Status: Active

The Chance of a Lifetime

Raw In Birmingham, England Part One

We didn't get to stay in LA too much longer because we were needed overseas. We had Raw in Birmingham, England to air back home tonight on TV. Now despite November being a wet month in Birmingham, the day didn't seem to be too bad. Well from what Stef could tell when she had woken up, it didn't seem too bad. Mike was still sleeping peacefully, his one arm around Stef. Since it was a bit chilly in the room, she decided to lay back down for a bit longer. Since she wasn't close enough to him to be warm enough, she turns so she's facing him and snuggles closer under the blankets. His arms get tighter around her, holding her extra close. She lays there for a bit before he finally starts to stir. He notices how close she is to him and how much she's snuggles into him.


"Mhm." She nods, trying to stay warm.

"The only downside of being overseas and when it's getting colder each month for the season."

"It really is, bt I have you to keep me warm."

"Yes you do."

"You're really warm too." She balls her hands in a fist, laying them against his chest so they're between them.

"When we're home in LA, you can't really tell, I know." He chuckles.

"Not all the time I can't."

"That's why I live in LA, rarely gets cold there."

"You picked the best place. If I had the choice, I would have chosen there or Flordia. Both warm weather all year."


"Was here anything you wanted to do before the show?"

"Well we could do some sight seeing."

"Good idea. I've always wanted to see what England looked person that is."

"Right." He nods.

"Do we have to move right now? I'm to warm."

"No, we don't have to move yet."


"Let it warm up outside a little at least. The average temperatures are like around 50 anyway."

"Booo...that's still too cold." She makes a face.

"It's better than the average temperatures back in the states around this time."

"True...I just like the warm weather much better. Why can't it be warm all the time? Is that to much to ask? Like, really?"

"I know, I know."

"I can't wait to tonight though. I can't wait to see how Ziggler reacts to us kissing after we win." She grins.

"I know right?"

"It's going to be a shock to him and pretty much everyone that doesn't know. There's going to be so many questions too."

"Definitely. But I think we're prepared to answer them."

"I know we're ready for them. We're always ready."

"Yes we are."

"We're just that awesome." She grins, waiting for him to say something about his word.

"Stealing my word huh? It's okay, you can steal it as much as you want."

"Good. I plan on it." She chuckles with a smirk.

"Of course you are."

"And I know. I'm lucky you love me." She laughs. "I love you too, even more."

"I know you do."

"I do think I'm going to need some convincing to get up...I don't want to move."

"Only if you're sure that getting up is what you want to do right now."

" want to lay here a bit longer."

"Then we can do that."

She nods, burying her face in the crook of his neck, enjoying the warmth that he's giving off.

"I have another big match planned for tonight too. Well it was more of a request that as GM I had to consider."

"Oh? What's that?"

"Wade had approached me last week, well more like contacted me. He wanted a rematch against Alex. Well I told him that's not going to happen, not yet anyway. Then Eve contacted me, she too wanted another shot at Shauna. So what I've decided, tag team match."

"Oohhh. This is not going to end well for Wade and Eve. I don't think Shauna's going to be to happy to have to see either of them too."

"No, but I wasn't going to give him or Eve title rematches. Not tonight anyway."

"They don't deserve one anyway. They've had their chances and not it's to the back of the line with them."


"Great idea making it a tag match instead of for titles. That's why you're the best GM Raw has ever had."

"And I will continue to be the best GM Raw has ever had."

"I have no doubt about that." She grins, moving her head to give him a quick kiss.

"Nothing will stop me from being GM either."

"Not if I have anything to do about it. Same goes for your title. You're keeping that for a long time too."

"You know Vickie will complain that she's not the GM, because she loves power. It's only a matter of time before she makes up this story."

"I'll be the one to shut her up too. No one is going to lie and cost you the GM position. I'll do whatever it takes to stop her, no matter what."

"Watch her try and make something out of the kiss we do in front of everyone tonight."

"Knowing her, she will. I'll tell her how it is. I won't let her ruin this for us. No way in hell will I." She starts to get worked up and tenses.


"She just...I can't stand her. She makes me so angry."

"She makes a lot of people angry."

"I know, but knowing that she could screw something up for us..."

