Status: Active

The Chance of a Lifetime

Raw In Birmingham, England Part Two

I actually managed to stay awake for the rest of the day, but he was the one to doze off. Once I felt a change of breathing, I look up to see him passed out and I couldn't help but laugh a bit. I waited until the last possible moment to wake him up. When I try to, I end up getting pulled closer, and his grip tightens around me. "Alex..." I laugh, running my fingers through his hair. " have to wake up." All he does is mumble, deciding not to wake up yet. I decide to let him sleep and manage to get out of his grip so I can start to get ready. The most I do is fix my clothes up and my hair, and just put makeup on. Once I'm done with that, I walk out to get my bag together.

"...Shauna..." Alex mumbles, reaching for me on the bed.

"I'm getting my things ready to go."

"Already?" He rubs his eyes.

"Yeah, instead of me, it was you who passed out. Sleepyhead."

"I didn't even think I was that tired. Must have just hit me."

"You must've needed it."

"I guess so." He sits up, stretching.

"Feel better?"

"I do, much better."

"Good." He gets off the bed, coming over to me, giving me a kiss before going to his bags to get everything ready for the night. I was done before him, so I went over and sat on the edge of the bed while I watched him. “Like what you see?” He grins.

"Well you are wearing the jeans I love so yes."

"I had a feeling." He chuckles, wiggling his butt a bit before standing.

"Trying to kill me?"

"I don't know...did it work?"


"Maybe?" He turns around doing it again.

"Do you want me to jump you?"

"If we had more time then yes." He grins. "You know I love to tease you."


"You ready or are we not going to be leaving right now?"

"I'm ready. And I already told Mike while you were passed out when we want our match."

"Alright." He nods. "Shall we?" He holds out his hand.

"Yes we shall." I take his hand and lace my fingers with his. I do a quick check of the room then head out to the elevators. Once there, we take that down to the lobby then head to the car. We put our things in the back then get in and head for the arena. Stef and Mike had already gotten ready and were on their way there as well. "So they want to start the show off, get the match done and over with."

"I don't blame them. I just wish we didn't have to wait until the end. Gives him more time to plan."

"I know."

"I hope we don't have to see any of them until the match. Today has been good and I don't want them to ruin it."

"I'll try my hardest to keep them away from us."

"I know you will, but being the GM they will make some excuse to come see you."

"Right, I know."

"I say from now on, they have to make an appointment to see you if it's not scripted."

"That's actually a good idea."

"I'm just full of them." I grin. "Plus...we'll get more alone time that way." She winks.

"Very true."

"Although, after tonight we won't have to worry about that."

"No we won't."

"I'm more excited about that then actually getting to beat up Ziggler."

"Of course you are."

"The night is definitely going to drag...I just know it." She groans.

"Most likely."

"Even the drive seems like it's taking forever."

"We're almost there."


"I say about a few more minutes and we should be there."

"I can't wait until we get there and I know you can't either...touchy."

"That's right." He chuckles.

"And it's not even a dress this time." She chuckles as well.

"It doesn't have to be." He grins.

"Of course it doesn't."

"I'm touchy with you in general."

"Gee, I wonder why..." She says more than asks.

"Oh you know why."

"Enlighten me."

"Well first of all, sometimes it's the perfume you wear."

"I only wear what you like."

"I like everything."

"Judging by how many I have, I would think so." I laugh.

"That and your clothes."

"You do pick them all so I can see why they are too."

"Well of course."

"Anything else or is that all you got?"

"Your scented lip glosses."

"How well I know about that. It's hard to keep it on around you."

"They're all just so good."

"Like you say all the time."

"Because it's true."

"Of course it is."

"Can you really blame me?"

"No. They do taste really good." She rubs her lips together, licking them.

"Which one are you wearing tonight?" He asks curious.


"Well I can't wait to taste that soon."

"Hmm...should I let you though?" She teases.

"I think you should."

"We'll see when we get there." She smirks.

"Yes we will." He soon pulls into the parking lot, finding a place to park. They get out, get their things from the back, then head inside to his locker room or well, office. Once there, they set their bags down and she turns to see him with that look on his face. "I know that look..." She slowly backs away from him, taking off her jacket to reveal the one shoulders top that he loves so much.

"Do you now?"

"I do...that's the look that means I should run."

"Oh there will be no running away from me." She looks at the door, then back at him before smiling sweetly and taking off for the door.

"Uh uh.." He says, quickly catching her.


"I'm afraid so." He chuckles.

"It's fun to tease you."

"I know it is."

"What's you plan now, hmm?"

"You're not moving for a while."

"Not even to the couch?"

"You're staying in my arms as I bring you over there."

"You've just got everything covered, don't you?"

"Yes I do." He grins. He then scoops her up in his arms, carrying her to the couch. Once he sits, he holds her on his lap so she can't move. "Not moving."

"By the hold you have, I didn't think so."

"What do you say we look over the script for tonight?"

"We can do that." She nods. He grabs it off the table next to the couch and hands it to her to hold while they both look through it. They look to see that my tag match with Alex is first, a promo, Drew in a match against Zack, Dolph and Wade promo, then another match.

