Status: Active

The Chance of a Lifetime

Photo Shoot & Club Night

The next morning comes and Stef is still sleeping. Mike's used to being up early so he's gotten up early and is currently in the shower, allowing Stef to sleep in. It takes a bit before she wakes up and when she does, she shivers at the coolness in the room and pulls the covers over her head. She notices Mike is not in bed, then hears the shower. She grabs his pillow, pulling it close and snuggling with it, letting her eyes fall shut again. It isn't too long after that where the shower shuts off, Mike finishing He walks out of the bathroom in his towel thinking she would still be sleeping when he got done. She hears the door open and peeks her eyes open to see him walking out in just a towel. She bites down hard on he lip to keep quiet, trying to contain the thought in her mind. She watches as he walks over to his bag to get clothes before going back to the bathroom.

"Now, that is something to wake up to." She says to herself, while grinning.

Since she was awake, she lays there and stares at the ceiling, until the bathroom door opens a while later and he comes back out. He walks over to the bed, sitting down next to her, putting his arm over her waist. "Morning." He leans down, giving her a kiss.

"Mmm...morning." She says after pulling away.

"When did you wake up?"

"Not to long ago."

"So you saw...."

"...say what?" She looks away, biting her lip as she starts to blush.

"I think you know."

"Alright..." She sighs. " caught me."

"I had a feeling you were watching."

"Couldn't help myself." She shrugs with a grin. "I like what I saw."

"Did it just for you."

"Of course you did." she runs her hands over his suit. "I really like what I see now too." She moves them up to his neck, lightly moving her fingers over his skin.

"Always gotta look my best. I will be overseeing the photo shoots today. Mostly yours."

"You always look your best." She grins. "I'm sure you're going to enjoy today a bit to much."


"You will." She giggles. "I do think I should get dressed. Can't wear just your shirt all day."

"No...even though it would be nice."

"For you, yes. I don't think you would want other guys to see me in just your shirt with nothing else."

"No, not really."

"Exactly. I'll wear it another time..promise."

"Oh, I know."

"Anything for you." She winks. " get up and get dressed." She groans, not wanting to get up.

"I can help with that."

"Oh? How might that be?"

Next thing she knows, he's picked her up and brought her over to her things.

"Really? No warning?" She laughs as she looks for clothes to wear. He wraps his arms around her waist as she looks, kissing behind her ear.


"Typical you." She shakes her head, draping her clothes over her arm. She goes to walk away only to have him hold her in place. "You're going to have to let go so I can change." She chuckles.

"I know..."

"You'll get something when I come out if you do..."


"Mhm." She nods. "Only if you let me get dressed."


He lets her go so she's able to change. On the way to the bathroom, she makes sure to walk slow, swaying her hips a bit more to tease him. She laughs to herself since she knows he was staring. Once she's in the bathroom, she takes off his shirt and puts on the three quarter sleeve flannel she picked along with jean capris. She lightly does her makeup and gives her hair light waves since it will all be redone. When she's done, she heads back out into the room.

"Never cease to amaze me."

"And I'm not even all dressed up."

"You don't have to be."

"You're too sweet." She walks over to him. "My Romeo." She runs her nails through the ends of his hair.

"Never cease to amaze me."

"And I'm not even all dressed up."

"You don't have to be."

"You're too sweet." She looks down, biting her lip.

"Because you deserve it."

"And you deserve this.." She pulls him close, pressing her lips to his in an intense, passionate kiss. As soon as he gets a taste of the sugar flavored lip gloss, he starts to kiss back harder and rougher. She feels that he's going for getting it all off, but since she doesn't want him to do that just yet, she starts to slowly pull away, despite his eagerness.

"Mike..." She says between kisses. "...more...later..."


"This needs to stay on."


"Hey now. No whining. You can get more much as you want too."

"It's just so good."

"Just like all the others. I know."


"Glad I have plenty then." She chuckles. "We should get going before you go crazy again."

"We should."

She pulls away from him so they're able to grab whatever else they may need. Once they have everything, he takes her hand in his then they leave the room and head to the elevator.

"We'll stop somewhere for breakfast first before we head to the photo shoot."

"Alright." She nods. "Sounds good." She leans into his side as they walk.

"I know you've got to be a little hungry at least."

"I am, but I can wait a bit longer."

"We'll get something to go."

"Looks like I'll get to feed you so your suit doesn't get messed up." She grins.

"Even though I'm very careful when it comes to breakfast in my suits."


They step off the elevator and then head out to the car, getting in and then heading somewhere for breakfast. Like he said, they got it to go and ate in the car on the way. He pulls up to where the photo shoot was scheduled to take place. Once he parks, they both get out, and head inside.

"Wow..." She looks around in awe. "...this is amazing."

"And there'll be plenty more photo shoots for you in the future."

"Knowing you, I'm sure there will be."

"Of course."

"I wonder if Shauna got here yet?" She looks around to see if I'm around.

"Hmmm..." Mike looks around too, but just then the front doors open. "...found her."

"Heyy!" She waves over to me.

"Heyy!" I greet back. "Excited for today?" I ask.

"Very. It's all becoming so real now."

"That's how I felt."

"I'm sure." She nods. "So, are you just getting shots in your attire or anything more?" She asks me.

"I believe just attire with the title right?" I ask Mike seeing as he booked the shoot.

"Actually, I want your whole profile redone so you're all different photos from attire with the title to normal clothes with the attire."

"Alright. I'm sure they'll have something normal if not then I can wear this."

"They have everything already picked out for you already."

"Kind of figured."

"You're both going to get the same sets at the same time, but taken seperately."


We talk a bit more before we get called to head into the back to get ready for the first set of photos.

"We'll be back."

"We'll be here."

"Oh this will be fun." I say to Stef as we head to the back.

"Yes it will be." She grins.

When we get to the back, we go to different areas to change, before heading to hair and makeup. They straighten her hair a bit more since the first set was going to be a dress. she was dressed in a coral color, one shoulder dress with he hem bunched up to look like flowers. Her makeup was done to match, then she was given jewelry to put on. I too was put into a dress that was a light purple color, with wings and roses and other designs on the front. My hair was pulled back into a ponytail and the makeup was light, then I was given jewelry to put on myself.

"Yup. Alex is going to die when he sees you."

"As will Mike when he sees you."

"How about we go find out?"


We then head out to where Mike and Alex were. They had their backs to us while talking with each other. "Oh boys..." We sing with grins on our faces. We wait as they turn around to face us. Once they do, they go quite as their eyes go wide. While they are staring at us we look at each other and laugh.

"Definitely killed them."

"I think they might talk the people into letting us keep these too."

"They would do that."

"Yes they would."

"Are you bot alright over there?" She giggles.

"Mhm." They nod slowly.

"You sure now?"

"...think so..." Alex stutters.

"" Mike says in a daze.

"Mission accomplished."

"Indeed it has been."

"And now I think we're needed."

"You first Champ."

"Oh Alex...I'm up first." I grin.

"Coming." He eagerly says, snapping out is his daze.

"Have fun." She laughs.

"I think he will." Mike chuckles, but still in a daze of his own.

"Just like you will with the time you have before I go over there."

"Oh yes I will."

He comes out of his daze enough to walk over to her. As they stand there watching my session, he takes that time to be all touchy.


"Because I can be. Plus...there's so much to touch." He grins.

"You can thank the wardrobe people."

"Believe me...I will."

"They did a great job picking this out." He adds.

"They really did. I love this dress too. Feels so soft and silky." She runs her fingers down her side.

"I can probably talk them into letting you keep that."

"That's not a bad idea. You would really do that?"


"You're the best." She tilts her head giving him a kiss.

"I know."

They turn their attention back just as they're finishing up with my first set. As soon as it was finished we went over to look at the pictures. Stef follows Mike who goes over because being GM he has to make sure the right ones are picked and everything. He helps the photographer pick out the best ones.

"And now it's your turn." Mike says to Stef after the best shots of my first session are done being chosen.

"Okay." She nods as she heads over. "Try not to stare too much." She says over her shoulder.

"Can't make any promises." He winks with a smirk.

She shakes her head with a laugh as she stands in front of the camera doing all the poses she was told to do. As Mike watches intently, I leave Alex to go change into outfit #2. Like before, I get changed into the outfit they picked, then head to hair and makeup. My hair was taken out of the ponytail, and was made more wavy. The makeup stayed light again, and I kept the same jewelry on. Once I was all set, I once again went out to where Alex was waiting.

"Absolutely stunning." He grins upon seeing me.

"Not so sure I like this top very much."

"It is a bit revealing, but I do love how it looks on you."

"Of course. I think this is one thing I won't be keeping if they give me the option."

"As much as I love how you look in it, I agree with you."

"Now the dress....that's a different story."

“That is definitely a keeper.”

"Yes." I nod.

"I have a feeling you're going to kill be today." He chuckles, pulling me close and letting his hands wander over my exposed skin.


"Not that it get to me everyday."

"As do you to me."

"Good." He leans down, giving me a soft kiss.

