Status: Active

All About Us

Elimination Chamber 2013

It was a fairly easy day, just media in the morning promoting the show and such. After the media, we only had about an hour or so to relax before heading to the arena for the pay-per-view tonight. When we had gotten there, of course Ted helped getting my stuff out of the car, even though I had told him that I had everything. Once everything was out, we headed inside. After getting inside, we both headed to our locker room, walking in and setting my bags down. "Oh? This isn't it?" He refers to what I'm wearing. "Oh no. This was just for the media today."

"Now you've got me interested."

"And you can't peek either."

"Awww. No fair." He pouts. "I like to surprise you."

"I do love your surprises."

"I know you do."

"How long do I have to wait exactly?"

"Oh just a few hours or so."

"Hours? That's torture."

"Well that's when everyone starts getting ready for the show."

"Still. Usually you're already ready."

"I think you'll survive."

"I might."

"I know you will."

"I think I'll make it."


"What should we do until then?"

"Well, what would you like to do? Even though I'm sure I already know."

"Well yeah, but we can't do all that here."

"Yeah, I know."

"I'll settle for the usual though." He grins. "Well of course you will."

"Mhm." He nods. "Now...come here." He pulls me to him, pressing his lips to mine. Instead of my arms going around his neck, I decide to rest my hands on his shoulders. He keeps one hand on my waist, the other on my back, holding me in place. The hand that was on my back did end up wandering a bit, but not too much than usual. I was already wearing a dress because of the media earlier today. But he took advantage of that and his hand had made it's way to the exposed skin that there was. That's when he started to trace patterns along the skin, particularly along my spin because he knew that got to me the most no matter what. I shiver slightly, moving closer to him while kissing him harder the more he does that. Of course I choose to tease him just a bit, and before I need to even pull away just for air, I pull away anyway and lean away from him as he tries to get his lips back to mine. "...more..."

"Hmm...I don't know..." I reply, trying not to laugh. “Pwease?” He pouts. "I think you should work for it." I grin.

"You're asking for it."

"Just having my fun is all."

"Yeah? Well I'm about to have my fun." He smirks, moving his hand from my hip to my thigh, squeezing right down on it. That causes my breath to hitch, my hold on his shoulders tighten a bit and my nails digging into his shoulders just a bit, and I rest my forehead against his with my eyes closed. "My kiss?"

"...well if I don't let you, you're gonna keep doing that. And there's only so much I can take."

"Then I did my job." He grins. "You always do. But it's fun to tease you like that, just to get that retaliation."

"I do love your reactions." He smirks. "How well I know."

" kiss?"

"Well I'm not going anywhere, now am I? Go ahead." He grins, pulling me back to him, pressing his lips to mine in a hard kiss. This time one of my hands move from his shoulder where it was and I move it to the back of his neck, resting it there for a bit before dragging my nails across it. That causes him to twitch a bit, kissing me more roughly. A slight growl forms in his throat until I do it again, the growl being muffled by the kiss. Soon it gets to be too much for him and he takes my hand, lacing it with his. And just to make sure I don't do it again, he does the same thing with my other hand, removing it from his shoulder before I could even think of moving it. I whine in protest into the kiss. " more..."

" fair."

"I'm going to...lose all control..."

"And that can't happen I know."




"Maybe in that case, we should calm down just a bit?"

"I think we should." I nod, giving him one more quick kiss, before shifting a bit to get more comfortable. He waits until I stop moving to wrap his arms around me. In the meantime, Vi and Justin were just arriving at the arena themselves after getting some lunch. They get their things from the back, then start to head inside. Once inside, they head to their locker room. They walk in and set their bags down then go over to the couch. "Ah...finally get to relax." She sighs as she sits, him pulling her close to him as he sits. "It was a long morning, I know."

"So many interviews with so many new questions. I thought it was never going to end."

"It's always like that." He nods. "I know...I'm just glad we get time to cuddle before we have to get ready."

"Right, and at least I get my match done and over with early. Second of the night."

"That's good. Who are you facing?"

"You're not gonna like it."

"No." She sits up and looks at him. "You've got to be kidding? Not him?"

"I really wish I was kidding."

"No. All because he pinned you once months ago in a non-title match. No. I don't like this."

"Well he earned it that night months ago. As much as I could disagree, it's in the rules."

"Do the rules include cheating too? That's how he did it. Drew kept me from the ring and Jinder distracted the ref. That's how he got the win. I don't think they should be allowed ringside for this match."

"Really wish that was our choice. We'll have to see what happens unfortunately."

"You're not losing that title tonight. Not to him. I'll do whatever I can to make sure he doesn't win. I don't care what it takes. He's not winning tonight."

"I don't plan on losing, don't worry."

"I can't help but to worry when he's involved. You know he'll do anything to get me from you. Even if that means taking your title. He thinks that'll make me go with him. Not in a million years. He could hold all the titles at once and I still won't give him the time of day."

"Well we could ask Ted and Scar if they could be extra backup."

"We could, depending on when her match is. I'm sure they'd be happy to help."

"Want to go find them or just text her so we can find out?"

"I'll just text her. I don't feel like running into anyone right now." She sighs, taking out her phone to text me about helping.

I of course gladly agree to help, Ted as well. I text her back, telling her that we're on board to help. "She said they'd help us."

"Good. We'll have the numbers on our side now."

"We will." She nods, leaning back against him, chewing her lip.

"I can still sense some concern though Vi."

"You know how I get when he's around. I don't like it. He gets sneakier every time. I'm just afraid one of them is going to take me and I'm never going to see you again." She starts to tear up, not being able to hold it in. "That's not gonna happen. Not on all of our watches."

"I know it won't, but what if he has someone else helping him? You never know with him. I've been getting a few weird looks from a few people the past couple of weeks. The most from that new guy. He's really creeping me out."

"Big E? He's the only new guy right now that I can think of."

"That's him. I couldn't remember the name, but yeah..."

"Probably because he's with Dolph and AJ and doesn't say much." He chuckles. "Right, but still...I don't like the way he looks at me."

"Yeah, kind of a creeper look."

"One that makes your skin crawl." She shudders, moving closer to him. "Especially when he's all silent like that. Adds to the creepiness."

"It really does." She nods, burying her face in his chest. "Try not to worry about him."

"I'll do my best."

"But anyways, off that topic. Rosa's finally getting that title shot tonight isn't she?"

"She is. After doing everything she did to get the chance she finally gets it. But, this is her only shot. She fails and it's to the back of the line with her."

"Well good. You deserve to face someone who's actual competition."

"Right? She's nothing. I'll have her beat in less than five minutes. It's like going to the gym, not hard at all."

"When is the match actually?" He asks. "The end of the night. Not the main event, but before it. I also have an interview before the match. Expecting her to interrupt...obviously."

"Well, at least it's near the end. We'll have time between matches."

"That's what I like though. We get plenty of time tonight between your match and mine for time for ourselves."

"And I know how much you love that time as I do." She adds. "I really do."

"We do still have about an hour before I need to change..."

"So we do." He grins. "I think I'll go get my attire ready..." She goes to get up. "I think that can wait...." He trails off, grabbing her around the waist and pulling her down onto his lap. "...afterall, we have all night after my match." He adds. "True...what did you have planned til then, hmm?"

"Oh...maybe a little distracting..."

"I do like the sound of that."

"I thought you would." He grins. "I do need to get my mind off a few things so..." She runs her hand over his cheek. "I'm just the person to help with that."

"You are."

"Then when we're done, you get can get everything ready."

"Alright. I still have to change too."

"Don't worry. You'll have time."


" distract you." He grins, his arms staying around her waist and then presses his lips to hers. Her arms go around his neck, pulling him closer to her while she relaxes into him. She lets her fingers run through his hair with one hand while the other runs just under the collar of his shirt. She sighs in content into the kiss the more relaxed she gets. With his arms around her, his hands have limited movement, but they wander as far as they could from where they were. She gets so relaxed to the point where he lays her down on the couch, him hovering her. He never breaks the kiss, his hands wandering more freely now since she moved. Her arms stay around his neck, pulling him closer to her while letting her fingers run over the back of his neck. Unconsciously, she ends up dragging her nails across the back of his neck as well, before her hands move to his hair where they stay, in case she feels the need to tug on his hair a bit like she always seems to have to do. She moves her leg so it hooks around his, him being as close to her as he can get. He slowly starts to move away from her lips, much to her protest. But he left lingering kisses along her jawline, moving to her neck. She moves her head to the side, giving him better access. She keeps one hand in his hair to brace herself for what she knows is coming. "I marks...but I'm still kissing the skin." He mumbles. "...coverable at least."

"I can deal with that."


"I will." He smirks. He goes back to lightly nipping at her skin while she tries her best to brace for what will soon be coming. He starts to tease her, by slowly moving towards his favorite spot, but only to graze his teeth over it when he reaches it and moves away from it. She tenses a bit, her breath hitching. She closes her eyes and bites down on her lip, keeping any noises contained. He keeps that up for a while, until he feels that she can't take much more. Once he feels that, he presses his lips against the spot and works on leaving a small, but coverable mark. She arches into him, her legs getting tighter around him. Her hands grip his hair, while he works on the spot. Once he feels a coverable one will form, he pulls from her neck the makes his way to her lips. When he gets there, she presses her lips to his in a hard, eager kiss. She makes sure that he's not going to pull away anytime soon, only pulling away when she wants to. She tugs lightly on his hair as she kisses him hard and eagerly, and as he does the same back. It's only a bit after that where she feels a lack of air and have no choice but to pull away. After pulling away, she steals a few kisses before resting her forehead against his. "Better?"

"Better." She nods. "Good. That's what I was going for."

"Like always, you succeed."

"I know. I never fail."

