Status: Active

The Chance of a Lifetime

New Diva & New Divas Champion

The rest of the week seemed to pass by awfully quick, even the weekends. We're back to Monday and it's an exciting day because it's Stef's debut and she's meeting with Vince about her theme and other stuff. Alex was up early and so was I. We were making a gym trip, and I especially needed a few hours or so in the gym because of my title match tonight.

"Tonight should be a good night. You're title match and Stef's debut. Going to be an exciting night."

"Yes it will be. I definitely need the few hours in the gym if I'm going up against Eve."

"I believe you'll do just fine. You can beat her with your eyes closed. That's probably why she kept making excuses not to go against you."

"Well it doesn't hurt to be prepared."

"Not at all." Alex says looking me over. "I do love when we come to the gym." He grins.

"Because you stare even more than normal."

"What can I say?" He shrugs. "There's more to look at."


"I just know how to get to you." He smirks as he starts to lift some of the weights nearby.

"You do. And then there are the touts of me when I'm not paying attention. Sneak."

"Can't help myself." He shrugs innocently. "I have to show you off to everyone."

"So others can be jealous of both you and me."

"That's the plan. Everyone should be jealous. I have the most beautiful girl ever."

"Like you always say."

"It's the truth. Always has been and always will be."

"You're sweet. One of the many reasons why you're amazing." I lean over and kiss him quick.

"I will always be sweet..just for you."

"Of course."

"You deserve everything and I will continue to give you everything."

"And I know, if you could give me the world you would."

"I would. You will get anything and everything you want plus more."

"Gonna spoil me basically."

"Yes I am." He grins, leaning over giving me a quick kiss.

"You can get back to the weight lifting now. You seem to already be distracted." I laugh.

"I should." He sighs. "I just can't stop looking at you."

"Tempting, I know. My fault really for wearing this."

"Too tempting. Although, I can be just as distracting." He grins.

"Yes you can."

"I'll save that for another day. You need to focus on tonight."


I give him a quick kiss before wandering off to a different part of the gym. But I do make sure I am in view of him, just in case. Since he knows that I am watching him, he does little things to distract me, but not too much so I can focus. And since I know he's watching me as well, I do all that I can to distract him, but keep my focus. We both keep that up the whole time we're working out. That's when I get a weird feeling. A feeling of being watching, but not by Alex. I stop what I'm doing and look around, finding nobody. Alex glances back at me, sensing something is not right. He puts down what he is doing and walks over to me.

"Everything alright?" He wraps his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder.

"I just....I had a feeling of being watched....and not by you."

Alex lifts his head, looking around at al the people. "I don't see anyone. Want me to look around more?"


"Anything for you." He gives me a quick kiss. He starts to walk around, looking for someone in particular. He makes sure to keep a close eye on me while he's doing that.

Just to keep myself occupied while he's looking around, I go over to the bar on the wall and do pull ups. It doesn't take him too long to look before he comes back over to where I am.

"There's no one here other than the same people that have been here."

"I'm probably just being paranoid..."

"Well, you're not leaving my all."

"Oh I know."

"Nothing and I mean nothing is going to happen to you. As long as you are with me, you'll be safe."

"Right." I nod.

"As soon as you are done we can leave. It's starting too get crowded in here anyway."

"Alright." I nod.

We both go back to working out, Alex staying close to me. We both do a few more things or so after being there for a couple hours now, before deciding to leave. Once we both get our bags from the locker room, we meet up then head to the car hand in hand.

"So where to now?"

"Lunch? It's about that time."


"After you." He leads the way to the car as he looks around to see if anyone is following, trying not to make it obvious to me.

We reach the car and get in, and then head off somewhere for lunch. After finding a place not to far away, we both head in and get seated quickly. We look at the menus for drinks and order those, looking over the menus for food while we talk occasionally.*

"Are you feeling better now that we're out of there?" Alex asks, putting his arm over my shoulders.

"Much better."

"Good. I don't like when you get that feeling. I should be the only one looking at you like that."


"He better hope I don't catch him. He will be sorry." He starts to growl at the end.

"If it's in public, you don't want to start a fight and end up getting arrested. You swing before he does, he can press charges."

"Oh, I'll make sure he does something first. I would never do anything that will keep me from you.

"I was worried before when you first started out and got arrested for that DUI. And I wasn't even with the company then."

"That was something I never planned to happen. It was not a smart move on my part. I'm just glad that everything worked out with that and I'm still here."

"I'm glad too and then those charges were dropped thank god."

"That was luck. It could have been much worse, but it all worked out for the better."

"They did."

"I'm just glad because I would not have you right now if they hadn't."

"I'm sure we would've met one way or the other."

"Me too. Probably through Mike."


"He was the one who told me to talk to you when I did before it was to late. So, really he did get us together."

"Well we're gonna have to thank him for that."

"We are. I'm sure we'll think of something."

"Of course we will."

Alex nods, giving me a quick kiss as our food arrives at the table. In the meantime, Mike let Stef sleep in a bit, before attempting to wake her up, because she had that meeting with Vince this morning. She shifts a bit in her spot, groaning in protest of getting up.

"...2 more minutes..." She mumbles into her pillow.

"You've got that meeting with Vince this morning."

"...alright..." She rolls over, stretching a bit. "...I'm up." She sits up, stretching more as she yawns.

"Good. I can't wait to find out what everything's going to be for you."

"Me either. I do have a few things in mind. Also got my attire already."


"Mhm." She nods. "Got the call yesterday. It will be at the arena when we get here, but I do have a picutre to show Vince...and you."


"Would you like to see?"


"Alright." She laughs at how excited he is. She goes over to her things to get the picture she was sent of the attire. She walks back over to the bed, sitting next to Mike. "I think you might like this one..." She grins. " was your favorite."

"I think you'll look amazing in this."

"I hope I do. It was the only one I really liked out of all the ones I tried on."

"You look amazing in anything."

"You always say that." She blushes, looking down letting her hair cover her face.

"Because it's true."

"You always know the right thing to say first thing in the morning." She lifts her head, giving him a quick kiss.

"I do." He grins.

"Mmhmm." She nods, humming slightly. "I think I should get ready now..."

"I think so too." He nods.

"After I get done, I'll give you a proper good morning kiss." She smirks, giving him a slow but short kiss before moving from the bed and going to her things.

"Looking forward to it."

"You always do." She calls as she heads into the bathroom.

Once in there, She takes off her night clothes and puts on the one shoulder dress she chose that has different shades on blue going down. She works on her makeup next before working on her hair. After that as done, she styled her hair the way she wanted it. Making sure everything looked perfect, she headed back out in to the room where Mike had finished getting.

"Is this alright for today?"

"That's perfect."

"Good. I've never been to a meeting like this and I wasn't sure." She looks herself over in the mirror as she gets her jewelry on.

"That's why I'm here."

"I'm glad you're here to help. It really means a lot to me."

"What would you do without me?" He chuckles.

"Probably go insane." She chuckles as well, trying put on her necklace. "Mike...could you give me a hand? Please?"

"Of course." He walks over to the mirror to help.

She smiles at him through the mirror as he hooks the clasp. After he gets the done, he lets his hands slowly move across her shoulders and down her arms as he presses light kisses to the back of her neck.

"You're going to have fun with the dress...I can tell." She giggles.

"Mmmhmm." He mumbles.

"Better have your fun now 'cause when we are with Vince you need to behave."

"Right right, I know."

He keeps letting his hands wander while he kisses all the exposed skin he can reach. His hands rest on her stomach for now while he stops at the spot on her neck. She lets him have some fun, but turns in his arms after he's been on the same spot for a while. " marks..."

"...I know..."

"After everything tonight you can." She brushes her lips over his.

"I can't wait."

"I'm sure you can't." She gives him a teasing kiss.

"I'm sure you'll help the both of us get through the show tonight."

"Maybe I will..." She grins. " tricks up my sleeve

"Of course you do."

"Just like you do." She moves her hands to the bottom of his hair, lightly running her fingers through it.

"Yes, yes I do."

"Now...I think I owe you something..." She rubs her lips together, letting the scent of her pineapple lip gloss travel.

"You and the flavored lip gloss. Gets to me."

"I know." She smirks. "You love it though."

"I do."

"Hmmm..." She bites her lip. " make you wait or not..." She pretends to think.

"You're killing me."

"Well then..." She trails off, pulling him close to her. She presses her lips to his, letting her hands rest on the nape of his neck for now. His arms wrap around her and his hands wander a bit from where they are. She arches her back into him when he brushes over certain spots, getting closer to him. He starts to walk forward, causing her to move back until her back meets the wall. He deepens the kiss more as she tugs on his hair. His hands move to her hips, just resting there for now as he moves his fingers a bit. Getting the taste of the pineapple makes him go eve more crazy and he's intent on getting most if not all of it off. She tries to pull away, but he moves his hands to her face, holding her in place. Since she knows he is not going to stop until he's had enough, she relaxes into him. Once he feels that he's gotten all of the pineapple off, he pulls away, but pulls away slowly, letting the kiss linger.

"...I all..." She tries catching her breath after pulling away.

"Didn't mean to get it all, but it just tasted so good."

"I can tell. I have more though."

"Good. You better." He chuckles.

"I do. bought two of everything."

"Good thinking."

"With you, I always have to get extra."

"That's true."

"However...I think we should go before we are late. This is one thing I don't want to be late for."

"Right. Can't be late for this."

"No, but you have to let me go if we want to leave."

"Oops, I forgot." He says, letting you go.

"I'll keep the dress on for a bit after we get back since you like it that much." She walks over to get her things for the meeting.

"Ready to go?"

"Ready." She takes a deep breath, preparing herself.

"Everything will go just fine. I'll be in there with you anyway."

"I know, just really nervous. This is a big deal." She says as they leave the room.

"It is." He nods.

"Can't help to be nervous. Even though I know you'll be right there with me." She leans into his side since he put his arm over her shoulder.


