Status: Active

The Chance of a Lifetime

New Raw GM

It's way early in the morning, but Alex and I are currently on our plane to get to where Raw is tonight. Alex let me sleep on the plane, so once we were in the air, I was able to shift in my seat and use his lap as a pillow as I stretched out. Most of the plane ride he watched me sleep, either running his fingers through my hair or down my arm. What seemed like a short time later was a few hours. Alex started to wake me up once the plan was about to land. I had to sit up and buckle the seat belt as we landed. I still used Alex as a pillow, but only his shoulder. He kept his arm around me the whole time until it was time for us to get off and get our things. Once we get our things we look around for Stef since she was coming to pick us up after all.

"Shauna!" I hear being called. I look in the direction where I heard it and see Stef waving her hand so we can see her.

"There she is."

"Hey guys!" She smiles as we walk up. "How was the flight?"


"I bet. I felt the same way when Mike and I came here."

"Speaking of him, where is he?" I ask.

"Meeting with Vince to see what my future will be in the WWE."

"Oh? You excited?"

"I am, but I'm trying not to think to much about it. Don't want to give my hopes up, ya know?" She says as we walk out to the car.

"Right, but you're amazing. I'm sure training went well right?"

"It went really well. John and Mike taught me a lot...well, when I was not teaching them." She chuckles at the last part.

"Oh so the student became the teacher huh?" I laugh, as we go out to the car and put our luggage in the trunk.

"Yes the student did." She laughs. "Surprised them both." She smirks as we reach the car.

"Wait..." I stop. "...he let you drive his car?" I'm a bit shocked.

"Took some persuading, but in the end he let me use it."

"What's he driving then?"

"I dropped him off. Just have to get him after the meeting."


"He will be a few hours or so. He said he'd call when he was done."

"I hope he comes out of there with good news."

"You and me both." She sighs.

We then get all our bags in the trunk before getting in the car.

"You guys hungry?" Stef asks after starting the car.

"I am." I nod.

"Same." Alex says.

"Alright. There is this place Mike took me to and they have great food."

"Sounds good."

Once we were all buckled in, Stef then started to drive to the diner that she and Mike went to after they got to LA. She pulls in and finds a place to park. We all then get out and head inside the diner. We walk in and get seated right away, being given menus as well. After a bit of looking, the same waitress that Stef and Mike had comes over.

"Hey Stef." The waitress, Kaylee greets.

"Hey Kay." Stef smiles.

"Where's Mike?" She looks around not seeing him.

"Oh, he has a meeting." Stef says.


"I'm sure he'll want to come by later."

"I'm sure." She laughs. "Who are your friends?" She asks about Alex and I.

"Oh. This is Shauna and Alex. Good friends of ours. They're in town for the show."

"Right. Thought you look familiar." She looks at us with a smile. "Now, what can I get for all of you?"

We each order what we wanted, and then she takes them to be made. Soon after she left, she came back with our drinks. After she leaves we sip our drinks and talk amongst each other.

"You know, now that Laurinaitis is gone from Raw GM, I wonder who's gonna run it now."

"That's a good question." Alex ponders.

"You should go for it Alex." Stef suggests.

"Ooooh yeah, you should." I agree.

"You really think I should?"

"Who better to run Raw than you? It'll really boost your career."

"I believe you would be a great GM."

"You get to make all the decisions, make matches, over rule people..."

" the show how it should be run." Stef finishes.


"You should call Vince later and see what he thinks."

"Or who knows. He could be thinking of possible new GMs and has you down on a list."

"That's a possiblity."

"I bet that's what he's doing."

"He could very well be. I'm sure we'll find out at the show tonight."

"What if Mike became GM?"

"That we be amazing. No offense Alex, but it would be pretty tough to choose between the both of you."

"It would be." I nod.

"As long as it is one of you, I would not complain."

Then the food comes to the table and we talk more about how exciting it would be for either Mike or Alex to become the Raw GM. Once we were done eating, Alex insisted on paying the bill. Stef and I let him since we knew we would not win. After that was paid, we went back to the car and headed to Mike's condo. Alex insists on taking all of our things to the guest bedroom. I let him and I sit down on the couch with you.

"He really is great. Taking all that stuff in there for you so you can rest."

"I know. He let me use him as a pillow on the flight here too."

"Awwww. Too cute."

"Got up way too early."

"That's the one thing about time zones. Have to get up early." She makes a face.

"Right. Used to it though."

"True." She nods. "With all the traveling you do."

"And all the traveling you're doing with us."

"Exactly. I'm still getting used to it."

"It takes a while, definitely."

"I'm sure. First time I have ever had to travel like this."

"Just wait until you go overseas. Then the time zones really mess you up."

"Now that is going to be tough." She chuckles. "I will probably be sleeping all day and up all night."

"That's how I was starting out with overseas stuff."

"You think it is really day when it is really night."


Just then Alex come back down after getting all the bags up to the room. He walks over to the couch, sitting next to me with his arm around me. He gives me a quick kiss before pulling me to his side.

"Awww." Stef gushes. "You both are so cute."

"You've been saying we would be, before I even met him."

"I'm just that good." She grins. "And look...I was right too."

"Just like I said the same thing about you and Mike."

"So you did." She blushes slightly. "Speaking of him. he should be calling soon." She looks at the clock.

And almost instantly after that, your phone goes off. She answers the phone, him telling her to head over to where he is at. After hanging up, she stands up to get her things.

"I'm off to get Mike. You two make yourselves at home. We should be back in about an hour or so."


"Have fun." She chuckles. "Just not to much fun." She teases.

"Oh shush you."

"Nevvvverrrr." She sings over her shoulder as she walks out the door.

"Can't make her any promises." Alex chuckles.

"You got something planned, don't you?" I tilt my head to look at him.

"Me? Something planned? Nah." He tries hard not to laugh.

"Suurrre. I know since you did not have much time to do anything this morning."

"I'm just letting you relax right now."

"Right now?" I chuckle. "That is not like you at all."

"Time to plan remember?"

"It's never good when you have time to plan."

"Especially this long."

"You enjoy every minute of it though." He grins.

"I do."

"I might save that for later though. Let you relax from the flight right now."


"What did you want to do? TV, pool, or lay down?"

"I think laying down is the best option to relax."

"Sounds good." He nods. "Here or the bedroom?"

"Well I am comfortable here so..."

"Here it is then."

Before I know it, he's laid back on the couch and has grabbed me, pulling me on top of him, and wrapping his arms around me.

"Now you can't go anywhere."

"I wasn't planning on going anywhere."


He reaches up to pull a blanket down off the back of the couch. I shift a bit, finding a comfortable spot to lay. He puts the blanket over us and his arms go right back around me.

"There..even better."


"I may end up falling back asleep sooner than you think. You're comfy like always."

"Good. Get all the rest you need." He kisses the top of my head. "I'll still be here when you get up."

I nod and get more comfortable, cuddling closer. He keeps one arm securely around me while he lets the other run through my hair and down my arm. He repeats the routine until my eyes start to close. He keeps one arm securely around me while he lets the other run through my hair and down my arm. He repeats the routine until my eyes start to close. Stef in the meantime is currently on the way to pick Mike up. She heads back to the arena, where she dropped him off. She pulls up to the front of the arena and parks there. She lets him know that she's outside waiting and he soon comes out.

"So how did the meeting go?" She asks after he gets into the car.

"It went alright." He tries not to give anything away. "I'll tell you when we get back to the condo." He leans over giving her a kiss.

"Okay, I can wait. Even though the wait is killing me." She replies, pulling away from the arena and heading back.

"How about, we head somewhere close and talk about now?" He suggests.

"I would love that."

"Okay." He nods. "I know the perfect place."

"Then you're going to have to direct me there."

"I will. No worries."

She nods and follows the directions that he gives her. He has her go to a place that overlooks the ocean. It was not too far from the condo, but the view was just amazing. After pulling into a spot to park, she shuts the car off and turn to face him.

"Well?" She anxiously waits for him to tell her.

"Well....first of all, he was extremely impressed with how much you knew and how much you could do beforehand."

"That was thanks to Shauna. She helped me learn some of that before she left."

"And I told him that. You probably just want me to get to the point don't you?"

"Yes! I want to know what he said."

" have a try out at FCW in two weeks." He grins.

"Ahhhh!" She squeals. She undos her seat belt so she can move to hug him. "Seriously?!"

