Status: Active

All About Us

Live Super SmackDown

Another week has passed by and this week instead of being at Smackdown since tonight it's live, Ted and I are taking a couple weeks off and letting him relax that wrist of his. So we're currently down at his place and for once I can sleep in. Or at least I thought I could, but Riggs had jumped on the bed, waking me up.

"Well good morning to you too Riggs." I giggle patting his head as I yawn.

I then stretch and sit up in the bed. Swinging my legs over the bed I walk over and grab my robe and put that one. I slide my feet into my slippers and make my way downstairs, with Riggs behind me. I get the scent of something cooking and walk into the kitchen to see Ted making some breakfast.

"Morning sleepy head." Ted says, walking over and kissing my cheek before going back to the stove.

"Morning. Did you send Riggs in to come wake me up?" I laugh.

"No..." Ted looks innocent. "I told him to stay here. Right boy?" Ted says, looking at Riggs.

Riggs barks in reply. "See?"


"So, more relaxing today, or are you going to hang out on the lake?" I add walking over to the counter and resting my elbows on it as I watch him cook.

"Probably a bit of both."

"Sounds like a plan." I say. "That smells really good." I say, taking a deep breath, taking in the scent.

"I thought the scent itself was gonna wake you up, I guess Riggs beat the scent to it."

"He did." I laugh. "I must have been that tired." I add.

"That's okay though...well deserved rest."

"Yes it was. Going to be a nice few weeks."

"Something you and I both need."

"Well you need to rest that wrist of yours, so you need it a bit more."

"It's healing pretty well, I've got to say."

"Right. Hopefully you will not need that brace soon."

"Right, even though it hasn't really gave me many problems with anything. Especially with last Tuesday night." He smirks as he's getting the food onto plates.

"Right, but thankfully that did not injury it more."

"Now how would that injure it more?"

"Oh I don't know. There could be many ways you could."

"Like what?"

"You could have put to much pressure on it without thinking, I could have rolled on it..."

"...but none of that happened, because I was well aware of what could've happened."

"That is good, but you know how I worry about those things."

"I know, but you enjoyed that night didn't you?"

"Of course." I bite my lip.

"Then don't worry about it..."

"I won't" I say, a small smile on my face remembering that night.

"And I promise...." He trails off before walking around and standing behind me, leaning down to my ear. " wait until after I'm healed completely to do it again."

I shiver at the touch of his breath on my ear. "That would be good, but we do not know how long at will be."

"I can wait if you can wait."

"I am sure I can manage..."

"Are you sure?"

"I am sure. Nothing a kiss would not fix."

He grins before turning my head so that he could kiss me easier. An arm goes around my waist and he pulls me back into him and then presses his lips to mine. I let out a sigh of content and start to kiss back. After he pulls away, he rests his chin on my shoulder as I lean my head against his. Then he goes and grabs the plates of food, bringing them over to the table. We both sit and eat what he had cooked.

"Thank you." I say once he seats the plates down. "Mmmm...It tastes better than it smells too." I add after taking a bite.

"Sometimes it does." He nods.

"You are a great cook." I smile and lean over and kiss his cheek.

"It is true, but you're welcome."

We continue to eat, talking to each other most of the time. I finish first and I go to put my dishes in the sink, but Ted stops me. "I'll do that, you just go get dressed for the day."

"Oooh. What do you have planned?" I ask, handing him my dishes.

"You'll see later. Just get dressed."

"Ok, ok." I laugh. I give him a quick kiss before heading back upstairs to get dressed for the day. Once I get there I pick out my clothes for the day. I go in the bathroom and change doing my hair and everything. When I am all set I walk out and put my other clothes away, then head back downstairs.

"All set." I say once I see Ted.

"Aren't you gonna get dressed?" I ask.

"Later." He replies.

"Torture huh?" I giggle.

"You know me too well." Ted grins, patting the spot on the couch next to him. I walk over and sit next to him and he wraps his arm around me as I lean into his side.

"You know what would be a good idea? Filming another video for your YouTube. Haven't done that in a while."

"Yea, we could do that."

"I'm sure everyone would want to know what you're up to and how the recovery is going."

"I'm sure about that. Good idea." Ted kisses the top of my head.

"I'm full of good ideas."

"Yes you are. We will do that in a bit. Right now I want to sit here with you and relax for a bit."

"Right, sounds good."

Ted then pulls me a bit closer to him, tracing pattern on my arms with his fingers. We sit there and watch some TV until Riggs decides to jump up onto our laps.

"Looks like someone else wants to spend some relaxing time with us too." I laugh.

"Of course. He probably got jealous of me spending time with you. He wants time with you now." Ted laughs.

"Is that true?" I ask Riggs.

Riggs barks and moves closer licking my face.

"Told you." Ted laughs.

"Someone missed me too much I see."

Riggs licks my face more. "I'll take that as yes."

"Down boy." I laugh.

Ted pats Riggs on the side and he settles down in our lap, resting his head on my legs. "He's too much."

"But he loves you."

"Oh I know that. Just as he loves you."

"All animals love me....for some reason." I add.

"How can anyone not love you?"

"You're amazing." Ted adds.

"Aw." I blush, putting my head down. "You are too." I add.

"You're more amazing than I am."

"Aw Ted." I say blushing more. "Stooooppp."

"Nope...because it's true."

"If I blush anymore I am going to be redder than a tomato."

