Status: Active

The Chance of a Lifetime

I Think He's Up To Something

Back to Monday, and it's going to be a busy day up until tonight. Both of the guys have various media to do because of them both having championship titles. Stef and I decide to have a shopping day today for her date with Mike after the show. I was snuggled up next to Alex not wanting to move right away, but his alarm was going off telling him was time to get ready for media. He had woken up of course, reaching over and shutting the alarm off, before noticing that I was snuggled into him and not moving right away. He smiles down at me as he moves a piece of hair off my face before gently kissing my cheek. He carefully tries to move only for me to snuggle more into him.

"You're awake....aren't you?"

I just mumble a response not wanting him to go just yet.

"I know you don't want to let go, but I have to get ready for all the media I have to do."

"I know." I mumble, slowly letting go.

When I let go completely, he gets up and goes over to his things for clothes to wear. I pull the blankets up around me, but leave them off my face just enough to watch Alex get changed. As I am watching, I can not help but to bite my lip at seeing him shirtless this early.

"A great view first thing in the morning." I can't help but say.

"I thought you were asleep." Alex chuckles as he looks over his shoulder.


"You're such a sneak." He laughs as he puts his shirt on causing me to pout.

"But you love it."

"Of course I do." He grins as he walks over to the kissing me quick before he finishes getting ready. "When are you going shopping?" Alex calls from the bathroom.

"Not for a few more hours or so." I call back.

"Then you can get more sleep."

"Yeah, I know."

"I think you should so that you are not to tired later." Alex says as he walks out of the bathroom over to the chair where his jacket is.


"But before I go.." Alex walks over to the bed pulling me up on his lap. "..I want my good morning kiss."

"You know I would never forget that."

"Oh I know." He moves my hair from my face as he caresses my cheek with his thumb.

Then he leans in and kisses me softly. I move my hands to the back of his neck as I run my fingers through the bottom of his hair. But since he did have to get going, he had to pull away a few minutes or so after.

"More later..." He brushes his lips over mine. "...I promise."

"Holding you to that."

"You always do."

"Just so you remember."

"I could never forget."

"Don't worry, I know."

"Good." He smiles kissing me one last time before going over to get his title. "Should be back around noontime, like always. Probably be before you get back." He adds.

"Alright." I smile. "See you then."

"And you get some more sleep." He says.

"I'll try." I chuckle as I watch him walk out the door. I then get back under the blankets and lay back down on the pillows, to get more sleep.

In Mike and Stef's room, Mike is just waking up himself after his alarm had gone off. He looks down seeing how peaceful Stef looks before he careful slides out of bed. He does not get too far when she starts to stir.

"...Mike..." Stef mumbles moving her hand around his now empty spot.

"I'm just getting ready for the day. I have a busy morning."

"I remember..." She mumbles in her pillow. "...just didn't know it was that time already." She turns her head in his direction.

"'s that time already."

"Too bad." She sighs, moving her hair from her face. "Although, the view from here is nice." She grins since he is still shirtless.

"Only for you." He chuckles.

"Yes...only for me."

"Because you're special."

"So are you." She smiles. "I don't let just anybody see me like this."

"Well I feel special that's for sure."

"You should." She grins as Mike gets his suit ready for the day. "You know.." She bites her lip. "..I really love when you wear suits..especially the pink ones."

"I can tell." He chuckles.

"How is that?" She raises a brow.

"I can see the look on your face out of the corner of my eyes."

She blushes, hiding her face. "There's no look on my face." She says from under the covers.

He grins and walks over to the bed, trying to move the covers so she's not hiding anymore.

"Noooo." She squeaks as he pulls the covers down. She tries to pull them back up only for him to stop her.

"No hiding."

"Why can't I?" She whines a bit.

"You hide, then I can't see that pretty face of yours."

"Mike..." She bites her lip as she blushes. "...why are you so sweet?" She gives in, looking up at him.

"Because that's who I am."

"One of the many things I adore about you." She leans up, kissing the corner of his mouth.

"That makes me happy." He grins.

"Good." She smiles. "You being happy makes me happy." She says as she lays on the pillows. She moves her hand up his arm as he starts to give her that look. "Mike..." She says as he leans down. " need to get ready." She says just as he brushes his lips over hers.

"I just wanted a kiss first."

"How can I say no to that?"

"I thought so."

She runs her hands up his arms before wrapping them around his neck, pulling him closer to her. He presses his lips to hers, giving her the proper good morning kiss before he has to get ready. She smiles into the kiss as he starts to run his fingers through her hair. Once she feels the kiss had gone on long enough, she starts to pull away.

" get...ready..." She mumbles against his lips since he kept stealing small kisses.


"You can have more later."

"Already planning on it."

"Uh oh."

"Nothing you should worry about though."


Then he moves from the bed to get ready for the long morning he has ahead of him. She lays there, watching him get ready as she snuggles under the blankets trying to get comfortable again. Once he's dressed, he heads into the bathroom to do his hair and such. After he gets his hair all done he walks out to grab his jacket he laid out on the bed.

"What time you going shopping?" He asks as he pulls his jacket on.

"Few hours." She yawns.

"Gives you time to sleep."

"It does...might be hard though."

"I know, because I won't be here."

"That's right. I need my pillow." She sighs. "You already have me spoiled."

"I'll continue to spoil you too."

"Which you do not have to do at all."

"But I want to."

"I know you do, but I don't want you to feel you have to. I am not with you because of that. I am with you for you."

"I don't feel that I have to, I want to. I know you're with me for me."

"As long as you know that. I am not like the other girls."

"I know, that's why I like you."

"I promise I'll never change either."

"I would never want you to."

"Good because I'm not going to."

"And you don't need to."

"I could if you want me to." She jokes.

"I would never ask you to change."

"Alright then." She chuckles.

"Alright, before I go, how do I look?"

"As always you look awesome." She grins.

"That's what I was going for."

"You never disappoint either."

"Good to know."

"Do I get a kiss before you leave?" She fake pouts.

"I would never leave without doing that."

"Yay." She smiles as he walks over to the bed, grinning.

He sits back down on the edge of the bed by her, leaning in for the last time before he has to leave, pressing his lips to hers. They pull away shortly after as he stands and heads for the door.

"I'll be back around noon or so." He says as he opens the door.

She smiles and nods as he walks out. She then lays her head down to get a bit more sleep. Hours pass and we both got up and dressed for the day. I made sure I had everything before going over to Stef's room. After knocking on Stef's door she opened it a short time later.

"Hey, ready to go?"

"Yup, just gotta grab my bag." She says reaching over and grabbing her purse. "All set."

"Off to find you something to wear tonight."

"It has got to be something really good to. I want to leave him speechless."

"I'm good at finding stuff like that."

"I know you are." She chuckles. "Which is why I am glad you can help me."

"I'm always happy to help."

"I know you are." She smiles. "Are we getting anything special for Alex today?" She winks as she nudges me slightly.

"We could if we wanted to."

"I think he would like it. Might even give you something to do after the show." She teases.


"How about we get something to eat before we start or pick something up on the way." Stef suggest as we step off the elevator.

"Sounds good. And we got plenty of time so we can stop somewhere."

