Status: Active

The Chance of a Lifetime

Halloween Party

Since we still had some time off before having to go overseas for Raw on Monday, it was finally Halloween and of course we were going to a party tonight. We had our costumes already bought, so we were all set. But it was well into the morning and I had finally woken up. I roll over not finding Alex next to me, then start to smell the scent of food being cooked. I stretch a bit before getting up and grabbing my robe, then heading to where he is. When I reach the kitchen, that's when I see him. Standing in front of the stove, clearly making breakfast. "There you are." He says turning around. "I was wondering when you were going to get up.

"Well first I couldn't find you, and then I could smell the food so..."

"Sorry about that. You looked so peaceful and I wanted to do something special for you."

"Well aren't you sweet."

"I'd be anything just for you."

"That's why I love you."

"I love you too."

"It just feels so great to say that now. Before the other night, it was hard to not say it."

"Oh I know. I almost said it so many times, I had to keep catching myself."

"No we don't."

"So, what did you make?"

"All your favorites of course."

"No wonder it smelled so good."

"I was hoping it did." He chuckles.

"Well I could smell it all the way from the bedroom, so of course it would."

"Good. That makes me happy."

"Good. You should be happy."

"I am."

"You should know I have my costume all set for tonight. I think you're gonna die when you see it."

"Oh really?" He raises a brow. "How come I didn't get to go shopping for this?"

"I wanted to surprise you. Stef and I both thought that we would go on our own and surprise you and Mike tonight."

"You're both very sneaky." He grins. "I'm sure we'll be surprised."

"Yes we are and yes you will be."

"We always are with you two." Since the food was almost done when I came down, he started to take it all off the stove and put it on plates. Then he brought the plates over to the table, setting them down before getting drinks for us. After he gets those, he comes back out to the table to join me. "I bet this tastes just as good as it smells."

"I really hope it does."

"I wouldn't worry about it. If it smells good, it tastes good."

"We won't know until we try it."

He waits for me to take a bite and get the taste of it. "Well?" He looks nervous.

"It's good."

"You sure?"

"I'm a hundred percent sure."

"Oh good. That's a relief."

"You were doubting your cooking skills?"

"Maybe just a little."

"Well don't."

"Okay. Next time I won't."


"So, anything you wanted to do today or did you want to hang around here?"

"Well we didn't really do much around here this week, so we could find something to do in town. I mean it's LA, there's tons of stuff."

"Right. We can look for stuff online or just hit the beach for a bit. It's up to you."

"Well, a walk along the beach wouldn't be bad."

"No, not at all. How about we do that last, this way we can unwind a bit?"

"Sounds good."

"Sure." I nod. We both continue to eat, enjoying the meal. "Next time I think I'll make breakfast." I remark. "You know how much I love when you cook." He grins."Yes, I know."

"You always make the best food."

"I try."

"Not that you have to." He chuckles. "You're an amazing cook."

"Well I already know that."

"Of course you do." He grins.

"I do think though what I'm better at is the desserts."

"Oh my yes. You're desserts are the best. I can never get enough of them."

"How well I know."

"I think I gain a few pounds every time you make them." He laughs.

"That's what the gym's all of it off."

"I do just that too."

"But it is hard to keep you away when I'm making anything. You just want to taste everything before I have the chance to make anything."

"It just smells so good and tastes even better. I can't help myself."

"Like cookie dough. God help me when I make cookies around Christmas."

"If you even get to make them. There might not be anything left to make them with."

"I may have to ban you from the kitchen until they're done then."

"Awwww." He pouts. "I'll be good. I promise."

"We'll see. That's still a couple months away."

"Right, that's true."

"So, most likely next month when it comes around to being Thanksgiving, I'll be meeting your family?"

"Yes. I wanted to talk to you about that. They invited us over and I was thinking it would be the perfect chance for you to meet them. They can't wait to meet you."

"Telling them all about me huh?" I grin.



"I can't help it. I've waited my whole life to meet someone like you and now that I finally have you, of course I'm going to brag about you to everyone."

"Right, of course."

"Just wait until they finally meet you."

"In a few weeks or so."

"That's going to be one crazy day. It usually is there."

"Oh boy."

"Everyone shows up. The house is packed and all the football games that go on...that makes it even more crazy."

"And I've seen how you get watching football games." I laugh.

"Oh that's nothing compared to then."

"Should be interesting then."

"It is, trust me."

"Well I can't wait."

"Neither can I."

"Of course you're more excited." I say once I finish eating.

"Can you blame me? I get to be home and my family gets to meet the one I love finally. I can't wait for this."

"No, can't blame you at all."

"I can't wait to meet your family. Maybe we can go there for Christmas?"

"You know, I think they'd love that."

"Great. So it's all set."

"Because they kind of know all about you too."

"So, you've been talking about me a lot too." He smirks.

"I'm just as guilty as you are."

"I had a feeling you were."

"Of course you did."

"I just know you that well."

"Yes you do."

We both then get up, clearing the table and take everything into the kitchen to be washed.

"I'll do all these dishes, and I'll meet you in the bedroom." He offers.

"You cooked, I'll clean these." I insist.

"You sure?"

"Yes." I nod. "You go up there and I'll meet you when I'm done."

"Alright." He nods, kissing me quick before heading up to the room. I get everything from the table, stove, and counter, putting that in the sink then start the water. It takes a bit of time to get everything cleaned, leaving it out to air dry. Once that's all done, I head up to the room. When I walk into the room, he's already dressed for the day, and of course it's everything that drives me crazy that he's wearing.

"You just had to wear that, didn't you?"

"Oh this? Yup."

"You know what that does to me..." I bite my lip.

"Yes, I know."

"You're asking for it today."

"My bad."


"Well, looks like I'm going to have to wear something you'll like." I add, going over to my things.

"That won't be to hard. Everything you wear I love."

"Very true."

I keep going through my bag until I find the perfect thing. I find something that he hasn't seen yet then head into the bathroom before he can see.

"Awww, I can't even see it?"

"Nope. Not until I'm all done."


"It won't take me long. You'll survive."

"I'll try."

"Good." Just ike I said, it didn't take me too long to get ready. Especially since I decided to go without makeup today. "Alright, I'm coming out." I open the door and walk out to find him close by the door. "" He says once he sees me.

"Couldn't stay where you were?" I laugh. "Too eager?"

"Yes I was and for good reason too."

"Well of course."

"You're just....gorgeous..." He looks me over.



"And if you didn't makeup today."

"I did. That's what makes you even more gorgeous."

"Like you said last time."

"It's true. I love when you don't wear any."

"I know."

"You should do it more often."

"When we don't have work, or media then I will."


"Just for you."

"That makes me happy."

