Status: Active

The Chance of a Lifetime

Training Day

Another house show tonight, but at least it's the last one before the weekend. Mike has the night off, because he talked to Vince about training a possible new Diva...Stefanie. Vince had approved and he wanted a full report on her skills Monday morning. After Mike got done talking to Vince, he made his way back over to the bed since Stef was in and out of sleep, not wanting to get up just yet. He climbs back into bed and wraps an arm around her, pulling her closer to him. He then presses a kiss to the back of her neck.

"Mmm." She sighs in content as she leans back into his touch, just enjoying the feeling.

"You don't have to get up just yet. I've got the day off, so we won't be going to the house show tonight."

"That sounds nice." She mumbles into her pillow. " have the night off?" She rolls on her back to face him.

"I just got off the phone with Vince. I talked to him about training you to be a possible new Diva and he liked the idea. So he's allowing me to have the night off and all I have to do is give him a report of your skills Monday morning."

"He liked the idea?" She smiles. "Well I'm glad you have the night off." She leans up, kissing him quick before laying down. "When did you want to start the training?" She moves closer to him, snuggling into him more.

"Yes he did. And we can start training whenever you feel up for it."

"We can do it today, but I don't want to get up just yet."

"That's fine. No rush."

"By the way..." She giggles. "Love the hair." She laughs at it being all messy as she brings her hands up and ruffles it more.

"The before awesome look and only you get to see it."

"I'm glad...I find this look very sexy." She bites her lip.

"Oh really?"

"Mhm." She nods, still biting her lip while she plays with his hair.

"Better enjoy it now, because once we're ready to go...the fauxhawk gets made."

"Oh I find that very attractive too, but I love this look on you as well."

"Good to know."

She lets out a laugh as she keeps running her fingers through his hair just having fun messing it up more.

"You're having way too much fun with this." He chuckles.

"Yes I am." She lets one hand fall to his shoulder while the other is still in his hair.

He grins and after looking into her eyes for a few seconds or so, he leans in and gives her a good morning kiss. She relaxes her hand that was in his hair, letting it fall to his other shoulder as she pulls him a bit closer, just enjoying the kiss.

"When you're up and ready for the day, I'll give you a proper good morning kiss." He smirks after pulling away.

"Maybe I should do that then.." She pretends to think.

"Unless you'd rather wait..."

"...hmmm...I think you know my answer to that." She grins.

"Waiting it is then."

"Gives me more time to do this.." She moves her hands back to his hair, playing with it more.

"You can have all the time you want to do that."

"Good." She giggles. "It's fun." She moves her fingers to the nape of his neck, playing with the short part of his hair.

"I can play with your hair too." He chuckles.

"I'm surprised you haven't yet." She chuckles back.

"I'm letting you have your fun first."

"I could do this all day."

"But we of course have to get some training done today, so you can't do it all day technically."

"Right, but a girl can try."

"Yes, you can."

"Although I know I do have to stop soon." She pouts slightly.


"As long as I can do this later, then I don't mind."

"Of course you can."

"Yayy." She smiles, while slowly moving her hands from his hair.

"Now...I think you should get ready. We can get breakfast first if you want, before training."

"Mmm...sounds like a plan." She arches her back, stretching a bit. "You're gonna have to let me up in order for all that to happen though."

"Right." He nods, letting her go.

She then sits up on the bed as she swings her legs over the side, stretching a bit more. She feels the bed move, then arms go around her waist and a kiss to her shoulder. She leans back into his touch before he lets her get up. Getting some workout clothes, she heads into the bathroom to get ready. She decided on a pair of black shorts, with a black sports bra type top, then had a loose fitting pink tank over it. She pulled her hair up into a ponytail and did her makeup lightly. She sprayed herself with some body mist and added some coconut lip gloss before grabbing her night clothes and walking back into the room. Mike had gotten changed himself, dressed in shorts and a sleeveless shirt. He was just getting sneakers on when she walked out. She bites her lip at seeing him in that shirt as she makes her way to her bag. She grabs her sneakers, then sits on the bed to put them on.

"So I think the training will start out with the basics. You know...seeing how you bounce off the ropes and such. Won't do anything too fancy just yet."

"Okay. Just easy stuff for now then."

"Right, and if you want, you can show me what you already know."

"I could, if you think you can handle it." She jokes.

"I'm pretty sure I can handle it." He chuckles.

"That's right. You're mister tough guy." She tries not to laugh.

"I am." He nods.

"We'll see after you get beat by a girl, now won't we."

"We'll see alright, and I won't be beat by a girl."

"Bring it on then." She playfully challenges.

"Oh, it's on."

"You're so gonna get it." She chuckles.


"Gotta love the cockiness of yours." She shakes her head.

"I know you do." He smirks.

"Oh Mike." She laughs, picking up her bag. "What to do with you?"

"Adore me?"

"I already do. Kinda hard not to." She smiles as he walks over to her, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"Is that...coconut?" He gets the scent of her lip gloss.

"Mhm." She nods, biting her lip slightly.

"I love it."

"Good to know." She hooks one arm around his neck, keeping the one with her bag to the side. Her fingers instantly go to his hair, lightly running through it.

"Try not to mess the fauxhawk up." He chuckles.

"I has to be perfect." She brushes her lips over his, just enough for him to get a taste of her lip gloss.

"That's all you get."

"Awww..." Mike whines. "...although....I do still owe you a proper good morning kiss..."


Mike then grins before pressing his lips to hers. He wraps his arms around her waist more, pulling her closer to him. He tries to take most of her lip gloss off, but she pull away before he can.

"...more...later." She manages to say after pulling away.

"But most of it is gone already. Why not finish the job?"

"You would like that, wouldn't you." She tries not to give in.

"Yes, I would."

"I could always put more on..."


Mike gives her the puppy dog face that she just can't resist. She pulls him closer and lets him get the rest off. Once he is sure he got it all, he pulls away, resting his forehead against hers.

" to...function again..." She tries catching her breath.

"My bad for you losing function." He chuckles.

"You know what you're doing." She looks at him. "Not that I mind though."

"Of course not."

"If only we could stay here all day, but we do have to get training in at some point today."


"As much as I don't want to move right now...I think we should go before it gets to late." She frowns a bit.

"Don't worry. After this long day of training, I have something planned for when we get back."


"Any hints?"

"It'll help you relax."

"I'm liking the sound of that already."


"How about we head out and get something to eat....I'm getting a bit hungry and I'm sure you are too."

"You're right."

Mike steals one last kiss before letting her go. She re-applies her gloss as they head for the door. As soon as he smells it, he's all over her again. She playfully pushes him away before grabbing his hand and lacing their fingers as they head out to the elevator.

"You're killing me."

"Am I?" She teases, making sure he gets more of the scent.

"Yes...yes you are."

"Well, if you behave the rest of the can have more..."

"I'll try my best."

"If you want any more of this..." She holds up the tube in front of him. "...I know that you will."

"I'll have to won't I?"

"Mhm." She nods. "Or no more for today."

"I'll behave."

"Thought so." She grins, giving him a peck on the cheek.

"There now your cheek smells like coconut."

"Trying to distract me, aren't you."


"You so are." Mike grins, while she shrugs innocently.

"More coconut for you."

"Just to hold you over until later." She adds.

"Just what I need."

"Good." She says just as the elevator doors open to the lobby. They make their way through the lobby with his hand around her shoulder and hers around his waist. They get to his car, then he opens the door for her. She thanks him before he closes the door going to his side.

