Status: Active

The Chance of a Lifetime

Long Awaited Date

It's the next morning, and I did end up having a nightmare. Thanks Mike. So I took Alex up on his offer of going down to his room during the night. I woke him up and he allowed me to climb into the bed next to him. I thanked him and I almost instantly fell asleep. That brings me to right now. I start to stir and move around a bit, but that's when I feel something around my waist and I realize my hand is resting on someone's arm. I look down and then next to me to find a sleeping yet peaceful Alex. 'Am I dreaming?' I think in my head. I then pinch myself to make sure.

"Nope not dreaming."

I feel Alex start to shift and I lay as still as I can.

"Morning." Alex says.

"Morning." I repeat.

"Did you manage to get sleep?"

"Yeah, it's like I instantly felt better when I came in here."

"Well I told you I wouldn't let anything happen to you."

"Right. Is that why you have your arm around me?"

"Oh, is it helping?"

"Well I didn't know about it until I woke up."

"Well you did sleep better so I'm assuming it did." Alex smiles.

"I guess so. Thanks again for letting me stay in here....with you."

"No problem, anytime, my door is always open for you."

"Even if we're in a hotel?"

"If you need me, yes."

"Well in the case we can hope we get rooms close to each other."

"I'm sure we can, not that hard."

"True, so what's the plan for today? Busy or just hang out day?"

"I don't think there is anything planned, so just a hang out day."

"Another rare day off. Good I can be lazy." I laugh, closing my eyes, pretending to go back to sleep.

"I don't think so." Alex laughs, starting to like me. "We are not staying inside all day."

"I didn't say anything about all day."

"Fine another hour than we are going to go do something."

"Deal. But I'm not tired, so I guess I'm just gonna lay here."

"Fine with me."

Things go quiet for a moment, and I'm looking up at the ceiling while Alex keeps looking at me.

"Yes?" I ask Alex.


"You're staring."

" I was not." Alex stutters, embarrassed.

"You were, but it's okay. I mean after the way you complimented me last night, I guess you have good reason to."

"So you don't mind?"

"No I don't mind. I gotta confess, I do have a tendency to stare"

"Really?" Alex smirks. "Well I don't mind at all."

"Well of course not. Every night you got tons of women staring at you."

"That's true, but none of them are you."

"What's so special about me?"

"You are not a fan girl around me, you are your true and honest self."

"Well of course I am, I work with you."

"I know, but even before we actually worked together, you were nice, calm and sweet."

"Because I pushed that fan girl aspect of mine aside. Even though I still am one."

"You hide it well, I like that about you."

"What else do you like about me?"

"Well, your eyes, smile, your sense of humor, you're outgoing, and you are a great wrestler."

"Learned a lot from watching. Kind of picked up on a few of your moves."

"I noticed that, you execute them very well too."

"I try."

"Well you do it perfectly."

"Oh I wouldn't say perfectly."

"You don't give yourself enough credit."

"You honestly think I do everything perfectly?"

"Yes I do."

"Alright, whatever you say."

"You are to me." Alex whispers very low, I'm barely able to hear.

I then sit up and swing my legs over the side of the bed, standing up.

"Where are you going?"

"I don't wanna be lazy anymore."

"Alright." Alex says and stands up himself. "How about breakfast?"

"Sounds good." I nod.

"Alex grabs a shirt and puts it on, then heads downstairs to find something to cook, with me right behind him.

"So we got, bacon, eggs, cheese, ham, sausage, bread, all the fixing for pancakes, omelets, french toast. What would you like?"

"Hmmm...surprise me."

"Sure thing." Alex says as he starts to fix a bunch of things.

I had gone out into the living room to watch TV while Alex started to cook. He was busy cooking when he drops a pan.

"You need help?" I shout from the living room with a giggle.

"I'm good." Alex calls back.

After about 10 minutes Alex sets the table and puts out french toast, some omelets, bacon, sausages, orange juice, milk and coffee.