"I like to make you happy."


"So, shall we head out now and do whatever?"

"We shall."

"And I know, after me." I laugh.

"You're exactly right." He grins. I shake my head amusedly before heading out of the room before him. He inwardly groans then starts to follow me out of the room. We both head downstairs, leaving a note for Mike and Stef, then he gets the keys to the rental car and we both head out to the car. After we get into it, we head off. About an hour or two later is when Mike and Stef woke up. More like she woke up and saw Mike watching her with a smile.

"Having fun?" She chuckles sleepily.

"Tons of fun."

"Of course you are." She laughs, shifting a bit.

"You look so cute when you're sleeping."

"Don't I always?"

"You do."

"How long have you been watching me exactly?"

"Not long."

"Oh, alright."

"I could watch you sleep forever. That's how cute you look."

"Awww." She blushes, hiding her face in his neck.

"And that's the truth."

"Mike..." She mumbles against his neck. "...already with the blushing?"

"You know it's never too early to start with that."

"With you, no it's not."


"Are you going to keep making me blush or can I come out now?"

"You can come out now."

She moves her face from his neck, laying her head back on his chest, looking up at him.


"Much better."


"So, what's the plan for today?"

"Well anything you feel like doing. Don't really have certain plans until tonight."

"Right....lets see...there's shopping, the pool, the beach..."

"Hmmm....well we still haven't done shopping this week.."

"Shopping it is then."

"Just don't buy the whole store this time." She adds with a chuckle.

"I'll try not to."

"Knowing you, you will."

"Of course, and we can go when you feel like going."

"In a bit. I'm to comfy right now."

"Thought so."

"I love times like this. Just us."

"So do I. Especially before your first time overseas next week."

"Yeah...that's going to be exciting, but busy at the same time."

"But I'll make sure you have matches over there."

"I'm sure you will. I'm not worried about that at all. Wait...don't we have noodle hair on Monday?"

"That's right we do."

"I can't wait until I get to beat on him, but at the same time, I don't want him touching me."

"He won't be able to. Because those are the rules in mixed tag team matches. He touches you at all, he loses."

"Good. But, am I allowed to touch him?" She looks at him hopeful.

"Those are the rules afterall." He grins. "You can do whatever you want to him without him fighting back."

"Oh sweet." She grins evilly. "I'm going to have fun with this."

"I know you will."

"He's not going to know what to do."


"Now I really can't wait."

"Only thing we don't know is who he's choosing as a partner."

"True. I do have a feeling it's going to be someone I can't stand."

"Most likely. He would do that."

"He would, just to get to me."

"But whoever it is, I know you'll pull through and not let her get to you."

"No I won't. I've done it before and I can do it again."

"Exactly. Plus it helps that I'll be there as your partner cheering you on."

"That always helps. Just knowing you'll be out there will get me through it."

"Always will be."

"Of course you will be."

"Whenever I can be."

"Hopefully that's all the time."

"So far it's been all the time."

"I hope it stays that way too."

"I hope so too." 'She moves closer to him, burying her face in his neck just wanting to be as close to him as she could get. He kisses the top of her head while his hand runs through her hair. "Hopefully that doesn't make me fall back to sleep." She laughs.

"I'll make sure you stay awake." He grins

"Oh, I know you have your ways."

"And I'll use them too."

"Of course you will."

"I think getting up now would be good or we won't make it out of bed today." She adds.

"You sure now?"

"Not really, but do we want to stay in bed all day...again?"

"Good point."

"All I need is for you to let go then I can get ready."


"Are you going to let go or is this going to be like every other time?" She laughs.

"Can I get a kiss first?"

"Do I ever deny you?"

"No, but I always like to ask."

"You don't have to. You can have one whenever you want."

"I know."

"Good. Now come here."

He grins and leans down, pressing his lips to hers. She smiles into the kiss, her hand resting on his cheek. When she goes to pull away, he pulls her closer, not being done just yet. He makes sure to make the kiss long enough and lingering, especially when he does decide to pull away, resting his forehead against hers. " you."

"Love you too."

"Ready to get up now?"

"I think so."

"Alright lover, time to let go then."

"Okay." He nods, doing so.

She then rolls away from him, getting up from the bed. She stands up and stretches for a bit, before going to find something to wear. She finds a pair of shorts and a light belly shirt then head into the bathroom to change. He of course changes in the room himself as he waits for her to finish in the bathroom. It doesn't take her long to get dressed and get everything done, but what took her the longest was curling her hair. Once she got that all done, she shut the curler off then unplugged it so it could cool then headed back into the room. As she was heading out into the room, he was just pulling on a shirt after figuring out which one to wear. She bites her lip, inwardly groaning that she missed it. She walks over to her things, setting her clothes down. He turns to see her just as she set her clothes down and of course he stares. "You're staring." She sings. "Uh huh."

"Let me guess. You love what you see, right?"


"Like always." She chuckles.

"What can I say? You always wear the best stuff."

"Only for you I do."

"I know that." He grins.


"I do the same for you afterall."

"You do and I appreciate that very much."

"I know you do."

"And, you look really good today too."

"So do you."

"Oh but of course I do." She does a little pose.

"Better than me I have to say."

" look better."

"Oh look better."

"I know where this is going so I'm going to agree with you."

"Good idea."

"Thought so." She laughs, slipping on her flip flops.

"Because you'd lose the fight anyway." He smirks.

"I usually tend to."

"That's because I'm the best."

"Not even going to argue with you on that one either."

"Because it's true."

"It is, very true."

"Of course it is."

"Mhm." She nods. "Are you ready?"

"I'm ready." He nods.

"I know, me first." She laughs, walking ahead of him.


"Of course." She walks the way she always does when he has her go first.

"And you kill me every time..." He mumbles.

"Hm?" She smirks over her shoulder.

"Oh nothing."

"Whatever you say." She walks ahead of him more, a bit faster than before.

"Heyy, slow down..."

"Oops...sorry." She giggles, slowing down a bit.

"Uh huh..suuure."

"Well, if you were'nt staring then you would have caught up to me."

"I can't help it."

"I know you can't. It's just a gift I have."

"Yes it is."

"Are you going to be able to drive or do you want me to so you can stare more?"

"I can drive."

"If you're sure."

"I'm sure."


"Oh...looks like Shauna and Alex are already up and out." Stef says once she sees the note I left.

"And here I thought they'd still be sleeping." Mike chuckles.

"I'm surprised she's not. It's still really early. He must have done something to get her up."

"Hmm....must've been breakfast..." He motions over to dishes air drying.

"Figures." She laughs. "That always gets us up."

"Yes it does."

"Maybe we'll see them while we're out." She says as they head to the door.

