Status: Active

All About Us

My Birthday

Tonight is another set of tapings, and we all had matches tonight. So we all decided to make a gym trip in the morning before heading to the arena for the rest of the day. Since we all were going, we all went in one car this time. "So, how's your birthday been so far?" Vi asks as we get to the gym. "It's been great actually."

"Well that's good."

"So I haven't told Ted yet, but I talked to Booker and I got him a match finally....tonight."

"Oh that's great! It's about time he gets back in the ring and on TV."

"And it's even better since it's a tag team match with me. Told him I was gonna work on getting that to happen. I want it to be a surprise."

"I won't say a thing." She whispers to me. "I'll tell him when we get to the arena and the show starts."

"That's a good idea. You'll be late if you tell him before."

"Right. And the match is against Dolph and AJ. She tries anything during the match...oooh she's gonna go down so hard, she won't know what hit her."

"I'd do the same thing if I were you. She's crazy."

"But say that to her face and she unleashes the crazy on you."

"Oh I know. I've seen her do it. Never would I ever say that to her."

"Not at all."

"I just hope she doesn't come after might see my crazy side. What you saw with Rosa was nothing."

"Oh boy."

"No one messes with him. No one. I don't care who you are. I almost got us kicked out of a club once because a girl was dancing too close to him."

"Oh jeez."

"He was mine first. Everyone else can step back. You're the only girl I allow to be around him and trust."

"Right of course."

"Enough about that now...what do you say we go torture them a bit?"

"Definitely." I nod. We then walk over to where they can see us and start to do our usual stretches, making sure they get a good view. When we look up from our stretches at times, we catch them staring, but when they notice that we notice them staring, they look away trying to hide it. "They are so staring." She laughs. "No doubt about it."


"Big time." I nod. "Let's give them something to stare at then." She smirks. "Like always." I grin. We then do everything that we can to be as distracting as possible to them. We know it works when we hear something drop behind us and turn to see them picking up their weights. "We're so going to be in trouble..."


"I don't know about you, but I know I will was my idea afterall."

"Well that's expected." I laugh. "Any chance the birthday girl can get me out of it?" She gives me her best puppy dog eyes. "I can try."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you."

"Anything for my best friend ever."

"You're the best and that's why I love you." She hugs me quick. "Likewise."

"Sh sh, they're coming. Act natural."

"Right right." I nod, doing so. We go back to doing our normal workout routine, the one that's not distracting to them. "So, how's the workout going?" Justin asks. "It's going good." She acts natural. "How was yours?"

"Well...we were quite distracted for a moment..."

"Really? Who do I need to take care of?" She looks around the gym. "No were the distraction."

" bad?"


"Honest. I swear."

"If you say so."

"I'm innocent, right Scar?" She gives me a pleading look. "Oh yeah, totally innocent."

"See? I told you."

"And I'm innocent too."

"She is. We had no idea what we were doing. We were just talking and working out."

"Exactly." I nod. "Well...since it's your birthday, you get a pass." Ted says. "Yayy."

"As for you..." Justin looks at Vi. " have to convince me otherwise."

"Well I can't help it that you're distracted by the little things."

"Everything I do distracts you." She adds. "I can't help it."

"So, it's not my fault. I didn't do it on purpose."

"Sometimes you do though."

"Yeah, but not in public."

"I've seen it happen sometimes."

"No..." She acts innocent.

"Acting innocent with me...I always know when you're doing that."

" you." She kisses him quick. "Love you too."

"Are we almost done? I was thinking about a birthday treat." She says. "Oooh, I like the sound of that."

"I was thinking of going to that place you like so much that has the best Hershey pie dessert ever."

"Ooooooh, yes."

"I knew that would get you. Come on, let's go get changed." I nod, following her into the locker room so that we could change. Once in there, we change into what we came in, jeans and t-shirts. We talk a bit about the show before we gather our things and head out to meet the guys. "Alright, are we ready to go?"

"Justin." Ted nudges him causing him to look up. "Now we're ready." Ted nods. "Oh you." Vi shakes her head amusedly. "Me." He grins. "You see me everyday, all day and you still stare. I still look the same." She says as she links hands with him and we all head out to the car. "You mesmerize me every day, what can I say?"

"Oh stop." She blushes. "Never." He grins. "Ted...why do you keep checking her out? Keep your eyes in front of you." He adds. "I'm not."

"Then how come you almost ran into the wall...twice?" I can't help but laugh a bit, trying to hide my laughter with my hand over my mouth. "You kinda were Ted." Vi says. "I'd check that out too if it were mine." She jokes. "And I know that." I remark.

"I'm just that protective with you and Justin. And don't worry Ted, I'm the same way with you, but in a brother/sister way."

"Right of course."

"You're all my family, it's natural to me."


We make it out to the car and put our stuff in the trunk. Justin and Vi get in the back while Teed and I get up front. Once we're all set, he starts to head for the restaurant. "Kinda wish my birthday wasn't on a day we have to work, but it's okay."

"True, but we have the rest of the week to celebrate it. Don't you worry about that."

"Hey, why don't you take her to the island?" Justin suggests. "I actually love that idea." I nod. "Alright. We fly out tomorrow then. Thanks Justin."

"Yeah, thanks."

"You're welcome."

"I can't wait to go now."

"Me either. You, me, sun, sand, all week..." He grins. "I'm glad we can go there whenever we want."

"It's really nice. Justy and I go there all the time."

"Of course you do."

"It's just so nice to get away every once in a while. So relaxing."

"It really is." Justin nods."We'll have to go there more often then." I say to Ted. "We can try." He nods. "Great."

"But we definitely can this week...because of your birthday today."

"Good because I already arranged for you both to have the week off. I talked to Booker yesterday. You're welcome." She grins. "You're amazing. You know that right?"

"Me? Of course I know that."

"Always thinking of everything."

"That's me." She grins. "Speaking of...Ted, I talked to your dad...the plane will be ready at 8am tomorrow."

"You really are ahead of everything." He chuckles.

"We've had this planned for about a week now."


"Yes, yes we are."

It isn't too long before we pull up to the restaurant, and finding a place to park. We all then get out and head inside. Once we get inside, we get lead to a table then side, looking at the menus. "Definitely getting my usual." I nod.

"I think I get what I usually get too."

"And after that...the dessert."

"Oh yes. Best chocolate cake you can ever have."

"Best part about coming here."

"All the chocolate." She nods. "I do think we should go to the Hershey factory and get that 1lb chocolate bar before we leave."

"Oooh, yes. You just read my mind."


"We have those a lot."

"We do." She laughs. "I swear we were separated at birth or something."

"It really seems that way sometimes."

"How cool would it be though? Us being sisters. That would be amazing."

"I know right?"


"But we can be considered sister because of how close we are, and that's good enough."

"True." Then the waitress comes over and takes our drink orders and our food orders since we were ready to order both. She goes to get those filled, leaving us talking to one another as we wait. It's not to long after that she comes back with our drinks. "Oh by the way, do you have a match tonight?" I ask you. "I do." She nods. "Justin and I are in a tag match."

"Ooh, against who?"

"As far as I know...Alicia. We don't know who the other person is yet."

"Ah, that can either be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on who it's going to be."

"Right. I'm just hoping it's not..."

"...right. That's the last thing you need."

"It is. He's getting more creep by the second. Wanting to share me with Justin...psh, yeah right."

"Ew factor much?"

"Right? He was trying to be all nice to Justy, trying to get him to go in on it."


"He really is. I can't do anything anymore. It's like he sees everything." She glances around. "I don't think he's here. I think we would've noticed."

"I know, but still..."


"Enough about him, today's all about you." She says, moving closer to Justin. "Yes, and it's supposed to be a fun day."

"And it will be."

"It indeed will be." I nod. "Starting with the food." She says once she sees it coming. "Yes, which is gonna be so good."

"Like it always is here."

"Exactly." The waitress comes over with our food, setting it down in front of us. "Looks so good. As always."

"Smells just as good too."

"It really does."

We all start to eat, the guys loving the food since this is the first time they ate here with us. "Good?" I ask them. "Mhm." They nod, mouths full. "Well your mouths are full so that definitely says it is."

"I believe it does." Vi chuckles. "Looks like when we're in town we're coming here every time."

"We so are." They say that the same time after swallowing. "Well just wait until the dessert, then you'll never want to stop coming here."

"We can't wait then."

"I'll share mine with you unless you want your own." I say to Ted. "Depends how big it is."

"Oh the desserts are pretty big."

"Maybe we should share then."

"Sounds like a plan."

"We'll share too." Justin says to her. "Share? Me?" She gives him a look. "Share the dessert you get, yes."

"You're just lucky I love you." She kisses him quick. "Love you too."

"Love you too." We all go back to eating, talking about little things while we eat. Once we were done, we wait until the waitress comes back to collect our dishes, before ordering our desserts. After taking our order, she comes back out with a few co-workers. One of the pieces has a candle in it and they all sing happy birthday to me before putting the cake in front of us. "Vi...did you do this too?"

"Me no, Justin yes."

"Aww, this day just keeps getting better and better doesn't it?"

"It does. Had to make your birthday the best ever."

"Well it's starting out just great."


"Any other surprises today?"

"No. I believe that's all."

"But then again, they are surprises, so we wouldn't exactly tell you. Leaves the surprise element out of it."

"Oh boy."

"You'll have to wait and see."

"I should be able too." I nod. "Now we can dig into this cake, and you'll see why you really want to come back here every time we're in town." Vi remarks. "I'm ready." We all dig into the slices we're sharing, taking the bites of them. "Tastes even better than last time."

