Status: Active

The Chance of a Lifetime

Survivor Series 2012 Part Two

I nod as we wait to see what the next match will be. "You're definitely giving her the night off tomorrow right?" Stef asks.

"Of course. After what happened out there, she's going to need the rest."

"Probably advise her to stay back at the hotel then huh?"

"More then likely. Alex too. You know she's going to want to get at Eve and Aksana after tonight and won't back down."

"Right. Or Eve will send Aksana after her with that shoulder the way it is."

"Exactly and I'm not going to have that happen. She has the night off and I'm talking to Booker. I want her to rest for the week. No more shows."

"That's actually a good idea."

"I know. I'm just full of them." He grins.

"Yes, yes you are."

"Only a few more matches until yours." He smirks. "When are you going to change?"

"Probably the match before mine." She nods.


"You want me to change now, don't you?"

"I really do."

" make you wait or not..." She teases.

"Noooo...don't make me wait." He whines with a pout.

"Oh alright. But just because I can't resist that face."

"You never can." He grins, stealing a kiss.

"No, I really can't. So, I'll be right back then...unless you're coming with me."

"I think I can wait this time. Because we both know what will happen if I go in with you." He chuckles.

"Like every other time." She laughs. "If you let go, I'll be back even quicker."

"Then go get changed then." He says, letting go.

"I'm going." She laughs, giving him a kiss. She moves from his lap then gets her gear bag, heading in to change. It doesn't take her too long and once that's on, she does a last check of her hair and makeup. Since this was her pay-per-view attire, it was different than my Raw one, this one being blue. After everything was perfect, she headed back out into the room.

"Did I ever tell you that blue is a great color on you?" Mike smirks, taking his attention from the current match.

"Only at the past paper-per-views, but I don't mind hearing it again."

"Blue is a great color on you." He repeats.

"Just like pink. That's what I have so many clothes in those colors."

"And I love it."

Well it is all for you...only you."

"I know." He grins.

"I just love making you happy." She grins, walking over and sitting back on his lap.

"And I love making you happy."

"You always make me happy."


"You can never get enough when I wear this, can you?" She chuckles since his hands were wandering.

"No, no I can't."

"Enjoy it while you can. Can't really touch while I'm in my match."

"Which is a shame."

"I know, but if you did then I wouldn't do so good and won't be able to win. You'll get to touch all you want after it's over."

"Until my match."


"I'll be able to survive." He nods.

"I'm sure you will."

"I can try at least."

"If you get it all in now, I know will be able to survive."

"Which is exactly what I'm doing."

"As I can see."

"As well as trying to pay attention to the match."

"Good luck with that." She chuckles.

The match between Sheamus and Big Show was starting to wind down. Sheamus was going for the Brogue Kick, so Big Show decided to try and take the easy way out, grabbing the ref and pulling him into the path of the Brogue Kick, leaving the ref completely knocked out.

"Uh oh. That's not good at all."

Sheamus forgets about the match and tends to the ref, quickly being joined by other refs and EMT's, checking on the official. Big Show say an opportunity to deliver a K.O. Punch to Sheamus and would go for the cover on him. Upon seeing the attempted pinfall, one ref would briefly turn his attention away from the injured ref and quickly count Sheamus' shoulders to the mat, ensuring that Show's plan had succeeded.

"Wow...that...does that even count?"

"I don't think so."

"So...what happens? Who actually won?"

But a more seasoned referee saw the call and reversed the decision, awarding the victory to Sheamus via DQ. "Seems as though you got your answer."

"Seems so. I didn't think Show won that fairly."

With Big Show outraged, even though he was still the champion, he wanted a decisive pinfall victory over Sheamus. Admist his argument with the ref, Sheamus would grab a steel chair, driving it into the spine of Big Show. He would continue to deliver countless chair shots to him, despite Big Show actually begging and pleading for Sheamus to top the onslaught. His groveling seemed to work, though as Sheamus would drop the steel chair, he would turn around and hit Big Show with a Brogue Kick.

"He deserved every bit of what he just got."

"Can't say I disagree. Serves him right."

"Good thing they're not on Raw. That is just a mess too have to deal with."

"Tell me about it."

"You already have enough going on. We don't need to add to it."

"No we don't. I'd go crazy if I had to deal with that too."

