Status: Active

The Chance of a Lifetime

Hell In A Cell 2012

It's the day of the pay-per-view and the morning was very busy for Mike with nonstop media. Stef and Mike got to rest for a bit when he got back to the hotel before having to get changed for the gym and get their gym bags together, to spend a few hours there before heading to the arena. Since she didn't have to go on the media tour this time, she was still in her clothes from the night before. When Mike got back from media, he came back to cuddle for a bit before they decided to get up and get ready.

"" She grumbles. "...I don't wanna get up." She whines slightly, burying her face in his neck.

"I know, I know. But don't you want a gym trip before tonight?"

"I do." She nods. "Just missed waking up to you this morning."

"I'm sorry."

"That's alright. You had media. I understand."

"If it helps...I missed you too."

"Awww." She blushes. "It does." She smiles.

"I'm glad."

"You always make me feel better, no matter what you do."

"That's my job."

"Well, you're doing a good job so far."

"I would hope so."

"Love you."

"Love you too." He kisses the top of her head.

"I think you missed." She giggles.

"Did I now?"

"Mmhmm." She nods.

"Well, I'm going to have to fix that now don't I?" He chuckles, pressing his lips to hers.

She smiles against his lips as she relaxes into him. Her one hand goes up his chest, to his hair while her other rests on his side. She runs her fingers through his hair, his one hand cupping her face with the other resting on her back. With his hand on her back, he gently pulled her closer to him, as close as she could get. Her other hand moves to his shoulder, her shifting a bit, her hovering him a bit more. That's when she shifts completely so that she's hovering over him completely. His hands move to her waist, holding her in place. Her one hand stays in his hair while the other moves from his shoulder, slowly moving down his chest to his abs. He can't help but to tense up when her hand moves there. And she smiles against his lips when she feels him tense. Just to torture him more, she moves her fingers above the waist of his pants. He tenses up more, his grip on her waist getting tighter. She smirks against his lips, slipping her fingers under and pressing into his indent. A low growl comes from him and within a blink of an eye, he moves the both of them so that he's hovering over her now, still not breaking the kiss. He then takes her hand, pinning it to the mattress. She whines into the kiss only for him to smirk. He starts to move his hand from her waist, down her leg then slowly up, stopping on her thigh. Her breath hitches as she tenses up, squeezing on his hand. He smirks, knowing what he's about to do gets to her. He doesn't do anything at first, making her wait and it's torture with every passing second.

She moans softly, tugging at his hair, not being able to take much more. He waits until she least expects it, before squeezing down on her thigh. That gets a much louder moan out of her, her fingers gripping his hair tighter. He does it one more time, getting the same reaction. She starts to kiss him harder and more eagerly. He does it once more, before totally focusing on the kiss. They only break from the kiss after a bit to get air. He gives her light kisses before stopping and resting his head on her shoulder. "...that's a way to wake up..."

"Works every time." He grins.

"It so does..."

"Which is why I do it."

"I'm so glad you do too."

"Only for you."

"Good. It better be only for me."

"It is. You and only you."

"Aren't I the special one." She grins.

"Yes you are. Very special. To me."

She can't help but to blush.

"Just like you're very special to me."

"And you show me everyday."

"Only because you're so good to me."

"Because you deserve it."

"So you tell me all the time."

"Because it's true."

She smiles, kissing the top of his head while her fingers run through his hair.

"You're really the best thing that's happened to me."

"I'm glad." She smiles. "How about we get ready for the gym before I don't want to get up at all?"

"Good idea."

"One thing..." She looks down at him. "...have to move so I can get up." She chuckles.

"That would help wouldn't it?"

"Yes." She laughs. "A lot...unless..."

"...unless what?"

"Carry me?"

"I would be happy to."

"Figured you would." She grins as he shifts, lifting her up and carrying her over to her bags. He sets her down then starts to look for something to wear to the gym. Once she finds something, she drapes the clothes over her shoulder then heads for the bathroom. While she gets dressed in the bathroom, he gets changed out in the room itself. She doesn't put any makeup on since it will get ruined in the gym, she just puts her hair in a ponytail before walking back into the room to put her clothes away.

"I like." Mike says, grinning.

"And I don't even have any makeup on."

"You don't have to be wearing makeup for me to like it."

"And that's a good thing. Another thing I love about you." She smiles, setting her clothes on her bag.

"Well you look great, makeup or not."

She bites her lip, blushing.

"You really enjoy making me blush, don't you?"

"It's fun."

"Yeahhh...for you." She walks over, poking him in the side.

"Yes, for me."

"I'll get you back for it." She grins. "You'll never see it coming either."

"Oh boy."

"Oh boy is right." She smirks. "You know how sneaky I can be."

"Yes, I know."

"So get might happen soon." She gives him a teasing kiss before simply walking away from him making sure to sway her hips more as she walks to her gym bag. As she bends down to pick it up, she makes sure to bend down really slow and stand up even slower.

"Oh youuu..." He groans.

"That's only the start." She smirks mischievously.


"Yes, yes I am."

"You can be too." She adds.

"I just know how to get to you." He smirks, walking toward her.

"Just like I know how to get to you."

"Exactly." He keeps walking, making her walk back until she hits the wall. He leans down, going for her lips, but she puts her fingers up so his lips touch them. "Nu uh..." She shakes her head. " do that and we'll never get out of here."

"Oh darn." He chuckles.

"We can continue after the show when I win my match and you successfully defend your title."

"I like the sound of that."

"So do I. You're going to deserve it."

"True, but you're defending your title. I just have a normal match."

"Ah, but it's your first pay-per-view of your career."

"Also true." She nods. "But, I think we should go mister touchy." She giggles since he distracted her and was able to move close enough to be touchy.

"Oh, alright."

"Maybe if we have enough time, I'll let you be touchy when we get back."

"We'll have time."

"I'm sure you'll make time." She chuckles.

"You know I will."

"Of course I do."

"Because you know everything."

"When it comes to you, I do."


"Even though I know the answer, but are you ready to go?"

"Yes, I'm all set to go."

"Alright. Just don't forget your bag."

"I won't." He chuckles, backing away from her and going over to grab his bag. Once he has his bag, he walks back over to her, lacing his fingers with hers. They make sure they have everything they need before they head out of the room and to the elevators. He manages to behave in the elevator once they step inside and head down to the lobby. Once they get to the lobby, they make their way through the doors and outside to the car. Like always, after putting their things in the back, he opens her door for me. After she's in, he goes over to the other side. Once he's ready, he drives to the nearest gym. It doesn't take very long to get there, and when they do, they exit the car and head inside.

"So what're you doing first?" Mike asks.

"I was thinking of upper body stuff. So...the weight room."

"I think I'll join you."

"Just try not to get to distracted." She teases.

"I can try."

"As long as you do that." She pats his chest before heading to the weight room.

He chuckles before following her inside. They set their bags down before starting to do what they wanted to do. She starts off with some light weights, but not to light. After doing a few over the shoulder reps, she puts the bar on her shoulder and decided to so a few squats and since she knows he's looking, she does it as slow as she can.

"You're killing me."

"Am I now?" She acts innocent.

"You know you are."

"Honestly, I had no idea." She smirks to herself. "I'm only working out."


"That's all I'm doing." She tries to not laugh as she sets the bar back on the holder. "I swear." She looks at him with a straight face.

"Alright then."

"I don't think I'll be getting you back until later anyway." She brushes up against him as she walks by, making sure to lightly move her nails over his abs since he took his shirt off. That makes him almost drop what he had in his hand, but he catches it in time and tries to compose himself.

"You alright there?" She chuckles.

"I'm good."

"If you say so." She laughs as she heads over to another area.

"I'm sure." He nods, staying where he is for a bit longer. She goes over to where she wanted to go next, making sure she has a clear view of him. it doesn't take long before he starts doing things to distract her. She curses under her breath, biting her lip as she tries her hardest to not let go of the bar she's holding. When he turns to look at her, he smirks and waves. She smirks back, giving him a look. He keeps the smirk on his face as he starts to lift the weights he has, flexing his muscles as he does. She bites her lip as she stares at him, losing all focus on what she was doing. He knows this and even after she lost focus, he continues. She shakes the thoughts out of her head, trying to focus back on what she was doing. As hard as she tries, he makes it so she can't focus on anything. She doesn't bother trying to do anything else until he's done doing what he's doing. she just leans back, watching him as he works out. Once he finishes, he makes his way over to her. "Done? Or you just couldn't focus?" He grins.

"I think you know the answer to that."

"You lost focus."

"Uh huh." She nods. "You know how I get when you do that."

"Yes I do."

"I'm sooo getting you back for that."

"I was hoping on it."

"I might have to wait until later...don't want you distracted for your match tonight."

"No, that would be bad."

"Exactly." She nods as she gets up. "A few more things or are you done?"

"I think I'm good for the day. You?"

"I'm good too."

"Then I suppose we can head back now."

"We can." She nods, going over to get her bag. After she gets her bag, she goes to pick his up when she feels someone smack her butt. She jolts up then looks at Mike who has a smirk on his face. She gives him a look before picking up his bag and handing it to him. "You just had to do that, didn't you?"

"Yes, yes I did."

"You know what that does to me." She groans as he puts his arm around her, holding her close to his side as they head out to the car.

"I know."

"Now who's being evil?"

"Hey, you learned from the best afterall."

"That I did." She slowly says as she moves her hand that's not around him to the front of his shirt, slipping her hand under then lightly moving her fingers over his skin.

"You know, I think we may need a shower together, once we get back." He grins.

"I don't know..." She teases. "...maybe I should get one alone..."

"It saves water and time if we take one together."

"You would like it if we did, wouldn't you?"

"Very much."

" have until we get back to the room to convince me more that we should." She smirks.

"Oh believe me....I will."

"We'll see about that." She nips at his ear as they get to the car. She moves away from him before he could react and gets in the car, smiling and waving at him innocently.

"Ohhh, you're so in for it now."

She shrugs at him like she doesn't know what he's taking about. He makes his way over to the other side of the car, getting in then heading for the hotel. During the trip back, he tries to be every bit touchy that he can, trying to convince her that the shower should be taken together when they get back. No matter how hard she tries, she can't but help but to move around in her seat. He smirks, knowing he's getting to her. Every little touch he does, every little squeeze on her thigh makes her about giving into him more. She bites hard on her lip, trying to hold back any noises that may come from her.

