Status: Active

The Chance of a Lifetime

Stef's Tryout

The day has finally come, it's the morning of the tryout tonight at FCW. We're all staying at Alex's this time. Alex and I of course sleep in his room, which is considered our room now. Mike and Stef are sleeping in the guest room, not too far down the hall. It does not take long for her to start to wake up since she's excited about the day. She opens her eyes slightly to see Mike still fast asleep. When she tries to move, she realizes he has a tight hold on her so she decides to lay there for a bit before waking him.

"Mike...." She says quietly.

He grumbles in his sleep, pulling her closer.

"Mike....wake up."


"" She whines.


"I'll give you something if you wale up now."

"What?" He mumbles.

She shifts a bit in his arms so she's able to move up closer to his face. She gives him a soft kiss, but pulls away just before he responds.

"When you wake up, you'll get a proper one." She smirks after puling away.

"Well then. I have an excuse to get up now then."

"You do." She grins. "Even though you were getting one anyway."


"So..are you awake enough or should I wait until later?"

"I think I'm awake now."

"Good." She smiles up at him.

She moves back up, pressing her lips to his. He starts to respond more quickly this time, keeping his one hand on her waist while the other moves to her back holding her in place.

"We've got a long day ahead of us."

"We do." She nods. "I'm so excited about today, but nervous at the same time."

"You'll do great. I know it.""I'm sure I will. We've been training non stop for the last two weeks."

"And you've just improved and improved."

"I catch on really quick. Plus you make it fun while still making it tough."

"Which is the best way to do it."

"It is. That's why I know I will do amazing. All thanks to you." She kisses him quick.

"You're very welcome."

"As much as I want to go, I really don't want to move right now." She lays her head on his chest, snuggling into him more.

"Well we don't have to right now."

"Yay!" She cheers. "To comfy right now.""

"I can tell."

"Wish we could stay here all day."

"I know."

"What time do we have to be there?"

"Well the tryout isn't until late afternoon, early evening. So I say early afternoon."

"So we can stay here as long as we want?"


"I really like that." She smiles. "Maybe before we go, we can go to the beach or hang out by the pool for a bit."

"Sounds like a good idea."

"So...lay here for about an hour then get something to eat and see if Shauna and Alex want to go or just us?"

"I suppose we can ask them."

"You want it to be just us, don't you?"

"Can never get enough of just you and me time."

"Not really. We can just go if you want. Won't get times like this for awhile."


"Also got a special swimsuit to wear too..."


"Mhm." She nods. "One you have never seen on me either."

"I can't wait."

"After we get to either the pool or beach you will see it."

"I can make it."

"I'm sure you can. You're tough." She pats his chest.

"I am."

“I know how to get you though.” She smirks moving her hand down his chest.

“” He says between breaths as her hand gets lower. She lets her hand slowly move down until it is at the waist of his boxers. She moves her fingers along his skin just above the seam. When he starts to tense, she moves her fingers and quickly moves from the bed.

"You tease."

"You love it." She giggles. "Even though you always get me back for it."

"And you better believe I will."

"I have a feeling it's going to be worse than before too."


"Too late to say sorry?"

"I think so."

"Oops." She giggles, biting her lip.

"Uh huh..suure."

"I really am..." She sticks her bottom lip out.

"You know what I do with that bottom lip." He smirks.

"Can't do much from the bed..."

"Don't test me."

"Where's the fun in that?" She fake pouts more.

"You know how fast I move."

"I can move just a fast."

"So you think."

She raises a brow at him waiting for him to make a move. She moves slightly to the right only to have him mirror her. She does the same thing to the left before taking off to the right, heading for the door.

"Oh no you don't."

"Yes I do." She laughs, passing the bed, almost to the door.

"No." He says, coming after her.

She gets to the door, but only her fingertips touch the knob since he caught her before she could get any further. He puts his arms around her waist as he carries her back to the bed.

“Told you I was faster.” He smirks, laying her back on the bed and hovering over her.

"Not my fault the door was so far away." She chuckles.

"Sure, blame the door."

"I will." She frowns. "You need to be closer!" She looks over, yelling at the door quietly.

"Can't yell back at you." He chuckles.

"Well, I'm not happy with it at all." She pouts, sticking her bottom lip out without realizing it.

"Bottom lip." Mike points out.

"My bad..."

"Maybe I need to take care of that?"

"Hmmm...maybe you do..."

"How badly do I have to hmm?"

"How bad do you want to?" She bites her lip then sticks it out again.

"You keep doing that...really bad."

"I'll stop then..." She slowly lets her lip slip under her teeth before licking them teasingly.


"So you want me to do that?" She licks her lips again before sticking it out again.

"Yes, thank you."

"How long do you expect me to do this for?" She chuckles.

"Until I finally get the urge to do something about it."

"That could take all day." She whines. "Unless..." She smirks, moving her one hand to the back of his neck and running her fingers lightly over his skin.

"That could work..."

"Always does." She smirks, doing it again.

Before she knows it, he presses his lips to hers and almost instantly takes her bottom lip between his teeth. She lets out a soft whine at not being able to kiss him properly. Her hands stay where they are on his back for now while she focuses on what she was doing. He sucks at her bottom lip for a bit before letting go, in favor of kissing her lips. She pulls him as close as he can get, kissing him back eagerly while he starts to let his hands wander up her thighs to the bottom of her shirt. She shifts a bit when he moves his hand up her side a bit, lightly running his fingers over her skin. This causes her to shiver and goosebumps start to form. She manages to run her fingers over the back of his neck, making a growl come from him as he starts to kiss more roughly. It does end up making it hard for her to breathe, so she has no choice but to pull away to catch her breath.

"...every...time..." She says between breaths.

"Every time." He repeats.

"Maybe we should get up now..."

"If you say so."

"We can either stay in bed until the tryout or we can get up and you can see me in my swimsuit." She runs her hands through his hair. "Your choice."


"I figured that much." She chuckles.

"Just have to let me go first."


"Only until after I get changed."


He slowly moves his arms so she's able to slide out of bed. She then walks over to her bags, picking out the swimsuit she brought along with a pair of shorts and a tank top. After having those, she makes her way to the bathroom to get ready. She only curls her hair slightly since the makeup will have to be redone later. Once she's all dressed, she walks back out to her bags to find Mike is not in the room. She makes her way out of the room and down the stairs to the kitchen where she sees Mike starting to cook. She walks up behind him, sliding her arms around his waist and resting her head on his back.

“Mmmm...smells good.”

"Like always."

"You're that good of a cook."

"Gotten better and better."

"Yes you have. I love when you cook."

"Which is why I try to do it more often."

"That's why you're amazing. You never mind cooking for me. Another thing I admire about you."

"Oh, I know."

"And once again...all my favorites."

"Of course."

"You're the best." She leans up, kissing his cheek while trying to steal a piece of bacon from the plate by the stove.

"As you always tell me."

"Because it's true."

"Just like what I tell you is true."

"I know." She smiles, blushing slightly.

"Trying to steal bacon huh?"

"Me? Never..." She acts innocent, quickly eating the piece of bacon.

"Uh huh, sure."

She smiles innocently since she can't talk with the bacon in her mouth.

"Hope it's good."

"It really always." She says after swallowing.

"Good to hear."

"Can't wait until it's done. Smells good."

"Why thank you."

"Anytime." She kisses him quick.

"Should be done soon."

"Okay." She nods, moving to lean on the counter. When the food is about ready, she gets all the plates and silverware, taking that into the dining room while Mike gets all the food set.

"You think the smell woke the other two up yet?"

"Possibly. We'll find out soon."

Once Mike has the food all set, he comes out into the dining room to put everything on the plates. Shortly after that I come downstairs, followed by Alex and we're like half awake.

"Well good morning you too." Stef laughs.

"Morning." I yawn.

"Sleep alright?"

"I slept just fine."

"Ah. Figured he would've kept you up." She teases.

"Oh he did...a little bit last night."


"Oh shush."

"It's fun."

"Of course it is."

"Always is." She snickers.