"I think Mike's officially dead." I laugh.

"It looks that way." He laughs as well after looking.

"How we get to you two so easily like that, it's beyond my knowledge."

"For me, its your pure beauty that I can't get enough of."


"Just they way you look, how you move...truly incredible."

"And I don't even try."

"You don't even have to."

"I now."

It's not too long after that, that she's finished with her first set. She walks over to the photographer being joined by Mike as they look through the pictures for the best ones. "I do believe we've picked out the very best ones."

"I have a few other choices I like, but those are only for me to see." He grins.

"Oh of course."

"But now I have to get changed...again." She adds.


"Be right out." She gives him a quick kiss before heading into the back again. Once she's in the back, she changes into a pair of jean shorts and a v-neck tunic top. After she gets her shoes and jewelry on, she heads to hair and makeup again. Her hair stays straight, but a different style. When she's done, she heads back out to Mike to watch my next session.

"Oh Miiike."

"Ye-" He starts to say as he turns around. Once he sees her, his eyes go wide and his jaw drops.

"Mike..." She walks over to him. "...flies." She laughs.

"What was I doing again?" He asks.

"Well...when I came out you were watching Shauna then you started staring at me."

"Can you blame me?"

"No...not really." She chuckles. "Looks like Alex is the same way as you." She nods her head in his direction since he was in a trance.

"You two get to us in mysterious ways."

"That we do. We take advantage of it too." She smirks.

"You do."

"Just like you both get to us."


"Looks like you're needed." She says as she sees me waving him over to where we are.

"I'll be right back."

"I'll be here."

He heads over to where Alex and I are and assists with picking out the best pictures from the ones that were taken. Once that was done, Stef gets motioned over for her next set of pictures.

"You know what's next?" Alex grins.

"Your favorite ring attire."

"Oh yes."

"I'll try not to take too long."


I kiss his cheek before heading to the back to get into my ring attire that he loves so much. After I get changed into my attire I head back to hair and makeup once again. They don't do much changes, just little things here and there. My hair is left wavy, the makeup was the same and the jewelry was removed. When everything was done, I then headed back out to the room. I was barely out of the doorway when Alex spotted me and stared.

"You're staring." I snicker.

"Huh?" He shakes his head. "" He stutters. "You look amazing."

"Why thank you."

"Anything for you." He grins, taking my hand and pulling me close. "You know...we do have some time before you go again..." He lets his hands wander.

"So we do."

"You know what that means." His hands run down my sides to my waist.

"Do I now?"

"I think you do." He pulls me closer so I'm inches from him while his hands start to wander again.

"Just remember, we are in a public place."

"I know..." He gives me a light kiss. "...doesn't mean I can't touch."

"True, I know."

"You know what this attire does to me."

"Yes, I know."

"Then you know how hard it is for me to resist right now."

"I do."

He leans down giving me another kiss, trying his best to control himself right now. After he pulls away, he looks down at me biting his lip.

"I'm getting to you aren't I?"

"That obvious?"


"Can't help it."

"Of course you can't."

"You just look that good right now."

"Only for you."

"Good." He grins.

He spent the entire time we had while Stef was doing her session of photos, being touchy. Once she was done, Mike came over to pick out the best pictures again while they got everything ready for me.

"Well it looks like they're getting everything ready for me."

" soon." He pouts.

"Yes, so soon."

"Okay..." He slowly lets go.

"You can follow you know."

"True..." He puts his arm back around me as we both walk over to the set.

"One last shoot for us both." I state as we walk up.

"Good. Then we can go get food. I'm starving." She sighs.

"I'm getting there myself."

"I say, after this...we go eat."

"Good idea."

"That is if Alex lets you got long enough." She chuckles.

"Yes, he's being Mr. Touchy."

"I can see that."

"He'll let go, believe me." I laugh.

"I don't think I want to know." She jokes.

"Me neither." Mike chuckles.

"I think I'm going to get change while she does that."

"Good idea."

"You're going to really like this one." She says to Mike as they walk away.

"Oh I'm sure I will."

"I'll go get changed into that and I'll be right back out." She kisses him quickly.

"Alright." He nods.

She heads into the back where she gets changed into her attire before going back to hair and makeup. This time, her hair was put into curls while her makeup was done to match. All jewelry was taken off and once that was all done, she headed back out to where Mike was.

"Oh Miike."

"Hm?" He turns around from watching my session to see her in her attire. His hands fall to his side as his eyes go wide.

"How do I look?" She spins as she walks over to him.

"I have no words..."

"That good huh?" She chuckles as she moves closer to him.


"Just think..." She walks her fingers up his chest. "...this is all yours." She smirks.

"All mine." He looks her over.

He runs his hands slowly down her sides making goosebumps form. She shivers a bit and moves closer to him to keep warm. He wraps an arm around her waist while the other wanders all over. "You did that on purpose."

"Maybe I did."

"Just remember...there are people around."

"Right, I know."

"You can touch all you want...just behave." She moves her hands up his chest to the back of his neck where she lightly moves her fingers across his skin.

"I'll behave."

"Good." She kisses him quick. "Or that will be the last kiss you get to take." She teases.

"We can't have that."

"No we can't."

She turns around in his arms so they're able to watch the rest of my shoot. The whole time, Mike keeps her close to him while his hands wander all over.

"Touchy, touchy, touchy."

"That's because I can be." He grins.

"Yes you can."

"And I will be as long as I can."

"Of course."

"To bad I have to take this off soon." She adds.

"I know."

"You'll get to see it again, don't worry."

"Oh I already know that."

"I should be getting the blue one tomorrow...I could show you that one too..."

"I would love that."

"I figured you would." She grins.

"You just know me that well."

"You just know me that well."

"Yes I do."

"Just like I know you."


"Not as well as you know me, but still pretty well."

"You'll find out all there is to know about me. I'm sure."

"Oh I know I will."

"Cocky. Me like." She smirks.

"Well I believe you got that from me." He chuckles.

"Hmmm...I don't know..." She pretends to think. "...jury is still out on that one."

"You've got the same attitude I do, you so learned from me."

"If you say so." She chuckles.

"I know so."

"Alright...I learned for you."

"If course you did."

"I think you're needed." She mentions since she sees me waving him over.

"And then it'll be your last session and we can get out of here."

"I'm sure you're looking forward to that." She grins, kissing him quick. "Now go." She chuckles.

"I am and I'll call you over when we're set."

"Alright." She nods.

He kisses her quick once again before walking over to us. Once over there, he goes through all the pictures once again to pick out the best ones. Once the best ones were picked, he waves her over. She takes her place in front of the cameras again as he looks on very intently. I head to the back to finally get back into my regular clothes. After I get changed, I'm given the clothes from the shoot minus the shirt before heading back out.

"I see got to..." Alex trails off.

"Yes. I got to keep everything."

"That makes me very happy."

"It usually does." I chuckle.

"I think we can leave now. Tell Mike where we'll meet for food."

"That sounds good."

"I'll go tell him."


I leave him and walk over to Mike, breaking his trance for a moment. "Hey....Alex and I are gonna go. We'll meet you down the street where the restaurant is."

"Okay. Sounds good." He says, eyes still fixed on Stef.

"Don't drool too much." I snicker.

"I'm not drooling." He defends, wiping his mouth.

"Then what was that?"


"Uh huh."

"Not a word." He glances at me for a second.

"I said nothing." I grin.

"Good." He smirks, turning his attention back. "We'll meet you there soon."

"Yup." I nod, before walking off back to Alex.

"He said they'll meet us there."

"Alright, good. Let's go."

I nod getting my bags only for Alex to take them. I shake my head as we both head out to the car. He puts the bags into the back as I get into the car. He gets in after and then we head down the street to the restaurant. Once there, he parks the car then we head inside getting seated quickly.

"So do you have other plans for today?" I ask.

"Not that I know of right now. Did you have something you wanted to do?"

"Hmm, not really."

"I'm sure we'll think of something. Maybe Mike or Stef will have an idea. We could all do something together since we really haven't in awhile."


"I know what I want to do, but I think we should go out or something."


Soon the waiter comes over to take our drink orders. When he comes back with those we decide to wait for Mike and Stef to order our food. Meanwhile with Stef and Mike, she was just finishing up the pictures. He heads over to look at the pictures once again to get the best ones while she goes change. She gets changed into her normal clothes, keeping her hair curly then head back out to with with all the clothes from the shoot.

"I'm ready to go."

"Okay. Almost done here." He looks over the pictures they chose. "Now I'm ready." He turns to her. "Are those bags I see?" He grins.

"Uh huh."

"Perfect." He smirks.

"Let me keep everything."

"Even the dress?"


"Now I'm very happy."


"Where did Shauna and Alex go?" She asks after looking around and not seeing us.

"They're meeting us at the restaurant down the street."

"Ah. Well, lts not keep them waiting. I know she is as hungry as I am."