"Extra chocolate. You're welcome." She grins. "You're going to get me on a sugar rush today aren't you?" I laugh. "Maybe I am. We'll see after you eat the cake."

"I find that 'maybe' suspicious." I give her an amused look. "Here Justy." She ignores my statement, trying to avoid it. "Speaking of surprises though. I have one for you when we get to the arena." I say as I turn to Ted. "Oh?"

"Mmhmm. But no hints. You'll find out when we get there."



"I'll manage."

"So how is the cake by the way?"

"Delicious. Best ever."

"Knew you would love it."

"Isn't it?"

"We have to get some to take home."

"Done." Vi says.

"And how do you have that taken care of?" Justin asks. "When I set all this up. I had them make a cake to be taken home."


"I'm just that good."

"Yes you are." He grins, kissing her quick. "It's what makes me perfect." She jokes. "Yes, yes it is."

"Joking babe. Joking. I'm far from perfect."

"You're perfect to me."

"Of course I am."

"And that's the truth."

"Awe. That's why you're so perfect."

"And that's why we're perfect for each other."


"You really are perfect for each other." I nod in agreement. "Just like you and Ted are."

"As I'm reminded every day."

"Because it's true."

"Of course it is." We then go back to eating the cake, feeding it to the guy and vise versa. After we're done, we sit and relax until the bill comes. When it does, so does the cake that we're bringing back with us. Vi gets the bill paid, and then we all get up and head back out to the car. "That was an amazing lunch. Thanks Vi."

"It was no problem."

"You always do the best things for my birthday."

"Anything for a sister."


"So, hotel now?" Ted asks. "Yes. We can get our things together and then head to the arena for the rest of the day until the tapings are over."

"Alright." He nods. "Yeah. I need to get a shower too." Vi says. "That makes two of us." Justin nods. "As long as you don't make us late...again."

"I promise not to."


"I know I have that habit." He chuckles. "Yes you do. One you have to control too."

"I'm trying."

"I know and you're doing a great job at it too."

"Why thank you." She giggles, kissing him quick. "Not here..." She whispers about his hands. "...shower."


"I know, this outfit isn't helping, but you can wait a bit longer."

" isn't helping."



"You got me."

"I always do."

"You just know me that well."

"Well I am marrying you, so I would hope so."

"Trust me, you do."

"Definitely can't wait for that day to come." She says with a smile.

"Me either. It's going to be the best day ever."

"It really will be. Getting excited with each day that passes."

"So am I. I can't wait to spend my life with my love."

"I can't wait to go shopping for the dress."

"Speaking of that...I found a store that has a few I like. We can talk about that later on know who isn't listening."

"Right right." I nod. "There is one I really like, but we'll see that later."

"Alright, sounds good." It's not too much longer after that, we arrive back at the hotel. After Ted parks, we get our things, Ted grabbing the cake then we all head inside and up to our rooms. "So....are we sharing the shower or no?" Ted asks. " would enjoy that..."

"I always do."

"It will save time, so..." He grins before grabbing me and heading right into the bathroom. "Someone's eager." I chuckle. "You know how I get."

"Of course. Every time."

"I can also get you back for the distractions at the gym."

"That was so not me!"

"You knew what you were doing."

"Maybe I did, but it was not my idea."

"You still contributed."


"You're busted." He chuckles.

"I was doing to so Vi wouldn't get caught. It was her idea. I swear."

"That may be so, but you still got me distracted."


"Well it is your birthday so I suppose you can get off the hook this time.."

"Yayy!" I cheer. "Love you." I kiss him quick. "Love you too."

"I say we gets this shower started." He grins, tugging at my shirt. "How about the water first?"

"On it." He says, going over and turning it on. "Now you can go ahead." I nod, giving him the okay to go ahead with removing my clothes. He grins, wasting no time in removing my shirt before working on getting my pants undone. Once that's down, he pulls them down, his hands moving slowly. When they reach the floor, I step out of them then he moves back up, his hands moving up my legs slowly. "Touchy touchy touchy."


"Not complaining though."

"Of course not." He grins.

"Everything you do is going to be extra special today, I know it."

"Exactly. You deserve it."

"Of course."

"Now it's my turn." I grin, running my hands down his shirt. "Go ahead." He grins. I start by lifting his shirt up then over his head, my fingers lightly moving down his chest. "I never get tired of this."

"Neither do I. It's fun."

"For both of us."

"Mmhmm." Once all of his clothes were off, then we got into the shower since the bathroom was filling with steam already. After getting in, I hand him my loofa and his favorite scented body wash and he starts to wash me, being as touchy as he can. "Try not to get too lost in the scent. You have a habit of doing that." I laugh. "I'll try." He chuckles, continuing to wash me.

"That's all I ask...don't really have too much time before heading to the arena. Just keep in mind of the surprise I have for you when we get there."

"I remember." He nods, finishing up. "I think you'll like it...really like it actually."

"I know I will."

"Now, let's wash that hair of yours." He adds. "Have fun." I chuckle.

"You know I always do."

"Right." The shampoo was also his favorite scent like the body wash, because he can't get enough of it. He almost gets lost in the scent thing time, but snaps himself out of it and finishes washing my hair before letting me go under the water to rinse it all out. After I get it all out, I start to wash him as well, taking my time while having some fun. Once I'm done, he rinses off then I help him with his hair. After that, he spends some extra time in the shower with me because he wasn't ready to get out yet. But keeping in mind of the show tonight, he decides against leaving any marks on me. A few moments after that is when he shuts the water off and gets out, grabbing towels for both of us. He hands me mine as I step out of the shower before putting his own on. We both then head into the room to get ready. I end up getting dressed in casual clothes, being comfortable. After I get dressed, I make sure my bag is all packed and ready to go for when we leave. "Just have to do my bag and then I'll be ready." He says. "Alright. No rush." He nods, getting his bag together after geting his shoes on. He packs a few things he may need then sets it on the bed. "I'm ready."

"After you this time." I suggest. "My pleasure." He starts to head for the door. "My turn to enjoy the view." I grin. "Enjoy. It's your favorite jeans too."

"All of them are my favorites."

"Of course they are." He chuckles, taking my hand once we're both out the door. "I can't help it."

"You never can."

"Just like you never can with me."


"And neither one of us can control it, I know."

"No we can't." He squeezes my hand as we reach the elevator. "But I am loving my birthday so far."

"Good. You should. It's your day."

"Do you have anything planned for me today?"

"I do, you'll have to wait until later for that."

"No hints?"

"Umm...dress nice."

"I'll remember that."*

"And that's all you get."

"I can deal with that."

"Good." He kisses me quick just as the elevator reaches the lobby. Once we walk out, and through the lobby, we go back out to the car. After putting our things in the back, we get inside and head off to the arena. In the meantime, Justin and Vi had just gotten out of the shower themselves and he was still being rather touchy even after a long shower. It took a lot of convincing, but he finally let her go so she could get changed. "Too bad we don't have the night off. But I know you have that cake and everything planned for after the show for Scar, so even if we did have a night off we wouldn't be able to stay here anyway." He remarks.

"That's true. I know how much you want to stay here."

"I really do."

"Next time. I promise."

"I hope so."

"We will. You'll have me all to yourself."

"Just as I like it."

"Oh how well I know."

"I can't help it. I love you that much that I love the alone time I get with you."

"I love you just as much too and cherish our alone time we get."

"After we get through tonight, we can go wherever you want."

"What do you mean? We have time off?"

"Well you know the usual. We get a couple days off or so before having to be back on the road for the live events...remember?"

"Oh, right." I chuckle. "Just have a lot on my mind lately."

"Good things I hope."

"Yes. All about the wedding."


She smiles, giving him a quick kiss before going over to her things and starting to pack her bag. While she does that, she does his as well while he gets dressed. It's not until she gets all that done, that she starts to get dressed herself. Since he was already dressed by now, he couldn't help but to stare as she was getting dressed, a grin coming across his face. "Having fun?" She grins, pulling up her jeans. "Huh?" He asks after snapping out of it. "You're staring." She laughs. "Not that I blame you, I'd stare at me too if I could."

"You could in a mirror."

"I know that." She chuckles. "I mean all the time like you do."


"Hmm..." She thinks, looking at her shirts before picking out one of his favorites then putting it one. "Just wait until you see what I have for when we give her the cake."

"Oh really?"

"Mhm. I have a feeling you're going to love it, just like everything else."

"No hints as to what it is?"


"Have I seen this dress before or no?"

"No. It's new. Just got it when Scar and I went shopping the other day."

" you've got me interested."

"Interested is good." She grins, walking over to get her jewelry, putting her ring on first. "I can only imagine what it looks like."

"It's gorgeous. I'm so tempted to show you, but I want you surprised."

"Of course..understandable." Just as she finishes getting her jewelry on, he comes up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist, kissing her cheek then resting his chin on her shoulder. "Beautiful." He grins. "And my hair and makeup aren't even done yet."

"You don't need makeup or your hair done to look beautiful."

"If we weren't going to work, I'd go natural, but since we're going to work I need to have it on."

"Right, of course."

"I'll do my makeup light and leave my hair straight for now then I'll curl it later. Deal?"


"Alright." She nods. "Want to brush it for me?" She asks since she knows how much he loves her hair. "You read my mind."

"I tend to do that." She grins, starting on her makeup. "You just know me that well."

"I better. I am marrying you."

"Yes, yes you are."