"Are you guys hungry?" Mike asks, changing the subject.

"That's the reason we woke up. The smell." I laugh.

"I knew that would happen." He laughs. "I made plenty."

"Of course."

Alex and I sit down, grabbing plates then getting what we want. After we get what we want, we eat. "This is good."

"Of course. I did make it." Mike boasts.

"You did a great job."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

We turn our attention back to our food, talking occasionally. Every now and then, Stef steals a few pieces of bacon from Mike's plate when hers is gone. He looks over at her with a smile, giving her a knowing look. She giggles, smirking right back at him. Alex and I do the same, only we feed each other some of the fruit that was out.

"Aww, cute."

"So are you two."

"We are aren't we?"

"That is true."

"So, excited for the tryout?"

"Hell yeah. I couldn't even sleep last night."

"And Mike couldn't help with that?"

"Oh he tried. I kept waking back up and did not want to wake him."


"It's all good though. I got enough. Couldn't really move last night."


"Mhm. Someone was extra grabby last night." She blushes, poking Mike's side.

"I repeat. Oooooh."

"Couldn't help it." He shrugs. "I love to hold her." He puts his arms around her, pulling her close.

"Miiike." She blushes, letting her hair fall over her face.


"Oh stop." She swats her hands. "Too early to be this red."

"Too cute."

"Guuuys." She whines. "I am so getting you back." She adds looking at me.

"You know you love me." I smile innocently.

"I do, but I'm still getting you back." She grins.

"Of course you are."

"That'll be later..." Mike says. "...pool...remember?" He whispers to her.

"Mhm." She bites her lip as he lets his fingers move over her shirt.

"Someone seems to be extra touchy today."

"Just giving MY Diva the affections she deserves." He kisses her cheek making her blush.

"I'm not a diva yet."

"Keyword being yet, but you will be after today."

"Someone is extra confident."

"I just know that you'll be one."

"With you by my side, I know I'll make it."

"That's the attitude."

"The only one I have." She grins.

"And I love it."

"Have to have it in this business. Now I get to show it more."

"I can't wait."

"Just a few more hours. We'll make them go by quick."

"Of course we will."

"What you guys going to do today?" She asks me.

"Oh, I don't know yet."

"I'm sure there's something. We're in Florida. there has to be tons to do."

"I've got that taken care of." Alex says.


"I'm sure it's not what you think." I add.

"No, but still..."

"You really need to get your mind out of the gutter sometimes." I laugh.

"Hey! That is just how I am." She shrugs. "You can be the same way at times too." She adds laughing.

"So many 'that's what she said' jokes." I nod.

"What can I say? I'm the life of the party."

"You are."

"Mission accomplished." She grins.

"Do I wanna know?" Mike asks.

"No.." She says quick.

"I'm sure you'll find out in time." You chuckle.

"Hmm, we'll see then."

"I'm hard to crack. Might take you some tome to do it."

"But I'll be able to."


"I think I will."

"You can think, but it may or may not happen."


"I'm soft at times, but I'm not that soft all the time."

"Except when you're around me." He smirks.

"Trust make it hard, but I have to be strong."

"But I have tricks up my sleeve..."

"Uh oh..." She looks up at him, biting her lip. "...going to be harder than I though."

"Uh huh."

"Oh boy."

"I wish you luck with that."

"I'm gonna need it."

"Yes you are." Mike nods.

"Must be strong..." She says lowly.

"...but you know what I can do..." He whispers in your ear.

She closes her eyes, taking a few breaths. "I do." She says softly.

Then he sneakily nips at her earlobe before pulling away like nothing happened. She bites her lip, trying to compose herself. "You sneak."

"You love it."

"Of course I do."

"Told you I know how to get to you." He smirks.

"You do." She smiles. "I know how to get to you too." She shifts so she is able to run her fingers over his neck.

"We know how to get to each other."

"Mhm." She nods, hovering her lips over his.

He meets you the rest of the way, but only with a quick kiss. "More later."

"Holding you to that."

"I know."

"Should we clean up and get ready now?"

"Yeah, we should."


We all get up, grabbing the dishes and putting them in the sink to do later. Mike and Stef then head up to their room to get ready for the day while Alex and I go sit in the living room.

"So, do you have plans for us today?" I ask.

"Not really sure. Was thinking about just hanging around the house today. Did you have something in mind?"

"No, not really. Hanging around the house is good. I do love it here. But oh, maybe if you're up for it, I can beat your butt in basketball later." I smirk.

"Oh you're so on." He chuckles. "I'll go easy on you this time."

"Hey, I only lost last time by about 5 points."

"And I didn't even go easy on you then. You do got game." He grins. "I like that." He adds with a smirk.

"I know, I got skills."

"You do and in time you will actually beat me without me letting you."

"I believe that time will be coming today."

"You really think so?" He raises a brow.

"Oh, I know so."

"We'll find out soon." He grins, pulling me closer to him. "I do have ways of distracting you too." He adds with a smirk.

" do I. Maybe I should wear a cute little outfit just to distract you during basketball." I smirk right back.

"Oh you so would do that to me."

"I would."

"Looks like I have to get out what I normally wore when playing then."


"Guess we will have to wait and see." He smirks, running his fingers over my arms.


"Right now we are not moving."

"Kind of figured that."

"I got no cuddle time this morning since you woke up and came right down here."

"Blame Mike for cooking the food."

"I will next time we see him. He ruined my fun." He pouts.

"Aww poor you."

"Best part of the morning. I love waking up to that everyday."

"Aww." I smile.

"It's true. I'm so glad I have you with me now."

"So you keep telling me."

"I will continue to tell you too." He kisses my cheek.


"When are you going to talk to Mike about getting a shot at the title?"

"Sometime, maybe today, I don't know."

"I think you should soon. You have been going really good and deserve a shot at the title."

"And I would really love to be the one to take it away from Eve."

"She does not deserve to have that title. She does nothing with it. All she does is stick her nose where it doesn't belong."

"I know right?"

"That's why there is no doubt in my mind that Mike will give you the shot."

"Right. Because of that and not because we're such good friends."

"Exactly. You got where you are without his help so that has nothing to do with it."


"You will be an amazing champ. Then we both will have titles." He kisses behind my ear, letting his hands wander.

"That'd be nice."

"We could be the next power couple of WWE." He grins, leaving little kisses along my neck.

"That does sound good." I grin, biting my lip.

"We will have it all..." He moves across my jawline, kissing the corner of my mouth slowly.


He moves closer to my lips, running his tongue over my bottom lip. I let him do what he wants for a bit, before finally not being able to take much more. I turn so that I can kiss him properly. He leaves one hand on my waist while the other moves to my hair so he can hold me in place. He grins into the kiss at how eagerly I'm kissing back. My hands move from his shoulders to his hair, tugging gently at it. He starts to shift so he is able to lay me down, allowing his hands to wander a bit more. I make sure to pull him close and hold him there, even with my hands in his hair. He pulls away briefly for air and then goes right back to my lips. His one hand moves from my side to my thigh, squeezing slightly. This causes a quiet noise to come from me, but it also causes me to tug on his hair a bit tighter. He smirks into the kiss, squeezing a bit harder this time. The next noise that comes from me is much louder, since I can't contain it any longer. He does that one more time, getting the same reaction before moving his hands to rest on my hips for now.

"...was this...what you...missed doing...this morning...?"

"It was."

"The couch comfortable enough?" I ask, breaking the kiss for now.

"Just as good as the bed..."

"...which has more room than the couch." I finish for him.

"I like where you're going with this..." He sits up, pulling me with him.

I squeal in surprise as he also gets up from the couch with me. I cling to him as he carries me. He makes his way to the stairs, heading up to our room. Once there, he opens the door, then closes it before taking me over to the bed and laying me down.

"So how long are we staying here hmm?"

"Until I've had my time with you."

"Leaving marks....aren't you?"


"You so are."

