Status: Active

The Chance of a Lifetime

Las Vegas New Years

It's the day of New Year's Eve, and Alex and I did decide to go to Vegas with Stef and Mike. We ended up staying at Mike's place he had there in Vegas. Alex was still sleeping, even though I was awake. I decided to amuse myself until he woke up, with using my computer. I was busy looking at things on the computer, Twitter, Facebook and other things. Alex started to shift in his sleep, reaching out for me. I can't help but to laugh a bit. I would move closer, but the computer is still in my lap and I don't want to end up dropping it. He ends up moving closer to me, his arm going across my lap on top of the computer. "Well, there goes that idea." I mumble to myself. All he does is mumble, burying his face in my side. "Alex.....your arm is on my computer..." I say, trying to move it. "...hmmm..." He mumbles sleepily. After some struggle, I do manage to move it. I leave it on standby mode since I never shut it off yet, and I put it on the ground next to the bed. I then settle down under the blankets so that I'm down to his level. His arms go around me, pulling me even closer to him.

"Are you awake?" I question.

"...nuh uh..." He shakes his head, mumbling.

"If you weren't, then you wouldn't have responded. You've just been busted." I laugh.

"..don't want to get up yet..."

"I can see that."

"Too comfortable."

"I can see that too. Especially how you had your arm across my computer."

"Oops. I was wondering what that was."

"Was keeping myself busy until you woke up."

"Ah. Well, I'm awake now."

"But not ready to get up yet."

"I will be in a bit. I just want my cuddle time."

"And you get it."

"I was planning on it either way."

"Of course you were."

"Mhm." He grins.

"So, any idea what you want to do today?"

"I don't know. Maybe see some sights or hang out here. Up to you."

"I'll figure something out."

"Right. We have all day."

"Until the fun stuff tonight."

"Yeah. That all start about 7 Mike said."

"Ah, alright." I nod.

"I do think we should get up soon for breakfast though."


"Not now a bit."

"I figured."

"You just know me so well."

"I do."

"Just like I know you." He kisses me quick. "Very very well." He then starts to let his hands wander, going over the spots that he knows get to me. "Starting early are we?"

"Possibly..." He grins. "...your fault for the outfit."

"You picked it out. So that would be your fault."

"Oh, that's right." He chuckles.

"Silly you...forgot."

"Yeah...that's what I did...I forgot."

"But I love you anyway."

"I know you do." He grins. "I love you too."

"Hence the promise ring, I know. I'll put that on when I get dressed."

"Alright. I know you don't want it ruined.

"No, it's too beautiful to get ruined."

"I'm glad you love it that much."

"I really do. It's the best thing you could give me."

"I know." He grins. "Well besides the necklace anyway."

"Right. Can't forget that either."

"You just give so much to me."

"Because you deserve it all."

"I know, you tell me all the time."

"Because it's nothing but the truth."

"Oh I know." He then pulls me closer to him, his hand going under my chin. He lifts my head a bit then presses his lips to mine. His hand rests on the side of my face, the other going around me. With that arm around me, he holds me closer, and I can't help but to move my arms around his neck, and I kiss him back. I leave my arms there, my hands staying where they are, deciding not to touch him....for now, and I just enjoy the moment while I can. His hand that was on my face moved to my hair, running through it while his other draws patterns on my back. I sigh against his lips in content, and relax once again. Of course whenever his fingers would move across my spine, a involuntary shiver would run through me, and of course that causes him to grin into the kiss. He pulls me closer as he rolls over so I'm on top of him. That gives him more access for his hands to wander where they want and that's just what they do. Mine wander as well since I had to move them when he rolled us over. After resting on his neck for a while, I move them to his shoulders. I move them slowly from there, adding in my nails at times, but I do make the touches and such linger as I move along, and I know it's driving him crazy because I feel him tense each and every time I do it, and I just smirk against his lips whenever I feel him tense. The kiss starts to get more intense. Since he can't take much more, he rolls us both over, his hand resting on my thigh. He waits for the right moment to squeeze down on it and when he does, he smirks at the reaction he gets from me.

He does it a few more times before deciding that I've had enough, but his hand stays where it is. At this point, my hands have moved to his hair, my fingers running through it, making it more of a mess than it already was. At times, I tug lightly at his hair, that being another reaction to what he's doing. He keeps the kiss going for a bit longer before slowing down since we both probably have bruised lips by now.

"...can't go too crazy..."


"You'll survive." He chuckles.

"I'm sure I will."

"I think we may have bruised lips anyway."

"We usually do end up getting them." You laugh.

"That's because you drive me crazy."


"Suuuure. You know what you're doing all the time."

"You caught me."

"Can't hide much from me....not anymore."

" always find out anyway."

"I'm good like that."

"Yes you are."

"Nice hair by the way." I add with an amused look.

"Why thank you." He grins. "Just the way you like it too."

"Well half of that is my doing afterall. My bad."

"Uh huh. Suuure."

"I mean where else are my hands going to go if I can't torture you without retaliation from you?"

"Good point." He chuckles.

"So feeling up for breakfast now or not?"

"I suppose we can get up now."

"Only if you want to."

"As much as I would love to stay here all day, we should get up at some point."

"Right, and might as well be now."

"Exactly." He shifts so he's able to get up, bringing me with him.

"Not gonna let me go are you?" I laugh.

"Not yet." He gets off the bed, walking me over to where my robe is. "Now I will." He sets me down.

I kiss his cheek before grabbing my robe and pulling it on, tying it. "There."


"And it's just a robe."

"It is, but you look perfect in it."


"Only for you."

"Of course, and I think I'll make the breakfast."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure." I nod.

"If you insist." He grins.

"I like doing it from time to time."

"I know and I do appreciate it."

"Just like I appreciate it when you make it too."

"True, but your cooking is way better than mine."

"You always say that."

"It's the truth."

"Your cooking isn't bad though."

"You only say that because you love me."

"I'm not just saying that because I love you."

"Then it must really be that good then."

"It is....honest. Never doubt yourself and the things you can do."

"I'll keep that in mind."

"Good. You should." He nods, kissing me quick as we both head downstairs. We then head to the kitchen, where he sits and watches as I get things together to make breakfast, which I decide I'll make for not only me and him, but Stef and Mike for when they wake up. Once I have everything out and ready, I start to make the food.

"So, what're you making this time?" He asks.

"That you'll find out when it's done."

"Aww. No fair." He pouts.

"You'll love it, I already know it."

"I love all your cooking so I know I will."

"The sweets in particular, yes."

"Those are the best."

"And I have no problem making them whenever you ask."


"Whenever." I nod.

"Okay. How about we skip breakfast and go right to that then?"

"Except for now. I've already started breakfast." I laugh.

"Awww." He pouts. "It was worth a shot though."

"Next time we get to go home though, I promise."

"Works for me."

"And you can pick what I make too."

"I think you know what I want."


"Mhm." He grins.

"Always seems to be."

"That's my favorite dessert that you make."

"Am I going to have to ban you from the kitchen again?"

" you."

"And why does that sound oh so suspicious to me?"

"It's not."" He acts innocent. "did I mention I love you?"

"You did."

"I do. Oh so very much."

"And I love you too."

"It smells good already."

"Good. I would hope so."

"It really does."

"Should be done soon."

Can't wait to eat it."

"I do have to say, you may just get sweets in the breakfast. Not giving anything away as to what I'm making, but you'll have to wait to find out."

"I love it already. Hope it's done quick then."

"You just have to be patient."

"You mentioned sweets. No way I can be patient now."

"You'll last a few more minutes."

"I'll do my best." I nod and work on the food until it's done. I get out plates and put everything on them, before placing Alex's plate in front of him. "And if you're wondering where the sweets are....they're in the pancakes and it's chocolate chips."

" favorite kind of pancakes." He grins.

"I know, that's why I made them."

"You're the best." He says then starts to eat.

"So I've been told." I say as I sit next to him and eat myself. Since he was enjoying the pancakes so much, he really didn't say anything during the meal. He of course finished first, and waited for me to finish myself. "Amazing as always. Wish you had made more though."

"There's more, but they're for Stef and Mike."

"I know. They're just so good, can't blame me for wanting more."

"No I can't. I'll make them again another time when it's just us." He nods, and once I'm done, he takes his dishes and mine and puts them in the dishwasher as well as what I used to make everything. When everything is done and put away, we both decide to go sit on the couch in the living room and watch some TV to pass the time. In the meantime, in the bedroom with Stef and Mike, they both were still sound asleep and she was cuddles up to him with his arms tight around her. It wasn't long until he woke up, looking down to see her still fast asleep. She was currently in the middle of a dream and it wasn't going the way she wanted it to. She started to shift in her sleep a bit, mumbling for Mike. "Stef, I'm right here." He says, even though he knows she's still sleeping, just hoping she would hear him.

"" She cries. "Get away!" That of course concerns him, realizing she's having a nightmare now, and he tries to get her to wake up. "Stef....wake up."

"" She struggles against him, not realizing it's him. Since what he was doing to try and wake her up wasn't working, that only left one thing really. When he was able to, he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers, hoping it works like it always seems to do. It took her a bit to respond since she thought it was all a dream. When she does, she jumps slightly, opening her eyes a bit to see that it's Mike. She starts to kiss him back and when she does, he knows she's awake now. "You were having a nightmare...weren't you?" He asks, after he pulls away, once he feels that she's relaxed somewhat. "Uh huh." She nods, pulling herself closer to him still shaking a bit. "I thought so, with how you were saying my name in your sleep."

"I was?" She looks up at him. "I didn't even know."

"You were. I was trying to wake you up, but every time I tried, you would try and get away from me."

"Oh..." She bites her lip. "...that was all happening in the dream, only it wasn't you with me."

"I figured. If you don't want to talk about it, that's okay."

"I-I...don't know."

"Well I'm here if you want to. I'll respect you if you don't want to talk about it."

"I do, but it was just really scary..."

"Well then no rush, when you're ready to, I'll listen."

"Alright." She nods. "right now I just want you to hold me and never let go."

"Say no more." He nods, his arms going tighter around her as he holds her as close as he possibly can. She sighs in content, getting as close to him as she can. She buries her face in his neck, looking up at him from time to time. "Not going anywhere, don't worry."

"I know...just making sure I'm still not dreaming and it's really you."

"It's really me." He nods.

"I can tell by how you're holding me and how you smell. That all make me realize it's real and you."

"Good." She goes back to lay on him, trying to get the dream out of her head. She knows if she tells him, he'll be unhappy with what happened, but she wants to tell him. As she starts to think of what she should do, her fingers start to make patterns on his chest, her not paying attention. He ends up doing the same thing, but the fingers of one hand of his run up and down her spine, helping relax her even more, as he occasionally from time to time kisses the top of her head. She takes a deep breath, letting everything go to the back of her mind for now, focusing on what he's doing and relaxes into him. "I hate when you those kinds of dreams. Wish I could make them stop." He sighs.

"I know babe. I don't like them either, but it's something that happens. I just have to keep my mind off all that."

"You do. And what we have planned for tonight should do exactly that."

"I'm sure it will. My eyes are never leaving you today."

"Of course not."