"Possibly. Depends on what they're doing."


"But let's get going. So, are you gonna give me any hints towards the costume you're wearing tonight?" He asks as they go out the door.

"" She laughs.


"All I can say is you're going to love it."

"Well of course I will."

"Just wait until you see it." She grins.

"I'm sure it's going to be great."

"Oh it is. Wasn't easy for me to get either."

"Then it must be very special."

"You have no idea."

"Well then, I can't wait to see it."

"You'll get to, in a few hours or so."

"I think I can manage waiting that long." He nods as they reach the car.

"I would hope so." She chuckles as he opens her door.

"I can try anyway."

"You'll be able too. Who knows what I'll be trying on today."

"Whatever I find that will look amazing on you, that's what."

"With you, that's everything you find."


"Oh boy." She laughs. "Today should be fun then."

"Very." He chuckles as she gets into the car and he shuts the door, before heading over to the other side and getting in himself.

"You pick where we go. It does matter to me." She says once he starts the car. "I know the perfect place." He grins, heading there. She nods, sitting back in her seat. He reaches over, resting his hand on her knee while he drives. She sets her hand on his then he laces their fingers together. He brings her hand up, kissing the back of it then the ring he gave her. She smiles over at him, while he plays with the ring on his thumb. It isn't too much longer of a drive, until he pulls up to a store, clearly the store he said would be perfect to go to. "Mike..." She looks at the store. "...this place looks...way too expensive."

"You're worth it."

"So you always tell me." She blushes slightly.

"Because it's true."

"Always." She chuckles, undoing her seat belt. He undoes his and then they both get out, and head into the store. Once they head in, they're greeted by a girl who works there along with someone who has a tray of water. They take the water and thank them before the girl shows them around the store. "Never been to a store like this before." Stef mutters to Mike.

"You're going to be going to a lot of places you haven't been before."

"New experiences. I love that."

"Tons more to come."

"Can't wait." After being shown around, knowing where everything is, that's when they can go off on their own and look for things. She decides to go off in one direction while Mike goes off on his own. She shakes her head since she knows he's going to find way too much. She browses for a bit, finding a few things then heads over to the dressing room to find him there waiting with a bunch of dresses. "You went a bit crazy." She laughs, seeing everything he got.

"Yeah, just a bit." He agrees.

"I knew I should have stayed with you."

"I would've gone crazy regardless." He chuckles.

"Very true."

"So, take these and head in to try them on."

"Alright mister eager...I'm going." She laughs, taking the dresses and heading into the dressing room. "And can not come in with me." She adds before closing the door.

"Trust me I know...even though I really want to."

"I know you do, but that's for back home."

"Yes, I know."

"I'll be right out."

"I'll be here."

She starts to get changed into one of the dresses he picked out. She looks at herself in the mirror, smoothing out the dress. "I'm coming out."

"I'm ready."

She opens the door then steps out so he's able to see the dress. "Perfect." He says, looking her over.

"You did pick it out." She says, turning around so he can see the back.

"I can't wait for you to wear that out one night. Looks better than I imagined."

"So I'm guessing this is one we're getting then."

"Oh yeah." He nods.

"Ready for the next one?"

"Just give me a few more seconds......alright I'm good now."

"Goof." She laughs, heading back in.

"Love you too." She heads in and tries on the next dress, coming out for him to see. He likes that one, but not as much as the first. She keeps doing that until she gets down to the last dress. This dress was one that she picked and was similar to the first. When she walks out, he's almost speechless. "Mike?" She waves her hand in front of him. "You still with me?" She laughs. "Huh?" He snaps out of it.

"I thought you might have left."

" I'm here."

"Good. You spaced out on me again."

"My bad."

"By your reaction, I can say you like this one too."

"Uh huh....turn around?"

She does so, lifting her hair up so he can see.

"Alright...scratch that like....I'm in love with this one."

"I had a feeling. That's why I saved this one for last."

"I'm glad you did."

"Will you be alright if I change?"

"I should be fine." He nods.

She nods, heading back into the room, but not before teasing him a bit. She laughs when she hears him groan then she closes the door and get changed. Once she's all done, she comes out with the dresses they decided on getting.

"So much skin to touch in that last dress." He mutters as they head to the checkout.

"I know." She smirks. "It's going to kill you when I wear it."

"So much."

"Hmmm...maybe I'll wear it soon..."

"I hope so."

"Whenever I do, you'll never know."

"It's good to be surprised though."

"Mhm." She nods, looking at the ring he gave her. Once the dresses are paid for, they head out of the store and to the car. They get to the car and he sets all the dresses in the back while she gets in the car. While she waits for him, she sits there, playing with her ring.

"I'm thinking we go to a shoe store to gets shoes to match those dresses." He says when he gets into the car.

"Are you sure? I think you spent enough money on me. I'm sure I have some that will match."

"You deserve everything."

"Alright...if you insist."

"Well if it would make you feel better, I won't go crazy this time. You can pick out what you want...everything...this time."

"You can pick out some. I don't mind, I just don't want you spending all your money on me."

"You know I don't mind doing so though."

"I know...that's just me though...I feel bad about it."

"Well I assure you, money is not an issue for me."

"I'm not going to win this one, am I?"

"Well how about this....after we go to this store, the rest of the day, I won't spend so much money on you. Show you that I can do that. Just for you."

"We can do that., but it's going to be so hard for you."

"I know. But I know I can do it."

"We'll find out, won't we?"

"Yes we will." He starts to head for a shoe store. After some driving he finds one ad pulls in. He parks the car then they get out and head into the store, hand in hand, her head resting on his shoulder. "We can look together this time."

"Sounds good."

"And then after this maybe we can get some lunch."

"Good idea. I'm starting to get a bit hungry."

"I had a feeling you were."

"It's all the walking. Does it every time."

"I would carry you if I could." He chuckles.

"That would look pretty weird." She laughs.

"It would." He nods.

"I'll be fine for now."

"Alright." He nods. They head into the store and start to look around. She spots a section that interests her and they head over. "Remember, you can pick whatever you want."

"I remember." She says as she scans the shelves for shoes.

"That pair looks nice." He points out a pair that catches his eye.

"Ooohhh. They do." She picks them up. "Good eye." She kisses his cheek.

"You're welcome."

"Luckily they have my size too."

"Try them on?" She nods, sitting on one of the benches. She takes them out of the box, trying them on then standing to see how they look. "Perfect fit." She says, taking a few steps in them. "How do they look?"


"Good. I shall get them then."

"I encourage you to get them."

