Status: Active

The Chance of a Lifetime

Football Game

The weekend came fairly quickly, and it was game day. We all were staying at Mike's place because the game was in Cleveland. Last day of fun before going back to work tomorrow. You had woken up before Mike, looking over at him sleeping peacefully. Since she really couldn't move from his arms being wrapped around her tightly, she laid her head on his chest as she watches him sleep for a bit longer. Soon her started to shift in his sleep, so she decided to move her fingers lightly over his chest. He starts to mumble a bit in his sleep, his words incoherent, but she still laughs. Once he settles down, she knows he's starting to wake up so she starts to lightly kiss his chest moving up as far as she can reach.

"Wake up." She says quietly.

He grumbles as his arms tighten around her.

"I know you're awake."

"Five more minutes."

All he does in response is nod. She lays there, letting him have his five extra minutes. Once the five minutes pass, she tries to wake him up again.

"You don't get kiss for you then." She teases.

"...I'm up..."

"I knew that would get you up." She chuckles.

"How long have you been awake?" He asks.

"20 minutes...maybe."

"Couldn't really move even if I wanted to. You've got a tight grip on me." She adds.

"Oops." He chuckles. "I didn't even realize I did."

"That's alright."

"I don't mind at all."

"If course not."

"It's my favorite place to be actually."

"Well that's good."

"Very good." She snuggles into him more. "What did you want to do before the game?"

"I'm up for anything."

" about we make some breakfast or go out to eat?"

"Hmm, making breakfast sounds good."

"Alright. When did you want to go do that?"

"In a few minutes or so, I'm too comfortable right now."

"Me too." She sighs in content. "So warm."

"One of the many things I love about you." She adds.

"I'm just good like that." He smirks. "There's a lot I love about how you look so perfect in my arms right now." He kisses the top of her head.


"This is where you belong and where you're going to stay too." He pulls her closer.

"I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. Don't you worry."


"You're stuck with me." She laughs jokingly.

"Being stuck with you is so not a bad thing."

"So you think."

"It's not. It's never going to be a bad thing."

She sighs to herself, wanting to believe him. "How about we get breakfast ready?" She changes the subject quickly.

"Sounds good." He nods.

She gets out of bed quickly, then grabs her robe from the back of the door. As she was about to walk out of the room, she felt hands go around her waist, stopping her from walking.


"Forgot something." He pouts.

"Did I?"

"You did."

"Hmm..." She pretends to think. "...was it this?" She reaches her hand back, messing up his hair.

" know exactly what I'm talking about."

"Oh alright." She chuckles as she shifts in his arms. She brushes her lips over his. "Happy?"

"Hmm...not completely."

She leaves her arms around his neck, letting her fingers run through the bottom of his hair as she gives him a quick peck. "Better?"


"Oh Mike-" She starts to say as he presses his lips to hers. He catches her off guard at first, but she starts to kiss back. Her hands stay in his hair while his rest on her waist as he backs them up until her back hits the door. He smirks against her lips and lets the kiss go on for a few minutes or so, before starting to pull away. After pulling away, he rests his forehead against hers as they try to catch their breath.

" part of the morning..."


"You might want to fix your hair first." She giggles.

"We're the only ones up right now though. I think I can worry about it when the time comes."

"If you say so." She gives him a look. " have to let go...again."

"Right." He chuckles, doing so."

She moves from the door so she's able to open it. Once she does, she leaves the room with Mike right behind her. They head down the stairs tot he kitchen where he gets the pans ready and she gets the food. As she starts to put some food on the pans, he comes up behind her as he rests his chin on her shoulder with his arms around her waist.

"I love watching you cook."

"Awww. Aren't you just the charmer this morning." She states more than asking as she leans back kissing his cheek.

"I always am."

"That's just another thing I love about you."

"I know." He grins.

"You're perfect." She smiles. "...too perfect for me." She lowly says more to herself.

"As are you."

She bites her lip as she blushes while he starts to be affectionate. He starts by kissing behind her ear then moving down her neck. She has to tap his arm when she starts to lose focus on cooking. "...getting focus..."


"We have plenty of time for that before the game."

"I know."

"Good. Save it all for then because knowing Shauna, she'll be down here any second." She says as the smell of food fills the air.

"We'll just have to see."


"Unless you know, Alex keeps her sleeping."

"He would do that." She chuckles.

"Just like you would do the same thing to me."

"Yes I would."

"You guys and your cuddle time." She shakes her head.

"Can you blame us?"

"No, but I'm still getting used too it all."

"Right, of course."

"You do make it easy though." She leans back into him slightly.

"I would hope so."

"You actually want to be around me so that makes it easier for me. I'm just getting used to all this attention is all."

"You're gonna continue to get all the attention from me. It's never gonna stop."

"As long as it's all good, I would hope it never does end."

"It's always going to be good."

"Well good. That I can handle."

"Of course."

"I do think everything is just about done..." She says as she checks the pancakes she was cooking. "...yup. All done."

"Smells great."

“Thank you.” She smiles. “Secret recipe.”

"Oh really?"

"Mhm." She nods.

"Will I ever know the secret?"

"Maybe, maybe not."

"Eventually." He chuckles.

"We'll see. Not even Shauna knows it."

"And she's your best friend."


"Looks like I got my work cut out for me." He chuckles.

"Yes you do."

"I got time."

"You won't get it out of me today." She laughs.

"Today, no. Another day, yes."

"I repeat...we'll see."

"Yes we will." He grins as he presses a kiss behind her ear.

She turns everything off and puts the pancakes on the plates, of course saving some for me and Alex once we wake up. Mike lets her go in favor of helping her take everything to the table. They set everything down then sit.

"Guess he really did keep her sleeping." She laughs.

"Or last night was very long for them." He jokes.

"Possibly, but I don't think so."

"One of them will come down eventually."

"I say it's going to be him. What do you say?"

"I'll have to agree."

"Uh...I think I hear someone." She listens carefully.

They both hear a door open upstairs, but it never closes. Then they listen as footsteps are heard on the stairs, coming downstairs. They look at the stairs to see that it's me coming down instead of Alex.

"Damn. Good thing we didn't put money on it."

"Neither of us would've gotten anything." Mike chuckles.

"That's true." She laughs.

"Be zero cents richer."


