Status: Active

The Chance of a Lifetime

Monday Night Raw

I'm backstage of the arena for Raw. I decided to get a ride with Beth and Nattie, since they're the only two divas that I'm friends with. We go to the Divas Locker Room and I drop my stuff off. My phone rings and I see that it's my best friend in the world, Stefanie.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask.

"Just getting ready to watch Raw. I miss watching it with you. How are things with the WWE going?"

"Oh just great. Don't know what I'm doing tonight, you know the WWE and telling us like 10 minutes or so before it happens."

"Oh yea. I would not be able to do that. How is everyone there? Are they nice?"

"For the most part. The only divas I'm friends with are Beth and Nattie."

"They do seem nice. It looks like fun, going out there every night, and the! That is all I have to say haha."

"I know....we used to like drool over them together."

"Yes I know. Ted, Cena, Zack, Alex and The Miz. God you are lucky to be working with them!"

"I know right? I have yet to like tag team with any of them, which I would love to do."

"What would you do if you ever got to tag with Alex? I bet you would just die!"

"You know me all too well. I'd be dead....on the inside." I laugh.

"I do know you." She laughs as well. "Have you even talked to him yet?" She asks.

"Um...we've exchanged words yeah."

"Ohhhhh so when are you two going out?" She teases, laughing.

"We're far from that. I have yet to have a full fledged conversation with the guy."

"I am sure that you both will talk, I mean you had pretty much every guy here wanting to talk to you, so it's a matter of time before Alex comes to his senses."

"True...Ziggles has already tried hitting on me. Just ew."

"Yea, he just seems creepy." Stef shudders. "He needs to stay with that screechy, voiced bimbo."

"I know right? Zack saved me from that trainwreck. I am now a Broski..well Broskette." I laugh.

"Woo woo woo, you know it." Zack says as he walks by.

"Oh lucky! I would love to be a broskette! Tell Zack to take care and spike his hair for me!"

"Will do...when he comes back. He just turned the corner and out of sight."

"Alright, sounds like everyone is getting ready for the show." Stefanie comments, hearing more talking.

"Yeah....oh hey Alex." I say as I see him pass by.

"Hi Alex!" Stef shouts through the phone. "Go get him girl!" She whispers in the phone.

"I have all night....oh look there's Mike. He and I became like instant friends."

"Girl! Do not tell him that I am like in love with him!" She chuckles. "What is he like outside the WWE? I would love to know!"

"Oh he's the greatest person ever outside his character. A lot nicer....and sweeter."

"Awwwww, I told everyone, but did they believe me? Noooooo haha." She says with sarcasm, but laughs.

"Like he says, they only know The Miz...not Mike."

"Right, I only know Mike from the Real World, and the videos of him in LA. That is who I want to know, even though I do like The Miz in him too, very sexy haha. Do not tell him I told you that, I would be embarrassed."

"Don't worry, I won't. Secret is safe with me."

"That is why you are the best! I can not wait for you guys to come back here! We need to hang again!"

"I know! I think we're coming back in a few weeks. I can probably get you backstage before the show."

"Yay!!! And omg that would be soooo cool! I always wanted to see what goes on and see what they are really like! You rock!"

"Of course I do. But hey the show is about to start, hope you get to see me tonight."

"I will be going for you just like every week! good luck and miss you!"

"Miss you too, byeee."


We both hang up and I put my phone away, before proceeding to walk around as I hear the Raw theme blast through the arena.

"Gonna be going off on a rant to the crowd tonight about how you should be WWE Champion?" I ask Mike after walking up to him.

"You know that. I am the most must see WWE champion in history and I deserve to have that title back!" Mike rants, unhappy.

"Poor you." I snicker, patting his shoulder.

"Hah, I am going to get that title back, I am the one that makes this show, everyone comes to see me." Mike says so confident.

"Uh huh...suuuure." I tease.

"You know it's true." Mike says, lightly pushing my shoulder.

"Do I now?" I grin.

"Yes you do, you know not to doubt me. What I say I'm going to do, I do it and it happens." Mike smirks.

"Like beating up Alex months ago? Ohh you have no idea how much I got mad at you for that. But ohhh he got you back every time." I snicker.

"Psh, he had it coming, but I had to do that and you know that. Not like you're dating him or anything." Mike says.

"Oh I know, but he was still a favorite."

"Well I'm sorry I did that, and I told you many times, but it was something I had to do. He is actually a good friend of mine still. Mike tries apologizing again, giving me the puppy eyes and sad face.

"It's okay, I know. Plus that mini feud was building, everyone saw it. It was bound to happen anyway. Something the fans wanted to see."

"It was, I did not want to do that to him. He is a really good guy and has talent, now he has the chance to show everyone what he has got."

"Right." I nod.

Then a stagehand motions to him.

"Well time for my rant."

