Status: Active

The Chance of a Lifetime

Back To Raw

It's back to Monday Night and we have Raw. Alex had woke me up early so that we could catch our flight to make it in time for Raw tonight. I hesitantly get up, and get changed into my day outfit, before packing my things. Once I'm all set, I grab my bags and head downstairs to see Alex waiting by the door, as he already has his things in the car.

"I'm all set." I declare setting my bags by the door.

Alex goes to help me with my bags and we head out to the car. We put my things in the car and get in, Alex driving. I then go on my Twitter, and update my status. Making sure to include that I'm now dating Alex, for Stefanie to surely read later. After tweeting I put my phone away and look out the window.

"This is going to be a long flight." I sigh.

"I know.

"I can get more sleep." I laugh.

"That's what planes are best for."

"True." I chuckle. "What do you think everyone will say when they hear we are dating?" I ask.

"Besides Mike, because I already know what he'll say." I add.

"I think we all do." Alex laughs. "Have you told anyone yet?" He adds.

"I may have implied it in my tweet, I just sent...which I tagged you in."

"Ah, that is why my phone is going crazy right now." Alex chuckles. "I bet the replies will be interesting." He adds.

"Oh yes." I laugh.

"Well that is something to do on the plane."


"It doesn't matter what anyone says though." Alex says, taking my hand and rubbing circles on the back of my hand with his thumb.

"I know." I smile.

"Good." Alex smiles in return.

"We can even change our relationship statuses on Facebook too." I laugh.

"Yes we can. Will do that on the plane too."

"I don't think I've ever been as happy as I am now."

"How about happier?"

"Yes, happier."

"Well I think that you will get even happier than you are now." Alex grins.

"I'm looking forward to it."

"I'm glad. I plan to make you very happy."

"Oh I know."

"As long as you know that." He smiles and takes my hand and kisses the back of it.

I smile and we soon arrive at the airport. Once there, Alex parks the car and we both get our bags out and do all the normal checking in and everything before getting on the plane and finding our seats. Once we're in our seats, looking to our right, Mike sits down in one of the seats there.

"Get ready for a reaction to the tweet." I mutter to Alex.

I see Mike take out his phone then his head snaps up and over in our direction. "It's about time!" Mike yells.

"Oh shush." I laugh.

"I can't help it! I was wondering when one of you were going to make a move. I thought I was going to have to do something."

"You would."

"Yes I would. You should know that about me by now."

"Maybe you should play matchmaker more often then."

"I think I just might do that." Mike smirks, looking around.

"Not now you goof."

"Well...there is no one good on here anyway, besides you two, but you are already together"

"Yeah, Alex beat you to that."

"Yes he may I ask?"

"Well....we went to the beach yesterday..." I start.

"Oh the beach." Mike smirks.

"We were having a good time, and I just went for it and told her how I felt." Alex says.


"So, did she feel the same?" Mike says jokingly to Alex.

"Do you really need to ask that question?"

"I was joking!" Mike holds his hands up in defense. "I'm glad things worked out for you both." He adds.

"Thank you."

"Anytime, just glad you both know how each other feel now."

"Now it's time for you to reply to all those tweets coming to you." I say to Alex, laughing.

"Oh I will."

"I'm probably getting them too."

"I bet you are." Alex laughs.

"I can just see them now...telling me how lucky I am...some will be jealous...etc."

"Of course. I am sure some guys will be jealous, I am with you. And the girls will not be happy either."

"Of course."

We both take out our phones and start to read some of the tweets, laughing at a few of them.

"And these are just from this morning."

"Well when we tweet, the fans are all about replying to us."


"Got any good ones worth replying to?"

"Not yet."

"Same, most are telling me how lucky I am."

"Awwww." I smile.

"They're right. I am lucky." Alex smiles, wrapping his arm around me.

"And I'm lucky as well."

"Yes you are. I think I am the luckiest guy on the planet right now."


"You just make me so happy. I am lucky to have a girl like you."

"If you two are gonna kiss, just do it already, before I make the comment about getting a room." Mike laughs.

"Mike, just shush!" I start but I'm cut off by Alex placing his lips to mine.

"Okay, I think you should both get that room now." Mike says after a bit.

I pull away from Alex briefly to reply. "Kind of hard when we're on a plane."

"Well then wait until you are off the plane to do that."

"Well aren't you the fun ruiner."

"No, I just don't want to look over and see that, that's all."

"Then don't look over here."