"Good morning." She says as I step into the room.

"Morning." I yawn as I sit.

"Long night?" She teases.

"Oh how did you know?" I ask amused.

"I just know you that well." She grins.

"I'm so not awake yet."

"I can tell." She laughs. "We both thought Alex would be up before you."

"Well he did wake up before me, kept me there, I dozed back off and then he did. Been sleeping every since. I snuck away."

"He's going to be disappointed when he wakes up and you're not there."

"He'll figure out where I am."

"I'm sure he will." She nods. "I did make my famous pancakes though."

"I knew I could smell them."

"I thought so. Figured you would be down unless Alex kept you, which Mike was right about."

"Kept me for some time anyway."

"I see that." She chuckles. "There still on the stove so they should still be warm."

"Maybe that'll wake me up." I say, getting up from the table and going into the kitchen.


I grab a plate and grab a few and come back to the table and sit down. I take a couple bites of food then start to wake up a bit more.

"It's working."

"They usually do help you."

"Combined with the syrup."

"That makes them even better."


"I know, I know. I'm an amazing cook." She jokes.

"You are."

"Aw. Don't lie." She laughs. "Wait. What am I saying. I'm an amazing cook." She flips her hair.

"Yes, yes you are."

"Aw shucks." She blushes. "It's nothing."

"Your food is always amazing."

"I try."

"And it's good everytime."

"I must be doing something right then."

"You are." Mike nods.

"Good." She smiles.

It isn't too long before another set of footsteps are on the stairs, coming down.

"Oh, he woke up."

"Bet it's because you weren't there." She says to me.


"We'll find out." She says as he walks in the room.

"Sleepyhead." I greet him.

"Morning." He groggily says as he walks over, giving me a kiss.

"Was wondering where you went." He adds.

"See?" Stef says to me, amused.

"Oh hush." I swat at her.

"I'm right here. Not to far away."

"That's true, but you weren't there when I woke up."

"See?" She snickers.

"I smelled the pancakes. So I came down here."

"Ah." He nods. "I was still hoping you'd be there though."

"Awwww." Stef grins.

"Well, I'm right here. You can get more cuddle time later."

"Nice hair by the way." I snicker.

"Do I even want to know?" She laughs as he tries to fix it.

"It's just bed head. That's all."

"Suurrre." She teases.

"Well I may have contributed last night, the rest after that, is from the pillows."

"Uh huh. If you say so."

"There's pancakes on the stove if you want any."

"I think I will. They smell so good."

"Wait until you taste them."

"That good?"

"It's a secret recipe, that I don't even know the secret of."

"Then I must get some."

He heads into the kitchen and does the same that I did, coming back to the table and sitting down next to me. We all sit there and watch, waiting to see his reaction.

"I've had pancakes tons of times before, but these are the best ones yet."

"Thank you, thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Hope you all enjoy."

"I know I am." Mike replies.


"Definitely going to be full after this." I add.

"I did make a lot this time. So eat up."

"Just leaves enough for leftovers for snacks."

"I have a feeling they won't last too long though." She chuckles.

"They're just so good." Mike says as he gets up to get more.

"I can tell." She laughs. "He's had so many so far."

"Looks like you'll be making them a lot around him." I laugh.

"That she will be." He answers as he comes back out.

"I kind of figured."

"They're just that good."

"I can tell."

"Mhm." He nods as he eats more.

"Well I'm full." I say as I just finished.

"I'm getting there too."

"So any plans for before the game today?"

"Not that I know of, but I have a feeling I know what Mike wants."

"And I have to go to the store and pick up a few things." Alex adds.

"Oh? Like what?" I ask.

"Stuff for the game."

"Alright." I nod. "Want me to come too?"

"I think I'll be alright, Won't take me too long. Think you can survive a while without me here?"

"I think I'll be able too."

"As long as you try at least."

"I can find something to keep me occupied."

"Okay, good."

He goes back to eating as Stef and I start to clean up what's not being used.

"The game should so be interesting with those two today."

"Oh I know. Going for different teams. I can so see them arguing the whole day."

"It's going to be amusing."

"Yes it will be. I think sitting between them would be the best idea."

"Yes that is for the best." I laugh.

"Don't need them getting to out of hand."

"No, we don't need that."

"Not at all."

"And of course they'll try getting us against each other just for the day because of the teams."

"They can try, but it won't work."


"Should be an interesting day."

"Very interesting." I nod.

"I was wondering if I could show you something when we got done here. I need your opinion on it."

"Oh yeah of course."

"It's something for Mike's birthday. I wanted to show him on his birthday, but I just got it a few days ago."


"It kind of goes with the theme of today. I just hope he likes it."

"I'm sure he will."

"We just have to keep him out of the room. It's been so hard to keep him away from my stuff too. He wants to see so bad."

"Oh I'm sure."

"He's been trying everything to get me to let him see, but I've stayed strong and you know how hard that is for me when it comes to him."

"Oh yes, I know."

"That pout...those eyes...makes me want to give in so badly, but I can't."

"You're staying strong, that's good."

"It is, but I'm not sure how much longer I can last."

"Poor poor you."

"I know." She chuckles. "Hopefully he'll forget all about it."

"Well, let's go see it then."

"Alright." She nods as we leave the kitchen. Since Mike and Alex were talking, we tried to sneak past them. We manage to do so, quickly heading upstairs before they notice we've snuck past them.

"That was close." She says as we walk in Mike's room.

"Very close. So what do you have to show me?"

"Hold on. It's in the bottom of my bag." She says as she walks over to her bag searching for it. "This." She holds up a Cleveland Browns Lingerie Teddy Babydoll.


"I seen it and just had to get it. Figured it would be a good birthday surprise...even if it is a week late."


"He's just lucky I love him to be wearing all this." She laughs. "That's one thing I forgot to tell you by the way." She adds. "At dinner after the show last week, we said we loved each other."


"He got me these." She shows me the ring and necklace he got her. "He said it was love at first sight and knew I was the one for him."


"I was not expecting it at all. I told him I felt the same way he did and I felt that way for a long time. He really made my night, hell, he made my life. That's the best thing anyone has ever said or done for me...ever." She starts to tear up.

"That's so sweet."

"It really is." She wipes a tear. "It all feels like a dream even though he keeps telling me it's not, but it's hard for me to believe it all."