"Today is going to be the second best day ever." She grins. "Speaking of..." She reaches over him for her ring he got her. "...can't forget this." She slides it on her finger and looks at it.

"Still looks perfect on you."

"I really does. I just love it. I always find myself looking at it too."

"That's a good thing." He nods.

"Mhm." She grins, leaning up to kiss him quick.

"Always makes you think of me, I bet."

"It does. That's why I always look at it. It's like you always here with me even when you're not."

"That's the sweetest thing ever."

"It's all true too."

"That makes me very happy."

"Good. 'Cause you make me the happiest girl on earth."

"I'm glad. All I want to do is make you happy."

"You do. Every time I see you I'm happy."

"That's what I like to see."

"Good." She smiles.

"Seeing you happy, makes me happy."

"I'll always be happy as long as I'm with you."


"So, what's the plan for today?"

"Well I figured I'd leave that up to you, since I planned out tonight."

"Well...since we already see most of the sights here, how about me just stay here? The pool maybe?"

"That sounds like a perfect idea."

"I was hoping it would be."

"Anything with you is perfect."


"And that's the truth."

"Of course it is."

"So how about after breakfast we do just that?"


"Breakfast now or in a little bit?"

"In a bit."

"Alright. I'm not ready to let you go anyway."

"I can tell..grabby." She chuckles. "Can you blame me?"

"No, not really."

"Thought so."

"What's your plan...hmm?"

"Oh, you know I don't tell you my plans." He chuckles.

"It was worth a shot." She laughs.

"Yes, nothing wrong with trying."


"But I'll always win with that."

"No. That would be me." She pouts, giving him the eyes.

"Okay, more like half and half."

"That's what I thought." She grins. "But you love me anyway."

“I do, oh so very much.” She moves inches from his lips, teasing him.

"And I love you too....even when you do that." She laughs, brushing her lips over his then moving back when he goes to kiss her. "You know I'm gonna have to get you back for the teasing right?"

"Like always, bring it." She smirks. "Oh I will....all day. Little things all day."

"Oh boy."

"Oh boy is right. And you'll never know when it happens."

"I never do."

"That's because I'm sneaky."

"Yes you are." She tries to wiggle from his grip.

"Uh uh....not going anywhere yet."

"I'm not?"

"Not ready to move yet."

"No? you must have a plan then."



"Hmmm....I'll think about considering that."

"There's no help for me, is there?"

"Probably not."

"Uh oh..."

"It's what you get for the teasing afterall."

"I did not such thing." She acts innocent.

"Uh huh...act all innocent." He chuckles, as his hands start to wander now.




"You knew what you were doing."

"So I did."

"But now you seem distracted." He smirks.


"Just doing a little bit to get you back, that's all."

"I can feel that." His hands continue to wander and he makes it seem like he's going to press his lips to hers, but just like she teased him, he teases her with just leaving his lips inches above hers. She whines softly, trying to close the gap, but he pulls back for a moment. She groans slightly, wrapping her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her. He just chuckles and decides to give in and finally presses his lips to hers, since he really had no choice since she has him as close as he can be. She instantly starts to kiss back, her hands going to his hair. His hands stop wandering for now, ending up resting on her sides, but under the shirt she has on so he's touching her skin. From time to time, he lightly moves them over her skin causing her to tense up. She starts to kiss him harder, her hands tugging at his hair. When he's not paying attention, she manages to move the both of them so that she's laying on top of him, still wrapped up in the kiss and even though she's as close as she can get, she still tries to get even closer. His arms tighten around her, his one hand still under her shirt. She shivers slightly when he moves his fingers down her spine. She manages to move her one hand from his hair to his chest, lightly moving her fingers across his skin. He then moves his lips from hers and nips at her bottom lip before making his way along her jawline, leaving lingering kisses as he goes. She leans into his kisses until he starts to move for her neck. She moves her head to the side, giving him better access. He smirks against her skin and he goes to behind her ear first. Once he's spent a good amount of time there, that's when he starts to kiss her neck.

She bites down hard on her lip to keep any noises from coming, even though he's not making it easy for her. He's intent on getting noises out of her so instead of kissing along her neck, he nips at the spots he chooses. She bit down even harder on her lip, not being able to focus on anything else. She starts to tug at his hair more the harder he nips. Since he's avoided his favorite spot for the whole time, that's his last resort to get her response to the affection he's giving her. He wastes no time in pressing his lips to it, mixing it up between a kiss and a nip, intent on leaving a mark. She had no choice but to give him what he wanted and the noises that came from her were loud enough for him to hear, but muffled into his shoulder. He's satisfied and as soon as he knows a mark is forming, he moves away from her neck and back to her lips.

Once he's there, she kisses him hard and eagerly. She wraps her arms around his neck the best she can, pulling him back closer. They both go until they can't breathe, and that's when they break the kiss. But he keeps his forehead leaning against hers, a smile on his face. "" She says between breaths. "I love you too.....more than you know..."

"I have a feeling."

"I love you too, just as much." She adds. "I know you do and that ring proves it."

"Yes it does."

“And I'm never taking it off unless necessary.” She adds. "Right, because it's that important." He nods. "Very important."

"Just like you're important to me."

"How well I know. You show it every day."

"It's my job to."

"That's why you're the best." She grins, kissing him quick.

"I know." He grins as well.

"Are you ready to get up yet or no?"

"I think I'm ready to get up now." He nods.

"Good. I smell Shauna's famous pancakes."

"I knew I smelled something good." He chuckles.

"You did." She laughs. "Which means, we should hurry before Alex eats them all."

"Even though I'm sure she wouldn't let him."


"But I agree, we should get down there." He nods.

"Right." She nods, starting to get up. "One have to let me go first." I chuckle.

"Do I really? Because I can just carry you downstairs."

"Oh go ahead." She says amusedly. "One thing first though. Your robe, which I will get for you." He says, kissing her quick before letting her go and moving from the bed to get it. Once he has it, he walks back over to the bed where she's now sitting. He helps her put it on then after she ties it, he scoops her up in his arms. He then proceeds to leave the bedroom and head downstairs to the kitchen where breakfast was waiting for them both. "Aw, how sweet. He left us some." She jokes. "Told you she would make sure there would be some left."

"I knew she would. She's good like that." he sets her down so that she could sit, while he gets separate plates for the both of them, and he puts the rest of the pancakes that were left on the plate and hands her her plate before he sits next to her with his. "Oh and she made my favorite ones too."

"Chocolate chip...I'll keep that in mind for next time." He grins.

"Mhm." She nods. "Best ones ever invented."

"Looks like I'm gonna be stocking up on chocolate chips then."

"Good luck hiding them. They might not last to long." She laughs. "Well I'll give you your own stash and the rest can be for future pancake making." He chuckles. "Yayy!" She cheers. "Hopefully they'll last." She chuckles.

"I'm sure they will."

"You must not know me and chocolate that well then."

"I'll find out then won't I?"

"Yes you will." I grin.

"I'm guessing the pancakes won't last long on your plate then."

"You guessed right." He chuckles before they both dig into the pancakes. And just like he said, hers didn't last long as she had finished hers before he finished his. She sat there watching him eat, looking at his plate. She scooted closer to him, acting all innocent. "I see you eyeing my plate." He says amusedly.

"I'm doing no such thing."


"I'm not." She acts innocent. "By the're not going to finish that, are you?" She steals a piece from his plate. "These are addicting for you aren't they?"

"Mhm." She nods with her mouth full. "You can take one whole pancake from my plate, but that's it."

"No no. You eat. I'm good."

"You sure now?"

"I'm sure." She nods.

"Alright." He nods and finishes what he has left.

"Weren't they the best?"

"They really were."

"We'll have to thank her for making them for us."

"Well I hear the TV going in the living room. I believe they're both out there."

"After we put these plates away, we'll head out there."

"And I will do exactly that." He says as he grabs her dishes and his own. Since she knows he won't let her help him, she doesn't bother to argue about helping him. After he puts everything in the sink, he comes back out then they head into the living room. "Heyy." They greet us as she and Mike sit. "Heyy." We greet back.

"Breakfast was so good."

"The best you've made yet." She adds. "Oh, thank you."

"You're welcome and thank you for making some for us."

"You're welcome as well. Thought it would be nice if I made some for everyone."

"It really was nice and much appreciated."

"Of course."

"So, what are you guys going today?" Stef asks as she snuggles up to Mike on the other couch.

"Don't really know yet."

"Ah. Well, you're welcome to join us here. We're just going to hang around here by the pool."

"I think Alex likes that idea, I can see your face over there." Stef snickers, giving him an amused look.

"What?" He shrugs innocently. "It's been forever since we've been able to go."

"I suppose we can do that." I laugh.

"I was hoping you would say that." He grins.

"Of course you were."

"I can tell this is going to be interesting...just by the look on his face." Stef laughs to Mike. "It sure seems that way."

"You're both going to be spaced out until later. I can tell now."

"It's possible."

"Oh, I know you will me." She pokes Mike's chest. "Well of course."

"I have one you've never seen before so..."

"Oh really?"


"I'm even more excited now."

"Good. Now you just have to wait a bit to see it."

"I think I can manage."

"I know you can do it."

"Of course."

"I don't know about him though." She chuckles, motioning over to Alex.

"I think he'll survive....barely maybe."

"I'm sure he will...maybe."

"We'll have to see."

"Mhm." She hums slightly. " you both want some privacy?" She asks with a chuckle since Alex has been getting touchy.

"No no, I can handle him." I remark. "Alex...."

"Huh? What?"

"You're getting touchy."


"Uh huh."

"Forgot we weren't alone."

"Because you're so used to home or the hotel."

" bad."

"It's okay."

"What were we talking about?"

"Just pool stuff is all."

"Oh, that's right."

"Just talking about how long you can last before she gets ready." Stef giggles.

"I bet I can last longer than Mike will."

"Oh no....not another bet."

"Help us now." Stef facepalms. "Really? You want to bet? It's on." Mike smirks. "This is never good." I laugh.

"No, it's not."

"Think maybe we should leave the room for a bit then?"

"On three."



"...three!" I exclaim and we both quickly get up and exit the living room. "Heyy!" We hear them call once we're out of the room.

"I think we're in trouble for leaving them."

"We might, but that won't be until later. I say we go get ready, not tell them then go tan and have some girl time."

"Good idea."

"We just have to be quick and quiet."

"I think we can handle that." We then quickly head up the stairs as quietly as we can while they still argue in the living room. We make it to our rooms and quickly change into our suits, grabbing towels and sunscreen. When we're done, we head down the back stairs and sneak out the back door. "Wonder how long it'll take them to realize we're not in there."

"Not sure." Stef shrugs. "They can go for hours when they make a bet."

"That's true." I nod.

"I say we have a good half hour before the notice we left the house."

"That's more than enough time to ourselves."

"Yes." She nods. " and Alex...what's going on there?" She gives me a look.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh nothing. Just messing with you." She laughs. "Seriously though, you both seem really happy."

"We are. He actually gave me a promise ring for Christmas."

"And how come this is the first I'm hearing of it?" She gives me a look, playing of course. "He kept me very busy, that's why. Never got the chance." I laugh.

