Status: Active

The Chance of a Lifetime


It's back to the beginning of another week and a busy Monday. Just like always promoting Raw, we all had media. Alex had set an alarm for both of us to get up early since media started like 7am, going until mid-afternoon. Also had to make time for gift shopping for Stef and Mike since today is both their birthdays. Once the alarm goes off, I grumble in my sleep, trying to block the noise out.

"...gotta get up..." Alex grumbles stil lhalf asleep.

"Five more minutes."

"If you promise to get up then."

"Yeah, yeah..." I mumble.He chuckles to himself just laying there, letting me get a bit more sleep. That doesn't last too long when the alarm starts to go off again. "Okay. Time to get up now."

"Alarms are evil."

"I know, but tomorrow we can sleep in as late as you want."


"As much as I don't want to let go, we have media to get to."

"If only it was later media."

"Exactly, but have to promote the show."

"Right. I know."

"Especially since we are both champs now. We have to go."

"Right, right."

"If we get ready now, we'll have enough time to get something to eat on the way."

"Well I really have no choice but to get ready now anyway."


"Help me up?"

"My pleasure." He grins shifting so he is able to scoop me up.

He then gets out of the bed and brings me over to my things. I kiss his cheek and thank him before he sets me down. I go through my bag to get clothes for the day. Once I have those, I head to the bathroom. When I go to close the door, I notice he followed me.

"You can't watch me change you know." I giggle.

"Awwww." He pouts. "It was worth a try."

"You can in time. Just not right now."

"Alright..." He pouts more.

"But...nothing wrong with imagining it. I know it's not the same, but it's close enough."

"You have no idea." He chuckles.

"I think I do a little bit, because I've had my fantasies about you. But you'll never find out about any of them. They're a secret."

"Oh you do now?" He raises a brow. "That's all I need to know. Now I know how to get you." He smirks.

"But how do you know that you can get me, if you don't know what the fantasies have been about exactly? Hmm?"

"If it's like what I think about then I have a pretty good idea."

"Uh huh..sure."

"Like now." He grins since I can't stop looking at him. "I know how I'm dressed is distracting you right now."

"The whole shirtless thing yeah. That distracts me all the time."

"See. I do know how to get you."

"Yes, but that's only one way."

"I'll figure out more of those ways."

"You can try."

"I can and I will."

"We'll see."

"Yes we will."

"Gonna let me get changed now?"

"I suppose."

"Not as good as the real thing, but it'll do..for now."

"No peeking either."


"I know you're gonna want to."

"No denying that."

"But you must resist...for now."

"I'll do my best."

"As long as you do that."

"I will." He chuckles. "Now go before I change my mind."

I just laugh and nod, closing the bathroom door and start getting changed. It doesn't take me too long to change and once I do that, I start to work on my hair and makeup. My hair I save for last, since I wanted to put a few more curls on the ends of it. Once I was done with that, I grabbed everything and put it with my bags, before grabbing my shoes.

"You look amazing..." He grins once he sees me. " the shirt."

"Figured you would."

"I could have so much fun with that."

"You can have fun with the whole outfit."

"I plan on it." He lets his hands wander.

"I can see you now in the car and the radio station....because of the skirt.."

"Most definitely. I love when you wear skirts."

"But at the news station. You're gonna have to control yourself. Can't get away with the touching at the news station."

"That's what the car ride is for." He smirks.

"To get it all out, before it gets built up again."

"Exactly. We wouldn't want that to happen."

"Although I know it's gonna happen anyway."

"It always does."

"Can't be touchy with you though. Because of the suit."

"No, but knowing you, you'll think of something." He chuckles.

"Mmhmm. Wearing that tonight?"


"You should."

"If that's what you want then I'll wear it."

"I'm pretty sure Eve's gonna want a rematch so I'll most likely going to be facing her tonight. Always gotta look your best when you're out there supporting me. And of course that goes the other way when I'm out there supporting you in your matches."

"All true. Although, you always look your best no matter how you're dressed."


"Are you ready to go?"

"Mmhmm. You?"

"I will be..." He pulls me to him, pressing his lips to mine. He gives me a soft kiss as his hands rest on my waist and he makes sure to make the kiss long and lingering.

"Best part of my mornings." I say once he pulls away.

"Mine too." He grins.

I pull from his arms and grab the hoodie I picked out and put that on, because it is October afterall and the mornings are warm, but not too warm since it's getting into Fall.

"I really love that shirt now that I seen the back." He grins with wide eyes.

"Of course you do. More to play with."

"Mhm. Hope you don't plan on wearing that jacket all day because it's coming off when we're indoors."

"Oh don't worry. It's just for when we're outside. Light jacket weather now."

"Right." He nods. "Shall we?" He offers his arm for me to take.

"We shall." I nod, taking it.

He makes sure to take the key with him before we both head out of the room. We then head to the elevators taking that down to the lobby, then out to the car. Once there, he opens my door for me, then goes to the other side. After he's in, we both head off to get something to eat before the long morning of media. During the drive to the first interview of the day, he took full advantage of being able to be touchy, while also making sure to focus on the road as he drives....that is until we come to a red light and he has to stop the car. He glances over at me while still being all touchy.

"You're having way too much with this."

"Yes I am." He grins letting his hand move up my leg.

"Just until you take that jacket off, then I'll have more to touch." He adds.

"Remember, you have to control yourself. We'll be in public."

"Don't worry. No one will see what happens under the table when we're at the radio stations and my arm's gonna be across the back of your chair too. Technically the news stations I have to control myself more."

"That's true. Looks like I'm going have to do my best too sit still."

"Yes you will."

"Oh boy."

"Which is why I'm getting some of it out now. Our first stop is one of the local news stations." He says as the light turns green and he continues along the road, but keeping his one hand on my leg on the spot where he stopped moving it.

I rest my hand on his, intertwining my fingers with his. It does not take too long before we arrive at the news station.

"Don't worry. The jacket will come off before we get mic'd up for the interview." I reassure him.

"How about as soon as we get in the building?"

"Then you can do the honors of helping me take it off."

"Yess." He cheers.

"So we're here now...." I trail off, unbuckling and reaching into the backseat, grabbing our things. "'s your title." I hand it to him.

"Thank you." He smiles, giving me a quick kiss.

"You're welcome."

"Now lets head inside so that jacket can come off."

"Yes, let's go." I laugh.

He quickly gets out of the car as I do, then we both head inside. Just as we walk inside, Alex helps take the jacket off.

"Now that's better." He puts his hand on my back, letting his fingers roam.


"I know...getting it all out for now."

"Alright." I nod.

We both then head to where the interview will take place. He keeps his hand on my back until it's time to get ready. We're seated in the chairs and mics are put on us before the show comes back onto the air. Once the show comes back, we're both introduced. We first thank them for having us on the show this morning, before they start with the expected questions.

"First off, congradulations on winning the title last week." One reporter says to me. "How does it feel to be Divas Champion?"

"Oh it feels amazing. Being almost fairly new in the company and I can finally add this to my achievements."

"That's a big achievement too. You deserve to have it. I for one thought you should have had it months ago."

"Well, the position of power wasn't very good months ago. I have the new GM to thank for putting me in that match last week."

"Right. The Miz. What is it like to work for him now? I mean, we've seen you both outside of the ring and you both look really close."

"Working for him now is much better. He's bringing some changes. As for us outside the ring though, we're just really good friends. Nothing more."

"The shows have been better the past few weeks. I like how he is giving the Divas more airtime and the matches seem to be better. As we can tell now, you are with Alex Riley, but have you and Miz had a past at all? Some people seem to think there was something going on with the two of you."

"No no no, not at all. Before I even got into the WWE, I didn't know him at all, not even on a personal level. I was just a fan, sitting home every night watching the show and showing support."

"So you went from being a fan of his to his friend and now working for him. I'm sure there are a lot of girls out there that would love to be you right now. Not to mention you're with Alex. Do you get any hate because of that?"

"I've gotten a fair amount of choice tweets. But it's expected you know. All the fangirls and everything all jealous."

"Right, right. I would be too. Alex is a lucky man to have you by his side. How do you deal with all of that and do you let it get to you at all?"

"The best way to deal with it is to ignore it, and no we don't let it get to us. We're happy and people should be happy for us. If they can't be, then oh well."

"That's a way to look at it. Now onto the show. It's tonight at the IZOD center in Newark. Tickets are still on sale so call your local box office." He does a quick promotion for the show. "Are either of you planning on defending your titles tonight or is that something you will find out later on?"

"We know nothing at this point. It happens sometimes where we won't know until tonight."

"True. So Alex, who do you think will be the next challenger for your title and who would you like to face for it?"

"There are a lot of guys on the roster that I think deserve a chance. Obviously it looks like Dolph Ziggler is going keep trying to get it back. I wouldn't put it past him to talk The Miz into putting him in a match with me. Title or non-title, just to prove a point."

"He really does want that title back. I talked to him not to long ago and he said he is not going to stop until he gets his title back from you. He said you put that title to shame. What are your thoughts about his comments?"

"I find that funny actually. Obviously he's jealous because I'm much better than him. If anything, he put the title to shame because he's hiding behind a woman."

" that is a good one. He does seem to do that a lot. If I remember correctly, she was the reason he lost the title in the first place. Am I wrong?"

"Well she does have a habit of getting involved, and that distracts the ref, which distracts Dolph, which ends up to him losing focus and losing."

"Looks like she's not that good for him after all, unlike Shauna here, who actually cheers and stays to the side. Everyone should be like that out there."

"I also take care of people who try and get involved in his matches. Vickie being the prime example. She's cost him matches before by distracting him and I don't want that happening anymore."

"Well with all the changes going on, I don't think she'll have the chance to do that anymore. It takes away from the match and makes them unfair at times."

"It really does."

"Well, looks like we're out of time for now. I would like to thank Alex and Shauna for joining us here this morning and be sure to get your tickets so you can see them in action tonight at the IZOD center in Newark." The reporter says before the shows goes to commercial.

We then take the mics of and once again thank them for having us, before we're able to get up and leave. Once that was all done, we went back out to the car and headed to the next interview. Stef and Mike's media day was starting an hour later than ours, so she was allowed to sleep in a little bit. It was about 8:30am and Mike was ready to go, but he just started to wake her up. She grumbles into her pillow, not wanting to get up just yet.

"We got media."

"Ugh." She groans as she rolls on her back. She stretches a bit before sitting up. She glances over at him to see the suit he has on. "I do love how you dress for media."

"Gotta look my best."

"You always do." She shifts to her knees. "Come here." She motions him over with her finger. Once he's close enough, she pulls him by the tie so he is as close as he can get. She then presses her lips to his in a hard kiss. He wraps one arm around her waist to pull her close and to hold her in place. She lets the kiss go on for a bit before pulling away.

"Happy birthday." She smirks after pulling away.

"And a very happy birthday to you too. Shauna told me, so that's how I know."

"She would do that and thank you."

"Just so you know. I have something special for you planned....after the show tonight."

"You don't have to do that." She blushes, biting her lip. "But, I do have something for you too."


"You'll have to wait until later to see what it is. I have a feeling you're going to love it."

"I'm sure I will."

"Hopefully, but now I have to get dressed so we're not late."


"Have to let go first, birthday boy."

"Oops. My bad. I forgot."

"You always do." She chuckles as she moves from the bed. She goes over to my bag and gets clothes out for the day. Once she has those, she heads over to the bathroom. "Your present will be right back." She turns to smirk at him.

"I can't wait." He grins.

She blows him a kiss before heading in and starting to get ready. She starts with her outfit which was a strapless white top with light pink jeans. She moved onto her makeup next before starting to curl her hair. Just as she was getting ready to put her jewelry on, she heard Mike outside the door.

"I'll be right out." She says as she put her earrings on.

"Just a little impatient."

"I can tell." She giggles as she takes one last look at herself before heading out. When she opens the door to walk out, she stops since he was right in front of the door.

"Hi." He smirks.

"Well hello." She laughs.

"So this is my gift?"

"Well..." She bites her lip. "...not the main gift, but one of them."

"I love."

"Now how did I now that? Hmm?"

"Because you know me."

"Yes I do." She grins. "I do love my gift too." She looks him over. "You're the best present ever." she plays with his tie while leaning against the door frame.

"Happy to be your gift." He smirks.

"Not as happy as I am right now, but I know how much you are." She gives him a quick kiss while trying to move around him only to have him stop her.

"Proper good morning kiss before you pass me."

"Oh alright." She chuckles. He grins as he rests his hands on her waist making sure she can't move. her hands run up his shirt then around hi neck as he presses his lips to him. the kiss starts soft at first then once he tastes the apple flavored lip gloss, he starts to make the kiss a bit more rough. She tries to pull away, but he moves his hand to her head, holding her in place.

"...Mike..." She manages to pull away briefly. "" She says between kisses.

"...lip good...."

"I know...more later..."

"..better be..."

"Trust me. There will be. It's your birthday after all."

"And it's yours too."

"I know, but that's not important right now. It's all about you today."

"It's all about both of us."

"If you say so." She sighs, faking a smile. "How about I get my shoes now then we can go?" She changes the subject quickly.

"Yeah, sure."

She moves from his arms then over to her bag to get out her shoes. Once she has those, she sits on the bed to put them on.

"Need any help?"

"You just want to be all touchy." She giggles.


"Then I would love some help."

He grins and walks over to help. He kneels down in front of her and slides her one boot on while letting his hands move up her leg once it's one. After that one is on, he does the same thing to the other side. When they're both on, he runs his hands from her legs to her thighs. She closes her eyes and bites her lip since he stopped at her upper thigh, letting his hands rest there.

"Just a little fun before we leave."

"...I wouldn't...mind that..."

"What do you think I'm doing now?"

"Enjoying your present..."

"Oh yeah."

"No marks though...we have media and the show."

"I know."

Her breath hitches as she bites her lip from him lightly moving his fingers where his hands were resting.

"...killing me..."

"That's the goal."

She groans as she moves her one arm around his neck while using the other to pull on his tie. She pulls him close to her then presses her lips to his in an eager kiss. He smirks against her lips and when he feels necessary, squeezes gently on her thighs. A few soft noises escape her as she kisses him back even harder than before.

"Mmm..." He pulls away. "...don't want bruised lips for the interviews." He chuckles.

"" She leans hear head against his as she tries to catch her breath.

"Gonna have to be able to talk."


"Especially you."

"True. So many questions. Have to be able to answer them."


"I do think we should go..."

"We should." He nods.

"Save it all for later."

"Yes." He smirks.

"Oh boy..." She chuckles. "You've got that look."

"Do I?"

"Yes." She laughs. "Which is why we are leaving..." She reaches over for her black leather jacket she picked out. ""

"Oh darn." He laughs.

"We're going to be late."

"We can't have that."

"No." She slides from the bed. "Are you coming or am I going alone?" She turns around since he did not follow, but was too busy staring.

"Huh? Oh yeah. I'm coming." He snaps out of it.

"Spacey." She snickers as she puts her jacket on.

"Your fault."

"Oops." She giggles.

"Uh huh..suure."

