Status: Active

The Chance of a Lifetime

Valentine's Day

After having a few days off, Alex and I had decided that we would of course go home. Taking advantage of this time off, I decided to sleep in a bit. Alex did too, but he had gotten up and gone downstairs and put a dozen of regular red roses in a vase and brought them back upstairs and put them on the nightstand next to my side of the bed, before quietly getting clothes and heading into the bathroom to shower, letting me sleep in as long as I wanted to. It's not until about fifteen minutes later that I start to stir, reaching out for him only to find him gone. That's when I start to open my eyes and see something next to the bed. I rub my eyes a bit, so I can see better and once I can see better I notice a vase full of roses. I'm wondering how they got there since they weren't there last night first of all, and second of all I couldn't help but admire how pretty they were. While I was looking at the roses, I didn't hear the shower shut off or the door open a few minutes after that. It wasn't until I felt something on my cheek that I take my eyes off the flowers. "There you are."

"Here I am." He chuckles. "Happy Valentine's Day." He grins. "That explains the roses. I forgot that was today."

"It does." He nods. "How could you forget a day like this?"

"'s not a day I always looked forward to."

"Why is that?"

"Because I didn't really get anything. It's one of those holidays that make single people feel horrible. And that's what I was like for years. Every year I dreaded it."

"Well, now you're with me. This is going to be one of your favorite days of the year. I'll make sure of that."

"You're already starting."

"Good. This is only the start too. Today is all about you and nothing else. Whatever you want, you'll get."

"I have a sense I'm gonna be spoiled today, more so than usual."

"You got that right. You deserve every bit of it too."

"When did you get the roses anyway? I never saw them so you were clearly sneaky about it."

"I had them delivered this morning."

"As I said....sneaky."

"I am." He grins. "Just wait. That's not all either."

"Oh boy."

"No hints. I want to you see everything on your own."

"More gifts hmm?"

"I don't know. You'll have to find out."

"I have a feeling there are more."

"'ll see soon."

"Soon. But right now, since you weren't here when I woke up....I missed the cuddle time."

"That's exactly what I was thinking." He chuckles, climbing next to me on the bed. "I was about ready to cuddle with your pillow because I didn't know where you were not too long ago."

"Aww." He grins. "I'm never too far away from you. I'd never leave without telling you or leaving a note first."

"Oh I know. I had just woken up and wasn't aware of where you were that's all."

"I'm sorry. I figured you would still be sleeping by the time I got done."

"It's okay."

"I'll either be quicker next time or wait for you to wake up."

"No it's alright. I was mesmerized by the roses anyway."

"I'm glad you like them."

"I really do." I nod. "Good." He tugs me closer to him. "So what's the plan for the rest of the day?"

"I have a few things planned for later, but anything before that is whatever you want to do."

"Do I have to dress accordingly to these plans for later?"

"Yeah. A nice dress would be good."

"I'll have to find something later then."

"I'm sure you can. I did see something that would be perfect for tonight."


"Mhm." He nods. "I'll show you a little later."

"Well I know one thing, it's gonna be blue."

"Yes it will be."

"Figured as much."

"I do love how blue looks on you."

"As you tell me whenever it's worn by me."

"I can't help it. It brings out your eyes perfectly."

"Although mine aren't blue like yours."

"They are still gorgeous to me."


"Just for you."

"Better be."

"It is, don't worry."


"We'll lay here for a bit longer then I'll go make you breakfast."

"Alright, sounds good." I nod. He holds me closer to him, getting in the time he missed. Some time after that, we both decided to get up, me more reluctantly than him. But we make our way out of the bedroom and downstairs to the kitchen where he starts to get things he needs to make breakfast. He had told me to go into the living room and watch TV while he got everything and prepared my favorite breakfast. "Smells good." I say from the living room. "It should." He calls back. "It's your favorite."

"I knew it smelled familiar."

"That's all you're going to get today. Nothing but your favorites."

"Seems as though my view on this holiday will change after today."

"It will. I'll make sure of that."

"Of course."

"One thing. Could you come get me some milk? I forgot it."

"Yeah sure." I reply, getting up from the couch and coming back into the kitchen. I go over to the fridge to get the milk for him, but when I open it, there's one thing that stands out to me and that's a whole basket full of chocolate. I take the milk out for him and put it on the counter next to me, but also take the basket of chocolate out. "What is this?"

"Hmm...I don't know." He acts confused. "This wasn't in there last night...."

"It wasn't?"

"No...I'm sure I would've remembered if it was."

"That's odd. I wonder how it got there." He shrugs. "This is one of my gifts isn't it?"

"Do you like everything that's in there?"

"It's chocolate...of course I do."

"Then yes. This is one of your gifts."

"And if you're wondering, I put that in the fridge last night while you were asleep." He adds. "You little sneak."

"That's me alright."


"Meeee." He grins. "This is why I love you. You never fail to surprise me."

"You'll always get surprises being with me."

"Maybe today isn't that bad afterall."

"I told you so."

"This is the first year I haven't been single so..."

"It's okay. It's understandable. You don't ever have to worry about that again."

"Now that you're with me, it will be like this every year." He adds. "Oh I know. I believe you."

"Good." He kisses me quick. "Go have a seat. Everything is ready." I nod, putting the chocolate back into the fridge before going to sit. He then takes everything off the stove and puts it onto plates. Once that's done, he brings the plates out to the table. He already had the fruit and flowers set out on the table along with my favorite drink. "I say I make breakfast next time." I remark.

"If you insist."

"I want to."

"Alright." He nods.

"Everything looks good by the way."

"I tried to make it just like your mom did. I hope I did good."

"I'm sure you did just fine."

"I'll let you be the judge of that." I nod and take a bite of it. He waits until I take that bite and eat it, to see my reaction. "Tastes just as good as it looks and smells."

"That's what I was going for."

"You did good." I nod. "Good. That makes me feel better."

"You honestly doubted yourself in making this?"

"Maybe just a little. It had to be better than perfect. I was nervous I would mess it up."

"Don't ever doubt anything you do."

"I'll try not to from now on."


"I mean, I do have you now and I never thought that would happen."

"Makes two of us."

"It goes to show that anything is possible."

"But I'm glad it did happen."

"Me too." We both then continue to eat the breakfast, talking about things here and there. In the meantime, Stef and Mike are still in bed, but she's sleeping and he's awake, watching her as she sleeps. She shifts a bit in her sleep, shivering then snuggling closer to him to keep warm. He plls the blanket up farther and rubs her arms to help warm her up. That starts to wake her up, her eyes fluttering open. "Good morning." He says quietly. "...morning..."

"Sleep well?"

"Mhm." She nods, burying her face in his chest. "Good. Got a surprise for you today."

"Oh? What?" She looks up at him. "Oh you'll find out soon enough."

"No hints?"

"Well I suppose I can give you one hint that won't give it away."

"What is it?"

"You're gonna have to do some packing...for more warm weather."

"Oh? Now I'm interested."

"I thought you would be."

"Any reason for this trip or it is just because?"

"Well you know what today is right?"

"Umm...not your birthday, not mine, Shauna, or Alex's..." She starts to think. " is today?"

"Valentine's Day."

"That day actually still happens? I didn't think it did."

"It does."

"Oh...that's cool...I suppose."

"Something wrong? I can tell something's wrong."

"Well..." She bites her lip. "...I never really had a real Valentine's Day. I was told I was not good enough to be anyone's Valentine so nothing good ever came out of this day for me."

"But you're with me now....all that in the past is changing."

"So far it has...we'll see how the day goes." She slightly smiles at him. Her phone then goes off and she rolls away from him, checking the message. She reads it then throws her phone down, laying on her side away from him, a few tears falling. "What happened? What's wrong?" She buries her face into the pillow, sniffling. He takes her phone and reads the message, 'Still alone on Valentine's Day. Told you that you were worthless.'. "This isn't know it?" All she does it nod, not being able to talk. "Well when we go back to work, I'm going to be less than pleased to see him. He has no right saying that to you."

"He doesn't know I'm the one with you..." She rolls over slightly. "...I want to keep it that way for as long as I can."

"I know, but still."

"He does this every year...well the past 2 since we have not been together. He's just playing with my head. He thinks I'll get back down to that level again and go be with him again."

"Why don't you just block his number then?"

"I do, but he keeps getting someone else's phone and sending me messages. I even changed my number and he still finds out what it is. I tried it all. I just gave up trying."

"Everything he says is not true. You know that."

"I just don't know anymore...nothing good has ever happened on this day for me...all the others just left me..."

"That's not happening with me. I would never leave you."

"No?" She looks at him. "You really mean that?"

"I really really really mean that."

"Awww." She smiles, running her hand over his cheek. "Here, let me see my phone." She reaches for it. He hands it to her and she goes to send a message back for once, only to see a new text. "You've got to be kidding me." She groans. "What did he say now?"

"How he still loves me, wants me back, and didn't mean what he said." I roll my eyes. "He does this every year. Tells me how much he misses me and regrets everything then the next day puts me down again."

"Multiple personalities."

"He's a control freak. He has no idea what to do now that he does have me to control anymore. He's lost."

"Poor him. Has to deal with it."

"Yes he does and that's what I'm going to tell him too." She sends him a message telling him she wants nothing to do with him and for him to leave her alone. "There." She sets her phone down after shutting it off. "Good for you. Now how about I help pack your things?"