"I know you would and I wouldn't even know how to clam you down with all that going on."

"Well we don't ever have to worry about that."

"No and I'm glad we don't."

"Right. I believe your match is up next." He grins.

"Then we should head out there so I'm not late."

"That would be a bad thing."

"It would since the GM won't be able to get me out of it this time."

"Right, without it being considered favoritism."

"Exactly. Now, we should get going."

"Yes we should. After you." She carefully moves off his lap, then fixes her attire once she's standing. He gets up after, then puts his arm over her shoulder as they head out of the room. "It feels so good not to hide anymore." She leans into his side as they walk.

"I know. It's like a huge weight has been lifted."

"It does and I couldn't be more happy."

"That makes two of us."

"Some people don't seem to happy about it, but that's their problem."


"Speaking of people who have problems..." She rolls her eyes as Dolph bumps into them, clearly on purpose. "...hey why don't you watch where you're going next time!" She calls over her shoulder at him. He doesn't have time to respond since they turned the corner for the ramp. "Good. I didn't want to hear him respond anyway."

"I probably would've slapped him anyway." She adds.

"And he would've deserved it."

"He always does."

"But you don't need to worry about him right now. You have a match to focus on."

"You're right. I do."

"You and Layla can put on a great match, I know it."

"I know we can too. I've always wanted to face her. She's really nice and seems like a good and tough competitor."

"Considering how long I've known her, I can say she is a very tough competitor." He nods.

"Oh I bet. I've watched all her matches. I know she is."

"Done the research. That's good." He nods.

"I have." She nods. "I've watched everyone's matches."

"That's the best thing to do."

"This way I know my competition before I even face them."

"Right." They reach the curtain to see Layla already waiting there. Once they walk up, they greet her, making small talk while they wait.

"You know I do have to say that you two look so cute together." She remarks.

"Awe. Thank you Lay. Mike seems to think so too."

"Well of course he does."

“What can I say?” He shrugs. “She looks perfect next to me.” He grins.

"Miiike..." She blushes.

"What? It's true."

"I know, but there you go making me blush again."

"It's adorable." He grins.

"Of course you think so."

"Because I love you."

“I love you too.”

“Awww.” Layla gushes. “Too cute.”

It isn't long after there where her music goes off, and she says she'll see her out there, before heading out. They watch from the monitor as she heads out, Mike's arms around her waist, his chin on her shoulder. After she does all her poses and gets in the ring, they hit Stef's music and Mike and her head out. The crowd of course boos, but she just throws her hand up at them, posing on the ramp. She puts her arm around Mike's waist, his around her shoulders as they head to the ring. He gives her a kiss before she hops up onto the apron and does her poses, getting in the ring. While she does that, Mike heads around to commentary, so he can not only watch the match, but talk about it amongst other things.

"Miz, my man! It's so good to see you!" Cole tries sucking up up to him.

"Cole." He acknowledges.

"What's going on? How've you been?" He tries talking to him, like nothing happened.

"Well I'm pretty sure you know exactly what's going on and how I've been."

"Right, right. You've got that good looking diva. Of course you're doing good. How could I forget."

"Right. And I suppose there's another thing you've forgotten. I'm the GM of Raw right? That means I'm the boss of everyone on the Raw roster. So I pay attention to my talent in their matches at these pay-per-views. You were very rude to one of my talents, one of my Raw Divas. You didn't think I was paying attention did you?"

"'s not what you think. I meant no harm by it."

"I know you're one of my friends Michael, but this really isn't the first time you've done this. You continue to berate her out on commentary. I do pay attention. I hear everything."

"She's the one who starts it. I only defend myself. Maybe if she wasn't so rude, I'd be nicer to her."

"Doesn't matter. I will not have you out here continuously berating my talent."

"Fine...I'll be nicer to her. No matter what."

"Thank you. That's all I ask. Now that wasn't too hard was it?"

"No. Of course not. Anything for you Miz."

"Now, let's focus our attention on the match at hand. Don't you think I made a great matchup for tonight?"

"It's a fantastic match up. Sage has been very impressive since joining us and Layla is always good to see. I couldn't have done it better myself."

"And I want to clear things up if any rumors are going around since what happened after our tag team match against Ziggler and Alicia. I am not the reason why she got here. She got here with her own talent and determination."

