Status: Active

The Chance of a Lifetime

Thanksgiving 2012

After finally getting some time off for the holidays, Stef and Mike had gone home to Cleveland so that they could spend the day with his family. Since they were able to, they slept in as late as they could, well she did anyway. Mike was awake just watching her sleep before it was time to wake her so they could get ready to go to his parents' house. Instead of waking her up the normal way, since her back was turned to him as he was holding her, he decided to press kisses to the back of her neck. She moves a bit then settles down, smiling to herself as she starts to wake up.

"Awake yet?" He mumbles against her skin. She shakes her head, burying her face into the pillow more.

"Looks like I have to try harder."

"Mhm." She mumbles into the pillow.

"I've got time."

She shifts slightly, pulling the pillow up around her ears.

"Really think that'll stop me." He chuckles.

"" She mumbles.

"Good...because it's not gonna stop me." He grins. She groans into the pillow, relaxing a bit more. "But don't worry, I'll try my best to not get carried away." He says as he moves down to her shoulder. She tries her best to lay still while he lightly kisses across her shoulder.

"You'll be fully awake soon."


"Just remember...we see my family today."

"...I know..."

"They'll love you, I know it."

She smiles to herself, not wanting to move just yet since she was comfortable and enjoying his affectionate touches. She's actually since moved the pillow so now he has access back to her neck and he goes back and forth from her shoulder to there with kisses. She quietly hums in content, starting to wake up a bit more.

"You always know how to help wake me up." She mumbles.

"That's my job." He grins.

"One of many."

"I would't be a good boyfriend it I didn't."

"As you say all the time."

"And I know...because it's true." She giggles, rolling over onto her back.

"Yes it is."

"A reason I love you more each day."

"I love you too."

"What time do we have to be at your parents?" She yawns.

"Not for another hour or so. You kind of slept through the whole morning."

"Oops. My bad." She giggles. "Must have been more tired than I thought."

"And that would be my bad." He chuckles.

"The things you cause me." She shakes her head then gives him a kiss.

"But you still love me."

"I do...very much." She ruffles his bed hair. "Nice hair." She laughs.

"You love that too." He chuckles.

"Mhm. Since I'm the one who caused it." She grins.

"You always do."

"It's just so soft and silky. I can't help it."


"I suppose we should get up unless you're not ready yet."

"Oh I've just been waiting for you to wake up."

"Oh..." She bites her lip. "...I'm awake now."

"But, I could stay in bed all day watching you sleep. It's cute."

"Aww." She blushes "Any other day you can, but not today. We've got things to do."

"Right right." He nods.

"We can get up whenever you want to let go."

"Maybe a few more minutes."

"I figured." She chuckles.

"Too comfortable to move right now so I'll need those few minutes."

"I know, plus you won't really be able to do this at your parents."

"No, I'll have to behave."

"And I know that's going to be oh so hard for you."

"It really will be."

"You poor thing. How will you ever survive?" She jokes.

"I'll find a way." He chuckles.

"No pulling me away in a corner either. I want to make a good impression on everyone." She laughs.

"Yes, I know."

"Even though I know it'll be hard with what I chose to wear." She smirks.

"Oh boy."

"I think you're going to die when you see it."

"Uh oh."

"If you let me up, you'll have time to be touchy before we leave."

"Deal." He says, letting her go. She gives him a quick kiss before moving from the bed. She then walks over to where her things are in his closet, looking for the dress she wanted. Once she had it, she headed into the bathroom so she could do everything before he saw. The dress was a Pink Ombre Off-The-Shoulder Bandage Dress. After putting that on, she started to do her makeup to match then started to curl her hair. She hears him walking in the room, figuring he was getting ready himself. When she was done and everything looked perfect, she put on her pink guava lip gloss and sprayed some body mist on before heading out to get her heels. Of course he was anticipating on her coming out, so when he heard the bathroom door open, he stopped what he was doing as he watched her walk out, staying silent, but staring.

"Like what you see?" She smirks while she slips on her shoes.

"I think you know the answer to that..."

"By the look on your love it."

"You're correct."

"Of course I am." She chuckles. "Is it okay to meet your parents in? I don't want to be to flashy." She bites her lip, looking herself over in the mirror.

"It's perfectly fine."

"Okay, good." She sighs in relief.

"And you look beautiful."

"Charmer." She blushes. "You look good yourself." She winks since he's dressed nicely, but not a suit.

"Don't I always?" He chuckles.

“You do. As much as I love the suits, I like when you dress down better.”

"It's nice to get out of the suits sometimes." He nods.

"I'm sure it does." She smiles at him as she puts on her earrings and other jewelry.

"I promise you that you're gonna have a great time today."

"I'm with you so I know I'll have a great time."

"Well ever since I told my mom about you she's been wanting you to come over the house. She's the most excited to see you."

"Aw, really?"

"Oh yeah." He nods.

"From what you've told me, she seems super nice and I can't wait to meet her either."

"The best mom ever."

"She really sounds like it."

"Of course also being the biggest supporter ever."

"My mom's been the same way. They really are the best."

"I can't wait to meet her myself."

"If she believed me, I'm sure she would be just as excited as you are."

"Well I can't wait to prove her wrong then." He chuckles.

"I can't wait to see her reaction." She laughs. .

"It's gonna be good."

"That's for sure." I turn to face him since I'm all done.

"Amazing." He says as he looks her over.

"Only the best for you."


"Almost ready to go?" She asks.

"I think I'm all set." He nods.

"Just have to grab my wrap and jacket and I'm all set." She says, walking over to grab both, putting her jacket on while he gets his as well. Once they both have what they need, they leave the bedroom and head downstairs, Mike grabbing the keys and then they both head out to the car.

