Status: Active

All About Us

Friday Night SmackDown: February 10, 2012

Another week of Smackdown and we're all already at the arena after being there for most of the day. As usual, we're in the locker rooms with the guys waiting for the show to start. But Justin and Vi have the night off since neither one of them have a match tonight. But they still came to sit backstage and watch the show. Cody had gotten his gear on since he has a segment that opens the show, and I'm currently in Ted's locker room in a separate room getting changed into the dress I chose to wear for tonight. After doing my hair and makeup I put my things in my makeup bag and walk out, putting them in the bag I brought tonight. When I turned around Ted was looking at me wide eyed.

"" Ted stutters.

"You always say that."

"It's the truth." Ted grins looking me over.

"Of course it is." I nod.

"You are amazing, you know that right?"

"I do now, but so are you."

"Why thank you." Ted grins. "Well are you going to come over here and sit with me or not?" Ted pouts a bit.

"Why of course I am." I laugh, walking over and taking a seat next to him.

"Ah. Finally." Ted sighs in content as he wraps his arms around me.

The SmackDown intro plays before going to the ring with the usual pyros before introductions to the show. The SmackDown music fades and Lillian introduces Sheamus and he comes out to the crowd going crazy.

"As the winner of the 2012 Royal Rumble match, I have earned the right to be in the main event of WrestleMania. And the next thing for me to decide is now, do I go for the WWE Championship or do I go for the World Heavyweight Championship. Well realistically we all know who the champions will be until the Elimination Chamber pay-per-view. And history has told us there will be at least one title change that night. So I'll be watching both matches closely, but I promise you by the end of that night, I will decide which champion I will face."

"I am going to go with Bryan."

"Now a lot of WWE superstars have been telling me that I should make my decision right now. Well I don't like being told what to do. I don't like being pushed around...I never have. Because you see as a kid, I was bullied. And I responded by fighting back. And yeah, sure...I had my arse handed to me a couple of times. But I continued to fight back, and the more I fought back, the better I got. Actually I became so good at fighting, that it brought me here to the WWE."

"You know, bullying is not the way to go, but it made Sheamus a stronger and better person."

"But when I got here...when I got here it started again. WWE Superstars telling me what to do, telling me 'don't spike your hair', 'get a tan', 'stop talking with a funny accent'. Well I stood my ground. I refused to be bullied and that led me to the main event of WrestleMania."

"That it did. He earned his way."

"You see, I'm a pasty face, red-headed Irishman and I'm damn proud of it."

Then Wade's music goes off and walks out with a smug smile on his face.

"Ugh. Him?! He needs to wipe that look off his face."

"I've never liked him." I add.

"Neither have I." Ted says.

"Sheamus...thank you very much for such a...heartwarming story so early in the show. Now this might surprise you but I do actually posess a smidge of respect for you. But right now, I'm gonna tell you exactly what you need to do. You need to go for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania, because if you did indeed decide to go for the World Heavyweight Championship, you're gonna end up fighting me. 'Cause mark my words Sheamus, I'm gonna win the Smackdown Elimination Chamber match. And as you know from very bitter experience, I CAN and I WILL beat you."

"Good luck with that." I roll my eyes.

"And of course Sheamus, if that were to happen at WrestleMania, then you would forever be remembered as nothing but a...pasty-faced, ginger, Irish, loser."

"Well all you are in a British bully."

"I'm sorry fella', I wasn't really listening to ya'. I was too busy thinking of last week, when Randy Orton kicked you all over this ring."

"Oooohhh...That was a good night too."

"That's very funny, well what I was actually saying..." Wade's cut off by Cody's music, him and Charity coming out.

"Thank you Cody!"

"What you were saying Wade, is of little to no significance. Unlike both of you, I know what it's like to have my hand raised in victory at WrestleMania. Unlike both of you, I know what it's like to be a champion here and now."

"True. He is the only one out there with a title."