"Okay, but aren't you forgetting something?" She pouts. "I didn't forget. How could I ever forget?" He says as he takes your face in his hands and presses his lips to hers. She smiles into the kiss, her hands resting on his wrists. She moves her legs, hooking them around him then rolling them over so she's hovering him, the kiss never breaking. He keeps his hands on her face, her hands resting on the mattress above his shoulders. He continues to hold her face in his hands for a bit longer, before he lets go, and they move to her shoulders where he runs his hands over them in a calming motion. She starts to get relaxed, her hands moving to his hair, causing her to lay flat on his chest now. He starts to slow the kiss down much to her protest. She tries to keep it going, but he rolls them over so he's hovering her now, pulling from her lips. "...nooo..." She whines. "There'll be much more of that throughout the day, don't worry."

" quick one before we get up?" She looks up at him with the eyes and pout. "A quick one." He nods. He leans down, giving her a quick kiss then pulling away before she can make it longer. "Now I'll help you pack, and you can help make breakfast this morning."

"Okay." She nods. "What do I have to pack exactly?"

"Anything you think is suitable to wear in warm weather like the weather we get here."

"Hmm...alright...are we coming back here later or do I need to bring a change for later too? Like a dress or anything?"

"Well I am planning a dinner for tonight. We're gonna be there for a few days or so at least. So bring a change for later." He nods. "A few days? Where are we going exactly?"

"You'll see. I think we deserve a little vacation."

"We do deserve one. I can't wait to see where were going."

"You'll love it."

"I'll be with you so I know I'll love it."

"Of course."

"You just need to let me up then we can pack."

"Right. My bad." He chuckles, reluctantly letting her go.

She rolls over then gets off the bed. Before she stands up, she picks up his shirt that was laying on the floor, putting that on then going over to the closet. He moves from the bed himself, pulling something on himself that he found on the floor, before joining her in the closet. She gets out her suitcases that he takes back into the room for her, setting them on the bed. She grabs a few tank tops from the closet then goes to put them in the suitcases. "Alright...I'm going to get a dress for later. You can pick the shorts and anything else I may need."

"Got it." He nods. "Don't have to much fun." She grins, kissing him quick. "I'll try my best not to." He chuckles. "And no packing more then I'll actually need either. I know how you get with that."



"I'll try my very best not to do that either."

"Good luck." She chuckles. "I think I'll be okay."
"If you say so." She laughs, ruffling his hair the dashing back to the closet.

"Oh, not the hair.."

"It's already messy from sleeping. I just made it look more sexy."

"Good to know." He grins. He then goes over to the dresser to pick out the things he wanted her to wear. She starts to look for a dress for later, not being able to decide. She finally spots one, smirking then getting a dress bag for it and putting it in there. She gets a smaller suitcase she left in there, putting something in there for him for later. She starts to get a few pairs of shoes and a pair of heels for dinner. She grabs a few other things she might need then heads back into the room, setting the dress on the bed before going in the bathroom to get a few things from there. Once he's done helping her get everything she needs, he moves onto his own stuff to pack himself. While he does that, she decides to get dressed, putting on a pair of shorts and a tank top. She puts her hair in a side braid for now, lightly doing her makeup. After that's done, she slips on a pair of flip flops then sits on the bed waiting for him. "Can't wait for this small vacation."

"Same here. It's always good to get away once in a while."

"Being with me, you'll always get that."

"You're just to good me."

"Yes I am. Because you deserve it."

"You keep telling me that, but I have no idea why." She laughs. "Because you're amazing."

"So are you. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"You really mean that?" She blushes a bit. "I do." He nods. "And that's not just because how I look or don't look, right?"

"Exactly. Like I've said...I like you for you."

"Good." She smiles. "Need any help?"

"I would love for some help."

"Then it looks like I'm your girl." She grins, standing up. "Pick out anything you like, for me to wear and I'll pack it."

"In that're done packing." She smirks. "Alright, well....don't go crazy. I know how you get with my clothes like I do with yours."

"I'll do my very best."

"Although if you ask me....I don't think you need any." She adds. "Hmm...tempting, but I do need something to wear for later."

"For the dinner...right."

"Yes. After that...we'll see." He smirks as well.

"Indeed we will." She goes to walk past him, brushing up against him as she does. She hears him groan slightly as she walks into the closet. She laughs to herself then starts to find a few shirts and pants for him. When she finds those, she takes them out and puts them in his bag. She heads back into the closet to find him a suit for later, picking out her favorite one, walking out with that in it's bag. "I see you've picked out a suit. One of your favorites I'm assuming?"

"Mhm." She nods. "You don't mind, do you?"

"Of course not. I can wear it tonight for dinner."

"You're going to look so good in it. Possibly even better than me." She chuckles. "Oh I can never look better than you."

"Trust this suit, you can."

"We'll have to see then."

"We will." She nods. "How about you get dressed and I'll start breakfast?"

"Only if you're sure."

"I'm sure." She nods.

"Alright. I'll be out there shortly to help."

"Take your time." She gives him a quick kiss. She then leaves the room, heading downstairs. The farther she gets down the stairs, she starts to see things all over the tables. When she gets to the bottom of the stairs, she sees a bunch of vases with different types of flowers in them. She looks at them in awe, going up to smell them. As she makes her way through the house, she keeps seeing bouquets of flowers. In the kitchen on the center island, was her favorite ones. She smiles at them, admiring them for a bit before starting to get things ready for breakfast. Since it was Valentine's Day, she decided to make heart shaped pancakes. She gets everything in the bowl she needs, mixing it together, then putting it on the stove. While she's making them, Mike is all dressed and comes down the stairs to join her in the kitchen. "Like everything you saw down here?" He grins, kissing her cheek. "Like? Try love." She looks up at him. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Was doing some searching for the flowers the other day and I couldn't choose just one, so I got various kinds. Put them all out last night while you were asleep."

"You sneak." She laughs. "I do love them all. They are all so beautiful."

"Just like you."

"Miiiike..." She blushes. "Just speaking the truth."

"I always do."

"Yes, yes I do."

"I do like hearing it though...never gets old."

"I'll never stop telling you either."

"Of course you won't."

"You deserve to be reminded each and every day."

"Because I'm that good looking?" She jokes. "Yes you are to me. And that's what matters."

"Exactly." She kisses him quick, taking the pancakes and putting them on plates. "Need help with anything else?"

"Maybe with the fruit and juice in the fridge? I got everything else out already."

"Of course." He nods, going into the fridge and getting those. She takes everything out to the table, setting the plate down. Once he comes out, we sit and starts to get what they want on their plates. "You know, I've always wondered how heart-shaped pancakes are made shape-wise."

"Wanna know my secret?" She leans over the table, looking around. "Well of course."

"You can't tell anyone..." She looks around with her eyes. "...metal cookie cutters." She whispers. "Ohhhh."

"That and I use two different pans so they don't get messed up when flipped."


"Why thank you." She bows slightly with a smirk. "Learn that in cooking class."

"I promise not to tell anyone, don't worry."

"Good." She nods. "Can't have my secret getting out." She tries to be serious, but ends up laughing. "Of course not." He chuckles. "Let me know how they taste. I added something to them this time."

"I will. And added something huh? Wonder what it could be."

"Yes I did."

"Well let's just see what it is, shall we?"

She nods, watching as he takes a bite, to see his reaction. "Hmm...could it be...cinnamon?"

"It is. I wanted to try something new rather than just vanilla to see if you like it."

"Well you've succeeded, these are amazing."

"Good thing I made plenty of them then."

"Can't wait to see what else you try with these, with adding stuff to them."

"I add all kinds of things to them. I'll surprise you next time."

"Sounds like a plan."

"For now...enjoy them and all the fruit I sliced."

"Right. And then when we're done, we'll have enough time to get to the airport." He nods. "Airport? How far away are we going?"

"You'll see."

"You've really got me curious now."

"Curious is good."

"It's killing me to not know."

"It's all a surprise."

"I know, but still."

"You'll survive."

"I should be able to."

"I'll make sure you do."

"You always do."

"It's my job."

"And that's why I love you."

"I love you too." They keep eating, talking about a few things in between. Since she made plenty of pancakes, whenever Mike had finished his, he grabbed some more. "That good huh?" She giggles. "Mhm." He nods with his mouth full.

"That makes me happy." He keeps eating only stopping to drink. She had gotten full of pancakes so she decided to eat some fruit. "Gonna have to make these again sometime."

"Don't worry. I will...just for you."

"Great." He grins. "What time do we have to get the plane?"

"In a couple hours."

"Okay, good. We don't have to rush."

"Not at all."

"Maybe we could go sit on the patio for a bit. Enjoy the nice weather."

"I love that idea."

"I figured you would." She chuckles. "You get to be all touchy since you missed that this morning."

"I did." He nods. "Don't worry. You'll get the chance to be."
"Oh I already know that."

"As soon as we're done here and it's all clean, we can do that."

"Alright." He nods. It's not to long after that, they finish eating. Since he ate all the pancakes, the only thing to be put away was the fruit and juice. They get that put away and the dishes ready to be put in the dishwasher. After that's done, he picks her up and starts to head for the patio. "Miiike!" She squeals, clinging to him. "No walking?"


"You can't carry me all day long." She chuckles. "But I can for now."

"For now, yes." She kisses his cheek. "Up until we leave for the airport."

"Yes, and then I can let you walk."

"But for now, you get to hold me as much as you want."

"Which I love so much."

"I know you do. I love when you hold me."

"Cause you feel safe, which is how you're supposed to feel."

"I do, very much so."

"And that makes me happy."