"You'll just have to wait and see..." He leans down, making it look like he's going for my lips, but kisses down my jawline. His kisses are light until he reaches my ear, where he starts to nip and suck at it for a bit. He holds it between his teeth for a bit before slowly moving down my neck. And of course he's made it even harder for me this time with holding my hands to the mattress so that I can't touch him. With every moment that he takes torturing me, I struggle under his grip to get my hands free.

"Uh uh..." He mumbles against my skin causing me to whine. He moves down my neck farther, just brushing over the spot on my neck.

That of course makes me tense just a bit and in response I squeeze his hands. Since he is still having his fun, he holds my hands a bit longer. He hovers over the spot on my neck, lightly moving his tongue over it. Right before he decides to attach his lips, he lets go of my hands. As soon as he lets go and attaches his lips to the spot, my hands move to his arms where I grip them in response to his actions. He starts off slow, teasingly nipping at the skin before starting to suck at the spot. This causes a moan to come from me that is muffled into his shoulder. He smirks at my reaction, going until he feels that a good sized mark will form. After pulling away, he sees one starting to form, then moves back to my lips. He makes sure to make it linger, even as he pulls away for the last time. I'm left speechless for now as my breathing goes back to normal.

"Made up for what I missed." He smirks.

"Of course."

"Might have ot wear your hair down for awhile." He grins, looking at the mark he left.

"Not gonna be coverable with makeup?"

"Maybe..." He acts innocent.

"Hair down it is then."

"You know me so well."

"I do."

"How about we get ready for the game before we never get to play?"

"Good idea."

He moves so that we are both able to get off the bed and find something to wear. I head into the bathroom to change like always, leaving my face makeup free. I get changed into a tanktop and shorts, before putting my hair up. I then leave the bathroom and grab shoes to put on. While I was getting my shoes on, Alex walks out of his closet in one of his basketball jerseys, shorts and sneakers. My eyes go right to his arms as I mutter to myself.

"Control..." I mutter to myself repeatedly.

"Looking amazing." He grins, licking his lips while looking me over.

"I can say the same for you."

"I know how much you love when I wear these."

"So much."

"I have plenty of them too."

"Oh, I know."

"Ready to head out now?"

"I'm ready when you are."

"After you then." He helps me off the bed.

"So you have an excuse to stare while walking behind me?" I snicker.

"Not my fault you have a nice butt." He playfully smacks it.

"Makes me wonder how long you've thought that." I laugh.

"You'll never find out."

"Someday I will."

"I'll never tell."

"I'm a lot tougher to break than you are.""


We both head downstairs, making our way through the house and out to where the court is.

"Prepare to lose."

"That's what you think."

"I don't think, I know."

"You do now?" He raises a brow. "You're so on." He picks up a ball and starts to dribble it.

"Bring it on."

"Oh I will." He smirks before moving around me and making a basket. "Gotta be quicker than that." He laughs, tossing me the ball.

"Just you wait." I grin.

"Show me what you've got."

"Alright. You asked for it." I reply, dribbling the ball and heading toward the basket. When he thinks he's got me blocked, I move quicker than he did around him and make a basket myself. I turn to face him with a smirk on my face.

"Impressive." He grins.

"And I'm just getting started."

"So am I."

"This should be fun then."

"That it shall."

While Alex and I have a friendly game of basketball going, Stef and Mike are in the bedroom that they're sharing. She's in the bathroom just finishing up getting ready, wearing a cover up over her swimsuit for now. After spraying herself with some vanilla body mist, she applies some vanilla lip gloss before heading back into the bedroom. Once she walks out, she sees Mike there in just his trunks and has to mentally scold herself for staring.

"I know you're staring." He chuckles.

"Is that a bad thing?" She chuckles herself, making her way over to her bags for her flip flops.

"Not at all."

"I like what I see." She smirks. "Of course I'm going to stare."

"All for you."

"That's right." She grins. "All mine and no one is ever going to change that."


"Just like you're all mine." He walks over to her, resting his hands on her waist.

"All yours." She brushes her lips over his so he can get a wiff of her lip gloss.


"Mhm." She smirks.

"I love it."

"I know. That's why I wear it."

"You should wear it everyday."

"Maybe I will...just for you."

"I would really love that."

"Then I will. Only because you love it so much."


"Goof." She giggles.

"Yes, yes I am."

"My goof." She ruffles his hair.

"Oh you did not just mess up the hair." He says jokingly.

"I just did." She smirks, doing it again before dashing out of the room.

"You are so in for it!"

"Have to get me first." She calls as she heads down the stairs.

"Trust me, I will!"

"I don't think so..." She starts to say as she looks over her shoulder to see him coming down the stairs quickly. she runs out the doors and over to the pool, heading over to the far side, trying to hide behind one of the chairs.

"Oh where can you be?"

She tries to be as quiet as she can, biting her lip to contain any giggles that may come out. She peeks under the chair from time to time to see where he is. When she does not see him, she gets on her knees and looks around.

"Huh? Where did he go?" She looks around more.

Little did she know, he was standing behind her with a smirk on his face, watching as she looks for him.

"Mike?" She calls, standing up and stepping back. She jumps when she bumps into something, then turns to see Mike smirking. "Jeez." She holds her hand over her chest. "You scared me." She laughs slightly.

"Sorry." He chuckles.

"It's okay. I knew it was you, just was not expecting you to be there that quick."

"I'm sneaky like that."

"You are, but I can be sneaky too. She grins.

"You've seen nothing." She moves closer to him, running her hand down his chest. When she reaches the waist of his trunks, she moves her fingers slightly under. She feels him tense so she retracts her fingers and walks over to the pool like nothing happened.

"You're evil."

"Yes I am, but you love it."

"I do."

"If you cone over here then you can see what I have on under this." She smirks, tugging at her cover up.

"I'm coming."

She shakes her head at how quickly he makes his way over to her. When he reaches her, he starts to pull at the cover up wanting it off.

"Easy, it'll come off." She chuckles.

"I want it off now."

"Alright, alright. It's coming off Mister Eager." She laughs as she slowly starts to lift it up, making him groan. When she gets it off, the navy blue bandeau bikini she has on is revealed to him. His eyes widen and all he can do is stare. After tossing her cover up to the side, she turns her attention back to him.

"Uh..Mike..." She waves her hand in front of his face, slowly stepping back. " alright?"

"Huh? Yeah...I'm....I'm fine."

"You sure? You seem to be a bit dazed." She creeps backwards slowly, teasing him.

"Maybe just a bit..."

"I can tell." She giggles. "You haven't noticed how far I've moved."

"Oh I've noticed...."

She bites her lip, trying to dash away again only for him to grab her in time.


"Got you."

"So you do." She leans back into him. "What's your plan now, hmmm?" She looks up at him.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out." He smirks.

"Uh oh...not the look..."

"Yes...the look."

"I'm so nit getting out of it this time, am I?" She adds her pouty face at the end.

"Probably not."

"Oh was worth a try."

"Very good try."

"Not good enough though." She pouts again.

"Can never escape from me."

"I'm finding that out too. Plus you've got a good hold on me this time." She rests her hands on his arms.

"I do." He grins.

"You must really like this swimsuit then."

"I really do. I love it in fact."

"I'm glad I got a few more of this style then."

"Oh? You do?"

"Mhm. Got on in every color."


"Blue, purple,"

"All great colors on you."

"You tell me that whenever I wear them too."

"Because it's true."

She can't help but smile up at him. She stands on her toes, kissing his cheek. "Are we going to go in the pool or stand here all day?"

"Oh, we're going into the pool alright."

Without warning he scoops her up, making her squeal in surprise. he makes his way over to the pool, stopping at the edge. "Michael Gregory Mizanin don't you dare!" She clings to him.

"Oh the full name...scary."

"I mean it." She says as serious as she could. "No kissing for you later if you do."

"Aww, that's not fair."

"Then don't drop me and you can have all the kisses you want."

"Oh, alright."

"Thank you." She kisses the corner of his mouth.

"You're welcome."

He walks over to the stairs, leading into the pool. Slowly making his way into the pool, he gets out far enough, letting her go so she can shift. She turns to face him, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. He rests his hands on her waist, holding firmly.