"Of course you do." She laughs, sitting down to take them off. She puts them in the box then stands. Then she hands him the box to hold for now while she searches for another pair. They keep looking through the store, him finding the most of the shoes, her liking them as well. After trying them on, they decide on the ones to get then go pay for them. After they pay for those, they head back out to the car, put the bags in the back seat and then get into the front, proceeding to head somewhere for lunch. Meanwhile, Alex and I have been very busy with shopping ourselves.

"Always want to go shopping when we're out." I laugh. "I can never have too many clothes with you."

"No you can't." He laughs.

"You just love everything."

"I do and you look good in it all."

"Gonna have to send a lot to our places...can't bring it all with us while we travel."

"Boooo." He disagrees. "That just leaves it for when we have more alone time."

"Unless you expect me to get more suitcases."

"Hmmm...that's a good idea."

"You know I was joking right? I have enough cases as it is for all that I carry around."

"Awww." He pouts.

"Oh not the pout." He keeps doing the pout then he adds in the eyes too.

"Not the eyes too..."


"Oh, I suppose one suitcase wouldn't hurt."


"And I love me."

"Very much." He kisses me quick.

"I love you too."

"Go get the suit cases now?"

"Remember....only one. I only need one for now. But yes."


"Don't want too many afterall."

"You can never have to many." He grins.

"Of course not." We both then head to a store where we can get a suitcase at. We find a place and head inside, sticking together to find one. We search the store looking for the right one. He spots one that would be big enough to hold most of the new clothes I got.

"This one seems good enough."

"I think I can find a bigger one..." He looks around. "...found one." He pulls it off the shelf.

"Only you would find a bigger one."

"I would." He grins.

"That one it is then."


"Let's go get this paid for so we can have lunch and then orgazine what's going in here."

"But I still see more things I want to get you."

"More? Of course there's more. You have forever to get me things."

"I would by you everything if I could."

"Of course you would."

"I think we should go though. You've gone crazy enough today." I add.

"I won't deny that." He chuckles.

"Lets go silly." I laugh, pulling him to the register.

"I'm coming, I'm coming."

We make it to the counter without him getting anything else. Once that's paid for, we both head back out to the car then get in and head to lunch. We find a place and when we pull up we see Mike's car. "Oh...him and Stef must be here too."

"Looks that way." He parks next to Mike's car.

"Do you two just think alike all the time?" I laugh.

"We like to think so."

"It's scary sometimes, I swear."

"And it's not even on purpose either."

"You know what I think it is? When you worked alongside him for that whole time since NXT until your fight on Raw."

"We did spend a lot of time together so that could be it."

"Exactly." I nod as we get out of the car and head inside. Once we walk in, we see Mike and Stef. She notices us and waves us both over to their table. We nod and then walk over, taking the seats next to them at the table. "Heyy!" She greets. "How was your day?"

"Good. So far."

"Do anything fun?"


"You too?" She laughs. "Did you get the whole store again?"


"Oh boy."

"Had to get a new suitcase before we came here."

"I'd say he went crazy." She laughs.

"Just a bit."

"What about you?" I ask her. "Just about the same. He went really crazy with the dress store he took me to."


"I have no idea how I'm going to pack them all either."

"I'm sure he'll find a way."

"Already thinking of ways." He grins.

"Of course you are."

"I have to have those on the road with us. I just have to."

"Oh boy..."

"Killed him again huh?"


"Maybe?" He gives her a look.

"Okay...I did."


"There are these two she got..." He bites his lip.

"I repeat....oooooooh."

"I'll have to show you them later. Maybe you can borrow them one day."

"No." Mike protest. "Mine."

"It was just a suggestion." She chuckles.

"We'll see." I laugh.

"Did you guys order yet?" Alex asks.

"Actually, we just got here right before you both did."

"Ah, we had perfect timing then."

"It would seem so." When the waiter comes back around, we get two more menus for me and Alex and then since the drinks were the easiest to decide on, we got those and waited on those while we decided on food. Once we decide what we want, we get the waiter's attention and he comes back over to take our orders. Once he takes our orders, he takes the menus and walks off to get the orders filled. While we wait, we talk amongst each other about the party later. "So just like our costumes are going to be surprises, yours are as well we're assuming?" Stef asks Mike and Alex. "Mhm. No hints either."

"Well of course not."

"You'll love them just as much as we'll love yours."

"Well that's a given."

"Hopefully you'll both be able to make it through the whole night." Stef smirks, giving me a look.

"Let's hope so." I smirk as well.

"I know that look." Mike says.

"You both up to something." Alex looks at us.

"Us? Up to something. Nooo."

"Not at all." I add.

"We'll get it out of you." Mike smirks

"No you won't."

"We'll see about that..." He leans down, breathing on her neck, a shiver running down her spine. She bites her lip and closes her eyes. "...not spilling..."

"Be strong Stef." I encourage.

"Trying...he knoows..." She takes a breath. "...what that me..."

"Mmhmm." He smirks.

"Still not spilling."

"And neither am I." I add.

"No?" Alex looks at me, moving his hand up my thigh from where it was resting.


"You are a lot tougher than her, but I'll get it out of you." He smirks, squeezing slightly on my thigh.

"I don't think it's going to work this time Mike. At least not here." Alex says to Mike.

"Yeah, I see what you mean. Far too public."

"We'll get them once we get back to your place."

"Uh oh..."

"...we're in for it..."

"Oh yeah." Mike nods with a smirk.


"Too late."

"Aw man." She pouts, giving him the eyes.

"As much as that kills me....that's not gonna work either."



"It's okay. Can't win all the time."

"You can try though."

"Yes, yes I can."

"Just won't win this one."


"I've been successful all day in fact." He grins.

"Only because I love you."

"I love you too."

"Awww." I gush.

"Oh shush...I'm sure you two are the same way now."

"We are." Alex kisses my cheek.


"Oh shush you."


"Mike, please?"

"On it." He smirks, squeezing her thigh where his hand was resting.

"...okay....I'll be quiet."

"Thank you." I grin.


Just then, the waiter comes back with our food, setting the plates down in front of us and then walks away. We start to eat since it all looked and smelt good. It was so good that we didn't even talk, we just ate our food. By the time we were done, we all were full because it was just that good. "Now I'm ready for a nap."

"That does sound like a good idea." I nod.

"As soon as we get done, we'll go back and you both can get some sleep before we have to get ready."

"Good idea." The waiter comes back with the bill and both Mike and Alex pay the bill. Once that's done, we head back out to the cars. "Definitely ready for a nap now. Shopping and you out."

"Yes it does." She tries to hide the yawn.

"I can tell." Mike chuckles, clearly seeing the yawn.

"You saw that?"

"I did."

"I guess I didn't hide it that well then." She chuckles.

"No, not really."

"Best we get them back. She's about to fall asleep too." Alex says about me.

"I'm fine."