"True." She laughs as well. "I'm guilty too. Mike got me a new one."


"I'll show you tonight since it's in the room right now."

"Same with mine. Would've put it on before coming out here, but I didn't want to lose it or get it ruined."

"Right. Same here."

"So how was Christmas for you?"

"Amazing. Everyone loved him and was so happy for us. It was the best Christmas yet. How about yours?" I ask.

"My family loved Alex too. Of course he was the most nervous about talking with my dad."

"I bet. mike was the same way."

"But when they got talking about sports....oh my god, we could not stop them from talking."

"Really? That must have been crazy." She laughs.

"It was."

"The most Mike and my dad talked about was food and all the good places to go." She laughs.

"Oh boy."

"Lets just say, there are a lot of places we'll be going to eat."

"Oh jeez."

"I see a lot of gym trips in our future." I chuckle.

"It would seem so."

"You might need them too." She laughs. "You're coming with."

"And we all know how gym trips go."

"Not very well."

"Not at all."

"Their fault for distracting us."

"Oh yes, totally their fault."

"But, shhh...they don't need to know that."

"Secret is just between us."

"They never have to know."


They then lay there for a bit in he sun just making small talk for a bit. As time goes by, they keep looking towards the house since they still have not come out yet. "Still arguing I'm assuming. Ohhh what're we gonna do with them?"

"Hmmm...I say it's picture time." I smirk.

"Good idea." She then takes out her phone and opens the camera. We sit next to each other and she takes the pictures. She posts it to Twitter, knowing it will go to Mike's phone, and says 'At the pool with the bestie. Great girls day. ;)' then sends it. "Now we just wait."

"I don't think we'll have to wait long."

"They'll see it almost instantly and next thing you know they'll be rushing out here."

"'re right." Stef says as the doors open and they come out.

"There you two are." I say amusedly.

"Us? What about you two? Leaving us to come out here."

"You two were arguing over the bet."

"A bet he lost." Mike points to Alex.

"Uh oh."

"I did not!" Alex defends. "Who was the first one off the couch and out the door? Hmm?" Mike gives him a look.

"And there they go again." I shake my head.

"They'll stop." Stef motions for me to follow her as she gets up. I nod and get up myself, following her as we walk away from them. We walk around the pool, testing the water with our feet, looking at them through the corner of our eye. "See?" She chuckles. "They stopped arguing."

"They're just waiting for us to jump in, that's what it is."

"I say we give them something to look at." She smirks, starting to do some stretches. "I like where you're going with this." I smirk too.

"They won't last much longer."

"Nope, not at all. And we may be in for it, but it's worth it."

"I know we will be and it looks sooner rather then later." Stef nods in their direction as they start to walk about the pool in different directions.

"Uh oh."

"Umm..." She looks from them back to me. "...I see only one way out." She looks at the pool.

"And it's probably what they want too."

"Then..." She looks at me. "...JUMP!" We quickly jump into the pool, escaping them....for now. When we come to the surface, we see them standing there with that look they always have. "Oh boy.."

"Oh boy is right." They smirk, taking off their shirts. And then before we know it, they've jumped in as well. But we swim to the other side of the pool. They start to swim in our direction, but I go one way and she goes the other. I end up going the way Mike was going and she went the way Alex was going, hoping to get them confused. "Really?" Mike raises his eyebrow in amusement. "Yes, really." We laugh.

"Not gonna work this time."

"We can try."

"Yes you can." We keep trying to get away from them until they each get us cornered at different sides of the pool. "Alex...I have someone for you." Mike grins, pulling me from the side of the pool. "Nooooo."


"And I have someone for you." Alex chuckles, pulling Stef from the other side of the pool.

"No no no."

"Yes yes yes."

"I'll tell you anything you want to know if you don't do it."

"Sorry, no can do."

"Aw. You're no fun." She pouts.

"I have my moments."

"Sure you do, but now's not one of them."

"Your fault really. Both of your faults."

"It was all her idea though." Stef points to me.

"Oh don't you was so not all my idea." I remark.

"I'm innocent!" She declares.

"Well so am I."

" believe I'm innocent...right?"

"Don't both know how to be sneaky."

"I swear I had nothing to do with it." She defends the best she can. "Don't know who to believe at this point."

" know I did nothing..." I tell him. "Wish I could believe that, I really do."

"Wish I could believe that, I really do."

"Come on."

"I know how you can be sometimes." He says as we all meet in the middle of the pool. "I have a feeling I know who was behind it all." Mike says as they switch us. "Nope." She shakes her head. "Mhm...we'll find out." He smirks, taking her away from Alex and I. "" Stef squeaks. "I really wish I could."

"I knew it wasn't you the whole time." Alex says to me. " did go along with it so..." He adds.


"I'll let it slide...for now.

"Yay." I grin, kissing him quick.

"You're just lucky."

"Of course I am."

"Her on the other hand...I don't think she's so lucky." He chuckles.

"No, I don't think so."

"We'll just leave them alone." He takes me to the other side of the pool. "You know, you two moved pretty quick after she posted that picture." I give him an amused look. "We didn't want you out here all alone..."

"We were having girl time though."

"Oh...then that's fine."

"We were out here for a good amount of time before she posted the picture. Assuming you and Mike were still arguing."

"We were, but looking for you both too."

"Well you found us."

"All thanks to the picture."

"Yes, all thanks to the picture."

"A very nice picture of you if I may add."

"I knew you would think so."

"By far, it's my favorite."

"Good to know."

"I like what I see now even better though." He looks you over.

"And that's because it's in person and not on a phone."


"Just for you. Even though I'm sure people will comment on the picture, but the important thing is that I love you, and you only."

"I know you do and I love you too...only you."

"And I know you do."

"The ring and necklace prove it."

"Yes they do."

"And so many other things too."

"Like what?"

"Just the little things."

"And I know what those are." I nod.

"You should." He chuckles.

"And I always will."


"Plus, you show me every day how much you love me." I say, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"I do and I'll continue to do so." He kisses me quick.

"Always appreciate it."

"I'm glad."

"So are we staying in this spot all day?"

"No, but for now it's good."

"Because you want to be touchy, I know."

"Can you blame me?"

"No, considering you had already started inside, not realizing that we weren't alone at the time."

"I can't help myself at times."

"Yes, you and I both know that."

"So very well."

"Makes me wonder what you're gonna be like tonight."

"I'll do my best to behave. I'll just get it all out now."

"Oh boy."

"It's been awhile for me, so..."


"I'm going to have all the fun while I can." He grins, hands starting to wander all over.

"And I'm not stopping you either this time."

"Good choice." He grins. He then turns us around and instead of him leaning against the wall of the pool, it's me who's leaning back against the pool wall. And he leans his forehead against mine as well. He steals a few kisses while his hands wander up my legs and sides. "At least you can hide being touchy in the water."

"Mhm." He nods. "Not like they're paying attention anyway."

"No, they're in their own little world, but still. We're not alone out here." I laugh. "I know why too."

"Same reason we're in our own little world."


"But I'm off the hook unlike her."

"Yes you are."

"Not so sure if I will be after you see what I picked out for tonight though."

"Oh? Do tell."

"I can't give it all away, then you won't be surprised. The only thing I'll give you is the color and it's blue."

"I love it already."

"Oh and animal print too. But that's the most you're getting."

"You're so trying to kill me here."


"Maybe? I think you are."


"Well, it's working."

"And I wasn't even trying."

"You never have to."

"So I've learned."

"You're just that smart."

"I am. Now I gave you a hint as to what I was wearing. What about you?"

"Haven't decided yet, but it's going to be something you love."

"I love everything, so it could be anything."

"True." He chuckles. " hint and that's it. Jeans."

"Oh, that's enough for me to know it'll kill me."

"Good." He smirks. "Now it's your turn to wait."

"I think I can manage."

"I know you can."

"You'll help, I know."

"And I'll help you."

"Of course." In the meantime, since Mike knew that Stef was behind everything that happened, he was intent on getting her back for it all. He had her pinned against the wall, his one hand resting on her waist while his other wandered all over."...Mike..." She whines. "Yes?"


"Oh....I know."

"What's it...going make it...stop..."

"I don't think anything is going to make me stop right now."

"What if...I admit it was me?"

"Oh....I already knew it was you all along."

"Not fair."

"You started it all with that picture."


"Hmmm to let it slide or no?"

"Pwease?" She pouts, giving him the lip and eyes. "Well, seeing as I did have my fun this morning....."

"I'm off the hook?" She looks at him hopeful. "This time, yes."

"This time, yes."

"Yayy!" She cheers. "Love you."

"Love you too."

"Question though. Are we staying here all day?"

"Not all day, no."

"You just want to be extra touchy, don't you?" She gives him an amused look.


"I knew it!"

"I never pass up a chance to be extra touchy."

"No you don't and I can tell..."

"Plus, I'm really loving the swimsuit."

"I had a feeling you would." She grins. "This one I've actually been hiding."


"I know." She grins. "It was hard, but worth it."

"It so was." He nods, his eyes wandering over her.

"So...this your favorite so far? I can tell you really like it."


"I think this one can stay here then."

"Of course you would say that."

"I do have more that you love so those can come with us."


"Either way, you're happy."


"But, since you're having your fun..." She trails off, running her hands down his chest, her fingers lightly moving over his skin. "...I'm going to have mine." She smirks. "Bring it on." He smirks back. "I will." She leans in close, whispering against his lips. She lets her touches linger as they make their way to the waist of his trunks. Right before she gets there, she shifts on his lap a bit. He groans slightly causing her to smirk. She then slips her fingers under the waist of his shorts, brushing over one of his indents. That causes him to tense and he ends up nuzzling his face in her neck, and in retaliation he ends up kissing her skin from time to time. She manages to stay focused on what she was doing since he was too distracted to do much. While she teases him for a bit, she kisses his shoulder then up his to his neck, her fingers pressing a bit harder into his indent this time. He refrains from noises since he knows they're not alone, but his arms tighten around her waist, holding her as close as he can while he leans his head against hers. "Had enough?" She whispers with a smirk. "Don't know how much more I can take." He mumbles.

"You did say bring it and I did."

"No argument there."

"I'll give you a break...for now."

"Still not going anywhere yet though." He remarks. "Uh oh..." She bites her lip. "...I'm going to regret that..."


"You have that look...that's never a good thing."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Suuure...that's why your hand is where it is?"

"I didn't even realize it was there, honestly."

"Uh huh..."

"But regardless....not moving."

"I didn't think so." She moves her arms to around his neck. Then she moves and rests her head against his shoulder as she leans into him. He kisses the top of her head while they just sit there and enjoy the moment we have while she runs her fingers through his hair. "One of the best ways to relax." He mumbles.

"It is...especially when it's with you."

"It makes it perfect."

"In every way possible...wish this would never end."

"Me too."

"As long as I'm with you, everyday is like this though."

"I'm glad."

"As am I."

"That and the fact that we love each other is all that matters."

"Yes. There's that too."

"Love you so so much."

"I love you oh so very much too."

"I'll always tell you that."

"I love hearing it too and I'm never going to stop telling you either."

"That's what I like to hear."