"Seems like a good show."

"It does. So far on interruptions."

"Right." He nods.

"I do believe I owe you something though."

"I believe so."

"Hmm..." She purses her lips. " torture you or not..." She brushes her lips over his then pulls away.

"You're torturing..."

"Do something about it then..."

"I'm plotting..." He smirks.

"That's never good..."

"I'll get you when you least expect it."

"You always do."

"Because it's fun that way."

"For you it is."

"Yes, yes it is."

"Every time."

"So you're gonna have to wait and find out what I do."

"Awww." She pouts.

"You'll survive."

"Then you'll have to wait too."

"Hmmm...I believe I can."

"If you say so..."

"I can try anyway..."


"Let's just hope we have no interruptions. Un-scripted anyway."


"Maybe locking the door would be a good idea."

"It would, but you have to let me go to do that."

"It would only be for a second."

"You're the one that doesn't want me to move silly."

"Hmmm....I think I'm ready for that marshmallow now." He grins with that look in his eyes.

"It's all yours." He smirks and this time wastes no time in pressing her lips to hers. Since he caught her off guard with the intensity of the kiss, it took her a bit to kiss back. Once she does, she kisses him back with as much intensity as he's kissing her while her fingers run through his hair. With his free hand that wasn't wrapped around, he started to make it wander, making it very clear where he was moving it to. She tries to prepare herself for what's coming and he knows that so he waits a bit before making his move. At the same time, when he takes her bottom lip between his teeth, he squeezes down on her thigh. She makes a soft noise, trying not to make it too loud since there wasn't much privacy. He smirks and lets her lip go, then goes back to getting the lip gloss off, which was his goal. The kiss picks up and becomes more rough the more he tries to take it off. He squeezes her thigh once more, a loud moan being muffled into the kiss. Once he feels that he's gotten all the lip gloss off, that's when he pulls away, but leaves the kiss lingering, his hand remaining to rest on her thigh.

"...every time..." She says breathlessly.

"It's fun for me."

"Way to much fun."

"You get me back though."

"Oh I will too." She smirks.

"Let me guess...catch me off guard too?"

"You'll know. It won't be until much later."

"I can't prepare can I?"

"Probably not."

"Oh darn."

"You'll enjoy it." She kisses him quick.

"Always do."

"I do aim to please so..." She smirks.

"So do I."

"You always do, trust me."

"I know." He grins.

"That's why I love you so very much." She rubs her nose against his.

“I love you too.” He steals a kiss.

"I believe the show is gonna start soon."

"Good, but no distracting. I want to see the first match."

"Right, I know that."

"I can't wait to see Shauna mess Eve up...again." I grin evilly.

"I can tell." He chuckles.

"It's going to be gooood."

"Which is why I booked it."

"Perfect thinking."

"Why thank you."

"You're very welcome."

"But yes, I will stop being all distracting while you're watching the match."

"You're such a good boy." She jokes.

"I try."

"Because you know what you get if you're good."

"Yes, yes I do."

"Good. You just might get that later." She grins.

"I shall behave then."

"I know you will."

In the meantime, after having gotten ready for the match, Alex and I headed to the curtain to wait. While we were waiting for the show to start, Eve and Wade had walked up, Alex holding me closer to him.

"Good....keep me held back. I don't want to go crazy on either one of them....yet."

"You'll get your chance in the ring. I just don't want him near you right now."

"I wouldn't be surprised if she moved on from trying to flirt with you to him." I mumble.

"Let her. I don't care."

"Neither do I, I'm just saying."

"If she does let me know...I'll only be looking at you."

"Touche." Soon the intro for Raw starts, the pryos and everything, Cole and Jerry introducing the show. There was no hype for the match really since it was opening it, but they did hype Stef's tag team match with Mike against Ziggler and Alicia. Once that was all done, our match was announced, Eve heading out first. As she walked by, she gave Alex a flirty look.

"Guess I was wrong...unless she's trying to flirt with both of you." I mumble as I give her a death glare.

"Probably that."

"Well just for that flirty look, she's in for it....even worse than before." I growl, my hands balling up into fists.

"Good. Channel all that for the match."

"I'll even take all that anger out on Wade too if I have to."

"Go for it."

"I'm thinking at some point maybe you distract the ref and I hit Wade with another low blow like I did the first time." I smirk evilly, as we watch him go out next.

"I'll do my very best for you." He grins.

"I know you will." I lean up and kiss him quick. Once they were in the ring, Alex's theme hit and he headed out. When he was halfway down the ramp, my theme hit and I headed out as well. Just to piss off both Eve and Wade at the same time, I make sure to give Alex a lingering kiss when I reach him, before we enter the ring. They both glare at the both of us, Eve trying to come after me right away, the ref holding her back. All I can do is laugh, while we get into the ring and stand up in the corners and raise the titles in the air to show that we're the champions and not Eve and Wade. The ref takes the titles and hands them off while I get ready to face Eve. While I lean against the corner, waiting for the bell, Alex stands on the outside and says words of encouragement in my ear. The bell rings and I push myself out of the corner, me and Eve meeting in the middle of the ring. She ends up getting in my face like always and shoves me so hard that I end up backing up into the ropes, and then she proceeds to laugh about it.