"No, you never do."

"Love you."

"Love you too."

"Suppose I should let you go now so you can do what you have to right?"

"You can or you can wait a few minutes. Up to you."

"Hmm, wait a few minutes."

"I know you were going to say that." She chuckles. "Well I don't want to let you go just yet."

"No complaints here."

"Of course not."

"I don't have much to do anyway. Just change into my dress. That won't take too long."

"Which I can't wait to see. Keeping it hidden from me all day."

"It's a new one so it's a surprise."

"I always love when you get new ones."

"How well I know and this one is sexy if I may say so myself."

"Oh really? Now you've got me even more interested."

"You just have to wait unless you want to see it now?"

"I don't think I can wait much longer so how about now?"

"One have to let me go so I can get up."

"Right." He nods, reluctantly doing so. "I'll try not to take too long." She kisses him quick before getting up to get her bag. "But if you do, that's okay."

"Hmm...maybe I'll do just that." She grins, heading into the back of the locker room. "I should be able to survive." He chuckles. "Good. I'll be back." She blows him a kiss before closing the door. Once in the room, she sets everything on the counter. She takes off the jeans and butterfly lace tank top off she had on, setting that to the side. She takes out her dress, a one shoulder black and white striped dress that came to about mid-thigh. After putting that on, she slips on her heels and checks her hair in the mirror. She touches up her makeup a bit then puts everything in her bag before heading back out into the room. She doesn't say anything since she knew he was watching and waiting for her to come out. As she gets closer to him, the more speechless he gets, and his eyes just wander over her, admiring everything. "Like what you see?" She smirks, stopping just out of his reach. "Try love."

"That's what I was going for."

"Really really love it."

"So much that if I sit, you're going to be extra touchy?"

"Most likely."

"Hmm...I think I'll stand here then." She teases, running her hands down her sides. "Do I have to come get you?"

"Umm..." She bites her lip, looking around. "...possibly." She grins, inching away from him. "I think I may just definitely have to." He smirks. "Come get me then." She taunts him. "You know what happens when you test me like that."

"Yeah, and I'm not scared."

"Oh I know." She keeps her eyes on him as she slowly starts to make her way to the door. "Oh're not going anywhere."

"Try and-" She starts only to have him grab her before she could do anything else. "Aw, no fair." She pouts. "I think it was pretty fair." He chuckles. "For you it was."

"You still love me though."

"I do and I'd love you more if I could see you." He grins and loosens his grip on her so that she can turn in his arms easily. "Much better." She wraps her arms around his neck, playing with the back of his hair. "I'll try not to get distracted while you're out there with me for my match tonight."

"You must really love this one if you're distracted already."

"I really do." He nods. "Good. Want to sit or stand here until you need to get ready?" She laughs slightly. "I think sitting is good. Gonna be standing a lot being there ringside for me as it is, don't want your feet to be too tired wearing those shoes."

"True." She nods. "How are we going to do this or are you going to let me walk myself?"

"I think I'll let you walk yourself this time."

"Alright." She goes to move, only to turn around and have him keep his hands on her hips. As they walk to the couch, she moves her hips a bit more since she knows he's watching. Once at the couch, he sits then pulls her onto his lap. "And now you're not moving until I have to get ready."

"Not even a little?" She wiggles on his lap. "...that can cause know that..."

"We got time." She smirks. "But you know they are things that we can't get away work."

"Yeah...even though we are sucks."

"I know."

"I'll behave then." She carefully moves so she can rest her head on his shoulder. "Just keep this in mind....depending on how we're both feeling after tonight, we can save it all for when we're in our own hotel room."

"That or in the morning. Either way."

"And if we do in the morning, we can take a shower afterwards."

"Or while in the shower..."

"That too."

"We'll see how things go after the might be able to get all three..." She gives him a look.

"Sure you can handle all three?" He chuckles. "It'll just be like any other rough night we have. I'll be able to handle it, but...will you?"

"Of course I can."

"Then so can I."

"Alright. I was just making sure."

"I can take anything you give me."

"I know you can."

"Love you."

"Love you too." He says, leaning down and kissing her briefly. She smiles up at him then rests her head on his shoulder, getting comfortable. After a while, the pre-show had officially started. With Matt Striker and Tony Dawson at ringside, calling the action for it. They talk about the lineup for the night, starting with the WWE Championship match between Punk and The Rock, where if The Rock gets counted out or disqualified, Punk automatically wins the title.

"And I think we all know The Rock isn't going to lose the title tonight."

"Probably not."

"As much as some of us might want that to happen....because he just stole the spotlight since he came back again..."

"Like he always does."

Then they also talk about the six-man tag team match, followed by the World Heavyweight title match. And of course they didn't forget about the two Divas matches that are tonight, mine and Vi's. Talking about with hers that Rosa is finally getting her shot but also saying that it's her only shot and if she fails, she won't be getting a rematch. "That's right. She's lucky she's even getting match."

"Maybe once you're done with her tonight, you can finally be competing against Layla again."

"I would actually like that. That feud with her was a lot of fun and she's more of a competitor than Rosa."

"Wouldn't be surprised if Layla offered to be out there for your match, to make sure Rosa doesn't try anything funny during it. I can't do anything really, but Layla can."

"Right. We'll see when the promo happens."

"Right." He nods. *After a replay from SmackDown and what Randy did to Mark Henry with the chair, Randy was backstage in the locker room where Josh Matthews was for an interview.*

"Randy, the world's strongest man Mark Henry, will this be one of the obstacles in front of you tonight inside the Elimination Chamber, what exactly is your strategy once you're inside the belly of the beast."

"Well Josh tonight I'll be surrounded by five other superstars in ten tons of steel. I plan on using every ounce of that steel to put them down. But people talk about how dangerous the Elimination Chamber is. Well I got the real secret for you Josh. There's something even more dangerous. And that's a man hell-bent on headlining WrestleMania at any cost. That's a man with no regard for the safety of himself or others. And that's a man with ice cold blood coursing through his veins. Josh tonight, I plan on showing the world exactly how dangerous Randy Orton can be."

"He can be very dangerous too."

"Never make him mad, that's what I say."


They then show a video package, showing what The Shield has been doing, leading up to tonight's match. But after that it was time for the pre-show match. Out first was Cody and Damien.

"That bathrobe...I just can't take him seriously when he wears that."

"Sad. Just sad." Vi shakes her head.

"Silence the music! I am about to speak! Ever since my former tag team partner and best friend mutually parted ways, there has been a massive outcry on Tout, Twitter and various other forms of electronic communication with all of you half wits demanding a Team Rhodes Scholars reunion!"

"Can we silence him?"

"Cut his mic...that's the only way."

"I'm going to do that one day. Just cut it off and walk away."

"Just like Titus and his whistle?"

"Oh god yes. I just want to take that and put it somewhere..."

"Wow. We thought we'd never be here. We thought we'd never see it. Through heavy amounts of litigation and red tape, Damien Sandow, my best friend and I are going to give you all what you have been clamoring for. And all that we ask, all that we demand is that you stand, that you rise, and you give us a Team Rhodes Scholars reunion round of applause!"

"You're welcome!"


"I vote we keep sitting."

"Like you'd let me get up anyway."


"I had a feeling." She chuckles, leaning back into him.

Once they hug, out come Cameron and Naomi, followed by Brodus. They dance to the ring while Brodus goes back and grabs Tensai, who looks highly uncomfortable as he comes to the ring.

"I'd be embarrassed if I were him too. That's not something he does."

"No...and the hat is not something he wears. Makes him less tough looking if you ask me."

"It does. Guess he's not the Tensai of old."

They then replay last month when Tensai had dressed up in that lingerie, thinking it was one of those lingerie pillow fights which was the actual match stipulation on the wheel that was spun, but later found out it was a dance off against Brodus instead, but was never told a thing.

"That was hilarious, but also very disturbing that night."

"I can't look at him the same after that." Brodus sends Sandow to the mat so Sandow tells the ref to control him, then Tensai asks for a tag and headbutts Cody in the corner. Tensai goes up top and misses a slingshot bomb, but he lands on his feet and hits Cody in the corner. Cody comes back with a drop down punch, then Sandow kicks him a few times but Tensai sends him to the mat. Cody puts Tensai in a sleeper then connects with a Disaster Kick, then he taunts the crowd before tagging out. Tensai misses a back splash and Sandow hits the Elbow of Disdain, then he clotheslines Tensai before kicking him in the corner. Tensai fires back with a clothesline, then Brodus gets the tag and hits a few clotheslines and a running corner splash. Brodus tries to slam Sandow but Cody dropkicks him in the back, then Tensai gets Cody out of the way and Brodus hits a Funk It Splash for the win. "I didn't think that was going to happen, but glad it did."

"I know right?"

"Thought for sure Damien and Cody would have won."

"Sometimes the end results of these matches are a surprise."

"They really are."

"Except for mine...and yours. You and I both are winning tonight for sure."

"We definitely are. No doubt about that."

"And Scar too of course."

"Oh yeah. No one's taking that title from her." The rest of the pre-show, showed a video package about the Elimination Chamber and how dangerous it can be. After that, they show a video package of Punk and Rock, starting with the Royal Rumble, where The Shield had helped Punk retain again and just as Punk was going to be stripped of the title, The Rock asked to restart the match and he had won it, basically hyping the match for tonight. That's what ends the pre-show and officially starts the main show. "Finally the show starts. Thank god."

"And I think I should start to get ready, so I don't have to worry about it later." He remarks.

"Right, of course." She shifts so he can get up.

"I'll try not to take too long. Even though it's fun to make you wait."

"Take all the time you want. No touchy for you after."

"Oh that's not fair."

"You torture me with waiting, I'll torture you." She grins. "Looks like you're gonna have to wait and see what I do then."