"Sure you are." He says unconvinced.

"I am." I nod.

"Well, I'm going to get her back. We'll see you there." Mike says as he helps her into the car.

"Yup." Alex nods as he helps me into the car as well before getting in himself. After we're in the car, they head back to Mike's place. We all get there within just minutes of each other and they help us out of the cars and inside. They made sure to grab everything we got while we were out as well. After getting inside, we head up to our rooms. "Alright time for you to nap. You're clearly exhausted." Mike says when he and Stef get into the bedroom. "For once, I agree." She nods, taking off her flip flops then jewelry. "Of course."

Once that's off, she walks over to the bed, pulling down the covers then laying down. "Joining me?" She asks. "Of course I am." He grins, taking off his shoes. He walks over to the other side of the bed, pulling down the covers and climbing under them. He reaches out and pulls her closer to him. "Mmm...better." She lays her head on his chest. "Good." He starts to run his hand down her lower back while the other plays with her hair. Since she was so tired, it took her to time at all to go to sleep. Once he sees that she's sleeping, he leans down and kisses the top of her head, deciding to stay awake for a while and watch her sleep. With Alex and I, we both had gotten everything put away and were getting ready to lay down as well.

"You're getting more and more tired by the minute." He states.

"It's all starting to catch up with me."

"I can tell."

"Best to get you in bed now then." He adds.

"If you say so."

"I just don't want you getting to tired then bumping into something."

"Wouldn't be the first time."

"No it wouldn't and I don't want it to happen again."

"Try being on a sugar rush and being tired at the same time and bumping into something and it's the funniest thing ever. Ohhh good times." I laugh.

"I remember that." He laughs. "I thought you were really hurt and all you did was laugh."

"It was hilarious, what can I say?"

"For you it was. I was concerned."

"But now you hide the sugar on me. Which is soooo not cool."

"You can't have to much or you'll hurt yourself again. I give it to you in moderation."

"That may be, but you don't know about my secret stash." I blurt out and seconds later I realize what I said. "You didn't hear that."

"I'll act like I didn't just because I love you."

"Good....because you'll never find it anyway."

"I know someone who will tell me where it is though." He grins.

"Don't you dare."

"Maybe I will, maybe I won't. You'll have to wait and see."

"I've got my eyes on you." I say, also doing the hand motion.

"Oh I'm so scared." He tries not to laugh.

"You should be. You know how evil I can get." I smirk.

"Trust me I know, which is a total turn on too."

"Like everything else."

"That's just what you do to me. Everything about you turns me on."

"Good to know." I grin, climbing onto the bed.

He walks over, getting on the bed as well. Once he's settled, he pulls me over close to him.

"Never close enough."

"No you're not. I want you right here all the time."

"Of course you do."

"Let's get some rest now. We've got a big night ahead of us."

"A night of fun anyway."


"Are you sure you'll be able to nap thinking of what my costume may be?"

"I don't know, but I can try."

"Yes, you can." He gives me a quick kiss before we settle down, finding a comfortable spot. "Now sleep."

"Alright." I nod, my eyes slowly closing. And to help me fall asleep faster, he does the usual. After noticing I'm asleep, he kisses the top of my head deciding to stay up for a bit just to watch me sleep. Like always when we nap, the rest of the day goes by quick. Alex had set an alarm so it would wake the both of us up and when it started to go off, I hid my face in the pillow. "Shauna...time to get up." Alex whispers, kissing my shoulder.

I grumble, burying my face deeper into the pillow. He just chuckles, still trying to wake me. "What's it going to take for you to get up?"

"Five minutes..."

"Fine, but that's all you get."

I muffle a response into the pillow and he moves from the bed to get his costume together. He makes sure to take his time, giving me as much time as he can. Once he has everything ready, he comes back over to the bed. "Five minutes are up."

"Already?" I groan.

"Five minutes isn't very long remember?"

"I know..." I groggily roll over, stretching.

"That's you're costume?" I say, rubbing my eyes.

"Mhm." He nods.

"And when did you get that?"

"The same day you and Stef went out looking for yours."

"How you managed to hide it from me is a mystery to me."

"The exact same way you hide things from me."

"Learning from the best huh? Sneak."

"Possibly." He chuckles.

"Suppose I should go grab all of my stuff and go get ready myself then huh?"

"That would be a good idea."

"I shall be right back then." I nod, moving from the bed, grabbing a few bags out of my many suitcases and head into the bathroom. While I get ready in there, he gest ready in the room himself. For him it doesn't take him too long, but for me it takes a while since I had a lot. I take my time with everything, wanting it to look perfect. once I get my costume on, I start to work on my makeup, leaving my hair for last. "You're so gonna die!" I call from the bathroom.

"I have a good feeling I will. You've been in there for like ever."

"I want it to be perfect."

"I'm sure it will be."

"I'm almost done though."

"Good. I can't wait much longer."

"So impatient."

"Yes, yes I am." Since I was done with my makeup, I worked on my hair and I kept it simple so it wouldn't take too much time to do. As soon as I was finished, I cleaned everything up then headed back into the room. "You can look now."

"Fina-" He stops mid word. His jaw drops and his eyes go wide as he stares at me.

"You're gonna catch flies." I laugh.

"Huh?" He shakes his head, coming out of his daze.

"I're gonna catch flies."

"Oh..." He closes his mouth, wiping the drool away. ""

"I can say the same for you. I honestly thought you were going for football player. It was the easiest guess for me anyway."

"Figured I would try something that no one would expect. You think it's alright?"

"Well I love what does that tell you?" I smirk.

"It's perfect."


"Tonight's going to be a real good night."


"What else goes with that? Anything?"

"I'm glad you asked....after I had got the costume, Stef and I went out shopping for stuff to go with the costumes and we had to get this..." I reach into the bag and pull out a Nerf football. "Now I really love that." He grins.

"Well can't have a costume like this without it can I?"

"No you cannot."

"Thought so."

"Are we waiting for Stef and Mike or are we heading there alone?"

"That's totally up to you."

"Well since Mike knows where to go, maybe we should wait for them."

"Good idea."

"Wait here or in the living room?"

"Well if we wait here, we may never end up leaving. You're giving me that look already."

"Oops." He laughs. "I just can't help it."

"That's my fault really."

"Yes it is."



"Let's go spacey." I laugh, making sure I have what I need before exiting the room first.

He groans to himself, following me out of the room and down to the living room. We go and sit as we wait for Stef and Mike. In the room with them, he had trouble getting her up so he decided to get ready before coming to wake her up again. "Stef, it's time to get up and get ready."

"Uhhh..." She groans stubbornly into her pillow.

"Don't you want to see what I chose for a costume?"