"Considering the shower together?"


"Hmm...looks like I have to try harder..."

He moves his hand up as high as it can go, gently squeezing. She takes a sharp breath as she tenses up. " win..." She gives in.

"I knew I was going to win...eventually."

"Let's just hope no one stops us on the way to the room or we may not make it that far." They soon pull into the parking lot for the hotel while he's still all touchy. She bites her lip as he parks the car. They quickly get their bags then head inside. Luckily no one stopped them and they went right up to their room. As soon as they walked in the door, they dropped their bags. She wasted no time in pulling him right into the bathroom. He gives her a boost and sets her down on the counter part of the sink, so that he could start the water. As he does that, she taps her nails on the counter, getting more impatient the longer he takes. When he gets the water set to the right temperature, he walks over to her and she wraps her legs around his waist, pulling his shirt up, wanting it off.

Once she gets that off, he works on her shirt next, and he easily gets that off. She moves her arms around his neck, pulling him close and pressing her lips to his in an eager kiss. He smirks into the kiss, his hands going to the back of her bra. Once he gets that off, she moves her arms so he can take it off and toss it to the side. Her hands then move down his chest, starting to tug his shorts down. Once she gets those off, she has to hop down off of the counter, in order for him to finish undressing her and vice versa. As soon as everything was off, he moves his hands to the back of her thighs, giving her another boost. He breaks the kiss to make sure he doesn't trip as he steps into the shower. Her arms go around his neck as he presses her against the wall of the shower. He starts to kiss all the skin he can reach, torturing her even more. When he's satisfied, he then makes the shower last as long as possible.

Alex and I in the meantime have just gotten back from all the media we had to do this morning, promoting the show tonight and whatnot. "Ugh, so much media." I groan, falling back onto the bed after we walk in.

"It usually is." He chuckles. "You would think they would have different questions by now too." He adds, putting his suit jacket on one of the chairs, before taking his shoes off and walking over to the bed, laying next to me.

"Yeah, well some people just aren't up to speed with what's happening unfortunately."

"They need to pay more attention. We've been together for what, a few months now and theey are still asking about it?"

"Maybe some people are in denial." I laugh.

"I can see how they would be. I would be the same way if someone was with you other than me."

"Awww. That and jealous."

"I have a feeling that's what it is. Pure jealousy."

"On both sides. Your fans and my fans."

"They can be jealous all they want. You're mine and that's all that matters."

"Yes. Something I've wanted and waited for, for years."

"Now you've got it and nothing is going to change that."

"What would've been amazing, another season of NXT where you could be a pro. I would've gladly signed up and specifically ask for you."

"I was actually trying out for that, but they said I was not on the main roster long enough or some crap like that."

"Psh. Well look at you now....champ."

"Exactly. I showed them a thing or two. Don't have to be on the main roster long, you just have to have the skill."

"Which you have. Athletic skill and mic skills. There's a reason why they brought you up from FCW to NXT Season 2 two years ago."

"I did impress everyone down there. Plus, I did have an amazing pro, at the time, who taught me a lot and helped me get to where I am today."

"Yes you did."

"That's where the mic skills came from, everything else was all me."

"Well you had the mic skills even when you were down in FCW. How do I know that? I've seen some things."

"Oh have you now? What else have you seen?" He raises a brow.

"I've done my research. You're whole career down there. From when you went by your real name, Carson Oakley and who you are now. The storylines down there, um...everything."

"You know more about me then I thought. Maybe even more that I know." He chuckles.

"Well I wouldn't say that."

"I would. You seem to know a lot about about when I was down there."

"It's called Youtube."

"I've heard of that. It seems to have everything there." He laughs.

"It does. Believe me."

"Oh I know. How do you think I know so much about you?"

"And when did you start looking that stuff up? When I first got here?"


"You so did."

"Okay...I did."

"And what did you think?"

"After I stopped staring, I saw that you had amazing talent in the ring and I was highly impressed. I knew you were the diva I wanted to work with."

"Staring huh?" I give him an amused look.

"What can I say?" He shrugs. "Your hair, eyes, hips, legs, the way your attire fit you so perfectly..." He licks his lips, biting them at the thoughts.

"Good to know. Well if it helps. I couldn't stop staring at you either."

"Really? Kind of like how you can't stop now."

"I can't help myself."

"Just how I can't stop staring at you."

"Which you can't help either, I know."

"No, I can't. You're just so damn gorgeous, I don't want to miss anything."

"Like you would miss anything anyway."

"You never know. I might miss a smile or two. Which is another thing that caught my eye about you."

"Are you just intent on making me blush?" I ask, trying to hide my face afterwards.

"Yes." He lifts my chin. "No hiding either."

"Force of habit."

"I love seeing you blush. Makes you even more gorgeous than you already are."

"And there you go again."

"Because I love seeing it."

"Probably as red as a lobster right now."

"A beautiful lobster."


"Meee." He grins.

"You're sweet."

"Only for you."

"I couldn't ask for anything more."

"Good. Because you're only going to get the best."

"Oh, I know that."

"Good." He kisses the top of my head, holding me close.

"You are the best thing that could happen to me so of course you're going to give me the best."

"I'm glad I'm the best. That's all you're going to know."

"Wouldn't ask for anything less."

"You're not getting any less. There's much more to come."

"I can't wait."

"I can't wait to show you."

"I can only imagine how things will be come my birthday. Probably pre-planning for that aren't you?"

"I am." He grins. "Got a few things in mind so far."

"Got a long wait."

"Just gives me more time to make it even more perfect."

"You would want it to be perfect."

"Because you deserve the best and the best is what you're going to get every time."

"Speaking of deserving things though, we never got the cuddle time this morning."

"No we did not." He moves closer to me. "That's what we're going to do right now."

"I would hope so."

"Wait no more." He says, wrapping his arms around me.

I squeak when he catches me off guard and moves so that I'm laying on him, and his arms tighten around me so that I can't move.

"Much better."

"Yes, it's much better." I agree.

"Not moving unless we have to."

"Of course."

He smiles at me, moving his one hand to my face. He moves some hair behind my ear, then cups my face, pressing his lips to mine in a soft kiss. Since I did have limited movement, my hands stayed resting on his shoulders as I kiss back. His hand stays on my cheek while his other holds me in place. the kiss starts to pick up, getting a bit more rough the longer he continues. My hands no longer rest on his shoulders, they start to wander the best they can given the limited movement. He chuckles against my lips then shifts so he's slightly hovering over me, letting my hands have more movement. I grin against against his lips, and to thank him for moving, my hands move to the back of his neck and my nails drag across it. That earns a slight growl from him as he starts to kiss back harder. His hand moves to my waist, his fingers slipping under my shirt, slightly moving over my skin, making goosebumps form. I squirm a bit because it is a ticklish spot for me. But I get used to the feeling shortly after and I pull him closer to me, as my fingers run through his hair. His fingers keep wandering for now before he runs them along my spin. He grins against my lips, doing that one more time before moving back to my waist, his fingers resting there. I know what's gonna happen after I do this, but I go ahead with it anyway. My hands move from where they are around his neck and make their way to his shirt, which I'm going to have to unbutton and take off in order to get to his abs directly.

He gives me a little bit of space allowing me to do what I wanted to do. Of course with the kiss being as rough as it was, it does get distracting so I fumble with the buttons of his shirt just a bit. Since I'm having trouble, he slows the kiss down, letting me focus on his shirt. That helps and I manage to get all the buttons undone and he help remove the shirt, tossing it to the side. He breaks the kiss against my lips to kiss along my jawline and to my neck. When he reaches my neck, I pull him closer yet again. One of my hands moves to his back and my fingers trace his tattoo. He twitches slightly and nips at my neck in retaliation. The more I trace his tattoo the harder he nips. He makes sure not to leave marks for now, waiting for the right moment to press his lips to his favorite spot. He lets me continue on with the tracing of the tattoo for a bit longer, before finally deciding to press his lips to the spot. That causes me to stop what I'm doing and arch into him again. A smirk forms on his lips as he goes after the spot. He waits for a reaction, but I'm not giving in just yet. Since that's not working, he moves his hand to my thigh, squeezing gently, knowing he'll get what he wants. He does get the reaction he wants, but I keep it as quiet as I possibly can for now...even though keeping it quiet won't be good enough for him. His hand squeezes on my thigh again, a bit harder this time while he focuses on my neck. He gets a louder reaction this time. He starts to pull away from my neck with a smirk as he sees a decent sized mark forming. He kisses around the spot, making his way slowly back to my lips.

"Better be...coverable...for tonight..."

"It is." He smirks, knowing it going to be hard for me to cover up.

"I hope so."

"You'll be able to cover it up."

"Alright, if you say so."

He presses his lips to mine, not being done yet. He keeps it going for a bit longer before slowing down and pulling away completely. Once he pulls away, he rests his forehead against mine. "That all was so overdue since this morning."

"It so was." He sighs happily. "Now they days is far."

"All we have to do is win our matches tonight, which we will."

"Of course we will. No one's taking them from us."

"There is no way Eve is going to last in a steel cage match with me."

"No she's not. You so already have that match won."

"Yes, and I also know that you can't help but to be concerned because it is a steel cage match and there's the chance of me getting hurt. But trust me, I've watched so many steel cage matches, I know what to look out for."

"I'm sure you do. One you said that match, I was a bit scared. I did not want you doing it, but I also knew there was no talking you out of it either."

"No, there wasn't."

"I do want to be out there with you, even though I know there's nothing I can really do. I don't want you out there alone in that type of match, no matter how much you say that you'll be fine."

"I know."

"Good." He kisses the top of my head, holding me as close as he can.

"Just imagine if it was a ladder match though. I think you'd be freaking out more than a steel cage match."

" That match would be cancelled. You're so not competing in one of that matches. Not with Eve anyway."

"Even though I've done them before. I'm sure you've read that about me."

"I have and I'm glad you have experience in them, but I would rather not see you in one."

"Well you won't have to worry about it anyway. Mike knows and even he won't let me, being a friend and all."

"He's a smart man. Almost as smart as I am." He smirks. "It is a major turn on that you do those hardcore matches."

"Well, isn't that good to know then." I grin.

"You have no idea."

"I have a pretty good idea."

"I'm sure you do."

"I wanted to be different from everyone else so..."

"You're different alright. Another quailty that attracted me to you.