"Trying to make your birthday extra special is all."

"It'll be special for you too. I'll make sure of that."

"It already is special."

"Nothing wrong with it being more special than it already is."

"As long as I have you, nothing else matters."

"I still wanna make it more special."

"I'm sure you will." She smiles softly. "Now let's go before we're late." She adds.

"Now let's go before we're late." She adds.

"You first." He grins.

She shakes her head as she turns around to open the door. She knows he's staring since she can feel his eyes on her. Once he joins her in the hall, he links his fingers with hers as they head to the elevators then to the lobby. Once in the lobby, they step out of the elevator and head towards the doors to head out to the car. When they reach the car, he opens her door for her. She thanks him as she gets in, then he heads over to the other side. After he gets in, he starts to head to the first interview.

"Your first day doing media."

"I know. I'm excited and nervous at the same time."

"You'll do just fine."

"I hope. I'll have you there so that'll help me too."


"Should be interesting. I've already seen talk about me on the internet." She shakes her head. "Some good, some not so good." She sighs.

"Don't believe any of the not so good stuff. It happens to all of us."

"Oh I know. It was just that everyone believed what Eve was saying on my first night."

"Everyone as in her fans. Fans will agree with their favorite."

"Yeah..." She chews her lip. "...just something I have to get used to I guess." She shrugs.

"I wouldn't worry about it. Everyone has their haters."

"True..." She sighs as she stares out the window.

He reaches over then grabs her hand, lightly making circles with his thumb on the back of it/

"It's nothing to worry about."

"I know, I just don't take well to hate. I'm very self-conscience."

"I'll be here to help you through it all."

"Good." She smiles. "I'm going to need your help."

"I'll be there every step of the way."

"You don't know how much that means to me." She tears up.

"I have a pretty good idea."

"You're the best." She squeezes his hand.

"Only for you."

"Awww." She blushes.

"And that's the truth."

"You're gonna make me cry with how sweet you are." She fans her eyes to stop any tears from falling.

"I'll be nothing but sweet to you."

"Okay...I think I'm gonna cry now."

"And I'll be here to wipe those tears away."

"Mike..." She bites her lip as she wipes a tear. "...there are not enough words to describe how happy you just made me."

"Seeing you happy, makes me happy."

"Well, you're going to be really happy because that's how you make me all the time."

"I'm glad."

He brings her hand to his lips, kissing the back of it. He keeps driving until they reach the first stop of the morning. The first stop was a local radio station. They both get out of the car and lace their fingers together once Mike walks around to her side, and then they head inside. After making their way inside, they're direction to where the interview would be. They wait for a bit since they were not quite ready yet. So she decided to take off the jacket she was wearing since it was really warm in the building.

"You know I'm gonna have to resist right?"

"I know." She smirks. "You can touch if you can behave."

"I'll try."

"As long as you try." She leans into his side for support. He takes that chance to let his hands wander over the skin he can reach until it's time for them to head in. Once they're set, they head in and take seats at the table, sitting across from the radio hosts. They put on the headsets that they're given to them as Mike sets his title on the table that was there. After a brief introduction to the radio show, they both get introduced.

"Thank you. It's a pleasure to be here." Mike thanks them.

"Tell us who you have with you here, for the listeners at home or at work, wherever they are."

"This here is our newest Diva. If you saw the show this past Monday then you seen her debut. Her name is Sage."

"And the reason why she's here with me is because I'm helping her, I'm a mentor if you wish to call it that."

"Like a manager?"

"Yes." She nods. "That's exactly what he is."

"What can I say. Everyone looks up to me. So why wouldn't I be a manager?"

"True, true." The host nods.

"He's been a pretty good manager so far." Stef smiles.

"Yes, yes I have."

"So, tell us. What are your plans for Raw now that you're the GM?"

"Total and complete change. A major turn around from what it used to be."

"How so? Longer matches? More airtime for the Divas like past weeks?"

"All of the above. And if something happens in a match that results to the end of it and I don't like it. Bam..instant restart."

"Now that's something we all would love to see. What are your plans for the newest diva here?"

"Well I've been hearing that tons of Divas wanna be the first feud with her. I'm thinking each week we put her up against a different Diva on the roster. I'll closely evaluate the matches and I'll pick who her feud will be with."

"What about Eve? She has some things to say about Sage after she debuted. Any chance we will see a feud with them?"

"Once Eve's current feud is over with, we'll see."

"I'm sure Sage can't wait to get a chance with her in the ring."

"Damn right I can't wait. What she said was uncalled for." Stef scoffs.

"She is the one to just cast judgement on people she doesn't even know." Mike nods in agreement.

"That's why not many people like her." Stef mumbles.

"Now that I think about it. I can't tolerate that kind of judgement. Especially when it's towards someone new." Mike says, clearly starting to get an idea.

"Uh oh. Looks like Eve has some trouble coming her way." The host comments. "Everyone be sure to watch the show or get your tickets at the box office for Raw tonight at the IZOD center here in Newark to see what will happen." He does a quick promo for the show tonight.

"About your belt. When you think you'll be defending it?" He asks Mike.

"First of all, it's not a belt. It's a title. There's a difference. This you can't buy at any store, not the real thing anyway. Belts you can buy anywhere."

Stef can't help but to snicker since that was not the first time that's happened.

"Right. My fault. Let me rephrase. When do you think you'll be defending your title?" He corrects himself.

"Well I can choose whenever I want to defend it. But I'm just waiting for someone to come up and challenge me. So far no one has. I think it's because of my new found power over everyone."

"They probably think if they challenge you then something will happen. If someone did come up to you, would you accept the challenge no matter who it might be?"

"Well of course. So I can prove everyone wrong again and again and again. I never get tired of it."

"You seem to be doing a good job of that so far. Look how far you have come. You went from reality TV star to Tough Enough to WWE champion and now the Raw GM. I think you're doing really well with yourself now."

"I think the word you're looking for is awesome. And it's only a matter of time before WWE asks me to do a movie too."

"Now that is something a lot of us would like to see." I comment with a grin.

"I'm sure that would boost your career to a higher level then it is now. That would be awesome for you."

"Yes, yes it would be."

"If you were to be in a movie, what do you see yourself doing? Like what kind of movie?"

"Well I'm an athlete, I'm a powerful guy. I definitely want a movie that's a challenge. I want to do all of my own stunts. Action movie more or less."

"Right, right. You're tough. You can do your own stunts." The host comments. "We're here with WWE champion The Miz and the lovely new diva Sage. They are in town for the show tonight at the IZOD center. Be sure to get your tickets now. There are still plenty left." He does another promo for the show.

"So tell us, anyone in your life right now?"

"Actually there is." Mike grins as he squeezes her thigh under the table.

"Can you tell us who the lucky girl is?"

"Not at the moment, but she knows who she is."

"Well she's very lucky."

"That she is." He grins bigger. "You'll find out who she is in due time."

"We'll be waiting for that day."

"I'm sure everyone will be waiting for that day. I know I can't wait to tell everyone who she is."

"Of course. Before we end the show we'd like to get a few things from Sage, being the new Diva and all. So first of all, what was it like debuting last week?"

"It was amazing. I have been working so hard to get to where I am and knowing it all paid off feels great. When I stepped out in front of the crowd all I felt was electricity. There really aren't words to describe how it felt other than just amazing, or as my manager would say...awesome."

"She's learning already." Mike chuckles.

"It seems that way. She just started and you're already rubbing off on her." The host chuckles as well.

"What can I say? I'm good like that."

"Of course. The best there is." She agrees.

"And one more thing before we go. What do you look to achieve in your career?"

"Well, like anyone, I want to be divas champion. Since I just got here, I know that will take some time to achieve. Right now, I just want all the divas out there to know that I plan on making things a lot tougher on them. No more 2-3 minute matches. I want to be one of the greats just like Lita and Mickie. So in time, I want to be one of the toughest, best divas out there and have the title around my waist."

"Speaking like a true champion already."

"That's because I already am." She smirks with confidence.

"So much confidence too."

"That's something you have to possess if you want to make it in this company. I was just born with it."

"Just like myself." Mike adds.

"Seems like you are both perfect for each other. Any chance we might see you both as a couple in the future?"

"Only time will tell."

"I sense a secret here, but I'll leave that as a surprise for whatever you both decide or what happens on the show."

"As you should."

"Well, that's all the time we have. I would like to thank The Miz and Sage for going us this morning and don't forget to get your tickets for tonight's show."

"No, thank you." Mike comments before he show goes off the air.

Once the show goes off air, they thank them for being there again. After they take off their headsets, they take a few pictures and sign a few things before they get ready to leave for the next interview.

"You did great for your first interview."

"Why thank you. I was really nervous, but I did my best."

"You did just fine. I do love that confidence you have." He smirks.

"That's just me and now I can actually show it. This is the real me and I'm going to show it every chance I get."

"Well you have no idea how much I really love it."

"I have a feeling I know how much."


"How many more of these do we have this morning?"

"We're going until about noontime."

"Ugh, so a few more hours?" She groans, leaning her head on his arm as they walk.


"As long as I'm with you then I don't mind at all. It's actually exciting."

"And not to mention your goofy side comes out in these things." You add.

"It does. Have to make them fun. I'm not all The Miz all the time."

"No, and some people don't get to see that."

"Unfortunately they think I'm like my character all the time. It really surprises them when I act different."

"Didn't surprise me, because I already knew." She grins.

"Did you now?"

"Mhm." She nods. "Every interview that was on video, I saw everything."

"Of course you did." He grins, putting his arm over her shoulder and kisses the top of her head.

Then they start to head out of the building and to the car. Once at the car, he opens her door for her as she gets in. He then goes over to the other side and gets in before driving to the next interview.

"We're gonna be on TV for this next interview."

"A news station?"


"Should be fun, but I think I'll leave the jacket on this time."

"That's alright." He nods.

"Also, you can't be all touchy like the last interview. This way it's less tempting for you."

"True. You are very tempting right now."

"When am I not?" She smirks.

"Very true."

"Same goes for you too. You're always tempting to me." She bites her lip.

"Mhm." She blushes. "You have no idea." She mutters lowly.

"Good to know."

He starts to move his hand up her leg since that's all he can do right now. She shifts in her seat when his fingers go over a few sensitive spots. At one point, she has to stop his hand when he gets a bit too high. He takes that chance to squeeze gently on her thigh. "...killing me again..." She bites her lip.

"Getting it all out before I can't do anything..."

"'re making it so hard for me right now."

"Oh trust me...I know."

"The things you do to me."

"You love it."

"I do..."

"And oh look...a red light." He smirks as the car comes to a stop.

"Oh boy...going to torture me even more now."

"As much as I can."

He starts to move his fingers a bit and she lets go of his hand. He glances from her to the light as he lets his hand wander everywhere he can reach, making her squirm in her seat. He then leans over and presses a light kiss to her neck for now. She rests her head against the back of the seat, biting down on her lip to contain any noises that might escape. He glances at the light and at that last second, it turns green. He pulls from her neck to focus his eyes on the road to drive, but his hand stays where it is. She tries to calm herself down, but it's not working that well. She decided to rest her head on the head rest and just watch him as he drives. The rest of the interviews up until noontime were basically the same questions we've all been getting. It finally came to noontime and we all could relax until having to be at the arena.

" what do you want to do?" She asks Mike with a smirk as they get to their room.

"Hmm, well what do you want to do?"

"Something I've been wanting to do all morning." She grabs his tie, pulling him to her before she presses her lips to his in an eager kiss. He chuckles against your lips and happily kisses back just as eagerly. Her one hand moves around his neck so she's able to hold him in place. He moves his hands so they're resting on her hips for now. she keeps the kiss going or a while not being done just yet. His hands then move up her sides before moving to her hair and running his fingers through it. She sighs into the kiss then starts to slow it down until he starts to walk, making her walk backwards. Once her legs brush against the bed, she falls back on it making sure to bring him with her without breaking the kiss. That's when she start to eagerly remove his jacket. He moves his hands down her sides so he is able to pull his arms through the jacket sleeves. Once that's off, she tosses it to the side, not caring where it lands. The next thing she works on is his tie, fumbling with it as the kiss continues. After finally getting that off, it goes with his jacket as she starts to work on the buttons of his shirt. She has more trouble with that since he was starting to get way more distracting in the kiss. It starts to get more difficult when he starts to move his hands down her sides, to her thighs where he squeezes down on them. She makes a few noises into the kiss then after a bit of trying, she finally gets his shirt undone. He helps her pull that off and again, she tosses that over with the jacket and tie. Her hands then wander over the exposed skin of his. He starts to move them up to the pillows only breaking the kiss for air. He then starts to trail kisses across her jawline down to her ear. Her nails start to dig into his back as he gently nips and sucks on that. After getting a few noises from her, he then moves down to her neck.

She moves her hands so that they're flat on his back and she holds him close as he can be to her. He smirks as he slowly nips down her neck. A few noises come from her, but they're not loud enough for him just yet. The closer he gets to his favorite spot the more she shifts under him. When he reaches the spot, he hovers over it letting his breath hit it for now.


"Having my fun." He smirks.

"You're taking too long..."

"I'm just enjoying my present."

"And I'm still going crazy..."

"Patience." He chuckles as he lightly kisses around the spot.

“Have none...” She moans softly.

"...I know." He smirks.

She groans at the torture while pulling him down even closer to her as she hooks her legs around his.

"No more waiting...please...."

He chuckles against her skin as he squeezes on her thighs once again. She arches her back into him then without warning, he presses his lips to the spot. Her hold around his neck tightens as she bites down on her lip hard to contain any noises that are about to come. He knows she's holding back, so even though he knows he can't leave any marks, he does keep kissing the spot. The more he does that, the more it gets harder for her to keep the noises from coming. Finally she gets them out and they are loud and clear to him since she was not able to muffle them. He grins as he hears them and he starts to move away from the spot, back across her jawline, and back to her lips to finish. She pulls him down in an eager kiss as her hands run through his hair. He goes on for a bit longer, before starting to pull away, leaving lingering kisses in place, until he leans his forehead against hers with a smile on his face.

"...that was worth...the wait..." She smiles, trying to catch her breath.

"I would hope so."

"It much torture this morning."

"It really was."

"It was so hard not being able to touch or even kiss you at all."

"It was just as hard for me, trust me."

"I know the outfit didn't help either." She chuckles.

" it didn't."

"Now we can do anything we want, as much as we want, for how ever long we want."

"Yes, yes we can."

"I have a feeling this day is going to fly by."

"Quite possibly."

"Oh boy." She giggles. "Well, let's go birthday boy." She smirks.

"Oh it's on."

"Bring it." She challenges with a smirk.

"Just let me go change out of these pants first..."

"Awww." She pouts.

"Let me help you with them..."

"If you insist..."

"Yayy." She cheers since he does not have to move. She moves her arms from around his neck then slowly over his shoulders as she takes her time down his chest. She feels him tense up as she gets to the waist of his pants. She starts to get the button undone while getting her fingers lightly touching his skin. A muffled growl sound comes from him just as she gets them undone and starts to pull them down.