"Brrr." She shivers, since it was cold out.

"That's what a remote start is for." He says as he presses a button and the car turns on.

"Bless that button."

"The reason why I got it. It beats waiting forever for the car to warm up." He chuckles.

"Exactly." She stays close to him until they get to the car. He opens the door for her like always and after she's settled inside, he closes the door and goes around to the drivers side, getting in himself. When he's in and set, he starts to head for his parents house. During the drive, her takes her hand and laces his fingers with hers, kissing the back of her hand. She smiles over at him, relaxing her nerves just a bit.

"You'll be just fine over here, I know it."

"I know...I just can't help but to be nervous. It's a big thing to meet your parents. I don't want to mess anything up."

"Right, understandable."

"I'm sure I'll do fine though. I'll have you there with me." She squeezes his hand.

"Yes you will."

She closes her eyes, taking a few deep breaths to calm her nerves even more, that helping a bit more. And then it just takes a matter of minutes before he starts to slow down and then pulls into the driveway. "You ready?" He looks at her.

"I'm ready." She takes a deep breath. He gives her a kiss, making it linger since he'll have to control himself most of the night.

"Something to hold us both over since I have to behave."

"'ll sure help, that's for sure."

"Good." He then shuts the car off, getting out then comes to her side. After he opens, they link arms then head for the front door. And of course since they were expecting them both, he just walks in and he calls out saying that they're both there, as he takes Stef's coat for her and then takes his off.

"Michael!" His mom, Carol, comes to where they are, giving him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"I missed you too." He grins as he hugs her back.

"It''s been too long." She pulls from the hug, taking a look at him. "You look good. Taking care of yourself I see." She rubs his arm. " this who I think it is?" She looks over at her.

"You know I always take care of myself, and yes it is. This is Stefanie."

"Hello." Stef smiles at her. "It's good to finally meet you." She adds.

"It's great to finally to meet you as well. I've heard nothing but good things."

"I've heard nothing but good things about you too. I heard you're very sweet and the best mom ever too."

"And that's all true."

"You're just to sweet Michael." Carol smiles. "Now, come. Meet the family."

Stef nods and takes Mike's hand, and they both follow Carol further into the house. She takes them to the kitchen where his dad is along with a few other family members, introducing her. After she's greeted everyone, Carol insists that she help her with some of the things for the dinner. "Go ahead. I'll be right here in the kitchen." Mike nods, kissing Stef's cheek.

"Alright." She nods, then goes over to help her with what she needs done. And of course while she helps her, she also bonds with her, talking about various things and such. They get to know a lot about each other and she also tells her how Mike and her met each other. They talk about that while they start to finish getting things ready.

"How are things going over there?" Mike asks.

"They're going really good. Everything should be done shortly."

"And I'm just loving Stefanie more and more as I get to know her." Carol adds.

"You're not the only one." Mike grins at Stef, causing her to blush.

"The more we talk, the more I see that you're everything Mike has said and more." Stef says to Carol.

"He's just too sweet sometimes." She laughs.

"The sweetest."

"I try."

"You do it without even trying. It's one of your many talents."

"Of course."

"Dinner is about ready. Go have everyone come to the table while we set it out." Carol says to Mike.

"Will do." He nods, going off to do so.

"Thank you again for helping me with all this."

"Oh, it's not problem. I was glad to help."

"I'm happy that he found you. He was happy before, but ever since being with you, I've never seen him as happy as he is now."

"That makes me feel good. He's been nothing but sweet and caring to me since we met. He's really made me more happy then I have ever been."

"He's good for that."

"He really is. I'm so glad I found him. You raised an amazing gentlemen."

"Why thank you."

"You're very welcome."

"And you're welcome back here anytime you come back to town."

“That's sweet and we'll definitely come back when we're in town.”


"It just feels as much like home here already."

"I'm glad."

"How about we get the rest of the food out so we can feed everyone?"

"Good idea." They take the rest of the food out to the table, setting it all down.

"Everything's on the table." Stef remarks. Mike and everyone comes into the dining room, taking a seat. She of course walks around and takes a seat next to him. Once they all sit down, grace is said before they start to take what they want, passing it around the table for everyone to get a helping. "This all smells so good."

"The best dinner you could have when you come here." Mike remarks.

"By the looks and smell, I can already tell that it will be."

"Don't know what's better....this or what's made for Christmas."

"That really is hard, even though you love them both." His dad says.

"I really do." Mike nods.

"I'm just surprised you didn't try to sneak anything this year like you do every year."

"Oh boy." She giggles.

"You should see him. I have to ban him from the kitchen and even the house at times. He's just into everything."

"You so would."

"I just love my mom's cooking that much. What can I say?"

"Of course."

"You'll see why when you taste it."

She nods and then takes a bite of what she put on her plate. "This is really good."

"See?" He grins. "Told you she was an amazing cook."

"Well I did have some help too."

"You're both really good cooks. Stef made some really good things when we went back to LA."

"I have to keep him out of the kitchen sometimes myself." Stef laughs.

"I just love food. Especially good food like you both make."

"I think we figured that out."

"My bad." He chuckles.

"Uh huh."

"You both love me anyway." He grins.

"We do."

"I know. I'm just that special." He grins.

"Yes you are."

"Very special." Carol adds.

"And that's why you love me, I know."


"And I love you too. Both of you."

"We know that very well."

"That's because I make sure you know that everyday."

"You do and we couldn't be anymore grateful."