"Seriously." He chuckles.

"I can't believe it." She smiles. "I owe a big part of it to you."

"You're very welcome. He's going to be there personally in two weeks so he can see your skills for himself."

"Then I guess I should keep practicing so I can be at my best for him."

"Which is why he gave you two weeks. So you can get more practice in."

"Well that was nice of him. Going to be a long two weeks."

"We'll make it through. Oh and he mentioned to me about who he's considering for GM too."

"Oh? Who?"

"Well...I'm on the list...."

"You are!" She gets excited. "Did he say anything else?"

"He's also considering Alex. Not considering too many people right now."

"Right, but it will be amazing if either of you get it. I'm pulling for you though."

"Of course. He's choosing someone tonight too."

"So we get to find out soon. How exciting."

"Very." He grins.

"How amazing would it be if you became GM? I mean, you could choose when and who you face for the title."

"I know right?"

"I really hope you get it. No offense to Alex, I think you would both be great as GM, but I have to go with you on this." She grins.

"Right, and of course."

"I'm just so excited right now. That was the best news ever!"

"Great start to the day."

"An amazing start."

"So want to go back and reveal the news?"

"We could, as long as Shauna is awake."

"She was still tired after I picked them up from the airport." She adds.

"Right. Early morning for them."

"I'm sure we can do something to keep busy until she wakes up." He adds with a smirk.

"With you, I'm sure we will."

"I just really missed you this morning." He pouts slightly, putting his hand on her thigh.

"Mike..." She takes a breath since he lets his fingers wander. " it for the condo."

"Can't help myself."

"Of course you can't." She chuckles. "I missed you too." She leans over giving him a quick kiss.

Then she takes his hand and laces her fingers with his. She sits back in her seat so she's able to start the car so they can head back to the condo. Then she puts her seat belt back on, before heading back. Since they were not that far from his condo, they got back quickly. She pulls into a parking spot and shuts the car off. They both get out and head inside. She calls out, saying that they're both back, but there's no response. They head out into the living room to see that both Alex and myself are sleeping.

"Awww." She gushes. "How cute is that."

"Someone's tired."

"She wasn't kidding when she said she was tired."

"Better to get enough rest before tonight."

"That's true." She nods. "How about we let them get some rest?"

"Good idea."

"Upstairs or outside?"


"Alright." She takes his hand as they quietly head outside.

"I can't wait for your tryout in two weeks." Mike grins.

"You seem more excited than I am about it." She chuckles.

"That's because I am."

"I just don't think it fully hit me yet." She bites her lip thinking about it for a minute. After thinking about it, she does a little happy dance before jumping into his arms. "I think it hit me." She smiles wide.

"I think so to." He chuckles.

"I actually get to try out. For real this time. After not thinking I would ever get the chance. It's finally happening. I have you to thank for that chance too."

"You have no idea how happy."

"I have a pretty good idea."

"Is that so?" She raises a brow.


"And how is that, if I may ask?"

"Just how you're acting."

"That obvious?" She bites her lip, blushing a bit.

"Kind of, yeah."

"I can't help it. I really am that happy I met you. You have been the best thing that has happened to me."


She can't help but to smile and blush.

"You really are the best thing that's happened to me." He nods.

"Mike..." She blushes more. "....I'm not that special."

"Yes, you are."

"I don't know how..." She bites her lip. "...I'm not even that pretty or anything. I mean...I'm not a model, I have not really done anything really interesting or anything..." She trails off.

"You don't have to be a model to be pretty."

"That's not what I was told." She mutters.

"Well whoever told you that is stupid."

"I'd like to think so, but that's not all I was told." She says the last part low.

"What was said?"

"Well.." She bites her lip. ...I was told, I was worthless, no good, ugly, when my Ex was mad, a slut when he drank, I was eye candy and nothing more, I would never made it as a Diva, I could never make anyone happy not even in the bedroom, all I was good for was that...the list goes on." She starts to tear up.

"He obviously had no idea what he was talking about. Clearly because he was drunk like you just said. Everything he said, all lies, that was the alcohol talking. But you're with me now and I would never treat you that way."

"You have showed me that too, but the things he said stick with me and I think about them all the time. I have no self-confidence thanks to him and I go to sleep every night and wake up everyday thinking that you are not going to be there or tell me I'm not good enough."

"I'm always going to be there."

"I know you say that, but I can't help to think you won't. He said the same thing to me, then when someone 'hotter' came around he left me."

"And you know, he probably left that girl when he saw someone else. He's one of those guys that has a different girl each week to a few months, gets bored with them, moves onto someone else."

"You may be right..." She remembers the text from the other night. "...lets hope that is how he is..."

"It's best to forget about him."

"I tell myself that everyday, but he makes it hard." She sighs.

"That's what I'm here for...."

"I thank myself for that everyday since I met you too." She smiles slightly as her phone goes off. She groans and rolls her eyes.

"It's okay...see who it is."

"I already know who it is."

"Who is it?"


"He has some nerve. Let me deal with him. Please." Mike says, holding out his hand for her phone.

"Go ahead." She hands him her phone.

"He's lucky that this is just a text and that I don't talk to him on the phone itself." Mike says as he reads the text and goes to reply.

"He really is. Been doing this ever since he found out I met you."

"He has no idea who he's messing with."

"No, but I'm sure you will let him know. He has left me alone until now too."

"Well after I'm done with him, he will leave you alone."

"I really hope so. I do not want to deal with him after the things he said to me."

"And you won't have to. I won't let him bother you."

"That's why you are the best." She smiles slightly up at him.

"Just for you."

"Thank you." She buries my face in his chest.

"You're welcome. You don't need to deal with someone like him."

"I have not had to for about a year now. He does not like seeing me with anyone else. He is very possessive."

"Even though you're not with him."

"Even though I'm not with him. He told me I was never allowed to see anyone else because I was still 'his'"

"That's just ridiculous."

"I know." She sighs. "At the time I listened because I thought I would never meet anyone, let alone you which he said would never happen."

"Well he didn't know you would have connections now did he?"

"Actually he did. He knew Shauna was a Diva, but told me she would forget about me since she made it and I didn't."

"And look who proved him wrong about that."

"I did." She chuckles a bit. "He may have been wrong about that, but I'm not sure about the other stuff..." She chews her lip.

"You'll prove him wrong about everything. Mark my words. You'll nail your tryout, you'll impress the boss, you'll get a contract and you'll be with me...on the main roster. He'll be sorry he said those things to you."

"I hope you're right about everything. I really want this and I'm not going to let him or anyone stop me this time."

"There's the attitude you need." He grins.

"The attitude he never let me have. I'm do happy you let me be my true self around you."

"Well you should be your true self. And no one should control you in any relationship."

"You do not know how happy I am to hear you say that."

"Well it's true. I don't like controlling relationships. I for one treat significant others the way they should be treated."

"That's how it should be, even though I got told I was to 'clingy' when I tried to do that."

"You're not clingy."

"That is what I was told, so that is why I get the way I do. I was never like this. I was more outgoing and more comfortable about things before him. Just ask Shauna."

"I believe you."

"Since I have been with you, I have felt more comfortable and feel I can be myself more."

"Which is good. You should be comfortable and yourself."

"Which I am around you."

"I've noticed."

"That's what I like best about you. That I can be myself."

"I'll always let you be yourself too."

"That means so much to me."

"I'm glad."

"One of the many things I love about you."

He grins and wraps her in a hug. She takes a deep breath, moving her head against his chest. He runs his hands over her back as she tightens her hold around him.

"Never going anywhere....without you."

"I'm not going anywhere without you either." She mumbles against his chest.

"Staying with me forever."

"I would not have it any other way."


He then lifts her chin so that he can look into her eyes. Moving his hand from her chin, he runs his thumb over her cheek while smiling at her. She returns his smile and looks deep into his eyes.

"You're amazing."

"As are you."

Then he leans down and presses his lips to hers. She leaves her arms around his neck as he kisses her with a lot of passion, so much that she starts to go weak at the knees and leans into him more. Her hands make their way to his hair as she lets them run through it gently for now. Using his free arm, he wraps that around her waist to hold her in place. She gives in and lets him take control, just letting her body relax into him. She starts to kiss him back just as much as he was kissing her, but he moves from her lips to her jawline.

"No....marks....this time..."

"...they're fading..."

"I know. But the show tonight...."

"It will not be noticeable..."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

"Go ahead."