"Laugh now. You won't be when I'm done." I wait for her to turn around, and when she does I superkick her in the face. She ends up clutching her face as she quickly rolls out of the ring. "Wuss." I mutter, rolling out of the ring after her. But just at that time, Wade hops down and walks over, standing in front of her, protecting her. "Get out of my way!" I scream at him. "If I don't?" He smugly says. I go to slap him, but he grabs my arm and stops that. I go to kick him where I know it'll hurt, but he grabs my leg with his other hand, so now I only have one arm free and one leg free. "I don't think so."

"I do." I smirk as Alex comes up behind him and hits him from behind so he has to let me go. At this point Eve had gotten back into the ring, and when I go to get back in, she comes over and kicks me off the side so I fall back down to the floor.

"Come on Shauna..." Stef bites her lip, tapping her knee.

"Don't worry, she's got this." Mike reassures Stef.

"I's just...nerve racking." She follows me out of the ring this time and comes around to me as I start to get up. Then she takes me and slams my face onto the top off the barricade before spearing me into the side of the ring and I fall to the ground clutching my face with one hand and my other was holding my back. "You can get through this Shauna. Come on. Get up. Come tag me." Alex encourages from his corner. She helps me up this time and throws me back into the ring, and slides in herself. She goes for the cover, but I kick out. That's when I reach for Alex so I can get a break and rest. Eve grabs my foot, trying to pull me to the center of the ring. I roll on my back, using my foot and all my strength to kick her away then making the tag. And because he's in, Wade has to come in and he does. Alex takes him down with a couple clotheslines, and follows those up with a standing dropkick. That sends Wade into the corner and Alex hits him with an elbow, and then climbs to the top and goes to hit Wade with the signature 10 punches to the head, but at about 6 Wade pushes him off. "That's alright. You got him enough. Keep up the pace. Slow him down!"

And course Eve tells me to shut up with the cheering for Alex. That sort of acts as a distraction and Wade ends up taking control of the match from there. Eve smirks over at me, cheering for Wade doing her little dance on the apron. That's when I notice Wade moving the elbow pad down and I start to get worried since Alex is getting to his feet and getting ready to turn around.* "Don't turn around!" *He's just so out of it, he can't really hear me because of the crowd and he starts to turn around. That's when I rush in and as Wade was going to hit him with his elbow, I grab a hold of Wade's arm, stopping him.

"Bloody hell!" Wade growls, trying to push me away. The ref tries to pull me off Wade's arm and it's not working. That's when Eve comes in and tackles me and we go rolling out of the ring, and we fight out there. Wade is distracted by it and that allows Alex to recover a bit and when Wade turns around he's hit with a spear by Alex. He then gets Wade on his shoulders and hits him with his finisher. Eve finally realizes what's happening and tries to break up the pin as Alex goes for it. I grab her by the feet and hold her as she clings to the bottom rope, making her watch as Alex wins the match for us. I let Eve fall, making sure she hit hard before sliding into the ring to celebrate with Alex. The ref raises our hands in victory before going over and getting our titles to hand back to us. While he does that I hug Alex and basically cling to him because if I hadn't stopped Wade, Alex would be out and quite possibly hurt.

"You did amazing and thank you for stopping him."

"He would've hurt you much more than he hurts others, I had to."

"No matter how bad he hurt me, he wouldn't be any closer to getting to you, trust me."

"He would've been if he had knocked you out. You know what that move does to people."

"I do, but all you had to do was run to the back and find Mike. Wade can't touch you. He's get in trouble."

"I know, but there's always that thought in the back of my mind that he'll get away with it someday."

"Not on Mike's show he won't. We'll talk to Vince and have him do something."

"I suppose we can." He gives me a quick kiss before we both go off and celebrate a bit more, raising our titles in the air. When we're done with that, we both head up the ramp and to the back. "I think they hate each other." I laugh as we hear Eve and Wade arguing about the match since they had went to the back before us. "It sure sounds that way."

"Oh well."

"Too bad for them." He chuckles.

"Aww don't work well together? Sucks for you." I remark, loud enough for them to hear when we pass them. "You little-" Eve starts, but Alex and I turn the corner. "I can't wait until I'm done with her. There's only so many rematches for the title Mike will let her have."

"I have a feeling that she's not going to get anymore. Mike seems tired of it too."

"I think we're all tired of it."

"We all are and I think that's why Mike denied her."

"True. I either want to face the winner of a number one contender's battle royal or face someone who can beat me in a non-title match. Since that's how it normally goes for title matches."

"Right. We can talk to Mike and see what he has to say about it too."

"And we can do that later. I just want to rest after the hits I took out there."

"Of coure." He nods. "Ice?"

"That would help, yes."

"Lets go get that then."

I nod and we head that way. When we get there, we head in and ask for ice. "You need any? Or are you okay?" I ask.

"I'm good for now. Some aspirin might be need later though."

"Good thing I carry that around with me all the time."