"Who would make up such a thing? That's just low. It's obvious she got here on her own. I mean, look at her. She's got so much talent. She amazing."

"You'd be surprised Michael, just clearing it up now before rumors start and it becomes a mess."

"Of course. Understandable."

"But let's get onto more important matters, like Sage's match right for instance. She's already taken control of the match, that shows how tough she is."

"She is and Layla is one the the tougher divas. Not easy to take control of her so early on in a match either."

Layla starts to get to her feet and she pushes Stef off so that she goes into the ropes. She was hoping she would come back so that she could hit her, but Stef had held onto the ropes instead. That prompted Layla to come after her, and then Stef sends her to the outside.

"See? Right there. That's was a smart move. You have to be quick and that's exactly what Sage is. Quick and smart."

She then proceeds to climb out of the ring after her. Once she reaches her, she clothesline her on the outside. She then helps her up and throws her back into the ring, quickly going for a cover, but Layla kicks out.

"It looks like Layla is more of a challenge then Sage thought." Cole comments.

"Oh, don't count her out just yet Michael. I know how good she is."

"True, true. Didn't you train her?"

"I did in fact."

"No wonder she such a great competitor. She learned from the very best."

"She did. What I taught her, was just added onto what she already could do."

"I can see that as well as the WWE Universe. She going to be very dominate here."

"And if I do say so myself, seeing her skills, she is a future Divas Champion."

"That's very true. I do see that about her. Although, there is one very tough diva she has to go through to get that title."

"And that match one day will be one of the greatest matches we've ever seen."

"For sure. They are both very determined and confident. I can see that being a main event type match. Once that will go down in history."

"And I will be the one to book that match later on down the road."

"I for one, can't wait for that match. It's going to be the best and made by the best too."

Stef currently has Layla in a crossface hold, one that Mike had taught her to do of course. Layla keeps saying no to giving up, and with the crowd's encouragement she gets to her feet slowly and then backs up into the nearest corner, in result making Stef let her go.

"Taking everything she learned and making it hers. That's what makes her do dominat."

"We've also seen her do your finishing move the Skull Crushing Finale as well." Cole points out.

"That's right. One move she knew that I didn't teach her. She might even be better at that then me."

"Well do you think we're going to see that from her tonight by chance? Or something of her own?"

"I don't know Michael. We're going to have to wait and see now won't we?"

At this point, Layla had taken control of the match. Stef was pretty dazed at a point and Layla went for one of her many signatures, the LOL. After hitting her with the reverse crossbody, she went for the pin, but Stef kicks out at two and 1/2. "Now that was close. A bit to close. Layla almost had the win."

"Sage is looking a little bit out of it. Can't help but wonder if this will cause her first loss since coming here to the WWE." Jerry remarks.

"I don't think it will, Jerry. She's tough. Some of her matches in the past were a lot more intense than this. She'll pull through." she starts to get to her feet and Layla sets her up for the Lay Out, but she reverses into her own finisher and hits her with it, finally pinning her to win. "That's how it's done! Right there!" Mike says then takes off his headset, leaving commentary and getting in the ring as the ref raises her hand. Once the ref lets go of her hand, Mike walks up and she's engulfed in a hug.

“You were amazing out there.” He grins.

“I was, wasn't I?” She smirks.

"You really were."

"Always giving my best. I want to make everyone proud and see that I'm just not another pretty face."

"And you're doing exactly that."

"Good. That's my goal."

"I believe you get something for winning now." He smirks.

"Oh? Can I have it now?" She grins.

"Mmhmm, and it doesn't matter if these people see or not. They've seen it ever since England."

She smirks, knowing exactly what he means. He leans down, pressing his lips to hers, his hands on her cheeks. She rests her hands on his wrists, enjoying the moment. After he pulls away, he leans his forehead against hers, but gives her a quick kiss afterwards. "Love you."

"Love you too."

"Now let's head to the back and rest until my match."

"Perfect idea." She grins, moving from his arms. Like always, he holds the ropes for her then follows after she hops down. He laces his fingers with hers as they head up the ramp and behind the curtain. Once there, they head straight for the locker room.

"It's been a good night so far."

"It really has. Other than Shauna getting hurt, tonights been successful."