"Well we know the truth to everything and all we have to do is talk to Vince and let him know what's true and what's not."

"Yeah...he does know we were seeing each other before, but that had nothing to do with me making it. That's what I'm most worried getting kicked off the roster because of that."

"You won't."

"That's all I've been thinking about. The whole Eve thing...I was waiting for the call telling me I had to go home. It was scary every time the phone would ring."

"Well even so she couldn't prove anything. It's not like she walked in on us kissing in my office."

"That's true, but us always being together, her saying all those things...people talk. I was afraid of someone going to Vince and telling him lies."

"Well like I said, all we have to do is explain to him everything."

"That's the scary part. I dread that day when it has to come."

"Well we'll be prepared when and if it does."

"Right." She nods.

"Feel up to getting up now?"


"Convincing, I know..."

"Mhm..." He grins and makes her look at him before he presses his lips to hers like he always does to convince her to get up in the morning. She presses her hands against his chest since that's where they were. She then moves one to his hair, running her fingers through it while she kisses him back. With her arms around his neck, she pulls him as close as he can get to her. He grins against her lips, but his hands start to wander. She tries to break the kiss, but he holds her in place. "Not done yet..." He mumbles. She mumbles a response against his lips, letting him do what he wanted. She moves both hands so they're now in his hair while one of his hands wander up her side, under her shirt and the other rests on her thigh. She tenses up, knowing what was coming. He smirks against her lips as he feels her tense. He makes sure that she doesn't sense what he's going to do, coming and waits a while before squeezing her thigh. Since she was caught off guard, she muffles a moan in tot he kiss, tugging at his hair more. That causes him to do it once more and it gets an even louder response out of her. Then he starts to pull away from the kiss, making it linger. She whines in protest, not wanting him to stop.

"I know, I know. But more later."

"Awww." She whines.

"Hope it was enough to convince you."

"It was."


"We can get up...when you're ready to let go."

"How about I just carry you to your things?"

"That works too." She laughs. He lets her go for a brief moment so he can get up and out of the be. Once he does, he reaches down and picks her up. Her arms go around his neck, his arms cradling her legs. "I have a feeling you're going to be like this all day."


"Thought so." She laughs as he sets her by her bags, holding her waist.

"I wanna watch as you pick something out." He rests his chin on her shoulder.

"Like always." She chuckles, searching through her bag. Once she finds a few things she shows him for his approval.

"I love it.

"You always love what I pick."

"Yes I do."

"Like always." She laughs.

"Can you blame me?"

"No and I know, it's because I have the best clothes."

"You do." He nods. "Afterall, I do buy most of them for you."

"That's why I do have the best clothes that you love so much."


" about I got get changed now?"

"That would be a good idea."

She nods then starts to head to the bathroom, but seems to have trouble walking.

"Uh Mike..." She stops. " kinda have to let me go first."


"Unless you're coming with me."

"Well if I come with you, you may not end up getting changed."

"Good point." She laughs. "So you're going to have to let me go."

"Unfortunately, yes." He nods, reluctantly letting go.

"I'll be quick. I promise."

"I believe you."

She gives him a quick kiss then head into the bathroom. She takes off the clothes she wore to bed then put on the outfit she picked out. She does her makeup first then gives her hair loose waves. It didn't take her that long to do all that and once everything looked perfect, she headed back out into the room to see him already dressed.

"Like what you chose to wear." She grins.

Oh this? It's nothing.": He chuckles. "Just something I heard you like." He grins.

"Let me guess...Shauna?" She laughs.


"I knew it."

"What can I say, she told me everything."

"I had a feeling she would, not that I mind."

"Of course not."

"Breakfast first?"

"Good idea. Hotel restaurant or local one?"

"We can try a local one. I'm sure you know a few good ones."

"You're right I do."

"I'm ready when you are." She says after grabbing her coat.

"I'm ready." He nods, pulling on his coat. he walks over, putting his arm over her shoulder as they head out of the room. They get in the elevator then head out to the car. Once they were out the door, she moves closer to him, the cool air hitting her.

"At least it's not raining."

"Thank god for that. It would be even colder."

"Right. I mean November weather over here is wet."

"Right. I'm just glad it held off for now."