"I know you do and that's why I don't need it right this second."

"Right." I nod as I'm handed a bag of ice. Once I have that, we head back to our locker room to rest of the show.

"Much better."

"Good. If you need any help with sore spots, let me know."

"Of course."

"Now to see what we missed, if anything."

"Probably not much. Was most likely a break from the time we left to now."

"Right. That's not too bad."

"Probably nothing too special is next though. I do want to stay to the end definitely."

"Of course. Totally understandable."

"So no being distracting during that."

"I'll do my best."

"You probably will anyway once the ice melts and the sore spots come back."

"I'll try to make it so you can focus. I know how much you want to see that match."

"I really do."

"Then I won't keep you from watching it."

"Maybe if I'm feeling better before then you can have a bit of distracting fun then."

"Oh I really hope you feel better."

"We'll see once the ice melts." I kiss him quick.


"I'm just glad my nose didn't end up bleeding."

"Now that would have set me off."

"It hurt at the time, but it's just sore right now."

"We should have gotten it looked at while we were at the trainers." He checks it for any bruising.

"I'm sure I'm fine."

"I know, but it doesn't look broken or anything so you should be good."

"Just have to be careful when you go to kiss me."

"I will."

"Good." The show comes back and they replay highlights of our tag match then hype the main event again. "I can't believe she stopped that elbow." Stef remarks as they had shown that in the replay.

"That was impressive. I knew she could do a lot, but that was something I did not know."

"She could've gotten hurt though."

"She knew what she was doing. I did give her clearance to do things like that."


"I really don't want to watch this next match though. Looks boring."

"I do have to pay attention to a point. Being the GM and all."

"You can, I'll just lay here and rest my eyes for a bit."

"If you doze off you want me to wake you? Or let you sleep?"

"It's up to you. I don't mind either way."

"I'll figure it out when it happens."

"Alright." She nods, resting her head on his shoulder. She then closes her eyes to rest them whle he pays attention to the match that had just started. The match was a long and interesting one to Mike, but not Stef since she kept her eyes closed the whole time. She managed to stay awake, just resting for now. "Still with me?" He chuckles.


"You seem pretty tired though. I think after our match and when we go back, it's straight to bed for you."

"I'm fine. It's just the whole time change. I'm not used to it."

"I don't think anyone really gets used to it."

"True, but I should be fine."

"Alright." He nods.

"When's the that segment going to happen in here again?"

"Let me check again." He says, grabbing the script and looking through it. "Looks like right now." He says.

" we have to move." She pouts.

"Unfortunately." She groans, moving from his lap and sitting at the far end of the couch while he looks over some papers so things don't look suspicious. After a few moments, there's a knock on the door shockingly. He gets up and goes to answer the door.

“Can I help you?” He asks after seeing who it is.

"Just want to have a talk with the GM, is that alright?"

"I suppose. Come on in." He opens the door, stepping aside. "So what is it you want? Even though I'm sure I already know."

"Alright, you do know what I want, but this time I'm begging you. Give me one more chance and I know I can beat her this time and I'll stop bugging you about it."

"Eve, you've had plenty of chances already. And I'm pretty sure you blew them all."

"Oh come on Mike. You know I can beat her. I was just...not myself all those other times. This time I know I'll be ready."

"Don't try to turn this around. You were ready all those times, because otherwise I wouldn't have booked you in those matches."

"No no no. You didn't hear me right. I was ready, but my mind was somewhere else. I was so focused on getting something I wanted, I did not see the big picture. I promise this time I'll give it my all." She begs. "Please?" She starts to act flirty with him, batting her eyes.

"Really? You're gonna try that on me? Really?"

"I've seen and heard enough." Stef grumbles, getting off the couch. "Eve, you need to get out of here. He told you no, now just drop it and leave. He has got better things to do then deal with the likes of you." She looks at her disgusted.

"I don't think I was talking to you, was I? No. Stay out of this, it does not concern you."

"Torres, that's enough. You're not getting another title shot. Not for a while. Now next week I'm holding a battle royal to determine the next number one contender. And to make it fair, you're not going to be in the match. In fact, you can have the night off next Monday."

"What?!" She exclaims. "That is just not fair!"

"It is fair. Other girls deserve that chance. It's not all about you anymore. You can't flirt your way out of this one."

"That...I...whatever." She rolls her eyes, storming out of the room.

“Oh the nerve of her.” Stef shakes in anger.

"Thinks she can get what she wants by batting those eyelashes of hers. Doesn't work with me. Not by a long shot."

"Only one person can get away with that and we both know how it is." Stef grins.

"Yes we do."

"Can we go back to cuddling now? I really need it."

"You and I both need it, so yes."

"Yayy." She smiles as his arms go around her, taking her back to the couch, sitting like they were before.

"Now let's hope this next match is long, before Wade and Dolph come in here. I already know Wade's gonna complain about the tag match and how it ended." Mike rolls his eyes.

"I'm so not waiting for that."

"And them most likely Dolph is gonna brag about how he's gonna win the match against us tonight and blah blah blah."

"Ugh." She rolls her eyes. "If he does, can I slap him?"