He smirks against her skin before moving farther down her neck. Along the way, he gently nips at the skin, making sure to leave tiny marks that can only be noticeable to him. She moves her head to the side a bit, letting her body relax into him when he does not go over the sensitive spots. He hits the sensitive spots from time to time and she tenses when he does. A few noises escape her which causes him to smirk against her skin, doing it more. Then he moves over to the other side of her neck to do the same exact thing. Her head tilts a bit more again while her eyes stay closed. He gets to a certain spot and gets a reaction out of her. She bites her lip, trying to contain any noises that come.

"Don't....hold back..." He mumbles.

"...we" She takes a sharp breath.

"They're sleeping."

She goes to say something when he nips at the same spot again while moving his tongue over her skin. She bites harder down on her lip even though that did not hold back any noise that came from her. He grins as he continues, and as soon as he feels that there's a mark that will be forming, he pulls away and makes his way back to her lips. Once he reaches her lips, she kisses him back hard while moving her hands to his hair pulling him as close to her as he can get. He starts to let his fingers move from her waist to her lower back slipping his fingers under her shirt. He lightly moves his fingers along her skin, making her shiver a bit. She gets caught up in the kiss, until they hear a thump from inside.

"What was that?" She asks, pulling away from the kiss.

"Not sure."

"I think we should go make sure everything is alright."

"We should." Mike nods.

She pulls away from him and they head inside to see what happened. Once they get in the doors, they see Alex helping me up.

"Are you okay?" Stef asks, trying to stifle a giggle.

"Ow...I'm fine..."

"Are you sure?" Alex asks concerned.

"I've fallen off things numerous times in my sleep. I'm fine."

"Do I even want to know how that happened?" Stef chuckles.

"I guess he let me go at some point and I moved in my sleep and rolled off of him onto the floor..."


"I'm so sorry. I thought I had you." Alex frowns.

"It's okay."

"Tell me where it hurts. I'll help you feel better."

"I'm okay. It only hurt when I fell. I feel no pain now. I've had worse, believe me."

"She really has. Like that time you fell off the top bunk. That was much worse than this." Stef mentions.

"That hurt like hell."

"I felt it myself and it did not even happen to me. I felt for you."

"I'm just glad I didn't break anything."

"You were. That was a hard fall too." Stef winces at the memory.

"It was." I nod.

"You're tough though. I'm just glad you didn't get hurt this time." Alex sighs in relief.

"Well falling off a couch is a way shorter distance to the floor than a bunk bed."

"That's true, but I'm just glad you are alright."

"Of course."

"Well since it is about lunch, how about we get something to eat?" Mike suggest.

"And then we have to be at the arena for what...2?"

"Yeah. We have enough time to stop and get something. We could even take it there with us."

"Just let me go grab my gear bag just in case I have a match tonight."


"Oh by the way...speaking of matches....guess who has a tryout in two weeks?" She grins.

"You?" I smile excitedly.

"Mhm." She nods with a big smile.

"No way!"

"Yes way. Mike told me after I picked him up. Vince was happy with what I knew and how I did."

"One step closer." I grin.

"It is." Stef nods. "I also want you and Alex there when I go too."

"Of course we'll go."

"Yay!!!" Stef walks over to me giving me a hug. "If it was not for you, I would not be here right now and have this chance." She pulls from the hug. "I owe you big. Thank you."

"You're very welcome."

"Now go get your gear bag so we can go eat." She playfully pushes me to the stairs.

"Okay okay." I laugh.

"You know me and food." She laughs.

"All too well."

"So go before I leave you all here."

"I'm going, I'm going."

I got up to the room to get my bag along with Alex's then head back downstairs. When I get there, I see no sign of Stef or Mike.

"Where did they go?" I ask.

"The car. She got impatient." Alex chuckles.

"Of course." I shake my head amusedly.

"I think we should go before she makes us walk."

"We should." I nod.

I hand Alex his bag before lacing of hands together. We then head out the door, making sure it is locked before we head down to the car. When we get there, Stef and Mike are waiting inside.

"About time." Stef calls with a laugh from the open window.

"You're just impatient."

"Well I'm hungry. You should know I get like that." She laughs.

"I know, I know." I laugh.

Alex and I get in the back of the car after putting our stuff in the trunk. Once we are in and buckled, Mike starts to drive to a place where we can pick up food to take to the arena with us. We find a place, and we go in to get the food. Once we have it, we all go back to the car, get in and head to the arena. After getting to the arena, we head inside and Stef and Mike head to his locker room while Alex and I head to his.

"You know, I'm hoping we tag team tonight. It's been a while since we have." I say as I drop my bag and sit down.

"That would be good. It has been awhile and I miss it."

"Just wondering who could possibly be our opponents if we do end up tag teaming."

"Good question." Alex chuckles. "I'm sure they will pick someone."

"Right." I nod.

"They'll probably wait until the last minute to let everyone know tonight with all the new GM stuff."

"True. They tend to wait until the last minute a lot."

"Which will not happen if I become the GM."

"Of course. You'll make things better."

"I will. Things will not be the same around here."

"I like the idea of Mike becoming GM, but I love the idea of you becoming GM even more. Make it hard to choose. So not cool."

"It never is, but I understand why you would want Mike. You were friends with him longer."

"But you both equally deserve the job."

"We do. I'm sure one of us will get it. Just have to wait until later to see who gets picked."

"It's gonna be a long night until that point."

"I'm sure we'll find something to do." He smirks.

"That smirk..."

"What ever do you mean..."

"You know exactly what I mean."

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No, not really."

"That will be for after we get done eating." He grins.

"Oh of course."

"Shall we eat before it gets cold and we end up starting early?"

"I say that's a good idea."

Alex then gets the food out of the bag and sets it on the table in the room. We took what we ordered and sat and started to eat while we talked occasionally. Stef and mike had made it to his locker room and had set all their stuff out on the table.

"I really hope you get picked as the GM tonight."

"Oh I know."

"To be the WWE champ and the GM...that's just awesome." She mimics his voice on 'awesome'.

"Couldn't say it better myself."

"Probably not." She laughs. "It takes a lot to be as good as me." She adds with a smirk.

"You mean as good as me."

"No. I was right the first time."

"Sure you were."

"See?" She giggles. "You have a lot to learn from the best....I mean me."

"If anyone's the best around here, it's me. I think we both know that." He smirks.

"Oh we know. We know very well." She moves her hair referring to the marks he left.

"At least those are only noticeable to me."

"The ones you left today are. The other one, everyone can see without makeup on it."


"I don't mind. Although I know someone who is not happy about it."


"Mhm." She nods. "I do find his reactions amusing though. Like he has a chance."

"Well wait until you make it here to the main roster after your tryout. And when we get to be each other's managers. He'll hit the roof when he sees it." Mike chuckles.

"I can't wait for that day. If he doesn't get it now, he will when that happens."

"He better."

"Even better if you become the GM. Then you can tell him to leave me alone or he will get suspended or maybe worse."

"Oh the perks of being in charge." Mike grins evilly.

"That makes it even better. Even if Alex gets it, he can do the same thing."


"Even though I'm pulling for you." She grins.

"Of course."

"It's going to be a long night until we find that out though." She groans.

"We'll survive."

"I'm sure we will...well, I know I will." She chuckles.

"It'll be showtime before we know it."


"I mean, look how fast the day went by already."

"It did go by quick, but we were also busy too."

"That too."

"I say when we get done eating, we just relax for now. I did not realize how tired I was until just now."

"There's always time for a nap." He nods.

"A nap does sound good now that you mention it."

"And if you're not awake before the show starts, I'll make sure to wake you up."

"Why thank you." She smiles. "You're the best." She kisses his cheek.

"You're welcome and I know."

They soon finish eating and while Mike throws the trash away, she lays down on the couch. once he walks back over, he chuckles at how she keeps moving around to get comfortable.

"Stupid, lumpy couch." She mutters, hitting the cushions.

"Here, stand up for a second."

She nods and stands up quickly. Then he goes over and lays down on the couch. "Now you can lay down. I'm more comfy than this couch..."

"You sure are." She walks over and lays down on him. She lays her head on his shoulder and rests her hands on his chest. Just don't let me fall." She chuckles.

"I won't."

"Good." She snuggles into him, getting more comfortable.