"I guess I will." She smacks his butt as he gets up. "You enjoy that oh so much." He chuckles. "Can't help it. I love your butt." She does it again. "How well I know."

"So firm and perfect. I get carried away sometimes."

"Especially when I have jeans on, I know." He smirks. "Mhm." She bites her lip, staring at him. "Maybe I should get changed now before I never get to and we're late for my match."

"That would be a good idea. Can't have you late."

"No we can't. So I shall be back."

"Alright." She nods, getting out her phone while he heads in to change. While on her phone, she checks all the social media she's a part of, also tweeting about her match and hyping that. She replies to a few fans, going back and forth with that and other personal sites she uses. She's so busy with that, she loses track of how long he was getting changed. It wasn't until he came out and sat down next to her on the couch, when she realized that he was done. "You're done..." She looks at him. " only 10 minutes. Hmm..."

"Do I get away with it?"

"I don't know..." She pretends to think. "...this time you do."

"Yesss." He cheers before kissing her cheek. "Love you."

"Love you too." She chuckles. "So it seems as though I didn't really miss much." He says as the match between Del Rio and Big Show had just started. "No. Not really." She sets her phone to the side, leaning into him again. "I would've taken my time in there just to pass the time of the match, but then I would get no time to be touchy."

"You're right. So now, you can be touchy to pass the time of the match."

"Already plan on it."

"i knew it."

"One of my favorite things to do to pass the time."

"What's the other thing?"

"I think you know."

"Do I?" She acts confused. "You might have to show me."

"Well there's many things, but it's another one of the things. And this is something I can't show you...not here anyway."

"Awww. Looks like you're going have to just be touchy then."

"I can deal with that." He nods. "You're going to have to." She giggles since his hands started to wander. "So are you."

"I can always deal with just that at careful." She sucks in a breath when his hand goes a bit high. "Oh oops." He smirks.


"I'll be more careful."

"You better or I'll get you back after your match."

"I'll try my very best."

"I know your''re going to have to try better than that."

"I will, I promise."

"Good. I trust you."

"Good. You should."

"I always do."

"But it is fun to test the limits afterall." He chuckles. "I...can see...that..."

"And you do love it, I can tell."

"I much."

"I know that very very well."

"Which is why you do it."


She leans into him, closes her eyes just enjoying his touches. During the match, Ricardo would get on the ring apron, but big Show would scare him off before tossing Del Rio's ice bucket at him. Later on in the match, Del Rio would manage to get the cross armbreaker locked in on big Show for the second time in the match, but Show was able to lift Del Rio up and slam him down, breaking out of the hold. Shortly after this, Ricardo again got onto the ring apron and would get knocked down by Show, but as he picks up the ice bucket and taunts Ricardo with it, Del Rio would literally kick the bucket, using an eniguiri to send the metal bucket onto Big Show's head. Del Rio then locks in the cross armbreaker for a third time and despite Show's best efforts to reach the ropes or power out of the move, the giant would tap out, ensuring the victory and successful title defense for Del Rio. "I saw that coming."

"I think it was pretty obvious."

"It was. He's been making everyone tap with that."

"I would like to see what he can do if that move was banned for a match or two."

"I don't think he's know what to do."

"He'd be clueless."

"He'd probably get himself DQed just to use it."

"I can see that happening."

"With him, oh yeah."

"But, now that match is over, I think we should be heading out for mine."

"Of course. Ted and Scar are going to meet us there."

"Right." He nods, letting her go so she can get up first. She stands up, fixing her dress as he stands. She grabs his title for him then they start to head for the door. Once out the door, they head down the hall to the curtain. "Just remember, as long as you stay with Ted and Scar, you'll be just fine out there. They won't let anything happen to you while I'm busy in the ring."

"I'll do that. You just focus on the match."

"I will." He nods.

"Good. I'll be fine. Don't you worry."

"Oh I already know you'll be fine."

“Good.” She nods, trying to convince herself the same thing, but not letting him see it. When they get there, they find Ted and I already standing there waiting for them. “Hey you two.” She greets. “Thank you for coming out with us.”

"Oh it's no problem at all."

“I really appreciate it. I’m beginning not to trust anyone around here.” Justin says. "I think we all know how hard it is to trust people around here."

“We do.”

"We won't let anything happen to her...promise."

“I know you won’t. But, we don’t just have them to worry about tonight.”

"What do you mean? There's more?"

“Unfortunately.” He sighs. “Vi seems to think Big E is working with them. She says he’s been giving her strange looks.”

"Oh that creep?"

“Yeah.” She nods. “He’s always lurking around.” She moves closer to Justin, clinging to him. “See?” She whispers, nodding over to some equipment boxes he was hiding behind.

"Ugh." I shudder.

“What are we going to do?” She says quietly to Justin.

"It's fine. Just try to ignore him for now."

“I’ll do my very best.” She takes a deep breath. “Well, well, well. Look here. My future wife all ready for me.” Heath smirks as he walks up. “Drop dead.” She grits her teeth. "You clearly have unrealistic dreams." I scoff. "Do I? She did say herself that she'd rather be with me than...him." He looks at Justin disgusted. "Or that's just what YOU heard."

“No. I heard it too.” Drew chimes in.

“One, I said no such thing. Two, who the hell asked for you to speak? I didn't hear anyone tell you to speak. So, shut up! I'm with the man I love and you're not going to change that!”

"And we're not letting that happen either." I remark, crossing my arms over my chest. "You two?" He points to me and Ted then laughs. "I'd love to see you try." He gets close to my face then backs away quickly. "You really think I'm scared of you? You of all people?" I raise an eyebrow. "I know you're not afraid of me honey, but I do know someone who you are."

"I'm not afraid of anyone so I have no idea what you're talking about."

"We'll see about that." He grins. "I'll see you out there babe." He smirks, blowing a kiss to Vi, then trying to touch her face. "Don't fucking touch me!" She turns her head, stepping behind Justin. "Touch her and you'll have a very broken hand."

"Try it. I dare you."

"Alright, that's it...let me at him." I grumble, starting to head for him. "Scar..." Ted stops me. "Ha. I'm not afraid of a girl. Let her go. I wanna see what she's got." That's when Vi out of nowhere, surprises him with a swift punch in the nose from behind Justin. "How about that?" She shakes her hand. "You'll get worse if she gets free."

"Well that honker is definitely going to be a honker after that punch." I snicker.

"Let's go." Drew tries to lead Heath away. "You know I love when you're feisty like that." He smirks as he walks away. "Creep." She mutters.

"They both are."

"You can say that again."

"And he's seriously trying to scare me with a threat of knowing someone I am scared of? Last time I checked, I wasn't afraid of anyone." I remark, trying to think of who he possibly could have been talking about. " can't be..."


"It was last year....when you couldn't be here because of your ankle." I start, saying to Ted. "I was with Alex one night just to be safe, because of...Lesnar."

"Him? I don't think it's him. He'd crush Heath just for breathing the wrong way. It has to be someone he knows, someone who would help him."

"I don't know. That night I had run into him, I was afraid because he's had his eyes on me, and what he wants he gets. That's why I asked that night when Laurinaitis was in charge if I could have a few days off before the European tour. Been lucky with him not being around as much, but it just makes me wonder."

"Nothing is going to happen to you. I'm here now." Ted holds me close. "Plus, Brock won't play games. He's in it for the money and that's the kind of money Heath doesn't have." Justin adds. "Yeah, but he could've come to some kind of agreement with Heyman. These days it looks like a lot of people want to be on Heyman's side."

"True, but he's not even scheduled to be here. I doubt he'll even show up."

"My guard is just gonna be up all the time now, that's all."

"I know, I'll be here with you." Ted kisses the top of my head. "Vi." Justin tries getting her attention. "Vi." He says it louder, tapping her shoulder. "Huh?" She says, jumping slightly. "You alright?"


"You sure? You kind of spaced out for a minute."

"Uh huh. Just keep watch. I have that feeling again..."

"That's what we're gonna be out there for." I nod. "Right...of course." She keeps looking around. "Well time to go out there." Justin says as his music starts. She nods, taking his hand and putting on her best smile. They head out, him doing his poses at the top of the ramp. Ted and I walk out after, following them to the ring. Justin gives her a kiss before hopping up onto the side of the ring, doing more poses there. He gets into the ring and does a few more, while she stays on the far side of the ring by Ted and I, while Heath talks to Jinder and Drew. "He keeps looking over here..."

"Probably just trying to enjoy the time he has to see you while he can. Because he's not taking you away from Justin period."

"You got that right." She nods. "Ewww...he's making kissy faces." She covers her eyes, trying to move from his view. "If I could get away with flipping him off, I would right now."

"You and me both."

"You know, I wonder if he'll ever grow his hair out longer like it was in developmental. Then he really would look like a girl." I snicker. "I should so say that I would love to see his hair long. Bet he'd do it then." She laughs. "And he says he's not afraid of you. Psh, says the one who got beat by a girl...Lita no less."

"Right? He's a wuss."

"Exactly." I nod as the bell then rings to start the match, and Heath does the usual of the air guitar dancing. "Oh god. So unattractive." She says the last part loud. And of course, just to have a little fun and show Heath up like always, Justin does his own dancing, which is much better than the air guitar crap Heath did. "Woo! That's better." Vi claps and cheers. "So sexy." Of course the crowd is cheering for that, and Heath tells them to shut up, which gets Jinder and Drew telling them to shut up as well. And when Heath turns around, he gets kicked in the face and knocked down, moving into the corner as he looks up at Justin. "Ahaha. That's what you get for showing off."

"Not very good at showing off now is he?" I snicker. "Nope. He can never back it up, that's why."