"It's cute though."

"As you always tell me."

"Because that's true too."


"Quiiiiit." I add, hiding my face in his neck.

"Nope. You deserve to hear it."

"At this point, I'll be as red as a lobster." I mumble.

"You will still look good even if you did look like one."

"Okay, can you let me calm down now so I can come out from hiding?"

"I suppose." Ted says. "For now." He adds.

"Thank you." I say, and I purposely kiss his neck a few times while my face is hidden in his neck.

"Scarrr...." Ted takes a deep breath.

"Hmmm?" I ask.


"If I do?"

"We will be staying in all day."

"Oh that's so not fair."

"You started it."

"Can you blame me?"

"Not really." Ted says, lifting my chin.

He leans down and presses his lips to mine, kissing softly at first. I start to run my nails down his chest and his grip tightens as he pulls me closer, kissing me harder. His hands make their way down my arms, tickling a bit and I shiver. He slowly makes his way to my thighs and starts to run his hand up and down. Moving my hands to his arms, I run the over the tight muscles of his and grip slightly as his hand starts to move to the waist of my pants. Before he can do anything though, Riggs jumps up and makes up pull apart, both of us breathing heavy.

"Riggs..." I laugh.

"Nice timing bud."

"We'll just save that fun for tonight."

"Planning on it." Ted grins.

"Oh of course you are."

"Well..." Ted starts, looking at me. "I just can not resist you." He adds with a smirk.

"You have no idea how much I can't resist you." I reply.

"I think I have an idea." Ted says, as my hands are roaming across his chest.

"Well you'd get an even better idea if Riggs wasn't sitting between us."

"Riggs, down!" Ted hurries and tries to move Riggs.

"He's not budging." I snicker.

"Riggs, come on!" Ted whines, trying to push him off.

"Come on Riggs....down." I giggle, and he listens to me.

"I see how it is." Ted laughs.

He just barks before getting comfortable on the floor.

"Oh Riggs."

"He's adorable." I laugh.

"That he is, but not as adorable as you are."


"It is the truth. You are."

"Well you're adorable sometimes too."

"Sometimes?" Ted raises a brow.

"Okay, all the time."

"Thought so." Ted chuckles.

Then I scooch over and move and sit in Ted's lap. I turn my head and kiss the corner of his mouth, before getting more comfortable. Ted wraps his arms around my waist, resting his hands in my stomach leaning his head against mine since I laid my head on his shoulder.

"I could get used to this." Ted sighs in content.

"I could get used to it too." I nod.

"Definitely going to plan more days like this."

"You should." I agree. "When we're not working of course."

"I am sure we can work that out."

"Let's just hope you don't get injured anymore anytime soon."

"I will do my best not to."

"I know, it's hard to avoid..."

"I know it is, but that is something that can happen in this business unfortunately.

"Right, happens to the best of us."

"That is how it seems to go." Ted sighs. "Let's not think about that right now though.." Ted adds, pulling me closer to him.


Ted starts to run his finger along my stomach in soothing motions, sensing that I am upset. I lean back on him more and turn so I am looking up at him. I sigh in content from the soothing motions he is doing. I hide my face in his neck as I calm down.

"Just try and not to worry about it." He says.

"It is hard not to though."

"Cody hurt your wrist first, then Hunico made it worse..."

" are just so vulnerable right worries me."

"Which is why I'm taking this week and next week off from the SmackDown tapings."

"Good. You need the time to rest and heal that wrist."

"Which is exactly what I'm gonna do. You don't have to worry."

"Which I will not do for the next two weeks."


"What do you plan on having us do today?"

"Well Brett's coming over later, probably go fishing off the dock, cooking on the grill. Spend the rest of the day outside. And I can take the brace off if you want me to swim with you."

"Well I have not seen Brett in awhile so it will be nice to see him and of course I want you to swim with me, silly. Not fun swimming alone."

"Of course not." He chuckles.

"How much time do we have until Brett comes over?"

"About an hour." He says, after checking the time.

"Hmmm..." I trail off brushing my lips against his neck. I feel his shiver at the touch and smirk to myself. I lightly place a kiss to his neck before moving to his lips kissing him softly.

"Now that...." I trail off, after pulling away. " a preview of later." I smirk.

"Can't...wait..." Ted says resting his head against mine, catching his breath.

"You're not the only one who can give sneak previews."

"I can see that." Ted chuckles.

In the meantime, Vi and Justin had decided to go out to lunch with Charity and Cody. Would've been all of us, but since Ted and I were down in Mississippi, it was just the four of them. They had got to a place to eat and were seated.

"It is such a nice day out." Vi says, looking over her menu as Justin puts his arm over her shoulder.

"Too nice." Charity agrees, as Cody does the same as Justin.

"Wish Scar was here though. Not the same without her."

"Not it is not. I am sure Ted is keeping her busy though." Vi giggles.

"Oh you know he is." Charity grins.

"Of course." Vi says. "Just like these two." She giggle, looking between Justin and Cody.


"So, other than the show, what are the plans for today?" Charity asks, looking over at Cody.

"Well I was thinking the gym for about an hour or two, before we head to the arena for the day."

"Ah, that sounds like an idea. I could do some walking on the treadmill." Charity nods.

"What about us babe?" Vi asks, looking over at Justin.

"I was thinking maybe a walk and then the gym for a bit as well." Justin says with smile.

