Status: Active

The Chance of a Lifetime

Eve Drama

The next morning instead of an alarm to wake me up, I'm peacefully sleeping until I feel lips press against the back of my neck. I move in my sleep a bit, but the lips don't move from where they are. I feel hands go down my side, resting on my hips as the lips start to slowly move down my neck to my shoulder. I mumble in my sleep, before leaning into the touch. They move from my shoulder back to my neck then to my ear.

"I know you're awake." Alex whispers in my ear.

"Mmmm..." I reply.

"You're still tired...I can tell."

"..a bit..."

"How about, you rest while I get ready? I'll wake you up when I'm done."

All I do is nod. He chuckles as he kisses my shoulder one last time. He carefully gets out of bed then goes to his things. He picks out a nice suit for media then goes to change in the bathroom. He makes sure to take as much time as he can so I can get more rest. Once he was done with everything, he comes out and comes over to wake me up. I grumble into the pillow, still not wanting to get up.

"We have media this morning. Gonna have to get up."

"...ugh..." I groan. "...if I must."

"Get up for me at least?"

"For you...of course I will." I shift, rolling over onto my side.

After a bit I sit up and stretch, before getting the energy to even move from the bed.

"Need some motivation?"

"I'm just not fully awake yet."

"Maybe I can help with that." He grins, moving so he's next to me. He then cups my face in his hands, giving me a soft, yet passionate kiss. He keeps the kiss going until he feels that I'm more awake than before. That's when he pulls away. "Better?"

“Mmmm...much better.”

"Works every time."

"It does." I nod. "I think I'm awake enough to get dressed now."

"That was what I was hoping."

"You just know how to wake me up."

"I do."

"Okay...I should get changed now..." I move from the bed since he started to get all touchy. "...before you make us late." I laugh as I head to my bags.

"Yeah that would be a bad thing." He chuckles.

"It would." I chuckle as I get all my things together for the day.

"I will be right back."

"Alright." He nods as he watches me walk to the bathroom.

"Although, you did let me watch you get changed so..."

"Seriously?" He asks as his eyes light up.

"Well it wouldn't be fair if I didn't let you, since you let me."

"I'm coming." He gets of the bed and hurries over to me.

"I've never seen you move so fast." I laugh.

"I only move that fast for something I want." He smirks.

"Of course you do."

" about we get you ready?" He grins as he nudges me into the bathroom.

"Okay okay, pushy." I laugh.

His grin just gets bigger as we both walk into the bathroom. Once in there, he shuts the door and locks it.

"Like anyone's gonna come in."

"Not taking any chances."

"Mike and Stef know we like our privacy as much as they like theirs. Plus, they're probably still sleeping anyway."

"I know. Just not used to being alone like this."

"Like how you let me stay at your place with you that one time, so I wouldn't have to stay in the hotel? Before this whole relationship even took off?"

"Exactly like that time. All I wanted was alone time with you and that was the best option."

"Well it's something we'll get used to when we have the days off, go home."

"I'm so looking foward to that." He grins as he starts to pull at the shirt I have on.

"Okay I get it. Enough talking and more changing."

"Mhm." He nods eagerly.

I shake my head amusedly before starting to change, removing what I wore to bed first before putting the clothes I picked out on. Alex watches intently as I change, using certain moments to be al touchy before I put the next piece of clothing on. After I have everything on, he runs his hands over my shoulders since they are exposed due to the top I have on.

"Enjoy while you can. I'll be wearing something that covers my shoulders."

"Awww." He pouts. "Do you have to?" He whines.

"Yes I do. I'm sorry."

"I'll just have to have all my fun now then." He kisses the back of my neck, slowly moving across my shoulder as his hands move to my hips. I can't help but to watch him in the mirror as I work on my makeup. He keeps having his fun while making sure I'm still able to do my makeup without messing it up.

"Going to have to stop for a few minutes so I can do my hair and so I can spray on my perfume. Unless you wanna do the honors of the spraying."

"Can I?"

I grab the bottle and hand it to him. "I'll do my hair after you're done with that."

He grins as he takes the bottle, spraying it on my clothes and neck. "" He gets lost in the scent.

"Now, behave. Or we'll be late."

"I can try."

"Good. As long as you try."

He moves to the side as he anxiously watches me do my hair.

"You know I love it when you do that to your hair." He points out the waves towards the ends.

"That's why I do it as much as I can."

"And I'm thankful for that."

"Anything for you."

"Now two more things. What's covering my shoulders and my shoes." I add.

"Alright." He sighs.

"I can take it off later when we get back. Tell you what. When we do head to the arena, I'll keep it off. I'm wearing a dress tonight anyway and I'm bringing it with us so I can change into it there, along with everything else that's gonna go with it."

"I love that idea. And a dress?" He grins. "You're trying to kill me today." He chuckles.

"And it's blue, light blue."

"Yep. You're definitely going to kill me today."

"Seems like it doesn't it?"

"You already are so yes it does."

"And even better. I have no match tonight."

"Hmmm...we might not leave the room unless we have to then."

"We'll see what happens tonight."

"Right. Depending if I have a match and all."

"Right, that's up to Mike though."

"I'm sure we'll find out later."

"Right. And with this being the go home Raw before the pay-per-view, who knows what'll happen."

"True. I might find out who I'm defending against next week."

"You mean this weekend. The pay per view is this weekend silly. Did I distract you that badly that you forgot when the pay-per-view was?" I laugh.

"That's what I meant and yes you did." He laughs. "I just can't stop looking at you."

"Well it's gonna get covered by a jacket, it is a bit chilly outside..especially early mornings. Don't wanna freeze." I say as I grab my jacket.

"I could help keep you warm, but alright."

"Yes I know you could, but in order for you to do that, we'd be walking out to the car a little strange don't you think?"

"We would, but it'd be worth it."

"Next time, I promise."

"I'll accept." He grins.

"But anyways, ready to go?"

"All set."

He takes my hand in his, lacing our fingers together, allowing me to walk out the door first and not letting go of my hand as he follows. We make our way through the house then out to the car. Once there, he opens my door for me. When I'm all buckled in, he closes my door then goes over to the other side. He gets in, buckling his seat belt then heads off for the first media stop of the day. Stef and Mike however were still sound asleep. She was cuddled up to his side, head laying on his chest while his arms were wrapped around her. She shifts slightly in her sleep, causing him to hold her tighter. Her eyes slowly open as she looks up at him still sleeping. A smile forms on her face as she remembers everything that happened and snuggles into him more. It isn't until about a few minutes or so later when he starts to wake up. He looks down to see her snuggled into his side and a smile forms on his face.

"Morning." He softly says, kissing the top of her head.

"Morning." She smiles as she looks up at him.

"So last night..." he grins.

"...was amazing." She bites her lip.

"I couldn't agree more."

"That was truly the best night ever."

"I'm glad you think so."

"I couldn't any happier then you made me last night."

"My goal every day is to make you happy."

"I'm always happy when I'm with you. You always know hoe to make me happy."

"I'm good like that."

"Yes you are. Very good."

"Only the best for you."

"Of course." She smiles. "You show it every day."

"And I always will."

"I'm sure you will." She snuggles into him, letting her hands wander up and down his chest.

"We have media today. For once I really don't feel like going." He chuckles.

"Too bad we can't just skip it."

"I know."

"So that means we have to get up?" She groans.


"But I don't wanna." She whines, burying her face in his chest.

"Well you could stay in bed while I get dressed. We're not needed for another hour anyway."

"I could, but I want you to stay with me." She pouts.

"Well we could use a shower...after last night and all.."

"Mmmm...that sounds like a good idea."

"Can pick out what to wear after."

"Alright. You've got a deal."

"Good." He grins.

"Carry me there?" She puts on her best pouty face.

"Well of course I will."

She moves up so she's able to wrap her arms around his neck as she shifts on the bed. Once he's sitting up, she moves her legs over his then he moves from the bed, heading for the bathroom. when he walks in, he sets her on the counter while he gets the water ready.

"And since we're on a time limit here, we won't spend too much time in the shower. But I do want to have cuddle time later. I know you want that too."

"I do." She nods. "And I think you had enough fun last night to hold you over for now." She laughs.

"It was a lot of fun." He nods.

"We should be able to be quick, as long as you don't get to touchy, which I have a feeling is going to happen." She chuckles since he's already started running his fingers over her thighs while they wait for the water.

"I'll try to control myself at least."

"As long as you try that." She kisses him quick. "If you do, then later you can have fun before we leave."

"I do like the sound of that."

"I knew you would." She grins. "But, I think the water is ready." She says as steam starts to fill the room.