"If it was a dream, then it would also be a dream that Alex and I are together. Trust me I never thought it would happen."

"True, but I did tell you that you were both perfect for each other. Now look at you two. You're both an amazing couple."

"Only thing that needs to happen is telling each other we love one another too. I don't know when that's gonna happen."

"I'm surprised he hasn't told you yet. I figured he would have said that weeks ago."

"Maybe he's just waiting for the right moment to say it. Because it really does have to to be. Probably trying to figure out how he's gonna tell me."

"I'm sure that moment will come very soon."

"I hope so."

"It will. Trust me."

"Anyways....I know Mike will love what you got him as a belated birthday gift."

"Now that I got your opinion, I know he'll love it."

"Probably will want you to wear that every night." I laugh.

"Most likely." She laughs as well. "Just like when he found my other babydolls I had. Been wearing those every night for the past month now."


"He wanted to pick something out for me one night and he happened to find them. He had like 3 he wanted me to wear that night."

"Oh we would."

"Yes he would. That's all I've been wearing. I have no choice." She chuckles.

"Of course not."

"Stef?" We hear Mike call from the hall.

"Crap! Stall him, stall him, stall him!" She rushes as she hurries to hide the babydoll.

"I'm on it." I nod, heading out of the room, coming face to face with him.

"What's going on?" He raises a brow as he tries to look around her.

"Oh she needed some help finding something to wear for the game. She couldn't decide on a shirt."

"Okay..." He doesn't seem convinced. "...mind if I go in?" He tries moving around me.

"Um...she's changing right now..."

"I don't think she'll mind after the other night." He smirks.

"Right. Well..." I trail off, but she soon comes out into the hall, having hidden the babydoll.

"Thought you were changing?" He grins, looking from me to her.

"I...uh...I changed my mind." She lies.

"What I mean was, she was changing out of the shirt she decided to wear for the game today. Once we picked on, since the shirt is for the game, she put her other shirt back on."

"You're both up to something. I just know it." He chuckles. "Oh and Shauna, Alex wants to see you downstairs." He says to me then gives her his famous look.

"I'll go with you." She quickly says.

"No no, I think we should have our cuddle time." Mike stops her.

"Uh...ummm..." She stutters. "...I don't have a choice do I?"

"Not really." He smirks.

"" She squeaks.

"I really don't think I can. I'm needed downstairs. I really wish I could help...believe me."

"Crap..." She mutters. "...alright, let's go Mike." She sighs. He smirks as he picks her up, carrying her into the room. She's able to say 'bye' to me before he shuts the door and walks over to the bed.

"All mine."

"Yes." She giggles. "All yours."

"I vote we stay like this until the game."

"I'll have to agree with you on that one."

"Great. Because you're not moving....unless necessary."

"I didn't think I was. You have a good hold on me this time."

"Yes, yes I do."

"Going to be like this all day?"


"Not that I mind. I'm happy right where I am." She nuzzles his neck.

"And that makes me happy."

"Good. You should be happy."

"Same as you."

"Trust me, I am."


"I do want to take my robe off though, so you're going to have to let go."

"For once I agree."

"Do you want to help?" She offers since he seems eager for it to come off.


"Go for it." She moves her arms from his neck and lays flat on the bed.

"May have to sit up in order for me to pull it off, once the belt is untied."

"I know." She sits up once he has it untied. He then pulls on the sleeves, and she helps by pulling her arms out of them. Once the robe is off, she tosses it aside. He wraps one arm around her, letting his other wander. Her arms go around his neck, holding him as close as he can get. They lay back on the pillows and she cuddles with him as his one hand continues to wander. She absentmindedly runs her fingers over the back of his neck. He tenses a bit as he squeezes down on her thigh in retaliation. She bites her lip as she does it one more time until he starts to kiss wherever he can reach.

"Might as well have my fun if we're gonna be here all day." He mumbles against her skin.

"No marks." She warns. "I still have the one from last week."

"And it still hasn't gone away. I did good this time."

"Yes you did. You really left your mark this time."

"And I'm proud of it."

"I can see it in your face that you are."

"So proud."

"You should be. Everyone knows now who I'm with."


He leans down, pressing his lips to hers, giving her a long passionate kiss. Her hands rest on his shoulders for now while his one hand rests on her waist as he pulls her closer to him. One of his hands moves from where it is, to her face, brushing his thumb across her cheek before resting his hand there. Her one hand moves to his hair as he starts to make the kiss deeper. She sighs softly in content as she starts to lightly hum into the kiss. The only time he breaks it is for air, and to tell her that he loves her, just like last week. He makes sure to continue telling her that he loves her, constantly reminding her, making sure she knows it. Hearing him say that, makes her get teary-eyed. She puts more passion into the kiss as she rolls them over so she's hovering him with her lips still on his. His one hand that was already resting on her face, stayed and he moves his other there, holding her in place. Her hands moved up to his hair, running her fingers lightly through it. He then without warning, catches her off guard when he takes her bottom lip in between his teeth and he grins while doing it. She moans softly as she start to tug at his hair. He doesn't let go for a few moments, and when he does, he goes back to kissing her. She kisses him as he rolls them over so he's hovering her again. Her legs wrap around his waist helping her to keep him as close as possible. Soon he starts to slow the kiss down, leaving light and lingering kisses. She whines softly in protest when he stops.

"Don't want too out of control.." He mumbles.

"No, not yet."

"That's probably where we may have ended up if we continued longer."

"Probably, but we'll be late for the game if that happens."


"Right now I say we just relax."

"Good idea."

He gives her a quick kiss before he shifts to laying next to her. She moves closer to him, laying her head on his chest. His arms go securely around her as they just lay there until it's time for the game. In the meantime, I had made my way back downstairs to Alex. "Mike said you wanted to see me?" I ask.

"He did?" He looks confused. "I was just wondering where you went then next thing I know, he's gone."

"Ohhh, I see what he did now." I say when it clicks in my head.

"What did he do?"

"Alone time with Stef." I laugh.

"Ooohhh. Can't say I blame him. I was starting to miss you."

"Sorry. Stef wanted to show me something and wanted my opinion on it."

"That's understandable." He nods. "Come here." He motions me over. I smile and do as he says, walking over. Once I'm close enough, he pulls me down so I'm sitting on his lap.