"I think I'll let you choose what I put on in place of these." He says as he steps out of them after they hit the floor.

"How about..." She pretends to think. "...what you're wearing now?" She bites her lip.

"You do seem to be liking that..."

"I do." She nods, her eyes never leaving him. "Very much."

"Well I do aim to okay."

She grins happily as he lays on the bed next to her, draping his arm over her stomach, just letting his fingers lightly move under her shirt.

"You want to know something? I'm happy you came into my life." He smiles.

"Really?" She blushes. "I'm not even that special."

"You keep saying that, and I keep reminding you that you are me anyway."

"Awww." She blushes. "That's the reason I'm so happy I met you. You're nothing but sweet to me. You let me be myself and have no problem with it."

"Everyone deserves to be themselves and shouldn't change for anyone. I would never ask you to change who you are, I'm happy with who you really are."

"That means so much to have no idea." She sighs in content as she snuggles into him. "I'm just happy I can show you the real me and not someone who I'm not."

"I'll always treat you the way you should be. Always."

"You're officially the person person ever. I've never been so happy as I am right now."

"Good. You should be."

"Best few months ever." She says lowly.

"Your life will be better than ever before. I'll make sure of that."

"That's what you keep telling me and it gets better everyday I wake up next to you." She kisses him quick.

"I will continue to keep telling you. Each and every day."

"You're too sweet." She blushes. "This all feels like a dream that's too good to be true."

"I know. But I assure you, this is not a dream, this is reality."

"Good because I would never want to wake upp if this was a dream."

"Of course."

She moves closer to him, hooking her arm around the one he has on her stomach. She turns her head so she's facing him and lays there just enjoying the moment as i it really was a dream. She holds onto him tightly while breathing in his scent.

"You wake up every day and I'm here. That's not gonna change."

"I pray every night it doesn't happen."

"It never will. Trust me."

"I do trust you."


"I always will."

"That makes me happy."

"It should. I don't trust many people. You're one of the lucky ones."

"Lucky indeed."

"Mhm." She nods as she relaxes into him. "How about we stay just like this until we have to leave?"

"That's a great idea."

"I'm full of great ideas."

"Yes you are."

"And...since it's your can be as touchy as you want and I won't stop you."

"Like anything's stopped you from stopping me before." He chuckles.

"True, but you get to have your fun now. No matter how much it tortures me."

"I plan on it."

"Go or it." She smirk.

"Oh I will. I'm just going to take my time. Makes the torture even greater."

"I'm so going to get you back for this later too."

"Oh, I know."

"Of course." She bites her lip as he slowly starts to move his hand up her shirt more letting his fingers lightly move over her skin.

"Looking forward to it."


"I'm being distracting aren't I?" He grins.

"Very." She nods slowly.

"I thought so. That means my goal is getting accomplished...again."

"Always is." She bites her lip.

"I feel goosebumps forming where my fingers move across."

"You keep finding more spots..."

"...and it's fun." He adds.

"...for you..." She shifts under his touch.

"I know you enjoy it though."

"Mmmm...I do." She moans softly.

"That just proves even more that you do."

"...can't help it..." Her breath hitches as he nips at her ear. " do me..."

"Good to know."

"Hope you're...having fun..."

"I am. Best gift ever."

"Good. It's all yours too."

"As you keep telling me."

"Just letting you know."

"I know. Nothing wrong with getting reminded. I like hearing it."

"Of course you do." She bites her lip again as his hands start to move from her stomach to the waist of her pants. He runs his fingers lightly back and forth along the waist of her paints, giving her even more goosebumps. Her hold on his arm gets tighter as she shifts a bit with a few noises coming from her. He just chuckles and kisses her neck once lightly. She closes her eyes and just tries to relax into his touches while enjoying the moment, wanting to make it last. The teasing touches after a while turn into soothing touches. She starts to relax the more soothing he makes the touches. As much as she tries to fight it, a yawn escapes her. She shakes her head trying to stay awake since she doesn't want to go to sleep.

"If I make you sleepy, you don't have to fight it."

"I don't wanna sleep." She whines.

"You yawned."

"Nu uh."

"You sleep, I promise to be here when you wake up."


"I'm not going anywhere...promise."

"I trust you." She holds onto him tight.

He grins and kisses her head before wrapping his arms around her and holding her closer. She relaxes more having his arms tightly around her. It keeps getting harder for her to keep her eyes open, but she keeps fighting it. He sees her trying to fight sleep so he starts to run his hand through her hair. It takes a bit, but that starts to work like always. Not too soon after he started that, she fell asleep. Once he notices she's asleep, he kisses the top of her head then looks down at her with a smile. He holds her close to him as he lays there just watching her sleep.

Alex and I in the meantime have just gotten back to our room after coming back from what was a long lunch. After walking in, I take my shoes off and put them back with my stuff.

"That was a long day." I sigh as I fall back on the bed. "Feels so much better to get those shoes off too." I add.

"I bet." He chuckles. "I can help with any soreness you have if you want." Alex offers as he sits next to you after taking his shoes and jacket off.

"If I need any relief, I'll let you know. Doesn't feel as bad right now."

"Aright." He turns to face me. He props himself up on his elbow, allowing his other hand to lay over my stomach as he moves me closer to him.

"Not close enough?"


"I never seem to be close enough." I chuckle.

"If you're not in my arms then you to far away."


"I can't stand when I'm not holding you. That's torture enough for me." He holds me close and tightly.

"Like how you couldn't really all that much today."

"Exactly. Today was pure torture."

"Poor you."

"Yes." He chuckles. "Poor me, but now I have you all to myself."

"For the rest of the day, through tonight."

"Mhm. All mine."

"And no one is going to change that."

"Damn right. I got you first and with me is where you're going to stay."


"Now...I think you know what I want..." He smirks.

"Do I now?"

"Yes you do." He moves his fingers up my side leaving light kisses on my shoulder as he makes his way to my neck.

"Hmm, wouldn't it be better if..." I trail off, shifting to lay on my side so I'm facing him. "....your hand was here?" I continue, taking his hand and placing it on my back where he was so distracted by earlier today.

"Mmm...that's much better." He grins letting his fingers wander over all the exposed skin.

"I thought so."

"I really do love this shirt."

"I can tell."

"So much to touch."

"Yes, I know." I laugh.

"Going to have fun with this." He smirks.

"Kind of figured you would."

"I've been waiting all day to do this."

"And what's stopping you now?"

"Nothing at all." He grins, letting his fingers slip in between the slits in the back of my shirt. He makes the touches light and lingering for now just enjoying the torture he is causing.

At one point it does cause a shiver to move down my spine and of course that makes me shiver a bit. He chuckles at my reaction since that was what he was going for. He keeps that up for a bit longer before pressing a bit harder making them more soothing then lingering.

"Do that any more and I may end up falling asleep."

"We got time before we have to leave so if you want to, go ahead."

"I thought you wanted to be distracting because you couldn't be this morning."

"I can do that until you fall asleep or I can just keep you up."

"Knowing you, you would keep me up." I laugh.

"You're right." He grins. "I would and I'm going to." He smirks. He moves some hair from my face, then presses his lips to mine in an eager kiss since he has been waiting all morning to do that. He continues to touch the skin of my back through the slits on the back of my shirt, while his other hand that moved the hair from my face, stays resting on my face. I kiss back just as eager, letting one hand rest on his chest while the other wraps around his neck. I then begin unconsciously playing with the button of his shirt and that ends up coming loose. He starts to kiss a bit more roughly still keeping his hands on my back. Just so that it would be easier for him to keep his hands there, we shift while not breaking the kiss and I end up laying on top of him. This gives him the chance to use both his hands and he does so with one going down my side to the bottom of my shirt while the other still plays with the slits. He makes it hard for me, but I manage to get his shirt fully unbuttoned.

"...much better..." I mumble against his lips.

"...glad your happy..." He mumbles while letting his fingers play with the bottom of my shirt before slipping them slightly underneath it.

"But my shirt....stays on..."

"I know...just having fun..."

"And so am I." I say as my hands move down his sides, finding his indents since I'm covering his abs at the moment, and they're not accessible to me.

The farther I move down, the more tense he gets. Once I get close enough, a slight growl comes from him. I smirk against his lips and keep my hands where they are, keeping him wondering if I'm going to move them right to the indents or not.

"...Shauna..." He groans at the torture. "...killing me..."

"I just know how to get to you."

"You do." He groans. "Like I know how to get you." He moves his hand down squeezing down on my butt.

"Well, you haven't done that before...."

"Something new. Gotta keep you on your toes."

"Just like I've gotta keep you on your toes as well."


"Have to be prepared as much as you can at all times..." I trail off before pressing my fingers into one indent for now. He tenses up more this time and the growl that comes form him is much louder.

"Wasn't prepared for that were you?" I smirk.

"" He shakes his head slowly.


"I'll get you back." He grins squeezing my butt more harder this time. I give him a quick, yet hard kiss in response. "And I can retaliate." I press the fingers of my other hand into the other indent. An even louder growl comes from him this time as he squeezes even harder on my butt. Since that one was not expected, I squeak in surprise. I then retaliate once more, this time holding the hard kiss against his lips as I press fingers into both of his indents, all happening at the same time, which is sure to drive him absolutely crazy. His hold on me gets tighter as he rolls us both over so he is hovering over me now. He takes my hands and pins them above my head against the mattress.

"Oh no fair. I was having fun."

"I could tell, but things might happen if you keep that up."

" bad."

"You're so going to get it." He starts to nip at my bottom lip.

"Too late to apologize?" I ask after he lets my lip go.

"I do believe so." He chuckles.

"Oh darn."

"Now it's my turn." He smirks as he brushes his lips over mine.

I kiss back just as eagerly as he was kissing me, and even though I know he's not letting go just yet, I still struggle to get my hands free. He squeezes down on my hands as he starts to make the kiss more intense. He keeps that going for awhile before pulling away to kiss across my jawline making his way to my ear. He starts to lightly nip at my earlobe a bit, just waiting for a reaction. First I move my head to the side, my eyes instinctively closing. I bite my lip to keep any noises quiet and I squeeze his hands. Since he knows I'm holding back, he goes from nipping to sucking on your ear. I shake my head slightly, still intent on keeping the sounds held back. He then decides to move from my ear to your neck, knowing that once he hits his favorite spot the noises would come out. He slowly nips and sucks as he makes his way to the spot, letting his kisses linger for now. I squeeze his hands tighter as he closes in on the spot, getting closer and closer to it. And then like always, he presses his lips to the spot with no warning and it works because I arch up into him and the sound that comes from me is not quiet at all. He smirks against my skin as he keeps going until a small mark starts to form. When he feels one is forming he pulls away with a smirk on his face. He then moves back to my lips and lets my hands go. My arms instantly wrap around him, and my hands rest on his back, under his shirt since he has yet to remove it. I hold him as close as he can get, kissing him way more intense from before because he caused it. He kisses back just as rough and eager as I am while resting his hands on my hips for now.

After a while, much to his protest, I start to slow the kiss down, lingering the more I being to stop it.

"...awww..." He pouts.

"Don't want to go too crazy."

"True, but I wasn't done."

"You could've stopped me from stopping the kiss...."

"I did, but you weren't letting me." He pouts with puppy eyes.

"Well I did need air afterall."


"Now that you got some..." He trails off with that look in his eye.

"...I suppose you can finish." I finish for him.

He cheers with excitement as he presses his lips to mine once again. This time he keeps the kiss going for a bit longer, only pulling away when he is finished.

"Happy now?"

"Very." He nods with a big grin on his face.

"Good. I like when you're happy."

"I'm always happy when I'm with you. I just love kissing you."

"It's addicting, I know."

"Yes you are."

"So are you."

"I know I am." He smirks.

"Of course you would know."

"Yes, yes I would."

"But just think. If I do end up having a match tonight, that means ring gear, which means more being always."

"You know how much I love when you wear your gear." He grins.


"Let's hope I have a match tonight so we'll both be happy."

"Or match together...." I grin.

"Now that I would love."

"I know you would. But we'll see what Mike has when we get there tonight."


"Knowing Eve though, she'll probably want that rematch of hers."

"She might, but don't you think she'll be in trouble for what she said last week?"

"Yeah I think so. Mike will come up with something really good then. I know it." I grin evilly.

Just as I say that, my phone goes off. I look at it and see it's a text from Mike saying he wants to talk to me before the show.

"Speaking of. He wants to talk to me before the show."

"Hmm...wonder what that could be?" He chuckles.

"Yes, I wonder what." I laugh.

"She is not going to like it, that's for sure."

"Nope. Not at all."

"Well, I can't wait to find out what it's going to be."

"Of course." I say trying to hide a yawn.

"Uh oh. Looks like someone is tired."

"Maybe just a little."

"You should get some sleep. We've got time before we have to leave."

"I think you have to move first..."

"How about..." He rolls us both over so I'm laying on his chest. "...we lay like this?"

"That's better."

"Figured it would be." He grins as he starts to run his hand up and down my back.

"Always the perfect pillow."

"Just for you." He kisses the top of my head.

"Like always."

"Of course. Now...sleep."

I nod and kiss him quick before snuggling into him. He keeps moving his hand up and down my back helping to relax me more. It doesn't take long before I do end up falling asleep. And he knows it when he feels that my breathing has changed. He smiles down at me and decides to lay there and watch me sleep until it's time to leave. It felt like just as soon as I fell asleep, I was being woken up. I mumble, not wanting to move. He chuckles as he tries to gently wake me up. "We have to get ready." He softly says as he runs his fingers through my hair.


"Mhm. You were out for a few hours."

"It feels like I had just gotten to sleep, didn't feel like I was out for that long."

"You must have really been tired then. Maybe tonight we'll get you to bed early."


"We'll also rest as much as we can during the show too."


"How about we get ready for that now?"

"Good idea."

He slowly lets me go so we're both able to get up and get ready. The most that I do is just straighten out my clothes since I wasn't changing out of them. I put my shoes back on before heading into the bathroom to fix my hair and touch up my makeup. While I was doing that, Alex was fixing his clothes as well. It doesn't take me too long to do all that and when I'm finished, I walked back out into the room.

"So glad you decided to keep wearing that." He smirks.

"I know how much you love it so I decided to keep it on just for you."

"Just like I decided to keep the suit on for you."

"I do love when you wear suits. Not as much as jeans and your jerseys, but this is a very close second."

"Well I do have a jersey packed just in case....always."

"Of course you do." I chuckle. "Anything to distract me more."

"It's fun."

"For you, but I will always get you back for it."

"Oh I know."

"Like you said, it's fun." You smirk.

"For you."

"Yes, yes it is."

"But I think we should get going now, seeing as Mike needs to talk to me before the show starts."

"Right." He nods. "After you."

"As always." I grin as I grab my bag.

"I just love the view." He grins as he grabs his bag as well.

"Of course you do."

"Gets better every time."

"Only you would think so."

"Gets better every time."

"Only you would think so."

"That's right."

"Don't get too distracted now." I laugh as I open the door for us to leave.