"I'm glad I could do that."

"You'll always be safe with me...always."

"I know I will be." She nuzzles his neck. He then sets her down for a minute as he pulls out a chair, before picking her back up and sitting her on his lap as he sits in the chair. She leans back against his chest, resting her head on his shoulders while his arms wrap around her tightly. "I love you so much."

"I love you too...oh so very much."

"I'll never stop telling you either."

"I'll never get tired of hearing it either."


"I really love days like these. Just the two of one else around..."

"That's why I try to get us back here whenever we can."

"I'm so glad you let me come stay with you. I'd go crazy without you."

"Well of course I let you come stay with me. I would be crazy if I didn't."

"Aww. So sweet." She pinches his cheek. "Only for you."

"Better only be for me or I'll have to mess someone up."

"I know, but don't worry I'm only sweet for you."


"I do though like seeing you mess people up. You do that every time you're in that ring."

"It's my job to do that. I fight for what's mine no matter what it is. I can be very nasty if people get me mad enough. You have yet to see that though."

"Right." He nods. "But, the next girl to look at you the wrong way...ooohh...I'll snap. You'll see it then."


She leans back against him, relaxing a bit more. He kisses the top of her head before resting his head on hers. Sitting out there, they actually end up losing track of time. It's not until Mike checks his phone and notices the time. "Oh look at that, time just flew on by."

"Really?" She looks at him. "We have to move now huh?"


"I suppose we should...don't want to miss the plane."

"That would be bad." He chuckles. "Very bad." She chuckles, going to get up. " going to let me go or carry me?"

"Can I carry you back inside?"

"Like I have a choice." She laughs. "No, not really." He chuckles.

"I figured." He moves from the chair while holding onto her, and then stands. From there he heads back inside and back up to the bedroom where he finally places her back down on her feet. They then gather up all their bags and start to take them out to the car. After a few trips, the car is all packed. He goes to lock up the condo then comes back down to the car. She was already in and buckled. He got in then got all set himself. "Now time for our vacation." He grins, leaning over and kissing her quick, before pulling out and heading to the airport. "Finally." She sighs happily, leaning her head on his shoulder. "But how are you gonna get your car back to the condo?" She asks. "I have a friend who's going to take it back for me. I got it all figured out."

"Always one step ahead of everything."

"I am." He grins. "Another thing I love about you."

"Good to know."

"Wish I could get another hint on where you're taking me."

"I wish I could give you one, but it will give it away."

"Awww, okay."

"You'll find out soon. Don't worry."

"I'll do my best to survive."

"I know you will." Despite some traffic, they do manage to get to the airport in plenty of time. After parking, they both get out and gather their things from the trunk. After getting everything out of the trunk, they head inside to get their bags checked. When that's done, they get sent to be put on the plane while they sit and wait to board. "Hopefully we won't have to wait long to board the plane."

"I don't think we will."

"Good." She leans against him, his arm going over her shoulders while they wait. He takes his free hand and lightly runs his fingers over her upper thigh. She closes her eyes, sighing in content until they call for their flight. "If you want, you can nap on the plane and I'll wake you up when we get there."

"I'm not really that tired right now, but I'll think about it."

"If not, I can keep you busy." He grins. "Hmm...maybe I'll go with that option." She grins. "Of course you will."

"But, come on." She pats his leg. "Let's get on that plane."

"Right." He nods. She stands up from the chair, fixing her shorts and top while he stands. He takes her hand and they head to the gate for their plane. Since he didn't want to her know where they were going, he kept the tickets and handed them to the attendant. They then board the plane, Mike leading her to their seats. "First class?" She says quietly to him. "This must have cost a fortune."

"You're worth it."

"If you think I am."

"You are. Trust me."

"Alright." She agrees with him while getting situated in her seat. "Only the best for you."

"Even though you don't have to, I appreciate it."

"I know I don't have to, but I want you. And you're welcome."

"You really are the best and I love you for that."

"I love you too." He grins. She leans up, giving him a quick kiss. She sits back in her seat until the plane takes off. Once it does and they get the all clear, he lifts up the arm rest between them and then takes off her seat belt, pulling her closer to him. She lays her head on his chest, looking up at him while he runs his fingers through her hair. With the soothing motion from that, and the sound of his heartbeat, she soon dozes off. He looks down to see that she's dozed off and he chuckles before pressing a kiss to the top of her head, and resting his chin on top of it. Meanwhile, Alex and I were just figuring out what we were going to do before dinner later in the night. "You know, we haven't had that rematch in basketball yet." I grin. "You really want to challenge me with that again?" He chuckles. "Maybe."

"Oh it's on and I'm so going to win this time." He grins. "Unless you get distracted..."

"Not going to happen."

"Not even by what I choose to wear?"

"Not even by that." He says confidently.

"We'll see about that."

"I know how to distract you too." He smirks.

"Yes, I know how you can distract me too."


"You won't distract me though."

"We'll find out, won't we?"

"Yes we will."

"Go get ready now?"

"I think we should."

"After you."

"As always." He nods as I start to walk ahead of him. We go upstairs to the bedroom and I go over to where my clothes are and look through what I have for something to wear. Once I find something, I head into the bathroom to change while he gets changed in the room itself. Doesn't take me too long to change since they were simple clothes really. After I'm dressed, I come out and start putting my hair up as I go over to my shoes and grab a pair, before going over and sitting on the edge of the bed to put them on. While I was doing that, he walked into the room from the closet. I glance up to see him in one of his jerseys with a pair of basketball shorts on. "Must not get distracted." I say to myself. "You say something?"

"No. Nothing at all."

"If you say so." He grins. "So are you ready to get your butt kicked again?" I grin. "Not by you." He smirks. "Are you ready to get your butt kicked?" He retorts. "Not by you." I repeat. "Uh huh."

"After you this time."

"Fine by me." He grabs a ball and then heads out of the bedroom first, with me following behind. We go down the stairs and then outside, going to the basketball court that wasn't too far away. When we get there, he puts the ball on the floor, using his foot to hold it in place. The first thing he does is take off the jersey he was wearing. "Hot already?" I ask, doing my best to not get distracted. "Maybe just a bit."

"And all we did was walk over here."

"It's hotter over here than it was over there."

"I'm sure...because I'm just fine."

"You sure? You look awfully hot to me."


"Always for you."

"And I love it."

"Good. That makes me happy."

"Good. It should."

"Shall we start the game?" He grins, picking up the ball and tossing it at me.

"We shall." I dribble the ball a few times before checking it to him. "The only thing you got on me is the height advantage, but I still think I can beat you. I mean I did last time no problem."

"That's because I let you distract me...not happening this time."

"You keep saying that."

"I do." He nods. "It's not going to happen, that's why."

"Sure." I then try to go around him, only to have him block me. I go to make a basket, but he stops the ball. He dribbles the ball around me, and I try everything for him to miss it. He stops not too far away, shooting the ball and making a basket. "Lucky shot."

"That? That was nothing. There was no luck needed there."

"This is going to be a long day."

"It just might be."

"Because...." I trail off as I get tossed the ball. I then shoot it from where I was and it manages to get in. "....we're gonna tie a lot."

"This will be an interesting game then."

"Very." I toss him back the ball and he tries to make another basket only to have me block him. He tries again and misses, then I get the ball and shoot, making the basket. The game goes on like that for about an hour until we're both tied and one more shot wins the game. "First person to get a basket wins the game."

"That person's going to be me." He confidently says.

"Oh so confident. But that's going to be me....again."

"I don't think so." He grins, starting to flex a bit.

"Really? That's so not gonna work on me this time...not today." I laugh. "No?" He turns around so his back is to me, showing off his tattoo while he flexes again. "...nope."

"I sense hesitation." He chuckles.

"Had to compose myself for a second there. I'm good now."

"You sure about that." He smirks, stepping closer to me. "I don't think you can hold out." He moves his fingers over the waist of my shorts. I tense up a bit, closing my eyes and that's when he takes the ball. When I open them back up, I see him make the basket. "Oh no you didn't."

"Oh I do believe I did." He grins. "You...."


"And I said I wouldn't let you get to me with the distractions."

"I just know all the ways to get you distracted."

"I may just have to get you back for that you know."

"I'll be looking forward to it."

"Just gonna have to plan a little bit."

"Take your time. I've got all day."

"Of course you do. You'll just never see it coming."

"I never do."

"Neither do I...when you decide to do it to me."

"I'm just that sneaky."

"You are."

"Just like you can be and are."

"I've had time to learn how to be." I grin. "I'm sure you have."

"So we have...what...another few hours or so to kill before dinner tonight?"

"Yeah." He takes his phone out to check the time. "About 3 more."

"Well I just need some time to relax before we head back to the house." I say as I sit on the ground. "No problem." He walks to the bench that was there, getting two waters then walking over and handing one to me as he sits. I thank him as I take it from him. "So I didn't get to you at all during our game did I?"

" a little."

"I thought so."

"I don't know how I did it, but I managed to stay focused just enough."

"That surprises me...because you're easily distracted normally."

"Right? I'm surprised myself." He chuckles. "Must have been all that time I took looking at you while you were sleeping."


"It's true. I always watch you when you sleep. You're just so beautiful."

"And peaceful...I know."

"Exactly." He puts his arm over my shoulders, pulling me close to him then kissing the top of my head. "Which is why I like coming home. Get the chance to sleep in, so you can watch me sleep. When we're in hotels, we always got something going on work related and I can't really sleep in for you to get that chance."