"And I couldn't be happier." She says just as she finishes her makeup. "Same with me." She smiles at him through the mirror as he starts to brush her hair. "Love how your hair is so soft." He remarks. "You always do. It's the conditioner I use."

"And I love it."

"I know you do."

"One of my favorites."

"Which is why I use it all the time."

"Of course."

"I just know what you like."

"Touche." She then leans into him as he keeps brushing her hair. "There, all done." He says once he finishes.

"Thank you." She smiles at him through the mirror. "I'm surprised you didn't play with it longer this time." She chuckles. "Well I would've if we didn't have somewhere to be."

"True, but you have all night to play with it."

"Yes I do."

"I have a feeling I'm going to need you to. I have a bad feeling about our match."

"Don't worry...I'm already ahead of you there."

"Good." She turns, kissing him quick. "But whatever happens with that match, we will win it, I'll make sure of that."

"I know we will. We're the best right now. Other than Scar and Ted, we're unstoppable."

"That's right. Now all we need is Ted to have a title, and then we all will have one."

"Exactly." She nods. "Ted does have a match tonight. A tag team one with Scar. He's finally back."

"Oh really. I take it she made that happen right?"

"She did, but shhh. He doesn't know yet."

"So that's what she's going to tell him at the arena."

"Yes. I can't wait to see his reaction."

"I think we may have to be there to see that reaction."


"Think we should get going now so we don't miss it?" He chuckles. "Right." She nods. "Got everything?"

"Yup. Your bag is packed too."

"You packed it for me didn't you?"

"I did. While you were busy staring." I laugh.

"You would."

"If I didn't, we'd still be waiting for you to do it." She chuckles. "That's very true."

“See? I'm just that good of a fiancee.” She grins. "What would I do without you?"

"Be lost." She states more than asking."Most likely."

"Exactly." She laughs. "Ready now?"

"Mmhmm." He nods. She grabs her bag then starts to head to the door since she knew he wanted her to go first so he could stare.

"Thanks for the view."

"You're very welcome."

"I get a view next time though." She adds. "Trust me, you will."

Good." He then comes over to her, taking her hand as they head out the door. After reaching the elevators, they head down to the lobby and then head out to the car. Their things are put in the back before they both get in and he drives off to the arena. While he drives, he takes ahold of her hand, kissing by her ring a few times. "Can't wait until the wedding ring is on that hand." He grins. "Neither can I. Then everything will be complete."

"And perfect."

"Just like it should be."


"Only 3 more months."

"Which I hope don't drag along, because I can't wait to marry you."

"We'll make it go as fast as we can. I can't wait to be your wife."

"I think we're both equally excited."

"I believe we are."

"Gonna need to do some more planning too."

"We do. We can do that this week if you want?"

"That's a great idea."

"We need catering, flowers, and seating to be done."

"We'll work on all that this week. Promise."

"Alright." She nods. "We also need to talk to Mike about his suit. I want him to walk me down the isle."

"We can do that too." He nods. "I just need his measurements. I got yours and Ted's already."

"Right." It's not too much longer that they arrive at the arena. After parking the car, they get their things from the back, then head inside. "I want to see if we can find out who we're facing tonight."

"I'm sure we can find out. Let's just go find whoever we need to about this."

"Right with you." She keeps a hold on his hand as they go to find out. After a bit of walking, they do find who they needed to, in order to see if they can find out who they're facing tonight. Once they find out who they're facing, she walks off in a huff, not happy with who it is. "At least the other two won't be there ringside though..." Justin tries to lighten the mood. "Still...the fact he gets another match with us, against you. He's never going to stop."

"I know, I know."

"I knew it. I just knew he was going to show up tonight and ruin everything." She mutters in disbelief. "Always." She shakes her head, mumbling to herself in anger. "Everything's not ruined. You worry about Alicia in that match, I'll worry about Heath. He can't touch you in a sanctioned match. You can hurt him though as much as you like. That's the only thing you can get away with."

"If he so much as breathes on me, I'm kicking him where it hurts. I don't care if we get disqualified."

"Your actions will be justified, so that's okay."

"I just..." She bites her lip and screams to herself. "...ugh." She groans.

"I know. You have every right to be mad."

"I'm furious. How were we not told about this?!"

"I don't know. But you know how Creative can be."

"Something needs to be done. I think I'll have a talk with them." She turns, heading to where they stay. "Vi...."

"What?!" She snaps. "I know how you get, and if you start yelling at them, they can turn around and make things much worse."

"I won't yell. I'll kill them with kindness. They need a piece of my mind."

"If you're sure."

"Trust me. I'll be as nice as I can." She smirks slightly."Alright then." They start to make their way to where they are, finally reaching the office. Once there, they're told they can't go in because they are busy. She gets a bit more upset and starts to argue with security. "Vi come don't want to get thrown out of the building."

"This is ridiculous! I'm going to Vince about this! Yeah...I went there!" That's when she storms off to find his office, Justin trying to catch up as he follows. It takes him a bit to catch up to her, but he stops her before she reaches his office. "Justin...let me go." She tries pulling away from him. "No, I'm not letting you go."

"I'm getting tired of him getting involved in our matches and us finding out at the last minute! This has got to stop!"

"We're not the only ones who find out things last minute. That's just how things are around here."

"I know and I would care if it wasn't him. It's not fair to us at all."

"No it's not fair...but we can win this."

"We sure will. I have all this anger inside and I need to get it out somehow. Poor Alicia. I feel bad for her tonight."

"She can just blame it all on him."

"Most likely." She chuckles slightly. "Now I'm all tense. Damn him."

"I can fix that."

"I know you can." She grins. "One reason I love you so much." She kisses him quick. "Always looking out for you."

"You're too good to me."

"Because I love you."

"I love you too." She leans into him as they start to head for their locker room. "And before you ask...I'll wait until Scar lets me know she's going to tell Ted about their match tonight, so we can head over there to see his reaction." She adds. "Okay. I should have you relaxed by then."

"Good." She nods. They make it to their locker room without any problems then walk in. As soon as they walk in, he takes her bag and tells her to sit. "Someone's demanding." She chuckles, sitting down. "I just want to help you relax."

"I know. I like when you're demanding. It turns me on."

"Which is why I do it every so often." He smirks. "Me likey." She purrs. "As you should." He chuckles. "Mmhmm."

"So, just try to relax the more I help."

"I will." She nods, leaning into him once he sits. "Let's see where you're tense the most..." He trails off as his hands wander.

"...right now...everywhere."

"Well I'll start with your shoulders and neck, before moving down. Sound good?"

"Sounds good." He nods and then proceeds to do so, massaging the tension away, inch by inch. Her eyes fall shut as she starts to relax a bit more with every tense muscle he soothes away. "Seems to be working. You'll be feeling better in no time."

"You and your magic touch."

"That's right. My magic touch." He grins. "I love it oh so much."

"I know you do." He then has her shift slightly so he can work on her lower back. "Almost done."

"Awww." She whines. "Don't worry. Remember I can do this whenever you want me to."

"I know...I want you to do it now though."


"Another reason you love me. I can do things that a massage at the spa can't do." He grins. "Exactly. My own personal masseuse."

"Always." He starts to get to the part of her back that has been bothering her and once his fingers touch it, she winces a bit. "Sorry." He says as he notices the wince. "It's fine...just sore there."

"Need ice or will the massage help it? Seems tender since you winced when I touched it."

"The massage will help. I think I pulled a muscle at the gym this morning."

"Ooh." He winces himself. "Didn't realize how much it hurts...until now."

"Well I'll be more gentle with this spot."

"Be as tough as you can. It needs to be worked out. I was just caught off guard."

"Alright, if you say so."

"I know you love me and don't want to hurt me more, but you're the one who knows what's best."

"I do." He nods. He starts to work on the muscle causing her to bite down on her lip since it's tender. She breathes through the pain until he gets it all worked out. "Better?" He asks. "Much better."

"I'm glad."

"You're the best." She leans back to him.

"Always for you."

"Now I don't want to move." She looks up at him as his arms go around her. "Well you don't have to until you hear from Scar."

"Right and that's a good thing."

"Yes it is." They stay like that for a bit longer, him being affectionate and taking advantage by letting his hands wander. After a bit, she gets a text from me. "Alright. She's ready."

"Aww so soon?" He chuckles. "Yes, so soon. The show is about to start and she wants to tell him before then."

"Alright. After you." He says as he lets her go. She then stands as he follows. As soon as he's up, his arm goes over her shoulder, hers around his waist. They then leave the room and head to me and Ted's. When they get there, they knock and I tell them that they can come in. "Hey you two. Not that I mind, but how come you're here?" Ted asks, confused. "I wanted them to be here for your surprise." I explain. "Yeah. I want to know what it is too."

"Well, you know how I do have a match tonight?"


"Well it's not just any match. It's a tag team match."

"Okay. Who are you teaming with? Alex? Mike?"

"No. My partner is you."

"Oh I see...what?" He thinks a minute. "Me? How?"

"I told you I would work on getting you back to competing in that ring."

"I just...can't believe you did this." He pulls me into a hug. "Thank you so much!" He kisses me. "You know I do anything for you."

"Just like I would do anything for you. You're the best!"

"I know. And our opponents are going to be Dolph and AJ."

"Well, I'm glad I'm your partner then. We so got this won."

"We do, and the match is the second one of the night."

"Even better. We can leave to do what I have planned then."

"I can't wait."

"Neither can I." He grins. "Awww." Vi gushes. "We'll leave you two alone now." Justin starts to walk them to the door. "Alright."

"Come on Vi."

