Status: Active

The Chance of a Lifetime

Survivor Series 2012 Part One

"Oh I am so glad I'm done with far as title matches are concerned." I remark as I'm getting ready for the show in the bathroom.

"That's a good thing. I'm just glad we won't have to see her much anymore."

"Oh I know she'll make an effort to come around....just to continue to try to flirt with you."

"It's not going to work. I only have eyes for you."

"Yes, I know that."

"Let her come around. She'll just get a beat down for her attempts."

"Yes she will. She may not be after my title anymore, but that won't stop me from going after her."


"And at least you don't have to worry about Wade tonight."

"No and that's a good thing....for us anyway."

"Do you know who you're putting the title on the line against?"

"I do and you may not like it."

"Oh god....tell me."



"I know, but don't worry. He's not getting the title. I can guarantee you that."

"Oh I know that."

"Anyone specific? Or just extra security?"

"I believe security. Since Stef will be with him, they won't need it at that time."


"From now on, that's how it's going to be. Nothing is going to happen to you."

"Well good."

"Not if I can help it. I love you to much for that to happen."

"I love you too."

"You almost ready? I was thinking we could get something to eat on the way."

"Yup, I just want to make sure everything looks perfect."

"It always does."

"You always think so." I say as I finish and come out of the bathroom.


"Well I still know how much you love the blue, so I went with that tonight."

"I do love it on you and it's perfect."

"I thought so."

"I don't want to take my eyes off you..."

"Since when do you ever do?"

"True." Since I had everything else all ready, I just pull on a jacket and then grab my bag. He grabs his bag as well after getting his jacket on. Once we both have everything, we lace our fingers, then leave the room and head to the elevators. Once that reaches the lobby, we head out to the car, putting our things in the back then getting in. He like always chooses to drive, and after he pulls out of the parking lot, he heads to a place to eat along the way. We get the food to go, deciding to eat at the arena so we don't get our clothes messy. When we reach the arena, he offers to get the bags, while I carry the food. I nod as we get out of the car and he goes to the back to get our bags. He locks the car, before we head inside and find our locker room.

With Mike and Stef, they were finishing up with getting ready themselves. All that was left to do was her hair. She was standing in front of the mirror, putting in the last few curls while he was fixing his tie.

"You look adorable." He grins.

"Why thank you. I did do my best."

"And you were successful."

"Don't I always?" She chuckles.

"Yes, you always are successful."

"Of course. I'm just that good." She smirks.

"Yes you are." After getting all the curls perfect, she shuts the culer off then sets it to the side to cool. She teases the curls a bit then turns to face him. "Well?"


"Aren't I?" She grins confidently.


"Just like you. Always looking so good in those suits."

"And I don't even have to try."

"No you don't. You make them look good."

"And they're all custom made for me too."

"That makes it even better. They're all perfect. There's not one I don't like." She runs her hands up the arms of his suit jacket. "So soft and silky too."

"I only get the best."

"As you should. You deserve to have only the best."

"So do you."

"I already have the best." She kisses his cheek.

"So do I."

"Awww." She blushes. "That's why I love you."

"I love you too."

"Almost ready?"

"Yup." He nods.

"Alright. I'm just going to get my shoes." She gives him a kiss before leaving the bathroom. She walks out to get those on then decides to take a picture of her outfit. she takes one and since it didn't didn't come out good, she took another. Right as she took the other, he walked out of the bathroom and came up behind her, his arms going around her waist. "I really love that picture. I think I'm going to tweet it." She says, going onto Twitter.

"I think you should."

"I'm going to." She posts the picture saying, 'With the best boyfriend anyone can have. Love you @mikethemiz.'

"Awwww." He grins.

"It's the truth and I don't care what anyone has to say about it either."

"If people don't believe it after Raw in England, and all the Raws after that, then they're in denial."

"They probably are. That or just jealous. Some of the tweets I got from my"

"Jealousy is an ugly thing."