"Exactly." Stef nods. They go back to eating, enjoying the meal while they make small talk in between. "So, going to be crazy watching any of the games later?" Stef asks with an amused look because she knows how crazy he can get, after the game we all went to before. "Oh of course. You know how I get during the games."

"All too well."

"Today should be interesting then." She laughs.

"Very interesting." He chuckles.

"Oh boy."

"If you think I was crazy at the game we went to, you haven't seen anything when I watch them at home."

"I can only imagine." It isn't long before they both finish their food, and they sit there and wait for everything to finish before having dessert. Once everyone is done, dessert is brought out and they take what they want. "This looks even better."

"It tastes even better. Mom's speciality."

"Might have to take some home with us if there's any left."

"Don't worry. I made extra." His mom says.

"She always makes extra, sends me home with some." Mike chuckles.

"She just knows how much you love it."

"I think you'll love it too."

"We'll find out." She says, taking a bite. "Mmmm...oh my....this is amazing."

"I told you."

"Mhm." She nods, taking another bite.

"I think that'll be a yes to taking some back home with us."

“Most definitely.”

"I'm glad you like it."

"I love it."

"Looks like I'm making it all the time around the holidays then."

"Only if you don't mind."

"Oh I don't mind at all."

"I think we found out where we're coming from now on."

"I think so."

"We love having you both. You're welcome anytime."

"Well I already know that of course." Mike grins.

"We know. We're just letting Stef know too."

"I already feel welcome as it is. Thank you." She nods.

"You're welcome hun."

"We'll definitely come back sometime after Christmas, seeing as we're going to see my family then."

"That sounds like a good idea. We're always here. You can come by anytime."

"Great. I can't wait to come back."

"I'll give us some time off after the new year so we can come back." Mike says.

"Of course you will."

"Anything to spend more time with you and family."

"Which I love doing."

"How well we all know." On they finish with dessert, they help bring the dishes into the kitchen so that they can get cleaned and dried. Stef insists that Mike and her clean the dishes since his mom did most of the cooking. When they were done, she told him he could go watch the game while she puts the leftovers away.

"Only if you're sure."

"I'm sure. Go watch your game."

"Alright. Love you." He says, kissing her cheek.

"Love you too." He goes out to the living room to watch the game, while she helps put the leftovers away. Carol and her take their time putting them away so they can talk a bit more while the guys watch the game. A few other family members who didn't watch the game had come out to join them as well. Even after everything was put away, she remained in the kitchen talking, while the others were watching the game. Once the game was about over, they headed back into the living room, Stef sitting next to Mike.

"So dare I ask how the game is going?"

"It's going...alright I suppose."

"Uh're not happy with the game."

"He's not happy his team is losing, that's all."

"Awww poor you."

"He'll get over it. He always does." Greg, his dad, chuckles.

"Yes he will."

Mike grumbles to himself, pulling her closer to him.

"Oh relax. It's just a game."

"I know, but it's a part of my fantasy league too."

"Oh yeah."

"At least my other teams are doing good. This is the only game."

"They could come back at the last minute..."

"They might. We'll have to see." She nods and lays her head on his shoulder as she turns her attention to the game. The game got pretty intense, Mike's team making a comeback. In the end, his team ended up winning by just a field goal. "See? Didn't I say they would come back?"

"You did." He grins. "You're my good luck charm." He kisses the top of her head.

"It seems that way doesn't it?"

"It seems that way doesn't it?"

"It does." He nods, leaning his head against hers.

"We'll see how every game goes with me watching along with you."

"If it's anything like today, all my teams will win this year."

"Well I'll try my very best at being a good luck charm for you."

"So far you've been nothing but luck for me."

"So I've noticed."

"It will always be that way too. I just know it."

"I'll try to be at least."

"You don't even have to try."

"But I still do."

"I know."

In meantime, with me and Alex, he was still sleeping, but I was up trying to figure out what I could wear that would be suitable enough for the dinner with his family today. I was looking through everything I had in his closet when I heard him moving on the bed. I turn to see his arm reaching out for me then grabbing my pillow and cuddling it. I laugh to myself and shake my head in amusement, before going back to looking through all my clothes hanging up in the closet. After looking, I find a few dresses that could work. I narrow it down to two of them, having trouble deciding what one. As much as I wanted to let him keep sleeping, he usually helps in situations like this. So I walk out of the closet with both dresses and put them down at the end of the bed so that I can try and wake him up so he can help. He groans when I try shaking him, reaching out and pulling me close to him. I squeak as he does so. "Alex....wake up." I say, trying to poke him now to wake him up.

"...nooooo..." He groans.

"But I need your help with something."

"What's that?" He asks sleepily.

"I can't decide between two dresses to wear today. I'm conflicted, so that's where you come in handy."

"Dresses?" His eyes open. "I'm up now."

"If I had known that word was gonna get you up quicker, I would've said it earlier."

"How long have you been up exactly?"

"Oh just about an hour."

"You should have woken me up. I wouldn't have minded helping you look."

"I wanted to let you sleep. You looked peaceful."

"You always think that."

"Because it's true."

"Of course it is." He chuckles. "Now...these dresses. What do they look like?"

"Well if you let me go, I can show you."

"Only if we can cuddle before you get ready."

"I promise."

"Good." He grins, kissing me quick before letting me go.

"And the only reason why I was up for an hour trying to figure out what to wear is because I want to make a good impression on your family." I say as I move from the bed and go to the end to grab the dresses.

"They'll love you no matter what. My mom is already in love with you so that won't matter."

"I know, but still."

"That's understandable."

"Now I'm pretty sure I already know what you're going to pick, but I'm still asking you. So which one?" I ask, holding up both.