He takes her bags from her as they head out to the car. Once there, he puts them in the back before opening her door for her. He gives her a lingering kiss before allowing her to get in the car. Once she's in, he heads over to the other side. After he gets in, he then heads for the restaurant. When they get there, he parks the car, then comes over to her side. As soon as she gets out of the car, his arm is around her waist, causing her to lean into his side. They then head in to meet Alex and I. We greet them both as they find us and sit down.

"Hey. Did you order yet?"

"No, we were waiting for you."

"Oh. You didn't have to." She says, feeling bad as she quickly looks over the menu.

"It was no problem."

"I know...I just feel bad for making you wait." She bites her lip.

"Oh don't feel bad, it's alright.

"Can't help know why." She mutters the last part.


"But anyway...I know what I want." She closes her menu, setting it on the table.

"Me too." I nod.

We motion for the waiter to come over and once he does we all place our orders along with Stef's and Mike's drink order. After taking our orders he hangs around a bit longer asking us if there is anything else he can get, but he only looks at me and Stef while smiling and trying to flirt.

"No thank you, we're good."

"If you're both sure." He smiles.

"They said they're fine." Alex speaks up getting annoyed. *Of co

He gets the hint and leaves....for now.

"The nerve of him..." Alex tenses. "...with us right here too."

"Hey....relax." I say to him, lacing my fingers with his.

"I will...unless he does that again." He calms down a bit.

"He better not think of it." Mike growls.

"You both should know that we both only have eyes for you two." Stef adds.

"We do. It's just the thought of him doing that. We can't help but to get protective of you both."

"We know."

"If he does it again we are getting someone different. We don't need that. No one hits on you but us."

"Just don't leave him a tip."

"He blew that when he first came to the table and stared at you when we got here."

"And that's why we're sitting next to you both, next to the wall. Don't need anything happening."


Soon the waiter comes back with our drinks we ordered and he only looks at me and Stef. Alex and Mike put there arms around us holding us close to them.

"Thank you." Mike mutters while glaring at him.

Of course he has to do his job so he leaves the table until the food orders are done, to bring them over. We all sit there talking until the food comes. When Alex sees him coming over with the food, he motions to Mike and they both start being all affectionate as the food is brought to the table. When he notices how they're acting, his whole mood changes.

"Enjoy your meal." He mutters unfriendly once the food is all passed out.

We nod and he walks away.

"Oooh sudden mood change. I don't think he'll be bothering us anymore." I snicker.

"Good. He was creeping me out a bit." She shudders.

"Yeah, just a bit. I'm surprised he hasn't tried to give ush is number or something. I'm sure it was coming though. Probably would be with the bill."

"If he does, I'll rip it up right in front of him then throw it in his face."

"Same here."

"Oh this is really good." Stef says as she takes a bite of her food.

"So is this."

"Really?" She steals from Mike's plate. "You're right. It is good."

"Everything is good." I add.

"It all smells so good."

"It does."

We continue to eat while talking occasionally. From time to time we end up feeding the guys some of our food and they feed us some of theirs. When we were all done, we wait for the bill to be brought to the table.

"Moment of truth." Stef says lowly as the bill is set on the table.

"Oh would you look at that....just the bill." I show her.

"Shocking." She acts shocked. "He's probably going to slip to us when we leave." She rolls her eyes.

"Well that's when we stay on the side that he's not standing on as we walk by."

"Good idea." She nods.

The bill gets paid and we all get up and head towards the entrance to leave. We spot the waiter and we stay on the side of the guys that he's not on. He starts to make his way over to us only to have the guys glare at him and hold us closer to them. He hesitates for a moment before walking the other way.

"Good. He backed off."

"He made the right choice. Things wouldn't have been pretty if he came over here again."

"Mike..." She runs her hand up his chest, trying to calm him. "...not here."

"Don't worry. I'm just saying."

"Alright." She leans into his side.

We make it outside and back to the parking lot, going over to our cars.

"So..." She starts to say before they get in. "...I was thinking that maybe later we should all go out? Maybe a club or something?" She suggests.

"We could."

"Mike...what do you say?" Stef looks up at him.

"I'm up for it. Haven't been in a while and after a productive morning, I think we all deserve it."

"Yayy." She cheers.

"In the meantime, what're we doing now?" Any ideas?"

"Hmmm..." She starts to think until she yawns.

"I think a nap is a good idea." Mike chuckles as she shakes her head to wake up.

"Someone's tired."

"Maybe just a little."

"Then maybe you should get some rest and take a nap."

"That sounds like a good idea." She yawns again, making me yawn too.

"Yawning's contagious."

"It bad."

"We both got up pretty early, so it's our fault we're tired."

"True." Stef nods, leaning into Mike more.

"Alright. Let's get them back before they fall asleep." Alex chuckles.

"Right. Into the car with you." Mike leads her to her side of the car. He opens her door for her as he helps her in. She gets her seatbelt on and lays her head against the window. He goes over to the other side, then gets in putting his seat belt on as well. He looks over to see her almost passed out. He chuckles before starting the car and heading back to the hotel. On the way back she does end up falling asleep so when they got there, he parked the car, then came over to her side. He decided to get the bags later in favor of taking her to the room. He comes over to her side, opening her door gently before taking off her seat belt and picking her up. She grumbles a bit then snuggles into him as he carries her inside.

"Just sleep, I've got you."

She mumbles a response and moves closer to him.

"We'll be in the room soon."


He steps into the elevator and then they head up to their floor. Once on their floor, her heads to their room. He gets his key out then opens the door going straight for the bed. He pulls the blankets down the best he could then gently lays her down. She rolls over to where he would be laying and moves her hand around. He chuckles as he takes off his suit jacket and shirt, then the pants. After that's done, he climbs in bed next to her and she snuggles in closer to him. He wraps his arms around her holding her close to him. "Go back to sleep. I'll be here when you wake up."

"..uh huh..." She nods sleepily going back to sleep. He leans down and kisses the top of her head before she dozes off again. He runs his hands through her hair before going to sleep himself.

Alex and I get back to the hotel now, I managed to stay awake the whole trip back.

"I'm surprised you're still awake." Alex chuckles as we both walk into our room.

"I'm surprised myself."

"I have a feeling you won't last much longer though."

"Probably not."

"How about we go lay down now then?" He suggests with a grin.

"I can never say no to that."

His grin gets bigger as he leads me to the bed. When we get there, before climbing onto the bed with him, I make sure I get my shoes off first. Once those are off, I lay down next to him only to have him pull me closer.



"I know you've been waiting to do this all morning."

"I have and now I finally can."

"Yes you can."

"All mine." He pulls me closer, kissing me quick.

"And no one can change that."

"Good." He runs his fingers through my hair.

"You're the one I want to be with and wanted to be with ever since I saw you, and that was before my career started."

"Well, I'm honored that a gorgeous girl like you feels that way about me.” He grins. “From the first time I saw you, I knew you were the girl for me and no one else."


"It's the truth and now that I have you, my life it complete."

"Well that makes me very happy."

"Good. You should be happy. That is how you're ever going to feel with me."

"Wouldn't want it any other way."

"You'll never have to have it any other way."

"Of course."

Since he was running his fingers through my hair, I start to get tired even though I was trying to fight it. I soon try to hide a yawn, but he sees it.

"I saw that...time for you to sleep."

"You saw nothing." I laugh.

"Then what did I see?" He chuckles.


"Uh huh...sure."

"Okay so I yawned."

"That's what I need sleep."

"Well of course I do."

"Alright..." He chuckles. " more talking. Sleep for you."

"Alright." I nod.

He starts to run his hand up and down my back more while his other runs through my hair. I shift a bit to get more comfortable and before I know it, I'm passed out. He looks down at me, seeing that I'm asleep then smiles to himself. He watches me for a bit before he goes to sleep himself. Before we know it, the hours seem to pass by awfully quick. When we wake up it's around 5pm. Alex has been up for a bit and decided to let me sleep. Since it was getting late, he started to wake me up.

"...five more minutes..." I mumble.

"It's already past five."

"Really? We slept that long?"

"Mhm. You were that tired."

"I guess so."

"You look peaceful, I didn't want to wake you."

"Well I apprecite it."

"Anything for you."

"Suppose I should get ready then, and so should you."

"I suppose..." He sighs.

"Let me go so I can do that?"


"I'll try not to take long. You're anxious to see what I'll be wearing just as much as I am to see what you're wearing."

"I am." He grins. "I'm sure you'll love what I pick out too."

"Don't I always?"

"Yes do you."

I kiss him quickly before he lets me go, and once he does, I move from the bed and go over to my things, picking out something to wear. As I'm doing that, he gets up as well. Once I find what I want, I head into the bathroom while he gets changed in the room. Once I was dressed, I worked on my hair next. Styling it so that it was curly at the ends. I then do my makeup, which didn't take very long. When I was finish, I head back into the room only to see Alex in a pair of jeans and a gray button down shirt. I bite my lip and mutter to myself. I snap myself out of it to get my shoes, even though I do take a few glances over to him, surprised he hasn't noticed me just yet.

"You're do..." He starts to say as he turns. Once he sees me, his eyes go wide and his jaw drops. "...amazing..."

"And my shoes aren't even on yet."