"Oh come on." I remark as Heath has since rolled out of the ring to re-strategize with Drew and Jinder.

"He knows he can't win. That's why."

The ref of course starts the count, constantly telling him to get back into the ring. He tells him off, before going back to talking with the other two. Justin decides not to wait and exits the ring on our side, being sneaky about it before going over to them, grabbing Heath by the hair and pants, throwing him back into the ring. The other two go to get involved, but soon back off since the ref was paying attention and Justin was ready to go at them too. "Good choice. They don't want me to go over there."

"Not at all."

And that clearly caused a distraction so as soon as Justin went to get back into the ring. Heath took advantage of the situation and kicked him off the side, and he goes tumbling to the floor, but not quite hitting the barricade. "Justy!" Vi panics, rushing over to check on him only to be stopped by Drew and Jinder, who came around the ring and stared at her. "Get away from him!" They don't seem to be listening. I say a few things to Ted and he nods and we sneak around the ring so that we would be coming up behind them. That's what we do, and I look between them at Vi, giving her a look to help Justin get in the ring after. That's when Ted and I grab them and throw them in the opposite direction of where you and Justin are, more towards the end of the ramp. "Come on. Get back in the there and teach him a lesson."

"Hey! They can't do that!" Heath complains about Ted and I while Vi helps Justin get into the ring. "Shut up!" I yell at Heath while Ted and I go back to our spots. "Go back to band practice." Vi yells at him as she gets Justin in the ring. That causes an argument to start between them, which sparks another distraction, but for Heath. Justin was feeling alright to get back in the action of the match, so he starts to kick him in the legs a few times, causing him to scream out in pain and to start backing up into the ropes. Justin ends with a dropkick which sends Heath out of the ring, tumbling to the floor. Justin waits until he starts to get up, Jinder and Drew helping as well, before he comes off the ropes on the far end and suicide dives through the ropes and lands on all three of them. "Yes! Haha! Perfect baby, perfect!"

He then does the signature howl like always, and decides to go for one more high flying move. He slides into the ring and then back out so he wouldn't get counted out and then climbed up onto the side of the ring. He makes sure Heath and them are starting to get to their feet, and when they were, he used the ropes as leverage and moonsaulted onto them, knocking them down yet again as the crowd goes crazy for it. "Yeah! Go baby!" She cheers, getting th crowd going, howling herself. He gets back into the ring so that he doesn't get himself counted out, and only Heath is down as the ref counts. Justin goes over and hops up onto one of the corners and sits there as he waits to see if Heath will get up. When the ref gets to about 5, that's when Heath starts to move around. It takes him about a second away from 10 to get back into the ring. "Damn it." Vi mutters. "I knew I should have kicked him."

"Should've kicked him in the jewels, then he wouldn't have gotten up at all." I snicker.

"Next time he comes out, distract the ref so I can."

"Deal." I nod. "And I'll get the other two." Ted adds.


When Heath gets to his feet, Justin hops down from where he was sitting and does some little things for now. He grabs the arm and takes Heath down with that, holding him there for a while. Heath eventually gets to his feet and gets out of the hold, only to be tripped by Justin and his face bounces off the canvas. Even more so on the nose, where Vi had punched him earlier, so he cried out in much more pain than before. "Aw. Your nose hurt? Poor baby." Vi mocks.

Justin rolls him over and goes for a quick cover, but Heath kicks out, holding his nose. When he does get to his feet however, Justin hits him with a powerful chop across the chest and Heath tries to fire back, but Justin ducks and goes for a pin attempt, only for him to power out again. Justin goes to pick him up himself to bring him over to the corner so he can do his 450 Splash, but Heath counters and elbows Justin the face a few times, before sending him into the ropes. Justin ducks a clothesline and goes against the ropes again, this time he holds onto the ropes, avoiding another clothesline from Heath. That causes Heath to come after him, so he just lifts him up and over the top rope, sending Heath back out to the floor again. "Now?" Vi looks at us both. "Now." I nod. She starts to slowly inch her way over to the side Heath was at while I start to cause a distraction. With Ted slowly making his way on the other side, they don't see her walking over. Jinder and Drew meet Ted on the other side of the ring while Vi gets to Heath. She sees the ref still distracted with me, Justin looking at Vi. She holds a finger up then walks over to Heath, kicking him right in the crotch then walking away like nothing happened. I hop down from the side of the ring where I was, stopping the distraction with a smirk on my face. Ted and you return to our side. I hop down from the side of the ring where I was, stopping the distraction with a smirk on my face. Ted and Vi return to our side. "Now there's no way he's getting up. Between his nose and now that, he's in so much pain."

"He better not. And I made sure the cameras couldn't see me either. His word against mine now."

"And there goes the ref, counting it down." I smirk. "He needs to count faster."

"5.....come on...."


"Still not getting up....Justin's gonna win."

"Come on...come on..."

"9....10. He wins!"

"Yess!" Vi cheers, carefully sliding into the ring, engulfing him in a hug. We let her hug him for a bit, before Ted and I get into the ring and there's a group hug. After that, he's handed the title back and we all raise our hands in victory of Justin retaining. "I so knew you would win. I just knew it."

"And good job with what you did to him." Justin chuckles. "After everything, he deserved it."

"That he did."

"Knowing my luck, he liked it." She rolls her eyes. "Ugh, he would too."

"He did like the punch to the nose. He would like that too."

"Wonder if his nose is broken after both blows to it tonight."

"It looks like it, but it's hard to tell. It looked bad before we did that too."

"He deserved it."

"That he did."

"So shall we head to the back now?"


"After you." Vi and I walk over to the ropes, them holding it for us. We get out and hop down, followed by them. We take their hands then head up the ramp to the back. "And see? You're safe."

"I am." She sighs in relief. "Thank you both so much. If you weren't there, I could be gone by now."

"Always gonna be there for you."

"Just like I'll always be there for you."

"Like each other's sister we never had."


"So you'll be okay now?"

"I should be." She nods. "I'll'' make sure she is." Justin tugs her close to him. "Alright. See you later then." I nod. "Definitely." She nods. "Good luck on your match tonight. Even though we all know you won't need it because Rosa is a weakling." I remark. "Thanks. I know I'll beat her." She gives me a hug. "Good luck in yours too."

"Thanks. It's always fun working with Nattie in the matches."

"It is."

Then we all head off in different directions to our locker rooms. Ted and I reach ours with no problems then walk in and sit down on the couch. "Just two more matches before my segment with Nattie and then the match."

"More time for to admire you in the dress."

"Exactly. You could admire it for the rest of the night after the match, but I don't know if it's going to be put back on after that."


"Remember, it depends on how I'm feeling after the match. You know how I usually feel after matches with her."

"Right. It slipped my mind."

"You're distracted, it's okay."

"I so am."



"Not my fault that it distracts you so much."

"It just looks so good on you."

"As does everything."


"Not that I can control it or anything."

"No and that's a good thing."

"Of course it is."

"Mhm." He nods as his hands wander. "Wandering hands."

"Oops." He chuckles. "You knew what you were doing."

"Maybe I did." He grins. "You and your sneakiness."

"You and your sneakiness."

"You love it."

"I do." I nod as I lean into him more. He lets his hands wander wherever they can touch, teasing me at times by going so far up my dress and lightly moving his fingers over my skin. It was now time for the first Elimination Chamber match, the winner going on to get a World Heavyweight Championship shot at WrestleMania. Lilian gives the rules to the match, before Swagger and Zeb Colter come out first.

"In all honesty, how does he deserve that possible shot?"

"I really don't know. He's been on a streak since he came back."

"He annoys...." I start to say, before I feel his hand move a little too high. " that hand."


"But it is fun to see how far I can go before I start getting to you." He adds with a grin. "You just love to test me."

"Like I's fun."

"For you...I'll get you back though."

"You always do."

"That's the fun part."

"For you."

"Uh huh."

"When I hold the microphone, I hold the power! When I use this microphone, I use it to shower you with truth. This man speaks the truth. This man is a great American, and if you have any type of respect for you country, you will stand up and you will give it to him. This man, Zeb Colter." Swagger says, before handing the mic to him.



"Thank you very much Jack. I wouldn't have it any other way, because you have to realize where you are. We are in a den of an equity. We are in New Orleans, Louisiana. And on the eve of President's Day, I can't help but think about one of our founding fathers, Thomas Jefferson and the Louisiana Purchase."

"I really don't need a history lesson here."

"I didn't know we were in school. I thought we were at an event."

"An event that apparently needs a history lesson to waste time."

"You don't have to pay attention to it." He says, kissing the back of my neck. "Not that I was anyway. What with you and your wandering hands."

"Good to know I'm helping." He grins. "It's something you're good at."

"How well I know that." After Zeb's useless history lesson, it was finally time for the match itself, as Kane comes out next, followed by Mark Henry, Randy, Daniel and then Chris. Daniel and Chris would start off the match as the other four were locked away in the pods. Early on in the match, Chris and Daniel would battle their way out to the steel floor of the chamber, as Chris launches Daniel into the steel chains that make up the chamber walls. "Ouch. That had to hurt." As Chris and Daniel continue their war, Swagger is then released from his pod. It didn't take long for him to make an impact as he takes it to Chris before grinding Daniel's skull into the steel on the outside. Swagger and Chris then wage war, with Swagger repeated sending Chris shoulder-first into the chains. The next to enter the chamber would be Kane, and he works with Daniel briefly to send Swagger to the outside. However, Daniel would roll up Kane and try to eliminate him, and that of course sparked an argument between the two, with Kane refusing to 'hug it out' with Daniel. "Trouble in paradise."