"Hmmm..." He looks at both of them. " do look good in purple, but I'm going to say the blue one."

"I figured as much." I laugh, going back into the closet to hang the purple dress back up, coming back out and putting the blue dress somewhere safe until I need to get changed into it.

"Time to cuddle now." He grins, opening up his arms.

"As I promised." I nod, climbing back into bed next to him and his arms wrap around me.

"So much better." He nuzzles your neck.

"I can tell...since you were cuddling my pillow while I was searching through the closet for the right dress earlier."

"Was I? Oops."

"It was cute."

"I thought it was you. I can't help it."

"Oh I know."

"Now that you're here, I'm not letting go until I have to."

"Well what time do we need to be over your parents' house?"

"Not until 3 or so."

"Oh that's plenty of time then."

"I know."

"So we're staying like this until then..."

"You're exactly right. Not moving at all."

"A lazy day...for the most part...just what we need."

"We deserve it too."

"We do...after all the traveling."

"And everything we've done. All the media and everything."

"And getting away from you know who."

"Yes. The person we shall not speak of this whole mini vacation."


"All I want to do is hold you and show you all the love that I can." he holds me close, kissing my neck lightly.

"Which you do every day."

"I'll never stop either. You deserve to have all my love."


"We have a lifetime to show each other and nothing is going to change that."

"Never ever."

"Not in a million years."

"That's why I love you."

"I love you too."

"Now I believe I can have my fun before I have to behave while we're over there." He adds.

"Have at it."

"But poor're gonna have to behave while we're there." I add, laughing.

"It's going to be hard, but I'll try to get most of it in now."

"No marks though. That's a big thing you have to avoid doing. I'm lucky the old ones are gone now."

"I'll save those for later." He smirks.

"Of course you will."

"You know it."

"And I'll get you back for those marks too."

"You always do."

"Because it's fun...for me."

"All the time."

"I just know what drives you crazy."

"That you do."

"But...yes you can have your fun while you can now."

"I plan on it." He grins.

And of course he starts with my neck since he had already started to kiss that lightly. He kisses it lightly enough to not leave any marks, but just enough to drive me crazy. While he's doing that to drive me crazy, since I was close and snuggled into him, I'm able to look over his shoulder as we're laying on our sides and I decide to drive him crazy at the same time by tracing his tattoo. He twitches a bit as a slight growl comes from him, then he starts nipping at my neck in retaliation. I make a noise in response, not really expecting that, but hearing the slight growl made me continue what I was doing just for the fun of it. The more I trace his tattoo, the more he goes crazy to the point of almost leaving a mark.

"Keep doing that....and you know what's gonna happen...beyond my control..." He mumbles.

"I'm just having fun."

"Well, I came awfully close to leaving a mark and you said not to..."


"Uh I have to restrict hand movement? Because I will."

"No." I quickly say.

"I thought so." He goes back to doing what he was doing before, his hands starting to wander. Since I don't want him to restrict my hand movement, I leave my hands resting on his shoulders, trying to resist doing anything that may end up torturing him to the point of restricting my hand movement. His hands wander for a bit longer before he rests them on my hips, moving from my neck to my lips. Since he did torture me a bit with the kisses to the neck, I really wasted no time in kissing him back eagerly. He smirks against my lips, kissing back just as eagerly, his one hand moving to my thigh, squeezing gently on it. Like always, he gets the usual reaction out of me since I wasn't expecting it, even though I should now around him. My hands move from where they were on his shoulders and my arms wrap around his neck and I pull myself closer. The kiss starts to get a bit more intense the longer it goes on. We do end up breaking for air, and I rest my forehead against his. "Every time."

"I can't help myself with you."

"I know you can't."

"It's the things you do to me."

"I think I've figured that out." I laugh.

"One of these days, you're going to make me lose all control and they'll be no stopping me."


"Uh huh...suuuure."

"I can't help it if you like basically everything."

"Because everything you do drives me's just your touch."

"Good to know."


"Who knew that I would have that effect on you." I say, slightly amused.

"Only me. I knew from the moment I saw you."

"Just a feeling I'm assuming."

"For some reason, it was more than that. I can't really explain it, but I knew you were the one for me."

"Aww, well isn't that sweet."

"Just don't tell anyone. I don't want them thinking I'm soft." He chuckles.

"Oh of course not."


"Even though you are....outside of the ring."

"Only for you and a few others."

"Of course."

"I do think we should start to get ready now..."

"If you say so."

"I just don't want things to get to carried away."

"Right, I know."

"Or we could just lay here for a bit longer."

"Well I am comfortable..."

"Then we can lay here for longer."

"Good. Because you're like a big pillow, that's why I'm comfortable."

Like always."

"Can you blame me?"

"No, not really."

"Thought so." I move closer to him, his hold tightening around me while we both lay there for as long as we want. We end up laying there until the time came as to where we had to get ready to head over to his parents' place. He gives me a quick kiss before reluctantly letting me go so I can move from the bed. "I'll be getting dressed in the bathroom. Don't want you seeing the dress on me until I've done everything."

"Awww." He pouts.

"It'll be worth it, I promise."

"It always is." He grins.

"And it's always worth it for me to see what you're wearing."

"I just now what you love."

"Likewise." I then get my dress along with anything else I'll need then head into the bathroom. "No peeking either."

"I'll do my best."

"Because I will leave the door open a crack in case you just want to talk to me while we're both getting ready."