"Not letting me go I see."


"Fgured that." She chuckles as he lets his fingers wander over all the skin he can touch.

"Touchy too."

"Can't help it. All you did to me this morning. Not to mention the suit you chose to wear."

"Oops." She giggles.

"Uh huh...suure...oops."

"Honestly...I didn't mean it." She acts innocent.

"Acting all innocent.."

"Because I am."


"You love it though." She runs her fingers through his hair, brushing her lips over his.

"...I do..."

"What are you thinking now?" She gives him a quick, but slow kiss while her hands run through his hair.

"I think you know." He smirks.

"I have a feeling I do..." She hovers her lips over his just inches away.

"Teasing me..."

"...makes you want it more..."

"It does."

"What are you waiting for then?"

"Oh, you'll see."

She goes to say something but he cuts her off by pressing his lips to hers. Since she was not expecting it, it takes a moment for her to kiss back. Once she does, he starts to kiss he roughly while moving them to the edge of the pool. He pins her back to the wall, letting his hands wander all over. Since her hands are still in his hair, she pulls him as close to her as he can get. She makes him get even closer, by wrapping her legs around his waist. This makes him smirk into the kiss and she matches the intensity with his of the kiss. He keeps the kiss going until they both need air. This time, instead of going for her lips, he kisses down her jawline slowly making his way to her neck. She moves her head to the side, resting it on his shoulder as he lightly nips along her neck. He moves his hands to her thighs, squeezing lightly for now. Since that did not get a reaction he does it again, but a bit harder. She bites her lip as a soft moan escapes.

"...tryout..." She manages to get out.


"...a small one..for now..."

"I can deal with that."

He goes back to what he was doing, intent on leaving his mark again. He sticks to what she told him, it's a small one. One that's only noticeable to him and that can be covered with makeup. He slowly makes his way back to her lips. She tries to hold the kiss for longer, but he starts to slow it down leaving light little kisses.

"Awwww." She pouts, still wanting to kiss him.

"More later."

"So holding you to that." She rests her forehead on his with her eyes still shut.

"I know."

"I always do." She kisses his jaw moving her head to his shoulder, resting it there. He moves his hands over her thighs again so she nips lightly at his neck in retaliation making him tense.

"I can get you back just as much...remember that."

"I know you can and you always do." She continues to nip up his neck making her way to his ear. When she reaches his ear, she takes it between her teeth, nipping at it then starting to suck gently.

"You're...killing me..."

"...I know..." She whispers in his ear before making her way across his jaw. Right when she gets to his lips, she hovers over them a bit with a smirk on her face. He lets out a groan at the torture so she presses her lips to his in an intense kiss. He pulls her away from the wall and she clings to him as she kisses him, not wanting to pull away yet. He takes them to the middle of the pool, just floating around while they kiss. His hands move to her waist and stay there while her hands run through his hair. Now it's her turn to slow the kiss, but makes her lips linger on his.

"...couldn't....resist..." She says between kisses.


"Need all the luck I can get today."

"You'll do just fine."

"I have no doubt, but a little extra luck can't hurt."

"No it can't." He grins.

"You're my lucky charm." She rubs her nose against his.

"I would hope so."

"You are. Always will be too."


"Still not going to let me go?"


"I had a feeling." She chuckles.

"Not until I feel like it."

"Pretty much all day then."


"You're gonna have to let go when I tryout and get changed..."\

"Oh I will."

"Then right back to being all cuddly...not that I mind."

"Of course not."

"Shows me you care, plus I feel safe with you."

"You should."

"And I do." She smiles. "I couldn't ask for more right now." She softly says, resting her head in his shoulder.

"Neither could I."

He kisses the top of her head as they float around in the water for a bit longer.

"Ready to get out of the water?"


Mike lets her go now, just so that they could get out of the pool. They go over to get their towels to wrap around them. After that was done, he rubbed his hands over her arms to help warm her up.

"Helping?" He asks.

"Very much." She lays her head against his chest. "Thank you."

"You're very welcome."

"Looks like we made the day do by. Almost time for my tryout."

"Oh it is...would you look at that." He chuckles.

"In just a few hours, I could be the new Diva."

"No, in just a few hours, you WILL be the new Diva."

"True." She giggles. "I know in your mind, I already am."

"Yes you are."

"Then I guess I'm really going to be one after tonight."

"Yes you will be."

"How about we go change and see if those two love birds are ready?" She suggests.

"Alright." He chuckles.

They gran whatever they had outside with them, then head into the house to find me and Alex. After looking all around the house, they find that we're not there.

"Wonder where they could be."

"I don't know." Mike shrugs.

"Shauna!" She calls from the bottom of the stairs.

"Hmm...I think there's one more place they could be...."

"If they are in their room then I don't even wanna know." She chuckles.

"Basketball court? I know he likes to spend some free time out there shooting hoops."

"Could be." She shrugs. "Let's go see."

He nods and they head outside, then in the direction of the courts. Once they get there, they see Alex and I in the middle of a game.

"Oh look, you were right."

"He does like to play, so it would make sense."


"So, who's winning?!" She calls.

"I believe I am." I call back.

"Not for long!" Alex adds.

"Uh oh...go get 'em!" Riss calls.

"I just need one more shot and I win." I smirk.

Mike and Stef fall silent as I get the ball. They watch as I thrown the ball to the basket, successfully making it in.

"Oh would you look at that."

"Seems like you beat me on your own this time." Alex smirks.

"I did."

"Guess I have to stop going easy on you now."

"Seems so."

"Next time you will not be so lucky." He grins walking over to me. Once close enough, he rests hi hands on my waist, pulling me close. He leans down giving me a soft kiss for now. "More later. When we're alone..." He say for me to hear after pulling away.


"Hey! Love birds." Stef calls. "Are you both about done so we can get going to my tryout?"

"Come on. I have just enough time to shower and get ready." I tell Alex.

"Alright." He nods.

We all head back inside and up to our rooms to get showers and to change for the tryout.

"Time sure flew didn't it?" I ask, after coming out of the bathroom from drying my hair.

"It did, but time files when you're having fun."

"It does. When I'm kicking your butt."

"You did not kick my butt. That was pure lucky." He grins.


"It was...maybe..." He mumbles the last part.

"Whatever you say."

"Next time it won't be that easy."

"Uh huh."

"You'll see."

"I'm sure I will."

"Mhm." He nods. "Are you about ready? I'm sure Stef is getting impatient, waiting.

"Yup. Just let me grab what I need."


I walk around the room and make sure I have what I need.

"Alright, all set."

"After you." He motions for me to go in front of him. We both head downstairs to wait for Mike and Stef. She had just walked out of the bathroom from changing and doing her hair. She lightly did her makeup, only wearing dress down clothes since she would be changing anyway. She walks across the room tog et the rest of her bag together.

"Looking good." Mike compliments.

"Why thank you." She smiles. "I'm not even dressed up, but I have makeup on though."

"You don't need to be dressed up to look good."

"Awww...always a charmer." She blushes.

"Yes always."

"That's why you're my Romeo." She smiles, biting her lip.

"Always will be."

"Like I'll always be your Juliet."

"I was just going to say that."

"We just know each other that well." She grins.

"Yes we do."

"Well...I don't know about you, but I am so ready to go." She says excitedly, bouncing around.

"We shall go then." He chuckles.

"Yay!" She cheers. "Lets go." She takes his hand, pulling him out of the room.

He grins at her excitement, and they come down the stairs. They see me and Alex waiting once they get down there.

"Ready?" She cheerfully says, pulling Mike to the door.

"Someone's really super excited now. But yes, we're ready." I nod.

"Yes I am. Now let's get a move on it." She says jokingly.

"We're coming, we're coming."

"Not fast enough." She calls once Mike and her are out the door.

"Tonight's going to be fun." I laugh.

"Sure seems that way. She is already starting." Alex laughs as well.

"Makes you wonder what her reaction will be when she's named a new diva."

"I think she will be even more hyper and excited than she is now."