He kisses the top of her head, before running his fingers through her hair. She sighs happily, just enjoying his touch for now. She tries to fight the need to sleep since she just wants to enjoy the moment they have right now. He keeps running his fingers through her hair then moves his other hand down her back once he notices she's fighting sleep. the more he does the soothing touches, the harder it gets for her to keep her eyes open. Soon she gives up on fighting and lets her eyes fall shut. Once he sees that she's sleeping, he smiles down at her and watches her the whole time she sleeps until it is time for him to wake her up.

The time seems to pass by awfully quick, and Mike has gotten ready for the show, in one of his usual suits. Then he proceeds to wake Stef up. She shifts in her spot a bit, mumbling incoherently.

"The show is about to start." Mike softly says, gently shaking her more.

"Mhm." She nods. "I'm awake." She slowly opens her eyes.

Then once she gets the glimpse of the suit, she wakes up even more. "I'm definitely awake now."

"I assume you like it?" He chuckles.

"Like?" She bites her lip, looking him up and down. "More like love it."

"Of course." He grins.

"Not that I mind, but why are you wearing that? Don't you have a match?"

"Not until much later. The GM's being decided before that. Gotta look nice if I get chosen right?"

"That's true and boy do you look nice."

"Why thank you."

"Anytime." She smiles. "Are we going to have to wait long to find out?"

"Unfortunately. Want to keep everyone guessing for a while before they reveal who it is."

"The wait is going to kill me." She groans. "I really hope it's you they chose."

"I know the wait's going to kill you. I think you'll survive."

"As long as I get to spend that time with you, I know I will."

"I would hope so."

"Nothing else matters when I'm with you, in your arms."

"I couldn't agree more."

Since she had sat up, Mike sat on the couch next to her. She leans back into him while he wraps his arms around her. She leans back into him and rests her hands on top of his arms.

"Now this is nice." She tilts her head to look at him.

"It is." He nods.

She leans up, giving him a quick kiss. "Now to wait for the show to start." She lays her head back on his shoulder after pulling away.

"Shouldn't be too much longer."

"I must've slept long, if the show is about to start." She realizes now that she's more awake.

"You were out for a good few hours or so." He nods.

"Wow. I didn't know I was that tired." She chuckles. "Then again, I seem to sleep good with you."

"You do. Was kind of hard to move you off of me when I had to get ready."

"Aww. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I moved you the best I could without waking you."

"Well thank you, even though I would have understood."

"You looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake you."

"I know, but you had to get ready. I'm glad you were able to get ready though."

"Even if I couldn't I would wait until you were awake to get ready."

"Aren't you just the sweetest."

"I know." He grins.

"The best."

"So are you."

"Awww. I don't know how or why, but thank you."

"You're welcome."

She moves closer to him, just relaxing into him for now. He keeps his arms around her while they wait for the show to start. Alex and I are in his locker room and he had just gotten changed for the show. After he got done, he walked over to sit next to me on the couch.

"Think I should get into my gear or wait until we know what's going on?" I ask.

"Hmmm...I would say get into your gear. Just in case."

"Alright. I'll be right back." I say, kissing him quickly before getting up and grabbing my bag, heading in to change.

It does not take me that long to change and once I do, I head back out into the room with Alex.

"I love when you wear your gear." He smirks at me with wide wide eyes.

"Of course you do."

"What can I say?" He shrugs moving closer to me. "More to touch." He runs his fingers over any exposed skin he can.

"Just for you."

"Good. All mine." He pulls me closer to him.

"Let me ask you something. Before we even got together, did I always distract you? Especially in this?"

"All the time. Whenever I saw you walk by in your gear or anything for that matter, I would zone out and see nothing but you. The only thing I saw was you and nothing or anyone one else."

"I knew I could sense someone watching me all those times."

"That would've been me."

"Well I know that now."

"Took forever for me to get the nerve to talk to you. I just never knew what to say."

"Awww, how cute."

"Glad you think so. I had a feeling I would mess up and not get a chance with you."

"But at the time you never knew that I had the same feelings for you." I add.

"No I did not. Now that I know, I wish I would've made a move sooner."

"It's okay. You know I would've waited forever for you anyway."

"You would have waited that long for me?" He looks down at me. "I didn't even think you knew who I was."

"Yes I would've. And of course I knew who you were. I've been watching you since NXT like I told you days ago."

"You did tell me, but I did not know when I first saaw you that you knew who I was."

"Right. And it took you forever to get the nerve to talk to me? I was trying to get the nerve to talk to you too."

"It's a good thing we had that match together then. If not, we may not be where we are now."

"Well I'm sure one of us would work up the nerve to talk to the other eventually. You would be worth the wait."

"Just like you would be." He kisses the top of my head. "Although, even is Stef came I am sure she would have done something. She seemed to think we would be perfect for each other."

"That's true. She did think that."

"Honestly, I think she's right."

"I already know she's right."

"I could not be any happier than I am right now." He moves some hair from my face. "I have the most beautiful girl ever and the best girlfriend."

"You're being too sweet again..."

"I can't help it." He grins. "The way your eyes light up, your mine...I can never get enough of seeing that."

"I'm trying like so hard to resist hiding my face right now."

"You know what will happen if you do."

"Yes I know."

"I love when you blush. Makes you more beautiful."

"Of course."

He runs his thumb over my cheek as we look into each others eyes. I move my hands up his arms to his neck as he leans down pressing his lips to mine. My hands go in his hair as I kiss back. The kiss goes on for a bit, but the sound of the show starting, on the TV screen in the room is what had us break the kiss.

"Looks like the show's starting." I sigh after pulling away.

"More later."

"Mmm...looking forward to it."

"Figured as much." He grins.

"Now to find out who the new GM is."

"Right. After most of the show goes by. You know they won't reveal that until much later."

"I know, but we can hope they lets us know soon."

The show starts off like normal with the WWE intro and then the Raw intro and pyro. What's going to happen on the show is talked about, including the new GM being named much later in the show. They announce the first match of the night which is Zack versus Dolph.

"Should be interesting."

"It should." Alex nods. "Heard Dolph wants my title now, so I have to pay close attention to this match." He adds.

"He wants it back? He already had his rematch. He gets no more chances. Psh."

"Guess he wants to make a point. Let everyone know he is the only one who gets a shot." He shrugs.

"Psh. He wishes."

The match starts off like any other match. Dolph looks good at the start of the match, taking full control. I try to enjoy the match because after a while Zack became in control of it, but Vickie's god awful screeching was getting on my nerves.

"God I wish she would just shut up. All that screeching is not helping."

"It's giving me a headache."

"You and me both." You rub your head.

"I say we mute her....where's the remote?"

"Right here." Alex chuckles.

"Mute her....just until the match is over."

"That's fine. As long as I do not have to hear her."

He grabs the remote and mutes her. "Much better."

The rest of the match was somewhat long, but in the end Dolph came out with the win after Vickie distracted Zack and the ref.

"Ugh, I'm tired of her cheating for him."

"That's the only way he knows how to win. If she was not there, he would not be so good."

"Well that just show that he hides behind her."

"He does. Shows he is not a real man if he has to hide behind her all the time."

"Which is what made him an unfit champion."

"Exactly. If it was not for you stopping her, I may not have it right now."

"Well I couldn't let her cost you the win. Because that's not right."

"No, it's not. I'm just glad you stopped her."

They talk about how RAW is the number one show of all time before they announce the next match. First to come out was the team of Kofi and R-Truth, with little Jimmy in tow. Once they were in the ring, Rey and Sin Cara came out.

"Invisible child." I laugh.

"I just don't get it. I feel bad for Kofi for having to deal with that."

"So do I, so do I. Poor Kofi."

The match starts off with Kofi and Rey. Both are circling each other before Rey starts kicking Kofi in the leg. Mid-match, Darren and Titus came out and interfered, attacking Kofi and Truth, causing a DQ on Rey and Sin Cara's behalf.

"Oh, of course." I roll my eyes.

"They want the titles and it looks like they will do whatever it takes to get them."

"They annoy me."

"I think that's all the know how to do."

"Well attacking during a match doesn't earn you a title shot in my opinion."

"It doesn't and hopefully the new GM will see that. I know if I become GM, they would not be getting a shot anytime soon."


They got to another commercial before coming back and talking about the announcement of the new GM coming up later in the night. There was a knock on the door and Alex went to go see who it was. It happened to be a crew member, telling him we were in a tag match that was coming up after the next segment.

"So we do have a tag match. Yay."