"Me too." He says as they reach the car. He opens her door for her then heads right over to the other side, starting the car and turning the heat on. They sit there for a bit, letting the car warm up. "Much better." She says once the heat comes out.

"Should be much warmer in no time."

"Feels good already."

"Good." Soon the car gets warm enough and he starts to head for a local place that he knows has good food. Once they get there, he parks then they both get out and head inside. They don't have to wait long to be seated, and they get seated in a booth, handed menus to look over before the waitress comes back. "If only I knew what haf of this stuff was." She laughs as she looks over her menu.

"I know right, but I can suggest to you what I always get."

"That's a good idea. I'll get that."

"Then I shall order that for you when the waitress comes back."

"Alright." She nods, setting her menu down. "What are you getting?"

"I'm getting this." He points it out to her on the menu.

"Sounds good. I'll have to try it when it comes out."

"It's really good. I think you'll like it."

"I'm sure I will if you do." The waitress comes back and seems too be very polite. She tells them the specials then takes their orders. Once she has them, she heads back to put them in.

"We should definitely come back here as much as we can. The waitresses are nicer here."

"I find that they are much nicer than the states. They have more respect for people over here."

"It seems so." She nods.

"They should come over here and learn a few things on how to act." She adds.

"I know right?"

"I've only been here about a day and I already don't want to leave. The people seem so nice here."

"Well every year we make a trip or two over here. Now that you're with us, you can come here for the tours."

"It's going to be something that I enjoy very much. I've always wanted to come over here and now I get the chance to."

"And compete for fans overseas."

"That's the most exciting part. Only a few months in and I already have some fans, mostly haters, but that's what makes it all the better."

"That's the attitude."

The only one I have." She grins.

"How well I know."

"That's what makes us perfect."


"I can't wait until after tonight. It's going to be fun to see all the haters on Twitter and everything. Going to be interesting to see what they say."

"That's the fun part." He chuckles.

"As I saw with some of your tweets. You don't know how many times we said the same thing." She laughs.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. They would send you something, those who I followed, and I would tweet them with something and then you would happen to reply to them with the same thing. It was so weird."

"We really are perfect for each other then, aren't we?"

"It would appear so." Then the drinks and the food come to the table, since both were filled at the same time when they ordered. Their plates get put in front of them along with their drinks. They start to eat and the food tastes really good. “You're right...this is good.” She says after taking a bite.

"I told you." He grins.

"You did and I believed you too."

"I get this every time we come here."

"I can see why. It's delicious."

"Isn't it?"

"Mhm." She nods after taking another bite. "Definitely getting this the next time we come back." She adds.

"It's really that good. They do have some other good food here, but this beats them all." He nods."I see why. I can't get enough."

"I can tell."

"You might want to hide yours. That one bite I got wasn't enough." She eyes his plate.

"I can share. I don't mind."

"Good because I want more." She chuckles, stealing more from his plate.

"Of course you do."

"I would offer you some of mine, but that's all gone."


"Couldn't help myself."

"I know, I know." He chuckles.

"I eat like a guy. I know, but I just love food so much."

"Who doesn't love food?"

"Got me there." She laughs.

"People who don't eat, don't love food."

"True, but I have yet to meet someone who doesn't eat."

"Me neither."

"Well, I'm all done. You can have the rest." She pushes her plate away.

"All full?"

"For now." She laughs.

"I get like that sometimes."

"That I find hard to believe."

"First time I had this, I couldn't finish it. Honestly."

"Really? And I could. That is hard to believe." She chuckles.

"I have my moments."

"You do, just like me. Just makes me love you even more." She steals a kiss.

"I love you too."

She rests her head on his shoulder while he finishes eating. When he's done, he gets the bill and pays then they head back out to the car to start looking at all the sights. In the meantime, I was half asleep and was trying to find a comfortable spot to lay on the bed, because I wasn't comfortable at the moment. The motion of me moving caused Alex to wake up a bit. He reached over, pulling me closer to him so I was laying on his chest. That seemed to help and I finally got comfortable, and snuggled into him the best I could. He pulls the blankets over us both more, his arms around me so I don't move.

"...cold..." I mumble.

"Got it." He runs his hands over my arms to help me warm up.