"You must've missed me too much."

"I did." He nods. "I also want to get time with you before I leave."

"Well when are you leaving exactly?"

"In a little bit. I still need to get changed. So probably a half hour or so."

"Well that's plenty of time."

"More than enough." He gives me a soft kiss, trying to make it last as long as he can.

"The one thing you almost forgot to do this morning. I was waiting for that." I say when we pull away.

"I didn't forget. You left before I could do that."

"Oops. Sorry."

"It's alright. Now I've got as many chances as I want."

"Yes you do."

"I don't think they'll be down for a while so..." He trails off, pressing his lips to mine again. I smile against his lips, and resting one of my hands on the back of his neck, while the other has my fingers laced with his. His hand moves from resting on my side to moving up my back. His hands find their way to my hair as he lets his fingers run through it before holding me closer to him. My hand that was resting on the back of his neck had moved and I unconsciously dragged my nails across the back of his neck before my hand had moved to his hair. He lowly growls, but I hear as he starts to deepen the kiss adding more passion and intensity to it. I end up moving a bit on his lap, trying to get as close I can get to him. He lets go of the hand he was holding in favor of wrapping his arms around me to hold me closer. My arms go around his neck getting as close as I can to him. He pulls away to give us both air, and he starts to trail down my neck and to my collarbone. I move my head to the side while tugging gently at his hair as he nips and kisses all the skin he can reach.

"If you leave any marks, they better be coverable by whatever I'm wearing today."

"They'll be small enough."

"Okay good."

He goes back to what he was doing, making sure to not get too carried away. He makes sure to nip lightly so he only leaves a few marks. Every place he leaves a mark, waiting for it to form, he presses a light kiss to it. He does avoid the sensitive spot on my neck since there already is a mark there. He kisses there as well, along with behind my ear. He starts to move back to along my jawline and ending back on my lips. I press my lips had against his in an eager kiss while he starts to let his hands wander. Whenever I feel his fingers move across any skin that is exposed due to me still having what I wore to bed last night on, I can't help but shiver a bit. He chuckles against my lips doing it one last time before resting his hands on my waist. When I feel that my lips are to the point of almost bruising, I start to pull away slowly, before pulling away completely and resting my forehead against his, eyes still closed.

"So worth the wait."

"Usually always is."

"Gets better every time."

"It does."

"I do think I should get dressed so I can be back in time for the game."

"Right." I nod.

He moves his hands so when he stands up, he's able to carry me. "You're coming with me."

"And I was just gonna ask if I could. Mind reader." I laugh.

"I wouldn't leave without you anyway."

"Of course not."

"Mine." He gives me a kiss before he heads up the stairs.



"Nothing is going to change that."

"Nothing or no one. Not if I can help it."

"Well you're the only one I want anyway. That's all that matters." I say as he walks into the bedroom.

"That's right."

"People can try and make me change my mind, but it's not happening."

"If you were going to change your mind, you would have months ago. Since you're still here that means you want to be here."


He then walks over to his bags while still holding you. He's able to pick up his bag and set it on the bed as he starts to look for clothes.

"Hmm, I'll help here." I say as I watch him look through the bag for clothes, and I say yes to what I like when he pulls it out.

"Well thank you for the help." He kisses my cheek.

"You're welcome."

He picks up his clothes, then starts to head to the bathroom, not wanting to put me down yet.

"Oh, am I going into the bathroom with you?" I give him an amused look.

"It looks that way." He grins.

"So does that mean what I think it means?"

"I think it does."

"Well in that case, maybe I'll let you watch me get dressed...whenever that is. I don't know what I'm wearing yet."

"I'm sure you'll find something to wear and you're not changing until I get back."

"Kind of figured. That's okay. It's a lazy day anyway. I can stay in what I wore to bed all day."

"Very true. Enjoy the day while we have it."


As he walks into the bathroom, he sets me down on the counter so he is able to get dressed. He changes out of the shorts he wore to bed and into jeans. I almost die on the inside from the sight, but shake the thoughts from my mind. Since he knows it's getting to me, he takes his time putting his shirt on. After slowly pulling it down, he turns around, and starts to fix his hair.

"You just live to torture, don't you?"

"For you...always." He smirks.

"If only you let me help with the shirt. Would've gave me a reason to be touchy. But that's okay."

"You don't need a reason. You can touch whenever you want to."


"I'll take full advantage of that too."

"Of course you will."

"Like now." He grins once he's done with his hair. He moves in front of me, standing between my legs while his hands slowly move up my thighs.

"Don't need to go to the store right away?"

"I do...just getting a bit of extra time with you first."

"Even though you have all the time in the world...every day."

"True. I guess I should go now so I can get back."

"So you tease me like this and think you can get away with it?" I smirk.


"I was gonna say...if you thought you could get away with it, you so would be in for it later."

"I would be either way." He chuckles.


"I think I should go before things do get out of hand and I run late."

"That would be a good idea, but are you forgetting something before you go?"

"Nope." He grins, pressing his lips to mine.

"Well that's good to know."

"A very good thing."

"Well I suppose you should finish getting ready to go. Might as well put me down now."

"I suppose I should." He sighs as he reluctantly sets me on the bed.

"So are you sure you don't want me to come with you?"

"I'm sure."

I nod and watch as he finishes getting ready. It doesn't take him that long since he already did everything in the bathroom. All he did was grab a jacket and put that on before walking back over to me.

"Alright...I'm leaving now."

"Alright. Don't rush or anything. Take your time."

"I'll keep that in mind." He gives me a quick kiss. After he pulls away, he heads out of the bedroom, leaving to head to the store. Since it was still pretty early, I decided to just lay in bed and watch some TV while I relaxed until he got back. I settled on watching football stuff that's leading up to the game today. It was the only thing worth watching really on a Sunday. With all the extra relaxing we got to do, we end up dozing off for most of the morning. Stef was in and out of sleep and when she woke up this time, she felt lips on her shoulder. She keeps her eyes closed, not wanting to wake up just yet while she enjoys the feeling of Mike's arms around her and the light kisses he's leaving.

"You dozed off." He mumbles against her skin.

"...mhm..." She slowly nods. " comfy..."

"That was the plan."

"Well it worked." She snuggles into him more. "I don't want to move."

"And you don't have to."