Vi smiles and nods.

"Cause I have a Superstars match taping before Smackdown to do tonight."

"Ah. Well then that means we get more time alone." Vi smirks.


Soon the waiter comes over to the table to take their orders. He is all smiles and is not paying attention to Cody and Justin, just focusing on Vi and Charity. He asks what she and Charity want, before asking Cody and Justin what they want. *He keeps complementing them on how nice they look before walking away. Cody and Justin sit there with a scowl on their faces.

"Babe." vi says, reaching up and turning Justin's face to look at her.

"He was flirting with you."

"Don't worry. I am all yours." She says in a soothing tone, running her thumb over his cheek.

"They can flirt all they want, they'll be denied."


"He better not try it again." Cody adds.

"Codes, relax."

"I know."

"I can not help but to get all protective of you when that happens." Cody pulls her closer to him.

"Same here." Justin says, doing the same thing.

"Aw, our protectors." Vi giggles earning a giggle from Charity as well.

"That's right."

"No complaints here." Charity smiles, leaning up and kissing the corner of Cody's lips.

"None here either." Vi agrees, leaning over and kissing Justin as well.

"Of course not."

"One of the things I admire about you." Charity says, looking at Cody, running her hand across his chest.

"I agree." Vi says, running her nails up and down Justin's arm that is resting on her shoulders.

Not too long after that the food had come to the table. After setting down the food the waiter had winked and Charity and Vi before walking off. Luckily they were able to calm Justin and Cody and they started to eat, talking here and there. Cody and Justin had paid, not leaving a tip. Once that was all set we all got up and started to walk out when the waiter walked by, brushing against Vi handing her something. Looking at it she lets out a sigh.

"Seriously?" Vi annoyingly says.

"What is it?" Justin asks.

"He gave me his number and said to call him."

"I'm sorry, but no." She says, waiting until they're at the car and ripping up the piece of paper.

"Denied!" Charity laughs.

"Was he for real? I mean, he was being nice, but that was going to far." Vi rolls her eyes.

"Just a tad."

"Ugh! How could he not see we were there with our boyfriends?!" Vi gets upset.

"Some guys just don't want to see it."

"Well they need to. I am getting tired of it."

"It's gonna happen no matter where we go."

"I know, but I wish they would just see that we are not interested in anything more."

"Delusional...that's all they are." Cody chuckles.

"They can try all they want, but they are not going to get what we got." Justin adds, chuckling.


We reach our cars and get in and go in our different directions getting ready to spend time together before the show. Cody and Charity go to the gym, while Vi and Justin go to the beach before the gym, just so they can walk the shoreline a bit. After finding a spot to park Justin gets out and walks around and opens the door for her.

"Awe Justy. How sweet. You know I love the beach." Vi smiles, kissing the corner of Justin's mouth as he laces his fingers with hers.

"Well I figured we could walk the shoreline for a bit, before heading to the gym."

"I love the sound of that. nice and relaxing." She says, leaning into him.

"Which is exactly what we need before tonight."

"Of course." She sighs. "What is going on tonight?" She asks, looking up slightly.

"Superstars taping before the Smackdown...against Jinder."

"Not him!" She says a bit upset. "Why can't they find someone else for you?"

"I don't know Vi, probably because most of the other superstars are gonna be on the live Smackdown tonight."

"Well, he better not do anything to you..."

"I'll try and make sure nothing happens."

"I really hope so. I do not know what I would do if something did happen."

"Just try and not worry about it."

"I will. Right now the ocean is starting to relax me."

"Good, I know how much it does."

"I thank you for bringing me here." She smiles up at Justin, pecking his cheek.

"You're welcome."

She leans into Justin's side, putting her arm around his waist as he wraps his arm around her shoulder. They walk a bit more before deciding to sit down. Justin sits down and pulls her down onto his lap.

"Eep." She squeals. "No warning?" She asks, giggling.

"Nope." He chuckles.

"How did I know you were going to say that?"

"Because you know me so well."

"That I do."

"And I know you so well too."

"Really now?" She says, slowly leaning down to his neck and hovering her lips above it. She feels him shiver from her breath and smirks, waiting for the right time to make her move. Once she feels his arm tighten around her, she moves down and starts to slowly kiss and nip at his neck.

"You really....want to do" He asks.

"No...Preview of later..."

"Oh boy." He chuckles.

"If all goes well, I have a plan." She smirks.

"You always have a plan."

"Yes, yes I do." She grins. "Do you ever complain?"

"Of course not."

"Well then...How about we enjoy the time we have and save the rest for later." She says, running her nails down his chest.

"Sounds good."

She leans up and kisses Justin before turning and leaning against his arms wrapped around her, resting on her stomach. She puts her hands on his and rests her head on his chest. He kisses the top of her head and rests his head against hers as they sit there and enjoy the soothing sounds of the ocean. But Justin had to look at the time and unfortunately it was time to get to the gym before having to head to the arena. They both stand up and lace their fingers as they walk back to the car. Justin opens her door once they get there, then goes over to his side. "It may not have been long, but it was nice. Thank you." She says, once Justin gets in the car.

"Anything for you."

"Awe. You are to sweet." She smiles and leans over kissing his cheek.

