Status: Active

The Chance of a Lifetime

Feelings Revealed

The next morning and after sleeping in for a little, I manage to wake up myself instead of Alex having to wake me up. I shift in my spot, not wanting to wake Alex just yet. I manage to climb out of be then I head over to get my things ready for the day. I quietly head into the bathroom to get changed for most of the day anyway. Doing my normal routine, it does not take me that long to get ready. Once I walk out, I see Alex starting to stir, reaching over to my spot.

"I'm over here."

"Hmmm." Alex mumbles.

I laugh to myself before walking over to wake him up. As I reach down to wake him, he grabs my arm pulling on the bed with him. I squeak in surprise as he does so. He pulls me close since he is still not fully awake.

" need to get up."

"...few more minutes..."

"Do you want to be late for media?"


"Then I suggest you get up."

"Mkay." He mumbles.

He slowly gets up before making his way to his things. I move from the bed to get my shoes on and anything I needed, I got together and ready to go. Alex goes in the bathroom to get changed and since it was open a bit I was able to see him. I bite my lips once her took his shirt off as I saw a glimpse of his abs. After a bit of staring, I shake any thoughts from my head. Alex comes out a short time later all ready to go.

"You know I don't think you've looked any better than you do now."

"Alex..." I blush. "The blushing already?"

"Didn't mean to." He chuckles.

"Not that I mind. Just shows that you care."

"And I do....a lot."

"As I see everyday."

"I'll never stop caring."


"Just speaking the truth."

"I know...It's just so touching how much you are about me."

"Why wouldn't I?"

"No reason. It's hard to find caring and sweet guys like you."

"And I know that."

"I just couldn't be any happier."

"I'm glad."

"Are you ready to go?"

"Yup, all set."

We then grab what we need before heading down to the car for the first stop of media. The first stop was a news station. Alex would be appearing on TV, not only showing off his newly won title, but promoting the show for tonight. We walk over where we were told to wait until the host was ready for us. When they were ready for us, we go out to the set, sitting down and getting mics put on us and we sit and wait for when we'll be on. The show starts as the host announces the show before moving on to us.

"This morning we have two special guests with us. Please welcome WWE United States Champion Alex Riley and the lovely Scarlet."

"Thank you for having us." I reply.

"It's our pleasure. So tell us, you are in town for the live event tonight, correct?"

"We are. We've been in town all week, and it's been a busy one. Tonight is our last night in town."

"I'm sure with all the media and events you have been doing." The host chuckles. "So Alex, tell us. This is your first title correct?"

"It is. After being in the company for a year and trying my best, the hard work finally paid off."

"It seems like it has. Congrats man. You did what takes most years to do. What are your plans for the future?"

"Well first of all, I plan to hold this for a long time. My sights are set for the WWE Championship in the future."

"So you plan to be the first to hold both titles?"

"It'd be the first time ever wouldn't it? The United States and WWE title being held by one person."

"Yes it would be. One major accomplishment for someone." The host says. "Now, Scarlet..what do you plan to do?"

"Claim the Diva's title of course."

Well that is one thing we all knew, but do you plan on changing up the division more? We have seen you wrestle and you are amazing."

"Well thank you. I do plan on changing it up. I'm a lot tougher than people think."

"We have all seen what you can do either in the ring or not and you seem like pretty tough competition for anyone who faces you."

"Even though it's pretty even between me and say, Beth Phoenix, Natalya or Tamina."

"They are pretty tough as well. Have you had the chance to ever work with them?"

"Here and there and you know, we're all the best of friends. So it's friendly competition when we're in that ring."

"Right, that is the best way to do it. So WWE is just one big happy family despite what we see then?"

"Yes. When you're on the road a majority of the year, everyone becomes your family basically."

"Well you do spend a lot of time with each other, so that is a good thing."

"Right. There is something that I want to clarify for those of you who watched Monday night....the whole thing with me being kissed by Alex here..."

"Is there something there?"

"Actually there is. We've been dating for almost a month now."

" there is something there." The host grins. "Well congratulations to you both."