"We do. Don't know who against, but we have one."

"I suppose we'll find out when we go out there."

"That we will." He nods. "Ready?" He holds out his hand.

"Of course." I nod, taking his hand.

We leave the locker room and head to the curtain to see who we are facing. When we get there, we see Eve and Daniel Bryan there as well.

"Oh god no."

"Just relax. I don't think she will mess with you after last time." Alex tries to sooth me.

"You'd be surprised..."

"Then you'll have to teach her a lesson, that is if she starts with you."

"I can almost guarantee she'll start something with me before we all even go out for the match."

"Ignore her. Act like she is not even there."

"Easier said than done."

As soon as I got done saying that Eve noticed Alex and began to walk over. "Hey there Alex." Eve said all flirty.

I growl under my breath and move to the other side of him, bumping Eve out of the way. "Oh, I'm sorry." I say sarcastically.

Eve totally ignores me and keeps trying to talk to him. "I had no idea we were facing you. Not that I mind. I always enjoy seeing you."

"Ughhhhhh." I say outloud and drag the word out.

"Look, Eve. I am not interested in you so just go away. I don't think you want things to be harder on you in the match then they already will be." Alex tries letting her down the best he can.

"Aw. I think you and I should team." She steps closer to him. "I don't see your partner around anywhere." She looks around totally ignoring me.

"I can't take it anymore..." I grumble, letting Alex go and shove her away.

"Oh, Shauna. When did you get here?" Eve tries to act innocent.

"Oh cut the act."

"What act?" She shrugs. "I honestly had no idea you were even here." She smirks.


"Kinda hard to see you with such a good looking man standing here. Plus...I don't pay attention to the little people around here." She chuckles evilly at the last part.

"Stay calm..." Alex whispers in my ear, because he knows I want to lunge at her and attack her.

"I'm trying...." I mumble back, starting to shake with anger a bit.

"Aw, what's wrong. Can't handle the big girl stuff? You have to hide behind a man?" Eve taunts.

"...I can't anymore.." I mutter to him, before lunging at her.

I get a fist full of her hair and start to hit her repeatedly. I only got a good few hits in when some lifted me off of her.

"Let me go!" I say as I struggle to get free.

"Save it for the match." Alex whispers to me, trying to calm me down a bit.

Daniel had already gone out and then they played her music.

"Oh you're so lucky you have to go out there right now!"

"See you out there sweets." Eve smirked blowing a kiss.

"Oooh. She's just unbelievable." I shake with anger.

"You'll get your chance. We are heading out..." They hit my music. "" He chuckles.

"I hope I break her nose or something. Bust her lip open...something..." I mutter as we head out.

"Give her your best."

"You better believe I will."

We then head out and down the ramp. We slap hands with fans along the way. Right as we reach the ring, Eve smirks over at me and I glare right at her. I waste no time in getting into the ring and almost immediately, she leaves the ring to escape me.

"You coward!" I yell.

She refuses to get up onto the ring so Daniel has no choice but to start off, so that means Alex has to as well, and I have to wait to get my hands on Eve. The match starts off like any other with them both locking up in the middle of the ring. Alex gets Daniel into the corner before being told to back off by the ref. Alex does back up, hands up in defense. He goes back over to Daniel, only to be kicked in the face. That's when Daniel starts to climb to the top and waits for Alex to turn around as he stands on the top rope. Alex however gets the better of him, hitting him with a standing dropkick mid-air as Daniel comes crashing down. Alex goes for the pin, Daniel kicking out at two. I hit the turnbuckle, cheering for Alex. Alex had the upperhand for most of the match, until Daniel chickened out and scrambled over to his corner and tagged Eve in. Alex had no choice but to step out. He made sure to do it quickly so Eve could not try anything. I get into the ring and go right after her.

I spear her to the canvas and throw punches left and right, before the ref has to pull me off. I allow her to get up before spearing her to the canvas again, this time hitting her head off of the canvas and messing her hair up in the process. I'm pulled off yet again and Eve crawls to the ropes to get up. I storm over to her and grab her feet, flipping her over and positioning her under the bottom rope and then I fall backwards, her throat coming in contact with the bottom rope. I pull her away from the ropes and into the middle of the ring where I go for the cover, but she kicks out. I growl in frustration and cover her again, getting the same result. I then help her up and pick her up and sideslam her onto my knee, giving her a back breaker. She slowly starts to crawl over to Daniel for the tag. She was close enough, but when she went for the tag, she was denied since Daniel had jumped down and left. I grin and put her in my signature submission where she has no choice but to tap. The bell rings, but I refuse to release my hold on her wanting her to suffer. Alex comes into the ring and pulls me off of her.

"Don't cause the ref to reverse his decision."

I release my hold on her, not wanting the ref to give her the win.

"Do that again and things will be worse." I growl in her ear.

I then waste no time in exiting the ring and heading up the ramp to go to the back.

"Whoa." Alex says trying to catch up. "Slow down there." He says once he catches up.

"Sorry. Needed to get out of there before I got out of control."

"That's alright. I know how she makes you feel, but if you need to be calm for our date." He grins. "I can help with that."

"I wouldn't be against that idea..."

"Well lets head to the locker room so I can help you relax..." Alex starts to pull me down the hall.

"Of course." I laugh at his eagerness to get back.

"We only have so much time before they announce who the GM is."


We make it back to the locker room and before I could even think about doing anything, Alex pulled me close him, crashing his lips down on mine. I didn't kiss back at first because he caught me offguard. But I soon started to kiss back and my hands rest on his shoulders for now. His one hand stays on my waist for now while his other is on the back of my head holding me in place. He starts to move his fingers through my hair as he deepens the kiss more. Then somehow he ends up moving the both of us so that we're on the couch and more comfortable. He moved the hand that was on my hip to my back so he could make sure I did not move. The hand that was in my hair stayed there for now. I move my hands however. I decide to have a little fun since I can. I move my hands from his shoulders, to his chest, and then to his abs where I just let fingers rest for now. He tenses up at the movement of my fingers. He lets his hands move over the exposed skin he can reach while making the kiss more intense.

"We need to....tone it down....just a bit. You have...much less on...than I do...." I manage to mumble.

"Are you relaxed now?"

"I think you know the answer to that."

"Then my job is done....for now."

I pull from his lips and then lay my head on his shoulder, cuddling into him. We turn our attention to the TV to see a replay of the match that had just happened. Sheamus had beaten Drew in what looked like a good match.

After, they talked about the upcoming match after the break and that would be Mike vs Randy. You and Mike had left the room before that, and didn't even know that he had a match scheduled, until after the break was over. Randy had went out first and did his entrance and what not. That's when his music faded and Mike's played after. Stef looks up at him confused, since he's not moving at all to go out there and the fact that he's still in the suit so how can he compete.

"Mike...what's going on?" She looks at him confused.

"Just watch..."


Everyone is confused on how Mike doesn't go out. His music however is then replaced with Mr. McMahon's. He struts out to the top of the ramp and waits for his music to go off and for the crowd to calm down before he speaks.

"Ladies and gentleman..I am have an announcement to make. This is concerning the new GM for RAW..." He starts to say and the crowd does the 'what' chant. "...the new GM is going to be this person." He says, motioning to the entrance. They hit Mike's music once again and they start to head out.

"Me." He grins.

"" She squeals as she squeezes him.

"But you do have to stay here so I can go out there."

"That's fine." She smiles and kisses his cheek. "Now go Mister GM." She shoos him to the entrance.

He grins and kisses her quickly before being handed a mic and heads out to the stage. As he walks out, everyone boos him of course. Stef rolls her eyes and mutters to herself. She watches on a nearby monitor as he walks to where Vince is standing. He shakes his hand and thanks him before he disappears back through the curtain. Mike's music fades as he gets ready to talk.

"I know what you are all thinking. The Miz is the GM, right? You think it's a joke? Well it's not..." He starts to walk down the ramp. "...I'm the new GM as well as the most must see WWE Champion that there is. You still do not think I'm good enough, but obviously I am if I'm both the GM and WWE Champion." He looks at the title on his shoulder. "I mean...I don't know how you all did not see this coming." He shakes his head as he reaches the ring. “I have been dominating every opponent that I have faced. I have done more promotions for this company than anyone else ever has. It only seems right I got the GM job. You all may not like it, but that is the hard reality. The Miz is the new GM and things are going to get interesting around here.” He walks up the steps and looks at Randy. “With that being said...” He climbs under the ropes and in the ring. “...Orton..I want you out of my ring. I'm not facing you tonight.” Mike points for Randy to get out of the ring. “I'm choosing my opponent and that person is not you.”