"And basically everything about you, attracted me to you."

"I'm hard not to like." He grins, joking. "I'm happy that you're here and not for the reason everyone else is."

"Well that's good."

"Very good."

"But anyway, I'm content on staying like this until we have to leave."

"Me too, but you don't want to go to the gym for tonight?"

"Oh yeah, that's right. See what you do? You distract me so I forget things."

"Oops." He chuckles.

"Uh huh."

"I don't do it on purpose. I swear."

"Oh I know. Not this time anyway."

"You have your ways of making me forget things too."

"Yes I do."

"So, when did you want to go to the gym?" He asks as he runs his fingers through my hair.

"I'm up for going whenever you want to."

"I'm content on laying here for now. In a little bit?"

"Sure." I nod. He holds me close to him not wanting to let me go yet. We both stay like that for a bit longer before I convince him to let me go. He groans, slowly letting go so I can go get changed. "You'll survive." I laugh.

"I hope so."

"If I can, you can."


"I'll be right back."


I move from the bed and over to my things, finding clothes to change into for the gym. Once I find them, I head into the bathroom. Alex gets changed in the room after watching me walk into the bathroom. It didn't take me very long since I didn't have to do much. After I finish, I walk out, putting my other clothes with my things before grabbing my shoes. "Never fail to amaze me."


"I just know what you like." He grins.

"And I know what you like."

"Exactly." His eyes never move from looking at me.

"I know you're staring."

"Can't help it." "He bites his lip. "I love the view."

"Well I know you're going to love it even more when we're in the gym."

"Oh you know I will."

"And so will I."

"You always do just like I do."

"Mmhmm. So, ready?"

"Ready." He nods.

"After you." He adds, and I give him an amused look because I know the only reason why he lets me go ahead of him.

He makes sure we both have everything before he follows me out, staring the whole time. We walk to the elevators and he almost bumps into me since he's not paying attention. "You okay there?" I laugh.

"Huh?" He shakes his head. "Yeah...I'm fine."

"You sure? Because you almost bumped into me there."

"I'm sure." He slowly looks up.

"Alright then." I laugh, stepping onto the elevator once the doors open. "Coming?" I laugh again since he's still dazed. "I'm coming." He snaps out of his daze, stepping onto the elevator with me. We make it to the lobby and step out of the elevator, heading outside and to the car, where we put our things in the back seat before getting into the car and then heading off to the gym. It doesn't take too long to get there since it was a few blocks away. Once there, Alex parks the car before we both get our things out of the back then head inside the gym. "So, where first?" Alex asks after we walk in.

"Well this time I feel like doing what you're doing."

"To the weight room it is then."

I nod and follow him through the gym and into the weight room. We both set our bags down before heading over to the first thing. Since he knows i'll be watching him, he starts off with the arm bar, doing his squats.

"I don't need to record this do I?" I laugh.

"Not this time. Maybe another time."

I nod and go off to another part of the weight room, doing my own thing, but I stay relatively close to where he is, so I don't lose sight. He makes sure to keep a close eye on me through the mirror he was in front of. He lets me get started with my workout before he decides to start teasing me. At first he just goes up and down really slow, then he makes sure to stick his butt out a bit farther. He glances in the mirror to see me biting my lip so once he stands up, he starts to flex all his muscles. I curse under my breath a few times, and try t re-focus on my workout, before the bar with the weights I'm lifting ends up falling and I won't be able to lift it off of me and that's very bad. A smirk forms on his face since he knows it got to me. He goes back to working out a bit more before moving onto the next thing. "Almost made me drop the bar...then you would've had to come get it off of me." I state as I finish and set the bar back on the holder and sit up, and he walks by.

"Did I?" He innocently says. "I was just doing what I normally do."


"Honestly." He sheepishly smiles.

"Whatever you say."

He chuckles as he walks over to where the dumb bells are. He picks up the ones he wants then turns to face me. As he lifts each on, he takes his time making his muscles flex even more. "You have to face me when you do that? Really?" I laugh.

"Yes, yes I do." He smirks.

"Do you know how much I want to jump you right now because of that?"

"I do." He nods with a smirk. "That's the point."

"But I know I can't...."

"Not here at least..."

"No. Maybe if it was less crowded but...yeah."

"I'm sure we can find a quiet place." He winks.

"Of course, but we need to focus on the workouts. We can save all that stuff for tonight when we win our matches."

"If you think you can wait that long." He teases me more. "Question is...can you wait that long?"

"I can make it through this workout, but after...I can't promise anything."

"I'm assuming we'll end up leaving early then."

"You guessed it."

"Well in that case I think I'll just stick around until you're finished."

"Just want to do a few more sets of this then I'll be done."

"Alright, sounds good."

He goes back to focusing on what he was doing, making sure to give me a show in between everything. Once he's done, he sets the weights back on the holder and walks over to me. "All done."

"And now we can go. I say when we get back we go back to what we were doing before we came here."

"We really should." He laces his fingers with mine after we both pick up our bags.

"Definitely deserve time to relax after this busy morning."

"Definitely deserve time to relax after this busy morning."

"Yes we do. Can never get enough relaxation time."

"Exactly." I nod, as we walk outside and get back into the car, heading back to the hotel for the rest of the time before the show. Once at the hotel, we both head up to our room. When we get there, we both head to bed after dropping our bags and have more cuddle time. he rest of the day passed by quick for all of us. Stef and Mike had their gear bags all ready to go for tonight. She was just finishing up in the bathroom with her hair and makeup. After everything was done, she puts everything away then made her way back into the room to grab her shoes.

"Someone looks amazing." Mike grins.

"You always think I do." She blushes as she slips on her shoes.

"Because it's true."

"Just like how you look so amazingly good looking in your suits." She bites her lip.

"And ring gear." He smirks.

"Yes...your gear..."

"Which is blue tonight by the way."

"I do love blue on you..."

"How well I know."

"Just like how I know you love my pink gear." She grins. "Which I'm wearing tonight."

"We'll both be happy tonight then."

"Yes we will." She nods.

"I can't wait."

"You never can." She chuckles.

"Well the good news is I'll be in this suit most of the night since my match isn't until the very end. Always have to main event when I'm the champ."

"Right, of course." She keeps her eyes on him. "Going to be a long night, that's for sure." She chuckles.


"Hopefully no one will bother you tonight until your match."

"We'll see what the script says when we get there."


"Are we ready to go?"

"I'm ready." She nods, picking up her gear bag. He picks his up as well, laces his fingers with hers once she walks over to him and then they leave the room and to the elevator. They head down to the lobby, which had tons of people leaving for the show. They make their way out to the car and get in. After putting their bags in the back, he opens her door for her. She thanks him as she gets in and puts her seat belt on. He then goes over to the other side, getting in. When he's all set, he heads for the arena, his hand resting on her knee with her hands on top of his. "You're gonna do great tonight. I know it."

"I hope I do." She bites her lip. "As long as I avoid that sharpshooter of hers then I'll do just fine. That hurts like hell."

"Even if she does manage to get you in that, I'm going to be there ringside for you, encouraging you to get out of it. You're strong, you can get out of it, or even crawl to the ropes."

"True. I did manage to get out of it on Smackdown, but it still hurts. But, I know with you out there again, I'll be able to get out of it."

"It's my encouragement, I know."

"It is. You know just what to say to get me motivated."

"Yes I do."

"That's why you're the best." She gently squeezes his hand.

"I know." He grins.

"And that attitude..." She bites her lip. " sexy."

"So I've been told." He smirks.

"By who?" She acts mad. "Better not be anyone else telling you that."

"No, it's just you. You've mentioned it a few times."

"Good. I better be the only one telling you that."

"You are, don't worry." He moves his fingers over her knee. "By the're hot when you're jealous." He smirks.

"Oh am I now?" She grins. "That's good to know."

"Yes...yes you are."

"If anyone ever tries anything then you'll see it again, but unitl then it stays hidden."

"That's alright. I already know about it so..." He grins.

"Don't get any ideas you." She gives him a look.

"Who me? Never."

"Uh huh. Now you're going to use that against me too." She shakes her head amusedly.

"You don't know that."

"You're right...I don't."


"One thing I do're going to be leaving with the title at the end of the night."

"Yes I will. I'll win by whatever means necessary. DQ, Count Out, whatever. I'm retaining for sure."

"You are and I'll make sure of it too."

"Of course."

Soon they arrive at the arena and he parks the car. They get out then get their things from the back. Since no one really knows about them yet, she loops her arm around his as they head inside and to the locker room. Once in there, they set their things down and sits on the couch, his arms going around her. "I can't wait until we don't have to hide it anymore."

"I know. I say we give it a few more weeks or so. Shock the world with a kiss on TV." He winks.

"Now I love the sound of that." She grins, leaning up kissing his cheek. "Everyone will be talking then."

"Well I am good for making people talk afterall."

"Yes you are and now I'm going to do the same. I already have Eve talking so I guess I'm doing something right."

"Maybe it'll shut her up when we are out in the open."

"Maybe. Or it'll give her more to accuse me of."

"Well you, me, Alex and Shauna know the truth."

"You all do, but knowing her, she won't even listen to the truth."

"It doesn't matter what she thinks or says, all that matters is that we know the truth."

"True. She's not going to ruin this for me. I've worked to hard and if she does anything, I'll shut her up real quick."

"That's right."

"That is, if the GM will let me do it." She looks at him through her eyelashes with a pout.

"I'll consider it for now."

"Yayy." She silently cheers.

"Now, let's look at tonight's script."

She nods as he reaches over to the table, picking up the script and looking it over. "Let's see. Well the show starts with Randy vs Del Rio first of all."

"That seems decent."

"And after that it looks like I'm being confronted by Heyman and Punk. Concerning the WWE Championship. Joy."

"Ugh." She rolls her eyes. "He needs to stop whining about everything that doesn't go his way."

"Tell me about it. 2nd match of the night, Tag Team Championships. Kane and Daniel facing Cody and Damien."

"Hopefully they have all their issues worked out or it's bye bye titles."

"Exactly. Then it's Kofi vs Justin for the Intercontinental Championship."

"Now that's a match I want to see. It's been a long time coming for Justin."

"Definitely. Alex's match is after that. Then I'm confronted by Heyman again after that."

She groans, biting her tongue to keep quiet.

"Rey and Sin Cara vs Darren and Titus. Punk confronts Vince backstage after that match."