Then he starts the car and it's off to the gym where Charity and Cody already are. Charity has been walking on the treadmill after doing some upper body work and she was staring off looking at Cody, who was all sweaty, glistening from the light. She bit her lip as she watched his arms and pecs flex. Her thoughts were interrupted when she was tapped on the shoulder. She looked over disgusted to see Daniel Bryan standing there with a grin on his face. After taking at her earphones she shot him a glare. "What do you want?!" Charity spat disgustedly at Daniel.

"What, I can't just engage in some friendly conversation with you?"

"Sure. I know what you are doing."

"And what's that?"

"I know you are trying to get to Cody so his focus will be off that title of yours."

"If I was trying to get to Cody, I would just approach him myself, not go through you. But speaking of question....why him?"

"That is none of your business. One thing...He is BETTER than you are!"

"Hmm, I don't recall him being the one who has the World Heavyweight Championship."

"He does have a title. He is the Intercontinental Champion and will soon be both World AND Intercontinental Champion."

In the meantime, Brie Bella...who is Daniel's off-screen girlfriend notices him talking to Charity and that flirting look in his eyes. A scowl forms on her face and she crosses her arms over her chest. She then spots Cody, looking back at Charity before heading in Cody's direction.

"Hey there Cody." Brie says in a flirty voice as she walks up to Cody.

"Brie.....what do you want, I'm kind of busy if you didn't know already."

"Just wanted to come say hello to my sexy co-worker, that is all."

"You barely talk to me as it is, why start now?"

"Because I think you can do much better than her." Brie said, pointing to Charity.

"Excuse me? And wait a minute...aren't you with Daniel?" He asks, stopping what he's doing.

"Yea, but he is boring. I find you more interesting." Brie says, walking over and running her hand up his arm.

"Yeah....not interested." He says, getting up and stepping away from her.

"Cody wait!"

"No Brie, I'm not interested in someone who whores around. Unlike you, I'm faithful." He shakes his head, walking off leaving her there dumbfounded.

Brie shakes her head and stomps off clearly angry. Meanwhile, Charity is still trying to get Daniel to leave her alone.

"Listen Daniel. Just leave. I am not interested in you."

"What's going on here?" Cody asks, walking up next to Charity. "You'd leave my girlfriend alone if you knew what's good for you."

"What are you going to do about it?" Daniel challenges.

"I would do something, but I don't want to get thrown out of here. Let me guess, just because you can't satisfy your girlfriend, you have to hit on someone else?"

"Ooooh. He told you!" Charity says in a 'ha' tone.

"That has nothing to do with it. I can have whoever I want. I am the Word Heavyweight Champion and I get get whatever I want."

"Think again, now leave her alone."

"Yea. Buh-Bye." Charity waves her hand in Daniel's face.

He just makes a face before nodding and walking off.

"That was something I did not need."

"Well I didn't need Brie coming over and flirting with me either."

"She what?! Oh that whore is going down!" Charity says, scanning the gym for Brie.

"Char....not it for the ring when you have a match with her...whenever that may be."

"Oh I plan on it. No one messes with my guy and gets away with it!"

"Right, well I'm ready to leave, what about you?"

"I am so ready to go now."

"Alright, come on."

Charity nods and grabs Cody's hand, lacing her fingers with his. They head into the locker rooms to shower and get their things. Once they are finished they meet back in the gym and lace their hands together before heading out to the car. Vi and Justin were just finishing up with what they were doing in the gym since they had arrived a while ago. Justin was in the weight room getting ready for his match. Since Vi did not have one, she was doing some basis things. She was currently on one of the elliptical machines just to strengthen her legs. She was looking over at Justin, just admiring what she was seeing, when the last person she wanted to see stepped in front of her. Heath Slater. She tried looking around him to see Justin, but he kept moving with her head.

"Hello gorgeous." Heath grins.

"Can I help you?" She says, clearly not amused or interested.

"Just wanted to come over and say hello, anything wrong with that?"

"No. As long as you do not try anything like last time. I told you I am with Justin."

"Oh I know. I just don't know why you chose him over me."

"Well lets see. He is nicer, sweeter, and knows how to treat a woman, unlike you."

"He wasn't always like that you know."

"That does not matter. He treats me the way I should be treated. Are you saying you are better than him? " She gets annoyed and shuts off the the machine not wanting to work out anymore. She gets down and walks in the direction Justin is.

"Well I wouldn't say...yes I think that."

"Please." She rolls her eyes. "All you care about is yourself. You would not know how to treat a woman if it smacked you in the face."

"The day you actually get a girlfriend, I'm gonna feel sorry for her."

"That someone could be you." Heath winks.

"Sorry, not interested."

"You would be if you gave me the chance." He says moving closer to her.

"Are you just asking to get slapped across the face?"

"You know you want want this." Heath points to himself, showing off what he thinks she wants.

"You mean white as Sheamus? No thank you." She says, walking into the room Justin's in.

Justin looks up from what he is doing as she walks in, mumbling under her breath.

"Justin, are you about ready to go? I really don't wanna be here anymore."

"Yea. What's wrong?" Justin looks concerned.


"Again? When is he going to get it through his head you are not interested!? I think I need to have a talk with him." Justin says, heading for the door.

"Justin no....not here. You're gonna end up fighting and that'll only cause problems."

"He needs to learn to leave you alone."

"Wait until you have a match with him."

"I guess...but if he tries it again I am not promising anything." Justin walks up to me and wraps his arms around me, kissing me quickly.

