dessert."

"Do I even want to know?"

"Probably just want to be surprised."

Of course I do."

"We'll leave it at that then." She nods, going back to eating as he does the same. At times during the meal, they feed each other some of the food they each got. They take their time eating, just enjoying the peaceful nature with no one else around. "This night just gets better doesn't it?"

"It does. You really out did yourself today."

"I was hoping I did that today." He nods.

"You really did. I was so pampered today, I don't know how I'll be any other day." She laughs. "You'd be surprised." He chuckles. "It never ends with you. You've got me so spoiled."

"You deserve it."

"So you say all the time."

"Because it's true."

"Like always."

"Exactly." They keep eating, sipping their wine a bit. When they're done eating, the waitress collects their plates. While they wait for dessert, they just sit there, drinking the wine. "This is really good wine."

"Well it is the same as we had on our first date, so I would hope so."

"Oh I remember that. It was just as good then too. Best wine I've every had."

"Which is why we have it again."

"You also know how this makes me act too..."

"I do."

"That was a fun night...did things I never thought I would do with anyone..." She smiles at the memories. "Well I'm glad it was with me then."

"So am am I."

"Look at then and look at now. So much has happened."

"A lot has. These past 2 years have flown by. We went from wish we were together to being a couple, and now engaged. I wouldn't go back and change anything."

"Neither would I."

"I always knew you would be the one I'd be with're the one I always dreamt about."

"And that's the sweetest thing ever."

"What can I can? You're my prince charming."

"And I'm happy to be that for you." She smiles, then stands from her chair, going over to him and sitting on his leg, her arms going around his neck in a tight hug, not wanting to let go. "I love you too Vi." He says as he hugs back. "I know you do." She mumbles against his neck. "All this tonight proves it."

"I wanted today and tonight to be the absolute best for you." He nods. "Well it really has been. Even though every day is like this, you outdid yourself today."

"Probably no way I can top this next year." He chuckles. "You'll think of something. I know you will."

"Oh I know I will. I'll try to top myself each year."

"Because you just love a challenge." She chuckles. "That's another thing I love oh so much about you."

"Well you know me, I'm all about challenges." He grins. "I do know...all too well."

"Whether it's something involving you or the daring stuff I do."

"Exactly." She nods. "You're my daring lover."

"That I am."

"And that's a total turn on for me too..." She bites her lip. "I think you've told me before." He chuckles. "I'm sure I did, but I have a feeling you love hearing it."

"I do."

"I knew it." She smirks, kissing him quick."Can you blame me?"

"No, not at all."

"Thought so."

"I think I should go back to my chair..." She giggles since his hands were wandering. "I think that would be a good idea...especially if dessert is going to be brought out soon. And I don't want to do anything I wouldn't do in a restaurant."

"Exactly my point." She kisses him quick then wiggles out of his grip and goes back to her chair. "As much as I would like for you to have stayed over here with me, over there is the best for now."

"You're right. You're hands were starting to get a bit curious."

"They were, I won't deny that."

"They can be all curious later...I have a little something for you when we get back." She smirks."Oh really? Now you have me interested."

"Mhm." She nods. "You'll just have to wait until we get back to see it."

"No hints?"

"Hmmm..." She starts to think. " might give it away...just'll die."

"Oh jeez."

"I have to thank you for everything you did today so..."

"Right, of course."

"After we eat dessert, if you have nothing else planned, we can go home and you can see that."

"I may have one more thing planned, but that's for at home anyway so..."

"Oh? now you got me interested."

"You'll find out when we get back." He grins. "Fair enough."

"Because if I give you a hint, it will for sure give it away."

"That always happens." She chuckles. "Because my hints aren't subtle enough."

"No they're not."

"So we'll just wait for the bill, get that paid and then we can head back."

"After dessert though?" She pouts a bit. "Of course. Not gonna leave without having that. Might get some to bring back home with us too, just for you."

"I would love that."

"I know you would."

"You do know how much I loved the dessert from here last time."