They end up squaring off before Swagger and Chris rejoin the fight. With no eliminations up to that point, out comes Randy, being released from his pod, who takes it to the existing participants. He sends Swagger to the steel, and takes Chris down before dropping Kane with a dropkick and landing a suplex on Daniel. He then pursues Kane to the outside, driving his skull into the steel floor. Randy would then set Swagger up on the top turnbuckle as Chris does the same with Daniel, and both men deliver dueling suplexes. With everyone now down in the ring, Mark is let out of his pod and he annihilates everyone in his sight before focusing on Daniel and soon eliminating him.

"Damn. He's not playing around."

"Never does."


He then turns his attention to Randy, and hurls him through one of the glass pods. With Randy down, Kane and Mark collide, but when Kane would come off the top rope, Mark catches him and eliminates him after a World's Strongest Slam. Chris and Swagger form an alliance to combat Mark, somehow managing to deliver a two-man suplex onto the steel floor. With Mark out of the equation, Chris and Swagger would resume their fight, but when Chris goes for the lionsault, Mark catches him and hurls him into the steel wall. After tossing him into Swagger, he stacks them up and goes for a splash off of the second rope, but both men move out of the way. Swagger then delivers a big boot to Mark, followed by Chris with the Codebreaker, and Randy with an RKO to eliminate him. "At least he's out of the picture."

Despite his elimination, Mark would lay waste to Swagger, Chris and Randy out with the World's Strongest Slam. As referees continue to try and get Mark Out of the ring, Booker T and Teddy Long make their way to the chamber as Booker is finally able to get Mark to leave. With only three men left, Swagger holds his own against Randy and Christ, managing to lock the Patriot Act on both of them respectively. However with the submissions being broken up, Randy would gain the advantage and plant both Swagger and Chris with a double DDT. He would then hit Chris with an RKO, eliminating him. But Swagger would catch Randy with a roll-up to eliminate him and get the title shot at WrestleMania. "Oh great." I roll my eyes. "We get to hear more history lessons now."

"And the bragging about his title shot."

"Just what we don't want to hear."

"You know, after WrestleMania....I'm gonna help to get you get a title shot of your own. It's been too long."

"It really has been, but what one is the question."

"You just let me worry about that."

"Alright." He nods. "I do trust you afterall."

"As you should."

"I always will."

"And I'll always trust you."

"Good. You should."

"Gonna have to change soon. Not now, but soon. Just to let you know."

"That's fine. I get to see your attire." He grins. "Which is the red one of course."

"That I love oh so much."

"Which is why I'll wear it all the time, until I come up for something for WrestleMania or after."

"Right and I can't wait to see it."

"I'll add a little red into it just for you. So you don't have to worry about that."

"Of course you will."

"Always thinking of you."

"Just like I'm always thinking of you."

"Of course." I grin. It then came time for the six-man tag team match. But before the match could officially begin, there was a video package to hype it. Basically about The Shield destroying their opponents within the past few months...Ryback, John and Sheamus...until the night those three got the best of The Shield.

"As much as I don't really care for Ryback, I think I'll have to go for his team."

"Yeah. The Shield needs to learn a lesson."

"They haven't attacked you yet, which I hoping we can avoid. Not gonna be a happy person if that happens."

"Hopefully they won't." After the video package, out first was John, followed by Sheamus, and then finally Ryback. Once all three men were all set in the ring, The Shield came out. Once they reached the ring, the other three would not waste any time, as they would attack them before the match could even begin, dropping them with three suplexes in the center of the ring beffore the match is finally able to begin. "Not wasting any time. That's the way to go."

"Anything to be ahead of them."


Surprisingly though, The Shield would isolate John, allowing them to dominate much of the match. But when John was finally able to make a tag to Ryback, all hell breaks loose as all six men would brawl. After taking Dean out of the ring, Sheamus would exit and then out of nowhere, Roman charges him, sending him crashing through the ringside barricade. "Oh damn."

"Sheamus is definitely out from that."

"It sure looks like it." Meanwhile, in the ring, John and Ryback would get the better of Dean and Seth, as John plants Dean with an AA. Before becoming a victim of Shell Shocked from Ryback, Roman would quickly return to the ring and blast Ryback with a spear, and as John tangles with Roman, Seth lands on top of a downed Ryback, pinning him to win the match for The Shield. "Like we didn't see that coming."

"Been unstoppable for months now."

"They have. Seems like no one can stop them."

"I do think I need to go get ready now though." I add. "And then we're gonna have to leave right after to make it in time for my segment before the match."

"Alright." He nods, letting me go. "I'll try not to be too long...though I really don't have a choice."

"No, 'cause you know I'll come get you."

"Yes, I know." I laugh. "You better hurry then."

"I'm going, I'm going." I say before heading in to change. Once in there, I change out of my clothes, then put on my attire. After I'm changed, I do the rest of what I have to do before walking back out into the main part of the locker room. "Hope I wasn't too long."

"I'll let it slide only because I'm to distracted to think right now."

"How about to move? Too distracted to move too?"

"I think I should be good."

"If you say so." I say amusedly as I grab my title. He then stands, looking me over for a moment before walking over to me and taking my hand. We then leave the room and start to head down the hall, going to where the segment me and Nattie would be having before our match. "Hey, if I'm late I'm sorry. Had to get ready and this one got distracted."

"It's fine." She laughs. "You're right on time."

"Oh good."

It's not to long until the cameraman is set up and ready to shoot the segment. We were just starting to talk, about the match and everything as the sound faded in on our conversation. "So, it's great to be facing you again. If I had the choice, I would keep on facing you from here on out."

"I would love for that to happen. You're one of my favorite competitors. The matches with you are so much fun."

"They really are. And we actually put on a great match as well."

"We do. We're two of the best divas there are. We know how to have fun and put on a good match."

"Exactly. And if I were to lose the title to anyone, I would want it to be you. But of course, that's not gonna happen tonight."

"It would be an honor to hold that title after you and you never might just happen tonight."

"We'll just have to see then, won't we?"

"We will and I'll be looking forward to it too."

"See you out there." I nod, before walking off camera.

They pan the camera on Nattie a bit longer before cutting the segment. She then walks over to me as I'm waiting there for her and then we all head to the curtain. "I will let you go out there first." I offer. "That sounds good to me."

It isn't too long before they hit her music and she goes out first. She walks out doing her normal thing as she walks to the ring. When she gets to the ring, she does all her poses before getting in. "You'll do great out there, like always." Ted encourages me. "I know I will. I'll have you out there and my title too."

"That's right. Encouraging you through the whole thing."

"Like always." I kiss him quick. "Alright, time for you to go out there." He says as my music starts up. "Let's do this." I take his hand then head out. I do the usual after stepping out onto the stage, letting his hand go so I can raise the title in the air and such. Once it's back over my shoulder, I take his hand again and we head down to the ring. He lets me go when we reach the ring so I can get into it, but not without a quick kiss first. I do the usual routine in the ring before meeting Nattie in the middle of the ring and handing the title off to the ref. He takes the title, showing it to me and Nattie, then the crowd. Once that's done, he hands it off and rings the bell. Just like all our matches before, we start it off with sportsmanship, with a handshake before we circle each other a few times. After that, we lock up with each other and she gets me in a side headlock, and takes me down to the apron, holding me there in the headlock. I however get up fairly quick and get out of the hold, twisting her arm and applying the pressure when I can. She ends up pushing me into the ropes, which causes me to let her arm go as I go running across the ring to the otherside and come back, both of us having the same idea with the shoulder blocks. That in result just makes his hit each other, neither one going down. "Come on Scar. You got this. You're the champ. Keep up the amazing work."

I go for another shoulderblock, but she has the same idea again and we bump each other for a second time. I go for another attempt, but this time she has a different plan and she hits me with her signature clothesline, and it ends up knocking the wind out of me just a bit. "It's alright. Breathe through it. You'll be fine. Slow, steady breaths." She goes for an early cover, but I have plenty of strength to kick out. Once I do that, I make my way over to the nearest corner as I'm able to breathe normally now. She follows me into the corner and helps me up, before proceeding to bounce my face off of the turnbuckle. But as she tries to do that, I block it and then come back and elbow her in the face, making her stumble away. I turn around in the corner so that I can see her and I climb up to the top, waiting for her to turn around. Once she does, I jump from the top and hit her with a missile dropkick. "There you go! That's my girl! Keep that up! You've got her!" I do go to cover her, but when I do so, she ends up rolling outside the ring so I never get a chance to go for a pin attempt. Being fair though, I allow her a few moments to herself. But what I don't realize is that she catches me offguard and ends up grabbing my feet and pulling me out of the ring myself and she knocks me down to the floor, before proceeding to throw me into the steel steps. "Come on ref! Do something!" Ted yells. "Nattie stop it!"

She gets back into the ring, leaving me on the outside as the ref continues to count. That has Ted come over to see how I am. "You're not too hurt are you?"

"I'll be fine." I say, slowly getting up. "And don't worry about what she does to me. We have to make the match good." I add. "Right." He helps me up. As I go to get back into the ring, she beats me to it and reaches over the ropes, grabbing me by the hair and pulling me up and into the ring herself. She's told by the ref to stay off the hair, before she comes over to me and makes me sit up before grabbing my arms and pulling them behind me as she drives her knee into my back. "Fight through the pain. You can do it. You've been in worse. Fight out of it." Ted encourages. After being in that hold for a good amount of time, I'm finally able to work my way out of it. I'm able to headbutt her a few times, causing her to let my arms go. I quickly go to the ropes and jump onto them, only for her to grab me and make me fall off, landing in the middle of the ring. "Ouch." Ted winces. "Come on babe. Power back. I know you can do it." She goes for another cover of the night, but I manage to kick out at 2. But with the way I had landed from falling off the ropes, my neck did hurt a little bit so I held that as I tried to get the power back to get up. She however wasn't waiting, and she went for the Sharpshooter, successfully putting me in it, in the middle of the ring. "No no no. Do not tap!" Ted shouts. "Come to the ropes. I know you can do it. Come to me. Come on. You can do it." He taps the mat to give me momentum. "Come on babe. Almost here." The ref keeps asking me if I want to give up, I keep saying no as I crawl to the ropes slowly. It takes a while, but I eventually make it, and she keeps me in the hold for a few moments before finally letting go. Between my neck and my back now, it was a lot of pain and he clearly could see that. "I know you're hurting, but don't give up. I'll take care of you in the back."

