Status: Active

The Chance of a Lifetime

An Offer She Can't Refuse

It was early the next morning and since Mike had media he was awake before Stef was. He was laying there for a bit, just holding her as much as he could. He moved some hair off her face as he was rubbing her arm with his other hand them smiled as he saw how peaceful she looked. Soon he began to shift in her spot, slowly opening her eyes.

"Mmm..morning." She sleepily mumbles.


"How early is it?" She yawns.


"Too early."

"I know. but I have media to do."

"Oh, that's right."

"You're welcome to come along with me if you want."

"I think I just might." She smiles. "Could be interesting."

"Oh it always is."

"It has to be with you there."

"Well I'm sure you've seen almost every interview I've done right?"

"Yes I have, which is why I said it is going to be interesting....meaning fun."

"Right, well I think we should get moving now and get ready to go."

" are to comfy."

"I know, but I have an hour before my first interview."

"Alright..." She sighs moving so he can get up.

Then he moves and goes over to his things, taking out of course a suit to wear. Stef then rolls over, getting out of bed herself. She goes to pick put her clothes for the day before heading into the bathroom. She walks in, closing the door to do her routine. Leaving her makeup for last, she get dressed then styles her hair. Once that is all done she works on her make up. When she is finished she puts everything away before heading back into the room, where Mike had finished getting changed for the day. She bites her lip seeing him in a suit, since she loves when he wears them. She puts her things in the hamper before getting her shoes for the day. She picks out a pair or flip flops then sits on the bed.

"Have I ever told you that you look good in a suit?"

"No you have not." Mike chuckles as he turns around from fixing his hair. His eyes go wide as he looks her over. ""

"Why thank you." She blushes.

"Anything for you."


"You are just that beautiful."


"It's true. I've been meaning to tell you."

"For how long?"

"Since the first time we hung out."


"Yeah..." Mike rubs the back of his neck. "...I did not know if it was too soon to tell you then or not...wanted it to be the right time..."

"Aww, that's sweet."

"I try to be." Mike smiles sheepishly. "How about later we go out to dinner...just the two of us?"

"That sounds great....sure."

Mike smiles as he silently cheers to himself. "Ready to go?" He asks.

"Yeah, I'm all set."

She then stands up and they head downstairs. Before they leave Stef leaves a note saying where they went. They then make sure they have everything they need before heading out to Mike's car. Once there they get in then head to the first stop of the day. The first stop of the day was a radio station for an interview. They head inside and are taken to the room where Mike will be doing the interview. They wait for the host to be ready and soon they head inside, Stef sitting next to Mike but off to the side a bit. The radio host introduces the show, before introducing Mike. "Thank you, thank you. It's great to be here."

"Now before we get to important matters, tell us the lovely guest you have with you today."

"This beautiful girl is Stefanie."

"Hello." Stef says.

"I met her thanks to a friend."

"You better thank that friend, she seems like a keeper."

"Oh I do thank her."

Stef just sits there blushing at the whole thing.

"I wouldn't have met such an amazing person if it wasn't for her."


"What? It's true."

"Awww...we'll I would not have met someone as amazing either."

"I thank her too." She adds.

"Aren't you both just so adorable." The host says. "Now...on to why you are here...Two time WWE champion...Congrats man."

"Why thank you. I told everyone I'd get it, did they believe me, no. I proved everyone wrong yet again."

"Like always." Stef adds.

"So now, you are going against CM Punk, is that right? What are your thoughts on him as a competitor?"

"Oh he's a tough competitor, but I managed to beat him for the title didn't I?"

"That you did, I know I never doubted you. We all knew that you would win. We here are all about The Miz."

"You should be. The whole world should be about me."

"Everyone should be. You are their champion. I mean look at you, 2 time WWE champion and you are dressed to impress. The question is, how do you manage to do it all?"

"That's just how awesome I am. I do anything and everything."

The host then asks him a few more questions about the upcoming Pay-Per-View in a few weeks. After he is finished he thanks Mike and Stef for coming, then they head out of the room and make their way to the next interview.