"It seems so." He nods, helping her down from the counter before they both step into the shower. Once in the shower, they take turns getting under the water before doing everything they need to do. He makes sure to leave a few extra minutes so he can be extra touchy. She manages to persuade him into shutting the water off and getting them towels. She wraps hers around herself while he does the same then they step out and head into the room. "Looks like you were good in there so you get what I promised you."

"I can't wait."

"Like always." She laughs at his excitement. "Now, it's time to get dressed."

"Yes." He nods. He goes over to his closet for one of his suits while she goes to her bag for clothes. She picks out an ice top and jeans then starts to dry off with the towel. As she starts to put her under things on, she can feel eyes on her. Knowing he's watching, she takes her time putting her top and jeans just to torture him more. She hears him groan slightly and smirks as she starts to get her makeup ready.

"Not dressed yet?" She notices once she turns to face him.

"You distracted me."

"Oops." She giggles. "My bad."


"I honestly had no idea you were watching. I thought you were still in the closet." She says innocently.

"Uh huh...sure."

"Honestly." She smiles sweetly. "Although, you should get dressed. I'm starting to get distracted." She bites her lip as she looks him over in nothing but the towel.

"Oh really?"

"It's taking everything in me not to come over and take that towel off."

"Well I let you do that, we may not end up leaving this room. So maybe I should go get dressed."

"No we wouldn't." She agrees. "So yes. You getting dressed is a good idea."

"I will be back out in a few."

"Alright." She nods. While he goes to get dressed, she heads back in the bathroom to start her hair and makeup. She does her makeup first then gets started on her hair. It doesn't take too long to do her hair and once she's done, she turns off the curler and gets it to the side. After everything is put away, she heads back out into the room to see him fixing his suit. She stops walking, and stares as she bites her lip.

"You're staring." He grins.

"Uh huh." She slowly nods.

"Always got to look my absolute best."

"You always do." She grins as she walks over to him. "Especially when you wear suits." She runs her fingers down the front of his jacket.

"How well I know."

"What can I say?" She shrugs. "You just look that good in everything."

"So do you."

"Of course. I make everything look good." She jokes.

"Yes you do."

"I do try."

"You don't even have to try."

"Oh I know. I'm just being modest."

"Of course."



"Almost?" He chuckles.

"You forgot something this morning." She pouts.

"Oh how stupid of me." He realizes and walks over, cupping her face in his hands, giving her a proper good morning kiss. She rests her hands on his chest as she relaxes into his touch. He holds the kiss for a bit longer before pulling away.

"Much better." She smiles. "Now I'm ready to go." She adds.

"So am I."

They pull away, gathering up what they might need, like his title and everything. Once they have everything, he laces his fingers with hers as they head out to the car.

"So do you think you'll be defending the title this weekend?" She asks.

"Actually, I am. Sheamus has been acting for a match so Vince is giving him one. We have a non title match tonight then the title match this weekend."

"So the GM is competing. I'm sure you're going to tell everyone today about that."

"I am. One of the reasons why we have to do media today. I need to promote the match since it was kind of a last minute addition being announced on Smackdown Friday."

"Right, of course."

"You get the night off. A side from a segment and coming out with me to observe. Other then that, you're free for the night."

"Easy night then."

"Yes. Figured you've been doing good in matches. I want to see how you do with segments and so does Vince."

"Any idea what the segment will be about? Who else is in it if anybody?"

"I think Eve. She's been complaining about last week and she's not happy. They're going to interview her and get her thoughts on the match as well as you and Shauna. Since we all know how she feels about you, you're going to be close by to catch her if she says anything about you."

"If she does...oooh she's gonna get it."

"Exactly. That's why I want you out there if she says anything, which we all know she probably will."

"Of course."

They soon arrive to the first media stop of the day, his being a morning show on a locak news station in Cleveland. After he parks the car, they get out then head inside.

"Coming on TV with me or are you just gonna watch?"

"Hmm...I think I'll come on this time."

"Alright. I'll make sure to add a little bit into the interview about you while you're there next to me." He grins.

"Let me guess...going to brag about how awesome I am?" She laughs cockily.


"You so are."

"Well that's because you are awesome."

"Why thank you." She smirks. "I know I am."

"Just like I am."

"I think I'm more awesome then you are though." She jokes.

"That's not possible."

"It just might be."

"We'll see."

"Yes, yes we will."

After walking in, they check in and Mike tells them he's there for the interview and then they both head to the set. After getting mics on, they only have to wait a few minutes until they are ready for them. They have them come out during the commercial then introduces them once the show comes back on.

"We see that you have a guest on the show today with you. We know who she is, but how about you tell us for those watching at home who don't know who she is yet?"

"This lovely lady that I have sitting next to me is our newest Diva, Sage. he's been with us for about a few weeks and has really done a phenomenal job out there. I'm very impressed with her, both as her manager and a co-worker."

"Well it's great to have you on the show as well this morning."

"Thank you. It's good to be here." She smiles.

"So first lets's get into tonight. Can you give us any insight on what's happening tonight on Raw?" The host asks Mike.

"I can't give away to much, but the one thing I do know is there's going to be a big main event with myself and Sheamus. It's going to be a fan choice match and they get to pick what kind of match its going to be."

"Interesting. So we get to see the Raw GM in action tonight."

"Yes you do. I'm also the WWE champion so I do have to defend it from time to time. There are times when I gt a say when I do and there are times when I don't. This is one of those times."

"Of course. Now what about this Sunday at the Hell in a Cell pay-per-view?"

"This Sunday, Sheamus and I will be having a match for the title. Not that he's going to win, but you have to let him get his chance."

"Right right. What about the newest Diva here? Sage. Any chance she'll have a match? I'm sure tons of people would love to see her compete this Sunday."

"Of course people want to see her. She's awesome, just like me. They'll just have to wait and see if she has one." He glances at her, giving her a quick wink.

"Who would you really like to face Sage? Anyone in particular?" The host asks her.

"Oh there are are few I would love to face. The ony I would really like to face is Eve, but she's in the title picture. If not her, then I would like to face Natalya. It would be an honor to be in the ring with her, but I know I can beat her."

"There's no doubting that, after seeing your last two matches."

"Well, my first match was making a statement. I'm not all girly like some of the other Divas. I more hardcore and actually like to perform. All those roll ups, no." She shakes her head. "Those will not do. My second match was proving a point. After what was said about me, I had to show that you're not going to talk about me like that and get away with it. I don't play that game at all."

"I'm assuming you'll be making statements in all your matches then."

"Yes I will. I'm going to earn respect from all the Divas. I'm not demanding it, but I doing to do so by proving it in the ring every change I get."

"Something different than what we usually see. I for one like it."

"That's what I'm here to do. I'm going to make this division more interesting then it is now."

"And that's also my plan. Actually going to treat them as equals to men on the roster. The Divas have gotten so much disrespect, hence why most left our company. But that's one of the many changes I'm bringing to Raw." Mike adds.

"Very good idea. I've seen what talent these Divas have and it's a shame they do not get to show it more. Sounds like Raw is only going to get better from here on out."

"You've got that right."

"I for one, can't wait too see all these changes. Any other changes you have planned for the show or do we have to wait to see them?"

"You'll just have to wait and see them. You'll never know what's up my sleeve."

"We never do and what we've seen so far, it seems as though anything that's going to happen is going to be really good."


They go on to talk a bit more about the show and the up coming pay-per-view. A promotion for the show is said again before they thank us for being on the show. Once the show goes to commercial, they thank us again before we take the mics off and head off the set.

"So what's next?" Stef asks.

"I believe that's all for the day. I had Shauna and Alex go to the radio station so that's covered."

"So...we're done for that day?" She smirks slightly.


"Yayy." She cheers. "You know what that means..."

"Cuddle time. Until we leave to go to the arena. And that's mostly all day."

"Yes." She nods. "I so need it after a long morning of not being able to be cuddly with you."

"And you're gonna get it. That's for sure."

"I so can't wait."

"Of course."

"The sooner we get back, the better."

"Yes. I'll try to get us back as quick as I can."

"No rush. I can lean on you in the car. Don't want anything to happen on the way back."

"Right, I know."

They soon get to the car where he opens her door for her. Once she's in and all set, he goes over to the other side. He gets in, getting himself ready as well. After he's done, she moves in her seat so she can rest her head on his shoulder. After he starts the car and begins to drive, he rests his hand on her leg. She takes her hand and puts it on his that's on her leg and laces her fingers with his. He squeezes her hand, bringing it to his lips, kissing the back of it. He does that a few more times as she smiles to herself and relaxes against his shoulder. It doesn't take them long to get back to the house, and once they get there, he parks in the driveway and then they both head inside after he unlocks the door. He closes the door, then picks her up before she could do anything. "Mike." She squeals as she wraps her arms around his neck. "In a rush are we?" She giggles as he heads up the stairs.