He gets in and puts his seatbelt on before starting the car and pulling out of the parking lot. They drive for a bit until he pulls into the parking lot of a little diner that is not too far from the gym he is taking her to. After he parks, he gets out and opens her door for her. She thanks him and he puts his arm around her shoulders as they walk into the diner. They're seated fairly quickly and given menus to look through. They talk amongst each other as they decide. It does not take long and when the waiter comes over, they order what they decide on, along with their drinks. The waiter takes their menus, and that leaves them to talk about whatever.

"What did you have planned for us to start with today?"

"I was thinking running the ropes. Time you for like a minute or so, just you running back and forth, bouncing off of them. That is crucial when you're in a match."

"Right. I am pretty quick, but we'll see how it goes."

"Well I want to see how quick you are."

"Of course. I know that you have to be quick on your toes."

"Especially with the likes of Beth or Natalya."

"Oh yeah." She nods in agreement. "I actually picked up my game when I saw them..that's when I was training last year or so."


"Mhm. I stopped shortly after that though. Don't know why."

"Lost motivation?"

"Not really. The friends who I was training with left and there was really no one else around to train with so I just stopped."

"Sorry to hear that."

"Oh it's alright. I still kept in shape though. That did not stop me."

"That's good."

"I'm glad I didn't stop now. It may actually help me out."

"I'm sure it will."

Soon their drinks arrive and they sip at those until their food comes. Once it's done, they talk a bit while eating. When they are done, Mike pays the bill and then they head out to the car and off to training.

"I'm lucky to know a place that has a ring inside that we can train you in."

"That's really convenient. Not many places are like that."

"They're hard to find, yes."

Since they were not far from where they were going, they got there rather quickly. After parking the car, they got out and grabbed their bags from the back before heading inside. After waking inside, they go through another door which led to this wide open area and a ring in the middle of the room.

"Oh wow." She looks around, seeing how big it looks.

"Yeah, they hold independent scene wrestling here from time to time. Just shows for the locals."

"I have never seen a place this big before...well empty."

"Wait until the day you see how big an arena looks with all the empty seats the ring in the middle."

"That might be the day it all actually sinks in for me to. This all still seems so surreal."

"It's like that for a while."

"Trust me, I know."

"So, shall we?"

"We shall." She nods.

They then walk over to the ring and climb up, and Mike holds the ropes for her to get in. Once in the ring, she starts to do a few stretches so that her muscles are loose a bit. When she's ready, Mike instructs her on what to do. She nods and then starts to run back and forth across the ring. He uses his watch to time her as she goes, letting her go a few minutes before stopping. She leans up against the ropes trying to catch her breath a bit.

"How was that?" She says in between breaths.

"Impressive." He says, handing her a bottle of water.

She takes the cap off and takes a long sip. "Thanks." She says after swallowing. "What's next?" She asks as she sets the bottle down.

"Let's see how your strength matches up to mine. We'll lock up and try to push each other into the corner. We'll do that a few times."

"Alright." She gets off the ropes. "Ready when you are awesome boy." She teases.

"Bring it on." He smirks.

She smirks back at him as she motions with her hand for him to come at her. He does and when they lock up, he backs her into the corner the first time.

"This is going to be harder than I thought."

"Point one goes to me."

"For now."

"All about strength, push me with all the force you can. I know you can do it."

"Alright." She warily says. They then get ready again and lock up one more time. This time was a bit easier than the last, but it took some struggling. She managed to get him back into the corner.

"See? Told you that you could do it."

"You did." She smiles. "Took some time getting you there, but I did it."

"Right. Not always gonna be an easy task."

"No. How about a few more times. I wanna see how quick I can get you there."

He nods and they both move back to the middle of the ring. They keep that up a few times more, and she's able to get him over in his corner with hardly any trouble. she lets him go and out of fun, leans forward and kisses him quickly before backing away from him.

"Oh you're so in for it now."

"Ohhh I'm so scared." She pretends to shake. "Come and get me then." She challenges.

He smirks as he starts to walk toward her. She squeals as she runs to the other side of the ring and slides out, sticking her tongue out at him.

"Like that's gonna stop me?"

"Never said it would." She keeps her eye on him. He makes it look like his is going to go one way but goes the other way. When he finally gets out of the ring, he stands there and looks at her before moving. She holds her finger up, telling him to waist so she could take off the tank top she was wearing since it was getting hot. After she tossed it on the railing, she looked up to see him standing in front of her.

"Eep." She says quietly.

"Got you now." He smirks.

"Oh hey Shauna!" She looks over his shoulder, making him look too. She then runs away since no one was really there.

"Ohh you little sneak."

"Yes I am." She laughs as she climbs back into the ring. She stands there with her hands on her hips. "Are you ready for more or have you had enough?" She playfully smirks at him.

"I never have enough."

"Well, lets go. I'm ready for more."

" me what you've got." He grins, getting back into the ring.

She goes towards him, locking up with him once again before putting him in a headlock. He manages to get over to the ropes and leans against them. He sends her into the other side after she lets go. When she comes back, she slides under him and then quickly goes to roll him up. He kicks out of it and when they both stand, she smirks at him.

"Impressed?" She breathes as they circle each other.

"I have to say I am, but anyone can do that."

"Oh, I'm just going easy on you for now." She chuckles. "You haven't seen anything yet." She adds.

"Well....I'm waiting."

"What's that behind you?" She points, wanting him to get distracted.

"Not falling for it this time." He laughs.

"Oh darn."

He starts to walk in her direction only to have her duck out of the way, ending up behind him. She wraps her arms around his waist and tries to lift him.

"Won't be that easy to lift me." He chuckles.

"I can try." She grunts as she still tries to lift him up.

"Nothing wrong with trying."

"No..." She gives up trying. "...boy are you hard to move."

"It's all the working out I do."

"Right." She nods. "It's only my first day, but I'm sure I'll be able to move you with no problem soon."

"Now that'll be impressive."

"That's my plan." She smirks. "I'm here to impress everyone."

"That's the attitude."

"What can I say." She shrugs. "Go big or go home."

"True that." He nods.

"What else you got for today?" She bounces around a bit getting ready for more.

"Oh I've got a lot of stuff planned. We're gonna be going all day."

"I'm ready for whatever ya got."

"Great. And likewise."

She motions with her hand for him to bring on whatever he's got. He tells her the next thing to do do and they do that a few times. Then they work on the various ways they can pin someone, and how to kick out. They work on that for a bit, with Mike telling her how to do it right and what she's doing wrong. She listens to everything he has to say and starts to get better at it the more they work on it. At one point, she gets him by surprise and counts three.

"Oh look at that...." She smirks.

"...the awesome champ got pinned by a girl." She teases.

"You caught me off guard."

"Mhm...suuuurrrrre. Whatever you say." She laughs. "Admit it. You got beat by a girl." She pokes his chest. "I won't tell anyone."

"You'll never get me to admit that."

"It doesn't matter. I was here. I know what happened."

"I won't tell anyone...promise." She adds.

"Good." He nods. "If you do, you might be in for it more than you are now."

"Ooohh...I'm so scared." She pretends to shake.

"You should be." He smirks.

"Well for some reason, I'm not."

"Because you know my tricks well enough by now."

"I do."

"Well I can already tell that you'll be ready for a tryout match in no time."

"I would hope so." She chuckles. "I do have the best training me afterall."

"Yes you do." He grins.

"Oh." She covers her mouth. "You thought I meant you." She tries not to laugh. "I'm sorry, but I meant someone else." She teases.

"Suuuuure. I'm the only one here right now."

"Did you forget Shauna helped me too?"

"Yes I know, but is she the one training you now?"

"Ummm..." She puts a finger on her lip as she looks at the ceiling. "...Alex?"

"He's not here right now either."

"Oh I know!" She held her finger up. "Cody."

"Really?" He starts that game up again.




"I can go all day you know."


