Status: Active

The Chance of a Lifetime

Night Off

Back to the beginning of another week. I had woken up before Alex, who was peacefully sleeping. Being careful not to wake him, I move from the bed and get dressed for most of the day at least. I decide to let him sleep more and I would go out and get something for breakfast for us both. It didn't take long since there was a little cafe next to the hotel. After getting what I wanted, I headed back up to the room. When I walked in, Alex was just starting to wake up, reaching on my side of the bed looking for me.

"I'm over here." I say as I put everything on the table. He groans, rolling over to face me.

"Come back to bed." He sleepily says.

"Then everything I got for breakfast will get cold."

"You got breakfast?" He asks, rubbing his eyes.


"Thought I smelt something good."

"Wanted to let you sleep after last night, since you need the rest."

"I did, thank you." He props himself on his elbows, smiling.

"Always thinking of you."

"Of course." He gets up from the bed, walking over to me, giving me a kiss.

"How are you feeling anyway?"

"A little sore, but nothing to bad."

"Well that's good."

"A very good thing. Even better since I got the night off."

"I've got the night off too."

"That makes things even better."

"No matches, but Mike wants me to open the show, talk about what I want, including my win last night."

"Any thoughts on what you're going to say?"

"Not yet. But I got plenty of time to think about it."

"True." He nods. "This is really good. Is it from the hotel?"

"Next door to the hotel."

"I didn't think it was from here. It's to good to be." He chuckles.

"Some hotels do have good food though."

"Yeah, but we've stay here before and I really didn't like the food."

"Which I remembered."

"One of the reasons you're the best."

"You are too."

"Any plans for today?"

"Well seeing as you need to rest, staying in the room all day can get boring. So I was just thinking relaxing things maybe. Stuff that doesn't require you to do much. Maybe the indoor pool, and I know the jacuzzi will definitely help you relax."

"That all sounds really good. I say the pool for a bit then the jacuzzi after."

"That's exactly what I was thinking."

"Once we're done, we can get ready then we should be good to go."

"Good idea."

We both finish eating before cleaning everything up. When that's all done, we both start to get ready, taking our time since we're not in a rush.

"Do you want to pick out what I should wear?" I grin.

"I'd love to." He grins.

"I knew you would."

He goes over to my things and rummages though until he comes to one he likes. That one is obviously blue, seeing as that is his favorite color on me. Once he pulls it out, he turns around to show me. "Of course it's blue." I chuckle, taking it from him.

"What can I say, I love the color on you."

"Which is why almost all my clothes are blue."

"Which I love."

"I know you do." I grin. "Well I shall be right back then." I add, heading into the bathroom.

He nods going to get changed himself while I do. It doesn't take me very long and I come back out to go through my things, to find a coverup to put on over the swimsuit just until we get down to the pool area. "Do you have to put that on?" He groans at his view being taken away.

"It's just until we get down there. Do you really want others staring?"


"Then I think you can survive until we get down there."

"I do think I can."


We gather up a few things that we both may need before we're ready. We head out and to the elevators, heading down to the main floor and heading to the pool area. It's not too crowded and we find a place to sit easily, setting our things down. "Can that come off now?" He asks, wanting my coverup off.

"I suppose." I laugh at his eagerness.

"Yesss." He cheers.

"Should I do it or do you wanna help?"

"I'll help." He answers quickly. He walks closer to me, lifting it over my head. once that's off, he drops it on the chair then continues to stare while his hands move down my arms to my waist. "Gorgeous."

"Like always."

"All for you too." He grins, kissing me quick.

"Of course."

"I think it's time we get in the water though." He smirks.

"Uh oh, I know that look."

"You do." He picks me up, heading for the water.

I squeak as he picks me up and hoists me over his shoulder, heading towards the side of the pool. "At least you gave me a good view." I laugh.

"Only the best for you."

"You drop me in the water first, you're going down with me."

"I would never do that." He says with a sly smile.

"I can hear the smile in your voice."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." He gets to the edge of the pool.


He stands at the edge for a bit, then out of nowhere he lets me go, jumping in after. I come up to the surface first before he does and when he does, I splash him. He splashes me back, starting a splash fight. "Okay okay, I give up."

"I win." He grins, reaching out and pulling me to him, his arms going around my waist.

"This time."

"You'll get me back."

"Yes I will."

"Right now...all I want is to hold you."

"Nothing wrong with that."

"Nope. I missed that this morning."

"I'm sorry about that."

"Don't be. It was very sweet of you to go get us breakfast."

"I figured you would want something when you woke up. Instead of going out somewhere and getting something for once."

"You just know me so well." He grins, kissing me.

"I do." I mumble against his lips. He keeps the kiss going for as long as he can while his hands start to wander. I decide to have a little fun with him. So as I'm kissing him back, my hands wander as well. They move down to his abs and rest there, just so he doesn't get suspicious. Then when he least expects it, I press my fingers into both of his indents and then quickly pull away from the kiss and from his arms, swimming away from him with a smirk on my face.

"'re so...going to...get it..."

"Am I? I'm just having fun."

"Oh I turn now." He smirks goig under the water.


Since he's under the water, he can move more quickly. Before I know it, he grabs my legs, starting to pull me down. I open my eyes under the water so I can see him and I shake my head amusedly at him with a smile on my face. He pulls me over to him, pressing his lips to mine as he slowly goes to the surface. When we do come to the surface, we break the kiss to get our air back from being underwater. "So you got me back. Not as bad as you usually get me back, but still."

"I'm saving that for later." He grins.

"Oh boy."

"Oh boy is right."

"Any way I can prepare?"

"I don't really think so."

"Oh darn."

"You'll enjoy it. You always do." He smirks.

"I do."

"That's what I thought." He kisses me quick, squeezing lightly on my thighs as he does.

" that..."

"And that's just the start." He smirks against my lips.

"Always is."


Meanwhile with Mike and Stef, they didn't have to worry about media because they had the morning off for once. So they both were able to sleep in a bit. She really didn't get much sleep since she kept waking up to check on him during the night. At one point, she rolled away from him now knowing it. When she started to stir, she felt an arm across her lower back and a head on her shoulder. She looks out of the corner of her eyes and sees that it's Mike, and she can't help bu smile. She lays there with her eyes closed slightly trying to get a bit more sleep. He pulls her closer to him, nuzzling her neck. At that point, she's awake just laying there letting him sleep for a bit longer. It isn't until a few minutes or so after that when she feels him start to stir, starting to move around a bit more. He starts to press light kisses to her neck trying to wake her since he thinks she's still asleep. She lays there for a bit just enjoying the feeling. "Wake up." He says quietly.

"...I am..." She mumbles into her pillow.

"How long have you been?"

"I don't know....about 10 minutes or so."

"No...not really."


"It's alright. I got enough rest though."

"As long as you did."

"How about you? How did you sleep?" She rolls onto her side, facing him.

"I slept okay."

"I could tell, although you did look a bit uncomfortable at times."

" were up all night weren't you?"


"You were."

"I was just worried about you. Kept waking up to check on you."

"I'm sorry you felt that way." He frowns.

"No. You have nothing to be sorry about. It's just me over thinking things to much."

"You were just concerned, it's ok."

"I'll always be concerned about you."

"I know."

"I think taking things easy today would be the best thing though."

"That sounds good." He nods.

"Maybe get some breakfast first then maybe the pool or Jacuzzi?"

"You always have great ideas."

"I do, don't I?" She chuckles.

"Yes, yes you do."

"What would you ever do without me?"

"I really don't know." He chuckles.

"You'll never have to find out either." She kisses him lightly.


"You can rest while I get ready if you want."

"Alright." He nods.

"Unless you want me to wait until you're ready to get up?" She asks since his hold on her is still tight.

"Maybe wait a little bit longer."

"I had a feeling you were going to say that...grabby." She chuckles as he pulls her closer to him.

"Can you blame me?" He chuckles.

"No...I missed that last night." She carefully snuggles into him.

"I missed it too."

"Are you sure you're able to? You're not to sore?"

"Well everything is all stiff from sleeping. Maybe I'll be good when I've moved around a bit and took some pain meds."

"Right. Want me to get you one? It's right on the nightstand. I put them there for you with water in case you needed them.

"Of course. And please." He lets her go so she can get them for him. She gets up and walks around the bed so he does not have to move. Once she has them, she hands them to him and opens the water for him. After he's done, she puts the water back on the table, then got back and laid in her spot. "Cold." She shivers, moving closer to him to get warm.

"Say no more." He says, wrapping the blankets around them, along with holding her as close to him as she could get.

"Mmm...much better."

"Yes, much better." He grins.

"Now I don't want to move again. Not for awhile anyway."

"And we won't have to."

"Good." She stifles a yawn.

"Maybe take this chance to get more sleep."

"Maybe, but I don't want to." She whines a bit.

"Well if you get tired, don't fight it."

"No promises."

"Alright." He nods.

Since he knows that she's really tired, but fighting it, he starts to run his hand over her back. Before she knows it, she's out. He looks down smiling at her as he watches her sleep. It's a few hours later and she starts to stir, his arms still around her while he looks at her. "Feel better?"

"" She mumbles, slowly opening her eyes. "How long did I sleep for?"

"A few hours."

"Wow. I must have been more tired than I thought."

"Well if you were up all night, I would think so."

"True." She nods. "How late is it?"

"About 10."

"Oh. That's not bad."

"No. Plenty of time to do what we want."

"I say we eat after I wake up more."

"Sounds good." He nods.

She lays there for a bit trying to wake up, but nothing seems to be working. She keeps moving closer to him, snuggling into him more wanting to go back to sleep.

"I can feel that you're still tired."

"You're just that comforting."

"Oh I know."

"I can't help it."

"I understand. You had trouble sleeping last night. We all have those nights."

"Yeah..." She chews her lip. "...but, I do need to wake up..." She looks up at him through her lashes.

"I know just the thing then." He grins.

"Do you now?"

"Yes I do. The same thing that works every time."

"And what would that be?"