"Thank you. Oh I'll probably have so many fangirls hate me right now." I laugh.

"How could anyone hate such a nice girl like you?"

"Jealous." Alex mutters.

"You'd be surprised with the fan base Alex has."

"They will grow to love you, I'm sure of that." Alex says, resting is arm on my shoulder pulling to him.

"He's right."

"True. Will just take some getting used to." I slightly laugh.

"So...this show tonight...tells us a bit about it. Who can we expect to see there?"

"Everyone from Raw basically."

"So all the stars will be here." The host say to the camera. "Looks like we are out of time, don't forget to buy your tickets for the show tonight. Alex, Scarlet it was great having you on the show."

"It was great being here." We say, shaking the host's hand and waiting for the show to cut to a break.

Once the shows goes to break we stand up, thanking the host once again before heading to the car for the next interview.

"This is fun."

"It really is. Especially now since our relationship is out there."

"Figured I'd explain what happened Monday night. I'm sure many people were confused."

"Most likely. Then again that was my fault. All the excitement I just got caught in the moment."

"I wasn't complaining."

"I know you weren't, but it was just to soon for everyone to find out."

"Well it's out there now. We just pushed the storyline further along quicker."

"Right and I could not be happier now."

"Me neither and you know everyone loves the shock value. I think you brought that Monday."

"That I did." Alex grins. "Wonder how they will react tonight?"

"Who knows."


The next media we have to do is a radio station, so we head there. Once there we are directed to the room for the interview. We walk in, taking a seat as we get set up. Just like at the news station, once the radio show had started, we were greeted and introduced.

"Joining me in the studio today is the United States Champion Alex Riley and the lovely Diva Scarlet. How are you both doing this morning?"

"We're doing just fine. Thank you for asking."

"You're welcome. Now, Alex..tell us about your title there."

" the United States Championship. If you saw the show on Monday, you saw that I had beat Dolph Ziggler to gain this. First title in my whole WWE career so far."

"Of course I saw. Congrats on that by the way. I have been watching and you have come a long way since working with The Miz. How was it working with him?"

"Well it was absolutely amazing. I take nothing but good things from that experience. Even though we had that rough patch where we turned on each other, friends becoming enemies, I still learned a lot from him which got me to this point today."

"Right, right. Who better to learn from then the now 2 time WWE Champion." The host chuckles. "Now, Scarlet..we have seen you're amazing by the favorite diva by far...what are you looking to do?"

"Thank you, well I plan on showing everyone that the Divas division isn't just about looks. I want to change things. Change how people view the divas. See if I'm not the one competing, these matches are like not even decent matches like the Superstars have. And sometimes the victories are because of rollups. I don't do rollups, I don't do like 2 minute matches. When I'm in the ring, I make an impression. And of course I'm looking to capture that Divas Championship."

"You sure do make an impression. When you're in the ring, things are more exciting. I for one can see you being Diva's Champion in no time."

"I sure hope so."

"We'll all be rooting for you, the show tonight...what can we expect to see out of it?"

"Everything and anything."

"So, pretty much like watching it on TV."


"On another note...Monday we saw something...everyone has been wondering...are you both dating?"

"Well to answer those who are wondering, if you didn't see the news early this morning where I answered that....we are."

"Oh, well congrats to you both and I must have missed that being here." The host chuckles. "How has working with each other been?"

"It's been amazing. From day one when I got into the WWE, he's been one of my best friends. He's actually the first one I became friends with."

"That's really great. You both have chemistry in and out of the ring. Not many people who work together have that."

"Depends on the people really."

"True." The host nods. "Well, looks like we are out of time. I would like to thank Alex Riley and Scarlet for coming on the show and it was a pleasure talking with you both. Everyone remember to buy your tickets for the show tonight."

The radio show ends and we say goodbye to the host before getting up and heading out the door. We then make our way out to the car, deciding to get something to eat.

"So is media done?"

"For today, yes."

"Rest of the day to ourselves until tonight."

"Yes. We can do what ever you want." Alex grins. "Oh and Stef has something to tell you too."