"Really." She steps a bit closer, getting in his face a bit.


"Reeeeaaalllllly." She drags out.

That leads to them staring at each other, a staring contest starting. They stare at each other, neither of them giving up until Mike does his famous smirk. She can't help but to bite her lip and look away.


"Not fair." She whines. "You know what that does to me." She bites her lip, trying not to look at him.

"Yes, I know."

"Cheater." She fake pouts.

"You love me anyway."

"Of course. It's hard not to." She blushes slightly.

"Of course not."

She looks into his eyes for a moment before realizing he moved closer so he was right in front of her. She snaps out of it when she feels his hands go down the side on her arms.

"You seem distracted."

"When you do that I am."

"Good to know."

"I think...we should get...back to training." She manages to get out as he walks his fingers up her arms.

"We have all day."

"Whatever you say." She starts to become relaxed, letting her eyes fall shut.

"We're allowed breaks now and then."

"So...I'm guessing we are taking a break?" She looks at him through her lashes.

"You guessed right."

"I could use one. You're really tough." She chuckles as she walks over to the ropes.

"Why thank you."

"Cocky." She playfully pushes his shoulder while she laughs.

"You better believe it." He chuckles.

"I do, trust me." She climbs out of the ring and hops down, walking over to the railing and sitting on it while Mike walks over and stands in front of her. She takes a sip of her water and notices he's still staring. "Yes?" She raises a brow after swallowing her water.

"I think you know.."

"Do I?"

"I believe so."

"Hmmm...." She looks up, pretending to think. Mike walks closer, putting his hand son her hips. She rests her hands on his shoulders for now, until he presses his lips to hers. One hand instantly goes to his hair while she lets the other run along the neckline of his shirt. She wraps her legs around his waist and arches her back when she feels his fingers starting to wander on the exposed skin of her back and sides. She tugs a bit at his hair as his hands continue to wander along her exposed skin. Goosebumps start to form on her skin when he lightly runs his fingers over her spin. She arches her back, moving closer to him while he chuckles into the kiss.

"A little sensitive spot?" He asks, once pulling from her lips.

"Mhm." She nods in a dreamy state.

"Another thing I can use to my advantage."

"I have a feeling you will too."

"By the way, after lunch, I do have a surprise for you."

"Oh?" She tilts her head to look at him.

"What is it?"

"Well if I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?"

"No.." She puts on her flirty face. "....hint?" She bats her eyelashes.

"Has to do with your training."

"You got the most awesome person of all time to come?" She acts all giddy just to mess with him.

"Well I don't see who can be more awesome than I am, but you'll have to wait and see."

"I could name a few people." She jokes. "I'm just messing with you." She laughs, running her fingers through his hair. "I guess you can wait."

"That's the spirit."

"Should we maybe eat or are we going to stay like this the whole break?" She giggles since his hands are still on her hips and her legs around his waist.

"As much as I would love to stay right here, I think we should go get something to eat."

"I would love to stay like this too, but I do need my strength so I can continue to beat you in that ring."

"Oh yeah, suuuure."

"I pinned you, didn't I?"


"Many more to come too."

"Uh huh, sure."

"You'll see after we eat." She smiles, pecking his lips while she moves her legs from his waist. He steps back to help her down, then they head over to get something to eat.

In the meantime, Alex and I have been at the gym for some time now. I did most of the stuff in there, leaving the treadmill for last. As I was getting ready to walk, I noticed Alex lifting some weights. He had them laying on the back if his shoulders while he squatted then slowly stood up. What made this all distracting for me was the fact that his back was to me.

"He's trying to kill me." I say quietly.

I start to walk only to glance over at Alex who is going a bit slower with his routine. I bite my lip trying to push aside the thoughts that are coming to mind.

"Focus....focus on your workout..." I try to tell myself.

I slip in my ear buds while I walk, hoping that would keep me from being distracted. It worked for a bit since I only took a few glances over in Alex's direction. I look up again to see that he's not there anymore, and I look around everywhere I possibly can for him. Not seeing him anywhere, I take out my ear buds while I call his name. It's not until I feel hands on my hips, that I know where he is.

"Booo." He whispers in my ear, kissing behind it.

I jump a little, but relax almost instantly when I know it's him. I stop the treadmill so we don't get hurt from it moving. Once that is done, I step back while he moves his hands from my hips, wrapping them around my stomach as I lean back into him.

"Didn't mean to scare you."

"It's okay."

"I was thinking maybe a few more sets then we could head out for some lunch."

"Few more sets huh? So you can distract me?"

"It's only distracting if you watch." Alex smirks.

"Well how can I not when you're just feet in front of me, away from me?"

"I don't know." He shrugs. "I get the same way with you too."

"I knew I could sense you watching me earlier."

"I was. Just could not help myself."

"Oops, my bad."

"The view was too beautiful to look away from."


"It's the truth." He kisses my cheek.

"And the view I had was kind of too distracting to look away from, but I had the willpower to."

"At least one of us has that. I could not stop staring in the mirror."

"Good to know." I giggle.

"I was thinking of maybe doing a Tout too."

"Let me want me to take it?"

"Only if you want...I mean I can try to do it myself." Alex jokes.

"You're really gonna try weight lifting and touting at the same time?"

"No...I was hoping you would do it."

"I was hoping you would say that." He grins.

"My phone or yours?"

"Mine. This way I can send it out right away."

"Alright, phone please."

Alex hands me his phone then gives me a quick kiss before going back over to the weights. He gets them on his shoulders and I tell him when to go. Once I tell him to go, he does as many reps as he can in 15 seconds, while I bite my lip the whole time watching him. Once the 15 seconds were up, the video gets posted and Alex puts the weight back on the holder.

He walks back over to me with his water bottle in hand.

"How many was that?"

"You're getting closer to the goal you set. You're almost there."

"One more. I know I can get even closer."

"You do that....I'm gonna do little workout things while I wait."

"Alright. Shouldn't take that long."

"Right." I nod.

Alex smirks before putting his hand on my waist. He pulls me to him then presses his lips to mine. He keeps it short, but also makes sure it will be a lingering one as well.

"Killing me."

"More later..." He brushes his lips over mine.

"...better be."

"Got the locker room all to ourselves."


Alex pulls away so we can finish up with our workout. As he goes to walk away, I tease him a bit by smacking his butt.

"Oh you're gonna get it." He turns around, trying to be serious.

"What? I didn't do anything." I bite my lip.

"Who did it then? There is no one else around."

"An invisible force."

"I highly doubt that." He chuckles.

"Oh, just go do one more."

"I plan on it." Alex smirks.

He then goes back over to do one more set. Since he now knows that I am watching him, to get me back for what I did he makes sure to go as low the floor as he while he goes up just as slow. I mumble to myself, trying to look away, but this time I can't. He does a few more the same way before he puts the weights back on the holder. He grabs a towel from nearby and walks over to where I have not moved from while he wipes the sweat off his face and hair.

"Yoo hoo, you alive?" He chuckles.

"I-I...yeah...I am." I blink my eyes refocusing my vision.

"It doesn't seem like it."

"You just had to do that."

"My bad."

"You obviously enjoyed." He adds with a chuckle. He then leans down and gives me a quick kiss.

"That obvious?"

"You were drooling." He teases.

"No I wasn't."

"I'm just messing with you." He pulls me into a hug while kissing the top of my head.

"If I was drooling I think I'd know anyway."

"Surprised you haven't caught me yet." He says so I almost can't hear.

"What was that?"

"Nothing." Alex rubs my back. "Nothing at all."

"Uh uh...sure."

"How about we get cleaned up and get some lunch?" Alex tries changing the subject.


