Status: Active

The Chance of a Lifetime

Royal Rumble 2013

"So pretty amazing match you have tonight." Stef says, coming out of the bathroom, after having gotten ready.

"It is. I've wanted this kind of match forever. I just can't believe it's actually happening."

"The new year is sure off to an amazing start for you."

"That it is." He nods. "My dream match and I have my dream girl too."


"It's true. I couldn't be any happier than I am right now." He grins. "You...who looks fantastic by the way."

"Why thank you...charmer."

"Always for you, and you're welcome."

"You're looking good yourself too." She walks over, helping him with his tie. "I do love you in suits."

"I know you do." He grins. "Maybe even more than your gear...I'm still deciding." She chuckles. "There. Perfect." She runs her hands down his tie after fixing it. "Thank you."

"Anytime." She kisses him quick then heads over to get her jewelry, putting that on. "Having fun?" She laughs since she sees him staring at her through the mirror. "Tons of fun."

"I can tell but the look on your face." She smirks, moving her hips a bit. "You are so lucky we have something planned tonight, or else we wouldn't be leaving."

"Is that so?" She gives him an amused look. "I'm not doing a thing."

"So moving your hips just a few seconds ago wasn't doing anything?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." She acts innocent, turning around and leaning against the dresser. "You so do know what I'm talking about."

"Hmm...I don't think I do..." She grins. "Whatever you say Stef, whatever you say." He chuckles.

"Exactly what I thought." She moves from the dresser, walking over to her bag and putting a last few things in there, bending over. "Really? You're killing me here."

"What?" She looks over her shoulder. "I'm just putting my things in my bag that's all."

"In result, giving me a view."

"Oops." She giggles. "My bad."

"Uh huh...suuure."

"Well...this dress is a bit tight. I have to loosen it somehow."

"I can think of other ways." He smirks. "Really?" She stands up and faces him. "Enlighten me."

"Ways which can't happen, because we'll be late to the show if we let the said ways happen."

"Then I guess it has to be my way."

"To your advantage yes."

"You know you love it."

"I do."

"Of course you do." She chuckles, going to walk past him for her jacket, only for him to stop her, his arm going around her waist. "Yes?" She looks at him amusedly. "I think you're forgetting something...."

", makeup, shoes, ring, necklace, earrings, I got everything." She teases.

"There's still one more thing..."

"Bodyspray." She says. "Thanks for the reminder."

“Okay, so two more things.”

"Hmm..." She rubs her lips together. "...lip gloss is one and the other jacket?"

“No....” He chuckles, before pulling her closer and pressing his lips to hers. She smiles against his lip, her arms resting on his shoulders before going around his neck. She kisses him back slowly at first, running her fingers lightly through his hair. He lets the kiss go on for a good amount of time, but keeping in mind the time they have to get to the arena for the show. He is the one to pull away, much to her protest, but he lets the kiss linger. "...wasn't done..." She pouts. “I know...but we’re on a time limit here...if we didn’t have a show to get to, then I would gladly not have stopped.”

"True...I can wait...I suppose."

“There’ll be plenty more where that kiss came from...all night.”

"I'll be looking forward to it."

“That makes two of us.”

"Hopefully when we get there no one will bother us and we can have some alone time before the show."

“I think we can make that happen.”


“Just a matter of locking the door.”

"Good thing we can do that for pay-per-views more so then Raw."

“I know right?”

"Yes, exactly."

“So we can spend the time before the show to ourselves.”

"Love your way of thinking."

"Anytime." She grins, rubbing her nose against his. “Shall we get going now then?”

"As much as I don't want to move right now, I guess we should get going."

“You have everything?”

"As soon as I grab my jacket I will."

“Yeah I’ll need mine too.” He chuckles. He lets her go so they can both grab their jackets. He helps her put hers on then puts his on. They grab their bags then they head out of the room. His arm goes around her shoulders as they walk, hers going around his waist. “I definitely can’t wait for warmer weather. Another couple months or so.” She remarks. "Neither can I." He agrees. "Time for all the summer wear again." He grins. “Oh I know you’re excited for that.”

"I really am. It's been a long, cold winter."

“It really has.”

"Good thing you live in warm places though." She adds. "I know right?"

"Yes. You did enjoy the pool on new years." She gives him a look. "I did." He grins. "Maybe a little to much fun." She laughs. "Just a bit."

"Hopefully we'll go somewhere warm again soon and you'll get to see another swim suit I've been hiding."

"Another one?"

"Mhm." She nods. "I have a few you haven't seen yet. Bought them while shopping with Shauna a few weeks back."

"Oh really?"

"Yes." She nods with a laugh. "A few pink one, a blue, purple, and a few other colors. That's all you get for now though."

"I can deal with that."

"You're going to have to." I chuckles. "It'll kill me waiting, but I can do it."

"Maybe, just maybe if you're good, I'll give you a sneak peek of some."

"Extra incentive to behave. I like it."

"I knew you would." She grins.

"I think it'll be easier for me to behave now...somewhat."

"Only when we're in public...unless I tell you otherwise."

"Right." Soon they reach the parking lot, they make their way to the car. Once there, they put their things in the back. He opens her door for her then goes over to the other side, getting in. Once they're both set and the car is started, he pulls out of the parking spot and makes his way to the arena. On the way there, he takes her hand, lacing his fingers with hers, lifting her hand and kissing the back of it. She lays her head against the back of the seat just looking at him with a smile. "Love you so much."

"I love you too...even more."

"And you show it every day."

"I do. you deserve the best and that's what you're going to get from me."

"Of course."

"And that's all you're ever going to get too."

"Good. Nothing is going to change that either."


"Now that I have you, you're mine and it's going to stay that way. I don't care who likes or doesn't it. I love you and that's all that matters."

"And I love you, and that's all that matters as well."

"So true."

It isn't long before they get to the arena. After he parks the car, they both get out and get their things. After gathering everything, he puts his arm over her shoulders as they head inside the arena and to their locker room. When they get to the locker room, she walks in first and he walks in behind her, locking the door behind him. "Not wasting any time I see." She laughs, setting her bag down. "Nope."

"We do still have a bit of time before the show, so how about we make the most of it?" She grins, sitting on the couch. "You read my mind."

"I usually do." She smirks, patting the spot next to her. He grins and walks over, taking the spot next to her like always. Without warning, he pulls her onto his lap, her arms going around his neck while his wander. "Touchy..." She giggles. "It's the dress."

"You knew what you were doing when you chose that tonight."

"Maybe I did...maybe I didn't." She grins.

"You so did."


"You should know you can't hide stuff from me." He chuckles. "True, but I can still try even though you always find out."

"That's true too."

"You just know me that well already."

"I do."

"Just like I know you."

"Exactly." He grins. " what?" She runs her fingers between the collar of his shirt and neck. "Anything you want to do." He smirks.

"What I want to do, we can't do here so..."

"Well something other than that."

"Hmmm..." She thinks, lightly running her fingers over his neck. "...teasing you sounds good right now." She smirks. "Now am I allowed to tease back or do I have to sit here and take it and be tortured?" He questions with an amused look. "I'll let you get away with it since we're alone."

"Yess." He cheers. Since her fingers were on the back of his neck, she kept them there, lightly moving them over his skin while she leaned closer to him, nipping at his ear. In response, his free hand was resting on her knee and he started to run his fingers lightly over her skin. That causes her to arch her back into him, sucking on his ear after each nip, her fingers running even more lightly over his skin. He moves that same hand to her thigh the best he can since she does have him quite distracted at this point. And he keeps it there just in case he has to use the one tactic that always works. That catches her off guard and she starts to lose focus on what she was doing. She rests her hand on the back of his neck, moving from his ear then along his neck, nipping and sucking lightly. He then moves suddenly, so she's no longer doing that and he presses his lips against hers, not being able to take the torture much longer. The kiss starts out hard and rough since the torture she puts him through. She tries her best to match the intensity of the kiss until he moves so she's laying on the couch, him hovering her, the kiss never breaking. His hands move to rest on her hips for a bit, before moving up her sides and to her arms. He then takes her hands and pins them to the couch the best he can with the limited space. She whines at not being able to touch him, tugging to get her hands free. "" He mumbles against her lips. "...not yet..." She whines in protest, wanting to touch him. "...patience."

"...have...none..." He just smirks against her lips and continues the kiss, and continues to keep her hands pressed to the couch, no matter how hard she tries to get him to let go. But eventually he feels she's waited enough so for now he lets one hand go. Her arms go right around his neck, pulling him closer to her while she kisses him harder. The only time they do break the kiss is when they need air, and when they do that, he rests his forehead against hers. She keeps her eyes closed, catching her breath while trying to calm down. "How was that?" He grins. "...awesome..."

"Take the words right out of my mouth."


"May just have to make this an every time thing." He smirks. "You would like that oh so much."

"I would. And so would you."

"Never said I wouldn't." She grins.

"I know. Just stating facts though." He chuckles.

"Of course you were."

"Gonna have to unlock that door eventually unfortunately."

"Nooo." She buries her face in his neck. "After the show." She mumbles.

"Well I don't think people know I'm here yet. So I suppose we can get away with the door locked until then."

"Yayy." She cheers.

"So just lay like this until then too?"

"That's exactly what I was thinking."

"I had a feeling."

"Too comfy anyway."

"I figured." He chuckles. "Stay like this until we have to move."

"Good idea." She smiles, kissing him quick then shifts so he can lay his head on her chest. Her arms stay around his neck, her fingers running through his hair at times while his arms go around her the best they can. They end up staying like that until they have to move again. In the meantime, Alex and I were already ready to go and were on our way to the arena currently. "I think this feud with Kaitlyn is pretty well. I like how Mike kept it so neither one of us would have to turn."

"It has been good so far and I really do like that you didn't have to turn. It was a great idea on his part."

"Although I'm sure I would play the role well, but that would mean we wouldn't be able to be seen together onscreen."

"There's no doubt that you would do great and I don't want to be out there without you."

"And he knows that."

"I'm glad he does."

"Unless he turned you back, but that would require some planning and how to do it properly. Not just overnight."

"Right." He nods. "When that time comes, we'll deal with it."


"Almost forgot...tonight, I'm facing...Wade."


"I know, I know." He sighs. "He's been proving himself and Vince wants this. Mike tried to cancel it, but what Vince says goes."

"Right I know."

"And it's the pre-show, since the main card was all filled up."

"Well that's good at least. Titles rarely change on those."

"Exactly. Even so, I wouldn't lose it on the main card either."

"No you won't. No one is taking that title from you. Not even him."

"Especially him. He's relentless I tell you."

"He is. He thinks if he gets the title, he'll get me too. Well, he's got another thing coming. I'm perfectly happy with how I got right now."

"As am I. Don't know what I would do without you."

"You're never going to have to find out. I'm not going anywhere."

"I know that."

"Good. You have nothing to worry about."

"Neither do you."

"I know I don't. No one is going to even get that close to you." It isn't long until we pull into the arena parking lot. And once we do, we get out and get our things from the trunk before locking the car and heading inside. Once inside, we head right to the locker room so he could start to get ready since his match was the very first one. While he does that, I have time to relax for now. After taking my jacket off, I sit to wait. After a bit, he comes out in his gear, ready to go. "You know what would make that perfect? That black vest you used to wear. I liked that."

"I do still have it, but I'm not sure since I wore it when I was a heel."

"Not that one. You only wore the varsity one. The black one you wore quite a few times as a face."

"Oh...that one. I believe it's on my bag."

"You should wear it tonight."

"I can arrange that." He grins, going over to his bag and getting it out.

"You should start wearing it again definitely."

"Since it's for you, I'll start doing that for pay-per-views."

"I like that idea."

"I knew you would." He grins, putting it on then going and sitting next to me.

"I love when you add things to your ring attire."

“It's only for you too.”

"Of course."

"Your opinion is the only one that matters to me anyway."

"Right, right." I nod. "So, when is your match tonight?" He asks. "Before the Rumble match."

"Pretty much near the end of the night."