"And to protect both of us, I'm having security out there during my match, just in case Dolph and Drew try anything like Dolph and Wade tried after Alex won."

"Right. That would make me feel a lot better."

"I figured it would." He nods.

"Should I get changed or do you want me to stay in my attire until we leave?"

"Hmmm....tough decision."

"I did bring a dress with me..."

" did?" He grins.

"Mhm...have to look good for your match."

"Well then, I think the dress would be the best option." He smirks.

"I had a feeling it would be." She chuckles.

"Then I say go change."

"I'll be right back." She gives him a quick kiss then getting her bag. She heads into the changing area and take out the blue/white sequin embellished dress with transparent mesh sections that she chose to wear. She takes off her attire, putting the dress on. She fixes her hair and makeup a bit before slipping on the shoes that she wore to the show. Once everything was perfect, she headed back out to the room. "Alright, you can take a look now." He looks up from what he was doing and goes wide eyed. His mouth moves, but nothing comes out.

“Speechless...again.” She laughs.

"Point goes to me." She adds as she heads back over to him.

"...uh huh..." He nods, his eyes never leaving her.

"So...what do you think?"

" it." He grins, reaching out and pulling her on his lap, his hands running over the material.

"Hiding this from me weren't you?"


"How long?"

"A few the most."

"I see."

"I was saving it for tonight. I knew you wouldn't want me out of my attire so I brought backup."

"Good plan." He grins.

"I always have to have them with you."

"Yes you do."

"Same I'll only be wearing it for a short time though."

"Oh, I know."

"I'll wear it again, just for you."

"And that's why I love you." He kisses your cheek.

"I love you too." I smile.

"Now you're not moving."

"I didn't think I was...not until your match anyway."


"Yeah...exactly...mister touchy." She laughs.

"Your fault."

"Oops." She giggles innocently.

"Uh huh."

"I just know how to get to you and what you like."

"All too well."

"I should. I've been with you for a long time now."

"Yes you have. And we've been nothing but happy."

"That we hae been. I couldn''t ask for more."

"Neither could I."

"Best year of my life." She lays her head on his shoulder.

"I couldn't agree more." He kisses the top of her head while she nuzzles his neck, her hands resting on his shoulders while his still wander.

"And we can sit through this next match no problem. But the match after, which is before mine, you'll have to move for a bit so I can change."

"Right, I know." She nods. "You're going to enjoy this time a bit to much."


"You will." The next match which had already started with the entrances, was John vs Punk, this match being where Punk can climb back up the ladder to getting a WWE Championship match against Mike, or so Punk hopes. "Psh. He's not going to win. He's had his chances and blew them all."

"He thinks that by beating John he can climb that ladder again. We'll see."

"Yes we will. He'll choke."

"Especially since I banned Heyman from ringside." He chuckles.

"Ooohhh...I bet they both weren't happy about that at all."

"No, not at all. But hey I want the match to be fair."

"Of course and him being out there, nothing would be fair at all."

"No not at all. Plus he annoys me anyway so.."

"I don't like him either. Best to keep him as far away as possible."


The match soon begun and the match was exactly what it turned out to be. It was one of the longest matches, considering how well they work together in the ring. In the end it looked like Punk would reign supreme over John, but like always, John comes back to life and hitting Punk with everything he's got, hitting him with the AA and going for the pin, winning the match. "Yes! I'd rather John win then Punk. We do not need to hear him gloat anymore."

"No...then it becomes storytime with CM Punk."

"I really don't want to listen to that again."

"I should ban his storytelling....or at least give him a time limit."

"I think you should ban it all together. No one wants to listen to facts about him."

"No...besides his fans."


"And it's time for me to go get changed now."

"Awww." She pouts. "Alright."

"I'll try to be quick."

"You always are." She moves from his lap. Once he stands, he leans down and kisses her quick before grabbing his bag and heading in to change. While she waits for him, she decides to text me and see how I'm doing. It isn't long before she gets a reply saying that I'm sore, but doing alright. She sighs in relief, knowing I'm alright then sets her phone down. After setting that down, she glances up to see Mike coming out in her favorite gear of his. She bites her lip hard, muttering to herself, her eyes never leaving him.

"You like what you see, I know you do." He smirks.