"He better not do anything to mess this night up for you." She grits her teeth.

"Then it's Shauna's match, your match and then my match, and that's the show."

"Well tonight's not going to go very well."

"I highly doubt Punk will try and get the match changed...especially at the last second."

"Yeah, but he'll do anything to have the title. He's even been giving me looks. I just don't want him to do anything." She moves closer to Mike.

"He won't. Not as long as I have something to do with it."

"I hope not. I can't go through that again." She wipes a few tears from her eyes.

"You're not going to. Don't worry about it. You're tough enough to take him on if he tries anything, and I'll allow it."

"Oh I know I can take him. As long as I'm not caught off guard again I can."

"Well if not, you teach him a lesson."

"Since I have permission, I plan on it."


She moves closer to him, snuggling into his side while his arms stay tightly around her. She takes a deep breath then sighs in relief at the safe feeling of being in his arms. "You're okay. You're with me."

"I'm feeling better already."

"As you should."

"Can we stay like this until the show starts? That might help me."

"Of course."

"Good." She lays her head on his shoulder. "Love you." She kisses his cheek.

"Love you too." His arms tighten around her as he kisses the top of her head.

Alex and I have just gotten to the arena, walked in, and started heading to our locker room. As we both head there, my eyes scan the halls for any sign of Wade. Alex sense that I'm worried so he holds me close to his side. "Don't worry. Nothing is going to happen." He says as we both walk into our locker room. "I can't help but worry. I know the history you two have. That's one thing I forgot to mention earlier today when we were talking about your career."

"I had a feeling you knew about it." He sighs. "That's all in the past and if he brings that up now then he's just a sore loser and needs to grow up."

"Even better...he's a cheeky monkey." I laugh.

"That's exactly what he is. Nothing more, nothing less."

"That's funny actually. Now whenever I see him, I'll see a monkey. Hah."

"He does look like one if you look at him from the right angle."

"He does." I snicker. "But enough about him."

"More about us." He grins, pulling me close to him.

"Yes, exactly."

"Since we both have most of the night..." He smirks. "...I say we make the most of it."

"No marks though. The one you gave me today, I had trouble covering up. Youuuu."

"What?" He shrugs innocently. "I said it was coverable, I just didn't say how big it was."

"Just as long as the makeup doesn't rub off, I should be good."

"I'll make sure it doesn't."

"Which means you can't kiss there."

"I know, but there's other places I can."

"Right. I know."

He grins, pulling me onto his lap. I squeak in surprise, resting one hand on his chest, my other going around his neck. He starts to leave light kisses on all the exposed skin he can reach. Because of my dress it didn't leave much for him to kiss, but he managed. Since there wasn't much for him to kiss, he let his hands wander from my knee up my thigh, slipping under the bottom of my dress slightly.

"And there you go again..." I mumble.

"Just having some fun." He smirks.

"And you know what that does to me."

"Yes I do." He grins, lightly moving his fingers over my skin.

I can't help but shiver a bit and goosebumps as soon as he moves his hand. He chuckles to himself, moving is his face inches from yours, brushing his lips over mine teasingly.

"You're killing me."

"What're you going to do about it?" He smirks challengingly.

"I think you know."

"How about you show me?"

I do one of many things, and that's dragging my nails across the neck. While doing that, I press a kiss to his neck, in a spot that I knew gets to him. That earns a slight growl from him as he twitches at my touch. In response, he squeezes down on my leg a bit harder than before. Since that had distracted me, he pulled back and took advantage of the situation and presses his lip to mine in a hard kiss to start. My one hand rests on his shoulder while the other moves to the back of his head, pulling him close as I kiss him back just as hard. A while into the kiss, I could feel that I needed air. So I start to slow the kiss down so I can pull away and breathe again.

"...awww..." He whines.

"...couldn't breathe..."

"Oops." He chuckles. "My bad."

"Always is." I laugh.

"Can't help myself at times. I get lost in the moment."


"It's the lip gloss..."

"Exotic Kiwi."

" tastes so good...maybe better than the others."

"And I have many flavored ones."

"You do...I love them all."

"Of course you do."

"They're just so addicting."

"I don't know how you cope when I wear non-flavored lip gloss." I laugh.

"That's just torture in it's self."

"Because you can kiss me but it won't be flavored."


"Poor you."

"But, you always do where the best perfume when you don't wear the flavored lip gloss..."


"Either way, you know how to get to me."

"It's a gift." I laugh

"Indeed it is."

"I get to you that way and in other ways."

"That you do, but I can get you back just the same."

"Oh I know."

"You should." He grins.

"I would say show me, but I believe the show is getting ready to start."

"I'll show, just not now."

"When I'm not expecting it."

"You're exactly right."

"Thought so."

He grins, holding me close as we both turn our attention to the TV for the show. The show starts just like every pay-per-view does, with selected video packages. After the pyro and the introductions, a match starts off the show. And out first is Del Rio.

"Dorito." I snicker.

Once he was done with his entrance, Randy had come out next. "Randy so has this won."

"I'll have to agree with you. There's only so much Randy can put up with from him."

"There's a lot of people that can only go so far with him before he snaps and they lose."


After a punishing match, Del Rio went for his signature springboard enziguiri on Randy but even with an injured shoulder, Randy catches Del Rio in mid-air with an RKO to pick up the win.

"Ohhhh. You lose."

"That was one hell of a RKO though. Ouch."

"It's always amazing when it's from mid-air."

"It is, but it hurts like hell."

"Yes I know, because you've experienced it before. Not from mid-air, but still I know."

"Not something I want to encounter again, that's for sure."

"Lets just hope I don't."

"Well considering you're both the same character, the good guy, you won't have to worry about it. When they turn him, yeah."

"That's the only good thing for now."

"There's only one person we have to watch out for right now."

"And he's not going to do anything. I won't allow him to."

And before I could even say anything, there was a knock on the door. Alex and I look at each other before I move from his lap and walk to the door. I open it just ac rack, seeing a delivery person out there. I open the door farther and he hands me a bouquet of flowers and a small box of chocolate. I thank the delivery person and turn around, closing the door behind me. "Did you send these and just surprise me?"

"No. If I was going to give you all that, I would give it to you myself."

"You don't think..." I trail off.

"Is there a card?"

"Yup...right here." I pull it out of the flowers.

"What does it say?"

"Hope these gifts will help you realize who you're better off being with. Ugh." I put everything down and rip the card up and throw it away.

"Is he serious?! If anything, you're better off with me. He's not going to take you away. I'm going to go find him and teach him a lesson." He stands in a huff, walking to the door.

"Alex no."

"I'm not going to let him do this to you. He left you alone for months then he comes back and he thinks he can try to take you from me. I don't think so."

"I don't want him hurting you before your match. Think about it. This is what he wants. You to go after him before the match."

He takes a few deeps breaths to calm down. "You're right." He sighs. "Come here." He opens his arms for me.

"Just let me take care of these little gifts. He probably drugged the candy first of all..." I trail off, throwing the box out.

"He would too." He grits his teeth.

"And these aren't even my favorite flowers. He failed." I throw those out as well.

"Just goes to show that he knows nothing about you."


"Which only proves who you belong with more."

"You and only you."

"You and only you. Now why don't we sit back down and watch the show. I got a glimpse of Mike and Stef backstage on the TV so this should be good."

"Lets do that." He nods, leading me back to the couch.

Like before we both had gotten up, he sits me back on his lap. We look at the screen to see Stef and Mike talking to one another when there's a knock on the door of their room. They look over just as the door opens and in walks Punk.

"Ugh." She says under her breath and rolls her eyes.

"There something I can help you with?" Mike turns to him.

"Actually there is. Tell me, why aren't I in the title match facing you tonight? Why is a guy like Sheamus getting a WWE title shot? I think I'm more deserving don't you think?"

"You are deserving, but your performance was not the best the past few weeks. You had your chances at the title and you did not succeed in getting it back. So therefore, I looked at who was performing well and it was Sheamus who was doing better plus he started with me. So that's why you're not in the match."

"If I may point out, my client, CM Punk isn't just not in the title match tonight against you. He's not set to compete at all." Heyman remarks.

"That's right, he's not."

"And who are you to speak when not spoken to?" Heyman glares at her.

"She's just a piece of arm candy for Miz here. Don't pay attention to her." Punk says, winking at her.

"Can I hurt him?" She asks Mike, while grumbling.

"Awe. Did I upset you? Too bad. Why don't you just go back to the mall while us men discuss more important things." Punk shoos her away with his hand. "Go." He tries to push her away.

"Don't you ever touch me." She grits her teeth. "Another thing, I don't take orders from a wannabe."

"That's enough Punk. You don't put your hands on any of the Divas, especially around me. And another thing. You're not going to get another title shot until you can prove to me that you deserve it. Because I will retain tonight and since I'm the GM and the title holder, I make those decisions."

"You're letting all this power go to your head, aren't you?" Punk shakes his head mockingly. "I mean, I would too if I had something like that with me all the time." He looks over at Stef with a smirk "But, I will prove that I deserve a shot at that title and I will beat you and become the next WWE champion."

"We'll see."

"Yes we will." He smirks then walks away. "Oh..." He stops turning around. "...if I were you, I would keep an eye on that little firecracker you got there." He chuckles evilly before leaving the room.

The cameras go back to the ring for the next match which was for the Tag Team Championships.

"You should've just let me at him Mike."

"Believe me. I wanted to." He sighs. "Just not with Heyman around. There's no telling what he will bring up against us."

"Question I have for you though, are you alright? I mean I know some of that stuff can get to you." He adds.

"I'm alright." She nods. "It's better than being called a tramp."


"He knows nothing if all he thinks I am is arm candy. I mean...has he even see my matches? I'm so much better than that!"

"Probably not. He only cares about himself so why would he watch any diva matches?"

"True." She nods. "This is one diva who's matches he should watch. This way he knows not to mess with me."

"He should, but we all know he won't because he's not scared of anyone."

"He hasn't met me yet that's why."

"That's right."

"Ugh. He just has me so worked up right now." She shakes with anger. "I just want to punch something." She hits her fist in her other hand.

"You know what works best? Punching a pillow. So you don't hurt yourself."

"Good idea." She bites her lip, looking around the room. She spots one over on the couch, then goes over and punches it. Since once was not enough, she does it a few more times.

"Feeling better? Or do I need to help a bit?"

