Status: Active

All About Us

Friday Night SmackDown: February 17, 2012

About a half hour before the show was set to start, we were all in our rooms getting ready, except for Charity and Cody, they spent the day at the arena so it'd be easier. Vi and Justin are getting their things together before she heads into the bathroom to get ready. She does her usual of getting her makeup applied and doing her hair. She finishes what she needs to do and walks out, grabbing her shoes and sitting on the bed putting those on.

" look amazing."

"You think?" She blushes slightly, putting her head down.

"I don't think...I know."

"Aw Justy." She blushes more. "You always say that." She smiles.

"Because it's true."

"You always know what to say." She walks over and kisses him quickly.

"Of course." He nods, pulling her in for a much longer kiss.

She wraps her arms around his neck, moving one to his hair and running her hand through it, as his other hand moves to her waist. Then he starts to back up until she ends up hitting the door with her back. He starts to deepen the kiss as she moves her hand down his shirt and moves it up under his shirt and starts to drag her nails over his abs. He leans against her and grips her waist with his one hand and moves his other up her back and pulls her closer to him. He pulls away almost instantly though, leaning his forehead against hers.

"That was a sneak preview of what's to come later."

"" She says, catching her breath.

"Thought so."

"Are you going to let me finish getting ready?" She giggles.

"Hmm....I don't know..."

"I did not think so."

"But unfortunately I have to because we have a show to get to."

"Awww." She pouts.

"If I could, I'd lock this door and we wouldn't leave at all tonight."

"That, I would love." She smirks.

"Another night...promise."

"Of course. I know you."

"I'll have plans for that night."

"Hmmm..." She grins. "Any hints?"

"Not at this time...let me think about it."

"I can not wait for that night."

"Oh I'm sure."

"I do not want to go just yet." She sighs.

"I know , but we have to."

"Noooo..." She whines.

"We get more alone time in the locker room..."

"...To far away."

"You'll make it."

"I...hope..." She trails off. "You make it hard." She adds.

"Oh I know." He smirks.

"I guess we should get ready then." She says frowning.


"Alright." She sighs. Justin lets her go and she goes over and puts her shoes on. Once she gets done, they make sure they have all that they need and head out and go down to the car and head to the arena.

I walk out of the bathroom after getting ready in there, shoes and all, adjusting a few things here and there.

" look stunning." Ted grins.

"As you always say."

"Because it's true."

"I don't know, the top part isn't too revealing is it?"

"Of course not." Ted smiles.

"Hmm I don't know..."

"It is perfect. I love it."

"Well of course you do."

"I love you in anything."Ted grins.

"As do I about you."

"Of course you do."

"Debuting the new t-shirt tonight I see."

"Yes I am. Hope everyone likes it."

"I love it."

"I was hoping you would."

"Maybe I'll wear the one you gave me to bed tonight."

"I would love that." Ted smirks, moving closer to me.

"Of course you would."

"Can't wait to see you in it."

"Uh huh." I giggle.

"I can picture it now."

"Can you now?"

"Yes I can."

"Well keep picturing...we have hours until we're back here."

"Oh I will."


"We should get going soon. Are you ready?"

"Yeah, I'm all set."

Ted smiles and takes my hand in his and we make sire we have everything we need. We head out of the room and head down to the car. Once we get in we head to the arena.

"You know I'm glad you got the cast off, but are you sure the brace is enough now?"

"I am glad to and yes. They said it is healing good and I am doing good."

"I'm happy about that."

"I am too. I knew you would be."

"Who are you facing tonight? That damn Mexican again?"

"I think so."


"I know. It will be fine. I am better now and can handle him better."

"I won't hesitate to do something again like last week. This time it'll be worse than slaps."

"Go for it. I will not stop you."

"Just gotta watch the dress. I don't want a wardrobe mishap."

"Of course not. I know you will be careful."

"The shoes will be coming off this time and things will be going down."

"I can not wait to see what you will do. A total turn on."


"Anything you do turns me on." Ted grins.

"Likewise." I bite my lip.

"Is that so." Ted raises a brow.

"Mmhmm." I say, still biting my lip, as I open the locker room and walk inside, backwards.

"Mmmmm..." Ted says looking me up an down. "If I did not have a match we would so be at the hotel right now."

"I'd be so in for it..."

"Oh I know you would be, The things I have planned."

"Oh really?" I grin.

"Mhm....You will get a preview later." Ted smirks.

"Sounds tempting..."

"Oh it is.....Trust me."

"Tempting yet I can wait."

"I am sure you can....but I am not sure..."

"Well a girl can try."

"I am sure." Ted grin.

Then I head over and sit down, while he gets changed right there for his match later tonight. He makes it so hard to resist looking. He takes his time getting dressed, torturing me some more. Once he is done he walks over to where I am sitting and wraps his arm around me. Next thing I know, I'm pulled onto his lap, and a squeak in surprise.

Ted wraps his arm around me and pulls me close to him. He leans in a presses his lips to mine. He lets his hands wander as he kisses me hard. I move my hand to his hair and start to gently pull at it as he moves his hands to my thighs. I arch my arch my back and press my body closer to him. He rest his hands at the bottom of my dress as he starts to trail kisses down my cheek. I let out a soft noise in content as he nips at my skin. He does not leave marks this time, and he start to move back to my lips. He kisses me more and then pulls back.