He kisses the top of her head as they make their way to the car. Once there, he opens her door for her before going to the drivers side and getting in. He then starts the car and it's off to the meeting. Since they were not far from WWE headquarters, they arrived fairly quickly. Mike found a place to park and after making sure she had everything, they headed inside. Since Mike knew where he was going, he led the way. After many turns and an elevator ride later, they arrived on the floor where Vince's office was. Mike told the secretary who they were once they reached the desk. She had them wait while she called into his office to tell him that they both were there. After what seemed like forever, they were told Vince was ready to see hem. Mike goes up, followed by her. He took her hand, squeezing it for support. She took a few deep breaths as they made their way to Vince's office. Of course Mike knocks first and after Vince says they can come in, they do so, taking the seats in front of his desk.

"Ah. Mike, Stefanie. So good to see you both agian." Vince nods, extending his hand over his desk.

"It's good to see you again too sir." They shake his hand, taking their seats once again.

"Now let's get right down to business. Let's discuss your character first."

"Well...I was thinking if Mike was my manager, I would be a tough Diva. Be like him. I'm not like most of the Divas anyway. I'm a lot more...hardcore. I like things tough. The bigger the challenge the better the accomplishment. That is what I had in mind, but whatever you choose is fine too."

"Right. I know how you are in the ring. I've went back and watched your previous matches. It is my duty to do the research afterall."

"True. I guess what I'm trying to say is that I would like to be sassy. Kinda like how Maryse was, but a bit different."

"Well I'm glad to hear your ideas. Some of the girls I talk to from tryouts, come here with no ideas."

"They must think it is all handed to them. I have been thinking about this for sometime now so I have a pretty good idea of what I'm looking for."

"I do like your ideas though."

"I'm glad. Mike helped me with them as well and Shauna too. They told me what was good and what was not."

"Of course."

"I just want to be one of the best like Michelle McCool and Lita. Those are my two past favorite Divas I modeled myself after."

"Okay, so let's see." He says as he writes all the ideas you had to tell him, down.

"You're doing great." Mike says quietly to Stef.

"Thanks." She whispers back, squeezing his hand.

"Hmm, well we haven't had a diva managed by a superstar for a while now. Especially when the suggested superstar is our Raw GM. It'll put a twist on things."

"Only if it will work. If not, it does not matter. Mike mentioned something about being my manager so I thought I would bring it to you to see what you thought about it."

"It's something new. I actually think it'll work. Plus, after watching all the match footage of yours, I think you'll suit better as a heel than a face."

"Well thank you." I smile. "That is just how I always was in the ring. I don't really know how to act any other way. I guess it's just a hidden part of me that likes to show itself."

"That's what I like to see."

"I'm glad that I could do that for you. I aim to please and I'm not happy until I get the job done."

"I worked really hard to give you what you saw out there." She adds.

"And I saw that." He nods.

"I was determined and I was not going to slack of out there. I trained all the time and would not stop until I got everything perfect."

"That's true" Mike agrees. "It was so hard to get her out of the gym or the ring. when she's determined, she does not stop.

"That's the attitude that we're looking for."

"That's the only attitude I know and have. I know no other way." She grins.

"Well that's good."

"Thank you." I smile.

"She even taught me a few things that I was surprised by. Some of the moves she knew, I did not think she knew about. I was very impressed." Mike mentions.

"I was very impressed myself. So we all agree on you being the heel character to start."

She glances over at Mike who nods.

"Yes. Heel it is." She nods.

"And Mike will not only be the general manager of Raw, but will also manage you."

"I can do that." Mike grins.

"That's great." She smiles, but freaks on the inside.

"Alright so that's out of the way. What we have next to discuss is theme music, an entrance video for the tron and ring attire."

"Alright. I do have a picture of the attire I had in mind." She says as she takes out the picture Mike's seamstress sent her. "I hope this is alright." She sets the picture on his desk for him to see.

"Oh yeah that's fine."

"Thank you again." She smiles, glancing to see Mike grinning.

"You're welcome. Now for that tron video. I think we can take some of your independent videos from your matches for now, until we have footage from your matches from this company. I already called the promotion you were with and we got permission to use some clips."

"Fantastic. I'm sure there will be footage of me here soon. At least I hope there will be."

"And last, music."

"There was a song I had in mind." She bites her lip. "I hope it's not to hard to get, but I was thinking 'I Will Not Bow' by Breaking Benjamin."

"I'm sure we can get permission to use that."

"I hope so. I have been wanting that to be my theme for forever. I think it fits how I want my character to be."

"I will make sure we contact the band for the permission to use it and we'll edit the song into a perfect entrance theme."

"I'm sure it will be amazing. I can't wait to see what they say and what it will sound like."

"Who knows, you may find out tonight. I want your debut to be tonight. Let's hope they can get everything done for you before you appear on the show. Your music, and your video."

"So you want me to debut tonight?" She asks a bit shocked at first. "That would be amazing if I could tonight. The sooner the better."

"It all depends on the script for tonight. You know how we do script changes all the time."

"Right. I know how they can change at the last minute too. If not tonight, whenever you are able to is good. I just want you to know that I'm ready to go whenever you need me to."

"Of course." He nods.

"I do have a Diva that she can go against tonight if we could work it in. I mean, we have the Divas title match tonight, but there is another Diva who has been asking for a match and I think she will be a great opponent for Stef." Mike suggests.

"Which Diva? I would like to know so I can pass it onto the Creative Team and they could try to work it in."

"Kelly. She has been asking for a few weeks now, but there were not enough Divas billed, but now with Stef here, I think it will be great for the both of them to face each other."

"You make an excellent suggestion."

"I was hoping you would agree to it."

"I will send everything we talked about over to the Creative Team."

"Alright. Hopefully they will get something together for tonight. I was thinking of starting off the show with introducing Stef and having the match. That was if everything worked out alright today."

"I'll make sure someone lets you know well before the show starts tonight."

"That works for me."


"Is there anything else you would like to know?" She asks.

"I believe that's all I need to know."

"Alright. Thank you for your time. I plan on making you very proud in the near future." She stands, extending her hand, shaking his.

"I'm looking forward to it."

"I'm sure she will." Mike shakes his hand as well. "I'll be looking forward to that call later on today." Mike steps back, putting his arm around my waist.

"And I'll be looking forward to the show tonight."

"It's going to be a great show. Trust me on that."

"Good to hear. You two have a good day."

"You too sir." Mike says as they head to the door. Once they are in the hall after the door is closed, she gives him a big hug, bouncing around a bit. She moves back just enough to press her lips to his in a short, thankful kiss.

"I so owe everything to you."

"Ah, it was nothing." He shrugs. "But do owe me." He smirks.

"I really hope I am put on the show tonight."

"I have a feeling you will. Vince really likes you so I think he will put a rush on everything.

"I hope so."

"We'll find out later today. How about now, we head out to lunch before heading to the arena?" Mike suggests.

"Sounds good."

They make their way to the elevator and wait for it to reach the floor. While they're waiting, Mike keeps moving his fingers over her shoulders being as touchy as he can. Soon the doors open and they step in to head to the lobby. Once the doors close, Mike pulls her close to him, giving her a soft, passionate kiss. Just as the doors open again, he pulls away and then they head out to the car. He opens her door for her and she thanks him, before he heads over to the driver's side and gets in. He starts the car and then they pull out of the parking lot and head somewhere for lunch. They find a place close to the hotel where Mike finds a place to park. They head inside, getting seated quickly. They look over the menus and give their orders when the waiter comes back.

"Today has worked out just perfectly."

"It did. I'm so glad that you made it and I get to be your manager."

"That's the best part of it all."

"I couldn't agree more." Mike grins, stealing a kiss.

"Now you can keep Ziggler away from me for good."

"Yes. And oh will he go crazy when he finds out about you."

"I'm sure he will. To bad for him I'm untouchable now."

"That's right."

"I so can't wait to see his face."

"Me neither." He chuckles.

"It's going to be a kodak moment for sure."

"Oh yes."

"This is going to be fun." She grins.

"Tons of fun."

He kisses her cheek as their food arrives. Once it is set in front of them, they eat while talking occasionally. They let each other try what they have, feeding it to each other being affectionate.

"That's good."

"So is yours."

"Good food here."

"Very good. We should bring Shauna and Alex here next time we're in town."

"We should." He nods.

They go back to eating their food while still sharing with each other. When they finish, Mike pays the bill before they head out to the car and back to the hotel.

"So we have a few hours until we need to be at the arena. Take that time to relax?"

"It's like you read my mind."

"I'm good like that."

"You sure are." She grins. "Now to get out of this dress."

"Are you sure you want to get out of that?"

"I am, but I have a feeling you want me to keep it on longer."


"Well lets go lay down before I change my mind."

"Good idea."

"Oh the things I do to please you." She chuckles, shaking her head as they head to the bed.

"Which I love."

"Of course you do."

"Drive me crazy sometimes."

"I do?" She acts innocent, biting her lip. "Sorry..."

"Yes you do." He laughs.

"I don't even try." She shrugs. "I can't see how." She lets her hair fall down after being up all day. She falls back on the bed with her legs hanging over the edge. "Now that's better."

"You don't even have to try."

"So says you." She reaches for his hand, pulling him on the bed next to her. The second he lays down, his hand goes right to her shoulder. He lets his fingers move lightly over her skin making her shiver and moves closer to him.

"You're having to much fun this this dress."

"I am."

"Have all the fun you can now because it's coming off later."

"I know, I know."

"I think I could use a quick nap before tonight." She yawns. "I want to be rested if I debut tonight."

"That's a good idea."

"But I don't wanna move." She whines, too relaxed to move.

"Just nap in the dress, you can change out of it later."

"I think that's what I'm going to do, but the pillows are to far away." She lazily moves her hand to them.

"I've got that covered." He grins, grabbing her and pulling her towards the pillows.

"Mmmm...thank you."

"You're very welcome."

"Now come lay with me so we can relax even more." She rubs the spot next to her.

"I'm coming." He grins, laying in the spot next to her.