"Oh you think I forgot about you? Unlike this audience, I don't have the urge to cry every time I see myself naked in the mirror."


"Charity's face on that comment." I snicker.

"Priceless." Ted laughs.

"Naked in the mirror....I don't wanna know."

"Neither do I."

Cody allows Charity to walk up the steps and onto the ring before he follows.

"Let's get serious. The Elimination Chamber is a tax on the mind. And no one's mind is more formidable than my own, it's my match to win and what that means Sheamus, is you're going to go down in history as the man who lost to the very first dual World Heavyweight and Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes."

And right after that, Show's music goes off and he comes walking out.

"Uh oh. This could get ugly."

"Now Sheamus, I respect you, you're not the type of fella' that's gonna tell anybody what to do. So please allow me to do it for you. Cody, if you don't shut your mouth, I'm gonna slap the taste right out of it."

"I do not think Charity will allow that."

"Now I'm not gonna come out here and tell you I'm gonna win the chamber like these two, I'm not gonna make a bunch of promises and bragadocio, I just want you to think about this. I want you to think about Sheamus vs The Big Show for the World Heavyweight Championship at WrestleMania. That my friend is a match. That is a lineup...a match that is definitely worth the main event at Wrestlemania."

"Hang on, just...just hold on a second. I'm gonna be as polite as I can here but are you aware that you're nothing more than a WrestleMania punchline? I mean lets face facts. Even Snooki has had a more successful WrestleMania career than you." Wade interrupts.

"Wow! Bringing Snooki into it. Good one Wade." I roll my eyes.


"He's...he's right. Apparently Giants can win the SuperBowl, but not matches at WrestleMania. You''re like the reverse Undertaker. Who are you gonna lose to this year? The Boxer, the Sumo Wrestler, maybe you'll just..." Cody adds, before getting slapped across the chest by Show.

"Not good. Wonder what Charity is going to do?"

Charity quickly gets out of the ring while a fight breaks out in the ring. Sheamus goes after Wade while Cody goes after Show. He goes for his Beautiful Disaster kick, but Show catches him by the throat and pushes him over the top rope, falling to the floor...Sheamus doing the same to Wade.

"Good thing she got out when she did. It is chaos out there."

Cody is seen favoring his left arm when he gets back to the ramp, looking it over. This of course concerns Charity and she checks it over herself.

"Are you alright?" Charity asks worried, looking at Cody's arm.

"Landed on my elbow, hurts a bit." He mutters.

"We should get it checked out."

He nods as Wade, Charity and himself head backstage. Charity and Cody head for the trainers room so Cody can get check out. They say it is nothing serious and he is alright to compete. They give him some ice and they leave and head for Cody's locker room. After getting to his locker room, they sit down on the couch and he holds the ice to his elbow where it hurts.

"Are you sure you are alright Codes?" Charity asks, still worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine. The ice is helping."

"Good. You had me worried."

"I'm sorry I worried you."

"It is ok. You are alright now and that is all that matters."

"Right." He nods.


Then after the break, news just arrived about a tag team match Sheamus, Wade, Cody and Show happening tonight. Cody is teaming with Wade and Sheamus is teaming with Show.

"Great! You can not go out there! You are hurt!"

"I'm cleared to compete Char."

"I know, but I am just worried you can get hurt worse."

"I know, would it make you feel better if I let you go out there with me?"

"Yea, that would."

"Then you can come out with me."

"Good. That way I can make sure nothing happens."

"Just like you always do."

"Of course."

And back in the arena, Jinder Mahal doing what he always does and gets into the ring, getting ready for his match against Khali.

"He needs to go back to India. Like we need him here."

"I know."

"Ugh. I can not stand him."

Once Khali gets to the ring, the bell rings. Jinder slaps Khali in the face, but he gets chopped right back, then Khali slams his head into the turnbuckles and chops him again in the chest. Jinder tries to rebound with a knee smash, then he chokes Khali on the middle rope then punches him in the back and applies a front facelock. Khali makes it to his feet and throws Jinder backwards, then he chops him in the face and chokebombs him to pick up the victory.