"I can deal with that. I'm sure we'll find things to do in between my match and yours."

"Knowing you, there'll definitely be something."

"Oh there will be, that's for sure." He smirks. "Every time."

"I can't help myself around you. You deserve all my love and attention."

"And I know that."

"Good. You should."

"Well you show me every day so how can I forget?"

"That was the whole idea too."

"Of course." He then leans over when I least expect it, pulling me onto his lap. He takes advantage of the time to let his hands wander. "Too far for you?"

"Yes." He nuzzles my neck. "Poor you."

"I'm better now though."

"I can tell...wandering hands."

"It's the much to touch."


"You so knew what you were doing when you picked this."

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't."

"You so did."

"So I did."

"There's not hiding anything from me."

"Likewise." He continues to let his hands wander while lightly kissing the back of my neck, but not enough to leave any marks. I lean back into him, my hands resting on his arms that were staying wrapped around me as I relax into the feeling. His hands rest on my stomach for now, his fingers walking over the top of my dress. He makes his way from the back of my neck, kissing behind my ear, then down my neck slowly. "Just hope nothing interrupts us..." I mumble. "...doors...locked..." He mumbles, making his way to my lips. "How did I not notice that?"
"I'm just that sneaky."

"You are."

"Mhm." He grins, kissing across my jaw then pressing his lips to mine. Since it was a bit hard to kiss back considering how I was sitting on his lap, I shift carefully so I'm not moving as much to cause anything that doesn't need to happen. I'm sitting sideways and my arms go around his neck as I now kiss him back comfortably. His one hand stays on my waist while his other rests on my back, holding me in place. I do end up getting tempted, and one of my hands goes to his hair like always and my fingers run through it, and tug at times. He smirks against my lips. his hand moving from my waist to my thigh. It rests there for now, only squeezing down when I least expect it. It gets the usual reaction out of me and it's muffled by the kiss, so it's not as loud as it would be, but good enough for him to be satisfied with it as I cling to him. The kiss keeps going for a bit longer, him starting to slow down when he feels we both need air since I don't want to stop. When he does pull away, he rests his forehead against mine. "Extra luck for your match tonight." I grin.

"Mmm...I could get used to that."

"And of course what you get when we go out there."

"That's the best part of all. I get to show you off."

"So everyone knows."

"Exactly." He nods. "Well it looks like the pre-show is starting. Want to stay here or be by the curtain and ready to go?"

"We can head to the curtain." He hesitantly says. "You sure? You kind of hesitated there."
"No, but if we don't go now, we'll never get there."

"And that would be your fault."

"For once." He chuckles. "Gonna have to let me go first."

"I don't wanna." He whines. "But you have to if we're gonna be leaving this room."

"There has to be some way I don't have to."

"Well you should think quick then."

"I got nothing." He sulks after thinking for a bit. "Poor you."

"The bright side...I have all night to hold you."

"You do." I nod. "Well except for when my match comes up."

"I know, but that's not until the end of the night."

"Right, I know that. Just saying."

"I know." He sighs, reluctantly letting me go. "I'll try not to make that match too long tonight."

"I don't think it will be anyway. She's not match for you."

"Maybe, but we're equally matched. It'll be a long match, but I'll make sure it doesn't go too long."

"I hope it's not."

"You don't have to worry about a thing."


"Now, shall we get going?"

"We shall." I move from his lap and stand, fixing my dress a bit as he stands as well. Of course like always, he has me leave first and when we get out into the hallway, he takes my hand and laces his fingers with mine as we start to head down the hall. We both make it to the curtain fine, but once we get there, we see Wade already waiting. "Ugh.." I mumble. "Just ignore him." Alex says so only I can hear while pulling me close to him. "Hard to do when he's right there."

"Keep your eyes on me the whole time." He turns so my back is to Wade. "That won't be a problem."

"Good." He kisses me quick. "There's plenty to look at anyway." I grin. "Keep looking at it. There's no complaints here."

"Of course not." He keeps his arms around me while stealing a few kisses. He stops when he notices Wade getting closer. His hold on me tightens, when Wade approaches me. "He's walked over to us hasn't he?" I mumble. “Unfortunately.”
"So much for ignoring him."

"You don't worry. I'll deal with him." I nod, and continue to keep my focus on him while he deals with Wade. "What do you want Barrett?" Alex asks with disgust. "Just coming over to remind you that you won't be coming out tonight still the champion."

"Is that what you think?" Alex chuckles. "I WILL be coming out of here as champion then after tonight, you'll leave me and Shauna alone. You and I are done after tonight."

"We'll see about that."

"Yes we will. now go away. We can't be bothered right now."

"The only way I can go away is when I go out there."

"Then we'll find another spot to stand until that time."

"I like that idea..." I mumble. "So now you speak." Wade snipply says. "No hello?" I say nothing else, hiding my face in Alex's neck. "Come on love. You know you want to talk to me." Wade grins, going to put his hand on my shoulder. I can sense that he's going to do so, so I move and slap him across the face. "Don't touch me."

"You've gotten more feisty." He rubs his cheek. "I like that." He smirks. "I can do a lot worse than that..." I grumble. "I would love to see it."

"You disgust me."

"You're in denial. You know you want me. I'm way better than that cheeky monkey."

"Psh, please." I roll my eyes. "It's time for us to leave now." Alex starts to walk away, me with him.

"Oooh, I so want to get involved tonight if you can distract the ref tonight."

"I will do that for you. He's so not getting away with that."

"Good." We both move away from the curtain a bit so Wade's not as close. Alex still keeps his arms around me with my back facing Wade's direction. Soon, his music hits and he heads out. "Thank god he's gone for now."

"We get some peace from him for now at least."

"I hope where I smacked him he has a red mark or a welt forming. He deserves it."

"He probably does. That was a hard smack."

"Well I don't screw around when it comes to smacking people...especially people I don't like."

"I've noticed that and that's another thing I love about you."

"Yes, I know." I grin. "Of course you do." He chuckles. "I think we can walk back to the curtain now though."

"Yeah, he's gone now."

"They'll be playing your music shortly anyway."

"Right. It's almost that time."

"You so got this."

"That I do." He nods. "It's not the first time I beat him and it surely will be that last. I'm not facing him again."

"Unless Vince likes where this whole thing is going. You know him and starting feuds and stuff. I hope this isn't the case this time."

"Neither do I. I don't want him around anymore than he as to be."

"Not with the other two around. " He adds. "Exactly. And you know I find it very surprising that Dolph is with AJ now. Probably so they can put their evil little minds together to plan better. Either that or he's gonna create drama eventually between her and Stef. Either way it's bad."

"It is, but Stef can take her. She's really tough and don't take crap just like you."

"Ain't that the truth." I nod as they now play his music. He takes my hand as we both walk through the curtain. He lets it go so he can do his entrance routine at the top of the ramp, holding the title in the air. Once he's done, he takes my hand again and we head to the ring. Of course the whole time Wade is looking, but mostly at me obviously. I just roll my eyes and continue to ignore him the closer we get to the ring. Right when we get to the ring, Alex pulls me to him, giving me a kiss, making sure it's a good one. When he's done, he pulls away with a smirk on his face. I grin before he lets me go and choose a side to stand on to watch the match. Before they could start, Alex removes the vest and hands it to me. And just as soon as I take it, Wade attacks, getting him in the corner and keeps hitting him until the ref has to back him off. "Oh come on! That was such a cowardly move." Wade moves away from the ref and storms back over to Alex, only for Alex to move and trip him so his face bounces off the middle turnbuckle pad. Wade slumps down into the corner, holding his face and looks at Alex and starts to yell at him for what he did. "Haha. You tell him! Get him Alex!" Wade moves from his spot and goes over to him, only to be hit with a dropkick. And he keeps getting hit with one every time he gets up. The final time he gets up, Alex sends him into the ropes and when he comes back, he's hit with a clothesline. Wade immediately rolls out of the ring to start to re-strategize his plan in the match. "Go get him! Do not give him time to re-cover. You got him right now. Keep him grounded."

Wade starts to walk around the ring, slowly inching his way closer to my side. It's too early in the match, so I wasn't going to try anything even if Alex had the ref distracted. He exits the ring and starts to go after Wade, and once he reaches him, he grabs him. But Wade apparently knew he was coming as he turned around and ducked, before knocking Alex to the ground. It's like he was planning on him coming out to get him. So now the match has switch gears and Wade was in control. He first rammed Alex back-first into the side of the ring, then he hit him face first against the commentary table, and finished it off with throwing him into the steel steps. "Stop it! Stop it right now!" I yell at Wade, pleading with him. "Do something ref!" The only thing the ref can do is tell him to get Alex back in the ring, while continuing to count. Wade does take Alex and push him back under the ropes and back into ring. He follows and hooks the leg, going for the cover. Alex kicks out at two and a half, and then starts to reach for the ropes to help himself get up. "Come on Alex!" I slap the mat. "Reach! You can do it. Do it for me. Just follow my voice." I encourage him.

"Stop encouraging him!" Wade screams as he stomps on him, before placing him on the bottom rope on his neck and then holding him there with his knee, letting go before five. "I never will! Now shut up!" He says something back and that sets me off, so I climb up onto the side and start to argue with him, and then arguing with the ref as he's telling me to get down. After a bit, I sigh in frustration and carefully get down from the ring and resume standing in my spot, my arms crossed over my chest. "Just you wait." I mumble.

He has since pulled Alex away from the ropes and covered him again, only for him to kick out. Wade argues with the ref about the count, but it was indeed a two count. He gets to his feet and grabs Alex by the head and helps him up before throwing him into the corner. He backs up a bit before going right towards him, only for Alex to move, come off the ropes and hit him with a hard clothesline, and then coming off the ropes again and hitting him with a hard shoulderblock this time. He waits for Wade to get up to deliver the signature Spinebuster. He goes for his own pin, only for Wade to kick out. "Damn." I mutter. "Almost! Stay fired up! Teach him to hit on me!" I clap my hands trying to keep him going. At this point, Wade was closest to me, sticking his head outside the ropes. Alex gives me a look and I nod, before he starts to distract the ref by trying to go over to Wade and the ref keeps him back. Alex starts to argue with him as the distraction, and I take one of my shoes off and hit him over the head with it before quickly putting it back on and walking away. Alex stops the distraction and gets Wade onto his shoulders and hits him with his finisher, covering him and then getting the win.

"Yesss!" I cheer, jumping up and down. After the ref hands Alex his title back and raises his hand in victory, I enter the ring and hug him around the waist. "I knew you could do it! I knew you could beat him!"

"Well I do have you to thank for the help to finish it."

"No matter what."

"Of course."

"How about we get out of here and head back?"

"Before he comes to." I nod. "That would be a good idea." He chuckles. "After you." He adds. I shake my head amusedly, then walk to the ropes. He holds them for me as I get out and hop from the ring. He follows me, taking my hand as we both head up the ramp and to the back. "Now we have most of the night to ourselves."

"I'm so looking forward to that." He grins. "I know you are."

"So so much."

"Well the sooner we get back, the sooner that can happen."

"Do I need to carry you?"

"You would like that wouldn't you?"

"Do you even have to ask?"

"No, not really."

"So...can I?" He asks hopeful. "Go ahead." He grins, carefully scooping me up in his arms. He hands me his title to hold while he walks the rest of the way to the room. Once there, he gets the door open, walking in. Once in, he closes it with his foot, me reaching down and locking it. When that's done, he walks back to the couch, sitting down. "Not letting me go now until you have to are you?"

"That's right."

"Figured as much."

"I love holding you. I get to live my dream more the longer I have you in my arms."

"As if the dream would ever end, because it never will."

"I know that, but the feeling I get when I hold you. It's indescribable."

"That's because you can be touchy."

"That too, but that's not the reason. It just makes me realize that you're actually here with me."


"I've been waiting for that to happen ever since I first saw you. I'm not letting go anytime soon either."

"You're just being so sweet right now."

"I am and it's all for you too."

"And I know that."

"Good. You should."