"Perfect." She snuggles into his side.

"Perfect." He repeats.

She lays her head on his shoulder while he runs his fingers through her hair. Even though she's excited about tonight, she doesn't fight the feeling of going to sleep. Mike pulls the blanket over them and she's out. Alex and I in the meantime are back at the hotel, we have been for a while, and instead of staying in our room the whole time, we were in the game room having some friendly competition.

"I got you this time. You're going down." Alex nudges me, trying to make me lose.

"Oh I don't think so. I live for playing video games and arcade games and such."

"So do I. I got you this time."


"I can try."

"Yes, you can try."

"You are good. I'll give you that. Never met a girl that could be me at video games."

"Well now you have."

"So I have."

"You know what I bet I can beat you in, football. I own like all the games so far and it took a while but I got the hang of it. But the question is...when that day comes....are you up for the challenge?" I grin.

"You think you can beat me at football? You're so on." He grins. "I accept."

"Great. You're going down in that game."

"So you think. I have not met anyone who can beat me in football yet."

"Well then. Maybe you just did. You said the same thing about the latest WWE game, and look who beat you in that. Your own character too." I snicker.

"You got lucky there. If I had my character, I would have crushed you."

"Uh huh...sure." I laugh.

"Maybe I let you win."

"Or maybe I'm just that good."

"Maybe..." He says quietly. "...we should have a re-match, but this time I get my character."

"That's fine."

"Then it's set. After I beat you right now, we will set the date for the day you will lose again."

"You're so on."

We both turn our focus back to the game. In the end it was close, but I beat him at the last second.

"I win....again."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." He pretends to sulk. "You're just lucky."

"We can still set that day though."

"Hmmm..." He puts his hand on his chin. "...the next day we have off. Later this week?"

"Sounds like a plan."

"Good. Prepare to go down."

"Always am."

"As long as you're ready." He pulls me close to him. "Now...I think you deserve a prize for winning." He grins.

"Like I always deserve."

"Man do I love your attitude." He moves my hair from my face, rubbing my cheek with his thumb.

"Good to know."

He slowly pulls me to him, pressing his lips to mine. The kiss starts of slow, but picks up a bit. I stop him once he goes a bit crazy since there are other people around.

"We're not alone here...."

"I always forget that when I kiss you."

"Trust me, I know. But it also gives you know who something stare at and be jealous about if he's anywhere near us. That's what's the fun part."

"It is fun making him jealous. He can be all he wants...he is never going to get to kiss you...ever." He steals another kiss.


"Now..." Alex looks around. " make him more jealous or not..." He smirks.

"Hmmm...I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of being more jealous right now. He'll probably follow us when we leave if he is around, we can make him more jealous on our way back upstairs."

"I like your way of thinking...lets go."

He lets me go in favor of lacing his fingers with mine, as we leave the game room and make our way to the elevators to head upstairs. While we're waiting or the doors to open, he puts his hands on my hips, pulling me close to him. He leans down, kissing by my ear, slowly making his way to my lips. Before he could even reach them, the doors open.

"Bad timing."

"We can continue inside." He smirks, pulling you in the elevator.

"And give a show to security? Remember the elevator camera."

"Oh I know about them. You know he was probably close enough to hear us. Have to make him think."

"Right right." I nod.

"But we will continue in the room."

"Of course. The place where he can't see us. Privacy."

"The place where only I can do things with you."

"That's right."

Just then the doors open and we both walk out and head to our room. We make it to the room perfectly fine, and he lets me walk in first, and shuts the door after he walks in. He then comes up behind me, putting his hands on my hips, causing me to stop walking.

"Where were we..." He trails off, leaning down, kissing along my jaw.

"...well, you were going for my lips downstairs, but the elevator doors had bad timing." I remind him.

"...right..." He makes his way to my lips. Right before he reaches them, he spins me around so I'm facing him. "So beautiful." He runs his hand through my hair, pulling me the rest of the way, his lips pressing against mine. My hands rest on his arms for now, and I of course start to kiss back. His hands stay on my face as he deepens the kiss. Then he starts to walk forward, making mer walk backwards, until the wall stops us. He puts his hands on the wall, holding me in place.

"...aggressive..." I mumble.

" love it..."

"....I do..."

"...good..." Hep presses his lips to mine hard, kissing roughly.

He then moves his hands to mine, taking them from his sides where they were resting and he laces his fingers with mine and pins them to the wall so I can't move them at all, because he knows what I was going to do eventually with my hands being so close to his abs and everything. I whine against his lips while trying to get my hands free. He smirks into the kiss, focusing on that for now before making his next move. His next move is moving away from my lips and making his way to my neck. I know what he's going to go for so I start to struggle in his grip.

"...uh uh..." He mumbles making his way father down my neck.


"" He mumbles between nips. He makes his way to the spot on my neck, just hovering over the spot for now.

"Alex..." I manage to get out.

"...hmmmm..." He smirks.

"Killing me..."

"I know." He brushes his lips over the spot, lightly moving his tongue over the spot.

I bite my lip, holding back any noise for now and I squeeze his hands, still wanting to get free even though I know he wasn't letting me go anytime soon. He takes that moment to attach his lips to the spot, nipping slowly at it for now. Since he can tell I'm holding back noises, he starts to use his tongue after each nip.

"I'm so...getting you back....for this..." I say in his ear, between the noises that I couldn't hold back any longer.

"...looking it..." He pulls away for a brief moment before going back again. He stays on the spot until a small mark, that is coverable starts to form. When he feels one will form, he pulls away, smirking as one starts to form.

"Done? If you are, then you're so in trouble." I give him my own smirk.

"For now...yes."

"Well then, you're gonna have to let me go in order for me to get you back."

"Hmmm...I think I'm good." He chuckles, jokingly.

"That's okay. I can still get you even with my hands restricted from movement."

"Oh really now?" He smirks, moving closer to you to prevent you from moving.


"Go ahead. I want to see what you've got." He challenges.

"I may not know where all the spots are on you that drive you crazy, but I'm about to find out." I grin.

"Oh boy..." He swallows hard.

"Oh boy is right." I reply, pressing my lips back to his, but only for a short, and lingering kiss, making sure to not hesitate with driving him crazy. He tries to kiss me again, but I move back to where he can not reach my lips. He whines softly at not being able to kiss me.

"Uh uh." I snicker.

"...come on..." He whines.

"You tortured me, I torture you."

"Awwww." He pouts.

"You'll live."

"I can try."

"I'll make sure you live."

"I have a feeling you will."

"Now...where was I...."

I push myself forward, pressing my lips to his. Since he is distracted with the kiss, I move away from the wall, turning so his back is against the wall for now.

"Oh how the tables have turned."

"So they have."

"I believe I have the power to get my hands free."

"You just might." He loosens his grip a bit.

"Oh why thank you." I say, pulling my hands from his since he loosened his grip.

"Your move now..."

I smirk and move my hands from his shoulders, down his chest and to his abs. He takes a sharp breath, tensing a bit the lower I get.

"You're tensing and your shirt's not even off." I snicker.

"...can't help it...your touch...drives me...crazy..."


"We may end up on the bed...if you don't finish what you started..."

" that's a bad thing." I finish for him.

"No it's not." He moves from the wall, guiding me to the bed.

Before we get to the bed, I turn him around and guide us the rest of the way, because I was torturing him, not the other way around. Once his legs hit the bed, he sits down on the bed, pulling me down with him so I'm in his lap.

"Thought you could take control again didn't you?" I smirk, my lips just inches from his to kill him even more.

"...uh huh..." He nods, wanting to kiss me.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but it's still my turn and I'm not done."

He leans his head back on the bed, grumbling at the torture.

"You'll plan a day to get me back, I know you will."

"Already thinking about it."

"Good." I reply, leaning down and making it look like I'm going for his lips, but instead I go for his neck.

His hands stay on my hips while he moves his head. His grip on my hips gets tighter the more I move down his neck. That lets me know that I'm getting closer to a spot that's going to drive him crazy once I hit it. He bites down on his lip to keep me from knowing how to get to him, but he tenses up, letting me know I'm close.

"Trying to hide that from me..." I mumble against his skin.


"Suuure." I grin.

"You're making it hard to..."

"That's the goal."


"...but I'm making it hard..." I add, taking a play out of his book and nipping lightly at his skin.

" are..." He moans slightly.

"New sounds from you." I giggle.

"You might hear more too..."

"I'm determined to."

"Good luck...I'm hard to break."

"Not for me."

"I'm finding that out now."

"Maybe I should save the rest until later when I win tonight...."


"You know it."

"So getting you back for this."

"Oh, I'm looking forward to it." I give him one last lingering kiss, before moving from his lap and sitting next to him on the bed.

"That was way worse then what I did." He tries to catch his breath.

"What can I say, I've got a few tricks up my sleeve."

"I can see that." He grins, moving his fingers up your back.

"And I have more, but you'll find out about those another time."

"So looking forward to it."

"Of course you are."

"Always am."

"So I'm assuming you want to relax after what I did to you? Until we have to leave?"

"That would be a good idea." He nods.

"I figured."

"But..." He reaches for me and pulls me down with him. " lay with me." He nuzzles my neck.

"I would never deny you that." I smile.

"Good." He grins.

"You're comfy anyway so I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Glad you think so."

"It's the truth."

"Just like how I love holding you."

"I love that too."

"You're never leaving." He kisses my head, holding me closer.

"Never planning on leaving."

"Good." He holds me tighter. "Nothing is going to change that either."

"Of course not."

" one else's."


He leans his head against mine, holding me as close and secure to him as possible. I do end up dozing off because I was so comfortable. The day seemed to pass by quickly and soon they were all up and getting ready. Mike was up before Stef since he got the call he was waiting for. After getting off the phone, he decided it was time to wake her up.

"...hmmm..." She mumbles, still half asleep.

"Time to go."

"...alright..." She shifts in her spot, sitting up on the bed.

"And I have good news."

"Will I like this news?" She asks jokingly.