"Like you should have to ask." He chuckles, before shifting so he can lean down and he presses his lips to hers. She smiles into the kiss as her arms go around his neck, pulling him as close as he can get, but doing it gently. Her one hand goes to his hair while the other stays on the back of his neck. One of his hands were resting on her cheek, and his other hand was free to do what he wanted to do with it. After keeping it resting on her back for a while, he moves it to rest on her hip. His fingers move lightly over her skin causing her to arch into him more. she starts to run her fingers over the back of his neck in retaliation. That causes him to start to make the kiss harder, kissing her more eagerly then before. She smirks, because he loves getting that reaction out of her. He holds off on doing it again for a few moments and then catches her off guard when he does it again, but a bit harder. A louder moan comes from her roughly, tugging at his hair more. He does it one last time before moving his hand up to her hip again and to her side, before moving it to her back and under her shirt, moving his fingers along her spine slightly. She shivers at his touch as goosebumps start to form. The kiss starts to get more rough and she hooks her one leg around his so they're as close as they can get.

In retaliation, he starts to get closer and closer to the sensitive spot on her neck, smirking when he feels her tense the closer he gets. She bites down hard on her lip as he grazes over the spot doing her best to relax. He knows it's getting to her so he hovers over the spot, letting his breath hit it. She makes a few noises at the torture he's causing, tugging on his hair more roughly.

"Patience is wearing thin, isn't it?" He chuckles.

"...uh huh..." She slowly nods.

"I'm doing my job then."

" are..."

"You'll never know when I decide to touch that spot."


"I know."

"...Mike..." She whines.

"I'm having my fun."

"I can tell..."

"As long as it's waking you up..."

" is..."

"Good. But I do think I still need to do one thing before I'm done."

"Uh oh."

"Uh oh is right."

"Don't go to crazy."



"Now where was I?"

"Torturing me." She chuckles.

"Oh yes. Thank you."

He leans back down, brushing his lips over the spot once more. She tenses up, biting her lip to contain the noises. Since he knows she's holding back, he once again moves his hand down to her thigh and as he goes after the spot, he squeezes her thigh again. This time she can't control the noises that come from her and they're clear to him, though they are muffled by his shoulder. Her fingers dig into his shoulder the more to goes after the spot. He keeps going until he feels a mark is starting to form, but a coverable one at least. He smirks when he sees it slowly forming, and leaves lingering kisses along her skin. He slowly makes his way to her lips and when he gets there, she presses her lips to his hard in an eager kiss, much more eager than before. He keeps the kiss going for longer than she expected, and when he pulls away, she can't help but whine a bit.

"More later." He kisses her quick.

"Counting on it." She says between breaths.

"You're most likely pretty much wide awake now."

"I actually am. You always know how to wake me up."

"Yes I do."

"Maybe we should get up now?"

"That would be a good idea."

"You just have to let go." She chuckles. "I'll let you pick my swim suit if you do." She smirks.

"Deal." He says, letting her go. They untangle themselves then get out of bed, him heading right over to her things to find a suit he wants. He searches for a bit before finding his favorite one, it being pink of course. "How did I know you would pick that one?" She chuckles, taking it from him.

"Because you know me."

"I do. All to well."

She moves from the bed and heads into the bathroom to change into the swimsuit. Once in there, she does her normal routine, lightly doing her makeup. She pulls her hair back in a low ponytail and covers up the mark he left the best she could. She shakes her head amusedly as she grabs her clothes and heads back into the room. "I see you went crazy." She laughs, referring to the mark he left.


"Luckily I was able to cover it up so it's not as noticeable."

"I did make sure you would be able to."

"I could, but it took some work."

"My bad."

"You just couldn't help yourself, I know." She amusedly says as she gets her coverup, putting it on.

"Awww." He says quietly at his view being covered up.

"It'll come off. Once we're at the pool area."

"I'm taking it off."

"I figured as much." She laughs.

"Well of course."

She grabs a few things they might need then puts them into a bag along with some towels. "Alright. I can tell you're getting anxious. I'm all ready now."

"Good. Let's go." He takes her hand, lacing their fingers together as he hurries to the elevators. "Slow down there." She giggles.

"Sorry." He chuckles.

"You just want this off. I know."

"So bad."

"You'll get the chance."

"I know I will."

"And soon too." She says as the doors open. He of course hurries them both onto the elevator. She laughs amused as they step in then head down to the pool area. Once they get there, there were quite a few people there. They were able to find a spot to set their things down and once they were down, he started playing with her cover up. "Oh go ahead." She laughs. He grins and pulls it up and over her head, tossing it onto the bag she set down. His hands then start to wander down her arms and sides before they rest on her waist. "Happy now?"


"Good." She grins. "How about we go in the water?" She runs her hands down his chest, pressing her fingers into his indents before dashing away.

"Ohhh you're so in for it now."

"Have to catch me first." She calls over her shoulder.

"That won't be a problem!"

She looks over her shoulder to see him catching up to her quickly. "Eep." She squeaks, trying to get away. But that's when she spots Alex and I, in one of the Jacuzzis surrounding the pool. She goes to say hi, and that distracts her long enough for Mike to catch her.

"Got you." He smirks.

"Oh no fair." She pouts.

"Told you I would get you."

"You did and if I did say hi to Shauna and Alex, you wouldn't have got me.

"But you just had to stop running away, therefore I caught you."

"True." She shrugs. "What's your plan now?" She raises a brow.

"I think we're heading into the pool now." He grins.

"Uh..." She starts to say until he hoists her over his shoulder. "Thanks for the view." She grins, smacking his butt.

"You're oh so welcome."

Since she's stuck there, she drags her nails over his skin right above the waist of his swim trunks.

"Am I going to have to drop you into the water?"

"No." She quickly says, retracting her hands.

"That's what I thought."

"Just having my fun."

"And you know what that fun does to me..."

"Yes I do." She smirks doing it one more time, but quickly.

"We're definitely going in the water now." He smirks.

"If you say so." She grins.

"But you won't have to worry about me dropping you in. I'll be nice about it. Use the stairs."

"Aren't you just the sweetest."

"Yes I am."

"That or I just got really lucky." She laughs.

"Or both."

"I think it's just luck." She laughs. She decides to have more fun while she can so she can run her nails over his skin as she kisses where she can reach, making sure to use her tongue as she does so.

"You're making it very difficult to make it to the stairs of the pool."

"Oops." She giggles. "Just having my fun while I can."

"How about waiting until we're in the water?"

"I suppose I can do that."

He nods and goes the rest of the way to the stairs of the pool, walking into the water. Once he gets out far enough, he helps her down off his shoulders making sure to hold her close to him. Her arms go around his neck, her legs around his waist.

"You know you're not going anywhere now right?" He grins.

"Somehow, I knew that."


"I don't want you to let me go anyway." She clings to him.

"And I never will, until you want me to."

"Right now...never."

"Right." He nods.

She lays her head on his shoulder, burying it into his neck.



"You have that affect on me."

"All the time."

"Exactly." She moves her head from his neck looking around the pool area.

"Looking for something?"

"Just thought I saw someone...guess not."


"Yeah..." She bites her lip.

"I can assure you he's not here."

"I hope not...after last night, I've been on edge."

"I know."

"Now whenever I see someone with blonde hair, I think it's him. But, it was just Alex and Shauna leaving." She says since we're no longer there.

"I promise I'll try and do something about all of this. Wade, him, and Drew. I'm sure they'll have something big planned for tonight like something in the ring or whatever."

"Probably. I have a feeling they're all working together to get to me and Shauna somehow. I don't like it at all."

"We'll just have to keep a close eye on all of them."

"Good. I don't ever want to be away from you until they're taken care of."

"That's why you're not going anywhere without me or if you have to be you will be with someone I trust."

"I hope that never has to happen."

"I hope not."

"We'll just have to wait and see." She lays her head back on his shoulder, nuzzling his neck.

"Yes, but let's not worry about it right now. It's for the best."

"Right." She nods. He starts to run his fingers over her back trying his best to relax her the best he can.

"Getting relaxed?"

"A bit, yeah."

"As long as it's doing something."

"It's calming me down so it's working."


He does that for a bit longer, kissing along her shoulder as he does. She shifts a bit since it tickles then settles down and starts to relax more. He keeps one hand moving over her back, his other moving and resting on her hip for now. As he does, they both end up floating around in the water. They stay in for a bit longer before they decide to head over to the jacuzzi. She stays close to hi mas they walk over since she saw a few guys starting and making gestures to her. "Disgusting." She mutters, rolling her eyes.

"Don't worry about them."

"I'm not." She gives him a passionate kiss making sure it lasts a good amount of time.

"Give them something to stare at."

"Exactly." She glances over to see them not looking anymore. "Problem solved."

"Good. They got the point then."

"I believe they did." She smirks. "Now...shall we?"

"We shall."

She steps in with him holding her hand until she sit down. When she's all settled, he steps in, sitting next to her with his arm over my shoulders.

"Now this feels good." She sighs in content, laying her head on his shoulder.

"It really does." He nods.

"I bet it feels good on all your sore muscles too."

"It's helping for sure."

"Good. That's what we need to happen. You need to be relaxed for tonight."

"Well it's definitely working."

"That's what I want to hear."

"Considering the meds were starting to wear off a bit."

"Maybe we should head up soon so you can get more then."

"This is helping though. I should be good until we decide to head back up."

"As long as you're sure."

"I'm positive."


"I appreciate the concern though."

"You're welcome, but like I said, I'll always be concerned about you. Always have and always will be."


They start to relax even more, letting the warm water and the jets soothe any aches they have. After sitting in there for a bit, they decide to get out and grab their towels to get dried off.

"All this was a great idea."

"I'm just full of them." She grins.

"Yes you are."

"I've got another one too."

"Oh? And what's that?"

"We go back to the room, get cleaned up then lay in bed and cuddle until we have to leave."

"Now I love that idea."

"I knew you would." She smirks.

"That's just what we both need."

"Which is why I suggested it."

"Of course."

"Just have to get everything together then we can go."