"Just a tad."

"I can see that." She laughs.

"Do you blame me?"

"No because I want this as much as you do."

"Thought so."

"I do want to change out of these clothes though."

"You can do that."

"You're going to have to let me because you need to get out of that suit too."


"After that, we can cuddle all we want."

"Yes." He nods.

He makes it to the room then opens the door before setting her back on her feet. As she goes to find something to wear, he closes the door and locks it. Since she did not feel like going to her bags, I grabs one of his shirts from the closet on her way to the bathroom. Once in the bathroom, I take off what I had on then out on his shirt. After that's on, I head back out into the room to see him changed out of his suit and in a pair of shorts. She bites her lip as she slowly walks over to the bed trying not to bump into anything.

"Distracted?" He chuckles.

"No..." She says as she bumps into one of the nightstands. "...okay...I am." She chuckles.

"Well duh."

"I have good reason to be."

"Of course you do."

"Can you blame me?"

"No, not really."

"See?" She laughs. "Now...are you going to come over here or do I have to cuddle with the pillow?" She says as she climbs on the bed, grabbing a pillow and holding it close.

"Well the pillow just isn't the same thing as me."

"No, but it doesn't seem to mind. It fits perfectly in my arms and it has me all to itself right now."

"Oh I'm coming." He chuckles.

"You might have some competition. It doesn't seem to want me to let go."

"Well it is my pillow afterall, I can see why."

"True. Maybe that's why it wants me all to itself."

"A pillow is no competition for me."

"Hmmm...I don't know about that." She laughs jokingly. "It is really comfy." She rolls over, snuggling into the pillow more.

"I'm more comfy."

"You are, but you're not in bed yet."

"Let go of the pillow and I will be."

"I suppose I can." She chuckles.


She rolls back over, putting his pillow back. He then climbs on the bed, pulling her close to him.

"Finally...all mine."

"Yes." She laughs. "All yours." She sighs in content as she lays on his chest.

"Told you the pillow was no competition."

"No, but it did get you in bed faster."

"What can I say? Cuddling with you is my thing."

"Admit it. You were jealous of a pillow." She laughs, teasing him.

"Maybe a little."

"Awww. How cute." She giggles.

"I'm the one you should cuddle with all the time."

"And you will be. I'm not going anywhere."

"That's right."

"I don't think you'd let me anyway."

"No I wouldn't."

"Good." She moves up giving him a quick kiss. "You're the only one I want."

"And you're the only one I want."

She smiles as she lays her head on his shoulder.

"Love you." He leans down, kissing her.

"Love you too."

Hours pass and Alex and I are finally done with all the radio interview that Mike had booked for us. We got done about noontime and we stopped somewhere for lunch real quick. Once we were done there, we headed back to the house for the rest of the time we had to ourselves before having to go to the arena for the show tonight.

"That was a long morning."

"Answering so many of the same questions."

"Right? It's the same thing each week. They really need to come up with different stuff."

"But at least it's not very boring."

"No. Getting to change the answers a bit makes it fun and interesting."

"Yes it does."

"But now...I believe you know what time it is." He grins.

"Yes, I know."

"What are we waiting for then?" He smirks, picking me up then heading for the stairs.

"I never get to walk do I?"


"I figured as much."

"This is much faster anyway." He chuckles as he heads up the stairs.


It doesn't take him long to reach our room. Once there, he opens the door before setting me back on my feet. He then shuts the door, locking it.

"Locking the door again I see."

"Yes." He nods. "I know no one will come in, but I'm not taking chances."

"Right." I nod, taking my jacket off and hanging it up.

"I really hope you don't change out of that." He says as he walks up behind me, kissing my shoulder.

"I have no reason to."

"Good." He kisses along my shoulder, making his way to my neck.

"But I believe you may have to change out of the suit, unless you plan on wearing it still."

"I'm going to change. It won't take me that long."

"Then you go do that, I'll get comfortable."

"Aright." He nods, going to get changed.

All I do is take my shoes off and go over to the bed, laying there relaxing and waiting. It doesn't take him to long to come back in more comfortable clothes. He sets his suit on his bag so it doesn't get ruined then goes over to the bed laying next to me.

"Told you I wouldn't be long."

"I never doubted you would be long."

"And now I have you all to myself." He says, pulling me close to him.

"Yes you do." I snuggle into him.

"Until the show at least."

"Right, of course."

"But, that's not for a few hours or so."


"What to do until then..." I trail off, walking my fingers up his chest.

"Well....why don't you tell what you're thinking of doing?"

"Oh I don't know..." I shift, moving up so I'm face to face with him. "...maybe this..." I press my lips to his. Of course it's only a teasing kiss, so when he starts to respond, I pull away.

"...not fair..." He pouts.

"If it's not fair, then why don't you do something about it?"

He grins, pulling me back to him, pressing his lips to mine. One of his hands moves to the back of my head, holding me in place while his other goes around my waist. He ends up pulling me over more so that I'm laying on him, and his arm tightens around my waist so I can't get away. I lay my hands on his shoulders as he starts to pick up the kiss. He then rolls us both over so he's hovering over me. My arms go around his neck, pulling him even closer to me. He pulls away from my lips for a brief moment so he can take advantage of the exposed skin from my shirt, making the kisses lingering, only to torture me more. A smirk forms on his face at the slight noises that are coming from me. Since he already left a mark, he kisses around it just to drive me crazy. It simply just gets too much for me to handle, so I pull him back to my lips in a very eager kiss. He grins into the kiss as he kisses back just as eagerly as I'm kissing him. His hands start to wander a bit before resting on my hips. When he starts to trace patterns along the skin unconsciously, I can't help but to gently dig my nails into his back in retaliation. That makes him kiss me even harder as he squeezes down on my thigh. And since he did it with no warning, the noises that come from me are muffle because of the kiss, and I cling to him more. He does it one more time just to hear my reaction. Getting the same reaction, he smirks into the kiss as he starts to slow it down to light lingering kisses.

"Always without the warnings." I manage to say once he pulls away.

"Makes it more fun."

"All of that was way overdue since we didn't get to this morning."

"Yes it was. So worth the wait."

"Like I always say....always is."

"Now that we've had our fun, how about we just relax? Unless you're not that tired."

"I'm not too tired, but relaxing sounds good. We didn't get to cuddle this morning. We could use that right now."

"I couldn't agree more." He grins, shifting so he's laying next to me. He pulls me close so I'm laying on his chest again.

His arms go around me, making sure to hold me in place. He kisses the top of my head then we both just relax until it's time to get ready for the show. The rest of the day did pass by awfully quick, and before we know it, we had to get our things together and ready to go. Alex and I were getting ready, me being in the bathroom fixing my hair and makeup after getting my dress on.

"Thought you were waiting until we got to the arena to get ready?" Alex calls from out in the bedroom.

"I figured making you wait was too much torture." I call back out to him.

"It really would be."

"You'd most likely try to peek at it if I didn't change now."

"I would. I'm dying to see what it looks like."

"Just a few more minutes."

"Awww." He whines.

"Just finishing up my hair and my shoes have to be put on."

"Can't I come in there?"

"I'd rather surprise you."

"Alright." He sighs. "I'll be here waiting."

As soon as I finish my hair and since my makeup is already done, I slip my shoes on. I put everything away, before turning the light off and opening the door. As soon as he lays eyes on me, his eyes go wide. He stares at me, trying to find the right words to say.

"Are you alright?" I ask amusedly.

"...uh huh..." He slowly nods, eyes never leaving me.

"Oh, I did it again." I laugh.

"That you did." He starts coming out of his daze.


"I absolutely love it."

"I had a feeling you would."

"And the blue..." He bites his lip. "...damn it makes you look so good."

"Good to know."

"If I could...I would so talk mike into letting us miss the show."

"But the show needs their champions, I know."

"Yeah...too bad because I don't want to leave right now."

"My bad."

"That's alright. We've got most of the night alone anyway." He grins.

"We do. All I have is an interview to do tonight. So..."

"Yes." He grins. "I have a feeling I'm going to have a match, but we'll see."

"Right. If you do have a match, I don't mind. You know that."

"Of course not." He chuckles. "I'll be in my gear and I know how much you love that."


"We'll soon find out. You ready?"