"Maybe wearing this shirt wasn't such a good idea last night."

"Maybe not, but you didn't know it would be this cold."

"Because the heat hasn't kicked in yet."

"It should at any moment." He says just as it kicks on. "See? There it is." He chuckles.

"Should be warm in no time." He adds.

"Good." I mumble, snuggling closer to him.

"You're warm to begin with so that'll help even more." I add.

"I always am and it's good in times like this."

"Yes it is."

He keeps rubbing my arms, making sure the blanket is snug around me until I'm warm enough.

"I'm better now."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure."

"Alright." He nods, moving his hands so they're resting on my sides.

"If I wasn't awake before, I am now."

"You get enough sleep though?"

"Yeah, I got enough sleep. I think."

"You think?" He chuckles.

"I'm half awake here, I can't think straight."

"Of course. no rush to get up. Just lay here and wake up more."

"Right." He makes sure to hold me in place while I lay there.

"Wonder if we have matches tonight." I mumble.

"Not sure. We can ask Mike if we do."


"We'll do that after we get up and dressed for the day."

"Good plan."

"Whenever you're ready to get up we can."

" a few." I hide my face in his neck.

"No rush."

"That's why you're the best."

"I only do what's best for you. Plus, I love holding you."

"How well I know."

"Good. You should."

"I hope the weather isn't too bad outside. I know November is a wet month over here."

"From what I can see, it looks a bit sunny out."

"Oh good. Then it'll warm up at least a bit and won't be too cold."

"No, probably in the 50's or so. Not to bad."

"Perfect for going around and seeing the sights."

"It is." He nods. "So I'm guessing that's what you want to do today?"

"Well we have nothing else planned, so why not?"

"It's a great idea. This is a beautiful place and it's been a long time since we were here."

"That's true."

"You ready to get up yet or a bit longer?"

"I suppose we can get up now."

"Only if you're sure."

"I'm sure."

"Alright." He nods, moving so he's able to pick me up with him.

"And of course you would carry me over to my things." I laugh.

"I'm not ready to let go yet, plus you're too good to walk this early in the morning."

"Well then, good to know."

"You know what you need? A maid. This way you don't have to do a thing. I think when we get home I'll make arrangements."

"You would."

"I'm serious about it too. You shouldn't have to lift a finger for anything."

"You know I have no problem with cleaning and stuff though."

"I know you don't, but I just don't think you should have to do it. They'll be your personal assistant too. Get your clothes, appointments, everything. You don't have to do anything."

"So you and I can have more time to ourselves."

"That's the plan."

"Only you."

"Only me, yes."

"Well if you wanna do it, go ahead."

"As soon as we get back home I'll do it."

"Alright." I nod.

"Need help with an outfit?" He asks once he sets me by my bags.

"You would like to help, wouldn't you?"

"I would." He nods excitedly.

"Go crazy."

He grins, letting me go so he can pick out something. He takes his time looking at everything then finally decides on something. When he has everything, he holds it up to show me.


"What can I say? I love you in blue."

"That's why I have so much of it."


"Well, I shall be back then."


I take the clothes from him and head into the bathroom to change into them. Once in there, I start to do my normal routine. Just like I have been, I leave the makeup off because I don't need to wear it until at least tonight anyway. Once I'm all set, I walk out of the bathroom and head back over to my bags so I can put on my jewelry since I didn't take it into the bathroom with me.

"Always so gorgeous."

"Well you did pick these clothes out afterall."

"I'm not talking about the clothes." He stares at my face through the mirror.

"Oh, that. Yeah I remembered not to wear it again."

"Good. You're beautiful without it." He vim's up behind me, kissing my cheek.

"Yes, I know."

"I think you should only wear it for shows and big events. Leave it off all the other times."

"I'll remember that then."

"I'm sure you will."

"Gonna have to let me go so I can get my shoes on."

"Alright..." He reluctantly lets me go. Once he does, I find a pair and walk over to the bed and sit on the edge to put them on. After getting those on, I stand up putting my jacket on along with him. "Breakfast?" He holds out his hand.