"You show me every day so.."

"I just want you to know how much I care about you."

"The promise ring proves it."

"Which is why I got it for you."

"And I love it."

"I'm glad."

"There's no reason not to love it. It came from you and you definitely put a lot of thought into getting it for me."

"I really did. Took me forever to pick the right one."

"It had to be perfect didn't it?"

"Yes it did. It had to be the one and this is the one."

"Always getting me the best."

"You deserve nothing but the best. You'll get nothing less than that."

"Of course." He gives me a quick kiss, pulling me closer while we both wait for the show to start.

Before heading out to defend his World Heavyweight Championship, Del Rio and Ricardo meet up with Bret Hart backstage, who endorses the new champion, saying that Del Rio is like a Mexican version of himself, telling him to go out there and take care of that 'tub of goo', Big Show. "I say buzzkill, but whatever works." Stef remarks. "That pretty much sums him up." Del Rio exits, but Ricardo is still gushing at the sight of Bret Hart, and he puts a pair of his signature shades on Ricardo.

"He is oh so happy."

"He looks like it. I was the same way when I first met him." Mike comments. "I think everyone is."

"He's a legend. How can you not be?" He chuckles. "Very true."

"Just like how I was the first time I met you." She adds. "Aww, that's cute."

"Wait? Was that out loud?" She covers her face. "You heard nothing." She mumbles against her hands. "Oh yes I did hear that." He chuckles. "Heard what?"

"You know. You already said it so there's no hiding it now."

"You were never supposed to hear that."

"Well I could just act like I didn't hear it, but I already heard it and it's cute."

"'s crazy. It's something some crazy fangirl would do and that's not the case with me."

"Maybe for others, but it's cute for you. It's a natural reaction."

"I know...I just get so insecure about those kind of things..."

"Well you should always know that I will never ever judge you for anything that you do."

"Awww. I knew there was another reason I loved you. Even before we met."

"And I love you too."

"I know you do." She smiles, looking at her ring. "And that proves it."

"It does." She nods. "Plus, you show it everyday."

"Because you deserve to be shown every day."

"Just like you tell me all the time."

"Because it's true."

"Of course it is."

"I wouldn't be the best if I never told the truth."

"True, but you're the best anyway."

"And so are you."

"Aw Mike. You know just what to say to make me happy."

"That's my job."

"You make my life complete." She kisses him quick. "You make my life complete too."

"That's what I was going for." She chuckles. "Glad I got the chance to meet you."

"So am I." She smiles. "You have no idea." She says lowly to herself. The show would then officially kick off with the World Heavyweight Championship match, a Last Man Standing match. After battling in the ring, the action spills out to the floor and up to the staging area, where Show would toss Del Rio into a set piece before using a florescent light bulb, smacking it on the back of Del Rio. Show then sets up a table before climbing the set piece, literally pulling Del Rio on top of the suspended piece, hoisting him up and tossing him through the table below and to the concrete floor with a chokeslam. "Damn...that was intense. I don't think he'll be getting up after that."

"You'd be surprised sometimes. Some people just get that extra momentum to keep fighting."

"True, but that was a hard fall."

"It was. Ouch."

"I feel for him." Miraculously, Del Rio is able to make it to his feet before the ref reaches the 10 count. Show then brings Del Rio back into the ring where he sizes Del Rio up for the K.O Punch, but Del RIo manages to quickly escape the ring. Show then tosses the steel steps at Del Rio, but he narrowly avoids disaster. Ricardo tries to briefly assist Del Rio, but Show tosses him into the ringside barricade. He then attempts to deliever a spear to Del Rio, but he again dodges him and Show goes crashing through the barricade. "That was smart on Del Rio's part." He then grabs a steel chair, positioning Show's arm on the steel steps, before delivering a vicious chair shot to his arm. With both men back in the ring after that, Del Rio locks on the cross armbreaker on the injured arm. Meanwhile, Ricardo grabs a roll of duct tape to tape Show's feet to the bottom rope. Del Rio releases Show from the cross armbreaker and with his feet tied up, he's unable to get to his feet for the ten count, resulting in Del Rio winning and retaining the title. "Oh now that was just a dirty way to win that match."

"Even though it's expected from heels."

"True, but duct tape? That's just low, even for him. To me, that makes him a cowardly chicken who knew he was going to lose tonight."

"Right. But in matches like that, you just have take things into your own hands to ensure that you'll win. Unfortunately this time it involved duct tape."

"'s a good idea though..."

"Don't know what's better. That or handcuffing someone to the ropes."

"Hmmm...both sound good." She grins. "Being a heel could be fun." She smirks. "Oh it is, trust me." He chuckles. "That past few months have been a blast, that's for sure."

"Just imagine what it'll be like for most of your career."

"If it's like this all the time, I'm going to love it."

"Oh I know you will."

"Especially if I'm with you."


"I do think I should go change though...match is next."

"Right." He nods, hesitantly letting her go. "I'd say you can come, but then I would be late." She chuckles, standing up and fixing her dress. "Yeah, most likely."

"I'll be right back." She blows him a kiss then goes to change. Since she jsut had a dress on, all she had to do was take that off and put on her attire. Once that was done, she put her boots on then laced them up. She checked her hair and makeup in the mirror real quick then walked back out to him. "All set."

"Love it." He grins. "And it's not even pink." She laughs. "It doesn't have to be all the time."

"Good to know." She smirks. "You ready to come or are you going to sit there and stare as I leave?"

"Oh I'm definitely coming out with you."

"Well then, spacey, let's go." He gets up from his spot as she starts to head out first, because he would've let her go first anyway. Once out in the hall, he laces his fingers with hers as they head to the curtain for her match. She leans into him a bit as they walk. They almost make it to the curtain when the new group of guys walk in their way. She squeezes Mike's hand, trying to hide her face. "Don't worry." Mike says to you reassuringly.

"Make them move." She lowly says to him.

"I think I have to find out what they want first. Could be important."

"Alright." She nods, hiding her face in his arm. "Can I help you three?"

"We were just wondering if there was anything you need us to do? You're our boss afterall." Dean says. "Well, everything seems to be taken care off as far as matches tonight. I do suppose there shouldn't be any interference in my match tonight. I do have a feeling that a few people may end up trying to get involved."

"Alright. You want us to be on the ready?"

"I do." He nods. “We're on it.” Dean nods. “Who's the girl?” Seth asks. "That's really not much of your concern, but she does have a match up next so if you would please step aside..."
“She just looks so familiar...” Seth says as they step to the side. "A lot of people do these days." Mike nods as they both then start to walk away. She clings to him until they're far enough away. "He knows Mike. He knows." She starts to get upset. "It's alright. Don't worry about it. I completely understand if you don't want to be out there with me tonight for my match. I'm sorry for suggesting that they stand on guard for any interruptions in my match, I just had to say something."

"No no. I'd rather them be there so you keep the title. I'm not going to miss the match either. Nothing is going to stop me from being out there with you tonight. He he does realize it's me, he can't do anything out there anyway."

"That's right he can't. The most he can do is what....stare? That's about it. His job and his his job only is to help stop anyone who tries to interfere with my match tonight."

"Exactly. If he does try anything, he'll be in trouble."

"That's right."

"Now...onto my match."

"Yes, you focus on that."

"I might need a little help with that." She looks up at him. "Say no more." He grins, making her stop so he can lean down and press his lips to hers. She sighs happily into the kiss, her hands resting on his wrists. He keeps the kiss going until he feels that she's calmed down. "Better?" He asks. "Much better." She grins. "Good." They then walk the rest of the way to the curtain to see Layla there doing her stretches. They wait until they are given the signal, her music going off first. "You so got this." Mike remarks. "Oh I know I do. I got the most awesome person out there with me." She grins. "Yes, yes you do."

"This is going to be so easy."

"But it'll definitely be a great match."

"I'm sure it will. She is really talented in the ring just like me and with the both of us in the same ring at the same know it's going to be amazing."

"Oh yes." After she got done with her entrance, they played Stef's which happened to be new music. Mike and her walk out, stopping at the top of the ramp so she could do her poses. "Fiver Finger Death Punch." Mike grins. "Do I want to know how?" He chuckles. "Just know that your girl has her ways over here." She smirks. "Sneaky sneaky."

"I am. Wanted a change since I had that other theme back in wrestling school."


"Knew you would like it." She grins as they reach the ring. She kisses him quick before hopping up on the side of the ring, doing her poses. She gets in the ring, looking over at Layla as she goes to the second rope and does a few more poses. Once she's done, she hops down and gets ready for the match. As always, Mike goes over to commentary, because he loves talking about her for one thing, and her matches "Miz! My man!" Cole greets over excitedly. "I know you're excited, just try and calm down just a bit." He chuckles. "How can I? We're joined by the awesome one, the Raw GM, The Miz!"

"And I do have to say that I'm running a great show on Raw. Everything's gotten better with me in charge."

"That it has. It's been really enjoyable and ratings are through the roof. You're the best GM we've had in a long time." Cole sucks up. "I'm just do everything. I'm in movies, I'm running Raw, I do my talk show. I never stop."

"No you don't. Not to mention you're a manager too. Tell has Sage been doing since coming to the company?"

"Well under my managing, she's been doing extremely well, hasn't lost a match yet."

"I'm sure that's about to change." Jerry mutters.

"Are you doubting her skills Jerry?"

"No. I'm just saying she can't win them all. Layla has just as much talent as her and I have a feeling tonight will be her first loss."

"You'd be surprised what happens."

"We'll see who's surprised tonight."

"Layla's great in the ring, I know that for a fact, but Sage is just as good."

"Sage is good. I'll give her that, for a rookie."

"A rookie with an extensive background."

"In what? Local gyms? We'll see how she does against some of the real divas here."

"Everyone starts somewhere Jerry."

"You're just so full on her. What is it? Is she-"

"Don't even go there Jerry. That's none of your business what she does with her life."

"But if you don't mind, why don't we pay attention to her match?" Mike adds. "That's what I've been waiting for, but you just won't shut your mouth."

"I can talk and pay attention at the same time, it's really not that hard."

"Gentlemen. Please. We have two talented ladies in the ring. Let's just get through this match, please." Cole tries to reason with them. As they now pay attention to your match, Layla currently had her in a body scissor submission hold. She refused to give up no matter how long she kept the hold on her. "See that? Right there. Refusing to give up. That's a tough diva right there. Doing exactly what she was taught." Mike comments. "But Layla does have that bodyscissors submission hold on her pretty good. I don't think Sage can last much longer." Jerry adds. "Then you don't know how tough Sage really is. I've seen her in more painful holds than that. Plus, she has a high tolerance for pain." After a while, she starts to move over to the ropes that were closest to her. She manages to get there and grab a hold of them, Layla having to let her go of course. She holds onto the ropes for a bit, trying to catch her breath. Layla takes advantage of that and comes off the ropes, dropkicking her in the side, so that she ends up falling outside and to the floor. "Seems like Layla's getting the best of Sage. She doesn't look like she can take much more."

"It's still early in the match."

"All true, but she seems to be in a lot of pain and Layla isn't holding anything back."

"She's fine, trust me."

"Doesn't look that way, but whatever you say."

Sage starts to get up from the floor, using the ring to pull herself up. That's when Layla grabs her by the hair and pulls her up to the side of the ring. After some struggle, she grabs Layla and then drops down to the floor so her neck bounces off the top rope. "There's the Sage we all know. Told you she wasn't out yet." She then slides back into the ring and covers Layla quickly, only for her to kick out. She waits for her to sit up before she puts her in a side headlock, holding her to the mat. With the crowd of course she starts to move around a lot, and is able to get to her feet, with her still having the headlock applied. She starts to elbow her in the midsection, which in result makes her let Layla go. She comes off the ropes, only for Sage to hit her with a hard clothesline. "There you go! That's the diva we all love." She does start to crawl to the corner, and she lets Layla get to the corner, because that's where she wants her afterall. She hits her a few times in the corner before helping her up to the top where she sits. Sage then climbs to the top herself, and she helps Layla get to her feet. "Oh my god, she's not....she's going for a superplex. Something that our Divas don't do very often." Cole says in shock.