"Well that was pointless."

Then after that, they showed what happened last week between Show and Teddy, resulting in him firing Mark. That leads to Teddy being backstage with Aksana again.

"Not her, AGAIN." Charity groans, rollingher eyes.

"What the hell is going on here?" Daniel says as he just barges in.

"What do you think stupid?!"

He then asks Teddy really had a barbecue in the parking lot. Teddy says he did and he is sorry he didn't invite him, but Bryan reminds him he is a vegan and says he feels sick and can't compete tonight. Bryan tries leaving but Teddy says he is sick of the preaching and tells Bryan he better get ready and feel better because he is still competing in his match tonight.

"Sucks for you Bryan." Charity laughs.

Next match of the night is Beth Phoenix vs Alicia Fox, the first one out is Beth.

"Hope this is good and not short."

Alicia follows shortly after....her and her stupid strut down the ramp and everything.

"Rihanna wannabe." Charity scoffs.

"That is her."

Beth holds the ropes and tells Alicia to get out of her ring, then she grabs her and tries throwing her out but Alicia blocks it so Beth shoves her to the mat. Alicia punches her a few times and goes for a springboard elbow, but Beth catches her and throws her to the mat. Beth picks her back up, then drops her with a Glam Slam to get the win, but she picks her back up and tries to attack her. Tamina runs out to make the save, and they have a staredown before Beth backs away and clutches her title as she goes back up the ramp.

"Well that was short. And why is Tamina coming to the rescue all of a sudden?"

"Who knows." Cody shrugs

"Well this has got to stop."

After that, it was a break before coming back and there was this whole thing on the Rock that they just had to show. But finally that was over and backstage was Nattie and Tyson talking. Nattie says she is embarrassed about her problem, and he says it is OK and not to worry. She says she meant she talks too much then he walks away and she farts as Hornswoggle walks around the corner. Hornswoggle takes a whiff and passes out on the floor and she looks worried and says it was Tyson who did it, then she runs away.

"Oh wow. That is not right but funny as hell at the same time!" Charity says through her laughs.

Then there's a knock on the door and Cody's told that his tag team match is up next so he needs to get to the curtain.

"Ready to go?" He ask Charity, who looks worried.

"Ready as I'll ever be." She sighs and stands up.

They link hands and walk to the curtain. There waiting is Show, Wade and Sheamus. Big Show goes out first.

"Be careful Codes."

"I'll try." He nods

And as soon as Show's music ended, they played Cody's and both he and Charity walked out.

"I hope this goes alright." Charity mumbles to herself.

They stop at the end of the ramp, by the ring and Wade comes out next. He says something to Cody and they walk around the ring. Sheamus comes out last and gets into the ring. Charity stays ringside while Wade and Cody climb up onto the side of the ring.

"This is not going to end well, I can feel it." Charity mumbles.

Cody gets scared when Big Show screams at him, so he tags Wade and runs away then Wade gets chopped by Show so he tags Cody right back in. Cody tries to avoid him and ducks a punch then kicks him in the corner, but Show spins him around and chops him in the chest. Show continues to chop him as he gets up, then he gorilla press slams him and calls for a Knockout Punch but Cody ducks and crawls away. Sheamus and Wade both tag in, and they lock up and end up in the corner where Sheamus punches Wade and follows it with a clothesline. Wade tries to run off the ropes but Sheamus clothelines him again then ties him in the ropes and clubs him in the chest and gets a two count fall.

"Come on!" Charity yells.

Wade catches him off guard with a big boot, then he tags Cody but Sheamus rebounds and tosses Cody to the floor as we go to a break. When we get back, Sheamus bodyslams Cody and gets a near fall, then tags Show back in and holds Cody so Show can punch him in the ribs. Show backs him into the corner and he squeezes around his waist, then he whips him across the ropes but Cody gets his knees up and he dives and tags Wade. Show gets chopblocked and clotheslined, then Cody jumps off the top turnbuckle and hits him and gets a two count, but Show breaks a headlock and tries to tag out. Wade gets in and stops him, then puts Show back in a headlock, but he makes it to his feet with Wade on his back and slams him in the corner.