"That's fine." I walk over and kiss him quick, before disappearing into the bathroom, leaving the door open a crack before starting to get ready. While I do that, he gets ready in the room itself. Since it took him less time for him to get ready, when he was finished he sat on the end of the bed as he waited for me to finish. Once I had my dress on, I did my hair how I wanted it along with my makeup. After all that was done, I put on the shoes that I had picked out and brought into the bathroom with me. I gather all my things and put them away, before walking out of the bathroom and back into the room itself. When I do, he gets a glimpse of me and stops everything he's doing and just stares.

"Even better than you could imagine?"

"Uh huh." He nods, still dazed.

"I can're all dazed."

"Huh?" He shakes his head. "I'm fine." He says, his eyes never leaving me.

"Uh huh."

"That just looks so good on you."

"Well you did pick this one afterall."

"I had my reasons too."

"Of course you did."

"I couldn't have picked a better one either."

"I do love it myself." I nod.


"And you know I already love what you're wearing."

"I knew you would." He grins.

"Well it is one of my favorites afterall."

"This I knew which is why I chose to wear it."

"Well I'm glad. Now it looks like we both have to behave today."

"It looks that way and that's going to be so hard too."

"More so for you than me." I laugh.

"Oh so very hard."

"I hope so."

"I know you can."

"I'll think of something before we get there."

"Right, of course."

"Are you ready?"

"As ready as I can be." I nod, grabbing a jacket. He grabs one as well before we both head out of the room and downstairs. He makes sure to lock the door before we head to the car. As usual, he opens my door for me and after I'm settled in, he goes around to the drivers side and gets in himself. Once he's in and ready himself, he starts to head for his parents' house. As we do end up getting closer, he can sense that I'm starting to get nervous a bit, because I was quiet and I started to play with my dress a bit as I was looking out the window. He takes my hand, lacing it with his. "They're going to love you. There's nothing to worry about."

"Can't help it."

"I know. I'll be there with you the whole time."

"Oh I know you will."

"Then there's nothing to worry about. You're going to do just fine."

I nod and try to relax the best I can, and it's not long before he pulls into the driveway. He shuts the car off and sits there for a bit, rubbing circles on the back of my hand. He turns to face me, pulling me close, his lips pressing against mine.

"Hope that helps."

"It usually does."

"Good. Ready to go inside?"

"I believe so."

"Alright. You just sit there, I'll get your always." I nod as he gets out and comes over to my side, opening my door. He helps me out and then shuts the door. He re-laces his fingers with mine and we head for the front door. Since we were both expected, he walks in the door then announces that we're both there. As he takes his jacket off and takes mine for me, hanging them up in the nearby closet, his mother, Lauren greets us. She starts off by giving him a huge hug. "Kevin, it's been too long." She says as he hugs back.

"It really has been. It's just hard to get home now."

"I know, that's understandable with your job."

"Right." He nods. "This is the girl I have been telling you so much about. This is Shauna."

"Oh, she's even more beautiful in person."

"Aw. That's sweet and thank you. You're just like he told me you were."

He's told me everything so..." I add.

"Of course he did." She laughs. "Come. Meet the rest of the family."

I nod and we all head further into the house, into the kitchen where his dad and his brother were already starting to get everything ready to cook. "Hey bro!" Kris comes over doing the man hug with him.

"Kevin, it's so good to see you again." His dad, Kevin Sr. gives him a hug.

"It's always great to see you dad."

"Likewise. Now, tells us about this beautiful girl you brought with you."

"Even though we know a lot already." Kris chuckles.

"How much did you tell them already?" I ask, turning to Alex and giving him an amused look.

"Just the basics...yeah...the basics."

"Alright then."

"We would love to hear everything from you though. Like, what's your family like? How did you both meet? Things like that."

"Well my family...very supportive of what I chose for a career first of all. Of course they always have that concern that I'll get seriously hurt, but that's just the risk that comes with the job, and that shows how much they care."

"Right, of course. We worry about Kevin all the time."

"Of course." I nod. "And we actually a few days after my debut?"

"3 weeks and 2 days to be exact."

"See it was so far back I don't remember." I laugh.

"I'll always remember that day. It was the best day of my life after all."


"That's sweet."

"And you always tell me that when either one of us brings up that subject."

"It really is though. Makes me feel special."

"That's because you are."

"Awwww." Everyone gushes making me blush.

"The whole 'making me blush' thing never ends." I try to hide my face.

"No it doesn't and no hiding."

"Okay fine, but only because I still need to tell everyone about how we got together and everything."

"Right. I'll stop...for now."

"So we didn't actually end up together until some time after the night we had a surprise tag team match."

"I remember that night. I could see how happy he was to be working with you."

"Oh, I was happy too."

"We could see it on both of your faces."

"And I guess we impressed the right people and it wasn't long until we were put in a storyline together. And then we got closer, and it wasn't long until he asked me out."

"Aw. That's a really sweet story. I'm so glad you got together. I've never seen Kevin happier then he has been with you."

“Moommm.” He whines.

"What? It's true afterall."

"I know, but still."

"Someone seems embarrassed." I giggle.

"Am not." He denies.


"So, you need any help mom? I'm sure Shauna would love to help." He changes the subject to avoid more embarrassment."

"Yes, I would love to help." I nod.

"That's great." She motions for me to follow her, telling me what needs to be done.

While I help, we talk more about myself. We get everything done in no time, and then I end up going into the living room with Alex for a while. We all watch the football game that is on until it's time for dinner. "Oh this should be a good game." I remark.

"So far, it really has been."

"Should be interesting as the game goes on. Considering how we both get."


"Don't know who's or me."

"I have yet to meet someone crazier than him.: His brother says.

"I think we found our answer." I laugh.

"Oh boy. Here we go." He laughs.

"The only thing missing is popcorn."

"If we weren't eating soon, we'd have some."