"Just focus on your match with towel head tonight for Superstars Thursday."

"I can try."

"That's all I ask."

"How about we head out of here now and head to the arena."

"Good idea."

Justin kisses her once more before walking out with his arm around her. They see Heath staring at them and Justin shoots him a glare as she leans into Justin more. They head into the locker rooms and shower before getting their things and heading to the arena. Since it's going to be a few hours before anything starts, they just hang around backstage once they get there. As they're walking, they decide to head to catering. That's when they see Charity and Cody. They walk over to them and greet them.

"Hey, you two." Vi greets. "Mind if we join you?" She asks.

"Oh no, not at all, go ahead." Charity replies.

"Thanks." Justin says sitting down and pulling Vi onto his lap. "Of course." She giggles and kisses Justin's cheek as his arms wrap around her. "How was your day?" She asks, once they're settled.

"It was....okay."

"Uh oh. You do not seem too happy about that."

"Five words....Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella."

"Brie was trying to flirt with me..." Cody starts.

"...and Daniel was trying to flirt with me." Charity adds.

"They are both delusional. Seems like they are perfect for each other."

"Yet clearly he can't satisfy her."

"Obviously not if she is looking for another man."

"And what does that tell us about our World Heavyweight Champion hmm?"

"He is all talk and does not know how to please anyone."


"Just like her."

"But anyways, how was your day Vi?" Charity asks.

"Well Justin took me to the beach, then we went to the gym. Was good until Heath showed up." She smiles, then shudders at the mention of Heath.

"When is Wendy gonna leave you alone?"

"I have no idea, but he needs to stop. It is getting annoying. He actually thinks I am going to leave Justin for him." She says. "Nope. not going to happen." I add.

"He's delusional too."

"He so is."

"So what's up with you tonight?"

"Justin has a Superstars taping before the show. You?"

"Just a short little thing where I embarrass Big Show." Cody replies.

"Another one of those hilarious clips?"

"Yep." He nods.

"Too bad we are going to miss it though."

"Heading back after my match." Justin adds.

"Ooohhhh." Charity says. "Alone time I take it."

"Yup...alone time."

"We will have ours later." Cody says, pulling Charity closer to him.

"Oooooh." Vi giggles.

"That is what she gets for teasing at the gym." Cody smirks.

"In for it, huh?" Charity looks up a Cody.

"Big time." Cody grins.

"Uh oh." Vi laughs.

"Don't think you are off the hook for earlier either." Justin says.

"Oh believe me, I know I'm not."

"Good. I will get you back for that too." Justin smirks.

The four of them hang around catering for the few hours there are before the Superstars tapings start. Vi and Justin had went back to his locker room so that he could be ready in time for his match. She's sitting on the couch waiting for Justin to finish changing. When he walks out, she bites her lip, looking over him in just his attire, no short.

"Looking sexy." She says slowly, looking him up and down.

"Only for you."

"I feel special."

"Because you are special."

"As you always tell me."

"Because it's true."

"As you are special to me."

"I know."

Justin goes over and sits on the couch, pulling her onto his lap. She squeal in surprise, soon relaxing as his arms wrap around her and rest on her stomach.

"How soon until we can leave?" She whines a bit, sucking in a breath as his touches start to tickle.

"Well I should be called out for the match soon, not sure how long the match will be but after we come back here and I get changed, then we can head back."

"I can not wait."

Then shortly after that, there was a knock on the door and someone calling for Justin to head out to the curtain.

"Aw. Already." She pouts.

"The sooner the match gets over, the sooner we get back to the hotel."

"Right." She smiles. "So go!" She jokingly rushes him.

He chuckles and you both get up from the couch, heading out the door and to the curtain. She takes Justin's hand and laces her fingers with his as they walk toward the curtain. She scowls once they get there at the sight of the towel head. Justin leans down and whispers soft things in her ear while they wait for his music to hit.

They hit his music and then he and Vi go out first, slapping fans' hands as they get to the ring. Before getting into the ring himself, he helps Vi get in and he does his poses in the ring. He stretches a bit in the ring, before Jinder's music goes off and he walks out. He gets down to the ring and puts his head thing in a case before getting into the ring.

"Stupid towel head." She mutters before giving Justin a quick kiss and getting out of the ring.

The bell rings and they circle each other a couple time before locking up. Justin flips Jinder and gets him in a headlock on the apron. Jinder gets up however and takes Justin down, but Justin holds on, keeping the headlock on him. Jinder gets up again and pushes Justin against the ropes, but he still holds onto Jinder. Jinder gets up again and manages to get out of the hold, sending Justin into the ropes. Justin comes back only to be hit with a shoulder block. Now Jinder gets him in the headlock on the apron. Justin gets to his feet and bounces off the ropes, Jinder letting go. Justin lays on the apron, Jinder hopping over him, coming back off the ropes and Justin jumps over him. Jinder comes back and Justin locks his arm hoping to flip him, but Jinder blocks and goes to hit him, Justin ducks and takes him down with another headlock.

"Keep it going! You are doing great!" Vi cheers.

Jinder gets to his feet again and Justin twists his arm, only to get hit in the face. In the corner now and Jinder kicks him a couple times before hitting him across the back. Jinder throws him towards the opposite corner, only to have Justin grab the top rope and lift himself up, making Jinder stop and turn around when Justin lands behind him. Jinder goes to hit him, but Justin ducks and hops onto the ropes in corner and jumps on Jinder, wrapping his legs around his neck and flipping him over to the otherside of the ring.