"Take him out! Come on Wade!"

Cody tags in and connects with a dropkick, then puts Show in a sleeperhold but he gets up again and reverses the hold into a side slam, then crawls and makes the tag. Sheamus clotheslines Wade a few times then punches him and hits a tilt-a-whirl side slam and calls for a Brogue Kick. Cody tries to interfere but Show runs back and levels him with a spear, then Sheamus hits the Brogue Kick for the win then shakes Big Show's hand and celebrates.

"I knew it." Charity sighs. She makes her way over to where Cody was in the ring and leans in. "Codes, Are you hurt?" She asks concerned.

Cody just shakes his head, no of course, and proceeds to roll out of the ring.

They head up the ramp and get backstage. "Codes, I know something is wrong." Charity says worried.

"I'm only sore. You try getting speared by the Big Show and see how you feel after."

"Wow Codes." Charity says a bit taken back. "I know it sucks that you lost to him that way but you do not have to take it out on me." Charity says getting upset.

"Oh no....Charity...I didn't mean for it to sound like that. I'm not trying to take it out on you."

"That is not what it sounded like to me." Charity said, trying to hold back tears.

"Don't cry....please don't."

"It is hard Codes." Charity sniffs. "Seeing you get hurt like that. I am just worried about you and then you have to snap at me like that." Charity sniffs again a few tears falling.

"Hey..." He says quietly, taking her face in his hands and wiping away any tears he sees. "....I'm sorry. I never meant for it to sound the way it did. I was just trying to get you to try and see how you would feel if you were me. I know you worry about me, just like I worry about you."

"I do know how it feels. He is a tough guy. I have been up against some tough divas before and had the same thing happen to me." She starts, taking a breath. "I know you worry about me like I do about you. I can not help if I get this worried. It is how us girls are. I will try to be more understanding and try my best not to worry so much." She finishes.

"And I'll be more careful how I say things."

"Thank you." She says. "I should know how you get after your matches." A slight giggle escaping her.

"Ah, there's that giggle." He chuckles.

"You always know what to say to me." She blushes a bit putting her head down.

"The blushing is cute." He chuckles.

"Coooodessss." Charity blushes more.

"What? It's true."

"You always know what to say." Charity smiles. "You are the best ever." She adds.

"So are you."

"Am I?" She grins.

Charity leans up and kisses him quickly. "Need to stop and get some ice?" She asks after pulling away.


"Alright, lets go." Charity says taking Cody's hand. They head to the trainers to get him some ice and then head to his locker room.Once they get there they take a seat on the couch, Cody putting the ice where he is the most sore.

"Poor Cody." Vi says after watching what happened in the match.

"I am sure he is fine." Justin says.

"I know, but that looked like it hurt." She winces at the thought

After the break, Cole is in the ring and he'll be interviewing AJ.

"My guest at this time will be making her first public comments since her career was almost ended last month after what many people call the wreckless actions of the Big Show. Ladies and gentlemen, she is the girlfriend of the World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan, AJ."

"I give her credit for coming out.

"Aj first and foremost, how're you feeling?"

"Well I'm feeling a lot better, I still have some stiffness in my neck, but I'm gonna be getting this off next week and hopefully I can compete in this ring pretty soon. And I just wanted to thank everyone who supported me during this...."

"Whoa whoa whoa whoa, wait a minute, wait a minute. You know what, nobody even really knows who you are. So you want to sit in the ring here and tell me and the rest of the world that people are actually supporting you through this injury?"

"I know I have supported her and she has more fans that you think Cole! So just shut up!"