"Sounds like a plan to me."

"So when's Mike gonna start training you?"

"He really didn't say, but sometime this week I think."

"I bet you can't wait."

"No, I'm really excited to start up again."

"And hey, you make it into the WWE, we could tag team."

"That would be amazing. Change the division together, make it better than it is now."

"And we could do that together. I'm starting to."

"Right and you are doing a great job at it to. I just hope that they don't start me as a heel right away."

"Right, something you're not comfortable with yet."

"That and we would not be able to work together they way that we would want to."

"That too."

"I'm sure we'll see once that time comes, if it ever does that is."

"It'll probably take some time, but I think it will."


"You're talented enough, there's no reason why you wouldn't make it in."

"True, but getting the big chance might be hard since focus is not on the divas right now."

"The division is like stale right now. Same matches with the same people over and over again. We need new people."

"I agree, but are they really looking for new talent right now."

"They keep signing these girls to FCW...all these girls from the independents."

"So do you really think I have a chance or will I get sent to FCW first?" She chews her lip.

"I think it all depends on a tryout you get. Everyone gets tryouts."

"That would just be amazing...I really hope that helps, plus John will be helping out too."


"Right, I will have all of you helping out too, so I know it will go good."

"Learning everything from us, plus with your experience, there's no doubt in my mind that they'll bring you right up like they did with me."

"Yeah, I just really hope that they think I am good enough. I know you all will support me, but it is all what they want to see."


We had decided to stop somewhere quick and go through the drive-thru so we could eat on the way to the mall. After we got our food, we then arrived at the mall shortly after.

"Okay so where first?"

"How about a dress first then shoes? I already have some jewelry, then we can just get a get extra things."

"Sure, of course."

"Maybe we could even get our nails done too and maybe even our hair?"

"Already was planning on it."

"You would." Stef chuckles. "That is going to be the only thing he gets to see from tonight too."

"He'll be wanting hints the whole rest of the day, I know it."

"He will, but he will not get any. You know I am hard to break."

"Very hard."

"It's going to take him all day and a lot of pleading, which still won't work."

"Of course."

We then find a dress store and head in as we look at all the different dresses on the racks. Stef finds a few that catch her eye, but one that she knows Mike will love. I find a few choices for myself to wear tonight at the show. We then head into the fitting rooms with our choices before trying them on and showing each other. We get to our last choices. Her dress being a pink one, and mine being blue and black.

"You should get that." Stef says to me. "Alex will die when he sees that."

"Well he loves blue on me so, I already know it'll kill him."

"I can just see it now. You will be lucky to leave the room." She laughs.

"I know right?"

"Mike still has yet to see me in this much pink. I wonder what he will think."

"I'm sure he'll love it."

"He probably will."

"Pink is a good color on you, and I'm sure Mike would agree."

"I think so. I wore pink the other day and he could not stop looking at me."



"Even said he wants me to wear it more often."

"I repeat...ooooooooooh."

"I know." She blushes. "Good thing that is all I mostly own, so he got lucky."

"Very lucky."

"So..I'm getting this and you are getting that, right?" Stef asks as she looks in the mirror admiring her dress as he runs her hands down smoothing it out.

"Yes. These dresses are definites for us."

"Oh they are so going to die tonight."

"Big time."

"Should be interesting." She shakes her head laughing as we both head back in the dressing rooms to change into out regular clothes.

After we change, we return the dresses we already tried on to the racks before heading to the register to pay for the ones we picked. Once we pay, we then leave and head over to a shoe store to find heels to go with the dresses. She and I go off in different directions to find what we need. We find a few that we like, but ones that go perfect for what we picked out. I decide on a black strappy faux suede platform dress sandal while Stef chose a satin and metallic strappy heel in a leopard color for her dress.

"I love the shoes you picked out."

"Thanks. I love yours too. might borrow them sometime."

"Oh you can borrow them whenever you want."

"Same goes for mine. I have a few outfits those would go perfect with."

We pay for those and walk out of the store.

"How about nails the hair?"

"Of course. That's essential."

"Right. Then maybe some new lipgloss and other things?" Stef suggests as we head to the nail salon.

"I love that idea."

"Figured you would." She chuckles. "Can never have to much of that."

"So true."

"I'm sure Alex likes them though." She winks as we walk into the salon.

"Oh you have no idea...especially flavored ones."


"He goes a little crazy."


"He has yet to choose a favorite though."

"It's hard to pick just one, especially when you change it up every day."

"Tis true."

"Whatcha gonna get done with your nails?"

"Probably just get a French manicure. I can always paint them later if I wanted to."

"Nice, that's the same thing I am getting too."

"We always think alike."

"We do. That's why we get along so well."


"What plans do you have for you and Alex after the show?"

"Actually we have no plans. Yet anyway."

"Well, we all know how that can change." She teases. "I am sure once he sees you in that dress, he'll have plans."

"Oh I'm sure."

"If you both don't sleep in too late.." She wiggles her brows. "...we should all get breakfast in the morning."

"I'm sure we won't sleep in that late, and that sounds like a good idea."

"Alright, just not too early. You know how I hate mornings" She chuckles.

"Right, right."

"I say about 9 or so. We should all be up by then."

"Yeah, we should be."

"I'll let Mike know when we get back."


Our nails are soon finished with, then we go over to dry them for a bit. Once they are all dry we then head out heading for the hair salon.

"What you thinking of getting done?" Stef asks as we walk into a nearby salon.

"I'm thinking like waves."

"Ooohhh...nice...I'm thinking of getting carmel highlights and maybe a bit shorter."

"I have an idea of what to do later." She adds.


"Something different." She shrugs. "Been thinking about it for awhile. What do you think?"

"I love the idea."

"It's official then. I'm getting it done."

"I think it's gonna look great."

"I'm sure it will. Just the same as my natural only a bit lighter."


"Was thinking of going blonde." She jokes while keeping a stragiht face.


"Yeah. I always wanted to know what it was like to be a blonde so I figured I would try it."


"What do you think Mike will say if I go back blonde?"

"You know, I don't really know. I'm sure he'll love it because it's you and he likes everything about you."

"That's true, but I don't think I would look good as a blonde." She makes a face after thinking about it more.

"Trust me, I've had the same thought about me sometimes with a certain color hair."

"Oh? What color?"

"Oh I've been thinking about a reddish purple. You know how Maria at a time had that color hair? Kind of like that."

"I think that would look good on you actually. You should give it a try."

"Or maybe even a blue, like Melina had at a time before they released her."

"That would look good too."

"I've been debating about changing the color."

"Hmmm...I say you should try the blue then maybe the purple after that fades."

"I'll think about it."

"Alright." She nods.

She then heads up first to get her hair done. They start off by trimming off the ends, not taking off to much before they start to put the dye on her hair. After they got that done she went to sit under a hair dryer to help it set faster. While she was doing that, they called me over to start. After some thinking I've decided to go ahead with the blue. They add the blue into my hair before adding some waves. Then to dry everything, they use a hairdryer. Once they are done with me, they bring Stef back over and take everything off her hair. They wash all the excess dye out of her hair before they blow dry it and straighten it as she asked. After they finish, she turns around to face me since I was sitting nearby."Well..?" She runs her hands through her hair letting it fall over her shoulders. "..whatcha think?"