"Well that was fun."

"Told you it would be. They tend to get better."


Once they get to the car, they get in and head to the next place. When they get there, they see a few other superstars there as well. "Looks like you're not the only one here today."

"Right, this is one of those where they have a few of us just talk about the shows that are in town and such."


"Even though we tend to go off topic most of the time." Mike chuckles as they make their way over to the others.

"I wouldn't doubt that."

"Makes it more entertaining."


They stand there talking with the others for a bit until it is time for Mike to go out and talk. Once it is his turn, he goes out while Stef stays behind this time. She is standing there watching him when someone comes up to her. "Well I don't believe we've met."

"No we have not. I'm Stef and yes I know who you are."

"Well of course you do."

"Only because I watch RAW." She rolls her eyes at his cockiness. "Not to be rude, but can I help you with something?"

"Oh I just saw you sitting all alone and I thought I'd come over and keep you company."

"Well that was very nice of you...Thanks."

"It's my pleasure."

She then takes a glance over at Mike as she smiles. Her smile fades when she feels a hand on her waist. "Uh, can you please not do that." She says, pushing his hand away.

"Aww, why not?"

"Well first, I just met you and second, I'm not interested."

"I highly doubt that."

"Why would I? You seem way to stuck up and you just walk over here thinking you can put your hands on me? I don't think so."

"Why don't you go back to Vickie?" She says before getting up to move. "Oh and by the way, congrats....on losing to Alex on Monday." She adds before walking away to sit somewhere else.

"Oh come on..." Dolph complains as he follows. " know you want some of this." He smirks.

"Dolph why don't you leave the poor girl alone." You hear the voice of Cody Rhodes. "Clearly she's not one of the few girls interested in YOU."

" just take Cody's advice and just leave me alone."

"If I don't?"

"You may not like the outcome."

"Dolph...just go...I think Vickie is looking for you." Cody adds.

And sure enough they hear her voice calling for Dolph.

"Looks like someone found you." Stef snickers. "Now run along." She waves him off. "Thank you Cody." She says once Dolph is gone.

"Not a problem. He can be a real pain in the ass sometimes."

"I can tell. Seems like he is no different then he is on TV."

"Depends on him really."

" is that how he is with every girl he meets or he is just desperate?"

"I think a little of both."

"Well I sure hope that is the last I see of him."


Mike then happens to be walking over since his interview was over. He gets a bit jealous seeing Cody talk to Stef so he quickly makes his way over, stand right next to Stef. "All done." Mike say after reaching her. "What's going on?" He asks, looking from Stef to Cody.

"Oh, Cody got Ziggler to back off."

"Ziggler was bothering you?" Mike gets a bit tense.

"Trying to hit on me is more like it."

"Typical Ziggler." Cody says.

"Well he better not try it again."

"Let's go Stef, before he comes back."

"Alright." She nods. "Thanks again Cody." She adds as Mike leads her toward the door. They walk out to the car. "What was that about in there?" She curiously asks Mike.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Are you sure? I mean not that I mind, but I was just curious why you got like that."

"It's just Ziggler....he's a player and getting involved with him is a bad idea."

"I was not planning on it. He is not my type anyway."


They reach the car and mike opens her door. She smiles as she thanks him before he closes her door as he heads for the drivers side. Once he is in they then head back to the house since he is all done for the day. Alex and I have just woken up, but he was barely awake when I got out of bed and grabbed clothes, going into the bathroom to take a shower. He sits up on the bed trying to wake up a bit more. I have just gotten out of the shower, deciding to just change and do my makeup. I wrap my hair in a towel before starting to get dressed. After getting dressed I do my normal routine before taking my hair down to blow dry and style the way I want it. When I was done I hung the towels up before heading in the room. I see Alex sitting on the bed and smile. Once he sees me he breaks into a grin. "I am never going to get tired of seeing that." He grins, looking me over.


"For you...always."

"Of course."

"What did you want to do today?"

"Oh, I don't know..."