"I wanna stay."

"I'll give you another massage." He coaxes. "Bye guys!"

"Those two." I laugh, as they both have gone out the door. "So in love. Just like we are."


"So, should we get ready or do you want to wait a bit?"

"I think getting ready would be a good idea." I nod.

"After you."

"Of course...everytime." I grin, taking my bag and heading towards the changing area. He grabs his bag as well, following me into the changing area. It doesn't take too long for us both to get ready and once we do, we both head back out to the main part of the locker room. "Surprised you controlled yourself in there."

"It was hard, but I know we're short on time right now."

"That's true." I nod. "Saving it all for later when I can go as far as I want."

"Right of course." We both sit on the couch, him pulling me close to him. "So what do you think? We go out there together, or individually? I'm thinking individually, it'll surprise people."

"Yeah. That's a good idea." He nods. "No one will see it coming."

"Not at all. And everyone will be so happy."

"I know. I've been getting tons of tweets about coming back and people missing me. I do miss it out there, all the fans."

"And I know that."

"You have no idea how happy I am to be back."

"You're welcome."

“Love you.”

“Love you too.”

"Hopefully from now on you can have matches again."

"Hopefully." It wasn't too much longer before the show started, and unfortunately it had to start off with The Rock. "Looks like he decided to finally show up."

"Never sticks around for long."

"No and it's not fair to all of us who actually stay here and come to every event."

"All about his movies."

"He should keep doing them, he likes them more than this now a days."


"Hypocrite." I mutter.

He then proceeds to do a little story telling...about himself.

"At 15, The Rock moved with his family from Nashville, Tennessee to a little town only about an hour away from here, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. And keep in mind, The Rock wasn't no ordinary 15 year old at that time. Already 6'4, 220, rocking a very creepy mustache for some ungodly reason, no idea why. By the way, wanna see a picture of The Rock at 15?"

"Not really."

" sure? Alright. Well show the magic. Yeah, there he is, in the flesh. Captain white shorts himself. Half black, half Samoan, yet somehow looking like I was a bouncer from Menudo."

"My eyes! They burn!"

"I got it." Ted says as he covers my eyes.

"Much better."

"Let me tell you this, I love coming to Hershey. Love coming to Hershey. I remember one time, one weekend, Saturday night we can here to Hershey. Rode rides, did everything we could, but there was one thing I wanted. One thing I wanted. The one thing I wanted was a Hershey's Whatchamacallit. And I just couldn't get it. Drove my boys around 5, 6, 7 places, couldn't find it. They were annoyed, they were like 'come on. Come on, we gotta go, we're teenagers. We should be going out buying beer'. I was like 'no no no, we don't drink beer'. Well I might not have said that part, but I said no no no, the only thing I want right now is a Whatchamacallit. But then, finally, I found that Whatchamacallit. And right before I grabbed it, someone else stepped in and grabbed it before me."

"Boo hoo. So sad." I mock.

"Mmhmm. Yeah, boo, yeah. But...but something really special happened that night. Something historic happened that night, because I said something to that person that would change the course of history in the WWE forever. I looked at that person and I said this, in Hershey, that Saturday night. If you don't put down that candy, I'm gonna kick your candy ass. And let me tell you something. Just like that, two seconds later, that old lady put that candy down...and she got the hell out of that store. But the bottom line is this, kicking your candy ass started right here in Hershey, Pennsylvania."

"An old lady? Really? And who cares about the candy ass story? No one."

"Last Monday on Raw, last Monday on Raw, Cena got in my face and I kicked his candy ass. Now I know at WrestleMania, John Cena's gonna come back, he's gonna have more passion and more fire than he's ever had in his life. But I'm gonna keep kicking his candy ass. He steps to me, he'll step to me with his jean shorts kicking his candy ass. Step to me with his fruity pebbles, kicking his candy ass. And not only though I do it in front of WrestleMania, in the world, The Rock will do it in front of the millions. Don't think you heard me. The Rock will do it in front of the millions...." He goes on, before Laurinaitis decides to come out.

The Rock’s first question for John Laurinaitis is “who in the blue hell are you?” and Laurinaitis responds, asking the WWE Champion if that is a “trick question” before introducing himself as the former Executive Vice President of Talent Relations and the former General Manager of RAW & SmackDown John Laurinaitis, saying that the entire world knows who he is. The Rock stands unimpressed, saying that Laurinaitis must be mistaking him for someone who “gives a crap”!


Laurinaitis then reveals that his former rival and the current Senior Advisor to the SmackDown General Manager, Theodore Long, gave him permission to come out there and talk to The Rock. He continues, saying that he knows that everyone expects to happen, as they expect him to “talk too long” and end up getting laid out with the Rock Bottom. He says that’s not going to happen, saying that he and The Rock are a lot alike as The Rock is “The People’s Champ” and he invented “People Power”. He continues to crow about his past accomplishments, touting himself as “the greatest General Manager that the WWE has ever seen”, but it was ruined by John Cena. "Oh thank you John."

He then states that John was the reason he was fired and he is also the reason that he is back. Growing ever impatient, The Rock tells Laurinaitis that, if the former GM does not get to the point, then he is going to whip Laurinaitis’ “monkey ass” all over the arena! He gets to the point, saying that he has a “business proposition” for The Rock, saying that they are both businessmen, proposing that he be in the corner of the WWE Champion come WrestleMania!

"We didn't see that coming."

He continues, saying that, with him in The Rock’s corner, there is no way and “Big Johnny means no way” that Cena can win at WrestleMania. Laurinaitis then tells The Rock that they are like the Reese's peanut butter cup, they are “two great tastes that taste great together.” The Rock says that it’s only fair if they involve the “people”, asking the fans if they want to see the “stale, old, indigestible, stick-to-the-top-of-the-roof-of-your-mouth-until-you-want-to-vomit piece of peanut butter” team up with the “most electrifying piece of chocolate that the world has ever seen”.

"No! Please, no!"

To no surprise, the fans flood the arena with “boos” before saying that he has a proposition of his own, saying that he and Laurinaitis should work together to “send a message” to John Cena. Laurinaitis agrees and The Rock offers a handshake to Laurinaitis, promising not to hit Laurinaitis with the Rock Bottom. The two would shake hands, but The Rock would not let go as the WWE Champion would pull Laurinaitis in, dropping the former GM with a spinebuster before dropping the People’s Elbow on “Big Johnny”.

"I may not be fond of him, but that I like him for."

"For once he did something right."


Once they were done in the ring and had left, the first match of the night would take place as Chris would go one on one with Wade in a non-title match, with Wade's challenger at WrestleMania, Mike, on commentary. "You know, I really think Mike should get that title back. It wasn't fair how he lost it the first time."

"Exactly. But we all know how Creative is and how what they think is best and what we think is best are two entirely different things."


"It's like they don't know what to do with half of us lately."

"They don't and that's not good at all. We need new creative people."

"They should really listen to the fans. From what I see lately being tweeted, they have a lot of good ideas."

"I'm sure they do, but unfortunately they won't be heard."

"Which is why we have to take things into our own hands sometimes."


"And that is how I got us in a match together."

"I'm glad you did too."

"That's why I left it as a surprise, because I knew you would be glad."

"I am." During the match, Wade would opt to pick a fight with Mike on the outside of the wring, and while he would avoid getting counted out, the distraction would benefit Chris, as when Wade gets back into the ring, he gets caught in a Codebreaker. Chris pins him to pick up the win. "Aw. Poor thing. That's what he gets." After the match, Chris says that he would love to savor his victory over Wade, but he notices that the elaborate setup for Fandango's entrance has been set up. He then decides to give pronouncing Fandango's name another try, calling him by the names, Fan-ding bat, Fan-doodle, Fan-naki, Fan-Danny DeVito, Fan-tom of the Opera. "Oh Chris. Always a good laugh." He then starts reciting a piece of the famous Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen, singing 'Fan-I see a little silhouette of a man, gala mouse, gala mouse, can you do the Fandango?'. Not amused, Fandango comes out with his dance partner, making their way down the ramp, but when Chris welcomes Fandango into the ring for a fight, Fandango backs off and takes his leave, but not before dancing on the stage. "I can't stand that guy."

"Neither can I."

"Wish he's go back to where he came from."

"But unfortunately I think they're sticking with this and he's not going anywhere for a while."


"I do think we should get going though. Our match coming up soon and all."


"After me, I know." I laugh as I get up first. "Mhm." As I get up, grabbing my title and heading for the door, I tease him a little bit with moving my hips a little more as I walk. He inwardly groans as he starts to follow me. "Oh I'm sorry, am I torturing you?" I giggle. "When don't you?" He chuckles. "Point taken."

"One thing I love about you."

"Touche." He then takes my hand as we both walk to the curtain. "Oh good, just us two for now."


"I think we'll just let Dolph and AJ go out first, leaves your return to the ring much more a surprise if we go out after them."

"Good idea."

"Get to be in the ring with crazy...oh joy."

"You can take her. Don't worry about that."

"Oh I know that."

"Just unleash all you have on her. Show her up."

"Oh I will....if she makes me mad. That's usually what it takes."

"Knowing her, she'll get you to that point."

"She's good for that." I nod. "Always."