"Hey hey, come on guys. Come on guys, I'm just joshing...I'm just joshing, I'm just having a good ol' time playing with AJ up here. No listen, really...the reason why I brought you in here tonight is, I want to know if you blame that big oaf the Big Show. I mean, as we just saw this past Monday night on Raw, it almost happened again. Big Show at the last minute though was able to pull up and avoid the collision. I guess what I'm getting at is this...why are you even at ringside?"

"Supporting her boyfriend! The same thing Scar, Charity, and I do you idiot!"

"Well first of all, I was at ringside at Raw, because Daniel asked me to, and I love him. And second of all, I have never blamed the Big Show for what happened to me. I think it's obvious that he would never do anything to hurt me on purpose."


"You want to know someone who's done a lost more damage then the Big Show? You, Cole."

"Me? Me. How in the world have I caused more damage than anybody...than the Big Show?"

"You have never believed in my boyfriend Daniel Bryan. You have done nothing but stir things up. You have insulted Daniel, you have insulted me, and you have insulted the entire Divas Division. are a biased, obnoxious, jerk."

"Well said! You go girl!"

"No no no no no"

"I wasn't finished."

"Damn. Tell him AJ!"

"Quite frankly as far as I'm concerned, the entire WWE would be a better place.....if you...would just shut your mouth."

"Ooooohhhh how I wish he would!"

" how how dare you? Now you listen to me honey. You know what it is missy? It's called doing my job. You know what I get paid for? I get paid for my insightful commentary, I get paid for my personality. And you know what else? You know what people are saying about you and your boyfriend Daniel Bryan, you know what they're saying? You know what they're saying about Daniel, the love of your life? AJ they are saying that Daniel Bryan set you up. They are saying that he set you up to get run over by The Big Show. You know what else they're saying? They're saying that you're so blindly in love, that you love Daniel Bryan so much that you would throw yourself in front of a moving bus for him. People are saying that Daniel Bryan has no guts."

"Well....he does have a point. I do not think he loves her like she loves him."

"And do you know what else they're saying? You know what I heard today? You know the rumors floating around in the locker room and all in the street? Somebody told me at breakfast this morning, you know what they're saying about you AJ? People are saying that you...that you have no self respect."

"Hey! She loves the guy. She can not help it!"

"And I am gonna be in my glory...I'm gonna be in my glory at Elimination Chamber. Because at the end of that night, you and your little boyfriend Daniel Bryan are gonna be nothing more than footnotes in WWE history."

"That's enough! That is enough!" Daniel yells, coming storming out to the ring. "You say one more word to my girlfriend, I swear I wil break both of your arms."

"Tough words from a whiny baby."

"Here you take this..." Cole says, handing AJ the mic and leaves the ring like a coward.

"Doesn't surprise me right there, he's never proven that he's a real man."

"I do not even think that he is."

"Hasn't this woman been through enough? You're gonna verbally harass her because you don't like me? I've got news for you Cole, I've got news for all of you. I am more than just a footnote. I am a great wrestler. I am the World Heavyweight Champion!"

"Not for long."

He also says that he's a role model because this Sunday he took a nature walk while the fans watched the Super Bowl. Bryan says they stuffed their faces with animal products and says they don't think about recycling, then says he cares about future generations like he cares about AJ. He says the fans have been so mean to her so he is taking her home because she has been traumatized enough, then says he is eco-friendly and will leave in a Prius. They walk to the back and Teddy Long stops them and asks what is going on, and he tries to leave again but Teddy says he will get AJ a ride out of there. Teddy says Bryan isn't going anywhere, and tells him if he leaves the arena he is going to lose his title.

"Do it! Leave Daniel! Dooooo iiiitttt!!!!!"

"He won't leave...unfortunately."

"Of course not. We could not be that lucky."

"Ted's back in action tonight."

"He is?! I bet Scar is going crazy."

"He's been medically cleared to compete."

"I know, but she has to be a nervous wreck. I would be to, cleared or not."