"I'll do my best." He chuckles as he follows me out. I reach back and grab his hand as we head for the elevators. We step into the elevator and head down to the lobby. Once there, we make our way out to the car. We both put our things in the back before getting in and heading to the arena. Stef in the meantime has just started to wake up, Mike's arms still around her, and he hasn't moved, just like he said. She shifts a bit, not wanting to get up right now, but she slightly opens her eyes to look up at him.

"Told you I wasn't going anywhere." He grins.

"You did and I' m glad you're still here."

"Always will be, just like I Said."

"Good." She smiles. "Like I said, I trust you."

"I know."

She sighs in content as she snuggles into him more. "So comfy."

"I do hate to say this but we do have to get up and get ready to go."

"Nooooo." She whines, burying her face into his chest.

"I know, I know. But you're gonna want to hear what I have planned for Eve's punishment tonight for what she said about you last week. I texted Shauna and told her that I wanted to talk to her before the show. I think you'll like my plan when I discuss it with both of you."

"Oh?" She looks up at him. "Do I get to hear it now or do I have to wait?" She looks through her eyelashes, giving him her best puppy dog eyes.

"I can give you a hint at least. It involves you two and Eve."

"I do like the sound of that." She grins evilly. "Do I get revenge for last week?"


"That's almost worth getting up for."

"I would hope so."

"I still don't want to get up." She groans. "I like where I am."

"I know you do."

"Wish we could stay here all day." She sighs. "But, I guess I should go get ready."

"We both should."

"You definitely. You're to distracting right now."


"Part of the reason I don't want to get up right now." She moves her nails over the skin on his chest.

"Of course." He chuckles.

"I'll get to see it later so..." She moves her hand up his chest to his face. "...I'll get ready now." She pulls him down giving him a passionate kiss, pulling away and moving from the bed before he has time to respond.

"Oh you're evil."

"You love it." She giggles as she gets her makeup from her bag.

"I do."

"Which is the reason I do it." She grins. "Plus that was payback for earlier."

"I figured."

"It's our day so we can get away with it."

"Yes, yes we can."

"We can continue as soon as I get back out, but only if you're ready." She smirks as she heads into the bathroom. Once there, she touches up her makeup and fixes her hair a bit. She makes sure her clothes look good before heading back out into the room.


"And all I did was touch everything up."

"It's the little things that amaze me the most."

"Mike..." She bites her lip, blushing slightly. "'s only hair and makeup."

"I still love it."

"The reason I do it all...just for you."

"I love that you do."

"Aren't you just a charmer today."

"Always am."

"That's why you're the best." She smiles.

"Yes, I know."

"You have no idea how much that attitude turns me on." She bites her lip.

"Well, I think I know now."

"I regret nothing either." She smirks.

"You shouldn't."

"Good, 'cause I don't." She chuckles, biting her lip as she looks him over in his suit. "So hot." She mutters to herself.

"I know what you're thinking."

"Do you?"

"I do."

"Enlighten me then. What am I thinking about?"

"Me obviously."

"Hmm..." She pretends to think. " sure about that?"

"Who else would be thinking of? You're looking at me, with that look..."

" got me." She giggles.

"I'm always right."

"Seems so."

"One kiss before we go?"

"I would never pass that up."

"Well, come here then."

"I'm coming." She laughs.

"Not fast enough."

"Really?" She teases, slowing down.


"Relax...I'm going as fast as I can." She laughs.

"Really?" He gives her a look.



"Really." She laughs just arms length away from him.


"How much closer do you want me to get?"

"Hmm..." He trails off, before reaching out and grabbing her, pulling her against him.

"Better now?"

"Much better."

"Good. As long as you're happy that's all that matters." She runs her hands up his chest to his shoulders then around his neck.

"I'm always happy when I'm with you."

"Mike..." She blushes, trying to hide her face in his chest.

"Uh hiding."

"I'm probably so red right now."

"But it's cute."

"Only you would think that."

"Yes I would."

"Of course."

"But I think you owe me a kiss right now, before we're late."

"So I do." She grins, lifting her head off of his chest.

"You're not that red." He says, moving a piece of hair away from her face, leaving his hand where it was on her face.

"Not yet." She chuckles as she leans into his touch. He just grins before leaning in and kissing her gently but lingering. Her arms get tighter around his neck as she pulls him close trying to hold the kiss longer. He wraps his free arm around her and holds her tight as he does help with holding the kiss longer. She lightly hums into the kiss as he fingers run through the bottom of his hair. She does her best to make the kiss last as long as she can, but the starts to slow it down causing her to whine in protest.

"We're....gonna be...late.."

"Awwww." She whines. "Maybe I can talk to the GM and get us off the hook." She grins.

"Unfortunately he has a show to run, but if I could for one night, I would appoint someone as temporary GM so we get the night off."

"That would be awesome. To bad you can't do that."

"I know."

"Maybe we should go before I get in trouble by the GM for making us late."

"Right." He chuckles.

"You're going to have to let go unless you want me to be in trouble."

"Actually I won't have to let you go." He says, moving so that his arm is around her shoulders.

"Just need my bag." She kneels down to pick it up. "all set now." She leans into his side.

He grins before they both head out of the room and to the elevators. Once there, they step in taking that to the lobby. When they get to the lobby, they make their way through then out to the car. They put their things in the back before getting in and heading to the arena. When they get there, they make sure to grab everything and head inside. After heading inside, they go right to his room where they find me and Alex waiting.

"Hey." I greet them.

"Hey." Stef greets back.

"Almost didn't make it in time."

"Oh boy. Who's fault this time?"

"Who do you think?"


"When isn't it?"

"Good point."

"So what did you want to talk to me about Mike?" I ask.

"How about we go inside and talk. It involves both you and Stef. You never know who is lurking around."


He opens the door letting us all in before walking in himself and locking it just in case.

"Alright, so what involves the two of us?"

"Alright. So, I've been thinking and I'm not too happy with what Eve had to say last week. What I was thinking was a 2 on 1 handicap match with her against the both of you. One, she is feuding with you for the title and two, there is someone here that would love to teach her a lesson. But, there's a catch..." He pauses. "...Stef, you're going to be going out there as a face tonight. Vince wants to try a few different things before deciding what you're going to be. So, this works out. Now, she's going to think it's for the title but, Stef is going to be the surprise opponent. Eve is going to have no idea this is going to happen. What do you both think?”

"That has to be the best idea yet. She's no match for the two of us. And she so deserves the beating we're gonna give her."

"She so is. I so can't wait to get my hands on her after what she said." Stef rubs her hands together while smirking evilly.

"So are you gonna call her in here and tell her about that tite match she thinks she's having or are you going to have someone else tell her?"

"I'm going to have to talk to her. She's going to come to me anyway so I would rather get it out of the way."

"Right." I nod.

"And speaking of matches. Dolph keeps bugging me about another match with you Alex. So just to make him happy and get him off my back, I gave it to him. Non-title though."

"I'll take that." He nods. "He might not be happy with the result, but at least he will finally get the match he wants."

"I highly doubt he'll leave me alone after tonight when he loses....again."

"He'll just have to deal with it. He's had many chances already. To many if you ask me."

"And in all those chances, Vickie has gotten involved." I add.

"You do have a point." Mike starts to think. "I think I'm going to ban her from ringside for this match. Just to see how he does without her and if she does come out, automatic disqualification."

"Great idea."

"She has been ruining the matches and the fans are not happy with that. I'm going to make things better and I'm starting with that. From this night on, if she gets involved in any of his matches they're both done. I'm not having that on my show."

"Especially since it's been going on for two years."

"That's too long. Now that I'm in charge, it stops."


"Yes. I'm making changes. Some people may not like them and some people may, but things are changing around here whether people like it or not."

"As they should change."

"Exactly, but now to tell Vickie and Eve the news." He rolls his eyes.

"Eve is more tolerable to talk to than Vickie at least."

"That's true." He chuckles. "One more thing. Being the Divas Champion, do you want to start the show, middle of the show or next to last match?"

"Middle of the show sounds good for this week."

"You got it. I'll let everyone know about that then. Also, I was thinking Alex could be the main event. What do you think about that?"

"Well I know I love that idea." I grin.

"I like that too and don't worry. This will be better than any main event there has been so far."

"Of course it will be."

"Don't worry. He won't let you down."

"Trust me, I know."

"Now, I have to go find Eve and Vickie and have a talk with them."

"Good luck."

"I'm going to need it." He chuckles. "I'll be right back." He Stef quick.


"So, how's the birthday going?" I ask her.

"Amazing." She smiles big. "Besides media this morning everything is just perfect."

"Did Mike plan anything for you two?"

"He did say he has something for me. That's all I got out of him. All I know is after the shw we're going out."


"He didn't tell me where, all he said was to wear something nice."

"I have an idea on what it is. But I shall say nothing."

"Of course you would know." She laughs. "I did get all the stuff I wanted to get him. Got the last thing yesterday."

"He's gonna love it I'm sure."

"Well remember what I told you I got him? I got him something more too."


"Not only did I get him tickets to the game, but I got a football signed by the whole team. I was afraid it wouldn't be here, but it came just in time."

"He's going to be so happy. He'll definitely love that."

"I figured. I know how much he loves his football and his home team so it was something I just had to do."

"Of course."

"It's going to be hard to his the bag with the ball in it. He's already trying to peek and see what's in it." She chuckles.

"He so would."

"Yes he would." She laughs.

"Well I'm glad he hasn't been trying to peek at what Alex and I have been working on getting for him. It took a while, but we finally picked it up today."

"What did you guys get him?"

"Well it was kind of my idea, but we got him his own personalized title. You know how Zack has the Internet Championship? Well I thought Mike deserved his own. Took a lot of thinking of what would be perfect to put on it as for designs and such and lettering if any."

"Ooohhh. I know for a fact he's going to love that."

"We have it all in our locker room. I hope he gets back soon so we can give it to him. Got something for you too. Alex, why don't you go get everything?"

"Be right back." He kisses me quick.

"Mike should be back soon. I think I heard Vickie screeching a bit ago so he should almost be done." She laughs.

"So that's what that was." I laugh too.

"That's the only thing I could think of."

"Who else screeches like that anyway? Exactly."

"True. And speaking of Mike." She says as he walks through the door, rubbing his head. "Awww...come here you." She motions him over. She gives him a quick kiss in hopes that will make him feel a bit better.

"She didn't take the news so well. We heard."

"No she did not, but Eve was pretty happy. Maybe I should have dealt with Vickie first."

"To save the headache."

"Exactly." He nods.

"I can help with that." She grins.

"Please." He says.

"Anything for you." She gives him a kiss. "Come sit with me." She leads him over to the couch in the room as I follow. She sits on the couch and has him lay so his head is in her lap. She gently starts to massage his temples going across his forehead, then back again. She keeps that up until he lets her know he's feeling better. And just then, the door opens and Alex walks in with everything.

"Vickie?" He laughs when he sees Stef rubbing Mike's head.

"Who else." Mike groans.

"Well I know this will help you feel better. We have a gift for you." I say as I get up, walking over to Alex.

"Oh?" He sits up slightly.

"Mmhmm." I grin as I take a case from Alex.

He sits up all way as I walk over with the case. "You can now be considered....." I trail off, opening the case. "....the official champion of awesomeness."

"Oh wow." He says in awe. "This is...amazing. Thank you." He hands it to Stef so he can get up to hug me. "Another great present from you." He grins as he sits back down looking at the title.

"They just get better every year. I try to at least. I came up with the concept, but Alex paid for it."

"You really out did yourself this year. Two amazing gifts. You have no idea how thankful I am."

"Well you do deserve the best afterall. Anyone doubts you about being awesome, you just show them that."

"I will do just that too."

"And now for the other gifts.”

"Other gifts?"

“Mmhmm. Well there’s one thing for both of you and there are two things for Stef.”

"Aw. You did not have to get me tow things. What you already got me is enough." She hugs Mike's arm as she leans into him.

“Well one’s from me and one’s from Alex.”

Alex comes over and pulls out a whole bouquet of her favorite flowers from behind his back. "These are from me." He grins.

"Awww." She gushes as she takes them to smell them. "They're beautiful! Thank you!" She stands up to give him a hug.

“I told him those were your favorite.” I remark.

"They are. I love them." She smells them again as she feels the petals on each flower.

“And I know how much you want your own title so....I went and got one of the real replicas that they have when titles change hands and you get to keep your own if you lose it...of mine.” I grin, holding it out for her.

She gasps as she puts her hand over her mouth. "Shauna..." She tears up a bit. "...I love it! Now I can say I'm a champion just like you. Thank you so much!" She gets up giving me a big hug.

“Now you don’t really have to wait technically.”

"No I don't and it feels just as good."

“Of course until you actually win it, you’re gonna have to wait to bring it out with you, but I knew you’ve wanted this. So I had to ask for one of the duplicates they make.”

"Right." She nods. "I can wait until then. Just knowing I have it makes it more amazing."

“Always count on me for the best gifts.”

"Yes. You do give the best gifts ever."

“And last, but not least, a cake for both of you.”

"Oooohhh. Cake!"

“You’re welcome for everything.”

“You’re welcome for everything.”

"Thank you. This really has been the best birthday ever."

“Don’t I always make it great?”

"Yes you do." She laughs. "This one is just really special to me." She bites her lip as she glances over at Mike.

“Of course it is.”

"And it's not over yet." Mike says to her.

“Of course not.”

"Now who wants cake?"

"I do! I do!" She bounces in her seat. Alex goes over and grabs the cake, bringing it back over and setting it down on the table that was next to the couch. He brings out candles then puts them on the cake. I light them as we both sing Happy Birthday to Mike and her. Once we're done, they blow out the candles and Alex starts to cut the cake.


"Yes, your favorite also."

"It is. You know me so well."

"I do."

"Oh man..." She moans after taking a bite of the cake. "...this is really good."

"It is."

"Nice choice." Mike nods.

“Mmhmm...” I trail off and check the time. “....looks like the show is going to be starting very soon.”

"So it is." Stef sighs.

“But hey you get to look forward to getting Eve back for that comment last week.”

"True." She grins. "That's going to be fun."

“Yes it will be. Considering she thinks it’s a title match.”

"I can't wait to see the look on her face when she finds out it's not for the title."

“She’ll be pissed.”

"That's for sure." She laughs. "Going to be sweet to get revenge on her." She smirks evilly.


"Maybe we should head to our room now?" Alex says to me.

“I think that would be a good idea.” I nod.

"Well, thank you for everything and I'll see you out there in a bit." Stef gets up to give me and Alex another hug.

“You’re welcome. See you out there.”

"Thanks again Shauna. It really means a lot." Mike says as he hugs me after she pulls away.

“I’m gonna try to outdo myself next year.”

"I don't think you can. You already got me the best gift ever."

“I can at least try.”

"Yes you can." He chuckles as he pulls away.

“So I’ll see you later then.”

"See you later."

Alex takes my hand and we leave, heading back to our room.

"I still can't believe she got me this." Stef says looking at the replica title again.

“She’s good for things like that.”

"She is. She really outdid herself this year."

“I don’t know how she can top this next year.”

"Me either, but knowing her, she'll find a way. She always does."