"And speak of the devil." I remark as she, Dolph and Big E finally arrive. "Just don't look at her and you'll be fine." Ted says so I can hear. "Yeah, cause otherwise she'll be giving me the death glare." I mumble. Since AJ was too busy hanging all over Dolph she wasn't paying much attention to what was going on. Thankfully, we didn't have to deal with it very long, as Dolph's music went off and they had left and gone out first. It takes them a bit to get to the ring, with Dolph showing off and everything. Once they make it, my theme hits and I walk out. I do the usual routine, before stopping down at the bottom of the ramp by the ring as my music fades. I look up at all three of them in the ring with a smirk, and a few moments after, that's when Ted's music goes off and he comes out to the crowd going absolutely crazy. They look on in disbelief as he makes his way down the ramp doing his normal entrance, pumping up the crowd. I just grin, and when he reaches me, he kisses me quick before we get into the ring, and the others quickly get out. We do the usual routine, before standing in the middle of the ring as AJ and Dolph hesitantly get back onto the ring. "You so got her in this."

"I do." I nod. "I think I want to go first." She adds. "Go for it." He grins, kissing me quick before stepping out of the ring. And since he did, Dolph had to as well, leaving AJ and I face to face in the middle of the ring as the bell rings. She starts to skip around me in a circle, just having fun for now. But I know what she's doing and she's not going to get the best of me on my birthday. She's back to standing in front of me, smiling sweetly as she does. I just roll my eyes and shove her, so hard that she falls back into her corner near Dolph. "Aw. You fall down? Boo-hoo." Of course her being who she is, she tags in Dolph really quick before getting out of the ring and standing by Big E. So Dolph has no choice but to get into the ring, but I don't get out just yet as he approaches me in the middle of the ring. I'm un-phased by him trying to be intimidating, so when he turns around to boast to AJ and Big E on the outside, I back up and when he turns back around, I hit him with a dropkick before getting out of the ring with a satisfied smirk on my face. "Nice one." Ted grins as he gets into the ring.

"He can't intimidate me. Thinks I won't fight back. He's wrong." I remark as I take Ted's place on the outside. He looks back quickly, with a grin before turning his attention to Dolph. They start off in usual fashion, circling each other a few times before locking up and Ted gets Dolph into the corner, holding him there before he had to let go. Ted backs up, hands up in defense before hitting Dolph when he least expects it. He then takes him and throws him into the opposite corner, and when Dolph bounces off, Ted hits him with a clothesline. "There we go! Still got! Give it to him!" He pulls him into the middle of the ring and goes for an early cover, only for Dolph to kick out. Ted doesn't let him get up, as he locks his arm around his neck in a side headlock. "Tight! Hold him tight! Don't let him up!" Dolph however does start to get to his feet, much to our dismay. He starts to get out of the hold by elbowing Ted in the gut a few times. Dolph goes for his signature move quite early, but Ted moves out of the way at the last minute, Dolph missing. Ted takes the chance and grabs Dolph, throwing him out of the ring, away from Big E, because we all know Big E. would catch Dolph if he were right there. "Smart move!" I yell, keeping an eye on AJ and Big E. Of course though, AJ jumps down and rushes over to Dolph to check on him. I just roll my eyes, as we wait for Dolph to be ready to get back into the match. "Come on! Get back in the ring Dolph!" The ref yells before starting to count.

He doesn't get back into the ring right away though. As it seems he's going to try and get himself purposely counted out, and then he starts to walk away from the ring to walk out of the match. "Oh no no no." I say to myself before hopping down and quickly going over to the space between the ramp and the ring, stopping them from going any further. "Get out of my way!" Dolph yells at me. "Make me."

"How about I make you?!" AJ gets in front of him, lunging at me. And of course, that ends up with us fighting on the outside. Dolph and Big E are distracted by that, and Ted quickly gets out and takes Big E. out, and then gets Dolph back into the ring so the match can end the right way. Big E. gets AJ off of me after getting back up, then I start to make my way back to the ring. As he pulls AJ away and back to their side, she's screaming for him to let her go. "Haha. Too bad for you." Even though Ted had gotten Dolph back in the ring before the match could end the way Dolph wanted it, he had taken control of the match for a bit and ended up catching Ted in his sleeper hold. With each passing second, Ted did start to fade as he dropped to one knee. "No no no! Breathe through it Ted! You can do it!" I encourage, stomping the steps with my foot, trying to get the crowd into it. The crowd does start getting into it, starting to clap for him. With the encouragement, he starts to get back to his feet, and since Dolph is still has the hold in place, Ted backs up and hits the corner, making Dolph let go. While he's in the corner, Ted stumbles forward and away from him and when he turns around, he ducks Dolph's attempted clothesline and comes off the ropes and hits him with his own. "There we go! Woo!" He then waits for Dolph to get up so he can set him up for his finisher. He's actually able to do that, but that's when AJ comes in and goes to stop him. I immediately see her trying to do so, and I quickly take her out before she could stop him, and the fight between us is taken to the outside yet again, leaving Ted to finish in the ring. He hits Dolph with Dream Street and covers him for the pin. Before Big E. realizes what's going on, since he was distracted with me and AJ again, it was too late and the bell rang to end the match as Ted has pinned Dolph.

"AJ! AJ! Let's go!" Big E yells, trying to pull her off. She keeps screaming 'no' at him, but he picks her up and hoists her over his shoulder as he carries her away with her kicking and screaming as he also helps Dolph, all three going back up the ramp. I start to get up, making my way to the ring, Ted checking on me as I start to climb up. "I'm okay." I nod. He helps me into the ring where both our hands get raised in victory. Once our hands are let go, I turn and literally jump on Ted and hug him for getting the win for us. "You're welcome." He chuckles. "It felt good to get that win."

"First one since being back."

"Makes it all the more special."

"I knew it would, which is why I wanted you to get as much in-ring time as you could."

"And I thank you so much for that."

"You're welcome." I grin, before kissing him briefly. "Let's get out of here now." I nod and I let him lead me out of the ring, holding the ropes like always before I get out first and he follows, before we head to the back. From there we head back to the locker room, and just as I was going to head in to change, my phone goes off and it's a text from Vi, telling me that she forgot to mention earlier that Ted and I can't go anywhere until after the taping is over because there's a surprise for me then. "Looks like we won't be leaving early afterall to do what you have planned. Apparently Vi has a surprise for me after the taping is over."

"Really? Well, that's alright. We can wait until then to leave."

"You sure?"


"Alright, well then I suppose I can wait a bit before changing."

"Staying in your attire?" He grins. "For a little while, yes."


"What about you?"

"I think I'll get changed. I know who you can get."

"Who, me?" I laugh. "Yeah, maybe you're right. Can't have anything happening afterall."

"No we can't." He chuckles. "I'll be right back." He kisses me quick before heading off to change. "Oh good, they won. They deserve it...especially Ted." Vi remarks about the match. "After being out so long, it's so good to finally see him out there again and winning." She adds. "Hopefully we can see more of him winning."

"If Scar has her way, we will."

"I think she will have her way...especially since she got this to happen."

"Exactly. We make things happen."

"Yes you do."

"That's why we both came here. We came to make a difference and that's what we're going to do."

"As we've been seeing as of late."

"And you're going to keep seeing it. We're not just here to look pretty."

"Like some people."

"Exactly. I mean, we know where hot, hotter than most, but we don't flaunt it like some do."

"Exactly...because you don't need to."

"No we don't. We already impressed who we needed to."

"That's right." He grins. "I'm just glad it was the right one on the right person too."

"So am I."

"And now we're getting married. Who would have thought that would have happened?"

"Probably not a lot of people. But you and I love each other that much."

"We do and that'll never stop. Never."

"Never ever."

"Nope." I lean up, kissing him quick.

"Love you forever and ever and ever."

"Love you too. Forever and always."

"Forever and always." He repeats. She looks up at him with a smile, him looking back at her. He runs his thumb over her cheek, leaning down, giving her a slow, soft kiss. She rests her hand on his wrist as he keeps the kiss going. Even though the kiss was slow and soft, she still got lost in it and didn't want to pull away. He shifts slightly so she starts to lean back, him slowly moving forward as as she goes back. Once she's on her back, he starts to deepen the kiss a bit, his free hand starting to wander. Her hands move from where they are and go to the back of his neck, her fingers moving along it, adding her nails in at times.That causes the usual reaction from him and his hands stop wandering for now as he has a grip on her and a slight growl comes from him. She smirks the best she can into the kiss, doing it again getting an even louder growl out of him this time. She then leaves one hand on his neck while the other moves to his hair and her fingers run through it as always. She pulls him down closer to her, wanting him as close to her as he possibly could get. He just chuckles against her lips and into the kiss, his hands resuming what they were doing as they wander again. When he feels like it's the right time, he stops kissing her to take her bottom lip between his teeth. She arches into him, tugging at his hair while making a few soft noises. Since he knows it drives her crazy, he does it for as long as he possibly could. When he feels she's had enough of that, he moves from her lips and to her jawline. But he does keep in mind that he can't leave any marks this time because of their match later.

She starts to tense as he starts to nip at her skin. He grazes over the spots he loves so much, saving those for after the show. He decides to focus on one spot that will be covered by her hair, but noticeable by him. Her fingers tug at his hair more as he starts to kiss and nip at the spot. Once he feels a small mark, only noticeable to him, is forming, he pulls away, kissing it briefly before making his way back to her lips. "Left a small mark....maybe if he sees it, he'll get distracted with jealousy....and lose the match for him and Alicia." Justin mumbles into the kiss once he's reached her lips. " it."

"You're mine....never will be his....he has to understand that."

"He does...and I'm all one else can have me."

"Exactly." He goes back to kissing her normally, but with a lot of passion that she equally matches. They do that for a bit before pulling away due to hearing the bell ring. "Oops...missed that match." She chuckles. "Wasn't too important anyway."