"Just end this." He adds. *I nod and start to pull myself to my feet, leaning back against the ropes after getting there. I get a few moments to myself before she comes at me. I duck and comes off the opposite side of the ring and I get that momentum back and hit her with everything I got. I work through the pain, until I'm able to put her into one of my own submissions moves. With her being just as tough as I am, she doesn't give up right away. It's only until I apply the pressure more, where she starts to tap and I win the match. The bell rings as Ted cheers on the outside. He gets my title as I check on Nattie. Once he has my title, he gets in the ring and hands it to me, carefully raising my hand with the ref. I don't keep that hand raised long, because it was instinct to hold the places that hurt with my hands. Once Nattie gets to her feet, she makes sure I'm alright as well. "I'm alright. Just sore. Nothing ice can't fix." She nods before hugging me carefully and then she too raises my hand in victory, before she leaves the ring first. After Nattie is out of the ring, Ted leads me to the ropes, holding them for me then following me out of the ring, wanting to get me to the back as soon as he can. Just as we reach the ramp, he reaches down and picks me up, carrying me to the back to make it quicker. Once we are in the back, he continues to carry me as we go to the trainer's for ice. He gets two bags, one for my neck and the other for my back. I hold onto those as he carries me back to the locker room.

When we reach the locker room, he lays me on the couch before he sits. Once he sits, he lets me get comfortable before holding one of the ice packs for me. "So it seems like it'll be straight to bed when we get back to the hotel."

"I'm okay with that. I was going to say the same thing. Rest it is for you."

"Well of course you were gonna say the same thing."

"You said it before I could." He chuckles. "That's because I know what you're gonna say most of the time."

"You just know me that well."

"I do. Oh maybe using the ropes was a bad idea at the time, then my neck wouldn't be hurting from how I fell."

"No, but it was worth a shot. Anything to stay ahead of her."


"Just rest for the rest of the night and I'll help you change before we leave."

"Sounds like a plan."

"Good. Now, don't move and I'll hold the ice for you."

"Don't worry. I won't be moving for a while."


"Hope she's okay." Vi remarks after having seen the replays of key moments in the match. "I'm sure she is. She just as tough as you are. Although, I'm sure you want to know for yourself so go ahead and text or call her." She nods and does so. Since my phone was on the table, and I wasn't able to move, per Ted's orders, he reaches over and grabs the phone, reading the text and replying to it for me. "Okay. Ted says she fine, just sore. That's why he replied. He said she's resting, but doing good." She sighs in relief. "Oh good."

"That sharpshooter looked like it hurt 10 times more that it normally does and that fall off the ropes...ouch." She winces. "Oh I know. It's a good thing she wasn't seriously hurt with that fall."

"No and I don't think Nattie knew she was going to fall that hard. It's like Scar wasn't expecting it to happen when it did."

"I don't think she was expecting it. There are times when we fall and we don't expect it at all."

"Right. It was hard to tell with your hands where they were too so..."


"Suuure." She gives him a look. "You're going to have to let me go soon...I need to change into my attire."


"Just think...more to touch..."

"Oh yeah, that's right." He grins.

"See? After this match I'll get changed."

"I can't wait."

"Of course you can't. You never can." She shakes her head amusedly. "Can you blame me?"

"Hmmm? Let me think about that?" She pretends to think. "No." She laughs. "You never can." He chuckles. "'Cause I get the same way with you."


"It's a shame you changed already. I was ready to have a bit of fun." She pouts. "Sorry."

"It's fine...I'll have my fun later." She grins. "Of course you will."

"Getting you back for everything tonight."

"Already expecting it."

"Of course you are."

"I always have to."

"That's right."

"Because you're sneaky and stuff like that."

"I am. You never know when it's coming."

"No, but that's what makes it fun."

"Oh but of course." She grins, shifting on his lap a bit. "Trying to test me now aren't you?"

"No. Just getting comfortable." She acts innocent. "Uh huh."

"I swear." She does it again. "Why do I get the sense that it's not just getting comfortable?"

"Because that time it wasn't."

"Of course. Looks like I have to hold you still." He chuckles. "Awww. No fair."

"It's fair to me."

"Yeah...for you."

"Love you?"

"You're lucky I love you too." He just grins and kisses her quick. She tries to hold it for as long as she can, but he pulls away shortly after. "Save the best for later." He smirks. "Mmm...alright."

"Keeps you waiting, but also keeps you guessing on what's gonna happen."

"Waiting is torture, but not knowing is exciting."

"Yes, yes it is."

"One of the things I love about being with you."


He pulls her close to him, making sure she can't move while they wait for the next match to start. But however, before that could begin, Dolph had come out with Big E. and AJ.

"Here we are. The Road to Wrestlemania. The Elimination Chamber pay-per-view, and Dolph Ziggler is nowhere to be found. I'm not booked."

"Oh boo hoo. Cry me a river."

"But it was really great of Jack Swagger to stroll in from his lengthy vacation, slide into the Elimination Chamber match, and win. And Swags, I bet you think you are guaranteed the World Championship. Nope! THIS guarantees the World Championship. I'm the most physically gifted athlete this business has ever seen. And you might as well call the cops, 'cause I've stolen more shows than this year's entire Hall of Fame class walking around like old dinosaurs combined. No offense. Every single night I do what I do better than everyone else. I steal the show, I do what no one else-" He gets cut off by Booker T coming out. "One, he's wrong. Two, thank you Booker."

"Whoa, wait a minute."

"Can I help you?"

"Now Ziggler, there's a fine line between stealing the show and wasting everybody's time. I know you feel like you're the most physically gifted athlete here in the WWE."

"No question Book."

"I know you feel like you can do things in the middle of that ring that no other man in the WWE can do. But I beg to differ. You got it wrong. Because I know a man that can do everything that you can do, and a little bit more. That man is your opponent right now."

"I would say you, but you already had your match. Must be the second best guy." Vi says to Justin. It's only a few moments before his opponent is revealed to be Kofi. "Yup. Definitely second best."

"In a way it's a good thing it's not me. What with the creeper out there and all."

"Exactly. That's all I need. Another creep after me."

"And then you know, AJ would be all up in your business too. I'm surprised she hasn't come after your title yet. Everyone knows she wants it."

"You know...maybe that's why he's hanging around. Trying to get in my head for her. I have a feeling once I'm done with Rosa, I'll have AJ to deal with."

"You can take her though."

"I don't know. She might be tiny, but she is tough. I wrestled her in the FCW and she was a firecracker. She had my number a few times."


"Yeah...I have changed my move set since then so I hope I can take her. Going to be training and hitting the gym a lot if that happens. I have a few new moves I want to work on."

"I can help you if you want."

"Of course I want you to help. I couldn't do it without you."

"Well when do you want to start?"

"We can start this week. I say...Tuesday."

"Alright, sounds good."

"She's not taking the title from me. I'm not ready to let it go yet."

"No, of course not."

"No matter what creep she sends after me."


"Hopefully Kofi will beat him and shut him up."

"Let's hope so."

"Fingers crossed."

During the match, Kofi would knock Dolph to the outside, and as Big E. helps him to his feet, Kofi dives to the outside, connecting with Big E himself. This riles him up and he gets on the ring apron, distracting the ref while AJ delivers a slap to Kofi. However, Kofi is still able to land Trouble in Paradise on Dolph. But just when Kofi is close to a victory, Big E. pulls Dolph out of the ring. Kofi would then take Big E. off his feet on the outside. Dolph however would survive the onslaught and hits the Zig Zag on Kofi to pick up the win. "Damn it. Now we have to hear him gloat again." She rolls her eyes. "Tomorrow's going to be fun."

"If only we could skip tomorrow."

"Maybe we can. Talk to Booker, see if we're needed. If not, take the day off."

"I think we could use that day off for sure."

"We could. We can talk about the wedding more."

"And I would love that."

"Me too. We can talk colors and decor. I have a few colors in mind. We can talk about that tomorrow though. Along with whose all coming."

"Right." He nods. "Just have to get through tonight."

"And we will."

"Of course we will."

"But anyways, don't you have to get ready now?"

"Oh right." She realizes the time. "I'll be back." She kisses him quick then moves from his lap. She grabs her bag then heads into the changing area. She takes out her attire, an opal color. Not pink, but not white, in between both. She takes off her dress then puts that on, fixing her hair a bit and touching up a few things on her makeup. Once she's done, she sets her dress on her bag then heads back out into the locker room. "Alright, I'm all set." She declares as she stands in the doorway. He just looks at her, eyes wandering, mouth open. "You alright babe?" She chuckles. "Huh?"

"You spaced out on me again." She laughs, going to get her title. "Did I? Oops."

"You did." She laughs. "I take it you like the new color?"

"I do."

"Good. Going to be using it a few times."

"Great." He grins. "Ready to head out?"

"Yup, I'm ready." He nods. "Hold my ring like always?" She takes it off and hands it to him. "Of course." He puts it in his pocket so it stays safe then he takes her hand and they head out of the room and down the hall. It doesn't take too long to reach the interview area. Once they were there, they just had to wait for them to turn the camera on for the segment. They start off with Justin and her talking before Rosa walks up. "Can we help you?" Vi rolls her eyes.