"I love it."

"Thanks." She smiles. "You looks good too. Love the streak."

"Figured I'd test out a streak before going totally blue."

"Right. Good choice."

"But you know, it's blue...Alex will love it anyway."

"Of course he will."

"I can hear him now..."

"He'll want you to keep it forever."

"No doubt about that."

"Of course." She laughs. "Ready to go get accessories?"

"Yup, all set to go."

We then thank the stylist as we pay then head off to get some more assocceries for the night and later on. When we get there, we split up to find what we wanted. Once we were done, we met at the register to pay for everything.

"Wanna get something to eat on the way back?" Stef asks as we head to the car.

"Yeah, it's well past noontime now so..."

"Wow...didn't realize it was that late." She laughs. "So we shall stop on the way back."

"Time flies when you're not paying attention to it."

"Exactly. Especially when you are having fun doing it too."

"Right." I nod.

We reach the car placing our things carefully in the back before getting in and heading off to grab something to eat on the ride back. When we do get back to the hotel, we see the Mike and Alex's cars, so we know that they're back and obviously waiting for us.

"Looks like they beat us back."

"Oh boy."

"I wouldn't be surprised if Alex isn't in the lobby waiting for you." Stef teases.

"I wouldn't be surprised either." I laugh.

"There's only one way to find out." She chuckles as we get out of the car.

We go into the backseat and grab all our bags and such, lock the car and head inside. As we walk in, we start to head to the elevators. Once there I push the button while we wait for the doors to open. In the distance, Stef hears a familiar voice and starts to get anxious.

"This needs to hurry up." She impatiently bounces where she's standing.

"Why what's wrong?"

"Ziggler." She says quietly hoping he does see or hear her.

Thankfully the elevator dings and the doors open just in time. We hurry inside and Stef pushes the button trying to get the doors to close faster. Once they close she leads against the side of the elevator and sighs in relief.

"That was close. I so don't feel like dealing with him right now."

"I don't blame you."

"He is getting more creepy by the day. Kept staring at me when we were at the pool the other day too."


"Exactly. But Mike and I got him to leave." She bites her lip blushing slightly.


"Yeah..." She smiles. "Mike kinda had a bit to much fun with making him mad too."

"Oh boy."

"Yeah...had to remind him we were at the pool."

"That crazy huh?"

"A bit yeah." She chuckles.

"I repeat again....oooooh."

"Oh stop." She blushes.

The elevator dings again and we reach our floor, stepping out of the elevator. We walk down the hall to our rooms, reaching them quickly.

"So I'll see you at the arena then?"

"Of course." She nods. "Hopefully you guys won't be too late." She teases with a wink.

"I'll make sure we're not."

"I'm sure you will." She laughs. "See you then." She adds as she opens her door.

I then head down a little ways to my room, opening the door and walking in. As soon as I walk in, I look for Alex not finding him until I heard the shower. I put all the stuff that I had gotten today with my things before sprawling out on the bed. Shortly after I had laid down, Alex walked out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel not knowing I was back yet. As soon as I see him out of the corner of my eye, I bite my lip trying not to be noticeable. Thankfully I was quiet enough and he grabbed his clothes and went back into the bathroom to change. I mutter to myself at the thoughts that were in my mind at the moment. Soon Alex comes out fully dressed then notices me on the bed.

"Hey." He smiles. "How long have you been back?" He asks as he walks over to the bed laying down next to me draping his arm over my stomach.

"Oh....long enough."

"Long eno-..oohhh." Alex breaks into a grin. "Saw something you liked?" He smirks.

"Shush..." I try to hide my face as I start to go red.

"Uh hiding." Alex moves my hands from my face.

"I can never hide around you."

"That's right. I want to be able to see that gorgeous face of yours."

"Even when it's all red."

"Even when it's all red." He leans down at kisses me softly. "By the the blue." He grins after pulling away, playing with the streak a bit.

"I knew you would."

"Good choice." He admires it more, running his fingers through it.

"I wanted to test out a streak of color before coloring the whole thing."

"Well it looks really good to me. I think you should do that sometime."

"As long as you're okay with it. I'll do it another time."

"I'm totally fine with it."

"Okay good."

"So...have a good time today?"

"Of course."

"What did you get?" Alex asks curiously.

"Stuff for tonight."

"Any hints?"


"You do know how I love when you wear blue."

"I know."

"Now what should we do?"

"I don't know. What do you have in mind?"

"Well, I was gonna suggest we go do something, but now I am thinking we should stay in." Alex smirks with that look in his eye.

"Uh oh, you have that look in your eye."

"I don't know what you're talking about." He plays it off as he moves his hand from my hair in favor of running it down my arm.

"Uh huh....suuure."

"We could either watch TV and relax or..." Alex presses his lips to mine in a passionate kiss. "...we can do that." He says after pulling away.

"Decisions, decisions."

"Do you really need to think about it?"

" I?" I tease.

"Yes you do."

"Alright then let me think.....very tough decision."

Alex just whines as he lets me decide.

"You're just eager....aren't you?"

"Mhm." Alex grins as he nods.

"I know what I choose....wasn't really tough afterall..."

"You made me wait to long.." Alex pouts. " your in for it." He smirks.

"Uh oh...I'm sorry." I say quickly.

"'re sorry now." He chuckles.

Before I know it, he pulls me close to him and never lets go. He lightly brushes his lips over mine, making me wait before he presses his lips to mine. Since he made me wait, I kiss back eagerly, moving so I'm laying on top of him, and my hands resting on his arms. He runs his hands from my waist, up my sides to my back pressing me as close to him as I could get. I make quiet noises here and there, which he's okay with...for now. He won't let me move right now, so torturing him isn't an option for me at this time. He lets his hands wander all over before he runs his fingers over my skin as he slips his fingers under the bottom of my shirt trying to move it up more. I stop his hands, by grabbing his forearms and I pull from his lips.

"That stays on..."

"...aww..." Alex pouts as he moves his hands to my hips.

"I don't wanna move too fast in this you?"


"Okay good. Because I feel that's moving a little too fast."


"Just got a little to anxious." He adds.

"It's okay."

Alex leans up kissing me quickly.

"How about we relax until we have to leave?" He suggests.

"Sure. It gives you all the time to play with the color streak in my hair." I giggle.

"I do love that streak."

"I know you do." I say, letting him go and moving so that I'm laying next to him instead.

Alex keeps his around around me as he reaches for the remote with his other hand. I snuggle into his side as he looks for something to watch in TV. Once he finds something, he puts the remote down and then proceeds to play with the blue streak in my hair. With Stef, she had just walked into the room and set her bags down when Mike walked out of the bathroom from getting showered and changed. He walks up behind her and wraps his arms around her waist.

"You're back. I missed you."

"Yes I am." She smiles as she turns in his arms. "I missed you too." She kisses his cheek.

"Your hair's different..."

"You don't like it do you?" She bites her lip.

"Are you kidding me? I love it. Why wouldn't I like it?"

"I don't know..." She shrugs as she looks down.