"We can stay here and watch movies or we could go out somewhere..."

"Going out sounds like a good idea."

"Alright. Let me just get dressed then we can go grab something to eat and start from there."

"Okay." I nod.

Alex then goes to grab some clothes to change into as I go get my shoes for the day. I sit on the bed to put them on and Alex soon comes out in jeans and one of his jerseys. I bit my lip as he walks over picking out his shoes. I shake whatever thoughts came to my head before getting my shoes on. Once my shoes are on I stand up as I feel arms snake around my waist. Alex pulls me closer to him giving me a kiss.


"Can't help it."

"Oh I know."

"Any idea on what you wanted to do today?"

"No, not really."

"Well, how about we go to lunch then maybe take a walk around central park?" Alex suggests.


"Alright." He nods. "Whenever you're ready."

"I'm all set."

"Ok, but first..." Alex trails off as he leans down giving me a kiss. He smiles after breaking the kiss then we make sure we have everything we need before heading out to the car.

We find a place to eat for lunch, park and head inside. Once inside we are seated, then we look over the menus.

"So, what're you getting?"

"I was thinking maybe pasta...not to sure."

"Well all their food here is amazing."

"You come here a lot, don't you?" Alex chuckles.

"I try to."

"I heard this is one of the best places in town."

"Oh it is."

The waiter then comes over and takes our orders.

"So do we know what's in store tomorrow? Media, show tomorrow night, anything?"

"Just a radio interview in the morning then a show after that."


"Then it is back on the road again."


"I know, but we have the rest of the day to spend together."


Soon out food arrives and we eat while talking occasionally. After we finish, Alex leaves the money for the bill and then we get up and leave. Once we get in the car, Alex then starts to drive until we get into the city. He finds a place to park and we decide to walk the few blocks to the park. When we walk into the park, we decide to walk around a bit. Alex lays his arm over my shoulder as I wrap mine around his waist. "I like having these days."

"They really are great. The best thing is spending all my time with you."

"Even though we spend most of our time together anyway."

"Right, but we get to do more things together without having to worry about work."


Alex pulls me closer as he kisses the top of my head. We then decide to sit down on one of the benches. I go to sit only to have Alex pull me on his lap as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"Every time." I giggle.

"Of course. I like it better this way."

"Of course you do."

"What can I say? I just love holding you."

"And I love to be held by you."

"If only we were not in public right now." Alex kisses behind my ear.

"Oh boy."

"You're killing me today."

"And I'm not even trying."

"You don't have to...the skirt did it."


"Riiight, act all innocent now." Alex jokes.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Uh huh...suuuure." Alex laughs. "I am so getting you back for that."

"I assumed you would be."

Alex looks my in the eyes as he starts to move his fingers up my side. Next thing I know he starts tickling me all over.

"Nooooo!" I say through my laughter.



"I'll stop as long as I get a kiss."


He stops the tickling in favor of getting a kiss. Rest his hands on my hips he pulls me closer to him.


"Yes I am." He grins as he runs his hand over my face.

"Can't say I'm complaining."

"Of course not."

"This week is going by way too fast."

"It is. Could use more like these."

"We could." I agree.

"Next time we can go somewhere different...more tropical..."


"Yeah. Just you and me...beach, sun...where ever you want to go we can go."


"I knew you would like that."

"I don't like it, I love it."

"Good. Anything for you." Alex kisses me quick.

"I know."

Alex pulls me even closer giving me a quick kiss.

"You know what I think?"

"What's that?"

"That you can't catch me."

"Is that so?"


"That would mean you have to move."

"Your point?" I laugh.

"That means I caught you."

"But I didn't move yet."


"Unless you got lightning speed."

"Hmmm...I just might."


"Your goof."

"Yes my goof."

I shift a bit on his lap, but at the last second I catch him off guard with a kiss. Before he could respond I pulled away as I got up and starting running away giggling.

"Oops, my bad!" I call back to him, still laughing.

"Oh you are in for it now." Alex calls after coming out of his daze.