"But, now you have a show to run."

“Yes I do. And I’ve granted Dolph to take the time to open the show so he can yak away about how good he is and all that. Hype the match tonight.”

"Lets just hope he doesn't bore us to death."

"I hope not."

"He's lucky to be starting off the show. He better not blow it."

“If he gets too carried away, I’ll have them cut his mic off.”

"Oh that'll make him even more mad." She snickers.

“And I don’t care.”

"You shouldn't. It's your show now and you run it the way you want to."


They settle down on the couch as he puts his arm around her. She leans into him as he kisses the top of her head. Meanwhile, Alex and I just got back to our locker room. By that time, the show had started and after a bit Dolph came out, with Vickie in tow and a microphone in his hand.

“Oh goody, we get to hear him rant and rave.”

"He should be happy. He got the match he wanted afterall."

“And that’s what he’ll go on and on and on about. Talking about this and that and blah blah blah.”

"Not like it matters. He's going to lose, again."

“Like always. And it’ll be a fair fight this time.”


So once Dolph is ready, he starts ranting on about how Alex brings shame to the title, and how he shouldn’t be the one holding it. He says he’s better than Alex and he could beat him anywhere, any day, anytime.

"Is that what he thinks? He's the one that lost the title to you even with her trying to help him." I scoff.

“I think all that bleaching went to his brain.” Alex chuckles.

"I wouldn't be surprised." I laugh.

"Hmm, to go out there and interrupt him or not." Alex thinks.

"I don't think Mike would mind. He's getting pretty boring with all the nonsense."

“True. Then shall we?” He stands up, holding out his hand.

"We shall." I grin as I take his hand then stand up. We then head out of the room and to the curtain. We’re handed mics before they play Alex’s music to interrupt Dolph mid-sentence. Dolph turns around not looking to pleased that we both came out.

“Dolph Dolph Dolph, enough. We’re all tired of you boring us to death with same old speech.” Alex starts to talk and they stop his music.

"Oh yeah? I'm just telling these people what we all know is going to happen and I will not stop until they get it through their thick skulls. I'm better than you and I'm going to prove it here tonight."

I motion for the mic and Alex hands it to me. “Yeah that’s real tough talk coming from you, when you hide behind well....Vickie Guerrero."

"Excuse me?!" She screeches so loud she is heard without a mic.

“Aww someone can’t handle the truth.”

"I can." She grabs a mic as well. "You're the one that can't handle that Dolph is better than that...that toy you have there."

“ mean what you’ve been treating Dolph like for the past two years?”

"He is not a toy. He is more of a man then that thing every will be."

“Says the one who shelters him. And that thing you’re referring to is the United States champion and my boyfriend."

"I do what I have to, to make my client succeed. You don't have to like it, but you have to deal with it. And that boyfriend of yours..." She cackles. "...he's nothing more that something to look at. I wouldn't be surprised if he's cheating on you with the Divas in the back."

“Huh, that’s funny. That’s real funny. Do I need to bring up your past with Dolph and when he was making out with Kaitlyn...your season 3 NXT rookie inside of an equipment crate?”

"That wasn't what you all think. She came onto to me!" Dolph defends. "You have no idea what you're talking about so do us all a favor and take your pretty boy toy back stage so he can get my title ready for me."

“Yeah, it takes 4 lips to kiss Dolph and two of those were yours and I didn’t see you stopping her. Until the cameras caught you.”

"I was doing what I had to do. There's nothing wrong with that, just like I'm going to do what I have to later on to get MY title back."

“Really? Is that why you’ve been flirting with the newest diva Sage?"

"What can I say?" He shrugs with a smirk. "Who wouldn't flirt with that? She's a total babe."

“Excuse me?!” Vickie screeches, but to Dolph this time.

“Busted.” I mutter to Alex.

"Sorry Vick. You're my manager. I need someone by my side who can wrestle and looks that good. No offense, but you can't really do that the way Sage can."

She then does the one thing she doesn’t do very often to him. She slaps him across the face and yells at him before storming out of the ring, pushing past us, heading up the ramp. Dolph holds his face then glares over at us both, starting to taunt Alex. “Oops, did I cause that? I’m sorry.” I give him a mocking smile before handing the mic back to Alex, being done talking.

"You're going down!" Dolph yells, but without the mic since he dropped it when Vickie slapped him. Him and Alex have a little argument, before the screen for those watching at home fades to the first commercial and during that, the argument stops and Alex and I finally can to the back. "I can not believe he said that out there." I say once we get backstage.

“I know. But I was paying attention to you while you were going at it with him and Vickie.” He smirks.

"Was I really that hot out there?" I return his smirk.


"Maybe?" I chuckles.

"Okay so you were."

"Aha. I knew it."

“Can’t help it.”

"I love when you trash talk. It's a total turn on for me." He adds with a smirk.

“Well, that’s good to know.”

"There's a lot about you that does that to me. Like this outfit..." He trails off running his fingers over the back of my shirt.

“I already know that.” I laugh.

"We should get back. I want to have more fun with this before you change."

“Of course you do.”

"Can you blame me?"

“No not really.”

"Well then...lets go." He starts to tug me down the hall faster.

“I can only go so fast in heels you know.” I laugh.

"Got it covered." He scoops me up in his arms.

I squeak in surprise and cling to him as he carries me. He heads right for the locker room, not bothering to stop. Once there, he gets the door open then locks it after it closes. He then heads over to the couch and sits with me still in his arms.

“I’m not moving for a while am I?”

"No you're not."

“Until I have to get changed.”

"Right. Until that time, you're all mine."

“Wouldn’t have it any other way.”

"Good." He mumbles as he kisses across my shoulder to the back of my neck as his fingers run over the slits on the back of my shirt. When he does that with his fingers, that sends another chill down my spine like earlier today and again I can’t help but shiver a bit.

"Love that reaction." He grins as he kisses to the back of my neck.

“Of course you do.”

"Never gets old." He does it again getting the same reaction.

"Of doesn't."

"Nope..." He trails off, pressing light and lingering kisses along the back of my neck as he slowly makes his way to the side of my neck. Instinctively I can't help but to tilt my head to the side to give him more access, but lean into him at the same time. His one hand stays on my lower back as the other move to my upper thigh. The farther down my neck he goes the more he starts to nip at the skin while gently squeezing down on my thigh. "Remember....match later..."

"I remember...just having fun..." He lightly nips, just enough to drive me crazy, but not leaving a mark. I can't help but to grip onto his arm since one of my hands were resting there. He chuckles at my reaction as he slowly goes up my neck to my ear. He nips on that, getting the same reaction before he makes his way across my jawline to my lips. My instant reaction when he reaches my lips is to wrap my arms around his neck and pull myself closer. His arms get tighter around me, making sure to hold me in place. He kisses back with just as much intensity as I am.

While we were busy doing that, Stef was still staring at the screen, in disbelief of what Dolph had said out in the ring about her. "What the? Did he just?" She stutters from a loss of words as she shudders. "Do I need to punish him tonight too?" Mike grumbles.

"I just can't believe he said that." She says still in shock. "As for punishment...I think Alex will beat him extra hard tonight."

"He better."

"He will." She nods. "Like he even has a chance with me. He can keep dreaming." She scoffs.

"If anyone can say that about you, that only person can be me."

"Exactly. You're the only one I want saying those things about me." She moves closer to him. "Guess he's not going to leave me alone anytime soon." She sighs.

"He'll never bother you, as long as I'm around."

"I can hope. But he doesn't care about that."

"Well he's going to have to care."

"I just hope I don't bump into him tonight." She groans. "Tonight is not the night I want to deal with him."

"I'll make sure that you don't bump into him."

"Good." She shifts, not being able to sit still.

"Can't sit still?"

"No, sorry." She bites her lip. "Just a bit on edge right now."

"Anything I can do to help?"

"Get him off my mind..."

"I think I have the perfect thing." He grins, as he puts his hands on her shoulders and starts to massage them.

"Mmmm...that works." She lazily says letting her eyes fall shut as she leans into his touch.

"I thought it would."

"You and you're amazing ideas."

"I know." He grins.

She starts to relax a bit more the longer and harder he massages her shoulders.

"Feeling better?"

"Mhm." She slowly nods.


"...don't stop..."

"I won't until you tell me to."

"That might be awhile." She chuckles.

"We have time."

"Mmm...perfect." She lets her head fall forward slightly. At times he presses a kiss to the back of her neck. She smiles to herself just focusing on his soothing touches. "Well I'm glad I decided to do were tense."

"No thanks to 'him'." She rolls her eyes.

"Don't think about him."

"Trying not keeps playing over in my mind."

"Well how about think about earlier today at the hotel. You and me...."

"...oh how I wish we can go back to then..." She bites her lip.

"Why go back when it can happen for many days to come?"

"True..." She tilts her head back to look at him. " know what would help me now?" She rubs her lips together wanting a kiss.

"Say no more." He grins, leaning down and pressing his lips to hers. She moves her arm up, hooking it around his head so she's able to hold him closer as she starts to kiss back. She hums softly into the kiss getting more relaxed. He stops massaging her shoulders for the meantime, wanting to focus more on the kiss. She turns to face him so she's able to kiss him more properly. Since she moved away from him a bit, even though she did not break the kiss, he grabs her hips, pulling her onto his lap. She squeals into the kiss as she wraps her arms around his neck, kissing him a bit more roughly. Her hands move to his hair where her fingers run through it. He holds her closer, kissing back just as rough. she lets one hand fall to the back of his neck where she lightly moves her nails across the skin of his neck. That of course earns a quiet growl to come from him and she smirks into the kiss because that's what she was waiting for. She goes to do it again until he moves her hands while shifting them so her back is on the couch and he's hovering over her, lips still pressed against hers. She whines softly at not being able to touch him since he has her hands pinned above her head.

"No more..." He mumbles.

"Awww...ruin my fun.." She pouts.

"You've been having your fun all day."

"I'm just enjoying my birthday present." She smirks.

"So am I."

"Best birthday ever." She grins while trying to get her hands free.

"I would have to agree with you on that one."

"Of course you would."

"Yes, yes I would."

"How much longer until I get my hands back?" She pouts with her best puppy dog face.

"Not until I'm done."

"Miiikkke." She whines. "You're killing me here."

"Almost finished."

She groans softly as he leans down laying light kisses along her jawline to her ear. She moves her head to the side and no matter what her does, she manages to hold any noises in. This time he allows it because they aren't really in a room with much privacy. She tugs at her hands more wanting them free.

"Uh uh....not yet..."

"...uhhhh..." She groans at the torture.


"...have none..."

"...I know."




"'s fun.."

"Yeah...for you."

"Yes...for me."

She shifts under him in hopes it will get to him.

"No moving."

"Why not?"

"I can't kiss you properly if you move."

"What are you waiting for then?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all." He grins, moving to the spot on her neck. She squeezes down on his hands as he lightly nips at her skin. A few quiet noises escape her, but not loud enough for him. He nips a bit harder in order to get louder noises out of her, intent on making it happen. She tugs at his hair more while biting down hard on her lip. As much as she tries, she can't help the noises that come from her as he keeps nipping at the spot. The more she makes the noises, the bigger his smirk gets against her skin. He chuckles once he pulls away from her neck.


"You love it."

"I do." She slowly nods. "Hands now?" She looks at him through her eyelashes.

"I suppose." He grins, letting her go. Her hands go right around his neck as she starts to play with the collar of his shirt. "...finally..."

"I think we may want to move. Looks like the show's back. The last thing we need is someone walking in on us."

"Right. That'll just give her more to talk about behind your back."

"That's the ast thing I need or want right now."


"You do have ot move so I can get up though." She chuckles.

"Oops. I forgot."

"You always forget." She laughs, giving him one last kiss as they sit up.

"Can you blame me?"

"No, not really."

"I thought so."

She leans into his side as he puts his arm over her shoulders. They turn their attention back to the TV just as the show comes back on. The first match of the night was a boring one technically, so you didn't have to pay much attention at least. That was over fast however. Then yet again Eve was seen backstage, raving about how she's getting her rematch.

"I finally get the chance to get my title back from the wanna-be loser that thinks she's a Diva. Tonight she is going to learn not to mess with me.

"Oh she did not just say that about her."

"I do believe she did."

"Ohh, she's in for it."

"Whatever makes the match better, I'm all for it."

"You know Eve, she has been here for a while and is really tough. I don't think you're giving her the credit she deserves. I wouldn't underestimate her. I've been in that ring with her many times and she can put up a good fight." Alicia comments.

"Oh please. She just got lucky. There's no way she could possibly beat me for MY Divas Championship."

"She did beat you once or have you forgotten already?"

"All her wins are flukes. I know for a fact that I'm way better than her. And if I play my cards right, her little boyfriend will be mine."

"Oh she did not just go there." Stef shakes her head. "Tonight is going to be even better than I thought."

"I mean, out of all of us, he picks her? She doesn't hold a candle to my beauty. He could do so much better."

"I don't know Eve. She must have something you don't if he's with her. I would just watch your back if I were you."

"I'll be right back." I tell Alex, moving from his lap. "I have a little problem I need to deal with." Before he could say anything, I'm out the door and heading to where Eve is.

"Please. I'm not scared of her. I think I've proven that numerous times before."

"I wouldn't be too sure about that..." Alicia warily says as she sees you coming.

"You know this is why you and I don't get along. Now if you don't mind I have a match to prepare for." Eve states, and turns around. But when she does turn around, she stops in her tracks as I'm face to face with her.

"Uhhh..." Eve stutters, looking around for a way out.

"Uhhhh...stutter much?" I ask, but I don't give her time to response because I grab her and throw her into a nearby equipment crate. She tries to get up to go after me when I go after her again. I get her to her feet and grab her by the hair and slam her face onto a nearby table a few times. I let her fall to the floor, clutching her face. Officials come by to stop the attack, and I just kick her in the side hard for good measure. "Just a taste of what you'll get tonight. And you stay away from Alex." I growl, before backing away slowly and then turning around and walking back to the locker room.

"Wow..." Stef says in shock. "...that was intense."

"Which is why I'm thinking of pushing her up to be the top Diva."

"She really deserves it. Maybe the others will show her more respect after that."

"Well some will, some won't. Comes with the territory of being on the top. I've been there."

"Very true." She nods.

"But she's doing everything that I wanna see."

"That's because she knows what you want and she wants to prove that she's the best."

"Just like you."

"Yes. Just like me." She smirks.

"And just a couple more things before the match that Eve thinks she's getting, but really isn't."

"What's that?"

"A segment and a match. Mixed tag team match."

"Ah. Okay." She nods. "Maybe I should go get changed while that's going on.

"That would be a good idea."

"I know you've been waiting all night for me to change too."

"Yes." He nods eagerly.

"I'll go do that then." She smirks. "Don't want to keep the GM waiting."

"No, no you don't."

"Alright. I'm going to go do that before I get in trouble."

"You should." He nods as she gets up with her bag and heads in to change. Once in the back, she starts to take off the outfit she had on then slips on her attire. It doesn't take long for her to do that and after that is on, she makes sure her hair and makeup look good before grabbing her boots and sliding them on. After they're on and all laced up, she heads back out into the room.