"You'll love it."

"Tell me!" She bounces on the bed, waking up more.

"They were able to get everything put together today for your debut."

"They were?!" She squeals, jumping from the bed to his arms. "Fantastic!" She smiles, pulling him to her, giving him a kiss.

"Which means at the start of the show, I introduce you as the newest Diva on the Raw roster."

She squeals in delight while jumping up and down in his arms.

"I should get ready then." She kisses him quickly, moving from his arms. She starts mumbling everything that she needs while she gets clothes to change into.

He chuckles, before getting changed into his suit that he'll be wearing tonight. She quickly changes into a comfy sweatsuit outfit, saving most of the time to loosely curl her hair and re-apply her makeup. Once that was all done, she was back out in the room to get her shoes.

"Don't you look cute."

"Why thank you." She giggles. "You look hot..." She bites her lip. " always with those suits."

"I try." He grins.

"You don't have to. You look hot in everything." She smirks, sitting on the bed to put her sneakers on.

"Good to know."

"Well, I'm ready." She states after getting her shoes on.

"When do we have to be there?"

"Well everyone seems to get there pretty early."

"I'm to excited to wait any longer."

"Then we can go now."


"Got everything?"

"Yup." She nods. "Attire is at the arena already."

"Alright, after you."

She walks to the door with him following her. She reaches back for his hand, lacing it with hers as they head to the elevator.

"So I introduce you and you'll have your very first match on Raw."

"Perfect. I have a feeling you're going to enjoy this a bit more than I will."


"Just try not to brag to much. I know it's going to be hard, but let me do all the talking...well, in the ring that is."


"I still can't wait to see the reactions backstage. I really hope Shauna can get video of some of them."

"I'm sure she'd be happy to."

"I'll ask her when we get there." She nods. After taking the elevator to the lobby, they made their way out to the car. Mike opens her door for her before going to the other side. Once he was in, he got buckled then headed to the arena.

"Off to the arena to have a very exciting night."

"Very exciting indeed. A memorable one too."

"I'll make sure it will be."

"Of course you will."

"Nothing is going to go wrong, not on my watch."

"That's why you're the best GM RAW has and will ever have."


"Can't wait to get there and get my attire on. I think it will finally hit me then."


"It all still feels like a dream."

"It feels that way for a lot of people."

"I guess this is how Shauna felt when she made it. Never thought I would experience it."

"Well now you will."

"I know. Right now it feels amazing."

"As it should."

"Thanks to you." She leans over, kissing his cheek.

"You're very welcome."

They soon arrive at the arena and Mike parks the car. They get out of the car at the same time and she grabs his title out of the back. He walks over to her, putting his arm over her shoulder as they walk in. When they walk in, a few people look at them since she's still holding his title.

"They seem to be shocked that I'm holding your title."

"Well they'll have more to be shocked about when the show starts."

"Yes they will." She smirks.

"Especially Kelly when you beat her in your first match here. A Diva who's been here since she was 19, beaten by a newcomer."

"That is going to be an expression I would want to remember forever. I have been wanting to get my hands on her for sometime now. It's going to feel good to beat her."

"And I'll be there on commentary, saying nothing but nice things about you."

"'re not going to be all mean?" She pouts, joking. "I don't want to feel left out." she jokes more.

"I would never say anything mean about you. Not that I could anyway. We're both heels remember, and I'm your manager. Even if you were a face, I would have nothing but nice things to say."

"Right. I do know we are both heels." She nods. "You are just the sweetest thing ever." She reaches up, pinching his cheek.

"You're the only one I'll let get away with that." He chuckles.

"I'm the only one that should do that to you. Everyone else better not think about it."

"Except for my mother."

"Of course. Other than her, no one else."

"You'll get to meet her, the next time we have a show in my hometown. I'll make sure of it."

"I can't wait to meet her. From what you told me, she sounds amazing."

"She is, and she'll love you."

"I hope she does. Pretty much everyone does." She says in a cocky tone with a smirk.

"Like yours truly."

"Exactly. We are both the same."

"That we are."

"The perfect power couple." She grins.

"I love the sound of that."

"I had a feeling you would."

"That could be the next step we both go in after you've been here for a while."

"That sounds even better. I'll make sure you keep this title for a long time too."


"No one is taking this as long as I can help it." She holds the title close to her as they reach the room set up for him.

"Oh look, I think that's your attire they sent over."

"I do believe it is."

"I get the first look." He grins.

"Yes you do." She grins, walking over and taking it off the hook. "All I have to do is change then you can see it."

"I'll be waiting. Looking over the things given to me and what I want on the show tonight."

"Aright. I'll be right back." She gives him a quick kiss before heading to the changing area. She walks in, setting her things down so she can take out her attire. "Looks even better than the picture." She runs her hand over it, admiring it. She takes off everything she had on before she put on her attire. She slips on her boots next, lacing them up before making sure her hair and makeup looked good. Once that is all done, she grabs her things and heads back out into the room with Mike. "Well?" She asks, doing a spin. "What do you think?"

Mike looks up from the notebook with stuff for the show and grins. He closes the notebook and puts it down before standing back up. "Even better than the picture."

"That's what I said." She grins. "So...does the GM approve?"

"He does."

"I was hoping he would. I picked it just for him."

"And it's my favorite."

"I had that feeling too so I got it in blue too."

"Can't wait to see that one."

"Maybe I'll show it to you later this week." She winks.

"I hope so."

"I should have that one in a few days so I believe I will be able to."


"Did you get everything ready for tonight?"

"Still going over some things. If you would like to help me, I would appreciate it."

"I would love to help you."

Then they both head over to the couch and she helps Mike go over things for Raw, looking at the finalized script they gave him as well.

"Tonight's show is going to rock." She says, looking over the script.

"Oh yeah." He nods in agreement.

They go over a few more things for the show, making sure everything is setup right. Once they're done, he puts everything down on the table and she leans her head against his.

"Looks like we got done with time to spare." She grins.

"We did."

"I'll help you each week if it means getting extra timw with you before the shows."

"That sounds like a great idea."

"We can even get things done early too. That is if you have everything ahead of time."


"Now Mister Touchy..." She giggles. "...what do you want to do with this time we saved?" She runs her fingers through his hair.

"I think you have a pretty good idea."

"Maybe I do.." She looks around the room. " want to work out a bit?" She teases.

"Like....." He trails off.

Before she could respond, he pulls her to his lap, pressing his lips against hers. She's caught off guard, but starts to kiss back as he runs his hands over all the exposed skin he can reach. With each movement of his hands, they leave a trail of goosebumps. She shivers at his touch, wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him as close to her as he could get. He lightly moves his fingers up her side, making a few noises come from her as she shivers. She takes the chance to run her nails across the back of his neck, making him tense. It also makes him start to kiss her much more roughly than before. She does it one more time, getting the same reaction out of him. He rests one hand on her waist while taking her hand in his other. She whines into the kiss at not being able to touch him when she moves her free hand slowly down his shirt.

"Let me have my fun." He mumbles.

"...go ahead..."

"You can have yours later."

"Already have a plan."

"Of course you do."

"Mhm..." She slowly nods.

He presses his lips back to hers, letting his hands wander. She relaxes against his touch until his fingers move across a sensitive spot on her back he did now know about. She arches her back as a soft moan escapes into the kiss.

"Well well well, what did I just find?" He asks with a smirk on his face, after pulling away.

"...nothing..." She tries denying he found anything.

"Didn't sound like nothing."

" found the spot on my back." She gives in. "You're the first to find it too."

"Don't I feel special." Mike grins.

"That's because you are special."

"So are you."

"You're more special."

"You're more special." He repeats.

"No. You are." She runs her hand through his hair, giving him a slow kiss.

"Mmm, we're both equally special."

"I'll take that." She grins, brushing her lips over his.

His hands start to wander once again, fingers lightly moving over her exposed skin. She shivers against his touch, moving closer to him. "...Mike..."


"You're driving me crazy."

"Oh, I know."

"And you're having fun doing it. I can tell." She rests her head on his shoulder.

"I am."

"I can do it to you just the same." She smirks, running her fingers over the back of his neck.


"We could do this all night, but you have a show to run."


"Should almost be time for it to start too."

"Yup, about 15 minutes." He checks his watch.

"Hmmm...what to do till then..."

"We could continue doing what we were."

"I had a feeling you were going to say that." She smirks. "You just love this attire that much, don't you?"

"I really do."

"Then have fun, since you really can't out there."

"Right." He grins, starting to let his hands wander yet again.

She again shivers against his touch as goosebumps start to form. Her hands stay on the back of his neck with her fingers lightly moving over his skin.

"Just think, every Monday night, we get this alone time before the show."

"Gives you time to give me some extra luck for my matches."


He moves his hands up her sides to her face. He runs his fingers through her hair then cups her face. She lifts her head slightly off his shoulder as he pulls her to him.

"And all this is luck for your debut match."

"Mmmm....that's the best part of all this."

"It is."

He pulls her the ret of the way, pressing his lips to hers. She sighs in content, loosely laying her arms around his neck for now. The 15 minutes seemed to pass by awfully quick, and before they know it, there was a knock on the door because the show was starting.

"Oh time."


"But, the quicker we get it done the more time we'll have back here...alone."

"Very true."

"Unfortunately, you're going to have to let me go."


"Just for now. Once we get up, you can be touchy, but only until we we both have to go out there."


"No pouting either." She pokes his chest, pecking his lips as he slowly lets go. She slides off his lap and once she's up, he's right behind her with his arm around her waist. She snakes her arm under his and around his waist as they head out of the room going to the curtain. Of course he's all touchy the whole time they walk down the hall to the curtain. On the way there, she gets a few looks from people who didn't know about her debut. She smiles at a few while smirking at those she doesn't care for. They passed one person who looked totally shocked to see her. Ziggler. "Oh the look on his face." She snickers.

Mike looks back to see him still shocked.

"Priceless reaction."

"Oh yeah. Too bad we couldn't get a picture of it."