"Yup, I'm all set to go." I say as I pull my jacket on.

He holds out his arm for me to take. After grabbing my title, and after he grabs his, we both then head out of the room and downstairs. We then head out to the car and get in, Alex starting the car and then we're off to the arena. Mike and Stef have been up for a while now. It took some convincing from him, but she finally got out of bed. she was in the bathroom putting on the red strapless dress she chose to wear. She kept her hair curly so all she had to do was touch up her makeup.

"I have to say, that dress looks amazing on you." Mike says from the open doorway.

"Why thank you." She smiles at him through the mirror as she finishes her makeup. "I make this dress look good." She smirks.

"You really do."

"Of course you'd think so."

"Because it's true."

"Charmer." She laughs as she puts everything away.

"There...all done." She turns to face him as she rubs her lips together so the scent from her lip gloss travels.

"You and the flavored lip gloss. Drives me crazy."

"I know." She smirks. "It's fun to drive you crazy." She does it again as she walks past him then over to get her shoes.

"Like now..."

"What ever are you talking about?" She innocently smiles as she slips on her shoes.

"You know what I'm talking about."

"Maybe I do." She grins. "What are you going to do about it?"

"Take it all off?"

"No, but you can take some of it off."

"I can deal with that."

"It's the least I could do."

He moves from the doorway and over to where she is, his hands grabbing her by the hips. She rests her hands on his chest for now as he presses his lips against hers. Her arms slowly go around his neck while his arms wrap around her, holding her close. Once he gets the taste of the lip gloss, that's when he starts getting a little crazy and forgets that he's only taking some of it off. She tries her best to pull away, but he moves his hand to the back of her head, holding her in place. After he gets it all off, he keeps the kiss going for a big longer. Since he does not seem to be stopping, she lightly runs her nails across the back of his neck. This gets the usual reaction from him, a quiet growl at first. She smirks against his lips, doing it one more time. Getting the same reaction only louder this time, she lets him have his fun since he's not stopping anytime soon. It's about only a few minutes or so after when she feels him start to ease the kiss, and start to pull away, satisfied.

"I all..."

"I believe so."

"Happy now?"

"Very happy."

"Good. Now I have to put more on before we leave."

"And it must stay on for at least most of the night." You add.

"I should be able to last until we get back."

"Let's hope so."

"I have a lot more to keep me busy."

"Of course you do."

"No more marks though. The one from last night is going to be there for awhile."

"You did a good at covering it up with your makeup."

"I had to or I would have a lot of explaining to do if people saw it."

"Well the oldest thing in the book is to say you got hit in the neck with something." He chuckles.

"I'll have to remember that for the next time." She chuckles.

"But are we ready to go now?" She asks.

"Yup. All set."

They both pull on their jackets and grab what they need before leaving the room, heading downstairs and heading outside to the car. Once at the car, he opens her door and puts his title in the back. After she's in, he closes her door then goes over to the other side. He gets in and once he's ready, he drives to the arena. It wasn't a really long drive, the traffic wasn't too bad, and they arrived there with no problems, pulling into the parking lot and parking. They get what they need before heading inside then to his locker room. When they get there, they go to the couch and sit.

"So...what's the plan for tonight other then your match and my segment?" She asks as he looks over the script.

"Well it looks like Wade is returning tonight by the looks of the script. And just in time because of the pay-per-view Sunday.

"Uh oh. That's not going to go over to well with Shauna."


"Hopefully he'll stay away from her."

"How is he coming back?" She asks curiously.

"He's Alex's mystery opponent tonight. If he beats him, he gets a title shot Sunday. And I can't tell Alex anything because he's a mystery opponent. I want to tell him, but I can't." Mike sighs.

"Oh man. That really sucks. What a way to start off the week." Stef sighs. "I really wish I could warn Shauna about him." She chews her lip nervously.

"I know, I do too."

"Now that's all I'm going to be thinking about. I wish I could go out there with her, but I can't."

"I's hard to just keep this to ourselves. The least we can do is just tell him he has a match and that's it."

"Time to put a smile on and act like everything is fine." She sighs sarcastically.


"Should we go now and get it over with or are you going to wait?"

"We'll go after I'm done looking over the script."

"Alright. Gives me time to get myself together."

He nods and looks over the script.

"Let's see your interview is going to be the 4th thing of the night. There's going to be about a match or two before Shauna's interview. Alex's match is after that and Eve's interview is after that. And then of course my match is going to be the main event."

"Sounds like a really good show expect the part about Wade being back."


"But, now we can go tell Alex. I'm done with the script for now." He adds.

"Okay." She sighs. They both get up from the couch, and head out of the room, heading to the locker room where Alex and I are to tell us he has the match. Once there, Mike knocks on the door as they wait for a response to come in. I'm the one who says they can come in, and they both do so.

"Hey you two." Mike greets. "I'm here to tell you, Alex, that you have a match tonight."

"And it's a mystery opponent." Stef adds.

"A mystery opponent?" He asks confused. "Have I ever faced this person before?"

"You have, but that's all I can tell you. It's supposed to be left a everyone, including you two."

"Well that's just not fair." I shake my head.

"I'm sorry, but that's the best I can do." Mike sighs.

"It's okay, this happens. I'll prepare the best I can." Alex nods.

"I know you're more than ready. You'll beat whoever it is." I assure him.

"And you're interview about the match last week is going to be before his match." Mike says to me.

"Well that sounds easy enough. We can head from there to the ramp."


"We'll let you prepare for your match."

"See you both later." She smiles the best she can before Mike and her head out. Once out the door, she stops Mike when they're far enough away. "Since I can't go out there, will you please go out there? Say you want to see how he is after being out for so long." She pleads.

"I will."

"Thank you." She sighs, relieved. "That makes me feel so much better."

"Anything for you."

"Now I don't have to worry about him doing anything to her."

"Well even if I didn't go out there, if he touched her...he would be in some serious trouble."

"I would hope so. I've seen what he tried to do before."

"And she hurt him so bad he was out for a few months. Who knew a swift kick to the family jewels could hurt you that bad to be out for months." Mike laughs.

"She's got a powerful kick. I would not want to be on the receiving end of that."

"No kidding."

"I know she can take care of herself, but he just scares me. He's the type who would put his hands on a women."

"And he did actually put his hands on the NXT event she was at with Alex. She told me on the phone, way before I got here." She adds.

"I remember that day. He's so lucky I was not the GM back then. He would have been suspended for what he did."

"I have a feeling he's been following her and Alex around though. I've noticed lately she's been on edge. Especially after shows. She's told me she swears she's seen someone hiding in the shadows."

"I've noticed that about her too, but there never seems to be anyone around when Alex goes to look though."

"Wade's just being a creep."

"It would appear that way. There's nothing to worry about because the first time he tries anything, he'll get the worst punishment I can give to him."

"And then we have to worry about him holding a grudge against you."

"That's something that I'll have to deal with if it comes up. As of right now, there's nothing to worry about."


"We'll deal with it if and when it comes up. For now, let's try to get through the night."

She nods and then they head back to their room.

"I wonder who this mystery person can be?" I think out loud, trying to figure out who it could be.

"Could be anyone. I've faced a lot of people in the past."

"True, but I can't imagine who it could be."

"Ugh, this is going to bug me all night." I add.

"Try not to let it get to you." He walks over to me. "I'm sure we can find something to keep your mind off it."

"I don't know. I just have a bad feeling about this."

"It's going to be alright." He runs his hands over my arms as he kisses the top of my head. "How about I change early? Maybe that'll help you get your mind off everything."

"We can try that." I nod.

"Alright. You go sit and I'll go get changed."

I nod again and move to the couch and sit down, while he grabs his bag and heads in to change. I sit there as he changes, trying to figure out who he's facing. I'm so caught up in my thoughts that I did not realize how longer he was gone until he came out and sat next to me.

"Still thinking about it?" He sighs.

"Huh? Oh...sorry."

"You are." He sighs again. "Come here." He tugs me closer to him. I lean into him and rest my head on his shoulder, arms wrapping around him. He wraps one arm around me while his other runs through my hair. "Everything's going to be alright." He softly says, kissing the top of my head.

"Now...what can I do to get your mind off all this?"

"I think you just being here helps a little."

"I'll always be here with you. Nothing is going to change that."

"As you always tell me."

"Because it's true."

"Of course."

"Let's just focus on what's happening now." He suggests. "" He grins.

"Yes, but we can't get too crazy...because it's easier for certain things to happen to you when you have only that on."

"Oh I know. It's not the first time we've done this. We know what to do." He smirks.

"We do."