"I can't say anything, but you are going to love it."


"She wants to tell. I don't want to ruin it."

"Right, of course."

"So, lunch then home?"


We then reach the car and after getting in we head somewhere to eat. In the meantime back at the house, Stef and Mike were just getting lunch themselves. After getting everything ready Stef set it down on the table. "I can't wait for them to get back so I can tell her the news."

"She is going to be thrilled about it."

"Jumping for joy."

"I can see it now." Mike laughs.

"Maybe not literally jumping for joy, but pretty thrilled."


"Excited about the show tonight?" Mike asks.

"Of course I am."

"I'm always excited for the shows."

"Well that is a good thing then."

"It is."

They continue eating while talking occasionally. Soon enough, they hear the car doors shut, meaning that Alex and I have just gotten back.

"She's back." Stef sings.

He chuckles. "So I heard."

They sit there waiting for Alex and myself to come in. The door finally opens and we walk in. Hearing talking from the kitchen, we head in that direction.

"Hey guys!" Stef greets as we walk in.


" was media?"

"Fun. If anyone didn't know before, they sure do now, that Alex and I are together."

"Right. We saw that. Total shocker for the fans I bet."

"Most likely."

"Can't wait to see how they react tonight."


"Oh, I have something to tell you." Stef smiles.


"Yeah...I'm going to be going on the road with you guys."

"Oh really? That's....wait what?"

"I'm going to be traveling with you guys...starting tomorrow."

" god. We'll no longer miss each other now!"

"I know! It was all Mike's idea too."


"I know, I know....I'm awesome."

"There's more..." Stef grins.


"Mike's gonna be training me..."

"No way."

"Yes. He offered last night at dinner."

"Alright Mike, you're getting a hug."

"You're welcome." Mike grins.

"And now I hug you." I say to Stef, before letting Mike go and hugging her.

"I just can't believe this is happening."

"Me neither."

"It's just so surreal."

"I know right?"


"You get to meet everyone now."

"I know, can't wait!"

"Who else do you really want to meet?"

"Well...I would like to meet a few...Ted, Justin, Natalya, Beth, Randy, Cena..just to name a few." She laughs.

"Well I know you'll be able to meet a few of them....only because Ted, Justin and Randy are part of SmackDown. Their house shows are in different states then us."

"I figured that, but it was just a thought."

"Probably will have to wait until Monday to see the others."

"I don't mind. I know I can not meet everyone at once."


"So...when do we have to leave for the show?"

"Not for a few more hours."

"Ah...what should we do until then?"

"Well since we didn't actually get to do this last night....Dirt Sheet marathon?"


"Thank god for making that disc of them right? We won't have to look for them online anymore."

"Best idea I had, I know." Stef grins.

"Well what're we waiting for..."

"...on to the show!"

We all head out to the living room after her, and she sets everything up. After putting the DVD in the player, she joins us all back on the couch. Stef and I prepare to laugh once episode one starts. Once it starts we are already laughing, remembering what happened while Mike just covers his face. Getting to Episode 8, the WrestleMania edition of the show, we see Mike's part where he's playing with the action figures.

"Wow Mike." We laugh.

"You are such a dork."

"Am not." He defends, fake pouting.

Episode 13, they count down the top 10 moments of ECW. Getting to #3 with the zombie and then Mike continuing with saying 'braiiiinsss'.

"That was pretty fun. I was actually scared of you for a bit after that." Stef laughs. "I was afraid you were going to really eat brains."

"Oh, I wouldn't do that." He chuckles.

"I know that, but you made it so believable."

Then the episode got to the part where he and John were arguing over the #1 moment of ECW.

"You both were such kids."

"Experiencing technical difficulties." I snicker.


Episode 19, and this one is about the new movie...Indiana Miz and the Palace of Wisdom...Morrison playing Hornswoggle.

"Oh god! This one was just too funny."

"Oooh the next one....the backstage survival one." I say as the next episode comes up.

"Now that one...hysterical!"

"The dancing." I snicker.


"That doesn't actually work does it?"