"Nothing wrong with having it after though."

"No, not at all."

"Ohh, come on." Alex says to the TV.

"Uh oh. Someone's not happy."

"That was a bad call."

"I'm sure it was." I pat his shoulder.

"The rest of the game better not be like this."

"I don't think it will be. Just relax."

"I'll try." He settles down enough to watch the game which had its moments at times. In the end, his team won by just a few points. He cheers to himself then Lauren announces dinner is ready.

"And look the game is over just in time."

"I have a feeling mom planned it that way."

"She does that a lot doesn't she?"

"She does."

"After you." He adds. I get up from the couch, him following. We both then head into the dining room with everyone else. Of course before he sits, he pulls out a chair for me to sit first. After I sit, he sits down himself. Once everyone is seated, grace is said before we all grab what we want. "Everything tastes as good as it smells. Best meal I've had in awhile." I comment.

"Best part about coming home." Alex nods.

"It really is. Mom's cooking is always the best kind."

"I can definitely agree with you, judging by all this food."

"She loves to cook and makes the best food I've ever had so far."

"I think every mom loves to cook basically."

"I have yet to see anyone who cooks as much as mine though." He chuckles.

"Just wait until you meet mine."

"Oh boy. Sounds like we'll need a diet after these holidays." He chuckles.

"That's what the gym is for."

"We'll be there a lot too.”

"I figured." He chuckles and then we all go back to eating.

"Hope you saved room for dessert." His mother says once we're all finished eating.

“Oh I did. I heard it’s amazing.”

"Telling her all about my dessert making I see." She says to Alex, laughing.

“Can’t help it. They’re all amazing.”

"Well I'm sure you already know that I made extras just for you to take home."

“You always do.” He grins.

"Because you love it so much."

“That I do.”

"Then I should watch out when I make sweets for Christmas, shouldn't I?" I laugh.

“Yes you should.”

"I know who I'll be banning from the kitchen then."

“Awww.” He pouts.

"You'll survive."

“I’ll try.”

"I know you will. You'll try very hard."

“I will.”

"Which is one of the many reasons why I love you."

“I love you too.”

"Awwww." His mom gushes. He blushes, hiding his face in his hands.

"And to prove that he does, the necklace I'm wearing was a gift the night he told me that he loved me."

“Awww. That’s sweet Kev.”

"It was hard to figure out the right time to tell her."

“But, I did have help from a good friend of mine who made it easier for me.” He adds.

"You did." I nod.

“I don’t know what I would have done if it wasn’t for him.”

"Right, of course."

“How about that dessert now?”

"Yes, let's have the dessert now." His mom goes into the kitchen, getting it off the counter then bringing it in and setting it on the table. She starts to cut it then puts it on plates, handing it out to everyone. "Like every year, it tastes even better than it looks."

“That happens when you don’t have it for so long.”

"It's been too long."

“I’ll be sure to send you some whenever I can.”

"And when you can, I'll make sure it's when we have time off and we're at my place in Tampa. Because it's hard to send it to us on the road when we move around so much from city to city."


"So many cities...especially when it's overseas." I add.

“Of course.”

"I think when we're overseas that's when it gets the most tiring. The time changes and all."

“I’m sure it does. You never know what time it really is.”

"No not really."

"That's a shame." His mom sighs as we all go back to eating.

Once we're done with dessert, I offer to help do the dishes, while the others put the leftovers away. Lauren gladly accepts my offer, us both taking all the dishes into the kitchen.

"You know, I really feel at home here." I remark.

“Good. You’re welcome here anytime.”

"Well thank you."

“You’re welcome.”

Once she washes the dishes, she hands them to me to dry and I stack them next to the sink for them to be put away after. When all the dishes are done, we start to put hem away. It takes a bit of time to, so since there was a lot and after that’s done, we both go back out and watch TV with the guys. When I sit back down next to Alex, he moves his arm to wrap around my shoulders and I lean into his side as we watch TV. Back in Cleveland with Mike and Stef, it was getting pretty late and the last football game of the day was just about over.

"Come on....come on..." Mike mutters as he stares intently at the screen. Stef shakes her head amusedly at how intent he was on the game.

"These are the last few minutes of the game, come on...."

"They'll come back. They always do."

"I'm the good luck charm remember?" She adds.

"You are and they've been doing good all game."

"That's because I'm here."

"I know they're going to win...they so got this."

"Well two minute all comes down to these last two minutes."

"Here." She kisses his cheek. "That was for even more good luck."

"Let's hope that helps." He grins.

"We'll find out. Game's back on."

He stares at the screen intently, but also takes her hand and laces his fingers with hers, also for extra luck. They watch as it gets down to the final seconds. Just before the clock runs out, his team gets into the field goal position. He starts bouncing his knee, getting more nervous. The kicker goes to kick the ball and makes the kick, winning the game for Mike's team. He almost instantly lets go of her hand and jumps up in a victory dance. "You goof." She laughs.

"You already know I am." He chuckles.

"That's what I said silly." She laughs. "You're really that excited."

"Can you blame me?"

"No because I get like that at times too."

"I have yet to see that..."

"We have yet to watch a sport that does that to me."

"We'll find something."

"I know what will, but we'll have to wait to see it."

"No hints?"

"I'll tell you. It's the one thing you have yet to find out about me. I'm a huge racing fan."


"I get just like you did during the races."

"Hmm...well then. I can't wait to actually sit down with you and watch."

"That will be in February. They're done for the season."

"Well we're gonna have to plan a day to go home and watch a race."

"They're usually on Sundays, so..."

"We can work around that. I am the GM afterall. If Raw isn't in town at home, we can just fly out early Monday morning."