"Yes it is and that's what most of my fans and yours are. Jealous."

"Best thing to do is ignore them."

"That's what I've been doing for weeks now."


"You've made that easy enough for me anyway." She laughs.

"Of course."

"Once you let me go, all I need is my jacket then we can go."

"Right." He nods, letting go.

She goes over to where her jacket was, putting that on. She then grabs her bag, walking back over to him, ready to go.

"After you." He grins.

"As always." She chuckles, walking to the door with him following. Once they're out into the hallway, he shuts the door and laces his fingers with hers, and then they head to the elevator, heading down to the lobby and out to the car. After putting their things in the back, he heps her in then goes to the other side. Once he's in and ready, he starts to head for the arena. It doesn't take too long to ge there, and once they pull up, they both get out and grab their things from the back and head inside. After they get inside, they head straight to the locker room. Once in there, they set their things down and sit on the couch. "Well we plenty of time to ourselves before our matches."

"When is mine exactly? I know yours is the last."

"After the World Heavyweight Championship match."

"That's not too bad then."

"No and it's only two matches before mine, so you'll have time to relax before going out with me for my match."

"Good. I'm going too need it too."

"Which is why I gave you enough time to relax after the match."

"That's why you're the best." She kisses him quick.

"So are you."

"I believe you're better, but I'll agree with you...this time."

"You always agree with me."

"You're just so convincing."

"Yes, yes I am."

"So that's why I always agree with you."

"Of course."

"You have anything else besides your match tonight or is that it?"

"I believe that's it."

"Good. We don't have to move at all then."

"Nope...unless something happens that's unscripted."

"Hopefully nothing does."

"I hope not either, but we'll have to see."


"But for now..." He trails off, pulling her onto his lap.

"You want your cuddle time."

"I do."

"Then you'll get that and anything else you want too."

"Because we have plenty of time for it."

"We do." She runs her fingers through his hair.

"Try not to mess the hair up." He chuckles.

"If I do?" She grins.

"Oh, you know."

"I take that as a challenge."

"Of course you do."

"Well then..." She messes it up a bit on the bottom.

"I can let that slide....this time."

"I'm just that special."

"You really are." He grins, kissing her quick.

"I better be." She jokes.

"I tell you every day that you are, so it's true."

"I know. I'm just messing with you." She kisses his nose. "You're just as special to me too."

"As you show me every day."

"I'll continue to do so too. It's never going to stop."


"So, what's your plan now? Just going to be touchy until the show starts?"

"That's the plan."

"Always is with you."

"Can you blame me?"

"No. It's usually my fault.

"I do have to agree with that."

"I just like giving you what you like to see and deserve."

"Which is a lot."

"Well, I do have to look good if I'm going to be seen with you. Can't really dress how I do at home all the time."

"You look good in anything you wear. Sure if it involves TV, you dress up a little bit more, but you look good in anything."

"You would think I do. I think I look best like this...all dressed up."

"Well to me, you look best either way."

"To me, that's all that matters."

"As it should."

"Always will be." She leans her forehead against his, stealing a kiss. She goes to pull away, but he doesn't let her, pulling her back closer to him, his arms going around her. Her hands that was resting on his shoulder moves to his cheek, cupping it while her other hand stays around his neck. She smiles into the kiss, one that he keeps going for some time. When he feels it's gone long enough, he pulls away, but not without making the kiss linger.

" glad we don't have to hide that now."

"So am I. So so glad."

"I get to kiss and hold you whenever I want." He adds.

“You do and I love that.”

"And there's nothing anyone can do about it."

"Nope. Not a damn thing."

"Not Dolph, not anyone. If you ask me, Dolph's just as jealous as the fans."

"I think he's the most jealous of all and it's scary."

"It really is."

"So far he's kept his distance, but that can't last for much longer." She says as her phone goes off. She looks at it to see an unknown number. "See?" She shows him her phone. "I was right."