"It's all set." Alex calls to me.

I get up from the couch and head out to the table, taking a seat.

"This all looks and smells so good." I say, sitting down and looking at all the food Alex had made.

"I tried. I don't cook often."

"By the looks of it, I would say you did."

"Well I do help when I'm with my family. But normally if I'm here, I'm a microwave kind of guy. It's quick and easy."

"Of course, we all do that at times."

"That and ordering out." I add, while taking some food and eating it.

"Yeah, all the places here know me by name." Alex chuckles, taking some food himself.

"You must order out a lot."

"I do, when I don't have much food from being out on the road for a while."

"But yet when you're not on the road, you still need to go to the gym to keep up with everything."

"I do, that is why there is hardly food, just lucky I was home for a few days and got some."

"Right...back on the road tomorrow. Bleh."

"Yeah, that's why I made everything I had left." Alex laughs.

"Well looks like we're going food shopping today." I laugh too.

"What for, we will not be here to eat it."

"Well what if we get hungry later for snacks?"

"Snacks we can get, that should not be too bad, but we can eat while we are out."

"Alright, sounds good."

We both continue eating and when we're finished, I help Alex clean up and do the dishes. Then out of nowhere he flicks water at me from his hands.


"What?" Alex shrugs, acting innocent.

"You know what you did."

"What?" He says again, turning his attention back to the sink.

"Uh huh...sure...act all innocent."

"I am."

"Lies." I snicker.

"Don't believe me?" Alex pouts.

"Who else would flick water at me? I wouldn't do it to myself."

"I really do not know...a leprechaun?"

"A leprechaun? Really Alex? Really?"

"Yeah, they run rampid here in Tampa, didn't you know that?"

"No, but the only leprechaun I know of is Hornswaggle, and even him I would notice." I laugh.

"These are magical, only the Irish can see them."

"Uh huh...little do you know Mister...I'm part Irish....and I didn't see no leprechaun."

"Have to be more than half silly."

"Really? And you are?"

"Yes I am, did you not know?"

"Actually no. I mean I know you are because of the Celtic Cross tattoo on your back. But I never knew how much exactly."

"My great grandparents are from there, my actual last name is full Irish."


"Yup." Alex says, putting the last of the dishes out to dry.

"Are you ready for today?"

"Why, what's the plan?" I ask.

"Well I was thinking maybe go to the beach and relax if you want, and possibly grab something to eat after."

"Hmm....sure. This time I will be prepared for the beach." I laugh.

"Well that's a good thing." Alex chuckles. "How about you go get ready then."

"Sure thing." I nod, leaving the kitchen and going to my room to change.

Alex heads to his room to do the same. He grabs some towels and sunscreen from his bathroom closet when he's done. After I'm done changing, I put my hair up, grab sunglasses and my bag before leaving the room. I walk downstairs to see Alex standing there with a bag, as he's in his swim trunk and a white t-shirt.

"I'm all set." I declare, making it to the bottom of the stairs.

"Alright." Alex says, looking me up and down. "After you." He adds, opening the door for me.

"Thanks." I smile.

Alex then locks up the house and we both make our way to his car and get in. The ride is quiet to start, until I decide to turn the radio on. That's when Party In The USA starts playing on the radio.

"Oh god." I mumble.

"Hey! It's a good song."

"Oh I agree. I like the song. But it's not better than Metallica."

"I never said I didn't like them, I was in the mood for this that day."

"Yeah, but that was still funny what Mike tweeted."

"Was not. I am made fun of till this day." Alex pouts.

"Awwww. Well I don't make fun of you." I say, patting his shoulder.

"That's one person. Makes me feel a bit better."

"Good. That's what I'm here for."

"Thank you, means a lot."

"You're welcome. You're there for me, only fair to be there for you."

"True, that is how I see things."

"See? We're on the same page. You know I think we're more alike than we think."

"We are, aren't we?"

"Very." I nod.

"That's a good thing. That's the reason why we get along so well."