"Doesn't matter.You're still hot."

"So are you."

"Why thank you." He grins. "I knew you would love this."

"I loved it on you the first time you wore it on TV. Oh I remember that night. You making fun Edge, after he called you a woman."

"I remember that. Good night. Too bad he was wrong. He was the woman."

"Long hair and the pouty lips." I laugh.

"Typical woman if you ask me." He shrugs.

"But it wasn't so fun when you got speared. You don't know how much I wanted to jump through that TV screen and beat him up."

“Trust me, I do now and it would have been appreciated.”

"So many people I wanted to beat up for going after you. Ohhh and don't get me started on Eve. It's not only because she's been flirting with you right in front of me that makes our little feud personal. I still hate her from when she slapped you across the face. Wanted to reach through the screen and strangle her."

"Honestly, that actually hurt worse than it looked. My face stung all night from that."

"I wish I was there to have made it feel better."

"I wish you were too, but you are here now and that is all that matters."

"Right, I know. And she'll never be doing that to you again."

"That's right. You won't let that happen."


"I'm so lucky to have you." He walks over to me, wrapping his arms around me.

"I think I'm more lucky to have you."

"Nope. I'm the luckiest person on earth right now."

"We're both lucky."

"That we are." He grins, leaning down pressing his lips to mine.

As soon as he gets a small taste of the lipgloss I'm wearing he pulls away, trying to figure out what the flavor is.

"That flavor..." He licks his lips. "...cupcake?"

"Sugared cupcake."

"I love it." He grins, going for more.

"Uh uh, this has got to last...even though I'm bringing it with me."

"Awww." He pouts.

"Will a little bit more make you happy?"

"Mhm." He nods excitedly.

"Go for it."

He wastes no time in pressing his lips back to mine. He keeps going until I pull away.

"And now I need to put more on."

"More for me to take off." He smirks.

"If you behave."

"Oh I will."

"You better or you won't be getting anymore of it."

"I'll be on my best behavior tonight."


"Once you put more on, I think we should leave before I misbehave."

"Good idea, because I know putting it on will kill you."

"I already am." He looks at my lips.

"Of course you are." I grin as I re-apply what he took off.

"...killing me..." He groans.

"I knowww." I laugh.

"That is so coming off when we get back here."

"Now how did I know that was happening?"

"Because you know me that well."

"I do."

"I think we should go before I get in trouble for taking it off again."

"Yes, we should."

I grab my clutch and put the lip gloss in it then make sure I have everything else. Once I do, we both head out of the room hand in hand to the elevators. In the meantime, Stef and Mike have woken up from their nap and started to get ready themselves. She's in the bathroom putting the finishing touches on her makeup. She left her hair curly again, but touched up some of the curls from the nap. She adjusts the top she has on as she heads back out into the room. Mike was already done, so he was eagerly waiting as she opened the bathroom door.

"Well..." She bites her lip. "...what do you think?"


"As you always do." She smirks. "I love when you wear jeans."

"Which is why I chose to wear them."

"Good choice." She looks him over. "god you are so hot right now." She mutters.

"I heard that." He chuckles.

"You heard nothing." She blushes.

"I heard something."

"I'm not repeating it so good luck getting it out of me."

"Uh huh."

"My lips are sealed." She giggles.

"Doesn't matter, I know what you're thinking." He grins.

"Oh? What might that be?"

"You should know. You're thinking it."

"You're right. I do know, but I'm not saying it again."

"That's okay."

"I'll get it out of you sooner or later." He grins as he walks over to her.

"Again...good luck." She laughs.

He reaches out pulling her closer to him while his hands wander over the bare skin on her shoulders. She shivers a bit as goosebumps start to form and she moves closer to him.

"I don't think I need the luck."

"I'm pretty tough to break."

"I'm sure I can get you to talk."

"You seem pretty me what you got then." She challenges.

"Challenge accepted."

He looks at her for a moment, trying to decide what to do. While he takes his time, she runs her hands down his chest and plays with the tie he has loosely around his neck. That's when he starts to walk her backwards, until her back hits the wall and he gives her that all too familiar smirk.

"Uh oh...I know that smirk..."


"I'm in for it, aren't I?"


"I have a feeling I am."

"Nothing wrong with having a little fun before we go." He grins.

"Not at all..." She brushes her lips over his just enough for him to get the smell of her lip gloss. "...bring it on."

"You asked for it. I think you know what I'm going for next."

"I do."

"You don't have to worry about marks either. Those won't be until much later."

"Oh boy." She giggles. "Well...have fun then."

"It'll be enough to get you to tell me what you said not too long ago."

"Suuure...I'm still not spilling. You haven't convinced me yet."

"Don't be too sure." He smirks, before going right for her neck.

Since there was no warning, she grips onto the front of his shirt as he nips at her neck lightly. She's able to pull him closer to her and wraps her arms around his neck.

"Tell me..." He mumbles against her neck.


"Then I have no choice..." He trails off as he starts to move towards the sensitive spot.

She tenses up as he brushes his lips over it. She tries her hardest not to tell him, but he hovers over the spot.

"" She bit down hard on her lip.

"Hmmm..." He says before pressing his lips to the spot.

She lets out a soft moan as he works on the spot.

"...Mike..." She moans. "...I'll tell you..."

That's when he stops and pulls back, looking at her.

"You will?"

"Mhm..." She nods slowly.

"My plan worked then."

"It did." She lays her head on his shoulder.

"Well then I know what to use the next time you won't tell me something."

"I'm sure you will."

"So....tell me what you said earlier."

"You're hot." She mumbles.

"Now I definitely heard that this time since I'm so close to you. And I thank you for the compliment."

"You're welcome and it's true."

"Oh, I know." He chuckles.

"So is that attitude...boy do I love it."

"So you've told me before."

"One of the many things that attracted me to you."

"That's a very good thing."

"It really is." She lifts her head, giving him a quick kiss. Once he gets a taste of her lip gloss, he tries to hold the kiss for longer.

"Mmm...uh uh...if you behave the rest of the night, you can take it all off."

"Then I'll have to try my best to behave."

"Yes, you'll have to."

"As hard as it will be, I'll behave."


"How about we go so we don't keep the other two waiting?" She adds.

"Good idea."

"Have to let me go first."

"Right. My bad." He says, letting her go.

She gives him just one last kiss before going to grab her clutch. She drops her lip gloss in it while he gets anything else he may need.

"All set?" She asks.

"All set." He says, holding out his hand.

She takes his hand in hers as they head out of the room and to the elevators.

"I think tonight's going to be fun."

"If it's like last time, I know it will be."

"Always is."

"This time you can be as touchy as you want."

"I already plan on it."

"Of course you do."

"Because you're mine."

"I am. Yours and only yours." She leans up kissing his cheek.

"The way it should be."

"The only way it's going to be."


He kisses the top of her head as they reach the car. He opens her door for her and once she's in, he goes over to the other side. After he gets in, he starts the car then heads to the club. As he drives he laces his fingers of his free hand with hers. She squeezes his hand and smiles to herself as he draws circles on the back of her hand with his thumb. After a bit, they pull up to the club, and he pulls into the parking lot, finding a spot to park. Once they park, they both get out, and when she walks around to the other side of the car where he was, she re-laced her fingers with his and headed inside. Once inside, they look for me and Alex. After spotting us, they make their way over to the table we're at. We all greet each other when they reach the table and sit down.

"Wow...this place is packed."

"I think it's a very popular club, that's why."

"True. At least we will have fun then."

"Yes we will."

"How about drinks then we get out there before it gets to crowded?"

"Sounds like a great idea."

"I'll go get it. What do you want?" Mike asks.

"Surprise me."

"Alright, be right back."

She nods as he gives her a quick kiss. Alex heads over there with him to get us both something as well. Not too long after they're gone, Stef looks over to see some girl all over him.

"What the hell?" She growls.


"That!" She points to Mike. "Some tramp is all over him!"

"Ew. Probably had one too many drinks if you ask me."

"Probably." She rolls her eyes. "I'll be right back." She smirks, heading over to where Mike is. Once she's over there, she sees her hands where they should not be and she is a little too close to him for her taste. "Uh...what do you think you're doing?" She puts her arm over his shoulder while glaring at the girl.

"Just introducing myself."

"You can do that with talking, not your hands." She takes her hands, pushing them off him.

"You've just got to relax, I'm just being friendly."

"Looks like you're throwing yourself at him to me. Now how about you run along and find someone who actually likes tramps. He is not interested." She shoos her away with her hand.

"And what makes you think that?"

"Because he can do so much better. In fact, he already has done better than you."

"Yeah? Who?" She starts to get an attitude.

"You're looking at her." She smirks, moving closer to Mike. "Got a problem with that?"


"Boy you're stupid." She shakes her head. "Yes me. Now get lost."

"Maybe I don't want to."

"Oh you better or I'll make you leave." She tenses up, balling her hands in a fist.

"Stef...don't. Start a fight and we're gonna be thrown out." Mike grabs her hands.