"Maybe." Mike grins.

Time seemed to fly as we went through each episode. We had enough time for one more and it was the coffee one.

"Yes! We get to see my favorite one!"

The episode starts and we instantly start laughing and keep laughing through the episode.

"OMG!" Stef says between laughs. "Is it bad that I know that whole part?"

"Not bad at all."

"Good. Since I watch that one like all the time."

"Well it's the funniest."

"It sure is. Remind me never to let Mike have coffee."

"Will do."

"Should we get ready now?"

"Yeah, we should."

"Alright." Stef nods. She then shuts everything off after taking the DVD out, the we all head upstairs to change.

Mike and Alex just mostly make sure they have their things together since they'll only need to change into their gear once we get to the arena. Stef and I get changed into different clothes. Once we are finished we all meet up in the living room.

"All ready to go?"


We all head out and get into one car and head to the arena. Once we get to the arena, the guys get their things out of the trunk then we head inside. We follow them into a locker room after walking inside. Stef and I walk over to the couch while Mike and Alex go get ready for the show.

"I'm glad I have the night off tonight."

"That's really good. Don't get them to often."

"I know."

Soon after that Alex and Mike come back out all ready for the show. As they start to lace up thier boots Stef and I can't help but to stare.

"Everytime." I mutter quietly to myself.

After they finish that, they then join us on the couch, Alex putting his arm around me pulling me closer to him as he kisses my cheek.

"So I have the night off tonight."

"That means me have more time to cuddle."

"Yes." I grin.

"I like the sound of that." Alex grins as he runs his fingers over my shoulders.

"Someone's touchy." Stef laughs.

"Her fault for wearing this shirt."


"Just wait until later."

"Oooooh." Stef teases.

"Alex..." I playfully swat his arm.

"Just speaking the truth."

"I know you are." I blush.

"I don't wanna know." Mike comments.

"You don't have to know." Stef giggles.


"So, Alex when is your match?"

"Third match in."

"Ah. So Mike, I'm guessing you are the last match?"

"Of course."

"Exciting. I know you will win." Stef grins.

"Well of course I will."

"That is because I will be cheering for you."

"Like she always does." I add.

"No wonder I win all the time."

"Good luck charm."

"I'd like to think so."


"Stoop." She blushes.

"Aww she's blushing."

"Come on..." She whines. "...don't make me leave..."

"Noooo, you're not allowed to leave." Mike says, wrapping his arms around her so she can't move.

"Why can't I leave?"

"I don't want you to."

"Really now?"


"Hmmm..." She pretends to think. "...I'll stay then."

"Yay." He cheers, letting her go.

"You're such a goof." She laughs, shaking her head.

"Oh I know."

"Of course you do." She laughs.

"That's what people don't see about me all the time."

"No and I wish they would see it. All they see is your character." Stef shakes her head.

"I try to be funny out there though."

"I know you do. I get it. But others just don't seem to want to."

"Haters gonna hate."


"But hey haters just motivate me."

"Makes you better everytime you go out there too."


Since we were not paying much attention we had missed the first s Zack versus Michael McGillicutty. We didn't really pay attention to the 2nd match all that much either. Toward then end of the second match Alex and I headed out to the curtain.

"Rematch against Dolph I'm assuming?"

"You assumed right."

"And what gave you that idea?" We hear Dolph say as he walks up.

"Only because I know you want this back." I motion to Alex's title.

"Well duh."

"Well that is one thing you are not going to get."

"We'll see about that."

"You really think you're getting it back?"

"Yes I do."

"Keep dreaming."

"Just like you can keep dreaming about getting my friend to fall for your tricks and fall for you, because she won't."

"What makes you think I won't get her to fall for me?" Dolph smirks.

"Because she's fallen for someone else."

"Probably some loser. She'll see I am much better than him."

"Hmm, I don't think so."

"We'll see about that. May the best man win." He smirks. "Oh, by the way...have my title ready for me." He adds as he walks out to his theme.

"Psh, he wishes."

"Right. This title is staying here and Mike will not let him anywhere near Stef either."