"Right." They get everything that they brought down into the bag she brought with them then they head back up to the room. When they get to their floor, they walk to their door and then head in. They then go over to their things and find dry and comfortable clothes to change into. After she gets those, she puts her wet clothes in the bathroom, hanging them up so they can dry. once that's done, she heads back out into the room to see him waiting in bed for her. She waks over to the bed, climbing in and laying her head on his chest while his arms go around her. "Much better."

"Very. Now we don't have to more until much later."

"Nope. So what're you wearing tonight? Any hints?"

"Hmm...should I make you wait or..." She teases, pretending to think.


"Alright." She giggles. "Clothes." She tries to keep a straight face.

"Oh well I would hope it would be clothes." He laughs.

"Well you wanted a hint and I gave you one." She laughs.

"What kind of clothes?"

"A skirt. And that's all you're getting."

"I can deal with that."

"You're going to have to unitl I get ready." She chuckles.

"Don't worry. I'll be able to last."

"I'm sure since your having fun with what I have on now."

"I am. I'll have even more fun tonight."

"Oh boy. Sounds like you're up to something."


"I guess I'm in for what I did at the pool?"

"You'll see."

"That look tells me I am."

"I repeat, you'll see."

"If you say so." She looks at him unconvinced. "I'm surprised you're not trying it now."

"Saving it all for tonight." He smirks.

"Uh oh."

"Oh yeah."

"Sorry?" She looks at him through her lashes.

"I don't think that can save you this time." He chuckles.

"Darn." She fake pouts.

"So you'll have to wait and see."

"Then I can't wait."

"And I can't wait to see your skirt." He grins.

"Of course you can't." She giggles.

"Touchy." You add.

"Can't help it." He grins. "I love when you wear my shirts."

"How well I know."

"You just look so good in my clothes. Even better than I do."

"Well I wouldn't say that, you look awfully good in your own clothes."

"I do, don't I?" He chuckles. "You just make them look sexy and that's something I could never do."


" do look really sexy in them."

"To me anyway." She continues.

"That's all that matters. It's all for you and only you now."

"Good. I would hope so."

"It is. Now that I have you, I don't have to impress anyone anymore. I impressed the only person that matters and that's you."


"And that's the truth." He kisses her quick.

"And you've been impressing me for years."

"I know all about that too." He grins.

"Of course you do."

"I have my sources."

"Yes you do and that's one source."


"Told you everything."

"Pretty much." He chuckles.

"Well that's a good thing."

"Mhm. Now I know everything I need to know."

"Exactly. So what did you have in mind while we relaxed the rest of the day until we have to leave?"


"Great idea. I was thinking that too."

"Great minds think alike."

"They do." He grins.

"And you...can pick the movies." He adds, handing her the remote.

She smiles, taking the remote then looks for a movie. Once she finds one they both agree on, she sets the remote down and snuggles back against him. They spend the rest of the time watching the movie she picked out and both agreed on. Since they did sleep in this morning, they weren't really tired so they really never dozed off and napped. Before she knew it, it was time to get ready for the show. As hard as it was, she got him to let her go so she could get ready. Since she wanted to surprise him, she kept the door locked as she got ready int he bathroom. It didn't take her long to get ready and all she had left was her hair and makeup. Her makeup was easy, but her hair took a bit of time. Soon everything was done and all she had to do was walk out since she had her shoes in there with her as well. When she did walk out, Mike was finishing up getting ready himself, pulling on his suit jacket.

"Someone looks hot." She says loud enough for him to hear as she bites her lip.

"Don't I always?" He chuckles.

"Yes, but I can't help but to tell you all the time."

"And I appreciate it."

"You're welcome." She walks over to get her clutch. As she walks by, she can feel his eyes on her. "I feel you staring." She chuckles.

"That's because I am."

"Like what you see?" She smirks.

"Try love.....a lot."

"Well, you get to look at it all night." She grins. "Heard the GM gave me the night off."

"I believe he did."

"I'll be sure to thank him later." She smirks.

"Oh yes you will."

"Since we're both ready, I think we should leave since you have that look in your eyes."

"Leaving would be a good idea." He nods.

"Try to behave until we get to the locker room. We don't need anyone seeing something they're not supposed to."

"Right. I'll try."

"As long as you do that." She grabs his title for him.


"Good." She gives him a look. "Shall we?" She holds out her hand for him. "We shall." he grins, taking her hand and lacing his fingers with hers. He does one last check to make sure they have everything they need then they head out to the elevators. When they step inside, he lets her hand go so he can be as touchy as he can. She has to stop him at times since he gets a bit crazy. Once the doors open again, they step out then head for the car, getting in and heading to the arena.

In the meantime, Alex and I were finishing up getting ready ourselves. Since we both had the night off we didn't need to get our gear bags together. After I get done doing everything in the bathroom, I do the usual and walk out to put my shoes on.


"And my shoes aren't even on yet." I say as I grab them and sit on the end of the bed to put them on.

"It's the dress. It looks perfect on you."

"Like you say about every dress I have."

"Because they fit you perfectly. Each one gets better than the last."

"Well I only have the best."

"Of course and you will continue to get only the best ones."


"Only for you."

"Of course." I nod, standing up since my shoes are on and fix my dress.

"You ready?"

"Yup." I say, grabbing my jacket, putting that on and grabbing the title.

"Let's go gorgeous." He grins, putting his hand on the small of my back.

"Aren't you forgetting something first?"

"Oh right." He grabs his title.

"Well yes that. But I think there's something else you've forgotten."

"How silly of me." He chuckles, giving me a kiss.

"Much better."


"Now we can go."

We both then head out of the room and to the elevators. Once inside, he tires to be as touchy as he can since he's in love with the dress. When the doors open, he puts his hand around my waist as we both head to the car, putting our things in and then getting in and heading to the arena. As we pull into the parking lot, I notice a car pulling in behind us. I look in the side mirror and see that it's Wade and Drew. "Ugh...guess who got here the same time as us?"

"Don't worry about them. We'll just wait until they go in to get out." I nod as we park and he shuts the car off. We sit and wait. Watching to make sure they actually do go inside and not stick around. After a bit of time, they finally go inside and don't come back out. "Good, they went in. Now we can." He nods, getting out of the car and getting both our things from the back. After we get out, he walks over, handing me my title then puts his arm over my shoulders, holding me close to his side as we both head inside. We make it to our locker room without seeing either one of them, heading inside. "Thank god we didn't see them." I sigh in relief as I head to the couch, sitting down.

"We can only hope we don't see them at all."

"Hopefully we won't have to. Since we don't have matches and I only have that promo, we don't really have to leave the room much tonight."


"I'm sure you're happy about that." I laugh since his hands have been wandering since we both sat down.


"Touchy." I giggle.

"You know I can't help it."

"You never can, but you know what it does to me."

"Yes, yes I do."

"You're evil, you know that right?"

"So are you."

"I am." I smirk.

"But you're being evil right now." I add.

"All apart of my plan for what you did earlier." He smirks.


"A little ot late for that." He chuckles.


"Nice try though. Maybe it'll work another time."


"Depends on how much torture you cause first."

"Which was a lot today, I know."

"Yes. Too much."

"My bad." I give him an innocent look.

"Uh huh. You knew exactly what you were doing."

"So I did."

"Just like I know what I'm doing." He smirks, his fingers slipping slightly under my dress.

"You know just what to say so I go easy on you."

" it working?"

"Maybe a little."

"Okay....hmm...what if I get Mike to give us a photo shoot to do together? You and me."

"I do love the sound of that."

"And I was thinking maybe I could wear that black and white varisty jacket you wore on NXT. You don't know this, but I actually love that one."

"I could wear that. I still have it too and you can wear it anytime you want. Matter of fact, it's yours."

"It's like you read my mind. I was just going to ask if you still had it."

"I just know what you think. I'm that good."

"Yes you are."

"I suppose I'll behave...for now."

"Aha, so it worked. I win."

"Only for now you won. I'll get you back later."

"Uh huh."

"Hmm...maybe I'll wear what you like to bed and sleep on the other bed or, lay with you but, you won't be able to touch." He teases.

"Oh you wouldn't."

"I just might. At least I'll be behaving myslef."

"But that's not me..."

"Oh no. Not the pout. You know I can't resist the pout."

That just makes me do it even more, resting my head on his shoulder and looking up at him, giving him the eyes. "Not the eyes too..."

"...yes the eyes." I nod.

"You know what that does to me..." He looks down to still see the face. "Okay...I won't do that to you." He gives in. I stop with the eyes and face, lifting my head from his shoulder with a smile. "I win again." I kiss his cheek. "I believe it's 2 to nothing."

"For now. Just wait until we get back to the hotel." He smirks.

"We'll see."

"Yes, yes we will."

"I can't wait to talk about whatever I want out there."

"I can't wait to hear what you're going to say. I know it's going to be amazing."

"Well I do know I'm going to talk about my win last night."

"Of course. Your amazing win."

"Would've been even more interesting if I had gotten some ways down the side of the cage, jumped, you caught me and then you would've just placed me down on the ground as Eve watched and freaked out even more."

"I was going to do that, but I did not make it to you in time. I wanted her to suffer."

"And suffer she did."

"Big time. Thanks to you." He kisses me quick.

"Well I wasn't going to leave the cage unless she suffered. I hope she's walking around hurt tonight."

"She probably is. You gave her all you got and more. She was even crawling around the ring after the match. She's got to be hurting still."

"Good. She deserves it. Little homewrecker she is."

"She can try all she wants, but I'm not going anywhere. I'm perfectly happy where I am and who I'm with."

"I know. I'm happy too."

"That's how it's going to stay too...forever."

"Well I would hope it would be forever."

"Trust will be."

"You're so sweet." I smile, snuggling into his side.

"Just for you." He kisses the top of my head.

"I do have to be the luckiest person ever."

"I think you came in second to me."

"Yes I know you think you're the luckiest person ever."

"I don't think...I know. I did get you after all."

"And I got you."

"Exactly how is should've been and always will be." He holds me close. Stef and Mike in the meantime are in the locker room sitting on the couch and going through the script for the show.