"Good." She kisses his cheek. "I suppose I can let you go now."

"Only if you want to you can."

"Well even though we both know I would, I could keep you like this all day, but I think I've had my fun for now."

"I know you could and you would, but I have a feeling we'll be right back here again."

"Probably." He chuckles.

"But, you'll have a better view if you do let me go so..."

"Very true." He grins, letting her go. She starts to swim away from him, her back to him at first then she turns once she gets far enough away. She stops, just floating where she was while he stood there, staring. "You were right, perfect view." He smirks.

"I'm always right." She grins.

"Yes, yes you are. And so am I."

"True." She splashes water at him.

"Oh we're gonna go there now huh?" He gives her an amused look. "Huh?" She acts innocent, doing it again then trying to get away. She gets far enough away from him and hides behind me and Alex. "Hide me." She whispers. "I think he would've been able to see you as you swam away though, right?"

"Maybe...I don't know...probably...shhh..."

"Well you know I'm alright with hiding you. What about you Alex? Forgive her for planning everything earlier enough to help hide her?"

"Hmm...I don't know..." She gives him her pouty look. "...I suppose so."

"You're awesome. Thank you."

", shhh." He says as Mike gets closer.

"What's up?" I ask him as he reaches us. "Stef. Have you seen her?"

"Nope haven't seen her."

"You sure? I swore she came this way."

"We're sure. Maybe she went inside?"

"She's awfully quick then." He chuckles. "I'll have to go see." He makes it seem like he's going to get out. He swims away from us to the pool ladder, but he turns around and looks back, only to see her hiding. "Aha, you're not inside." He declares.

"Uh oh..."

"Don't think we can save you anymore." I remark. "Thanks for trying." She starts laughing. "You're welcome." She gets out of the pool to get away from him, only to see him waiting for her. " you..." She gives him an innocent look. " you too..."

"I'm in trouble, aren't I?" She starts to back away from him. "You in trouble? Oh no." He chuckles. "" She looks from him to me. "Well if I try, it probably won't work. I mean afterall, I did cover for you, and he knows that now. I don't know what to do to help. Unless....I suggest you and I have more girl time."

"Yeah...more girl time...lets do that."

"You think that's alright with you?" I ask Alex.

"I suppose. I've had my fun for now." I grin and kiss him quick before he lets me go and I climb out of the pool myself. Stef blows Mike a kiss then takes my hand and we head back over to the lounge chairs we were sitting in. "So, how bad were you in for it with everything being your idea?" I ask with an amused look.

"I was in for it big.I'm shocked he even let me go."

"That is a shocker." I laugh.

"It really is. Even after everything I did, I'm just lucky to be over here right now."

"He's probably secretly plotting something for later, that's what it is."

"Most likely. I'm so going to be in for it later, I just know it."

"I'm off the hook for once."

"Lucky." She chuckles. "I'm never off the hook."

"Well for now anyway. Might not be after tonight with the dress I picked out."

"Oooh? Do tell." She turns to face me.

"Well I didn't give him too many hints, just that it's blue and animal print. Apparently that was all he needed for it to kill him."

"Oh of course. He does love how you look in blue. He'll die for sure if it's the one I'm thinking of."

"Well we could go inside and I could show you."

"If we can get away with that."

"I think we can."


"We'll be right back." I say to them as she and I stand.

"Okay." They call back.

"See? Piece of cake."

"Yeah...for you. You're not in trouble that's why." She laughs. "But Mike could've easily made you stay."

"True. He could be distracted too." We then head inside and upstairs to the bedroom Alex and I use. I go into the closet and pull out the dress I had picked out, bringing it out and showing her. "That is the one. He's so going to die."

"I thought so."

"You're so going too be in for it later. I can just tell now."

"Well he just might be in for it too. He only gave me one hint to what he's wearing. And I think you know what that might be."

"The one thing that gets you...jeans."

"Exactly. I can't help it."

"I don't blame you. I'm the same way with Mike and his suits."

"Of course. So what are you wearing tonight?"

"Just one of the many pink dress that I have...a one shoulder one with jewels on it."


"I can show it to you if you want."

"Oh I can't wait to see it." I nod, heading back into the closet to put my dress back where it was, before coming out and following her to her and Mike's room. She goes into the closet, getting the dress then bringing it out to show me. "I absolutely love that."

"Thanks. I have a feeling Mike will too."

"Well we know how he is with you and pink so of course he will."

"Exactly. Plus, he has yet to see this dress too."

"Even better."

"I'm just surprised he hasn't asked about it yet."

"Oh I would give him time...either that or he just wants to be surprised and doesn't want any hints this time."

"That could be it. He has been busy with other things so..."

"Right. But I bet he won't stop staring at you once you put that on tonight."

"Same goes with Alex and you. His eyes will be glued to you."

"That's the plan."

"Always is."

"It's fun."

"So much fun."

"I do have to thank you and Mike for inviting us to come here."

"It's no problem at all. I wanted to spend the night with you too and he had more than enough room so it all worked out."

"Even though I'm sure Alex would've wanted to stay home, I think it's a lot more fun here."

"Right. I'm sure he would have, but I'm happy he decided to come."

"So am I."

"It wouldn't be the same without, I know that."

"Right, but I can't wait for tonight."

"Neither can I. It's going to be so much fun."

"Yes it will be. So think we should go back outside before they come searching for us?"

"I think we should." She chuckles, heading into the closet to put her dress away. Once she puts it away, we head back downstairs and back outside. When we get out there, we don't see them anywhere. We look around for them until they appear behind us, wrapping their arms around us. "Waiting for us to come back out weren't you?"


“You were taking to long.” Alex says as they both pout.

"I don't think we were gone that long."

"It was what, a half hour at the most?" Stef looks at them amused. "Just about yeah." I nod.

"Felt longer to us."

"Of course it did."

"Now that you're back, you're not leaving."

"Oh darn."

"Not even to go make something to eat?"

"We've got that covered already." Mike remarks.

"Oh you do, do you?"

"Mmhmm, surprised you haven't smelled it already. But the grill is going."

"I thought I smelt something, but didn't think you had it going yet."

"Alex started it."

"Well that's good. And what did you do, hmm?" She looks at him amused. "Did you just lay in the sun and tan?"

"Oh no, I got the food and everything together."

"Le gasp. You did something other than tan? Shocker." She jokes. "Ha-ha, very funny." He chuckles.

"You know I love you. It's just so easy to tease you though."

"I love you too."

"So, how much longer do we have to wait?"

"Not too much longer."

"Good. I'm starving."

"Figured as much."

"It was all that swimming that did it. Plus, you know me and food. Next to you, that's my first love."

"Of course."

"How about we go check on the food and you both can sit?" Mike suggests to me and Alex. "Sounds good." I nod. We both head over to the chairs by the pool while Mike and Stef head over to the grill to check on the food. "So, what were you doing inside?" Alex asks curiously.

"Just showing Stef the dress I picked and looking at hers."

"That's what took so long."

"I still don't think we were that long, but yes, that would be the reason."

"Felt like forever."

"Oh it wasn't that long. It's not like we went to the store for hours. We were just inside. Silly."

"I know, but still."

"Aww. You poor thing." I pat his cheek. "Yes, poor me."

"Wha can I do to help you feel better?"

"I think you know."

"Hmmm..." I turn so I'm facing him. "...this?" I run my fingers through his hair, giving him a soft kiss. " guess right." He grins.

"I'm just that smart." I grin.

"You just know me and what I like."

"I do."

"And I know you and what you like as well."

"All to well." I chuckle. Then I move so my back is to him again and I lean back against him as his arms go back around me. Since he can't be as touchy as he wants, he just does subtle touches for now. It's not long until Mike calls over to us that the food is ready. "Alright, gonna have to let me go."

"I can deal with that...for now." I nod and then he lets me go. I get up first and he follows, before we head over to get what we want to eat. Since Mike and Stef were over there, they already got what they wanted and were just waiting for us both to come over before they started to eat. "In a few hours, the real fun will begin."

"Oh I can't wait. I've seen and heard how much fun you have at parties."

"Oh you have no idea."

"That crazy, huh?"

"You'll have to wait and see."

"It must be if you're hiding the details from me."

"I'll see."

"Now that's no fun." She pouts.

"You know what I say about my secrets."

"I do and I know...I have to wait."

"Yes you do."

"I should be able to."

"I know you can."

"You'll help, I know you will."

"Yes, yes I will." We continue to eat since we were all hungry, making small talk as we eat. "So I almost forgot to ask, do I get any hints to what you're wearing tonight?" Mike asks Stef. "Should I?" She glances at me. " little hint won't hurt."

"Alright....which one..." She starts to think. "...well, it's pink."

"I love it already."

"It's pink so of course you do." She laughs. "That's all I get right?"

"Umm...for now."

"Alright, that's fine."

"If I give you anymore, that'll give it all away."

"Oh darn. Oh well. I'll survive."

"Yes, yes you will." She kisses his cheek.

"I'm sure it'll be amazing."

"Trust me, it is." I say lowly.

"What was that?"

"Nothing...nothing at all."


"It's nothing. Don't worry."

"Whatever you say."

"Anyway...what time are we leving tonight?"

"I was thinking about maybe 7."

"That's not to bad."

"No. Didn't want to leave too early or leave too late. 7 seems like a good time to leave."

"Right. Since the ball will be dropping early for us here with the time difference."


"That gives us just enough time to shower and get ready...if you both behave that is."

"I think we can manage."

"We'll see how you both do with that." She grins. "I don't see that going very well." I snicker. "Is that a challenge?"

"Oh I don't know..."

“I think it is.” Mike grins.

“You think everything is a challenge.” Stef laughs. "So I do."


"Ah, but you love me for it."

"I really do."

"Then I'll continue to be a goof."

"Good." She kisses him quick. "So once the food settles, I think we'll have enough time left to spend in the water."

"I'm sure you both would love that." Stef says to Mike and Alex. "Yes, yes we would."

"Well, we'll go back in soon."

"Okay, good." We soon finish eating, taking our time with putting everything away so the food has time to settle before we go back in the water. "And let me guess, this time you're not letting us go."

"Nope. Not until we get out to get ready."


"I hope you're ready." Mike says to me as he jumps in with me in his arms."I don't think she was ready." I laugh. "Oh but you are." Alex grins, doing the same thing as Mike. They had come to the surface just as Alex had jumped in while holding me. "You two think alike so so much." She says to Mike laughing.

"We do. One reason we got along so well."

"I've noticed." Shortly after, me and Alex both come to the surface. "Did the same to you I see." Stef laughs.

"He did and he's lucky I love hom or he'd be in trouble."

"Same here with Mike."

"We're just that special."

"Yes you are."

"But now, say bye to Shauna. You'll see her later." Mike says as he starts taking Stef to the other side of the pool. "Oh alright." She waves bye to me as they head across the pool. "So, what are you planning to do with the rest of the time before we have to get ready to leave?" She asks.

"I think you have a good idea." He smirks, his hands wandering as he presses a kiss to her neck.

"Oh yes, this again."


"I should've known."

"Can't help myself..."

"You never can."

"" He says between kisses as she leans into him.