"Never gives up."

"Nope." She shakes her head. "Looks like I have to change my number...again." She sighs.

"We can just have his number blocked can't we?"

"I don't know. Is that possible?"

"It's worth a shot."

"I'll see what I can do about it tomorrow."

"If not, then we'll change your number." He nods.


"Last resort is a restraining order."

"Hopefully he doesn't go that far." She moves closer to him.

"Let's hope not."

"I don't want to think about him anymore." I mumble, hiding mmy face in his neck.

"No me neither, but he is booked in the first match so..."

"Nooooo." She whines "I don't want to watch it then."

"You don't have to, but I do unfortunately."

"Boooo. I wish you didn't have to."

"I know, I know. But I do have to pay attention to the Raw superstars in this traditional 5-on-5 elimination tag match."

"Right, of course."

"Kind of switched the matches around. This match was supposed to be last, but I figured getting it over with ahead of time would be better."

"I'm glad you did that. I'd rather him be out first then have to see him later. Maybe you can send him home after his match." She laughs a bit.

"I just might too."

"Good. It'll be a good night then."

"I'll make sure of it."

"Perfect." She smiles. "Love you." She kisses him quick.

"I love you too." He steals another kiss, not pulling away. He only pulls away when they hear the show starting.

"Booo...starting already."

"Then sooner it starts, the sooner it's over."


"I'm just going to occupy myself." She grins, playing with his hair for now.

"Of course." He chuckles.

"I'll try not to distract you to much."

"You try your very best."

"I will." She rests her head on his shoulder, her fingers lightly going through his hair. The first match as planned was the traditional 5-on-5 Elimination Tag Match. Team Foley vs Team Ziggler. On Ziggler's team it was him, Otunga, Damien, Del Rio and Cesaro. On Mick's team it was Kofi, Kane, Daniel, Randy and Zack. "Teams seem to be equal. This should be interesting." Mike comments.

"And good job putting Zack on the card too. He deserves it."

"He does and that's why I added him."

In the match, Kane would score the first elimination, as he hits Damien with a chokeslam, pinning him and sending him packing.

"Aww too bad."

"Team Raw's winning I take it." She mumbles.

"We'll have to see."

"Right, still early."

However, it was not long after that when Team Hell No would cost their team dearly as an intense argument between Kane and Daniel, led to Kane tossing him out of the ring, and with Kane's back turned, Dolph was able to catch him off guard with the Zig Zag, pinning Kane and eliminating him from the match, evening the odds. "Damn. Going to have to talk to those two." But later on in the match, Daniel would lock Otunga in the No Lock, forcing him to tap out and go packing himself. "That's not what we do on Raw. We make people tap. Otunga is on my list." Daniel had tagged Kofi in and then Cesaro came in. It wasn't long until Cesaro took Kofi out with the Neutralizer, and then later, Del Rio would lock in the cross armbreaker on Daniel, leaving him no choice but to tap out. "Not looking too good." Mike grumbles. Zack finally got into the match and he would plant Cesaro with the Rough Ryder, sending him out of the match. His momentum would come to a halt by Del Rio, as he scored with the step-up enziguiri on Zack to eliminate him. Mike shakes his head, not too happy. It now came down to only Randy, Del Rio and Ziggler. Randy would take it to both Ziggler and Del Rio, and at one point Ricardo tried to get involved, but Mick would rely on an old friend...Mr. Socko, taking Ricardo out of the equation. Back in the ring, Randy continued to fight for the survival of Team Foley as he was able to catch Del Rio with the RKO to eliminate him.

"Well, that's just not good for us."

"Randy and Ziggler...oh boy."

"I hope Randy takes him out and takes him out good."

After planting Dolph with his signature DDT, it would look like he was ready to RKO him. But he wanted to do more than just simply win the match, as he sizes Dolph up for the punt to the skull. In a surprising turn of events, when Randy got close enough, Dolph popped up and surprised Randy with a super kick. He then covers Randy and scores a major upset to win the match and end up the sole survivor of his team. "I did not see that coming. I'm glad our team won, but not that he got it for us."