"..let me guess....because of stuff that's happened in the past?" He asks.

"Yeah.." She says quietly. "..I was never 'allowed' to change anything and when I did not go over too well." She sighs blinking to keep the tears from falling.

" should know that I'm not like that. If you wanna change something about yourself, I'm not gonna stop you. And I'll accept it, and love it...just like your hair right now."

"Really?" She looks up at him slowly. "That's the best thing anyone has ever told me." She smiles.

"Really." He smiles.

"Yes." She kissing him on the cheek as she hugs him. "No one has even been this supportive of my decisions, well expect for Shauna."

"Right, well she's your best friend, that's why."

"That's the reason why she is too."

"Well I'm also going to be supportive....100%."

"I could not ask for more from you either...that's all that matters."

"That's right."

"So..." She looks at him as she runs her fingers through his hair. "...what to do until the show?"

"Well....I can't help but admire your hair..."

"Let me want to play with it?"


"Well..are we going to stand here or go lay down for a bit?"

"Oh...lay down for sure...."

"Of course you would pick that." She giggles as Mike's lifts her up bridal style carrying her to the bed.

"Couldn't let me walk?" She giggles.


"Not like I'm going anywhere."


"I don't mind though."

"Of course not." He grins.

"A girl could get used to this."

"Well you sure will being around me."

"I can not thank you enough for how good you have been to me." She smiles as she kisses the corner of his mouth.

"I'll continue to be good to you, because you deserve it."

"Awe Mike." She blushes hiding her face in his shoulder.

"And that's the truth."

"Like I said...I can't thank you enough." She mumbles against his neck still hiding.

He grins, before placing her on the bed and then laying in the spot next to her. She moves her hair off to the side so it will be easier for him to reach. He moves his hand to reach her hair as he starts to run his fingers through it.

"I really love your new hair."

"I'm glad you do." She smiles. "I was thinking of going blonde though."


"Yeah, was thinking of a change...always wanted to know what it would be like to be a blonde."

"Now you've got me curious."

"Maybe I should do that then.." She shifts in her spot to get up.

"Don't move....not now..."

" wanted to know." She shrugs. "I was going to get it done."

"I like your hair how it is right now....maybe another day you can change it to blonde."

"I suppose." She turns over so she is facing him. Biting her lip she gets lost in his eyes that she loves so much and is caught off guard by his lips on hers and his hand moves to her side. He pulls her closer, letting his arm wrap around her. His other hand is in her hair, his fingers running through it and she kisses back eagerly after realizing that he's kissing her.

Her hands move to his hair, her fingers running through it as she presses their bodies closer together. He moves his hand that is not in her hair up her back as he rolls them over so he is hovering her now. This allows his free hand to roam wherever he wants it to. It moves from your back to avoid being squished, down her side slowly before resting on her hip. She moves on hand down to his shoulder resting it there, as her other moves to his cheek as he lightly moves her thumb over his skin gently caressing it. A smile forms on his lips as he continues kissing her. His fingers of the hand that's resting on her hip, slips under her shirt and he starts to lightly draw patterns along her skin with his thumb. She arches her back as goosebumps form on her skin. Moving the hand that was on his shoulder, she brings that to his other cheek, cupping his face as she smiles under the kiss. He pulls away to leans his forehead against her.

"Goosebumps huh?" He chuckles. "I could feel them."

" tickles..." She giggles as she stares into his eyes.

"Oh so you're ticklish there?" He gets a look in his eyes.

"Yes...other places too and don't you dare.."

"Hmmmm....should I take that as a challenge?"

"Noooooo." She shifts trying to get away.

"Oh, you're not going anywhere. I've got you good."

"I can see that." She chuckles. He then moves his fingers along her side making her shift more in her spot. "" She says between laughs.

"I see." He laughs with her.

"What's the magic word to get me to stop?"

"Please." She bats her eyelashes.

"Well actually it was two words...but I'll accept your 'please'." He smiles, kissing her briefly.

"What was the magic word?" She giggles after pulling away. "You're awesome?" She chuckles.


"That was so what it was." She playfully taps his arm as she laughs.

"Yeah, it was."

"It's the truth though..." She pecks his lips. " are awesome."

"Oh, I know."

"Well Mister Awesome...what do you want to do now?"


"Hmmm...I like the sound of that."

"I knew you would."

"We got a long night ahead of us too."

"We do."

"Do I get any kind of hints on what you have planned?"

"Nope...gonna be a surprise."

"Awwww." She pouts, giving her best puppy dog face.

"I want everything to be a surprise."

"I think I can manage." She grins. "Just like you will have to wait."

"Wait for what?"

"To see what I bought today."

"Aww I have to wait?"

"You'll live."

"It'll be worth the me." She adds.

"I'm sure it will be." He brushes his lips over hers.

"It'll be hard to wait for sure."

"No hints either." She adds.


"All you will get to see if my hair, makeup, and jewelry. What I picked you will see after the show."

"I guess I can live with that."

"You'll make it."

"I can try."

"Will this help?" She pulls him down, pressing her lips to his, giving him a long lingering kiss.

"That....that works.....for now..."

"For now?" She raises a brow.

"Keep doing that through the night and I should be okay."

" would like that wouldn't you?"

"Very much."

"What happens if I don't?"

"I think you know what will happen."

"Do I?"

"You do."

"I'm starting to remember now." She runs her hands through his hair as they look into each others eyes. She then sees Mike's eyes move in the direction of her neck. "Uh oh."

He just smirks, as he looks back into her eyes.

"Going to be sneaky I see."


"I know that look." She shakes her head shifting in her spot. "You so are."

"Maybe I am. You'll never know when."

"I guess I'm going to have to keep my eye on you."

"It seems so."

"Hmmm...are you gonna let go at some point today or are we going to stay like this all day?" She asks since Mike is still hovering her with his hands on her hips.

"I'm comfortable like this. Unless you want me to move..."

"No!" She hold his arms so he can't move. "I never said I minded."

"I'm only kidding. I don't want to move."


"How we're gonna relax like this, I have no idea." He chuckles.

"How about we switch? I lay on you?"

"I think that would be a better idea. I don't want to squish you."

"That would not be good."

"No it wouldn't."

He then moves his hands so they are able to switch spots. Once he is on his back, he pulls her right on top holding her in place.

"Was I going to slow?" She giggles as she rest her hands on his chest as she looks up at him.

"Just a bit."


"It's okay."

"This is much better." She lays her head on his chest.

"I agree." He grins.

"How much longer until we have to leave?" She tries to hide a yawn.

"Hours...plenty of time."

"I think I could use a nap..."


"A little."

"You can nap, it's okay."

"That might be a good idea."

"You nap, I'll make sure you're up in time to get ready for the show."

"Alright." She yawns again. "No peeking in the bags either."

"I promise."

"Thank you." She smiles giving him a quick kiss before laying on is chest again.

"You're welcome."