"No and that's why I like to come home whenever we can so I get to do that."

"Also why I hate having to leave this place when we have to be out of town for work. So much easier when we're in Florida in general for a show. Can just come right here."

"That does make things a whole lot easier."

After having sat there for a while, I had relaxed and decided that we could head back. He nods, and we get up, grabbing everything and heading back. Once in the house, he puts the ball away while I head upstairs. "Where are you going?"


"Oh. That makes sense." He laughs. "Gonna take it now so I don't end up forgetting."
"I doubt you'd forget, but alright."

"You'd be surprised. You still have no shirt on. I would've gotten distracted."


"You want to come along don't you?"

"I would love to, but that's up to you."

"Well it would be easier than you waiting. I do tend to take a bit of time. And it saves hot water."

"If you're sure you don't mind."

"Well we love each other don't we?"

"We do...very much."

"Then I think we'll be able to handle it."

"Alright." He starts to walk toward me.

"You just have to control yourself, that's all."

"I should be able to do that."

"Good." I nod. We both then head the rest of the way up the stairs, to the bedroom, then the bathroom. After stepping into the bathroom, I turn the water on and make sure it's not too hot, letting that heat up as he gets towels and then we start to undress. Once the water is heated up, telling by the steam in the room, I step into the shower first, followed by him. I decide to let him help, so after getting my hair wet, I hand him the shampoo, one that's scented and he loves so much. I turn my back to him and he runs the shampoo through my hair until he feels he's got it all in. He motions to me that he's done and I wash all the soap out under the water. I wash it one more time before taking the body wash which was scented just the same and clean my body with that. He didn't want to go too far, so he only helped with the parts of my body that he felt was okay to touch, the normal areas, so he got to be a bit touchy but not too much to get carried away. I got the other areas, and then did the same for him. When we were both done, he got out first and wrapped a towel around himself before handing me mine, and I wrapped that around myself before stepping out.

"Have I told you how beautiful you are?"

"Many times."

"Good. I want you to know that and never forget it."

"Well how can I possibly forget it when you tell me every day?"

"That's the point. I tell you so you won't forget."

"And I love that you do tell me every day. Wasn't called that too often in the past. So i've always pointed out any flaw I saw about myself."

"You have no flaws. No one ever called you that because they're blind. You're perfect and have no flaws at all."

"Oh I know. I believe you. Leaving all that where it the past."

"That's where it belongs. All that matters is right here and now."


"I do think we should get dressed, even though I did like what I saw, I might be able to control myself again."

"Right." I giggle, kissing him quick before leaving the bathroom to find comfortable clothes to change into. Since it was fairly warm out, I just got a pair of shorts and a tank top. He did the same as well, waiting for me to change so he could. "Meet you downstairs?" I ask. "Sure. I shouldn't be much longer."

"Alright. I think I'll pick out a movie, that should pass the rest of the time we have left."

"Sounds like a plan." He nods. I exit the room and head downstairs and into the living room. I go over to the movies and look through for one to watch. But that's when I notice a bag next to the stand, that wasn't there last night. I'm curious of course, so I grab the bag and look through it. I find two crystal bears. One has a bow tie and the other has something pink around it's neck like a flower of some sort or something. I'm still admiring, them as Alex comes downstairs. "What you looking at?"

"This has to be another one of your gifts you hid so I would find it."

"Depends on what it is."

"These..." I trail off, getting up from the floor and walking over to him to show him. "Oh...those." He looks at them. "Yup. They're from me."

"They actually have some meaning to they're leaning towards each other. Represents a first kiss, and it reminded me of ours." He continues. "Awww."

"That's extremely sweet." I add. "Only for you."

"I love it."


"I just feel like I could cry right now. Tears of happiness, don't worry."

"Happy tears are good."

I put the bears down in a safe place so they wouldn't break, before wrapping my arms around his neck in a hug. "You're just so good to me. Sometimes I feel like all this is a dream and I'm gonna wake up from it."

"It's not a dream and you're not going to wake up. I'm so good to you because I love you that much."

"How did I end up so lucky?"

"You just did, but I'm the lucky one."

"We both are."

"Yes we are."

"Got so distracted by your gift, I didn't even get a chance to pick out a movie." I laugh. "That's alright. We can look together now." I nod and we go over to where the movies are and look through what there is, deciding on a movie. He takes it and goes to put it in and start it, while I go to the kitchen and get the chocolate that I put back in the fridge from this morning, bringing that into the living room for snacks during the movie. I go over to the couch, sitting down next to him. "You can have some too if you want."

"Maybe in a little bit." I nod and then get more comfortable, by moving so my legs drape across his lap and I'm snuggled into his side as the movie starts. He puts one hand over my shoulders while his other rests on my legs. In the meantime, hours later, Stef and Mike had landed finally. She looks out the window to see where they are. "Are we..." She trails off. " Malibu?"

"Yes we are." He grins.

"I've always wanted to come here. How did you know?"

"I have my ways."

"I-I just don't know what to say...this is all way to much. You so didn't have to do all this."

"Ah, but I wanted to."

"I know and it's very sweet of you. I owe you so much for all this." She gives him a quick kiss. "Just being with me is good enough."


"I still want to do more though." She adds. "I'm sure you'll think of something."

"I know I will." She grins. "I just need to think about it."

"Well you all week...well the rest of the week anyway."

"The rest of the week? How long are we here for?"

"Well today is Thursday. Tomorrow and the weekend."

"I didn't think we'd be staying here that long. That's way to expensive for you."

"It's fine. Trust me."

"I do trust you, I just feel bad you always spend your money on me."

"You're worth everything."

"If you think so."

"I do think so." She smiles up at him, a few tears falling. He uses his thumb to wipe them away, then kisses her forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too...more than you will ever know."


"Get our bags then head out to the car?"

"Mmhmm." He nods. He stands up, moving into the aisle so she's able to get up. She slides across the seats then takes his hand as she stands. He links his fingers with hers, then they head off the plane to get their bags. They make their way to where the bags are, getting all of them. When they have them all, they head out to the car and put everything in. After everything is in the car, they both get into the front, and he drives off away from the airport and to where they both would be staying. They pass a few hotels on the way, Stef wondering why he wasn't stopping at any of them. "Mike...what hotel are we staying at?"

"That's a surprise. We're almost there."

"You're spoiling me way to much today."

"You'll forever be spoiled by me."

"Even though you don't have to."

"Which I know."

"But you'll still do it."

"Exactly." She shifts in her seat, leaning her head on his while he starts to pull up to a cute little bungalow, far away from any other house. " got a house?"

"Rented it for the weekend, but yes."

"It's amazing."

"I thought so too, it's perfect."

"It really is. I can't wait to see what it looks like inside."

"Oh, I guarantee you're gonna love it."

"I'm sure I will."

"Why don't you go ahead and look. I'll get our things."

"Alright." I nods, giving him a quick kiss. He grins as he watches she exits the car with excitement and goes up to the front door. He gets out of the car and gets the stuff out of the backseat first, before getting the stuff in the trunk. She walks into the house and the first thing she sees is the amazing view of the beach out the sliding glass doors. She looks on in awe for a bit before exploring the house. She looks at the bedrooms, bathrooms, living room then kitchen. She then makes her way over to the doors, opening them and stepping out on the deck, watching the waves crash as a light warm breeze blows. After Mike gets all their luggage inside, he leaves it where it is right now, before noticing her standing outside on the deck. He grins before making his way out there himself. He walks up behind her and snakes his arms around her waist, his chin resting on her shoulder. "It's so gorgeous out here."

"One of the reasons why I picked it."

"This is better than I ever imagined it to be."

"And this is your gift for Valentine's Day."

"It's perfect. I love it." She turns in his arms, giving him a kiss. He smiles against her lips, holding the kiss longer this time, neither one of them wanting to stop anytime soon. He gives her a boost, her legs going around his waist and her arms around his neck. He starts to walk inside as carefully as he can. Once inside, he stops in the kitchen, setting her down on the counter. Her legs stay around his waist, her arms moving to his shoulders. His hands begin to wander from place to place. From her back to her sides, to her hips, before they rest on her thighs like they always end up doing. She knows exactly what's coming, so one hand moves to his hair as she tries and prepare for what's coming like always. He smirks into the kiss, lightly squeezing down just enough for her to wiggle a bit. His hand goes back to resting then when she least expects it, he squeezes down. Her fingers grip his hair while any noises that come from are muffled by the kiss. He gives her a break again, his hand resting there on her thigh. That's when he takes her bottom lip between his teeth and starts to nip gently at it, as she's come to love the more he did it to you. She makes a few soft noises, pulling him closer to her with her legs. Her arms go around his neck, making sure he can't go anywhere until he's done. His hands then move and start to slip under the shirt she had on, his fingertips touching the skin. As his fingers trailed along her skin slowly and lightly, it caused goosebumps to form where his fingers had been. That causes her to shiver a bit, and he smirks again knowing that he's getting to her again with every little thing he does now. She clings to him, kissing him harder. She tries to retaliate, but he catches her and runs his fingers over her skin, making her stop what she was trying to do. "...I know what you're...trying to do..."

" fair..."

"There'll be plenty of time for that."

"You're so going to get it."

"Expecting it." He grins. "Good. You better be."

"I always have to."

"That's right."

"So, what do you say we go unpack our things?"

"That might be good."

"And then you can choose what we should do today."

"That's going to be tough...the beach."

"I knew you would pick that."

"Well, I've always wanted to see the beach here so..."