"Now he's never going to leave the arena. Not after that. He's going to gloat."

"Of course." Mike sighs.

"I vote for staying in here with the door locked all night. You know he's going to come here and brag about it."

"Obviously. Want me to go lock the door now?"


"Just gonna have to move for a second."

"That's fine." She moves from his lap so he can get up. Once he does, he goes over to the door and locks it, so that if anyone comes in they'll have to knock first. He then comes back over, sitting down and pulling her on his lap. "Now I feel better."


"Now we can enjoy the show."

"Yes we can." He nods.

In the meantime, I was all ready to go for my match since it was coming up next.

"You're going to do amazing out there."

"Oh I know, and win or lose, Kaitlyn and I still have that respect for each other."

"Right and that's a good thing."

"And finally the fans can see something different."

"Yes and they're going to love it."

"But I know Eve is behind the attacks that have been happening on my opponents these past few weeks. Jealous much?"

"I think she is. She needs to deal with the fact she's not the main diva anymore."


"She won't get to you. I'll make sure of that."

"Oh I know that, but it's Kaitlyn I'm worried about tonight."


"I think we should go find her to make sure nothing happens."

"That would be the best." He nods.

"Then let's go quick. I just have a bad feeling about her walking to the curtain alone."

"Let's go."

We head out of the locker room and go to find Kaitlyn. It took a bit, but we finally found her and she indeed was being attacked.

"I knew it." I state, rushing over and pulling the attacker off of her. "Let's find out who you are huh? You've been attacking all my opponents leading up to tonight." I grumble, removing the hood, which ended up removing a wig at the same time. "Aksana. You're kidding me right?" I say as I step back. “ Aksana not here.” She tries to deny.

"Maybe you should've kept your hair blonde." I growl before picking her up from the ground and keeping a tight grip on the hoodie she was wearing to help disguise herself. "Now I'm only going to ask once. Eve put you up to the attacks didn't she?"

"I'll never tell. You won't get it out of me."

"Ugh, you're just pathetic." I shake my head and that's when I spot Eve ahead. That's when I push Aksana away, so she ends up sliding back towards Eve. "Attack any of my competition again and it'll be the last thing you do Aksana!" I exclaim as she runs away. "And what are you looking at?" I say to Eve, a bit irritated right now.

"I was just coming to check on Kaitlyn. I heard something happened to her." She acts innocent. "I mean, it would be a shame for something to happen to her before your match." She adds.

"Oh like you didn't know." I roll my eyes. "You know, I've had enough of you." I grumble, storming towards her. I then shove her hard so she falls to the ground. "Stop trying to get chances at my title. You're not getting it so suck it up and learn to accept it!"

"Then who's going to face you?! No one else here is capable of it."

"Well if you didn't know, Kaitlyn has a title shot tonight. So that's why you sent Aksana after her."

"Yeah, but how is she going to fight? She's hurt."

"You must be blind, she looks fine to me."

"Whatever you say."

"Kaitlyn, what do you say we teach Eve a lesson for her actions?"

"I don't think that's a good idea." Eve backs away. "Booker will not be to happy with you both."

"Yeah? He can't do anything. Is he the GM of Raw? No."

"I don't think the Raw GM will be to happy with it either." She tries talking her way out.

"Yeah you keep telling yourself that. He is the one who stopped you from getting titles shots against me afterall."

" won't do anything. I don't believe you. You both are to weak."

"Says the one on the ground and backing away like a scared little girl."

"Well it's not fair! Two on one is an unfair advantage."

"Then I suggest you get far away from us."

"Fine. I'll leave you alone. Happy?"

"I'm ecstatic."

"Good. Now, back up would you." She states with attitude more then asking as she starts to stand.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes and turn to face Kaitlyn.