"I can see it happening."

"We'll find out soon."

"Come on you two!!!!" She calls from the car.

"Pushy pushy." I laugh.

"I just want to get there. Been waiting 2 weeks for this. I'm really excited."

"Of course. Oh Mike, by the way when we get to the arena I wanna talk to you about something. Work-related."

"That's fine. We'll have time." He nods.

Alex and I finally get into the car and then we all head off to the FCW arena for her tryout. The ride was not to long since Alex does not live that far. When we arrive, Mike parks the car and we all head inside after she gets her bag with her gear in it. We all follow her down to the locker room where she'll be getting ready, once it's time for her tryout.

"Well...this is it." She takes a deep breath as we stop in front of the door. "Time to get ready."

"Yup, this is it."

"Getting nervous?" Mike asks.

"Me? Nervous. Psh no."

"It's alright if you are."

"Honestly..." She bites her lip. "...I actually am."

"You'll do amazing out there. Honest."

"I know for a fact I will." She smirks.

"I had help from all of you so I will crush it out there. I'm just afraid of slipping up."

"Not everyone is perfect in the ring. We all have our slip ups."

"True, but I don't want anything against me tonight. I have to be better than my best with no slipping up."

"You'll do just fine."

"With you out there, I know I will." She gives him a quick kiss.

"And us."

"Right. Can't forget you both either. You helped me get here just as much."

"And now it's your big moment."

"Yes it is. All that is left to do is change and go out there."


"I should go do that. Don't want to keep everyone waiting."


"I'll be right out." She gives Mike a quick kiss. She then heads into the locker room to get changed into the only gear she has for now. It's a white skirt with pink in the slits and a white halter top with pink as well. After that was done, she grabbed her white boots and started to lace them up. When she was all finished, she looked in the mirror, smirking to herself. She moves her hair over her shoulders, primping up the curls a bit. Once everything was perfect, she walked back out of the locker room.

"Well?" She asks about her attire.

All he can do is blink repeatedly and stare and his jaw drops. She lets out a giggle and walks over to him, closing his mouth.

"Flies babe."


"Like it?" She asks unsure. "Not too much, is it?"

"Love it. And no not at all."

"Good. It's the only one I have right now."

"Well we can talk to my seamstress and see if she can make you more." Mike offers.

"Good idea. I have a feeling I'm going to need more."

"Well she'll be able to make whatever you want."

"Not to sure what I want right now, but I can look later."

"Of course."

"I'm sure you'll have fun helping too."

"Duh." He smirks.

"Maybe a little to much fun."


"And you are going to want to look right away too. I can't just tell."


"Have to get through the tryout first."

"Right, right."

"When do I go out exactly?"

"In about.....10-15 minutes."

"Okay." She nods. "I think I should warm up first." She smirks.

"Maybe Alex can help you with warming up, I do still need to talk to Mike about that thing."

"Oh right. That could work."

"Shouldn't take long. Few minutes tops."

"Take your time. Gives me time to actually warm up."

Alex and Stef then walk off, giving me and Mike time to talk.

"What's up?" Mike asks.

"Well since you're the GM of Raw and can make all the decisions and run the show how you want, I have a request..that involves myself."

"Go on." He places his hand on his chin, looking interested.

"Well I think it's about time Eve defends that Divas Championship. She's faced almost everyone for it....except for me. She always seems to weasel out of facing me. Fake injuries, lame excuses, everything."

"I see your point. She always seemed to come up with one..." He runs his fingers over his chin. "...but that was then and this is now." He smirks. "How about on the next RAW I tell her she is facing someone else, then instead of them coming out, it's actually you? This way she can not get out of it and if she does, she loses the title on the spot."

"I love your way of thinking."

"Well of course you do." He grins. "She tried so many times to get out of losing the title, but now I'm GM and she is not going to get me that easily."

"And it's not like it's favoritism or anything. You're GM, you have to do what's best for the show. So the characters don't matter...heel or face, you have a show to run. I have a feeling you're gonna make it much better than it has been."

"I plan on making it better. Starting with the Divas. You all deserve more than what you were getting. There are going to be many more changes to come as well. All in due time."

"It's about time someone did something with us. The way we were treated before. We'd be lucky if we got a few minutes of airtime. Even though I was starting to change that. I don't give up that easily in that ring."

"No you don't." He chuckles. "You do not know how many Divas wanted to tag with you because you put on a good match. There were so many we had to tell them that you were only with Alex for now."

"Well hey, I can still tag team with them. Make it a six person tag match, me, Alex and whichever Diva wants to tag with me as well."

"I could do that." He nods in agreement. "The problem was, they all wanted you at the same time. It was hard to even tell them that. Even some of the heels wanted to face you, but you were with Alex at the time and there was not current feud open for them with you."

"Well once I'm done with Eve, I welcome anyone to take me on. Because after Monday, they'll all want to face me. Because I'll beat Eve and to quote you somewhat...I'll be the longest reigning Divas Champion of all time."

"Now I see where Stef gets her attitude from." He chuckles with a grin. "And yes, you will be the longest reigning Divas champ. You're that good which is why you are getting your chance. You deserve this."

"Well we have the same attitude because you've rubbed off on us. That's what we get for watching forever, and for me hanging out with you."

"I do tend to have that affect on people." He fixes his tie acting all cocky.

"Yes you do. Now, I think we have a tryout to go watch very soon."

"I believe you're right."

We then head off in the direction Alex and Stef went for him to help her warm up. When we both arrive, Alex and her are standing there talking.

"All set to go for Monday." I declare with a grin on my face.

"That's great!" Alex grins, giving me a hug.

"What's going on Monday?" Stef asks.

"Well let's just say Eve has a title match and she has no way of getting out of it."

"Ooohhh. Sneaky."

"And it's even better for me because I don't really like her on a character level and personal level. She's been trying to take Alex away from me."

"Oh hell no." I say with attitude. "That's never going to happen. She can keep dreaming."

"Right? She flirts with him right in front of I'm invisible."

"What a twit. I think she is really a blonde with a brunette wig or something. Such an airhead."

"Probably. But anyways. Ready for that tryout?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." She rolls her shoulders, shaking off any nervousness that is there.

"Alright. Alex and I will be sitting out there in the crowd watching."

"Alright." She starts to bounce, getting loose. "Let's do this." She swings her shoulders, taking a deep breath.

"I'll stay back here with you until just minutes before you have to go out. Then I'm sitting out there next to Vince."

"Sounds good." She smiles. "How about a good luck kiss before I go out? You know, since you missed me warming up..."

"I can't say no to that." He grins.

"come over here then." She motions him with her finger.

He smirks and walks over, wrapping his arms around her. She wastes no time in pressing her lips to his. She tries to make it quick, but he pulls her closer, moving his fingers over all the exposed skin he can touch. After a bit, she slows the kiss down since it's about time for her to go out.

"...Mike...have to...stop now..." She says between kisses.


"After my tryout you can kiss me all you want." She brushes her lips over his.

"Planning on it."

"I bet you are."

"I'll be right out there waiting and watching."

"Mkay. Just try not to stare to much." She winks.

"I'l try."

"Sure you will." She shakes her head grinning. "Now go so I can get out there." She gives him a quick kiss, pushing him in the other direction playfully.

"I'm going, I'm going." He chuckles.

After watching Mike disappear through the curtain, she waits for her que. Once they are ready, she walks through the curtain, doing a few poses on at the top of the small ramp they have set up before making her way down to the ring. She jumps on he apron, doing a few poses there before she climbs in the ring and waits to see who she's facing. After waiting for a while her opponent comes out. She is introduced as Summer Rae, a FCW diva. Once she makes her way down to the ring, she does her poses as she steps into the ring. She takes one look at her and rolls her eyes at how she is flaunting herself around.

"Can we get on with it. No one cares how you look." Stef scoffs.

She stops and gives Stef a look. Stef stands there, glaring at her with her hands on her hips. "You heard me." She taunts. "Let's go!" She motions for her to come at her with her fingers.