"Looks like a good show, expect for the part where you have to talk to Ziggler." She makes a face.

"I know. What better way to do it than for everyone to see."

"That's true. Any thoughts on what you're going to say to him?"

"Well first I'm gonna make a comment about how he got basically beat up by a girl last night." He chuckles.

"Oh I can't wait to see his face." She laughs. "It was pretty funny last night. He was all shocked that she did that."

"Which was half of the funny part."

"Yes. I was just happy to see him get thrown out of the ring like that. I just wish I could've done it."

"Well maybe I'll just let you do that tonight if he steps out of line."

"I would love nothing more than to put him in his place." She grins evilly.

"I'll allow it."

"Yayy!" She cheers. "You're the best." She kisses his cheek.

"That's why you love me."


"Wade comes out, I won't hesitate to put him in his place either. He has to learn he can't just walk around thinking he can do what he wants and harass who he wants."

"No he can't and what he did last night was uncalled for. There was no reason for him to do what he did last night."

"No there wasn't."

"I just can't belive that he comes back after being gone for months and thinks he can get and do what he wants. Not everything revolves around him."

"No it doesn't. And now Dolph and Drew are joining him? Not on my watch."

"I really don't like that, not at all. It scares me to think what they could be capable of."

"Well that just proves he's a coward. He can't do anything without a posse."

"Nope. No one of them can without help. They're all cowards."


She sets her script down so she can snuggle into his side more. He puts his down as well in favor of being all touchy to help get her mind off things. "Having fun?" She giggles since his hands are wandering up her legs.

"Oh yes. Tons."

"I take it you're happy I wore this then?"

"Very happy."

"Maybe I'll wear them more often whenever I can." She grins.

"You should."

"For you, I will."

"One of the many reasons I love you."

"I love you too." She smiles up at him. His hands start to go a bit higher on her leg and she has to stop him. "Someone might walk in."

"The show doesn't start for another 10-15 minutes..."

"In that case..." She smirks. "...have fun."

"I plan on it." Before she could respond, he moves his hand under her skirt, squeezing her thigh gently. She bites her lip trying to contain any noises since they don't have much privacy. She buries her face in his shoulder trying to muffle any noises that come from her.

"Oops." He chuckles with a smirk.

" know...what you're...doing..." She mumbles.

"So I do."

"...uh huh..."

"I always know what I'm doing."

"Of course you do and it always works."

"I'm good like that."

"Yes you are." She manages to move her hand to his chest, running her hands slowly up his shirt.

"And so are you."

"I have to be to keep up with you."

"That's true."

"You're a bit faster than I am though."

"Not necessarily a bad thing either."

"For you, no."

"That's right." He chuckles.

His hand moves to the back of her thigh allowing him to pull her onto his lap so she's straddling him. She rests her hands on his chest while his run up and down her legs.

"There. Much better."

"Easier for you to be even more touchy."

"You know it." He grins.


He lets his hands rest on her thighs for now. He leans down, pressing light kisses to her shoulder. She rests her head on his shoulder as he makes his way across her shoulder.

"So...much skin.." He mumbles.

"I know." She smirks. "A little something after last night since you couldn't enjoy yourself."

"Oh I love you." He grins.

"I love you too."

"You should wear this outfit more often."

"Maybe I will, but it might take some convincing." She smirks.

"You know I'm very good at that."

"I want to see how good you really are."

"Oh, you will. Even if I have to do little things all night long."

"Just like you're doing now." She tenses as he squeezes gently on her thighs.


"" She challenge.

"Challenge accepted."

He starts to go for her lips, but instead kisses across her jaw making his way to her neck. Her head goes to the side with one hand going to his hair, the other staying on his shoulder. But since he knows that when she's out in the ring later with him, there can't be anymore so he just kisses the skin instead of leaving marks this time. He does it as lightly as he can, driving her crazy. She tugs at his hair the more he does it while his hands start to wander more. That just causes him to smirk and he makes his way back down her neck to make his way to her lips. She moves her hand from his chest to his cheek, turning his head since he was taking too long. She presses her lips to his in a hard, eager kiss. He smiles into the kiss before kissing her back just as hard and eager. She movse her hand from his cheek to the back of his neck in favor of pulling him closer to her. Her other hand stays in his hair, her fingers lightly running through it. Then he catches her offguard and takes her bottom lip between his teeth with a smile on his face. A slight whine comes from her at not being able to kiss him so she decides to run her nails over the back of his neck. He lets her lip go shortly after, because he was only teasing her, and he growls faintly against her lips as her nails move over the back of his neck. It's her turn ro smirk and she does so whiler unning her nails over his neck one more time, teasing him with a light kiss.


" are you..."

"I have my ways."

"You do."

"I believe the show starting though..."

"Aww." She pouts.

"I know, the time passed by way too fast."

"It did...way to fast."

"But...I can still do little things."

"As long as no one comes in you can."

"Well everyone knows to knock anyway...well mostly everyone."

"Right. We all know who won't knock." She rolls her eyes.


"So...I suppose I should move then."

"Would probably be a good idea, just to be safe."

She nods, moving off his lap then sitting next to him.

"But since no one will be walking in right now...." He trails off, resting one of his hands on her knee. She bites her lip then smiles up at him, her hand resting on his. "I hope I'm not too distracting." He chuckles.

"No. You're fine."

"Okay good." He grins.

They sit there waiting for the show to fully start and as they do, he moves his fingers over his knee, making patterns on her skin. She leans her head against his shoulder. They show a highlight package of the show last night, especially the major matches. They do start off with showing the ending of Mike's match last night where Punk got involved.

"I still can't believe he did that. Attacking you during a title match. not to mention the GM too."

"That goes to show you that he doesn't have respect for anyone yet he demands it for himself. You know I think to him in that moment last night, I wasn't the GM, I was a competitor."

"Techinically you were, but that still doesn't matter. Now you can tell him he gets no more chances no matter what he says or does."

"Exactly. And that's what's gonna happen. Until he learns to respect me, he won't get what he wants."

"Good. That's how it should be."

After that, they show highlights of the other matches and then ending the video package with my match and how I won, since I would be opening the show to talk about the win and whatever else I wanted to. "I can't wait for her to go out there. This is going to be good."

"Which is why I let her have the opening spot of the show."

"She just that good at promos too."

"She is." He nods.

"That's because she learned from the best." She looks at him.

"So did you."

"No surprise there." She grins.

After the usual things that open the show that's when my music goes off and I walk out with Alex, both of us carrying our titles. We both walk down to the ring, hand in hand while waving at the fans. I walk up the steps, Alex climbing on the side. He holds the ropes for me then gets in after I do. I walk over and get handed a mic, then returning to the middle of the ring next to Alex.

"So...look who successfully defended her title last night....again" I say with a proud smile on my face. the crowd cheers, chanting my name. "At least someone knows that. There's only one person who refuses to give up the fact that she lost to me in the first place for me to get this. She keeps challenging me and challenging me, week after week after week, when she knows she's gonna lose. Just like last night." The crowd breaks out in a 'hoeski' chant. "I see that's still going around. She is isn't she? Afterall she has been trying to get a certain someone away from me for a long time now. But newsflash Eve, he's not interested in you. Because frankly, everything about you is fake...and I mean everything." I put emphasis on 'everything'. The crowd goes 'oooohhhh' just as her theme hits.

"I'm fake? I don't think so hunny. You're the one who's fake. I'm going to prove it to you too." Eve snaps, stomping to the ring.

"Oh great you're here. I have something that proves it. Pictures please?" I motion to the tron. "Now if you look at this before picture when she first debuted, she looks way different doesn't she? Now look at her now. Everything has changed. Don't you all agree?" The crowd screams 'yes', Eve glaring at me. "She was actually all cute and innocent back then. Now....she's a homewrecker."

"Homewrecker?!" She yells in the mic. "I'm not the homewrecker. You are! If you did not come along, that would be me in that ring with that title and him by my side. You ruined it all for me and you're going to go down." She throws the mic down, hopping on the side of the ring.

"Uh uh uh. You can't touch me. The GM has given strict orders."

"No. I have a match! I want that title and he said I get a match!"

"You may have a match, but it's not with me honey. Now I suggest you get out of MY ring before I make you." I throw the mic down, ready to strike at any time if she tries anything.

"I have a match. It's MY ring right now. YOU get out!" She steps in, taunting me. I raise an eyebrow at her, adjusting the title on my shoulder, before crossing my arms over my chest, holding my ground. I tune her out as she's screaming at me to get out of the ring, so I don't listen to her. She then reaches out and slaps me across the face and she laughs about it afterwards. That sets me off and when she turns back and faces me, I hit her with title. She falls to the ground, holdling her face, checking for blood. She puts on her act, trying to get me in trouble for what I did.

"Oh come on. Drop the act!" I yell and drop to my knees and start going after her again. She manages to scramble outside of the ring and I follow her, fixing my dress when my feet touch the floor. I then grab her and hit her face off of the side of the ring. I then throw her into the barrier, followed by the steps. I then step back and fix my dress again, smoothing it out and fixing my hair. I then grab a mic that was nearby in the ring. "Next time don't interrupt me. And good luck in your match. You're gonna need it now."

She lays there motionless as I smirk at her. I then lace my fingers with Alex's since he got out of the ring after I did. He hands me my title then we both head up the ramp. "I had so much more I wanted to talk about too." I grumble. "She just had to ruin it." I continue. I start to go off on a rant until Alex stops walking, turning me and pressing his lips to mine. He keeps the kiss going until he feels I'm calm enough. Once I am, he pulls away. "Better?" He asks.


"Good. How about we talk to Mike and see if you can have another chance to say what you wanted to?"

"I can always talk to him later about that. I really think he has far too much to deal with, considering Wade, Drew and Dolph tonight."

"That's true." He nods. "Lets get back before we see any of them."

"Good idea."

He makes sure the way to the room is clear before he puts his arm over my shoulder, both of us heading to our room. "Now we have the rest of the night to ourselves." I say as we walk in and I sit back down on the couch.