"Then there's nothing stopping us." He moves my hair from my face then runs the back of his fingers over my cheek.

"Not really."

He cups my face as he leans down, pressing his lips to mine. My hands for now hold onto his wrists, as I kiss him back. We both stay like that until he shifts, pulling me onto his lap. His one arm goes around me while his other rests on the back of my head as he starts to pick up the kiss. My hands had moved as well, to resting on his shoulders as he holds me close. He starts to deepen the kiss while his hand starts to wander to my legs. He slowly moves his hand up my leg, stopping on my thigh. I know what's going to come next to I prepare myself for when he decides he's going to do it. He gently squeezes down on my thigh lightly for now just to torture me. Even though it was just lightly I couldn't help the quiet sounds coming from me, that I let out into the kiss. He smirks into it and waits only a few seconds before squeezing down again, but harder this time. The noises that come from me are louder this time, but muffled by the kiss. Being satisfied with my reaction, he moves his hand back to my waist, focusing on the kiss. Once he feels that I've forgotten all about tonight and his match, he starts to pull away. I whine in protest. He gives me a few light, lingering kisses before pulling away.



"Good. That's what I was going for."

"And just in time...the show's starting." I say as I glance back at the TV.

"Perfect timing then."

"I may have to move though, so I can see."

"Just don't move to far or to much."

"Did it again didn't we? See?" I laugh.

"We did." He chuckles.


"That's what you do to matter what."

"I can see that."

I shift carefully on his lap so I'm able to see the TV better. His arms go back around me, holding me close. The show opens up with a video package, and for once it's about divas. It's basically highlighting what's happened between me and Eve so far, and of course showing the latest match, from last week where you were involved.

"The look on Eve's face when she found out." Alex laughs. "That was priceless."

"It was. Ohhh, she's probably going to demand a legitimate rematch tonight."

"She's just going to have to wait. That is all up to you when you defend it."

"And that'll be Sunday. Oh am I going to burst her bubble if she tries to demand a rematch tonight."

"I can't wait to see that."

"Watch her open the show and complain before she does her interview later about last week's match. Just so she can complain about not getting a rematch."

"I think you maybe right." He says as her theme goes off.

"This is all I hear when she talks...blah blah blah blah."


"I'm not here for one reason and one reason only." Eve pauses as the crowd boos her. "I want a legitimate match against Shauna for the title. What happened last week was not fair. I was not prepared to take on two opponents. I was ready for a title match. Not Shauna and that other tramp Sage. I want a match with Shauna and I want that to happen right now!" She demands. Now get out here right now or I'll come back there and drag you to the ring if I have to!"

"Hmph. Looks like I have some business to take care of. Mike knew she would do something like this." I state, moving from Alex's lap and standing. "He's given me the ability to choose her opponent for tonight, because she's not getting the title match until Sunday."

"Who do you have in mind?"

"You'll see. I will be right back."

"Alright. Be careful." He kisses me quick.

"Don't worry, I will be."

I grab my title before leaving the room. After leaving them room, I make my way to the ramp.

"Come on Shauna. I'm waiting." Eve complains.

She finally gets too impatient and goes to leave the ring to come find me. But just as she goes to step outside the ropes, that's when my theme hits and I walk out onto the stage, letting my music go for a bit before it's faded out. "Is that all you do is complain about everything?"

"No! What happened last week was unfair! All I want is a legitimate match against you with no one else involved. I'm just stating the facts here."

"Well I hate to burst you bubble, but the only rematch you're getting is Sunday."

"No. I want it tonight. I already talked to the GM and he said I could have my match tonight. Now get in this ring right now!"

"Oh really? Then why was the rematch chosen by me weeks ago? And tell me this, why was I put in charge of picking who you'll be facing tonight?"

"What? No no no. That's not right. I was told I got my match tonight. I was told right before the show started." She gets irritated. "No. I'm not doing this. I'm going to talk to him right now." She starts to get out of the ring.

"I don't think so. He's busy preparing for his match tonight. But don't you want to know who I've chosen to face you later tonight? Just be lucky I'm giving you time to prepare."

"Who?!" She spits.

"I'm glad you asked. Your opponent tonight is....Beth Phoenix."

"What?!" She shrieks. "I'm not dealing with this! You can't make me do it!"

"Then you get stripped of your rematch and I face someone else Sunday. Pick your poison Eve."

She starts going off in a rant before coming to a decision.

"Fine! I'll do it, but I'm having a talk with our GM about this!" She throws the mic down, storming out of the ring.

"Good luck with that." I snidely remark with an evil smirk on my face. I head to the back before Eve could even get to the ramp. Once backstage, I then head back to my locker room. Once I do get back, I walk in, place my title down and sit back on the couch.

"You were amazing! She so was not happy at all."

"Nope, and I could care less if she's happy or not. Try to lie to me out there. Psh."

"Like you were going to buy it anyway. Mike was with us before the show started. He would have told you if he talked to her."


Once the show came back from commercial, they replayed what happened between me and Eve before going to the first match of the night.

"She's such a liar." Stef shakes her head as she and Mike both wait for Eve to come barging into the room.

"She is and she's not on my good side. Lying and calling you that. She's not going to be happy with what I have to tell her."

"No she won't, I have an idea of what you're going to tell her too."

"We'll find out." He says as she walks right into the room.

"You're just going to let her do that to me?!"

"Knocking would have been nice." Stef mumbles as she glares at her.

"I thought she handled things very well out there. I couldn't have done it better myself."

"But I deserve a rematch, after not getting it last week."

"I do think she gave you one. If I heard correctly, you're getting your rematch this Sunday at the pay-per-view. Either you take it or leave it."

"It's not fair though."

"Life's not fair all the time." Stef mumbles.

"Was I talking to you?" Eve gives her attitude. "No. Now shut the hell up." She puts her hand in Stef's face.

"Oh no you didn't." Stef goes to lunge at her, but Mike stops her.

"Don't. Eve that's enough. I will not have you talking to the newest Diva like that. Just for that outburst, I'm making your match Sunday a Steel Cage match."

"But..." She stutters. " is that even fair to me!?" She whines. "It's not my fault she doesn't know how to keep her nose out of other people's business."

"Are you serious?!" Stef tries getting out of Mike's grip.

The more she struggles, the more he keeps her back.

"Eve, you're done. Now get ready for your match before I give you the night off."

She huffs before storming out of the room, slamming the door as she leaves. Stef's still trying to get out of his grip so she can go after her.


"I'm not going to let her do that to me."

"She's just mad because I'm not giving her what she wants."

"Still...that doesn't give her the right to talk to me that way."

"No it doesn't. Which is why I made that match stipulation. One thing I didn't tell her. She loses Sunday, that's it. She's done. No more rematches and she goes to the end of the line."

"Good. She deserves that." Stef slowly starts to calm down.

"I know you want to get back at her. I'll plan that I promise."

"I really do." She stops struggling. "I can't stand being called that." She bites her lip, tearing up a bit.

"Hey, it's alright. She's just jealous that you're better than her."

"I know..." She mumbles. "'s just..." She stops herself. "...nothing."

"You can tell me."

"I don't know if I can." She starts to get upset.

"I'll listen. I won't judge you. I'm here for you. You trust me right?"

"I do, but it's not that..." She bites her lip harder. " just hurts to much."

"Well I suppose you don't have to tell me until you feel like you can. I'll listen when you decide to."

"Thank you." She sniffs. "Just as long as you know I'm not one."

"You're not. You're not anything she calls you that's negative."

"I know...I guess I should tell you..." She takes a deep breath. "The last guy I was with...he...he called me that all the time...why? I don't know. He just did. It happened whenever I talked to another guy, whether it was at work or his friends. I was automatically one just for doing that. It hurt so bad that he did not believe me and he even..." She stops, closing her eyes tight at the memories.

"Say no more." He says, wrapping his arms around her tightly. She buries her face into his chest as the tears fail no matter how much she tries to stop them. She wraps her arms around his waist, getting as close to him as she can.

"It's alright. Let it all out."

She cries into his chest for a few more minutes as he runs his hand down her back. She finally gets calm enough to lift her head from his chest. "I think I'm good now." She wipes her eyes, snifflin a bit.

"As long as you're sure."

"I'm sure." She nods. "It felt good to do that. I've been holding it in for so long."

"It's good that you did let it out."

"It is. Thank you for letting me do that."

"You're welcome."

"I just hate doing that. It makes me feel so weak."

"Well you're not."

"I know. I have you to thank for that." She smiles slightly.

"And it looks like I got your suit wet a bit. My bad."

"It's alright. I won't be wearing it when I change into my gear anyway."