"First..." Alex looks down at me. He lifts my chin so I am looking at him. He smiles before giving me a better kiss than before. His hand moves from my chin to the side of my face while his other rests on my waist.

My arms instinctively wrap around his neck and I pull him closer. He starts to deepen the kiss as he moves his hand from my cheek to my hair, playing with what is not in the ponytail. He gets a little frustrated though, because my hair is up and he wants to play with all it. He starts to tug at the hair tie, carefully pulling it loose and out of my hair. He smiles into the kiss as he tosses the hair tie aside and starts to run his fingers through my hair happily. He starts to back me up until my back is against the wall. I let him kiss me for a few more minutes or so, before stopping him.

"Not here....too public."

"Let them look."

He then presses his lips back to mine, not caring who's looking. I let him kiss me for a bit longer before stopping him for now.

"More later...before we leave for the show."

"That I'm holding you to that."

"I know you are."

"Now let's go get ready before you lose all your control." I add.

"Right. Don't want that....yet."

"No, not this soon."

"There'll be a time for that.... in the future."

"Yes...plenty of time."

"Don't have to worry about it right now."

"I don't care how long I have to wait. As long as I have you that is all that matters."


"That's all I could ever ask for."

"You're too sweet."

"That's how much I care about you."


"It's true. I'm just so happy to have you."

"I'm happy to have you too."

Alex smiles then gives me a quick kiss. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me into a tight hug.

"Shall we go now?"

"Of course. After you."

" would help if I put a shirt on over this. Can't really go into a restaurant or anything with this on."

"True. Even though I don't mind what you have on."

"Oh I know. I'll just wait until we get to the car to put a shirt on."


"Gives you extra time to be all touchy."

"I do like doing that." He grins.

"Even though, a t-shirt never stopped you before."

"Nope. Nothing ever will."


"You love it."

"A little more than you think too." I giggle.

"Is that so?" He raises a brow, moving his fingers all over.


"I'll keep that in mind."

"You do that. I think a tout is in order now."

"I was just thinking the same thing."

"You can focus on driving, I'll tout."

"Sounds like a good idea."

"Tell everyone how we basically killed each other with the distractions."

"You would do that." He chuckles.

"See how much I can fit into 15 seconds."

"I don't think that'll be enough time."

"Then I'll just record you driving, that's always fun."

"I do make it exciting." He jokes.

"You do." I laugh.

We finally make it out to the car. Alex opens my door for me then once I am in he goes over to his side. When he is in, he buckles his seatbealt while I get my phone ready for the Tout. Once we're on the road and heading somewhere for lunch, I start the tout, letting everyone know what's going on right now, before turning my phone on Alex. Alex glances over real quick giving his smile before turing back to the road. The tout stops recording and I put it into a tweet, posting that as well.

"You're such a goof." I laugh after posting.

"I know."

I shake my head laughing a bit as Alex pulls up to a little restaurant, finding a place to park. In the meantime, Stef and Mike have just finished their lunch and were heading back to the gym to continue the training. Once they were back in, they went right to the ring. Since they had a break, they started off with some stretching. He had stopped stretching for a minute and when she looked over, he was pulling his shirt off. She bites her lip hard, trying to contain all the thoughts and urge to just run and jump him. He tosses the shirt to the side where his things are, before resuming the stretching. She tries to focus on stretching more, but her eyes keep landing on Mike. The ringing of a phone then breaks her trance and she looks away quickly and goes back to stretching herself, while Mike stopped and went to answer his phone.

"Who is it?" She asks, standing and walking to the ropes just resting her arms on them for now.

"You'll find out when they get here."

"How long will that be?"

"About a half hour." He says as he texts back who texted him first.

"Are we going to wait for them or are we going to start now?"

We can do a little bit while we wait. But first..." He trails off, climbing up onto the side of the ring. He stands inches from her, holding the ropes, before leaning in and kissing her briefly, but softly.

"Trying to add to the distractions.." She says after he pulls away.


"It's already hard enough for me right now..." She looks at him with no shirt on.

"Oops." He smirks.

"You did it on purpose."

"You know me all too well."

"Yes I do." She bites her lip trying to stop looking. "We should start before things happen."

"What kind of things? Hmm?"

"Things that should not happen here."

"Miiike..." She blushes, playfully whacking his arm. "...what if whoever is coming walks in? What then?"

"Do I look like the kind of person who's worried about that?" He chuckles.

"No..." She bites her lip.

"I thought so." He grins before leaning and and pressing his lips to hers once again.

She starts to kiss back, soon forgetting where they were. Her hands start to move everywhere they feel his skin, which is almost everywhere. Since he is torturing her with no shirt on, she decides to lightly run her nails down his chest. He lets go of the ropes in favor of leaning against them on his elbows, so that he's able to cup her cheeks as he keeps kissing her, holding her in place. She sighs happily into the kiss while she lets her fingers run across his abs before settling down and resting on his hips. She leaves one hand there while the other travels up his back. When he moves his hands so that he could wraps his arms around her, she could feel his muscles flex under her fingers. She closes her eyes tighter, trying to contain the urge to go any farther. She instinctively starts to run her nails over his skin while he tries to pull her closer. That hand then moves from his back to his hair, running her fingers through it. She starts to gently tug on the ends of his hair since he starts to deepen the kiss while trying to run his fingers through her hair even though it is in a ponytail. She feels him touch the hair tie, knowing that he wants to take it out.

"...not yet..." She mumbles against his lips.

He makes a noise of disappointment, moving away from the hair tie. He moves his hand to the nape of her neck, pulling her closer. It gets harder and harder for her to stay strong since he starts moving his fingers against her skin.

"Should I come back later or....?" They both hear the voice of John, as he walks in.

"Yes." Mike mumbles.

"No...he's good for now." She pulls away from Mike with a smirk.

"...later...." She tells him quietly.

Mike then nods before reluctantly pulling away.

"So this is your surprise?" She turns to him once he climbs in the ring.


"I am surprised." She smiles. "Glad you could make it John." She turns to John with a smile.

"I'm glad I could help with your training today. I've got a couple hours left until heading to the arena. I'd much rather spend them training someone, than sitting around doing nothing."

"Well I'm glad you chose me." She nods. "What you got for today?"

"Well where did you leave off?"

"Timing on running back and forth, locking up, roll ups."

"Okay, let's work on submissions. There's tons that you can do."

"I'm up for that." She moves her shoulders back and forth while John gets in the ring.

"Alright, I'm going to show you how to do some, step by step. And then I'll let you try them on me."

"Sounds good." She nods.

"Alright let's go for the Reverse chinlock. Mostly everyone uses it, it's very common. So, if you would sit down, I'll show you how to do that."

She then goes in the middle of the ring and sits like she was told. John goes behind her and gets in position. He talks her through, step by step how to do it, as he does it. He wraps one arm under her chin and locks his hands together.

"It's simple really." He says, letting her go. "Now you try."

She stands up while he takes the spot she was sitting in. "You can do this." She says to herself before positioning herself. She follows the steps John told her and gets it locked, but she knows she can do better.

"Let me try that again, I know I can do better."

"Take all the time you need."

She then tries it again, doing better this time but she's still not happy. She knows she can do it faster and better. She tries a couple more times before finally getting to where she wants to be.

"That was great. Now how to get out of it. All you have to do is get to your feet and stand. That way you can get your opponent to let you go, by say...elbowing them in the gut. Or if you have the strength....flipping them."

"I think for now, elbowing will be good for me...with you two at least."

"Want to practice that?"

"Sure." She nods.

She switches places with John, taking the spot back, getting ready. he puts the hold on her again and she tries to get out of it. Since he is stronger than she is right now, it takes her some time to get out of the hold. Mike however encourages her, telling her that she can get out of it. Hearing Mike say that, she got the strength and started to hit John harder in the gut, not holding back this time. Finally, after a few hits, she got out of the hold.