"I do. And we're getting the same as last time."

"Really?" Her eyes light up. "I loved that last time."

"And you'll love it even more this time, just like the dinner."

"Oh I know I will. It's been so long since I've had it."

"Since both of us have had it."


"And here it comes now."

She turns her head to see the waitress bringing over the tray. The closer to the table she gets, the more excited she gets. Her eyes never leave the tray, even when it gets set on the table. She looks at all the plates, licking her lips. "Go ahead." He chuckles. She grins, taking a plate with a piece of cake on it along with some fruit. She starts to eat and as soon as the cake touches her tongue, she moans in delight. "Good?"


"I can tell."

"Oops." She laughs, starting to slow down. "It's alright." He chuckles. "It just tastes good."

"I bet it does."

"You should have some, you know...before I eat it all." She laughs. "Good idea." He chuckles, taking a plate himself. Since she had already started eating, he starts to eat himself. They don't do much talking during dessert since she couldn't stop eating. She had eaten a few pieces or so of dessert, and that's what it took for her to be full. She pushes her plate away from her a bit, sitting back in her chair, resting her hands on her stomach. "Full?"

"Yes...very." She nods. "Get the rest to bring home then."

"That is a great idea."

"Just wait for her to come back and we'll get it put into containers."

"Alright." She nods. "No rush."

"Right, of course."

"Still have this wine we need to finish."

"We do." He nods. He then pours the rest of what was in the bottle into their glasses. While he finishes what he had on his plate, she drinks the rest of her wine. "Can't wait to see what you have planned for when we get home." She remarks. "I can't wait to show you." He grins. "You'll love it."

"I always love everything you have planned so I know I will."

"Well this is really special."

"In that case..." She trails off turning around. "...check!" She calls for the waitress. He chuckles. "In a rush now?"

"Mhm." She nods vigorously. "If it's that special, I want it now." She mocks a spoiled rich kid. "Whatever you want. This day is all about you anyway."

"Yayy!" She cheers. "Love you." She grins. "Love you too." It's not too long after that, the waitress comes over with the check along with a few containers for their leftover food. She puts the food in the containers while he gets the bill taken care of. Once it's taken care off, she grabs the containers and they start to head on their way out. He keeps his arm over her shoulders since she was holding the food containers. When they reach the car, he opens the back door and she sets the containers on the seat. After that's done, she closes the door then gets in the passenger side since he already had the door open for her. She thanks him and then he closes the door and goes around to the driver's side and gets in himself. Once he gets in the car, he makes sure they're both set before starting the car and heading back for home. "Wish we would get back faster."

"I know. I'm going as fast as I can. We don't want to get a ticket." He chuckles. "No, that would be bad. I know."

"Shouldn't take long anyway. No traffic."

"Which I'm thankful for."

"I know you are and so am I." He grins, taking her hand in his. Of course it doesn't take too long to get home. They soon pull into the driveway, where he parks, shutting the car off. They then get out of the car, her getting all the stuff out of the back. They walk up to the house, him unlocking the door, them heading inside. Once inside, they head to the kitchen to put everything away. When that's put away, they head up to the bedroom. "Alright, you just take your time getting comfortable in the bathroom. I have to set the bedroom up." He remarks. "Okay, but you've got me really curious now."

"Curious is good."

"Hmm...I'll just go get ready in what I have planned for you then..."

"Might not last long with what I have planned, but okay."

"True, but you'll still get to see it."

"Yes, and I'm excited for it."

"I'll go do that while you do what you need to do."

"Mmhmm." He nods. She gives him a quick kiss before heading into the bathroom to change into what she had for him. She starts with taking off her dress and hanging it on the back of the door. She then puts on the Valentines lingerie that she chose to wear. She reapplies her lip gloss, then sprays more body mist on herself. She walks over to the door, calling to him through it. "Can I come out?"


"Okay, 'cause I'm all done."

"Just a few more minutes."