Randy is hesitant to leave and he has that look in his eyes of attacking and he gets in Mike's face. "Uh uh...I wouldn't be thinking those thoughts Randy. I'm the GM, I have the right to fire you if you lay a hand on me."

Randy starts to get more angry and has a stare down with Mike before he leaves the ring totally pissed off. He slowly makes his way back up the ramp, glaring at Mike the whole time.

"Now with that issue out of the way. Do I really want to compete in this ring on my first night of GM? Hmm, well even though I could do it while still wearing my suit, I've changed my mind. There will be no match for me, your new GM."

The crowd starts to boo him at there not being a match.

"Oh shut up and respect the new GM." Stef rolls her eyes.

"You know what..." Mike trails off, pretending to think before smirking. " want a match?" The crowd chants 'yes'. "You got one, but it's not going to be me. I have the night off." The crowd boos him. "Really?" He says and the crowd mocks him. "Really?" He says again only to be mocked more. “You want a match?!” He gets irritated. The crowds starts to go wild. “You got one!” He yells. “It will be John Cena and..." He looks at the entrance. “...since he is already to about Randy Orton as his opponent?” Mike shrugs and the crowd goes even more wild at John and Randy being in a match. “Well then...there you have it. Randy Orton and John Cena." He starts to walk to the ropes. “Both of you out here now!” He demands before climbing out of the ring and toward the back.

When he comes back, she instantly jumps on him in a hug.

"That was amazing! You did a very good job on your first night as GM." She gives him a kiss. "You're going to be the best GM ever!"

"I love having this kind of power." He grins.

"Feels great, doesn't it?" She chuckles.

"It does."

"I'm so happy for you! I still can't believe you're the GM."

"Now I definitely can't wait for your tryout and for you to get here."

"I wish it was sooner. I can't wait to be here and finally be able to go out there with you."

"When you do make it here, I feel that it's my responsibility as GM to officially introduce you."

"I would love nothing more then for you to introduce me."

"Great. Well I just made the main event of the night, I'm not needed anymore really."

"So we can leave?" She bites her lip, looking up at him.



"I think we should do something to celebrate you becoming GM." She adds as they head back to his locker room.

"What did you have in mind?" He asks.

"Well, I was thinking either going out to a club or going to the condo. Shauna and Alex have a date so it will just be the two of us for the rest of the night."

"Hmm, whatever you think sounds better, we'll do it."

"I say we go out for a bit then head back to the condo before they get back."

"That sounds like a great idea."

"We do have to head back so I can change first."

"Right." He nods.

"I won't be to long. Just have to get my outfit and change my makeup."

"Take your time. No rush."

"Why thank you." She smiles as they reach his locker room.

"You're welcome."

They head into his locker room to gather what he needed. Once he had all that, they then headed to Alex's locker room to see if he and I were ready to go.

"Careful....Shauna might attack you."

"I'm prepared." He chuckles.

She then gives him a quick kiss before knocking on the door. Once they hear it's okay to come in, she opens the door and steps aside so Mike can go first, also so she doesn't get in my way. Just like she predicted, once I see Mike walk in, I attack him. He stumbles back a bit, but steadies himself. "Someone else is excited too I see." He chuckles.

"Of course I am."

"Well I'm glad." He pulls from the hug. "What did you think of my first act as GM?" He grins.

"Oh it was awesome."

"I didn't feel like competing tonight so I gave myself the night off. I think I deserve it."

"You do." I nod.

"We just came by to see if you were both ready to leave." Stef says. "Mike is not needed anymore and I figured you would both want to get to your date." She winks teasingly.

"You thought right." I nod.

"Well, lets get our things so we can get to the date." Alex grins.

"Right." I nod, moving away from Mike to get my bag.

Stef then walks over to Mike, hooking her arm with his and rest her head on his shoulder while they wait. Once Alex and I have everything we all head out to the car. We put our bags in the trunk then get in the car. Once we are all buckled in, Mike starts to head back to the condo. Once we're back, we head inside. We all head to the bedrooms to get ready. Mike and Stef are in his room and she heads right to her bag since she knows what she's going to wear. She grabs the dress she chose to wear before heading into the bathroom to change. It's a strapless black and white dress with with a floral type design on it. She cleans off her makeup from earlier and adds simple white, glittery eyeshadow. She gives her hair some loose curls before adding jewelry. Once that is done, she sprays herself with some vanilla body spray to go along with the vanilla birthday cake lip gloss she chose. Once everything was perfect, she walked back into the room to see Mike had changed, but still dressed nicely.

"Awww..." She pouts. " suit?"

"A suit is a little too formal for the club don't you think?"

"True, but I love when you where them." She smirks as she walks over to get her heels. As she walks by him, he gets a smell of the vanilla she's wearing.


"You like it?" She sits on the bed to put her shoes on.


"Good to know." She giggles. "Might wear it more often for you." She stands after getting her shoes on. Mike then walks over, placing his hands on her hips. He goes to give her a kiss, but she stops him. "This..." She points to her lips, referring to her lip gloss. "...has to stay on for most of the night."


"You can give me a kiss, but it has to last. Only and small taste of it until we get back."

"Quick kiss, promise."

"Alright...go for it." She grins, leaving her hands on his shoulders for now. He grins himself and like he promised, it was a quick kiss, just enough to taste the lip gloss.

"More later." She giggles as he tries to get more.

"Holding you to that."

"You always do."

"Yes I do."

"Good thing I just bought this too." She giggles. "Might not last all night."

"Probably not."

"How about we leave now so we can get back while they are still out and you can take as much of this off as you want?" She suggests with a smirk.


"Alright. Let's go." She gives him a quick kiss before sliding out of his arms. He groans a bit at not being able to get more lip gloss off. She shakes her head and walks to her clutch. She puts the lip gloss in along with her phone before walking back over to him.

"All set now."

"After you." He lets her leave first.

She walks out in front of him, reaching back for his hand. He takes it and laces their fingers instantly. She smiles to herself as they head out. They let Alex and I know they were leaving so we would know. After that they headed to the car. After getting into the car, they head to the nearest club. Once they get there, Mike parks the car and then comes to help her out. He puts his arm over her shoulder as they walk up, getting let right in. When they walk in, she's in awe of how the club looks. Nothing like in New York. They head over to a table and set their things down.

"This place is amazing!" She says over the music.

"Isn't it?" He says back, over the music.

"Mhm." She nods. "Dance?" She holds out her hand and heads to the dance floor.

"Of course."

They head out to the dance floor, Mike holding her around the waist as they walk. They find a spot to dance, then move along to the music. He uses the chance to be all touchy. At one point in the song, she turned around so she was facing him. She put her arms around his neck while he kept his hands on her hips as they swayed and moved along to the music, dancing closely together. He snuck one quick kiss at one point, wanting another taste of the gloss. She smiles to herself after pulling away, even though she didn't want to. When that song ends, they play another song. They dance to that one and then decide to go sit down.

"Want a drink?" He asks when we reach the table.

"Sure." She fans herself, trying to catch her breath.

"Anything specific?"

"What ever you are having."

"Alright, be right back."

She nods as he walks off to the bar. She sits there watching him for a bit, when she feels someone touch her from behind. Turning around, she sees a few guys at the other table looking over at her with smirks. She rolls her eyes and when she's about to turn around, one starts to walk over. Luckily Mike came back to the table before the guy could come to the table.

"Thank you." She smiles as he sets her drink in front of her. She pulls him by the shirt, pressing her lips to his. She makes sure to put passion into it, but not too much since they are in public. Just as he starts to respond, she pulls away.

Mike blinks a few times before speaking. ""

"Only the best for the new GM."

"I can get used to this..."

"Good." She grins. "More to come too."

"Can't wait."

"Later." She takes a sip of her drink. "Lets go dance more." She stands up, fixing her dress.

He nods and gets up, following her back out to the dance floor. When they pass by the table with the guys, she smirks at them and moves Mike's hand to onto her hip. Once they find a spot again, she dances really close to him, making sure they are all looking at them. When she sees that they're looking, she starts to dance around Mike, sliding down to her knees while slowly moving her hands up and down his chest as she goes. Of course that just makes the guys stare more. Seeing their eyes on them still, she puts her arms around his neck and pulls him down for another kiss. She presses her lips hard to his and this time he is able to kiss back. When she glances over to the table, while still kissing Mike, she sees that the table had cleared. She starts to slow the kiss down and pull away.