"If he says something that's rude to you, or something you find rude, then yes."

"That shouldn't be a problem then." She laughs.

"Of course not." He chuckles.

"Everything he says I find rude. It usually is when he talks about you."

"Because he thinks he's better than everyone."

"He couldn't be more wrong. No one is better than you." She kisses him quick.


"This looks like it's going to be a long one. All the talking."

"I know."

"Just gives all the more time to cuddle."

"Yes it does." He grins.

"It looks like you need it more than I did." She chuckles since his hold on her was tight.

"Just a bit."

"Well, I right here and not going anywhere. I'm all yours."

"And I'm all yours."

"Exactly like it should be."

"And always will be."

"Good." She lays her head on his shoulder. "I don't want anyone but you." She mumbles.

"How well I know."

"Mhm." She nuzzles his neck, lightly kissing it.

"You prove that every day."

"I'll continue to do that too."

"So will I."

"Love you."

"Love you to. More than you'll ever know."

"I have a pretty good idea of how much."

"Do you now?"

"I do." She nods. "You treat me like I'm the only girl in the world and you're so good to me. I know that you truly care about me."

"I really do."

"The way you hold me like you never want to let go says enough."

"You're just that special to me."

"I don't know how or why, but I'm glad I am. You're just as special to me."

"Words can't explain how special you are to me, you just are."

"You don't know how happy that makes me either."

"I have a pretty good idea." He nods.

"I'm sure you do."

"You should be happy all the time."

"When I'm with you, I'm as happy as I could ever be."

"I feel the same way."

"Good. You should be happy too."

"I'm very happy. Happier than I ever have been."

"That was my goal."

"My goal is to make you happy every day. And I accomplish that goal every day."

"Yes you do."

"Which I'm glad I'm able to do."

"You did even before we met. All I had to do was look at your picture and I was happy."


"Whenever things were tough, I would just look at...your poster..." She mumbles. "...and I would be just fine."

"That's sweet." He grins.

"You just have that kind of magic."

"It seems so."

"And it seems that the match is now over too."

"The other two didn't help Drew did they?" He turns to look at the screen for any sign of Dolph or Wade.

"Wade's probably crying in the corner that he lost tonight and Dolph is probably to busy dying his hair...again."

"True." Mike chuckles.

"And we have to move again...I know."

"One kiss before we do though?"

"Of course." She grins, pressing her lips to his. He makes sure to have the kiss last, not letting her pull away just yet. She smiles, letting him lead, only stopping when he wants to. "We'll leave our very best kiss for when we win." He smirks, after he pulls away.

"I already planned on that." She smirks. He kisses her quick once more before she moves to sit on the other side of the couch, while he focuses on the TV, watching the replay of the match that just ended. Once that was over, there was a knock on the door. As much as she didnd't want him to open the door, he head to do it.

“What do you both want?” He asks after opening the door.

"Well I want to talk about our match....GM." Dolph remarks, walking in.

What's to talk about and I did not say you could just walk into my office like that."

"Well we do have to talk about my match I had out there." Wade adds as he walks in too.

"There's nothing to talk about. You lost your match. It was a fair match. I saw the whole thing. And don't even try to tell me you want another title shot because you're done with them. You get no more. As for you Dolph..." Mike looks a Dolph. "...hey! I'm over here!" He turns Dolph around from staring at Stef. "There is nothing more to talk about. You both just need to leave my office."

"If we don't want to?"

"Then you both can just go home and we'll have that tag match at another time. How about that?"

"And what'll be the main event of the night then huh?"

"Hmm...maybe for the first time ever, the Divas will have that spot. I have no problem with that and I'm sure the fans wouldn't mind either."

"But I deserve to be in that main event. You know it, I know it, the whole WWE Universe knows it. You take that away from me, I will make your job very hard for you." Dolph threatens.

"Yeah...I'm real scared of some bleach blonde noddle haired pretty boy. There is no way I'm going to give you want you want if you don't stop looking at her. She's not the GM, I am. So you look at me when I'm speaking to you. If you want that main event you'll get out of my office right now."

"Alright. Fine. We're going."

"Oh and by the Wade. I hope you relay this message to Drew. You and him are banned from ringside."

"Whot?" Wade turns around not happy, his accent more thick.

"You heard me. I want this match to be fair. So I don't want you two there trying to help him and Alicia win."

"We wouldn't even think of doing that. He can do it on his own. We all can win on our own."

"Uh huh. I'll believe it when I see it. You're still banned from ringside."

"That might just be something that you'll regret." He looks Mike in the eye, Dolph smirking at Stef before they both leave.

Once the cameraman leaves, Stef and Mike are both in the clear. "Psh. Doesn't scare me."

"Yeah...not one bit." She says, trying to cover up being nervous.

"You okay?"

"Me? I'm just fine." She fakes a smile.

"Stef....I've known you long enough to know when you're trying to hide something. Tell me what's wrong."

"Just...they way he said it and they way Dolph was looking at creeped me out." She bites her lip, trying to hold back tears.

"May end up hiring extra security then. Will that help you feel better?"