"I love the sound of that." He grins, pulling me onto his lap.

"I should never sit down on the couch first, because you do that every time."

"I'm surprised you do. You know that you're never close enough for me."

"Unless when I'm snuggled up against you or when I sit on your lap on my own without you having to do it."

"Those are the only times. Other than that, you're to far away." He holds me close.

"Aww poor you."

"Yes...poor me." He pouts.

"I believe though, you can have all the fun you want now. We're not leaving this room unless we need to."

"I plan on it." A smirk forms on his face as his hands start to wander.

"You know it's so tough for me to have my fun too because you're wearing this suit."

"Oh you'll have your fun, just not right now."


"I do suppose I can take my jacket off."

"That would work."

He shifts slightly so he can pull his jacket off. Once it's off, he sets it on the back of the couch.

"That's better."

"I thought it would be."

"Always is. It's one less piece of clothing."

"Now you can have your fun."

"A bit yeah. You get to have the most fun you are now."

"I do." He smirks. "I'm going to take advantage of this time too."

"Of course you are."

His hands continue to wander wherever they please.

"Remember, you can do what you want within a limit, if you want me to wear your shirt to bed tonight."

"Damn." He mumbles. "Almost forgot."

"But don't worry, what you're doing is just fine."

"Alright. I'll try to control myself."

"Alright. I may just change my mind about the whole behaving yourself thing too. We'll see how long you can behave and then I'll decide." I nod, then proceeding to move a bit on his lap, pretending to get comfortable.

"Don't move too much..."

"I needed to get comfortable." I lie.

"Uh huh...suuure you did."

"Alright, you got me. I was just testing you to see if you could behave or not like you said you would."

"I'll be able to as long as you don't move anymore."

"I promise." He wraps his arms around my waist.

"Good." I nod, kissing his cheek before I turn my head to look at the TV screen to see the show to come back only to show what happened prior to the commercial.

"Looks like we didn't miss much."

"Nope. Her match is next and I can't wait to see her get beat up even more." I smirk evilly.

"Same here."

"This is gonna be good."

"Yes it is."

As Eve's still recovering in the ring from my attack in her, the ref is in the ring ready for the match. After waiting for a bit, her opponent is revealed to be AJ.

"Oh boy. This is going to be a good match."

"Yes and Eve looks too weak to compete. She's so gonna lose this. Oops."

"I bet she's going to cry and whine to Mike how she was not ready and it's not fair and blah blah blah."

"Exactly. But he'll show no sympathy."

"Nope. Not after all she's said about Stef either."

"That's right." The bell rings and Eve tries telling the ref that she's hurt, pointing to her shoulder. AJ doesn't have that and charges at her, attacking her in the corner. "Haha. No one cares."

Eve stood no chance in the match, and because she was hurt she didn't last that long either and ended up getting beat by AJ. "Aww...poor little thing. She looks like she's going to hoo." I mock.

"You did hurt her pretty bad. Who knows what condition she was in after last night."

"Well she had no right coming out and interrupting me. That's what she gets and I know she was still hurting from last night since she was walking slow and limping."

"To be honest, I hope I bruised her so bad she doesn't show her face for weeks." I add.

"I think you might have. She has not moved yet."

"Well good. She deserves it. No sympathy."

"Sympathy she will not get either."

After a few replays, Eve's being helped to the back. As she's heading up the ramp with the help of officials, the screen switched to a backstage segment. Wade, Drew and Dolph are all in one locker room, talking amongst each other for right now.

"I still can't believe he diobeyed you and came back." Stef says to Mike, hiding her face in his chest.

"I really didn't find it much as a surprise."

"Me either, but I figured he would have waited longer than he did."

"I know."

"I have a feeling they're up to something though."

"More than likely."

"I don't have a good all."

"Nothing gonna happen to you. Not as long as I'm here."

"I know. I'm not just worried about me, but Shauna too."

"And nothing is gonna happen to her either."

"I sure hope not."

"Wherever I go, you go so nothing happens and vice versa. And wherever Alex goes, she goes so nothing happens and vice versa."

"Good. I don't want to ever go through that again."

"And you won't have to."

She nods, holding into his suit jacket more. The screen changes thankfully to the 2nd match of the night, which had Big Show going up against Brodus.

"Thank god they're off, but I have a feeling this is going to be a quick match."


"Show needs to make these more interesting. We all know he's going to use the WMD and win. It's to predictible."

"Wish I could change the match but it's too late now."

"You could always restart it or add a last minute stipulation."

"I could, but I'm far too comfortable to move to do that." He chuckles.

"Of course you are." She laughs.

"I'll think of something for next week."

"You should ban the WMD. If he uses it, he's gets disqualified."

"Hmm, that's a good idea. We all know I know how it feels to be hit with it."

"Yes. And I was so pissed when he did that. THen your face the next day...I wanted to attack him myself."

"I really don't blame you."

"Ask Shauna. I took off work and had a ticket booked to do it too. I was not playing. No one does that to one."

"I believe it." He nods.

"Even back then, before we met, I was willing to do anything for you, no matter what it took."

"Awww." He grins.

"You were and still are everything to me. You helped me be who I am today. My inspiration and my love. From the moment I saw you in the ring, that was it...I was hooked."

"I feel special."

"That's because you me."

"And you are to me."

"Awww." She blushes.

"Which I will keep telling you."

"Charmer." She blushes more, still hiding her face.


"That's why I love you."

"I love you too." He kisses the top of her head while she smiles to herself. She picks her head up off his chest once she feels she's calmed down.

"You're lucky I let you get away with hiding the blush this time." He chuckles.

"I am. Very lucky."

"But that's the only time you're getting away with it. No more hiding."


"Because seeing you blush makes you even more beautiful."

"Miiiikee." She blushes more. "Stooop."


"I'm gonna be a lobster if you don't."

"A cute lobster."

"To you."

"Yes to me."

She can't help but to blush more, trying to hide again.

"Uh more hiding."

"Awww." She whines.

"You only got that one free pass."

"Fine..." She moves her head, looking up at him. "...better?"

"Much better."

"Are you done making me blush now?"

"For now."

"Good. You have a show to watch."

"Yes I do. We both do."

"Exactly. We should pay attention."

"We should. Even though now the match is over."

"Just like I said. It was short and he used the WMD to get the win too."

"Which will be banned next week. I will officially announce it."

"It needs to be. He can seriously hurt someone with that."

"I mean...look what he did to you. That was the worst one I've seen." She adds.

"I think that's the worst he's ever done to someone. I haven't noticed anyone who's been hit with that, with a bruise like I got."

"Neither have I. I wanted it banned after that, but noooo. WWE would not listen."

"Well now maybe they will."

"On Raw it will be at least. No telling about Smackdown."

"Right. May have to talk to Booker about that."

"Hopefully he'll agree with you."

"I'll meet with him before the tapings tomorrow night."

"Alright." She nods. She goes to say something else, but there's a knock on the door. "We expecting anyone?" She looks up at him.

"Not that I know of."

"Wonder who it could be then."

"We'll find out. Come in!" He calls, removing his hand from where it was on her knee.

The door opens and she freezes. In waks Ziggler looking as confident and cocky as ever. "You wanted to see me?" He simply says.

"In the ring...much later. What're you doing here? Now?" Mike questions, getting up from the couch.

"I came to see what you wanted. I'm not waiting until later. I've got things to do." He smirks at Stef. "Now tell me. What do you have to say?"

"First of all I'm surprised you even knocked, after the problems you've been causing. Second of all, anything I have to say can and will be said out in the ring for the whole WWE Universe to hear. No exceptions."

"I'm sure it can be, but I deserve to know now. I want to be prepared for what's going to happen. Don't I get that opportunity?"

"Actually after your actions as of late, you don't get anything."

"Now how is that fair?! I'm just going after what I want. Is that such a bad thing? I want a title shot, I go for that and I get punished. I want to talk to an attractive girl and I get punished for that. I think you're being a little harsh Miz."

"Talking? You basically kidnapped her. And you had her defenseless."

"That's what she wants you to believe. Do you have any proof of this? Huh? I didn't think so. She came with me willingly."

"Like hell I did!" She interjects.

"Look just because you think you can get all the girls you want, doesn't mean she's one of them." Mike retorts.

"I know she is. You don't see the way she looks at me, but I do. I know she wants me." He smirks.

"Oh please, don't make me gag." She rolls her eyes. =

"Don't deny it. You know you want this." He moves his hands down the front of him.

"Even if you were the last guy in the universe, I still wouldn't want...that." She makes a disgusted face.

"And a title shot huh? Is that why Wade brought you back after I suspended you?" Mike asks, not happy right now.

"You'll find that out soon. If I have to wait what you have to say to me then you can wait for that."

"You tell Wade then, I'm expecting him during our little talk out in the ring. What he's doing right now, I'm not liking so much either."

"Don't you worry your pretty little head about that. Everything is going to happen in due time."

"I suggest you get out of my office Dolph."

"Or what? Going to suspend me again?" He chuckles evilly. "You tried that and yet, here I am. Still here and liking what I see." His eyes still locked on her.

"You take your eyes off her." Mike growls.

"What are you going to do about it?" He smirks. "Exactly. Nothing." He continues to stare, looking her up and down.

"Oh I can do something about it. I may not be able to being the GM, but I a competitor. You and me next week...Ramen Noodle hair."

Stef tires to hold back her laughter, Dolph getting pissed. "Fine. You're on. Just make sure she's out there."

"If she's not?"

"It doesn't matter either way to me. I just want something interesting to look at out there."

"Well that's not gonna happen. She's not going to be eye candy for you. You know what? How about not a one on one match, but a tag team match? And I give her permission to beat you walking bowl of noodles."

"Even better." He grins. "More to look at. You're on."

"Now get out of my office. You're not needed until later."

"I'm done amyway. I came to see what I wanted so I'm good for now." He smirks, blowing her a kiss then walking out of the room.

"God I can't stand him." She shudders.

"I have an idea that may shake him up a little bit next week. He knows we're together offscreen. How about after we win next week, I give you that kiss I said I would in a few weeks."