"...let's not..get too...carried away..." She rests her forehead on his while still moving to the music. "...not here..."

" started it..."

"Oops." She giggles. "Letting people know I'm here with the best person ever."

"Don't you mean...awesome?"

"Yes...the most awesome person ever." She mocks him when saying 'awesome'.

"You know it."

"All to well." She rubs her nose against his.

"Nice dancing by the way." He grins.

"Why thank you." She returns his grin. "Learn a lot from working in a club."

"I can see that."

"All for you too."

"I feel special."

"You should because you me."


"How about a few more songs then we leave, mister touchy." She suggests since he has not stopped letting his hands move over all the exposed skin he can reach.

"Sounds good to me."

"Of course." She giggles.

They finish up dancing to that song before they head back to the table to finish their drinks. Mike goes to get another one for them since they finished the first ones. She's too busy watching him at the bar to notice someone walk up next to her.

"Hey there sexy." They slur. She turns to see one of the guys from earlier in the night.

"Ugh." She rolls her eyes.

"Just go away. I'm not interested." She waves her hand in his face.

"Oh, come on."

"In case you did not notice, the guy I was with..." She points to Mike at the bar. "...he is my boyfriend. I'm not here for you or anyone else."

"Actually I didn't notice."

"Are you blind? I've been dancing with him all night."

"No you haven't."

"Uh..yeah I have." She looks at him like he's stupid. Just then he did something she did not expect. He touched her leg and tried to move his hand under her dress. "What the hell are you doing!?" She stops his hand and throws it off of her leg.

"What does it look like?"

"Yeah..I don't think so. I'm not that kind of girl."

"I think you are."

"Well you thought wrong. I suggest you leave before my boyfriend comes back."

"Unless you know, you want to end up knocked out." She adds.

"I'll take my chances." He smirks stepping closer to her.

"Get away!" She shouts, pushing him away.

She then looks over at Mike to see that he has a 2nd round of drinks and he's heading back to the table.

"You better leave before you regret coming over here."

"I regret nothing."

"Oh you will." She smirks as Mike gets back to the table. "Right Mike?"

"Right...wait who is this?"

"I have no clue. All I know is he came over here thinking he could feel me up."

"Oh really?"

"Mhhm." She nods. "Thinks I'm that kind of girl too."

"Well....might get thrown out for what I'm about to do, but it's worth it..."

"Mike." She stops him. "Not now. Let security deal with him."


She gets the attention of the closest security guard and they escort the guy out of the club. Once he is gone, she turns to Mike. "Calm down. Tonight is about you. Nothing is going to ruin that." She runs her hand over his cheek.

"I know."

"He didn't have a chance. I never gave him the opportunity too. He was looking in the wrong place."

"Drunk people....the worst."

"That they are." She shakes her head. "How about we go dance a bit more and after this round we leave?"

"That's a good idea."

She hops down off the chair, grabbing his hand. On the way to the dance floor, he puts his hand on her waist from behind. After finding a spot, she keeps her back to him dancing along to the music. He keeps his hands on her hips as they dance. Leaning down from time to time, he tries to nip at her neck. Every time he tries, she moves so the least he can do is just press a kiss to her neck. She decides to move from his arms so she can dance in front of him a bit. She puts her hands in her hair, lifting it up a bit while she moves her hips and bending her knees going down. When she comes back up, she turns to face him and does the same thing again. Then he grabs her in surprise and he can't help but press his lips against hers. She doesn't kiss back at first since he surprised her. Once she realized it, she moves her hands from her hair to his shoulders. She smiles under the kiss once she starts to kiss back. She lets the kiss go on for a bit longer than before, but only long enough so that most of her lip gloss is still remaining.

"...I got...enough..." She says, starting to slow the kiss.


"You can take the rest off when we get back."


"I promise."


"One more song, then we can finish our drinks and go."

He nods happily. She decides to stay facing him for this song, just dancing really close to him while his hands stay on her hips the whole time. She goes to sit in her chair, but he stops her. He sits in her chair, pulling her down on his lap. She laughs to herself as she leans back into him. They then grab their drinks and start to sip them.

"Can't sit in my own chair?"


"Going to be all clingy until we leave, aren't you?"


"Not that I mind. Maybe then every guy will stop staring at me."

"They better."

"They are more persistent here then back home. Obviously they don't get I'm with you."

"Or they don't care."

"Either way, I'm leaving with you."


"But..." She drinks the last of her drink before setting it on the table. "...I'm all done now."


"I was thirsty." She chuckles with a shrug. "I can get another while you drink yours."

"No no, I'm almost done with mine, and then we can go home."

"As long as your sure." She shifts so she's sitting sideways on him. As he drinks, she starts to play with the collar of his shirt, leaving little lingering kisses on his neck.

"Trying to be distracting?"

"Maybe..." She mumbles against his next. "...or giving you a proper congratulations on being GM."

"That too."

"You'll get more when we get back too." I lightly nip at his neck.

"Well in that case...." He trails off, finishing his drink.

"...we're leaving." He stands up, picking her up as well.

"Mike." She squeals. "I can walk." She laughs.

"Too slow..."

"That eager to get back?" She chuckles since he still has not put her down.


"Take it easy. We'll get there."

"You can carry me when we get to the condo."

"Alright." He sets her down.

"Here..." She takes off her heels. "...this should help." She puts her arm around him as they head the rest of the way to the car. Then they walk the rest of the way to the car. He opens her door for her, but stops her before she can get in. Moving some hair from her face, he leans down giving her a quick kiss. She smiles as they pull away then sit in her seat. After he closes her door, he goes over to his side. Once he is in and ready, he heads back to the condo. Since it was not far from the condo, it didn't take too long to get back. Once they were back, they get out of the car and head inside. Halfway, Mike picks her up and carries her. She wraps her arms around his neck, resting her head on his shoulder for now.

"In a rush?" She giggles.


"I think you are."

"So I am."

"Any particular reason?" She runs her fingers over the back of his neck.

"Lip gloss."

"Oh? Maybe I'll put more on after I get change..."


"For you...I will."


"Just as soon as we get to the room I'll do all that."

"Let's go then." He starts to rush.

She laughs to herself at how eager he is to get upstairs. After he got the door opened, he walked in still not putting her down. He locked the door, making sure to leave an extra for me and Alex. When that was done, he rushed up the stairs to his room. He then shut that door and locked that before placing her on the bed.

"Had to lock it?" She chuckles.


"Think I'm going to leave? If so, I'm not."

"No, I just don't want any interruptions."

"I doubt they would bother us, but alright." She laughs as she stands, making her way over to her bag. "I won't take long." She says as she picks something to change into. She makes her way into the bathroom while Mike gets changed in the room itself. She takes off her dress and sets that on the counter before slipping on the blue tank top and shorts bed set she chose. She cleans off all her makeup. Once that was done, she adds more lip gloss before grabbing my dress and heading back into the room. As soon as she steps out the door, she stops where she is since Mike is sitting on the bed shirtless. "Control." She mutters to herself while biting her lip. She makes her way to her bags where she set her dress down before walking over to the bed. "You have no idea how distracting you are right now."

"Oh really?"

"Yes really. It's making it hard for me to make you wait."


She reaches the bed then sits on his lap. She lets her fingers move over his skin as she looks up at him. "To make you wait or not..." She trails off making him think she's going for his lips. Instead, she moves to his neck and starts to lightly kiss and nip at his skin.


"..soon..." She slowly moves up his neck to his jaw. Once she reaches his lips, she hovers over them for a bit making him wait.

He groans in impatience. She moves her lips lightly over his, just enough so he gets a little taste for now. It's still not enough so he groans in impatience again.

"Had enough?" She teases.

"You're taking too long."

"Makes it even better for me." She slowly says with a smirk.

"I can't wait anymore..."