"Preview of our night alone." Ted breathes, resting his forehead against mine.

"Hmm...I like the preview."

"I thought you would."

I get comfortable as the show starts, but Ted still tries to be distracting with running his free hand along my leg gently. I lean back against him him and sigh in content.

"Going to be distracting tonight, aren't you." I giggle.

"Oh you have no idea."

"I did not think so."

After showing what Daniel did to Randy on Monday with hitting him in the back of the head with the title, going backstage, Randy is in Teddy's office not looking too happy.

"I would be pissed if I was Randy too."

"Randy, I'm sorry playa', but it's out of my hands and it's out of your hands too. Now I can see that you're dressed and ready to compete tonight, but I can't do that. I can't let you compete, you've got a concussion and you're not medically cleared. Now I know that Daniel Bryan is gonna get his, but it won't be from you. At least, not tonight."

"Awww. Poor Randy. I wanted to see him give it it to Bryan."

"In fact, from what I hear, Daniel Bryan is not even here yet. Randy, on the otherside of that door, there's security and they're waiting to escort you out of the building. And the reason why is because I know how you are, and I can't blame you one bit. But I'm concerned about you and your health. Now it's like I cannot compete tonight, or in the Elimination Chamber. I'm sorry."

"I was looking forward to that, but his health matters the most."

Randy gets up, not too happy with the decision and he leaves. The screen goes right to the Smackdown intro to start the show. After the introduction by Josh, Show comes out for the opening match, not too happy with what happened last night on Raw.

"I hope things go his way tonight. Not right what Bryan did Monday."

Khali comes out as his tag team partner. Out next as their opponent was Cody, and like always, Charity comes out with him. They stop at the end of the ramp and Wade comes out as Cody's tag team partner.

"Hope things god well this time for him."

Charity walks around with Cody, but stays ringside as Cody and Wade get up into the ring. It starts off as Wade against Khali and Wade circles him before going right for the legs of Khali. He goes for them a second time, only to get stopped and pushed down, stumbling into the nearest corner. Khali holds him there before elbowing him in the face, and does it again, before holding him again and slapping him on the chest.

"That has go to hurt." I wince.

"It me. Try getting that done by Big Show. I had that happen. Oooh, not a pretty sight afterwards."

"I bet. Looks and sounds like it."

Wade stumbles forward before scrambling over to Cody and tags him in. Cody comes in and it's him vs Khali now. He circles him as well and avoids Khali's arm, and slaps him on the chest which has like no effect whatsoever. Cody hits him one in the face, before Khali grabs his throat and pushes him into the ropes, hitting Cody over the head when he comes back.

"Poor Cody."

Khali picks Cody up and throws him into the corner, face first onto the top turnbuckle. He too holds Cody there before slapping him across the chest like he did Wade. Cody screams out in pain, going to the middle of the ring and ducking for cover.

"He needs to try something different. This is getting old."

Khali picks him up again and pushes him into the ropes, Wade tagging himself in. Cody takes a cheap shot at Khali's leg before rolling out of the ring. Wade manages to knock Khali down, going for the cover, getting two count. Wade kicks Khali over to his corner and tags in Cody. Cody repeatedly stomps on him before getting him in a reverse chin lock, holding it for a bit before hitting him. He climbs to the top rope to jump and land on him, but instead Khali grabs him by the throat again and throws him away from him, and then starts reaching for a tag to Big Show.

"Do not let him do it! You got him!"

Cody tags in Wade, and Khali tags in Show. Wade keeps getting hit with clotheslines and soon a spear. Cody comes up from behind and Show pushes him over the top rope and then hits Wade with the chokeslam and covers Wade for the win.

"Well that was a bummer." I say.

Meanwhile Charity had rushed over to where Cody was, making sure was alright. He nods that he is fine and they head up the ramp and backstage.

Khali starts talking to Big Show about something, but Show hits him with the WMD before leaving the ring.

"WOW!" Is all I can can say.

"That's right, Randy Orton is not in the Elimination Chamber now. Well he's got a concussion, he can't compete. I don't know what I'm gonna do. What? Henry...what're you doing here you're suspended."

"Cut the crap Teddy Long. Everybody knows that Randy is out. He's out of Elimination Chamber. That's why I'm here, to be put in it. I mean, you do the right thing. You know that, there's nobody else. EXCEPT me. Now don't let your foolish pride get in the way of this business."

"Dude, you are suspended. Get over it."

"Yeah that's right, now you see it my way. NOW you see it my way. You need me in the Elimination Chamber. You need me as a Heavyweight Champion."

"Teddy! Yo, hey look...I just did you a favor in that tag match, I need you to do me a big favor okay? I want Daniel Bryan and I want Daniel Bryan tonight."

"Alright, I'll tell you what..."

"Whoa whoa, wait a minute. You hold on a second. I don't need this from you, you wait your turn. Now you take your heavy breathing and you take that drooling somewhere else. Now as I was saying..." Mark trails off before getting hit with the WMD by Show.


"You're gonna give me what I want tonight Teddy. You're not gonna give me what I want? Huh?"