"I do...very much..."

"You always do."

“Can't help it. You look good in everything you wear. Especially my favorite gear.”

"Which is why I try to wear your favorite all the time."

"Honestly...there is not one gear of yours that isn't my favorite."

"Good to know." He chuckles.

"I'm assuming we have to head out now?"

"No...there's one more elimination tag match, and then there's mine."

"Oh...that's right. I must be that distracted."

"I would say so."

"So...come sit with me...unless you want to stand there all night."

"No no, I'm coming." He says, coming back over and sitting.

"That's what I thought." She grins as he pulls her onto his lap. "The only thing in the way is this..." She tugs at his shirt. "Yes, but that stays on until my match."

"I know." She sighs. "I can deal with that.""I'll toss it to you once it's off before the match." He smirks.

"That works." She grins.

"Even though I have tons and you can just have one whenever you want. But I've worn this one so.."

"It's even better. Those are the ones I love the best."

"Of course."

"Do we have to pay attention to this next match or no?"

"Not really. I really don't think this next elimination match means much."

"Yayy! I finally get you to myself for a bit."

"Yes you do."

"I've been waiting all night for that too."

"Of course you have."

"Now I can be as distracting as I want to be." She smirks, moving her fingers under the collar of his shirt, lighting running them over his skin.

"Exactly. But you do have to be careful....considering what I'm wearing." He chuckles.

"I know...I've done it before, I can do it again." She kisses his cheek, trailing across his jaw to his ear, nipping gently at it.

"Good, you remember." He says as he starts to tense.

"I do." She whispers in his ear.

"Or else we would have a little problem." He smirks.

"Nothing that can't be fixed later."

"Very true."

"I'll go easy on you. I can tell it's getting to you." She giggles, moving from his ear, across his jaw to his lips.

"It...really is."

"I'll stop...for now." She presses her lips against his.


"You want me to continue? Alright..." She teasingly kisses him, her hand moving across his neck while the other moves down his chest to his thigh. " makes no sense to start don't intend to finish..."

"I'll finish it alright..." She lightly moves her fingers over his thigh, running her lips over his bottom lip. He finally can't take anymore, and he grabs the hand that was on his thigh and laces his fingers with hers, and then presses his lips to hers in a hard kiss. She smirks into the kiss, knowing she got to him. She squeezes down on his hand, pulling him closer to her, matching his intensity of the kiss. Instead of him slowing the kiss down after a while, it was her, and she makes the kiss linger before pulling away completely.

"Awww." He whines.

"More later...promise."

"Oh, alright."

"Can't have you to excited for your match...which you seem to be right now."

"Just a bit."

"So, I need you to calm down a bit before we go out there. You were getting carried away."


"I was teasing you a bit more then usual so..."

"You were." He nods.

"I waited all night...I had too have some sort of fun."

"Of course."

"You'll get me always do."

"Indeed I do."

"Oh boy...I'm in for it tonight." She says after seeing the look on his face.

"Quite possibly."

"Sorry?" She gives him the eyes along with her famous pout.

"I'll keep that in mind at least."

"Guess that's not going to work this time." I lowly say with a chuckle.

"We'll see."

"Not gonna work now at least." He adds.

"Oh darn."

"You'll live."

"And it looks like the match is over."

"Darn...we missed it too." She says, not really caring.

"Oh well."

"That means it's time to head out for your match now."

"Yup." He nods. She carefully moves from his lap, standing up and fixing her dress. He stands and composes himself before getting his title then lacing his fingers with hers. They then leave the room and head to the curtain to see they're the first ones there. "Oh good, we're the first ones here."

"Gives us time to prepare for what will happen out there."

"Right." He nods.

"Not that anything will, with all the extra security you hired. They won't be able to get near us."


"Thank god for that." She leans into his side.

"I know how to keep both of us safe." He nods.

"You do." She smiles up at him, only to have it fade when hey hear the voice of Wade getting closer. "Great." She mutters, rolling her eyes.

"Ignore him."

"Him I can...just as long as the other ones didn't come, I'll be fine."

"Well I don't hear either one of the other two so, I think you'll be good."

"Good. I don't want to deal with either of them tonight."

"Neither do I."

"Hopefully the match starts soon. I just want to get this over with so we can get out of here."