"What do you have in mind?"

"Oh, I think you know."

"Then why aren't you helping me yet?" She smirks.

"I was waiting for you to calm yourself from punching the couch pillows." He chuckles.

"Oh." She laughs. "I'm calm now."

"Alright then." He grins, and motions her over to him.

She stands up from where she was sitting and walks over to him. Once she's closer enough, he puts his hands on her hips, pulling her close, her arms going around his neck. He grins, before pressing his lips to hers. Her hands rest on the back of his neck as she starts to kiss back. He moves his hands so their around her, making her as close as she can get. She lifts her one leg up, hooking it around his waist as she absentmindedly moves her fingers along his neck. He hears a low growl come from him like always and she smirks against his lips. She does it one more time, getting the same reaction. He then gives her a boost so she wraps both her legs around his waist. His hands stay on her hips as he walks over to the couch. When he gets there, he lays her on the couch so he's hovering, his hands moving to her thighs. He also moves from her lips and along her jawline. She tilts her head to the side since she knows what he's going to do. Her fingers run through the bottom of his hair as she arches into him when he squeezes on her thigh gently. He smirks against her skin, nipping gently at her skin, making sure to not leave marks. She bites her lip, a few soft noises coming. She tightens her legs around him, pulling him down even closer to her.

Once he feels that's enough torture, he makes his way back to her lips. As soon as he reaches her lips, she kisses back eagerly. Both her arms go around his neck, holding him in place. He feels that she's a lot calmer than she was before, and that's when he starts to slow the kiss down, but makes it linger. She whines softly when he stops, resting his forehead against hers. "That help?" He asks, even though he knows it did.

"Mhm." She nods. "A lot."

"Good. I'm glad."

"You always know how to calm me down."

"Yes I do. I'm good for that."

"Very good."

"I think I have a match to pay attention to though." He chuckles.

"True..." She slowly untangles herself from him. He then sits up an fixes his suit while she sits up and fixes her clothes as well. Since they're still not out in the open yet, she sits next to him, but close enough so he can rest his hand on her leg. She lightly leans on his arm, resting her hand on top of his. It was getting towards the end of the match. It led to a shoving match on the outside between Kane and Daniel, and Cody tries to take advantage, hitting Cross Rhodes on Daniel. Kane then saves Daniel from being pinned before he goes off on Team Rhodes Scholars, refusing to stop the pummeling of Cody and Damien to the point of the ref calling for a DQ, meaning that Cody and Damien are victorious, but do not win the titles.

"Someone still has anger issues."

"Just a tad."

"I can't see them holding those for much longer and if they do, I'll be shocked."

"Well their anger issues have been to some use to them so far...surprisingly."

" far is right."

"They got lucky...this time."

"Very lucky."

After a few quick things it was time for the next match, Kofi vs Justin for the Intercontinental Championship. "I really hope Justin gets the win. He's done so much and I believe he deserves a title reign."

"He really does. I agree with you there." Mike nods.

She pays close attention the TV, keeping her focus on what's happening. Before the match started, they had shook hands in respect and they started the match. With both Kofi and Justin using high flying moves it was definitely an amazing and entertaining match, with both of them just having fun at times. Once the match started winding down, then they got serious and focused on who would win that title. "I don't know..." She chews her lip. "...Kofi looks at the top of his game right now." She bounces her leg nervously.

"You know how Justin can pull out some tricks."

"I know, but Kofi seems to be keeping him down."

"Just wait....I have a good feeling about this."

"If you have a good feeling then I'll trust that."

It took a while, before Justin started to come back and get back at the top of his game, hitting Kofi with everything he had. Once he had Kofi down, making sure he wasn't moving, he climbed to the top of one of the corners.


Mike gives her an amused look, as they both watch as he hits the 450 on Kofi and pinning him, and getting the three count. "Yesss!!! He did it!!" She bounes in her spot. "I can't believe it!" She squeals.

"Didn't I tell you I had a good feeling about this match?"

"Yes you did." She chuckles. "That or you knew the outcome of the match." She gives him a look.

"Well the script does show who's slated to win..."

"Well yeah, but I only pay attention to certain matches. I had no idea until you told me he had one earlier."

"Of course."

"Guess I'm going to read the whole thing from now on." She laughs.

"Unless you want to be surprised."

"True." She chuckles. "I'll decide when I get it and who's in the match."

"Alright." He nods.

"It is about damn time he got something on his own. He's to good not to have a title yet."

"He is."

She starts to calm down from all the excitement since he's letting his fingers lightly move over the top of her jeans.

"But you know what match is up next?" He grins.

"Alex's match."


"Oh I so can't wait to see him kick Wade's ass and kick it good."

"You and me both."

"Maybe then he'll leave Shauna alone."

"We can only hope."

"There has to be something someone can do. Like what you did to Dolph...or something...anything. She does not need that. Not from him."

"Well considering he just came back I can't suspend him indefinitely."

"No, but there has to be something. Like, can't you have it so he can't be near her at shows or have any contact with her?"

"I'll have to think of something."

"Alright. I think it would make her feel a lot better knowing he can't go near her at all."

"I know." He nods.

"Honestly, I don't have a good feeling about her going out there. I really think she should stay here with us."

"Why? What exactly do you think's gonna happen?"

"I don't know. I just have a feeling Wade's going to have something happen to her and cost Alex the title."

"Well who are we to know if he doesn't already have something planned for if she doesn't go out there?"

"You may be right, but I just have the feeling he's going to send someone out there to get her, that distracts Alex and he loses the title and she gets taken..."

"This is such a tough decision..."

"Just please talk her into staying back here with us." She pleads with him. "I wouldn't be able to take it if he gets her." She starts to tear up.

"I'll go talk to her. I do want you to come with me though."

"Of course I'll go."

"Come on." He stands up.

She quickly stands up, following him out of the room to me and Alex's locker room. When they get there and go to knock, the door opens and Alex and I stop. "Hey, what's up?" I ask.

"I don't think it's a good idea for you to go out there tonight." Mike says.

"What? Why?"

"Stef has a bad feeling and she made a very good point. I agree with her that you should stay back her with us so in case Wade tries anything. Stef seems to think he's going to try sending someone out to get you and then cost Alex the title."

I turn and look at Alex, wanting him to give me his response. "He would do something like that. Afterall he did send flowers and candy to you. Maybe they're right."

"See. I knew he was up to something. I had a feeling something was going to happen." Stef gets upset.

"Like I said, I think it's for the best if you stay back here until I can talk to Wade about all this." Mike adds.

I sigh. "I don't like it but I suppose since it's for the best..."

"I know you want to be out there for him and I feel bad doing this, but I don't know what I would do if something happened to you." Stef tears up.

"I'll stay...but can we just...have a minute?" I motion to Alex and myself.

"Of course." Mike nods, leading Stef away from us both while trying to calm her down.

"It's definitely going to be harder for me to sit through this match, without being there physically." I frown.

"It's going to be hard not having you out there, but I've had my suspicions about all this. I would be to concerned with you out there and not knowing if anything was going to happen."


"I know you don't want to do this just as much as I don't, but staying back here would be safer and that's all that matters."

"If anything happens after the match, I'm coming out, I don't care."

"I really don't like that idea...if he does something, it'll be to get you out in the open and that'll be exactly what he wants."

"Not if I get people to help me."

"If you get people to come out with you then that's fine. I don't want you coming out here alone."

"I'll have to find people then."

"Yes you will. If you find no one, you stay with Mike unitl I come to get you."


"Good." He gives me a quick kiss. "Now I think I should get going before I'm late."

"Right." I nod. He starts walking back over to us, but I stop him. I pull him down, giving him a hard kiss making sure it lingers.

"For luck since I won't be out there." I say once I pull away.

"That's the one thing I'm going to miss out there."

"For tonight anyway."

"Yes. Only tonight."

"Now you can get to the curtain."

"Right." He gives me one last kiss before walking over to Mike and Stef, then heading to the curtain. "You aren't mad, are you?" Stef asks shyly.

"No. I'm not mad. My safety is more important to all of us so..."

"It is, but I know how much you wanted to be out there with him. I just feel really bad about this."

"Don't be. Alex agrees. If you didn't come and ask me to stay back here, he would've made the decision at the last minute. It was gonna happen either way."

"That does make me feel a lot better. Now I know nothing is going to happen to you, I think I can relax a bit."

"I do wanna find a few people and form a group to just be prepared in case something happens after the match. I really don't think I could live with myself if I just let something happen to him, if it does."

"Right. You know I'm all in. How about we ask some of the other Divas and superstars?"

"I like your thinking."

"I'm just that good." She smirks.

"Let's go find people now before the match starts."

"Alright." She nods as we head off in search of a few people. After some searching, and barely any persuading, we had recruited Nattie, Ted, John and Randy to help out if anything goes wrong after the match. "We did good and just in time for the match." She says as Wade's music goes off. "And I say we all stay here and watch, so we're prepared just in case."

"Good idea." Stef nods as we all turn our attention to the TV that was nearby.

Even though the match hadn't officially started yet, I couldn't help being concerned and everything. "It's going to be alright. Alex has got this. We're more than ready if he tries anything." Stef assures me. "I can't help it. Only you know what Wade's done. No one else here knows."

"True, but they've all got your back. He's not going to do anything anymore. We'll all make sure of that."

"You wanna know how much he knows about me? Nothing. The flowers he sent me, weren't even my favorite." I scoff.

"Cheeky monkey." Stef snickers.

"And not to mention the candy was probably drugged or something. Probably injected something into it. Both gifts were thrown out."

"I wouldn't put it past him. If I was you, I would've done same thing."

I nod as I focus my attention on the match since the bell had rung. Wade looks around ringside for me, not too happy that I'm not out there. "Someone's not happy that I'm not there." I laugh.

"Nope." Stef laughs. "He'll just have to deal with it."

Then since he doesn't see me, he starts arguing with Alex, asking him where I am. And the cameras pick up the audio.

"None of your damn business." Alex grits his teeth. He starts to mutter things to him that's not picked up by the cameras, while pushing him back inch by inch, trying to mess with him. He gets Alex into the corner then starts poking at his chest. Alex gets fed up and pushes him away, starting to go on the attack.

"Get him." I mutter to myself.

"Don't take his shit." The ref eventually has to pull him off of him, but that doesn't stop him for too long, as he goes right back after him. "That's it. Kick his ass!" That causes Wade to roll out of the ring and to safety, the ref keeping Alex back as he starts to count Wade out.