And then Show starts flipping out, throwing things everywhere, punching the TV, flipping furniture, etc. Mark is left on the floor however, rolling around.

"I think Show has lost it..."

"He just wants Daniel Bryan, that's all."

"I know, but"

"Ready to go out there for my match? I get it done early tonight."

"Yes. The earlier the better." I grin.

"More distractions when we get back." Ted smirks.

"I bet there will be."

"It's gonna be a fun night with you, that's for sure."

"Oh boy. I am in for it, aren't I?"

"More than usual."

"Uh oh..."

"But you can worry about that later, I have a match to go win."

"Yes you do." I grin, taking Ted's hand and lacing my fingers with his. We then head out and walk to the curtain and wait for his theme to go off.

It takes a bit, but it finally goes off and we head out. Doing the usual entrance, down the ramp and into the ring. We watch the replay of his match from last week and I have a smile on my face and so does he. Hunico comes out next doing the usual trash talking, before getting into the ring. Ted keeps me behind him before motioning for me to get out of the ring, and he strips the shirt off of him and throws it into the crowd.

The bell rings and the match officially starts. They circle each other before Hunico takes control, getting Ted into the corner, the ref having to pull him off. He goes back to Ted only to have him grab him and throw him into the same corner and start throwing punches himself. Ted backs up because the ref has him do so and Camacho tries to get involved, the ref seeing this clearly and Ted ducks Hunico's arm, flipping him over his back, but Hunico lands on his feet. Hunico ducks Ted's arm this time and delivers a Hurricanrana. Ted comes back however and kicks him square in the face.

"Nice one babe!" I cheer.

He goes for the cover, only getting a one count. And yet again, Hunico goes after the bad arm like last week.

"Come on Ted!" I yell, and this seems to work cause he got up and caused Hunico to let him go.

But Hunico fires back, which leads to Ted lifting him and spinning him and throwing him a bit, making him land on his face. Ted charges at Hunico who's in the corner right now, but Hunico moves, making Ted hit the corner. Then Hunico kicks him in the leg before climbing to the top rope and jumping. But Ted catches him offguard with a dropkick, only thing is, he landed on his bad wrist when he fell from that dropkick.

"Ted!" I wince, gasping and covering my mouth."

Ted is leaning against the ropes and Camacho gets involved, jumping up and pulling back onto the ropes, and Hunico takes advantage rolls Ted up for the win.

"Oh hell no!" I yell, and this time the shoes come off and I walk over, kneeing Camacho in the family jewels.

"Mess with him again!" I growl.

Hunico decided to ditch after he saw what I did to Camacho, and even then I wasn't done with him. I brought him back up before using all my strength and throwing him into the steel steps.

"You do not want to mess with me!" I hissed.

"Next time Hunico isn't walking away so lucky." I add, before sliding into the ring, sitting on my knees next to Ted, checking on him.

"Are you alright?" I ask concerned, looking him over.

"I'll be fine."

"Lets get you backstage and get you checked out."

"Just let me get my shoes first." I add, sliding out and grabbing my shoes that are on the ground.

I get my shoes and make my way back over to Ted. I help him out of the ring and up the ramp backstage.

"You said the shoes were coming off." Ted slightly chuckles.

"I did take them off."

"Kneed Camacho in the jewels and threw him into the steps. I'm tired of him getting involved."

"Nice." Ted grinned. "Hopefully you taught him a lesson."

"I hope so."

"I can not wait to see the reply. I am sure you looked hot."

"Oh shush."

"What? It is true."

"Yes I know, it's a turn on, like you said." I giggle.

"Everything you do is a turn on."

"Like you said before."

"You have no idea."

"Well let's head back to the locker room before we end up having a PDA session in the hallway."

"That is a good idea." Ted grins.

We then start to head back to the locker room before we end up doing something in the hallways. Ted takes my arm and stops me, turning me around and pressing his lips to mine. He starts to walk me backwards until my back is against the wall. He moves his hands to my waist as he kisses me thoroughly. He starts to trail kisses down my cheek and I move my hands that were on his arms up around his neck and make my way to his hair. I start to gently pull on it as he makes his way toward my neck. But he stops before going any further.


"What?" He chuckles.


"I said...not in the hallways..." I add.

"Sorry." Ted chuckles. "Could not help myself."

"Of course not."

"You make it so hard for me"

"My bad."

"How about we head inside now."

"That would be the smart thing to do."

Ted then takes my hand, lacing our fingers together and we make our way to his locker room and head inside. In the meantime, Vi and Justin are sitting in his locker room watching the show and relaxing.

"Oh how I wish you did not have a match." She sighs as she snuggles into Justin's side.

"I know, but at least it's not until the end of the night. Which you will be staying back here for. A Battle Royal gets crazy."

"Yea. They can. I really hope that you win." She says. "Plus I can hang with Scar and Charity because I am sure Ted and Cody will have them stay back here too." She adds.

"Right, because the safety of you three is important."

"As you always say. You are so protective. I like that." She grins.

He smiles back and kisses the top of her head. She sighs in content, resting her hand on his chest, moving her fingers over it gently. She lays her head on his shoulder as he wraps his arm around her and pulls her closer to him.