"Just want to remind everyone who's going to be the winner tonight."

"You came to tell me that I'm winning tonight? Honey, I already know that." Vi flips her hair off her shoulder, showing off her title. "Don't flatter yourself."

"Me? Flatter myself? Don't make me laugh. You're the one telling me something I already know. You only beat me, what, once? There is no way I'm letting you...hey!" She snaps her fingers. "I'm over here." She steps in front of Justin. "He has nothing to do with this. It's between you and I. Not him. Eyes off!"

"Not that I would ever be interested in you anyway. Don't you have Primo and Epico to go back to?" He says to her from behind Vi. " along now." She shoos her with her hands. She just mutters things in Spanish before deciding to walk off. The cameras go from her then back to Vi and Justin as they look at each other, shaking their heads. Since the segment was over, the cameras cut to ringside on commentary as everyone waits. Since Rosa walked off first, she was the first to go out to the ring, as Vi and Justin were on their way to the curtain which wasn't too far away. "The nerve of her to even look at you like that." She grits her teeth, starting to shake in anger. "Save it for the match."

"Oh I plan on it. She made a big mistake just now. She's going to pay for it."

"No doubt about that."

"She going down and going down hard."

"I believe that." He nods. "She won't be seen for months."

"Too bad for her."


"Channel all that anger. Get your match over with and we can go back to the hotel early since we'll be done for the night." She takes a deep breath, closing her eyes to focus on the task and channel all her energy. Before they knew it, they had played her music, and then they had gone out next. She walks out all smiles, holding the title in the air. She does a few poses at the top of the ramp then takes his hand and heads down the ramp. On the way, she slaps hands with a few fans, giving the little kids a hug. Once she gets to the ring, she looks at Rosa then turns and gives Justin a kiss. She pulls away with a smirk, then hops on the side of the ring. She holds the title in the air, glaring at her. She gets in the ring and hands the ref the title. He shows it to Rosa and then Vi before showing it to the crowd, then handing it off and ringing the bell. She starts off with usual trash talk, mostly in Spanish though of course. They both get in each other's face, before she pushes her away by the shoulders. "Come on Vi. If she wants attitude, show her attitude. You so got her there." She starts to get in her face again, giving her small shoves here and there. It did look like Vi was just standing there and taking it, but she actually was just waiting for her to push her too far before she retaliated. And that's just what happened. She said something about Justin and that sent Vi over the edge to the point where she shoves Rosa so hard, that she fell. "There's the Vi we all know! Give it to her!"

She wastes no time in going after Rosa, as she jumps on her and starts hitting her head against the apron a few times before the ref has to pull her off. After the ref pulls her off, Rosa scurries out of the ring and then just decides she's going to give up, calling Vi crazy as she walks around the ring to walk out of the match. "Oh hell no." Vi grumbles, sliding out of the ring, going after her. Just as she reaches the side of the ring where the ramp was, she grabs her by the hair and drags Rosa back to the ring, throwing her back into it. Once she's inside, Vi goes to get inside, but she quickly gets up and takes her feet out from under her, so Vi galls back onto the side of the ring, before falling off and onto the floor. "Vi!" Justin rushes to her. "You alright? Look at me." He checks her over, concerned. "I'm fine." She mumbles, starting to slowly get up. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. I just want to finish her." Just as she was about to get to her feet, Rosa came out of the ring, and Just had no choice but to back away. She grabbed Vi and threw her back into the ring, before sliding in herself and she went for an early pin, but Vi kicked out much to Rosa's dismay. Even though it was too early of a pin, she gets frustrated and starts to wail on her with hits left and right. She goes for another pin, but Vi kicks out again. The same routine goes on for a bit before she's had enough and fights back, until she's able to get to her feet. "Get her back Vi. She keeps looking at me." Justin says, lying, but trying to fire Vi up. "She said she wants to take me away from you. Don't let her get away with that. She's looking at me now." Rosa of course hears this and starts to complain and argue with Justin, telling him to stay out of the match and to be quiet. What he said had worked on Vi and the moment that Rosa had turned around, she went and kicked her square in the face, possibly knocking her out. The impact could be heard through the entire arena and the crowd reacted to it. Vi went for the cover, and got the pin, because after the kick she wasn't moving and she had won the match. "Stay the hell away from him." Vi grits her teeth. She then stands up, getting my hand raised by the ref then getting engulfed in a huge hug. "I think you knocked her out."

"She deserves it." She glances at her. "No one messes with my man."

"That's right."

"Where's my title?" She looks at the ref who finally hands it to her. He then raises her hand along with Justin. After her hands are down, she goes to the ropes, showing the title off. When she's done, she hops down then takes Justin's hand and head for the ropes. "Now we can just get you changed when we get to the back and then we can leave if you want."

"I love that idea." He holds the ropes open for her and she exits the ring first, followed by him. They head back up the ramp and to the back, before heading back to the locker room. They make it back to the locker room and since she was so thrilled and pumped about her win, she didn't notice someone watching them. After they walk in, she heads right back so she can change, deciding to put on a pair of sweat pants, one of Justin's shirts she loves and a pair of flip flops. She smooths out her hair since it was a mess from the match, then packs all her things up before leaving the room and heading back out to him. "Have I told you that you look better in my shirts than I do?" He grins. "Only every time I wear them."

"Well it's true."

"I know it is, that's why I wear them so much."

"Think you can wear that to bed tonight? Maybe only that?"

"Hmm...I don't know..." She messes with him.


"Alright. Only because I can't resist that face."

"Works every time."

"You're so lucky I love you." She chuckles, giving him a kiss.

"Love you too."

"Ready to get out of here?"

"Definitely." He nods. They grab all their bags then head for the door. After they open it, they stop since someone was in front of the door. "I thought I made it clear I don't want anything to do with you." She rolls her eyes as Heath just stands there. "You're just in denial."

"Are you serious?" She sighs annoyed. "I'm not in denial. I don't want you. If I did, I would have said yes to you when you asked me out 3 years ago. You're a creep, always have been. You don't like me for me, you like my looks. I'm with the one who loves me for me and not my looks. He's the one I'm marrying. And, he's right here." She flashes her finger in his face again. "And you can excuse us, we have a hotel to get back to."

"You heard her. Excuse us." Heath goes to take her hand to lead her away. "Not you!" She pulls her hand back. "Justin!"

"Heath, what is wrong with you? Knock it off." Justin remarks, getting in between them, so he can't touch her at all. "She wants me. I can see it. You can see it. She knows it. It's called denial and she's full of it. She's only with you 'cause I, yes, I turned her down. Not the way she says. She just doing it so I'd take her back and now I want her back."

"Now why do I find your story hard to believe?"

"Because man, she's got you wrapped around her little finger. Anything she says you'll believe. I thought we were tight. We used to be tag champions. We had each other's back." Heath gets offended. How about this?" He puts his hand on Justin's shoulder. "How about we share her? You know, you get her for a few days then I have her or we all can just share the same room and everything."

"Yeah...USED to be. You changed." Justin says, shrugging Heath's hand off. "And look where you are since we split as a team. I'm finally a singles title holder and you're part of a wannabe rock group. And no, I'm not sharing her with you. I wouldn't share her with anyone, let alone you. So you can just get that little idea out of your head." He adds. "Come on man. We can team up again. You can keep that title and we can be tag champions again. We'll be unstoppable and we'll have the hottest diva there is on our side. Think about it."

"I'm doing just fine on my own, with her. I don't need you."

"You'll see in the end. Once she's out of your life and with me, where she belongs. You'll see that she was just holding you back from everything so she could get everything she wants. Just you wait."

"Yeah...that'll happen when Hell freezes over."

"Or before." He blows her a kiss. "She'll be with the right person soon." He tries to reach for her only to have Justin stop him. "Come on Vi, let's go before he starts getting even more creepy."

"Too late for that." She mutters. "You know you love it." He smirks, making kissy faces at her. "Then we should go now." They go to walk away and as they do, Heath sneaks around and grabs her butt. "You little..." She grumbles, turning around and smacking him hard across the face, her hand print already forming. "Touch me again and I'll do worse than that. Next time I'll hurt you so bad, I'll make sure you can't ever have children."

"You'll only be hurting yourself."

"Highly doubt that."

"Now, if you mind, I'm going to go back to the hotel with MY fiancee and do things you only wish you could do with me." She smirks, taking Justin's hand and walking away. "He has some nerve." Justin shakes his head. "He must really think his dreams are reality now. Well, he can keep dreaming. Everything he said was a lie. I would never use you to benefit myself. That's not me. I'd hate myself if I did that. He just wants you to leave me so he can have me all to himself."

"I know. I didn't believe a thing he said. Don't worry."

"And, you're free to do what you want. You're not wrapped around my finger. I let you do your thing. It's how our relationship works. I love you to much to control you like that."

"I know that too."

"Now I'm paranoid. Great. Just great. He did it again." She throws her hands up, trying to hold back tears. "Vi...don't let him get to you. I know perfectly well that everything he says is a lie. He's jealous of our relationship...plain as that."

"I know he is, but the things he says. He knows just how to get me and bring me down."

"Well, would you like me to hurt him to the point where he can't have children?" He asks, trying to get a laugh or something out of her. "I really would." She chuckles slightly. "There we go. That's what I want to see. You happy."

"As long as I'm with you, I'll always be happy." She smiles. "But, you know what would make me really happy?" She says as they reach the car. "I believe I do." He grins. "You do now?"

"I do. Maybe you'll just have to wear only my shirt to bed another night."