"Of course. Which is why I got this place on the beach."

"And I'm so happy you did."

"Only the best for you."

"So says you."

"I give you nothing but the best don't I?"

"Yes you do."

"Then that proves my statement true."

"'re right." She chuckles. "I'll continue to keep proving it to be true."

"Of course you will."

"That's how much I love you."

"I know you lov me that much and I love you a lot too."

"And you show me that every day, so I know."


"So do I get to pick out a swimsuit after unpacking or are you surprising me again?"

"You did pack them all so I don't think you'll be that surprised."

"Unless you snuck one in there without me knowing."

"I don't know...maybe..."

"You did....didn't you? I know that look on your face."


"You so did."

"I said I maybe, possibly did. We won't know until we unpack."

"Well, we should unpack then."

"We should." She nods. "Going to let me walk or..."

"Oh right." He chuckles. "Forgot I still had a hold of you."

"Sure you did." She laughs. He reluctantly lets her go and takes her hand as she hops down from the counter. They go and get their things before bringing them into the bedroom, starting to unpack. The first thing she did was take her dress and his suit into the closet, hanging those up. Once that's done, she heads back into the room and starts to put her clothes away while he does the same. It takes a bit of time tog et done, but when everything is away, she takes the swimsuit she picked and headed into the bathroom to change, locking the door. While she changes in the bathroom, he changes in the room itself like always. he changes fairly quickly and sits on the bed, facing the bathroom, waiting for her to come out so he can see what she's wearing for a swimsuit. Since it didn't take her too long to get ready, she just stayed in the bathroom making him wait. She adjusted the tube top part of the bathing suit to make sure everything looked perfect. It was a pale pink in color with a few accent colors on it. When she was ready, she peeked her head out the door. "Ready to see it?" She grins. "I've been ready for a few minutes now." He says eagerly. "Maybe I should've come out then. I've been ready for a few minutes now."

"You just love making me wait, that's what it is."

"Starting the torture early is more like it."

"I wanna see."

"Alright." She chuckles, opening the door and leaning against the door frame.

"Picked one of my favorites." He smirks as his eyes wander. "They are all your favorite, but yes I did."

"Love how it looks on you."

"It does look good on me." She smirks, running her hands down her sides. "It's perfect."

"Isn't it?"

"It really is." He nods. "And look at you..." She eyes him, licking her lips. "...wearing my favorite that brings out your eyes perfectly."

"Exactly why I wore this one." He smirks. "Tease." She bites her lip. "You love it."

"So much."

"As do I when you tease."

"Of course you do." She smirks, then hurries out of the room. "Heyyy."

"Hey what?" She calls from the kitchen as she heads to the doors to the deck. "Hurrying out of the room like that."

"Oops? I thought you were behind me."

"Was still mesmerized."

"My bad?"


"You coming? I'm almost outside."

"I'm coming." When she sees him coming out of the room, she starts to head across the deck and down the stairs. Once she hears the doors close, she starts to sprint away. "You're just asking for it aren't you?"

"Hmmm...maybe..." She grins.

"Then you're so in for it later."

"Later as in tonight or whenever you catch me?"

"Maybe both."

"I think I'll take my chances."

"Alright then. The more you run away from me like that, the more you'll be in for it tonight, that's all."

"Bring it on mister." She challenges as she stops running and turns around. "Oh it's being brought." He smirks. He then starts to job towards her. She squeaks as she tries to run away from him. "I'm gonna catch you."

"Oh no you're not."

"Oh yes I am."


"We'll see about that." He starts to pick up speed while she starts to get slowed down by the sand. Before she knows it, he's caught her. "Nooo."

"I always catch you. Whether it's the sand or the water...slows you down." He chuckles.

"I guess I shouldn't run in the sand or water then."

"Good attempt though."

"Not good enough. You still caught me." She pouts. "But it's still fun."

"It actually is."

"So you don't have to stop trying to run away from me. I like chasing after you."

"Very good to know."

"It's all about having fun, which is what happens."

"I just love having fun."

"So do I. We have fun in lots of different ways." He smirks. "Mmmm...that we do." She turns in his arms, running her hands slowly down his chest then tries to wiggle from his grip. "I don't think so....not this time....I think it's time you went in the water now."


"Wait....that look.....don't you dare..." He says nothing, he just picks her up and heads for the water. She does everything she can to distract him, but nothing works. The sound of the water gets closer then she feels it splash up from hitting his legs. "Don't you dare. I know what you're doing."

"What am I doing?"

"You're going to drop me into the water."

"I'm going to do no such thing." He smirks, falling back in the water with her in his arms. "See? Told you." He says when they both resurface. "You still made me go in faster."

"Yes, but I did not physically drop you in like you thought I was going to do."

"'re safe...for now."

"Oooh, so scared." He chuckles. "Going to play that way huh?" She gives him a look. "Let's see how long you can go without touching me then." She swims away from him. "I believe I can last longer than you can."

"Rules are, you can't touch me, but I can touch you." She smirks, moving her legs so they rub up against him. "Ohhh that's not fair."

"Scared now?"

"Far from it."

"Alright then." She shrugs, moving so I'm staying up in the water. She runs her hands over top of the water, moving with the waves, making sure he gets a view he can't resist. "You're killing me....but I'm strong."

"I'll get you to crack."

"We'll see about that."

"Mhm." She grins. She then starts to float around in the water around him until she's behind him. She slowly moves her hands down his back, letting her nails lightly touch his skin. She leans in close to him, kisses across his shoulder right to the spot on his neck that gets him. She feels him tense when she grazes the spot then she moves away from him with a smirk. "Okay...might be struggling just a bit..."

"A bit?" She moves back closer to him, her hands going right to the waist of his trunks, then around to the front.

"Okay....more than a bit...."

"Hmmm..." She moves her hand to his thigh, moving her fingers lightly over his trunks. "Ah ah ah." She says when she feels his hand over hers. "No touching...remember?"

"Kind of forgot."

"Sure you did." She smirks. "Ready to give in?" She inches her hand farther up his thigh. "...nope." He says hesitantly. "You hesitated." She chuckles. "I think you are." She whispers in his ear, her hand going as high as it can, gently squeezing down. He groans, and it doesn't take him too much longer to give in as he can't take it anymore. "Alright, I give in. I just want to touch you."

"Come get me." She whispers in his ear before swimming away with a smirk. "Oh, you've made it so much easier." He grins as he takes a few minutes before coming after her. "I did." She grins. "Come on big boy, I'm waiting."

"You won't be waiting for long." He smirks. She decides to just stay where she was, floating in the water. That's when she goes to turn around to face him since her back was to him, but when she did turn around, he wasn't there anymore. "Mike?" She calls, looking around. Little did she know, he had disappeared under the water. She didn't realize he did, until a few moments after when arms wrapped around her from behind and she got pulled under the water. She holds her breath, closing her eyes as she's taken under. When they come up to the surface, she wipes the water off her eyes then opens them. "Oh you."

"Me." He grins. "So not fair."

"You should know by now how sneaky I really am."

"I know, I just wasn't expecting you to do that."

"Well now you should expect it."

"From now on, I will." She laughs. "And let me guess, you're not letting go anytime soon, right?"


"Can I at least turn so I'm facing you?"

"Of course you can." He loosens his grip just enough so she's able to shift in his arms. Once she's facing him, her arms go around his neck and her legs around his waist. "You made it oh so hard to resist touching you earlier." He remarks. "I did? Oops." She giggles. "You knew what you were doing."

"Knew what?" She acts innocent. "You know exactly what."

"What? This?" She wiggles on his lap a bit. "That' of the things..."



"It got you to give in so...mission accomplished." She grins, then nips at his bottom lip. "....this time..."

"Uh huh...sure." She chuckles, nipping at him lip then running her tongue over it before pulling away. "You really really are asking for it."

"What if I am? What are you going to do?"

"You really have to ask?"

"No...since your hands are...wandering..."

"Actions do speak louder than words." He nods. "" She bites her lip, leaning my forehead against his. "Getting to you?" He asks, even though he knows the answer. ""

"You sure now? You hesitated."

"I-" She clings to him when his hand goes over a certain spot. " are."

"I thought so. I know all the spots that drive you crazy."

"" She takes a deep breath then let it out. "All the more fun for me."

"Of is..."

"And I'm just getting you back for what you did to me."

"You know how sensitive I am though."

"I know."

"And you take advantage of it all the time."

"You love it though."

"I do."

"I may get away with leaving some marks on you this weekend."

"You just might."

"Well I already planned on it so..."

"I have no say in it."

"That's right." He chuckles. "If you leave one before dinner, make it small."

"Deal." He nods. He continues to let his hands wander while she rests her head on his shoulder, trying to relax the best she could. He feels her start to relax, so that's when he floats around the water with her in his arms, helping her relax more. Once she's completely relaxed, he leads her out of the water and onto the beach, where he sits and he has her sit between his legs and lean back against him.*

"This is just...perfect."

"I couldn't agree more."

"So far, this has to be my favorite beach spot in California."

"May have to come here more often then."

"Can we?"

"Just for you." He nods. "Yayy." She cheers, looking up at him.

"Whenever you want, we'll come here."

"That will be soon."

"Now how did I know that?"

"Because you know me that well."

"Yes I do."

"Love you." She smiles up at him.

"Love you too." He kisses her quick, stealing a few kisses after. She rests her head on his shoulder, nuzzling his neck. "You're going to love the dinner tonight, I just know it."