"Alright." A few minutes go by and he does some last minute quick things. "Alright, come out." She comes out and the lights are off, but there are candles everywhere that light the room up. She stops walking and looks around in awe. "Justy...what is all this?"

"Well, you know how I have that massage degree?"


"Well...." He trails off, giving her a look. "'re going to give me one?"

"Uh huh."

"I-I don't know what to say..." She smiles, biting her lip. "...thank you." She goes up to him, kissing him quick. "Anything for you, especially on a day like today. Now what you're wearing however...." He grins. "You like?" She steps back, posing for him. "Try love. How long have you had that?" He asks as his eyes roam over her. "A few weeks at the most."

"Great job at hiding it."

"Why thank you." She grins. "Now...would you like to take it off for the massage or do you want me to?"

"Just let me enjoy it for a few minutes, before it comes off."

"Go right ahead." She grins. He continues to look her over, his hands roaming over the fabric at times, taking his time with enjoying it while she still has it on. She let her hands rest on his shoulders for now while he has his fun and enjoys his view. "I really love this."

"I knew you would." She smirks. "I'll have to wear it again for you."

"Yes, yes you will."

"I'll bring it on the road with us then."


"Of course."

"I love you even more now."

"I bet you do." She chuckles. "So much."

"Just as much as I love you."

"I think I'm ready now to help you take this off."

"Zipper's in the back." He nods, his hands starting to go there slowly. "If I didn't have the massage planned, this probably would've stayed on. Next time though."

"Yes...there's always next time..." She bites her lip, shivering a bit at his light touches. "There definitely will be a next time for sure."

"There always is."

"Because I make sure of it."

"That you do." His hands reach the zipper finally and he starts to pull that down slowly, savoring the moment. She stands there, patiently waiting for him to pull it down even though he's making it hard with his light touches. Once he does get the zipper down and undone, he starts to pull the top half off, his fingers leaving light touches as he does so. She shivers again, goosebumps forming on her skin. Her eyes fall shut as she bites down on her lip. He grins and he rests his forehead against hers as he pulls the top half off the rest of the way, tossing that to the side. Her eyes stay shut while she steadies her breathing. "Only one thing left." He mutters, a smirk in his voice. "That is?"

"The bottoms. I'm gonna have fun with that. Just like earlier today when it was your swimsuit bottoms."

"You're evil..."

"But you love me."

"I very much."

"Get to be touchy the rest of the night now."

"You're so going to enjoy this."

"I really will." He grins. "...torture..."

"You'll get me back for it sometime."

"You can count on that."

"Always do."


"I'll make sure to make you not too relaxed tonight that you end up falling asleep. I know that's happened quite a few times."

"It does." She nods. "You just have that magic touch."

"I do, don't I?"

"You do."

"Now to get these bottoms off." He says as his fingers trail over the waistline. "...right..." She sucks in a breath, her fingers gripping his shoulders.

"Distracting yet?"

"...uh huh..." She slowly nods.

"Good." He grins, before starting to tug on her bottoms now, teasing her. ""

"You love it."

" much..." Then within just seconds, the bottoms are off and resting there around her ankles. She steps out of them, kicking them to the side. He then picks her up and carries her to the bed, laying her down. She lays on her stomach, her head resting on the pillows. "Now time to be relaxed." He grins. "Mmm...can't wait." He grabs off of the nightstand, what has become her favorite scented oil that she insists he use all the time because she loves it. He puts some in his hand and rubs his hands together to warm it up, before starting with her shoulders. She closes her eyes, enjoying his soothing touches all while humming lightly in content. She takes a deep breath to breathe in the scene, getting more relaxed. Once he feels that she's relaxed there, he moves to her upper back next to get rid of any tension there. That is where she had a bit of tension from all the matches and stress. She winces a bit, but soon gets used to the feeling, starting to get more relaxed there. "I'm glad I decided to do this. More tense here than anything."

"It was from the match many neck breakers..."

"Maybe I should make this a routine thing for you."