Mike walks out as his theme plays and the crowd boos him. He struts tot he ring and does his poses before given his special mic and starting to do what he always does best. Then Alex comes up to me.

"So who were you on the phone with?"

"Oh just one of my friends."

"Is she a diva?" Alex asks.

"No, just a close friend from home, might bring her to a show when we go back to my hometown." I say smiling, but freaking out on the inside.

"So uh...what's up?"

"Oh I just wanted to tell you that you should probably get changed into your ring gear...."

"Why is that? I don't have a match scheduled." I ask, confused.

"They made a change to the matches tonight." Alex says with a wink.

"Oookay. I'll go get changed then, thanks for telling me."

"No problem. I will be seeing ya." Alex says as he watches me walk off to the locker room. 'She is really nice and sweet and she can wrestle' he thinks.

I walk into the locker room and start to get ready, and just in time because after I walked out of the locker room there was a stagehand ready to tell me I was all set to head to the curtain. My theme song plays and I walk down to the ring, slapping hands with fans and climb up on the ropes and point to the crowd. I step down and wait for the announcer to say who I am facing. I am shocked at what I heard.

"And her tag team partner...." Alex's music hits.

"From Washington DC....ALEXXXXXX RILEYYYYY!"

"Oh Stef must be freaking out right now." I say to myself as Alex makes his way down the ramp.

At home, Stefanie is watching Raw in her living room and then spits out her soda she just drank. "OMG! She gets to tag with Alex! I told her it would happen." She screams jumping up and down freaking out. "She must be going crazy!" She says.

Back at Raw, Alex makes his way into the ring and does all his poses and our opponents are announced.

"Making their way to the ring the team of Alicia Fox and Michael McGillicutty.

"Odd pairing." I mutter to Alex.

"Yeah it is, easy win. You can take her, I know you can." Alex adds, whispering to me.

"And you can take Mr. Bland and Boring himself." I laugh.

"Oh it's all going A-Ry tonight." Alex smiles cheesily. "Just don't take dancing lessons from her." Alex adds, laughing.

"Never in a million years."

"Good. You are great just the way you are."

"So are you."

Alex grins and we both decide that he will starts the match off against McGillicutty. They start by locking up and Alex pushes McGillicutty into the ropes for a three count. After Alex backs up, McGillicutty takes a cheap shot and starts to take control of the match, knocking Alex down every chance he gets. I'm urging Alex to get up and cheer for him, trying to get the crowd pumped up as I have my hand out ready for a tag, and Alex tries to tag me but McGillicutty tries to do a roll up on Alex but Alex kicks out on two. I sigh in relief and jump up and down on the apron to get Alex going again. Alex gets up quickly and hits a couple clotheslines on McGillicutty before hitting him with his signature spinebuster, followed by his signature Impaler DDT. He gets fired up like always and then he looks over at me, pointing to me and the crowd goes crazy. He tags me in and we double team McGillicutty before Alex gets out to stand on the outside of the ropes. McGillicutty gets over to his corner and Alicia comes in because of the mixed tag team rules. We stare each other down as we circle each other. We lock up and then I get her in a headlock, increasing pressure.She gets up however and moves backwards, against the ropes, before making me let go and bouncing off the ropes. She goes to kick me but I duck and when I come back again, I drop kick her. I keep doing it as she keeps getting up, and she gets up again in a hurry and looks kind of mad. I don't care and I continue the beat down on her before she counters and take control of the match. I can hear Alex encouraging me to get up from the mat. I turn to see him reaching his hand out for the tag, because he knows that I'm struggling to stay in the match.

Alicia comes over and grabs my feet after pulling me away from Alex and the tag, but I pull my legs back and push her away, scrambling over to Alex and tagging him in quickly. And again because of tag team rules, McGillicutty comes in but only to be met with a hard clothesline by Alex as I roll outside the ring to regain my power. He hits the spinebuster and the DDT again before going for his finisher. That's when I see Alicia coming in so I quickly get in and take her down and we roll outside the ring, so she cant interfere. This allows Alex to hit his finisher and pin McGillicutty for the win. Alex and I are announced the winners and without thinking after I slide back into the ring, I literally jump and hug him.

Alex looks at me and then we both head backstage. Alex looks at me.

"What was that for?" He asks, a slight smile on his face.

I'm embarrassed and try to cover it up. "Oh, I was just excited that we won." I lie. "Did it without thinking...but yeah..."

"That's okay." Alex adds. "Are you busy after the show?" He adds.

"Not really." I reply. "Do you want to go out to a club or something?" Alex asks, stuttering a bit.

"Sure I would love to. I just have to change." I blush and head to the locker room.

That's when I call tell her what just happened.

"Are you serious?!" She exclaims, happy for me.

"Yeah, I don't know but I think he might like me." I say, uncertain.