"You're dressed?" She mumbles into the pillow.

"'re gonna have to get up to see."

She grumbles to herself, rolling over and slowly opening her eyes. Once she focuses, she ges a good look at him and freezes. "Well?"


"Speechless almost...mission accomplished." He chuckles.

"Uh huh." She slowly nods.

"Now I think you should get up so I can see yours."

"I...give me a moment." She looks him over, biting her lip.

"Take your time." He grins.

She nods, reaching out to touch the shirt he has on. Her hands run over it, playing with the buttons. "What made you decide to be a ref?"

"Oh, a little birdie told me that the last time I was a referee in a match on TV, you loved it..."

"...Shauna." She says to herself.

"She tells me everything, what can I say?"

"Of course she does." She laughs. "She tells me everything too." She smirks.

"Oh does she?"


"Like what?"

"How you acted when we first met. The way you looked at me. How you would get when other guys would talk me and if I was gone for to long you would get concerned. All those things."

"Which is all true by the way."

"Awww. Aren't you just the sweetest protector a girl could have."

"Aren't I?" He chuckles.

"The best." She sits up more, giving him a kiss.

"So are you."

"I try." She grins.

"That's the best part about it, you don't have to try."

"Mike..." She blushes. "...stooop."

"It's the truth though."

"Yeah, yeah...charmer."

"Love you too."

"I think I should go get dressed now."

"That would be a good idea."

"I'll be back...uh...soon." She laughs, giving him a kiss.

"Take your time, no rush."

"Good 'cause it might take me awhile." She chuckles, going over to where she had her costume stuff hidden.

"I'm sure I can wait. It'll be worth it I'm sure."

"It will. Trust me." She smirks as she heads into the bathroom. Once in there, she takes everything out of the bag she had. She starts by putting on her costume, them pulling her hair in a high ponytail. She puts in a special hair tie she got to go with the costume. She then does her makeup to match then adds some stickers to her nails. Once everything is all done, she pulls on her boots that go with it. Once those were on, she looks herself over once more before deciding that everything was perfect. That's when she opened the bathroom door and shut the light off when she walked out. "Oh Mike." She sings as she walks out with a smirk. "You're do-" He starts to say but then just goes silent as he stares with wide eyes, and occasionally looking her over.

"Mission accomplished." She grins, walking farther into the room. "You alive?" She laughs. He just stares with a blank look on his face. Mike..." She waves her hand in front of him. "...hello!"

"What?" He snaps out of it.

"You spaced out on me again." She laughs.

"Can you blame me?"

"No, not really."

"I can see why this was so hard to get."

"It really was. It's the real deal, not a fake."

"How did you get it?"

"One of the cheerleaders is an old friend. She owed me a favor."

"No way."

"Mhm. Old friends from growing up. I got her with her now husband. She said she owed so I figured that was the perfect thing to get."

"Aww playing matchmaker."

"It's one of my gifts. That's how Shauna and Alex got together. I told her to go after him and she did."

"Right, of course."

"We kind of match if you think about it."

"Aha, we do." He chuckles. "And we didn't even plan it."

"No we didn't." She chuckles. "I swear we read each others mind."

"Don't tell me we're gonna be like that now too."

"No. Not all the time."

"Good. Although, that's not a bad thing."

"At certain times it's good."

"Of course."

"At least I know I picked a good costume to wear." She says since he's still looking at her, his hands touching the uniform.

"Oh yeah."

"Well you get to look and touch all night long."

"Oh....I know...and I plan on it."

"Just behave. We'll be in public."

"I know, I know."

"Even though it's going to be hard...touchy."

"Very hard."

"Get it all out now so no one gets a show."

"Now and in the car."

"This is going to be one long car ride. I can tell now."


"By that look, you're going to take all the time you can."


"Well, if you're not going to touch, lets get going." She starts to back away from him.

"We should go before we don't end up leaving at all, yeah." He nods.

"I'm ready." She says, walking to the door.

He nods and follows her out. Since she knows he's staring, she sways her hips even more than she usually does just to tease him. She laughs to herself when she hears him groan. "You're killing me."

"You're the one staring." She smirks.

"You make it hard not to."

"Oops. My bad."

"Uh huh."

"I know how much you love it."

"So much."

"Good." She walks down the stairs extra slow.

"And there you go again."

"You're welcome." She grins. When they walk into the living room, they see me and Alex waiting for them.

"Oh hey. I though you left already."

"No, we figured since Mike knows where to go, we'd just get a ride with you. Better than getting lost."

"That's fine. Makes sense too."

"So what does he think of the costume?" I ask.

"He loves it." She grins. "Can't keep his eyes off me. Right Mike?" She asks to get no response. "See?" She laughs.

"Spaced out again, isn't he?"

"Big time."

"Watch this." She smirks then sways her hips, getting a groan out of him. "You with us now?" She asks over her shoulder.

"I'm good."

"You sure now?" I laugh.

"I'm sure."

"I see someone likes yours too." She says since Alex has his eyes glued to me.

"He really does."

"Has he even blinked at all since you put that on?"

"I'm pretty sure he has."

"He hasn't since we came down." She laughs.

"I know." I laugh.

"Tonight's going to an early night, I can tell already." She nudges Mike since he was getting a bit too touchy.


"On that note, how about we leave before they keep us here?"

"Good idea." We get the guys out of their daze enough for them to follow us out the door and to the car. She and Mike get into the front, only because Mike knows where he's going so he's going to drive. Alex and I get into the back, and once we're all ready, Mike starts the car and heads to where the party is being held. As he drives, they take that chance to be as touchy as they can, especially Alex since his hands were free.


"Only because I can."

"Yes, I know."

"He's not the only one." She laugh.

"I can see that."

"There's just so much to touch..."

"Yes, we both know that."

"Then you know how tonight's going to go."

"We do."


"Just try to last as long as you can at this party."

"It's going to be hard, but we will."

"As long as you do that."

They nod as Mike continues to drive. The touching does not stop until we get to the party and put of the car. "Now you two have to behave while we're in there."

"We will be." Mike sighs.

"Promise." Alex adds.

"You sound so disappointed." Stef says to Mike.

"I'll be fine. I'm just going to have to resist a lot tonight."

"You will....until we go back."

"As long as I can touch you within reason, I'll be good."

"Of course."

"Then I'm better already." He grins, wrapping his arm around her waist.


We head inside to where the party is, seeing a few people we know from work. "Didn't know they'd be here."

"I knew a few were going to be here since they live here and all, but the others I didn't know about." Mike says.

"Probably didn't feel like going home."

"Probably not." She shrugs. "We'll have fun anyway."

"Of course we will."

"Lets all go have fun."