"Great. I was gonna tell you to not hold back, because I can take it."

"It took awhile for me to adjust, but I finally figured out how hard to actually hit you."

"Right. Of course it's different with whoever you face. Some are easier to hit, some are harder."

"I was used to Mike's strength not yours, but now I am."

"Well that's because I'm stronger than him. No offense Mike."

"None taken."

"I think he was going easy on me though." She whispers to John.

"'Cause you're the girlfriend." He whispers back, chuckling.

"Probably." She chuckles.

"Hey now..." Mike steps in the ring. "...we got training to do." He walks over putting his hand on her shoulder gently pulling her back to him.

"Relax." She tilts her head to look at him.

"Ready for the next submission?"

"Sure am."

"Who's teaching me this one?" She asks.

"I will." Mike says.

"Okay this is my Crossface submission. All you have to do is lay down on your stomach and I do the rest."

"Okay." She nods before doing what he said.

"Don't have too much fun." John snickers.

"I heard that." She remarks.

Mike rolls his eyes before walking over and putting a leg on either side of her before squatting down in position. He wraps his arms around her neck, locking his hands in front of her face and he slowly pulls her up, so she's stretched up back. He tells her how to get out of the hold and she moves her hands in front of her, trying to lift herself up. He moves with her. She grabs his hands and pulls them away from her face and then apart, once they both get back to their feet. Once she gets them far enough away from her, she turns around quick and pushes him backwards away from her.

"Oh look I can get out of your own submission hold." She smirks.

John stands there clapping in approval. Mike looks a bit shocked as he runs his hand through his hair.

"Yeah, yeah." He chuckles. "You try now."

He lays down like she did and she does the same exact thing that he did to her. She tries to hold him with all her strength, but he soon gets to his knees, making her back up a bit. She starts to struggles while he stands since he is taller than her, but she manages to keep a good hold on him. Since she does have the hold on him and she's standing, she just decides to have fun with this and jumps on his back, wrapping her legs around him.

"That's one way to go." John laughs to himself.

Mike brings his arms around, starting to lightly move his fingers over her legs, trying to tickle her.

"Ahhh nooo!"

"You're the one who jumped on me." Mike chuckles.

"I'm trying something different." She tries to sound serious even though she wants to laugh.

"Or are you just messing with me?"

"I don't know..." She tightens her grip a bit. " I?"

That's when he does the last thing he can do....he licks her hand. That makes her let go of the hold she has on him.

"Mike!" She wipes her hand on his shoulder. "You just had to do that." She laughs.

"I did." He chuckles.

"I sure hope that never really happens."

"It doesn't. Don't worry."

"Good. That would be awkward."

"It only happens with me and you now."

"Kinky." She whispers so only he can hear. "I like that."

"Now...gonna let me go?" She asks.


"I'll take that as a no." She giggles.

"We can take another break if you want." He suggests.

"We could. I mean if that is alright with John." She turns to look at John.

"Take a break?" She calls over to him.

"Sure." He nods.

"You're gonna have to let me go so we can get out." She says as Mike walks over to the ropes.


"Once we get out and sit down then you are be all touchy again, but no to touchy since John is here."

"Right right."

He then holds the ropes so that she's able to get out. After she hops down, Mike follows. They then both walk over to where their drinks are and when she goes to sit, Mike pulls her down so she's sitting on him.

"Already?" She giggles as she leans into him.

"What can I say....I'm cuddly."

"I can see that." She chuckles while he lets his fingers walk over whatever skin he can reach.

" cute." John teases.

"Oh, you'd be the same way probably if you had a girlfriend."

"True." John nods. "We'll see about that when the time comes."

"Well when you do. I wanna meet her."

"I'll make sure you're one of the first people that meet her."


"Aren't you just a bubbly one." He chuckles.

"Yes I am." She says all proud.

"Looks like you have your hands full with this one Mike." John says jokingly.

"Heyyy." She playfully whacks him. "I'm not like that all the time."

"Well I haven't known you long enough to know that." He chuckles.

"Was I all bubbly the night Ziggler was hitting on me in catering?" She shudders at the memory.

"I see your point."

"I can be tough when I need to be, although I don't really show unless I have too."


"Mike." She swats his hand when she feels his fingers play with the bottom of her shorts. "Not here."

"Control." She leans back, kissing his cheek. She laces his fingers with his to help him keep busy for now.

"I'll try."

"Do that and maybe I'll surprise you with something later."


"Only if you behave."

"I promise."

"Good." She gives him a quick kiss. "What else are we doing today?" She asks after pulling away and leaning her head on his shoulder.

"Well besides the rest of the training....just the surprise I have for you tonight."

"Which I can't wait to see." She sits up a bit. "How about we get back to training before it gets to late?"

"Good idea."

She turns to Mike, giving him a quick peck before standing up and heading back over to the ring.

"All ready for some more?"

"I'm ready for whatever you got."

"Let's try out a match. See how well you do."

"I'll be the ref." John adds.

"Lets do it." She brings her hands together, moving them around to loosen up.

"You're on."

Mike gets in the ring along with John before Mike gets in position. They stare each other down until John tells them to go. Mike smirks at her before coming at her, but she surprises him by quickly moving out of the way. She motions with her hand for him to come at her as she smirks at him. When he does, they lock up and she gets him into the corner. John counts like a normal ref would and she steps back before five and she smiles innocently at Mike.

"That the best you got?" She smirks at him. "Come on Champ." She taunts, as he starts coming at her.

When he comes at her, she surprises both him and John with a hiptoss, seeing as neither one of them taught that to her.

"Very good, but how did you pick that up?"

"Shauna." She smirks.

"You'd be surprised at what else I know."

"Well let's see it."

"You don't know what you just got yourself into."

"What're you waiting for then?"

"Everything I do will be a surprise." She grins.

She looks at him for a moment, before deciding what she wants to do first. She then takes him off his feet, grabbing his legs and dropping him so he lands on his back. since he was close to the ropes, she grabbed them and started to bring her knee down, hitting him in the ribs. She then pulls Mike away from the ropes the best she can before covering him. John starts to count only for Mike to get his shoulder up at two.

"Almost got you."

"Almost...I'm just getting warmed up."

"Sure you are."

Mike smirks before surprising her by grabbing her and putting her in a headlock. He makes sure not to put too much pressure, but just enough for her to have to work out of it. She manages to get to her feet eventually and she did what she was taught to do, to get out of such holds. She starts elbowing Mike in the gut, but not too hard. Just hard enough to make him let go. She finally gets him to where he has to let go and she surprises him again when she flips Mike over, him landing on his back once again. She goes for the cover again, Mike kicks out at two.

"Damn you're tough to pin." She mutters.

"Yes I am."

"I'm determined to pin you though."

"That's the attitude." He grins.

"Only one I know." She smirks.

"I know I can beat you. One more shot."

Mike nods with a grin on his face. They both get up and start to circle each other again. They lock up again, and this time it's Mike who gets her into the corner. John starts to count and Mike backs off before he gets to five. She stands there, catching her breath for a moment before trying to go at Mike again. She slides underneath him, before jumping onto his back and locking her hands in front of his face and locking her legs around his waist. He starts moving side to side while trying to get her hands off his face. She tightens up her grip as he starts to back up into the corner, pushing her up against the turnbuckle. She lets go and Mike walks a bit forward away from the corner. Little did he know, she was on the top rope in the corner, sitting there. And when he turned around, she jumped and hit him with a cross-body. She goes for the pin and this time she gets it.

"Told you I could pin you." She smirks, still hovering over him.