"Do we still have time?"

"About an hour or so."

"That's not to bad. Still got time to lay here."

"Yes we do." He nods.

"Have you been awake the whole time?"

"I fell asleep once."

"Ah, okay."

"I was to fascinated to sleep."


"You, of course."


"You just looked so peaceful."

"I always am when I'm with you."

"As you should be."

"You make me feel safe so I'm always at peace with you."

"Good." He grins, kissing her shoulder again. She sighs in content as she relaxes into his touch. Since her hands were still resting on his chest, she started to lightly move her fingers over his skin out of instinct.

"So what're you wearing to the game?" He asks.

"I was thinking jeans and I got a few things that you might like."


"Just for you I got a bunch of Browns gear that I'm going to wear today."

"I like the sound of that."

"Good. Because you won't see me in it after today. You're just lucky I love you enough to do it this once."

"That's okay."

"Figured I'd side with you today."

"I love that you did."

"I love that you love my idea."

"Well of course I would love it."

"Good. I knew you would." She grins.

"Of course."

"How about we start to get ready? That is unless you don't want to yet."

"We can get ready. I wanna see everything you're wearing."

"Of course you do." She giggles. "Gotta let go though so I can get up."

"Right right, of course." He chuckles, letting her go. She gives him a quick kiss before she moves from the bed then over to her things. She gets out what she needs before she heads into the bathroom. Once in there, she changes out of her night clothes, then into her jeans and Cleveland Brown tee. After that's on, she starts to do her makeup before curling her hair. She puts on all the Brown's jewelry she got along with the ring he got her for her birthday. once that is all on, she heads back out into the room to see that he's just about changed himself.

"You want to see now?" She gets his attention.

"I sure do." He turns to look at her. Once he sees everything she has on, a grin appears on his face.

"You like?"


"That's what I was going for." She smirks.

"Too bad this is a one time thing."

"For you, maybe I'll wear it again."

"I was gonna say...I can get used to seeing that."

"Then I just might surprise you the next time." She smirks.

"I can't wait."

"Of course you can't." She laughs as she walks to her things to grab her shoes and a light jacket she got that's also some Brown's gear too.

"Going all out I see."

"Yes I did." She grins. "Just for you." She stands up after getting her shoes on then gives him a quick kiss. She goes to pull away only for him to hold her there longer. He lets her go when he feels he should and when he does he just grins. "Wanted a longer kiss."

"Nothing wrong with that." She smiles.

"Nothing wrong at all."

"Nope. How about we head down and see if Shauna and Alex are almost ready?"

"If he's back from the store. Let's stop by the bedroom first before going downstairs."

"Oh that's right. Totally forgot." She laughs. "Let's do that. Make sure she's up if he's not."

"Just give me a few minutes to get ready."

"Alright." She gives him a quick kiss before he goes to get ready. While he does, she sit on the end of the bed waiting for him. He makes sure to not take too long, coming out of the bathroom when he's done.

"Looking good." She bites her lip as she looks him over since he decided to wear jeans along with one of his Browns jerseys.

"Only for you."

"Good. Because I love it."

"I knew you would."

"I love you in anything, but jeans..." She bites her lip. "...those are my favorite on you."

"So I've been told." He chuckles.

"It's true." She blushes, biting her lip.

"I can finally see that."

"Oh hush." She blushes more. "You're going to have me so red by the time we leave."


"It makes you just as beautiful." He adds.

"Miiikkke..." She blushes more, hiding her face in her hands.

"It's the truth....and no hiding."

"Can't help it." She mumbles into her hands.

"I know." He walks over to her, moving her hands from her face. he takes her hands in his as he sits on the bed next to her. she keeps her head down to hide when he puts his fingers under her din, lifting her head up. He moves her hair from her face, then lightly moves his thumb over her cheek. "So beautiful." He whispers as he brushes his lips over hers.

"So you keep telling me." She kisses him quick.

"And I'll continue to tell you."

"You haven't stopped yet."

"I'm never going to stop."

"I didn't think you would stop."

"Of course."

"Shall we go check on the other two before we miss te game?"

"We shall."

He stands from the bed, helping her up after he's standing. They lace their fingers together then leave his room and head down to me and Alex's which was not too far. Once there, they knock on the door. After a few moments the door opens, Alex being the one to open it.

"You're back. We were just coming to see if you were or if we needed to wake her up."

"Yeah got back a while ago, and she's getting ready."

"Alright. We'll be downstairs." Mike grins.

"And....I hope you're prepared for your team to lose." He adds, already starting.

"Psh. More like your team is going down."

"Okay okay, save it for the game you two." Stef laughs.

"But-" Mike starts before she cuts him off.

"No buts or I won't let you have fun while we wait for them."


"Let Shauna know we'll be downstairs, please?" She asks Alex as she starts to pull Mike down the hall.

"Of course."

"Thank you." She calls as they head down the stairs with him already starting to be touchy.

It isn't too long after he shuts the door when I walk out of the bathroom. "How did you know this shirt would fit?" I laugh.

"I'm just good like that." He grins.

"You just went all out with this stuff didn't you?"

"I did. I figured you would need some stuff for today."

"Well you thought right."

"Now you have everything that you need."

"Yes I do." I nod, grabbing the jewelry he got me and put everything on. "Wanna help with this?" I hold out the necklace.

"Of course." He grins, walking over to me and taking my necklace. He stands behind me as I move my hair to the side. He then puts the necklace around my neck then hooks the clasp.

"Thank you." I say as I let my hair go, it falling back in place.

"You're welcome."

"Oh before I forget, Stef and Mike are downstairs waiting for us." He adds.

"Okay. I just need a few more things before I'm ready."

The last thing I do is slip my shoes on, and spray on the perfume I picked out, which was apple, and I knew spraying it in the room around him instead of the bathroom would drive him even more crazy. I make sure I have everything I need and put it in my bag before grabbing a coat and pulling that on.

"You know that does to me when you spray that."

"Which is why I waited to do it in here instead of in the bathroom. Gets more of a reaction from you."

"You're killing me." He groans.

"Oh, I know."

"It's a good thing we have to leave or we would never leave this room."

"Good to know." A smirk forms on my face.

"I'll just save it all for later."

"Kind of figured."

"Shall we get going now?"

"We shall. We don't want to keep them waiting down there afterall."