"Only if you want...I'll be fine...I always am."

"I know. I'll think about it." He nods as he continues until he feels the tension going away. It takes him some time to get all the tension out. When he does, he moves to the neck spot, her getting more and more relaxed. "I thank you for doing this for me." She mumbles. "You're very welcome." He grins, leaning down and kissing her cheek. "Perfect ending to the day."

"Just like it should be."

"The day has been nothing but special for me."

"Good. That was the plan the whole time."

"And I'm almost done. Just a few more spots or so to get." He adds. "Aww." She whines. "I would go all night, but you're starting to get more and more relaxed. I do it any longer than I need to, you're gonna fall asleep."

"It just feels so good."

"I know." She does the best she can to savor the last few moments before he decides to stop. Then he cleans everything up before putting it away, crawling into bed next to her, after shutting off the light. "Definitely going to sleep good tonight." She mumbles as she snuggles close to him. "I'm glad I could be of some help."

"Me too." She smiles up at him. "Happy Valentines Day....again."

"Thank you. Happy Valentines Day to you too." She reaches up, giving him a quick kiss. It almost ends up being a quick kiss, but he holds her there for a bit longer, before finally letting her go. " you."

"Love you too. Oh so very very much." She rests her head on his shoulder, looking up at him. she does her very best to fight her eyes from closing. "You know not to fight it when you're tired. You can sleep."

"I know...I don't want this day to end."

"I don't either. But think...all the gifts I got you...the cupcakes and everything, you can eat all of those tomorrow."

"That's something to look forward to." She tries to hide a yawn. "I saw that yawn." He chuckles. "You saw nothing." She hides her face in his chest. "You know you can't hide much from me. I saw it."


"You're tired."

"Am not." She stubbornly says. "Vi..."

"Okay, okay...maybe I am...a little."

"Then you should get some sleep. We can sleep in tomorrow."

"Alright." She slowly nods."And I'll make breakfast."

"You're just way to good to me."

"Because you deserve it."

"Of course I do."

"And it's a way I show that I love you."

"You show it in so many other ways too, just like I do to you."

"Exactly." She turns her head slightly to hide another yawn, hoping he won't catch it. "I heard that, but I'll let it slide this time. "...because" She says, getting more sleepy. "Yes, yes I do." All she does is nod, not being able to fight off sleep any longer. "Night Vi."

"Night Justy." He waits until she's dozed off, kissing the top of her head, before he dozes off himself. Meanwhile, Ted and I were getting ready for our big night out. I was currently in the bathroom, finishing up a few things I needed to do. "Hope you're almost done. Not only do I want to see, but I don't want to be late for the reservation I made." He says from out in the bedroom.

"I'm just about done. One last thing then I'll be out."

"Alright." I finish up what I needed to do, then head back into the room. "Well?" I ask. "You...uh....I..." He stutters. ""

"Mission accomplished." I grin. He nods, looking me over, not wanting to take his eyes off me. "The longer you stare, the more we're gonna be late for that reservation you made." I laugh. He shakes his head. "Oh right. Those."

"Not looking too bad yourself."

"I always have to look good when next to you."

"Of course."

"I'm ready if you are though." I add. "Just one second. I have something for you before we go." He says, going into the closet. "Where you going?" I look at him curiously. "You'll see." He says, as he rummages through the closet. Once he finds what he's looking for, he heads back out into the room. "For you." He grins, handing me the bag. "Awww. Gifts?"


"Oooh, I can't wait to see what they are." I smile as I look in the bag. After removing the tissue paper, the first thing I see is a white bear with a heart, and when I pull it out I see that the heart says 'I love you'. "Awww."

"I know how much you love bears. I thought that was perfect."

"It is. I love it!" I give him a hug and kiss. "Although you'll always be my big teddy bear." I add. "I better be." He chuckles. I put the bear down and go back through the bag and find something in a square box. I take the box out and open the top to reveal a crystal heart that's pink one one side and red on the other. "Oooh, this is pretty. Swarovski I'm assuming?"