Before she could respond, he pressed his lips hard against hers. Her hands stay on his shoulders for now. He moves his hands to her back, pulling her closer to him causing her to wrap her arms around his neck. His hands in the meantime begin to wander. The more his hands wander, the more rough the kiss gets. She feels his hands start to move up her thigh, so she runs her fingers over the back of his neck like always. The rumble of a growl erupts, and the growl is faint. So she runs her fingers over the back of his neck again to get a much louder one. She smirks into the kiss only for him to move his hand to her thigh and squeezes it. A soft noise comes from her as she arches her back into him, still running her fingers over his neck. He grins and does it again while nipping at her bottom lip. That causes more noise to come from her. She moves one hand to his hair, letting it run through his hair while the other rests on his back. The longer he nips at her lip, the more she starts to move on his lap. His hands move to her hips, holding her in place and he stops nipping at her lip.

"Stay still."

"'re hard..."

"My bad..."

"I'm not complaining..."

"Of course not."

"Tonight is your night...anything you want to do, you can do it."

"Maybe a couple more times before we relax."

"Mmmmm...go for it."

He grins before going back to doing what he did before. She relaxes into him, letting him have his fun for now. When she can't take much more of the torture, she moves her fingers across the back of his neck. A growl comes from him as he goes from nipping to sucking on her lip. That makes her tense a bit while tugging on his hair and still running her nails over the back of his neck. He continues to do it for a while before finally kissing her long and hard. He pulls away so that both of them could breathe.

"I think I may have bruised your lips...oops."

"It's all worth it."

He kisses her softly one more time before relaxing back against the pillows. She shifts so that she's laying more comfortably on him. She rests her head on his chest with her hands on his shoulders. He keeps his arms around her, resting one on her middle back while letting the other mess with her hair.

"Tonight has been great."

"The best. You becoming GM...going out and having a good time..."

"And then in two weeks, your tryout."

"I can't wait for that. Just hope he is impressed enough to sign me."

"I'm sure he will be."

"With your help, I know I will be great. Hope he thinks like you are."

"We have long enough to get way more training in. You'll be ready for that tryout in no time."

"I'm sure I will be. You'll make sure of that...even more now than before too."


"Going to take forever to get here though." She tries to hide a yawn.

"We can try and make the two weeks pass by just like that, but more now, I think you need sleep."

"Awww...I don't wanna." She whines, moving closer to him.

"You just yawned."

"I did, but I still want to stay up." She pouts. "This all feels-" She stops herself, biting her lip.

"...feels like what?" He asks.

"...a dream..." She mumbles slowly.

"Have you tried pinching yourself? To make sure it's not even though it isn't a dream?"

"I have, but I can't help to think that one day when I wake up you will not be here."

"I'll always be here."

"Promise?" She tilts her head to look at him.


He leans down, giving her a soft kiss. She smiles after pulling away and snuggles into him more. as much as she tries to fight it, another yawn escapes.


"...if I...must..." She slowly closes her eyes since he started to run his fingers through her hair.

"For me?"

"Okay." She softly says, on the verge of sleep.

He grins and kisses the top of her head. She smiles to herself, letting her eyes fall shut. He runs his hand through her hair more while his other hand mvoes up and down her back. She relaxes into him and soon she's sleeping peacefully. Noticing she's asleep, he smiles to himsel just watching her for a bit longer before he goes to sleep himself. Alex and I in the meantime have just finished dinner at BOA are heading out and wait at the valet for the car to be brought back.

"I'm so glad Mike told you about this place. The food was amazing."

"It was."

"Are we heading back now or did you have something else planned?"

"Once the car gets brought back, I think we can head back."

"Alright. Sounds good." I nod. "Thank you for tonight." I add.

"You're welcome." He smiles giving me a qick kiss. "Anything for you."

Of course with BOA being a hotspot for celebrities, the paparazzi is all over the place. A few of them spot us and head over to take pictures and try to get interviews. We gladly answer some of their questions as we wait for the car. Most of the questions are about our relationship while others are about Alex's title and other stuff about WWE. They take pictures of us and we pose for them. Soon the car arrives and Alex ushers me to the car making a path through all the reporters. He opens the door for me while they all still take the pictures and ask questions. I get in and put my seatbelt on while he shuts the door and gets the keys from the valet and goes over to the driver's side and gets in. After getting his seatbelt on, he starts to drive off.

"Oh before I forget....there's something for you....look in the backseat." Alex says as he drives.

"Awe. You didn't have to." I say as I turn around.

"I wanted to."

"Oh Alex..." I say in awe. "...they are beautiful." I turn back around to smell the flowers he got me. "My favorite too. Thank you." I lean over pecking his cheek.

"You deserve it."

"As you always tell me."

"Because it's true."

"You're just the best."

"So are you."

"When we get back, I'm going to give you a proper thank you."

"I would hope so."

"Really can't now since you're driving." I chuckle.


I settle back down in my seat just admiring the flowers he got me. I can't help but to smile as I smell them and look over at him. Soon we arrive back at Mike's and Alex parks the car. I wait, after removing my seat belt and Alex comes over and opens my door for me, and I step out. Alex takes my hand as we head up to the door. Once there, Alex finds the key where Mike said he left it. After opening the door we walk in and he locks the door again. We then head to our room, being as quiet as we can, to not wake either Stef or Mike. Once in the room, I find something to put the flowers in. After finding that, I fill it with water and put the flowers down on the dresser in the room.

"Now how did you know these were my favorite?"

"A little birdy told me." Alex grins.

"Of course."

"I had to do something extra special for you tonight."

"Oh, you didn't have to."

"I wanted to and like I said, you deserve it...all of it."

"I know."

"How about we get ready for bed and I'll give you more of what you deserve?"

"That sounds like a good idea."

"Which is why I suggested it." He chuckles, giving me a quick kiss.

"Right." I nod.

I pull away from him then go over to my bags for something to wear. Once I pick something out, I head into the bathroom to change and such. As soon as I got done, I made my way back into the room to put my clothes away. When I turn to the bed, I see Alex laying there in his boxers with no shirt on.

"Trying to kill me are you?" I laugh as I reluctantly make my way back over to my things to put my clothes with them.

"Is it working?"


"Then maybe I am." He grins.

"You always do, it never fails."

"Good to know." He smirks.

I then go over to the bed and climb onto it, sitting next to him. He runs his hand down my arm then pulling me so I'm laying on him once he gets to my hand.

"Too far."

"My bad."

"It's better now." He runs his one hand through my hair while the other rests on my back.

"I would hope so."

"Not moving until we have to either." He brushes his lips over mine. As he does that, he lets his hands start to wander.

"Kind of figured. When you get like this, you don't wanna let me go." I laugh.

"Can you blame me?" He mumbles as he kisses down my jawline.

"No....not really..."

"Good." He says as he starts to move down my neck, leaving light kisses while he nips gently at my skin.

I sigh in content as I hide my face in his neck/shoulder. He takes the chance to nip a bit harder at my skin making a few noises come from me. Smirking against my skin, he does it more trying to get the same reaction. He of course is successful, and smirks in triumph again. He stays on the spot just long enough for a small mark to form. When he feels one forming, he pulls back to look at it. Smirking, he moves back to my lips. I of course have to move my face from his neck as he makes his way back to my lips, and I do so. When he gets back to my lips, I press mine hard against his, him kissing back just as hard. I move my hands from where they were resting, to rest on his face, holding him in place, not breaking the kiss just yet. His hands go from wandering to resting on my hips making sure I can't move. He keeps the kiss going, only breaking for air.

"Not letting me move?" I ask when he does break for air.


"When will you let me move?"


"Oh you'll let me move eventually." I laugh.

"Not if I can help it." He holds me closer.

"So I'm just gonna sleep like this huh?"

"You guessed right."

"Make sure to not let me fall this time."

"I won't. That was an accident last time. Forgot we were on the couch."

"True. We have at least more room here."

"We do, so you are not going anywhere this time."

"Like I would go anywhere."

"That's true." He chuckles.

"But I am...." I trail off, not bothering to hide a yawn. "....tired."

"Then it's sleep for you."

"For once I won't argue with you about that."

"Good. You had a busy and long day today."

"So did you."

"I did, but it's nothing I can't handle."

"It's because you're a guy, you can handle more than I can."

"Right." He nods. "Enough talking...sleep for you."

I nod, and he grabs the blanket and pulls it over the both of us. I snuggle into him more, to get comfortable to sleep. He kisses the top of my head then starts to run his hand through my hair. The soothing motion makes it harder for me to keep my eyes open. Soon, I'm sleeping peacefully as he watches me for a bit. Smiling to himself, he runs his hand over my cheek, kissing the top of my head once more before going to sleep himself.