"Oh I know right?"

"Exactly." She grins. "Now onto more important things."


They reach the curtain and wait for the show to start before Mike gets introduced.

"See you out there." She gives him a quick kiss.

"Yes I will." He grins, before heading out.

He walks out to the ramp, stopping at the top with a mic in his hand. He waits for the crowd to stop booing before he starts to speak.

"Really? That's how you treat me? The Raw GM? Really?"

"I could play the really game all night, but I've got business to attend to."

The crowd does the 'what' chant.

“I'm out here to tell you about some new talent that we have. This is not just anyone. This is a Diva. A talented Diva that has great potential in this company. She is fierce, dominate, and not your typical Diva. She has basically everything you could ask for and more than that. So, without further is your new Diva....Sage!" He announces as her theme hits and she walks out to a mixed crowd reaction from the crowd. She walks out with attitude which earns her a few boos, but she just smirks and does her pose. She then walks over to Mike, shaking his hand with a smile. They turn the music down so that Mike is able to talk.

"Now Sage, if you would please head down to the ring, you have a debut match right now."

She nods, heading down the ramp to the ring. On the way there, she makes sure to sway her hips, knowing it's driving Mike crazy. Once at the ring, she jumps up doing a few poses before getting in the ring and waiting for her opponent.

"And her opponent...." He trails off and after a few moments, Kelly's music goes off.

"...Kelly Kelly."

Stef rolls her eyes in disgust, acting as if she had no idea who she was facing. She watches as Kelly struts down to the ring, showing off for the crowd. Stef backs up to the far corner as Kelly gets up on the ropes doing a few of her poses. Mike makes his way down the ramp himself, the title over his shoulder, making his way around the ring and over to commentary. Once he sits down, Cole greets him like always.

"Miz. It's great to have you here at ringside with us tonight." Cole gets all excited, shaking his hand.

"Isn't it always. But actually it should be an honor, considering that I'm the Raw GM."

"Of course, of course. It is a great honor to have you here with us tonight." Cole kisses up.

"So can you tell us why you've decided to stay out here for this diva's match?"

"Just observing our newest Diva in action. It's my job afterall."

"Right, right. Can you tell s anything about her? All I have heard was that she just showed up one day and got a contract. Some people think there is more to it and she had other ways of getting her. They say she has no talent at all."

"Well that's completely not true. She has talent. She has tons and tons of talent. And if I may so so myself, I personally trained her to get her where she is today, in that very ring, here on my show."

"Well, seems like there are a lot of people who dislike her already. Since you trained her then I know she has got to have talent. I mean, she did have the awesome one helping out after all."

"Well of course a lot of people dislike her. She was trained by me, not many people like me either. I can see why they don't like her."

"That does not seem to be stopping her from going after Kelly. That girl has got some confidence."

"She does and that's the attitude that we're all looking from the Divas. Honestly if you ask me, I believe she has what it takes to defeat Kelly here tonight."

"Looks like she is going for it now." Cole points as she covers Kelly. "Oh...2 and a half."

"You know, that's alright. I'm pleased with how this match is going."

"As you should. This is one of the best Diva matches we have had in a long time. Sage is really taking it to Kelly out there."

"As she should be. The divas division is changing for the better. I plan on giving them much longer matches, and if I don't like the outcome of the matches, I'm going to order them to be restarted. I want to see substance in these matches."

"If more matches are like this one then there will be no need for them to be restarted. Those two are giving us all they got in that ring."

"They are and if you want more matches like this, then you'll be happy to know that I have scheduled a title match for tonight."

"Now that is something we all want to see. These Divas work too hard not to get any recognition. Do we know who Eve is facing for her title?"

"You know, I think I'll leave that as a surprise."

"Anticipation. I like it. Should be a good match either way."

"Oh trust me, it will be."

"Oh, watch out." Cole says as Stef throws Kelly over the ropes towards the announce table. She gets out of the ring, picking Kelly up by her hair while taunting the crowd. She takes her and runs towards the ring, slamming her back into the side a few times before throwing her into the ring. She slides back into the ring and rolls Kelly over, hooking her leg for the cover and she kicks out, not ready to give up just yet.

"This girl is intense."

She stands up, stomping on her ankles going around kicking her wrists as well. She grabs her by the hair, making her scream. She gets her under her arm, delivering a DDT. Stef rolls her over and goes for another cover, but she kicks out at the last second, still not wanting to give up.

"Looks like Kelly is not giving up that easy. Both these Divas are giving their all. What a match!"

"Oh trust me, she won't last much longer against Sage."

"By the looks of it, Kelly seems to be hanging ny a thread right now. I don't know how she lasted this long."

"All it takes is one finishing move and this match is over."

Kelly had gotten to her feet while Stef got into position. She came at Stef, only for her to grab her and give her a back breaker, then a neck breaker. Just to make sure she can't kick out of a pin, she sets her up in a submission finisher, one she's learned all by herself, and one that Mike didn't even know about yet. Kelly screams and tries to stay in the match for as long as she could. It wasn't very long before she tapped out. The ref signals for the bell and she holds on for a bit longer before letting go as Stef's theme fills the arena. Once the ref gets her to back away, she stands up getting her hand raised in victory.

"See? Didn't I tell you she'd win?"

"Yes you did. You're very confident about her. I can see why now. She is very impressive."

"Now if you excuse me, there are some congratulations in order."

"Of course. Thank you for joining us Miz." Cole says and Mike takes off his headset and comes to the ring. He climbs up the steps then under the rope, walking over to Stef, giving her a big hug. After he pulls away from the hug, he raises her hand in victory himself. She smiles to the crowd despite all the boos that she's receiving. He puts her hand down then they walk over to the ropes where he holds them for her while she climbs out. They head back up the ramp and behind the curtain.

"I knew you could do it!"

"That you did!" She grins. "Hope the GM is proud of what he saw."

"Oh I am."

"Good. I like when you're happy." She smirks.


" I get something for doing so good out there?"

"I believe you do."

"Well...lets go then so I can find out what it is."

"Before the commercial is over." He adds.

"I can deal with that."

"So yes, let's go." He says, taking her in the direction of the room.

He puts his arm over her shoulder while her goes around his waist. One the way there, a few Divas greet her along with a few superstars. To get to the room quicker, Mike tells them he has things to do. They continue to the room without anyone else stopping them. Mike opens the door, allowing her to go in first, then he follows.

"Hmmm...I think I should go change now..." She teases, slowly stepping to the changing room.


"What's stopping me?" She smirks. "You're all the way over there." She inches farther back slowly.

"Not for long..." He inches closer.

"...uh..." She looks for a quick way out.

Before she could even think of a way out, he came over to her and picks her up.

"Mike!" She squeals as he carries her to the couch.

"I'm faster than you." He chuckles.

"Maybe I let you get me this time."

"Sure you did."

" are faster." She chuckles.. "I wasn't going to change yet anyway...give you more time to be touchy."

"Can never be too sure."

"I would never do that to you. I know how much you love this attire."

"I really do."

"Good.. I picked it out just for you."

"Of course."

" I have to wait for my reward for doing good out there or are you going to let me have it?"

"Well making you wait would be torture."

"Yes it would." She pouts slightly.

"And I would never do that."


He grins as his hands start to wander like before the show started. She leans her forehead against his just enjoying his touch. He moves his head so he is able to press his lips against hers. She moves her hands up his chest, to his shoulders, then around his neck, pulling him as close as he can get. Since she was not close enough, he pulls her onto his lap, not breaking the kiss. His hands run down her sides to her waist where he lightly runs his fingers over the seam of her attire. She starts to kiss him harder, trying not to wiggle on his lap from the light touches. His hands move from her waist, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her even closer, the closest she can get to him. She sighs into the kiss as he kisses back just as roughly. When he decides to pull away, he brings the kiss to a slower pace, before making it linger and pulling away after, a grin on his face.

"...I good...all the time..."

" should.."

"If that's what I get...I will."

"That's what you'll get every time."

"Mmmm...I like that."

"Knew you would."

"You just know me that good."

"I do."

"Now...should I go change or watch some of the show first..." She bites her lip, pretending to think.

"Watch some of the show first of course." Mike decides for you.

"You would want me to stay in this as long as I can." She chuckles.

"Yes I would."

"Then I shall wait." She shifts so she can see the TV. "...just for you."

"Thank you."

"You're very welcome." She leans back giving him a quick kiss. Have to do what the GM says afterall."

"Of course. And I think it'd be a good idea to move you from my lap, you know just in case anyone comes in or knocks to come in."

"Right, of course." She moves from his lap, sitting next to him.

"Don't want anyone seeing anything that we don't want them to."

"That's understandable." She nods.

"So when's that title match exactly?" You ask.

"I wanted to save it as close to last as possible."

"That would be good. Like a main event kinda. Shauna would love that."


"Eve has no idea what is coming to her. I can't wait to see her face when Shauna walks out there."

"Then I can almost guarantee when Eve loses she'll come back here complaining to me about how it wasn't fair and she didn't have time to prepare and blah blah blah."

"Psh. She had all the time to prepare. If she does that then she does not deserve that title. She has faced every other Diva but Shauna. She's more than prepared for tonight. Let her face me. Then she will have something to complain about."

"Maybe I'll have to make her your first feud then. After Shauna feuds with her of course, because we know it's gonna happen once Eve loses tonight."

"Right. That is going to be a good feud though. I can't wait to take her on."

"We'll see what happens."

"Of course."

"So, let's see how the rest of your show is gonna go."

"Let's." He nods. They turn their attention back to the TV to watch the rest of the show. It was a backstage segment, where Eve was talking with Beth, and the subject of Stef and how she's the new diva comes up.

"Who is this girl Sage and where did she come from?" Eve scoffs. "It's not like we need and more lower talent then we already have." She adjusts the title on her shoulder.

"I hear she showed up one day and the next day she was awarded a contract. But I give her points for beating Kelly up."