"I love that idea. It'll really piss him off. Lets do it."

"Sure people will start talking. But I'll handle that. You don't have to worry about a thing."

"If you think it's the right thing to do then I'll do whatever you want. I know you'll take care of me after it happens."

"Of course. Next week is going to be awesome."

"Especially since we won't have to hide that we're a couple anymore."


"I can't wait to see everyone's face. It'll be a kodak moment for sure." She chuckles.

"I'll make sure of it." He grins.

"You're going to have fun with this, I can tell.

"So much."

"So will I." She grins. "Now maybe everyone will leave us alone."

"We can hope."

"Yes we can." She nods. "Come here." She pouts, holding her arms out. He grins and does so, walking back over to her. When he's close enoug, she grabs his hands, pulling him down with her. She wraps her arms around him, getting as close to him as she can.

"I love you so much."

"I love you too."

"I can't wait until next week."

"Me neither."

They settle down, his arms around her for now since they're not expecting anyone, their attention back on the TV. Since the time that Ziggler wasted took up the commercial break, the next match was getting ready to start. Kofi had decided to put his rematch into place tonight so it was him against Justin next for the title.

"Is he serious? One night later and he wants a rematch? Too bad he's going to lose."

"At least they have respect for each other. That's the good thing."

"True. It should be a good match because of that."

"Yes it should be."

"I just hope Justin retains."

"There's a reason why he won last night, there's no way he's losing it tonight."

"Good. He deserves this and a good title run."

"I agree with you."

"Lets hope he gets that chance."

"I have a feeling he will."

"Good. You're feeling is usually right."

"Yes it is." He nods.

She smiles up at him, kissing his cheek before turning her attention back to the match. Being the champion, Justin of course comes out first, to everyone cheering him. "He's so got this won."

"Of course, because it makes no sense for him to lose the title so soon."


"Plus the script already says who wins. I'm gonna keep that a secret from you so I don't spoil it."

"I have a feeling I know who wins."

"And your feeling is usually right too."

"Yes it is."

After Justin was all settled in the ring, that's when Kofi came out next, the crowd also cheering for him as both of them are fan favorites.

"Yeah yeah yeah. I'm going for Justin."

"Well of course you are."

"That obvious?"

"Kind of." He chuckles.

"Oops. Sorry." She chuckles.

"That's alright."

She calms herself down just in time for the match to start. Of course like last night, Justin starts to have a little fun in the match. She can't help but laugh at how goofy he's being. But after that is when the match got more serious. She watches on intently, bouncing her leg up and down at times.

"Nervous?" Mike asks.

"Just a tad."

"Would sitting on my lap help a bit?"


He grins and pulls her over onto his lap, wrapping his arms around her. She leans back against him, calming down a bit more. And to help her calm down even more, he presses kisses here and there to her shoulder and neck. "Now I know why you wanted me on your lap." She giggles.

"Guilty as charged."

"I don't mind, but I do want to watch the match."

"Don't worry. You watch the match, I'll watch while doing this..."


"I'll try not to be too distracting."

"Uh huh." She slowly nods, relaxing into him more. She watches the match the best she can. It was actually one of the longest matches of the night so far and in the end, Justin hit Kofi with the 450 and pinned him to retain. She squeals in excitement since she can't really move right now. "Yesss!"

"Told you he would win." Mike mumbles against her skin.


"I can be distracting now?"


He smirks against her skin and kisses a lot more than he did before. Her hands rest on his arms that are around her waist as she leans back into his touch. At times she feels him lightly nip at her skin, but not hard enough to leave marks. A few soft noises come from her, but she bites down on her lip to keep them from fully coming. He knows she's holding back, but continues because he wants the reactions out of her, even if they're quiet ones. She tries her best to not give in to him, but he's making it hard since his hands keep moving up her legs farther under her skirt. He stops right at the spot that gets her and she fives him what he wants. She lets go of her lip so he can hear what he wants to. when she lets him here what he wanted, he grins and presses his lips back to hers. She kisses back eagerly, moving her hands from his arms, hooking them around his neck. His hand stays where it is on her thigh, and when he feels necessary, he lightly squeezes on it. She starts to kiss him more hard, muffling a moan into the kiss. Her hands start to tug on his hair since she can't do much with how she's sitting.

"I can't wait until we don't have to hide....this anymore..." He mumbles against her lips the best he can.

"...neither can...I."

"Distracted now?"


"Good." He smirks, continuing the kiss.

She starts to shift a bit on his lap and he loosens his hold on her. She turns on his lap so her legs are to his sides, so she can kiss him better and let her hands wander. One hand stays in his hair while the other slowly runs down his chest. She unconsciously ends up playing with the buttons of his jacket afterwards. He lets her know she can unbutton them and she happily does so. She moves her hand from his hair to make it easier. When she gets it open, her hands move over his shirt.

"If only I could do more." She mumbles against his lips.

"You can...later."

"I plan on it."

"Just like I plan on doing more."

"Of course you are."

"You have no idea." He smirks, his hand going as high as it can go.

"I think I have a pretty good idea." She grins.

"As you should."

"I just want the show to end now so we can go back."

"It'll be over soon."

"Good. I don't know how much more I can take."

"If I could, I would help you with that now."

"Well with that you're doing right now, it's not really helping me resist a lot."

"I'm just having my fun." He grins, slowly moving his hand down.

"And it's torturing me."

"I can tell."

"Your fault for wearing the skirt." He adds.

"I wanted to give you a treat before it gets too cold and I can't wear them."

"And I appreciate it...a lot."

"You've been showing it to me all night."

"Because you deserve it."

"Like you always tell me." She kisses him quick.

"And I always will."

"I'm sure you will."


"Forever." She repeats, brushing her lips over his. Then she decides to snuggle into him as they go back to watching the show when it comes back on the air. His arms stay around her just as they see Zack come out for his match that happens to be against Drew. "Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" She asks.

"I don't know, but I hope Drew keeps this clean. I don't want to deal with him too."

"I really don't think he will."

"Then I'll have to deal with him after I deal with Ziggler."

"And on top of that, deal with Wade."

"Exactly. The night's going to get longer before it gets shorter."

"Might as well call all three out to the ring instead of Ziggler. Unless the other two come out with him when you call him out."

"I just might have to do that. As much as I don't want to, that's what I'll have to do."

"Between last night and tonight...something has to be done."

"It does and I'll make sure something gets done about it."

"I'm just surprised Wade and the other two didn't interrupt Shauna in the beginning of the show. I was actually fearing it. Thankfully it didn't happen."

"I'm glad they didn't. Not the way I would want the show to start."


The match started and things were going pretty smooth for now. Zack did take control of the match, but about halfway through the match, the lights go out. "See? I told you something bad was gonna happen."

"I'm not having this on my show. All of them are getting talked to."

When the lights come back on, Zack was on Wade's shoulders and after a few seconds was hit with his old finishing move, and he, Drew and Dolph are all standing over him.

"I'm really not liking them together. Bad things are always happening."

"And I don't want that happening on my show."

"It shouldn't happen at all."

"No, but I am the only one who has control over this show, when Vince isn't around anyway. I can't control what happens on SmackDown or the pay-per-views."

"Right, but you can put a stop to it on this one anyway."


"When are you going to talk to them about this?"

"Give them a chance to clear the ring for the officials to help Zack out, then I'll head out there."

"Alright." She nods.

"And you're staying very close to me, to prevent anything from happening."

"I won't leave your side."


After a bit of help, Zack gets out of the ring and taken to the back.

"Alright, let's go."

She nods, carefully getting off his lap. Since they can't hold hands yet, she hooks her arm around his as they head out of the room and down the hall.

"If anything happens that you don't like, you have permission to hurt any one of them if you please."

"Why thank you." She grins. "I just might do that."

"And I'll enjoy every second of it."

"Try not to get to turned on. We're not out in the open yet."

"I'll try." He chuckles.

"As long as you do that." She chuckles as well.

They only have to ait until after the commercial break, which was only a few minutes or so. When the show came back, Cole makes an announcement about Mike coming out to address the actions of Wade, Drew and Dolph ever since last night, just as they play Mike's music. They walk down the ramp, not stopping since Mike wants to get right to business. She walks up the steps with him behind her. He holds the ropes for her then gets in after she does. She stands to his side, but behind him a bit as Dolph moves to keep trying to get a view of her.

"Hey...eyes here." Mike says, only audible to all of them, pointing to himself. Dolph blows her a kiss before slowly turning his head in Mike's direction. "What?" He holds his arms out to the side. Since Mike already had a mic in his hand, he was ready to talk. "Now I'm glad all three of you decided to stay in the ring, because there are very important things that I need to address about"

"And what would that be Miz?" Wade steps forward after getting a mic.

"That's GM to you Barrett. To all of you."

"Whatever. We're here to make a statement and a statement is what we're going to do."

"And what is that statement exactly? Because need I remind you, I run this show and I will not tolerate what I saw tonight in this ring."

"We're here to show everyone that we can be just as dominate as anyone in the back. Remeber the Nexus? The Corre? Well, we're better than that. Much better than that. We're not going to stand by and hav ethings happen to us just because some people..." Wade looks at Stef. "...want to go around making up lies. We're here to win titles that deserve better people to hold them then what we have now. Basically, we're here to change things for the better.” He finishes with a cocky smirk.

"And let me guess, that includes harassing the Divas Champion too? I won't stand for harassment. What are you really planning to do with her Barrett?"

"Since you ask. I plan on showing her that she can do much better than what she has now. I'm much more suited for her. She'll see that. She'll be by my side soon enough."

"Basically you're trying to recruit her into your little group."

"That's none of your concern actually. She's not the one we're after."

"And who is it that you're after? Because as long as it's on my show, I need to know."

"I think you know who it is. Someone you know very well."

All Dolph does is smirk and the color almost drains from Stef's face.

"No. No no no no!" She backs behind Mike more.

"Like hell that'll happen."

"We can be very convincing. If she comes with us, I can guarantee she'll get the title the same night."