"You're right." He grins. "This had to have cost so much."

"You're worth it though."

"Of course."

"Always will be."

"And that's why I love you."

"I love you too."

After putting that box down, I grab the last one that was in the bottom of the bag. After taking that out, I open it to see two cupcakes. "Been hiding those all day in the fridge." He explains. "So that's why you kept me out of the kitchen."

"Couldn't have you seeing them."

"That would have ruined it, I know."


"Just let me put all this in a safe place then I'll be ready to go." He nods, and I go and put the bear and the crystal on the dresser for now. I take the cupcakes and then head downstairs to put them back into the fridge so the frosting wouldn't melt at least while we were gone. Once those are away, he takes my hand then we both head out to the car. Like always, he opens the door for me and waits for me to be settled before going around and getting into the drivers side. "So, let me hints as to where we're going?" I ask as he starts the car and starts to pull out of the driveway. "Nope."

"I figured. You rarely give me hints as to where we're going when we do go out."

"I like to surprise you."

"I know you do. Surprises are fun."

"They are. Especially when they come from me." He grins. "Yes, exactly."

"It shouldn't take that long to get there."

"Good, because you've got me curious as to where we're going for dinner."

"You'll see in a bit." I nod, taking his free hand and lace my fingers with his, as I look out the window as we continue to drive along. He brings my hand up, kissing the back of it. He holds onto it, stealing a few glances at me. It's not too long until we pull up to where he was taking me. "And we're here." I look out the window to see where we are. "Looks like it's an expensive place."

"You're worth every penny of it."

"Especially today." He adds. "You're way to good to me."

"Because you deserve it. All of it."

"You really are the best." I kiss him quick. "So you tell me all the time."

"Because it's the truth."

"Shall we head in then?"

"We shall." I nod. "You wait there, I'll come around and get your door like always."

"Alright." I smile. He lets my hand go before getting out of the car, and then comes around to my side and opens my door for me, taking my hand as I start to get out myself. After I'm out, he closes the door then we both head inside. Once we're inside, he gives the reservation name and then we're led through to our table, which actually was in a private room just for the two of us. "Private room?"

"Mhm." He nods. "I don't want anyone around."


"This is your night and you're going to enjoy it."

"You're sweet."

"Only for the one I love." He looks me right in the eyes. "And I love you much."

"I know you do."

"I do appreciate all you do for me."

"I do it because I love you."

"I know."

"So, any idea what you want?"

"Well I haven't gotten the chance to look yet." I laugh. "You were being distracting as usual."

"Oops." He chuckles. "Take your time." I nod and grab the menu in front of me and start to look through it. "Everything sounds so good."

"I had a feeling you would say that. This place all everything you like."

"I can see that. Makes it even harder to choose something."

"I do know one thing you really like." He reaches over, pointing to it on my menu. "You're right, I do."

"And I already know what I want too."

"Then I shall get that." I nod. He then motions for the waiter to come over so we both can order. We do so and he takes the menus, going to get the orders filled. It's not too long after that, that he comes back with one of their best wines on the menu. "One of the best kinds they have." Ted explains as our glasses are filled, before the bottle is left on the table for us. "You so didn't have to do that."

"Only the best for you though."

"Oh Ted." I blush a bit. "You always get the best, nothing less."

"Just like I've been getting since we got together."

"And just like you'll continue to get."

"Knowing you, I know I will."


"Forever." I repeat. "Wait until you see what dessert will be after we're done with dinner."

"Do I have to wait? Can't I have it now?"

"You have to wait. Dessert is always last." He chuckles. "Awww." I pout. "Can't tonight be different?" I add the lip. "We already ordered the dinner..."

" was worth a try."

"You'll survive, trust me."

"I should be able to."

"Especially if you keep this in mind. I was thinking we can end the night when we get home in front of the fire, until both of us or one of us get too tired."

"Oh, I do love the sound of that."

"I knew you would."