As Wade's back is turned, Alex gets out of the ring another way to sneak up on him. Alex waits until he notices he's not in the ring and starts to look for him, and just as Wade turns in the direction Alex is in, Alex hits him with a vicious spear on the outside. "Ooohhh. Now that was a good spear." Alex helps Wade up and rams him into the side of the ring, before throwing him back in, and sliding in himself before the refg got to 10. He then goes for the cover, but Wade kicks out at two.

"Damn it!" I mutter.


He then crawls over Wade and starts throwing punches until the ref has to pull him off, but Alex doesn't give up and goes right back to throwing the punches on Wade. "Doesn't look Wade has a chance."

"Not if Alex can help it." He then gets Wade to his feet and throws him into the ropes, but Wade comes back with a shoulder block. He comes off the ropes again, only for Alex to roll over onto his stomach, and then leap frogs over Wade, and goes for a hip toss once Wade comes back. But Wade blocks it and clubs Alex across the back. "No!" I gasp, covering my mouth.

"Ouch." Stef winces.

From that point on, Wade would not let Alex regain control, and I was starting to get worried because Alex was showing signs of struggling to stay in the match. "He can do this. You know it, I know it, and everyone back here knows it. He'll pull through and come back here with that title." That's when Wade starts to set up for his finisher, and it's a new one. One we haven't seen before. He waits until Alex gets up and when he turns around, he charges at Alex, but Alex ducks and hits Wade with a spinebuster. He waits for Wade to get up and once he does, he gets him on his shoulders and hits him with his finisher. He quickly scrambles to cover Wade and thank god, the ref got to three.

"Yes!" I jump up and down. "He did it!" Take that you cheeky monkey!"

He gets his hand raised in victory once he gets handed the title back. He celebrates in the ring for a bit, but that's when we hear the crowd go crazy as if someone's coming out. "What's going on?" I ask, my smile fading. The cameras pan out to see two men coming through the crowd. Getting clear close up shots, they're both revealed to be Drew, and Dolph.

"Mike...I thought you suspended him..."

"I did. He's not supposed to be here."

"Looks like I have to stay here." Stef sighs. "Go stop them before they do anything to him." She says to me.

"Well aren't you a heel anyway? Can't really help me remember?"

"Damn. I totally forgot about that."

"But don't worry. I'll teach him a lesson for you."

"Oh I know you will." Stef smirks. "Now go before it's to late."

I nod and all five of us quickly head to the curtain. We make it there in time because Drew and Dolph had jumped the barrier and circled the ring, before hopping up onto the sides. And with Wade now to his feet, and those two on the outside, Alex was surrounded, and Wade formed a sinister smirk on his face. But before they could even do anything, my music quickly hit and we all came out and stood on the stage and looked on at them for a bit, before my music stopped and we all made our way down to the ring. Wade smirked over at me, blowing me a kiss before motioning for Drew and Dolph to attack Alex. They quickly get in the ring and start to punch and kick him until he's down. That's when we run the rest of the way and slide into the ring and attack. Wade wasn't doing anything yet so we ignored him for now. We all worked together and pulled them off of Alex. Just for you, I grabbed Dolph by what little hair he did have and whipped him across the ring. Nattie and I then worked together and threw him out of the ring, and he made a hard landing with the mat outside. "Oh damn!" Stef covers her mouth. "You get him girl!" As we both were doing that, the others were working on getting Drew out of the ring as well. They get him out and that left only Wade. The guys surrounded him, while Nattie and I went over to help Alex get out of the ring and to safety. There was no way I was leaving him unattended, that's why the guys were the only ones to surround Wade. "Are you alright?" I ask concerned as we get him out of the ring. "I think I' okay." He winces.

"Lets get you to the trainers and get you checked out."

Nattie and I help Alex to the back and to the trainers. After we walk in and bring him over to be looked at, I thank her. "Thanks for helping."

"It's no problem. I was glad to help. You need it, you come get me."

"I will. I think I'll okay here now. You go get prepared for your match later."

"Alright. See you later." She pats me on the shoulder before heading out. I turn and then head over to where Alex was being looked at. The trainers look him over as he winces at a few spots. "Nothing's broken. You're just going to be sore for a few days and possibly some bruising. Just ice, pain medication, and rest for the next few days."

"I'll make sure he gets the rest he needs."

"Good. I'll get you something for the pain then you'll be good to go."

Alex nods and the trainer walks off to get something. "I guess we were all right about something happening."

"We were, but I'm just glad it was me and not you out there."

"Right. I know."

"Here you go." The trainer says, handing Alex something for the pain. "Thank you." He nods. "I do think you have a match we need to get to though." He hops off the table, wincing a bit.

"That we don't have to worry about now. There's two more matches before mine. My match, Stef's match and Mike's match are the ending of the show."

"Right." He grabs his title starting to walk slowly with my help. We then make our way out of the trainer's room and back to the locker room. Once in there, I lay him down on the couch making sure he's comfortable. I grab the bag of ice from the trainers then he lifts his head so I can sit, his head resting on my lap. I then place the ice where he's the most store. "Are you going to be okay by the time my match comes around?"

"I should be." He nods. "Starting to feel a bit better already."

"Until you go to bed tonight and everything gets all stiff."

"True, but I'll deal with that when the time comes."

"Mike said he suspended Dolph. He wasn't even supposed to show up."

"That is something Dolph would do. He's known for not listening very well. I'm sure Mike will deal with him tonight to tomorrow if he shows up on Raw."

"Wanna bet Wade's done something to sort that out? It only makes sense."

"You're probably right. We'll have to tell Mike about this later. He's not going to be to happy about that."

"No. I sense I newly formed group...after seeing what we saw tonight."

"If they do, we'll just keep our little group together. They're not going to play the numbers game. We can do it too."

"They'll be outnumbered anyway."

"They will be. No matter what he tries, it's never going to be enough to get to you."

"We're definitely going right to bed when we get back to the hotel though."

"For once, I'm not even going to complain about that."

"I'm sure Mike will give you the night off tomorrow night too. Which will help."

"I'm sure he will too and yes, it'll help a lot."

"Well the trainers said to take it easy for a few days so I should have most of the week to off to rest. Me getting hurt again is not something we have to worry about."

"For me, it is."

"Hey now...I said I'd do anything to keep him from getting to you and if we getting a little hurt is what it takes to keep you safe then that's something I'm willing to do. I know you're going to worry about me, but just know that you'll still be coming home with me every night."

"And it's gonna stay that way."

"If I have anything to do about it, it's definitely going to stay that way."

I nod and lace my fingers of my free hand with his, and we turn our attention to the screen, where they replay what just happened in the match where Alex won, Drew and Dolph showed up, and then me and everyone else, especially when I threw Dolph across the ring and then Nattie and I threw him out of it. "Did that mostly for Stef. I said I would teach him a lesson for her."

"I think you did just that too." He chuckles. "Now that I see it, that was really hot." He grins.

"Well he just pisses me off."

"With the way he's been acting and treating her. I can see how he does." And then Stef and Mike are seen heading back to their room, but get stopped by Heyman.

"Mr. Mizanin please just hear me out."

"This again?" Stef groans, rolling her eyes.

"What is it Paul? If you didn't just see what happened out there, I have some things to sort out concerning Wade Barrett and his little posse."

"I'm sorry. I was to busy trying to get my client, CM Punk back in the contendership for the WWE title tonight. If you will please do us all a favor and reverse your decision and let Mr. Punk wrestle tonight, that would be the best decision you'll ever make."

"You really think I'm going to change my decision when the match isn't too far away from now? I'm sorry, my decision is final."

"Please. I beg of you. My client needs to be in this match. He's the best in the world and that title rightfully belongs to him." Heyman pleads his case. "If I may, how about we make this a triple threat match. The match still goes as planned and my client gets to be in the match. We're all happy."

"Yeah...he said no." Stef butts in.

"Oh will you shut your pretty little mouth. No one asked your opinion."

"Say what now?!" She gives him attitude.

"How about no Heyman. If I wanted a Triple Threat match, I would've made it. Sheamus wants a one on one match, not a triple threat. Now I suggest you get out of my sights before I let Sage here teach you a little lesson about respecting your boss. I will allow it this time. Don't think I will? Try me."

"You're going to regret this decision Mr. Mizanin. You're going to regret this!" Heyman rants as he storms away.

"Psh." Mike rolls his eyes.

"He's all talk and no game. I doubt we have anything to worry about."

"Exactly. Now I believe we have matches to get ready for."

"We do." She nods. "Ones that we're going to win."

"That we are."

"Lets go get ready." She grins as she starts walking toward their locker room, making sure to torture him as she walks. They reach the locker room and he allows her to get ready first. It doesn't take her too long to get ready and once she's done, he heads in to get changed while she goes and its on the couch. He comes out shortly, in his blue gear like he said he would be wearing, and one of his shirts. She can't help but to stare while biting down hard on her lip. "...damn..." She mumbles lowly to herself. "You say something?"


"You sure?" He gives her a look.

"I-I'm sure." She stutters slightly.

"If you say so." He smirks.

She watches him as he comes back over to the couch, sitting next to her, but far enough away if someone comes in. Her eyes stay on him the whole time. "It's so hard to resist."

"Oh, I know."

"I just want to touch, but I can't." She frowns.

"Well no one should be coming in here the rest of the night. The script doesn't say anything about it."

"So I can?" She grins, scooting closer to him.

"I think so."

She cheers to herself, moving closer to him, letting her hands wander. One hand rests on his upper thigh while her other slips under his shirt, her nails moving over his chest and abs. He starts to be touchy in retaliation. She starts to lose focus on what she was doing then composes herself. To get him back, she starts to lightly nip at his neck. He loses focus himself on what he's doing, but he does manage to focus enough to grab her and pull her onto his lap. She squeaks against his neck at the sudden movement. She slowly starts to make her way up his neck to his ear, lightly nipping at his earlobe. She knows that she's getting to him because his grip on her hips had tightened. She smirks, continuing to do that a few more times before moving and kissing across his jaw slowly. Once she gets close to his lips, he eagerly presses his to hers, not able to wait anymore. His one hand moves to the back of her head, holding her in place while his other stays on her hip. Her hand moves from under his shirt and up his chest, cupping his face as she kisses him back just as eagerly. Of course with him being in his ring gear, it's much easier for things to happen, so once he feels that they both should start to calm down, he's the one to slow the kiss. She groans in protest, but lets him slowly stop the kiss. He leaves light, lingering kisses before pulling away. "Can't have things happening back here. The things you do to me..."