"Twice too." She adds.

"You got lucky." Mike mutters.

"Luck has nothing to do with it."

" got me." Mike gives in. "Great job." He leans up pecking her lips.

"Thank you."

"I think that's is about it for today." She sits up as she moves off of him.

"We did get a lot done." She nods. "Thanks for helping John." She adds, turning in his direction.


" what?" She turns her attention to Mike. She moves her fingers to his chest, letting them walk up his shoulders.

"Well I say head back to the hotel, shower, and maybe we go out in a few hours for dinner."

"I'm up for that."

They both grab their things and head out after John does, heading to the car to head back to the hotel. Alex and I have gotten back to the hotel and decided to just relax a bit before we have to get ready for the show later on that night.

"Just a couple more hours."

"Hopefully it will be an easy night."

"Shouldn't be that bad of a night."

"No. I am just checking out my competition for the title tonight."

"Kinda like we did Monday." He adds.

"Ah. I think I'm gonna have a match, not sure yet. Or you know maybe at the last minute, we'll be scheduled for a tag team match, those are fun with you."

"It could happen. I mean, I just know to have fun and you are the reason I do that."

"Well that's because we work so well together."

"We do. Not many people have that going for them like we do."

"Right. Most people either hate each other in character or onscreen and are forced to team together, or they only hate each other in real life."

"True. Not many people have the type of relationship we have."

"Well...besides Melina and Morrison when they were still around. They've been dating ever since they both got into the business."

"I think they were the only other ones who were about to get along out of anyone else."


"How do you think training is going with Mike and Stef?" Alex looks down at me while rubbing my arm with his thumb.

"I think it should be going well. I'm sure she's showing him some of the things I taught her and it's a lot, surprising him with them."

"So you taught her a few things huh?" Alex raises a brow. "I'm sure she is giving him a run for his money then." He chuckles.

"I can almost guarantee that."

"I'm sure we'll hear all about it soon. She probably won't let him live it down either."

"Not at all." I laugh.

"He's going to have his hands full I'm guessing." He laughs.

"More than likely."

"Oh boy." He shakes his head with a chuckle. "So..staying here until we leave, right?" Alex gives me his famous smirk.

"Do you really have to ask that?" I laugh.

"Well no, but just letting you know that you are not moving anytime soon."

"Oh, believe me, I already knew that."

"Good." Alex pulls me closer to him. "Because you're not moving right now." He grins before pressing his lips to mine, his one hand on my back while the other goes right to my hair.

"I'm so getting you back.....for the the gym." I mumble against his lips.

"You...can...try..." She feels him smirk under the kiss

Then within a blink of an eye, he moves us and has me pinned to the mattress, fingers laced with mine. "You were saying?" He chuckles, pulling from the kiss for a brief moment.

"I have my ways." I smirk, tilting my head as I begin to nip at the skin on his shoulder. He leans down more making it easier for me as I move up to his neck.

I know that I'm getting to him, because whenever I hit certain spots, he squeezes my hands slightly. Feeling his grip tighten on my hands, I smirk and keep moving until I reach his neck. I hover my lips over his skin letting my breath hit is neck. He groans, getting impatient.

"I'm getting to you....aren't I?"

All he can do is nod at this point. I make sure to take my time, being sure to fully get him back for earlier. I make sure to pay attention to his reaction to everything I do, until I finally stay in one spot that made him squeeze my hands a bit harder than before. I stay on that spot for as long as I can. I hear a growl come from his chest and smirk knowing I've done my job. I slowly move to his lips and once there he kisses me back roughly, still holding my hands. I struggle against his grip, trying to move my hands from the mattress, but he pushes them back down, not letting me touch him just yet.

"...not..yet..." He mumbles against my lips. He moves from my lips, trailing to my jaw before reaching my neck. I bite my lip while squeezing his hands more. He takes his time, grazing his lips over my skin lighlty using his tongue as he goes.

This just makes me struggle more, because now keeping me from touching him at all costs is torturing me way more than before. He chuckles against my skin knowing the torture he is putting me through. Right before he goes after my sensitive spot he lets my hands go. I instantly latch onto him, one arm goes around his shoulders from the back, my hand resting on his shoulder and my other hand is already tugging gently at hair. Not wasting anymore time, he goes right after the spot. I dig my nails into his back, muffling a moan into his shoulder. Smirking at my reaction, he does not stop until he leaves a mark, but a coverable one.

"You left a mark....didn't you?" I say after he had pulled away.

"It's coverable." He smirked, looking at his work.

"It better be."

"It is." Alex moves up so he is looking at me. "Don't worry."

"You're evil sometimes."

"So are you."

"Hey, you deserved what I gave you not too long ago. That's for the distraction you gave me."

"That maybe true, but I will always get you back."

"Like you just did."

"Exactly." He grins.

I lay back against the pillows, looking up at him. He leans down and kisses me once before taking his spot back next to me. He pulls me to him so that I'm laying on his chest. I snuggle into him happily letting my fingers run over the top of his shirt.

"I'm surprised this never came off."

"It can if you want it to."

"No no, that's okay."

"Too distracting?" He chuckles.

"Just a little."

"Now that I know that..." Alex trails, lifting his shirt up a bit showing the bottom of his abs.

"I think I'll see enough of those if we're put in a tag team match or if you're put in a singles match." I giggle.

"You would enjoy that, wouldn't you." He grins.

"You know me all too well."

"Yes I do. A little too well."

"Well that's not really a bad thing."

"Never said it was." He runs his fingers through my hair.

"You know what that does to me."

"I know. I can stop if you want."

"No, you don't have to."

"If you want to take a nap, you can. I'll make sure you're up in time. We did have a long workout."


"If you feel the need to sleep, go ahead. We're not moving anymore today." Alex kisses the top of my head.

I nod and snuggle into him more, leaning into his touch everytime his fingers run through my hair. I lay there just listening to his heart beating. The soothing sounds of his heart and the motion of his fingers in my hair soon puts me to sleep. I end up sleeping for hours, and before I know it, I'm being woken up.

"Shauna..." Alex whispers, gently shaking me. "...time to get up."

I mumble in my sleep, clinging to him, not wanting to move.

"We're going to be late." He moves some hair from my face. "You still need to get ready."

" me...up..." I mumble.

"Alright." He grins to himself. Next thing I know, their are a pair of lips against mine. It does not last too long and when I start to kiss back, he pulls away. "More after you get up."


Alex lightly brushes his lips against mine. "Promise."

He moves from the bed and then I move, heading over to my things and picking stuff out to wear. Once I find what I'm looking, I head into the bathroom to get ready. I don't take too long, considering the time and everything. When I am done, I walk out of the bathroom, putting my workout clothes I had on before with the rest of my stuff.

"Amazing." Alex says once he gets a good look at me."

"Which you always say."

"It's true. You never fail to amaze me."

"Of course. Now you go finish getting ready."

Alex give me a quick kiss before he gets his tie and jacket, putting those on. Once he was done, he turned to me.

"Well..." He turned around. " does your Champ look?"

"Handsome as always." I smile.

"Just what I was going for." He grins. "And of course...only for you."

"I know."

"Are you ready?" Alex picks up his title.

"All set." I nod, grabbing my gear bag.

We make sure we have everything that we need, before leaving. Once having everything we then head out to the elevator, hands laced the whole time. In the meantime, Stef and Mike have just gotten back from being out for dinner. This meant that it was time for the surprise that he had for her.

"So...what's this surprise you have planned?" She asks after sliipping her shoes off and setting her clutch on the table.

"You'll see in a bit. I'll be right just get a swimsuit on." He says as he heads out onto the balcony.