"Just simply amazing." He smirks, looking her over.

"Charmer." She blushes as she sits next to him on the couch.


"Of course." She giggles since he's being all touchy. "Touchy." She giggles again as she shifts in her spot.

"That's your fault."

"Maybe I should change my attire then?" She teases.

"No, don't change."

"Then I can't help that I look good right now." She smirks. " did pick out the attire..."

"I did. That's is true." He grins.

"So it's both our faults you're so touchy right now."

"I suppose it is."

"Not that I'm complaining..." She leans into him. "'s helping me relax."

"Good. You should be relaxed."

"I need to be if I'm going to be 'nice nice' out there."

"Right." He nods.

While they sit there and watch the next match, I just made it back to me and Alex's locker room. "I feel so much better after that." I declare, walking in.

"Oh I bet. That was hot." Alex grins. "You should do that more often."

"Well she just hit a nerve, like always."

"She did go too far this time, but you have nothing to worry about. You're the one that I want and nothing is going to change that."

"I know and Alicia was right. I do have something she don't have. Everything about me is real. Look at Eve and it looks like she's had plastic surgery."

"I did hear something about her getting some work done. If you ask me, it didn't help her at all. She's nothing compared to you. You're a million times better looking than she is."

"Damn right I am. I mean you see how much she's changed look-wise since she debuted here? There's like no way someone can change that much without having work done."

"She has, but you have nothing to worry about. She's got nothing on you."

"No she doesn't."

"Come here." He motions for me to come towards him. Once I do, he runs his hands up and down my back as he kisses my head, hoping to calm me down a bit.

"She really is dumb if she thinks she has a chance of taking you away from me." I grumble.

"She really is. No one is going to take me from you...ever."

"I know. Well I suppose I should go get ready now."

"I suppose. I'll be here when you come out." He gives me a kiss making sure it gets me through while I change.

"Of course. Don't go too crazy without me."

"It's going to be hard, but I'll try."

"As long as you do that."

He slowly lets go of me so I can go get changed.

"I promise I won't be too long."

"Good." He chuckles. "Or I'll come get you." He grins.

"Ooooh so scared." I grin.

"Haha. Very funny." He laughs.

"Yes, yes it was."

"Sure it was." He chuckles. "Now go change before I change my mind and take you there myself."

"Oooh even scarier." I laugh.

"That's it." He chuckles as he hoists me over his shoulder, heading back to the changing area.

"Eeep!" She squeals. "But thank you for the view by the way."

"Only the best for you." He smacks my butt. "I'm liking mine too."

"Of course you are."

"So very much." He grins as he makes his way into the changing area.

"Gonna put me down now?" I ask when we walk in.

"In a bit...still enjoying my view." He grins as he stares a bit longer. Once he's looked long enough, he sets me down on my feet.

"Oh you. You and your guy brain." I laugh.

"Can't help if I love what I see."


"Now you should get changed."

"Are you gonna get changed? Or will you closer to your match?"

" would like if I did, so..."

"I would."

"Then I'll get changed now too."


We both get our things then get ready to get changed. "You promise not to look?"


"And I promise too."


We have our backs to one another as we change. It takes him shorter time to get ready than me, because he has less to put on. He keeps his back to me until I tell him I'm done. "You can turn around now."

"Finally." He grins as he turns around. "Amazing."

"As always."

"Of course." He lets his hands move over my skin. "Just...perfect."

"Only for you."

"Only for me." He looks me over with a grin.

"Others may like this, but you're the only one who gets to touch."

"Damn straight. They can look, but not touch. This is all mine."

"Just like you are all mine."


"And you have way more for me to touch, than what I have for you to touch."

"How about we head back out there so you can have fun?" He winks with a smirk.

"The best idea you've ever had."

"I'm just good like that."

"Yes, yes you are."

"Well, let's go."

"I know I know, after me." I laugh as I head out first.

"Most definitely." He inwardly groans as I walk past him. After I'm out the door, he follows. But as soon as I sit on the couch, when he does, yet again he pulls me over onto his lap. "All the time."

"You're always too far if you're not sitting here."

"Of course."

"I just have to be careful now or it's gonna be a bit awkward sitting here." I add.

"Just don't move too much and we'll be good."

"Don't cause me to move so much then. Or do anything to me that will cause me to do anything to cause it."

"I'll do my best."

"Because if I turn you on as much as you say I do, then who knows what will happen."

"Things that really shouldn't happen here might."

"Then you'll just have to control yourself."

"You make it so hard to."



"So are you."

"Only because I know how much you love it."


We both turn our attention to the TV when we hear the next match starting. It was semi interesting. Rosa was teaming with Primo and Epico like always and they were facing Tyson, Justin and Natalya. It was a good match that lasted a decent amount of time with Justin and Tyson getting the win. "A decent match."

"It was."

"I believe the match with Eve is up next."

"Want me to come out there with you?"

"If you want."

"I think you know my answer to that."

"Of course. Let's go."

He nods as I slide off of his lap. "I hope I didn't cause anything, sliding off of your lap like that."

"No. We're good."

"Okay good." He then stands, putting his arm over my shoulder. "Now you have some ass to beat so let's go."

"There's no way she's getting out of this one." I smirk evilly, as we head out of the room.

"Not this time."

"She'll try to run, I know it."

"I doubt..." He lowers his voice. "...Stef will let her get away."

"Neither one of us will let her. She's really got to stop running away from things."

"That just shows how weak she really is."

"I wonder how she's feeling after the pre-match beating I gave her."

"Looks like she's still feeling it." He chuckles as we walk up to see her holding her back. "Oops. My bad."

"Less work for you both to do tonight."

"Mmhmm. This will be easy tonight."

"Way too easy." He kisses me quick.

It's a bit before the show comes back for the match to start so for now we have to wait. While we're waiting for the show to come back on, Mike and Stef are getting ready to head there themselves. He waits until the right moment before opening the door for them to leave. "By the time we get there, it'll be time to surprise Eve." He grins.

"I so can't wait to see the look on her face when I walk out there." She smirks evilly.

"I've got my phone on me. I think I'll take a picture and tweet it." He chuckles.

"Perfect. Then everyone can see how weak she really is."

"And I thought of a great punishment if she tries to flee the match. She flees, she doesn't get a title shot for a very long time. I strip her of the rematch."

"Ooohhh she is not going to be happy at all tonight. I love that idea."

"I'll make the announcement if and when she tries to do so."

"I have a feeling that will be right after I walk out. She'll be so scared she'll try to run, or fake an injury."

"Especially after the attack she suffered."

"I'm just surprised she didn't come crying to you after it happened. That's what shocked me."

"Because she knows I'm watching carefully and heard everything she said to instigate the attack."

"She's so two-faced. It's hard to know what personality you're talking to."

"Which is why I'm not gonna be a GM she can manipulate."

"Good. No one should be able to do that to you."

Both Eve and myself are in the ring, she's too busy glaring at me and the title. Stef and Mike are back behind the curtain and he explains to her that he'll be the one to explain to Eve that she won't be having a title match afterall and he will introduce her as my partner in the handicap match. She nods as they hit his music and he heads out with a mic in hand causing Eve to look at him confused. I try my hardest to hide the small smile that wants to creep onto my face.

"Eve, there has been a slight change of plans. This isn't going to be your rematch for the title."

"What?! No no no no! You said this was a title match! You can't do that!" She throws a fit.

"I have the authority to change the match if I please. I'm the GM. So here's what you'll be dealing with instead of a title match. A handicap match. And no, it's not you and another Diva being the 2 on 1 in the match."

"I'm just giving the fans what they want. Now your first opponent is in the ring with you right now. I'd like to introduce your other opponent."

"Who? I can take-" She tries to act tough until she hears Stef's theme go off. As she walks out from behind the curtain, her jaw drops and she tries to find a way out of the ring. "I'm outta here." She says, climbing through the ropes.

"Uh uh uh Eve. I wouldn't do that if I were you. You leave this match, I strip you of your rematch for the Divas Championship." She looks at him in disbelief as she stomps back into the ring. He motions towards the ring and Stef nods, noth of them heading down to it. While she gets into the ring, he walks around to be on commentary like last week. After she gets into the ring, her music fades again and we decide who goes first. "I'll let you go first. Get your revenge." I say only for her to hear. "She's going down." Stef smirks as she turns to face her. "Yes she is." I grin before moving to the outside of the ropes. She sends Eve a glare as they stand across from each other in the middle of the ring. The ref rings the bell and she goes right after her, locking up and pushes her back to the corner. The ref starts to count and she lets go before he hits five. She backs up with her hands in the air and then at the last second, reaches out and slaps Eve across the face, and Stef makes sure it's hard. She brings her hand to her face and looks at Stef in shock as she smirks. Before Eve has the time to do anything, Stef kicks her in ths stomach then throws her across the ring where she goes after her, jumping on the rope hitting her as many times as she can. The reg starts to count again because she's using the ropes and she stops before the five count. She pulls her away from the ropes to the middle of the ring and goes for an early cover. Everything she did wasn't enough, and she kicked out. As she goes to get up, she swings her legs around and knocks Stef off her feet. She hit the mat hard, the fall knocking the wind out of her. Eve then starts to kick her in the ribs multiple times before backing off. She turns around to taunt me before turning back around and picking Stef up by the hair, throwing her into the opposite corner for now.

She climbs to the top where she sits on the top turnbuckle. As Stef gets to her feet, she helps her up more before wrapping her arm around her neck and dangling her from the top where she's sitting. Stef tries using her elbows to break her hold on her, but nothing seems to work. She keeps her in that position for a while before letting her go. She falls to the mat, trying to catch her breath and she starts to slowly crawl over to me. "Come on, come on!" I encourage, reaching out as far as I could to try and get the tag. Stef gets inches away from tagging me in until Eve takes her foot and drags her to the middle of the ring. She jumps up trying to come down with her elbow to her ribs. She rolls out of the way at the last second and uses all her strength to lunge at me, tagging me in before she rolls out of the ring to recover. As soon as Eve gets up and turns around, I hit her with a hard clothesline. And I repeat that a few times before hitting her with a standing drop kick that sends her tumbling through the ropes and out of the ring. She hits the floor hard, rolling toward the ramp. once she gets to her feet, she tries to run up the ramp only for me to get out of the ring and drag her back. I throw her back into the ring and then proceed to get back into it myself, but she manages to get the strength to get up, though still holding her back, and kick me in the shoulder. She grabs me by the hair and pulls me back in before proceeding to slam me face first onto the mat. Eve then goes for the cover, but I kick out at 2. She then helps me sit up and that's when she locks her legs around my midsection, tightening the hold. I try every which way to get out of the hold, but nothing is working right now. I try prying her feet apart, but she hits me in the back a few times so I have to let go.

"Come on! You can get out!" Stef tries encouraging as she hits the steps with her foot trying to get the crowd behind me. It takes a bit, but I start elbowing her in the side and then the face. She loses concentration and lets me go. I manage to slide away and recover and she tries to recover from the hits I made to her sides and to her face. We both get up at the same time and go after each other. I get the upper hand and force her over into the corner by Stef and then tag her in. As she gets in, I kick her in the midsection one last time before getting out. She gives her a kick to the midsection before taking her by the back of the head and slamming her face first into the mat. She does that a few more times before standing back up. She gets the crowd going before she goes back over to her and picks her up by the hair. that's when she takes her and pulls her back across her knee, delivering a back breaker. She follows that up with a neck breaker before letting her fall to the ground. She gets behind her, circling around her as she slowly gets to her feet. Stef sets her up for her finisher, delivering it perfectly. She then goes for the pin, getting the 3 count and winning the match for us. "Next time, watch what you say or I won't go so easy on you." She growls in Eve's ear before standing up. Alex comes over with my title before getting into the ring with me. Along with the ref, he helps in raising our hands in victory. We celebrate in the ring a bit more before getting out and heading backstage. Once we get backstage, you're engulfed in a hug from Mike.

"That was amazing. You really gave it to her."

"Hell yeah I did. No way she was going to say that about me and get away with it."

"Now let's see if she shoots her mouth off again about you." I add.

"If she does, it'll be way worse for her."

"Depending on which way your character's gonna go. Face or Heel."

"True. I'll think of something if she tries it again."

"If you want an opinion on which way to go, I think you should go the heel way." I suggest.

"You really think so?"

"Oh yeah, after last week seeing your match, you definitely have the attitude for it."

"That is what I was going for when I joined. For some reason, I just can't be nice no matter how hard I try." She laughs at the last part. "What do you think Mike?" She turns to face him.

"Right." He nods.

"So...what will it be?" She anxiously asks.

"Well I've had plenty of time to think..despite Cole and his annoying comments on commentary out there. Reviewing last week and this week, and how your attitude is in the ring, I think we should start you off as a heel."

"Cole always seems to ruin things." Stef rolls her eyes. "I think I'm going to like being a heel. more my style anyway."

"I can tell."

"This night can't get much better. Got revenge, I'm going to be a heel. Tonight has been perfect so far."

"Only the best for your birthday."

"I can't thank you enough...well not here." She smirks. "I'll thank you when we get back to the room." She winks.

"Well maybe we should go now then."

"Maybe we should." She licks her lips as she looks him over. "We'll see you both later." She says to me and Alex as she starts to walk away, making sure to sway her hips at a bit more.

"She'll be the death of me." Mike mumbles, before following you.

"Oh boy. I have a feeling they're going to be a while."

"Good thing she's done for the night."

"A very good thing." I chuckles. Stef makes it to the locker room before Mike and she was waiting behind the door for him. Once he walks in, he looks around not seeing her. "Stef? did you go in and change?" He calls out.

"Nope." She says as she closes the door and locks it. "I'm right here." She smirks as she leans her back up against the door. "Hiding on me."

"Kinda." She grins. "Makes it more fun."

"Of course it does."

"It does." She pushes herself away from the door as she walks slowly over to him. "Now..." She runs her hands up his chest then around his neck. " say thank you..." She gives him a quick kiss. "...for making me so happy tonight." She grins as she jumps up, wrapping her legs around his waist. He smirks. "I'm always gonna make you happy."

"I'm going to keep showing you how happy I am too." She gives him a teasing kiss. When she goes to pull away, he holds her there for longer not being done just yet. His arms slide around her waist, holding her close. Her hands go to his hair as he starts to walk towards the couch. He makes sure not to trip on anything as he sits down with her on his lap. She straddles him as she starts to put more intensity into the kiss while his hands rest on her hips making sure to hold her in place. To keep himself even more occupied while kissing back, his fingers at times, trace patterns along the skin of her hips. She shivers when he does so, arching her back into him more while kissing him harder than before. He then shifts and ends up laying her on the couch, not breaking the kiss. Her legs go around his waist while her hands stay in his hair, making sure they're as close as they can get. His hands run up her sides to her hair as he holds her head in place. He can sense that they'll both need to breathe for air soon, so he decides to take her bottom lip in between his teeth until they both catch their breath. She moans softly as she tugs at his hair. He does that for a bit longer before kissing her properly again. Once he does, that kiss is more intense than the last. His fingers run through her hair the best they can, and a bit into the kiss, he starts t pull away, but only to move to her neck. And since the match has come and gone, he's able to leave marks this time and he knows that. She tilts her head to the side as she bites her lip. He starts off by lightly nipping at her skin making her moan at the torture.