"Right, I know."

Once Dolph is in the ring Alex's music hits and we walk out. I let him go all crazy as he normally does when he goes out. He comes back over to me and offers a hand, and I take it, lacing my fingers with his as we head down the ramp and to the ring. Once there we climb on the ring as Alex holds the ropes for me. After getting in he does his poses. Once he's done, the ref takes the title and raises it in the air for everyone to see. Instead of handing it off to someone ringside, I take it to hold onto. I then step out of the ring and the ref signals for the bell. As usual, Dolph starts the match off with showing off. I roll my eyes. Alex catches him off guard by throwing him into the ropes. Dolph comes back and Alex hits him with a hard shoulder block, which sends Dolph crashing down to the apron. Alex runs and bounces off the ropes as Dolph tries to get up sending him back down. He goes for a quick cover, but Dolph kicks out at one. They both get to their feet before locking up. Alex gets the better of him and ends up pushing him into the corner. The ref starts to count and Alex lets go, backing up. Then to have some fun, he reaches out and taps Dolph's face...a mini slap. I chuckle at ringside as Dolph gets angry and charges Alex. Alex just grabs him and sens him flying backwards, landing on his face. He quickly rolls him over, going for the cover again, this time getting a two-count.

"Almost! Keep it up Alex, you got this!" I cheer.

Alex sits Dolph up and wraps an arm around his neck, going for a chin lock. He holds Dolph down on the apron, trying to prevent him from getting up. He does get up eventually and counters, making Alex let go. He bounces off the ropes going for a clothesline, but Alex ducks, Dolph missing. Dolph comes back and Alex hits his spinebuster on him.

"Yes!!!!" I cheer jumping up and down. "Pin him!"

Alex does so, but the spinebuster doesn't seem to be enough to stop Dolph as he kicks out for the third time.

"Damn it!" I mutter. "You're not getting this back, so just give it up now!" I yell at Dolph. "You know what you have to do Alex. You have to finish him!"

Alex get Dolph in the corner. Climbing on the rope he sets him up for his finisher. He does the signature first, the 10 punches in the corner before grabbing him by the neck and planting him face first onto the apron. Alex gets up and waits for Dolph to get up. When he finally does, Alex gets him on his shoulders, but Dolph is able to wiggle out and off of his shoulders. He pushes Alex into the ropes and charges at him, but Alex pulls the top rope down, Dolph sent tumbling out onto the floor. Alex climbs out of the ring, pick Dolph up and throwing him into the barricade.

"Ooh." I wince.

He then picks him back up and spears him into the side of the ring, before rolling him back in. Alex starts to get up to get back into the ring but Dolph gets momentum out of nowhere and dropkicks Alex off the side. I then go over to Alex making sure he is alright. He starts to get up as I help him to the ring. Vickie decides now is a time to start distracting the ref, and Dolph starts yelling at me to not help Alex and all that. I motion to Alex to go around to the other side of the ring so that he can sneak up behind Dolph to do his TKO finisher. He nods and I start arguing with Dolph as the ref is still distracted. Alex gets back into the ring and stands behind Dolph a ways back waiting. I make sure the ref is still distracted for the 2nd time before reaching out and slapping Dolph across the face. This makes his stumble back and turn around, getting put on Alex's shoulders and getting his with his finisher. Vickie chooses to stop distracting the ref and he turns around just in time to count to three.

"YES!!!!!" I cheer. "Take that Ziggler!"

I give Vickie a mocking look before sliding into the ring to celebrate with Alex. I hand him his title as I raise his hand in victory. Then I practically jump on him and hug him, happy that he won. Alex wraps his arm around my waist as he spins me around kissing my cheek.

"Thanks for the assist." He says after putting me down.


"Best good luck charm ever."

"You know it."

Alex just smiles as we make our way out of the ring. We make it up the ramp and disappear back through the curtain as we make our way backstage again. We decide to stop off at catering to grab a drink before heading to the locker room. When we get back, we go back to our spot on the couch we were sitting on.

"Nice job out there Alex."

"Why thank you."