"How well I know." She smirks. "Seems like I've done it again."

"Yes you have."

"I'll behave for now. I want to see Shauna's match."

"Good. May not want to move for a while though."

"I'll do my best not to." But she does move so that she could see the TV to watch. "Stef..." He groans.

"Oops..." She giggles. "...sorry."

"No more moving."

"I won't. Promise."

"You better not."

"I won't." She chuckles. "There's no time for anything...I'll let you calm down."

"We can save the fun stuff for when we're back at the hotel."

"I have a feeling I'm in for it when we do get back."


"Oh boy." She chuckles. "I guess it's to late to say sorry then."

"More than likely."

"Looks like I'll have to get what's coming to me then."


"Going to be a long then I suppose."

"Yes. Yes it will be."

"Oh boy." She shakes her head. "But, now I want to watch Shauna's match. It's about to happen." She says once Eve's theme goes off.

"She looks scared of that cage." Stef laughs.

"Well, she's never been in one of these matches so of course she's going to be scared."

"And not to mention she has no experience in a match like that, but Shauna has. This is gonna be good."

"Very good."

She hesitates to even get inside of the cage that's covering the ring, but manages to do so. Once in the ring, my theme goes off, Alex and I walking out on the ramp. After holding the title in the air for a few seconds, I put it back on my shoulder as Alex and I make our way down to the ring, covered with the cage and seeing Eve inside, trying to act like she's not scared, but she really is. "She can try to hide it all she wants, but we all know she's scared."

"Oh yeah."

"I so can't wait to see her face when there's no way for her to get out."

"I know right? She'll most likely try escaping early on."

"Too bad she won't be able to."


I make sure to give Alex a lingering kiss, just to prove to Eve that she's not taking him away from me, and to piss her off a bit. He walks around to another side of the cage, after he lets me go to head inside.

"Oh damn. Now she looks pissed. Good one Shauna." Stef laughs. Mike chuckles as well, and I hand the title off to the ref, who raises it for everyone to see, before he hands it off to another ref outside of the cage and they hand it off to one of the attendants ringside. The ref makes sure we're both ready before they close the cage door, and the bell rings to go. Eve and I stare at each other with a glare, before she decides to bolt towards the side of the cage and she starts to climb. I storm over and climb up onto the ropes, getting to Eve's height on the side of the cage and I hold onto it with one hand while I grab her by the hair and literally throw her off of the cage wall. "Dammmnnn! Already trying to get away and the match just started." Stef shakes her head. "Chicken." She snickers.

I hop down from the ropes just in time to see her scrambling for the cage door. I raise an eyebrow and shake my head, going over to her again and stomp on the hand she was reaching for the now open door with. I demand the door to be closed and it is. "It's a wonder why Eve even agreed to this match. She's not even trying. Some Diva she is."

"But if you remember, that is part of her tricks though."

"True. I'm sure Shauna won't fall for them though. She's smarter than that."

"She is." He nods. I then pick her up by the hair and start to say some things to her, and I go to throw her into one of the cage wall, but she ends up elbowing me in the gut, making me let go and hits me with a dropkick a few times. "Oh no." Stef covers her face.

"Come on Shauna. Don't let her get to you like that. You're better than her. Prove it to her." Alex cheers from outside the cage. She the stands to the side of me and does her little booty popping thing, and since I still have plenty of strength left, I spin on my back and use my feet and push her away, and she goes through the ropes, her head hitting the cage wall.

"That's my girl!" Alex claps. "Keep it up. You're doing great."

I then quickly get up and when Eve gets to her feet, holding her face and turns around and I hit her with a hard clothesline. Just because I can, I go for a pin attempt only for her to kick out. "That's alright, that's alright. Keep her down. You almost got her." Alex encourages. Then just for hell of it, I try to escape the cage, but I don't take the easy way out with the door, I take the challenging way and climb the side of the cage. "Come can do it." Alex anxiously cheers. I get far, but that's when I feel my foot get grabbed. "Ugh. Hold that thought." I grumble as I start kicking Eve away. I kick her in the face a few times and that causes her to let go and hop down from the top rope where she was. I climb down the side of the cage and make sure to hold on as I stand on the top rope. I then jump and hit her with a cross body.

"Cover her! Cover her! Cover her!" Alex encourages. I nod, but I don't cover her just yet. I take a page out of her book and I climb to the top turnbuckle, looking behind me to make sure she's not moving. Just to mock her, I hit her with one of her own moves and that's the moonsault from the top turnbuckle. I change my mind on covering her because that's just too easy. I kick her and punch her a few times before attempting to climb again. "Go go go go! She's still down!" I use all my strength and I finally get to the top. I then swing my leg over and hold onto the top as I'm now on the outside of the cage and climbing down. When I'm far enough down, I touch my feet to the floor and I win. The bell rings as my theme plays. Since Alex was on that side waiting, he scooped me up in a hug as one of the refs brought over my title. I take it from him and I let go of Alex long enough for my hand to be risen in victory. Alex raises my other hand, pointing at me. Once my hands are let go, Alex pulls me to him, giving me a soft victory kiss. Over the cheering crowd, I could hear Eve hitting the side of the cage in frustration and anger, and all I can do is smirk. Eve keeps screaming at us as me and Alex start to head back up the ramp. I turn around, walking backwards up the ramp, holding the title high sending Eve smirk the whole time.

"Someone's a sore loser."

"That's all she's even been. Nothing but a sore loser. It's either her way or no way, but not this time."

"No, and I believe we have a match to get you out there for." Mike grins.

"That we do." She grins, carefully getting off his lap.

"And you don't have to worry, I'm calmed down by now." He remarks.

"Good. We don't need anyone seeing that out there." She chuckles.

"No, that would be bad."

"I'll have to be more careful next time."

"Yes, you'll have to be." He chuckles.

"But it's so much fun though." She laughs as they head out of the room.

"For you."

"Yes, for me." She grins. "You'll get me back for it always do."

"Yes I will, and yes I do."

"After we win, you can have all the fun you want." She smirks.

"I plan on it."

"Oh boy." She chuckles as they reach the curtain, seeing Natalya already there waiting to go out. Stef goes up to her and they both wish each other good luck in the match, knowing it's going to be a good one. Before they could really say anything else, her theme hit and she made her way out and down tot he ring.

"You're gonna do great." Mike assures her.

"I have a feeling I will." Stef shakes her nerves out. "Just nervous." She takes a deep breath.

"It's normal. Your first pay-per-view and all."

"I know." She takes a few deep breaths. "I think I'm ready."

"Good. Now let's get out there." He grins, as Natalya's music fades and hers starts. As soon as her theme hits and she walks out in front of the crowd, all her nerves go away and she gets pumped, even though it's mostly boos. She does her poses at the top of the ramp before Mike and her head down the ramp to the ring, a smirk plastered on her face. When they reach the ring, Mike walks around to stand on another side while Stef gets into the ring and does her poses in there. After doing her poses, her music fades and she stands across from Natalya, glaring at her. The ref makes sure the two of them are both ready before the bell rings. When it does ring, that's when they both circle and lock up and she catches Stef around the midsection, and she tries to pry her hands apart. "Come on Sage. Just like I taught you. You got it." Mike encourages. She manages to get her grip loosened and then gets her quickly in a side headlock, applying pressure like Mike taught her. "That's it! Good job, good job! Keep that hold tight."

Natalya starts to elbow her in the stomach to get her to let go, but that only causes her to apply more pressure. She makes her way over to the ropes and ends up pushing her off and when she comes back, she hits Natalya with a powerful shoulder block that knocks her off her feet. "Keep it up! You're doing great! Just keep her down." She drops down quickly going for an early pin, but she kicks out at one. She then crawls over her and starts throwing punches until the ref has to pull her off. "Oh come on! She had enough time!" Mike complains. "Do your job right!" She backs up into the corner and hops up to the top and waits for Natalya to get up. When she does, Stef does another thing that Mike taught her and that was the double axhandle to the head as she jumped down. She goes for another cover, but Natalya kicks out. Stef gets a bit frustrated and that's when she helps her up, getting behind her and pulling her arms back while driving both feet into her spine. "That's right." Mike smirks. "Keep that up and she won't last long. Keep applying pressure. You got it."

"Ask her!" Stef screams at the ref. He asks her if she wants to give up, but she keeps telling him no. "She'll give up. Keep the hold on her!" She then starts to lean back more so that she's now holding Natalya in the air a bit, balancing on her feet. "You got her now! She's going to tap." Mike yells. "Tap. Tap. Tap." He starts to chant. Stef realizes that she's not going to give up so she lets her go, making her land face first as she falls forward.

"You don't have to get her that way. Show her what you've got. Let her have it all."

"Come on....come on..." She taunts as she readies herself for when she gets up. When she does and turns around, that's when she hits her with a spear. Mike is screaming for her to cover her, and she does, unfortunately Natalya kicks out at the very last second before 3.

"Come on ref! That was 3! Learn how to count!" Mike yells at the ref.

Stef hits the canvas in frustration, and leans against the ropes to figure out how she's going to beat her. "'ve got her where you want her. Do your finisher." Mike says so she can hear. She nods and waits for her to get up. Once she does, she puts her in the position for the finisher and then she hits it.

"Cover! Go go go!" She quickly covers her and Mike counts along with the ref, hitting three. Her theme goes off as Mike cheers outside of the ring. She gets to her knees, running her fingers through her hair. She then stands up, getting her hand raised in victory as Mike slides into the ring to congratulate her. He raises her other hand in victory and points to her, making sure everyone knows that she's won, whether they like it or not. She smirks to the crowd as they continue to boo her. They let go of her hands and she goes over to each corner doing her poses while still smirking at the crowd. Then once she's done, he holds the ropes open for her to get out first. He follows after and then follows her back up the ramp. The only reason why they both didn't stick around, is because Sheamus would be going out first for Mike's match.

"You did amazing out there." He gives her a hug once they get behind the curtain.

"Well, I did have you out there cheering for me." She grins.

"Yes, I see that it helped."

"Very much so. Just like I'll be doing out there for you."

"Wouldn't want it any other way."