We then pull into the parking lot and Alex parks the car. We both get out and grab what we need from the back and head to the sand. When we find a spot, we drop everything and I sit down in the sand.

"Do you need any sunscreen?" Alex asks, holding the bottle.

"Oh I have my own, but thanks for offering."

"Alright, need any help?"

"Well I think that's obvious. I can't reach around and get my back by myself." I laugh.

"I knew that, but I was not just going to touch you without asking." He chuckles.

"So polite." I smile.

"Of course I am". Alex does a cheesy smile.

"Just let me get the places I can reach first."

"That's fine." Alex says, as he takes off his shirt and starts to apply some to himself.

This of course causes me to stare a little bit, but I quickly shake my head and look away. Once Alex is done he asks me if I could help him with getting his back and whatever else he could not reach. I of course agree.

"Thank you." Alex says. "Your turn." He smiles, twirling his finger, motioning for me to turn around.

I laugh to myself quietly and turn around. Alex then starts to rub the sunscreen on my back, causing me to bite my lip from the coolness and his touch. Once he's done, I turn around.

"Thanks for the help." I smile.


I then st back down on my towel and Alex looks down at me.


"Are you coming in the water, or are you going to lay there all day?"

"Persistent aren't you?"

"Yes, now let's go have fun." Alex laughs, holding out his hand.

I laugh myself, taking his hand and we head toward the water. We both get to the water and I take my time going in, as Alex is already out a ways in the water. I get to a certain point in the water and stop, not going any further.

"Come on!" Alex shouts. "You will be fine."

All I do is shake my head 'no'. Alex starts to slowly walk over to me. "The water is perfect. Nice and calm." He says, as he gets closer to me.

"Oh I know. I just don't go out too far."

"You'll be fine, I'll be right next to you."

"Can't swim very well."

"Then we can stay right here." He says, walking behind me.

I then then feel hands on my hips and myself start to go back.

"....I almost drowned once...that's why I don't go out too far anymore."

"I know, I was not going to take you out any farther." He says. "You can trust me." He whispers in my ear.

"How did you know that's the reason?"

"You just told me."

"Oh right."

"Yeah, so don't worry." He says, still resting hs hands on my waist, trying to make me feel easy in the water.

I just nod. I stand there for a bit before reaching down and taking water in my hand and tossing it back at Alex.

"Oops." I laugh.

"Oops? Really?" Alex says, reaching down and splashing me with water.

"Ohhh it's on now."

"You better bring it." Alex says, splashing me again.

" really shouldn't have said that." I grin.

"Well what are you waiting for then?"

"The right moment."

"Sure, alright."

I slip away from him and swim a bit away, making sure to not make my plan so obvious. Alex keeps a close eye on me and continues to stand there. I then go under the water and swim towards him. I appear on the other side of him and then I rush forwards and tackle him into the water. Alex goes under and when we both come up he has a huge grin on his face.

"You better run now."

"Eeep!" I squeal, dashing away the best I can.

"You can not go far." Alex calls as he comes after me.

After a bit he finally catches me.

"Nooooo." I laugh.

"Got you." Alex says, as he wraps his arms around my waist, making sure I can't get away.

"So you did."

"Yes I did." He grins, leaning down closer to my ear/neck.

"Want a prize or something?" I giggle.

"No." He says, his breath on my neck. "Just want to do this." He whispers, then picks me up and turns around to drop me in the water.

"Kevin Robert Kiley Jr, don't you dare!"

"If I do?"


"I thought so." He grins.

"So are you going to put me down or hold me all day?"

"Hmmm..I kinda like holding you." He says low and blushes.

"You do?"

"Huh? Yeah, a bit." Alex blushes more, getting embarrassed.

"Awww, that's really sweet. Hey if it makes you feel any better, I feel safer this way."

"Well I'm glad I make you feel safe." He smiles, putting me down then pulling me closer. "Can I tell you something?" Alex asks, rubbing the back of his neck with his left hand.