"Uh oh." I say to myself and run faster.

Alex had gotten up and started to come after me. After running for a bit I turn around not seeing him.

"Huh...where'd he go?"

"Right here." Alex smirks as he stands in front of me.

"Eep." I squeak as he catches me.

"Looks like to caught you."


"That I am." He grins.

"Now I think I deserve a prize." He adds.

"Hmm, what did you have in mind exactly?"

"Hmmmm..." He pretends to think before leaning down and stealing a kiss.

"More later I'm assuming?" I ask when he pulls away.

"Of course."

Then he lets me go in favor of lacing his fingers with mine and we continue to walk. I rest my head in his shoulder as we look at all the sites along the path. After spending some more time in the park, we decide to leave and go get something to eat. We decide to walk to a little outside restaurant. We're led to a table like always and given menus to look through. Looking over the menu we then decide what we want when the waiter comes back over. We order both the drinks and the food since we decided on both. We talk amongst each other until our food comes. We eat and occasionally talk, and taking in the view of the city and such that we have. We make our way to the car hand in hand. Once there we get in and Alex drives back to the house.

"Wonder what Stef and Mike are doing."

"Well Mike had media so they are probably doing that."

"I think they're done. It's well into the middle of the day now."

"Right, probably just getting back."


"So, since I chose what we did today, you get to pick what we do tonight."

"Hmm, I have to think about this."

"Take your time. It can be anything you want."


We soon arrive back home to see that Stef and Mike are back as well. After Alex parks the car we then head inside.

"We're back!" I call.

"Upstairs." Stef calls.

I motion to Alex and we head upstairs. Once upstairs I go to Stef's room to see how her day went. "Heyy, so how was the media day?"

"Oh, it was good. All fun until I had Ziggler hit on me."


"I know, he just didn't get the hint that I was not interested. Tried putting his hands on me too. If Cody didn't show up I don't think I would have got rid of him."

"Thank god for Cody."

"Right. I owe him one for that."


"How was your day?" Stef asks as she goes to her closet.

"Oh we slept in for most of the morning. Then got up and went to the park for some more alone time, just had something to eat."

"Ooohhh nice."

"Still thinking about what to do tonight."

"Well, after Mike and I get back from dinner how about we watch some old Dirt Sheet episodes?" Stef suggests.

"Oh god, not those." Mike facepalms.

"And why not?"

"Yeahhh, come on, I love watching those."

"It will be fun." Stef says. "Please." She fake pouts.

"Uh oh...the pout. She gets everyone with that."

"I don't know..."

"Come on." She whines. "You're gonna make me cry." She fake sniffles.

"Uh oh."

"You're gonna make this hard for me aren't you?"

"Pwease?" She bats her eyes.

"Ohhhh....alright." He gives in.

"Yayy." She cheers.

"Method of persuasion." I tell Alex.

"Now I know where you learned it from." Alex chuckles.

"Alright, I need to get ready. Everyone out except for Shauna." Stef states.

"Awwww." Alex and Mike say in unison.

"You'll live." We chuckle.

"Now go talk about....I don't know...guy stuff."

"Aright." They pout. Alex gives me a quick kiss before he and Mike leave.

"So, what's up?" I ask, after shutting the door.

"Well I need your opinion on two dresses I have in mind then I was gonna see if you could help with my hair?"

"Oh of course."

"Yay." She smiles then goes into her closet. The first one she picked out was a Purple Lilac One Strap Bandage Dress. After she had it on she walks out. "What do you think?"

"Hmmm, it's pretty and I like it. Tell me what the occasion is?"

"Well all he said was we are going to dinner. He did not say where, but to dress nice."


"He gave me like no hints at all."

"Alex is the same way. They want to always surprise us it seems like."

"They do." She giggles. "On to the next." She adds heading back to her closet. She changes out of the one dress then puts on her second choice. After she has that on she comes out in a Babydoll dip dyed silk dress with hand beaded feather embellishment and cut out back detail that is white on the top fading to pink as it get to the bottom.