"So you say....every time." She remarks with a grin as one hand rests on his shoulder and the other goes to his hair. His hands wrap around her, holding her close while he keeps with the affection. "Keep the marks to a minimum though."

"Mhm...I will."

"You better...or I'll have plans to torture you."

"Challenge accepted." She grins before relaxing the best she can, even though with him and what he's doing, it's almost impossible. He passes by the sensitive spot multiple times, and every time he touches it the least bit, she tenses slightly. And he knows he's getting to her so he keeps doing it with a smirk. She bites down hard on her lip, tugging at his hair the more he does that. He then decides to move to the other side of her neck, moving from the side that he's on now, trailing kisses along your jawline. He makes those linger before reaching the other side of her neck. She moves her head along with him, resting her head on his shoulder. Her eyes fall shut while she hums softly, her fingers running through his hair. He grins at the reaction he's now gotten out of her. And just like the other side, he kisses every inch of skin that he can, making each and every one linger, driving her crazy. She makes a few soft noises, her legs tightening around his waist. She lets her one hand fall from his hair to his shoulders, lightly moving her nails across his skin. That of course causes him to push her back against the pool wall for the 2nd time today, his hands resting on her hips and tracing patterns along the skin from time to time. He moves from her neck and presses his lips to hers eagerly, and of course she kisses back just as eagerly. The kiss keeps going, getting a bit more intense as they go. His hand goes from tracing patterns to lightly squeezing down on her thigh at times, causing her to kiss him rougher with a few noises muffled into the kiss. He smirks and he feels that they both need air, so he starts to pull away, much to her protest and he leans his forehead against hers. “'re...amazing...”

"Not as amazing as you."

"You would think that."

"Always do."

"One reason why I love you."

"I love you too."

"Staying like this until we get out I assume?"


"Just remember...we're not alone."

"Yes yes, I know."

"I know you do, but do your hands?" She gives him a look since his hands were starting to go places. "Oops. My bad."

"Uh huh. If we were alone it would be different."

"I can do more when we're alone."

"Yes you can and no, we're not going to the room now. It's to nice out right now."

"I wasn't going to suggest that."

"Suurrre. I know you good enough by now to know you were thinking it."

"Can't blame me for thinking about it."

"No because I was too." She says the last part low. "Good to know." He smirks.

"Don't go and get ideas. As much as I want to, it will take a whole lot of convincing to get me to go."

"Oh darn."

"If you behave then maybe I'll let you get a shower with me..."

"I'll try my very best."

"Oh I know you will or you'll be showering alone." She smirks. "And that's not quite as fun as showering together."

"No it's not."

"I promise to try my very best to behave."


"Even though you're not helping much really, but I think I can manage."

"It's my job to make things harder for you." She smirks, her fingers running across the back of his neck lightly.

"And I can do the same thing back, make things harder for you."

"You always do."

"Because it's fun."


"Of course." He decides to keep them there for now, his arms staying around her. But he has switched places with her so that he was leaning against the wall, his arms still around her as she leans back into him. She tilts her head back, kissing him on the cheek. He kisses the top of her head as she rests her head on his shoulder. "Oh would you look at them." She motions to me and Alex. "How cute."

"I'm sure she'd say the same thing about us."

"Trust me, she does." She chuckles.

"All the time I'm assuming."

"Every chance she gets."

"Did you know he got her a promise ring for Christmas?" She adds.

"I did." Mike nods. "He was with me when I got yours and got her one too."

"So that's where you both went that day for like half of the day."

"It is. We know how to hide things like that."

"You really do."

"Only to get the best for you both."

"Even though you both are the best as it is."

"We know, but you deserve everything and anything."

"Of course."

"I do think we should get out now...dry off then get a shower...let them have a bit more time alone..." Mike suggests. "That does sound like a good idea."

"Then that's what we'll do." He nods, moving to the stairs. He lets her go so she can get out first, before he follows. They both go over to their stuff, grabbing the towels they brought outside. Once those are wrapped around them, he sits on the chair, pulling her down on his lap. "Could not think of anything better to do than what we planned today."

"Me either. Just being with you all day has been the best."

"Best part about time off."

"Yes it is. Wish it could be like this all the time."

"So do I."

"We do make the most of it though."

"Yes we do. I always make sure of it."

"You do and you're amazing at it."

"Why thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Our first New Years together." He grins.

"It is." She smiles. "Going to be a very special and memoriable one too."

"Indeed it will be."

"They start of many firsts. I can't wait to see what next year will be like."

"Even more memorable."

"I have a good feeling it will be."

"I will make sure of it."

"I know you will. These past few months have already been memorable."

"Yes they have been."

"The best ever." She snuggles into him. "Could not agree any more." He grins. He kisses the top of her head as she leans into him getting comfortable. His arms stay around her, holding her in place. The rest of the day seemed to pass by awfully quick and before we knew it, it was time to get ready for tonight. So we headed in to take our showers first of course. It didn't take m that long to shower and once I was done, Alex got in while I got ready. Didn't take me too long since I knew how I was gonna do everything to go with the dress. The last thing was my shoes and I had sat on the edge of the bed as I waited. Soon the water shut off meaning he was done. It took him a bit to come out since he got mostly dressed in the bathroom. When he came out, all he had on was his jeans, waiting to find the right shirt to go with my dress.

"Are you just trying to kill me?" I say amusedly.

"Is it working?"

"Doesn't it always work?"


"So I'm guessing you're trying to find a shirt to go along with what I'm wearing right?"

"I am. I want it to be perfect."

"Well don't you think it would help if you looked at what I'm wearing. I know I gave you hints, but a visual aid may help."

"It mi-" He says as he looks at you then runs into the wall. "I'm good." He plays it off.


"Your fault. You look stunning."

"Well, I try."

"You never have to."

"But I still do."

"I know and it's what I love about you."

"So, are you sure you're okay or do you need a few minutes?"

"I believe I'm okay." He stumbles a bit.

"You're stumbling a bit there."

"I can't stop looking at you. You're just..just...beautiful."

"As you say, every day."

"Because it's true."

"Well, now you know what to look for to wear for a shirt."

"I do and I have the perfect one." He makes it to his things, going through and pulling out a blue shirt that matches the light shade of blue on my dress. "Perfect."

"And it brings out your eyes too." I add. "As you say with anything I wear that's blue."

"Blue brings out your eyes. What can I say?"

"Which is why I try to wear it a lot, for you."

"And I appreciate it, very much."

"I know you do."

"Tonight is going to be amazing. Our first New Years together." He grins.

"First of many to come with the passing years."

"They'll only get better too."

"And I can't wait."

"Neither can I. you're the only one I want to spend these days with."

"Same here."

"What should we do while we wait for Stef and Mike?"

"Well what would you like to do? Even though I'm pretty sure I know the answer." I laugh. "Alone time?"

"I knew it."

"You just know me that good."

"I would hope so."

"You do."

"Well, what are you waiting for then?"

"The right moment."

"For what exactly?"

"To do this..." He pulls me to him, pressing his lips to mine. I grin against his lips and my arms instinctively go to wrap around his neck like always, so I can pull him as close as he can get. He smirks, his one arm wrapping around my waist while the other rests on the back of my head holding me in place. He starts to walk forward, me walking backwards until my back meets the wall. He then starts to deepen the kiss, both hands now resting on my hips. I try my best to not let my hands go to his hair since he had just did it not too long ago and I didn't want to mess it up for him, even though it is fun. So I just leave my hands resting on his arms instead. And then I knew that he had gotten the taste of the lip gloss like he's always done with the flavored ones and he wasn't stopping until it was all off so I would have to re-apply it after. He goes a bit crazy with trying to get it all off, trying his best not to run his fingers through my hair like he loves to do. Since he was intent of getting it all off, the kiss became rough. When he feels that it's all gone, he does keep the kiss going for a bit longer, because he didn't want to pull away and I really didn't want him to either at the moment. But eventually he does, because we're both lacking air and like always, rests his forehead against mine. " you..."

" you too.." He gives me one last quick kiss before pulling away. "Gonna need to put more of the lip gloss on now. Youuu."

"Meee." He grins. "This time it stays on though. Even though I'm bringing it with us just in case."

"Awww." He pouts. "It just tastes so good."

"It's the only tube of that flavor I have. I want to make it last."

"Oh alright." He sighs. "I'll have to find more of it."

"You would."

"Like I do with all my favorites."

"Of course." I go over to my things, re-applying the lip gloss then putting it into my clutch. "There."

"It's going to be so hard to resist all night."

"I think you can manage."

"I can try."

"Yes, you can always try."

"Depends how long we have to wait for the other two." He half chuckles. "We can hope it's not that long." I laugh. "Knowing them, it might be 2014 by the time they're ready." He jokes. "And we would've gotten all ready for nothing."

"No. We could always leave without them if they take too long."

"We could. But I think we can wait."

"If they don't take to long. That or you can go get them."

"We'll see how long they take. If it's too long, I'll go get them."

"Good 'cause I don't want to see that." He laughs. "I know. Although, it wouldn't be bad if you knock first."


"But I'll still go get them. Don't worry."

"Alright." He nods. "Should we wait here or downstairs?"

"I say downstairs. You may not get the motivation to leave the room if we wait much longer."

"You're right, I won't."

"See? I know you that well."

"Then you know it's hard for me to move right now."

"Yes, yes I do know that."

"I like where we are right now though."

"Of course you do."

"I do say we should head down now since you're starting to get touchy..." I add. "If you say so."

"If not then we may not leave at all."

"Right right, I know. Well, after you." He slowly lets me go so I'm able to move from the wall. As I walk around him, he watches my every move. "You so would watch my every move." I laugh. "It's the dress...makes every move even better."

"Good to know." I grin. He bites his lip as he watches me walk to the door. He snaps out of his daze, then starts to follow me. We make it downstairs, and choose to sit in the living room until Stef and Mike are ready. In the room with Stef and Mike, we have just gotten out of the shower that was a lot longer than planned. They had their towels wrapped around them as they headed back into the room. "Alright, you've got to let me get dressed, instead of being all touchy. Can you do that?" She asks.

"It's going to be very hard, but I think I can do it."

"Because the longer we take, the more time we waste, and the less time we have for tonight."

"And that's longer before you see my dress too." She adds.

"I see your point. I'll try and behave."

"I know you will since you want to see the dress and it's one you've never seen before."


"So I shall be right back." She grins, giving him a quick kiss. "Alright." She then heads into the closet, closing the door slightly so he can't see the dress. She drops her towel then steps into her dress, pulling it up. She manages to get the zipper up high enough for now then she slips on the shoes she had picked out. She runs her hands down the dress, smoothing it out then she steps out of the closet. “Mike...can you help with the zipper please?” She turns so her back is to him for now. "I would be happy to." He grins, walking over to do so. She moves her hair out of the way so it doesn't get caught in the zipper. He slowly moves the zipper up, letting his touches linger, sending a shiver down her spine. That causes him to smirk and he lightly kisses her exposed shoulder. "Mike..." She bites her lip. "...not helping..."

"Oops. Sorry."

"Sure you are." She chuckles. "You already had your fun in the shower."

"I know..."