"Yeah sure. You can tell me anything."

"Okay, don't freak out, but I really like you. I mean more than a friend." He starts. "If you don't feel the same I understand. It's just the more time we spend together, I like you more each time. Your smile, your eyes, your sense of humor, your talent, EVERYTHING. You're the girl I thought I would never meet." He confesses.

" have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to tell me that."

"So you feel the same way?" Alex says a bit relieved.

"I fell for you back on NXT....yes I feel the same way."

"Really?" Alex smiles big. "I fell for you the first time I saw you." He adds, leaning in close, resting his forehead against mine.

"When I debuted.." I smile.

"When I saw you in FCW."

"You've been watching me in the ring ever since then, haven't you?"

"Actually yes I have. I knew you had talent and there was something about you that attracted me to you. I knew I had to meet you somehow. Thank god you made it to the WWE or I was going to go there and tell you."

"Better now than never."

"Yes and I'm so glad that you now know."

"I'm glad I know too. Well if our storyline moves onto a romance one, it won't be awkward."

"No, I didn't want to wait that long to tell you how I really felt though."

"Yeah, I know how you feel. That would be a LONG time."

"Too long." Alex says, as he leans in closer.

He is about to place a kiss on my lips when he stops. "May I?" He asks.

I try to contain my happiness, as I nod. Alex then captures my lips and gives me a soft kiss as he wraps his arms around me and pulls me as close to him as I can get. After he pulls away, a bit after that, I keep my forehead against his.

" much better....than watching on NXT."

"Good. Been wanting to do that for months." He whispers.

"Oh really?"

"Yes, I told you I have liked you for some time now."

"And funny story about the whole kissing you is better than watching on NXT, and the whole liking you since NXT. You see....I didn't tune into Season 2 until the middle of the season, and the episode happened to be that kissing challenge."

"Ah, so you wanted to see if i was a good kisser?" Alex raises a brow.

"Yes...I mean no....I don't know...maybe." I say nervously.

"It's okay." Alex chuckles and lifts my chin and kisses me again. "What do you think?"

"So much better than just imagining."

"Good to know." He smiles.

"Not that I imagined what it would be like..."

"No worries." Alex smiles. "I did the same." He whispers. "But there's one thing I wanna ask you." He adds.

"What's that?" I ask nervously.

"Well before we're actually you know...together, we need to go on a date first. So I was wondering..."

"...if I would go out with you?" I ask.


"Alex, I would love to!" I say, smiling at him.

"Great." He smiles. "We'll go out tonight."

"Sure, that'll be great." I nod. "How should I dress for this date?"


"Semi it." I nod.

We both stay in the water a bit longer, just holding each other when we decide to dry off. We stayed at the beach for practically the whole day, going in and out of the water after drying off. Before we knew it, it was sunset.

"That's so pretty!" I say in awe at the pink, purples, and oranges in the sky as the sun goes down.

"Not as pretty as you." He says, looking at me briefly.

"Oh Alex." I say blushing, trying to hide my face.

"And you don't need to hide your face."

"Can't help it."

The sun soon sets fully, and we gather our things and head back up to the car. When we get there, we both put the things in the trunk and Alex walks over and opens my door for me.

"Thank you." I say as I get in and put my seatbelt on.

"You're welcome." He says, then walks over to the driver's side and gets in. He gets in and starts the car and begins to drive to his place.

When we get there, we park in the driveway and head inside.

"Well I'm gonna shower before getting ready for our date. All that salt from the ocean in my hair...ick." I explain.

"Go ahead. I'm going to get ready myself." Alex replies.

I nod and head upstairs before him, going to my room and picking out clothes before hopping in the shower after heating the water. Alex does the same. When I'm done, I get out and grab a towel to dry with and head out to change. Once I change, I blow dry my hair the best I can before applying my make up and putting on my jewelry.

"I hope this is alright." I say, looking myself over in the mirror.