"No. Not really."

"I think we do need to get ready though. It's almost the end of the night, and our match is before the main event."

"Aww. I don't want to move though." She whines. "I know, I know."

"Carry me?" She pouts. "Of course." He chuckles. "You're the best ever."

"Just for you."

"Good." He then moves from the couch first, before reaching down and picking her up, after getting both of her things, then carries her into the changing room. Once in there, he sets her down, but she doesn't let go at first. He gives her a slow kiss, then she slowly lets go. She lets him change first, then once he's done, she starts to get changed. "You were so tempting." He chuckles as she finishes. "Was I?" She gives him an innocent look. "Oops."

"You knew what you were doing."

"Mayyybe." She grins. "You so did."

"Guilty." She chuckles. "As always."

"I know how much you love when I do that so..."

"I do." He grins. "You can have some fun while we're not there then you can ravage me when we get to the hotel." She smirks. "Ravage huh?" He grins. "You heard right. Anything goes."

"I like it."

"Now, how did I know that?" She chuckles. "Because you know me that well."

"That I do know."

"Just want to get this match over with, so we can change and once the show is over, we can get to the surprise for Scar you planned for after the show."

"Oh I know. She's going to be so surprised. Plus she gets more cake too."

"As long as a mess isn't made in ring with it." He chuckles. "Tends to be a pattern with birthdays on show nights."

"I won't be starting it. Not with the dress I'll be wearing and knowing her, she'll be ready to go out after so she won'tmake a mess either."

"Right." He nods. "How about we go back out there before things go a bit to far mister touchy?"

"Good idea." Before she can even ask if he wants to carry her again, he scoops her up in his arms, hers going around his neck as she squeaks in surprise. "My question is answered." She laughs. "You know I love carrying you."

"Just as much as I love when you carry me. Queens don't need to walk." She jokes. "Again, joking about that." She laughs. "You may be joking about it, yes."

"Even though I know I'm a queen to you."

"You are."

"And you're my king."


"And forever."

"Yes, forever."

"Love you so very much." She nuzzles his neck. "I love you too."

"You're going to have to put me down so we can walk out for our match though."

"Oh right. Unless I carry you all the way until we get to the curtain..."

"I suppose you can do that, but if the camera comes by, you'll have to put me down for that."

"Promise." He nods. "Alright. Just need our titles and we're ready."

"I got them." He says as he grabs them from the arm of the couch. She grabs them from him, setting them on her lap for now so he can hold her properly and get the doors. He then starts to head out of the room and luckily the camera doesn't come to them this time so he carries all the way to the curtain where Heath and Alicia are already waiting. "Ugh, I was hoping they wouldn't be here already." She mumbles. "You know him when it involves you...always early." Justin grumbles. "Unfortunately."

"Give him something to look at, shall we?" She smirks, pulling him closer to her. "Great idea." He grins. He leans the rest of the way, pressing his lips to hers in a soft kiss. They keep it going for a bit until they get interrupted. "Get off my woman!" Heath yells. "Your woman? Don't make me laugh." She remarks, after having to break the kiss. "Need I keep reminding you that I'm getting married?" She flashes her ring in his face again. "I don't think he gets it yet."

"No. I do. She's marrying me and I'm just letting you borrow her for now. After tonight I'll be needing her back though."

"You're disgusting."

"No, you are. You're the one sleeping with someone else's woman. It's stopping tonight. She's coming back with me after the show." Heath grins. "Well, someone seems to have spent a little too much time in their fantasy land." She adds. "It's not a fantasy. You'll see later tonight." He smirks, trying to touch her hair. "Ugh..don't touch me!"

"Can I hit him?" She asks. "Sure, why not." Justin shrugs, setting her on her feet. "Maybe I'll break your nose completely this time yeah?" She says as she balls her hand into a fist. "Try it and I'll get you stripped of your title." Alicia says as she steps between them. "Aww look, he needs someone else to fight his battles for him."

"Actually, no." She puts her finger in her face. "I don't want my partner injured tonight."

"Put your finger in my face again..." Vi grits her teeth, pushing it away. "..or what?"

"You really want to know?" She chuckles sarcastically. "You won't be taking any selfies for awhile, that's for sure."

"Now excuse me...we're heading out first." She finishes, purposely bumping into her as they pass her. Before she could even say anything, Justin and Vi walk through the curtain, titles in the air. After doing their poses and entrance, they head to the ring, his arm over her shoulders, hers around his waist. They get in the ring and do their poses, holding their titles in the air before standing in the middle of the ring. "Just for that little thing backstage, I'm really going to get her now." You mutter to him.

"God you're hot when you're like this." He grins. "As you've said many times before." she smirks.

"It's true."

"And I know that."

He kisses her quick just as Alicia's theme goes off with her coming out doing her entrance with Heath following after she gets to the bottom of the ramp. "I think I'll let you start the match off." Justin offers. "Alright." She nods. "I know you want to get your hands on her after that confrontation backstage."

"I do, just as much as you want to get to him after that too."


"Go get him and get him good. For me."

"I'll do that. Definitely." He nods. He kisses her quick before tuning around to face the direction Heath and the ref are. As he walks away, she reaches under the rope, slapping his butt then winking. "Youuu."

"Meee." She grins. "I'll get you back for that later." All she does is smirk, puckering her lips. She then turns and meets Alicia in the middle of the ring, the bell ringing to start the match. As usual, Alicia starts the trash talking, adding more to what happened backstage and only audible to her. That's when she starts poking her in the chest, making her back up into the ropes. The last poke she goes for, Vi grabs her hand and twists it, before kicking her in the leg, making her go to one knee and her hand is still twisting hers. "Oh yeah! Break that hand. Don't let her do that to you." She then kicks her other leg out from under her so that she's on both knees now. She takes her hand and places it on the apron, letting it go for a fraction of a second before proceeding to stomp on it. " face...again!" She screams as she stomps on it. As she clutches at her hand, Vi just steps on and over her, not caring at all. She drags her over to the ropes where she places her on the bottom one, driving her knee into her back so that there's pressure on her throat. But of course the ref starts the countdown, so she lets go of her before 5. "Doing good babe. Looking hot." She quickly pulls her away from the ropes and to the middle of the ring, going for an early pin, but of course she kicks out. She doesn't get too frustrated, because it is early in the match afterall. She gets her to her feet, before throwing her into the corner. She charges at her, only for her to move so Vi hits the corner shoulder first. When she turns around from bouncing off the corner, she hits Vi with a surprise dropkick. "Come on Vi!" Justin calls, his hand in the ring. "Come to me. Tag me."

She starts to move towards Justin, but Alicia kind of beats her to it and grabs her by the feet and tries to pull her away, only to have trouble as she moves around, and at the last second she kicks her away, in the face. She tags Justin in and Heath tags himself in since Alicia went back over to their corner after she had kicked her. "Go get...him."

"On it." Justin states before quickly getting into the ring and clotheslining Heath a few times before kicking him like always, knocking him down every chance he got. "That's my werewolf! Aaahhhooowwww!!!!" Heath had stumbled into one of the corners, opposite of Vi and Justin's, so Justin backs up into theirs and got ready to charge at him, but just as he was going to, Heath chickened out and rolled out of the ring. "Oh come on! Are you really that scared?" Vi yells. "Get back in the ring!" At this point, Alicia had jumped down herself so that she could check on him and everything, being the tag team partner she is. He didn't want her to and kind of just pushed her away, not wanting to deal with her at the moment. "Aw. Not happy with your partner. What a shame...not!" He ended up arguing with her just a bit, so Justin decided to take advantage of the distraction and jumped through the ropes, in a suicide dive, hitting Heath on the outside and knocked him into the barrier. "Ow." Vi winces, standing on her toes to see if Justin's alright. Just as he was getting to his feet, she saw Alicia start to approach him, not too happy with what he just did. She grumbles to herself before hopping down and decides to go around the other way so she wouldn't see her coming. Just as Justin got to his feet and turned around, he saw her come up behind Alicia and hit her across the back with her arm, so she goes falling to the ground. "Don't think about touching him!" She grits her teeth as she kicks her.

Justin and Vi work together and get Heath back into the ring, leaving Alicia where she was. As Justin gets back into the ring, to go for the pin, she goes back over to their side of the ring. Just as she hopped back up, Heath kicked out of the pin. "Damn." She mutters. "Keep kicking him! He'll cave!" Just as Heath gets up, Justin grabs his hand and twists his arm. But Heath comes back with a punch to the face, and then a hit to the shoulder which knocks Justin down. He then proceeds to keep kicking him, before going around and driving his knee into Justin's spin and then putting him in a headlock. Justin starts to move around, trying to get out of the hold. He does get to his feet with the crowd's encouragement and out of the hold, only for Heath to hit him again and send him into the ropes. However, Justin flips over behind him and hits him with his spinning heel kick and then a fist to the face. "Alright, alright." Vi claps. "Keep that up babe. Take him out for trying to take me away." He goes to send Heath into the corner, but he reverses and Justin ends up in the corner. Justin moves when Heath comes at him, causing Heath to hit the corner shoulder first. Justin motions for Vi to come in and help as he goes to the outside to climb the corner. She comes in and holds Heath down so that he wouldn't move period. Justin then hits the 450 Splash on him and she lets go so Justin could pin him and he gets the three count.

"Yess! Ha! Take that loser!" She laughs at him. "I'm never going with you, ever!" After moving to the middle of the ring, the ref holds their hands up in victory. Once he lets their hands go, she hugs Justin before their titles are brought back over to them. "Unstoppable. That's what we are."