"I'll try my best."

"You make sure to do that."

Mike then takes out his phone and Alex and I go back to checking all the replies we've gotten. I get tired of that after a while and decide to get more sleep, because I'm gonna need it for the show tonight.

"You can lean on me if you want to get more sleep." Alex offers.

I nod and do so, getting comfortable. Soon after the plane takes off, I fall asleep for most of the plane ride. I wake up just as we're landing.

"Looks like you woke up just in time."

"I guess so."

Alex leans down and kisses the top of my head. "We have a few more minutes, you can still relax till then."

I nod and sit up, stretching from my nap. Soon the plane lands and we all headed off and go get our bags before heading out to the rental cars and heading for the hotel. When we get there, we get our rooms and head up to them.

"Well here is my room." I say. "Where is your room." I ask Alex.

" Oh look our rooms are next to each other."

"Of course they are. I wonder how that happened?" I chuckle.

"Don't know. You know I'm wondering something else....let's go into the rooms."


We both walk in our rooms and I see that there's a door inside my room. I check it and see it's not a closet or a bathroom. Suddenly the door opens and I see Alex on the other side.

"Hello neighbor." He laughs.

"Hello to you too neighbor." I laugh. "My sexy neighbor I might add." I say with a wink.

"Oh really?" He smirks.

"Really." I smirk as I eye him closely.

"Well the same goes for you."

"You would think that." I grin. "Thank you." I say as I start to back up into my room.

"You can come in if you want." I offer.

"I just might." Alex smirks, walking through the door into my room. "You're room is really nice." He says as he looks around.

"Isn't it the same as yours?"

"Yours seems a bit bigger than mine does."


"Might just seem like it to me though."


Alex then walks over to the bed and takes a seat, patting the spot next to him for me to sit. I do so, walking over and sitting in the spot next to him. "What would you like to do before the show?" Alex asks, putting hs arm around my waist. "We can get something to eat, relax or order and relax. Up to you." He adds.

"I suppose we can go out."

"Sounds good."

"Then that'll give us a few hours or so before we have to get to the arena. I can just get ready there when it's time. Gotta at least dress nice for the show."

"You look great in whatever you wear." Alex says, pulling me closer to him.

"Well wait until you see what I have picked out."

"You tease."

"You'll get used to it."

"It'll be hard, but I'm sure I will." He says, rubbing his nose on my cheek.

"Cuddly." I laugh.

"Yes, you are my cuddle bug." Alex says, kissing my cheek.


"It's true.

"Wanna go eat now?"

"That means I have to let you go." Alex pouts. "But yes, we can go eat now."

" don't have to really let me go though."

"Yay!" Alex cheers happily.


"Your dork." Alex says.

We then get up and head for the door, Alex putting his arm around me as we walk out to the elevator. We get in heading to the lobby before going to Alex's car and getting in.

"Thank you." I say as he opens the door for me.

He says 'you're welcome' and he then walks over to the driver side and gets in and starts to drive.

"So tonight should be interesting. Can't wait to find out who we're facing, whether it's as a team or individually."

"It should. I hope that we get to team again, it was fun last time."

"Oh I'm sure there's gonna be plenty of those matches to come."

"I know. I'm sure no matter how they have it set up, you'll be great."

"Same goes for you."

"Thank you." Alex smiles. "So what would you like to eat?" He adds.

"Anything is good, I like almost everything out there."

"Alright." Alex nods and drives to a nice Italian restaurant.

"Looks expensive."

"Not really, looks it but it's really informal."


"Yeah, heard they have good food here though."

"Well, let's go find out shall we?"

"Let's go." Alex says as he parks the car and gets out and walks around opening my door for me. "Thank you." I smile.

We link our arms together and head inside getting seated quickly. We sit and talk for a while before looking at the menus for drinks and we order those.

"What are you thinking of getting?" Alex asks.

"Hmm, not sure yet."

We both look over the menus some more and when the waiter comes back with the drinks, we order what we would like.

"So basically after this, since it is lunch time, we have to go back to the hotel and grab our stuff, then head to the arena for the rest of the day until the end of the show?"

"Yeah." Alex sighs. "But we can still relax there." He adds.

"True." I nod.

"Then we have the rest of the night to ourselves."

"Right of course."

Soon our food arrives and we eat and talk occasionally. When we're done, Alex pays the bill and we head back out to the car and get in heading to to the arena, after going to the hotel to get our things. When we get there, there's already fans hanging out, waiting for the doors to open, which isn't for like 7 hours. We walk over to the fans and sign a few autographs and take pictures with them before heading inside.