I then head downstairs, not finding Alex. He comes down soon after me and spaces out looking at me.

"Yoo Hoo."

"Huh?" Alex says, shaking his head coming out of his daze.

"You spaced out." I laugh.

"Oh, sorry. Can't help it. You are just that gorgeous." Alex says, walking over to me and wrapping his arms around me.

"I try." I smile.

"You do not have to. You are always gorgeous, no matter how you dress or look."


"It's true, always beautiful to me." Alex says, placing a kiss on my cheek.

"That's why you told me to be careful of Wade the day of that signing with him. You were being protective because you like me."

"Yes, I don't want him near you."

"And I will keep him away from you at all costs." He adds.

"Aww, my protector." I smile at him and kiss his cheek.

"You know, Mike's been pestering me about you and I." I say as we make our way out the door.

"Has he? How?" Alex asks, as he opens the door for me then locking it when we both are out.

"Well he kept bugging me about when you and I were gonna get together."

"I think he knew something we didn't." Alex chuckles as we both walk to the car.

"Most likely." I laugh.

"He can tell things like that. How? I have no idea." Alex laughs as well.

"Me ether. It's like he's got a 7th sense or something."

"I think he does." Alex says as we reach the car. He again opens the door for me to get in.

Once again I thank him as I get in. He says 'you're welcome', before closing my door and walking around to the driver's side. He gets in, buckles up himself and starts the car. Then we pull out of the driveway and down the road.

"Any hints on where we are going?" I ask.

"It's a surprise."

"I really do not like surprises." I pout.

"You'll love this me."

"I'm sure I will, but I want to know." I whine a bit.

"Alright, let's just say I reserved something special."

"Aw, you did not have to do that"

"I wanted to."

"That's very sweet of you."

"You deserve it."

"I do?"


"Why thank you."

We pull up to this building, which happens to be a restaurant. A valet takes the car while Alex pays for that and we head inside. Alex gives the name and we're led through the restaurant, eventually ending up outside.

"This is really nice." I say, looking around as Alex pulls out my chair for me.

"Isn't it?" He agrees.

"Yes." I say. "It seems pricey though."

"You're worth every penny. I mean I can afford it obviously, but still."

"You are too much." I blush and hide behind my menu. "Thank you." I add.

"Again, you're welcome."

We both look over the menu and order drinks when the waiter comes back. We decide what we want and tell the waiter when he comes back with our drinks. We stay silent for a while, until the waiter comes back with the food.

"Wow, this is really good." I say, taking a bite of my food.

"One of best places in town to go to." He nods.

"Good choice. I can see why."

"I promise to do something even better for our next date."

"How can you out do this?"

"I have my ways."

"I have a feeling I am going to be spoiled."

"Your feeling is right."

"Oh boy." I giggle.

"Wait until I tell Stef. She's gonna freak." I add.

"You tell her everything I bet." Alex laughs.


"Should be interesting. When do we get to meet?"

"Couple more weeks."

"Ah, I bet she is excited to see you again."

"Yes, very."

"Should be a good time then."

"Especially now that you and I are together. I think she'll have a happy heart attack."

"Did she suspect?"

"A bit yeah."

"Like how?"

"The way you acted towards me, she always said that you liked me."

"She's good. Just like Mike."

"Speaking of...don't tell him I told you this, but she really likes I like you."

"She does? And don't worry, I will not."

"Yep, she does."

"Wow, going to have to meet I guess."

"A couple weeks and they will."

"Yeah, I bet she can't wait."


We both finish eating our food and then Alex pays the bill and we both head back out and wait for the car.

"So are we heading back now?" I ask once we are outside.

"Yeah, but we can do something before going to bed. I mean it's still early."

"Alright, movie night again?"

"Sure. A couple movies since we have an early flight in the morning."

"Sounds good to me."

The valet finally comes back with Alex's car. He takes the keys back and we both get in, before heading back to his place once again. We both walk in the house, heading upstairs to change before going back down and getting some snacks and drinks for the movies.