"We have the rest of the night to ourselves, until the Battle Royal."

"Mmmm...I like the sound of that."

"Knew you would."

"How could I not. I get alone time with you." She grins.

"And then more alone time when we go back to the hotel." He smirks.

"I so can not wait. You have something planned, don't you?"


"You so do. I can just tell."

"You'll see."

"Going to make me wait, huh?"

"Yes I will."


"You love it."

"When don't I?" She giggles.

"Good point." He chuckles.

"You are so good to me."

"Because you deserve it."

"Aw babe." She blushes, leaning up and kissing Justin on the cheek.

"It's the truth."

"You do too. Maybe I have something in mind for later too." She smirks.

"Oh really?"

"Actually, I know exactly what it is going to be."

"And darn, I have to wait."

"You are making me wait, so it is just as fair."


"All I will say is that you are going to love it as well."

"I'm sure I will."

"Oh I know you will."

Then they turn their attention to the TV, when they hear music play and see that the Uso brothers are coming out for a tag team match.

"That is an interesting entrance. Hope they do something tonight."

After they get into the ring and are introduced, the music changes and then Epico and Primo come out with Rosa like always.

"I really wish she would put some clothes on." Vi says, rolling her eyes.

"Unfortunately that's how they want her to dress."


"Always gotta be about looks."

"We are much better than that too."

"All three of you are."

"Because we do not dress like that all the time."

"Well you don't really have the need to."

"Nope. Never will either."

During the break they got ready and then the bell rang, signaling the start of the match and the break was over. Jey headbutts Primo then Jimmy tags in and gets a near fall then hits an elbow drop with his brother, then he punches Primo in the corner but gets tripped up. Primo unloads on him in the corner then spin kicks his legs out and suplexes Epico onto Jimmy, then he dances before applying a headlock. Jimmy tries to stand up but Primo slams his head off the mat, then puts him back in a headlock but Jimmy gets up again and ducks a diving kick by Primo. Jey tags in and he knocks Epico down and hits a corkscrew elbow then calls for a corner splash, and Epico rolls out of the way but Jey ends up hitting a Samoan Drop. Jey then fights off a Backstabber attempt, and he tags Jimmy in but Primo avoids a top rope splash by getting his knees up, then he jumps up and hits a Backstabber for the win.

"Figured they would win."

"Always do."

"Need better competition in that division."

"Unfortunately they don't really care about the Tag Team Division all that much."

"That sucks. It was better when you were part of the tag champs. To bad who your partner was, but what can you do."

"I know, they always split up the good tag teams."

"They do and it's a shame."

Backstage Daniel Bryan is all smiles as he walks along, clearly having arrived and heading to the ring.

"Wonder why he is so happy?"

"Who knows." Justin shrugs. "Whatever it is, must be something pretty stupid."

"Knowing him it probably is." Vi laughs.

There was a long break this time, because there was some promos and such, but after the last promo, Daniel came down to the ring finally.

"And here we go."

"Wonder what it will take for him to just shut up?"

"I take it you people must've seen what I did Monday Night on Raw. I just got two for the price of one. You know it was finally time for me to declare myself. Finally time for me to show all of you who I really am and what I'm about. Let's take a look."

In the middle of the segment however, Justin stopped paying attention and started paying more attention to Vi. He started being all touchy feely with her and everything.

"Mister affectionate." She giggles.

"I don't wanna pay attention to him tonight..."

"We don't have to."

"Hence why I'm doing this.."

"...I do not mind at all..."

"I didn't think so."

She sighs in content and leans against Justin as he continues wandering his hands and placing kisses where ever he can reach. He then suddenly pulls her onto his lap, holding her closer. She squeaks at the sudden movement and then relaxes. She runs her hands over his shoulders and then rests them on his chest.

"Wanted you closer..."

"I see that." She giggles.

"You won't be moving all night."

"Mmmm...Sounds good to me."

"Which is why I said it."


"I may have my own plans for when we get back to the hotel too."

"Ooooohhh." She picks her head up slightly. "Really?"

"Uh huh." He smirks.

"Oh boy."

"With the match not being until the end of the night, gives me time to plan."

"I am in for it huh?"

"Big time."

"Should be a interesting night then."

"Indeed it will be."

"Can't wait."

Justin starts to be even more affectionate, and it lasts through Daniel's little speech. Teddy had come out to arrange a match for Daniel and his opponent is Sheamus.

"Ugh. Hope Sheamus wins." Vi manages to say.

The match wasn't a long one, but it didn't go how Vi wanted it to. Daniel had won by disqualification after spitting in Sheamus' face, causing Sheamus to beat the hell out of him until the ref calls for the bell.

"That was wrong. I do not blame Sheamus at all."

"Spitting in the face, that's total disrespect."

"Yes it is. And Daniel wants respect? He needs to show some first."

"He thinks he gets it straight away just because he's been here for what a couple years now?"

"Right? He needs to earn it like everyone else. You have both been here the same time and you earned yours."

Then Teddy Long is backstage in his office watching a monitor in disgust.

"Teddy Long...I want a word with you." Wade says, walking in. "Nice office by the way."

"What do you want?"

"I want to know who my opponents are in the Elimination Chamber. Who's Randy Orton's replacement?"