"And you won't have to."

"That's right."

"Doesn't look like we have to wait long." She says as Sheamus walks up.

"Nope. And after this, we go back to the hotel for you know what."

"I do know and I can't wait." She winks at him. It isn't long before Sheamus goes out to his music, and they wait until he's done for them to go out next. Once he's in the ring, they hit Mike's music. They head out as he does all his poses at the top of the ramp, holding the title up before throwing it over his shoulder and walking to the ring. She follows confidently behind him as he runs to the ring then jumps on the side doing his entrance pose. As he gets into the ring, she walks around to stand on the commentary side, watching as he does all his in-ring stuff before standing before Sheamus, and then handing the title off to the ref. The ref shows it to Sheamus who nods before it gets handed to one of the ringside technicians. "Come on Miz! You so got this!" She yells just as the bell rings. He then takes his shirt off and tosses it to the outside, not caring where it lands. She bites her lip, hiding it the best she can before she goes over to pick up his shirt. She holds onto that while the match begins. They circle before locking up and Sheamus is the one to push Mike into the corner. Mike pushes off and knees Sheamus in the gut before hitting him with back to back hits, until Sheamus comes back with a hard punch. He bodyslams Mike and pins him, only getting the one count.

"He's not going down that easy. Don't even try whitey!" Stef yells. "It's still early. You've got time. Focus."

Mike rolls out of the ring to recover a bit, take some time, but Sheamus comes right after him. Mike gets back into the ring and Sheamus climbs up onto the side of the ring and blocks a punch from Mike and then goes to slam him face first into the top turnbuckle. But Mike blocks that and drops Sheamus on his arm, onto the top rope, and then using that same arm, doing it again to the bottom rope.

"Keep that going! Wear the arm out. You're doing good. Come on Miz." Stef encourages while clapping.

Mike rolls out of the ring again and this time sends Sheamus shoulder first into the steel ring post. He throws him back into the ring, and goes for the cover, getting a one count. He then follows up with a knee to the spine and then works on the injured arm some more. Sheamus gets up and then starts throwing punches, getting out of the hold. He charges at Mike in the corner, but he moves and Sheamus ends up hitting the corner shoulder first, and then Mike hits Sheamus with his corner clothesline move. "Yes! That's how you get it done! Show him who's the best!" He then goes to the outside, and then climbs to the top turnbuckle. When Sheamus gets up and turns around, he hits him with the double axhandle. He follows that up with a couple kicks to the face. And then a DDT on the non-injured on, followed by another pin attempt, but Sheamus kicks out at 2 and 1/2.

"Damn it." She mutters. "That's alright. It's still early. You'll get him. I know you can do it."

Sheamus crawls to the corner and Mike meets him there with kicks to the back and chest, the ref having to pull him off. Mike backs up for another corner clothesline, but Sheamus avoids it and knocks Mike down, and he takes control of the match, until Mike gets out of the Celtic Cross and kicks him in the chest, making him stumble away. But just then the lights go out.

"What the hell?!" Stef looks around confused, trying to see through the darkness. She can barely see what's going on what with the flashes from people's cameras going off. When the flashes go off, she can see more than just Mike and Sheamus in the ring. There's one more person and they're attacking someone. The lights then come back on and it's revealed to be Punk and he's attacking Mike. The ref calls for the bell and the match ends in a DQ.

"Oh hell no!" She grits her teeth, jumping up on the side of the ring starting to yell at Punk. "What the hell are you doing?! Get off him!!" She screams over the roaring of the crowd. And that's when Heyman comes around, telling her to get down and mind her own business. She gives him a look before shoving him away with her foot so he falls to the ground. She smirks as he starts yelling at her. She climbs through the rope, getting in the ring and going over to Punk. She tries getting him off Mike only to be pushed to the other side of the ring, bouncing off the ropes. "Oh that's it." She grumbles, storming over and kicking him in the head, before pulling him off with all the strength she had and throwing him across the ring backwards. She starts to help Mike up while looking over her shoulder to see Punk not in the ring, but on the side from falling out with Heyman by his side.

"Mike are you alright?"

"I'll be fine." He grimaces. "What happened?"

"Punk. He attacked you."

"What the?" He starts, trying to get up. "Did he touch you?"

"After I tried getting him off of you. He pushed me off, but I took care of him. Threw him back so hard he fell out of the ring."

"Good one." He chuckles slightly. "Lets just get out of here."

"Hold on..." She walks to the side of the ring, demanding for his title. She walks back over to him, helping him to the ropes. " we can go." He nods and they both get out and head back up the ramp. "Maybe the celebrating tonight isn't such a good idea. I don't know what he did to me, but I...ow...feel like I've been hit by a truck." He mutters to her, wincing.

"That's the last thing on my mind right now. All I care about is you feeling better." She tells him as they head backstage. "To the trainers with you." He nods as they both head there. "The good thing out of all of this though is that we both won."

"That's a very good thing. We'll have our celebration soon."

They reach the trainers and head in, Mike going over to get checked out. After a bit, they say he'll be just fine, just sore. He's given ice and pain meds before being able to go on his way. He leans on Stef for support as they head back to the locker room. Once there, she opens the door and they walk back in. "Think you'll need help changing or will you be alright?"

"I think I'll be okay. But if I need any help I'll call for you."

"Alright." She nods, letting him go so he can go change. After he heads in, she starts to get changed back into her clothes in a different area of the room. She gets done before him then goes and sits on the couch after getting their things together.

"Ready?" She asks.

"Ready." He nods.

"Oh my god that ass. It hasn't been a good night for both you and Mike tonight." I say to Alex, who still hasn't move from where he was laying, since he was comfortable.

"He'll do anything to get his hands on that title again. That was not very deserving of him at all."

"No. Well I suppose we both should get changed and get going."

"That would be a good idea." He nods, slowly getting up.

"I'll let you go first."

"Thanks." He half smiles. "If I need help, I'll call for you."

"Alright. And once I'm changed and we're back in our hotel room, you can go back to being comfortable. I know you didn't want to move from where you were laying again."

"Not really, but can't exactly go out in this." He chuckles, referring to his attire still being on.

"No." I laugh.

"So, I'll be right back."

"Right." I nod.

He then heads back into the changing area, taking his time since he's still sore. He comes out a short time later all changed and ready to go after I change. When I come out, with my bag in hand, I grab whatever else I brought with me, lacing my fingers with his before we leave the room and make our way out of the arena, to our car in the parking lot. "I'll drive this time so you can rest." I say, after putting my things in the back.

"That's why you're the best." He kisses my cheek.

"I know." I grin. I help him get in the passenger's side then help him with his seatbelt. Once he's all settled, I go over to the drivers side, getting and buckling my seatbelt. When that's all done, I start to head for the hotel. The traffic wasn't too bad and we made it back just fine. We do the usual, grabbing our things once we get out of the car. I make sure to lock it before we head inside, getting onto the elevator and heading up to our floor, where we make it to our room and I slide the card in the slot unlocking the door and we walk in.

"You go get changed. I got all this." I take his bag from him after walking in so he can get into more comfortable clothes.

"You sure?"

"Yeah go ahead."

He nods, giving me a quick kiss before going to get something to wear. Once he has that, he heads into the bathroom to change while I put the bags away and change myself. After I change, I climb into bed and under the blankets. Leaning back against the pillows and headboard, I do a last check through my phone and such as wait for him to come out of the bathroom. He comes out shortly after you get in bed, putting his clothes with his bag before heading for the bed. Once there, he pulls the covers back and climbs into bed. "Much better." He says as he gets comfortable.

"Good. As long as you feel better then I'm not as worried."

"You shouldn't be worried, I'm okay. I know you can't help it, but I'm saying. I'm gonna keep telling you I'm okay too."

"You better not be lying to me." I try to be serious. "I'll find out...I always do." I give him a look.

"I'm not lying. I'm telling the truth. Sure I may be sore, but I'm okay. No broken bones, nothing."

"As long as you say so." I bite my lip. "Just a natural reaction for me to worry."

"I know. As it is for me when you get hurt. It just shows how much we care about each other, which is a lot."


"I have a pretty good idea. With what you did tonight, that shows how much you do care."

"But you look tired. Maybe we should get some sleep." I add.

"Maybe we should."

I reach over and turn off the light before moving and carefully snuggling into his side, my head resting on his chest. He rests his arm over my shoulder, holding me as close as he can without it hurting. We both say goodnight to each other before we end up drifting off to sleep. Stef and Mike however have just gotten back tot he hotel and walked into their room.

"You go get changed and I'll get everything put away." She tells him as she takes his bag from him. He nods and grabs some clothes from his bags and heads into the bathroom to change. While he does that, she gets changed in the room itself. Once she's done, she goes over to the bed, climbing in and pulling the covers down as she waits for him to come out. The bathroom door opens shortly after and he walks out, all ready for bed. She looks over at him with a sad face since he looks to be in pain. She pats the spot on the bed next to her after he puts his clothes away. He comes over and climbs into bed next to her, carefully so that he doesn't cause anymore pain to himself than what he's feeling already.

"Anything I can do to help?" She asks, knowing the answer.

"Just you being here for me helps. I took some of the pain meds so they should be kicking in soon."

"That makes me fell a little better." She half smiles as she lays down next to him.

"I don't know what I'd do if you weren't here."

"You're never going to have to find out either. I'll always be here to take care of you."

"As will I for you."

"I don't really know what I would do without you either." She lightly runs her fingers up his arm in a soothing motion. "Maybe just sitting home, still wishing for the day I met you." She adds.

"That might be, but I'm sure you would've met me eventually with the help of Shauna."

"Yeah, I know."

"But, you're here now and that's all that matters."

"Very true."

"That's the best thing ever." He smiles. "Love you."

"Love you too." She lightly kisses his lips. "Now...time for sleep. You need it."

"We both need it."

"True, but you more than me."

"Right." He nods.

He motions for her to move closer to him, but she hesitates. He assures her he'll be fine and she carefully lays her head on his shoulder so most of her weight is on the bed. His arm goes around her the best it can. "Alright, time to sleep."

"Mhm." She nods. She lightly moves her fingers over his chest, trying to ease him a bit more. She feels him start to relax then when she looks up she sees that he's fallen asleep. She smiles to herself, resting her head back on his shoulder. The sound of his heartbeat and breathing put her at ease and she soon falls asleep herself.