For now he avoids the spot to drive her even more crazy, he nips all around the area in order to do so. She tightens her legs around him as she tugs harder at his hair. Then, he only presses a light kiss to the spot, deciding to tease her more. The noises she makes only gets louder the more he does that. At the last second, with no warning like always, he starts to nip at the spot. She arches her back slightly into him as her hands fall to the back of his neck. She bites down hard on her lip to hold back any noises that may come.

"To make sure....the noises....aren't that loud....muffle them in my...shoulder." Mike suggests.

She nods, moving her head up slightly to his shoulder. She lets out a few noises, but not loud enough for him.

"You can make louder ones..." He smirks against her skin, nipping a bit harder.

"...making for it..."

"I can go all night."

"So can I." She moans softly.

"Bring it on."

"It's on."

He continues to work on the spot, nipping the best he can do to try and get louder, muffled noises out of her. She tries her hardest to keep the noises from coming, but he makes that extremely hard and they come out loud, but muffled into his shoulder. He smirks against her skin and begins to pull away from her neck, satisfied.

"...happy now..." She tries catching her breath.

"So am I."

"Of course you got what you wanted."

"Yes I did."

"Dare I ask how big or how many?"

"There's quite a few." He grins.

"Good thing I'm done for the night then."

"A very good thing."

"You've been waiting to do that all night, haven't you?"

"Oh yeah."

"Now you should be good...until I change into my dress I picked out." She smirks.

"Oh really?"

"Mhm." She nods. "I have a feeling you're going to love it."

"I'm sure I will."

"I'll put that on in a bit since you're having oh so much fun right now."

"Alright." He nods.

"I think you should pay attention to the show." She motions to the TV as a match starts. "We missed quite a bit already." She chuckles.


"Uh huh...oops." She laughs.

"Your fault."

"Always is." She giggles.

"It is."

"You love it though." She gives him a quick kiss.

"I do."

" about we watch the show now?"

"We should. Yeah." He nods.

"You need to let me up." She chuckles.

"Oh...right." He shifts so when he sits up, she goes with him. She squeals as she holds onto his neck as he sits. "One sec..." She shifts so she's facing the TV with her back to him. "...better." She leans against him as his arm goes around her waist, resting on her stomach for now.

"Much better." He grins.

"Just try to focus on the show...I think you left enough marks...for now."

"For once I agree."

"Good. More fun later tonight." She smirks.

"I thought so."

"It is your birthday after all."

"And yours."

"I know, but I've had my fun. It's your turn later." She lays her head on his shoulder as she runs her hand up his chest.

"Sounds good."

"Thought so." She kisses his cheek before they turn their attention to the TV.

After that match was over, there was a few backstage segments. One where Vickie was complaining to Dolph about how Mike declared that she not be ringside for the match against Alex.

"It's not fair! She gets to be out there so I should be able too!" She complains.

"Yes Vick, I know."

"I think I'm going to say something about it. She should not be allowed out there if I'm not!"

"You go out there with me, Miz will probably most likely come out and make some stupid decision that'll impact me."

"Well I'm going to go talk to him. This is not fair at all." Before he could even respond to that, she was out the door.

"She's really dumb if she thinks you're gonna change your decision on that."

"She is, but I'm going to have to do something to make her somewhat happy. I just don't know what." He sighs.

"And there are only two ways that'll make her happy. Let her be there ringside or make the decision that Shauna is banned from ringside too. Or maybe just let them go as far as the stage and that's it."

"That's a good idea, but I know Shauna will not be happy at all. I might just have Shauna go out there for commentary and that's it. If she does anything before the match is over she will be ejected."

"Good luck explaining that to Vickie. Let's see how long she can listen to your orders."

"Oh she'll listen or she will not be allowed out there for any of his matches on my show. I need Shauna out there for the fact she is Alex's partner and Diva's champion. People will wonder why she is not out there."


"We'll see how is goes in 3,2..." He points to the door when he gets to one and sure enough, Vickie is there knocking on the door.

"...and I'm not gonna hide this time. We'll just say I was meeting with you about next week's match." Stef adds.

"Right. You're my client so you get to be in here."

"Exactly." She states as she moves from his lap. "Come in!" He calls for her to come in. She opens the door, walking in, huffing. "We need to"

"One. Say it nicely. Two. What do we need to talk about?"

"We need to talk....please. And it's about Dolph's match."

"That's better." He grins. "What about his match? Everything is already set for it."

"I really don't think it's fair that I can't be out there."

"Fair to who? Every time you're out there something always happens to where you get involved. That should not happen. I want to see if Dolph has what it takes to make it on his own, not with help from outside. It's not a tag team match so you do not need to be inserting yourself into the matches like you do."

"But Dolph is my client, I need to make sure he does his best every time he's out there. I need to be able to support him."

"I understand that, but you don't see me getting involved in my clients matches, do you? No. I go out there, observe, but don't get involved. Until you can show me you can do that then you will continue to be banned from going out there with him."

"Then how is it fair that little....wannabe gets to be out there?"

"No, she didn't." Stef grits her teeth. Mike holds out his arm, stopping Stef from lunging at her.

"She is is tag partner and Divas champion. She needs to be out there. For one, she has never done anything that you've done. That is why she gets to be out there."

"Well I'm not leaving this room until I get what I want." She crosses her arms over her chest.

"What exactly is it that you want?"

"I want to be out there for the match."

"Well you're not getting it."

"Fine. I'll stay here then."

"Fine by me. This way I know you won't get involved in the match."

"...Mike..." Stef lowly protests.

"What if I make a promise. You can trust me."

"What promise?"

"If you let me be out there, I promise not to do a thing."

"I don't know..." He starts to think.

"I wouldn't trust her." Stef comments.

"How about..." He looks from Stef to her. ""

"Oh you're going to agree with the decision of her than agree with me? You're not being a very fair GM. Maybe I should go talk to the Board of Directors about favoritism. And don't think I will? Try me." She threatens.

"She has nothing to do with my decision. My mind was made up when I talked to you at the beginning of the show and I'm not changing it now. It's my decision and what I say goes. You can either deal with it or get out of my office and go home for the rest of the night."

"But just so you're happy. You won't have to worry about her being out there and getting involved. I'm being fair here. I'm only allowing her to be on commentary. She can't get involved." He adds.

"That'!" She screeches, throwing a fit.

"Deal with it or go home."

She screeches more trying to get her way.

"God! Will you shut the hell up!" Stef spits annoyed.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. And you heard him. You deal with his decision or leave. And since you can't seem to deal with it, I think it's time you should go." Stef stands up from the couch, walking over.

"Who's going to make me? You?" She cackles.

"Yes me." She smirks as she pushes her toward the door. "Now get out!" She opens the door and throws her into the hall before closing the door and walking back over to Mike. "There." She states. "Gone."

"Damn..." He bites his lip. "...that was totally hot."

"Well she just pissed me off. She's like a bug that won't leave you alone."

"I know and I've never see anyone do that to her before." He grins. "I'm liking your character more and more."

"Well that's a very good thing."

"Yes it is." He grins, putting his arm over her shoulder.

"Now I believe we have a main event to watch."

"We do." He nods. He kisses the top of her head as she leans into him with their attention on the TV.

"I guess commentary is better than nothing." I say as Alex and I head to the curtain.

"Better then not having you out there at all. I guess that's the best he was able do without showing 'favoritsim'."


"Not that it would matter. You don't do anything wrong out there anyway."

"Of course not."

"You just have more class than she does. Don't have to get involved to have a good match."

"No I don't."

"That's why you're the best." He kisses my cheek. "Now, I believe there is a match to be won."

"Yes there is."

We both get to the curtain just as they hit Dolph's music. Once his entrance was done and over with, Dolph did the usual trash talk before the match. We both heard enough and stopped it by having Alex's music go off. Dolph looks anything but pleased as we both head out and down the ramp. When we reach the ring, Alex has to let me go so that I could go over to commentary. He pulls me to him, giving me a quick kiss before he climbs up on the ring doing all his poses. Of course, going over to commentary, I was greeted as I sat down and put the headset on.

"Ah. The lovely and gorgeous Shauna. Always a pleasure having you join us." Jerry boasts as he's all smiles.

"Always a pleasure to be here."

"The pleasure is all ours." He grins.

"Speak for yourself." Cole mutters.

"I heard that."

"Whatever. Can we just watch this match." Cole responds annoyed.

"You know what Cole? Maybe this is why you have no friends and no one likes you. You're rude. Do you treat your wife the way you treat us Divas? I didn't think so."

"That's none of your concern and I do have friends. Plenty of them. I just go without the comments tonight. So just sit there and do what you do best. Be pretty." He say with a hint of sarcasm.

"How would you like two more friends..." I motion to my fists. "...connected with your face?"

"Ha! You can't touch me. I'm not a competitor and you'll get in trouble." He smugly says.

"Wanna bet? Keep trash talking. I'll give you something to talk about. Oh wait, you won't be able to if I knock your teeth down your throat."

"That's not very lady like. I'm sure the GM would not be happy with how you're acting right now."

"For your information, I'm not like any other Diva that lets you berate them. Now if you don't mind, I have a match to watch."

"Anything to keep you quiet. Please. Let's get on with the action."

I roll my eyes and decide against saying something else, focusing on the match which Alex has taken control off for the time being. He has Dolph in the corner and is giving him a few good shots to the head. He pulls him out of the corner, arm locked around his neck before he hits him over the back, making him land face first on the mat. Alex rolls him over and goes for the cover, but Dolph kicks out. I encourage Alex as much as I can despite all Cole's negative comments. I send him a glare then focus back on the match to see Dolph get up and drop kick Alex.

"Now we've heard time and time again, Dolph Ziggler says that Alex Riley doesn't deserve to hold the United States Championship. What are your thoughts on that exactly?" Jerry asks.

"Well like I said earlier, he hides behind Vickie Guerrero. He relies on her to win matches. Whether it's planned or not. Now look at Alex. I didn't help him win the title, the way Vickie helps Dolph all the time. I let him do things on his own. I'm just here for support. And my support alone is what drives him to win."

"It does seem to work. I always see and hear you cheering for him. That's what they need, not all the screaming and point out what they're doing wrong."

"Exactly. And if I may say so myself. I think it's a lot better without Vickie Guerrero out here, making our ears bleed with her screeching." I laugh.

"Ain't that the truth." Jerry laughs. "Thank the high heavens that she's not out here."

When I look back into the ring, I see that Dolph has applied the sleeper hold on Alex and he starts to slowly fade, losing consciousness every second that goes by. I take my headset off so I can call out to Alex.

" can do this! Listen to my voice. You can get through this!" I encourage as loud as I can. After I do that, the crowd starts to chant his name. That gives him an extra boost of willpower and he starts to come back and he backs Dolph into the nearest corner, making Dolph release the hold. He takes Dolph by the back of his head and flips him over his shoulders. He starts to get pumped the more the crowd chants his name and cheers for him. He runs, bouncing off the ropes then coming down on Dolph's chest with his elbow. He then gets ready for his signature move, preying on Ziggler as he gets up. He grabs him around the neck and faceplants him with a DDT. He rolls him over again and goes for the cover, but Ziggler still doesn't give up, kicking out.

"Come on!" I throw my hands in the air. "You almost got him Alex! One more time and you'll win!"

He gets up and moves, standing away from Dolph again. He preys on him once more and waits for him to get up and turn around. Once he does, Alex hits him with his signature spinebuster. He waits for him to get up once more and once he does, Alex gets him on his shoulders and hits him with his finishing move. He goes for the cover quickly and after all that, Dolph couldn't kick out, and Alex wins. I cheer as he celebrates in the ring. I get his title and climb into the ring, giving him his title. I raise one of his hands in victory while the ref raises his other hand in victory. Once we release his hands, I of course like always, wrap my arms around him in a hug. He wraps his free hand around me while still holding the title in the air. He kisses the top of my head before we both pull away. He allows me to leave the ring first, before he follows. I lace my fingers with his as we walk back up the ramp. We turn around once we reach the stage and see Dolph leaning against the ropes, holding the back of his neck, glaring at Alex. We just laugh before heading backstage and the show ends with that.

"Hopefully that's the last time you will have to deal with him."

"I have a feeling he'll never stop until he's happy."

"I think he just used his last chance he had at facing you. It's time for him to go to the back of the line."

"I agree."

"Now that the show's over...I say we get out of here."

"Of course after you change of course." She adds.

"I figured that." He chuckles.

We reach the locker room and head in. Since I was already changed and ready to go, Alex was the only one who went into the changing area to get back into his normal clothes. I got all my things together while he was changing so we both didn't have to stay any longer. He comes out shortly after all changed and ready to go.

"Everything is set and we can go." I declare.

"Just have to put my gear away and I'm good." He walks over, putting his gear in one of the bags. "Now I'm all set."

"Alright." I nod and lace my fingers with his. We leave the locker room after grabbing our things and then we head out to the car. Once there, we put everying in the back before getting in. After we're both in, Alex heads back to the hotel. In the meantime, Stef and Mike start to get their things ready to go as well. Since she had already changed into her dress she planned on wearing, all they had to do was get their bags and they would be all set to go. "All ready for dinner?"

"Mhm." She nods. "I'm always ready to eat." She laughs.

"Of course."

"What can I say?" She shrugs. "I love food."

"Who doesn't?"

"No one I guess."

"Well the ones who really don't eat, don't really love food."


"But anyways, after you."

"Like always." She chuckles as she heads to the door, making sure to wak slow while swaying her hips since she knows he's staring.

"You always do that."

"You know you love it." She smirks.

"I really do."

"That's the reason I do it."

"Oh, I know."

"You'll get me back for awlays do." She chuckles as she reaches out for his hand.

"Yes I do." He grins, taking her hand.

"Tonight should be interesting then." She laughs as they start to head to the car.


"Sounds like you already have something in mind."


"You so do." She laughs.

"So I do."

"You always do."

"You've got that right."

"I have a feeling this is going to be an every night thing with you." She grins.


"Yep. By that look it's definitely going to be every night."

"You caught me." He chuckles.

"I always do." She chuckles. "You can't hide anything from me."

"No not really."

"I'm just that good."

"Yes you are."

They make it out to the car without anyone stopping them. Once there, they put their things in the back then get in and head to the place Mike had planned for dinner.

"Alright. I want you to close your eyes. This is a surprise afterall."

"Okay." She closes her eyes.

"Almost there."

"I hope. I wanna see where you're taking me." She bounces her leg anxiously.

"You'll see, don't worry."

He puts his hand on her leg to get her to relax. She slowly stops moving her leg as he lightly runs his fingers over her skin. It doesn't take too long until he comes to a stop. She hears his door open then close and shortly after that, hers opens. She jumps a bit, having her eyes closed, but she relaxes when she feels him grab her hand. She takes his hand as he helps her out of the car.