"Welcome. You sure taught him a lesson."

"Sure did."

We sit there and watch as the next match starts. "I think I'm gonna go get a drink." Stef says standing up.

"Want anyone to go with you?"

"I should be fine."


Stef then walks over to the door, opening it then heading to catering. When she walks in, there's not many people right now, but she does unfortunately spot Dolph. Rolling her eyes, she makes her way over to the water and tries to hurry out before he notices her. She was almost out the door when someone grabbed her wrist.

"Now what's the hurry for?"

"Ugh." She rolls her eyes. "You really don't need to know that, but since you asked, I really don't care to see you right now...or ever."

"Now let go of me."

"What if I don't want to?" He smirks.

"Don't make me scream...."

"...cause I can and I will."

"That's the effect I have on every woman."

"Yeah 'cause you creep them let me go."

"Dolph, what're you doing to the poor girl?" She hears John Cena ask him.

"He's trying to get something that he is obviously not going to get."

"Vickie's looking for you Dolph..something about the next step in your career."

"I'm looking at it." He grins.

"" Stef pulls her hand away disgusted.

"Why don't you stop flirting with every girl you see. Not every girl falls for you man. But hey that's the price you pay when you associate yourself with the likes of Vickie Guerrero."

"Ooohhh." Stef snickers. "Now run along before you get in trouble."

"Yeah and uh...nice loss against Riley again. Vickie sure is getting your singles career going isn't she?"

"She is.." Dolph trails off. "...maybe you can help me with that." He adds smirking at Stef.

"Dolph!!!" They all hear Vickie's screechy voice.

"Good god." Stef rolls her eyes. "Just go now and spare us the torture of hearing her."

"I'll be seeing you around." He says before walking off.

"Let's hope not." Stef mutters. "Thanks John."

"Oh, it's no problem, really. He hits on every woman in the arena backstage. It's a nightly thing for him really."

"I see, only this is the second time he has tried to hit on me."

"He's persistent, trust me. He won't stop until you agree to go out with him at least once."

"Well that is never going to happen, I'm not interested in him and he knows that."

"He's delusional clearly."

"Obviously." Stef laughs.

"I don't think I caught your name. You're...."

"Stefanie or Stef. I'm Shauna's friend."

"Ohhh so you're who she was talking about nonstop last week."

"That would be me." She chuckles. "Guess she was really excited to see me."

"She was. Gonna be a bummer when we leave tomorrow."

"Oh it won't be....I'm coming with."

"You are?"

"Yep. Mike offered for me to travel with them."

"And I start training next week too."

"Ooooh...that's nice."

"Who's training you?"

"Mike said he would."

"Ohhh, well you know. I could help with training too if you'd like. The more helping with training, the better."

"That would be nice. I really appreciate it. Thank you."

"You're welcome. Now do you need an escort back to where you came or are you good?"

"If you don't mind, I really don't want to have another run in with him again."

"Of course...after you."

They then make their way to the locker room, getting there with no problem. Before heading in, she turns to John once again. "Thank you for the escort." She smiles, as she goes to hug him.

"No problem."

She was about to pull away when the door to the locker room opened. She turned around to see Mike standing there not looking too happy.

"Mike....what's wrong?"

"What's going on?" He asks, a bit irritated.

"Nothing...just thanking him for walking me back."

"Ran into Ziggler again."

"Yes I did. John here helped me out."

"I knew I should've went with you..."

"Well I'm alright now thanks to John."

"I can see that...."

Stef turns back to John. "I guess I'll see you later." She sighs before walking back in the room. Mike close the door then turns around to see Stef standing with her hands on her hips. "What was that about?" She asks a bit annoyed.

"I was coming to get you, because you took a while."

"I see that now, but I meant being that way toward John. He was just helping me."

"I was......I was jealous." He says kind of quiet.

"What was that?"

"I got kind of jealous."

"Of what? There's nothing to be jealous of." She says getting upset as she walks to the couch sitting down with her arms folded on her chest.

"....actually....about that..." He sighs, sitting down next to her.