"Yes, that's a good idea." He takes my hand in his then we both head out of the room and to the elevator, getting in and going to the lobby. After getting to the lobby, we head out to the car and like always he opens my door for me. After I'm in, he goes around and gets in himself and then we head off to find a place to have breakfast. Once we find a place, we walk in and we're seated fairly quickly. We're both given menus to look over before the waitress comes to the table. For now we order drinks while we decide on what we want to eat.

"I really love this place. They have great food."

"They do." Alex nods. "Why do you think we come here all the time?" He chuckles.

"Right." I laugh. After deciding on what I want, I put my menu down while I wait. He looks over the menu and bit longer, wanting to try something different. Once he finds something, he puts his menu down as well. It isn't long until the waitress comes back and gets our orders, heading back to get them filled.

"Trying something different I see."

"Thought I would." He nods.

"Good choice. I remembered what they had from last time so I didn't really have to look."


"When did you want to talk to Mike about tonight?" He asks.

"Maybe when we're out and about seeing the sights? I can always call him or something."

"I figured you would want to. Just to be prepared for tonight."

"Right, because if I do have a match and I don't find out until the last minute, then I won't be prepared. Neither would you, if you have one too."

"Exactly. It's better to find out now rather than later."

"Definitely." I nod.

"Other then that, anywhere you wanted to go that you missed last time?"

"There's a few places."

"We can see as many of them as we can today."


"Today's all about you." He kisses my head.

"Aren't you sweet."

"Always am for you." A bit after that the food comes to the table, and then we start to eat while talking about stuff in general from time to time. Since we both got something different this time, we take turns sharing what each of us got. "That's actually good."

"I heard from a few others who got it that it was so I had to try it."


"They were right too. And, yours is good too."

"I thought so."

"Definitely going to have to get this next time we come."

"I couldn't agree more."

"Maybe even come here before we leave too."

"You know I'm all for that."

"That's what I thought." He chuckles.

"You just know me that well."

"I do." He grins, stealing a kiss. After we finish, we wait for the bill. Once that comes, he of course pays for the whole meal and then we get up and head back out to the car so we can start going around to see the sights. Once in the car, we head to the places that we missed last time. Stef and Mike in the meantime, went to places that he's been before, that he wanted to show her, that were amazing.

"Everything is so beautiful over here. I'm so glad I get to see it all."

"I'm glad we get to see it all together now."

"Me too." She smiles. "That's the best part of all this."

"I couldn't agree any more." He grins

"You're actually the only one I could picture myself with while doing all this. I don't know why, but I just did."


"I know it's cheesy, but every time I would think about coming here, you were the only one who came to my mind."

"That's sweet."

"You really think so? I thought you would think I was weird or something."

"Not at all. Why would I think that?"

"I really don't know. Thought you would think I was some crazy fan girl or something."

"There's nothing wrong with that at all."

"Phew." She says to herself. "That makes me feel a lot better now."

"I love you....even if you have a crazy fan girl side." He chuckles. "That's what makes you...well you."

"Aww. I love you too and I promise I'm not like those other fan girls. I'm far from it. I'm more...calm."

"Well even if you were, I'd love you just the same as I do now."


"Always for you."

"Of course." She gives him a quick kiss. As they were walking around where they were, Mike's phone starts to go off. "I've got it." He says as he digs through his pockets.

"Who is it?"

"Shauna. Just give me a few minutes." He says as he answers. "What's up?"

"Hey Mike. I was wondering if Alex and I had matched tonight. We just want to be prepared if we do."

"Oh yeah of course. You probably won't like this, but I had to do it to keep from being bothered by them. Both Wade and Eve came to me and asked for title rematches. I declined and the only way to shut them up was to put them in a tag team match against you two."

"Are you serious?" I groan. "I'm not happy about it at all, you're right, but I guess it's something we're going to have to deal with."


"I knew you wouldn't like it, but I did ban the other two from coming down. If they do, it's an automatic DQ, even if they do nothing. I'm not having that." He adds.

"Of course. That helps me feel a lot better."

"I figured it would so that's why I made that stipulation. Nothing is going to happen to you tonight."

"Alex will be relieved to hear that."

"Good. I'm going to do everything that I can to make sure that you and Stef are as safe as can be while on my show."

"If anyone else was GM besides you, then I don't know what I would do."

"Even if I wasn't, Alex and I would still make sure nothing would happen to you both."