"Crazy people...have to sit out there for 7 hours until the doors open for them."

"They do it hoping to get a chance of meeting their favorite superstar or diva. Looks like it paid off."

"I remember when I wanted to do that."

"Same here. The excitement of meeting the person you idolize most in the world. The best feeling ever."

"I know...and speaking of that. You'd think I'd idolize one of the Divas...but nope, I idolized you."

"Really now?" Alex raises a brow. "Now don't I just feel special." He smiles. "Thank you." He adds.

"You're welcome."

We head inside, dropping or things off in the different locker rooms and decide to walk around a bit before it's time to start getting ready for the show. While I was getting ready, Stefanie decided to call me. I answered and put her on speaker.

"I saw that tweet! About time!" She exclaims.

"That's what Mike said." I laugh.

"One heck of a way to tell everyone. How did it happen and when?"

"It happened at the beach yesterday."

"How cute. The perfect place to say how yo feel too. So romantic."

"I know, then we had a date last night."

"Awww, how did that go? Was he all sweet?"

"Of course he was."

"You finally got the man of your dreams and he is perfect in every way for you."

"And next week you'll get to meet him finally."

"I can't wait for that! I've been wanting for a while now, and even more so now. Going to be a good time."


"Tell him I say hi too when you see him."

"I will."

"So a few more hours till the show. What are you doing till then?"

"Well I'm getting ready right now for whatever match I may have. Probably just gonna hang out backstage, talk to some people. Then later I'll be changing out of my gear, if Alex has a singles match. I wanna look nice you know?"

"Yes. I am sure you will look nice, you always seem to do that. Sure Alex will love it."

"He can't wait to see."

"I'm sure he can't."

"Well he'll only see if he's in a single's match."

"He better be. He deserves it."

"I know. Hey the good thing about tonight. I haven't seen Wade. He's normally on Raw because it's a supershow."

"Well that's good. Creepy stalker man needs to stay away from you. You are Alex's girl now."

"And Ziggles needs to stay away too. No more flirting with me."

"Him too? What is it with all the creepy men these days. They need to stay away."

"Him I can handle."

"Yeah, you are tough...he better watch himself." She laughs.

"Oh yes." I laugh too.

"How is everyone else though? Nice?"

"For the most part."

"Well that's good."


"It's been so boring without you around here."

"I know, because I'm so fun to be around."

"Yes you are. I mean we all still go out, but you made things fun and interesting with all your ideas."

"Well next week we can all go out again."

"Yay! I missed going out and having a good time with you, just not the same without you."

"I know."

"What can we do when you come back? Our usual place or some place different?"

"Oh, definitely our usual place."

"Sweet! It is going to be so much fun. I will talk to the owner and get the VIP treatment for us."

"Sounds like a plan."

"Okay so I will tell him everything. Just the 3 of us, right?"


"Alright, sounds like a plan."

"It's gonna be so much fun, I can't wait."

"Good times once again."


"I have to figure out what I am going to do until the show starts."

"Ah, I'm sure you'll find something."

"Yeah, always do." She laughs.

"But you're worried about finding something to do? I don't even know what to do. It does get boring backstage sometimes."

"Well you have Alex to keep you company now. Plus all the other people to talk to. That all seems exciting."

"Yeah, especially now that I don't really have to control the urge to kiss him anymore. I can just do it." I say as I walk out of the locker room.

"Yeah, now that is a good thing. When you get tempted you can just kiss him."

"And I'm tempted A LOT. Oh boy."

"He better be ready for it." She laughs. "No...wait...he will be, I think it's you who should be prepared for it." She adds.

"Although, I can't really do it out there in the ring like after matches, we're not in a romance storyline so...yeah."

"Makes it all the better when you get to the locker room."

"Alright, you're starting to get me distracted with the thoughts." I laugh.

"Sorry, can't help it." She laughs. "How about those mets?" She changes the subject, laughing more.

"You always use that line when getting away from a distracting topic."

"What can I say, it works...sometimes."

"So, are you two sharing a room yet?" She asks.

"Not yet, our rooms are next door to each other...with a connecting door." I say.

"He would do that." She laughs.

"Well it's easier now if I have a nightmare or anything. I can just open the door and walk in."

"Well that's tru, not that far to go now."