She smiles to herself as Mike runs one hand through her hair while his other moves up and down her back. She relaxes just enjoying the soothing motion of his fingers. Soon she stops fighting the heaviness of her eyes and she is soon asleep. Noticing that her breathing calmed, Mike looked down to see her sleeping as he smiled down at her. He moved some hair off her face, tucking it behind her ear as he ran his thumb over her cheek. He leans down and kisses the top of her head before getting more comfortable in his spot. The time seemed to go by quickly and Alex and I were busy getting ready for the show.

"You get to finally see what you've been waiting for all day." I say from the bathroom.

"I can't wait until you come out of there so I can see it."

"I can hear the anticipation in your voice."

"I'm just that excited to see how you look in whatever it is you got."

"Oh I know."

"Well..." Alex gets impatient. " much longer?" He whines.

"I'm almost done."

Alex whines a bit more, but decides to be patient and wait on the bed. Since I decided to save time with putting my shoes on in the bathroom too, that's what took me so long. I finish and open the bathroom door, walking out. As I walk out I see Alex has his attention fixed on the direction of the bathroom.

"Sh-Shauna..." Alex stutters as he looks me over. " look..." He stands up walking over to me. "...absolutely stunning." He finishes as he rests one hand on my hip, the other hand running over my bare shoulder.

"I knew you'd be semi speechless."

"I-I really"

"I would say that I'll try to not be distracting to you tonight, but clearly that won't work."

"It'll be hard, but I think I can manage to stay focused."

"Are you sure now?"

"I'm sure."

"You have that look in your eyes. Let's go before you do something and we never leave."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." He chuckles.

"Uh huh, suuure."

"I'm serious." He leans down giving me a quick kiss.

"Of course you are."

"But I do think we should go...I know you." I add. "You can change your mind in an instant."

"That I can and I just might.."

"No no no, let's go."

"Awww...if we have to." Alex pouts.

"You might have a match tonight...."

"..won't know until we get there."

"Which is why we shouldn't be late."


"I can still be touchy on the way out right?" He asks.

"As long as you behave, I don't see why not."


"Goof." I laugh as I shake my head.

We grab our things, before heading out the door, Alex's arm staying around my shoulders as we head to the elevator. Once the doors opened we stepped in and waited for it to reach the lobby. After the doors opened we then headed out to the car so we could head to the arena.

"I'll drive." Alex says.

"Alright." I nod as we put our things in the back before getting in.

In the meantime, Stef's getting ready in the bathroom herself, just seconds away from finishing. She had just gotten her hair done how she wanted it for later so all she had to do was touch up her makeup. Once that was done, she walked out, then over to the bed to put on her shoes.

"So that's all I get to see until the date?"

"For now...yes."

"I can live with that."

"Maybe I'll change a bit earlier than I planned too..."

"I would love that."

"Of course you would." She giggles. "I'll think about it."

"Don't want to have you distracted or anything tonight." She adds, sliding on her last heel.

"Darn, that's true."

"Exactly. We need you focused so that title stays where it belongs." She stands, walking over to get her bag with her dress. "But if you think you can stay focused, I'll put on what I have in here on early." She pats the bag as she walks over to him.

"Let me think about that."

"Alright." She chuckles.

"We'll see how long I last when we get there."

"Just let me know and I'll change whenever you want me to."


She then gets the last of the things that she needs.

"Ready?" She turns to Mike.


She walks over to the door, followed by Mike. He takes his fingers lacing them with hers as they head to the elevator. After getting to the lobby, they head out to the car, put their things in the back and get into the car before pulling out of the parking lot and heading to the arena. When they arrive at the arena, they get their things out of the back before heading into the locker room. Once there, they find me and Alex sitting on the couch. "I see we were right about him loving the color streak in your hair." She giggles as she sees Alex playing with it.

"He's been playing with it all day."

"Of course he has."

They set their bags down and walk over to the empty couch sitting down. Once they sit, Mike pulls Stef close to him.

"Tonight, you are not leaving alone." Mike states as he wraps his arm around her.

"I know." She sighs.

"I won't make that mistake, promise."

"Good. I don't want him near you at all."

"I know."

"I don't plan on going anywhere, so no worries."


She leans into him as he pulls her closer placing a kiss on the top of her head.

"Shauna, you got a match tonight?"

"I actually have the night off."

"Nice. Should be an easy night then."

"Indeed it should be."

"What about you Alex?"

"I know there's a number one contender match, to see who faces me next for the title...."


"Any idea who is in the match?"

"Zack and Drew."

"Oh..." She bites her lip, hearing Drew's name. "...I'm happy for Zack though....Drew not so much."

"What about you Mike?"

"Same thing, only it is Orton and Sheamus."


"Honestly, I don't like either of them." Stef sighs. "They are both a bit....crazy."

"Just a bit."

"I just don't like their characters. Not trustworthy at all."

"Yeah I wouldn't trust character."

"Their characters are not the best, but not many people trust me in character either." Mike points out.

"True. You all just fit the part so well."

"It's like you all were born to play the characters."

"It's just our nature."

"You should go back to being the heel. You were so good at it." I say to Alex.

"He did learn from the best." Mike brags.

"Stop." Stef playfully swats him.

"Yes I did learn from the best, but ever since the split and me going face the fans have been more supportive and that is what Vince wants."

"I miss the vest."

"Maybe I'll bring it back just for you."

"And I miss the black bombers vest too."

"I do still have all that. I could slowly bring it back, but it will be a surprise when I do."

"You just need to wear it more to the ring. My favorite part of your attire was the vests."

"Had I known that, I would have found a way to keep them."

"But you can at least bring the black one back. Can't really bring the blue one back. That was your heel character."

"True...maybe the next PPV I'll bring it back."


"We'll I said...a surprise."

"Right, right."

"Speaking of surprises.." Mike looks down at Stef. "..when do I get to see what you have for tonight?"

"Soon." She pats his leg. "We just got here. Patience." She chuckles.

"Patience isn't my best quality."

"I can see that." She laughs. "But, since you don't have a match.." She trails off. "..maybe I will change early."

"I hope so."

"How about right after the show starts." She looks at him. "After we are alone?" She whispers for him to hear.

He turns and nods. She just at the expression on his face.

"And since I don't have a match really, we can always leave early too."

"You know my answer to that." Alex grins.

"Of course I do."

"As soon as I am done we are going back then."

"Sounds like a plan."

We then turn our attention to the TV in the room as the intro for RAW starts to play. This week, Punk starts the show off. He talks about the WWE Championship and all that like he used to before. He goes on to complain how he should be in the match tonight and how he deserves another chance at the title.

"He complains too much."

"He does. He had his chance now he needs to go to the back of the line.


Punk kept going on about how Mike did not deserve the title and how it belongs with him when he was interrupted By Randy coming out.

"Someone's in trouble." I snicker.

"Looks like it."

"I call an RKO being given."

"I so see that happening too."

"I say doooo it."

"Things are not looking good for Punk...he needs to back off Randy before.." Before Stef could finish what she was saying Randy gave Punk his famous RKO shutting him up right away.

"Goodnight." I laugh.


"It seems like Randy is trying to make a statement there."

"It does, but I've faced him before and can do it again." Mike says.

"And you can beat him too."

"I know that I can. That's how I got the title the first time."

"Granted he was injured, but still."

"That's how it goes though. He was hurt and that was the perfect time to cash in the briefcase."