"Right, of course."

"I don't have a set time for though. You both being the champions, you get to pick when you want it."

"I'll talk to him about it."

"Alright. I just need to know about an hour before the show."

"Don't worry, I'll let you know."

"Okay good. Was there anything else you wanted to know?"

"That's it actually."

"So, we'll see you tonight then?"

"Yup, see you tonight."

"Enjoy the rest of your day kiddo." He chuckles.

"You too."

He hangs up the phone, putting it back in his pocket. “I knew she wasn't going to be happy.” She shakes her head.

"We both knew."

"At least you made it so Drew and Dolph can't get involved. You know they had something planned for tonight."


"So, where to next?"

"Well what did you have in mind? Any place you really wanna see?"

"Not really here. In London there are a few places, but I guess we can just look at the countryside."

"Alright." He nods. They then head back to the car, getting in. he starts the car to get it warm before heading out to drive around for a bit. After they drive around for a bit, he goes into the town and they decide to check out a few of the shops that are there. "Always a good idea to buy things you can take home to remind you of the trip."

"It really is." She nods. "I have to get something for my mom too. She'll just love that."

"I can't wait until I get to meet her." He grins.

"I can't wait for you to either. She can't wait. She still thinks I'm lying about being with you." She chuckles.

"Well she's going to be proven wrong." He chuckles.

"That she is." She nods. "Speaking of that...she has this big dinner on Thanksgiving every year. How would you like to meet her then?"

"I would love that."

"I'll let you know then. Probably going to have to tell her Shauna is coming since she won't believe that it's really you coming."

"Whatever works."

"I can't wait to see the look on everyone's face when I show up with you. They're going to think I paid you or something."

"I'll prove them wrong too." He chuckles.

"Yes you will. We both will."

"That's gonna be fun."

"It's going to be a blast. I'm all excited now."

"So am I."

"That's not for a few weeks or so. I'm sure I can convince them all by then."

"If not, then we prove them wrong then."

"Indeed we will."

"So, let's go get something for your mom."

She nods as he heads down the street. They go to pass this one store that happens to be a magnet store. She stops Mike and tugs him into the store. "This will be perfect."

"I take it she likes magnets."

“She loves them.”

"I try to get her a new one every chance I get."

"She's going to love it. Especially since it's from you."

"Oh I know."

"Get as many as you want for her. Tthere's no limit."

"Of course, because money isn't an issue."

"Never is."

"As you always tell me."

"Because it's true."

"Now go crazy." He chuckles. She lets go of him, then looks around the store. Since there were so many, she took her time looking at them all. She found a few that she would love and picked those up. She looked around for a bit before going to find Mike. "I'm done. I need to get out of here before I but the whole store." She chuckles.

"Just like me when we go shopping for you."

"Exactly." She laughs. "Now I know why you get that way."

"Yes you do." They then head to the counter to pay for everything. Once that was all paid for, they head back out and start walking down the street again.

"Let's just hope we don't find a clothes store." He chuckles.

"Knowing you, you'll find one."


"Since you've been here before, you know where they all are too."

"You're right, I do."

"I have a feeling that's where we're heading."

"You'll see."

She nods, leaning into his side as they walk a bit farther. When they get far enough, he stops. She looks up to see that it is a clothing store.

"I knew it."

"Can't help myself. I saw some things here that would look perfect on you."

"Of course you did." They head into the store and he takes her over to the section where he found the clothes. He picks them out then hands them to her and takes her right to the dressing rooms. "I know for a fact these will look perfect on you."

"You do tend to know what looks good on me."

"Of course I do."

"I'll go try these on and I'll be right back."

"I'll be waiting here."

"Like always." She chuckles, giving him a kiss then heading in to try on the clothes.

"I would come in there with you, but I'd most likely get in trouble."

"I think you would." She laughs. "Save that for home and hotel rooms."

"You know I will." He grins.

"Of course you will." She gets the first thing on then walks out to show him.

"Everything always looks better than you think." She spins, giving him the whole look.

"That's a keeper." He nods.

"I had that feeling."

"Now let's see the next one." She heads back in to try on something else. She comes out in that and gets the same reaction. She keeps doing that until she gets down tot he last thing he picked. This one happened to be a dress. It came to about her mid-thigh, had a halter type top and was a nice shade of pink. Once she had that one, she walked out, spinning around so he could see it.