"That's what happened the other night. I couldn't sleep because of a nightmare so I went down to Alex's room since we were still at his place, and he allowed me to sleep in the bed with him."

"Ooooooh....haha kidding...that was sweet of him."

"I know. He knew how shaken up I was about the whole Wade thing...even though I am tough."

"See, he is just the best..I need someone like that....but Wade would shake me up no matter how tough I am."

"You need someone like Mike."

"I do not think he would go for a girl like me though."

"Oh come on, I bet to differ."

"How so? I do not think he would even think to look at a girl like me...for one I am not blonde."

"It's not all about looks."

"I know, but isn't that all he even cares about?"

"If it was, you and I both know he'd be dating Kelly 'cause she's blonde."

"Yeah, that's true...but I don't know how I get."

"I know."

"So its hard for me...but anywho..."


"Heard that the show is going to be good tonight."

"Did you? I didn't hear anything about it yet."

"Unless they're hyping it up on TV."

"Ah, well what did you hear?"

"Well they are showing stuff between Mike and Punk about the title and now how they hype things up more then they really are though."


"Speaking of...when are we going to see you with the Divas title?"

"I don't know honestly."

"It better be soon, you are the best diva they have."

"Besides, Beth, Nattie and Tamina."

"Yeah, they're good too but you rank up there with them, if not better."

"Yeah, that's true."

"You'll get it one of these days, I just know it."

"Of course."

"I'm surprised Alex has not came to look for you yet." She laughs.

"Oh I know right?"

"He will soon has to be killing him to not be with you right now."

"Most likely."

"Gotta love him. I am surprised you are not looking for him either."

"He's around somewhere. I'm talking to you, I don't wanna be rude you know?"

"Yeah, that's true."

Then all of a sudden I feel a pair of arms slide around my waist, and I jump a bit before I look behind me to find Alex.

"Speak of the devil..." I say to her, laughing.

"So I'm guessing he found you."

"Yes, scared me doing it too a little."

"Looks like someone will be sharing a room again tonight."

"I don't know about that."

"Tempting isn't it." She laughs.


"If you do not end up in his, he might end up in yours." She teases.

"We'll see."

"Yes we will. I bet he will not be able to stay away that long."

"That does sound like him."

"From what I've heard, yes it does."

"Alright, well I better go before he possibly takes my phone away."

"Booooo, darn Alex...I shall talk to you later then."

"Of course."

We both say 'bye' and hang up on the phone. I then turn my head to look up at Alex, who has a grin on his face.

"You couldn't let me talk longer..."

"You could have, I would not have minded."

"But that would be rude."

"I could have joined the conversation, who was that anyway?"

"My friend Stefanie."

"Ah, I have yet to talk to her."

"You will next week."

"Yeah, that should be fun."

"She's getting even more excited."

"I bet she is. This her first event?"

"With me involved, yes."

"So I can see why. Having her best friend competing is really exciting."

"Yeah." I nod.

"So would you like to go sit somewhere or walk around for a bit?" Alex asks.

"I don't know....I'm pretty comfortable where I am."

"Then we can stay right here." Alex whispers, pulling me closer to him and resting his chin on my shoulder.

"So do you know what we're doing tonight as far as matches? Teaming or competing individually? Cause, if we're teaming I won't be able to wear that dress I picked out." I ask.

"We have singles matches tonight. I saw I was facing Gabriel and you were facing Eve."

"Ah. Yay, I can wear that dress now."

"Mhm, and I get to see you in that dress too."

"Yup, you're gonna love it."

"I love everything you wear. You always seem to amaze me."

"I do, don't I?" I smile.

"Yes you do." Alex grins, snuggling into me.

"Awww look at the lovebirds." Mike chuckles, peeking around a corner.

"Oh hush Mike." I laugh.

"I'm only teasing."

"Oh I know you are. Just wait until you find someone."

"Yeah, haven't had much luck with that."

"I'm sure you will find someone, the right girl will come around."

"Trust me." I add.

"I always do, but I don't know."

"Don't worry about it."

"If you say so." Mike says. "What are you two doing before the show? Just hanging here?" He adds.

"Probably, why?"

"Just wondering. Nothing is really going on. Kinda boring back here tonight."

"I know. We can all hang out, that's okay."

"If you're fine with it. I know you both like your alone time." Mike winks.

"Mike...we've only been going out for about a day now...but of course we like the alone time. But there can be plenty of time for that later."