"Take that! You are going down!"

He twists Jinder's arm again, before sending him into the ropes. When he comes back, he kicks Justin in the shoulder. He goes back and bounces off the ropes, only to have Justin jump up and kick him. Jinder rolls out of the ring and Justin goes over to the ropes, going to launch himself out and onto Jinder, but Jinder moves and Justin just backflips off the ropes in the ring, obviously seeing Jinder move away. Justin backs up and goes full speed off the ropes, sliding out of the ring, only to get clotheslined but Jinder.

"Ow! Come on babe! You got this!" Vi slams the apron

After some struggle, Justin made it back into the ring and had started coming back with punches to the head. He bounces off the ropes and gets kneed in the gut. Jinder goes in for the cover, getting a two count. He then wraps his arms around Justin's neck, but Justin gets to his feet and gets Jinder to release, and then hits him with a monkey flip.

"Yes! You got it now!"

He then goes for a backwards slide cover, but Jinder kicks out. Jinder quickly kicks Justin in the leg before hitting him with a neckbreaker. He goes for the cover only getting a two count once again. He goes over and places Justin on the rope, his knee on the back of Justin's neck, putting pressure on the neck and choking him. He does it again using the ropes for leverage as the ref counts and he lets go. He picks him up only to slam him back down again.

"Get off of him! Come on Justin!"

He then jumps, using the ropes for leverage and hitting him in the neck with his leg. He does it two more times before pulling Justin away from the ropes and going for a cover, getting a two count yet again. He picks him up yet again and throws him into the corner hard. He walks over to Justin, picking him up by the hair, throwing him against the ropes and shoulder blocking him. He goes for the cover, only getting two count.

"Give it up! You are not going to win that easy!"

Jinder goes for a potention submission hold, but Justin gets to his feet, getting Jinder to release the hold and Jinder slaps him across the back. Justin gets into the corner and Jinder backs up, before charging at him and going to hit him with a kneee, but Justin moves at the last second. Justin counters whne Jinder goes over to him and then punches him before kicking him down. He goes to lift Jinder up but Jinder counters and hits him in the head. Justin stumbles into the corner and Jinder goes over to him, being met by a boot to the face. Jinder stumbles away as Justing goes outside the ropes, before hopping onto the top and then jumping, hitting Jinder with a cross body. Justin goes for the cover, getting a two count himself.

"Ugh! Almost babe! You can get this!"

They both get to their feet and Justin has taken control of the match, hitting Jinder with forearms. He picks him up and slams Jinder down, going for the cover, but Jinder's shoulder was up. Justin goes over to the ropes, hopping to the top one and jumping, backflipping and making contact with Jinder's now elevated legs. Jinder comes up behind Justin and hits him in the back with his knee before stepping over him and putting him in the camel clutch, tapping out.

Crap! You stupid towel head!" Vi scowls, waiting for him to leave Justin before she makes he way over to him.

She helps her out of the ring, and he uses her for support as they walk back up the ramp to head backstage.

"How are the ribs? You took some hard hits out there."

"Nothing ice can't fix."

"We will get some on the way back."

He nods and once they get backstage, they head to the trainers to get ice, then they head back to the locker room so Justin can get changed. Once Justin gets changed, he grabs his bag and they head out to the car. Justin puts his things in the back and they get in and drive to the hotel. The drive isn't too bad, they make it back safely. He parks the car and they grab their things before heading inside and up to their room.

"How are you feeling?" She turns and asks Justin once they are in their room and he sets his bag down.

"The ice helped."

"Well I'm glad." She smiles and kisses the corner of his mouth. "Get ready for bed?" She asks after pulling back.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea."

She heads over to her things and looks for something to wear. Once she finds something, she heads into the bathroom and puts those on, taking her hair down. Once she's done, she walks out and puts her other clothes with her bag and lays on the bed and waits for Justin. Shortly after, he's done and does the same thing, climbing into bed next to her. She lays down and snuggles into Justin's side carefully since he's sore from his match. She leans up and gives him a quick kiss before laying back down on his side.

"Night babe." She yawns.

"Night." He replies.

In the meantime, Ted and I had just settled down and relaxed so we could watch Smackdown since it's live tonight.

"Should be a good show tonight. Anything can happen." I say as we wait for the show to start.

"Right. But I know it's been a long day and if you get tired, don't be afraid to fall asleep."

"I will keep that in mind. Thank you." I say, kissing Ted on the cheek.

The show soon starts, the intro being first this week and the usual pyros and introductions to the show. First one out for the beginning segment, Daniel Bryan.



He gets to the ring being annoying as always before getting a mic.

"Ahem. Back in July, when I won the Smackdown Money in the Bank contract, and I said that I was going to main event WrestleMania, there is not a single person in this arena who believed me. There was not a single person watching at home that believed me. Yet here I stand as your World Heavyweight Champion!"

"Which is a joke."

"And might I add, I'm heading to the main event of WrestleMania! Santino Marella, he was trying to channel Rocky Balboa heading into the Elimination Chamber match this past Sunday. But I am a role model. I am the real Rocky story. Santino, The Great Khali, Cody Rhodes, Wade Barrett, the Big Show...I beat them all. You want Rocky...yo AJ, I did it!!!!!" He yells, hugging AJ with one arm.