"And people gave you so much grief for that. When that's what every single money in the bank winner has done."

"Exactly. All the hate made me better and hold the title for longer."

"You should break your record this time around."

"I plan on doing that." Mike grins. "As long as I have my good luck charm here." He smirks squeezing Stef's arm making her blush.


"Miiiike.." She blushes looking down covering her face with her hand. " love doing that to me, don't you."

"I'm speaking the truth though."

"I know." She smiles behind her hand. "I'll be there for you always."

"I'm glad."

Just then there was a knock on the door for Alex since the number one contender match was next.

"Looks like we have to go out there to watch the match..."

"Hopefully it won't take too long."

"Gives you two, alone time." I tease, as Alex and I get up.

"Oh hush." Stef blushes.

"Don't have too much fun."

"No promises." Mike grins.

"Oh of course." I laugh, Alex and I leaving.

"They really did hit it off." Alex says as we walk to the curtain and waiting to go out.

"So..." Mike looks down smirking at Stef. "...can I see now?"

"Hmmm..." She pretends to think. "...I don't know." She says slowly messing with him.


"Oh alright." She chuckles. She then goes to stand only to have Mike pull her down stealing a kiss. After pulling away she grabs her bag and heads to the changing area in the room. It does not take long for her to change before she walks out in her pink halter top dress that is tight to her body. She sets her bag down before walking in front of Mike waiting for his reaction. At first he's almost speechless, but he can't stop staring.

" look....I'm speechless."

"I kinda figured you would be." She runs her hands down her dress. "If I am to distracting I can go change?" She steps away.

"Oh no no no no, don't go change."

"Are you sure now?"

"100 percent."

She then walks over to the couch next to him sitting down only for him to pull her on his lap.

"To far?" She giggles.

"Just a bit."

"I like this better." Her one hand lays on his shoulder as she slides the other around his neck playing with the bottom of his hair.

"So do I." He grins.

"Uh oh." He then wraps his arms around her waist pulling her closer to him, pressing his lips to hers. He holds the kiss as long as he can until she pulls way when his hands wander.

"" She mumbles against his lips.

"No one can come in..."

"Shauna and Alex will though."

"I think she'll make sure they knock before coming back in."

"I don't-" He cuts her off by pressing his lips to hers once again.

His arms wrap around her waist, holding her tight as he kisses her, keeping her in the spot on his lap. Her hand moves from his shoulder to his cheek as her lets her nails from her other hand run over he skin of his neck. Then something happens that she would never expect to come from him. She hears the faint sound of a growl. Mike then starts to deepen the kiss more, only breaking for air when needed. Instead of going for her lips this time he goes for her neck like he was able to do at the pool. He gently nips as he moves around looking for her sensitive spot. A smirks appears as he brushes his lips over a spot that causes her to tense a bit making her bite her lip. He knows that he's bound to get a sound out of her, so he continues, keeping his lips on the spot and occasionally nips gently at it. Her hold on his neck gets a bit tighter and soon she can not hold in the noise any longer, muffling it into his shoulder. Even after he hears that, he keeps going. Only because he's plans on leaving a noticeable mark there. She keeps her face buried in his shoulder as she moves her fingers to his hair, tugging it. Once he feels that he's done enough to leave a noticeable mark, he pulls away and takes a look at what he did. He smirks in triumph as he sees a mark forming.

"...Mike..." She tries catching her breath. " left a mark, didn't you?" She adds, her head still buried in his shoulder so she can't see the look on his face.


She turns her head so she's facing him. "You did. I can tell by the look on your face."

"Couldn't help myself."

"Of course not." She laughs. "As long as it can be covered..." She sees him get that look on his face. "...well, I guess the hair is coming down early tonight."


"How am I going to cover it then?"

"I see the problem...I guess that's the only way you can....,my bad."

"Don't everyone will know I'm with you." She pecks his lips. "If it makes you happy, I'll leave it up and see if Shauna can help cover it."


"Alright." She chuckles. "Just because you asked so nicely."


"They should be back soon.." She turns to the TV. "...looks like the match is almost over."

"Zack may have this...."

"Let's hope so." Stef bites her nails. Before they know it, Drew hit Zack with the Future Shock DDT and goes for the pin.

"No No No No No No."

The ref moves in and starts to count. It looks like Zack may get a shoulder up, but it is to late and Drew picks up the win.

"Crap." Stef sighs.

"Zack would have been easier, but I know Alex will be able to beat Drew."

"Of course. Plus it'd be dumb to have Alex lose that title now."

"Exactly. There's nothing to worry about just yet."

After winning the match and his celebration, Drew makes his way out of the ring and over to where Alex and I were sitting, obviously wanting a confrontation. Alex puts his arm in front of me in case Drew decides to try anything. Drew starts mouthing off, only audible to us and those around us, barely audible to the cameras.

"Drew is asking for it." Mike shakes his head.

"He better not hurt Shauna." Stef says worried.

Just then Drew steps closer to Alex pushing him back in the chair he was sitting in. He then turns to me and his expression changes and he's trying to get on my good side and be all flirty. I know it's just a ploy, so when he goes to grab my hand to be all gentleman-like, I retract it and then reach out and slap him so hard that he stumbles away.


Alex notices then steps in front of me blocking Drew from coming closer.

"Come on...let's go..." Alex says to me, keeping me behind him as we back away from Drew to head back.

We walk up the ramp glancing back at Drew who is holding his face with a scowl on his face. I throw him a smirk over my shoulder as we walk behind the curtain.

"Ugh, thank god for carrying around sanitizer in my bag." I make a face of disgust.

"He is going to regret doing that next time I see him."

"The pay-per-view..."

"I'll be careful..don't worry."

"I know. I just want to disinfect my hand and we can leave earlier than planned. I don't want to be around much longer after what happened out there."

"That's a good idea. Who knows what he might try."

"I bet he's working with Wade on this one. They are like the best of friends afterall."

"They might, but nothing is going to happen. Trust me." Alex pulls me closer to him.

"What if he shows up at the pay-per-view..."

"If he does, you will stay back with Mike and Stef so nothing will happen."

"So basically no matter what, whether he's there or not, I have to stay backstage next Sunday...."

"I don't want to take the chance of anything could be Wade or Drew.." Alex sighs. "...we'll never know."

"I don't want a repeat of last time..." He adds.

" we are playing it safe for now."


"Nothing is going to happen to you."

We then stop at the locker room door and Alex turns me to face him, lifting my chin so I am looking in his eyes. "I promise. You are not going anywhere as long as I can help it." He leans down giving me a soft kiss, his hand still under my chin.

"I know..." I say when he pulls away.

"I say we get out of here and get your mind off everything..."

"I think that would be good."

"Let's go then."

"Just let me tell Stef and Mike that we're leaving just so they don't worry or something."

"That's fine."

Knowing that she and Mike were having the alone time, I knock before deciding to head in. After hearing Stef say we could come in, we opened the door walking in.

"Hey, we're gonna head back to the hotel now."

"Oh...alright." Stef looks at me. "Do you think you could help me with something real quick?"


"I'll be right back." She looks at Mike then stands. She then grabs her bag with some extra makeup and motions for me to follow her.