"You ready to do this?" She holds out her fist, for a fist bump.

"Let the best woman win." I fist bump her. We both then start to make our way to the curtain for the match. When we get there, since I was the title holder, I went out first with Alex. We make our way down the ramp, me holding the title in the air. Once at the ring, I do my poses before Alex holds the ropes for me to get in. We only have to wait a short time before Kaitlyn came out next. She does her entrance, making her way to the ring. She does all her poses after getting in the ring. The ref takes the title from me, showing it to the both of us then the crowd before handing it off and ringing the bell.

We start off with a handshake, showing the sign of respect of course. And we start off the match, having a little fun. The best way to start off a match between friends. Then we get more serious and I end up getting her in a side headlock and take her down, keeping her on the apron.

"Good job! Keep her down! You're doing great!" Alex cheers.

She starts to get to her feet and elbows me in the gut a few times to make me let go and I do. She comes off the ropes and catches me with a shoulderblock, which sends me down onto the apron on my back. She comes off the ropes again, going for an elbow, but I move over to my stomach which causes her to hop over me. That gives me the chance to get to my feet and I leapfrog jump over her when she comes back. I turn around and quickly duck a clothesline and then I get her into a spinning headscissors, which sends her across the ring.

"That's it! Keep up the pace. Get her tired. You got this!"

She crawls over to the corner and I back up into the opposite one. I wait until she's standing to charge at her, hoping to spear her in the corner. But she moves and I end up going through the ropes, and I hit the ring post shoulder first, and I end up falling to the outside. "Damn it!" Alex mutters, rushing over to me. "You alright?" He checks me over. "That hurt like hell." I grimace, holding my shoulder.

"Can you continue or no? I don't want you to go any farther."

"I want to finish this match the right way."

"Alright." He nods, helping me up. "Just be careful."

"I'll work through the pain." I nod. As much as he doesn't want to, he helps me up and back into the ring, watching in concern. And of course, even though she didn't want to, she used the hurt arm to her advantage, apologizing to me ahead of time before she went after it. "Come on! Not the arm! Get her off ref!" Alex yells. She gets me in an abdominal stretch, but that also stretches my arm the way it's positioned too. I keep telling the ref that I don't want to give up, and I want to keep going. "You can get through this! You're strong! Work through the pain!" Alex encourages, hitting the mat. I manage to move my feet so I'm in a spot to get out of the hold. I start to elbow her in the side so she has to let go and she does. Alex sighs in relief. "About time." He mutters. "Now go after her! You're strong, you can do it!" He encourages. Despite my shoulder hurting as much as it was, I still gave it my all in the rest of the match. I hit Kaitlyn with everything I had, and had her set up for my finisher. Once I had hit it, I covered her for the pin, the ref counting to three. My theme goes off, Alex ecstatic. He gets my title, getting in the ring to check on me after the ref raises my hand.

"Are you sure you're alright now?"

"I don't know." I wince. "I need to go to the trainers."

"I would've advised that anyway, even if you didn't."

"Of course." I nod. "Let's head there now." He nods and we exit the ring, of course me being the more careful when I exit the ring. We both head up the ramp, me holding my title up with my good arm. As soon as I get behind the curtain, I hand Alex my title and lean on him for support.

"Now that I'm not fighting through the pain, it really hurts."

“All your adrenaline wore off, that's why you feel it. It's best to get you checked out right away.” He heads for the trainers.

"Right, right, I know."

"Once we're done, it's right to resting when we get to the locker room."

"But your match is next."

"I would rather you rest. I want you out there with me, but you resting would make me feel better."


"We'll see what they say and if they give you something. I know you really want to be out there."

"You're right about that."

"I know...only if you promise to stay on commentary where it's safe."

"I promise."

"Then I suppose you can come out, but right after that it's resting for the whole night."