"Think he got the message you're not going with him?"

"Knowing him, no. He thinks this is all a game."

"Well then...he'll just keep getting his ass kicked by me and or both of us."

"Yes he will."

"And great job taking out Alicia. Must've hit her good because she didn't get back up for a while after that." He chuckles. "Why thank ya. she was not going to touch you...not on my watch."

"And that's another reason why I love you. Because you look out for me."

"That's right. I'm always going to be protective of you."


"Let's get to the back so we can get ready for Scars surprise."

"Right." He nods. "After you." He says, holding the ropes for her. She kisses his cheek, then gets under the ropes, hopping down. He follows then they head up the ramp, holding their titles in the air. They reach the back then start to head for their locker room. When they get there, they head right back in to change. Since he was wearing what he came in, jeans and a button down shirt, she had to do most of the changing since she was wearing something different. She starts by fixing her makeup before taking off her attire. Once that's done, she then puts on the dress she brought, fixing her hair while he stands there watching. "You look amazing, as always."

"Only the best for you."

"Just like I dress the best only for you too."

"You just have good taste in clothes." She grins. "You're hanging with me way too much. You and Ted need a guys day." She laughs. "I'll be sure to talk to him about that."

"Well, Scar and I are going to have that spa weekend so you can do it then."


"You can ask him after their vacation."


"Alright. I'm all set."

"Well, all we have to wait for is the main event to be finished."

"Of course. Just go easy with the dress."


"I know how you get when I wear dresses..."

"I can't help it."

"You never can. There's just so much to touch."

"There is." He nods. " here, ravage at the hotel."

"Right, right."

"I know you're oh so tempted right now, but try to control yourself." She brushes up against him as she walks by him. "I'll.....try."

"Good luck." She smirks, walking out, moving her hips a bit more.

"You just love to make things harder for me don't you?"

"I know you love challenges, that's why I do it."

"Of course."

"Now, come sit." She pats the spot next to her. "I getting lonely." She pouts slightly. "Can't have that happening." He chuckles, before doing so. "Much, much better." She says after he sits and she moves closer to him. "Good." He puts one arm around her shoulders, the other resting on her thigh. Her one hand rests on his thigh while she lays her head on his shoulder. The main event couldn't end any quicker. But when it does, they had to wait a bit for the ring to clear of the superstars inside, before they could get up to go out there to call me out there. Once everything is done and everyone is gone, Justin and her head out and down to the ring. As they climb up, he takes the box with the cake from her so she's able to get in the ring. When she does, he hands her the cake, then gets in himself. She hands him the cake back in favor of taking a mic. "Hello everyone!" I call into the mic getting cheers. "I don't know how many of you know this, but tonight is a special night. Today is Scarlet's birthday. Now, I would like for you all to join us in this celebration, but first we need the guest of honor. So, Scar...come on out."

"Another surprise. This day has been full of them." I remark. "It is and this was all Vi's idea."

"Did you know about this?" I ask as we make our way to the curtain to head out there. "No. I wanted to leave early, remember?" He chuckles. "Had I known, I wouldn't have suggested that."

"That's right. It's just been a long day."

"Yeah, but a fun one."

"That is true." We both head out of the curtain and down the ramp. "Let's hear it for the birthday girl!" Ted holds the ropes for me to get in, and he follows after. Then a select group of people come out as well to join us in the ring, basically all the people we're friends with and can tolerate at least. "What is this Vi?" I ask. "Just a little birthday celebration with our friends."

"Aww, you didn't have to."

"I wanted to." She smiles, hugging me. "And as always, you're the best."

"I know." She chuckles with a grin. "Alright, now that everyone is here. I would like everyone to join me in singing happy birthday to your and our Women's Champion. Ready? 1...2...3!" She says, everyone singing when she gets to 3. As everyone is singing, the cake is brought out, candles lit for me and held out in front of me. I look at the cake shocked since it was the same one from earlier that I love so much. Once everyone is done singing, I make the wish and then blow the candles out in usual fashion. "Happy Birthday!" She says one final time into the mic. I grin before hugging her again, and it kind of does turn into a big group hug as well with everyone in the ring. Everyone does that for a few moments before pulling away. "No cake fight this time." Vi says. "You hear me Mike." She gives him a look. "Awww."

"You already got cake on one of my nice dresses, you're not doing it to another. I'm still finding cake and our birthday was months ago." She laughs. "Oops?"

"Suuure." She chuckles. "It was fun."

"It was, until I had to get all that cake out of my hair. I got more than you do and that took forever."

"My bad."

"Yeah, yeah. I still love ya, you big goof." She leans into him for a side hug. "Likewise."

"Likewise." We all go back to talking, some people giving me a few gifts. I decide to wait to open them since everything needed to be taken down. We all then exit the ring and once we do, we all head to the back. As soon as we reach the back, she hands me the envelope with the gift she got me. "Ooh, I wonder what this is."

"Open and see." She grins.

I grin as well and open the envelope to see things for a spa weekend, like you mentioned to Justin. "Like?"

"I love it. It's just what we need."

"Right? And, awe. You're taking me? How sweet." She chuckles. "Well of course I'm taking you."

"I kinda figured. I was only joking." She laughs. "Well joking or not I was taking you anyway."

"I know. You're that good of a person."

"So are you."

"True." She nods. "Today has been great though."

"That's good. Your birthday should be."

"It's about to get better though." Ted grins. "Oh? What do you have planned?" I look at him curious. "You'll see."

"We'll let you get to that." Justin says. "Yeah...see you later." She gives me a hug then Ted. "Now, let's end your birthday the way I have it planned."

"Alright." I nod. "Have fun you two." Vi says as Justin and her walk off.

"What do you think he has planned?" Justin asks. "Oh nothing." She grins. "Okay, what do you know?"

"Enough." She purses her lips together to not say anything. "Enough that you can't tell me?"

"'s not like anything can be said to her now so..." She stops walking, then wiggles her ring finger so he can see. It takes him a few moments to get what you're telling him. "Ohhhh, finally."

"I know, but he wanted it to be on a special day for her. The holidays were to soon for him so this was the next best day."

"Remember it forever that way."

"Exactly. Just like when you asked me. I'll remember that day forever."

"So will I."

"One of the best days ever." She rests her head against his arm as they start to walk again. "And the next best day will be the wedding."

"Yes. The best day of our lives."

"Yes it will be."

"I really can't wait now. Just a few more months now."

"It'll be here before you know it."

"I know. It's been going by so fast already."

"That's because we've been busy."

"Very busy. Between work and wedding planning...I don't know how I'm still functioning, let alone you." She chuckles. "I know right?"

"And that's not including all the extra activities you plan too."


"You're just so insatiable." She chuckles. "I don't know what to do with you."

"Love me to pieces?"

"I already do love you to pieces."

"As do I with you."

"You show me everyday."

"Yes I do." She keeps her head on his shoulders as they keep walking to their room. Just before they get there, she hears something fall and jumps. "What was that?" She looks around to see no one. "What?"

"You didn't hear that? You had to. It was right behind us and loud. It sounded like something fell. I heard feet shuffling too."

"Nothing's there." He says as he looks behind them both.

"I heard it. I know I did."

"Well you know it could've been a hotel employee. Maybe they dropped something."

"Maybe..." She bites her lip. "...I just want to get out of here."

"We're almost to our room." She clings to his arm as they walk the rest of the way to their room. Once he gets the door open, she pulls him inside, shutting the door and locking it, looking out the peep hole. While she's looking out, she sees someone who looks like Drew walk past the door and moves away from it. "What? What'd you see?"

"Not what, who." She shakes, wrapping her arms around him. "Who did you see?"

"D-Drew..." She mumbles into his chest. "You sure?"


"Let me see."

"Careful." She lets him go so he can go check. He unlocks the door and opens it, peering out and looks both ways down the halls. Not seeing anyone, he comes back inside, and locks the door again. "No one's there."

"I saw him Justy. I know I did." She starts tearing up. "Maybe there's something wrong with me? Maybe I'm going crazy."

"You're not going crazy. Don't say that."

"I'm hearing things that you don't. I'm seeing things that aren't there. That's the only explanation." She walks over to the bed, laying down on her side with her back to him. "You just have your guard up because of him. This is what he wants."

"Well, he's winning. No one believes me that this stuff is happening. There's no point anymore."

"I do believe you. Just because I don't see things or anything too, doesn't mean you're crazy."

"I just wish you could catch them in the act. I feel right now."

"You're not."

"That's how I feel. I don't know how much longer I can remain strong. I'm about to have a breakdown."

"Well how about going to South Africa for a few days?"

"Really?" She sits up to look at him. "Can we?"

"Of course we can."

"That would help a lot. We haven't been away for a few weeks."

"Which is one of the reasons why I suggested it."

"You always know how to make everything he does so much better." She smiles slightly. "That's my job."

"I'm so glad I have you." She leans forward, wrapping her arms around his neck for a hug. "And I'm glad I have you too." His arms wrap around her to hug back. She holds onto him tight, not wanting to let now. She wipes away the few last tears that fall from her eyes, sniffling a bit to breath normal again. "I'm always here for you, no matter what."

"I know you are and I love you so much for that."

"I know. Now how about we both get ready for bed. I know we were planning something different for tonight, but I think you just need to be held right now. We can save it for another night."

"Only if you're sure. I do want you to hold me, but we could still....if you want."

"I'm sure. I don't mind waiting until another night at all."