"Well go out and do what you do best and get your man." She encourages me.

"Well thank god I always carry a dress around with me. Otherwise I would have to stop back at the hotel."

"Yeah, you are always prepared and it is a good thing. Who else is going with you?" She comments, curious.

"Oh, I don't know actually."

"I bet everyone is going to be there, or maybe Alex will take you somewhere different. Knowing him, he might. He is a sneaky one haha. I know you would love that...just you and him alone hehe."

"Yeah but it's not a date. It can't be."

"You never know, it could be. Did he say exactly where you guys were going?"

"No not really. He just asked me if I wanted to go out to a club or something after the show."

"Well that was nice of him, I am sure he is going to show you a good time, or the other way around haha." She jokes, laughing.

"Yeah...well I should really be getting changed out of my ring gear now."

"Alright girl! Go get yourself looking hot for that fine hunk of a man and have fun for me."

"I will." I laugh. "Talk to you later."

"Talk to you later!" She says.

I walk into the locker room to get ready for my amazing night out, as I smile going into my bag to get my things ready. It doesn't take me all that long to get ready. Once I am, I leave my stuff behind to walk around backstage. When I leave the locker room, I look over and see Mike.

"Jeez...don't scare me like that Mike." I say, after jumping slightly.

"That is what I do best. So where are you going looking nice?" He asks.

"Alex asked if I wanted to go to a club or something after the show so I said yes. Just waiting for him to get ready so we can go." I say, trying not to blush.

"So you are dating him huh?"

"What? Nooo."

"But you are going on a date with him, right?" Mike presses.

"No, I barely even talked to him, we just had a tag match and that's how we started talking. Really it's nothing, just friends hanging out, that's all."


"Yes Mike, REALLY! Just because two people hang out, does not mea they are dating!" I state.

"Well then, how about I come along and see if it is a 'date'?"

"Do what you please. But you'll come to find out that it's not a date."

"Keep telling yourself that." He smirks, just as Alex walks up.

"Ready?" Alex asks.

"Yeah, and Mike here wants to come if that's alright with you." I nod, glaring over at Mike who is smirking the whole time.

"Sure." Alex says, a bit disappointed.

"But he's gonna get there on his own....aren't you Mike?" I say, giving him a look.

"Yeah, might find some hot girls there." Mike says grinning.

"Alright then, shall we?" Alex asks.

"Just gotta get my things." I say, opening the locker room door real quick and reaching around the doorway and grabbing my bag.

"Now I'm all set."

"Ok, let's head out." Alex says as he and Mike follow me out to the car and we make our way to the club,,,,minus Mike. We walk in and find a seat.

"Thought we were waiting until after the show?"

"Figured it'd be too crowded with everyone from the show afterwards." Alex replies.

"That's a good idea. Stay until it gets too crowded." I say.

"Looks like Mike found someone already." Alex chuckles, motioning to Mike who is dancing with some blonde girl.

"Looks like it." I laugh.

"Want to go dance?" Alex asks, offering his hand to me.

"Um...sure." I nod, taking his hand.

I smile slightly, getting butterflies as we both make our way to the dance floor. A song comes on that we know and we start sing and dance along to it. At times, I'm hesitant to dance along to songs that are played after at first, but then I just let go and have fun. After I get the feel for the place and the songs they are playing, I start to have a really good time and act like I do with my friends from home. I do look over at Mike who's still dancing with the blonde girl, and he motions for me to dance with Alex the way he and the girl are dancing...close together. I shake my head and mouth 'no'. He mouths 'come on' and shoos his hand for me to dance closer to him. I turn my attention to Alex who was just looking at me and I hope he did not see what Mike was telling me to do.

"You alright?" Alex asks.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine."

"Alright, would you like to take a break and have a drink?"

"Yeah, that sounds good."

We head over to the table and Alex goes to the bar to get us both drinks. He comes back and hands me my drink.

"Thanks." I smile and sip my drink.

"I just have to say that you look amazing." Alex compliments.

"Thank you." I blush. "You don't look bad yourself." I add.

"Although I already knew that back when you were with Mike and wore all the nice clothes...before the suits." I continue. "Even though the suits are nice now."

"Really? I did not know that." Alex raises his brow.

"Yeah...I've been watching you and I've been a fan since NXT."

"That is something I did not know about you." Alex grins. "That could explain the hug after the match then."

"Yeah....but I was really happy that we won. We work well together, I've noticed that tonight."

"We do work well together. Hopefully we will get to do more in the coming weeks."

"Hopefully." I nod. "And the writers are unpredictable so maybe a little storyline will be made. You know them and their crazy ideas."

"Do I ever. A storyline would be nice though. Would love to work with you again." Alex smiles.

"Me too. I've wanted to get into the WWE for a while and every since I saw you and watched you ever since NXT, I've wanted to work with you."