"My shirt huh?" He grins.

"Yes, I really like this one." I smirk. "Plus, I had to get's your first t-shirt." I add.

"I see. Everyone has been asking for it."

"I know." I laugh.

"Looks good on you."

"Why thank you." I say, blushing a bit.

"You look good in anything."

"So do you."

"Why thank you, but never as good as you."

"Well that's because I'm a girl." I laugh.

"A beautiful one at that." Alex says, walking closer and wrapping his arms around me.

"Oh stop." I say, getting redder.

"What can I say." Alex shrugs. "You deserve to hear that." He adds.

"Let's go watch the movies."

"Alright." Alex chuckles, and looks for a movie. "What would you like tonight?" He asks.

"Hmmm, surprise me."

"Alright." He chuckles again and picks out an action movie. "12 Rounds okay?" He asks after putting it in.

"Oh yeah, it's okay. I love that movie."

"Good. John is really good in it." He says, walking over and sitting next to me on the couch.

"I know right?"

"Truly and well rounded and talented guy."

"Just like yourself."

"Thank you." Alex smiles and kisses me on the head.

"I can't wait for the day where you're in a movie."

"That is something I would love to do"

"And I should co-star with you."

"You know, that is not a bad idea, but I would not be happy if anything happened to you"

"What could happen to me?"

"Nothing, but I would not like someone keeping you from me"

"No one's gonna keep me from you."

"They better not." Alex huffs.

"Okay relax."

"I'll try." He breathes, and pulls me closer to him.

I snuggle into his side as his arm stays wrapped around me. We both sit and watch the movie in silence and Alex keeps me close to him. "That is never going to happen to you." Alex says when the movie is over.

"Well of course not. For one thing you're not a police officer. So you cant accidentally get someone killed, in result for some psycho to get out of jail and give you 24 hours to save me."

"That's true, but still."

"'re afraid Wade will try something like that. Aren't you?"

"Maybe... but he will not get that close to you, if I can help it."

"I can probably hurt him internally if he tries anything." I grin evilly.

"I bet. I saw what you did to him the other night, but I still have my worries. He can still hurt you too, I mean he did leave a bruise on you."

"Which will fade soon."

"I know, but I just worry. I can not help it."

"I know. But I'm here....with you....everything's fine."

"That is how it should be."

"What's the next movie?"

"I was thinking The Marine 2? Kind of a WWE night." Alex laughs.

"It's okay...and sure."

Alex goes to switch the movies and walks back over and sits back down next to me on the couch, re-wrapping his arm around me. I in return wrap an arm around his waist and I snuggle back into him. We both stay that way and watch the movie, me jumping at some of the suspenseful parts. Then later in the movie came a little makeout scene...which kind of made things kind of awkward.

"You alright?" Alex asks.

"Huh? Yeah I'm fine."

"Alright." He says, turning his attention back to the movie.

"Just got a little awkward."

"Ah I see. Better now?" Alex asks once the part past.

"Yeah." I nod.


We both turn our attention back to the movie and watch in silence. By the end of the movie, my head was laying on Alex's shoulder, and I was so comfortable I didn't want to move.

"Do you want to watch another movie or head to bed? You look tired." Alex says, taking notice of how comfortable and tired I look.

"It's from the beach...that salt water air is catching up to me."

"That's understandable. So how about we head to bed?" Alex suggests.

I nod in approval. Alex shuts the TV and everything off, since the lights were off, that was one thing he did not have to do. Seeing how tired I looked, Alex decided to pick me up and carry me upstairs. He brings me into my room, setting me down on the bed before pulling the covers over me.

"You did not have to do that, but thank you."

"You're welcome."

He then goes over and turns off my light and closes the door after he walks out. I know he can't hear me, but I mumble 'goodnight' before falling asleep. Alex then goes to his room and gets in bed with a smile on his face that he told me how he felt and I felt the same.