"I know, I know, me too." They don't have to wait much longer before they start to announce the match. "Oh thank god." With Mike being GM, and the title holder, he decides to go out first so that they're both not standing there with Wade any longer. His music goes off, them heading onto the ramp. He does his usual entrance, holding the title in the air before throwing it over his shoulder then lacing his hand with hers. They make their way to the ring where he kisses her quick before running and jumping onto the ring to do his post. When he's done, he holds the ropes for her to get in then follows. They stand in the middle of the ring waiting for Wade to come out. It doesn't take him too long before his music goes off next and he emerges from the curtain onto the stage with that smug look on his face. "I don't like that look..." She moves closer to Mike.

"Don't worry. You stay on commentary where it's safe."

"Alright." She nods. "Be careful." She adds, before kissing him quick and leaving the ring. She then heads over to commentary and sits down just as Wade reaches he ring. And of course, she puts a headset on so she can talk about Mike and the match and everything, being greeted like always. "Thanks. It's great to be here."

"Now we can't help but notice the problems you and The Miz have been having with this odd group of people, consisting of Wade, Drew and Dolph Ziggler."

"Yeah...about that...Dolph thinks he can get all started before I even got here. He tried hitting on my and I turned him down. Guess he doesn't know that no means no. Now he thinks that I will join this group of his and be with him. Well, he can keep dreaming 'cause that's not going to happen."

"And I know for a fact that Wade will not be victorious tonight, just like he wasn't victorious in his last title match." She adds.

"What makes you say that?"

“Miz is ready for him. He won't let Wade take the title away from him that easily.”

"And I'm not just saying that because we're together."

"I didn't think that was the case. He's a good competitor and a great champion."


"He's everything everyone wants to be. He has it all and they are all just jealous of him." She adds.

"I will have to agree with you on that statement."

"Of course you do Cole. You're one of them."

"No no no no. I'm not jealous of him."

“Really? Then what is it? Obsession? You always talk like you're with him all the time. You know more of what he does then he even does. It's scary.”

"He's just a really good competitor and I have respect for him."

"We all know that by now. Trust me."

"Oh don't mind him, we all know he's just a giant suck up." Jerry jokes.

"You've got that right. One of the biggest I've seen too." Stef laughs.

"I think we can be glad there's no more anonymous general manager."

"Right? but, I know someone who's a bit disappointed." She looks at Cole since he can't read e-mails anymore.

"The only one who is."

"Of course, but we all know he's happy with who the GM is though."

"Oh of course he is. Talks about it any chance he gets."

"So I hear. And to be honest Cole, it's gets annoying after hearing, oh I don't know, 10 times in one match. You can relax with it a little."

"Can we just pay attention to the match, instead of talking about me?"

"So you can brag about him more. Sure, why not."

"I'm sure we all don't want to listen to that, but this is going to be a very interesting matchup." Jerry adds.

"He usually is."

During the conversation, Mike had been doing well in the match, until Wade made him fall from the top rope and landing in the spot that really hurts. "Ow." Stef winces. "He'll recover. That's nothing compared to some of the stuff he's been through." Wade then takes the chance to climb to the top, and make Mike stand. He then goes for a superplex, but Mike blocks it and then starts hitting Wade with a few headbutts, causing him to go crashing down to the apron. He recovers and waits for Wade to get to his feet and turn around. When he does, he hits Wade with a double axhandle. "See? Told you he would recover and now Wade is in for it." He waits for Wade to get to his knees at least, before grabbing him and hitting him with his signature DDT, covering him for the pin, but Wade kicks out. "That's alright though. He has plenty of moves left to use. Just wait and see." Both he and Wade get to their feet and they exchange punches, before Mike ducks a clothesline from him and hits him with one of his own. Instead of going for the cover this time, he sets Wade up for his signature back breaker/neck breaker combo. Mike gets the back breaker done, but Wade counters the neck breaker and pushes Mike off. He ducks another clothesline and sends Wade shoulder first into the ringpost. He quickly goes for a rollup, but Wade powers out. "Now this is getting ridiculous. Wade should be done by now. Miz has had him multiple times!"

"So, you're saying the ref doesn't know how to count?"

"That's not what I'm saying. Miz has given him everything and more and Wade is still going. This should be over with by now."