"You can have more fun later...I promise." She grins, turning around so he can see the dress. "Alright, I can" He says as he sees the dress.

"Like?" She smirks, shimmying in place.


"Good 'cause I love what I see too."

"Oh really? I thought so."

"You know I love when you wear suits."

"I know that very well."

"Then you know how hard it is for me to resist jumping you right now."

"Yes, yes I do."

"I have to say...this is one of my favorites too." She runs her fingers over the fabric of his jacket. "Oh I know. Which is why I chose to wear it."

"You're just trying to kill me tonight."


"I can do the same to you." She smirks. "Oh, don't think I forgot." He chuckles. "I know you didn't, but I still have to finish getting ready."

"Right, my bad."

"I'll go do that now before it never gets done." She chuckles.

"Right right, go do that." She gives him a quick kiss before forcing herself to go back in the bathroom to finish getting ready. She starts with her makeup since that would be easy. She then starts to curl her hair once her makeup was all done. Since it was loose curls, it didn't take too long. When that was done, she sprayed some peppermint body spray followed by peppermint lip gloss. Just as she was putting that on, she saw him appear in the mirror. "Couldn't wait anymore huh?"

"No. I've waited long enough as it is."

"Poor you."

"It was torture."

"Poor poor you."

"But, now that I'm here and see you...everything is all better." He grins, walking in and wrapping his arms around her waist. "Always is."

"Mhm." He kisses her shoulder. "And is that...the peppermint again?"

"It is." She smirks. "You know I love that."

"How could I forget. I had to go buy more lip gloss because of last time." She chuckles. "Whoops."

"Another treat I thought I would give you." She tilts her head, brushing her lips over his. "Appreciate it."

"You always do." She turns in his arms so she's facing him. "Of course I do."

"I do aim to please." She smirks, running her fingers under the collar of his shirt.

"So do I."

"How well I know." She slowly says, giving him a teasing kiss. That had distracted him long enough for her to slip out of his hold and go out into the bedroom with an amused look on her face. “You're so going to get it now.”

“Have to catch me first.” She dashes across the room. "Really? You know what happens when you do that."

"Then come and get me."

"Oh I will....when you least expect it."

"Better hurry...I'm going to leave..." She inches closer to the door. "I'll beat you to it."

"You sure about that?"

"I'm very sure."

"Alright..." She moves closer to the door, reaching for the handle. "What's that?" She points to a different area in the room. "What?" He looks where she pointed, but comes to her knowing exactly what she's doing. She thinks he's not paying attention, so she reaches the door and goes to leave, but he catches her with his arms going around her waist, with a smirk on his face. "Aw man. You caught me."

"Yes, yes I did. You really thought you could fool me."

"It was worth a try."


"Now...what are you going to do?"

"You'll see."

"Uh oh..."

"Have to plan it out this time."

" you..." She looks at him, hoping that will work. "Love you too." While he thinks, he brushes his lips over hers like she did to him. She whines at the torture, but knows what's coming. She runs her hands up his arms to his shoulders then down his chest, taking his tie in her hand, pulling him closer to her. He smirks against her lips and his hands remain resting on her hips, since he doesn't want to mess her hair up after all the work she did on it. "May have to save my plan until later, or else we'll be late."

"Awww." She whines. "Just a quick kiss?" She pouts. "A quick one won't hurt."

She grins, pulling him even closer, pressing her lips to his. The kiss actually ended up being longer than just a quick one, mainly because he teased her like she teased him earlier. That actually led to him making her back up, until her back hit the closed door, keeping her pressed against it as the kiss kept going. Her arms go around his neck, letting him continue for now. Once she feels he's kept it going long enough, she tries to slow the kiss down, but he keeps it going after tasting the peppermint again. Since he was clearly not stopping, she just let him continue until he felt like he got all the peppermint off her lips, and that actually took him quite some time. Once he got it all off, he started to slow the kiss down before pulling away and resting his forehead against hers. "...happy now?"

"Very happy."

"Good. Now I have to re-apply, but I'll do that in the car."


"Can't have you taking it all off again. We'll definitely be late then."


"Later. I promise."

"Oh, alright."

"And don't pout. You know what that does to me..."

"Wasn't even thinking of it."

"Uh huh...I know you, remember?" She pokes his cheek. "Yes, I know."

"Good. Now that, that's settled, let's head down. I'm sure they're waiting for us."

"I can almost guarantee they are."

"I'm sure they are."

"Surprised they haven't come to get us yet." Just then there was a knock on the door. "And there they are." She laughs. "After you." He chuckles. She moves from him as he steps back. She then opens the door to see me stading there. "We're coming." She chuckles. "Alright, if you say so. Alex said he and I would leave without you and meet you there if you took too long, but you know that's not what I do." I laugh.

"I know. Blame Mike this time."

"Oh boy, what did you do?"

"Nothing." He acts innocent. "Uh huh...he got the lip gloss again."

"Alex did the same thing."

"Them and the lip gloss...we never learn." She laughs.


"So tell did Alex react to your dress?"

"Well he was looking for a shirt to match with me, so I told him that maybe a visual aid of the dress would help. So he looked up and he stopped mid-sentence and ended up bumping into the wall. I think that explains it all."

"Oh he so would." She laughs. "That's so him."

"Yes he would. And he tried to play it off too."

"Let me guess...say he was fine and nothing happened."


"Mike was just speechless."

"Of course he was."

"Always am with her." He grins.

"That's sweet."

"He always is." She smiles as we head into the living room. "I got them." I call to Alex as we come down the stairs.

“Finally.” He laughs, coming to meet us.

“Sorry. Big house. I got lost.” She jokes, trying to be serious. "Uh huh....suuuure."

"Honest." She says, nudging Mike before he can say anything. "Exactly. It's her first time here. Can easily get lost in this place." He remarks. "Alright...I'll give her that...for now."

"Off the hoook. Yay."

"You just got lucky." He chuckles. "Luck has nothing to do with it."


"So I think we're all ready to go now."

"We are."

"Alright, let's go have some fun."

We all nod then head out to the car after getting everything we need. Since Mike knew where to go, he got in the drivers seat, Stef getting in the passengers side, me and Alex getting in the back. "Try to behave on the way there." I say to Alex quietly, since he started to get touchy.

"I'll do my best."

"As long as you do that." Mike then starts the car and heads to where the party is. He reaches over, lacing his fingers with Stef's as he drives. It didn't take to long to arrive at the party and once we did, Mike parked the car. We all get out and then head inside, to see it full of people, but other than that it looks like a lot of fun. Mike then leads us to the VIP area where he had a table reserved just for us. "A table just for us. You just think of everything don't you?"

"I do, plus I know how packed this place can get."

"That packed huh?"

“Yes. This right now is nothing.”

"Well then we got here just in time then."

"We did." He nods. "Oh...everything is already paid for so there's nothing to worry about. Get whatever you want."

"Always one step ahead of everything aren't you?"

"Yes I am." He grins.

"That's why you're the best." She remarks.

"I know I am."


"Oh hush. You know Alex would do the same for you."

"Yes I would."

"See? I knew he would."

"He's just great like that."

"Yes, yes I am." He grins. "Oh by the way, almost forgot..." I trail off, holding out my hand to Stef, showing her the promise ring I told her about earlier in the day. "Ooohhh...I love that!" She takes my hand, looking at the ring. "I knew you would."

"It's gorgeous. Good Job Alex." She lets my hand go. "Here's the one Mike got me." She holds out her hand for me to see. "I love yours too. So pretty."

"Thanks." She smiles. "I love it too."

"The best gifts ever."

"They really are." She looks at Mike. "Oh...the rings are too."

"We know what you mean."

"Because you all understand me like that."


"Should we head out on the dance floor or stay here for a bit longer?"

"I don't even think we need to ask that." I laugh.

"Nope." Alex says as they pull us to the dance floor.

"Should've known."

"Yes you should have."

"My bad."

"It's alright. Let's just have a good time."

"And that's exactly what we're gonna do."

"That's right." And that's exactly what we do, once we get to the dance floor. And the song that happened to be playing, was a good one to dance to. The guys, of course, had to do their goofy dancing that they always do making us laugh. At times, we tease them with dancing by dancing close to them then moving away and dancing with each other. We do that for a few songs or so before we decide to go sit down and have a drink. The guys offer to get the drinks for us, while we sit at the table to wait. "This is really fun."

"It really is. I enjoy the time we get off, celebrating holidays and stuff and the new year. I can't wait to see what this upcoming year is gonna be like."

"Neither can I. Hopefully just like the past few months have been."

"Maybe even better."

"Knowing them, it definitely will be."

"Who knows what they have in store."

"Only they will know. I can't wait though."

"Oh I know right?"

"Exactly." She nods. "Oh boy...looks like we have some fans over there." She points to the VIP entrance. "Never fails, no matter where we go."

"No, but we can't help we're that hot." She laughs, messing with them by waving and smiling. "No, we really can't." I laugh too.

"What? You..." She points to them. "...want to come with us?" She points to me and herself. "I think they really do."

"I can tell." She laughs. "You do? Yeah?" She tries not to laugh at how eager they seem. "What do you think?" She looks at me. "Mess with them?"

"Messing with people is always fun, so I think we should."

"Sweet." She grins.

"So how should we mess with them?"

"I say, make then think they're going to get to come...flirt from a far then when the guys come back...bam...denied."

"Aha, perfect."

"Why thank you." She grins. "Ready...set....go!" She looks at them, waving and blowing a kiss. I do the same, but I wave a little and smile. And of course, it just gets them even more eager to be let into the VIP area, even though they never will be. She motions with her finger for them to come closer even though they can't. She pouts slightly when they can't get in, then make it look like she's going to get up and go over to them. "Aww, you can't get in. What're we ever to do?" I say with a look of fake disappointment on my face. They wave for us to come over to them so we could talk to security. We go to get up and walk over there, saying something to the guard. He nods, then opens the rope. They go to walk in, but Mike and Alex walk in before they could then the guard closes the rope. "Oops." I shrug. "Maybe next time boys." She blows a kiss before walking away. We return to our seats at the table next to the guys, kissing them quick before sitting down. "What was that all about?" Mike chuckles after they hand us our drinks. "Just a couple of fans that wanted to get in the VIP area with us."

"Psh. Like that would ever happen."

"Exactly. So we were just having a little fun with them, that's all."

"We were wondering what you were doing." Alex chuckles.

"Of course."

"Thanks for the drinks by the way."

"You're welcome."

"This is really good!" She says after taking a sip.

"Kind of figured you would like it."

"Might have to watch her with those. If they're that good, she might now want to stop." I laugh. "Shhh...I'll be fine." She lies. "Uh huh....I know how you get."

" fair."

"We'll limit how much you drink."

"Not if you don't know how many I really have." She grins sneakily. "I think I'll be paying attention then."

"Not if you don't know where we are or how many times I go up there..."

"I think between the three of us, we can keep a close eye on you."

"You're so unfair." She pouts, finishing her drink. "Just looking out for you."

“I know and I appreciate it.”

"Anything for you."

"I think Mike and I should go dance now..." She sets her cup on the table. Go ahead. Alex and I will be here, of course." I nod. "Alright." She nods getting up, taking Mike's hand. "Now to get another drink." She says to him once they're far enough away. "Okay, you can get another."