"I have a feeling she got her another way...if you know what I mean. No one can just show up and get a contract like that. All I know is, we do not need her kind here."

"Oh she did not just go there."

"I believe she did."

"She's in for a rude awakening near the end of the night."

"That she is. She has no idea what she is in for tonight."

"No she doesn't."

"Too bad she has no way of getting out of this match either. Her face is going to be priceless."

"Surprised she hasn't come to me, asking me who's facing her."

"That is shocking, but if she does she better watch out." Stef grits her teeth at the end.

"And then I guarantee she'd be starting some ridiculous rumor about us, after finding us in the same room."

"Well you are my manager. There is nothing wrong with us having a meeting after my debut. Is there?" She second guesses herself.

"No there's not, but you know Eve. She likes to start trouble.

"True..." She bites her lip. "...I could just hide if she comes around."

"You shouldn't have to hide. We know what's true and what isn't. That's all that matters."

"Right, but neither of us need that right now...I just wish I could give her a piece of my mind right now."

"Well we can leave that to Shauna tonight."

"Good. Eve is in for it way worse that she was before."

"And it's on a more personal level for her since Eve's been flirint with Alex." She adds.

"That's right." He grins.

"Now she can finally teach Eve a lesson for messing with Alex...especially when she is right here."


The next match was getting ready to start. It was R Truth against Daniel Bryan. They were both in the ring, waiting for the bell to ring.

"Should be a semi-interesting match."

"Should be. I want to see how these two are in the ring with each other. Change things up a bit."

"Right. Change is good."

"It is." He nods.

"Raw may be better from here on out."

"That's my plan. Longer matches and better outcomes. It's going to be the best it's ever been."

"Especially with me on the roster now."

"Especially with you. The fans love what they saw out there and that is what I was going for. From the moment I saw you in the ring the first day, I knew you were the perfect addition to the roster."

"Awww Mike."

"It's true. I was going to do whatever it took to get you here. You're just what this show needs."

"I am, aren't I?" She says confidently.

"Yes you are. You've got that the perfect attitude too." He grins, kissing her quickly.

"Just like you."

"I am the best." He smirks, adjusting his tie confidently.

"You are."

He grins, squeezing her thigh his hand was resting on. She smiles, biting her lip as they turn their attention back to the match. Truth had just hit Bryan with the scissors kick and went for the pin getting the win.

"Well that match wasn't too bad."

"No. They did alright. I'm happy with what they did."

"They would have. Their just lucky I'm in a good mod tonight."

"You should always be in a good mood."

"I usually am. Just in a better mood than usual tonight."

"Well that's a very good thing."

"For everyone else, yes it is."

"Otherwise people who got on your bad side wouldn't be in for a fun night themselves."

"Nope. Only three people would be on my good side. That's it."


The next match was Zack Ryder going against Drew Mctinyre. Drew was making his entrance while Zack was already in the ring.

"Heyy, good move. Putting Zack on TV. Lots of people were complaining about his lack of TV time."

"That's what I was hearing. Thought I would give him a shot, see what's he got. If I like what I see, he'll be on more."

"I think you will like what you see."

"I really hope so."

"Trust me, you will."

The match had started and Zack was going really well at first. He had Drew backed in the corner until the ref told him to back off. Drew faked being hurt, then went after Zack. It was a decent match and in the end Zack went for the Rough Ryder and hit it, covering Drew to get the win.

"See. Told you, you would like what you saw." She grins.

"So you did."

"Zack's got what it takes to be on TV. He just does not get the credit he deserves."

"No he doesn't."

"But, I know you'll give him the chance..." She runs her fingers up his chest to his face, turning him to look at her. "...won't you?" She says with her lips mere inches from his.

"I'll see what I can do..."

"Good." She gives him a quick, but slow kiss. "That would make everyone very happy." She says after pulling away.

The rest of the show seemed to go by quick, with the matches and backstage segments. It was getting to the end of the night and close to the title match and that's when the door opens in the room and Eve comes in, intent on finding out who she's facing tonight. Because it's getting close to match time and she's getting frustrated with who her opponent is.

"Can I help you Eve?" Mike asks a bit aggravated since she just walked in.

"I need to know who I'm facing in my match coming up."

"You'll find out soon. You're match is next and then you will see the Diva you're defending your title against."

"I haven't prepared, I need to know now so I can prepare with little time there is left."

"You have had more then enough time to prepare. Just know that it is someone tough. Kinda like what you saw at the start of the show. Possibly a bit more intense."

"You know I find this a bit unfair that I'm thrown into defending my title on such short notice on top of not knowing who I'm facing."

"Look it's about time you defended that title. No more waiting for pay-per-views just to defend it. You're going to defend it tonight. Now you're gonna listen to me, or have you forgotten that I'm your boss now and I can strip you of that title right now if I wanted."

"No I have not forgot. I just think it would have been nice to have more notice and to know who I'm facing. Everyone else knows, so I should get that opportunity too."

"Well you should know, that's how things work around here. Sometimes you know who you're facing, sometimes you don't. I don't give special treatment to anybody."

"It's still not fair!" She whines. "I want to know who I'm facing so I can prepare. Can't you tell me anything?"

"Sorry. I can't."

"Ugh." She rolls her eyes, frustrated. "Well, when is this match going to be?"

"Next. So I would say get to the curtain now."

"Fine." She huffs, turning on her heels walking to the door not happy.

He waves to her as she takes one look back, before heading out the door.

"You can come back out now." Mike calls to Stef, since she hid when Eve came in.

"God. Can she be anymore pathetic?"

"I think she can."

"I wanted to come out here and tell her to suck it up. She's lucky I change or I would have come out here."

"I guess she forgot that sometimes we don't know who we're facing. That's how this business works. Sometimes you have time to prepare, other times you deal with it."

"Exactly. She just thinks she is more special than everyone else. Boy is she wrong."

"Thinks she can just win me over like she does other people. I'm not so easy to crack...unless it comes to you."

"That's because I know how to get to you." She smirks. "If she ever thinks of trying that, that will be the last thing she ever does."

"Oh I know."

"All I know is, this is going to be a good match. Shauna has been waiting for like ever to get her hands on Eve."

"As she's been telling all of us."

"I can't wait for it to start. I think I'm more excited about this then my debut." Stef chuckles.

"Probably because this is the biggest moment in her career, going after the title."

"It is. She has been talking about it for months. This is going to be an amazing moment for her."

"And I made it happen."

"You did." Stef grins. "She has never been more happy then she has since you told her she can have this opportunity."

"Well she deserves it."

"That she does." She leans against his arm, snuggling in close.

"And looks like it's time for that." He motions to the TV when the show comes back from the commercial break.

"Oh this is going to be good."

"Going to enjoy this."

"Hell yeah. She is going to do things to Eve I wish I could do."

"I think we may be impressed by this match."

"I know we will be."

Eve went out first being the champion and all, and while she was going out, Alex and I were on our way to the curtain.

"Ready to be the new champ?" Alex grins, rubbing my arm.

"More than ready."

"Good. I know you got this match. Bring that title home where it belongs."

"I'll do what it takes."

"I know you will. I'll be by your side the whole time." He kisses the top of my head.=

"As you always are."

" we are." He says once we reach the curtain.

"How about some good luck before you go out there?" He turns me to face him.

"That would be nice."

He cups my face with his hands, pulling me to him. He presses his lips to mine in a short, lingering kiss.

"That should help." He grins, after pulling away.

"I can feel it helping already."

"Great. Now lets get out there and get you that title."

"I can't wait to see her face." I say as they start to fade her music.

"Probably total and utter shock." He mocks what she might look like.

I start to laugh at the face he's making to mock her. "Probably. Oh I can't wait to watch this back and see her face, I'm sure the cameras will catch it."

"I'm sure they will."

They purposely wait a while before hitting my music, to build the suspense and anticipation to see that it's me Eve's facing. Once my theme plays, Eve has a look of shock and disbelief on her face while throwing a tantrum in the ring, clearly not happy at all.

"Okay her reaction is priceless right now." Alex mutters to me, amused.

"Even more so after I beat her."

"Just make sure you watch out for her attacking you from behind. She'll do that out of pure rage when you win."

"I won't give her the chance. She is not going to ruin this for me."

"No she isn't." Alex agrees as we reach the ring.

I get up on the ropes doing my poses while keeping a close eye on Eve the whole time. Alex gives me a quick kiss before stepping down and standing ringside. She hands over the title to the ref who holds it up for everyone to see. He shows me the title and I nod. He hands it over to the stage hand then signals for the bell. She gets in my face and starts to argue with me, hoping that I lose my focus so she can take advantage of that. The next thing I know, I'm being shoved backwards. Eve backs me up to the ropes, still getting in my face. I roll my eyes at her, causing her to slap me across the face. I stand there for a while, leaning against the ropes for support as she prances around the ring, proud of herself. I glare at her and when she turns back around to face me, I hit her with a spear and then start throwing fists left and right, until the ref had to pull me off of her. Eve staggers to her feet, trying to get her balance back. She comes at me, forcing me into the corner, throwing punches of her own. She waits until the last second to back off of me. I shake off the punches that she hit me with. She starts to show off again trying to get the support of the crowd, but they're not giving it to her. She gave me a little too much time to recover and when she came back at me, I kicked one leg out from under her, and hop to the second rope and jump, going for a rollup pin attempt. Eve does not give me the chance and kicks out at two.

I don't get frustrated yet, because it's the start of the match anyway. I grab her by the hair however, helping her get to her feet. She reverses and kicks me in the gut, followed by coming off the ropes and knocking me down with a shoulder block a few times as I keep getting up. I get up one last time and grab her before she can hit me and then hit her with a neckbreaker, going for the pin yet again. This time, Eve got her shoulder up at two and half still not wanting to give up. I then go behind her and wrap my arm around her neck, holding her to the mat for as long as I possibly could. Eve screams in pain trying everything she can to get free of the hold. The ref asks her if she wants to quit and she says no. I more pressure, making her yell out more. When it looks like she is about to give up, she gathers up her strength and slowly gets to her feet. That's when she starts to get out, repeatedly hitting me in the stomach with a few elbows. I however come back almost instantly after and drop her once again. I go for the pin again, this time getting the three count.