"I second that motion." Since the guys were attached to us, we lead them around to greet mostly everyone there. After that was done, we got something to drink the decided to head out back where there was music and people dancing. "Now, let's go dance."

"I hear that."

"And yes I know, us too." I say to Alex.

"You got that right." He tugs me to the dance floor.

"I just know you that well."

"You do."

"And I'm not letting you go the whole time either." He adds.

"I didn't think you were going to." I laugh.

"Not unless I have to."


"Just can be as touchy as you want within reason."

"I remember." He grins, touching places that aren't so obvious. Mike was also doing the same to Stef, being touchy within reason. "I know it's killing you already."

"So very much."

"But, so far you're behaving. Maybe I'll let you have a few minutes of fun in a bit."

"I would love that."

"I know." She grins. "Keep being good and you just might be able too."

"I think I can do it." He grins.

"Good luck." She smirks, dancing really close to him with her back to him.

"You love making things difficult for me don't you?"

"That's my job." She turns around, smirking as she starts to dance just out of his reach.

"You won't be able to do that again you know." He smirks.

"Oh? Why not?"

"I think you know."

"Uh huh."

"So, come back closer." She moves a bit closer to him while still dancing. "Closer."

"Better?" She laughs when she's right in front of him. He reaches out and grabs her, pulling her even closer and his arms wrap around her. "Now I'm better."

"You goof." She laughs, her arms resting on his shoulders.


"I'm guessing I'm not moving anymore."

"You guessed right."

"That's alright. I can still do things from here." She smirks.

"Trust me, I know."

"Going to be a long night for you." She leans up, running her tongue over his bottom lip then pecking his lips.


They keep dancing and he starts to get a bit more touchy. Each time he goes farther than he should, she runs her fingers over the back of his neck, since she can't really get away from him. "You're not behaving so well right now."

"Sorry, but I can't help it. I just love this costume."

"I know you do. But remember what you get if you behave remember? It's not looking so good for you right now."

"I'll behave." He moves his hands so they're resting on her waist.

"Good. Just keep in mind what you get if you do and you should do just fine."

"And I want that so much."

"I know you do."

"So, behave." She gives him a quick kiss.

"I'll try my best."

"Good." She kisses him quick again, but lets it linger this time. "For motivation."

"Tease." He groans.

"I'm good at that."

"Yes you are."

"It's a gift." She grins

"How well I know."

"But that'll help you stay motivated won't it?"

"Knowing I get more later, yeah it does." Then they go back to focusing on the dancing. We all keep dancing for a bit longer before we all decide to take a rest and get something to drink while talking with the few people we know and like from the party. Then we decide to go sit down and rest for a while. Stef and I don't even get to take our own seats because we're pulled down onto the laps of the guys. "Never fails." I laugh.

"Not as long as we're around."

"Of course not."

"I say we stay for a few more hours then head back. Unless you girls want to stay longer."

"What do you think Stef?" I ask you.

"As much as I love to party and we all know that's a lot, I say a few more hours will be good."

"Few more hours it is." I nod.

The guys cheer with excitement while we sit there, talking with a few people that come up to us. We get a lot of compliments on our costumes, people saying they are the best ones at the party. "Seems as though we picked out good costumes."

"We did. Unlike some of the people here." I make a face at some of the ridiculous costumes people have.

"Oh, I know right?"

"You'd think with this being LA people would have a bit more class."

"Tell me about it."

"It's really a shame." Stef shakes her head, moving closer to Mike.

"It really is." I nod.

"I just wish the creepers would stay away. They always know how to ruin a good night." She sighs.

"You don't have to worry about them." Mike assures her.

"I know, but it's not just me they're looking at."

"Well tomorrow we leave to go overseas, then we don't have to worry about them."

"Good. I don't want to even think about them anymore." She rests her forehead against Mike's

"You won't have to."

"I know." She gives him a few quick kisses.

"You two are so cute." I smile.

"So are you and Alex."

"As you've said many many times before."

"Because it's the truth."

"Of course it is."

"Of course it is."

"Should we go dance more or are you both happy with us here?"

"I don't think they want to move right now to be honest." I laugh.

"Awww." She pouts. "You know...we could dance here..." She trails off, moving on Mike's lap.

"No no..." He trails off, holding her in place.

"But I wanna dance." She whines.

"You two can go out and dance if you want. I think we'll be okay here for a while."

"You sure?" Mike asks.

"She's sure. Now lets go." She gets up, pulling him with her.

"She's eager." I laugh.

"I would say so."

"I would've moved too, but I can tell you're not letting me go anytime soon."

"You're right, I'm not."

"Can't say I'm complaining."

"I didn't think you would."

"Gives you more chances to be touchy anyway."

"The reason we're not moving." He lets his hands wander.


"So much to touch..."

"As you've pointed out before."

"You just know how to get me."

"I do."

"You never fail to amaze me."

"You're welcome."

"I think I'm ready to go out there for a few more songs."

"Alright...gotta let me go first."

"Just so we can get up." He slowly lets me go.

"Right." I nod, moving from his lap and standing. Once I stand, he follows, his arm going right back around me. We both then head back out to dance. We actually lose track of how many songs passed and such. We knew it was getting late, because Mike checked his watch and he showed Stef. "Oh's that late already?"

"Seems so." He nods.

"We should go tell Shauna and Alex."

"That would be the best thing to do."

She takes his hand while they search for us. After some searching they find us and tell us about the time. "Really?

"Yeah. Time flies when you're having fun."

"It really does." Since we didn't bring much with us, all we had to do was say our goodbyes to they few people we were talking to. Once that was done, we headed back out to the car, getting in it. "Well tonight was fun."

"It was. I love Halloween."

"One of the best days of the year."

"Right? You get to be whoever or whatever you want."


The rest of the car ride, we talked about how fun the party was while the guys continued to be all touchy. When we got back to Mike's place, they couldn't help but rush us inside. "Pushy."

"Can't help it."

"It's like you both want something."

"I think I have a feeling of what that is."

"Hmm...well someone wasn't so good tonight. We'll have to see about that."

"Uh oh.."

"Aw come on." Mike pouts.

"Like I said...we'll see."

"Alex behaved...surprisingly."

"I'm very surprised by that."

"You and me both."

"But, I'm beat. I think it's time to get to bed."

"Right. It was a long night and it's late."

"Exactly. I'll see you both in the morning." She gives me a hug, then Alex. "Night." Mike and Stef then head upstairs then to his room. The first thing she does is take off the boots she had on then all her jewelry.

"I know I didn't exactly behave tonight, but I still get cuddle time don't I?" He asks.

"Hmm...I don't know..." She teases.

"Please?" He pouts.

"Oh no...not the pout."

"Please...." He adds in the eyes.