She crosses her arms over her chest before she tells the ref she's ready to go and the ref signals for the bell to ring and then it does. They start off by circling each other a few times before locking up. She pushes her away then when she goes back at her, she slaps Stef across the face. She put her hand on her cheek, slowly looking up at her with a scowl. Stef rushes toward her, kicking her in the gut, then hits her with a reverse body slam. She goes for an early cover, but Summer kicks out at one. Stef grabs her hair, pulling her to her feet trying to throw her into the ropes. The move backfires and she sends her into the ropes, executing a clothesline. Then she goes for a cover of her own, but Stef kicks out quickly. She helps her to herr feet and throws her into the corner. After backing up, she charges towards Stef, but she brings her feet up to kick her in the face and she stumbles away. Stef climbs to the second rope, jumping off and hitting her in the head. She moves quickly so she's over her, getting her into a successful chin lock. She keeps adding the pressure, just like Mike showed her as Summer screams out in pain. The ref asks her if she wants to give up and she tells him no. After some struggle, she gets to her knees, and then to her feet, Stef clinging to her as she stands. She walks around before backing her up into the corner, making her let go and she leans against the corner to recover from the hit. Once Stef recovers she goes at her again, taking her down to the mat, repeatedly hitting her head against the apron. After the ref tells her to back off, she backs away slightly until she stands up. When she stands up, she takes her hand, throwing her into the ropes, executing a clothesline of her own.

This clothesline was a harder hit one than hers on Stef. That clothesline earned a count of two in the pin attempt. She slow to get to her feet, but Stef is right behind her waiting. Once she is in position, she sets up for a finishing move that she left as a surprise. She hooks her arms around hers, placing her hands on the back of her head. She brings her foot around, kicking hers out from under her, sending her face first to the mat. She rolls her over and hooks her leg as she covers her. She doesn't move and the ref gets to three as the generic music picked out for Stef for the tryout goes off and she's announced the winner. She stands up so the ref can raise her hand as she smiles over at Mike and Vince, giving Mike a little wink. Then she celebrates a bit before leaving the ring and heading back. Mike, Alex and myself get up and head to the back as well, leaving Vince to watch the rest of the tryouts for the day before he discusses with Mike, Stef's future. She had just gotten back to the locker room, when we all had arrived. One of us knocked on the door before walking in.

"Heyy." I greet.

"Heyy!" She smiles. "What did you all think?"

"You did amazing." I grin.

"I was hoping I would. I was not going to let some tramp beat me. No way in hell." She takes a sip of her water. "What about the finisher I did?" She smirks, looking over at Mike.

"I didn't even teach you that. How did you know how to do that?"

"Well...I seen you do it so many times and I wanted to learn how to do it so I practiced it before I stopped."


"Thank you." She grins. "That was a surprise I had for you." She walks over, giving him a quick kiss.

"I loved it."

"Exactly what I was going for."

"Now all we have to do it wait for the tryouts to be over."

"Hopefully it won't be to long." She sighs. "At least I can get change in that time."

"I think there's like two more people left to observe."

"That's not too bad. I do want to get changed first."

"Alright. Want us to leave so you can do so?"

"Sure. Shouldn't take too long." She nods

We nod and leave the room so she can change. She walks over to her bag to get the new clothes that she packed. She changes out of her attire and puts on the light summer dress she chose along with a pair of wedge sandals. She redos her makeup along with fixing her curls. After she was all done, she grabbed her bags then headed out to meet up with us. We all then stand around and wait for the last two tryouts to be done to find out her future. She leans into Mike nervously biting her lip while I do the same with Alex, except we are both conversing about the tryouts. Soon the tryouts end. A few minutes after that, we see Vince round the corner.

"Hope he has good news." Stef lowly says with a sigh.

"Think positive."

"Trying...just nervous."

"I know. Try and be calm."

"I'll try." She takes a deep breath as Mike rubs her shoulders.

He spots us and walks over.

"Ah, there you are."

"Hello Vince." Mike greets shaking his hand. After shaking Mike's hand, he does the same to the rest of us.

"After seeing all the tryouts, I've decided that only one of the participants in the tryouts today is eligible to get a contract for the main roster."

"Oh..." Her heart sinks. Mike squeezes her shoulder for support.

"It looked like a good tryout. Have you made a decision on who yet?" Mike asks.

"I have."

"Are you going to tell everyone tonight or have them wait and announce it later?"

"Well I wanted to come tell you first, then I'll announce it to everyone. I have a feeling that you're gonna wanna know first."

"Being the GM of RAW, I would like to know. Who did you have in mind?"

"Well....." He trails off. "'s good news. I've picked you Stefanie."

"Oh I see..." She starts to say in disappointment. "...wait...what?!" She shakes her head finally realizing what he said. "You picked me?" She points to herself, still in disbelief.

"Yes. I picked you. I did do my research beforehand about you before today's tryout. Then hearing all the progress you've made up until this point. And you definitely impressed me in that ring today."

"I-I...I'm just so...thank you so much. I really tried my best and looks like it paid off."

"You're very welcome. Now I would like you in my office Monday morning so we can get your contract signed, go over the details for your character, everything."

"I'll be there. You can count on that." She freaks out on the inside.

"Great. See you on Monday and once again congratulations." He says before walking off to go tell everyone the results of the tryouts.

She stands there in total shock, not knowing what to really do.


"...still processing it..." She says slowly.

After a few moments of taking it all in, she squeals.

"I told you." Mike grins.

"You did!" She jumps on him, giving him a hug while jumping up and down. "I can't believe it. Thank you all so much for the help."

"You're so very welcome."

"I'm just so happy, that I could just...just..." She pulls Mike down, kissing him hard.

"Oooooooh." I snicker.

She waves her hand behind her at me, keeping her focus on the kiss. Mike puts his hand on the back of her head, kissing back just as hard. After a few moments, they pull away.

"Maybe I should help you out more often..."

"If you like that result, then yes you should." She smirks.

"Well then...I know what I'm doing for now on."

"Then you will get the same result." She grins.

"Can't wait."

"How about we get out of here and maybe there will be a little something more for you..."


Since she already had her bag, they just headed right out to the car. This time, Alex drove back with me next to him and Mike and Stef are in the back. The whole way back, she leans against Mike being touchy in a teasing way. Just like the trip to the arena, it wasn't long. When we get back, Alex parks in the driveway and we head inside.

"Now what to do..."

"...cook something for dinner?"

"We could do that."

"How about you both go relax and us girls will make something."

"You sure?"

"Positive." She gives Mike a quick kiss. "Go watch some football and we will let you know when it's ready"


I give Alex a quick kiss before they head into the liing room. She gives Mike a slap on the butt, then looks away like nothing happened.

"So today's been a really good day."

"It has. I am still taking it all in. Seems so surreal right now."

"That's how I felt when I got in too."

"It's just an amazing feeling and know I know how you felt. I don't think I have ever been as happy as I am right now."

"I know the feeling."

"Now I have to find a theme and look for attires I want." She chews her lip in thought.

"I'm sure you have plenty of time for all that."

"Probably, but I want to go Monday prepared for anything."


"Mike did offer to help with a few attire..."

"His seamstress?"

"He said he would ask her, but he is going to help me pick out a style and stuff."

"Gives him an excuse to watch you all night." I snicker.

"Of course." She chuckles. "He really liked the one I wore tonight, but I don't think I'm going to go with that one...just yet."


"You know, since we have chicken and pasta, we should make chicken parm...just need sauce..." She trails off, looking through the cabinets.

" it is."

"Now we have everything we need." We set everything on the counter. We then start to get everything ready like, breading the chicken, boiling the water for the pasta, and heating the oven.

"I think this will be good."

"I'm sure it will. We make it better than anyone. Everyone loves when we make it."

"They do."

Alright. Now all that is left to do is put it in the over and make a side salad." She says after sprinkling the cheese on top and putting the pan of chicken in the oven.

"I'll get everything for the salad."

"Okay." She nods.