"Alright. You can decide what I wear or don't wear to bed tonight."

"Hmmm...maybe just one of my shirts." He grins. "Sounds good to me." She nods. "Just have to take my dress off." She starts to reach behind herself for the zipper. "I've got it." He then reaches behind her, her hands resting on his chest for now. As he slowly moves the zipper down, he lightly kisses her shoulder. She leans her forehead against his shoulder, closing her eyes, just enjoying his touch. Once the dress is unzipped, he pulls it off for her. She steps out of it once it's on the ground and picks it up. He takes it from her and puts it somewhere it can't get ruined and then goes through his things for one of his shirts for her to wear to bed. Like always, he helps put it on so he can be as touchy as possible. He then takes his shoes off and while he does that, she smells his shirt, taking in his scent. "I do enjoy wearing your shirts."

"They always smell like you." She adds. "I would hope so." He chuckles. "They do. Even after washing them they do."

"That's a good thing."

"Mhm." She grins. "Let me help you with your shirt now." She motions him to her as she gets on her knees on the bed. He nods as he walks over to her, and she helps him with his shirt. Once she gets that over his head, her eyes look him over while her hands slowly run down his chest and abs. She takes her time before reaching the waist of his pants, starting to get them undone. When she does, she starts to tug them down as far as she can. He then steps out of them as she continues to stare at him. "Enjoying the view?" He smirks. "Uh huh." She nods. "Always."

"Shall we get to cuddling now?"

"You read my mind." She grins, pulling him onto the bed with her, but he ends up on top of her. "Oops. That was not the plan." She laughs. "Both of our faults." He chuckles. "True." She chuckles. "So we could either move or you're comfortable like this."

"I'm fine. I don't want to move anyway."

"I figured as much."

"I'm sure you'll move us at some point in the night anyway."

"Most likely."

"Am I close enough?"

"Yes you are."

"Just making sure."

"Can't get any closer than this."

"No." She shakes her head. "Kiss?"

"You know I never deny you that." He grins, before pressing his lips to hers. Her hands go to his hair, running through it while she tries to hold the kiss for as long as she can. He lets her take control of the kiss and she only pulls away when she feels like it."I love you." She says to him. "I love you too, oh so very much." Since he was laying on top of her, he snuggled down into her, instead of her snuggling into him like always. With his head on her chest, she ran her fingers through his hair. She kept doing that until she felt his breathing change and noticed he was sleeping. She move his hair from his face, kissing the top of his head. She laid there looking at him for a bit longer until she drifted off to sleep herself. In the meantime, Ted and I had just gotten to where he was taking me. He had me keep my eyes closed since the moment we were close to where he was taking me. He came over to my side of the car and helped me out, my eyes still closed. He helped me walk for a bit before stopping and telling me that I could open my eyes. "Ted.." I gasp. "...this place...this place is amazing."

"Only the best for you...especially on your birthday."

"Awe. Thank you." I kiss his cheek. "But how?" This place is hard to get into."

"I have my ways."

"Of course you do." I chuckle. "Shall we head in?"

"Yes we shall." He laces his fingers with mine as we both head up to the doors and inside. Once there, he gives his name and we're both led to a private area of the restaurant. "Always love the private areas that you get."

"For special occasions like this, it's the only way to go. No one will bother us."

"Right." I nod. A waiter soon comes over, showing Ted and I a bottle of wine before taking the cork out and putting it into glasses, then a bucket of ice. He opens up a menu for us both and hands them to us. He gives us a few moments to look over what we want, and takes the orders once we've decided, leaving us to wait. "Just so you know, speaking of birthdays, I'm already planning for yours again." I remark. "Oh? It should be very good then if you're planning already."

"Well it's always a good thing to plan a few months or so ahead of time."

"It is, like with this." He grins. "Oh, so you've been planning this night for a while?"

"I have been. Everything but the cake after the show. I did have some help though, but yes, I've been planning since after Christmas for this night."

"Must be something pretty big if you've been planning since then."

"Just the dinner. Had to get the reservation for this place then."

"Ah, ok."

Soon the waiter comes out with a few appetizers that came with your meal, setting them down on the table. "Ooh, these look good."

"They do and they smell just as good too."

"Oh definitely." We both get a small plate and put some on then eat it. While we're eating those, the dinners come out next, placed down in front of us as well. "Oh my this looks good."

"It really does." He nods. We put our appetizers to the side then start to eat the main course. "I'm assuming there'll be dessert after this right?" I ask. "Of course there will be."

"And it's one of my favorites isn't it?"

"Yes it is. You'll see later."

"I can't wait."

"You never can." He chuckles. "When it comes to my favorites, yes."

"How well I know."

"My favorites and other things anyway."

"Right, of course."

"But ending my birthday with just you has definitely made it even more special."

"Great." We take our time eating the dinner, and after we're finished, we go back to eating the appetizers that we started to eat before the dinner, while we wait for the dessert. After all the dishes were taken back, the dessert order was put in. Since it was made in advance, it didn't take long to come out and be placed in front of us. "Ohhhh this favorite of mine. Good choice."

"I knew it would be." He grins. "You always know what to get."

"I do."

"I also have one more surprise for you when you're done with dessert." He adds. "There's more? I can't imagine what else could be left."

"Yes there's more. The best for last."


"Yes, yes I am."

"Well, I can't wait to see what it is."

"You're gonna love it, I know it. No rush to finish the dessert or anything. It's worth the wait, trust me."

"Alright." Even though I do take my time eating the dessert, I'm still excited to see what else he has for me. Once I do finish however, I sit back in my chair. "I'm done now."

"Alright. Close your eyes."

"Closing them." I nod, doing so. He makes sure I can't see before he gets out the box with the ring and gets into position. He tells me to open my eyes and when I do, I gasp. "Ted..."

"Scarlet, you are everything I could ask for in a woman and much more. The day that we met, it was like it was only you and me there and everyone else had disappeared. You've stolen my heart since day one, and you continue to do so with every day that passes. I truly love you with everything I have, and I want to keep doing that every single day of my life. Now, the holidays I thought was too soon to do this, so I just had to save it for a very special day, your birthday. What I'm trying to say is....will you marry me?"

"Ted..." I tear up. "...of course I will!" After he takes the ring out of the box and slips it onto my finger, I practically jump out of my chair and onto him, clinging to him. "I love you so much."

"This has to be the best birthday gift ever."

"That was the whole idea."

"No wonder you've been planning this for a while."

"It had to be perfect. Better than perfect. It had to be amazing."

"And it was."

"Good." He grins. "Now you're really all mine."

"Forever....literally now."

"Exactly how I want it to be."

"Thank god for waterproof makeup..or else my face would be a mess right now."

"You'd still be beautiful."

"Of course I would."

"You'll always be beautiful in my eyes, even if you think you look your worst."

"Speaking of beautiful though...the ring. Did Vi help you pick this out?"

"She did." He nods. "She really knows what you like when it comes to this kind of stuff." He chuckles. "She does." I nod. "Oh, I can't wait to start planning this."

"We can start as soon as you want. You can get whatever you want too. Money is no object when it comes to this."


"That was my big gift to you for your birthday. I do have another one, if you're not to tired."


"Mmhmm." He grins. "The bill is already paid so we can leave whenever you're ready."

"I'm ready to go now." I nod. "Okay." He stands up, helping you up as well. "Let's go." We then grab our things and head out of the restaurant and back to the car, where we get inside and then he heads back to the hotel for the night. "I so have to take a picture of this."

"Go ahead. I know you want to show everyone."

"I really do." I then take out my phone and open the camera. I take a picture of the ring then post it to Twitter, telling everyone what happened.*

"There. Now everyone knows."

"Now that, that's out of the way..." He pulls me to him. "...time for your final gift."

"Wonder what it could be."

"I think you know what it is..." He grins. "Isn't hard to figure out."

"Of course it's not." He chuckles, playing with my dress. "Because you're already starting."

"Oops." He laughs. "I just can't wait any longer."

"That's obvious."

"Can't help it." He tugs my dress down. "Clearly." I grin. "Mmm..." He bites his lip. "...gorgeous."

"Just wait until the wedding night. When Vi and I go shopping for stuff for her for her night, we'll most likely get stuff for me too."

"I'll be impatiently waiting to see it."

"I know you will. It'll give you ideas though to imagine until that night." I smirk. “Definitely.”

"Have fun with that." I say before kissing him briefly. "Just as much fun as I will with this." He smirks, hands wandering. "I do think you need to lose your clothes though. You have more on than I do right now."

"They're yours to take off."

"Hmm, to be quick with it or take my time? Decisions, decisions." I pretend to think.

"It's your birthday. Do whatever you want."

"I plan on it."

"Enjoy." Like always, his jacket is the first to come off and that's actually draped over the chair so it doesn't get ruined. I press my lips to his to keep me occupied even more as I work on his tie, tossing that to the side once that comes off. He keeps his hands on my waist, kissing me back hard while I work on undoing his shirt. After his shirt is off and tossed to the side, he decides to start walking me backwards until my legs hit the bed and I fall back on it, bringing him with me, not breaking the kiss. I keep my hands on his chest for now while his wander. Soon, I move my hands down to the waist of his pants, letting my fingers run over the band for a bit. He tenses, kissing me more roughly. I smirk into the kiss doing it again before starting to work on getting them undone and off. Like always, after a bit of wandering hands, we get under the covers where the rest of our clothes come off and get tossed out from under the covers, landing wherever. That's when things get out of control and we celebrate my birthday and the start of our engagement the best way we can.