"That's true...speaking of that...when are you changing?"

"Probably not up until before the match. Never knew when there'll be people bursting in here and the camera crew is following them, for a segment."

"Right." She nods. "I can't wait until you do." She bites her lip.

"Oh I know." He chuckles.

"That'll make me feel better."

"I hope so."

"You know what would make me feel better right now?" She looks at him through her eyelashes.

"Besides the ring gear?" He chuckles.

"Besides the ring gear."

"Hmm, well give me a hint?"

"It has something to do with these..." She rubs her lips together.

"Right of course."

She giggles as he leans down, pressing his lips to hers. Her arms move up his back then around to his chest making their way to his neck. His one hand stays on her waist while his other moves to her shoulder blade, pulling her as close to him as she can get. When she least expects it, he does something totally new, dipping her as he keeps the kiss going, holding her there for a bit before bringing her back up. Her arms stay tightly around his neck. She tries to keep the kiss going for longer, but he starts to slow it down making her whine.

"Better?" He asks after he pulls away.



"So...the show? I totally forgot about it." She chuckles.

"So did I. Looks like another match to go before your interview."

"At least we make the time pass by quickly."

"That we do."

He suddenly picks her up, heading for the couch. Once there, he sits down, holding her on his lap.

"I think I should sit next to you for now."


"Trust me, I don't want to move anymore than you want me to, but someone could walk in at anytime."


"When we get back, you can hold me all you want."

"Of course."

"For need to focus on the show."

"Right." He nods.

She moves next to him so it wouldn't be too obvious if anyone walked in, but close enough to him that he would be happy. He rests his hand on her leg as they watch the show. Then they pay attention to the screen and the current match that had just started was Randy vs Cody.

"Hmm...this one should be good. They got some history that should make this interesting."

"Which is why it was booked."

"That's why you're the best."

"Yes, yes I am."

"For some reason, I see Cody winning this. Randy's head has not been in the right place. He's been thinking about the title to much and is lacking focus."


They watch as Cody dominates most of the match. Randy comes back a couple times, but he's not at the top of his game. The match goes on for a bit with Cody hitting Cross Rhodes on Randy for the win.

"Oh look you were right."

"Yes I was." She proudly says.

"I'm always right..." She laughs. "...most of the time."

"Of course you are."

"Should I go to my interview now or wait?"

"We....can head out now. I'm managing you, I can be with you there."

"Alright." She goes to stand up. "Let's go." She starts walking to the door, stopping once she gets there. "You coming?" She chuckles since he has not moved from his spot yet.

"Huh? Oh yeah." He snaps out of it and gets up, walking over to her.

"Staring again?" She laughs once he walks up to her.

"Maybe a bit."

"You goof." She laughs. "Get all you staring in now because once we're out there you have to control yourself."

"Right, right. I know."

"If you're good, I'm going to open the door now."

"I'm good..yeah." He nods.

She starts to open the door, but still feels his eyes on her. Once they're out the door, she takes his hand and pulls him so he's walking next to her. "I can feel you staring still." She lowly says.

"Can't help it."

"Of course you can't." She chuckles. "Just don't be too obvious."

"I'll try."

"As long as you do that."


"Good because we're here."

All they wait for is the commercial to be oer, and Josh does the introduction, she and Mike walking in front of the camera, onto the screen for those watching everywhere.

"Please welcome my guests at this time, Sage and The Miz." The camera pans from Josh over to them as the arena fills with boos.

"Sage, first we'd like to get your thoughts on your handicap match last week, where you teamed with the current Divas Champion Shauna to take on the former Divas Champion Eve."

"Honestly Josh, that felt great. Finally getting in the ring with her after everything she said about me and showing her I'm nit just another pretty face was an amazing feeling. If I could do it again, I a heartbeat."

"Well you've certainly made an impact here in the WWE, what else can we expect from you?"

"You can expect to see me do against every single Diva in the back and dominate. I'm not your average Diva and I'm going to prove that whenever I'm in the ring by beating every single one of my opponents."

"So I'm assuming that our current Divas Champion is one of them?"

"Of course she is. I might be new here, but I want that title just like everyone else. I'll face and beat whoever I have to to get that title. If she thinks Eve was a tough opponent, she has another thing coming once she faces me."

"I'd also like to address the rumors that have been floating around about how you got here exactly. Many are wonder...are they true? Are they false? Your comments?"

“Completely false. It's so far from the truth, someone must have had no time on their hands at all. I got here all on my own. Expect for being trained by my manager, Miz. Other than that, I got here all on my own. I went to a tryout just like everyone else and I impressed everyone, including Vince enough to be here right now. So, no. Everything you've heard is false."

"And I believe you mean the rumors came from Eve. You know she's just jealous because she knows I can beat her. She wouldn't last five minutes in the ring with me." She adds.

"You definitely proved last week that you can beat her."

"Yes I did Josh, you know why?" She pauses for a moment while he looks dumbfounded. "Of course you don't. She just weak. All she is, is no talk. She can not back up anything that she says. In the ring or out. She needs to stop being jealous of everyone and actually do something about it without starting rumors. In other words Eve..." She faces the camera. "...grow up and be a woman." Then she takes one look at Josh before walking off camera, with Mike following and Josh thanks her before they go to the next match of the night. They head back to the locker room then sit back down to watch the next match. Just to change things up a bit, the match was John Cena vs Dolph Ziggler.

"Ugh." She rolls her eyes. "I hope John kicks his ass and kicks it good."

"Well Vickie won't be able to get involved. I've put her on probation. She can be there ringside, but she must not do anything. She doesn't obey that rule, she's no longer allowed ringside."

"Finally someone did something. I was getting tired of her getting invovled all the time."

"Well now she won't be able to."

"Thank god."

"Before I forget though. That interview out there...amazing."

"You really think so?" She blushes slightly. "I just let the heel side of me come out and went with it."

" are a natural."

"Thank you." She bows. "I did learn from the best heel there is." She grins, looking at him through the corner of her eye.

"Yes, yes you did."

"I just have to talk to Shauna later so she's not mad at what I said."

"Right, but I'm sure she understood that you were just being in character."

"I'm sure she does, but it'll just ease my mind a bit. I don't need to lose her over that." She bites her lip.

"You're not gonna lose her."

"I know, but that's just how I think..." She sighs. "...I'm sure you're right though."

"Wanna go tell her now or wait until after her interview and Alex's match?"

"I can just text her. This way we won't run into anyone on our way." She takes out her phone and sends me a text explaining everything. I text back saying that I knew it was just for the camera, being in character and whatnot, and it's alright.

"Okay. Now I feel better." She sighs in relief.


"Yes!" Stef cheers hearing John's music go off. "He beat him! Haha! Take that blondie!"

"Ken doll is more like it." Mike chuckles.

"That's exactly what he is!" She laughs. "Bet he going to go back to the dream house now."

"I wouldn't doubt it." Mike laughs.

"Too bad the only thing missing from that house is Barbie...wait...he's got the covered too."

"So true."

Meanwhile, with me and Alex, I was getting ready for my interview that would be happening soon.

"Well this shouldn't take too long."

"No, but I know it's going to be good."

"Always is."


"I'm ready to go if you are."

"I'm ready." He nods.

We each grab our titles, he laces his fingers with mine and then we leave the room, heading to the interview area. Once there, we wait for Josh to introduce us. "Please welcome my guests at this time, Shauna and Alex Riley. Before we get you input on your handicap match with Eve last week where you and the newest Diva Sage teamed up against her, let's talk about you two. Now it's no surprise that you two are in a relationship, because of your celebrations in the ring after winning a match. How does it feel not only being together, but also being title holders?"

"In all honesty, it's a surreal feeling. I didn't think any of this would happen, but it did. I worked way too hard to get here I am now and so has Alex. We could be any more happy then where are are in our careers right now."

"And your thoughts on your handicap match last week?"

"Last week was just what needed to happen. Eve got what was coming to her. Week after week, all I've been hearing about is her wanting a rematch. Well she got her match, just not the one she wanted. As for Sage, she's great to work with, but I don't see us working together in the future."

"Why is that?"

"We just have different personalities, that's all."

"You both did work really well together last week. What are your thoughts on what she had to say about you earlier this evening? You really think she can beat you like she says?"

"Well that's something I can respect actually. Basically, I love a challenge. I've seen her work and she'll definitely be a challenge for me one day. I actually would love to face her in the ring one day, whether it be for the title or not."

"So, you're not at all afraid that she can take that title from you the first time you face her?"

"Not at all Josh. A champion is not afraid of anything."