"Sage isn't your typical Diva. She does things that the others would never do." And not too long after that, she does indeed do the superplex. After crashing to the mat below, she goes for the cover, hoping that would be the end, but Layla kicks out of that too. "That still wasn't enough to put Layla away. She's going to have to try a lot harder if she thinks she's going to win."

"She knows what she has to do."

"I'm sure she does." Mike then takes off the headset and goes to the side of the ring. "You know what you have to do now to win!" She nods, knowing exactly what he means. Leaning back against the ropes as she waits for Layla to get to her feet, she also gets some time to recover herself. She slowly starts to get to her feet. Instead of using Mike's finisher this time however, Sage decides to pull out something new, something no one's ever seen, not even him. But it's still enough to win, as she pins Layla after hitting her with it. The bell then rings as her theme goes off. She gets to her feet, her hand being raised by the ref. Mike just smirks before using the steps and getting into the ring, to raise her hand himself as well. After putting her hand down, he pulls her into a tight hug. She wraps hr arms around his neck, jumping in place. "You did great, as always." He grins, chuckling at her jumping around. "I owe it all to you and John for all the training."

"What was that new finish? I've never seen that before."

"Just something I learned awhile back." She smirks. "How long have you been waiting to use that?"

"A few months or so. Wanted to surprise you and everyone with it."

"Well you sure did that."

"New year, new moves, new Sage."

"I like it."

"Of course you do."

"Shall we head to the back now?"

"Yes." She nods. "I know you want to get back there."

"After you." She heads for the ropes, him holding them for her. She hops down from the ring, him following her. Since the crowd was booing, she blew kisses at them as she did her walk up the ramp. "Haters everywhere." Mike chuckles, as he puts an arm around her shoulders. "Haters make the best fans. They hate you, but still talk about you. They make all this even better."


"I do think I owe you something though." She says once they get behind the curtain. "Oh really?"

"Mhm." She stops walking then turns to face him. She takes him by the suit jacket, pulling him close to her then pressing her lips to his. Once he starts to respond, she pulls away with a smirk. "More when we get to the room."

"Mhm." She stops walking then turns to face him. She takes him by the suit jacket, pulling him close to her then presses her lips to his. Once he starts to respond, she pulls away with a smirk. "More when we get to the room."

"As long as we don't get interrupted."

"They can wait."

"Well I have no scheduled segments, so if anyone shows up, it'll be on their own free will."

"Hopefully no one does."

"Well better take advantage of the time we have then, just in case."

"And I'll wait to change back too." She lets his jacket go then starts to walk ahead. "Coming?" She calls over her shoulder.

"I'm coming." He then catches up to her and they make it to the locker room with no problems. As soon as they walk in, he closes the door and locks it then turns her around, pulling her to him. "Yes?"

"I want more now." He grins.

"So demanding." She laughs. "I suppose you can..."

"Good, because you know me and waiting."

"I hate it."

"Well when I have to wait a long time anyway."

"Right, but it's more fin for me."

"How well I know." Before she can say anything, he presses his lips to hers. Her arms go around his neck, his resting on her hips for now. He then starts to back her up, and she ends up hitting the door this time, instead of the wall or bumping into the couch. She starts to run her fingers through his hair, hooking one leg around his. She moves her fingers from his hair then runs then between the collar of his shirt and his neck. That gets the usual reaction from him, but it's too quiet for her, and she wants it just a little bit louder to be satisfied so she does it some more, adding her nails in at times. The noise that comes from him is loud and clear to her, while he kisses her more roughly, boosting her up. She wraps her legs around his waist while he keeps her back against the door. His hands then start to wander, moving from her hips, up her sides and then back down again before they're resting on her thighs like always. Her legs tighten around his waist since she knows what he's going to do. She moves her hands back around his neck, preparing herself as much as she could. He actually doesn't do it right away, he keeps her waiting and wondering when he's going to surprise her with it. For now his hands rest there, and he continues the kiss her, until he takes her bottom lip between his teeth and nips at it lightly. Her arms tighten more around his neck as she whines at not being able to kiss him. He just smirks and continues to nip at her lip. After deciding that she's had enough of that, he lets it go and goes back to kissing her the right way. She kisses him hard and eagerly, clinging to him. She slowly moves her hands so her fingers are on the back of his neck. She starts to focus, then lightly moves her fingers over the back of his neck. That is what causes him to squeeze down on her thighs, but lightly at first. She smirks against his lips and moves her fingers over the back of his neck some more, and that gets him to squeeze down a bit harder. She tenses up a bit, holding back what he wants to hear, making him work for it. She keeps moving her fingers lightly over the back of his neck every time he squeezes on her thighs slightly.

"...testing me...." He mumbles. "...mhm..."

" know what...happens when that...."

"...I do..."

"..then you know you're in for it tonight.."

"...uh huh..."

"Good." He smirks. "You have to work for what you want." She grins. "I plan on it."

"Bring it on then." She smirks. "Oh I will...all night."

"Oh boy...going to be a long night..."

" is..." He presses his lips back to hers, intent on getting the reaction he wants out of her no matter how hard she fights it. He keeps one hand on one thigh, while his other starts to wander, trying to get the reaction out of her, using as many tactics as he could. It starts to be too much for her, low noises coming from her, muffled by the kiss. He grins against her lips in triumph. After a while, he starts to pull away from her lips, but lets the kiss linger for a bit before completely pulling away. She leans her head against his, trying to catch her breath. "You're welcome for that lovely distraction." He smirks. "It was much needed and appreciated."

"I knew that." He nods. "You always do."

"Part of my job."

"How well I know."

"So how about we sit on the couch now?"

"That would be a good idea." She nods. "Going to let me down or carry me?"

"Carry you of course."

"How did I know?" She laughs. "Because you know me that well."

"Very true." He then moves away from the door, and walks over to the couch while still holding her. Once he sits, she moves her legs so it would be more comfortable to sit on his lap. His arms stay around her while she leans her head on his shoulder. "So glad my match is last. Gives us plenty of time to ourselves."

"I am too. Don't get much of this at shows."


"And to make you more happy, I'll change the same time you do."

"I love that idea."

"I so knew you would...touchy."

"I love all your ideas."

"What's not to love about them?" She grins. "Exactly."

"Just try not to be to touchy. I want to see most of the show...well at least Shauna's match."

"Right right, I know."

"Until then...go crazy."

"Oh I will, sparingly, just to torture you." He chuckles. "Like always."

"It's fun. What can I say?"

"I know it is and I can get you back for all of it too." She smirks. "I know that too."

"Like now." She shifts a bit on his lap. "No moving...."

"Oops?" She acts innocent. "Suuure."

"I'll stop...for now..."

"I think that would be good, because we don't need things anyway."

"There's a first time for everything." She smirks. "You would say that." He chuckles.

"Like I said, new year, new me."

"Is it okay if I think about it?"

"Go right ahead. It's your decision."

"Well I just want to make sure."

"Here or the's all the same to me."

"Well the hotel does have more privacy really than here."

"It does." She nods. "If you can wait that long."

"I can try."

"I wish you luck." She chuckles. "As you always do when I decide to wait."

"Because I know how you get."

"And I know how you get."

"You do." She nods. "But, I'm good right now."

"Good, because there's one more match to go before Shauna's. Then it's the Rumble match and then it's my match."

"I'll manage."

"Show's halfway over and still no unplanned interruptions, it's turning out to be a great night."

"It really is. We should enjoy it while we can because come tomorrow, we'll have no alone time back here."

"The worst part about Raw."

"Yeah, but we make the most of the time we do actually get alone."

"We do." He nods. "I just hope we don't see anyone we don't want too. So far, you know who has not shown his face yet."

"He wouldn't dare."

"You never know. Wade had a match and know he'll try something with yours."

"Which is why I asked The Shield to be on guard and ready to stop him."

"What if he come through the crowd? What then?"

"Then they'll be right there. We've seen how quick they can be coming through that crowd to attack people."

"True, but what if all three of them come from different directions? They can't be everywhere."

"Technically there's four if you count AJ, but you can take her out easily."

"Right. I keep forgetting about her." She laughs. "It's just...things have been quiet since the holiday. I have a feeling he laying low a waiting to put a plan into action."

"Probably why he got her on his side, so she can help. She is crazy afterall."

"She is. She scares me at times. You never know where she'll be or when and what she may do once she shows up."


"Although, she has yet to face me so..."

"Right...they'll probably want that to happen at some point too."

"Whenever they do, I'll be ready for her."

"You already are now. I know that."

"'Cause you helped me get this far."

"Because you deserve to be here."

"Of course I do."

"You've got everything that it takes to be here."

"I do try my hardest. I hate how it's all about looks. Everyone thinks I'm just some dumb model and I'm not that. I want to prove them all wrong."

"And you will. I know you will."

"Hopefully after what I did that there will get them to open their eyes more."

"Psh. Me a model. Idiots." She mumbles to herself. "People just have that mindset because that's how it's been for years."

"I wish they would do their research. I'm so don't look like a model."

"And you don't have to look like one to be successful here."

"And I've been proving that since I started too."

"And you'll continue to do that too. I've been proving people wrong for years, I know how it is."

"Yes you have. I learned everything from you."

"Which is very good to know."

"Mhm." She nods, then goes silent. "Who better to learn everything from than me?"

"True." She smiles slightly. "I mean, I am awesome afterall." He says ever so proudly. "You could be anymore awesome."

"Same goes for you."

"For a average girl, yeah."

"You're more than just average to me."

"I still don't understand why though. There's nothing special about me. I'm no model or anything."

"You don't need to be a model. You're perfect just the way you are, and I love you for who you are."

"I know, but sometimes I want to be more than that. I want to be the girl you see in magazines and go crazy over. I...don't know..."

"But I do go crazy over you already."

"So I don't have to change? No flashy clothes, or barely anything at all?"

"You don't have to change a thing about yourself at all."

"Nothing at all? Not even how I weight?"

"Nothing at all."

" long as you say I look good enough, that's all that matters."

"That's right." He nods. "You're just fine to me."

"Good. I won't change anything. I'll be happy with how I am now since you like it so much."

"Good. I wouldn't want you to change anything anyway. And I would do everything I could to prove you otherwise."

"I know you would. Thank you." She smiles, kissing him quick. "There's just one thing I have to do first..." She reaches in his jacket for her phone. "And what's that?" He grins. "You'll see." She grins, unlocking her phone then going to the camera. She then takes a picture of herself the best she could then posts it to twitter. 'I'm never changing who I am. I'm happy with who I am no matter what anyone says. xoxo'. She then sends the post to twitter. "Check Twitter now." He then takes out his phone and goes to Twitter. He reads her latest tweet with a smile on hi face, then retweets it. "I'm so proud of you." He gives her a kiss. "I'm glad."

"I just had to do it. It's been bugging me for awhile now."

"Well I'm proud of you that you did do it."

"It sure did feel good to do that."

"It always does."

"If you're happy with the way I am then I should be too. No matter what anyone out there says."

"Exactly. I'll always be happy with the way you are. And if anything, people talking about you negatively towards your image, they're just jealous because you got to me first and vice versa."

"You're so right. That's what it was all about too. Saying how you could do so much better than me and everything. Some of the things were just...hurtful."

"People can be cruel sometimes. But you have great people surrounding you."

"They really are and I do. I'm very thankfully to have you, Shauna, and Alex . You've all been nothing by the best to me."

"Because they're your best friends, and I'm your boyfriend, and we all care about you."

"And that means the world to me. You have no idea."

"I have a pretty good idea though."

"I'm sure you probably do."

"Just like you mean the world to me."

"That makes me so happy."

"And I'm glad."

"You're the best." She nuzzle his neck. "Love you."

"I love you too. So much." She keeps her head where it was, holding onto him tightly while he keeps his arms around her. While they spent that time talking, they kind of missed the current match as the next thing they heard was the bell ringing and then Kane and Daniel still holding the tag titles. "Oops. Missed that match." She laughs. "Knew it was going to happen that way."