"She's pissing me off..." She grits her teeth. "...she needs to go." She growls through her teeth.

"That's when we just walk away. And just in time too. Here's your drink." He slides it over to you. "Now let's go."

"Later sweetheart." She sarcastically says with a smirk.

And just to make things even better for her, but making the girl jealous and pissed off, he kisses Stef briefly right in front of her, to prove a point.

"Mmm...lets go have fun now." She grabs his tie, pulling him close to her.

"You read my mind." He chuckles.

Before the girl has a chance to say anything, Mike and Stef walk back to the table. Once there, she sets her drink down and looks at him. "You're not mad, are you?" She chews her lip nervously.

"Now why would I be mad?"

"I don't know..." She trails off, dropping her head. "...last time I did that..." She stops, shaking her head and rubbing her arms. "...nevermind." She mumbles.

"No...tell me. It's alright. I'm listening."

"The last time I did that I..." She stops, tearing up. "...I got yelled at." She blinks her tears away.

"Now who would be that cruel and yell at you?"

"My Ex. The one I told you about. He was not nice to me at all. Very verbal to me and..." She stops, cringing at the memories. "...I can't." She bites her lip, looking over at me.

"He just made life very hard for her. She couldn't be her own self, she could think for herself, she couldn't do what she wanted. If she left the house he had to know at all times where she was and who she was with, if anybody. Very controlling. And he had no problem letting other girls be all over him. She would try and do what she just did with you and he would just get really angry with her." I explain for her.

"Is that true?" Mike looks at her.

"Mhm." She bites her lip, nodding slowly.

"I've even had to hide her at my place tons of times. Because he was just too much."

"Oh no." Mike gets angry. "He is never going to do that to you again nor am I ever going to do that to you." He goes to pull her to him, but she flinches.


"...sorry..." She mumbles. "...natural reaction."

"Come here." He opens his arms.

It takes her a moment before she goes to him. Once she does, he wraps his arms around her as she lays her head on his chest. He draws patterns on her back trying to get her to calm down.

"You have nothing to be afraid of with me. Your life is much better with me."

"It alread has been." She sniffles.

"And it will continue to be."

"Good." She moves closer to him. "I forgot what it was like to be me." She sighs.

"Well you'll never have to worry about not being yourself anymore."

"You know...that makes me feel so much better." She slightly smiles up at him.

"There's the smile I love." He smiles right back.

"Mike..." She blushes.

"It's true."

"Always the charmer, no matter where we are."

"That's right."

"How about we go dance now? Need to get my mind off everything." She suggests as she pulls away downing her drink.

"That's a good idea."

"You both coming?" She asks me and Alex.

"Yeah, we're coming. I think he's anxious to get out onto the dance floor anyway." I snicker.

"Oooohhhh." She teases. "Lets go then." She starts to pull Mike with her.

He chuckles and follows her out onto the dance floor. Once out there, she starts dancing to the beat of the song making sure to sway her hips a bit more for him. He comes up behind her, resting his hands on her waist as he moves with her. He ends up pulling her even closer, and almost immediately starts being touchy. She leans into his touch, reaching her arm back and hooking it around his neck. She lets her fingers run through his hair while he places light kisses on her shoulder and the back of her neck.

"Feeling better now?"

"Yes. Much better."


"All thanks to you." She kisses him quick.

"Always happy to help you."

"You're the best."

"So are you."


"And that's the truth."

She turns in his arms then presses her lips to his. She gives him a rough kiss, not caring where they are at the moment. He eagerly responds with kissing back just as rough. She lets him have his fun since it is calming her down even more. She starts to slow the kiss once he starts to get too touchy for being in public.

"...we'll finish...this later." She says after pulling away.

"I would hope so."

"You can count on it."

"Can't wait. I think you might need more lip gloss though." He laughs. "May have taken it all off with that kiss."

"I'll put more on when e get back to the table."


"I know how much you love."

"I do."

"I'll wear it more then."

"Great." He grins.

She keeps her arms around his neck while his stay on her hips as they dance closely together. Alex and I were dancing closely together ourselves, and he was trying so hard to behave himself, because he knew what he would get if he did. He rests his hands on my hips holding me as close as he can.

"You're behaving...I'm surprised."

"I'm saving it all for later."

"I'm in trouble. aren't I?"

"Big time." He smirks.

"Uh oh. Sorry?"

"Too late for that."


"That's what happens when I have to wait."

"Yes the eagerness grows."

"It sure does."

"Maybe I should make you wait for things all the time."

"That would be pure torture." He whines.

"But it's fun."

"For you it is."

"Yes it is."

"I'll get you back twice as much each time you make me wait too."

"Uh oh."

"Uh oh is right."

"No way I can save myself this time is there?"

"Nope." He chuckles with a grin.


"You're so in for it when we leave here."

"I believe it."

"You should." He smirks, letting his hands move up and down my sides.


"Mhhm." He nods. "This outfit makes me want to touch you more."

"My bad." I snicker.

"You knew exactly what you were doing. You know how I get when you wear blue and skirts. "

"Mmhmm...I do." I grin.

"So you know how hard it is for me to behave right now."

"I do."

His eyes scan me as I dance in front of him. He licks his lips as he pulls me close for a quick, yet satisfying kiss that will hold him over.

"I'll need to re-apply the gloss when we get back to the table now." I grin.

"Oops." He chuckles. "I tried to be good."

"I was tempting, I know. It's alright. I can let you get away with it."

"Yes." He cheers.

"Mr. Affectionate."

"Only for you."

"I would hope so."

"You're the only girl in my eyes that deserves it."

"I feel special."

"That's because you are."

"As you always tell me."

"Because it's true."

"Tell special am I to you?"

"I don't think words can describe how special you are to me."


"You'll find out in time."

"I'm sure I will."

"Believe will."

"Can't wait."

"You'll never see it coming."

"Uh huh."

"I'm sneaky like that."

"You are."

"And you love it. I know." He grins.

"I do."

We both go back to dancing very closely. After a few songs, we decide to take a break.

"You know what this mean....lip gloss."


"Which you will have to wait until later to get more of."

"I think I'm good for now."

"Are you sure now?"

"No, but I'll try really hard to wait."

"Alright, if you say so."

"You know how I get with the flavors. They are so good I can't help myself."

"Why do you think I let you pick them out?"

"Because you're that good to me."

"Just like you are to me."

"We're just that perfect for each other."

"Stef's been saying that forever now."

"Well she's right. I'm so glad that I have you."

"Who's right about what?" She asks, coming to the table with another drink, since she and Mike got a couple more.

"You when you said Alex and I would be perfect for each other."

"Oh, yeah and I was right."

"Yes you were." I chuckle.

"Just like I was right about you and Mike." I add.

"It seems that you were."

"Just had to wait until I got to know him to get you two together."

"I'm so glad you did, even though you knew I would find some way to meet him."

"Very true."

"I'm just happy this all happened now before it was to late."

"I don't think it would ever be too late. I wouldn't let that happen."

"That's because you're my girl. You watch out for me like I do you."


Mike and Stef sit down at the table and he immediately hands her clutch to her with a grin.

"That eager huh?" She giggles.

"Uh huh."

"Patience." She pats his leg, then goes in her bag. She takes out the lip gloss and puts it on slowly.

"I have none." He groans from the torture."

"I know." She chuckles. "You have to if you want me to put more on. That takes time."

"I can try."

"There." She says after putting it on. "Wat that so hard?" She rubs her lips together, letting the scent travel.

"Yes...yes it was."

"Awww...poor baby." She jokes.

"We both had to do that." I motion to the lip gloss.

"Alex went crazy, didn't he?" She chuckles.

"Just a bit."

"Oooohhhh." She teases.

"My fault really. I wore a flavored one tonight."

"As did I. We are to much alike."

"And Alex was the one to pick it out when I got it. Him and the flavors."

"Can't get enough, can you Lex?"


"Just like Mike."

"Like I've said, those two are alike in many ways like us." I laugh.

"You both have to related somehow. There has to be a reason you're both alike."

"Nope. No relation."

"There's something. There just has to be."

"There honestly isn't."

"Could've fooled me." Stef laughs.

"I know right?"


"You know what it is? All that time spent together at the start of my career." Alex points out.

"See! I knew there was a reason. That what it was."

"And not to mention both of your characters at the time were basically the same." I add.

"True. Same attitude and everything."

"Which is why you worked so well together. No wonder they paired you up."

"I was just what he needed and the fact that we were similar was a plus."

"But now you're complete opposite characters."

"We are and it's a shame. I really enjoyed the time we had. They were some good times."

"I hear that tons of people want you two to work together as a team again."

"Of course they do. We were the best team there ever was." Mike smirks in confidence.

"Can't argue with that."

"Neither can I." She agrees

"Maybe sometime in the future that will happen again."

"It all depends how everything goes. We may face each other, but it will take a lot of work for us to be a team again."

"Right, right."

"We'll see what happens in the next year or so."


"Mike...I need a refill." Stef looks at him through her lashes.

"Say no more." He grins, taking her glass and getting up, heading to get her a refill.