"Not even a tough newcomer like her?"

"I believe I can take her."

"I do believe that the ball is now in Sage's court. Will she accept the challenge or hide behind her words."

"If she's as tough as she says she is, she'll accept the challenge."

"And we will find out next week. I just got word that Sage is going to give you your answer then."

"Looking forward to it."

"And lastly before we let you go, what's going through your mind knowing that you don't know who Alex's opponent is coming up next?"

"It's been a bit nerve racking, but I know whoever it is, Alex can take him and win the match."

With that we were able to start heading out. Josh thanks us before the cameras go to the stage just as they hit Alex's music. He goes out, doing his entrance trying to get the crowd all pumped. Once he's done that, he laces his hand with mine as we both head down to the ramp. When we get to the ring, he jumps onto the ring, doing his poses as I walk up the steps. He holds the ropes for me then gets in himself. We both glance over at commentary to see Mike sitting there talking with Cole.

"Must be a pretty important match if Mike's out here." I mutter.

"Must be." He says just as a theme goes off we do not recognize. We both look at the ramp, waiting to see who the person is. The person we see the last person we thought we would see. Wade.

"No no no no no no."

"You're alright. I've got you." Alex steps in front of me as Wade slowly walks to the ring staring at me.

"I think I know why Mike's out here now. To make sure Wade doesn't try to do anything to me. It only makes sense."

"Now that you mention, it does make sense. I want you to stay by him at all times, no matter what happens."

"I will. I told you I had a bad feeling about this."

"I know and I was really hope you're feeling was wrong this time."

"There's something else I have to tell you but, that'll have to wait until the match is over. Looks like it's ready to start. I'll take your title."

"Alright." He hands me his title. "Now go with Mike." He kisses me quick as he holds the ropes for me. I step out and walk down the other set of steps before taking the seat that was next to Mike by commentary. He makes sure to keep a close eye on Wade as well as me as the match gets underway. Even though I was full of nerves, I was relieved that Alex took control of the match early on and kept it that way for most of the match, only getting hits here and there from Wade. Near the end of the match, Wade started to get control after hitting Alex with a big boot. He got the upper hand and kept it that way until he got the pin on Alex, winning the match. I mentally curse and sigh. And despite how much I want to check on him right now, I know I can't because I promised him I would stay where I was no matter what. Wade celebrates in the ring making sure to stay on the side I'm on. He keeps looking at me with a smirk on his face. Once he's done, he gets out of the ring, making it look like he's coming over to me until Mike stands up, blocking his way. But of course Wade just laughs and backs up, going around the ring and heading back up the ramp. Mike gives me the okay and I rush over to the ring checking on Alex.

"Alex? Are you okay?"

"...yeah..." He grimaces. "Just need ice."

"Come on..." I help him up. He slowly gets up with my help then we both carefully get out of the ring and head to the back with Mike right behind me. When we get to the back, Mike stops us for a minute. "Just to let you know, this means he gets a title shot....Sunday."

"Great. Just great. That's all he needs."

"I'm sorry."

"I know, there's nothing you could do. I just wish it was anyone but him." I sigh just as Wade approaches the three of us. Stef in the meantime had left the locker room and started to head to the ramp. She was almost there when she saw us all talking. Just as she was about to walk up to us, she saw Wade and stopped. Just as she was about to turn around and head back to the locker room, she felt an arm go around her waist and a hand go over her mouth. She screams against the hand over her mouth so it's muffled and she struggles against the grip the person has on her. "Shhh...I just want to talk." She hears the voice of Dolph. She tries to scream for Mike again, but it comes out muffled. She gets dragged away from earshot and eyesight of us, and around the corner.

"Well, well, well. Still together I see." Wade remarks as he walks up.

"Well of course we are, why wouldn't we be?"

"I just figured you would have seen what a loser he is and came where you belong."

"Sorry to burst your bubble. Oh wait, I'm not sorry at all."

"No worries. You'll soon be where you belong. Once I have that..." He points to Alex's title. "'re next." He smirks before walking off.

"I so don't need this right now." I sigh.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of him touching or even getting close to you. You go take care of Alex and help him get better for Sunday."

"And you can head home early too...unless you want to stay and watch the rest of the show." He adds.

"I think getting him home early is a good idea. Thank you."

"Just looking out for you."

"That means a lot." I move from Alex, giving him a hug. "Tell Stef I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"I will." He nods. "Now go get some rest."

I nod and then Alex and I head to the trainers to get him ice before heading back to the locker room so he can change and we can head back to the house. Mike heads back to the locker room to get ready for his match. When he walks in, he doesn't see her where he left her. "Stef?" He calls out. Not hearing a response, he calls out her name again as he starts searching the locker room. The next thing he does is take his phone out and tries to call her, to see where she is. Her phone rings for a bit before going right to voice mail. He tries again as he leaves the room, heading down one direction of the hall, searching everywhere. He stops a few superstars to ask them if they've seen her. Not getting the answers he wants, he goes to find the one person who would know where she is. She's currently in a room far away from the others, pressed up against the wall as Dolph leans on her with his body making sure she can't move while his hand is still over her mouth. She's been struggling the best she can to get away, but he's not giving up this time.

"He can keep calling all he wants...."

She tries to get her phone back only to have him toss it away. She tries to scream more as tears start to fall down her cheeks.

"I'll let you go...eventually."

She shakes her head as she tries to push him away from her. He grabs her wrist tightly then pins that to the wall.

"I told you....I wanted to talk to you. And talking to you is what I'm going to do."

She makes it seem like she's going to do as he says so he'll loosen up his grip on her. "There..." He says after she relaxes a bit. "'re going to leave him and come with me. No questions. I want you to be with me and I always get what I want." He smirks as he leans close to her. Since he loosened his grip, she was able to get her hand free. She moved her hand up quickly, then slapped him across the face enough to make him stumble back. She heard someone calling her name in the hall and she knew it was Mike. “Miikkke!” She rushes to the door and thankfully the door had the lock thing you just twist to unlock it. She swings the door open and runs out of the room, right into Mike, just before Dolph could stop her.

"There you are." Mike says as he wraps his arms around her.

"Mike..." She cries. "...thank god! It's Dolph. He's in there. He wouldn't let me go."

"What?" He growls. "How?" He grits his teeth.

"I was coming to see you after Alex's match and he just came out of nowhere and grabbed me." She cries into his chest.

"I won't stand for this. He's suspended, no questions asked. He's not getting off the hook with this stunt. Stay right in the doorway okay?"

"Alright." She nods. "Be careful."

"I will be. Do you have your phone?"

"No. He tossed it after he grabbed it from me. It's somewhere in the room."

"I'll get it. Stay right here."

She nods as she follows Mike as he goes into the room, but she stays as far as the doorway. "Dolph, this little act of yours was uncalled for. To prevent something like this happening again, I have no choice but to suspend you indefinitely. And to prevent you from coming back until I say you can, security will be ordered to not let you in."

"What?!" He screams. "That is a bit harsh. All I was doing was talking to her. It's not my fault she's got something against me and has you wrapped around her finger. If anyone should be suspended, it should be her!"

"For not doing anything. Don't try and play games with me. I know the truth, and it just got you suspended." Mike scoffs, looking for her phone. He looks for a bit before finding it over by one of the trash cans. "If you were talking to her then why is her phone all the way over here with 4 missed calls. Huh? Exactly. Pack your things. You're not welcome here until I say so. Oh and you even think of touching me by attacking me out of spite, you're fired."

Dolph goes to say something, but stops himself. He mumbles angrily to himself as he storms out of the room.

"There. Won't have to worry about him for a long time." Mike states, walking back over to Stef and handing her back her phone.

"Good." She sighs in relief, biting her lip. She's still a bit shaken up from what just happened and starts to break down again, shaking.

"I wish we could leave early, I really do. I would do anything to get you away from here." He sighs, wrapping his arms around her in a tight hug, rubbing her back trying to help her calm down.

"It's okay." She sniffles. "You've got a match and as long as I'm with you, I'll be fine."

"Alright, good."

"We should get you ready." She lifts her head from his chest, wiping her eyes. "I got your suit even more wet." She chuckles slightly.

"That's alright."

"Come on...lets go get you ready now." She shifts so she's facing forward, but still close to his side. He nods and they both head back to the locker room so he can get changed for his match which will be very shortly since Eve's match just started as they heard her music, walking through the hallways. Stef rolls her eyes as they make it to the locker room, heading inside. Once inside, he gives her a soft, lingering kiss before he goes to change into his gear. While he gets changed, she sits down and watches Eve's match. By the time that Mike came out, ready for his match, Beth had taken control of the match and she was getting ready to set Eve up for her finisher.