"Keep them closed."

"They're closed." She giggles as he starts to lead her somewhere.


"Any hints on where we are?"

"It's a very romantic setting."

"Oh I can't wait. When can I open them?"


She opens her eyes and gasps as she sees a table set up with candles on it and low lighting. Her favorite flower is on the table and all around the area he rented. Off in the distance was an amazing view of lake with the moon shining brightly on it. "...Mike..." She says in awe. "...this is...amazing." She gushes as she starts to tear up.

"I hoped it would be."

"It's perfect." She smiles as she turns to give him a kiss.

"You didn't have to do all this just for me."

"I wanted to."

"Well, thank you. I love it."

"You're very welcome."

"Dare I ask what you did to get this place for the night?"

"Oh, I pulled a few strings."

"I hope it wasn't to much trouble."

"Oh no, it wasn't. But even if it was, you're worth it."

"Mike..." She blushes. "'re way too good to me."

"Because you deserve it."

"That's what you keep telling me." She blushes more.

"It's true."

"You really are the best. I'm so lucky I found you."

"So am I."

"Oh Mike..." She sighs happily. "...this has been the best birthday....ever."

"I'm glad."

"How about we go sit so I can give you what I got you?" She suggests.

"Good idea."

They walk over to the table where he pulls out her chair for her. She sits down as he gives her a quick kiss before going over to his chair. Once he sits, she gets the bag with the signed football and slides it across the table to him. "'s not as big as what you did, but I really hope you like it."

"Anything you give me I'll like." He grins before opening the bag.

"I really hope so."

"Don't worry. I will."

He takes the paper out of the bag then stops once he sees what it is. His eyes get wide and he looks shocked to see what's in the bag.

"How'd'd you get this?"

"Oh, I have my ways." She smirks. "That's not all." She hands him a card that has the tickets in it. He gives her a grin and reads the front of the card. He opens it to find the tickets before he could read the inside.

"You didn't." He looks at the tickets shocked.

"I did." She chuckles. "See where they are?"

"No way!"

"Mhm." She nods. "50 yard line. Only the best seats for you."

"This is amazing."

"I figured since we're in Cleavland next week we could go to the game on Sunday. It was to good to pass up."

"Of course."

"I love it." He adds.

"I was hoping you would."

"This really has been the best birthday ever....for both of us."

"That it has been. Best day ever."

"Perfect ending."

"To a perfect day." She finishes.


"And it's not over yet." He grins as he reaches in his pocket.

"It's not?" She looks at him confused.


"You're just full of surprise, aren't you?"

"Yes I am."

He grins as he hands her a long, rectangle shaped box. She looks up at him before opening up the box. She bites her lip as she gets tears in her eyes once she sees the silver infinity necklace he got her.

"...Mike..." She gasps in awe. "...I-I love it."

"I knew you would."

"I do have something else." He takes another small box out of his pocket. He moves his chair closer to her and takes her hand.

"Mike..." She bites her lip.

"Shhh..." He softly says. He opens the box and once she sees what is inside, it makes her cry. It's a beautiful infinity ring with diamonds outlining it.

"I got you this because you mean everything to you me and I want you to know that I will not stop caring about you. Since I've met you, I've been nothing but happy. You're everything I was looking for and more. This ring is my promise to you that I will always be there for you and you'll be in my heart forever. What I'm trying to say is...” He pauses as he wipes a few tears from my face. “...I love you Stef. So much. I've never felt as happy as I am then when I'm with you.”

“Oh Mike...” She has happy tears. “...You're so good to me that I never knew what it was like to feel this way. You're truly the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you too.”

"That's a relief, because I've wanted to tell you for so long. I've felt this way since I met you. So yeah it's the whole love at first sight thing. I just wanted to get a relationship with you and wait a bit into it before telling you."

"You have?" She asks shocked. "Honestly, I've had a crush on you forever, but I never thought I would have a chance with you. When Shauna told me I was going to meet you, I was so happy. All the feelings I had became so real. So, basically, I've felt the same way for a long time."

"Well now I know about that and now you know how I've felt since we met."

"I do and I can't believe this is all happening. It all feels like a dream."

"And as I've been telling you, it may feel like a dream, but it's not."

"I know, but I never thought this would happen. It really is a dream come true for me."

"Well they do say dreams can come true."

"True, but this is one I never thought would."

"Well I'm happy that it did for you."

"Same for you. I'm just happy I'm what you were looking for." She blushes slightly.

"Out of every Diva in the locker room, none of them compare to you. You're different than all of them and that's what makes you what I was looking for."

"I'm glad to be different. That's what makes someone unique. I do not like being like anyone else."

"And you should be anyone but yourself, which you are...yourself."

"I'm just glad that you like how I am. That's the biggest relief of all."

"Well of course I would like how you're always yourself."

"You have no idea how happy I am to hear you say that."

"I have a pretty good idea." He grins.

"I would hope so." She chuckles. "My makeup is probably a mess right now." She wipes her eyes as she turns away from him.

"Unless you have the waterproof, then I think it's perfectly fine. You don't need makeup to look beautiful to me anyway."

"Mike..." She tears up again. "...there you go being all sweet again."

"I'm nothing but sweet and what I said was the truth."

"Yes, you are." She moves over giving him a quick kiss.

"If wanna fix your makeup you can go ahead. I won't order anything until you come back."

"Okay. I'll be right back." She grabs her clutch then heads into the bathroom to touch up her makeup. Once she gets in there, she fixes any running makeup then adds some new. She takes out the necklace Mike just gave her and puts that on. She looks at herself in the mirror and can't help but to smile. She runs her fingers over the necklace just admiring it before she finishes up and heads back to the table.

"Necklace looks better on you than I imagined."

"It really does. I could not stop looking at it. It's so beautiful."

"Just like you."

"Not as good looking as you, but I try."

"Right. So dinner now?"

"Of course." She nods as she sits.

"Get anything you want. Money is not an issue tonight."

"Are you sure?"


"Alright...if you insist."

"I do." He nods.

She smiles over at him before looking over the menu. Since everything looks so good, it takes a while for her to decide. once she's done, she sets the menu on the table and he motions for the waiter to come over. First of course for drinks he orders wine, and then he gives the waiter his food order and then she gives him hers. The waiter goes to put in their orders then comes back shortly with their drinks. "You really want tonight to be special, don't you?"

"I really do."

"You're doing a good job at that. All I wanted was to spent the night with you, but you outdid that."

"You deserve everything and then some."

"That's what you keep telling me, but as long as I have you...I already have everything and then some."

"I'm still going to continue to give you whatever you want."

"Right now, I already have everything I want." She puts her hands on his. "You're all I could ever ask for."

"And you're all I could ever ask for as well."

She smiles and blushes as he takes her hands in his. He draws circles on the back of her hand before he reaches over the table, giving her a soft kiss. "Now this is the best birthday ever."

"I couldn't agree more."

"Think we can top this next year?" He chuckles.

"I don't know how, but I'm sure we'll find a way."

"We'll have to wait and see."

"Mhm. Plenty of time to plan."

"More than enough time for sure."

"True." She takes a sip of her drink. "Wow...this is really good."

"Only ordered the best."

"I see that. It does taste really good."

"Well that's good. I would hope that it tastes good."

"It's the best I've had. That's for sure."

"Gonna have to get it every time we go out then...depending on the restaurant we go to."

"Hopefully they have it. This is my favorite one by far."

"If they don't, I'll go out and buy it just for you."

"I can actually see you doing that too."

"I would."

"I would do the same for you too."

"Of course."

"If the wine is this good, I can only imagine how good the food will be."

"I'm sure it's gonna be amazing...and speaking of.." He trails off as the waiter comes back with the food.

"Oh it does look and smell good." She mentions as the food is placed in front of them.

"It really does." He nods.

They thank the waiter as he leaves, then they start to eat. "" She moans as she takes a bite. "...this is amazing."

"I chose a good place to eat then."

"That you did. Best food ever."

"We'll definitely come back here when we're in town again."

"Good. This place is the best I've eaten at so far."

"I'm glad."

They continue to eat, trying a bit of each other's food. Once they get done eating, they just sit there talking as they finish the wine and enjoy the time they have. They stay there until the waiter comes with the bill and also tells them that it's getting close to closing time. Mike nods, then pays the bill. They get up to get their coats before heading out to the car. She leans into his side as they walk since his arm is over her shoulder. "Well it's officially tomorrow. No longer our birthdays." He says as he checks the time and it's well past midnight.

"Oh darn." She frowns. "Still have next week though. I have another surprise for you then too."

"Oh really?"

"Mhm." She nods with a smirk. "Have to wait to find out what it is though. Only's another birthday gift."

"Belated birthday gift...hmm...I can't wait."

"It'll be worth the wait. Trust me."

"I'll always trust you."

"Just like I'll always trust you."

"As you should."

"I have no reason not to."

"Exactly." He says, opening her door for her.

"Thank you." She smiles, giving him a quick kiss as she gets in.

"You're very welcome."

He closes her door then goes over to the other side. Once he gets in, he starts the car and heads to the hotel. On the way back, she starts to doze off, but tries to fight it. She must have fallen asleep because next thing she knows, she's being lifted out of the car.

"It's ok...I've got you. We're back at the hotel. Once you're settled in bed, I'll come back down for our things."

"...okay..." She mumbles as she wraps her arms around his neck, moving closer to him. He walks into the lobby of the hotel and over to the elevators. He presses the button to go up and after a few moments the doors of one elevator open and he steps in. After stepping in, he presses the button for their floor and they soon head up. Once on their floor, he heads to the room. he gets the door open with little trouble then walks in and lays her on the bed.

"Want me to pick out something for you to change into?"

"...mhm..." She nods lazily, her eyes slightly open. He goes over to her things and looks through for something comfortable for her to wear. Once he finds something, he comes back over to her. She takes the nightgown he gave her and starts to take off her dress. Since she's so tired, she really does not care that he's looking. She kicks her shoes off and lets her dress fall as she pulls the nightgown over her head. She slowly moves up to the pillows, waiting for him to come back from the car. He grabs everything, from the gifts to the gear bags. He then goes back into the hotel after locking the car and heads back to the room. Once he gets to the room, he sees her cuddling with his pillow. He chuckles to himself as he starts to get changed out of his suit. When he gets done, he puts his clothes along with hers back with their things before coming over to the bed. He pulls the covers down then gently moves her so she's under them, but laying on his chest. As soon as she feels his warmth, she instantly moves closer to him. He smiles and kisses the top of her head, watching her sleep for a while. "Goodnight Stef." He says quietly before drifting off to sleep himself.

Alex and I in the meantime have been in our room for quite some time already, because we were too caught up in the video game we were playing, because I was confident that I would beat him in his own game. "You're not going to beat me this time. I own this game."

"Uh huh. Suuure." I say as I munch on the snacks I got from the vending machine in the hallway.

"I'm going to win. I can feel it."


"You'll see. I'm about to get a touchdown right now." He grins.

"We'll see about that."

"Oh! So not fair!" He whines since I stopped him from scoring.

"That's totally fair."

"I'll score. Watch me."

"Well you have a second chance now..."

"I do and I'm going to get those points."

"Maybe...maybe not."

"Watch me." He says as he tries to score only to have me stop him again.


"How come I never knew you could play this good?"

"Just something I've been hiding."

"What else are you hiding from me?" He chuckles.


"Just that I'm the only girl to beat you at your own game." I smirk.

"Game's not over yet." He nudges me, trying to make me lose focus.

"Ohhh, you wanna play that way do you? Well, two can play at that." I grin, leaning back a bit so I could visibly see his tattoo. I smirk before lightly tracing it with my finger, trying to make him lose focus. He twitches slightly as my fingers lightly move over his skin. A slight growl comes from him as he drops the controller, losing the game.

"Oh, look at that...I won." I grin, quickly retracting my hands and acting like I did nothing before he comes to, and focuses again.

"You' going for that..."

"Pay for what? I didn't do anything."

"Suuure. Act all innocent now."

"Honestly I did nothing."

"No?" He turns to face me.

"Then why are you smirking and why is my controller on the ground, hmmm?"

"Um..." I trail off, covering my mouth with my hand to hide the smirk, and I say I'm not smirking, but it comes out mumbled.

"What was that?" He moves closer to me. "Your hand was covering up your smirk."

I just shake my head, trying to hold in the laugh that wants to get out. He moves even closer to me, trying to move my hands. Since I won't move it, he leans down just hovering his lips over my neck. I shake my head more when he stays that way for a while. "This is one game I will win." He smirks as he lightly nips at my neck. I still refuse to move my hand, but what he's doing right now isn't quite enough for noises just yet. He takes his time, nipping a bit harder. He feels me tense up as he grazes over the spot on my neck. He grabs my hips then shifts so I'm sitting on him. His hands stay on my thighs as he starts to nip a bit more harder than before. I have no choice but to free my hand from covering my mouth so that I could wrap both arms around his neck to hold him closer. He smirks against my skin as he starts to get closer to his favorite spot. I prepare myself for it as I hide my face in his shoulder. He lightly presses kisses around the spot just to torture me more. He does that a few times before going after the spot. My one hand that had moved to his hair had gripped it and a few moments after he had went after the spot, he smirked against my skin again after noises are muffled into his shoulder. Since he was satisfied with the noises, he pulled away to see a small mark starting to form. He then slowly started kissing across my jaw before ending at my lips. I can't help but kiss him back eagerly. I make sure to make it last a long time before pulling away.

"So I did distact you, so I could win the game."

"Aha! I knew it."

"You started it with nudging me to try and make me lose focus."

"It was the only thing I could think of."

"So was what I did."

"I guess we're even now."

"We are." I grin, before taking a glance at the time. "And it's late." I point to the clock that says it's well near 2am.

"So it is." He chuckles. "Time flies when you're having fun."

"Mhm. About 2 1/2 hours."

"That's all? Seems shorter than that."

"I know right?"

"But, I'm guessing you want to go to bed now." He pouts.

"Well it is getting late. So you're right."

"Figured." He holds me tighter as he gets up still holding onto me.

"Shut the game off? Did you forget to do that?"

"Right." He goes over to where the game system is with me still in his arms. He shuts the game and TV off before heading to the bed. He places me on the bed first, before climbing onto it next to me. But he doesn't let me go for long, as he pulls me over so that I'm laying on top of him like he's gotten used to doing lately. "Now this is a prefect way to end the day."

"Well technically end one day and begin another, but I get what you mean."


"Surprised you didn't too touchy, because of what I chose to wear to bed."

"I was saving it all for the right moment." He grins as his hands start to wander all over.

"Which may have to wait, because it's late and I want some sleep....touchy."

"You can sleep while I do this. It usually helps you sleep anyway."


He rests one hand on my waist as he moves his fingers lightly while his other moves up and down my back. Before I know it, it starts to work. My eyes were already closed so all it took was the soothing feeling to put me to sleep. Once he notices my breathing change, he looks down to see me fast asleep. He kisses the top of my head then moves his arms so he can hold me closer. He watches me sleep for a bit with a smile before he goes to sleep himself.