"I know I will. I'll be with you." She grins. "I just hope you didn't go all out this time."

"Well, you'll just have to wait and see and judge for yourself."

"Hmm...I get the feeling you did, but I'll wait to see."


"How much longer do you think until we have to get ready?"

"Maybe a few or so."

"Alright." She nods, trying to hide a yawn.

"Is someone tired?"

"No..." She shakes her head.

"You sure?"

"Uh huh." She nods slowly.

"Alright then." He keeps his arms over her shoulders while they sit there for a bit just listening to the water. For the sound of the water, she didn't realize how tired she actually was until her eyes started to slowly close. She tried her best to keep them open, but soon they stayed shut. The next time he looked down at her, he noticed that she was sleeping. He chuckles, before kissing the top of her head. He then moves and carefully picks her up in his arms and starts to head back. Once he makes it to the house, he heads right to the bedroom. He takes off her swimsuit the best he can then pulls the covers down, laying her on the bed. He takes his off as well, then sets an alarm in case he goes to sleep. He then climbs into bed next to her, pulling her close to him.

In the meantime, Alex was busy downstairs most of the night. Once everything was situated downstairs, he came upstairs and changed for dinner himself while I was in the bathroom getting ready as well. Since he knew what he was going to wear, he went into the closet to get dressed while I was still in the bathroom. When he was done getting ready, he walked back into the room then sat on the bed, waiting for me to get done so he could do his hair. I don't take too much longer, and once I was done, I open the door and walk out. When he hears the door open, he looks in that direction, his eyes going wide. "You know, you could've come in. I was dressed."

"I-I wasnt s-sure." He stutters a bit.

"That's what knocking's for, but it's okay."

"True..." He trails off, looking me over. "...gorgeous."

"Well you did pick it out afterall."

"I's better than I thought it would look."

"That's a good thing."

"A very good thing."

"So what else do you need to do that you needed to wait for?"

"Not much. Just my hair."

"Ah, well the bathroom is all yours."

"I'll be right out. It shouldn't take long." He says as he stands from the bed.

"Alright." I nod. He walks over, giving me a quick kiss before going into the bathroom. Once in here, he styles his hair the way he knows I love it. When he's done, he walks back into the room. "Perfect."

"I thought so too." He grins.

"So shall we get the dinner started?" He asks. "We shall." I nod. "After you." He grins. "Of course." I chuckle, grabbing what I need then leaving the room. He keeps a smile hidden on his face as he follows me out of the room and down the stairs. As we get closer, he waits to see my reaction to what I'm about to see. We get to the dining room for me to see low lighting, but candles lit and various foods on the table. "Well?" He comes behind me, hands resting on my waist. "You did all of this?"

"I did." He nods. "You like it?"

"Like it? Try love it. This is what you were doing down here for hours."

"It was. Hard to keep it from you too."

"But you did a good job at it."

"I did." He grins. "That and you had helped a lot too."

"Of course." He leads me over to the table, pulling out a chair for me to sit in then scoots me up once I sit. He then goes over to his chair and sits down. "If you haven't noticed, everything made is your favorite."

"I didn't notice, but I see now."

"And this isn't the only thing I have planned for tonight either."

"No? What else could you possibly have planned?"

"You'll see. But you might just have to change out of the dress and into a swimsuit. That's all I'm saying."

"Now you've got me wondering."

"And that's a good thing."

"Well I can't wait to see what it is."

"It's something we'll both enjoy."

"That's a lot of things." I chuckle. "Well then, it'll keep you guessing then."

"It sure will."

"But anyways, let's eat."

He nods, letting me get what I want first. I take a little bit of everything for now then he gets what he wants. "Hope everything tastes alright. I tried."

"I know it will. You're an amazing cook."

"You're better than me though."

"We both cook the same."

"I still think you do a better job than me."

"What have I told you about putting yourself down like that? You shouldn't doubt yourself at anything you do."

"I know..."

"So don't. It all smells amazing and it always tastes just as good."

"And as long as I think that, that's all that matters." I add. "It's all that ever matters to me."

"As it should." I nod. I then take a bit of what I picked, a sound of delight escaping my lips for how good it tastes. "So so good." I say once I eat what I had in my mouth already. "Good. I was hoping it would be."

"Makes me wonder what's for dessert."

"You'll see." He grins. "Surprises, surprises."

"Today's all about them."

"As I've been seeing. Even though you surprise me every day regardless of holidays or not."

"I do that because I want to and love you."

"And I love you too. So very much."

"You show me everyday. I could never forget that."

"Never would let you forget either."

"I didn't think you would." We both continue to eat what we had taken for the food. I eat until I get full, but not too full so that I can't have the dessert. So once I'm done, I lean back against the chair as I wait for him to finish. Not too long after I finish, he gets done as well. "Ready for dessert?"

"Saved enough room for it." I nod. "Good. I'll go get that." He says, getting up and taking our plates with him. He comes back with not only a piece of cake on each plate, but also a few cookies which were decorated for the day. He walks over to the table, setting my plate in front of me then goes back to his chair. "You were really busy earlier weren't you? Unless this was all made ahead of time."

"This was made ahead of time, everything else was done today."

"How were you able to hide it from me?"

"It wasn't easy, but I just kept them in a box that I knew you wouldn't look in."

"So that's what that was. Oh you sneak."

"That's me." He grins. "I think I'll be looking forward to this day from now on every year."

"Good. That was the whole idea."

"Gonna spoil me like this next month on my birthday I suppose?"

"Oh you have no idea."

"Oh boy."

"That's right. You deserve the best and that is what you're going to get. You will forever be spoiled with me."

"Nothing wrong with that."

"Nothing at all."

"So....can you tell me what you have planned for after this? Please?" I ask, giving him the pout and the eyes that get him all the time, after eating some of the dessert. "As much as I want It's a surprise."


"Sorry, but I'm not going to give in that easy."

"This time anyway."

"We'll see about that."

"I may just have to make you wait some time with me putting on a swimsuit..." I trail off. "I...I can deal with that."

"Can you?" I ask innocently. "I'm gonna have to since I'm not spilling on what we're doing after."

"That's right." I smirk. We both go back to eating dessert, myself taking my time since it was that good. This time, he was done before me and waiting anxiously for me to finish. After I do finish, he gets up from his chair and comes over, taking my plate with his and bringing it into the kitchen, putting them in the sink. I go to help put everything away, but he insists that I sit there and relax while he does it all, not letting me lift a finger. "You're too sweet."

"Well today is all about you and you don't have to do a thing. I've got everything."

"If you say so."

"I do." He nods. "Now go on upstairs, I'll meet you up there."

"Alright." I nod, getting up and giving him a quick kiss before heading upstairs. "I can only hope you'll be changed when I come up there." He calls to me. "If you take long enough I might be."

"I'll take my chances."

"I'm sure you will." After making it upstairs and to the bedroom, I go through the swimsuits I have, looking for the best one. Once I find it, I head into the bathroom to change into it. While I was doing that, he was finishing up with everything downstairs. Once all the food was put away, he put the dishes in the dishwasher then headed up to the room to find a swimsuit for himself. He kind of groan inwardly when he sees the bathroom door shut, so he knows I'm still getting ready, despite really hoping I would be done so he wouldn't have to wait too long. "Almost done in there?"


"Give me a hint of what you're wearing while I wait? Something new or something I've seen before and love?"

"Something new."

"Ooooh. Now I'm excited."

"How excited?"

"Very very very excited."

"Good." I grin. "About 10 more minutes and I'll be done."

"10 minutes? That'll seem like forever."

"To you it will. You'll survive."

I'll try."

"Good luck." I chuckle. Since I was only teasing him about the time, I finish up what I needed to do then open the door slightly. I see him looking at the door intently then step out. Once I do, he almost falls off the bed. "Don't hurt yourself now." I laugh. ""

"Something I bought a while ago."

"And I'm just seeing it now?"

"I'm good at hiding things too you know."

"I've come to see that. I'm glad I get to see it now. I love it."

"I knew you would."

"It looks perfect on you."

"I kind of thought that, but I wasn't too sure."

"Are you kidding? This is the one for you. It was made to be worn by you. It is now my new favorite one."

"Well there are times I get self-conscious, but that's like really rare now."

"You should never be. There's nothing wrong with you. You're gorgeous, have a great body, everything about you is perfect. Never feel insecure again."

"I don't have to around you, I know that. That's why I said it's rare for it to happen now. Very rare."

"Good. You shouldn't be that way anyway."

"That's all in the past with other things."

"Exactly where they should be."

"So, I think you should show me what your plan was for me changing into this."

"I will in a bit." He looks me over, not wanting to move his eyes. "Alright...follow me." He stands, holding out his hand. I nod, walking over and taking his hand. He leads me out of the room and back downstairs, before heading outside. "Close your eyes."

"Alright." I say, doing so. He makes sure I'm not peeking before leading me over to where he wanted me to. He tells me to open my eyes and when I do, I see we're at the hot tub and there are candles lite all around it. "This is amazing. Today just keeps getting better and better."

"That was the whole idea. Only the best for you today."

"Sad the day has to end though."

"It doesn't have to. I'll keep it going tomorrow, the day after that, and the day after that. It will be like thins for you forever."

"Of course you will. You already do so..."

"You deserve to be treated like this. You're my queen and I'm going to treat you like one."


"And that's the truth."

"You can get in first if you want."

"Okay." He nods, walking over and climbing in then sitting down. I then follow, getting in myself and then going over and sitting on his lap, his arms instantly wrapping around me as I lean back against him. "This is so nice."