"Yeah I kind of figured it was gonna happen myself." He nods. "It seems like they're never going to drop those titles."

"Not anytime soon anyway."

"Honestly, they're getting boring to me. Not even worth the airtime."

"Well I guess they are worth the airtime to Vince, and what he says goes so..."


"So who knows how long we have to deal with it."

"Hopefully not much longer."

"Hopefully sometime this year they lose the titles."

"To a good and interesting tag team. Like the Uso's. They are really good."


"Hopefully they get the chance."

In the meantime, I'm ready to go for my match which is coming up next after a quick segment with Kaitlyn, which I have to be heading to now. "You coming spacey?" I giggle as I grab my title, and he's still sitting there staring. "Huh?" He shakes his head. "You say something?"

"You coming?"

"Of course I am."

"Alright, because you spaced out on me there for a while."

"Can't help it."

"Well, this is new afterall, so I can see why."

"I really love it. Hope this is an all the time thing."

"Well It's a new year, wanted something new. We'll see what I can get made around WrestleMania time."

"Hopefully it's similar to this."

"We'll see."

"Hopefully more blue next time?" He asks hopeful. "I will keep that in mind."

"Please do? I'd love to see that." He asks as he gets up, walking over to me. "Only for you."

"Yayy!" He cheers. "Love you." He kisses me quick.

"Love you too."

"Ready to head out now?"

"I'm ready." I nod. "Can't be late for the backstage segment with Kaitlyn."

"No. We can't have that."

"No we can't."

"After you."

"As always." I laugh, before heading out first. He bites his lip as he watches me walk then quickly follows behind, lacing his fingers with mine. "You know, during the segment, you don't have to stay off camera." I remark. "No? That's a first." He chuckles. "Well I don't want you to be off camera. You deserve to be seen with me in backstage segments."

"Right, that's true."

"Doesn't have to be every time, but still."

"No, but it's good to be there with you and be seen with you."

"Right." I nod. After a bit of walking, we walk up to where the segment will be taking place, Kaitlyn there waiting. We greet each other, as they finish up getting the camera and such ready for the segment. It isn't too long until they're ready to start the segment. We're just told to start talking and once they start to roll the camera, it'll be shown.

"I'm so glad you took care of Eve for me earlier this month. Or else she would've still been here, pushing to face me again for the title."

"Don't mention it. I had to do something. She was getting annoying with all that wanting to keep facing you. I couldn't sit there and take it any longer."

"And it's also great that she's gone, because now I don't have to worry about her going after Alex, trying to take him away from me. She was relentless."

"Like she ever had a chance." Kaitlyn laughs. "Everyone knows he's not going anywhere. Plus, you're both so perfect for each other."

"Awww, thank you."

"You're welcome. It's the turth too. Everyone can see it. Just like the can see that you're a great champion too."

"And I'm always honored to be defending against you."

"Aw. That's sweet. It's an honor to be in that ring with you too." Kaitlyn smiles. "But, just so you know...I will be taking that title from you in any way that I can."

"Oh you can try, but I'll be holding onto this for a long time."

"We'll just see about that. You better watch your back or...your front. Who knows where I come from." She smirks then walks away. "Challenge accepted." I nod, and look in the direction she walked off, waiting for the all clear when they cut. "All clear. Thank you." The cameraman says. I nod and they gather everything and walk off. "Alright, now to go to the curtain."

"Right." He nods. "And don't worry. You so got this match."

"Oh, I know I do. Like I said, I am not giving this title up for a long time."

"Good. You shouldn't. That title is yours and you're keeping it for a long time too."

"I do want to try and be the longest reigning champion. That's gonna take a while to achieve, considering the longest it was held was between two title reigns."

"Right. I'm sure you can get there. We'll just make sure it's all under one reign."

"All depends on Creative really."

"True. We can hope for the best."

"Right." I nod. We both keep walking until we reach the curtain. Kaitlyn was there first since she left the segment first. Once there, we wait for my cue to head out. We only had to wait a few moments before my music went off. After telling Kaitlyn I'll see her out there, Alex and I head out first. I stop at the top of the ramp, doing all my poses with the title. When that's done, I link fingers with Alex and then head down to the ring. Once there, I give him a quick kiss then climb up, doing my in ring poses. Alex chooses to stay off of commentary tonight, be there outside the ring to pay attention to the match better. It isn't long before my music fades and Kaitlyn's goes off next and she comes out next, doing her usual routine. She make her way to the ring, looking as tough as she could. She gets into the ring and does her routine before standing in the center of the ring. We have a few words with each other that aren't audible to the camera, but I hold the title in the air, showing that I'll be the one coming out of the match tonight still the champion. I then hand it off to the ref who raises it in the air for everyone to see before going over and handing it off to a ringside attendant, before the bell rings to start the match. Kaitlyn and I have a few more words as we circle each other, before we lock up. She ends up letting go and pushing me away, having a bit of fun to start the match off. "Have fun now, but don't let her trick you. Stay focused." I give Kaitlyn a nod and a slight grin, before circling again and locking up again. Now I'm the one to break the hold and push her away with an amused look on my face. "Good one." Alex chuckles. "Don't be afraid to get down and dirty. Show her who the champ is."

We lock up for a third time, this time not letting go. Power is matched and we both struggle to get the other into the corner. She ends up getting me back into the corner and lets go before the five count. I take advantage of the situation and kick her in the midsection, making her drop to a knee. "That's it! Capitalize! You got her." I use the ropes to my advantage and as leverage and get myself up for a small dropkick which sends her falling on her back. I go for an early cover, but she kicks out at 1. I don't get frustrated because it's still the beginning of the match. So I help her up and then instantly get her in a side headlock in the middle of the ring. "Tight...wear her out. You got it. You're doing great. Keep her down." Eventually she starts to get out of the hold, elbowing me in the midsection a few times, which causes me to let go. She then turns and gets me on her shoulders. I know what she's going to do so I squirm out of her girp and off her shoulders. I turn her around and kick her once before going off the ropes, only to come back and be hit with a hard clothesline from her. "Shake it off! You can do it! Get up!" I crawl over to the ropes, grabbing onto the bottom one and shake off the hit a bit because of being hit so hard. Kaitlyn comes over, only to choke me on the middle rope, keeping me there for a bit before the ref hits '5'. I stay leaning against the middle rope, coughing a bit as I get the air back so I can breathe again. "Breath...just breath. You can still get her. Teach her a lesson."

"Just have to get the momentum back." I nod.

"I know you can do it. I have faith in you. Just think of her trying to do this to get to me." I just nod again and pull myself up so that I'm standing again. When I turn around, Kaitlyn charges at me, but I move at the last second and pull the top rope down and she goes falling out of the ring and to the floor. I wait for her to get to her feet and turn around to use the top rope and launch myself over it and land on her, hitting her with a crossbody. Once I do a bit of gloating on the outside, I quickly get back into the ring as the ref starts the ten count. "Nice! Very good!" Alex claps. "That's my girl!" Unfortunately though she manages to get up and back into the ring before the ref reaches ten. I sigh in a bit of frustration, but I know what I have to do to in order to win. I climb to the top of the nearest corner and wait for her to get to her feet again. When she does, I jump off the top only for her to move and for me to go crashing down onto the apron stomach first. I hold that area as I roll around a bit and then get to my feet. She had already been waiting for me to get up and when I turned around she got me on her shoulders and this time successfully dropped me onto her knee on my midsection, where I had hit just moments before. That's when she goes for the cover, and I power out at 2 and 1/2. "Phew." Alex sighs in relief. "Come on babe, you got this." He hits the mat. "Get up and push the pain away. You're tough, I know that, now show her how tough you really are!" While still holding my midsection, I make a slow crawl to the corner. I get about halfway there, before I'm grabbed and helped up, put into the corner. I'm thrown into the opposite and I bounce off, Kaitlyn going to spear me. I quickly dodge it an she hits the corner herself. I use all the strength I have left, shaking off the slight pain in my midsection and I use the ropes when I need to and hit her with a roundhouse kick, and then quickly drop and cover her, finally winning the match.

"Yes!" Alex cheers, going over an getting my title before getting into the ring. He makes sure I'm okay before handing me the title and raising the hand I'm holding it in as my other arm holds onto my midsection. "I knew you could do it." He grins. "But, how are you feeling?"

"Nothing the usual ice can't fix. I should be okay."

"Good. We'll get that as soon as we leave here." I nod. "Just want to make sure Kaitlyn's alright before we leave."

"Alright." He nods. After he lets my hand go, Kaitlyn is coming to and I go over and help her up the best I can. We share a few words, me asking her how she is and such, saying it was a good match and everything. She nods and agrees with me, shaking my hand. After that, Alex and I exit the ring first, heading to the back. "Now to get you some ice and rest."

"Not letting me move when we get back to the locker room until we're leaving are you?"

"Nope. You need to rest. That was a rough match."

"Definitely feeling it all now."

"We'll get you something for that too. Can't have you hurting all night."

"It's just my midsection really, it's not that bad."

"I still want to get you something. I don't want you in any kind of pain at all."

"Even though I most likely will be tomorrow all over again."

"And I'll be right there with something to help you feel a whole lot better."

"Of course."

"I just can't stand to see you in any kind of pain at all." He says as we reach the trainers room. "Touche." We both walk in, telling the trainer what happened and where it hurts. He checks me over, telling me it's just going to be sore and maybe some light bruising. He goes to get me ice and something for the pain. Once he gives that to me, we both leave then head for the locker room. When we get back to the locker room, we go right over to the couch where he sits and has me lay down with my head resting on his lap as I keep the ice where it is. "Not moving until it's time to leave."

"I know."

"There's only two matches left then we can leave anyway."

"Oh good."

"All you have to do is lay here and relax."

"Well it shouldn't take too long to relax....since you've started to play with my hair."

"That's the whole point. I want you to be as comfortable as you can be."

"You're always good for that."

"And I always will be."

"That's why you're the best."

"I know." He grins. "And that's why I love you."

"Love you very much."

"And you continue to tell me every day."

"I just want you to know how I feel about you...and that's a whole lot."

"Oh I know."


"That match....just wow." Stef remarks as she and Mike wait to watch the Rumble match. "It was an intense match. Shauna always does that which is why I book her as uch as I can now."

"Very impressed with the match, very impressed." He adds.

"I think she'd make a great heel. That's just me though." She shrugs. "Only thing...her and Alex..."

"...right. That's the only problem we'll run into." He nods. "Unless we have them both turn at the same time or some way like that."

"True. But it has to be done the right way. A lot of thinking has to go into that."

"I know, I know. I'm not saying we have to do it, it was just my opinion."

"I know. It's a good idea though."

"Thanks...I'm full of 'em." I chuckle. "Yes you are." He chuckles as well. "Who you going for to win the Rumble?" She asks. "Hmm...tough to call. Considering we don't know who's in it exactly except for a few people."

"I have a feeling someone is going to be making a return tonight so I'm going with them." She grins.

It soon was time for the rumble to start. Starting off the match was Dolph, being number one. But before the match could officially get underway, he speaks. He says that the Rumble will end just as it began, with him standing alone in the ring. He then goes on to say that he doesn't care who the #2 entrant is, telling the said individual to just get out to the ring. "Ugh." Stef rolls her eyes. "What an ass. He's so sure he's going to win. Still won't get a chance with me."

"He's clearly delusional if he's still thinking that."

"Oh he is. You should see the comments he leaves on my Twitter."

"Do I dare check through it now?"

"Only if you want. You might want to go out there and beat the crap out of him after."

"I'll wait till later."

"Good idea." She chuckles. "Wait until I can actually calm you down properly."

However, no one would anticipate this as none other than Chris Jericho would come out as the #2 entrant into the Rumble match. "Oooh. Chris! Yayy!"

"I may have just been responsible for that." Mike grins. "Oh you!" She playfully whacks him. "How could you keep that from me?" She pouts. "I wanted it to be a surprise."