"Hunico again right?" She asks.


"Now I know she has to be nervous."

"I am sure Ted will get her to calm down."

"Oh I know, he always does."

"We do have our ways."

"Yes you do."

Justin pulls her closer to him and kisses her quickly before wrapping his arms around her.

"I am so glad you have the night off." She sighs, snuggling into his chest.

"So am I."

"Have not had one in so long. Now we can spend time together."

"Which is great."

"You have no idea."

In Ted's locker room, he's getting ready for his match which is up next and I'm sitting there trying to shake the nerves I have about it.

"Scar..." Ted says walking out. "I am going to be fine out there. They would not have cleared me if I could not compete." Ted says, walking over ad sitting next to me, pulling me close to him.

"I know....but still."

"I will be fine." Ted says. "You can come out with me again if you want." He adds.

"You know I go out there regardless."

"I still get you though."

"I know, but I really do not want you out there with him."

"I'll be fine."

"I know you will be. I just get worried."

"Just as I get worried about you."

"It is hard. I can not be there when I am in the ring."

"I know."

"Lets try not to focus on that right now."

"Right. You have a match to win."

"That I do." Ted grins. "Ready to go out there?" He adds.

"Ready as I ever be."

We get up and I lace my fingers with his as we head out of his locker room and to the curtain. It's only short wait before they play his music and we head out. After walking down the ramp and slapping a few of the fans hands, he lets my hand go to let me walk up the steps while he slides up onto the side of the ring. He holds the ropes open for me before getting into the ring himself and then he does his in-ring poses and such. Once he back standing next to me, I lace my fingers with his again and when his music fades, Hunico's starts. He and Camacho come out like always and I glare and quietly growl, and I tense up.


"Hey, Ted DiBiase, I'm glad to see you back in action so soon ese. I bet it's really hard throwing one of those little DiBiase parties ese, with one broken wrist. Imagine throwing one with two broken wrists."

"Now how can I relax if I have to think of that possibly happening?"

"It won't."

"You don't know that."

"Trust me." Ted kisses the top of my head.

Hunico gets into the ring and Ted kisses me quickly before I get out of the ring. This time I'm ringside itself, instead of commentary. The bell rings and Ted instantly gets Hunico in the corner and beats on him until the ref pulls him away, but Ted clotheslines him over the top rope and Camacho tries to get involved, but Ted pushes him away. As soon as Hunico gets up, Ted goes over to him and pushes him into the barricade.

"Nice Ted! Keep it up!" I cheer.

He pulls him away from the barricade and then throws him back in the ring, staring down Camacho before sliding back in himself. Ted then stomps on Hunico's hand and when Ted picks him back up, Hunico twists his bad arm with the cast on it and slams it onto the apron, Ted screaming in pain.

"Damn it!" I yell. "Ted! You can do it! Do it for me!" I encourage him, hitting the mat.

He then repeatedly starts stomping at that bad arm, before grabbing Ted and throwing him through the ropes and out onto the floor. I'm instantly there by the announcer's table, checking on Ted and that's when I see Camacho coming over. Since the ref's distracted with Hunico, I move when I see Camacho come closer and then he kicks Ted in the gut.

"You ass!" I seethe and walk up to him, wanting to hit him so badly.

He just casually walks away like nothing happened, but I'm not letting him get away with that. I turn him around and slap him across the face, harder than I slapped Hunico a couple weeks ago. Harder to the point where I had to shake the feeling off my hand.

"Get involved again and I will do much worse!" I glare at him.

Hunico in the meantime has slid outside the ring and started attacking Ted, before taking the broken wrist of Ted and hitting his cast against the ring post.

"Just stop!" I wince.