She sighs, turning her head away from him being stubborn.

"I have a confession to make....."

"...well?" She lowly says, still not looking at him.

"Ever since Monday.....I've had these....feelings...towards you."

"How come you never said anything?" She slowly turns her head, not quite looking at him yet.

"We just met, I didn't want to make things weird you know?"

"I do, but it would have been a good thing to know..." She looks at him. " have had me confused all week."

"I didn't know how to tell you exactly. I'm sorry."

"I understand, but now that I know...just try to relax...I'm not interested in anyone else...I kinda like someone already." She blushes a bit, looking down.

I grin and look at Alex briefly.

"Really? Who?"

"...well...I have liked him for a long time..." She trails off biting her lip. "...and he is in the room right now."

"Well the only person left is....wait, you do? Really?"

"Yes really." She chuckles. "Have for a while."

"So, what now?"

"I don't know...."

"Official first date since we know each other's feelings?"

"Sure." She smiles. "I would love that actually."

"How about after the show Monday?"

"That's perfect."

"Awwwww." I'm finally able to say.

"You knew, didn't you?" Stef says looking at me.

"Well not really, I just had a feeling he had the same feelings for you as you do for him."

"Well, I'm just glad I was able to tell him."

"Now things won't be awkward."

"No they will not, which is a good thing."

"A very good thing."

"Well...looks like we missed pretty much most of the show."


"That means it is almost time for your match." Stef sighs, looking at Mike.

"I know..."

"...just be careful."

"I will."

"Good. Can't have you getting hurt now."

"Of course not."

"I'll be right here cheering for you like I always do too."

"Right." He grins.

"Now go show them who the best really is."

"Always do."

Mike then gets up as he grabs his title. He makes his way to the door before disappearing behind it.

"Okay, how are you not freaking out right now?" I ask.

"I'm trying to be calm about it, but I'm freaking out on the inside."

"You can let it out, it's okay."

She looks at me before breaking into a grin. "Oh my god..." She says excited. "Can you believe it? He actually likes me. I just can't believe it!" She says all smiles. "Thank you so much!" She says coming over and hugging me. "You're the best!"

"You're welcome." I smile.

"This has just been the best week ever!"

"It has."

"Everything that could've happened, happened."


"Now I can't wait until Monday."

"I sense a shopping day coming soon."

"Oh yes. I'm going to need a new dress for sure."

"Might as well make that a date night for us to." Alex states.


"Well looks like I'll need a new outfit too."

"Then shopping it is." Stef chuckles. "Next town or wait until Monday?"

"I say wait until Monday. I don't have much going on during the day."

"Alright, that sounds good." She nods.

"It's gonna be fun."

"Right? So much fun."

"I can't wait until you get training. Maybe you'll impress people to the point where you're offered a contract."

"I hope so, but I don't know if I'll be that good."

"That's what training's for."

"Right, and who better than Mike and John right?"

"Wait....John offered too?"

"Oh, I almost forgot...he asked who I was so I told him and also told him I was training with Mike then he offered to help me too."

"Ah, well better tell Mike when he comes back just in case he gets jealous again."

"He will no matter what, but I will tell him just in case."

"We can help too if you want."

"Would you?"

"Of course."

"That'll make things much easier."

"I thought so."

"Again, thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Ooohhh...looks like he is going to win!" Stef gets excited.

"Come on....come on...." She says to herself.

" so got this Mike!"

"Skull Crushing Finale...." I trail off as Mike sets Punk up for that.

"...hit it..."

"Oh there it him..."

"...come on..." Stef chews her lip. "YES!!!!!!!!!" She jumps up after the ref counted to three.

"No one can beat him for that title."

"Nope, he's going to keep that title longer than than the last time too."

"Be the longest reigning champion this time."

"He can and he will be."

"And look at that...the night's over already."

" went by so fast too."

"Early morning tomorrow....early flight."

"Right. That's something I'm gonna have to get used to."

"Right. So packing when we get home would be wise."

"Of course. Long night still ahead." She chuckles.