"I think we know the one thing that should put Wade away..." Jerry adds.

"He'll use it. When the time is right."

"He builds up to it. He saves it as a last resort." You add.

"So we've seen."

At this point, Mike takes advantage of the hurt shoulder and works on that for most of the match, hitting it with everything he had. Wade's now in the corner, and Mike had backed up into the opposite corner. He goes for the corner clothesline, another signature of his, but Wade moves so Mike misses, hitting the ropes. Once Mike gets off the ropes, Wade gets his elbow ready, waiting for him to turn around.

"No no no!" She takes her headset off and goes to the ring to cause a distraction only to be cut off by three unknown people.

The first thing she thinks about is if they're going to attack Mike or not. But they don't, they go right for Wade, and the bell rings, the mach ending in a DQ. She sighs in relief knowing it's not Mike, then smirks as she watched Wade get the beatdown that he deserved. The attack ends up spilling to the outside, while the announce table was cleared off. Stef slides into the ring and goes to Mike's side so she's safe. She and Mike watch as the three men who were dressed as security powerbomb Wade through the table, before looking at the damage they created and disappeared back through the crowd.

"That was...odd."

"I recognize them though...." Mike trails off.

"Really? It all happened so fast, I couldn't get a good look at them."

"They're from NXT. This must've been what Vince was talking about in that meeting I was needed to be at, when we came to Connecticut. He was talking about three NXT Superstars being called up very soon."

"And he didn't tell you it was going to be tonight? Are you sure that was them?"

"I'm sure it was."

"Well, whoever they are, they sure caused some damage...not that I'm complaining...they saved me from a distraction."

"Right. I saw that."

"I was not going to let him do that move on you. No way in hell. Not while I'm around he won't do that to you."

He nods. "Should probably get out of here now."

"Good idea. I don't want to be here when they come back."

"Right." He nods. "Get my title, I'll meet you at the end of the ramp."

"Alright." She nods, heading out of the ring. She walks around and goes to grab his title. He rolls out of the ring and waits for her just like he said he would. After getting his title, she heads over to where he is, handing him the title. He holds it in the air before throwing it over his shoulder. They then head the rest of the way up the rmap then behind the curtain.

"Finally the night is done and over with."

"Yes! I can't wait to get back to the hotel. It's been a long night."

"It really has." He nods.

"Lets head back so you can change and we can get out of here before anyone stops us we don't want to see."

"Right." He nods. They head the rest of the way to the locker room without anyone stopping them. Right as they walk in, they hear someone calling Mike then turn to see who it is. Since it's no one important, they walk in, close the door and lock it. "He would come and talk to you now." She rolls her eyes at Dolph's timing.

"And I won't doubt that he'll be out there when we leave too."

"If we take long enough, maybe he'll leave."

"Let's hope so."

"How about I help you change. That'll take awhile." She winks.

"Well, let's go then." He grins. She sets his title down on the couch while he grabs his bag. They then head to the changing area where he gets his things ready. "You're gonna be as touchy as you want. I know it."

"Of course I am. I've been waiting your whole match for this." She smirks, walking over and running her hands down his chest slowly. "This is gonna take a long time." He chuckles. "Oh you know it." She grins, moving her hands down, running them around the waist of his attire then grabbing his butt.

"May just have to get you back for that."

"You just might." I do it again.

"Oh...I definitely am now."

"I'll be ready too." She pulls back the waistband of his attire with her other hand, letting it go.

"As ready as I can be." She teasingly kisses him.

"We'll see."

"Yes we will." She smirks, starting to pull down his attire. "Shame we have to wait though." She pulls them down, letting them fall to the floor.

"Yes, what a shame."

“We'll just have to fix that at the hotel then.” She smirks seductively.

"I second that option."

"I knew you would." She presses his indent. "Now...get dressed so we can leave."

"Don't want to help anymore?" He chuckles.

"I'd love to." She grins.

"I thought so."

"I say we start with these..." She holds up his boxers.

"That would be the best thing to start with." He chuckles. She shakes her head, giving them to him so he can put those on. Next, she grabs his jeans, him pulling the up while she buttons them, making her fingers linger. After those are on, she takes his shirt, pulling it over his head. "If only you didn't have to wear that shirt..."