"You barely won. You got lucky."

"Yes! Yes! Yes! But, as I was celebrating, physically spent after defeating five other men in one of the most grueling and barbaric matches ever constructed. My moment was ruined. My moment was ruined by Sheamus. Well now it's my turn. I am going to ruin Sheamus' moment at WrestleMania. I will show Sheamus, I will show all of you, I will show everyone watching all over the world that I will be victorious. Just like tonight when I will be victorious against CM Punk."

"Keep telling yourself that and it might your dreams."

"You want to talk about the best in the world...." Daniel's cut off by Mike's music and he comes out.

"Oh boy. This should be good."

"Well look at you. The World Heavyweight Champion. Who would've thunk it? But you know what Daniel, you're wrong. You are so wrong. You weren't the only one that believed that you would become a world champion. I knew you would. I mentored you, I molded you into becoming a world champion. From the first day that I was your pro on NXT, I knew you had the skill, I knew you had the temperment and the determination to become a world champion. But I'm not out here asking for thanks. I'm not out here to steal your spotlight. I'm simply out here to say congratulations."

"Cocky much."

"Be nice Ted, he's also one of my friends remember?"

"Well it is true. He is cocky, in the ring."

"Yes I know."

"Which is why I said it."

"Congratulations on being in the main event of WrestleMania, just like I did last year. So as you continue to follow in my footsteps, and take the skills that I taught you, and after you embarrass Sheamus at WrestleMania, I think one day we should form a tag team. And this is not just like any other tag team..people..." Mike's cut off by Sheamus' music.

"I would like to see that, but I think Mike is in trouble now."

He comes down the ramp and gets into the ring, taking the mic right out of Mike's hand. "I too would like to congratulate you Daniel Bryan. I would like to congratulate you on being a massive arse."

"Oooohhh...This is starting off good."

"I would like to congratulate you on being a hypocrite. You see, you're no role model. You're just a coward. You'd rather hide behind a woman's skirt, than stand up and fight like a man. Oh by the way, I'd also like to congratulate you on hanging out with someone almost as conceited as you. Good job fella, good job."

"He does hide behind AJ a lot."

"And he's not the only one. Ziggler hides behind Vickie."

"Some men they are."

"Thing is Daniel, when WrestleMania's over, nobody's gonna be congratulating you. They're gonna be saying...that you got exactly what you deserved."

Mike steps up, taking the mic from Daniel, standing in front of Sheamus.

"Let me tell you what you deserve. You deserve to be taken down a notch or two. How dare you come out here and interrupt me and try to steal the thunder of the world champion Daniel Bryan."

"Do me a favor will ya? Why don't you let the lads who actually have a match at WrestleMania talk yeah?"

"Ooohhh...That was a blow."

When Sheamus turns around, Daniel slaps him and then leaves the ring quickly as Sheamus tries to go after him. Mike goes after Sheamus and starts beating up on him, before Sheamus throws him out of the ring while Daniel escapes up the ramp with AJ.

"What did that prove Daniel? It proved that you are a coward!"

"That was a little sissy slap too." Ted chuckles.

"I think that was the best he had." I laugh.

Coming back to the break, Sheamus and Mike were in the ring in the middle of a match. Apparently during the break, Teddy Long came out and made a match between Mike and Sheamus official.

" he can lose...again."

"Seems like that is all he is doing lately."

Sheamus send Mike to the apron and clubs him in the chest. Mike falls to the floor so Sheamus brings him back in and hits a flying shoulder tackle, then Mike tries to escape but Sheamus clotheslines him. He whips Mike into the corner and attempts a shoulder ram but Mike moves out of the way and Sheamus hits the post, then Mike jumps down on his arm. Mike kicks him in the face after an armbar, and follows it with a diving clothesline and a top rope axe handle smash. Sheamus battles back with some forearm shots and a clothesline, then gets a two count after a backbreaker but Mike comes back with a breaker combo. Mike calls for a Skull Crushing Finale but Sheamus hiptosses him then avoids a rollup and drops him with a Celtic Cross for the win.

"I can not believe that. He is so much better than this."

"I can't believe they're having him lose constantly." I add.

"That happens to the best of us sometimes."

Backstage now, Teddy Long is in his office with Aksana, and her being all flirty again.

"Makes me sick."

"That is all she is good at and knows how to do."

"Teddy Long." Laurinaitis says, coming into the office.

"Ugh, not him and his little Carlton Banks sidekick." I roll my eyes.

"They need to go back to their own show."

He says Teddy is unprofessional, and that is why he himself should be running both shows, but Teddy says he has an office for them. Teddy tells them it has it's own bathroom because it is the bathroom, and David Otunga says Teddy will be in the dumpster after he beats Ezekiel Jackson tonight. Teddy says they will see about that, then they eyeball each other before John tells David they should leave.

"He shouldn't be in charge of both shows, Teddy should. Because Laurinaitis doesn't give people fair chances and all that. He doesn't care about the talent."

"No he does not. I am with Long on this one."

After the next break, the next match of the night was Kofi and Truth vs Swagger and Ziggler with Vickie. After Truth and Kofi come out, Vickie comes out with her 'Excuse Me'.

"Oh my god, shut up. There is no excuse for you."

"None at all."

"Looks like a bird attacked her hair."

"I would not be surprised."