"Haha. Serves you right." She laughs as beth pins her for the win.

"Someone's on a losing streak." Mike chuckles.

"Big time." She chuckles. "I'm loving every second of it too."

"Shauna did make a good choice in that match. Maybe I should make her in charge of making these Diva matches."

"She'd love that. I think that's a really good idea."

"I'll have to run it by Vince first of course. I think giving her a few more chances to make decisions like she did tonight will be good before I run it by him."

"Right." She nods. "He may actually like what he sees and go with it."

"Because it is something completely new afterall."

"Exactly. That's a good thing."

"Of course. Can't have you being late."

"That would be a bad thing. Although they could wait for me forever."

"You got that right. You run this show."

"Yes I do, but we do have limited time."

"Right. Lets get going." She stands from the couch, then walks over to him. She grabs the title which was sitting nearby and she hands it to him, before they both leave the room and head to the curtain. When they get there, they have to wait for a bit since Sheamus was heading out. Once he's in the ring, they hit Mike's music then they head out. He stops at the top of the ramp, doing his poses before putting the title over his shoulder and heading to the ring with her closely behind him. When they both reach the ring, she walks around to stand on the commentary side of the ring, while Mike gets into the ring and does his usual in-ring stuff. His music then fades and he hands the ref his title. One of the ring attendants go to take it, but she stops them, holding onto this title. Once that was done, the ref signals for the bell. Mike starts the match off strong, getting Sheamus in a side headlock, and holding it until Sheamus gets out of it, by getting to the ropes and pushing Mike off.

"Good start. Keep it up. I know you can do this." She cheers.

When Mike comes back, he hits Sheamus hard with a shoulder block, which ends up knocking him down. He waits until he sits up. Early on, Mike goes for the kick to the face, but Sheamus ducks and tries rolling him up, going for an early pin.

"No no no no!" She bites her lip. "Kick out!" She yells just as Mike gets his shoulder up. "Phew." From there, Sheamus took control of the match, hitting Mike with everything he had, getting near fall after near fall, which almost gave you a heart attack every time. "Come on ref! Do something about him!" Stef screams at the ref who is not paying attention. She's finally had enough and climbs up onto the ring apron, causing a distraction for the ref and for Sheamus. She starts to argue with the ref, the more he tells her to get down and Sheamus stops what he's doing to see what she's doing. Mike takes this chance and comes up behind Sheamus and hits him with the Skull Crushing Finale. Just as he hits it, she quickly gets down and the ref turns around just in time to count to three. "Yesss!" She jumps up and down, clapping. "Take that whitey!" She makes her way up the steps and gets into the ring, handing Mike the title back and she raises his hand in victory. She points to him while yelling things at the crowd. She lets go of his hand and he goes over to the ropes, showing off the title and doing a few poses. When he's done that, he gets down and they walk to the ropes. He holds them for her and after she's out of the ring, he follows as they make their way up the ramp and backstage. He stops at the top of the ramp, the cameras on both of them and the show ends there, before they both head to the back. "I have to say, nice distraction out there."

"Thanks." She smiles. "I wasn't going to let him get the win going into this Sunday."

"Of course."

"I knew you could do, but I had to get him away from you before he got the pin. Plus, that ref was not doing a good job out there. He should've backed Sheamus off so many times, but he didn't."

"Well I'm glad you were out there."

"So was I. you deserve to win every match you're in...champion or not."

"I can't wait to see what you have in store for Sunday when you're there for my title match."

"All I can say's going to be good." She smirks evilly. "You're going to be keeping that title."

"Well of course I am."

"No one is taking that from you, not as long as I'm out there with you."

"I'm looking forward to you helping me win the matches." He grins.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Now it's been a long night, you must be tired after everything."

"I actually am for once."

"Straight to bed for you when we get home."

"Yes sir." She salutes jokingly.

"Let's go." He chuckles.

They make it back to the locker room. After walking in, he goes right back to change out of his gear and back into his suit. As he's doing that, she gathers up everything they brought so it's all ready for when he comes out. It isn't too long before he comes out, all ready to go, his gear bag in hand. She picks up the other bags as he walks over to her. She loops her arm around his as they walk out of the arena and to the car. She makes sure to stay close to his side in case Ziggler is hanging around. Once outside, she looks all around just to make sure no one is around. They reach the car and get everything inside when she hears a noise in the distance and jumps slightly, Mike putting his arms around her.

"It's okay, it's just the equipment being loaded onto the trucks."

She takes a deep breath, trying to steady her breathing. "Sorry...just jumpy right now."

"I know. The sooner we get home, the sooner you'll be safe and sound."

She nods as he opens her door for her. She gets in and gets settled as he closes her door and heads to the other side. Once he's in and settled, he starts to head for the house. As he drives, he laces his fingers with hers, keeping her calm. She starts to relax more as he traces circles on the back of her hand with his thumb. She lays her head on the seat and watches him as he drives. From the soothing motion of his thumb on the back of her hand, she starts to doze off not realizing it. He soon pulls into the driveway and when he looks over at her, he sees that she's sleeping. He smiles, before letting her hand go in order to go around to her side of the car, open her door and carry her inside. She shifts in her arms a bit then jolts awake. "Mike!" She panics.

"It's okay, I've got you."

She relaxes once she hears the sound of his voice and mumbles a response. She lays her head back onto his shoulder as he heads upstairs and to his room. Once he's inside, he lays her on the bed then goes back out to the car for the bags. He does that quickly then locks the door once he comes back in. When he comes back into the room, she's not on the bed, but he sees the bathroom light on. She comes out a short time later wearing one of his shirts she took from his dresser.

"That shirt couldn't look any better."

"You would think so."

"It's true."

"Charmer." She smiles slightly as a yawn escapes.


"Of course." She says as she lays on the bed and gets under the covers.

"Just let me get changed and I'll be right there with you."

"I'll be waiting." She props herself up on her elbow. He nods and heads into the bathroom to change out of his suit. It doesn't take him to long to come out ready for bed. She bites her lip seeing him in only his boxers. She watches as he goes to his closet, hanging up his suit. "The view never gets old." She mumbles to herself.

"You say something?" He asks.

"No...not at all."


"Yeah yeah yeah." She chuckles. "Just come to bed before I go to sleep with your pillow instead."

"I'm coming." He chuckles.

He walks over to the bed, pulling the covers back then climbing in next to her. She moves closer to him, laying her head on his chest as his arms go securely around her. "So much better." She sighs in content at his arms being around her.

"I'm always here. Remember that. Always will be."

"I'll remember." She slowly nods.

"I love you."

"Love you too."

He leans down, giving her a kiss before resting his chin on the top of her head. She snuggles into him more while he starts to run his hand down her back. Once again, the soothing motion starts to put her to sleep and before she knows it, she's out. He looks down at her, noticing she's asleep. He kisses the top of her head before watching her sleep for a bit before he goes to sleep himself. In the meantime, Alex and I have been laying in bed for quite some time. After everything tonight, I just coudn't fall asleep and he knew that.

"Hey. Everything is alright. You're here with me and that's all that matters right now." He holds me tight, trying to comfort me.

"I knew it was him that's been around. This is what I wanted to tell you. Lately when we've been leaving the shows, I've been seeing someone in the shadows before we actually leave. I had my suspicions, now I know it was him."

"He may have been following us, he may be back, but he is not going to get you. If he wanted to, he would have done it before. I'm not going to let him get you and neither will Mike. From now on, if you're not with me, you're with Mike. You're not going to be alone anymore now that he's back."

All I can do is nod, and cuddle into him more.

"What if he followed us and is watching the house, just waiting for us to leave?"

"Mike won't let that happen, plus I'm sure he would have seen someone when he and Stef got back. He would have came and told us."

"'re right. I'm just so paranoid right now."

"You've been though a lot tonight. You have a right to be, but you don't need to worry. I'm here with you and nothing is going to happen to you."

"I know."

"I'll do whatever it takes to keep you safe. Nothing is more important to me than you." He kisses the top of my head.


"I think you should get some sleep. You've had an eventful day."

"No kidding."

"So sleep it is for you. I'll be here when you wake up. Only me."

"Right." I nod.

I carefully shift and lay my head on his chest as I snuggle into him more. His one arm stays tightly around me while he runs his hand through my hair. That like always helps me fall asleep, before we both know it, I'm out. He looks down at my sleeping form, smiling to himself. He kisses the top of my head one last time, pulling me as close as I can get. He watches me for a bit before he goes to sleep himself.