"No, but I'm sure he won't mind at all." He chuckles.

"Of course he wouldn't."

Alex laughs as we both get everything we need before lacing our fingers together and heading downstairs. "We're all ready to go." I declare as we get downstairs.

"Few more minutes." Mike mumbles.

"No. We're ready too."

"Someone wants to keep being touchy I see."

"He does. He just can't get over me in all his teams gear."


"Oh hush. I'm sure Alex will be the same way with you."

"Well he did buy me everything I'll be wearing...from jewelry right down to my shirt."

"Oh he would."

"But there's another reason why he may be touchy."

"Let me guess..." She gets a wiff of my perfume. "...the apple?"

"Mmhmm. I kind of waited to spray it when I was in the bedroom and not the bathroom."

"Oooohhh. Now that's...something I would do."

"Yes, you would." I laugh.

"Gets me every time too." Mike adds.

"Which makes it fun."

"For the both of you."


"Alright. We should go before these two make us really late." Stef laughs.

"Good idea."

We put on our coats then grab whatever we might need before heading out to Mike's car. Since he knows how to get there, he drives with me and Alex in the back and Stef up front with him. Once we're all in, he starts to head to the arena.

"I'm surprised you two aren't fighting over who's gonna win today." I snicker.

"Oh they already started...believe me."

"Uh oh."

"Not even 2 minutes after seeing Alex, Mike started."

"Oh jeez."

"If I didn't stop him, they would probably still be going on about it."

"I believe it."

"So today is going to be interesting...very interesting."

"Oh yes."

Soon we pull up to the arena and Mike finds a place to park. Once he parked the car, we all got out. They put their arm over our shoulders as we headed up to the gate. We showed our tickets, and the ripped off the part that they keep, giving us the part that we keep and we head inside to find our seats. Once we get to our seats, it starts to hit Mike that we're really there since we are so close, 50 yard line on the field to be exact.

"How you got these seats is beyond me."

"Oh it was nothing." She shrugs. "I just got them a long time ago, that's all."

"Well sitting here is just amazing."

"That's what I was hoping for. Only the best for you."

"Just like you only get the best from me."

"Of course." She kisses him quickly, then leans into his side as he puts his arm over her shoulder.


"I'm sure Alex would do the same for you too."

"Of course I would."

"See?" She grins. "He's just as sweet as Mike is."

"I know he is."

"You will forever know. I'll never stop showing you."

"Awww." Stef smiles.

"And Eve thinks she can take him away from me. Psh."

"That's so not going to happen. Not as long as I'm here. She's got another thing coming."

"She's just jealous. Well jealousy brings out the ugly side of people. And she's just showing a whole lot of ugly..if you catch my drift." I laugh.

"Oh I do. All I know, is that if she ever tries to go after Mike after realizing she can't get Alex...oooohhhh things are going to happen."

"People honestly thought that after that one night of tag teaming together that they would be put into a storyline."

"I was the only one hoping that would never happen. I never met her and I couldn't stand her. Not after the way she treated John and Zack. Mike deserves better than that."

"Well you weren't the only one hoping. But it hasn't happened so all the people hoping that it would happen can be disappointed all they want."

"Exactly. I think she would have held him back anyway. To much baggage." Stef laughs.

"WAY too much baggage."

"Okay, enough about her. We don't need that to ruin our day."

"Right, even though making jokes about her isn't really ruining our day."

"True. I'm sure you both can go all day with those jokes too."

"We can. Two words...plastic surgery." I snicker.

"In more than one place too." Stef laughs.

"And not to mention way too much spray tanner."

"Way to much. It's like she bathes in that stuff. Just...eck." Stef makes a face.

'"She's clearly hiding something with all the spray tanner." I laugh.

"Better it stay hidden. No one wants to see that."

"No...but anyways.."

"I believe the game is about to start." Mike says.

"And the Browns are so going to lose." Alex states confidently.

"Keep thinking that. You know your precious little Redskins are going home packing."

"And it begins again."

"So it does." She laughs.

"This is gonna be fun."

"A bit too much fun." Stef laughs. "Might have to keep them occupied at times."

"Already planning on it."

"As am I."

After both teams come out, they all meet on the sidelines for the singing of the national anthem. Once that was over and the field was clear, they met in the middle for the coin toss.

"Skins are starting this game."

"No the Browns are starting."

"Here we go." Stef laughs. We watch the coin go up in the air, the Browns winning the toss, opting to take the ball first.

"See? Told you." Mike states proudly.

"You may have the ball first, but we're going to score first."

"Psh, yeah right."

"Just watch. You'll see."

"Yeah I'll see....when we score first."

"Whatever you say."

"You know I'm right." Mike grins.

"No. I'm right."

"No. I am!"

"I am!"

"Boys! Kickoff time." I interject.

"Ohh what're we gonna do with them?" Stef laughs.

"They're worse than children." I shake my head.

"Guys and their sports."

"Something we'll never understand."

Once the ball was kicked, the game officially started, Mike and Alex watching intently. There wasn't much you or I could do since they were focused on the game, but cheer for each team. The first quarter went by pretty fast with no score. The start of the second half had the Browns kicking off first. It didn't take long for the Redskins to get the ball in field goal position. Once the kicker was set, he came out and made a perfect kick putting the Redskins ahead by 3.

"Hah! What did I tell you. We scored first." Alex gloats.

"It's only a field goal. That's easy for us to beat which we will do on the next play."

"Still we scored, like I said we would."

"Yeah, yeah." Mike waves his hand. "Our ball now. Watch what a real team can do."

"This is gonna be a long game with those two going at it." I mutter to Stef.

"I got this." She whispers to me with a smirk. "Mike..." She turns to him with a pout. "I'm cold. Keep me warm?" She whines softly.

"Of course I will. Can't have you being cold."

"Thank you." She smiles as she leans into him. He puts his arm over her shoulders while she laces her fingers with his hands. She sets her other hand on his mid thigh, just resting it there for now.

"Anything for you."

We turn our attention back to the game as things started to pick up. Whenever something happened, Mike and Alex started going back and forth for a bit until Stef squeezed gently on Mike's thigh, since that's the reason she wanted him to hold her. It got close to the end of the second quarter when the Browns got close to making a touchdown. She let go of Mike so he could get up and cheer as they moved closer to the goal line. With just seconds left in the quarter, the Browns scored, getting the first touchdown of the game. “That's my Brownies! Woo!” Mike cheers. “How about that?!” He boasts.