"Well, I am surprised and I'm sure everyone else is too."

"Telling by their reactions, they really are."

"Of course they are. It's Y2J!"

As Chris battles Dolph, who had resulted in his firing from the WWE in August, the third entrant into the Rumble was Cody. "Eh. Not to sure about him." Dolph and Cody work together in attacking him, trying to eliminate him early, but Chris hangs on. A while after, Chris gets Cody in the Walls of Jericho, but Dolph breaks it up. As he works on Chris, the crowd starts to count down again for the #4 entrant into the Rumble. Once the buzzer goes off, out comes Kofi. "Hmm...things just got a bit interesting."

"Wonder what he's going to pull out this year to keep from getting eliminated. Remember the last time when he was walking on his hands?"

"I do remember that. Knowing him, it'll be something similar to that." After a bit of fighting in the ring with Kofi there, it was time for the 5th entrant, which was Santino. "Wonder how long he's going to last this time."

"I have a feeling less then last time, if that." Stef laughs. After he gets into the ring, he takes out everyone. Dolph, Kofi, Cody and Chris all on the outside, but they're still holding on, not eliminated. "Okay so maybe longer than last time."

"He's lucky. We'll see how long he lasts." But everyone is back in the ring, surrounding Santino. He calls time out and brings out The Cobra and takes out Kofi, only to get taken out by Chris and Cody, then being eliminated by Cody. And now it's back down to the original 4. "Aww...he tried." Stef tries not to laugh. It isn't long before the countdown starts again and 3MB's music goes off for entrant #6, and out comes Drew to the ring. "Ugh. He is here tonight. I was hoping he wouldn't be."

"I know. I was hoping he wasn't here myself."

"All three of them here...that's not to good..." She bites her lip. "...I do have an idea though..."

"Do tell me this idea, while we wait for the next entrant."

"I was thinking...use The Shield coverage for when we leave...just to be safe."

"Are you sure now? I mean, with how you feel about Seth and everything. Don't want you uncomfortable."

"I'm not completely sure about it, but I'd rather deal with just him then all three of them. Plus, he doesn't even remember me. I was more blonde when I was with him and I'm not now. I'm back to my natural color. It'll take him awhile to figure it out...he's not that bright." She laughs about the last part. "Well I consider anything to keep you safe at least. So I'll go for it."

"Alright. Hopefully tonight will be the only night we need them...if not, we'll just use Roman, have the others keep watch."


"Are you trying to picture me a a blonde?" She laughs as he plays with her hair. "Maybe."

"Okay mister impatient." She laughs, getting her phone and searching through it. "Here." She shows him one she had right after she got the highlights done. "Looks very nice. I do like what it looks like there, but I love what your hair looks like now."

"I do to. It was something I wanted to try. I liked it, but not as much as I like it natural."

"Right of course."

"I couldn't change it even if I wanted to now. He'd notice right away."

"And we don't need that."

"No we don't." She leans into him more. "Never again will I do that."

"So do I need to have them come here so I can tell them to be here for coverage when we leave to go out there?"

"You can do that."

"Alright, let me just get an attendant to go get them." He says as he moves from the couch and goes over to the door, looking out into the hall for a backstage attendant. She debates on staying or leaving the room when they come. "Alright, someone's going to go get them." Mike says as he comes back inside. "Sounds good."

"They're not gonna stay in here the whole time. Just enough for me to tell them what's going on. Then they'll just be out in the hall."

"I can deal with that. Just as long as you're here, I'll be fine."

"I know you were going to wait until I was going to change into my gear to change out of yours, but even if you wanted to change back into your other clothes while I'm talking to them, you could do that too."

"I think I'll wait. Let him see what he's missing and never getting back." She grins.


Elimination attempts from everyone are starting, but no budging. Dolph almost eliminates Chris as he goes over the top rope, but he hands onto the middle rope with his feet dangling just inches above the floor. The crowd starts to count down and the buzzer goes off as the Prime Time Players' music goes off and Titus comes out next.

"Not the dog. Anyone but him."

A little bit into the match, it's Drew on the outside of the ropes and Chris is trying to get him eliminated. It doesn't take long but after using the rope for leverage, he kicks Drew off the side, eliminating him. "Haha! Yess! Go Chris!" She cheers. "I so owe him for that."

"Maybe next time when we're all in LA, we can all go out to eat."

"That would be great. I've never really gotten the chance to meet him and I would love to do so."

"Go to a place I go to all the time. Best food."

"That wouldn't be BOA, would it?"

"How did you know?" He chuckles. "I've done my research." She grins. "Of course you did."

"I wouldn't be a good mizfit if I didn't."

"I'm pretty sure there'll be like tons of camera outside just waiting for us when we're done. I hope that's something you can handle, and for it to not be too overwhelming."

"I should do fine. Nothing different than when we have interviews and everything."

"Just making sure."

"If it gets too much, I'll just hide behind you and play shy." She laughs. "Which is cute."

"Oh stop." She blushes, trying to hide.

"What? It is."

"To you it is. To me it's embarrassing."

"But I love it."

"Only because it's you, I'll let you see it."

"Because you love me."

"I do. So very much."

"And I love you."

"I know you do. You show and tell me everyday."

It isn't too long after that where the crowd starts to count down again, entry number 8 being Goldust and Cody's face is priceless. "Haha! His face! That's hilarious!" Both him and his brother go after each other, and Cody almost gets eliminated by him. A bit after that, it's time for entry number 9 and it's Otunga. "Psh, no reaction from the crowd. That tells you something."

"He needs to do. He does nothing here anymore anyway." She adds.

"Exactly." Not too long after that, there's a knock on the door. "Must be them."

"Do we have to move or is the door unlocked?"

"I left it unlocked. Come in!" He calls to them.

The door opens and the walk in, closing the door behind them. Dean steps forward while Roman and Seth stand back, Seth looking at her. "You need us?" Dean asks.

"Yes, we actually decided that we needed you three for something else on top of the match. We want coverage for when we're walking to the curtain at least. Then you can go to where you have to be for the match to be on guard. We were hoping that we only had to deal with one person tonight if they were to get involved, but it seems we'll be dealing with more than one person tonight if they choose to get involved."

"We can do that." Dean nods. "Want us to wait by the door?"

"If you don't mind, that would be great."

"We'll be right outside then." Dean nods. "Mike..." Stef whispers, tugging his jacket. "What's wrong?" He asks quietly. "He's staring." She says so only Mike can hear. "But at least he doesn't recognize you."

"True, but I don't like that's the same one as before..."

"Don't worry, he's not gonna touch you. They're leaving anyway." He reassures you, as Dean leads Seth and Roman out of the room. "For some reason...I get the feeling he knows..."

"Well if that's the case, then we'll try to avoid him as much as we can."

"Right...just don't say my name around him."

"I won't. Promise."

"Good." She cringes from the look Seth had, moving closer to Mike. "Let's just try and and relax, focus on the the Rumble match for now."

"Good idea." No one has been eliminated yet, besides Santino and Drew earlier. Cody and his brother work on eliminating Titus, but he hangs on. Cody tries to eliminate his brother, but that doesn't work. The 10th entrant in the Rumble is another member of 3MB, Heath. "Oh joy." She rolls her eyes. There were some close eliminations, but everyone currently in the ring has stayed in the ring. The crowd goes again, the 11th entrant being last year's winner, Sheamus. "Mayo man!" Stef laughs. He takes out everyone, tossing Otunga into Titus to send Titus out of the Rumble. It isn't too long after that where the next entrant into the Rumble match comes out and it's Tensai. "Ugh."

"If it were me, I would team with everyone and take out the biggest guy out there, and that's him."

"Exactly. Let's see if they do that." The 13th entrant, trailed by Cameron and Naomi is Brodus, making another big guy out there in the ring for them to take care of. The sibling rivalry between Goldust and Cody finds it's way onto the ring apron, as Cody sends his brother into the steel ring post and out of the Rumble match. After he's been eliminated, entry number 14 is on his way out and it's Rey, and he goes right after Dolph, taking him out and then Chris, hitting him with a 619. "Go Rey! Take out that noodle!" No one gets eliminated this time around after Rey had come out, and out next as entry number 15 is the other half of the Prime Time Players, Darren Young. He goes right over and helps Sheamus, Chris, Cody and Heath to eliminate Brodus from the Rumble match, leaving only Tensai left as the one big guy to take care of. Tensai goes to eliminate Kofi, but Kofi hangs on. He does more of his high flying moves and Tensai tries to eliminate him again, but Kofi still holds on and Tensai falls to the floor. Dolph comes up and hits Kofi pretty hard and he's ready to fall, but jumps onto Tensai's back, preventing an elimination. "Whoa! That's impressive." Tensai tries to get him off of his back, and does so once he dumps Kofi onto the announce table and they fight for a bit. Kofi stands on top of the announce table, trying to figure out how he can get back to the ring. Realizing he can't jump there, he tells JBL to give him his chair, and he does. While he's figuring out how he's going to get to the ring with the chair, the next entry comes out, Bo Dallas from NXT, who had won the spot earlier in the day in a Fan Axxess match. "Looks like Kofi's stuck." Stef laughs.

"I wouldn't count him out just yet."

"I'm not either. I'm just amused." Kofi in the meantime puts the chair on the ground and then stands on it and uses it to hop his way over to the ring carefully. It takes a while, but he finally makes it back to the ring and is still in the match. Darren quickly comes over, only for Kofi to pull down the top rope and for Darren to go tumbling out of the ring, being eliminated. But Cody hits Kofi with a Disaster Kick, and Kofi's now eliminated. "Aw, to bad. All that work for nothing."

"Another thing to go in the record books for him though. Using the chair as a pogo stick to get to the ring."

"True, true."

It's now time for entrant number 17, and it's a blast from the past as it's The Godfather. It was short return as he suffers a quick exit from the match, thanks to Dolph with a dropkick.

"Now he has the shortest time in the Rumble."

"It would appear that way." Stef laughs."Waste of a spot in the match though if you ask me." She adds. "Yeah, but that's what Vince wants and how he wants it to go. Can't really do much about that."

"I know, I know."

"It just could have been someone who deserves it." She mumbles.

Sheamus almost eliminates Dolph, but Dolph ends up holding on. Everyone is going after someone in the match, it's almost equal, and soon number 18 come out and it's Wade who had just lost the pre-show earlier in the night, hoping to win this so he can go onto WrestleMania. He goes after everyone, first Heath, Rey and then Chris. He goes to eliminate Sheamus, an Chris tries to help, but sheamus clings to the ropes. With no one being eliminated, it's time for number 19 and it's John, the crowd of course going crazy and that makes everyone in the ring stop. "John!!!" She cheers. "There's my pick right there." She grins.

"I had a feeling he was."

"Told you it was someone no one would expect." Of course when he gets into the ring, everyone attacks him until he fires back and eliminates Heath first, then Cody. He goes to eliminate Chris, but Dolph saves him. It's soon time for another entrant and #20 is Sandow. "Decided to leave the bathrobe off I see." Mike chuckles. "Still wearing those trunks from Victoria's Secret though." Mike remarks. "You know...I thought that was AJ going through my bag...maybe it was him..."

"That would be kind of awkward."

"If that's the case...he can keep them." She shudders. "Yeah, I don't think you would want them back."

"No...just gross." It was a close call, but Rey and Wade were almost eliminated. It wasn't too long after that where Rey was eliminated after a kick from Wade. As everyone was busy, out comes entrant 21, and it was Daniel. "Get a haircut and shave the beard. That's all. Then maybe you can be taken seriously."

"Right? He needs it." Daniel's the only one standing and he then tries to eliminate Chris, and Sheamus comes to the aid, only for Chris to hang on. The usual Cena chants fill the arena as the the buzzer goes off and Cesaro comes out as number 22. "Someone that disrespects America, yet wears our flag. You don't deserve to wear our flag."