"Well I'm..."

"What're you doing here Wade?" Cody asks, coming into the room with Charity and a towel wrapped around his neck.

"Hmm...looks frustrated..."

"You would be too if you lost your match."

"You got a point."

"Licking your wounds after your latest loss? Teddy I'm going to beat the Great Khali, Daniel Bryan, The Big Show, this man..." Cody adds, pointing to Wade. "But I need to know who else is going to be in the Elimination Chamber."

"You and everyone else."

"Well I don't know, but we're going to find out tonight. 'Cause any man that ever put on a pair of wrestling boots will get the opportunity to enter that chamber."

"What the bloody hell are you talking about?"

"It's like I said. I am inviting everyone in this building, whether it be someone from Raw, Smackdown, Superstars, NXT, I don't care where they come from. Because I'm going to fill that ring up tonight and we're going to have ourselves an Elimination Chamber Wildcard Battle Royal."

"Should be interesting. That is A LOT of guys."

"But I'm included." Justin grins.

"I know...And you are gonna win."

"I hope so."

"I hope so too. It would be amazing for you."

" can't do that. You can't just place some no name in the Elimination Chamber." Cody states.

"Watch me playa'. Someone is going to get the opportunity of a lifetime. Now you can believe that."

Cody makes a noise in frustration as he and Charity leave in a huff, and Wade leaves as well.

"Oh. That did not go well for them."

"Not really."

"We will see how it goes later then."

"Right." He nods.

"But that is later..."


She places her hand on Justin's cheek and caresses it gently before leaning down and kissing him quickly.

"That's all I get?"

"Hmmm..." She pretends to think before leaning down and kissing him for a bit longer this time.

But this time he doesn't let her pull away so easily. She gives into Justin and wraps her am around his neck and pulls herself closer to him. He moves his hand to her lower back and starts to move his fingers up and down her spine, causing her to shiver. When he does pull away however, he leans his forehead against hers.

"Sneak peek at tonight."

"You are killing me."

"I know."

"Just wait until you see what I have planned for you."

"I wish this night would end so that I could see what you have planned for me."

"It will be over soon. I want to see what you have planned just as bad."


"You are not making it any easier though."

"Oh, I know that. It's part of my plan."


"So are you." He chuckles.

"Of course. You love it though."

"So much."

"Why can't this night be over yet?!" She groans.

"Because it hates us?"

"I think it does."

"Curse you night."

"I knowwww." She whines.

Next match of the night, was Ezekiel Jackson vs Jinder Mahal.

"Towel head....or that's what Scar calls him."

"She would." Justin chuckles.

"Well it's true...that thing looks like a towel."

"It does." Justin cocks his head. "I think it is." He laughs.

Jinder knees Zeke in the ribs then goes for a big boot, but Zeke ducks and chokes him then clotheslines him in the corner. He hits a few more clotheslines and a side slam, then goes for the Torture Rack but Jinder grabs the top rope and drops him with a DDT. He taunts the fans and puts Zeke in a Camel Clutch, but Zeke breaks the hold and shoves him in the corner. Jinder gets his knees up in the corner, then he throws Zeke to the ground and puts him back in the Camel Clutch and gets him to tap out.

"Stupid towel head."

Meanwhile in Cody's locker room, he's relaxing while she's massaging his shoulders, helping him feel better from the match in the beginning of the night.

"Feeling better?" She asks as she rubs his shoulders.

"Much....thank you. I definitely needed this...especially before I change so that we can head back to the hotel after the show."

"Good. Maybe I can help you relax more when we get there too."

"Hmmm, I like the sound of that."

"Knew you would."

"Why can't the night end already?"

"It will be over soon."

"As soon as we find out who wins that Battle Royal, we're leaving."

"Eager, aren't you?" Charity giggles.

"When it comes to you, yes."

"That tempting, am I?"


"As are you Codes."

"I know, I do it purposely."

"No matter how you look you are tempting to me."

"I just ooze temptation, I know."

"You have no idea how hard it is for me right now."

"Oh, I have a pretty good idea."

"That noticeable huh?"

"Oh yeah."

"Oops." Charity giggles.

"Just wait....I'll have a plan for when we go back."

"Is that so?"

"Uh huh."

"In that case..." Charity trailed off and leans down, kissing Cody's neck and nipping at his skin.



"" He manages to get out.

"Fine." She pouts, pulling back. "But just so you know, you'll get it a lot worse later." She whispers in his ear.

"I would not put it past you." Cody swallows heavy. "You will too." He adds with a smirk.

"Looking forward to it Codes."

"As you always do."

Next up was the Divas match. Beth and Nattie vs Tamina and Alicia.

"I hope Beth and Nattie teach them a lesson."

"Even though Tamina is a tough competitor."

"She is...Well they can teach it to Alicia.."

Beth puts Alicia in a full nelson, but Alicia slides out and kicks Beth in the face and Natalya tags in and taunts Alicia after she kips up. Alicia smacks her then monkey flips her, but Natalya slides out of the ring then rolls back in and slams her head off the mat. Beth kicks her in the head while the ref is distracted, then Natalya puts Alicia in a headlock but Alicia armdrags her to get out of it. Alicia tries to leapfrog her but Natalya sweeps her legs and applies a Sharpshooter, then the ref smells one of her farts. Natalya breaks the hold and argues with him, then Tamina tags in slams her down and hits a Superfly Splash for the win. Tamina sees Beth trying to attack so she kicks Beth in the head and goes up top, but Beth rolls away and grabs her title while Tamina watches from the turnbuckles.