"Definitely." I nod. We finally reach the trainers room, walking in then sitting on one of the tables. Alex of course helps me sit while we wait for a trainer to come over. It doesn't take too long and soon the trainer comes over and I tell him what happened and he checks over my shoulder. "Nothing seems to be out of place. The most it'll be is sore for a few days and you might have some bruising. Taking it easy is the best thing. I'll get you some ice for now and something for the pain."

I nod and thank him and he goes to get both. "Nothing serious."

"That's a huge relief." Alex sighs in relief.

"I'll take some of the pain meds and keep the ice on my shoulder when I go out there with you for your match."

"That makes me feel a bit better."

"Good. It should." Soon the trainer comes back with everything plus a cup of water so I can take the meds. After taking those, I'm allowed to leave, then start to head to the curtain with Alex for his match.

"If only your match was later, I would have time to relax."

"I know, but it's better to get it done and over with then have to get up after being relaxed."


"Hopefully this won't be to long. He's really not much competition anyway."

"No, not really."

"Hopefully he's already there so we don't have to wait for him.

"I hope so." Just as we reach the curtain, we see Drew already waiting there."

"Ugh. He's waiting already."

"Better then having to wait forever for him to show up."

I just hope he doesn't say anything."

"We'll keep our distance until the match starts."

"Good." I nod. We don't have to wait long before Drew's music goes off since Alex chose to go out last. Once he's gone we both step closer to the ramp. "Oh thank god." Once he's in the ring, Alex's music goes off, us both walking out. He raises the title in the air at the top of the ramp before putting it over his shoulder, taking my hand. We make our way to the ring, Alex doing his poses on there and I head to commentary. And like always after putting a headset on, I'm greeted by Cole and them. More so the others than Cole, because he just doesn't like me ever since the whole Eve thing.

"Shauna, thanks for joining us. How's the shoulder?" Jerry asks.

"Well I was looked at backstage. It's nothing serious. Nothing's broken, so I can be relieved about that. I did take something for the pain, and with the ice, it's feeling better...for now."

"Well that's good. I know you want to focus on this match though."

"I do. But I do want to say that I'll do anything to keep my title. Even if that means getting hurt like I did."

"You're just that tough. One of the toughest divas we have now."

"Why thank you. At least someone thinks so."

"Yeah yeah." Cole rolls his eyes. "Can we just pay attention to this match?"

"Why so you can point out everything that Alex is doing wrong, when he's not doing anything wrong at all? I'd rather you not talk about the match and leave it up to us to talk about it. Because we all know who you're favoring here."

"How do you know? He's a good competitor. Well, when he was with Miz he was."

"And he still is today."

"Sure he is." He rolls his eyes.

"He wouldn't be the champ if he wasn't."

"That was a fluke! He did not deserve that title. I know it. You know it. Everyone here knows it. He's going to choke tonight and lose that title."

"Ugh, just do us all a favor and shut up."

"How about you make me? Oh, that's right. You can't touch me. I'm an announcer and you'll lose your job."

"So you've said before."

"Exactly. Now just let US do OUR job and you sit there and look good like you're supposed to."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Just do your part and we'll do ours."

"I really don't think the GM likes your attitude right now."

"How do you know that? Is he in your ear telling you all this? No. Now just stop so we can watch this match."

"We'll see." I simply state, turning my attention to Alex since the match had already begun.

"Finally." Cole mutters.

I just roll my eyes, deciding not to respond, watching as Alex has Drew on the apron in a side headlock, making sure to keep him there as long as he can. "Come on Alex. Keep him there. Wear him down." Drew starts to get to his feet eventually starts to elbow Alex in the gut to get out of the hold, and he does so. Drew comes off the ropes, only to get knocked back down with a dropkick.

"That's it! Keep him down!"

Drew gets back up and Alex quickly hits him with an armdrag takedown, and does that one more time before working on the right arm of Drew, making sure to keep him down as long as he could.

"You got it, you got it, you got it!"