I go into the fridge and grab what we need, before getting a bowl for everything. Once everything was on the counter, we started cutting up all the vegetables we decided to put in. Once everything is in, we mix it together and soon the salad is done. We take that out to the table along with plates and silverware, getting that all set up for when the chicken is done. While we wait, we head out into the living room, as Mike and Alex are yelling at the TV watching the game.

"Good game?" Stef asks as we sit down next to them.

"So far."

"Your team winning?" I ask Alex.

"Yes. That's what he's yelling about." He chuckles.

"'re team not doing well." I tease.

"No..." Mike grumbles.

"Hey grumbling." Stef pokes his side.

"But they're losing."

"Just wait. They might make a come back whining."


"Good." She kisses his cheek.

We settle down to watch some of the game before going to check on the food. After a bit, she gets up to see if it is done. Seeing that the cheese is getting golden brown, she takes the pan out of the oven so it can cool a bit before serving it. Once it's cool enough, she takes the pan out to the table and starts putting everything on the plates. After that is all done and all the drinks are on the table, she calls to tell us that it's ready. "Dinner is ready!" She calls.

"Smells good." Mike says as he sits in his chair.

"Hope it tastes just as good."

"I'm sure it will." Alex kisses my cheek.

"Well it looks and smells amazing."

"Why thank you."

"You're welcome, both of you."

Then we all start eating, talking amongst each other occasionally. Alex and Mike keep telling us how good the food is throughout the meal. At one point, Alex gets some sauce on the corner of his mouth making me giggle. He looks at me as I wipe it of with my thumb, then kissing him quick. Stef looks over to see Mike eating some of the pasta with a long piece hanging from his mouth. She takes the other end of it and they eat it until their lips touch. They share a quick kiss before going back to eating normally. When we all get finished eating, both Mike and Alex offer to take care of the dishes since we made dinner. Since there was no point is arguing with them, we let them do that while we went out to watch some TV and relax until they were done.

"Monday is going to be very exciting...for both of us."

"Yeah it is. You get to face Eve for the title and I might have my debut. Going to be a very fun night."

"I can't wait. Wish the week would go by faster though."

"Knowing those two, they'll make it fly by." She chuckles.

"Of course."

"Wonder what they have up their sleeves this time though."

"I guess we'll find out."

"We always do."

A while later, Mike and Alex come back into the living room and sit next to us.

"What's the plan for the rest of the night? Just stay here and relax?"

"Yup, well that's what we were hoping anyway."

"Good. Today was so busy, it will be nice to just relax."

"We knew you would think that."

"You both just know us that well."

"We do."

"So you both know what is going to happen next then..." Alex smirks, looking over at Mike. We look at each other then try to get up, only to be pulled back down on their laps.

"I don't think we're going anywhere.."

"I have a feeling you're right."

"You're both right. Not going anywhere."

"Maybe...haven't decided about that yet."

"Of course not." We shake our heads amusedly.

"You're still in trouble for what you did before dinner." Mike gives her the look.

"I did nothing." She says innocently.


"I'm innocent I tell you....innocent."

"Whatever you say."

"Exactly." She kisses his cheek, lingering there for a bit before pulling away.

"I'll let you know when you can move and get changed out of those clothes." He chuckles.

"Let me guess...much later."


"Fine with me. I don't want to move right now anyway." She relaxes into him.

"Didn't think so."

"You're not going anywhere any time soon either." Alex pulls me closer to him.

"Oh darn."

"You did your fair share tonight too."

"Oh, I know."

"Then you know what is going to happen tonight." He smirks.

"Ooooooh." Stef teases.

"Oh hush. You're probably in for more than me."

"I'll find time."

"Believe will." Mike nips at her ear.

"..already starting..."

"Just a preview of later."

"I could've guessed."

"You're so in for it when we go to bed..."

"Looking forward to it."

"You always do." He grins.

"Of course."

"Maybe we should leave them alone and head to our room..." Alex says to me with a grin.

"You would like that, wouldn't you?"

"Yes I would." He grins, standing up and picking me up as he does so. "Now let's go."

"I suppose I'll see you two tomorrow then." I say to Stef and Mike.

"See you tomorrow."

"Don't have too much fun!" She calls as Alex starts carrying me up the stairs.

"Can't promise her anything." Alex smirks.

"Like you always say." I laugh.

"Because it's true."

"How well I know."

"Yes you do." He says slow as he gets the door to his room open.

After walking in, he closes and locks the door before carrying me over to the bed. "Locking the door? No one's gonna come in on us."

"I know. This way you can't leave."

"Now, why would I leave?"

"To tease me."

"Maybe, but I can tease you in other ways."

"It will just make things harder for you."

"How much harder?"

"Maybe to the point of no return."

"Uh oh."

"Tempt me to much and it may happen."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Good." He kisses me quick. "Now...time to have fun..." He grins, kissing me again before moving from my lips, down my jawline.

"Let me guess...after you're done....I'll be able to change for bed...."

"We'll see." He mumbles against my skin. I nod and just relax into the feeling. He slowly trails kisses down my jaw, to my ear, nipping at it a bit making me shift under him. He moves his hands to my hips to keep me from moving as he starts to move down my neck. He keeps the kisses light just brushing over the spot on my neck. My fingers grip onto his shoulder as he grazes the spot once more. A soft whine comes from me causing him to chuckle. He moves his tongue over the spot before decided I've had enough. Without warning, he attaches his lips to the spot on my neck, getting the same reaction out of me he always does. Even with the noises that come from me, he does not stop until he feels that a good size mark will form. Once he feels that a good mark will form, he pulls away to look, seeing one forming. He makes his way back to my lips, lightly kissing me until I pull him close to me, kissing him hard. When we do break apart, it's for air. We rest our foreheads against one another and I keep my eyes shut for a bit.

"I can get...changed now..."

"Are you sure now?"

"Right now...yes."

"You're gonna have to move..."

"I know..." He sighs, shifting so I can get up.

"I promise...I won't take long."

"Better not..." He mumbles.


"You should go before I change my mind."

"Alright." I giggle.

I then head over to my things to get clothes.

"Hmm, what to wear tonight..."

"Need help?"

"Oh, you would love that."

"So, that a yes?" He sits up on the bed.

"It's a yes."

Before I know it, he's right there next to me, helping me look.

"Someone's excited to help."

"Of course I am." He grins as he looks for something he likes.

"I like this." He grabs a spaghetti strap shirt and shorts that matched.

"You would." I laugh. "More for you to touch."

"Can you blame me?"

"Not really."

"I'll be back though." I add.

Alex nods and I head into the bathroom to change. Just like I said, I didn't take too long. I come out of the bathroom shortly after and put my clothes with my things. After that was done, I went back over to the bed where Alex was waiting, having already changed himself.

"Looks even better than I thought it would."

"Even though you look good in anything you wear." He adds.

"As you always say." I smile, climbing under the blankets next to him.

"It's the truth." He pulls me close, running his fingers over all the skin he can touch.


" much to touch..."

"You chose the outfit..."

"This is the reason why I did." He grins.

"Of course."

"I do think we should get some sleep...long day. I add.

"It was." He nods.

"You look tired." He moves some hair from my face.

"I am a little."

"I'll let you get rest. If you go to sleep, it's fine." He moves his fingers up and down my arm more soothingly now. I nod and snuggle into him more. He keeps moving from my arms to my hair, repeating the process until I start to drift off.

"Night Shauna." He kisses the top of my head. I give him a mumbled response, and shortly after that I'm out. He drifts off to sleep himself.

Mike and Stef were watching another football game that he found and it happened to be her team playing against a team her was going for.

"Your team is going down." She teases.

"I don't think so."

"So far, my team is winning." She grins.

"Not for long."

"It's almost over. Not many chances left."

"You'll see."

Her team does good until there is an interception and his team gets a touchdown. She chews her lip as it all comes down to the final point. "Come on....miss it..." She mumbles. Unfortunately Mike's team doesn't miss the final point. He breaks out in a big grin. "I win."

"So you do." She grumbles a bit.

" grumbling."