"It might." She nods slightly.

"I'll do that then."

"Alright." She lowly says.

"I'll talk to some people before we go out there."

"That sounds good."

"Have them come out after us and guard the stage."

"That would make me feel a lot better, only if you're able to do that though."

"I'm the GM, I can have anything happen if it involves the safety of any of my talent, including you."

"Then I feel a bit better already."

"Good. Because your safety is a lot more important to me."

"Always is." She smiles slightly. "But, you know what would make me feel even better?"


"You over here holding me."

"You don't have to tell me twice." He grins, walking back over and sitting on the couch, pulling her over so she's sitting on his lap.

"So much better." She sighs in content, leaning into him.

"As it should be."


"Now we have the rest of the time to ourselves until the match."


"Just like you."

"Awe Mike." She blushes

"And that's the honest truth."

"I'm far from perfect, but I know that to you I am."

"That's exactly right."

"Just like you're perfect to me in every way."

"Oh I know I am."

"Of course you do." She laughs.

"You know it, I know it, everyone knows it." He chuckles.

"I do know all to well. More so than others."

"Well I would hope so."

"Trust me, I do."


"I believe you do have a show to watch now."


"Hopefully things will go quick so we can have our match and get out of here."

"Let's hope so." She nods, laying her head on his shoulder while he holds her as tight as he can, his hand running up and down her back soothingly to calm her more.

"Relaxed now?"

"I am. Much more than before."

"My plan is working then."

"It always does."

"Because I know what I'm doing."

"You do and I love you for that."

"Love you too." The rest of the show went pretty good and he was happy with most of it. It got down to the match before theirs and they decided to go get changed. Since he was done before she was, he made his way over to her and was being as touchy as he could be. “Mike, if you don't stop we're going to be late.” She giggles.

"The GM can be as late as he wants to be."

"You would use that excuse." She laughs, trying to lace up her boots.

"It's true afterall." He chuckles.

"I'm sure it is, but you don't want to keep the fans waiting, do you?"

"No, not really. I wouldn't be a good GM if I did that."

"No, plus you get to see this all the time anyway." She grins. "Maybe even later tonight." She winks.

"Well I'll have to behave then won't I?"

"Yes, yes you will."

"I'll try."

"You do that." She chuckles. "I know for a fact it'll be hard." She runs her hand down his chest then walks out of the room like she always does to tease him.

"Only because you make it hard."

"That's my job."

"That's my job too you know."

"I know, but you're wearing a shirt right now so it's easy for me."

"Of course it is." He comes back into the room, sitting next to her on the couch.

"You're too far away."

"I'm good." She leans against the couch just to torture him.

"I don't think so."

"Then fix it." She half smiles, looking out the corner of her eye.

"You really shouldn't have said that..." He smirks.

She squeals when he reaches over, pulling her onto his lap.

"You so would."

"Yes I would."

"You're just so clingy tonight, not that I mind."

"You never mind." He chuckles.

"Only because it's you clinging to me."

"Which I'm gonna keep doing for a very long time."

"The only thing I love more than that, is you."

"As you tell me all the time."

"It's nothing but the truth."

Once the match was over, they both took that as their cue to move in order to head out. As they walk, all the extra people he called walked with them. When they got to the curtain, Dolph and Alicia were already there waiting. They pay no mind to either one of them, keeping focused on the match ahead. Mike rubs her shoulders to help keep her loose for the match. It's not too long until Alicia and Dolph get the cue to head out.

"Thank god they're gone...for now."

"True, but now you'll be able to do what you want to them."

"And I can't wait."

"Now's your chance." He grins just as his theme goes off, them heading out. Of course the crowd just boos them both, but that doesn't phase them the least bit at all. They head to the ring, Mike doing his usual entrance while she hops up onto the apron doing her poses. When he's done doing that, he holds the ropes for her then gets in himself with this title on his shoulder. They both do the usual once they're in the ring, before hopping down from the corners and Mike hands off his title to the ref, who hands it off to an attendant ringside. They talk about who would go first after the ref signaled for the bell and since Dolph was eager to get his hands on Mike, he attacked him from behind, them starting the match while Stef got out and stood in the corner.

"Coward move Dolph, coward move!" She taunts him. All he does is smirk, continuing to beat down on Mike. "Come on Mike!" He grabs Mike by the hair and helps him up, then looks over to Steg and gives her a look. He gets distracted and Mike kicks his leg out so Dolph falls to his knees and then Mike hits him with his signature DDT. "There you go! Teach him a lesson!" Mike goes for an early cover, but Dolph kicks out at two. Once Dolph gets to his feet, Mike gets him in a headlock. He looks to Stef seeing if she wants in. She nods, holding out her hand for him to tag her. He grins and drags Dolph over, and then tags Stef in. He makes sure to hold Dolph so she can do what she wants until Alicia feels like she needs to come in. All Stef does is slap Dolph across the face, then steps back so she's able to use her leg to kick him in the chest a few times.

"That's for messing with me!" She yells at him, slapping him again. Mike's on the outside of the ropes and he's laughing. As Dolph rolls out of the ring, that's when Alicia comes in and goes to clothesline her, but she ducks and decides to bounce off the ropes and hit her with a hard shoulderblock.