Once again, Drew gets to his feet and out of the hold, twisting Alex's arm behind him in a reversal. That prompts Alex to elbow him in the face a few times for him to let go. Drew then goes for a clothesline when Alex turns around and Alex ducks, kicks him in the gut and then hits him with a DDT, going for the cover. However, Drew kicks out at 2 and 1/2.

"That was three! Come on ref!"

"That clearly wasn't. Drew got his shoulder up before three." Cole remarks.

"Oh just shut up. You're as blind as that ref is."

"Just calling it as I see it. Maybe you should try it."

"You know what...never mind. You're not worth it."

Alex then climbs to the top rope and waits for Drew to get up and turn around. Once he does, Alex jumps and hits him with a double axhandle. He helps him up and gets him into the corner and climbs up, hitting him with the ten fists to the head, before wrapping an arm around his neck and jumping off, faceplanting him. He rolls him over and goes for the cover, but Drew kicks out again. "What's it going to take?" I mutter to myself. "You got this Alex. Win this thing!"

Alex starts to get frustrated, but moves away from Drew as he figures out what he needs to do. Once he has the plan set, he waits for Drew to get up once again. He sizes him up and hits him with a couple clotheslines before hitting him with a spinebuster. At this point, Alex is fired up and he waits for Drew to get up from being hit with the Spinebuster. It takes him a while, but he finally gets up and Alex gets him on his shoulders and hits him with his finisher. He goes for the pin again, but this time it's successful. "See? yold you Cole." I smirk then take off my headset. I grab his title on the way then get in the ring to celebrate with him. But as soon as I do that, that's when I notice at the top of the ramp, that Dolph and Wade were running out. "Oh hell no." I grumble, placing everything back down and going over and quickly getting a chair from ringside and sliding into the ring to stand next to Alex.

"They are NOT going to get involved." What was keeping them from getting to either one of us was the security Mike let us use for the match, standing in front of the ring and in their way. "Not with the security they're not."

"They better not."

"I'm prepared either way." I add.

They make it look like they're going to come to the ring, but decide against it once security closes in. They get Drew then start to head up the ramp. "Good, they decided against it."

"Because they don't stand a chance."

"No, they really don't." They take their time walking up the ramp, staring at the both of us. Once they disappear behind the curtain, we wait for a bit before getting out of the ring, and heading to the back, security close behind. Once we get to the back, we head back to the locker room, because we were sticking by what he said, and that was resting for the rest of the night. "You want to change first or wait until later?" He asks after we walk in.

"I think I'll wait."

"Alright." He nods.

"You can though if you want."

"I might just do that."

"I'll be here waiting."

He nods, kissing me quick before he goes in to change. While I wait, I go to the couch, laying down. I get comfortable as I can, and not too long after that, he comes out all changed.

"Comfortable?" He asks.


"Good. Do you need anything before I sit?"

"No, I think I'm good."

"Okay." He walks over to the couch, sitting on the end by my feet, gently lifting them up then sitting my legs on his lap.

"This shoulder is definitely going to be stiff in the morning."

"That's to be expected. A hot bath should fix that. I'll have it ready when you wake up."

"Aww, well thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Definitely going to make sure you take it easy until you feel better." He adds.

"Let me guess. You're going to do everything for me until it's better."

"That's right."

"Like always."

"I just want you to feel better."

"I know and so do I."

"And the only way you can get better is if you take it easy and not do anything that will hurt you more."

"I plan on relaxing for the rest of the week. Don't worry."

"I know, and I'm still going to make sure of that."

"Of course you will."

"And I'm sure Mike will definitely give you the night off tomorrow."

"I believe he will. No doubt about that."

"I mean, he cares about my health as much as you do." I add.

"Right, I know. Maybe we'll both get lucky and we can just stay at the hotel for the night and rest there."

"I would actually love that, we can watch the show from there."

"So would I. We'll see what he says in the morning."


"Right now, lets just focus on rest and the how. It should be over before we know it."