"Sorry..." She mumbles. "...I hate losing." She says barely audible.

"It's just a game. Hey, you didn't lose when it came to being with me did you?"

"No..." She grins slightly. " were one thing I wasn't going to lose."


"Not matter who or what stood in my way."

"You now, I feel the exact same way."

"We are just meant to be." She turns to face him. She smiles at him as she runs her hands through his hair.

"I think we are." He grins.

"I know we are." She smirks, running her hand over his cheek.

"That's a very good thing."

“Very good.” She leans down, hovering her lips over his. He leans in the rest of the way and kisses her quickly. "Beat you to it." He chuckles.

"You did." She giggles.

"But it wasn't long enough.

"Oh?" She raises a brow. "You want more?" She moves her fingers under the collar of his shirt.


"Just maybe?" She looks at him, trying to be serious. "Then MAYBE I should make you wait." She starts to move from his lap.

"No...don't move."

"Thought I would get ready for bed until you wanted more."

"Well, that's not a bad idea."

"Okay. I'll go and you can stay here." She teases, trying to get up again.

"Why don't I just come to the bedroom with you?"

"You can...if you really want too." She taunts him by lightly running her fingers over the back of his neck.

"I think I should."

"'re gonna have to let me go..." She giggles.

"Or..." He stands up. "...I could carry you." He grins.

"That too." She laughs, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Make sure everything is turned off then." She adds.

"On it." He reaches down, grabbing the remote to turn off the TV. On the way to the stairs, he makes sure to get the light as well. Then he heads to the bedroom, when he gets to the top of the stairs. Once in the bedroom, he closes the door, locking it so there are no interruptions. He then walks over to the bed, sitting down with her still on his lap.

"Don't want any interruptions."

"You never do." She runs her hands through his hair. "I don't want any either..." She leans close to his face.

"Not that there'll be any...but still."

"Of course."

"Maybe you'll let me pick out what you wear to bed?"

"Hmmm..." She pretends to think. " would like" She pauses.

" that a yes?"

"It's a yes." She chuckles. "Can't resist that look of yours."

"Unfortunately I'll have to move you then."

"It's alright. We got all night."

"True." He grins, kissing you quickly before moving her.

He goes over to her things, looking for something to for her to wear. After a bit of searching, he finds a light spaghetti strap summer type night dress, in pink of course. He holds it up with his finger grinning.

"You would pick that." She chuckles, getting up from the bed and walking over to him.

"I would."

"Good choice by the way." She takes the dress from him, kissing him quick. "I'll be right out."

"I'll be waiting." He grins.

"I won't make you wait that long." She heads to the bathroom. She goes in, taking off her clothes from the day. She puts on the dress, before cleaning off all her makeup from earlier. She leaves the curls in my hair, crimping them a bit to keep them. Once she's all done, she grabs her clothes then heads into the bedroom where Mike is already change and waiting on the bed.

"Well I made a great choice for sure. That looks great on you."

"Yes you did." She grins. "This is one of my favorites actually." She sets her clothes with her bags then heads over to the bed, standing a few inches away.

"And now I know that."

"It's so light and silky too..." She runs her hands down the fabric, swaying back and forth.

"I noticed that..."

"Soft too..." She grins, still not moving.

"Another reason why I picked it."

"Glad you like it so much." She slowly moves toward him, turning at the last second and walking to the other side of the bed, sitting on the edge.

"You're too far."

"Am I?" She looks at the space between them moving just a little bit closer. "Better?"

"A little bit better."

She moves just a bit more. "There. Now I'm closer." She teases, starting to lay down.

"Not close enough."

"Oh alright." She moves all the way next to him. "Is that better?"


"Now...have you decided if you want another kiss yet?" She rubs her lips together, making the scent of the caramel lip gloss she has on travel to him.

"I think you know the answer to that."

"I didn't think you wanted anymore..." She teases, shifting to lay on her side.

"Now why would you think that?"

"I'm only messing with you." She laughs. "If you want one, come get one." She rubs her lips together again, teasing him more.

"Tempt me.."

" this?" She does it one more time, smacking them together. "Mmmm...this tastes good too." She refers to her lip gloss. He reaches out and pulls her super close to him when she least expects it and his lips are on hers, the torture getting too much for him. Once she starts to kiss back, she kisses him back just as hard as he was kissing her. She moves her hands from resting on his arms, up to his hair. She lets one move through is hair while the other lightly moves across his shoulders and the back of his neck. His hands start to wander a bit themselves and he moves his fingers lightly over her skin. She shivers a bit as goosebumps start to form. She pulls him even closer, arching my back so she's as close as she can get to him. She moves her hand from his neck, down to his chest, lightly moving my fingers over his skin as she reaches the waist of his boxers. She feels him tense a bit, so she slowly moves her fingers above the seam. That makes him kiss her even harder in retaliation, to the point where there will be bruised lips for the both of them, but mostly her. She goes to move her fingers again, but he moves her hand away, pinning it to the mattress without breaking the kiss. She whines softly, still kissing him back just as hard. She struggles against his grip, but he just chuckles in response. "Uh uh, not yet." he says once he pulls from her lips.

"Awww." She groans, wanting to touch him.

"Only for a short time."


"You love it."

"I do..."

"Thought so."

"How long do I have to wait?" She reaches up, trying to kiss him.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out."

"...Mike..." She whines pouting.

"Don't won't be long."

"The wait is killing me."

"I know it is."

She whines once more at the torture of him making her wait. He leans down, hovering over her lips before moving to her jaw lightly kissing as he moves toward her ear. Her grip in his hands get tighter the slower he moves. He smirks against her skin as he goes along, and each time he moves to a different spot on her neck, she squeezes his hands. Each time he grazes the spot on her neck, she bites her lip with a few soft noises escaping. He grazes it a few more times before pressing his lips to it. She moves her head to the side, squeezing his hands as tight as she can. He soon uses his teeth and nips at the skin a bit, and that drives her crazy. She bites down harder on her lip as a soft moan escapes. She starts to wiggle under him a bit, trying to get him close to her. That's when he lets her hands go, realizing she's had enough torture of not being able to touch him. Her arms go around his neck, pulling him as close to her as he can get. She moves one hand to his hair, gently pulling on it with the other resting on his back as he still nips at the skin on her neck. After a while of working on the spot, he starts to pull away and watches as a decent sized mark starts to form, and he smiles to himself. He makes his way back to her lips and once he is there, she pulls him to her once more kissing him hard. She moves both hands to his head to hold him in place. His hands rest on her hips, holding her in place as well. He keeps the kiss going for a bit long, letting his fingers move over the fabric of her dress lightly. She tries to keep the kiss going for a bit long causing him to chuckle at her eagerness. Soon, she starts to slow the kiss down while he moves his hands to her thighs, lightly running his fingers over her skin.

"Ohh, you have to go there..." She mumbles.

"I do." He smirks. "Can't help myself."

"Course not."

"Just have to torture me more." She adds.

"I do."

"You make it harder and harder each day." She bites her lip.

"Oops. My bad."

"One of these days, I may not be able to control myself..."

"Good to know." He chuckles.

She keeps her hands in his hair while she looks into his eyes. She gets so lost in them, she does not realize how tired she actually is, until she lets out a yawn.

"Someone's tired."

"Uh uh..." She shakes her head, trying to hide another yawn.

"Yes you are."

"But I don't wanna." She whines, burying her face in his neck.

"You had a long day."

"I know..." She sighs. "...I guess we should get some sleep then."

"We can sleep in tomorrow." He grins.

"Mmmm...I really love the sound of that."

"I knew you would."

"Very much." She mumbles, starting to get more sleepy.

"Alright, I think it's time for sleep."

"...mhm..." She slowly nods as he moves to his spot next to her, pulling her onto his chest. She snuggles into his chest while he wraps his arms around her.

"Night Stef."

"Night Mike."

He kisses the top of her head, holding her close while letting his hand run though her hair. The soothing motion causes her to drift off to sleep quickly. He then kisses the top of her head, just watching her sleep for a bit before he goes to sleep himself.