"Yayy!" She cheers. "Love you." She kisses his cheek, pulling him over to the bar. "Love you too." They make it over to the bar, ordering her another drink. While they wait, he wraps his arms around her waist, resting his chin on her shoulder. "I'm having fun already."

"Me too. This is the most fun I've had in a long time."

"Well I'm glad you're having fun too. It's supposed to be fun tonight."

"It is. I'm with you so of course I'm having a blast." She takes her drink then turns in his arms.


"How about that dance, mister touchy." She giggles. "Sounds like a great idea." She sips her drink so it won't spill then lets him lead her to a spot on the dance floor. He pulls her close, his hands resting on her waist while her one hand rests on his forearm. "Just go easy on the drink while we're dancing." He chuckles. "No problem. It's almost gone anyway." She laughs. "Already."

"Mhm. They just go down that easy."

"I can tell."

"Might have to get my second one before we go back to the table."

"You mean your third? Are they already hitting you that hard?" He chuckles. "Well yes, but second for Shauna."


"She doesn't have to know." She kisses him quick. "I'll play it off."

"If you say so."

"True me. I got this."

"Okay." He nods. They keep dancing while she finishes her drink. Once that's done, she puts the cup down then starts to dance with him a bit more. She turns so her back's to him while she dances against him, moving up and down. He rests his head against hers as his hands move and his arms wrap around her waist from behind, and holds her closer to him. Alex and I however were still at the table, only he pulled me onto his lap and was starting to get a bit touchy. "Can't sit in my own chair now?"

"I was getting lonely over here."

"You were right next to me. It's not like we were further apart."

"Then...I was getting cold." He plays it off. "Suuuure."

"Okay. I just wanted to hold you."

"That sounds more like it."

"Can't help it. I love having you in my arms."

"I know you do."

"If we could stay like this all night, we would."

"Of course, I know that."

"I do think we should go out there at some point though." I add.

"Right, I know. But not now. Too comfortable."

"Right. We can sit here for a bit longer."

"I plan on it."

"I had a feeling with how tight your hold is on me." I chuckle. "Whoops. My bad."

"Uh huh."

Can you blame me?"

"No, not really."

"Thought so." He holds me closer to him, nuzzling my neck. "You better be trying oh so hard to behave."

"I really am." He mumbles. "I can tell."

"You just smell so good, I can't control myself."

"Frosted Snowberry. That's what you're smelling."

"Smells so so good." He starts to nip at my neck. "Easy...I don't want any marks that aren't needed." I say in amusement. "I'll best..."

"We'll see if you can. Sometimes you can't." I laugh.

"It's just so hard."

"Poor you."

"Yes, poor me."

"I apologize for being the cause of it." I grin. "Oh you will later." He smirks.

"Oh boy."

"Oh boy is right."

"Well we'll see. Don't know how tired I'll be after tonight."

"Right, but there's always the morning."


"We'll find out later."


"When did you want to go back out there?"

"How about after I finish my drink."

"Sounds good." He nods. "Which shouldn't be too much longer since it's almost gone."

"Take your time."

"You sure now? Not too eager or anything?"

"I am, but I think I can manage."

"If you say so." He does the best he can to behave while I finish my drink, but he ends up being a bit touchy. "Alright you, we can go now."

"Yess." He cheers. "Gonna have to let me go so I can move."

"Right." He chuckles doing so. He lets me go so I can move from his lap, and once he stands, I take his hand and we head back out to the dance floor. Once there, we find a spot then start to dance, his hands resting on my hips. This time I'm facing him with my arms wrapped around his neck, and I occasionally play with his hair that's at the base of his neck. He twitches slightly, a chill going down his spine. He pulls me closer to him, his fingers lightly running across the small of my back. "Oops, did I do that?"

"You so know what you did."


"You're so lucky there are people around..."

"Oh really?" I say as I do it again. "You asked for it." He smirks, moving his hand and grabbing my butt. "I'm just having my fun." I say after I squeak from being caught offguard. "I know and so am I." He grins. "Clearly."

"I'll let you have fun tonight and I'll get you back later for it."

"Oh I already had a feeling you would."

"If I can last that long."

"I'm sure you can. You're gonna have to because we're not leaving until after midnight."

"I'll do my best."

"As long as you do that." His hands go back to resting on my hips as we both continue to dance. Stef and Mike in the meantime have gone back to the bar to get another drink before going back to the table. After making their way through all the people, we finally get back to the table and sit down. "Good. They're not here. This can still be number two."

"Right." He nods. "You seem to be liking've had a few so far too."

"I do, and I have. Not gonna have too much. Someone's gotta be a designated driver to get us all back home safely tonight."

"True." She nods. "I think that will probably be Shauna. She usually doesn't drink much."

"I've noticed."

"So I think you're safe to have a good time tonight."

"Alright, but I won't go too crazy."

"Good." She takes a sip of her drink then sets it down, moving closer to him. He's one step ahead of her because as soon as she does that, he pulls her over and onto his lap, his arms tight around her waist. "You read my mind." She smirks, her one arm going aroung his neck the other running up and down his chest. "Well you know you can never sit in your own chair long enough anyway." He chuckles. "True." She laughs. "You do have me spoiled that way."

"Yes I do."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

"Me neither."

"Love you." She kisses him quick.

“Love you too.”

“ the hands...touchy.” She giggles since his one hand started moving up and down her leg, starting to go places. "Oops."


"Can't help myself."

"You never can." She shakes her head amusedly.

"Can you blame me?"

“No. I know I'm irresistible.” She grins.

"You are." He nods in agreement. "I knew there was a reason." She runs her fingers under the collar of his shirt along his neck. "You are too." She leans close to his face. "Oh, I think I know that." He smirks. "You should." She gives him a teasing kiss, biting his lip after. "And the teasing continues..." He mumbles. "Mhm...all night too."

"I think i've figured that out."

"It's going to be a long night for you..." She smirks, biting his lip again. His arms get tighter around her in response, and he leans his forehead against hers. "I can make it just as long for you too..." He mutters. "Try me." She challenges with a smirk. "Ohh you have no idea what you got yourself into now."

"I guess I'll find out."

"I believe you will."

"Give me your best." He smirks this time and makes sure no one around is looking, before his hand moves to her thigh and as always squeezes lightly for now. She bites her lip, tensing up as she presses her forehead against his. "And that's only the start of what my plans are..."

"...not fair..."

"I just know how to get to you."

"You so do."

"I have my ways of doing things sneakily."

"I can do the same." She shifts a bit on his lap. "And you might cause things to happen."

"Oops." She giggles.

"Things that can't be solved here."

"All the better for later." She smirks. "If not in the morning."

"Either'll get me back for it."

"You better believe I will."

"No going back now." She leans in close, making him think she's going to kiss him. Instead, she kisses the corner of his mouth, moving across his jaw to his ear, nipping lightly at it. He makes a quiet noise in response, but also loud enough for her to hear over the music. He wants to retaliate, but she's got him too distracted that he can't do much at the moment. She smirks, doing that for a bit longer before moving back across his jaw to his lips. When she reaches his lips, he wastes no time in kissing her back. And he actually starts it off rough, because she had teased him to that point. She rests her hand on the back of his head, holding him close as she kisses him back just as rough. She leaves her other hand resting on his shoulder for now. Since he's not distracted by her this time and is able to do much more, he decided to wait until he could catch her offguard. To do that, he waited a while before squeezing her thigh again. She makes a few noises into the kiss as she arches into him. She starts to kiss him more hard, gripping onto his suit jacket. The more that she does that, the more that he squeezes her thigh. Of course he doesn't want things to get out of control so once he feels she's had enough, he just keeps his hand resting there as he keeps the kiss going. She starts to relax a bit, her hand resting on his shoulder. He starts to slow the kiss down even though she whines in protest, wanting it to go a bit longer. "Don't want to get out of control here..." He says after he pulls away. " we don't."

"Save it for later or tomorrow."

"Oh I will."

"Thought so." She keps her forehead against his so she's able to calm herself down enough to function properly again. "Taking a bit to calm down?" He chuckles.

"Uh huh..." She slowly nods. " really got me that time."

"My bad."

"Sure it was."

"Couldn't help myself."

"Like always, you never can."

"Never fails."

"I's all my fault too."

"Most of the time, yes."



"I'm innocent....honest."

"Most of the time."

"Alright...most of the time I'm guilty, but mostly innocent."

"Half and half."

"You love me anyway." I grin.

"I do. So so much."

"And I love you too, even more."

"I know you do."

"Good. I'll never stop showing or telling you either."

"Neither will I." She smiles, giving him a quick kiss then rests her head against his shoulder, getting as close to him as she can. They stay there for a while before going back out to the dance floor to do some more dancing. The hours seemed to pass by fast with how much fun we were having, and before we knew it, it was getting close to midnight. "Almost time."

"And then it'll be officially 2013."

"Another amazing year."

"Already the new year on the east coast."

"Yes and now it's out turn, which means another round of kisses."

"Definitely." He grins.

"You're so going to enjoy this."

"Yes, yes I will."

"That's will I."

"Oh I already know you will."

"Not much longer now..."

"Nope. Getting excited?"

"Me? Excited? Hell yeah!"

"I can tell." He chuckles.

"I can't wait to go into the new year with you."

"I can't wait either. It's gonna be a great year."

"If it's anything like the past few months, I can't wait."

"I'm sure it'll be even better than the past few months."

"Now that's something to look forward to."

"It really is."

"Oh minute." Then they start to count down from there along with everyone else who started to count down. The closer we get to zero, the closer Mike pulls Stef to him. When everyone gets to 2, he presses his lips against hers along with Alex doing the same to me. They both keep the kisses going for a long time, before deciding to pull away, leaning their foreheads against ours. "Happy New Year." We say at the same time. "Now to look ahead to what's to happen from here on out."

"Nothing but good and fun adventures."


"Now...go dance more before we leave?"

"It's like you read my mind."

"I know...I'm that good."

"You just know me that well, that's what it is."

"That I do."

"After you." She then turns around, taking his hand in hers, walking out to the dance floor next to Alex and I. "This night has just been great, won't you agree?" I say to her. "It really has. Best night ever."

"At least we have the rest of the week off until we're back to work on Monday."

"Right. That's the best part about all this. The time off."

"Gotta love the holidays."

"I'm starting to love them more and more."

"So am I." Mike grins.

"I knew you would say that." Stef laughs.

"It's true."

“Of course it is.”

“Same here.” Alex adds. “I love them.”

"So do I." I nod. We keep dancing the rest of the night, the guys holding us close at times. Other times, we decide to tease them with dancing with each other just out of reach. Before we knew it, it was getting really late. "Is it that time already?"

"It would seem that way. Plus, I think we need to get those two home." Alex says about Stef and Mike. "Makes me wonder how many drinks they had...especially her."

"Honestly, I have not even been paying attention. I know I've seen her with about three so I'd say about that...maybe more."

"She does tend to go crazy with the drinks sometimes."

"I have a feeling she did tonight and he let her get away with it."

"Most likely."

"I say you go over and get them. You know her better."