"It's not happening. She may be new to the roster, but she's not getting her career started that way."

"Who are you to say that? I think it should be up to her to decide that." Dolph interjects.

"What do you say Sage? Join us and become Divas champion quicker or sit with this loser and wait?" Wade steps closer to them.

She shakes her head no.

"See? She's decided and she doesn't want to take your path. She's learning all she can without your help."

"She'll change her mind." Dolph grins.

"I don't see her learning much. Not from someone like you afterall." Wade pokes Mike in the chest.

Mike ends up pushing Wade's hand away forcefully and then he ends up getting in his face. Drew and Dolph start to close in, surrounding them. "Don't touch me like that!" Mike grits his teeth.

"What are you going to do?" Wade smirks. "That's right. There's nothing you can do."

Mike pretends to calm down and back away. He mutters to Stef 'get ready', before he punches Wade hard in the face, knocking him down. A fight breaks out, Dolph and Drew going after Mike. Without thinking, she goes right after Dolph to get him off Mike. He swings his arm back, sending her across the ring. She gets back up to go after him again when she's grabbed by Drew. He starts to pull her out of the ring, heading for the crowd. "Let me go!" She struggles. "Mike!" She screams as loud as she can.

"Alex....we have to do one else is helping."

"We can't go out there. We're not heels. All we can do is wait for him to bring her back here."

Drew did have his arms around her, pulling her into the crowd, but there's one thing he forgot about. There were a few things she could still do. So since Wade and Dolph were busy going after Mike, she bit Drew's hand hard and that caused him to let her go as he screamed in pain. Then she turns around and slaps him hard across the face and grabs him and knees him in the groin. "Looks like she's got it under control."

"I would say so." Alex chuckles. Stef runs back through the crowd, hopping over the barrier the best she could, then heads back to the ring. She climbs back up and starts yelling at them to stop as she gets in and goes toward Mike. "Stop it! Just stop!" She begs. Since they weren't listening, she tries to think quick. She goes over and demands a chair. She's quickly handed on and the first target is Dolph, and she makes sure to really hit him across the back with the chair. He falls to the mat, screaming in pain as she goes after Wade. All wade does is look at her with a smirk unfazed like it was nothing. She goes to swing it again, but he catches it, taking it from her. He looks from her to the chair then starts to walk forward making her walk back until she's in the corner of the ring. With Dolph out of action for now and Wade occupied her, that let Mike recover the best he could.

"You really think you were going to hit me with this?" Wade refers to the chair, before dropping it out of the ring to the floor.

"I believe I already did."

"Oh that had no effect of me. Doesn't count."

"I still hit you with it." She grins, seeing Mike start to get up. Mike looks over at her in the corner and mouths 'stall him'. She gives him a look that says she understands and he slides out of the ring and goes under it for weapons, coming back up with another chair and kendo stick. She goes to slap Wade across the face, but he grabs her hand. She goes to slap him with the other hand, but he grabs that one too. "I don't think so." He smirks. "I do." She grins since Mike is right behind him, ready to hit him. "How about we make a deal? You let me go and I promise to come with you willingly."

"I don't really think you have a choice in the matter, but you better keep to your word."

"Let me go first and you'll see."

He hesitates a bit before letting her go. As soon as Wade turns around, she moves away quickly as Mike hits Wade in the gut with the top of the chair, followed by across the back. Wade falls to the floor, groaning in pain as Mike hits him again. Out of the corner of her eyes, she sees Dolph getting up. She readies herself and once he stands she runs at him, hitting him with the best spear she can. After she stands up, she kicks him out of the ring then turns to see Mike hitting Wade with the kendo stick. After a few good swings at him, Mike proceeds to kick him out of the ring, Wade rolling out onto the floor. Drew decides to climb onto the ring, but when Mike goes after him with the kendo stick, he jumps down, going over to help Wade. He then helps him up and they both walk around the ring, grabbing Dolph along the way, before heading up the ramp to head to the back. Mike and Stef stay in the ring a bit until they get backstage, then they get out of the ring, heading to the back themselves.

"Are you alright?" He asks once they get backstage.

"I'm fine. A bit shaken up, but good."

"You didn't get hurt did you?" He starts to look her over, concerned.

"Not that I know of."

"Because I saw what Dolph did. He shouldn't be touching you period. Neither should Drew. No one should be touching you besides me."

"I know." She sighs. "I think I'm fine."

"What about you?" She adds.

"I'll be alright. I've had worse. I'm more concerned about you."

"Would you feel better if we had the trainers look at me then?"

"I would...a lot better."

"Then we'll go there."

They head to the trainers office where they check her out and say that she'll be just fin. Nothing is broken, but she may have some bruising on her arm from where Drew grabbed her, but she was fine other than that. "See?" She says as they walk out. "I told you I was fine."

"Besides the possible bruising from Drew on your arm." He grumbles.

"He really didn't grab me that hard. It might just be red for the rest of the night, but I don't think I'll have a bruise."

"We won't know until tomorrow..."

"I know, but try not to worry about it. I'm here with you and I'm not seriously hurt. That's all that matters."


"Lets just go back to the room and relax. I'll let you do anything you want too." She grins.

"At this point, all I want to do is hold you and never let go until we have to leave."

"I don't have a problem with that either."

"Good. Let's go then."

They make it the rest of the way to the locker room with no problem. Once inside, he takes her hand and heads right to the couch, pulling her onto his lap and holding her close, his arms wrapped securely around her. "Better?"

"Much better."

"Good, 'cause I'm not going anywhere."

"Not until the end of the show and we leave."


"I so didn't want you to go through all this coming into the WWE." He sighs.

"It's alright. You had no idea this was going to happen. As long as you're the one I go home with at the end of the night, I don't mind at all."

"And none of them can love you like I do."

"No they can't. They only want me for my looks. You love me for who I am and not how I look."

"That's right, because that's what counts."

"Yes and that's what I love you for. Everything else is just a bonus."

"And I love you too, so much."

"Just as much as I love you."

"I think I love you more."

"I believe I love you more."

"The love is equal." He chuckles.

"Agreed." She chuckles, leaning her head against his shoulder.

"Well nothing else is planned for me the rest of the night. No one should be coming in."

"Good. I don't want to move until we leave. She buries her face in his neck.

"And you won't have to."


He continues to keep his arms around her, not letting go anytime soon. Alex and I are still in shock of what happened. "I still can't believe he did that to her and no one did anything about it."

"But both her and Mike seemed to have control of the matter." Alex points out.

"They did, but I so did not see that coming at all. Them wanting her in their group. Psh. Like that'll happen."

"Right? If anything with the Wade's been acting towards you I honestly thought it would be you they'd be after for the group."

"I thought that too, but they know I won't give in easy since I've been here longer. They figure since she's so new that she'll listen to them and take the chance to get the title early. Little do they know, she's not like that."

"No, she's not." He agrees.

"They have another thing coming if they think for a second she'll join them."

"Oh yeah."

"I have a feeling Mike"s not going to let her out of his sight at all now."

"I wouldn't blame him."

"Just like you're never going to be out of my sight." He adds.

"Of course. I know."

"Especially not after what they pulld out there tonight."


"Hopefully we won't have to see them for the rest of the night."

"I hope not."

"Not much left in the show so you know what that means." He grins.

"Once it's over we head back and I change into yoru shirt for bed."

"Exactly. I so can't wait for that."

"And you've managed to behave too."

"Cause I want you to wear it."

"Of course you do."

"I just wish we could leave now...I can't wait much longer."

"I know, but I think you can last."

"I can try."

"As long as you do that."

He steals a kiss from me before we both turn our attention back to the TV. The rest of the matches weren't really anything too special. The rest of the night was full of replays of the major things that happened. One being what happened with me and Eve earlier in the night, and then what happened with Stef, Mike, and Wade's group. The main event set, since Punk needed to earn his spot at the top again, was him vs John. But in the end it was John who had beaten him.

"Looks like Punk lost his shot at the title."


"He'll just have to go to the back of the line like everyone else."

"Mmhmm, exactly."

"Now that the show's over...we can get out of here."

"You're gonna be in a rush aren't you?"

"Maybe just a bit."

"Am I going to have to take my heels off then?"

"That or I can just carry you."

"I have a feeling what you're gonna choose for me..."

"You're right." He grins, shifting so he's able to get up with me in his arms.

"You got our stuff too?"

"I'll get it. Don't worry."

"Okay, just making sure."

He walks over to where our bags are and picks them up. He holds them in his hand as he leaves the room and heads for the car, quickly.

"Better not take too long, it is chilly outside and I didn't put my jacket on."

"I promise I won't."

"Good. We're getting weird looks from people." I laugh.

"Let them look."

We make it outside the door and he sets me down next to the car after he unlocks it. He does that quickly so I do not have to be in the cold for long. Once it's open, I get in and he closes the door going to the other side and getting in so he can start the car. He waits until the car warms up to pull out of the parking spot, heading back to the hotel. With Mike and Stef, they were getting their things together so they could leave themselves.

"I'm so glad to be leaving."

"Me too. It was a long eventful night."

"It really was."

"I can't wait to get back and finish what we started eariler." She smirks.

"I hope you don't plan on changing for bed when we get back though." He grins.

"I was, but I have a feeling that's going to change."

"Oh yeah."

"Same goes for you too. I want that suit off as soon as possible."

"Of course."

"Are we ready? 'Cause if not, that's coming off now."

"I would say we're ready to go." He nods.

"Yess." She cheers.

"After you."

She carefully gets off his lap, fixing her skirt when she stands. He gets up himself, grabbing his title before lacing his fingers with hers. They head out of the room and to the car with no trouble. He opens her door for her, handing her his title then he goes over to the other side, getting in. Once he's in, he starts the car and drives back to the hotel. It wasn't too far away and when they get there, they both get out after grabbing their things and then they head inside. The whole time they're walking through the lobby, she can't shake the feeling of being watched. She takes her hand from his, putting her arm around his waist so she's close to his side. They make it to the elevator and get in when the doors open.

"Something wrong?"