"WOW! When are they going to stop doing that to Nattie. She so had that won."

"That's one way they're showing that they don't respect your division." Cody shakes his head.

"Well we are going to have to do something about that."

"I know you will."

"All 3 of us will."

"Of course, I mean look at what Scar did...she took out Camacho. Not many of the Divas can do that."

"Nope. She is one tough Diva that is for sure."

"So are you and Vi."

"Oh I know we are. We will get the job done when needed."

Then backstage in Teddy's office, John Laurinaitis walks in with David Otunga and says he can't believe Teddy Long is letting anyone enter his battle royal, but he wants to introduce someone who will win it. John says he has someone who is charismatic and a winner, and says Otunga is the man who will win the battle royal and the world championship. Teddy asks what that smell is and Otunga says it is his cologne, but Teddy says lawyers like him have a certain stink about them and John leaves with Otunga.

"He does stink."

"But on the more match and then we can leave."

"Yayyy!" Charity cheers. "Finally!"

"Just let me go get changed back into my regular clothes and we can pack our things up and get ready to leave when the match ends."

"Sounds good." She says. He leans down and kisses her quickly before heading to change.

In Ted's locker room however, he was just fixing his wrist tape on his good wrist because he's going to be in the Battle Royal next. Once he was done getting ready he walked over and joined me on the couch.

"I want you to stay back here. These matches are not that safe for you to be out there." Ted says.

"I know. I'll find Vi and Charity and we'll all hang out to watch."

"Good. You know Justin will not let Vi go out there anyway."

"Right and Cody's not in the match 'cause he's already in the chamber match."

"Right. So maybe he will hang with you girls, unless he takes Charity back to the hotel early again."

"I don't think so, he wants to know who's replacing Randy so..."

"Ah. So in that case he will have to wait."

"Right...but you know before you go out there...I think you need some luck." I smirk.

"I think so too." Ted grins.

I reach out and grab him, pulling him close, my lips a mere inches away from his. He can't take it anymore and presses his to mine. I giggle into the kiss and move my hands up his shoulders making their way to his hair. I start to gently tug on his hair as he wraps his good arm around me pulling me closer to him. The moment is soon interrupted by knocking on the door and a backstage person telling Ted that he needs to be with the rest of the superstars waiting to go out for the match.

"More...later..." I say between breaths. "...go win that match.." I add.

"Plan on it." Ted grins before getting up and heading down getting ready to go out.

I put my shoes back on and head to Justin's locker room where Vi is, to see if she wants to come with me to find Charity.

"Hey!!!" Vi greets opening the door.

"Heyyy, wanna go find Charity so we can watch the match together?"

"Sure!" Vi smiles and walks out of the room.

Then we head to Cody's locker room, because that's most likely where she is. We knock waiting for a response. Once we get one we open the door and walk in.

"Hey Char, hey codes." Vi says as we walk in.

"Mind if we watch the match with you guys?" I ask.

"Oh no, not at all. You don't mind do you Codes?" Charity asks him.

"Not at all. Have a seat." Cody says, offering us a seat. We nod and take a seat on the extra couch in his room.

As soon as we sat down, the match had started. All the superstars who were not in the Elimination Chamber match made their way down to the ring for the Wildcard Battle Royal.

"This is going to be crazy." Vi says, seeing how many people are in the match.

The bell rings as soon as Otunga gets in the ring and it's complete chaos. The first one eliminated of the night after a while was Derrick Bateman, eliminated by Otunga.

"Bye Derrick." Charity laughs.

"That was quick." I laugh.

"He's from NXT..what do you expect?"

"Not much."

It's a while before the next elimination and it's Percy Watson.

"What now 'Showtime'?" Vi laughs.

Justin works on getting Epico eliminated and he almost does, but Epico rolls back under the bottom rope.

"Damn." Vi mutters. "Almost." She sighs.

Shortly after that Ezekiel Jackson eliminates Titus O'Neil.

"Not so tough now are you Titus?"

Then like a second after that, one of the Usos is eliminated.

"Sucks for him."

After about a minute or so, Drew is seen holding Tyson in the air and he just drops him out of the ring, eliminating him.

"That looks like it hurt." Charity winces.

Then Heath is fighting back on the outside of the ropes with Ezekiel, but Jinder Mahal comes by and hits him with a knee, Heath falling and then rolling onto the floor.

"Haha! Bye Heath!" Vi laughs.

Darren Young has Ted on his shoulders and he almost eliminates him, but Ted holds onto the ropes. Darren turns around and realizes Ted's still in this, and charges at him, but Ted pulls the top rope down, causing Darren to tumble out of the ring, but he too holds on...both of their feet dangling mere inches off the ground. Ted lifts himself up and kicks Darren in the side, and Darren finally lets go and falls to the floor.

"Oh thank god!" I sigh in relief. "That was close." I add.