"I agree with you there. He makes no sense." The usual Cena chants start up again, but die quickly. Entrant number 23 comes out and it's Khali. "Someone that they all should work together to take out." Khali takes out Wade, then Sandow, Bo and Chris. No one is eliminated even with Khali out there, an out as number 24 is Kane. Still, no one has been eliminated and out at number 25 is Zack and he goes right after Dolph. "Yes! Get 'em Zack. Take him out!" While that goes on, Kane and Daniel have eliminated Khali and then Daniel eliminates Kane. Daniel gets knocked off by Cesaro, and Kane catches him. He tells Kane to put him back in the ring, and he doesn't, he drops him on the ground and he gets eliminated as well and Daniel is in shock. "Well...that's what he gets for eliminating Kane."

"It's actually quite funny." Mike chuckles. "It is. Looks like we need doctor Shelby."

"When don't we need him?"

"Exactly." She laughs. Shortly after, out comes number 26, and it's Randy. He takes out Cesaro, Wade, Sheamus and Dolph, and then Zack. Then he takes out Bo. He tries to eliminate him, but he stays, and then he hits both him and Dolph with a DDT. Zack's then hit with an RKO and then eliminated. The entrants seem to come quickly as the final member of 3MB, Jinder Mahal, come out as number 27. John then eliminates Cesaro, before Wade comes after him. Dolph almost gets eliminated by John, but he clings to the ropes. Time for the next entrant, and number 28 is Punk. "Yay." She mocks sarcasm.

"If I wasn't the WWE Champion, and if I didn't have a match after this, I would probably be in this Rumble match." Mike remarks. "I know you would and you would win it too."

"Of course I would."

"You're just that awesome."

"Yes, yes I am."

"Cocky too." She bites her lip. "So hot." She mumbles to herself. Jinder ends up getting eliminated when Punk comes to the ring. And a bit after that, it's time for number 29 and it's Sin Cara, who takes Dolph out, before going after Sandow. Wade goes to eliminate Bo Dallas, but he holds on, pulling Wade out and ends up eliminating him and Wade is pissed after being eliminated by someone from NXT. "Ooohhh. Two upsets in one night and one by a NXT rookie."

"That's a major upset....major."

"Sucks for him. Remind me to throw a party for him later."

Ultimately, Bo is eliminated by Wade on the outside, before being hit with the Bull Hammer elbow, taking out his anger and frustration. And now it's time for the last entrant, and it's Ryback. He takes out Punk, Dolph, Sandow and Randy, before eliminating Sandow. Sin Cara picks the wrong person to go after, as he too gets eliminated by Ryback, being thrown onto Sandow. Punk comes up from behind and tries to eliminate him, but gets eliminated himself.

"Back to the end of the line for you."

"Thank god. I was getting tired of him." Chris in return hit Ryback with the Codebreaker, and now he's on fire, taking out everyone. Dolph in the end eliminates him, down to five superstars left in the ring. Sheamus and Randy start to circle each other before going at each other. He then etches his dominance into the match as he would drop both John and Sheamus with the RKO. But when he tries to deliver the RKO to Ryback, Ryback fights back, using his power to eliminate Randy. "Ryback's bigger than the RKO. Too bad." Shortly after this, Sheamus is able to use his trusty Brogue Kick to finally eliminate Dolph, leaving only Ryback, himelf, and John in the Rumble match. After taking John down with a Meat Hook Clothesline, Ryback would wage war with Sheamus, but when Sheamus goes for the Brogue Kick on Ryback, he dodges the move, eliminating Sheamus from the Rumble, leaving only himself and John. "Haha. Buh-bye Dolph." Stef laughs. "But, this is not looking good for John. I hope he makes it." They then square off with John locking the STF on Ryback, putting him out with the submission move. However, Ryback would not be out for long and the war would rage on. Then, for only the fourth time in WWE history, a Superstar would win two Royal Rumble Matches as John manages to send Ryback over-the-top rope to win the Rumble match. "He did it!" She bounces around. "Take that Ryback! In your face!"

"But you do know he'll most likely pick me to face at WrestleMania right?" Mike chuckles at her excitement over John winning. "Oh..." She sits back down. "...totally forgot about all that..." She bites her lip. "Because you know him and the WWE Championship. He's always going for it."

"Yeah...he can try though. He's not going to get it though."

"As much as I respect him, I have to agree."

"I'll see if I can persuade him the other way."

"You would do that."

"Only for you I would."

"Of course."

"I do think we should change so we can get you to your match."

"I was just going to suggest that."

"Great minds do think alike." She grins, kissing him quick then standing up. "Yes they do."

"Are you coming or you going to change out here?" She laughs since he hasn't moved. "Huh? Oh yeah. I'm coming." He says, getting up himself. "Staring again weren't you?" She grins as they head into the changing area. "Your fault. Your gear is distracting to me."

"Oh it is? I had no idea." She plays innocent. "Suuuure."

"I just know what you like." She smirks. "Touche."

"Just try to control yourself...I know how you can get."

"I'll try."

“As long as you do that.” She chuckles, starting to take off her boots while he takes his suit off. "And you don't get too distracted by me. I know how you get too." He chuckles. "Huh?" She shakes her head. "'re right." She recovers. "Already getting distracted."

"Am not..."

"Whatever you say..." He continues to take his suit off, distracting her and more. She does manage to get her gear off, but stops once she sees him in his. She stands there for a bit then goes to get her dress. "You can't stop looking, I can feel it." He chuckles. "Not that I blame you for staring..." He smirks. "You just...I..." She stutters. "I know, I know.."

"...damn you..." She mutters, biting her lip. "Love you too." He chuckles. She keeps muttering to herself while she gets her dress on. Once she finally gets that on, she goes over and slips on her shoes. "Love that dress so much."

"So you've said before." She grins, running her hands down her sides to smooth it out. "It fits you so perfectly."

"Does it?" She looks in the mirror doing a few poses. "Yeah. You're right. It does." She smirks. "As if you ever have to doubt what I say."

"I never do. I just like messing with you."

"Of course."

"Ready to head out now?"

"Yup. Are you?"

"Yes I am." She scrunches her hair in the mirror real quick then takes his hand. He grabs the title in his free hand, and then they both leave the changing area and head back into the main area of the room. Then they go over to the door and walk out into the hall, where of course The Shield are waiting. Dean walks in front of them, Roman behind them and Seth to the side. She can sense him looking at her and stays close to Mike. "Stop looking." Roman hits Seth's arm. "I know her." He says so only Roman can hear. "Doesn't matter if you do. We're here for one job only and we need to focus on that."

"Right." He nods, going back to walking at our side. They manage to make it to the curtain with no problems at all. From there, her and Mike stay. But The Shield go to where they need to be on guard for the match. "What were they talking about on the way here?"

"I really don't know, they were mumbling, could barely understand them."

"Right...I did feel him staring, but I might just be paranoid..."

"But he's gone now, so you're alright."

"I am. I have you and that's all I need."

"I'm glad."

"I wish Dwayne would get here already so we can get this match started though." She bounces her leg. "Well you know him...fashionably late."

"He needs to hurry up. Always keeping the fans waiting."

"I know right? I mean, his entrance to the ring is long enough as it is."

"Exactly." Stef rolls her eyes. "It's even longer than Undertaker's."

"Looks like he'll be here when he's here. Let's just go out there first."

"Alright." She nods. He motions to the tech guy and his music goes off, them waiting just a few seconds before they head out. After walking though the curtain, they go through the blow up 'Awesome' balloons that are set up. He then stops at the top of the ramp, doing his poses with the title in the air. He throws it over his shoulder then takes her hand as they head down to the ring. At the bottom of the ramp, she lets his hand go so he can run and jump on the ring, holding the ropes like he always does. While he does that, she goes to the steps and walks up, him meeting her in the middle, holding the ropes for her. She gets in the ring then he follows, putting his arm over her shoulder. She lets him go for a few moments so he can raise the title and whatnot for everyone to see. Once he's done doing that, his arm goes back over shoulders, as they both wait for Dwayne to start his long, drawn out entrance. "Wake me when it's over." Stef lays her head on his shoulder. "Will do." He then comes out on the ramp, just standing there. He walks from one side to the other just looking at the crowd. He stays there for a bit before finally starting to slowly make his way to the ring. Once at the ring, he takes his sweet old time walking up the steps. He does a few looks at the crowd then gets in the ring. He then goes to the ropes, doing all his poses there. After what seemed like forever, his music finally faded away. "That was torture." Stef groans. "No kidding." The ref takes the tile as Mike takes off his jacket. He hands it to Stef and she takes it. She gives him a quick kiss before going to the ropes and exiting the ring. Once she's reached the floor, the ref raises the title for everyone to see, before handing it off. The Rock and Mike have a stare down in the middle of the ring, even after the bell rings to start the match. "Come on baby! You can beat him. I know you can. You're the awesome one!"

Then some words are exchanged as they continue their staredown, words only audible to them, and no one else. That's when Mike pushes him away by the face with his hand. "Careful...he could snap."

"I got this...don't worry." Mike reassures her. She nods, keeping a close eye on The Rock for now. Mike starts the trash talking to him and everything, trying to get a rise out of him like he does all his opponents. But that seemed like a bad idea, considering the fact that The Rock started firing back with quick punches, which ended up getting Mike in the corner, after one last hit, he slides down to the mat. "Back him up ref!" Stef yells. "Try something different. Don't trash talk him. Just hit him and hit him good."

"Nothing wrong with a little trash talking..." Mike trails off, shaking every hit he took off, before standing. "Just be careful...he's an animal." He meets him in the middle of the ring, and this time they lock up. Mike still can't take advantage of the match yet, as he's put in a side headlock. Trying to get out of it, every way he can, he does the usual and pushes him and The Rock into the ropes, which causes The Rock to let go before five. Mike backs up and kicks him in the leg, making him go down to one knee. He then takes him and delivers his signature DDT, before going for the cover, only for The Rock to kick out at one. "Damn." Stef mutters. "Still early. Keep him down! It's the best way to control the match!" He crawls over him and starts to throw right hand punches repeatedly, for as long as he could, before he was pulled off. He backs away for a few moments only to do it again, and to be pulled off again, the ref starting to get in his face. Mike ignores him the best he can, before going back over and goes for another quick pin, only to get another kickout. "Come on ref! 1, 2, 3!" She smacks her hands together. "Count right!" Mike then goes to the outside and climbs to the top, just waiting for The Rock to get up. He seems to take a long time so Mike hops down from the top and decides to clip the right leg, making Rock go down again. "There you go! That's how you do it!" He then decides to do the smart thing and focus on the leg he clipped and hurt, hitting it every chance he could get, in as many ways as he could. "That's my Miz! Get the leg! Get it good! Keep on it!"

When he starts to get too much, the ref backs him up and checks on Rock, making sure he still wants to go through with the match, and he does. Mike just shakes his head with an evil smirk on his face, moving past the ref and going right back after the leg as Rock is in the corner trying to rest for now. "Aw, not so tough now are you." Stef mocks. "Some 'people's champion' you are. Ha!" He still refuses to give up, limping out of the corner on the injured leg. So what does Mike do? He runs and dropkicks that very same leg out from under the Rock. He wastes no time in keeping on the injured leg, dragging him over to the ropes and putting his leg in them, wrapping it around the bottom one and bending it in a way where it hurts. "That's it! Great job! You got him! More pressure!" Of course with it being in the ropes, he can't stay there for long before having to let go unfortunately. And he gets pulled away by the ref and told to back off. "Aww...poor Rock...does you leg hurt? Oh well!" Stef mocks. Of course the fans start to boo like crazy, because Rock is their favorite in this match. She just shakes her head, trying to ignore them all the best she can. "Come on Mike! Ignore them! You're the champion, you're the best!" With the crowd chanting for Rock, and clapping, trying to get him to get his momentum back, it actually starts to work as he gets to his feet, but still showing signs of the hurt leg. He actually ends up catching Mike offguard when he goes for the leg again, catching Mike's foot before hitting him with a clothesline. Both of them are down now. "NO!" She slams the mat. "Get up Mike! You can do it! Come on! For me!" After checking on both of them, seeing that they're both down, the ref starts the count. "You've gotta get up. He's started the count."