At the time it was just unbelievable. Alex freaked out at ringside for a bit. I get up as the ref brings over the title. He hands it to me, raising my hand. I stare at the title in disbelief while Alex climbs into the ring, scooping me into his arms and spinning me around.

"You did it!" He sets me down, giving me a kiss.

"I did. I can't believe it."

"I'm so proud of you! That is why you deserve this title."

"And I'm never giving this up."

"No you're not. It's staying right here with you."


"Lets go get your name on this and get that one off it."

"Great idea."

I hold the title up to the crowd one last time before walking to the ropes. Alex holds them for me then follows me out. We both head up the ramp, going behind the curtain, then heading to get my name on the title.

"I say after we get my name on this, I change and we head back. I'm pretty sure we're done for the night."

"That is a good idea. The only match left is the main event and I'm not needed for that."

"I think the show went well so far."

"It really did. Mike is going a good show of running it so far."

"Maybe you'll be in the main event next week."

"Maybe I will. Just hope it won't be for the title, but that might happen."

"Right, have to always be prepared for that to happen."

"I'm always prepared, but what happens, happens."


"Well we're here." Alex states once we reach where I can get my name on the title.

"And let's go in."

"After you." He opens the door for me, stepping aside so I can go in.

"Why thank you." I say before walking in.

"Anytime." He smiles, following me in.

We walk over to where the name plates can get taken off and new ones put on. Since they were already in the process of making my name plate, it wasn't going to take very long. I hand over the title so they can takes Eve's name off and put my name on. Shortly after that, they hand me back the title.

"Now it's perfect."

"It is." Alex nods. "Not as perfect as you, but it'll do." He grins.

"You're sweet."

"Only for you."

"Of course."

"Now how about we get ready to head out of here?"

"Sounds good."

I put the title over my shoulder as Alex laces his hands with mine. We both head to the locker room to get ready to leave. Before we could even get to the locker room, Stef bursts out of basically it's Mike's office, and she tackles me with a hug when she sees me.

"You did it! I am so happy for you! You really gave her a beating out there!"

"She deserved it."

"Oh she so did. After what she said about me, I wanted to beat the hell out of her, but left that for you to do."

"Oh trust me, I did half of the beating for you and the other half for me."

"Good. hopefully that will teach her to keep her mouth shut and hands off your man."

"We can only hope."

"Mhm." She nods. "Let me see how the title looks with your name on it."

I take the title off my shoulder so she can get a better look at it. "That's perfect. Much better than the other name." She makes a face.

"I know right?"


"Good job out there Shauna. You showed me what I was looking for." Mike says as he finally walks out of the room, giving me a hug.

"Would I ever let you down?"

"No. You wouldn't, but Eve would. You kept her from screwing up the match and running like she always does." He pulls from the hug. "For that, you get to decide when and where you want to face her."

"Hmm, I'll definitely think long about that one."

"Take your time. It's your choice and you do have 30 days before you would have to defend again. Like I said, the decision is yours."

"Right." I nod.

"In the meantime though, I've scheduled a photo shoot for you tomorrow. Going to need pictures of the new champ up on the website afterall this week."

"Right, of course. Looking forward to it." I take a glance at Alex who's grinning at the mention of a photo shoot.

"And....I've scheduled a photo shoot for Stef as well, being the new Diva on the roster."

"My first photo shoot. Going to be fun." She gets excited.

"Yes it will be." He grins.

"I have a feeling you and Alex will enjoy it more than Shauna and I will." She chuckles, shaking her head.

"Most likely." She laughs.

"Going to be an interesting day for sure. It's going to be hard for you both to control yourselves."


"Well, I'm sure I will have to be in my attire so I know it will be hard for you." She pokes Mike's chest. "Especially after how you were tonight." She blushes slightly.

"Oooooh." I tease.

"Shush you." She gets redder, trying to hide her face.

"Nope." I laugh.

"I'm so getting you back." She chuckles.

"Of course you are."

"Looks like the main event is about to start. I have to go check it out." Mike says hearing the bell ring.

Then he heads back into the room.

"And I have to get changed and we're heading back to the hotel." I add.

"Right. Going to 'celebrate'." She winks, nudging me.

"Well celebrate more than what we could do in the ring."

"Ooooohhhhh." She teases. "Going to be a long night then."

"Quite possibly."

"I repeat....oooohhhhhh."

"Oh quiet."

"Nope." She shakes her head. "Told you I would get you back."

"And you did. Well I think we should get going now...before he starts getting impatient." I point to Alex.

"Stef!" Mike calls with a whine from the open door.

"Looks like I better get going to." She laughs. "Great job out there tonight. I'm proud of you." She gives me a quick hug.

"Thanks. And I'm proud of you with your debut match tonight."

"Thanks." She nods with a smile. "See you in the morning."

"See you then."

Alex an I head to our locker room to get ready to leave while Stef heads back in with Mike. "Miss me already?" She chuckles.

"Yes. You were gone too long."

"It was only like a minute." She laughs, walking over and sitting next to him.

"Felt like forever to me."

"I'm sure it did." She sits next to him. "Better now?"

He wraps an arm around her waist and pulls her even closer. "Now I am."

"Good." She lays her head on his shoulder. "How's the match so far?"

"I'm far."

"Well that is good." She glances at the TV. "Ick. Ziggler." She hides her face in his neck.

"Which is why he's out there and not back here."

"Good. I don't want to deal with him. I know he wanted to say something to me after my match. Just by the looks he was giving me."

"Well he's not gonna get that chance."

"Not with you around he's not." She mutters.

"Once this match is over we're leaving, so he won't get a chance at all tonight."

"I would love that actually. Too bad we can't leave now."

"I know."

"I hope that Sheamus beats him and beats him good."

"Well it shouldn't be too hard to beat him. I did order Vickie to not get involved in this match or Dolph would be disqualified. She can stand there and be there for him, but she cannot get involved in any way."

"I thought I heard her screeching earlier. Now I know why." She laughs. "He is so going to lose tonight."

"He is. No more cheating. He either wins or loses fair and square."

"Exactly how it should be. I can't stand when she gets involved. No one else has a chance."

"No, and I've officially put a stop to that."

"Finally someone did. At least on RAW anyway."

"My show, my rules."

"I like your rules." Stef grins.

"Why thank you."

"You're very welcome." She kisses his cheek, lingering for a bit.

Once she pulls away from his cheek, she snuggles closer into his side, laying her head on his shoulder. He pulls her closer, holding her tighter. His head rests on top of hers while they watch the rest of the match. In the end, Sheamus beat Ziggler with White Noise.

"Very pleased with the outcome of that match."

"It was a very good match." She nods. "Long one too."

"That's what I like."

"That's how it should be. The fans don't want 2-5 minute matches. They want more and that's what you're giving them."

"Because despite all haters out there, I still listen to them. I know what they want."

"You do." She nods. "They'll grow to love you." She runs her hand through his hair, then the back of his neck, lightly running her fingers over his skin.

"Just like you do."

"No denying that." She kisses along his jaw to his ear. "Maybe I'll show you how much when we get back..." She whispers before nipping at his earlobe gently.

"Even though I'm pretty sure I know how much."

"I sure you do." She kisses down his neck, moving her hand up his shirt slowly.

"Maybe we should go now."

"We should." She smirks.

"After you."

She gets up from the couch, then walks over to get her bag. Once she has that, she turns to Mike who is ready to go. He laces his hand with hers as they leave the room and head to the car.

"Successful night number one as GM."

"It feels good to know the show went really well tonight. I'll have to make things even better for next week."

"Yes you will."

"I know I will. Just have to plan it all out."

"Have plenty of time to do that."

"I do. Right's all about you." He pulls her to him, kissing the top of her head.


They reach the car with no problem at all. she puts her bag in the back while Mike opens her door for her. She gives him a quick kiss in thanks, then gets in. He goes over to the other side and gets in. Once they're set, he heads back to the hotel.

"You know, you did great fr your first night as a Raw diva."

"Why thank you." She smiles. "I wanted to make you proud and show everyone everything I could do."

"And you'll get that chance every Monday night. You'll never be left off a show. You'll be on it every Monday night in some shape or form."

"I like the sound of that. She grins.

"I knew you would."

"One of the three best decisions you have made as GM so far."

"Awesome decisions if I would say so myself." He grins.

"Yes." She laughs. "They are awesome." She says 'awesome' like he does.

"And we're back." He says after you get back to the hotel.

"Yayy." She cheers, getting a bit hyper as he parks the car.

"Hyper." He chuckles.

"Yes. I think it is finally sinking in." She bounces in her seat a bit before opening it up, then geting her bag out of the back.

"The reaction that everyone has after their first night."

"I'm sure. It's such a big moment that is takes time to hit you. Then when it does, you get all these emotions."


He puts his arm over her shoulder as they head inside the hotel. They make their way to the elevator and wait for the doors to open. While they're waiting, she can't seem to stand still from all the excitement. Mike chuckles, rubbing her arm to try and calm her down. Soon the doors open and they head in, going to their floor. Once there, they head to their room, then go in.

"Think you can calm down enough to change for the night?"

"I think so." She dances over to her bag, swaying her hips more for him.

"Killing me..."

"Oops." She giggles, bending over getting clothes out of her bag. "My bad."

"You knew what you were doing."

"Yes I do know." She smirks, walking back over to him. "Be right out." She runs her hand over his face, giving him a teasing kiss.

"I'll be here."

"Of course you will." She heads into the bathroom, cleaning off all her makeup first. After that is off, she changes into one of Mike's 'awesome' shirts and leaves her hair curly. Once she's all done, she heads back out into the room to put her things with her bag.

"I know that shirt from anywhere." He grins.

"You's yours after all." She smirks.

"It looks great on you."