"Too close."

Shortly after Hunico eliminates Yoshi.

"Stupid Mexican." I scowl at him.

Justin tries to eliminate Alex, but doesn't. Ted gets Camacho on the outside of the ropes and dropkicks him off, eliminating him.

"Go Justin!" Vi Cheers.

"Take that!" I say once Ted eliminated Camacho.

Shortly after, Justin eliminates McGillicutty.

"Yes!!!!" Vi cheers excitedly.

There's a break and no one is eliminated during it, but shortly after the break, Justin eliminates another person and it's Curt Hawkins.

"Justin is doing pretty good out there." Charity says.

"He is!" Vi smiles.

Epico and Primo work on Alex and somehow, they manages to lift him and carry him over to the ropes, lifting him and dropping him out of the ring.

"How the hell....?"

"Poor Alex."

After that, they're on a roll with eliminations...eliminating Tyler Reks and Johnny Curtis at the same time. They go after the remaining Uso brother and eliminate him shortly.

"Will somebody eliminate them? Please?"

"We could only hope someone will."

And we got our answer cause Primo eliminated his own cousin...Epico.


"So much for being family."

Then we see Hunico on Ted's shoulders, and Ted drops him over the top rope, but he counters and sends Ted to the floor instead. Hunico goes to kick Ted, but Ted grabs his foot and pulls him down so he's eliminated too.

"Aw Ted." Charity sighs.

"At least he eliminated that mexican." I say.

"By the way...what is up with his hair?" Vi giggles.

Ted then clotheslines him, that angry look on his face, and we get a better look at his hair.

"Oops, I knew I forgot to tell him something." I answer Vi.

"Oh of course." Vi laughs.

Justin's almost eliminated but he holds the ropes, getting back into the ring. He grabs Primo and throws him over the top rope, but he hangs on as well. Justin turns around as Primo gets back into the ring, and Primo sends him outside the ropes, Justin hanging on again. Primo sees him still in the match and goes after him, but Justin slides back into the ring from under him and clothesline him out, but Primo's still hanging on.

"So close!" I say.

"Knock him off!" Vi yells.

Primo hits Justin and then flips over him and gets back into the ring. Justin kicks him in the gut, bringing him back over to the ropes. Primo is still hanging on and he now has Justin outside the ropes with him. They fight on the outside, until Justin kicks him in the head, and he falls to the floor.

"That is my werewolf!" Vi grins.

Justin gets back into the ring however, only to be eliminated by Ezekiel.

"Damn." Vi mutters.

"He did last pretty long." Charity points out.

"Yea." Vi sighs.

He also eliminates Jinder. It's down to Zeke, Santino, Drew and Otunga. All three go after Santino, until Zeke gets Otunga and Drew. Drew gets a little bit too fired up after hitting Otunga, and Santino eliminates him. Then Santino eliminates Zeke, and it's down to Otunga and Santino. It takes a while, but Santino eventually eliminates Otunga after getting angry.

"Santino?! Really?!" Cody scoffs.

"Be nice Codes." Charity says.

"But him? He is a joke!"

"Be nice or what I have planned isn't happening when we go back to the hotel."

"Fine." Cody mutters. "I'll be nice." He adds.

"Ooohh." Vi and I snicker.

"Well the match is over, have to get back to Ted...he in a mood tonight and has things planned for me." I say, standing up.

"Yea. I better go to. Justin has something planned too." Vi says joining me.

"So we're all gonna be busy tonight." Charity giggles.

"That we are." I laugh. We then say 'bye' to Cody and Charity and head to Ted and Justin's locker rooms. Vi and I say 'bye once we get there and head in.

"I'm all set to go...come on." Ted says, grabbing me almost instantly.

"Eager much?" I giggle.

"You know I am."

"Of course."

"Now let's gooooo."

"Alright." I giggle and follow Ted out of his locker room. He practically drags me out of the arena to the car. Putting his bag in the back, we both get in and he starts to drive to the hotel. Once we get there and park, Ted rushes me again as we make our way up to our room.

Ted and I were on our way up to our room and ever since I told him I had another surprise for him he could not keep his hands off me. Getting to our door, I fumbled with the key card as Ted had his arms wrapped around me from behind as he was kissing my shoulder. Finally sliding the key in the door, I opened the door and was rushed in by Ted. He was placing small kisses on the back of my neck sending chills up ad down my spine as his hands were roaming over my stomach. I leaned my head against his chest taking in the moment. Ted then turned me around so I was facing him and he leaned in a pressed his lips to mine is a hard yet eager kiss. I rested my hands on his shoulders as his hands moved up and down my back. I moved my hands down his chest, slowly dragging my nails as I made my way down to his abs then the waist of his pants. I felt him tense and a growl came from him and I pressed my thumb into one of his indents. He started to kiss me more thoroughly as I have my other hand running up and down his chest and abs. Not being able to take it anymore Ted ran his hands down my arms and moved my hands, a soft whine escaping me. Ted smirked into the kiss and started walking back to the bed. He only broke the kiss for a moment then laid down and was hovering over me.

“Ready for your surprise?” I said breathing heavy.