"He really is the best." She sighs happily as she watches him walk over to the bar.

"I told you."

"You did." She smiles. "Thank you so much for this." She gets up to give me a hug.

"You're so very welcome."

"I couldn't be anymore happy than I am now."

"I'm glad."

Mike walks back over to the table with her drink then hands it to her. "Thanks babe." She kisses his cheek as he sits next to her, pulling her chair closer.

"You're welcome."

"So now what? More dancing or hanging here?"

"Whatever you want to do."

"I wanna dance more." She takes a sip of her drink, then sets it down. "Shauna?" She asks me.

"Of course."

"Well come on!" She stands up, eager to get back out there. "Come on!" She calls again, waving her hand.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." I call back, laughing.

"Too slow." She chuckles, making her way to the floor dancing alone for now. She does her usual dancing with the swaying of her hips and hands going through her hair.

"Don't die on us you two." I laugh, telling Mike and Alex and I get up myself.

"I think Mike already did." Alex snickers since Mike's eyes have not left me.


"Mike?" I call, not getting a response. "Mike?!" I call again, but closer this time.

"Huh?" He snaps out of his daze.

"Good you're alive."

"Of course I am. Why would I not be?" He plays it off.

"Hmmm, well because of Stef mostly. Mr. Spacey."

"You noticed?" He blushes a bit.

"I did."

"Again...not a word."

"Don't worry."

"Good." He grins. "I believe I should go over there. Someone is dancing a bit to close for my comfort."

"Want me to take care of him for you? So you can continue to sit here and stare at her?"

"If you think you can handle...go for it."

"Mike, this is me you're talking to. Remember our training sessions?"

"Right." He chuckles. "Go teach him a lesson then."

"Oh I will."

I leave Mike and then head out onto the floor to where Stef's at. As I get closer, I can hear her telling the guy to leave, but he not getting the hint, no matter how hard she pushes him away.

"Some people just don't get it." I mumble, before approaching him.

"Get away from me!" She shouts as loud as she can while pushing him away again.

"Uh, excuse me?" I poke his shoulder.

"Come on sexy. I know you want me." He slurs, ignoring me.

"I said....EXCUSE ME!"

"What?!" He snaps.

First I almost gag from the stench of alcohol that came out of his mouth. Then next for being so rude, I slap him across the face. It's better then punching his lights out and it won't get me thrown out of the club. "Rude."

"You're the one who is rude. I'm busy here."

"She's not interested. Can't you tell?"

"I'm really not." She moves around him, behind me.

"I believe she is or maybe you're just jealous and want some instead." He smirks.

"Um no. I don't like people who get drunk like you. Plus I'm here with somebody and so is she."

"I don't see anyone so how about we all have a good time."

"No thank you."

"Lets just go. He killed my mood." She pulls me off the dance floor.

"Wait!" He starts to follow us.

"Ugh. Now what?!" She rolls her eyes annoyed

"I've got this." I tell her. "What?" I cross my arms over my chest.

"Leaving so soon? We were just about to have fun."

"No we weren't having fun....until now..." I trail off, before kicking him where it hurts and he falls to the ground. "Now we're having fun."

"Nice one girl." She laughs. "Next time, get the hint and never bother me again." She yells at him, stepping down on his hand.

"Come on, let's go back to the table."

"Good idea."

"If there are more guys like him, I think going out on the dance floor alone isn't a good idea."

"At this point, I'm done dancing...for now."

"I figured as much."

"I just want to sit with Mike and enjoy my drink..." She says until she sees her cup. "...or maybe not." She laughs. "Miiiike." She fakes a whine.

"I'm on it." He declares.

"He is so good to me."

"You deserve it."

"I really don't, but he seems to think I do too."

"You really do deserve it though."

"I keep hearing that, but I don't see why. I'm sure I will one day."

"You will."

"I hope. I'm just waiting to wake up. This all feels like a dream to me."

"Well it's not. I know it feels like it, but believe me, it's not."

"I sure hopes it's not. I don't want it to ever end."

"I can tell you it'll never end. This is real."

"What's real?" Mike asks since he just got back with her drink.

"...nothing..." She takes her drink and sips at it.

"So finishing up the night here at the table, or..."

"I'm not going out there without you." Stef leans into Mike.

"That's perfectly fine. I don't want you out there alone after what just happened anyway."

"Thanks to Shauna he didn't go farther than he did. I only want you to touch me like that."

"And I will be the only one who touches you like that."

"Good. Doesn't feel right if it's not you."

"I thought so."

"How about after I finish this we can go out there again?"


"You both can go out there and have fun if you want." She says to me and Alex.

"I think he's content with me sitting on his lap for now." I laugh.

"Looks like it." She laughs as Mike pulls her onto his lap as well in favor of being all touchy.

"You can't get enough, can you?" She giggles as he runs his fingers down her arm.


"Of course not."

"All mine." He nips at her ear, causing her to take a deep breath.

"Mhm...all yours." She sighs in content.

"No one can change that either."

"They can't and won't. No matter how hard they try."

"That's right."

"Well...I'm ready to head back out there." She finishes off her last drip then sets her cup on the table.

"After you."

She slides off his lap, taking his hand in hers as he gets up.

"You guys coming?"

"Maybe in a little bit. You two go have fun."

"Alright." She nods. "Don't have to much fun over there." She teases.

"No promises." Alex smirks.

"Oooohhh." She snickers as Mike pulls her to the dance floor.

"You and the no promises of having too much fun."

"What can I say?" He shrugs. "I'm still amazed at what you did. That was totally hot." He kisses along your shoulder.

"Oh you."

"It's true." He mumbles, moving up your neck.

"And there you go..."


"You know what that does to me."

"I sure do." He smirks.

"I don't think that's what I call behaving..."

"Awww." He whines. "I'm only having some fun."

"As long as it doesn't lead to not behaving then it's ok."

"I think I should stop then..."

"Do you really want to though?"

"No, but I'll get in trouble."

"Think you can save it for about a couple more hours?"

"It's going to be hard, but I think I can manage."

"As long as you're sure."

"I not completely sure, but I can try."

"As long as you try."

He responds by pressing a kiss to the back of my neck while his hands wander.

"So I was thinking, maybe I could wear one of those shirts you had made a while back that never got put up for sale on wweshop, to bed tonight. I do love that shirt."

"I actually have it with me. You're more then welcome to wear it, even keep it." He grins.

"They really should've made that as merchandise. Shame on them."

"I know. Hopefully one day they will."

"I was all excited for it to be too."

"You and all the fans. It was very disappointing they never put it out there for people to buy."

"All that work..."

"For nothing." He sighs.

"You should just give them out to people yourself."

"That's not a bad idea. I'll have to get more made up and hand them out before the shows."

"See? I'm smart."

"Yes you are." He kisses my cheek. "I would be so lost without you."

"Oh I don't know about that. You're smart too."

"True, but I never thought of that before."

"Well thanks to me, now you have."

"I have and I love it."


"Ready to head out there?"

"Yeah, I'm ready."

"Alright. You first."

"Have to let me go first...touchy."

"Oops." He chuckles, letting me go.

"Uh huh...oops." I laugh, moving.

All he does it grin.

"Let's go touchy."

"Right behind you."

"And I know what you're thinking back there..."

"You're right too." He smirks.

"Of course I am."

We both head to the dance floor. When we find a spot that was clear on the floor, we resume dancing close like earlier. He takes the time to be all touchy since we are dancing closely. Mike already has taken the time to continue to be touchy since he and Stef were dancing close as well. We all decide to stay out there for a few more songs before we head back to the table to a break.

"So a few more songs before heading back?"

"Sure, but first..." Stef looks at Mike " more please?"

"I think you've had enough." He chuckles.

"Awww." She pouts.

"Don't want you drinking too much."

"But they taste so good."

"I know they do."

"Just one more...pwease?" She pouts more. "I'll let you do whatever you want when we get back..."

"Even though I think I would already be able to. But alright."

"Yayy!!" She cheers, giving him a kiss.

"I shall be right back." He chuckles.

"Alright." She nods as he gets up.

"Another few days off before we're back on the road again. Heyy, your first house show as part of the roster." I point out to her.

"Oh, that's right. My second official show too. Should be exciting."

"It will be. It was for me when it was my second official show."

"I bet. Are the fans more crazy then at Raw or no?"

"It's about the same, I would say. Depends on the city we're in."

"Ah. Either way it is going to be a great time."

"Yes it will be."

"Can't wait for it."

Shortly after, Mike comes back with her drink, sitting back down at the table after handing it to her. He puts his arm around her as she leans back into him while his other hand rests on her knee.

"Mmmm...thank you." She says after taking a sip.

"You're welcome."

"So...a few more songs then we head out?"

"Sounds good."

"This is a really amazing club. QWe should come back next time we're in town."

"We should."

"Good drinks, music, most of the people are cool. It gets mt recommendation."

"That's good."

They talk for a bit more before deciding to head back out to dance more.

"You wanna do a few more songs or head back now?" Alex asks.