"That's a girl! Just like I showed you."

Alicia just gets up again, so Stef hits her with a shoulderblock for a 2nd time. She comes off the ropes again only for Alicia to move over onto her stomach so she has to hop over her. Alicia gets to her feet and she leapfrogs over Stef when she comes back. Stef however holds onto the ropes that last time and when Alicia comes over to her, she lifts her up and sends her falling to the outside. She slides out of the ring, going after her. She picks her up then starts to run her back into the side of the ring a few times before throwing her back in. Stef starts to head back into the ring, until she feels someone grab her foot, preventing her from moving. She looks behind her to see that it's Dolph. "Get off!" She shouts, trying to kick him away. Mike jumps down from where he was standing and storms over to him and starts a fight with him on the outside, causing Dolph to let her go. However that was a distraction so Alicia had dropkicked Stef off the side of the ring. Mike pushes Dolph away then comes over to Stef. "You alright?" He asks, concerned.

"I'm fine." She slowly gets up with his help. As he helps her up and back over to the ring, Dolph charges at him. He moves Stef out of the way quickly and moves himself, sending Dolph into the steel steps.

"That was close." She mumbles.

"Do your worst to her. Leave Dolph to me. I'll keep him on the outside and when you tag me in we'll win this thing easy."

"Got it." She nods, climbing back on the side of the ring. Alicia thinks she can knock her off the side again, but she moves out of the way as she goes through the ropes, and then she kicks Alicia in the shoulder. She then uses the ropes as leverage and launches herself up and over the top and comes down on Alicia's back with both of her feet, hopping down afterwards. "You think I'm stupid?! I'm way smarter than you!" She yells, slapping the back of her head. She then grabs her by the hair and makes sure to slam her back onto the apron hard. She helps her up and then does the same thing, except her nose bounces off the apron. She then sees the perfect opportunity to use what Mike taught her, and that was the crossface submission move that he uses from time to time. The more pressure she applies, the more she screams. "Tap out! Tap!" She yells. She was near the ropes, so Dolph manages to get up and grab Alicia's foot and pull her out of the ring, and causes Stef to let her go and move so she don't get pulled out as well.

"Oh hell no." She grumbles, and goes over to tag in Mike.

"Go get that win for us." I add.

"Will do." He nods.

She gives him a knowing look then gets out of the ring, standing back in their corner. He hops down and grabs Dolph, throwing him back into the ring and following him.

"Come on, come on, come on. We do got this!" After a few kicks and punches, he throws Dolph into the corner and he hits hard. Mike then backs up into the opposite corner and when he's ready, he runs towards Dolph and hits him with the corner clothesline. He follows that up by climbing to the top and then hitting him with a double axhandle. He doesn't stop there however. He stands behind him and waits for the right moment as Dolph get to his feet. When he does, Mike grabs him and puts him into position and then delivers the Skull Crushing Finale, going for the pin. Alicia tries to come in and break up the pin, but the ref counts too fast so she doesn't make it in time.

"Yess!" Stef jumps up and down as his theme goes off. She then gets in the ring so they both can get their hands raised. After that, Mike takes his title and she celebrates with him in the ring, giving Dolph enough time to come to, so he could see what's gonna happen next as she and Mike meet in the middle of the ring. "Ready?" He asks with a smirk.

"Ready." She smirks back. He puts his hand around her waist, pulling her closer, then his hand goes behind her head while his lips meet hers. Her arms go around his neck as she kisses back, giving him her best kiss. Of course along with the crowd, Cole and Jerry are freaking out as well. Dolph is awake enough to have left the ring and he stares on with a not so happy look on his face. They keep going until Mike decides to pull away. Once they do, they see Dolph with a sour look on his face. "Awe...too bad." She fake pouts, mocking him.

"Everyone knows now."

"Finally. Now we don't have to hide anymore."

"Not at all."

"Let the rumors and talking begin."

"And we know what's the truth and what isn't."

"Exactly." She nods. "Haters gonna hate."

"Story of my life." He chuckles.

"Now it's the story of ours." She chuckles as well.

"They're just jealous and wish they were us. Tough luck for them they're not."

"They'll never be us either."

"Nope. Never."

"Now how about we get out of here?"

"Yes, let's go." She nods, heading for the ropes. He holds them open for her, and lets her exit the ring first, before he follows her, and they both head to the back.

"Well, that was worth staying for." I remark once the show ends.

"It sure was."

"Now we can get out of here and back to the hotel."

"Right after we change. You're the one who didn't want to move since our match goof."

"Oh, right." He chuckles. "My bad."

"Uh huh.."

"I was to comfy and didn't feel like moving."

"You're like that all the time."

"I can't help it. You help me feel that way."

"Oh, I know."

"I suppose I can let you go so we can get changed."

"I think that would be the best thing to do."

He whines a bit, letting me go so I we can both change.

"Just remember. The sooner we change, the sooner we get to leave and be in our room back at the hotel."


"So that means no being touchy while we're in there. You can get carried away sometimes."