Ted just nodded and leaned down and pressed his lips back to mine. His hands were wandering down my sides, making their was to my thighs. Ted then started to make his way down to my neck/collarbone kissing and nipping gently as I was tugging at his hair. I let out a muffled moan into his shoulder and felt him smirk against my skin. I decided to torture him and moved my hands back down his chest and wasted no time in going after his indents. Again another growl came from him. He made his way to my lips and ran his hands though my hair. He started to mess with the straps of my dress and slowly started to take that off. I started to tug at his pants and shortly everything that we had on had come off.

After walking into Justin's locker room Vi was met with a pair of hands around her waist. Justin was changed and more than ready to go."Hotel...Lets go." Justin said grabbing her hand and hurrying my out. "Pushy." She giggles. Vi had just got back to their room at the hotel He had his arm over her shoulder and hers was around his waist. Once they got in the door Justin surprised her by turning her and backing her up the door leaning down and kissing her hard. He moved his hands slowly down her arms as I moved hers up to his hair, tugging gently. He made his was to her waist and pulled her closer to him.

"" She said between her breaths.

"Aw." Justin pouted.

"Want your surprise?" She smirked.

Justin's eyes got wide and he rushed her to her things. She let out a giggle at how anxious he was. She went into the bathroom and changed into a Lace Appliqué Satin Slip and brushed out her hair. When she was done she walked back out to see Justin already in his boxers. When he turned around, his eyes got wider and he walked right over to her. He lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around him as he started to make his way to the bed. He laid her down without breaking the kiss and moved her up to the top of the bed. She still had her legs hooked around his waist as he hovered over her. He was running his hands up and down her thighs as he slowly started to trail kisses to her cheek then her neck. I buried her face into his shoulder to muffle any noises that might escape. He was kissing and nipping around her sensitive spot and she was gripping his shoulders. He finally went for the spot and smirked at the moan that was muffled into his shoulder. Once he was satisfied he made his was back to her lips. He was kissing with so much intensity she could not take it. She moved her hands down his arms to his chest. She slowly made her way down his chest and abs making her way to the waist of his pants. She felt him tense as he started to pick up the kiss. She ran her fingers along the waistband on his pants and slipped her fingers under and pressed one of his indents making him growl. She kept running her fingers across them until he could not take it and moved her hands over her head, making her whine into the kiss. He held her arms there for a bit before moving his hands to the bottom of her nightgown. He started to tug at it and then lifted it over her head. She moved her hands to the bottom of his shirt and slipped it over his head. They broke for air, breathing pretty heavy. Justin looked into her eyes as she was staring into his. He then started to work on her shorts and soon everything that they had came off.

"Are you ready to go back now?" Cody asked looking at Charity and Vi after Scar had left.

"Of course I am."

"What are we waiting for?" Cody grins, standing up and offering his hand. Charity giggles at his eagerness and takes his hand standing up. He grabs his bag and it is a quick paced walk to the car for them. He puts his bags in the back and they head to the hotel.

"Eager much?"

"Of course I am. Can you blame me?"

"Well don't crash the car with your eagerness, safety"

"I won't. I may be eager, but I would not do anything that crazy."

"We're almost there anyway." He adds.

"Good. I am just as eager as you are Codes."

"Eager's good." He smirks, as they pull into the parking lot.

"Yes, yes it is."

They both get out of the car, and almost instantly they head up to their room. Once they make their way in Cody instantly grabs Charity and pulls her close to him, pressing his lips to hers kissing her hard. She pulls herself closer to him, and he's walking her backwards and her back hits the door to the room. She moves her hands too his hair and starts to gently pull at it as his hands go down to her waist holding her place. He helps her get a boost and she jumps a bit and wraps her legs around his waist. That holds her in place for now, and he moves his hands and grabs hers, pinning them against the door. A small whine escapes her as he starts to trail his kisses down her cheek making his way to her neck and collarbone gently kissing and nipping at her skin. A soft moan escapes her and he grins against her skin making his way back to her lips once he is satisfied. He lets her hands go in favor of helping hold her up and he turns around, walking in the direction of the bed, not breaking the kiss, until he drops her on it. He looks down at her as she looks up at him. He then climbs on the bed and hovers over her, brushing his lips against hers. He starts to play with the bottom of her shirt already, not wanting to really waste any time at all. She lifts her hands allowing him to remove her shirt and he starts to tug at the bottom of his. He breaks the kiss once again and allows her to take his shirt off for him, before going back to her lips. She runs her hands down his chest and starts to play with the waist of his pants. She manages to reach one of his indents making his growl slightly. She does it again, earning a much louder growl from him. He can't take it anymore and removes her hands, pinning those to the bed now.

"Uhhh..." She whines into the at not being able to touch him.

"I'm having my fun first..."

"Uhhh..." She wines again as he leans back down, brushing his lips against her. Instead of kissing her he moves down to her neck again. She stiffens once he makes contact with her skin. He starts to kiss and nip at her neck once more causing a much louder moan coming from her this time. "Codes...." She moans.

He smirks against her skin but continues there still. He finally pulls away and goes back to her lips. She kisses him eagerly as his hands start to wander up and down her sides, going to the waist of her pants. He works on those after she lets him, and then she works on his. Shortly after that the rest of the clothing they had on was gone.