"Hmm...I am getting a bit tired." I stifle a yawn.

"I figured. That's expected with all the fun you had."

"Right. Just want to tell them we are leaving."

"Of course. You can go do that." He says, letting me go.

I give him a quick kiss before heading out to where Mike and Stef are.

"Hey, we're heading back now." I tap her shoulder.

" soon." She frowns.

"Yeah, getting a bit tired. I think I had too much fun and tired myself out."

"Alright. We'll see you tomorrow." She moves from Mike giving me a hug.

"See you tomorrow. At some point. If Alex lets me get up tomorrow. I kind of gave him the idea of letting me wear his shirt that never got made into his own merchandise, tonight so..."

"Oooohhh. Get some!" She teases.

"Neeevveerrr." She sings.

"Alright, I'll see you later." I laugh.

"Byee!" She waves as Mike pulls her back over to him.

I look back and laugh before heading over to Alex. "Alright, ready to go."

"Finally. Let's go." He gets up with our things as he grabs my hand, leading me out of the club.

"Not in a rush this time, surprised."

"I am. Just really crowded right now." He makes his way through the crowd. Once we're both out the door, he starts to walk faster. We get to the car and he opens my door for me, and I get in. He shuts the door as I'm putting my seat belt on and then he gets into the driver's side. Once he's ready, he starts to head to the hotel. When we get there, he gets out and opens my door for me again. I thank him and then we head inside. He puts his arm around my waist as we head inside and to the elevators. When the doors open, we both step in and head to our floor. When we reach our floor, he leads me out of the elevator and to the room. Once there, he opens the door and allows me to go in first so he can stare a bit more.

"You're staring..."

"Huh?" He says a bit dazey.

"You're staring." I repeat in amusement.

"I like what I see." He grins.

"Good to know."

"I'll like it even better in my shirt."

"Well I'll be wearing shorts too but probably won't be able to see them depending on how long the shirt will be on me."

"I can deal with that." He grins. "I'll get that for you now." He walks over to his bag, getting the shirt out and walking back over to me.

"Thank you." I take the shirt from him.

"I can see you in that already...perfect."

"Of course you can."

"I shall go put this on now then." I add.

"I would like that very much." He nods eagerly.

I kiss him quick before going over to my things to grab a pair of shorts and then I head into the bathroom to change and such. I clean off all my makeup before putting his shirt on. Once that is done, I put on his shirt and the shorts I picked out. I fix my hair before heading back out to the room to see that he has changed. My eyes look him over since he is only in his boxers. I mumble things to myself before putting my clothes with my bags. As I'm doing that, I hear a thud behind me.

"What was that?"

"...nothing..." Alex mumbles.

"Did you bump into something? Or trip? I know something happened. Thuds just don't come out of nowhere." I say, slightly amused.

"I ran into the bed." He says a bit embarrassed.


"Just a bit."


"Looks even better then I thought." He bites his lip.

"Everything looks better on me than you think it does." I laugh.

"This is true." He grins. "Now come here." He motions me over with his finger.

"I'm coming....eager."

His grin gets bigger the closer I get to him. Once I reach him, he looks me over as his hands wander.

"You just love my ideas, don't you?"

"Mhm..." He nods. "...very much."

"Well we both have distracted each other."

"We always seem to do that." He chuckles.

"Yes we do."


"Oh I'm sure."

"First..." He trails off as his hands move to the back of my thighs, giving me a boost. I squeal in surprise and wrap my arms around his neck. Since I'm so close to him, he starts to kiss up my neck, nipping slightly as he goes while he makes his way to the bed. When he reaches the bed, he leans down to place me on it, but stays hovering above me. His hands rest on my hips for now as he continues to nip at my neck. My hands move from his neck to his hair, gripping lightly at times, because of the nipping he does. He slowly makes his way to the spot on my neck making sure to hover over it now. I groan at the torture of waiting for when he's going to go after it, having only been able to feel his breath on it. He smirks at my reaction and barely moves his tongue over the spot, getting the same reactions. Without warning, he attaches his lips to the spot, kissing and nipping at it. I start to make the noises louder, and I hold him to me, even locking my legs around him to keep him there as I cling to him. My reaction makes him go after the spot even more. He keeps going until he feels that a good sized mark will form. Once he pulls away, he smirks as one is starting to form. Satisfied with what he did, he kisses along my jaw to my lips.

And to get him back for the mark, while his lips are on mine, my hands start to wander now. He starts to tense up when my fingers go over certain places. My fingers find their way to the tattoo on his back and I begin to trace it lightly which makes a slight growl come from him. I smile into the kiss, and continue to trace it, earning more growling. He starts to kiss back more roughly while he starts to move his hands up my sides. He moves them from my sides, one hand moving along my arm and reaching back to grab my hand and then pins that to the bed. He does the same thing with the other arm and hand and now I'm restricted from touching him. I whine softly at not being able to touch him.

" more..." He pulls away breifly.

" fair.."

"...things might happen..."

" what...?"

"...I may lose all control."


" more...for now."

"Awww." I pout.

"Unless you want me to lose control..."

"Well if you do, we may do things that are far too soon to end up doing. I see your point."

"Exactly. For now, I'm keeping these where they are." He squeezes my hands.


"Now...where were we..." He trails off, pressing his lips to mine again.

I grin into the kiss and squeeze his hands since that's about the most I can do. He squeezes back and continues to kiss me back just a rough as I am. The only time we break the kiss is for air, and I can tell my lips are starting to feel bruised.

"...bruised lips?"

"I think so."

"I got to you that much, didn't I?" I giggle.

"Yes, yes you did."


"Uh huh...suure."

"Honestly...I didn't mean to." I act innocent.

"You knew what you were doing." He grins.

"Maybe I did." I smirk.

"You so did."

" I did."

"Knew it."

"I just know what you like, that's all."


"You show it everyday too."


"Alright..." He says after I try to hide a yawn. "...time for sleep."

"Let me go then?"

"Just until you get comfortable." He says as he moves to his spot on the bed.

I shift a bit until I get in a comfortable spot. Once I'm settled, he moves closer to me, putting his arm around me.

"Oh so protective."

"For you...always."

"Of course."

"Nothing is going to happen to you...not ever." He holds me tighter.

"I know."

"Good." He kisses the top of my head.

"So I'm assuming you want to go to sleep now."

" are tired. You keep yawning."


"We'll have all the time in the world tomorrow."

"Very true."

"Right now...sleep." He starts to run his hand through my hair. "You can barely keep your eyes open."

"Well you're contributing to that."

"Because you need it. I know you're fighting it right now."

"I am."

"Don't. I'm not going anywhere."

I nod, shifting to lay on my side and a snuggle closer to him. He keeps his arm securely around me while running his other hand through my hair. I have no choice but to no longer fight the sleepy feeling, as it gets harder and harder the more he helps. Within moments, I'm out. He smiles down at my sleeping form and smiles to himself. He kisses the top of my head then watches me for a bit before going to sleep himself. Meanwhile with Stef and Mike, she was just finishing up dancing to one last song. Once the song ends, they head back to the table to finish up their drinks and rest a bit before leaving. When they get to the table, she goes to sit only to be pulled onto his lap. "Not close enough?" She giggles, leaning back into him.


"I never am, am I?" She asks amused as his hands wander.

"Not really." He chuckles.

"Of course." She laughs. "I'm not going anywhere so you don't have to worry."

"Oh I know. I just love holding you."

"I love when you hold me." She runs her fingers over his arm. "I also love how possessive you are too." She bites her lip.

"Just letting people know that you're mine."

"I am yours and if they can't see that then they're just blind."

"Like Ziggler."

"Yes. I don't think he really cares. He just doesn't know when to stop." She rolls her eyes.

"Even though he has Vickie and all. Which is just disgusting in itself...two years...ugh." He shudders.

"That is just...disturbing." She shudders as well.

"If he thinks he found someone else, he is wrong...dead wrong."

"Someone to have on the side more or less. But still...fat chance for him."

"Exactly." She firmly nods.

"Your side is the only one I will be standing by. He doesn't like it...oh well. I really don't care.

"That's right."

"Well..." She says after finishing her drink. "...I'm all done. We can leave when you're ready."

"I've been ready. Just been waiting for you."

"Oh..." She frowns a bit. "...sorry for making you wait, but we can leave now."

"It's alright. I was enjoying having you sit here." He smirks.

"Of course you were, but I'm going to have to move."

"Oh darn."

"If I wasn't wearing a skirt, I would let you carry me."

"I can carry you once we get to the hotel though."

"I suppose since I have a feeling I have no choice."

"Not really." He chuckles.

"Then how about we get out of here?" She suggests.

"Good idea."

She goes to slide off his lap, but doesn't move since he still has a hold on her. "Uh...gotta let me go babe." She giggles.

"Oh..oops." He grins, letting her go.