"Just getting that feeling of being watched again."

"Don't worry. You're safe."

"I know..." She sighs, hiding her face in his chest. "...I'm scared." She mumbles.

"Well you're perfectly safe around me."

"I do feel safe with you. The safest I have ever felt."

"Good. That's how it's going to be always."

"I know."

Once they reach their floor, they step out of the elevator and head to their room. They get there with no problem and the feeling of being watched is gone. Once they walk inside, she starts to take of her jewelry since she knows she won't have much time. Mike stands by the door just starting as she takes off her shoes.

"I feel you staring."

"That's because I am." He grins.

"And I only took my jewelry off."

"I just love how you look. It's hard to look away."

"Good to know." She turns to the mirror, letting her hair down from being up. She runs her fingers through it, smoothing it out a bit. As she was doing that, she noticed he moved from the wall and was slowly walking to her. "I'm all done now. I just have to get out of these clothes."

"I believe I can help with that."

"Then what are you waiting for?"


"I think I have more than you do right now." She smirks, moving her hands slowly up her legs, lifting up the bottom of her skirt slightly.

"Which is a change or once." He chuckles.

"Surprisingly." She chuckles.

"Your fault."

"Oops." She giggles.

"Uh huh."

"I'm in for it, aint I?" She slowly backs away from him.

"Just a bit yeah."

"Sorry?" She gives him an innocent look.

"I think it's too late for that."

"Oh darn." Soon enough she runs out of room, her back hitting the wall. "Crap." She mutters.

"You can't escape me now." He grins.

"Maybe I don't want to..."

"I know you..."

"What? I wouldn't do anything." She looks innocent.


"If I did?"

"Oh you would be so in for it way worse than now."

"Hmmm..." She bites her lip, starting to think. Her eyes look for a way out and right before he reaches her, she slips away and runs to the other side of the room. "Oh you little sneak." All she does is smirk, teasing him by playing with her skirt.

"Hmm maybe I should start removing some of my clothes then."

"Okay, okay. I'll stay here. You can come get me."

"You sure now? Not gonna slip away again?"

"I...I want to be the one to take off your clothes."

"I'm sure. I want to be the one to take off your clothes."

"So I have no need to move."

"Nope. I won't go anywhere."


He makes his way over to her and when he gets to her, he wraps his arms around her waist so she can't go anywhere. Her hands begin to move up his chest, under his jacket. They move to his shoulders as she starts to pull the jacket off. He helps her get the jacket off the rest of the way, pulling his arms out of the sleeves, having to let her go for a moment. He holds a finger up, and then his shoes and stuff are the next to go. Once those are off, she starts to work on his shirt next. She starts by playing with the collar a bit, just to tease him before she starts to slowly unbutton his shirt.

"Aren't you forgetting about the tie?" He chuckles.

"No...I'll get to that." She grins as she gets the last button undone. She grabs his tie, pulling him close to her just brushing her lips against his. She works on getting his tie off then tosses it on the other bed. While kissing him, she works on pulling his shirt off, since it's unbuttoned already. He helps with that, pulling his arms out, then wrapping them around her waist again. She lets her hands wander all over for now before slowly moving them down his chest to the waist of his pants, starting to play with his belt.

"I think something should come off of you first..." He mumbles against your lips.

"...go for it."

The first thing he goes for is her skirt since he was playing with that. He tugs it down, letting it fall to the floor. When she goes to step out of it, he lifts her up, her legs going around his waist. His hands start to move over all the new skin he can touch. She kisses him more roughly when he squeezes down on her thighs at times. While he does that, he manages to make his way over to the bed while holding her. Without breaking the kiss, he lays her down on the bed so he's hovering over her. He keeps the kiss going for a bit longer while his hands move under her shirt. She arches her back into him, a shiver going down her spine. He breaks the kiss just long enough to pull her shirt over her head.

"That's know what's coming off next..." She grins.

"Uh huh, but I'm going to have my fun first..." He smirks.

"Uh oh."

"Uh oh is right."

"I can't get out of this can I?"

"Nope." He lightly moves his fingers down her sides, making her shiver as goosebumps form. "..killing me..." She groans.

"Oh...I know."

"Is this...what you..had in mind?"

"Oh no, I have much more in mind."


"So are you."

"You love it." She smirks, moving her nails across the back of his neck.

"...I do..."

She does it again, getting a growl from him. She goes to do it again, but he takes that hand and pins it to the mattress, his fingers lacing with hers.

"Ruin my fun." She pouts.

"You can have you fun in a bit.."

"That's too long." She whines.

"I promise I won't make you wait too long."


"Just enjoy this right now." He smirks as he presses his lips to her skin.

"Mmmm." She bites her lip, enjoying his touch. He then starts to move his lips over all the exposed skin, taking advantage of it for now. She squeezes down on his hand, wanting it free while the other tugs at his hair. He doesn't give in just yet and let her hand go, his lips keep traveling, torturing her the more he goes. She tugs at his hair more, biting down on her lip to hold back any noises that want to come. Since he knows she's holding back, he goes to one of her sensitive spots, getting a decent moan out of her. That causes him to smirk against her skin and he makes his way to another sensitive spot and does the same thing as before. This time a louder moan comes from her, making him smirk even more. She starts squeezes his hand more, wanting it to be free. he maes his way back up to her lips and that's when he lets her hand go. She wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him down in a hard, eager kiss. While she kisses him, her hands start to wander over all his exposed skin, until she gets to the waistline of his pants. She starts to eagerly take his belt off before going for the button. She gets the undone then start to tug his pants down. She gets them down as far as she can before he needs to help. While he pulls them off the rest of the way, she presses her fingers into one of his indents, getting a loud growl from him. He smirks as he pulls the blankets over them and the rest of what they have on comes off.

With Alex and I, it didn't really take all that long to convince him to let me change into his shirt for bed since he was so anxious. I come out of the bathroom, changed into that and a pair of shorts, ready for bed.

"Damn..." He bites his lip. "...better than the last time."

"And I wore the same exact shorts last time."

"I didn't even notice." He chuckles. "All I see is something sexy in my shirt."

"Oh you."

"Meeee." He smiles a cheesey smile.

"Always the flatterer."

"Just for you."

"I would hope so."



"Are you going to come over here or are you going to make me come get you?"

"Hmm...very tempting..."

"I'll make up your mind for you if I have to." He grins, shifting on the bed.

"I take that as a challenge.."

"You're so on." He gets of the bed, slowly walking over to me.

"Oh I'm so scared." I laugh.

"You better be." He smirks.

"Oh you know I'm being sarcastic."

"Oh I know." He smirks, then suddenly grabs me before I have the chance to run.


"Nope. Too late for that."

"Oh darn."

"You're so in for it now." He grins, his hands wandering.

"Oh boy."

"That's right."

"The only skin you have to touch though are my legs. Your shirt covers everything else."

"I can deal with that."

"Well of course you can. You have more skin available for me to touch though." I grin.

"I just know what you like."

"You do." I nod.

"Shall we?" He grins, giving me a boost, my legs wrapping around his waist and my arms around his neck. He heads for the bed while his hands wander up and down my legs.

"Well I really have no choice now do I?"

"No you don't."

"Then we shall."

He smirks as he sits on the bed with me on his lap. He looks me over in his shirt, not wanting to look away.


"Can't help it."

"Just like I can't help staring at you."


His hands stop wandering, resting on my thighs for now. He gives me a loo then starts to kiss down my jaw, making his way to my neck. I tilt my head so he can get to it much easier and I drag my nails across the back of his neck unconsciously. He twitches slighlty nipping harder at my neck the more I do that. His lips brush over my sensitive spot, waiting for the right moment to go after it. I tense, and my fingers of one hand go to his hair, running through it, tugging lightly when I feel the need to. He smirks against my skin, knowing he's getting to me. His hands gently squeeze on my thighs while he nips lightly for now. when I least expect it, he goes after rthe spot on my neck, squeezing a bit hard on my thigh as he does that. I can't help but to let out a loud moan, giving him what he wanted to hear. He smirks against my skin again because he heard what he wanted to. He stays on the spot for a bit longer before making his way to my lips. Once there, I kiss him hard with much eagerness while holding him in place. His hands move to my waist so he can get me as close to him as I can get. From there his hands travel under the shirt, so he can touch the skin that's covered. I shift a bit on his lap, my hands moving to his back, tracing his tattoo. He twitches a bit again like when I dragged my nails across the back of his neck. I grin against his lips and make sure to do it even more. The kiss starts to get more rough and he can't take much more. Before I know it, I'm laying on the bed with him hovering over me.

"The things you do to me." I say breathless, after pulling from the kiss for a moment.


"I think my lips may be bruised. They feel like it."

"They might be. My bad."

"I think I caused you to do that though, so it's technically my bad."

"It's usually is your fault."


"It's just what you do to me."

"I drive you crazy, I know."

"Way too crazy."


"Now...where were we?" He grins, pressing his lips to mine.

"Just be easy....cause they're...bruised."

"I will....just want a bit more before bed."

I make a noise of agreement, and let him continue. He keeps the kiss going for a bit longer making sure to be careful. He has a bit more fun before he decides to slow the kiss down, pulling away completely.

"I'm satisfied now." He grins.

" too..."

"Gonna end up laying like this all night?" I add, giggling.

"No. I'll move." He slowly lets go, rolling over, but taking me with him.

"This is much better."

"Very much so."

"Much easier to snuggle."

"One reason I love sleeping like this." He holds me close.

"Of course."

"I do think it's time for sleep though." He catches me trying to hide a yawn.

"It was a long night."

"Yes it was, but we get to sleep in tomorrow."

"Thank god."

"We don't even have to leave the room if you don't want to."

"We'll figure that out tomorrow."

"Right. Of course."

"Just focus on sleep for now."

"Right. You need it."

"So do you."

"I'll be alright. I'll get my sleep."


He kisses the top of my head then we both get more comfortable. His hand starts to run through my hair and just like always, I'm out. He smiles down at how peaceful I look, kissing me one last time before going to sleep himself shortly after.