She watches him walk out, a bit confused before shrugging. She walks over to her bag, searching for a swimsuit. She finds a light blue tube top bikini set, heading into the bathroom. She takes off her makeup before taking off her dress and putting on the swimsuit. Once she was done, she get her dress and walked back into the room. Mike comes back into the room, dressed in swim trunks himself. He of course stares a bit, but he snaps out of it and grins.

"Ready for the surprise?" He asks, walking over, standing behind her.

"Of course I am." She smiles, then biting her lip seeing him in his trunks.

"Great." He says, covering her eyes with his hands and leading her out onto the balcony.

She giggles a bit and moves her hand to his wrists while they make their way out.

"Okay, ready? Open in 3, 2, 1." He says, uncovering her eyes.

"Mike..." She gasps seeing that he had the hot tub on the balcony all set up with candles around the edges. "...this is amazing." She turns, giving him a quick kiss.

"You thought right. It is just what I need. All my muscles are killing me."

"Well I also have one other little thing that will help along with the hot tub." He says, walking over and grabbing a green bottle.

"Oh're too good to me." She follows behind him.

She then steps into the hot tub, feeling the heat from the water. She slowly slides down into the water, feeling almost at ease. "Now this feels good." She moans as the jets from the side hit her lower back.

"That's good, that means it's working."

"Mhm." She bites her lip a bit, still a bit sore. "You coming in or is it just going to be me?" She tilts her head slightly, looking at him.

"I'm coming, I was just waiting for you to get in first."

"Mmkay, but I'm starting to get lonely." She slightly pouts.

"Not anymore." He says, getting in himself.

"Yayy." She cheers as he gets in. Once he gets in, she moves closer to him and rests her head on his shoulder.

"Now you know how I feel after a long night after being in the ring."

"I do." She nods. "I can help you with that now if you want." She looks up at him.

"I did kind of....beat you up today." She giggles.

"You did? I thought I was in the ring with Slater or something." He tries not to laugh.

"Psh, please, even I have more talent and skills than Wendy." She scoffs. "Just admit you got beat by a girl." She adds.

"You will never get me to admit that."

"Oh I have my ways." She smirks. "You'll say it....eventually."

"I know you will." She pokes his arm.

"Uh huh...suuuure."

"Oh you will. Just wait and see."


"Ow." She wines as one of the jets hits a sore spot on her back. She tries to settle down, the pain just not going away.

"What's wrong?"

"Just a...really...sore spot."

"I can take care of that for you if you want."


"Come over here more."

She sits up a bit before sliding over closer to him. He places his hands on her hips, pulling her over more so that she's sitting on his lap.

"Alright, so just relax."

She nods her head as he gets some of the massaging lotion on his hands and starts to rub his hands over the sore spots in her shoulders first. She lets her head fall forward a bit, just leaning into his touch. He moves from her shoulders, making his way down her back. She bites her lip when he gets to the really sore spots, but soon relaxes the more he works on the spots. Then he gets to her lower back where it did hurt when the jet hit the sore spot there. It's still sore at first, but after he works on it for a bit, she feels the pain start to go away.


"That's the goal."

"Well thank you."

"You're very welcome."

He keeps going for a bit more until she's not as tense and sore as she was before. When he is done, he rests his hands on her hips while placing a kiss to her shoulder.

"We can always do this...whenever you want."

"That would be nice." She leans back on him, resting her head on his shoulder. "I'll have to return the favor someday." She tilts her head, pressing a kiss to her neck.

"I'll be looking forward to that."

"Well of course you are." She chuckles. "I'll give you the best one ever too."

"Really? Now I really will be looking forward to that."

"Yes really. I took a class when I was back in school. Learned a lot from it too."

"That always comes in handy."

"It does, which is why I took the class. Went along with my other career choice."

"And what was that?"

"A masseuse."


"Just something different I wanted to try. Not what I really wanted to do, but experience in different things helps."


"Having fun?" She giggles since he kept walking his fingers over her stomach.

"Maybe a little." He grins.

"I can have fun too." She moves her hips a little on his lap while she tilts her head, nipping at his neck.

Almost instantly, he grabs her hips to stop her from moving. She whines against his neck, but keeps her lips there. Since she can not move, she uses her fingers to run over whatever skin of his she can reach. While his hands are on his hips, holding her there, he does move his fingers along her skin, drawing patterns. She tenses a bit, then hooks her arm around his neck as she makes her way up his jawline to his lips. When she reaches his lips, he wastes no time in kissing back eagerly. Her fingers go to his hair, lightly running through while she shifts so she's able to turn around to face him. Once he knows what she's doing, he lets go until she turns to straddle him. As soon as she turns around, his hands go right back to her hips, holding her in place.

"Much more comfortable..."

"Easier too." Mike mumbles. She keeps one hand in his hair while she lets the other fall behind his back as she lightly runs her nails across his skin.

He does pull away eventually, but that's just to start kissing the skin that he can reach on her. She lets her head fall against his shoulder while he kissed and nipped at the skin on her shoulder, slowly making his way up to her neck.

"...let fade first..."

"I know..."

He continues nipping at her neck until he gets to her sensitive spot. He hovers his lips above it just letting his break hit her neck. She tenses a but and tugs at his hair as he starts to move his tongue around. She whines slightly getting impatient. He chuckles against her skin, avoiding the spot for a few more minutes before moving to it. Her grip on his hair gets tighter as she digs her nails into his back. she tries to hold out on giving him what he wants, but she fails and muffles a moan into his neck. She feels him smirk against her neck.

"I win." He chuckles when he pulls away.

"I'm assuming that was for beating you today?" She says between breaths.


"Now I know for next time."

"Yes you do."

"Prepare to go down...hard." She nips at his neck.

"Looking forward to it."

" comfy." She mumbles, nuzzling his neck while wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I could fall asleep like this."

"If you do, I got you. Don't worry."

"Oh I already know that."

"Good." Mike kisses her shoulder. She snuggles into him more, getting more relaxed the more he runs his fingers over her back. He reaches up to her hair and since it is up, he pulls at the hair tie. She nods for him to take it out and once he does, he runs his fingers through her hair. This of course relaxes her more and at one point she yawns.

"I felt that."

"Felt what?" She tried to hide another yawn.


" caught me."

"Maybe we should dry off now?"

"We can." She sighs, not wanting to move.

"I'm gonna have to dry you off anyway when you do fall asleep and I bring you inside."

"True..." She shifts a bit. She moves from his lap and starts to climb out. Since the air was a bit cooler, it woke her up enough for her to grab her towel and wrap it around her. Mike then got out himself before grabbing his towel.

After wrapping that around him, he wraps himself around her, keeping her even warmer. She lays her head against his chest as her eyes start to get more heavy.

"Let's get you inside."

She nods her head as Mike starts to lead her back into the room. When they get into the room, he stops in front of her bag. She turns in his arms slowly before leaning down and picking something out. Mike holds her waist, making sure she does not fall. Once she found something, he helps her to the bathroom.

"You get changed, I'm gonna shut the tub off, blow the candles out and everything."

"Okay." She mumbles sleepily. She then heads in to dry off a bit more. Once she's dry enough, she takes her suit off and hangs it up on the shower curtain. She puts on the other clothes she brought in and then brushes her hair out. When she's all done, she walks out and goes right over to the bed. By the time Mike comes back in, she's on the bed, eyes closed and semi asleep.

"Miiiike..." She whines. "I need my pillow."

"I'll be there in a bit, I need to get into dry clothes."

She whines a bit more at having to wait. While she waits, she tries to get comfortable. It doesn't take him long, and he comes out of the bathroom, and then climbs into the bed, next to her. Once she feels the bed move, she scoots closer and snuggles into him.

"Much better." She sighs in content.

"Sorry I took so long."