"That is an honor, thank you." Alex blushes a bit.

"You're welcome. You know I miss your heel character. You played it so well."

"I did, didn't I, haha. Learned it all from Mike." Alex says.

"Maybe that's why people called you twins and everything. You both were the same kind of heel character. I miss the varsity vest by the way, it's still my favorite."

"I know, everyone thought he was my brother all the time and we had to tell them no and I miss being a villain, it was fun." Alex explains.

"Of course. And what happened to wearing the jeans every Monday Night? Not that I don't like the suits now, because I do..."

"So you like the jeans look? I'll keep that in mind." Alex raises a brow and smirks.

"Good to know." I laugh.

Just then Mike walks over. "It's getting crazy in here! Too crazy for me! I'm losing all the girls!" Mike pouts, a bit annoyed.

"Awww, not Mr. Chick Magnet tonight?" I tease.

"It's the NY girls, they just do not get it." Mike scoffs. "Let's hit a better club!" Mike suggests.

"I think we're good, but you can go by yourself."

"Yeah, I'm out of here!" Mike states. "Enjoy your date." He whispers to me.

Before I could even respond to him, he walks away from the table and leaves.

"It's not a date." I grumble under my breath.

"What?" Alex asks.

"Nothing. Want to go dance some more?" I ask.

"Sure." Alex nods, getting up and following me.

And this time without thinking, we end up dancing closer than last time. We both get lost in the songs and are having too much fun dancing with each other to even notice how close we're dancing or what time it even is. When I want to go back to the table for another break, I suddenly realize how close we are dancing and kind of panic, but slowly inch myself away and not so close. Alex takes notice and chuckles and I motion to him that I want to go sit and have a break. He then follows me back to the table and we both sit and take a sip of our drinks.

"I'm actually having fun tonight. Believe it or not, I actually don't go out too much lately."

"Glad you're having fun. And why has a pretty girl like you not been out for a while?"

"No motivation I guess."

"Well now you have the motivation." Alex grins, pointing to himself.

"So whenever I want to go out somewhere after a show or something I come find you?" I laugh.

"Sure, I'm always up for having a good time, that is if you don't mind."

"Oh of course not."

"Good. Shall we go dancing before the night gets away from us?" Alex suggests.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea."

Alex offers his hand to me again which I take and we both head out to the dance floor for the last time of the night. We stay out on the floor until we see a lot of the other superstars and divas show up and the place starts to get crowded. I motion Alex to lean down.

"Wanna get out of here and maybe go get something to eat?" I suggest.

"Yeah, sure." He nods.

We make our way off the floor and out of the club and to the car.

"So where should eat?" I ask.

"I know this cafe down the road, if you would like that." Alex says, starting the car up.

"Sure, any place is good."

"Alright." Alex responds and drives to the cafe, and finds a spot to park.

He gets out and opens my door for me. I smile and thank him, before we head inside and we find a table to sit at.

"So many choices." Alex chuckles.

"I know, see anything you might like?" I ask him.

"Hmmm, I think I'll get whatever you're getting."

"Well I'm getting a vanilla iced coffee and a a chocolate chip muffin." I say.

"That sounds good....I'm definitely getting the same."

I just smile and tell the waitress what we want when she walks oer.

"Ordering for the guy?" Alex says.

"Well I just thought.." I start.

Alex puts his hand on mine.

"I don't mind." He smiles.

I look down at his hand on mine, before looking at him. Then I look away in hopes of hiding whatever blush was starting to show on my face. Soon our order comes and we both talk and get to know each other some more. I start to yawn but try to hide it.

"I saw that." Alex says.

"Saw what?"

"I think that someone is getting tired. Do you want to head to the hotel?" Alex asks out of concern.

"Maybe after I finish the iced coffee."

"If you say so." Alex smiles and sits there watching me drink my coffee.

"Although this is coffee and it may keep me up all night."

"Party at the hotel then? We can invite Zack and see if Nattie and Beth can come, or it can be just us?" Alex suggests.

"For Zack to join, it'd have to be a tanning party. But don't we have a flight to catch early in the morning?"

"That's right. Maybe we can get breakfast before we head out?"

"We can try, yeah."

"Great. Sounds good." Alex smiles.

"I suppose we can head back now."

"Yeah, I guess we should."

We both get up and head back out to the car and head back to the hotel. The drive was fairly quiet except for the radio. When we get to the hotel, Alex walks me to my room.

"I had a great time tonight." Alex says.

"I did too."

"We should do it again. You are fun to hang out with." Alex says, before surprising me with kissing my cheek.

All I can do is smile, despite the even worse butterflies in my stomach than earlier tonight.

"Well we should get to bed. I will see you in the morning?" I ask.

"Of course." He nods.

We both say goodnight and I walk in my room and shut the door, putting my back to it and mouthing 'omg', before getting my things for bed.