"The most romantic way to end the most romantic day."

"My thoughts exactly."

"Now I can't wait to get home."

"No rush or anything."

"Of course not. Let's just enjoy the dinner."

"Exactly." We both sit there making small talk while sipping at our wine. He reaches over at times, taking my hand in his, rubbing his thumb over the back of my hand. Soon after that, the waiter comes out with our meals, setting them down in front of us. "Looks even better than I imagined."

"It does look really good."

"So does yours."

"It smells just as good too."

"So good." I nod after taking a bite of what I got. "Mmmm...mine too."

"Definitely should come back here again."

"Trust me, we will."

"Good." I say before taking another bite. We do little talk here and there while we eat. I do end up finishing first, because it was that good. He keeps eating, being almost done with his. Once he's done, he puts the plate to the side. "So good."

"It was really good. Getting that next time."


"Ready for dessert?"

"Do you really need to ask?" I laugh. "No." He chuckles. "The dessert is a surprise isn't it? I don't know what's coming."

"Yes it is and no you don't."

"Thought so."

"You'll find out soon. It's coming now."

"Oooh." I say looking to see it. It gets set down in front of us both along with plates. "I so can't wait to eat this."

"It is one of your favorites."

"It is." I nod. "Enjoy."

"Oh I will. I know I will." He chuckles as I start to fill my plate. "If there's any left by the time we decide to leave, we can bring it home with us." He suggests. "Great."

"I'll try my very best to not eat all of it." I add with a laugh. "Good luck." I get a few pieces on my plate, and start to eat those while he gets his own before it's all gone. Since it was so good, I keep eating, not really saying much. "That good huh? You're quiet." He chuckles. "Mmhmm." Is all I say in response. "Figured."

"Today has just been amazing though." I remark once my mouth wasn't full. "Good. It was suppose to be that way."

"You always have the best ideas for days like this."

"I wouldn't be me if I didn't." He grins. "Plus, you deserve the best."

"No you wouldn't be, and I know I do."

"And that's all you'll ever get or know."

"Of course."

"You do seem to be really enjoying that."

"Well of course I am, it's one of my favorites afterall."

"I'm just glad to see they made it to your liking."

"But no one makes it like you do."

"Of course not. I have my secrets."

"Yes, yes you do."

"I'll have to make it for you again."

"I strongly agree with that."

"Maybe for your birthday I will."

"I can't wait."

"You never can."

"Well you'll be making it of course, and I always get excited around my birthday. I'm still curious as to what this gift is you have for me for that day."

"You'll find out. No hints at all either."

"I know. You refuse to give hints."


"Another 5 weeks or so. I can survive."

"We'll be so busy, the time will fly right by."

"Just like how it flew by getting to this day."

"Right. It'll be here before you know it."

"Exactly." I eat a little bit more before getting full. He calls for the waiter again and he comes over with boxes for the leftovers and the check. While I put the stuff in the boxes, he takes care of the bill. "Ready to go?"

"All set." We both get up from our chairs, and I lace my free hand with his as we make our way out of the room, before exiting the restaurant and heading back out to the car. I put the containers in the backseat before he opens my door and I get in and get settled. He goes around to the drivers side and gets in himself before starting the car and heading off back home. Since it wasn't to far from the house, he gets there shortly after leaving. There was no traffic either so that make it easier to get home. Once at the house, he parks the car then gets out to open my door. After he does, I get the containers out of the back then we both head inside. "I'll put these away, you just get comfortable and change." He offers. "If you say so."

"I insist. I'll get the fire ready too for us."

"You're just so sweet." I kiss him quick. "I'll be back." I hand him the containers. "Take your time."

"I might just do that." I grin. "Kind of figured, which is why I said it."

"I'll try not to be that long though."