"It's alright...I get like that when tired."


She lets out another yawn and Mike notices. He starts to run his fingers through her hair, making it easier for her to go to sleep quicker. Once notices that she's sleeping, he smiles before leaning down and kissing the top of her head. He soon goes to sleep himself. Alex and I have been at the arena most of the night. He did not have a match, only to watch Drew in his match. I had the night off so things were going really well. Of course, I'm occasionally looking around for any sign of Wade.

"Relax." Alex rubs my shoulders. "He's not back yet. I asked around to make sure."

"He could be in the crowd."

"You'll be with me the whole night plus I have a few others helping too. He is not going to get to you this time."

"I just have this overwhelming feeling he's in the crowd somewhere."

"How about you stay back here with Zack while I go out? He offered to help if Wade ever came back."

"As much as I don't want you out there by yourself because of the overwhelming feeling he's out there somewhere and he could attack you....I guess so."

"It would make me feel much better if you did."


"I promise to make it up to you."

"You always do."

"I just care to much about you for anything to happen to you."

"I know."

There was a knock at the door meaning it was time for Alex to head out. I let out a sigh as we both stood up.

"I'll walk you to Zack's room." Alex puts his arm over my shoulder as we head to the door.

I nod and walk with him, and it wasn't a long walk since the locker rooms are pretty much close to one another. Alex knocks then we wait for Zack to open the door.

"Hey." Zack greets.

"Hey." We greet back.

"I'll see you after the match." Alex turns me to face him. He can tell I'm a bit upset about being backstage so he lifts my chin with his fingers. He leans down pressing his lips to mine in a soft yet passionate kiss making sure it will last until he gets back.

I nod after he pulls away.

"You'll be safe here. Trust me."

"...always trust you..."

"That's how it should me." He kisses the top of my head. "Keep her safe Zack." Alex looks over at Zack.

"I will." Zack nods.

With that he hugs me once before letting me walk into the room and the door shuts behind me.

I walk over to the couch Zack has in his room and sit down. Zack walks over, joining me on the couch.

"What's wrong?" Zack asks after I sigh.

"I just....I don't like the idea of him sitting out there alone. I just have this bad feeling."

"You think Wade is going to try something, don't you?"

"With Drew in the ring, and this not being a televised event...yeah I think he will. They're working together....I know it."

"Even though he may not like this idea..." Zack rubs the back of his neck. "...would it make you feel better if we both went and stood by the curtain?"

That's when my phone lights up and I look down at it, not recognizing the number, since it's not in my contacts. It's a text.

Don't worry about your precious little boyfriend tonight. He's not in danger. I'm not even there tonight, I just know about Drew's match, because he told me. You can rest easy. Things will time.

"Who was that?" Zack asks noticing the expression on my face.


“Are you sure? How'd he get your number?”

"Numbers are real easy to get a hold of. People have ways of finding out other people's numbers. And here, read it."

Zack takes my phone to read the message better. "He is not going to get you. Alex and I will make sure we can do whatever is possible to keep him from you."

"Remember when Dolph pulled the same thing almost? I got him to back off. It'll take some time, but he'll leave you alone eventually." He adds.

"I really hope so." I sigh. "He could also be doing this so Alex loses his title to Drew."

"We'll make sure that don't happen either."

"I really hope so. He'll do anything to get what he wants..they both will."

"Clearly I have nothing to worry about tonight. Just have to be on our toes from here on out."

"Right, but you have Mike and myself to help you with that. You are both are not going to go through this alone."

"I know....even though I can knock Wade and Drew into next week. They don't realize that they shouldn't mess with me. I think Wade learned the hard way."

"I heard what you did." Zack grins. "Nice done I might add."

"Why thank you."

"I'm just glad I was not on the other end of that. You're one tough broskiette."

"Oh I would never do that to you."

"Good." He chuckles. "Heard Wade hurt for a week after that."

"Good. The creep deserves it."

"That he did for messing with you."

"You know, I have the best idea that will take your mind off of him. It's the weekend finally tomorrow. Come back to Long Island with me, I'm going home for the weekend. You can bring Alex, I have enough room for you at my place. Just have fun."

"That's not a bad idea. I'll talk to him when he gets back."

"Sounds good. 'Cause you always know it's a great time when you're around me."

"Yes it is." I chuckle. "You sure know how to throw a party."

Zack kept me busy the whole time of Drew's match, mostly with singing along to songs and such, making them his own. The door opened and Alex walked in...completely unharmed like Wade had told me.

"Thank god nothing happened." I sigh relieved as I get up and almost run to him.

"Well Drew got in my face but, he was knocked out quicker than he could even mutter a word."

"Good. I knew you could handle him." I wrap my arms around his waist, laying my head on his chest. "Oh...Wade sent me a message..." I say a bit low.

"He what?" I hear the tension in his voice, clearly not happy.

"Yeah...told me not to worry about tonight and things will happen in time."

"No no no, nothing's going to happen in time. Nothing's going to happen at all, not if I have something to do with it."

"I know that, but we don't know what he is going to do or when he is going to do it." I start to get upset with tears in my eyes.

"If I can add something...I suggested coming back to Long Island since I'm going back for the weekend. It'll get you both away from everything." Zack interrupts.

"You know, that actually sounds like something we both need. Thank you Zack." Alex nods.

"Up for that?" Alex asks me.

"Of course I am."

"It's settled. We will join Zack this weekend and just forget everything and have a good time."

"Good." I nod.

"Well, I'm all done. How about we get out of here?"

"Get some sleep, get the flight out tomorrow."

"Right." Alex nods. "Thanks again Zack." Alex bumps fist with him.

"Anytime bro."

"We'll see you tomorrow."

"Sure thing. Night guys." Zack says as we head for the door.

"Night Zack." I say for Alex and I.

"Now to go back to the hotel and TRY to sleep." I say as we head to the car.

"You'll get sleep. I'll make sure you do." Alex kisses the top of my head before looking around.

"He's not here Alex. He told me he wasn't. He only knew about Drew's match and you being out there because Drew told him."

"I'm still not letting my guard down. He could have just told you that thinking we would not be expecting him."

"I just want to go. I need sleep. Haven't been sleeping good since I saw him in the shadows after Raw Monday."

"He is not going to get you. When we go to sleep you will wake up and I will still be there." Alex tells me as we reach the car.

"I know."

Alex turns me to him before opening my, pressing a soft kiss to my lips while cupping my face. He pulls away shortly after then opens my door for me. After I am in he shuts my door then goes to the driver side. Once he is in I make sure to lock all the doors. Alex gets his seatbelt on then starts to drive to the hotel. When we get there, we grab our things and head inside, getting onto the elevator and heading up to our floor. We head to our room and Alex unlocks the door, heading inside and I follow. I take my shoes off and head right to my things for clothes to change into. Once I have those, I head into the bathroom while Alex gets changed in the room itself. After changing, I come out of the bathroom and put my clothes with my things. I look over to see Alex sitting there in bed already, arms open and waiting for me. I waste no time in going over and snuggling right into him as he wraps his arms tightly around me.


"Yes I am." He grins. "Now how about you catch up on the sleep you missed?" He runs his thumb over my cheek.

"I think that's a good idea." I nod.

"I'll be here like always." Alex brushes his lips against mine before giving me a soft, lasting kiss to hopefully help me sleep better.

I sigh in content, and after he pulls away, I snuggle into him more. He moves the hand that was cupping my face to my hair while he runs his other hand up and down my back. My eyes start to get heavy and the sound of his heart starts to put me at ease. Before I know, I am fast asleep. Alex looks down at me and smiles, seeing me sleep. He watches me for a bit before kissing the top of my head and going to sleep himself.