"I know, but people would look at us weird."

"Yeah, I know."

"At least I get to take it off soon." She adds.


"Since you're dressed we can get out of here now."

"Yes we can." He nods. He puts his gear in his bag while she heads out to get her bag. Once they have those, they head for the door. "I really hope he left."

"Let's hope so." She stands behind him as he opens the door. Thankfully Dolph had left. After making sure he was not around, they headed out of the room and through the halls. They made it out to the car with no problem, putting their things in the back then getting in and heading to the hotel. Alex and I have left ourselves after having gotten changed back into our normal clothes. And of course when we get back, he insists on carrying me up to the room, like always. "You're just the sweetest." I kiss his cheek as he walks to our room.

"Don't want you doing more than you have to."

"Of course, but I can still walk."

"Yes I know, but you know I like carrying you and it's not a problem for me."

"I know you do, and I don't mind at all."

"I know you don't." He reaches the room and I reach down with my good arm opening the door. He walks in, dropping our bags by the door, then carrying me over to the bed, setting me down.

"Let me're picking out what I should wear to bed."

"I was planning on it."

"I figured."

"I'll be right back." He kisses me quick. He then heads over to where my bags are and searches for something. It isn't long before he comes back over with one of his shirts in hand. "Of course it would be that."

"You just look so good in my shirts, I can't resist."

"Of course you can't."

"Nope. I'll even help with putting it on too." He grins.

"You would love that, I know."

"Very much."

"Go nuts." I laugh. He smirks before starting to lift my shirt gently over my head. He decides to take his time to be as touchy as he can before pulling his shirt over my head. I put my arms through the sleeves, obviously being careful with my bad shoulder. He helps pull the rest of it down, still being touchy as he goes along. Since my pants were still on, he gladly helped with taking those off, being as touchy as he could while making his touches linger. "And what am I going to be wearing in place of those? Something of yours I'm assuming?"

"I was thinking you could just wear the shirt, but I can get you something else of mine."

"Well I don't care which. Whatever you want."

"I like how you are now."

"Then I'm okay with that."

"I was hoping you would be." He grins.

"Now you just need to get ready for bed yourself."

"I'll do that after you're settled."

I nod, moving so he can pull back the blankets. Once he does, I climb into it and he pulls the blankets back over me, waiting until I'm absolutely comfortable before he decided to get ready for bed. It doesn't take him to long to get ready and once he is, he walks back over to the bed, climbing in carefully next to me. He reaches over and gets the light before carefully pulling me into his side. "Get some rest. We have all day tomorrow to get rest too."

"Right." I nod.

"Love you." He kisses the top of my head.

"I love you too." He starts to run his hand through my hair, helping me get to sleep quicker since he knows I'm in a bit of pain. It isn't long until after I fall asleep where he falls asleep. Stef and Mike have just gotten to their room, and walked inside. They set their bags down and his arms go right around her waist. "Eager much?" She giggles.

"Your fault."

"Oops." She laughs.

"Uh huh..."

" I knew what I was doing."

"I thought so." He chuckles.

"I was having my fun...what can I say?"

"Yes, I know you were."

"And now, it's your turn to have all your fun."

"And I intend to have all the fun I can."

"Tonight's going to be longer then the rest...I can just tell."

"More than likely."

And I know...sorry's not going to work."

"Not this time."

"Didn't think so." I chuckle. "What are you waiting for then?"

"The right moment."

"Like always."

"Exactly." He starts by letting his hands wander all over while kissing lightly up her neck. He decides to leave his favorite spot alone for now, moving around it as he gets closer to it. She tenses up a bit, biting her lip as her ands tighten on his arms the more he goes around the spot, brushing over it at times. He then turns her around so she's facing him, and his arms go around her, holding her close as his lips hover over hers, teasing her. She whines slightly then moves her hands to his neck, pulling him closer, their lips touching. He then starts to walk forwards, making you walk back towards the bed. While you head there, you started to get touchy yourself and clothes start being removed. Since his shirt was off, he started to unzip her dress. Once the zipper was down, it fell to the floor, her stepping out if it. When that was off she started working on his pants. She gets those undone, letting them fall to the floor. He lays her on the bed, not wasting any time. He teases her a bit more before pulling the covers over them for a long eventful night.