"Alright." He nods. I give him another kiss before heading up the stairs and to the room to get changed out of my dress. I pick one of his favorite outfits that I wear to bed before proceeding to change out of the dress. Once I'm changed, I put the dress in a place where it won't get ruined and I head into the bathroom to wash all the makeup off and brush my hair out. While I was in there, I style my hair the way he likes it, adding light waves to it. Once everything looks perfect, I put everything away, then head back downstairs. I was coming down the stairs just as he was heading towards them, most likely going to change himself. "Going to change yourself?" I ask. "Yeah...I was hoping you would still be in there..."

"Want me to go back?"

"You're already dressed though..."

"I am." I nod. "But you were hoping I would still be in the bedroom, so that's why I asked."

"I was."

"So you can choose what I should do."

"Uh huh...but, you're already wearing what I would pick."

"Because I knew you would pick this."

"I do." He nods. "I love how you look in it...I mean, how it looks on you."

"As you've said many times before in anything I wear to bed."

"You look so good in everything."

"So do you. But maybe I should head down the rest of the stairs before things end up happening. You've got that look."

"What look? I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Uh huh...suuure."


"Then are you gonna let me pass by you?"


"I'll be waiting down here for you."

"Alright." He nods, reluctantly stepping aside.

"Don't take too long."

"I won't."

"Good." I kiss his cheek before walking by him and going to sit by the fire and wait for him. He heads the rest of the way up the stairs to the room to get changed himself. It doesn't take him to long to change and he comes down a little while later. When he comes over by me, he sits behind me and pulls me back into him, his arms wrapping around my waist. "Beautiful."

"Only for you."

"I would hope so." He chuckles. "If anyone else thinks that, then it's not how you think I am. I love you and only you."

"I know you do. It doesn't matter what anyone else says."


"Let's just enjoy this night...just us two."

"Isn't that the plan anyway?"

"Yes it is."

"Until one or both of us get tired."


"I'll probably be the one to end up doing that because you know me when I get relaxed."

"I do." He nods. "I'll get you to bed though."

"Of course you will. I know that."

"Good." He kisses my cheek, leading me to the couch. "Much better." He says as he sits with me on his lap. "I agree." I lay my head on his shoulder. "Much more comfortable." I add. "As you should be."

"Well you make it easy to be comfortable. Cuddly."

"I'll do anything for you. No matter what it is."

"And that means a lot. You have no idea."

"I kinda have a feeling of how much."

"Of course you do."

"You show it everyday."

"Well that's because not only what you say to me, like that for instance, means a lot to me. You mean a lot to me. I don't know what I would do without you."

"You'll never have to find out. You mean way to much to me for me to ever let you go." All I do is smile and sigh in content, lacing the fingers of one hand with his, before I turn my head and press a kiss to his neck and then return to resting my head on his shoulder like I was before. He smiles down at me, kissing the top of my head. He then rests his head on mine while he holds me close. While sitting there watching the fire, we talk about things here and there. After a while though, I did start to feel a little tired, but I tried my best to stay awake, hoping I could fight it. He can sense that I'm fighting sleep so he does what he always does. His hand finds it's way to my hair, his fingers running through it soothingly. "Oh don't do that." I mutter. "You're tired and fighting it. You need sleep."

"I'm fine. Honestly."

"You're eyes keep closing. You're tired."

"Resting my eyes."


"Oh alright."

"It's fine if you go to sleep. Today was busy and I know you're tired."

"Yeah, I know."

"Just relax and if your eyes close, let them stay closed. I'll be right here."

"Alright." I nod. He then starts to run his fingers through my hair again, getting me more relaxed. Of course that helps with me already being tired. It really isn't long before I do end up closing my eyes and then shortly after that I end up falling asleep. He notices when he feels that my breathing has changed. He smiles down at me and watches me for a bit before shifting so he can lay me on the couch. he then gets up, putting out the fire that was made. Once everything is taken care of, he walks back to me, picking me up and carrying me upstairs. when he makes it to the room, he pulls the covers down on the bed then lays me down gently. He shuts the lights off then climbs into bed with me. he pulls me close to him, watching as I sleep peacefully. He does that until he goes to sleep himself.