"Should do it more often. Hard to when we're on the road I know."

"It is, but we still make time for moments like this. That's all that matters."

"That's right."

"I really do love this swim suit on you." He says as his hands wander a bit.

"May just have to wear it a lot more now."

"Will you?"

"When we come home, yes. This will be an at-home one specifically."

"I can deal with that."

"But at least we're getting out of the cold months now so when we are on the road we can go to the beach a lot more, so you can see more swimsuits."

"I've been looking forward to that all winter long."

"Of course you have." I laugh.

"It's been forever since I seen you in one last."

"That's why I hate winter weather. So restricted to what you can wear unless you wanna freeze to death."

"I am. That's part of my job."

"And I love you for it."

"I love you too." He kisses my cheek.

"Starting to get more touchy than usual."

"Can't help it. There's so much to touch this time."

"You're welcome." He grins, letting his hands wander a bit more. He leans down, lightly kissing my shoulder.

I sigh in content, my eyes closing and I rest my head back on his shoulder, my face nuzzling his neck. When he reaches my neck, he takes his time, not even going after his favorite spot yet. He wants to save that for last. So he completely avoids it, kissing around it, the kisses being lingering as he moves along. I squeeze my hands on his wrist since they were resting there, a few noises being muffled against his neck. He smirks against my neck, and then starts to add in a few nips here and there, which causes me to squeeze his wrist again, while one of my hands move to the back of his neck where my nails run across the skin lightly. At that point, my hand moves from his neck to his hair and just as I start to tense, I tug on it gently. I have since moved from his neck and just kept my head leaned back and rested in his shoulder. As he continued, I tried to hide any noises, but he knew I was holding back. So he tried even harder, not giving up until he heard what he wanted to. Soon it got to be to much for me and I gave him exactly what he wanted. He smirks against my neck then starts to move slowly to my lips. Before he could even reach my lips, I turned in his arms so that I was facing him. I met him the rest of the way and pressed my lips against his eagerly, and my arms going around his neck as I got as close as I could to him. His one hand rests on my hip while the other goes to my back. He holds me close to him, his fingers lightly moving over the skin of my back. After a while, my arms move and my hands start to wander this time, but while they wander, I add in my nails and drag them along his skin as I go. I do that until I reach his abs. I move back just a bit so my hands could go there, and they only rest there for now. He tenses a bit, both his hands now resting on my hips while the kiss tstarts to heat up with more intensity.

From there, I again drag my nails across his skin before moving to his indents. I drag my nails a bit over those as well, only to get the reaction of him gripping my hips tighter. I smirk into the kiss the best I could before I press my fingers into the indents and that ends up driving him even crazier. "...can't take...much...more..."

"....gonna lose control...?"

"...uh huh..."

"...then go ahead." He pulls from my lips and gives me a look. "Really?"


"We love each other....I'm why not." I add. "As long as your sure."

"Do I look unsure to you?"


"Then I'm sure."

"Alright." He nods, pulling you back to him, pressing his lips back to mine. "..but not here....the bedroom..." I mumble. "Got it." He stands with me in his arms. My legs go around his waist, arms around his neck as he carefully gets out of the hot tub. Since the candles all went out, all he had to do was shut off the hot tub. He did so, then headed back inside and up to the room. As he does that, I do kind of make it hard for him as I start to kiss his neck, getting the spots that I have come to find out were sensitive for him. He has to stop a few times, and that just causes me to grin against his neck. He makes it to the bedroom and as soon as he walks inside, he closes the door with his foot and then presses me against it. "You're really asking for it." He smirks. "Maybe." I grin. "Keep that up and you'll really get it."

"Oooh, I'm scared." He gives me a look then moves his hands to my thighs, squeezing down on them right away. With my lips still attached to his neck though, whatever sounds I do make, end up muffled into it. But I do end up clinging to him as I tense. He then tries to move his head so that I'm no longer kissing along his neck and the spots that make him go crazy. I whine in protest because I was having fun, but he squeezes down on my thighs again, catching me off guard again and the noises from aren't muffled, they're loud and clear to him this time. He smirks then moves me from the wall and takes me over to the bed where he lays me down. He makes sure my head is on the pillows then he hovers me, hands wandering to the top of my swimsuit, playing with it. "Go ahead...we'll be even as far as clothing we have on." I nod. His hands then move to my back, me arching a bit, then he unhooks the top and tosses it to the side. He takes a moment to look me over before kissing all the new skin he can reach. Once he gets every inch of that, which is a lot, he makes his way back up to my lips, decided to leave a nip here and there as he went, which ended up making me arch up into him every time. Once he reaches my lips, I pull him down so that he's pressed against me, my fingers trailing down his back as far as they can go. His hands rest on my sides now until they start to go for my bottoms. I stop him, telling him to grab the blanket first. He nods, and does so, pulling them over us before going back for my bottoms. Both and mine come off and the rest of the night is spent celebrating Valentine's Day.

Meanwhile, Mike and Stef had just gotten out of the shower after their beach day and nap. She was in the bathroom getting ready and since she wanted her dress to be a surprise, she kicked him out. She had her hair done in loose wavy curls and was working on her makeup. She made sure everything looked perfect before putting on body spray and lip gloss. When she was all done, she walked out of the bathroom to see him just getting off the phone. "Who was that?" She asks as she walks over to her shoes and slips them on. "Oh, no one. Nothing to worry about. I'll tell you later."

"Oh, alright."

"You'll like it. It's very good news."

"Oh? How come I can't hear it now then?"

"I wanna tell you after dinner as a surprise."

"One surprise after another with you today."

"I'm all about surprises."

"I've noticed that." She grins. "What about mine?" She does a spin so he gets the whole view of the dress.


"I hope it's fine for where we're going."

"Oh yeah, it's fine."

"Good." She nods. "I swear...that suit looks better on you the more you wear it." She bites her lip. "I do make it look good, don't I?" He grins. "Yes you do." She slowly says. "As I do with every other suit I have."

"Very true."

"But this is your favorite, I can tell."

"It really is." She slowly nods. "Brings out your eyes so perfectly."

"I'll try to wear it a lot more for you then."




"So shall we get going then?"

"Yes we shall." He holds his hand out and she takes it, and he leads her out of the bedroom. They head through the house and as they pass the kitchen, he stops. He leads her to the island in the middle where there was a heart shaped box of chocolates and a vase of pink roses. "Oh Mike..." She gasps. "...these are beautiful." She steps forward to smell them. "Just like you."


"Only for you."

"Awww." She blushes.

"Not anyone else. You and you only."

"You're the best and that's why I love you."

"I love you too."

"I'll save the chocolates for after dinner. Let me just put them away." She says, picking them up then putting them in the fridge. "Alright. Ready now." She walks back over to him. "Alright, well close your eyes, I'll lead you along."

"If I have to." She laughs, closing her eyes. "Yes, you have to. This is another surprise."

"Okay. They're closed." She reaches her hand out for him. He takes it again, laces his fingers with hers and leads her out of the kitchen carefully. That's when she feels the outside air, a light breeze hit her face. "We're outside?"

"We are."

"Dinner is outside then."

"Maybe. You'll have to wait and see."

"How much further?"

"Not too much farther."

"Okay good. Because I can't wait to see what the surprise for dinner is."

"Almost there." He then leads her onto the beach, a carpet being laid down so she wouldn't know. "" She opens her eyes to see a table set for two with candles and roses on it. Everything was already set out since they were the only ones there. The way the moonlight hit it made it look breathtaking. "Mike..." She gasps in awe. "You like?"

"I love it!"

"I'm glad."

"It's perfect. How did you get this all set up?"

"Well I did have help, seeing as I didn't have time to do it by myself since we took the shower together and everything."

"Right. Always one step ahead of everything."

"Yes I am."

"I've always wanted to have dinner on the beach too."

"Well now you can."

"Thanks to you." She kisses his cheek. "And you're the one I wanted it to be with."

"And that makes me happy."

"It should." He then goes over to the chair that she'll be sitting in and pulls that out for her. She sits down, him scooting it up to the table for her. He then goes over to his chair and sits down. "I hope you like everything made."

"I always love everything you make."

"Of course, I know."

"You make everything so perfectly."

"Because you deserve the best and only the best."

"I know I do. you tell me that all the time."

"Just like reminding you."

"I don't mind hearing it either."

"I'm glad."

"I see you made one of my favorites without even knowing it."

"Oh did I? Well would you look at that." He chuckles. "Mhm. One of the dishes I can eat all the time."

"Find out new things everyday."

"You do." She nods then gets some of the food on her fork. Once the food meets her lips, she moans in delight at the flavor of the food. "Good?" She nods, swallowing what was in her mouth. "Exquisite."

"Flavor and everything?"

"Everything. You make it beyond perfect."

"And I know, I don't have to try, but I still do anyway."


"Just wait until dessert. It just may be another one of our favorites." He says as he starts to eat himself. "You never know, it might just become one of my favorites too."

"Just have to wait and see."

"Mhm." She nods. "I want to enjoy this first."

"Right of course. No rush." They keep eating, taking their time since the food was so good and the night was beautiful out. "You know, the way the moonlight hits you, it makes you look even more amazing." He remarks. "Really?"

"Yes, really. Between the candlelight and the moonlight."

"Awww." She blushes slightly. "Too bad it's dark or I'd say take a picture."

"I don't need anymore light than what we have. What we have is perfect."