She then runs to the side closest to Mike. "He's counting. Get up. I know you can do it." She hits the mat. "Come to me. Just look at me and you'll be able to do it." He does so as he start to crawl to the ropes. At least he was close to them so it wouldn't take quite as long to get to them. The ref has gotten to 5 at this point, just as Mike was pulling himself to his feet. Once he and Rock were on their feet, the ref stopped the count. He comes right over and Mike gets the strength to pull down the top rope, making Rock go tumbling to the floor. "Not so tough now are you?!" She yells at him. "Go back to Holloywood you movie star!" This allows Mike some time to recover and get more focused. While Rock is out on the floor trying to recover himself, Mike comes to and heads to the outside himself and takes the fight out there, doing whatever he can to keep him down. When he feels he's had enough, he goes back into the ring as the ref starts to the 10 count. "There you go. That's how it's done." Stef claps. Getting closer and closer to 10, that's when you both see that he's getting to his feet. And he made it back into the ring at the last second and Mike starts to get frustrated. So he goes over to him and just starts wailing on him with punches left and right, and kicks, telling him to stay down.

"Stay on him!" She shots. "Give it up Rock! You're done!" For most of the match Mike has the most control, not letting Rock get a break. He catches Mike offguard again in the match and starts to hit him with all his signature moves. "No no no no!" She panics. She then climbs on the side of the ring to distract Rock for following up. The ref of course notices right away and tries to get her to get down, but she's not budging. She starts to argue with him, and when Rock comes over, she starts to yell at him. She keeps doing that so that Mike can get to his feet. When he does, he puts him in position before hitting him with the Skull Crushing Finale and goes for the cover. It's all over within a blink of an eye as the ref counts to three, and Mike keeps the title. "Yess!!!" She jumps up and down. She walks over, getting Mike's title then gets into the ring, handing it to him. She raises his hand in victory for a few moments before letting it go and he leans against the ropes as he recovers from the grueling match. "I knew you could beat him." She grins, kissing him quick. That's when she happens to glance into the crowd, and they start going crazy, but not for obvious reasons. That's when she spots a very familiar bleach-blonde head. "Mike...."

"Just stay back." He stands in front of her. "He's not the only one...." She says as she hides behind him. "Don't worry. We got backup." They all stop at the barricade on their sides. After giving each other a look, they nod and hop the barricade before surrounding the ring. "Mike..." She bites her lip worried. "...where are they?"

"They'll be here, don't worry."

"Hopefully soon..." She looks around as the other three hop onto the side of the ring. The crowd starts to go crazy again. She thinks it's The Shield finally coming down, but it's not. She notices that Dolph is smirking as he looks over by the stage. She doesn't want to follow his look, but she does anyway and she sees AJ there, so now they're both completely surrounded. "No...not her too..."

"You can take her, don't worry, even in a dress."

"Oh I know I can take her, but it's an unfair advantage for them right now."

"Just wait.." Just as Dolph and them were going to get into the ring, that's when The Shield's theme went off and they were rushing down the stairs, through the crowd to get to the ring as soon as possible. Dolph and the others look around then go right after Mike before The Shield to make it to the ring. Stef gets pushed away when they attack him, then AJ gets in the ring starting to kick me while I'm dazed. Once The Shield got to the ring, it was absolute chaos as they pulled everyone away from Mike and started to fight them. Deeming it not safe to be in the ring with everyone, AJ pulls Stef out and continues the assault outside the ring. When Stef comes to, she's not having AJ take advantage of the situation, and her shoes come off and she goes crazy on her. She slaps her in the face before getting semi control. She then takes her and pushes her into the side of the ring back first. She falls to the ground, holding her back and he starts to kick her in the ribs, not stopping anytime soon. Next thing she knows, Dolph is knocked out of the ring, near her and AJ. The other two were thrown out as well after getting a beating from The Shield. She looks up to see Mike getting to his feet, using the corner to help himself up. That's when she gets back into the ring and goes right over to him and makes sure he's alright. "You alright?" She looks him over with concern. "I'm"

"I'm perfectly fine."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure." She nods. "Alright. That's all I care about."

"Let's get out of here."

"Right." He nods. She picks up his title since he's in a bit of pain then they head out of the ring with The Shield following behind. She grabs her shoes which were on the ground before heading to the back. Once in the back, she stops walking so she can look him over more. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm sure. Just sore."

"Get you ice then?"

"Yeah." He nods. "Let's go then."

He leans into her for support as they headed for the trainers to get him ice. When they get there, they check him over just to be sure. Once they're done, they head back to the locker room. "Once we get back, you can get changed and we can finally get out of here."

"Perfect idea."

"But right to bed when we get back to the hotel."

"I can deal with that." He nods. "Just want you to feel better quicker."

"I know you do and that's why I love you."

"I love you too." They walk the rest of the way to the locker room with no problem since everyone was laid out. They walk into the locker room then to the changing area. "Gonna need help?"

"I think I'll be good. But if I need any help at all, I'll yell for you. Promise."

"Alright. I'll start to pack." She kisses him quick before heading back to the main part of the locker room. It doesn't take her too long to get everything packed, so once everything is, she sits and waits for Mike to come out or for him to yell for help if he needs any. After a bit of waiting, he comes out, all ready to go. "Let's go. I'm exhausted." She nods, getting up from the couch and grabbing their bags. She walks over to him, linking her fingers with his as they head out. Once they make it outside, they load their things into the car. She offers to drive so Mike can rest on the drive back. He gives her a kiss, then the keys before getting in the car. She then goes to the drivers side and gets in. When they're all set, she starts to head back to the hotel. "You're so thoughtful, you know that right?" Mike remarks. "I do." She nods with a smile.

"As long as you know."

"I know. You tell me all the time."

"Because it's true."

"Only for you."

"What I think is all that matters, because I love you."

"And I love you too." He leans over and kisses her cheek before getting more comfortable in his seat. It isn't too much longer before they finally reach the hotel. She parks and they get out, getting their things from the trunk. Once they have their things, she locks the car and then they both head inside. He keeps his arm around her for support as they walk through the lobby to the elevators. They step on, heading up to their floor. Once there, they head to the room then inside. "Finally....back in our hotel room."

"Privacy. Sweet sweet privacy."


"I say we get changed so we can get to bed. You need to rest." She says more than suggesting. "Good idea." He nods. "I'll wear something that's not so tempting for you either."

"Only if you want to."

"For tonight. I want you to rest and if I wear the won't get that rest." She chuckles. "True..."

"Maybe tomorrow...depending on how you feel."


"Come on. It's getting late." She takes his hand as she heads to their bags. He nods and then they both get clothes to change into. Once they have the clothes, they change out of what they have on and into what they picked out. Since she got done before him, she decided to help him since he was still sore and having a bit of trouble. As hard as it was, she managed to resist the urge to touch him. Once he was changed, they headed over to the bed where she held the blankets for him then covered him once he was under them before going to the other side and getting under the covers, giving him some space. "You don't have to be so far away you know. It's okay."

"I don't want to hurt you..."

"You won't."

"If you're sure." She inches her way closer to him. "I'm positive."

"Alright." She lays next to him, resting her hand on his arm. "You can get closer than that."

"I'll hurt you. I'm too heavy to lay on you."

"No you won't, and no you're not." She hesitates a bit before moving and laying her head down gently on his chest. "See? I'm fine."

"Yeah...I still feel like I'm hurting you..."

"But you're not. I'm fine."

"If you say so." She looks up at him slightly. "Hey...I wouldn't have told you it was alright, if it wasn't. You know that."

"I know...just...nevermind." She moves her head back down. "No, let's talk about it for a bit. Obviously it's bugging you. What's wrong?"

"Just...last time...I got yelled at for being to concerned and trying to be loving. Things didn't go so well..."

"I would never do that to you. I appreciate what you do for me, and your concern for me on nights like this."

"I know you do, but all the memories make me think different. It's hard to know what to do sometimes."

"I know, but with me you can do anything."

"I'll keep that in mind." She looks back up at him, smiling slightly. "Good. Always remember that I love you. I really do."

"I know you do just like I love you and I'll remember."

"That makes me happy."

"You should be happy. If you're happy then that means I'm doing my job."

"And you're happy, that means I'm doing my job."

"You are." She smiles. "You treat me like no other. I really feel like a queen or something with you."

"Honestly, you are one to me."

"Mike..." She blushes. "...I'm far from that. I'm just an average girl."

"Not to me."

"You're way to sweet to me. I're the best."

"So you tell me all the time."

"It's the truth and I want you to know it."

"Of course." She carefully snuggles into him, burying her face in his chest to hide a yawn. "Alright you, I think it's time for bed, for both of us." He chuckles. "Mhm." She nods. "You first." He nods and kisses the top of her head, before getting more comfortable in his spot. She lightly, but soothingly runs her fingers over his chest in hopes to help him go to sleep quicker. Once she feels him relax, she looks up to see him sound asleep. She smiles to herself then rests her head on his chest. She listens to the sound of his heart and soon goes to sleep. In the meantime, Alex and I had just gotten back ourselves. I had originally taken my time getting changed before we had left the arena, no rush really. But now being at the hotel and inside, we head up to our floor, going into our room when we reach it. "I still can't believe they tired attacking Mike after the show." I say, still a bit shocked. "I know. And then AJ going after Stef during the chaos already in the ring."

"I have a feeling that's all apart of their plan only they didn't expect The Shield to come out."

"I don't think anyone did. I mean did you expect them to come out?"

"No....not with her history with Seth. I was sure Mike would want to keep him as far away as possible."

"All the things you told me about her past...that was him?"

"Sadly yes. She didn't think she was ever going to see him again, but that all changed."

"I think I'm lucky I don't see people from my past coming into the business." I add. "You really are. I hope we never do."

"Some of those relationships were a little rocky, didn't go too well."

"They're in the past. Hopefully he's the last thing from the past that comes back. You're with me now and you're happy. That's all that matters. You'll never have to deal with that as long as you're with me."

"I know."

"They were stupid for how they treated you. You deserve to be treated like the goddess that you are. Nothing but the best for you."

"And I'm very appreciative of that."

"Good. That makes me very happy."

"I do like to make you happy."

"You do in more ways than you know."

"And you make me happy in more ways than you know."

"That's my job and I'm glad I can do that."

"I just knew from the beginning that you would make me happy."

"Really? I had the same feeling."


"I knew you were the one for me. It was like love at first sight."

"So you've told me before, but it never gets old. Still sweet."

"I'll continue to tell you too."

"Good. I like being reminded."

"You forever will be."

"Great." I grin, kissing him quick. Instead of letting me go, he holds me close, keeping the kiss going for a bit before deciding to pull away. "Didn't get enough of that tonight did you?" I laugh a bit.

"Not as much as I wanted, no."

"I apologize for that."

"It's fine. I know it's hard backstage to get alone time."

"Right. But I do think we should get ready for bed. We both had pretty grueling matches tonight. Gonna need the rest, even though I'm sure we'll get the night off tomorrow."

"Right, right." He nods. "After always."

"Of course." I laugh. We both then head over to our bags, getting out something to change into. Since we both were tired, we did try our best not to be as touchy as we wanted. When we were changed, the lights went off and we climbed into bed. "This bed feels so good."

"Oh I know right?"

"Definitely going to go right to sleep."

"Definitely." I nod.

"I can see in your eyes that you're not going to last much longer."

"No, not really."

"Before you do..." He lifts my chin, giving me one last kiss. When he pulls away, he rests his forehead against mine for a few moments. "Love you."

"Love you too."

"Time for sleep now."

"No complaints there."

"Good." He kisses the top of my head then runs his fingers through my hair like always. I sigh in content as I cuddle closer to him. And of course with him running his fingers through my hair, it doesn't take long for me to doze off. When he notices a change in your breathing, he looks down at you with a smile. He holds you close to him, just watching for a bit before dozing off himself.