"I know, just messing with ya." Mike laughs. "So are we going to hang out here?"

"Unless you have a better idea on where to hang out..."

"We could go to catering."

"Catering sounds good." I nod.

We all then make our way to catering, Alex is keeping his arm around me. When we get there, we find a table and sit. I decide to go get a water and ask Alex and Mike if they would like anything. They both ask for a water and I make my way over to where the waters are. I grab us each a water, but mine being flavored, because I love flavored water and I head back to the table.

"Here you go." I say, handing them both their waters and going to sit down.

"So, you have to be focused if you're gonna be facing Punk tonight Mike. Which is why I said don't worry about finding someone to be with earlier. You worry about that, you're gonna lose focus on the task at hand.

"Oh don't worry. Once my music hits and I'm out there, everything else goes away and I'm focused on getting that title back, no matter what it takes."

"Miz mode." I laugh.

"The only mode I have when I walk through that curtain."

"And then the haters are gonna hate."

"Of course, but that makes me who I am, and I would not have it any other way."

"Of course."

"But hey, they make us who we are." Alex adds.


"Going to have the ones that boo and the few that cheer, but who can hear them over all the boos."


"Still never gets old, no matter how many times I go out there."


"So are you both tagging tonight?"

"No, singles matches."

"Ah, that's good. Who are you facing?"

"Eve for me."

"I'm going against Gabriel." Alex adds.

"Ah, well good luck."

"Thanks man." Alex nods.

"Oh I have a plan for Eve." I smirk.

"Really? What is this plan?" Mike asks.

"Well for one, she is not going to get away with cheating and doing her disgusting moves she learned from Kelly. And two, I'm going to show her how REAL wrestlers compete."

"I'm telling you, if I wanted to see that damn booty popping before her standing moonsault, I'd go to a club. Even then I'd wanna kick her in the face."

"Even the guys back here can not stand that. They all think it's trashy." Mike makes a face and shakes his head.

"That's because it is."

"They should do something about that." Alex says.

"Yeah I mean, that's not PG."

"Far from it." Mike adds.

"But then again, everyone's getting away with less PG stuff now."

"True, I think they're slowly going back to the old days when everything was a bit...well not PG."


"It'll be better for the fans. I think they will like it better."


"Should be interesting."


"Right. So what else could we do before the show starts?"


"I'm good with whatever Shauna wants to do." Alex grins at me.

"Well the show doesn't start until what a half hour now? Do you know when our matches are exactly?" I ask Alex.

"Mine is second, and yours is the fourth one." Alex explains.

"Well...looks like I'm gonna have to change into that dress early now."

"Yes!" Alex cheers, getting a look from Mike.

"Oh boy." Mike chuckles.

"I'll change in the middle of the first match. You have a bit more to wait."

"You'll live." I grin, kissing his cheek.

"I can try."

"As long as you do that."

"As long as you're here, I will be just fine." Alex smiles and kisses my cheek.

The half hour seemed to pass by quickly as we sat around talking and whatnot. The show started with Punk coming out, and once he got to the ring, he was talking about how he would continue to be WWE Champion for a while. He was saying how Mike would not be getting the title from him and how he was not a good champion like he is. Mike had walked away from us by now to confront Punk. Punk was about to say more when Mike's music plays and he walks out, mic in hand.

"Really Punk? Really? Really? You think that you are going to hold that title for much longer. I was the best champion there ever was and will be. I was on various shows promoting that title, and what have you done?" Mike rants, pausing as he reaches the ring.

"That's right...NOTHING!" He says as he climbs on the apron and gets in the ring.

"Tis true." I nod.

"Mike did a lot when he held that title." Alex adds.

"Right. Unfortunately that's what split you two up."

"True, but all for a reason I suppose." Alex shrugs.

"Yeah, you have your own career now."

"Yes I do, and it is going great."

"All you need now is a title."

"Which I am working hard to get."

"My friend Stef said that I deserve that divas title."

"She's right. You do deserve it. You are truly talented and should get that title."

"What would be cool is if you won a title and I won the title."

"That would be the best thing ever to happen."

"I don't think it's ever happened."

"It will."

"How do you know?"

"I don't. It's just a feeling. I'm sure it will happen in the future."


"Uh oh. Looks like Mike and Punk are going at it." Alex says, looking at the monitor by where we were standing.

That's when we see Laurinaitis come out, screaming for them to stop. Then after some boring talking, introducing himself, he books a main event between Mike and Punk.