"Then go ahead and take one."

"I will do that." He grins, taking out his phone and doing so. She stays in the position she was in, so he was able to take the picture. After he takes it, he shows it to her then he goes to post it to his Twitter.

"Before you even ask, yes this is going on my Twitter."

"You so would do that." She laughs.

"Yes I would. People need to see more of the amazing woman I love."

"Mike..." She blushes. "...everyone sees me on Raw already."

"That may be true. But that's while we're working. When we're not working, it's nice to share moments like these."

"I do show my fair share of you so...alright."

"You shall be getting the mention on Twitter very shortly." He grins as he posts it. Right after he says that, she checks her Twitter and there's his tweet. 'That beautiful girl right there is the love of my life. @SageXoXo.' "Awww."
"Nothing but the truth."

"Of course it is." She smiles. "And I mean every word of it."

"I know you do." He then leans across the table as far as he could reach, and she leans across the table the rest of the way and he kisses her quick before they both go back to sitting back in their chairs and finishing dinner. When they're done, they set their plates to the side and he pulls over the dish that had dessert on it, her not being able to see since there was a lid on it. "I'll let you take the lid off." He offers. "Alright." She reaches over, taking the lid off. "Is that..." She looks at the dessert on the tray. "...German chocolate cake?"

"It just might be."

"It looks like it is."

"So it is." He grins. "Oh my god. I love you, I love you, I love you!"

"I know." He chuckles. "This is my all time favorite. How did you know?"

"I think you know the answer to the question."

"I swear that girl tells you everything." She laughs. "Well I wanted to know everything about you."

"So you could surprise me? Like with dinner. She told you that was my favorite."

"Exactly. She's a big help when I want to surprise you with things like this."

"I'll have to thank her later for all that."

"Of course." He nods. She takes a plate off the dish that had the cake, him taking one as well. She wastes no time in taking a bit of her cake, almost melting at the taste of it. He grins as he eats his slice. She actually ends up finishing hers first since it was that good. She then goes for another piece. “That good?” He chuckles. “Mhm. Very good.”

"This is how I get with this kind of cake." She adds. "So I've heard."

"She told me how you get. At first I didn't believe her, but now that I've actually witnessed it..."

"Oops. My bad."

"It's cute."

"To you. I see it as embarrassing."

"But it's not."

"If you think it's cute then I'm okay with that."

"It is cute. Trust me."

"I trust you."

"As you should." He nods. "I do and always will."

"Good." They go back to eating and while she was eating her second piece, he took another one himself. They sit there eating and talking occasionally. Soon she gets full and pushes her plate away, not able to eat anymore. "Can't eat anymore?"

"No." She shakes her head. "So full."

"It was the cake I bet."

"It was. So rich. That's what did it. Happens all the time."

"Well that just leaves more leftovers for the weekend."

"If they make it that far." She laughs. "I guess you'll be getting up during the night for a midnight snack?" He chuckles. "I might be."

"You so will."

"Possibly." She acts innocent. "Suuure. I know you will for a fact."

"No harm in that."

"No harm at all."

“So, should we start to clean up?”

“Actually...I got that covered.” He grins. “Really? How?”

"Well you know how I had help setting this all up while we were getting ready inside?"


"They're going to clean up and put everything away for us."

"You really went all out for this dinner."

"I did."

"Then back to the house?"

"Yes, but one thing before that. You wondered who I was on the phone with earlier."

"Oh right. Who was it?"

"Well it was who I called originally to rent this place for the weekend. After seeing how much you liked it and the view of the beach...I went ahead and decided to buy this place instead."


"I bought the house. Happy Valentine's Day." He grins. "That house? The one up there? It's...It's ours?"

"It's ours." He nods. "So if we don't want to go to the condo anytime we have days off, we can come here."

"Oh my...I love that idea. I can't believe we have a house now."

"Biggest gift you can ever get today."

"I would hope you didn't spend anymore money on me. What you dud was more than enough."

"I know. The house was it for the day. Don't worry."

"Alright." She looks at him unsure. "What do you say we head home then? I have a little something for you when we get there."

"A gift for me hmm?" He grins. "Mhm. Just for you."

"Well let's go then." He nods. She takes her time pushing out her chair and standing. She stretches a bit, trying to take as much time as she could just to torture him. He blows the candles out as he stands, before walking over and taking her hand in his, lacing his fingers with hers before they both make their way back up to the house. As they head there, the people who helped set everything up came out to take care of everything left over. They head up the stairs then across the deck, walking in. He closes the door and locks it before following her into the bedroom. She grabs the bag that she had the outfit packed for him, then heads to the bathroom. "I'll be right now. You just get ready for bed."

"Alright." He nods, watching as she shuts the door behind her. She walks in and sets the bag on the counter. She then takes off her dress, hanging that up on the back of the door. She takes the two piece, light pink babydoll out of the bag and puts that on. It was Valentine's themed with blue hearts all over it. There was a cutout on the back of the top and the bottoms as well. She leaves her heels on then cracks open the door to see if he's ready. She sees him sitting on the bed in his boxers and opens the door the rest of the way. "Oh Mike." She sings, leaning in the doorway. He of course looks in the direction of the bathroom to see her there and his jaw almost drops. He goes to say something, but no words come out of his mouth. She's left him speechless in that moment. "Speechless. Very good." She grins, slowly starting to walk into the room. "...where....did you...get...that...?" He manages to get out. "A store. One I like back in New York. Had it sent out." She says as she turns so he gets a view of the back. "For a special occasion? Like tonight?"

"You're right. That's the reason I got it."

"I'm good." He smirks. "You are." She smirks, kicking off her heels then straddling his lap, hands on his shoulders. "I love it."

"I can tell....touchy." She giggles. "I'm always touchy."

"I know that, but you're extra touchy tonight."

"You've caused that."



"That was not my intent." She acts innocent, wiggling on his lap a bit. His hands stop on her hips and holds her still. "Just like that wasn't?"

"That? No. That was intentional."

"Really asking for it aren't you?"

"Depends on how want you want to unwrap your gift."

"Oh I think you know."

"Then..." She leans forward, biting his bottom lip. "...maybe I am." She whispers. "Well then..." He trails off before he presses his lips to hers in a hard kiss. She was caught off guard a bit, but soon began to kiss him back just as hard. Her hands moved from his shoulders, one going to his hair, the other to the back of his neck. She lets it rest there for a bit before lightly moving her fingers over his skin. His hands had moved from her hips and started to go back to wandering, especially over the skin that was exposed from the cutouts on her back. When his fingers move along her spine, it sends a chill through it. He feels that and smirks against her lips before doing it again. She shivers again, tugging on his hair more now. She kisses him more roughly, pulling him as close to her as he can get. That's when she feels him start to tug on the fabric of the babydoll, but she just shakes her head, telling him that it's not coming off quite yet. He groans in protest against her lips, but settles for that for right now. She decides to have a bit of fun so she moves her hand from the back of his neck to his shoulder then down his chest slowly until she reaches his abs. Once there, she lightly drags her fingers over the skin wanting a reaction out of him. He tenses like always, but he also pulls away from her lips and buries his face in her neck, where she feels him place small kisses on her skin here and there, but not enough to distract her from what she was doing to him. His hands move from where they were, to resting on her hips and his grip tightens a bit than before. She smirks, moving her fingers across his skin before slowly moving them down to the waist of his boxers. She slips her fingers in the band of his boxers, brushing over one of his indents. "Teasing..." He mumbles into her neck. "Having my fun."

"...getting you back..."

"Bring it on." She challenges, pressing his indent. He smirks against her neck and without warning, he nips at her skin. It's not a sensitive spot, but he works at the spot anyway, wanting to leave a mark in a different area. That causes her to lose all focus on what she was doing. Since she had no warning, all the noises that came from her were loud and clear to him. Her hand moves to his side, resting there for now while the other grips his hair. When he feels a mark is going to forming soon, he presses one kiss to it, before pulling back. All he does is look up at her and smirk. "Want me to bring it on more?"

"...bring it..."

"Well're just gonna be marked up."

She bites her lip, thinking about it then she moves her hand back down and presses his indent once more, really getting to him that time. In retaliation, he ends up shifting so they both end up moving and within a blink of an eye, she's laying back on the bed with him hovering over her before his lips are back on her neck, searching for a sensitive spot to go after this time. Her legs stay wrapped around his waist, both arms around his neck. She tries her best to not give in, but since he knows where the spot is, he finds it and attaches his lips to it. Her legs get tighter around him while she pulls him as close to her as she can to muffle any noises that come from her. Even though she tries to muffle the noises, he can still hear them and it's good enough for him. While he's working on that spot, that's when he tries again and starts to play with the fabric of the babydoll in hopes she'll let him remove it this time. She nods her head, letting him know that he can. He starts to pull it up, letting his touches linger, driving her even more crazy. Once he gets that off, he tosses it to the side then kisses all the new skin he can. He takes his time with that, making sure to get every inch that he can. Once he's done, he makes his way back to her lips. When he reaches her lips, she kisses him hard and eagerly. Since he was the only one with any article of clothing on, and since she let him take hers off, there was no reason why he shouldn't let her take his off. So her hands once again move back down to his waistline and she runs her fingers along his skin before tugging just a bit, letting him know that she wants them off. He shifts so she's able to get them down as far as she can, him kicking them off the rest of the way. Once those are off and to the side somewhere, he reaches for the blanket to pull over them. When that's ready, they start to get busy on their long Valentine's night.