"Yeah, that's a good idea." I nod. I then walk over to where Mike and Stef were dancing, tapping her on the shoulder. When she doesn't respond, I tug her arm to get her attention. "Stef, I think it's time to go."

"Already? It's not that late."

"It me."

"What is it? 12:30 or one? That's not late."

"Stef...come on. I'm driving and with traffic who knows how long it will take to get back."

"Alright...we can go."

"Plus I think you've had enough to drink tonight."

"I only had four tonight. That's not that many."

"Really? Mike how many did she really have?"

"I uh...I lost count."

"I thought so."

"Awe man. Now I'm in trouble." Stef says to Mike with a pout. "No you're not in trouble. I just had a feeling you had more than just a few drinks." I remark. "I fault...won't happen again."

"It's alright." Mike then puts his arm over her shoulder as we we head over to where Alex is. We then head out to the car, Mike giving me the keys on the way. Once there, Mike and Stef get in the back, Alex and I getting in the front.

"Not too tired to drive?" Alex asks.

"No. I'm good."

"Probably will end up, after we get back and inside, crashing after I'm ready for bed though." I add.

"Right. That's to be expected."

"But tonight was fun."

"It really was." He nods. "Just can't wait to get back and go to bed though."

"I know how you feel. I'm beat."

"It was a long night." I nod. "A very long night indeed."

"But it was nice to get out and do something."

"I agree. I'm glad we agreed to come."

"So am I."

"Mike..." Stef whispers. "...easy..." She giggles.

"Oops, my bad."

"When we get back."

"Wish that would be sooner."

"Relax...she's going as fast as she can."

"I know, I know. But still."

"We'll be there soon. Have fun, but go easy."

"I'll try..."

"It's hard...I know."

"It really is."

"We're almost there."

"Finally." She leans into him the best she can while he keeps having his fun. It isn't long until we reach his house, me pulling into the driveway and parking. Mike almost rushes out of his door, heading to the front door of the house, all eager.

"He probably doesn't realize I have the keys so he can't get in." I laugh.

"Shauna, hurry up!" He calls from the door.

"Is he always this eager after a few drinks or so?" She asks. "Honestly...I haven't seen him this eager ever."

"That's because he hasn't had a girlfriend in a while." Alex chuckles. "Right." She laughs. "This should be interesting."

"I'm going as fast as I can!" I call to him as I finally exit the car. "That's not fast enough!" He whines. "You wouldn't believe how many times I had to drive back to the hotel when he decides to have a good time with the drinks." I shake my head amusedly, locking the car once Stef and Alex are out.

"Quite a few I'm assuming."

"Yes, very rare few times, but yes."

"Oh boy. I do think we should get him inside though."

"Yes, that would be the better idea." I nod, heading towards the house with her and Alex following. "Calm down, calm down." I say as I approach him and the door. "Her fault." He pulls Stef to her. "Uh...oops?" She giggles. "Suuure." I laugh, unlocking the door, allowing her and Mike to go in first. Mike pulls her in and rushes through the house and up the stairs. "And they're gone." I laugh. "I have a feeling you're right."

"Well you behaved tonight, I'll let you pick out what I wear to bed. I know you love when I let you do that." I add. "I really do." He grins. "Let's go." He starts to pull me to the stairs. "Wait, gotta get the lights we left on."

"Oh, right."

"Now you're eager too." I remark amusedly as I go around, turning off all the lights. "I get to pick what you wear to bed...of course I am."

"Every time."

"Always will too."

"Alright, everything's set down here. Now we can go up to the bedroom."

"Finally." He takes my hand and hurries up the stairs. "Careful, I still have my shoes on."

"I can fix that." He scoops me up in his arms.

"Well I would've taken my shoes off, but okay." I grin. "That would take to long."

"For you."

"Yes, for me."

"Another thing that always happens for you."

"Your fault."


"Uh huh...suuure." We reach the bedroom and he walks in, pushing the door shut with his foot, before going over to the bed and setting me down on it. He then goes over to my things, searching for his favorite thing of course for me to wear. Once he finds what he's looking for, he takes it out and brings it over to me. "I knew there was a reason why I kept that near the top of my things."

"I'm glad you did. Made it easier for me."

"You're oh so welcome."

"Do I get to help put it on?" He gives me the eyes. "I don't see why not."

"Yayy." He cheers. "And I left my shoes on so you can start there." I grin. "Gladly." He smirks, slowly moving his hands down my legs, taking one shoe off at a time, then moving his hands back up my legs slowly. "And it's semi easier on you tonight, there is no zipper." I remark.

"Even better."

"Feel free to take as much time as you want...touchy."

"Oh I plan on it." He smirks, pulling down the sleeve of my dress, lightly kissing my shoulder. He moves to my neck as my arm comes out off the sleeve. That arm rests around his neck, as I hold him closer, my nails occasionally brushing across his neck. That causes him to tense a bit, nipping a bit harder at my neck while he tries to pull the dress down as far as he can get. He gets it pull down to the point where I'm gonna have to stand to get it off completely. Once that's done, I step out of it and toss it onto my things. He lets his hands wander for a bit, kissing all the skin he can. Once he's satisfied, he grabs the outfit he picked for me. He then proceeds to help with putting it on me, being touchy again as he goes. Once it's on, he gives me a lingering kiss before stepping back to get a good look at me. "Looks better than I remember."

"And it wasn't even long before now when I wore this."

"Seems like forever ago to me."

"Of course it does."

"Might get this in every color so you can wear it all the time."

"You would."

"I would." He chuckles. "I'll do that in the morning."

"Oh jeez." I shake my head amusedly. "Before you get up too so I can go as crazy as I want."

"You spoil me so much."

"Because you deserve it and I love you that much."

"I know. I love you too." He grins, kissing me quick. Since he was still dressed, I started to unbutton the shirt he had on. "Might as well help you as well, have my fun." I smirk.

"Since I had mine, you can have yours."

"I had already planned on it before we got back here."

"You're evil."

"I have my moments."

"And those are pure torture."

"Good to know."

I work on getting all the buttons undone, letting my fingers linger over his skin before helping him slide it off. That gets tossed over by his things, and he kicks his shoes off before I had the chance to help with the jeans. his hands rest on my hips as I start to slowly undo his jeans. I have some fun with teasing him by running my fingers under the band of his jeans. He tenses a bit, his grip on me getting tighter. I grin before pulling them down as far as I could reach, before sitting back on the bed and letting him get the rest. He pulls them down the kicks them off, tossing them with his things. I move back towards the pillows and get under the blankets while he goes and turns off the light. Then he climbs into bed next to me and almost instantly pulls me close. "Grabby." I giggle.

"Can you blame me?"

"No, not really."

"I mean you have been grabby all day and night afterall." I add. "You just looked so good I couldn't help myself."

"That tends to be the reason every single time I wear a dress. Whether it's going out or at work."

"There's just something about you in those that get me."

"So I've seen."

"Not as much as right now though..."

"So you made clear earlier."

"Can't help it."

"I know, I know." He holds me as close as he can, kissing the top of my head. "I think we should get some sleep though now."

"'s been a long night."

"A very long night."

"We'll sleep in tomorrow for sure."

"Well today technically, but I already knew that we would."


I then snuggle into him more so that I'm comfortable, yawning in the process. "That's how I know I'm tired." I mumble. "Me sleep." He starts to run his fingers through my hair. "Trust me...won't take long to do so." He nods, continuing to run his fingers through my hair until he feels a change in my breathing. He smiles down to see me sleeping peacefully then kisses the top of my head. He falls asleep shortly after that. In the meantime, Stef and Mike were in their bedroom and he was extremely touchy than before. "Relax...I need to take off my jewelry."

"You're taking too long."

"I'm almost done." She says as she takes off her ring and sets it in her box with the rest of her jewelry. "There. All done."


"All yours now." She turns to face him. "Then I believe you know what's happening....if you're not too tired."

"Nope. Not tired at all."

"Well you might be after we're done." He smirks. "Aren't I always?" She chuckles.

"Point taken."

"I do believe things need to come off first..." She plays with the buttons on his shirt. "That would help, yes." He grins. She then slowly starts to undo the buttons on his shirt, lightly kissing his neck as she does so. When she gets to the last button and gets that undone, she doesn't take it off right away. She lets he fingers wander over the newly exposed skin as she continues to kiss his neck, smirking against his neck as she gets a few noises out of him. Since his hands were on her waist, his hold gets a bit tighter. Once she's touched all the new skin, she runs her hands up his chest, helping him shrug off his shirt. When that is off and on the floor, she slowly moves her hands down his chest to the waist of his pants, moving from his neck to his ear. While she does that, he's able to move so he can start to kiss her neck. So they're both distracting each other, even though he was getting more distracted by her. So in between kisses to her neck, he nips here and there, getting mumbled reactions from her. She starts to get a bit distracted with what she was doing since he kept going over the spots that get to her. She tries her hardest to focus on what she was doing and after some struggling, she finally gets his pants undone and pulls them down as far as she can. He kicks them off once he gets them down the rest of the way and that gets tossed to the side. His hands go right back to her dress, of course wanting that to come off next since she was the only one with more clothing on at the moment.

"Go ahead." He grins and the first thing to go is the shoulder strap. He has her turn around after that and he kisses her shoulder as he takes hold of the zipper, slowly unzipping it as he continues to kiss her shoulder. She bites her lip, a few soft noises coming from her the more he kisses across her shoulder. Since her back was to him, she really couldn't do much but rest her hand on her stomach until he was done. Once the zipper was down all the way, he started to pull her dress down slowly as well, wanting to be as touchy as he could as he went along. He gets it down to the point where it just falls to the floor and he turns her around, taking her head in his hands and pressing his lips to hers eagerly. She rests her hands on his wrists, kissing him back just as eagerly. He start to walk forward, her walking backwards until her legs touch the bed. He doesn't break the kiss, even when he picks her up and places her back down on the bed and follows as he hovers over her, his hands resting on her hips. She hooks her legs around his, getting him as close to her as she can while her hands run through his hair for now. His hands start to wander again, leaving light and lingering touches as he goes. He then takes her bottom lip between his teeth and nips lightly like he does all the time and that causes her to tug at his hair a bit in response. He smirks, doing that for a bit longer. She manages to move her one hand from his hair to the back of his neck, lightly running her fingers over his skin. That causes him to growl a bit and she grins, doing it again, and this time he lets her lip go and an even louder growl comes from him as he rests his forehead against hers. "'re so in... for it now..."

"Bring it on."

"Big mistake." He smirks, moving his forehead from hers and going right for her neck. He gives her no time to prepare as he hits what's become his favorite spot, instantly. That causes her to cling to him and arch into him, and of course she couldn't muffle any sounds so they were loud and clear to him. He smirks against her neck, going until he feels there will be a mark forming. The longer he stays on the spot, the more noises that come from her. "Can't wait....anymore..." She manages to get out between noises.

"Good." He smirks. "Neither can I." He makes his way back to her lips. As he does so, since the blankets were only over them a little bit, he manages to reach and grab them, pulling them over them both the rest of the way. From there whatever articles of clothing they still had on came off and it became a long early morning.