"I'll be back too." I say to Alex before following.

We then walk into the changing area as Stef sets her bag on the counter. "Ok...I need your help to cover this up." She points to the spot on her neck.

Shauna RileyDiBiase says:


"He went a bit crazy." She laughs looking in the mirror. "Ok...more than crazy..." She notices how big it was.

"Let me guess....couldn't help himself?"

"I'm guessing was after I changed, so.." She shrugs.

" made him go crazy." I add.

"Yes...he could not even talk."

"You did good then."

"I would say I did."

"I think I could cover that up."

"Good, since he wants me to keep my hair like this."

"Of course."

I then take out some cover up and start to hide what Mike had left. It took some time, but soon it was covered up enough to not be to noticeable.

"Thanks." Stef says turning to look in the mirror as I put the other stuff away.

"You're welcome."

"What happened out there with Drew?" Stef stops me as we start to walk out.

"....I think it has something to do with Wade..."

"Oh no....that can not be good." She sighs. "I'm sure Alex will not let anything happen to you." She puts her hand on my shoulder.

"He already said he wouldn't let anything happen. Because of what happened though, that's why we're leaving earlier than we said we would."

"I don't blame you. It's better to be back at the hotel where it is safe than here where something could happen."

"I don't know, I just have a bad feeling about all of this...."

"You think Wade is here somewhere, don't you."

"Him and Drew are like the best of friends, I know they are. Wade's been MIA for a while since I stopped him from taking me away from Alex that one night. I haven't seen him since, but I don't know what it is. Something doesn't feel right."

"You did hit him pretty hard." Stef laughs. "I know how your feelings are...I get them too. Let's just hope that this time the feeling is wrong and Wade and Drew don't try anything."

"Right." I nod.

"Alex will do anything to make sure nothing happens to you."

"I know."

"How about we head back out there so you can get out of here and get your mind off everything?"

"Good idea."

"It's going to be alright." She pulls me into a quick hug before we head back out to the guys.

"All set?" Mike asks.


"How about we get out of here now?" Alex asks.

"That sounds like a good idea." I nod.

"We'll see you both later." Alex says as he puts his arm around me. We then get whatever we brought before heading out to the car.

Every little area I could think of Wade being able to hide, I cautiously looked at as we walked by. Every hallway he could be down, I made sure to check, just being very paranoid. We made it to the parking lot without a problem, until I heard something behind us. I turned around just in time to see someone go back into the shadows.

"What's wrong?" Alex asks since I slowed my pace a bit.

"I thought I heard something...."

Alex looks over his shoulder, not seeing anything. "Maybe it was an animal or something?"


"Lets just hurry and get out of here." I add.

We get to the car, putting everything in the backseat before getting in ourselves. Then we head back to the hotel. I rest my head on the seat on relief as Alex takes my hand in his. The ride was fairly quiet as I could not shake the feeling I was having. Soon we pulled in the parking lot of the hotel. After parking, we grab our things from the back, Alex locks the car and we head inside. The whole way up I keep looking around for any sign of Wade. Luckily the elevator does not take long and we head right in. Alex keeps me close to his side as we wait until the doors open again. We get out and head to our room. Once the door shuts I feel a bit more at ease. I take my shoes off and just go right over to the back, falling back on it, sighing. After getting his shoes and jacket off, Alex walks over to the bed then lays down next to me as he drapes his arm over my stomach.

"Feel better now?"

"A little..."

"We're back here and you are safe. Nothing to worry about now." Alex kisses me gently as he caresses my cheek.

"....something was in the shadows when we left. It wasn't an animal Alex. Too tall to be an animal."

Alex lets out a sigh. "He is not going to get you. I will make sure of that and so will Mike. No one is going to take you away." Alex tries calming me down. "I can even have a few others keep a look out for Wade and make sure nothing happens too."

"I understand that but....." I trail off, sighing. "....I don't know."

"Listen.." Alex cups my face looking right into my eyes. "...he is not going to take you away from me. He may try, but he will not succeed. I will make sure of that. As long as you are with me, that is where you are going to stay."

I just nod, and move closer to him. Alex moves his hands through my hair, since that always seems to calm me down. After a while, I find him going over the same piece of hair over and over again.

"Still can't seem to stop playing with the blue color streak can you?" I giggle.

"No." Alex chuckles. "I love it."

"You can't play with it all night you know."

"I know, but I can right now."

"Yes you can, because I'm not moving."

"That's right. You're not." Alex pulls me closer to him.

"I will have to move when we decide to go to bed though. Can't really sleep in a dress."

"True, but for now you are staying here."

In the meantime, Stef and Mike had just finished watched the number one contender match for the WWE Championship. In the end it was Randy who had won, and earned the right to face Mike next Sunday at the Pay-Per-View.

"I was kind of hoping it would be Sheamus you were facing." She sighs.

"He's not really that easy to beat himself. I don't think it would matter who won. Both are dangerous in their own way."

"At least you can get away from the Brouge kick, the RKO is harder to get away from though."

"I've reversed it a few times. It's all about doing things at the right time."

"Right." She bites her lip. "I sill don't trust him." She mutters.

"He's not one to trust. I agree with you there."

"I just...I don't know." She says uneasy trying to hide it.

"I have almost two weeks to prepare."

"True." She smiles. "You'll be more than ready. I know you will be."

"I'm always ready. Speaking of ready..we have a date to go on now."

"We do." She smiles. "Let's head out of here."

"I'm glad you could get that mark covered up by the way."

"It was all Shauna. She's a miracle worker."

"I thank her for doing that."

"So do I." She grabs her bag before Mike and her head to the door. "I can only imagine the looks I would get."


"Especially know..."

"Actually the look on his face would be hilarious. I can see it now...." Mike trails off, making a face that Ziggler would make.

She can't help but laugh.

"That is so him too. I would love to see that."

"Well that mark will last at least a week or so. Maybe we'll get lucky this week and he'll see it." Mike chuckles.

"You did that on purpose didn't you. Just so he would see it."


"I'm glad though. Maybe he will get the hint and leave me alone now."


"I really hope so. He creeps me out." She shudders.

"He creeps a lot of people out."

"If he was not so touchy, it wouldn't bother me as much."

"Don't worry, I can keep him away from you."

"Thank you." She leans up to kiss his cheek. As she pulls away, the sound of someone clearing their throat makes her look behind them. "Ugh." She rolls her eyes as she sees Ziggler glaring at them.

"And what do you want?"

"I just wanted to see Stef. Is that a problem?" Dolph says stepping closer.

"Why do you want to see her? Clearly she's not interested."

"She's just hiding it. I know she wants this." He moves his hands down in front of him.

"Please." She rolls her eyes disgusted.

Let's just go before he gets too weird." Mike mutters to her quietly.

She nods as they turn back around to leave, only to have Dolph grab her arm, turning her back around to face him.

"What the hell do you want?!" She snaps at him.

"How about you come out with me tonight?" He smirks, looking her up and down.

"How about no!" She steps back behind Mike.

"And what is that?!" Dolph points to her neck.

"None of your business."

"Come on Stef, let's go..." Mike says, starting to back the both of them up.