"Ooooooh! I love that! That one!"

"I was thinking the same thing." She smiles looking in the mirror.

"He's gonna love it too."

"I really hope so." She mutters. "Okay, now onto hair."

"Just let me go get my things and we'll get right to it."

"Alright." She nods.

I leave the room and head down to mine to get my things to style hair, before coming back. Stef sits down at her vanity as I start to style her hair the way she told me. "He may die when he sees you."

"You really think so?"


"Well he did tell me this morning he thought I was beautiful." She blushes slightly.


"I was not expecting him to say that. He said he has been wanting to tell me since Monday."



"You two hit it off pretty well then."

"We did, didn't we?" She agrees. "But...I don't wanna give my hopes up. I mean, you guys only have one more day here." She sighs.

"Something good may happen, who knows?"

"It could, just not going to look into that much."


Soon I finish her hair and take a step back to look at it.

"I love it!" She beams. "You did it perfectly!"

"I'm good like that."

"You are, which is why I asked you to help me."

"He'll love it, trust me."

"I'll take your word for it." She says. "Now just makeup and jewelry and I'll be all set. You can head back with Alex if you want."

"You sure?"

"I should be alright...unless you want to help with my makeup too?"

"Only if you want me to."


"Alright, pick out what you want and I'll help you."

She then heads to get the things she needs then sits back down. Doing each thing one by one, I help her. We soon finish then she goes to pick out shoes. "Okay...I think I'm ready."

"Let's go see his reaction."

She nods then grabs her bag putting things she might need in there. We then head downstairs, making our way to the living room where Mike and Alex were waiting.

"Alright, we're done with what we were doing."

"What was that?" Alex asks not seeing Stef yet.

Stef walks in the room showing them what we were doing.

"Well?" She asks after getting in the room.

"She and Mike are going out tonight." I whisper to Alex.


We look over at Mike who's just speechless at this moment.

"Uh Mike?" Stef chuckles.

"Huh?" He snaps out of it.

"We lost you for a minute there."

"Oops." I snicker.

"You were right." Stef says to me.

"I usually am."

"Yes you are."

"So are we ready to go?"

"Yes." Mike says walking to Stef. "Shall we?" He holds out his arm for her.

I bite my lip to stifle the 'awww' that wants to come out.

"We shall." She says, taking his arm.

After saying 'bye' to Alex and I they head out to the car.

"Oooooooh he so likes her now. If it wasn't obvious before."

"He does. Maybe tonight he will tell her how he feels."

"May find out tonight when they come back."

"I am sure we will."

"So I've been thinking about what we do tonight. I think we should stay in, and I'll cook everything."

" know how I love when you cook."

"I know."

"Do you want me to help you?"

", I've got everything. Everything I make will be a surprise."


"You just sit here, relax and leave everything to me."

"Alright, but if you need anything let me know."

"I will."

Alex gives me a quick kiss before heading in the living room as I make my way to the kitchen. Then I get the book with all the food that I love to make including desserts out and flip through it to find something to make. Once I find what I want to make, I get everything that I need and start to prepare everything. Once everything is prepared, I start to get various things to cook with. I put things in pans and pots, waiting for things to boil, etc. While I'm waiting I prepare a dessert that'l just go right in the fridge when I'm done. After getting the dessert made, I put that in the fridge then go back and start with the other food.

"Smells good already!" Alex calls.

"Thanks." I call back. "Should be ready soon."

"Can't wait."

I chuckle to myself as I get some plates ready before setting them on the table. I also get the silverware and glasses for drinks, setting those on the table as well. Once that is all done I start getting everything set up to be put on the table. Soon enough, all the food was done, so I bring it out to the table, setting it there.

"It's ready." I call to Alex.

He gets up from the couch in the living room and comes out to the kitchen and the table where everything is set up.

"Everything looks and smells great."

"Thank you. Wait until you see the dessert."

"Looking forward to that. You make the best."

"I do, don't I?"

"That you do."