"That the best you got Johnny?" Punk taunts with a smirk.

"These are the best segments, between them."

"Johnny never learns, Punk gives it to him every time."

"Which is hilarious."

"Yes it is." Alex laughs.

"You know what, how about we make it a championship match instead? Is that what you want Punk? I can make that happen." John spits in the mic.

The crowd of course goes crazy for that idea.

"See, that's what the universe wants, so let's give it to them!" Mike chips in.

"Shut it Miz!" Punk snaps at him.

That causes Mike to snap and drop the Mike, attacking Punk. This causes referees to run out and try to seperate them from each other.

"Enough!" Johnny yells in the mic. "Tonight's main event will be a WWE Championship match, with Punk defending his title against the Miz!"

"Hah! Yes!" I cheer.

"Good going Mike." Alex adds.

The crowd goes crazy yet again, and Mike and Punk were calmed down enough that the refs could let them go. They both walk backstage and Punk heads off to his locker room and Mike stops by Alex and myself.

"Great job out there!" I say. "Got your title match again." I add.

"Now go out there tonight and win it."

"I plan on it!"

We wait a while, as it's a break and nothing it going on in the ring. But after the break the first match of the night has begun.

"Why is he here." I scoff, looking away from the screen.

"It's a supershow, he can be here....unfortunately."

"Well I do not have to be happy about it." I say, moving closer to Alex.

"I know."

I turn away from the screen and do not watch the match. In the end though, Sheamus won the match. When Wade was off screen, Alex told me that it was okay to look back.

"Thank you." I sigh in relief.

"Now walk me to the locker room so I can get changed into that dress. I don't trust walking the halls myself with Wade around."

"Of course I will." Alex says, offering his arm.

I nod and take it as we walk toward my locker room.

"Alright, I'll be waiting right outside the door." He says, when we reach it.

"I'll be out soon." I say.

I open the door and walk in, grabbing my dress and change into it. I walk over to the mirror and do my hair and make up. I do one last check before walking out to Alex.

"All set." I say as I walk out to him.

"Well....what do you think?"

"You look....stunning! Absolutely gorgeous!" Alex stutters in awe.

"I hope I don't distract you out there."

"It'll be hard, but I think I will manage."

"Alright." I laugh. "Well before we head to the curtain, since I can't do it out deserve this for good luck." I add, leaning up and kissing him.

"That is the best good luck I have ever received." He says after we pull away.

"I thought so."

"That would be a good idea."

We head to the curtain and wait for Alex's music to hit. Once it does, we walk out and I let him go and slap the hands of some fans, doing the same myself. Alex goes to a few fans who have signs for him and he talks to them briefly. He then gets on the apron, helping me up and holding the ropes for me to get in and then he goes and does all his poses on the ropes. After Alex is done he comes over to me and we stand there and talk while we wait for Justin to come out. Justin's music hits soon after and he walks down the ramp slowly, taunting Alex as he glares at him. He makes his way down and jumps on the apron and does his poses on the ropes before hopping down and standing in the ring, still glaring at Alex intensely.

"Someone's got issues." I mutter.

"It's the werewolf in him." Alex mutters back.

"He's not gonna attempt to hit on me is he?"

"Would not put it past him."

"I've got my hand ready to slap him if he does."

"Go for it."

I cross my arms over my chest as he walks over to me. He takes my hand which makes me uncross my arms and he makes me turn around in a circle observing what he sees. This sets Alex off but I wave him off and when I'm facing Justin again, he goes to kiss my hand, but I raise my free hand and slap him HARD across the face causing everyone to gasp in shock. I shake my hand before getting out of the ring, letting the match take place. It's a while into the match, and Justin had taken control, Alex started to weaken. My back was turned toward the crowd and I wasn't expecting what was going to happen. I was yelling and cheering for Alex to get back up when someone grabbed me from behind, covering my mouth, then started to drag me back toward the crowd and over the barricade.

"You won't get away from me this time." I hear the thick, English accent of Wade.

I start to struggle even more now, and to get his hand off my mouth, I bite his hand. He screams in pain and I take the chance to swing my foot back and give him a low blow.

"I am not going anywhere with you!" I hiss, balling my hand into a fist and hitting him as hard as I can, sending him to the floor in a heap of pain. As he lays there, I quickly make my way to the ring. At this point, Alex had come back and just delivered his finisher to Justin, pinning him to win the match. I run to the ring and climb up, getting in and clinging to Alex.