"You'd do that just so I could watch a race?"

"Of course."

"You really are the best." She smiles, giving him a hug.

"I'd do anything for you, that's how much I love you."

"Aw Mike. That's so sweet." Carol gushes causing Stef to blush.

"Well you did raise me right afterall."

"I did and I can't be more proud."

"I do love to make you proud."

"We've been proud of you your whole life son." Greg, his father, says.

"As you always tell me." He grins.

"We'll continue to tell you too."

"And I'm proud of him too." Stef remarks.

"He's come so far and proved so many people wrong. That's what makes me most proud of him." I add.

"Now all you need is another starring role in a movie. Which, didn't you get a call about something like that the other day?" She asks.

"I did actually." He nods. "It's a Christmas movie with ABC Family for next year."

"Still working out what it's going to be about, but that's the general idea. I'm sure I'll get another call when they get everything worked out on it." He adds.

"Right. It's still really early for that."

"But when I do go away for it, I want you to come with me."

"I would love to. That is, if Vince will let me be gone for that long."

"Right, but it's still early. We'll figure something out when everything's definite."

"I'm sure we will. I don't think you'll be able to handle being away from me that long." She chuckles.

"No, I don't think so."

"Exactly what I thought." She laughs. "But what I can't wait for is your first movie to come out. I want to see that. That should be the first thing we watch once it comes out." She adds.

"I can do better then that. We get to go to the premiere of it before anyone else gets to see it."


"Really." He chuckles.

"That would be amazing."

"And, it's in New York too. You get to go home for a bit."

"Well now you've got me excited."

"Not as excited as you, but pretty close." She adds.

"Right." He chuckles. They stay and talk for a bit longer until she tries to hide a yawn, not being ready leave yet.

"I saw that."

"You saw nothing."

"You yawned."

"Nu uh." She shakes her head stubbornly.

"Whatever you say."

"It's fine if you're tired dear. It's been a long day." Carol says.

"I'm just enjoying being here, that's all. I should be fine for a bit longer."

"As long as you're sure."

"I'm sure." She nods.

"But if you yawn again, we're going home." Mike says.

"Deal." he nods and wraps an arm around her, pulling her closer into his side. She feels herself starting to doze off, but manages to keep her eyes open. Between the soothing motion of his fingers on her shoulder and the sound of his heartbeat, she must have dozed off with realizing it. "Looks like she was more tired than she thought."

“It would seem so.”

“I'll get your jackets, you get her ready.” His mom says, standing up. He nods, and helps Stef get to her feet as he gets to his himself, holding her up as he waits for his mom to come back with their jackets. Once she does, he helps Stef put hers on then he puts his on as she leans into him half asleep.

"It was great being here today."

"It was great to have you home again. We're really glad we finally got to meet her."

"I'm glad too."He grins.

"You get her home and to bed. We'll see you both before you leave tomorrow." His mom kisses his cheek.

"Of course." He nods. He gets a hug from his dad before he picks Stef up and heads out to the car. Her arms go around his neck, while he leaves the house. Once at the car, he opens her door to put her in, but she doesn't let go of him right away since she was still out of it. "Alright, you've got to let me go if we're gonna leave...." He says, trying to remove her arms from around his neck.

"...Mike..." She mumbles.

"We're going home..."

"...mkay..." She lets go, knowing it's really him. Once she lets go, he helps her get into the car, and she's awake enough to put her seat belt on. Once they're all set, he goes around to the driver's side and gets in himself. After he's in and ready, he then starts to head back to his house since the car was already started and warm. He looks over at her and sees that she's fallen back asleep and he smiles at how peaceful she looks. Since they were not that far from his house, they got there in no time at all. Once he arrives, he parks the car, leaving it on while he gets out to unlock the front door when that's done, he comes back to shut the car of and get her out of the car. Like before, after he gets her seat belt off, he carries her into the house and up to the bedroom. "I'm just going to lock the front door and shut the lights off, I'll be right back." She nods, sitting on the edge of the bed. While he was gone, she decided to take off her dress and gets under the covers, only sleeping in what she had on under the dress. It doesn't take him long to do everything he needed to downstairs and he walks back into the room, closing the door behind him. He chuckles to himself, seeing her dress on the floor. He picks it up and sets it somewhere then gets ready for bed himself. "Thank you." She mumbles on the verge of sleep.

"You're welcome."

When he's done getting ready, he comes over to the bed, pulling the blankets down and laying next to her. She moves close to him and snuggles close to him. "....c-cold..." She shivers. He then of course wraps his arms around her and holds her close under the blankets.


"Good. Even though I could give you one of my shirts to wear if you're too cold."

"I'm good. You're all I need right now."

"Alright." He nods. She lays her head on his chest while he runs his hand through her hair since he knows she's fighting sleep. "Go to sleep." She groans, not wanting to, but starts to let the feeling take over. As soon as she falls asleep, he leans down and presses a kiss to the top of her head, before shortly falling asleep himself.

Back with Alex and I, we were both watching the last game of the night. Alex and Kris were in a debate on who's team was going to win.

"Whatever you do, just keep me out of it." I laugh.

"We will."

"Should definitely watch more games with you two, this is amusing."

"Just wait until his team loses." Kris snickers.

"Uh oh.."

"My team is not losing. Your team's the one that's losing this game."


"Aha! See!? Fumble!!!" Alex laughs. I try to hide the amused smile that forms on my face and the laugh that wants to come out. Kris just mumbles as his team is not doing so good. "We're gonna win, we're gonna win."

"You two and this game. I'll never understand it." I laugh.

"And oh darn forgot to make popcorn." I add, still amused.