"Oh I know it does." She confidently says, doing a pose.

"Looks way better on you than it does me."

"I would have to disagree with you. You look hot in it." She slowly walks over to the bed.

"From your point of view."

"From mine...yes." She kneels on the edge of the bed.

"But from mine, you look better."

"If you say so." She blushes slightly.

"I know so."

"You're too amazing." She bites her lip.

"Are you going to stay there or come over here?"

"I'm good here." She sits on her legs with her knees on the bed while she plays with he bottom of her shirt.

"You're too far away..."

" I?" She puts her finger on her chin pretending to think. She looks at him to see him pouting.

"Fine..." She scoots a bit closer to him.

"Still not close enough."

She scoots even close to him, close enough for him to reach out to her. He takes the chance and pulls her over to him before she can move away.

"Mike." She squeal as he pins her to the bed.


"Really? You have to pin me to the bed?"

"Yes. Really."

"I'm not going anywhere."


"I didn't...think so..." She bites her lips since his started to wander.

"Not for a while anyway."

"Of course not."

"Your fault for looking so great in my shirt."

"I can't help that I'm that hot." She smirks.

"You were just born that way, I know."

"Just like you were." She lifts her head trying to give him a kiss.

"Yes, just like I was." He grins.

"You're killing me with the touches..." She shifts a bit under him.

"Good. I'm doing my job."

"Mhm." She nods, biting her lip.

"So just enjoy." He smirks.


He lets his free hand wander where ever it can reach for now while she rests her free hand on his shoulder. He makes it look like he is going for her lips, but he moves to her neck instead. Her eyes fall shut as she does what he said to do. He never stays in one spot for very long, lets his lips linger as he moves along. She moves her head to the side biting down harder on her lip. He brushes over a spot that causes her to tense and dig her nails into his shoulder. Then he decides to linger around that spot for a while longer, making the torture even greater for her and he knows it by her digging her nails into his shoulder. A few soft noises come from her as she bites even harder on her lip trying to contain them. She thinks he's going to move from near the spot on her neck, but instead he goes right for it, not giving her a warning or anything. This time all the noises came out loud and clear since she had no time to muffle them. She's able to move her hand to his hair, tugging on it as he nips and sucks at her neck. He smirks as he continues and hears the noises coming from her. That just makes him do it more to continue to hear those noises.

"...Mike..." She moans slightly. " shoot..."

"...I know..."

"...make it coverable..." She tries convincing him. " can do other things..."

"...don't worry.."


She moves her hand from his hair to the back of his neck while he moves to another spot on her neck. He finds another spot that makes her tense and he starts to lightly nip at that. Since she can't really do anything right now, she lightly runs her nails over the back of his neck, causing a slight growl to come from him.

"Oh look what I've done." She snickers.

"Now you're going to get it." He mumbles against my neck.


"Nu uh...too late..."

"Your fault."



"You love it." She does it again earning a louder growl this time.

"You're so gonna get it now."

"Uh..." She starts to say until he attacks the new spot he found. She instantly arches her back into him, pulling him closer to her. He smirks and does what he did to the other spot to that one, making sure a coverable mark forms. He pulls away to see the mark starting to form with a smirk on his face. He slowly moves up her jaw to her lips. Once he reaches her lips, she kisses him hard and eagerly while letting her hand move from his neck down his chest. She slowly moves her hand, tracing his abs before lightly moving them over the seam of his boxers. This causes him to stop the kiss in favor of taking her bottom lip between his teeth and nipping that gently at times. She whines softly while trying to stay focused on what she was doing. She manages to brush her fingers over one ofh is indents making him tense and suck on her lip more. She does it one more time before he takes her hands, pinning them above her head.

"No more."

"Awww....I was having fun." She pouts.

"I know. But You're killing me."

"Just returning the favor."

"And I appreciate it....I do."

"Good." She smirks, wiggling underneath him. "I can still get to you..."

" are now..."

"Mmmhmmm." She nods, moving again.

" more..."

"What're you gonna do about it?"

"Oh you'll see." He smirks, holding her hands with one of his. He moves his free hand down her side to her waist, lightly moving his fingers just above the seams of her bottoms. She sucks in a sharp breath, biting her lip.

"" She manages to say as he starts to play with them a bit.

"...I always do..."

"That's why you're the best."

"So are you."

"Mmmm...good to know..." She pulls him down, pressing her lips to his. He kisses her back just as eagerly, his hands resting on her hips now. She struggles to get her hands free, but he doesn't want to let go yet. She kisses him more roughly, trying to distract him so she can get her hands free. His fingers on her hips start to wander a bit, slowly moving to her shirt.



"I think the shirt should stay on."

"Awww." He whines. "It's in the way..."

"I know, but I love it. I don't want it off."

"Fine..." He moves his hand, letting it slip under the shirt for now, wandering over the new skin.

"Maybe another time....promise."

"Holding you to that."

"You always do..." She pulls at her hands again. "...hands please?" She pouts slightly. "I wanna be able to touch you before we decide to go to sleep." She adds.

"I suppose." He lets her hands go. As soon as her hands are free, one goes to his hair while the other rests on his chest for now.

"Mmm...much better." She sighs at being able to touch him.

"Maybe next time, I should restrict you from touching me. Hmm?"


"Oh why not it could be fun."

"Fun for you...torture for me."


"I'd get you back for it though."

"Just like always." She adds.

"And I'm always looking forward to it."

"Good because I plan on getting you back for tonight."

"Oh I know."

"As long as you know that." She runs her fingers through his hair. He leans down, giving her another rough kiss making sure this one lingers. He cups her face with his hand, while running his fingers through her hair. She sighs in content into the kiss until he starts to pull away.

"Perfect ending to a perfect night."

"It sure was. That was your reward for doing an awesome job tonight." He smirks.

"Maybe I should impress you every night then."

"You already do. And no, you don't even have to do anything either."

"Of course, like you always say, because it's the truth."

"Exactly." He rolls them over so she's laying on him now.

"There. Much better. And you're not moving." He says, wrapping his arms around her.

"Wasn't planning on moving." She snuggles into him, resting her hands on his chest.


"Now I think you should get soem sleep. Long day tomorrow."

"But I'm not tired." She lies, trying to stop a yawn from escaping.

"Then what was that?"


"Sure it wasn't."

"I don't want the night to end..." She yawns again, not being able to hide that one.

"I know, but we can have it all over again tomorrow. And the night after that, and after that, and after that..."


"So you'll have many nights."

"Looking them..." She says on the verge of sleep since he was running his hand up and down her back.

"Good. Now you should sleep now."

"...mhm...." She nods lazily. He leans down and kisses the top of her head, just mere seconds before she ends up drifting off. He lays there watching her for a bit just running his fingers through her hair before going to sleep himself.

In me and Alex's room, we were already ready for bed and still in the midst of the celebrating of my win tonight. I was straddling his lap with one hand resting on the back of his neck and my other hand resting on his abs. And at times I purposely move my nails across. That causes him to tense up as a growl comes from him. He starts to kiss me more roughly, his hands wandering up my thighs. In retaliation, my nails move across his neck and his abs at the same time. This time a louder growl comes from him as he squeezes down on my thighs, picking up the kiss even more. I pull away from the kiss for air and right at that moment, he squeezes my thigh again and I couldn't help the noise that came from me, because it wasn't muffled into the kiss or anything.

"Aha." Alex smirks. "That's what I wanna hear."

"I had to break for air. You cheated."

"Still..." He grins. " what I wanted, but I'm far from done."

"Even though we've been going since we got back like what about 20 minutes ago?"

"That's all? Only seemed like 5 to me." He shrugs. "Tonight is your night. It's celebrating time." He lifts up, laying me on the bed as he hovers over me.

"Well time flies when we're occupied. That's why it only seemed like 5 minutes to you."

"Maybe we should slow down? Make the night go a bit slower..." He brushes his lips over mine, lightly running his hand down my side slowly.

".....which makes things even more torture." I mumble.

"Exactly." He grins, kissing along my jaw stopping at my ear. He takes my earlobe between his teeth, gently nipping at sucking at it. That causes me to pull him closer and then I arch into him, hiding my face in his shoulder to muffle any noise that he's trying to get out of me. Hearing the nosies makes his do it even more before moving to my neck. He gently nips at my skin keeping them light for now. That allows me to relax for now, since he's keeping everything light. Once he realizes I'm relaxed, that's when he goes after the spot on my neck without the slightest warning. My nails dig into his back where they're resting and the moan that comes from me cannot be muffled because he took me off guard and it was loud and clear this time. He smirks against my skin, going after the spot more from hearing the moan come from me. He stays on the spot until a small mark starts to form. Once he feels one will form, he pulls away to see one forming. Smirking, he moves back to my lips. I hum in content against his lips, while smiling. I pull away a short time after and lay back against the pillows, looking up at him.

"My beautiful Divas Champ." He runs his fingers through my hair.

"And I intend to be for a while. Just like you intend to be the United States Champion for a while.

"Mhm." He nods. "These titles are not going anywhere anytime soon."

"Longest title reigns in history we're gonna have."

"We're going to break all the records. Be the best title holders there ever could be."


He leans down, giving me a slow yet lingering kiss. "Now, I think you should get some sleep." He rolls us both over."

"Sleep like this?" I ask, having been rolled over so I'm laying on him.

"Well, not exactly like this, but close to it."

"Even though I do like sleeping like this from time to time."

"Then don't move." He holds me in place.

"Not planning on moving."

"Good." He nuzzles my neck. "Got a long day tomorrow."

"We do."

"So, sleep now and more celebrating later."


"I know you want to stay awake, but you need your rest for tomorrow." He runs his fingers through my hair.

"I know."

He kisses the top of my head, keeping one hand in my hair while the other runs up and down my back. Between the two, it helps me get to sleep quicker than just one method. Once her notices a change in my breath, he stops what he's doing in favor of wrapping his arms around me to hold me close. He kisses the top of my head one last time before watching me lay there for a bit before going to sleep himself.