He does it again before rolling Ted back into the ring, going back on the attack on his wrist again. After some encouragement from me, Ted manages to get up and makes Hunico let go of his arm. But it doesn't last long, cause Hunico strikes back. He climbs up to the 2nd rope and jumps, but Ted manages to hit him in the gut cause Hunico screams out in pain. He avoids Hunico before clotheslining him and goes for the cover, only getting a two count. Hunico rebounds by jumping up and snapping Ted's arm down, then does it a few more times. But the last time, Ted moves and manages to roll Hunico up, getting the pinfall for the win. Ted rolls out quickly and I rush over to him as he makes his way back up the ramp quickly away from the ring.

"We need to get you to the trainers." I say concerned.

He nods and we head there. He gets checked out and they say he'll be fine.

"I am happy you won, but I was so worried out there. All those hits to your wrist. I wanted to do something."

"I know." He nods.

"Lets go back so you can get changed and maybe we can head back to the hotel." I suggest.

"Sounds good."

"Maybe you'll get something for winning tonight." I smirk.

"Oooohhh, Is that so?" Ted grins.

"Well I said maybe. I'll have enough time to plan."

"Then I can not wait."

"Then you better get changed." I laugh as we walk inside his locker room.

Ted kisses me quickly before he hurries as best as he can to get changed. He comes out a short time later dressed in his normal clothes. "Lets go." Ted says eager.

"Eager much?" I giggle.

"How can you expect me to not be?" Ted chuckles.

"My bad."

"The things you do to me."

"The things I do to you? The things you do to me."

"Well...You know you love it." Ted grins.

"I do."

"Which is why I do it."

"I know."

Ted and I finally make it out to the car. He puts his things in the back and we get in and I drive back, since Ted's wrist was still hurting. Once we get there, I park and get Ted's things out of the back. We then head up to our room.

" I get something for winning?" He asks.

"Hmmm..." I trail off walking closer to him and brushing my lips against his. "Go get changed and you will see." I whisper.

Then I head over to my things and search for something to change into for bed. I finally find the perfect thing and I head into the bathroom to change and wash all the makeup off my face. Ted changes while I am getting ready and lays on the bed in only his shorts. A short time later I walk out of the bathroom.

"'s the surprise." I say, leaning against the doorframe for now.

Ted's eyes go wide. "Wow....You...look...amazing...." Ted says speechless.

"I had this for a while, just didn't know when I could wear it."

"You picked a great time to wear it." Ted grins.

"I thought so."

"Come here." Ted opens his arms.

I smile before walking away from the bathroom and over to the bed, climbing on next to him. Ted looks down at me and kisses my head.

"If this is what you had planned, I love it."

"Yes, this is what I had planned."

"I love it. You look stunning."

"Aww thank you."

"No need to thank me. It is the truth."

I smile before leaning up and kissing him. Ted wraps his good arm around me and holds me the best he can while kissing back. I go to pull away, but I find that hard since he won't let me just yet. Ted slowly starts to deepen the kiss as he runs his hand down my back, sending chills down my spine. His hand then rests on my waist, and I feel his grin into the kiss. He starts to rub his thumb across my lower back. I do manage to pull away eventually, only to get air.

"Let's just take it easy tonight. I know I'm tempting right now."

"You are." Ted breaths heavy. "You are killing me." He adds.

"I'm good for that."

"Yes you are." Ted says. "Just wait though. He smirks.

"Why....what're you planning, and when is it gonna happen?"

"You will see and when you least expect it."

"Hmmm, I'm curious to find out now."

"Have to keep you on your toes. You will not see it coming."

"Right. Sneak."

"You know me too well."

"I do. But I know you're still gonna wanna be all touchy feely right now so, have at it....before we go to sleep."

"Yay." Ted quietly cheers. He then takes his hurt wrist and rests it on my arm as his other hand moves up and down back. He moves his fingers over my shoulders, tickling my bare skin giving me goosebumps. Ted then moves his hand down my back before pulling me closer to him and resting his hand on my lower back.

"Now we can sleep, I'm good now."

"I am sure you are." I giggle. I lean up and give Ted a quick kiss before laying back down on his chest. "Night." I whisper.

"Night." He whispers back.