Truth starts with a headlock so Swagger throws him into the ropes but Truth knocks Dolph off the apron and dances, then gets clotheslined by Swagger. Dolph tags in and hits an elbow drop then does some crunches, but Truth stands up and avoids a splash then dives to tag Kofi, who hits a springboard splash for two. Swagger gets involved and sends Truth to the floor, but Kofi knocks Swagger out next to him, then Dolph rakes Kofi's eyes and catches him with a Zig Zag for the win.

"That was a joke! You have to cheat to win?! Shows how you really are."

Santino Marella is doing target practice with some plastic cups and his Cobra, when Heath Slater walks in and says he knows how to get rid of them quicker. Slater knocks them off the table and Santino says he shouldn't have done that, because the Cobra is dangerous and 'it' spits in Slater's face and leaves him rolling on the ground.

"Oh that is to funny! That is what you get Wendy!" I laugh.

The next break goes by awfully quick and it's the next match. This one has Khali coming out and Drew is by the the announce table complaining about Khali being his opponent.

"I do not blame Drew. I would be upset too."

Drew tries to beg off Khali and says the match won't happen, then he shoves him but Khali punches him and chokebombs him for the win.

"Well that was quick. Poor Drew."

Big Show is in the back with Matt Striker and he says Cody Rhodes is on his 'you know what' list, and he is actually at the top of it. Show says he is probably on top of Mark Henry's list too, but he doesn't care where he finds them because he will break their necks.

"That is a bit..harsh if you ask me."

"Just a bit."

The match starts after the break and Big Show punches Henry in the corner and hits a splash, but he misses a KO punch and Henry drops him with a right hand and a few headbutts. Henry taunts him and kicks him in the head, but Show punches back from his knees until Henry knocks him back down and hits him with a forearm shot for two. He steps on Show's chest then chokes him on the ropes and whips him into the corner, but Show gets a boot up and clotheslines him then hits a spear. Show calls for a chokeslam but Cody comes out with Charity and interrupts the match.

"Oooh. This is going to be goood."

"Oh oh...The Big Show choke slamming somebody? The Big Show choke slamming must not be WrestleMania. Let's take one of your finer WrestleMania moments, you vs the sumo great Aki Bono at WrestleMania 21. The lasting image of that match being your dimply, crater-laden, looking like you left it hanging out in the hailstorm, know what, I'm being too perspicuous. Basically you made an ass of yourself."

"Oh, that is something I do not want to see again."

"That is wrong on so many levels."

"How can you unsee that? I can't look." I cover my eyes and hid in Ted's chest.

Henry turns Show around and hits a World's Strongest Slam and a diving splash, but Big Show kicks out and hits a Knockout Punch then goes after Cody.

"Uh oh. Cody better run!"

"Oh he's running."

Then I yawn as I snuggle into Ted more.

"Someone is tired."

"I'm getting there."

"Just relax and don't worry if you go to sleep."

I nod and my eyes close as I listen to the sound of the tv. Pretty soon I don't hear it anymore, and have dozed off. Ted looks down as he notices my breathing changed and smiles at me. He moves a piece of hair off my face and rubs my cheek gently with his thumb. He decides to turn the TV off and head upstairs. Once everything was off he carefully picked me up and carried me to the bedroom. Once there he set me on the bed, and I whine not feeling him. Ted whispers to me, soothing me and climbs into bed next to me. He pulls me over to him and says 'goodnight' before going to sleep himself.

Charity and Cody are in his locker room after escaping Show, and Cody is getting changed back into his clothes so that they could head back to the hotel themselves.

"That was funny Codes. I think you are getting to him. " Charity calls from the couch with a giggle. "But honestly? Sumo wrestling? That image was disturbing." She adds.

"Oh I know, but I figured it would embarrass him." Cody chuckles, walking out after getting changed.

"Well it was embarrassing that's for sure."

"Then my plan worked."

"Ready to head back?" He asks.

"Of course." Charity says, standing up and walking over to him.

She grabs his hand, and then they head out of the locker room, out of the arena and out to their car. They get in after putting their things in the back seat and then they head back to the hotel. Once they get there, they head up to their room and put their things away. After finding something to wear Charity goes and changes. Once she is done she walks out to see a shirtless Cody sitting on the bed. She bites her lip and walks over to the bed, getting pulled into Cody's lap, his arms going around her.

"Cuddly." She giggles.

"I can not help it." Cody kisses her shoulder. "You are mine." He adds after pulling away.

"And you're mine."

Cody pulls her closer to him. "Nothing is going to change that." He whispers in her ear, gently nipping at it.

"Of course.....not."

"Good." He says turning up the affection. His hands start to wander from her waist to her legs, as he presses kiss to the skin on her neck.

She finally can't take it anymore and moves, pressing her lips to his. Cody smirks into the kiss and starts to kiss her back hard, moving his hands to her back pressing her close to him as her hands rest on his shoulders. When he pulls away, he leans his forehead against hers, watching her as she calms down.

"That was for earlier."

"I figured as much."

"Told you, you were going to get it." Cody chuckles. "Now how about bed?" He adds.

"That sounds like a good idea."

Charity then moves off of Cody and up to her spot in the bed. She gets under the covers followed by Cody and she lays on his chest as his arms go around her. He leans up and kisses him quickly.

"Night Codes." Charity says, laying back down on his chest.

"Night Char." He replies and they both drift off shortly after.