"Mister clingy." She shakes her head with a laugh as she gets off his lap. She fixes her skirt a bit as he gets up. Once he's up, he puts his arm around her, holding her close as they head out of the club. They reach the car and he opens her door for her. She thanks him before getting in and then he heads around to the driver's side and gets in. Once he's in and ready, he starts to head to the hotel. It does not take too long to get there and she manages to stay awake by singing along with the radio. He parks the car then gets out and comes over to her side. Like he said at the club, once she's out, he scoops her up in his arms. She wraps her arms around his neck as they head inside.

"Now you don't have to walk."

"Thanks to you, no I don't." She lays her head on his shoulder.

"Your feet were probably too tired from all the dancing anyway."

"They are." She sighs. "I can't wait to get these heels off."

"I bet."

"The sooner I get them off, the better it will be."

"Of course. We'll be there soon."


Since they were already in the elevator, they reach their door and he carries her to the room. He gets the door open with her help, then they head inside where he sits down on the bed with her still on his lap. She sits up a bit then leans down, taking her shoes off.

"Now that feels so much better."

"That's good. You should feel as comfortable as you can."

“I do. Especially in your arms.”

"Good. You should."

"I always have and always will." She gives him a soft kiss.

"Good." She smiles. "Now to just get the energy to change..." She groans.

"Want me to make the process quicker? Pick something out for you?"


"I would be happy to."

"I'm sure you will be." She chuckles.

"Going to have to move you in order to do that though."

"Right." She moves from his lap then plops down on the bed. He moves from the bed and goes over to her bags, looking through to find something for her to wear. He takes his time looking then finds something he likes. Once he has it, he turns around with a smirk on his face.

"Uh found them..." She says since he found her babydoll top with booty shorts.

"Hiding these from me?" He chuckles.

"No..." She looks innocent. "...I was going to let you find them on your own."

"Well I've found them."

"Yes you have." She giggles. "I have a feeling I have to wear them more now, huh?"


"Figured." She chuckles. He walks over to the bed and hands her the clothes.

"Thank you." She kisses him quick as she takes the clothes. "Now, either turn around or change in the bathroom. I don't feel like getting up right now."

"I'll turn around."

"Alright." She laughs.

Once he turns around, she slides on the shorts before taking her skirt off and tossing it so it lands in front of him. She sees him shift, but she tells him to wait a bit longer, making him groan. Next she takes off her top and bra, then slides on the top of the babydoll. To drive him more crazy, she throws the shirt and bra in front of him. He groans again, wanting to turn around.

"Okay..." She giggles. " can turn around now." She grins, sitting on her knees.

He does so and once he sees her, he breaks into a big grin, his eyes never leaving her. "...stunning..." He smirks as he slowly walks over to the bed. He puts his hands on her his pulling her closer to him. He leans down to give her a kiss when she stops him. "Nope." She puts a finger on his lips. "Get dressed first or no fun for you." She smirks.

"Aww." He pouts.

"Or..." She moves her hands up his shirt. "...I could help you..." She starts to unbutton his shirt slowly.

"I think you would enjoy that all too much."

"Mmm...I really would."

"Makes things easier too."

"Exactly." She nods. "You can still be all touchy and get your kiss at the same time."

"I do like the sound of that."

"What are you waiting for then?" She grins. "Shirt is almost done."

"Alright, go for it. Do I get that kiss now?"

"You do." She grins as she gets the last button on his shirt undone. She runs her hands up his chest to his shoulders, helping the shirt slide off. He helps pull it off his arms and he tosses it into the pile of her clothes, before pressing his lips to hers. Her hands rest on his shoulders for now before making their way to the waist of his pants. He tenses a bit as she lightly moves her fingers along the seam, making him kiss back more roughly. She starts to get his pants undone and once they are, they fall to the floor and he steps out of them.

"All done....perfect." She mumbles against his lips.

"Time for fun." He smirks against her lips as he eases them back on the bed more. He makes sure that she's laying against the pillows, so that she's comfortable, before continuing to hover above her. "So beautiful." He looks her over.

She blushes slightly, biting her lip as she runs her hands through his hair.

"Always will be to me." He adds.

"Awww...Mike..." She blushes more.

"Even when you blush."

"Always a charmer."

"Always for you."

She bites her lip as she smiles, not having the words to say.

"Turn any more read and you'll be a tomato." He chuckles. "But a cute tomato." He adds.

"You keep up with the compliments and I will be that red."

"I love complimenting you."

"I can tell. Not that I mind. I love to hear it."

"That makes me even happier."

"Good. You should be happy."

"As should you."

"I am very happy right now."


"I would be happier if you kissed me though." She runs her hands through his hair roughly, letting him know she wants him right now.

"Well there's no need to make you wait any longer then." He grins, pressing his lips back to hers.

She instantly kisses him back eagerly while pulling him down closer to her. He kisses back just as rough as his hands wander up her legs. As his hands move along, they leave behind goosebumps in their place, and since he was moving his hands slowly and lightly, it made her shiver a bit. He chuckles slightly as she shifts under him. She hooks one leg around his as she starts to move one hand from his hair down to his chest. She slowly moves that down his chest, letting her fingers move lightly across his skin. He starts to kiss back more the closer she gets tot he waist of his boxers. She let her fingers lightly move across the top of his boxers before pressing her fingers down once she felt his indent. That makes him tense more and it causes him to nip lightly at her bottom lip. She lets out a soft moan as she presses her finger into his indent one more time. He nips one more time at her bottom lip before going back to kissing her. She rests her hand on his waist for now in favor of kissing him. She waits a bit before pressing her finger one more time, only to have him take her hands and pin them to the bed.

"No more."

"Awww." She pouts. "Ruin my fun."

"If I keep letting you do that, I'll get distracted from the kiss."


"I'm gonna have my fun before letting you go."

"Uh oh..."

"Uh oh's right."

"I'm so in for it..."

"You are."

"Then let me have it." She challenges with a smirk.

"You know what happens when you challenge me."

"I do...all to well."

"I may leave marks, but if I do, I will make them at least coverable. I know we have the show this week."

"Might leave marks?" She chuckles. "You know you're going to." She grins. "You're the GM so you decide if they will be good enough for the shows or not."

"Right. Of course."

"Uh oh...I know that look...that's your 'I don't car' look..."

"You know that look all too well."

"I just know you that well." She pulls him down with her free hand, giving him a hard kiss.

With his free hand, he moves it along her side, moving it lower until he gets to her thigh and when he gets there, he squeezes slightly. She gasps into the kiss as a soft moan follows. She tugs harder on his hair and squeezes his hand since he has her other one pinned. He waits a bit before doing it again, earning the same reaction, but much louder. He smirks into the kiss, making her tug on his hair more, struggling to get her hand free. He pulls away from the kiss to place kisses along her skin. She lets her hand fall to the back of his neck for now just holding him as close as he can get for now while she struggles to get her other hand free.

"Uh uh...the hand is not getting free just yet."

" come?" She whines.

"Not done yet."

She groans at the torture of not being able to touch him fully yet. He moves from her jawline, to her neck, lingering there for a bit before moving to her collarbone, moving along that with lingering kisses as well. She bites down hard on her lip as a few soft noises come from her. She moves her head to the side making it easier for him. He moves from her collarbone, moving up the other side of her neck, getting closer and closer to his favorite spot. She tenses up the closer he gets to it. She grips onto to his shoulder as his breath hits the spot. He hovers over it a bit lightly moving his tongue over it to torture her more. She whines softy at the torture he is causing by making her wait. Like he seems to do lately, he presses his lips to the spot with no warning. Her hold on his shoulder gets tighter while she squeezes down tightly on his hand. The more he nips and sucks at the spot, the more noises that come from her with each one being louder then the last. He smirks against her skin, because that's the reactions he's been waiting for, and them being louder than the last is just a plus for him. He pulls away from the spot, when he knows a mark is beginning to form, and he grins, pleased with himself. He makes his way back to her lips and she pulls him close, kissing him more roughly then before. After a bit, he starts to slow the kiss, but he makes it lingering.

"...hand...please..." She says between kisses.

"Gladly..." He says, slowly letting it go.

"Finally." She sighs letting it move over his skin on the way to his neck.

When he stops the lingering kisses, he leans his forehead against hers

"Satisfied now?" She grins.

"Very satisfied."

"Good." She tries to hide a yawn.

"Did I tire you out?" He chuckles.

"Mhm..." She nods.


"Wouldn't have it any other way though."

"Of course not."

She goes to nod her head, but ends up yawning again not being able to hide it this time.

"I saw that."

"You saw nothing..."

"You yawned."

"Maybe I did...." She yawns again.

"There it is again."

"Darn. Guess it's that time then." She pouts.


"If we must."

"I think we should."

"Alright..." She sighs as he shifts to lay next to her. He pulls her closer to him and she snuggles up to him. He pulls the covers over them both next, before reaching over to turn off the light.

"Night Stef." He kisses the top of her head.

"Night Mike." She mumbles, barely awake. He starts to run his hand through her hair, but she's already out. He looks down at her with a smile on his face as he watches her sleep. he runs his fingers over the mark he left, smirking to himself. He stays up for a bit longer just watching her sleep before he goes to sleep himself.