Mike walks through the door shortly after his match had ended. Stef jumped up all excited going to give him a hug. "I knew you could do it!"

"Aww they're hugging."

"Oh hush."

"But it's cute."

"I know, let them have their moment."


"You can tease her later."

"Alright. Well should we get going now? Wait for them in the car?"

"We can, give her time to tell him know."

"Ah, right. Let's go then."

Alex nods then we get up as he gathers his things. Then we head out the door and out to the car, leaving Mike and Stef in the locker room alone.

"How about you go get changed? I have something to tell you." Stef says after they both pulled from the hug.


Mike goes to grabs his things as Stef sits back down on the couch. It doesn't take him long to change and he comes back out a short time later. "So what do you need to tell me?"

"It's about the training..." She starts. "...he kinda offered to help and I accepted."

"Who offered?"

"Oh, John...sorry."

"Just thought I'd tell you so you wouldn't freak out."

"I can say I am not thrilled about it, but I am glad that you told me now and not later on."

"That's one thing you'll find out about me. I'm honest right from the start and I'll never tell you anything at the last minute."

"Well I'm glad. I don't like when that happens unless it's for work because that happens sometimes."


"How about we head out now?"

"Sounds good."

They both stand up as Mike gets his gear bag. Walking to the door, Mike opens it for Stef. As they walk Mike puts his arm over her shoulder. She leans into him as the make their way out to the car. Alex and I are already waiting inside the car, in the front with me in the driver's seat. Mike puts his things in the trunk before getting in the back with Stef. I then start the car and we all head off back home. The ride was fairly quick and we arrived home a short time after leaving. "Home for only hours."

"Yeah. So much packing to do too."

"I can help." Mike offers.

"That'll be great. Thanks."

We all get out of the car and grab our things and head inside. Once inside we all head right upstairs to our rooms, Mike going with Stef to help her get things packed. Alex and I, since we already have most of our things packed, decide to head straight for bed. After setting our bags down we both got changed for bed before getting into the bed itself.

"Long night."

"It was...going to be even longer tomorrow."


"We'll make the most of it though. We can even rest when we get to the next city if the plane ride is not enough for you."


"How about we get some rest while we can?"

"Sounds good."

We then head over to the bed pulling the covers down before climbing under them. "Night Alex."

"Night Shauna."

I then move closer to him as I sunggle into his side. I soon drift off as he watches me for a bit before going to sleep himself. Stef and Mike however are currently packing her things. After getting most of the things from her closet she sets them on the bed as she gets more bags to put things in.

"You know, you probably won't have to pack much. Shopping takes care of that."

"I know. I'm just packing a few of my favorite things."

"Hmmm, will I like these favorite things of yours?"

"Oh, I don't know." She grins. "You might."

"You'll just have to wait and find out."

"Awww." He pouts, giving his best puppy dog face.

"Oh no, not that face."

"Pwease. Just one."

"Okay...just one."

"Yay." He cheers to himself.

She looks through what she took out, finding one to show him. She finds a strapless sun dress that is blue, with pink and white patterns on the bottom. Once finding it, she holds it up to show him.

"I love that."

"It's one of my favorites."

"I think it'll be one of mine too."

"Well, if you like this one, you will love the others."

"I can't wait."

"I'm sure you can't."

Then she hands him one of the bags she grabbed and he helps to pack her stuff. After about another 20 minutes or so she put the last thing in her bag.

"All done." She sighed, plopping down on her bed.

"You look like you deserve some rest."

"As do you. You had a long night yourself."

"Right. So see you in the morning?"

" wanted to stay again?"

"Only if you're okay with it."

"Of course. I offered didn't I?" She giggles.

"Just let me go get changed and I'll be back."

"Okay." She nods.

While Mike got changed in his room Stef got changed in hers. When she was done she laid in bed as she waited for him to come back. It doesn't take long and the door opens back up, Mike walking in. He closes the door then walks over to the bed, pulling the covers down and laying down. He reaches over and turns off the light before getting comfortable in his spot. He lays there just looking at her for a bit.

"Night Mike."

"Night Stef."