"I'll see you around sexy." Dolph makes a kiss face at her before walking off. "He just had to ruin it." She mutters.

"Nothing's ruined. If he rubbed some of the makeup off of your neck, that's okay. We're still going out."

"Good." She leans into him. "I'm really looking forward to tonight."

"So am I."

They finally make it outside and to the car. They put their bags in the back before getting in and heading off to where ever Mike has planned.

"Now this will be a surprise, which means no hints."

"You're just lucky I'm not from here so I have no idea anyway." She laughs.

"You'll love it though."

"I'll love anything you surprise me with."

"Good." He smiles.

They then drive for a bit before Mike tells her to close her eyes, wanting it to be a surprise. After finding a spot to park, he gets out then goes over to help her. He walks her up a little walk way before opening the doors. Once they are in he tells her to open her eyes. As she opens them, she sees that it is an aquarium themed restaurant.

"Mike..." She gasps as she looks around at all the tanks of fish.

"Thought we'd try something different for dinner this time."

"It-it's perfect." She turns to kiss him. "I love it."

"I'm glad."

"I love fish too. They are so pretty." She looks in a tank with different fish that are shades of pink, orange, and blue. As she's looking, the host comes over to take them to their seats.

Once seated, they're given two menus. A wine menu for the drinks and a regular menu for the food and if don't want wine as a drink. As she looks over the menu, Mike went ahead and ordered a bottle of wine for them before he looked at his menu.

"You didn't have to get their best one."

"You deserve the best."

"Awww Mike..." She blushes. "..thank you, but you really didn't have to."

"I wanted to."

"I know. Thank you." She smiles.

"You're very welcome."

Soon the waiter came over with the bottle of wine and took their orders. They sat there talking as they sipped at their drinks, watching all the different kind of fish swimming around.

"We should definitely come here again, next time we're in town."

"Definitely. This place is amazing."

"How'd you know I liked fish?" She asks.

" had some fish related things in your room back at your house and Shauna might have mentioned it."

"Oh she would."

"Gave me the idea for tonight."

"Looks like I'll have to thank her."

"She told me a few other things, but you will have to wait to find out what I know."

"Oh boy."

"You'll never know what will happen or when either."

"Can't wait...sneaky."

"Yes, yes I am." Mike grins.

Soon their food comes and is placed in front of them. They eat and talk amongst each other.

"I think that fish behind you in the tank likes you." Mike chuckles.

"He is kinda cute." She turns around to see the fish against the glass, looking at her.

"But not cuter than me right?"

"I don't know.." She teases. "..he has a pretty adorable fishy face."

"You haven't seen mine..."

"True...lets see it then."

"Alright...prepare yourself for pure cuteness." He says, before doing his best fish face.

She can't help but to die a bit on the inside, but decides to mess with him. "Hmm...I don't know..." She looks at him, then the fish, then back again.

"...that's a tough decision."

"Awww come on. I'm way cuter than that fish."

After some debating, she gives in. "You know I'm just messing with you." She laughs. "Of course you are cuter than the fish."

"I thought so."

"Plus I can't kiss a fish."


"So what's after this? The hotel?"

"Yeah. I figured it's been a long night, you probably want to relax after this..especially after what happened before we left the arena."

"True. It will be nice to just relax, as long as you are there I don't care what we do."

"I feel the exact same way."

"Then after here we will just go back and relax, since you already had your fun for the night."


They soon finish eating, but decide to sit there for a bit looking at all the fist as they finish up with the wine. Once they were all done with that, Mike paid the bill before they headed out to the car. He opens her door for her once he unlocks it. She thanks him before he closes her door, then going over to the other side. Once he's in, he starts the car and then heads for the hotel.

"Tonight has been perfect."

"Not as perfect as you were." Mike says.


"You're what made the night perfect for me."

"You're being too sweet."

"You deserve it and that is the truth." Mike takes her hand, kissing the back of it as he keeps his eyes on the road.

"I repeat....awwww."

"I'll tell you all the time too."

"Looking forward to it."

Mike glances over at her, flashing her his smile that makes her melt, as he pulls into the parking lot. He parks the car, then gets out and walks over to her door, opening it for her. After opening it, Mike puts his arm around her waist, resting his hand on her hip as she leans into his side, them heading into the hotel. They step into the elevator and head up to their room. Once off the elevator, they head to the room. Mike unlocks the door and they walk in. she heads right to her bag to get clothes to change into as Mike groans at the dress having to come off.

"I'll wear another one again...don't worry." She pats his shoulder as she walks by him on her way to the bathroom.

"I'm keeping you to that."

"Of course you are." She chuckles.

Then she heads into the bathroom to change out of the dress. She wipes all the makeup off her face before putting on what she picked out, which was a simple cami top and boy shorts. After she was done, she got her dress and then walked out to put it with her other things. Once she was done, she walked over to the bed where Mike was already waiting.

"You're staring." She giggles.

"I can't help it." Mike pulls her close to him. "Tu Si Belle." He whispers to her.

"Merci." I smile as I peck his lips.

"So, I see you know French too."

"Just a little bit. Been years since I spoke it."


"So I know a some, but not a lot." She lays her head on his chest, trying to hide a yawn.

"I know my fair share from all the traveling."

"I bet you do. You've been all over so I'm sure you've learned a lot."

"I have. It's fun to heckle people in their own foreign language." He chuckles.

"They think you don't know what they are saying and you surprise them with a comeback."


She then tries to hide another yawn, but this time Mike catches it.

"Someone's tired."

"No...not really." She lies, not wanting to sleep just yet even though her eyes keep closing.

"I know you're tired. You can't hide it from me."

"I don't want to sleep yet." She whines a bit, putting on her pouty face.

"You can barely stay awake as it is..."

"...maybe I should help you sleep." He starts to run his fingers though her hair.

"You know what that does to me.." She mumbles as her eyes start to close.

"Yes, I know."

She goes to say something, but it never makes it out since her eyes closed and she drifted off to sleep as the motion of his hand and the sound of his heartbeat put her to sleep. He quietly says goodnight to her, before kissing the top of her head, reaching over and turning out the light and going to sleep himself. Alex and I had just gotten changed and in bed ourselves. I was laying on his chest as he was running his hand up and down my arm. I was starting to get tired, but I kept myself awake.

"I think you should get some sleep. I know you're tired."


"I know tonight got to you, but I am going to be here. I'm not going anywhere." Alex kisses the top of my head. "Don't worry. I'll be here when you get up."

"I know."

"If you sleep you will feel better. It has been a long night for the both of us."

"It has." I nod.

"So sleep and tomorrow we can stay in bed as long as you want."

I nod again. Since the lights were off in the room, the only light source coming into the room is from under the door from out in the hallway. As I'm starting to drift off, I see a shadow outside the door. It sits there for a while, before finally moving away, the light coming into the room from under the door once again. I snuggle closer to Alex, and close my eyes in hopes of not seeing that again. Alex pulls me closer to him, sensing something scared me. He tilted his head to the door, before turning back to me. He keeps ribbing my back as he whispers sweet little words in my ear. It's not too long after that, when I fall asleep and he joins shortly after.