"That's alright. I'm still full from dinner."

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Alex cheers, him team getting a touchdown.

"I think that's game over now."

"There's still a minute left and we're a field goal down." Kris points out.

"You have no chance man." Alex shakes he head.

"You never know. It could happen."

"Not with my good luck charm in the room with us."

"Alex..." I blush.

"It's true."

"Of course it is."

"We'll see about that." Kris remarks. It gets down to the final moments of the game and too bad for Kris, his team didn't get in position in time. "Oops."

"Yeah, yeah. There's always next time."

"Of course."

"Now that, that's over. I think I want more of that dessert." Alex says, getting up. "You want some?" He asks me.

"I'm good, but thanks or asking."

"You're welcome." He nods, going into the kitchen.

"I think we may have to keep you out of the living room during games now." Kris chuckles.

"You would like that. This way your teams win." I laugh.

"Of course."

"I don't think that'll work though. I might have to be out of the house all together."

"That would end up being a problem." He chuckles. "I know my brother wouldn't let you be away from him so..."

"You're out of luck then. Sorry." I chuckle.

"It was worth a shot."

"What's worth a shot?" Alex asks when he walks back into the room.

"Oh just keeping me out of the house altogether the time we're here watching a football game."

"Yeah, like that'll happen." He chuckles as he sits next to you.

"That's what I was saying."

"Come on bro. That's not fair though." Kris whines.

"You honestly want me to leave her out in the car the whole game next time? I'm not gonna do that to her."

"No. She can go shopping with mom. I'm not that mean Kev."

"You know that's not a bad idea to think about for next time..." I remark.

"No no no. I need you here with me." Alex pleads.

"But think about it. I can send you pictures of what I try on."

“I don't want to know.” Kris covers his ears.

“That's very tempting...” Alex thinks about it.

"Something to think about for the next time we come here."

"Right. I'll give it some thought."

"You can uncover your ears now Kris." He adds.

"Good. I don't want to hear about that." He makes a face.

"Yes, I know."

"We won't do that in front of you."

"Yeah, nothing to worry about." I nod. While Alex finishes his second helping of dresser, we all watch some TV until he's done and we both decide to head home for the night. Of course we can't leave without getting some food to take home with us. "Thank you again for having me. I had a great time and it was nice to finally meet all of you."

"It was nice to meet you too, and you're always welcome here, anytime."

"Thank you. That's very sweet of you."

"I definitely can't wait until the next we come back. Hopefully it's not too long." I add.

"Hopefully not. I'd love to have a girls day next time you visit."

"I would love that too."

"We'll talk to Mike and see when we can come back." Alex says.

"Right." I nod. We give hugs to everyone before heading to the car, getting in. "I'm surprised I'm still awake. I figured I would've been passed out by now." I laugh as we head back to the house.

"Me too. I was expecting to carry you to the car." He chuckles.

"I think I was just having too much fun there that I didn't want to end up falling asleep."

"I could see that. You and Kris really got along great."

"I typically get along with others pretty well, but I do like your family."

"That's good. They really love you too."

"Then I made the right impression tonight. That makes me happy."

"Me too." He laces his fingers with mine, kissing the back of my hand. "Love you."

"Love you too." He keeps our fingers laced the rest of the ride until he parks in the driveway. Once he shuts the car off, we both get out, grabbing the food we brought home then head inside to put it away. "You head upstairs and get ready for bed, and I'll put everything away." He offers.

"If you're sure."

"I'm sure."

"Alright." I nod, giving him a kiss then heading upstairs. He does what he has to downstairs, and since I knew it wouldn't take him too long, I grabbed what I needed to and headed into the bathroom to change. It doesn't take me long to get changed and once I was done, I headed back into the room, putting my dress away so it wouldn't get ruined. I walk out of the closet just as Alex walks into the bedroom, shutting the door.

"I love what you chose to wear." He grins, walking over to his things.

"I figured you would."

"You just know what I love."

"Well I would hope so."

"You do." He kisses me quick before going to get changed himself.

"Wish we didn't have to leave tomorrow. I like it here."

"I know. We'll get to come back again. Don't worry."

"Oh I know. I just love the time off. Don't get it too often, and when you do get it, it makes you appreciate it a little more." I say as I crawl into bed and under the blankets.

"It really does. We have Christmas coming up and hopefully we'll get more than a day off."

"Right. Well New Years isn't far from then so even if we have a show or two in between, that's not bad."

"No. Not really." He says, climbing into bed with me.

"We can probably go home to Tampa for New Years. Get away from this cold weather for at least a bit."

"That's not a bad idea. I really like that."

"I mean going to New York for it, would be a good idea, but who knows what the temperatures are gonna be like. We can have our own little party at home."

"True. We could even go to Vegas with Mike and Stef. He was talking to me about it the other day. He just doesn't have all the details yet."

"That's a good idea too."

"We can talk about that later though. It's still a few weeks away." He pulls me close to him, me laying my head on his chest.


He kisses the top of my head, running his fingers through my hair.

"Just can't believe that the year is almost over."

"Me either, but it's been an amazing year." He smiles down at you.

"It really has been."

"I couldn't be more happy with how it went."

"Neither could I."

"Next year is going to be even better."

"I couldn't agree more."

"Now, I believe it's time for sleep. It's late."

"It is. And you're already helping as it is."

"That's the plan." He kisses me quick. "Now, sleep." He keeps running his hand through my hair. "Won't take me long to....don't worry." He nods while he keeps doing what he's doing until I fall asleep. Once he notices I'm asleep, he wraps both his arms around me, kissing my head one more time before going to sleep himself.