"I know and I'll behave."


We both then head into the changing area so we can get changed. He manages to behave no matter how much of an urge he got to be touchy. We both got changed and put everything back into our bags and headed back out into the main area of the locker room. We both packed up what we had out there, then headed out to the car, fingers laced. Before we even get into the car, I try to hide the yawn I feel coming.

"Someone's tired."

"It's the time zones. I'm still not used to it."

"It does take some getting used to. It's right to bed when we get back."

"Not complaining here."

"Didn't think so." He chuckles as we reach the car.

"I'll drive since you're so tired." He adds, as he helps me into the car.

"Alright." I nod, getting in.

"You can sleep on the way back too if you want."

"I think I can stay awake, but thank you."

"Just looking out for you."

“I know and I appreciate that very much.”

"You're very welcome." He nods, closing my door and going around the the other side. He gets in the car and settled then starts the car. Once he's ready he heads back for the hotel. I do manage to stay awake on the way back, but not without the yawning every so often. He keeps looking over at me, chucking at how I'm fighting sleep. Soon he pulls into the parking lot of the hotel then parks the car. We both get out, getting our things from the back and heading in, me leaning against his side.

"I think this would be a lot easier if I carried you." He suggests.

"If you can carry me and the bags at the same time, go for it."

"Doubting my strength?" He chuckles.

"No, I just know you're tired and sore too."

"I can handle it. Don't worry. I've been through worse matches, you've seen them."

"I have." I cringe at the memories.

"I'm fully capable of carrying you and our bags."

"If you insist." I hand him my bag before he scoops me up.

"See? Piece of cake."

"I see." I laugh slightly, laying my head on his shoulder. We don't have to wait long for the elevator, and once the doors open, he steps onto it. I reach down and press the button for our floor, and then once the doors close we head up. On the way up, I dozed off for a bit but when the elevator dinged at our floor, I woke back up. "....falling asleep..." I mumble. "Almost there." He says, stepping out of the elevator then heading to the room. I nod as I cling to him, hiding my face in his neck. It doesn't take him long to reach the room and when he does, he's able to get the door open with no problem. Once in, he sets our bags by the door then takes me over to the bed, laying me down. "I'll find something for you change into." He tells me, going over to my things. I nod, too tired to say anything. He goes through until he finds something he likes and then he comes back over to me. "Found something."

"...okay..." I sit up slightly, starting to get undressed. While I do that, he too gets ready for bed himself. Takes him shorter time than me and I feel the bed sink in behind me as I'm sitting there. "Need help?" He asks.

"I think I got it. But thank you for offering."

"You're welcome."

I manage to get undressed and then into what he picked out. Then almost instantly I was under the blankets. He pulls me over to him so I'm laying on his chest. "Time to sleep." He kisses the top of my head. I just mumble something as I snuggle closer to him. He smiles to himself, his hand starting to run through my hair while his other runs up and down my back. And of course like always, it doesn't take long for me to fall asleep after that. When he notices a change in my breathing, he stops, his arms wrapping around me. He watches me for a bit before going to sleep himself. Meanwhile, Mike and Stef had just gotten to their room and surprisingly she was still awake. "You're still awake. But I can see you wanting to doze. Someone's getting tired."

"I'm tired, but not that tired. You know me and fighting my sleep."

"And you know my tactic to help you no longer fight sleep."

"I do...all to well." She stifles a yawn.

"Looks like I may have to use it."

"You just might...after I get changed."

That's right. I almost forgot."

"You always do." She chuckles. "I'm assuming you want to pick out what I wear?"


"Go right ahead."

He grins and walks over to her things, looking through for something he likes. Since she put everything that he likes near the top, it doesn't take him long to find something. "That one again? I think I'm going to have to get more."

"It's my favorite."

"I know. You have me wear it almost every night."

"Yes, I know." He grins.

"I'll just go get changed into this now."

"Good idea." She gives him a quick kiss before heading into the bathroom to change. It doesn't take her long since she only took off her makeup and left her hair how it was. Once she was done, she walked back out slowly then over to her things to put her clothes away.

"Love it even more every time." Mike says from the bed.

"I just know how to make it look that good." She grins, walking over to the bed and getting under the covers. "Ah, much better."

He then reaches over and grabs her, pulling her close. "Even better now."

"Mhm." She nods, snuggling into him.

"And now you're not moving."

"I couldn't even if I wanted to."

"No you couldn't."

"I don't want to anyway."


She tried to hide another yawn, burying her face in his neck.

"I saw that."

" uh..." She shakes her head.

"Yes I did."



" didn't..."

"Whatever you say." She doesn't say anything, she just relaxes into him trying to keep her eyes open. He senses that she's trying to fight falling asleep, and that's when he starts to run his fingers through her hair. Like always, she tries to fight it, but it doesn't work and her eyes start to fall shut then stay closed. It takes a bit, but soon she ends up falling asleep. He looks down to see her passed out and can't help but smile. He runs his hand through her hair, kissing the top of her head then holding her close and as tight as he can. He stays awake watching her sleep until he passes out himself.