"I made a pie this time. My pies are amazing. I have to make at least a couple every time I come home."

"Oh? I did not know you made those."

"Oh yeah."

"Good thing since I love pie."

"Who doesn't?"

"Really, I have no idea."

"Pie haters maybe."

"Possibly, but I have yet to meet one."

"Oh they're out there."

"Well I think they will change their mind after having yours."

"And you haven't even tasted it yet."

"If it is like anything else you made, I know I am going to love it."

"Of course."

We continue eating while we talk occasionally. Once we were done with the food, Alex helped me put everything away before I got the pie out. Alex got plates and silverware then followed me back to the table.

"Now this is a combo of banana cream and chocolate cream. Banana on one side, chocolate on the other. I found out it saves time if you make both into one."

"My two favorite things. I can't wait to try it."

"And look at that, I didn't even know those two were your favorite."

"You always seem to know."

"It seems so."

"How about we try it then?"


I then cut the pie into pieces putting them on our plates.

"This is so good." Alex says after taking a bite.

"Told you."

"You never disappoint."

"Never." I agree.

We continue eating as we talk amongst each other. After eating, we put the dishes in the sink, going out into the living room to relax for a bit. With Stef and Mike they had just pulled up to the place he was taking her for dinner.

"Wait until you see where I arranged us to sit."

"Can't wait. Heard this place is amazing."

"That's what I've heard too."

"How did you even manage to get us in here?"

"I have my ways." He smirks.

"I'm sure you do."

He gets out of the car and goes around to her side, opening her door for her. She smiles as she takes his hand to get out of the car.


"You're very welcome."

He then puts his arm around her back as they both walk in. She blushes a bit, but leans into him as they walk. They head up to the top, before reaching the podium, and Mike gives his name for the reservation. The hostess then shows them to their table.

"Mike...this place is amazing." Stef whispers to him in awe.

"I knew you would think so."

"The views...they are just...stunning."

"Which is why I chose this place."

They soon get to their table and Stef gasps at the view.

"Mike...this is...incredible."

"Looks a whole lot better at night doesn't it?"

"It sure does."

They're handed their menus to choose their drinks and food. They look over the menus choosing their drinks first before deciding what they want.

"So we have a show tomorrow night, and then the next day we have to leave...."

"...I know." Stef sighs.

"....but I've been thinking..."

"About what?"

"...about coming on the road with us..."

" Go on the road with you guys..."

"Yeah. I mean, I know you upset you are that we have to leave in a couple days because we just got to know each other better. You come with us, you don't have to worry about us leaving."

"That is a really good idea, but is it possible?"

"Of course it's possible."

"Well..." She looks down pretending to think. "...I'd love to go." She looks up with a smile.


"Yeah. I mean I would get to hang out with Shauna more, plus we could still hang out. I have had so much fun with you, I'd hate to miss it."

"I feel the same way."

"Who knew we would get along so well." She chuckles.

"I know right?"

"I can't get over this view." Stef says gazing out the window.

"It doesn't compare to you."

"Awe Mike..." She blushes as she looks down.

"And that's the truth."

"Mike..." She bites her lip. "...I am going to look like a lobster now."

"Well we can't have that, so I'll stop....for now."

"Thank you." She smiles. "You know, you look really good tonight too."

"Why thank you."

"You're welcome. I do love the suits."

"Do you now?"

"Yes I do...very much. So sophisticated."

"I try."

Finally one does and we all go out to the floor to dance.

"You don't even have to."

"You're naturally handsome." She adds.

"Oh I know." He chuckles.

"Confident much." She jokes.


"One of the things I admire about you."

"Good to know."

The waiter comes over with their drinks then they order their food. After they order, some slow music plays and they notice a few people getting up to dance while they also wait. "Would you like to dance?" He asks.

"I'd love to." She smiles.

He stands up and holds his hand out for her to take. She takes his hand as he leads her away from the table. He rest his hands on her waist as she wraps hers around his neck. Then they start dancing to the music. As they're dancing Mike can not stop looking at her. "Did I ever tell you how amazing you look?"