"Not the eyes too." I bite my lip trying to be strong. "Fine..." I give in. " get cuddle time."


"You're such a goof." She laughs.

"Yes, yes I am."

"I suppose you want to help with taking this off too."


"The question is, should I let you help or not?" She plays with the skirt a bit.

"You should."

"I should, but you weren't a very good boy tonight." She gives him a look.


"I don't know..." She trails off. "...I might need some convincing."

"You're actually going to let me convince you?" He smirks.



" I am letting you."

"Thank youuu."

"You're welcome." She grins. Now...what are you waiting for?"

"Absolutely nothing." He grins, walking over and taking her face in his hands and pressing his lips to hers. She starts to kiss back, her hands resting on his wrists. She starts to relax even more the more he kisses her, so much that she doesn't realize he started walking forward, making her walk backwards. She makes him stop when the back of her legs touch the end of the bed. She goes to pull away from the kiss, but he holds her in place, not being done yet.

"Uh uh." He mumbles against her lips. She goes to say something, but he picks up the intensity of the kiss making it hard or her to talk. She just gives up on trying to pull away and let the kiss continue."

When he feels he's convinced her good enough, he starts to pull away, but keeps the kiss lingering. " win...again..." She says after he pulls away. "I do." He grins.

"Should find something to wear first...unless..."

"I'll go find something for you." He smirks.

"Oh boy."

"I think you'll know what I'm gonna pick too." He says as he lets her go and goes into the closet.

"I have a strong feeling I do." She sits on the bed, waiting for him to pick something. After a bit of searching he comes back out with one of his shirts. He walks over to the bed with it in hand then sets it next to her.

"I knew it." She laughs.

"You just know me that well."

"I do." She nods. " get this off."

"I believe I can help with that."

"I believe you can."

"Hmm....what to help take off first..." He looks her over, trying to decide what to take off first. After thinking for a bit, he decides to start with the top, getting that off and setting it to the side. He takes his time, taking in every inch of what he sees, causing her to giggle and blush a little She then stands so he can take off the bottoms and as he does that, he takes the chance to be extra touchy. "...tickles..." She laughs.

"I know it does."

"You're killing me here."

"Good to know." He chuckles. She moves around a bit more since he's taking his time with getting the skirt of. Once he gets that down far enough, she steps out of it, setting it to the side. He then gets his shirt off the bed, helping with putting that on next. "Perfect." He grins.

"Always is when I wear your clothes."

"Always." He repeats.

"Now it's your turn." She says since he still has most of his clothes on.

"You can help with that too."

"I was already planning on it." She smirks, tugging at his shirt since she wants that off first. She then pulls it up and over his head and tosses that to the side. She lets her hands wander for a bit before moving them slowly down his chest to his pants. The first thing she takes off is his belt, pulling that through the loops then tossing it to the side. Her next move was to start unbuttoning his pants, going slow. Her fingers brush over his indents, him growling slightly. She smirks as she gets them undone and lets them fall to the floor, him stepping out of them. "I think you you should just sleep in those." She smirks.

"You would like that."

"Yes I would."

"Then this is how I'll sleep."

"I encourage it."

"Of course you do." He chuckles.

"So, let's get to bed then."

"Lets." He grins, scooping her up.

"Mike!" She squeals as quietly as she could. "I can walk."

"You were too slow."

"You didn't give me the chance to move."


"You're just eager for your cuddle time, I know."

"I am."

"No more waiting. I'm not move from your arms until I have to."


He makes it the rest of the way to the bed, pulling the covers down then climbing in with her still close to him.

"Never letting you go."

"I never want you to either." She snuggles close to him.

"You won't have to worry about that...ever."

"Yayy." She says while trying to stifle a yawn.

"You're tired."

"Nu uh."

"Yes you are."

"No..." She tries to hide another yawn.

"I saw that."

"You saw nothing."


"I'm fine, honest."




"I swear."

"Honestly?" He gives her a look.

"Alright, you caught me."

"Always do."

"You just know me that well."

"Just like you know me."


"And I love you."

"I love you too."

"Suppose we should get some sleep then huh?"

"I suppose." She sighs.

"We can sleep in a bit tomorrow though."

"Mmm..." She mumbles, on the verge of sleep. He sense she's ready to doze off, so he does what he normally does to help her sleep and runs his fingers through her hair. With the soothing motion and the sound of his heart, she goes right to sleep with no problem, not being able to fight it any longer. He smiles and leans down, kissing the top of her head, and shortly after, dozes off himself. Meanwhile, Alex and I have been in our room for a while and he was trying to convince me to let him help with taking of my costume.

"You would love that, I know you would."

"I much."

"Well you did behave..."

"I did." He grins. "So...can I?" He puts on his adorable smile that you love.

"You and that adorable smile."

"I know how much you love it and can't resist it."

"That's true."


"Oh alright."


"So come here then." He grins, walking over to me. He looks me over, trying to decide what he wants of first.

"No rush or anything."

"I know...trying to decide..." He starts to play with my shirt.

"Seems as though it's the shirt first."

"Like always."

"Go ahead."

He grins, lifting that over my head then tossing it to the side. He starts to be touchy with all the newly exposed skin, before moving on to the shorts I had on. He makes sure to take his time letting his touches linger. I shiver from time to time from how light his touches are. Once the shorts are of, I step out of them and toss them to the side myself. So what am I wearing tonight hmm?"

"Uh...good question." He chuckles.

"How about what you have on now?" He adds with a smirk.

"You would suggest that."

"Oh I would." He grins.

"Well I suppose I can, seeing as you did behave tonight."

"Yayy!" He cheers. "Love you." He kisses me quick.

"Love you too."

"I think it's time for the rest of what you have on to come off." I add.

"I do." I grin, playing with the shirt he has on. I start by slowly lifting up his shirt, letting my fingers lightly run up his sides. Once I get the shirt over his head, I toss it to the side. Next, I start to work on his pants, slowly taking those off while my fingers leave lingering touches. When I get them down far enough, he steps out of them and they're tossed to the side.

"And now I think it's time for bed."

"I agree." He starts to lead me to the bed.

"I can't walk?"

"Nope." He grins, walking over to the bed, laying me down after he pulls the covers down.

"Of course not." He climbs on the bed next to me, pulling the covers over us both then holds me close to him.


"Because I can be."

"Yes, I know, and so can I."

"And you will." He kisses the top of my head. "Now...time for sleep." I nod, leaning into him more. He does what he usually does, running one hand down my back while the other runs through my hair. It doesn't take long until I can't fight staying awake longer. Once he notices I'm sleeping, he kisses the top of my head as he smiles down at me. He watches me for a bit longer before going to sleep himself.