"I just might, but for now..." She pulls him to her by his shirt, pressing her lips to his in a rough kiss. "...that will work." She grins as she pulls away. "Always helps you feel better." He grins. "It really does." She nods, putting her things in the back, Justin smacks her butt as she bends over. "Now, that's the only hand I want there. Yours."

"As it should be the only one there."

"And will be." She says getting in the front. "Get in so we can go back and have some 'fun'." She winks. He grins before getting into the driver's side after putting his things in the back, and he starts the car and heads back to the hotel. On the way back, he takes her hand in his, bringing it to his lips, kissing the back of it. He rests them on his leg, playing with her ring as he drives. "You love playing with that, don't you?" She asks amusedly. "I do."

"Just wait until I get my wedding ring on. You'll never leave it alone." She chuckles. "Probably not."

"I figured."

"Can you blame me?"

"No, not really."

"Thought so." He keeps playing with her ring as he drives, still focusing on the road. Since they left before the show was over, there was hardly any traffic and they got to the hotel quickly. Once there, they got out then grabbed their things before heading inside. In the meantime, Ted and I decided that we didn't want to stay any longer ourselves. By this time, both ice bags had melted, and it was only water now. Ted took both of them and threw them out before helping me up from the couch and into the changing area so he could help me change out of my attire and into more comfortable clothes. He carefully helps me out of my attire and helps as I put on my shirt then pants. Once that's done, I stand and slip on my shoes, him supporting me. "I hate seeing you hurt."

"I know. Just like I hate seeing you hurt."

"I'll do everything to help you feel better."

"Of course you will, but right now...all I want is to lay down and relax."

"And that's what you're gonna do as soon as we get back."

"Good. I can't wait to get back."

"Can you walk or do you want me to carry you out?"

"I think I can walk."

"Alright." He nods. "I'll get your bags." He adds as he helps me walk. I nod as he takes my bags from me and we head out of the locker room, walking through the halls until we reach the doors that lead outside to the parking lot. Once we reach the car, he helps me into the car first then puts my bags in the back. When that's done, he gets in the car then heads for the hotel once he's all set. "If you need help changing for bed too when we get back, I'll help."

"The only thing I'll need is my pants off. Just sleeping in this shirt tonight."

"Well I'll still help if you need it."

“Thank you. I appreciate it.”

"Anything for you."

"Love you."

"Love you too. So much."

He takes his free hand and rests it on my knee as he drives. It doesn't take too long for us to arrive at the hotel and when we do, he parks then gets out and gets my bags before helping me out of the car and inside. As we're in the elevator and heading up to our floor to get to our room, my phone goes off and it's Nattie and she just wants to make sure I'm alright again. Actually really concerned about how I fell off the ropes, because she didn't mean for that to happen. I tell her that I'll be fine, but if it'll help her feel better until I'm feeling better, I'll let her know how I'm doing day by day. Nattie texts me back saying that's fine and says she's sorry again. I tell her it's no problem and I'll let her know how I am in the morning. "She's really concerned." I say as we reach our floor. "I can see why. You are both really good friends and she didn't mean for any of that to happen tonight."

"I think tomorrow she and I should just hang out together before Raw. Girl's day you know?"

"Right. We'll see how you're feeling first."

"Right." I nod. We make it to our room, him opening the door, letting me go in first. He sets my bags down then helps me over to the bed. "Now do you need me to help you get ready for bed or do you got it?" He asks.

"I believe I got it. Just my pants. Nothing too hard."

"Right well, I was just making sure."

"I know. You're just looking out for me. I appreciate that."

"I always will too."

"Of course."

He kisses the top of my head before going over to his things so he can change for bed himself. Since all I had to do was take off my pants, I did that then tossed them to my things as good as I could. When I was done with that, I pulled the blankets down and laid down, waiting for him to finish. Once he was, he came over and turned off the light before climbing into bed next to me, pulling the blankets over the both of us. "Time for you to get rest." He holds you carefully. "I know."

"Do you need anything for the pain or are you alright?"

"I think I'll be alright."

"Okay. Just making sure."

"If it gets too much, I'll just get up and take something."

"Alright." He nods. "Hopefully I will be able to sleep."

"Do you want to take something now just in case?"

"If it'll help you feel better, then I will."

"It will. I want you to get all the sleep you can." He moves away from you, reaching over and getting a pill for you and a bottle of water he had just in case. "Of course." He helps me sit up so I can take the pain pills. He waits until I hand him the water then he sets it back on the table. I lay back down and move close to him the best I can, as carefully as I can, after he lays back down. He lets me get comfortable before he puts his arm carefully over my side, snuggling close to me the best he could. He kisses the top of my head, telling me how much he loves me.

"I love you too." I mumble. He smiles, giving me a quick, light kiss. He moves his and to my hair, gently running his fingers through it. Of course like always with the help of that, it doesn't take me too long to doze off. He stays awake a few minutes later, before dozing off himself. Meanwhile, Justin and Vi have been back in their room, but she was making him wait before he could have any fun. She was in the bathroom, taking off her makeup and fixing her hair a bit. "How much longer?" He whines. "Oh I don't hour." I tease. "That's far too long."

"Well, I do hqve to look my best for you."

"But do you really have to take an hour?"

"No. Make that two." She grins. "Oh come on."

"Relax." She laughs. "I'm coming now." She opens the door, walking out with just his shirt on. "My shirt never looked better."

"Of course not."

"One of my favorite things you could ever wear to bed."

"How well I know. Not as much as your first, which you just might get tonight."

"I hope so."

"You got some convincing to do first." She smirks, walking past him, letting her fingers lightly move over his skin since his shirt was already off. "That won't be hard."

"I don't know about might be." She grins, sitting on the edge of the bed. "I know what gets to me...I can convince you."

"You do, but I'm getting better at resisting."

"I just have to try harder that's all."

"Yes you will."

"Up for the challenge."

I always am."

"Of course you are."

"Bring it." She smirks. "Oh I will." She starts to scoot across the bed till she gets away from him, but he's too quick for her and pins her to the bed. " fair." She pouts. "As you say all the time."

"Now I can't have any fun."

"Oh you can...eventually."

"How long do I have to wait?"

"You'll find out."

"Awww." She whines. "I promise it won't be too long though."

"Good. I want to touch you." She struggles to get her hands free. "Patience."

"Not my best quality."

"I know that feeling all too well." He chuckles. "Can I have just on hand free?" She gives him the eyes. "Pwease?"

"I suppose."

"Yayy!" She cheers as he lets her hand go. Her hand goes right to his hair, her fingers running through it before she slowly moves it to the back of his neck, lightly running her fingers over the back of his neck. That gets a small growl from him, like always. "You know what that does to me."

"I do." She smirks. "Even though, you're not the one that needs the convincing."

"No...that would be you."

"Mhm." She nods. "And I think I'm the one winning." She takes his bottom lip between her teeth, nipping and sucking on it.

"...that's because you know what gets to me...and you're taking...advantage of it..."

"You're exactly right." She smirks, moving her fingers over the back of his neck, moving her leg so it rubs against him while she nips at his lip. "You really are asking for it.."

"Maybe I am."

"Well then..." He trails off as she lets his lip go and he goes right for her neck. She closes her eyes, biting her lip while she moves her head to the side. Her hand rests on the back of his neck for now, just below his hair. She moves her leg, hooking it around his to prepare herself. He just smirks against her skin, and he decides to torture her a bit, avoiding his favorite spot for now. She does the best she can not to give in, just tugging at his hair for now. She bites down hard on her lip and arches her back into him, not giving him what he wants, making him work for it. He mumbles things incoherently against her neck as he now starts to circle around the spot, at times getting close to it, but only close enough to tease her. She tenses a bit, but resists against giving him what he wants. She tugs at her hand that he still has pinned, wanting that free. "Uh uh...not yet..." He mumbles. "Uhhh." She whines. "Just a little longer." She whines in protest, wanting to touch him more. His free hand starts to wander, as it moves up her leg, slowly moving over the skin, before moving under his shirt that she had on. She makes a few soft noises, tugging on his hair more. Her breathing starts to get a bit more shallow the more she resists him. "It'll be easier....if you stop resisting..."

" have for it..."

"I believe I am."

"...not hard enough..."

"...just wait..." He smirks against her skin. She clings to him the best she can, the more his hand wanders under her shirt. Combined with that, he finally presses his lips to the spot on her neck and works on leaving the usual mark. As soon as he does that, she loses all control and everything that she kept from coming out, came out loud and clear to him. Once he feels that a mark would be forming, he pulls away from it, but not before pressing one last kiss to it and resting his forehead against hers. "Good enough?" He asks. "Uh huh." She nods, breaking heavy. "Great." He grins. "Hand?" She tugs at it. "Of course." He nods, letting it go. She takes that hand and wraps it around his neck, pulling him down closer to her, pressing a kiss to his lips, roughly. With his other hand free, he too uses that and it wanders under her shirt the best it can with them being so close to each other. She starts to kiss him harder, not being able to wait much longer. she moves her hands from his neck and moves them down his chest to his pants, working on getting those off. Once they're off as fat as she could get them, he got the rest and kicked them off, not caring where they were landing. that's when he started to play with the bottom of her shirt. She nods her head, letting him know he can take off. He pulls from her lips, lifting the shirt over her head. Once that's out of the way, he starts to kiss all the newly exposed skin he could, taking as much time as he wanted. As he moves along the newly exposed skin, he also nips here and there, catching her offguard at times. He gets the reaction he wanted out of her, then slowly makes his way back to her lips. She pulls him up the rest of the way, not being able to wait any longer. She presses her lips hard against his, kissing him roughly and eagerly. He lets his hands wander for a bit longer, hers wander as well. Soon it gets to be too much for him and he reaches for the blanket, pulling it over them. She tortures him a bit more and that sets her up for a long, rough night.