"Oh, well you do."

"Thank you." She blushes, hiding her face in his chest.

"You're welcome." He chuckles.

She keeps her head on his chest as they dance along to the music. Mike then moves one hand up to her face, running his thumb over her cheek.

"I can't wait to have you on the road with us."

"I can't wait to go." She says. "Any reason you are so excited about me going?" She adds.

"We get to spend more time together."

"Right...I am looking forward to that."

"You get to be backstage all the time too."

"That is going to be exciting. Much better than sitting in the crowd."

"It is." He nods.

They keep dancing until the song ends. They look over and see their food had came so Stef went to go sit, but Mike didn't want to let her go.

"The food's at the table..."

"...I know."

"We should go eat."

"Alright." Mike sighs. "As long as we can have one more dance before we leave?"


Mike smiles then leads her over to the table. He helps her sit before going to his seat. They eat while they talk occasionally. "I think Shauna will be happy to know that you're coming on the road with us after tomorrow night."

"I think she will be ecstatic about it. Now we won't have to see each other every few months."

"Which is a good thing."

"A very good thing."

"Have you gave any thought to possibly being where she is? Part of the roster? Just wondering."

"I have, but I have not had much training with it. Been a few years since I did anything like that."

"Hmmm, well if you want, I could....train you. Who better to learn from right?"

"That's not a bad idea. We could try it out and see how it goes plus it would be a pleasure learning from you."

"I say when we get to the next city in a after tomorrow night, we can pick a day during the week and start the training."

"Sounds good." She nods. "Going to be exciting."

"I might be able to show you a thing or two." She jokes.

"Is that so?"

"Oh yeah. You'd be surprised what I've picked up on for watching for so long."

"Probably from watching me I bet."

"You're part of it yeah."

"Who better to watch than me." Mike gloats.


They soon finish eating, but before Mike paid the bill he stood up asking for his one last dance of the night. After the last dance, they left, heading down to the car and getting in before heading off back to the house. Once back at the house, they head inside.

"Shauna?" Stef calls as they walk in.

I don't answer, but you hear the TV going in the living room.

"Huh..." Stef mumbles as she follows the sound of the TV finding me fast asleep on Alex's chest.

"I would've answered, but I would've woke her up if I did." Alex says quietly.

"No no, that is alright." Stef whispers.

"I'll just tell her what I have to tell her, tomorrow." She adds.

"Oh? What would that be?"

"I'm coming on the road with you guys."

"Really now? That is great." Alex smiles. "I know Shauna will love to hear that."

"And, Mike's gonna be training me."

"So you are going to be a Diva too? Nice."

"Well not right away of course."

"Well I figured that, but still that is a really good idea."

"I've given a lot of thought to it and I want to do it."

"I am sure you are going to do just great too."

"I do think I should get her up to bed now." Alex adds.

"Right. You're probably tired yourself."

"Yeah..just a bit."

"Well go ahead and i'll shut everything off down here." Stef offers.

"Alright." Alex nods, carefully lifting me while getting up.

He then walks up the stairs heading for my room. He gets the door open, closing it with his foot. Since we both were already dressed for bed, all he had to do was set me on the bed and pull the blankets over me. Once he made sure I was all set, he then walked over to his side. Getting under the covers he laid next to me draping his arm over my side. He kissed the top of my head before settling into his spot and going to sleep. Stef and Mike however were shutting everything off, before heading upstairs themselves to their rooms. After everything was off we then headed upstairs stopping at her room first.

"I had a really great time tonight." Stef smiles. "Thank you for that."

"You're welcome."

"So...I'll see you in the morning then?"

"Of course."


He grins and nods, hugging her. He tries to hold the hug for as long as he can before she starts to pull away.

"See you in the morning...night."

"Night Stef."

She then goes in her room getting her things ready. After cleaning up her makeup, she takes down her hair and changes out of her dress into her pajamas. She walks over to the bed, pulling the covers down then climbing in and drifting off to sleep.