"You've rendered me speechless."

"Always happens when I wear a dress."

"Can you blame me?"

"No." She turns to look at herself again. "I do look hot in this dress." She does a few poses.

"I'll go get changed so you don't have to suffer anymore."

"Maybe that would be a good idea. Don't want to get in trouble afterall."

"We can't have that." She grins, blowing him a kiss before heading back in to charge. She puts back on her regular clothes then gather up everything that he liked and heads back out to him. "Got everything you liked. Let's go get these paid for."

"Lets." He grins, eagerly pulling to the counter. Of course he pays for everything just like in the magnet store, and he even offers to carry the bags for her. "Are you sure? There are a lot of bags."

"I have no problem with it at all. Unless you want to carry half and I'll carry the rest."

"I'd feel better if I carried some." She takes some and he takes the rest and then they leave the store. They decide to head back to the car since they have a lot of bags to carry. They put those in the car then walk around for a bit longer. After a while of walking, they start to get tired and decide to head back to the car so they can spend the rest of the day until they need to leave to rest. With me and Alex, we both just got to the last thing that I wanted to see that I missed last time.

"The final thing I wanted to see that I didn't get to see last time."

"Now you get to see it."

"Thank god for days off before a show."

"Right? We wouldn't be able to enjoy anything."

"Exactly. Oh we have to decide when we want our tag team match. Mike said since we're both the champions, we can pick a time. We have to let him know an hour before the show."

" about we open the show? Get it over with early."

"That's actually a good idea."

"This way we have all night to stay in the locker room and not be bothered or have to worry about the match."

"You would want that."

"I would, plus I can keep an eye on you the whole night. Make sure nothing happens."

"Like anything would happen."

"I know nothing will, but you know I can't help but to worry."

"I know."

"Enough about that, lets just enjoy the scenery."

"Yes, let's."

We both keep walking around, looking at everything and taking a few pictures along the way.

"I think I'm ready to go now. Wanna rest up before tonight."

"We can do that." He nods.

"You probably want more time to be all cuddly anyway."

"I really do."

"I figured."

"The sooner we get back, the better."

"Of course." He holds me close as we both head back to the car. Once there, he opens my door then goes to the other side once I'm in. When we're both set, he heads back for the hotel. When we get there, he parks in the spot we left from and then head back inside and up to our floor, heading into the room. "Now it's cuddle time." He grins once we both get our jackets off.

"I should prepare myself for you grabbing me then shouldn't I?"

"You might want to." He reaches out, pulling me to him. I squeak as he does so and the next thing I know, we're laying on the bed and he wraps his arms around me. "Not moving."

"I didn't think so."

"We would stay this way forever if we could."

"I wouldn't complain."

"I didn't think you would."

"I never complain when it comes to you."

"You don't actually." He chuckles. "Love you." He kisses me quick. "Love you too."

"And proof of that is wearing this necklace every day." I add.

"I see that and I'm glad you love it so much."

"I really do."


"Makes me wonder what you have in mind for my birthday gift."

"I have a few things in mind." He grins. "No hints either."


"You'll survive. I want you to be totally surprised."

"Right, of course."

"I still have months to plan anyway."


He nuzzles my neck, running his fingers through my hair. "You know what that does to me."

"I just like playing with it. I can stop if you want me to."

"No no. You don't have to. I'm just saying. It's calming anyway."

"Good. I want you to be as relaxed as possible."

"That's the goal." He keeps running them through my hair until I'm relaxed enough.

"Have I told you that you're amazing?"

"You have, everyday."

"Just making sure."

"I'll never be as amazing as you. You're beyond perfect."


"That's how I see you in my eyes."

"Well you're perfect in my eyes too."

"I do my best."

"And your best is good enough."

"Like it should be."


"You want to nap or watch TV until we have to get ready?"

"I think TV will be good. Although I'm not sure what there is to watch exactly."

"We can find a movie or something." He reaches for the remote.

"Right." I nod. He turns on the TV then looks for a movie. Once he finds one, he sets the remote down. He pulls me back closer to him while we both watch the movie.