"Psh, that's just luck."

"Call it what you will, but we still got the 7." Mike smirks as he sits back down, re-wrapping his arm around Stef.

"Ohh you two."

"I think he gets the point." She lowly says to Mike as she gently squeezes on his thigh.

"Well at least it's halftime."

"Yes it is." She nods. "I want some snacks. Anyone else?"

"I could go for some snacks." I nod.

"Alright. You guys want to go or do you want us to go?" She asks the guys.

"I don't think it's safe to leave them alone together." I laugh.

"I think you're right." She laughs. "Mike and I can go if you want." She offers.

"Alright. Anything special or no?"

"Well you know what I like anyway."

"Right. Alex?"

"Anything she's having, I'll have."

"Sounds good." She nods as she taps Mike on the leg, letting him know she's ready to go. He nods and they both get up and head to get snacks and stuff. They head up to the vendors then find one they want. While they stand in line, Mike stands behind her with his hands on her hips as he steals a few kisses. When they finally get to the front of the line, they order what they want. After waiting for it, they get all the food and drinks then head back to the seats. When they do get back, they see that I've moved from where I was sitting to sitting on Alex's lap, his arms wrapped around me.

"Aw. How cute." She comments as they get back to the seats and sit down.

"I got cold."

"It is chilly out, but I got cocoa." She sings as she hands me a cup.

"Ooh thank you."

"Mhm." She nods. "Plus I know how much you love chocolate."

"Oh yes."

"Now we can stay extra warm while we watch."


"And it looks like we got back just in time too." Stef says as both teams start to come out for the second half.

"Yes you did. Now you be careful cheering, since I'm sitting here with the hot chocolate in my hands." I say to Alex.

"I'll be careful."

"Alright." I nod.

Soon the game starts again with the Browns kicking off first this time. Nothing really happened in the 3rd quarter but some good sacks and a few fumbles. It came down to the 4th quarter when the Redskins almost got a touchdown, but the Browns intercepted, running down the field. They tried to get a touchdown or a field goal, but time got the best of them and then game ended with the Browns winning 7-3.

"...damn..." Alex said lowly as we all waited for Mike's reaction.

"We won. Oh yeah. Told you we would win." Mike gloats.

Stef and I are amused by Mike's little victory dance he started doing. She lets him go for a bit, before tugging on his jacket for him to sit. "Alright...that's enough." She chuckles.

"Just happy that we won." He grins.

"I know you are. I'm happy they won while we were here."

"Thank you for getting the tickets for the game today." He hugs her, kissing her cheek.

"You're very welcome. I'm glad you had a good time."

"I had an amazing time."

"Good." She moves close to him, starting to shiver.

"I think it's time to get them out of the cold." Alex says since I'm still snuggled up to him.

"Considering my hot chocolate is gone, I think so." I nod.

"Mine too." She shivers as Mike puts his arm around her.

"Okay. Lets get you both out of the cold." Mike says as we all start to stand.

We gather everything we brought, even the leftover snacks and we headed back through the crowd of people leaving and to the car. The whole way back to the car, they guys had there arms around us while we leaned into their sides trying to stay warm. Once at the car, Mike had the doors unlocked and the car started since he had that feature on his car. By the time we get in the car, it's already starting to get warm. "Thank god for remote starters."

"Oh I know right?"

"Best feature ever on a car."

"That's why I got it for here. Now it will never be cold when we get in the car in the winter."


When the car is warm enough he starts to make his way into traffic, taking his time with all the cars. It takes a bit of time to get o the main road, but once we do there's no traffic all the way back to Mike's place. Once we get back, he pulls in the driveway and parks the car.

"I'll go unlock the door so we don't have to wait out in the cold while I do."

"Sounds good." Stef nods as he gets out with the car still running. She turns around in her seat to talk to me, but sees that I dozed off for a bit on Alex. "Awwww." She says quietly.

"Someone got tired."

"I can see that." She chuckles. "Must be all the cold air that did it."


Her phone goes off, Mike telling her that the house is unlocked.

"House is open. You take her in and I'll get all this stuff." She says to Alex as she starts to get everything together. He nods and gently move me so he can get out of the car first. He goes around to the side that I'm on so that it's easier to get me, opens the door and unbuckles the seatbelt, carefully taking me out of the car and carrying me inside. Once he's inside, he tells Mike Stef's getting everything from the car before coming in. After he does that, he heads up to the room to get me changed into more comfortable clothes. When he reaches the room, he gets the door open then lays me on the bed before closing the door and getting something for me to wear. After he has that, he goes back over to me, gently trying to wake me so I can change.

"Hmmm?" I mumble in my sleep.

"You need to change." He softly says. "I got you clothes."

I nod and sit up, taking my jacket off first before taking the clothes from him and heading into the bathroom to change. I slowly make my way there since I'm half asleep. When I get in the bathroom, I take off the clothes I had on, then put on the clothes that he picked out for me. After I'm done with that, I grab my clothes I wore to the game and then head back into the room, putting my clothes with my bag.

"Still tired?" Alex asks.

"Just a bit. All the fresh air did it. Never fails."

"Once you come back to bed, you can get all the sleep you want."

I yawn as I walk back over to the bed, climbing onto it and almost instantly snuggle into his side. His arms go around me, holding me closer as he soothingly runs his fingers through my hair. It doesn't take long for me to drift off to sleep considering I was already still half asleep to begin with. Once he notices a change in my breathing, he rests his hand on the beck of my head, kissing my forehead. He pulls me closer to him, just watching me sleep until he goes to sleep himself. Meanwhile, Stef had just got done putting everything away and headed up to Mike's room where he was waiting for her.

"Waiting for me I see."

"Of course." He smiles. "I'd wait a lifetime for you."

"There you go again...making me blush."

"Just makes you even more beautiful."

"Miiikkkeee..." She covers her face. "...stop." She chuckles.

"But it's true."



"One of the reason why I love you." She walks over to him giving him a kiss. When she goes to pull away, he holds her closer, trying to hold the kiss longer.

"Uh uh..." She mumbles against his lips. "...I have to show you something first."


"Mhm." She nods. "go get ready for bed and I'll be right back."

"Alright." He nods.

Once he lets her go, she goes over to her things and gets out what she had planned for him. She takes it out without him seeing, then hides it in her jacket until she gets in the bathroom. Once there, she cleans off all her makeup before taking off her clothes and putting on the baby doll. She leaves her hair the way it was and sets her clothes neatly on the counter for now. She fluffs the curls a bit to give them more volume before heading back into the room. She stands with her back against the door frame, posing in a way that she knows will kill him. "Oh Mike." she sings, trying to get his attention.

"Ye..." He stops what he's going to say once he sees her.

"Like your belated birthday present?" She smirks as she pushes herself off the wall and slowly starts walking to him making sure to sway her hips as she walks.

"" He says, almost speechless.

"Good." She giggles. "I was hoping you would." She stands in front of him, lightly moving her finger up his chest teasingly.

"When...did you get this?" He asks, reaching out to touch the fabric.

"A few days ago. It came later then I thought it would."

"Well, that's alright."

"Was hoping to have it last week for your actual birthday, but now is good enough."

"It is." He nods.

"You can have all the fun you want..." She wraps her arms around his neck. "...go crazy." She brushes her lips over his.

"But not too crazy where things happen too early. I know."

"If you're ready, then I'm ready."

"Are you sure?"

"More then I have ever been about anything."

"Is it going to be special enough for you? Because I want it to be."

"Trust me. It will be...I'm with you afterall."

"Oh, I know. I just want to make sure."

"That's sweet of you and makes me want you even more."

"That's because I care."

"You show it to me everyday. That's what made my decision so easy."

"Well I'm glad I could influence your decision with how much I care about you."

"You have no idea how much it means to me that you actually show how you care."

"I have a pretty good idea."

"I'm sure you do." She leans in close to him as she lightly runs her fingers over the back of his neck.

"But...enough talking..." He grins.

She nods as she smirks, pressing her lips to his. her hands stay around his neck for now just lingering above his skin. He smirks back against her lips and helps to give her a boost, and she wraps her legs around him as he heads in the direction of the bed. As he walks, he lets his hands wander all over. Once he makes it to the bed, he sits down and she moves her legs so she's straddling him without breaking the kiss. His hands once again move to the baby doll, running his fingers along the fabric, because he just loves the feel of it. She giggles into the kiss at how fascinated he is by the fabric. He keeps his fingers on that for now as he breaks the kiss for air. He looks her over before starting to trail kisses across her jaw. She leans into his touch as he goes toward her neck. She tilts her head to the side, giving him better access. "...and the marks....will be tomorrow...I know..." He mumbles against her skin.

"...mkay." She nods against his shoulder. And just as she said that, he started to nip at her skin, every chance he got with no warning. As he does that, she bites down hard on her lip as she digs her nails into his shoulder. The more he nips the harder it becomes for her to keep the noises from coming, but she manages to keep them concealed...for now. He can feel that she's holding back, especially at how tense she's becoming. So along with nipping at the skin of her neck, his hands move along her sides lightly and slowly, to her spine where he trails his fingers slowly along that. She shivers at his touch as a soft moan escapes her. Her fingers dig into his back more as she arches into him, trying her hardest not to give in. He moves from her neck and up to her ear. "Give in." He says before nipping at her earlobe.

"" She manages to get out.

"Well...looks like I'm going to have to try harder."

"...mhm..." She bites her lip as he starts to nip at her earlobe. She shifts on his lap while a few moans come from her. Since he knows that's what gets her, he starts to nip a bit harder while keeping his hands there. Just to get the moans louder, each time her squeezes harder, until she can't take anymore. Finally she gives in, giving him the reaction he was waiting for. He smirks against her skin as he continues to nip. When he feels he's left enough marks for now, he slowly makes his way to her lips. Not being able to wait, she pulls from his shoulder as she turns his head toward her. She presses her lips in an eager, hard kiss. She keeps one hand on his cheek while she lets the other slowly move down his chest, stopping right above the waist of his boxers. She feels him tense up before she lightly moves her fingers over the back of his pants. He simply can't wait anymore because of the torture she's doing to him, and he starts to move the shoulder straps off of her shoulders. She relaxes her shoulders at bit so he can pull them down slightly. Her hand moves from his cheek to his shoulder while her other slops under the band of his boxers. She moves her fingers across his skin lightly before pressing down on one of his indents, getting a growl out of him. She smirks against his lips and does it again. That earns a louder growl from him, and without warning he moves and they're both by the pillows. With him hovering over her, lips still pressed to hers.

His hands go to her hips, holding her in place. She pulls away from his lips, trailing from them to his jaw before she nips at his earlobe while her hands move down his chest back to his waist. She smirks as he tenses up, moving his hands to her thighs as he grips harder on them. She slips her fingers under his waistband again, pressing her fingers into his indents again as she slowly starts to nip at his neck.

"I don't much more....I can take..."

"That's the whole point." She smirks, mumbling against his skin.

"The more you continue, the closer we're getting to it happening."

"I'm just having my fun before you stop me."

"That's coming very soon...believe me."

"Then I'm going to continue with my fun then..." She nips a bit harder at his neck as she slowly moves down to his chest, keeping her hands where they are. His hands grip her hips tighter than they were before when she nips that hard at his neck. While she does that, he presses kisses to her shoulder when he can. She slowly moves from his neck, going to his chest as she lightly kisses and nips. She moves down to his abs where she lightly moves her tongue after each kiss. She goes down as far as she can before slowly moving back up, going up the other side of his neck before ending at his lips. He kisses back eagerly and he rolls the both of them over, not breaking the kiss and he starts to remove the rest of the baby doll since she still had it on and he wanted it off. They break the kiss so he can lift it over her head. Instead of going back to her lips, he kisses all the newly exposed skin he can, making sure to get every inch. Her fingers run through his hair, gripping gently at the torture he is starting to cause her. Once he's gotten every inch of the newly exposed skin he can reach, he moves back up to her lips, but hovers over them for a brief moment. "Blanket now?" He asks, while winking.

"Uh huh." She nods, not wanting to wait any longer. He smirks as he pulls the blanket over them while pressing his lips to hers. Soon the rest of what they had on came off and they enjoyed a belated birthday present.