"Great job, but can we hurry please?" I say, still a bit shaken up.

"Why? What's wrong?"


"He tried again, didn't he?"

I nod, clinging to him more.

"Let's get you backstage." Alex says, helping me out of the ring and walking backstage.

I look behind us to faintly see Wade getting up from where I knocked him out and he goes back through the crowd.

"So tell me, what happened?" Alex asks, once we are behind the curtain.

"Well I was encouraging you to get back to your feet and take control of the match. Then an arm goes around me and a hand goes over my mouth so I can't scream, and I'm being dragged away from ringside and over the barrier, into the audience. I hear Wade's voice, and I struggle more. I bit his hand, he let go and I kicked him in the family jewels and I knocked him out."

"Oh love." Alex says, pulling me close. "You are with me now and everything is going to be alright." Alex soothes. "He will pay for this." He adds with a growl.

"Why do you think I knocked him out? My hand hurts from that too."

"Well I'm glad you got away from him." Alex says, rubbing my back. "Let's go get you some ice." He adds.

I nod, and we head to the trainer's office to get ice for my hand. We get there and the trainer looks at my hand, saying everything will be fine. It might hurt but that's all. After getting looked at and getting the ice, we head to the locker room for Alex to change. I lean against the wall opposite the door, cautiously looking down each end of the hallway for any sign of Wade, because I know he's somewhere around backstage.

"Shauna? You alright?" I hear Mike's voice say.

"Huh? Oh....I guess so."

"Are you sure?" He eyes me. "I saw what happened."

"I guess I'm starting to get paranoid. I know he's back here somewhere...."

"Well I'll stay with you until Alex comes back, if that helps."

"It'll help a lot actually."

"Then I will stay right here with you." Mike says, leaning on the wall next to me.

"Hurt your hand?" He asks.

"Yeah...but I'll be fine."

"Let me guess, you hit him again."

"Bit his hand, kicked him in the jewels, punched his face...yeah."

"Ouch." Mike grimaces. "He should learn after that not to mess with you."

"I know right?"

"I mean, after the first time when you kicked him, he still had the nerve to come after you." Mike shakes his head. "I don't think there is anyone home up there."

"Nope...he's got mush for brains obviously."

"Stupid Brit." Mike mutters.

"I hope what I did to him, makes him go MIA for a while. I'd be happy."

"What did you tell him"

"That I was not going anywhere with him. He didn't care."

"You are not going anywhere with him. He better back off, or he will be in for a world of trouble."

"I don't think he really cares. I think he lives for trouble."

"Well he is about to get a whole lot of it very soon."

"Indeed he will."

Then we hear the locker room door open to reveal Alex walking out.

"Ready to head to your locker room so you can change?" He asks.

"Yes I am." I say, getting off the wall. "Thanks for staying with me Mike." I add, giving him a hug.

"No problem." He nods and Alex and I walk to my locker room.

I head into the locker room and start to change back into my ring gear, so that I'm ready for my match which will be coming up soon. I go over to the mirror and fix my hair a bit and check my makeup before heading back out to Alex.

"Now just to wait until the current match is over."

"Right." Alex nods and we head over to a monitor near the curtain, being ready to go out.

"How's the hand?" He asks.

"Still hurts but that's why I taped it it won't seriously get hurt."

"Ah, just be careful out there. Do not want it to get hurt more."

"I'll try, but with Eve who knows what could happen."

"I know you will do your best, but good luck out there." Alex says and gives me a quick peck on the lips for good luck.

We watch as the third match ends with Kofi beating Cody and wait as there's a break after Kofi's victory celebration. As we're standing there, Eve walks up and tries to be flirty with Alex. It takes me everything to not attack her, telling myself to save it for the match. Alex pays no mind to her and stands by my side as Eve's music hits and she struts down to the ring. She does all her poses on the ropes and I make a disgusted face as she does. My music hits and Alex and I walk down to the ring, slapping hands with fans on the way. I get on the apron and pose before getting in the ring, followed by Alex. Alex gives me words of encouragement before leaving the ring and hopping down to the floor, standing ringside to watch.

The bell rings and we circle each other before locking up. After some pushing, I get her in the corner, holding her there for a while until the ref backs me up. I put my hands up in defense, before striding over to her. That's when he reaches out and kicks me in the gut. She hops up into the corner before jumping and rolling me up for a pin attempt. I kick out and immediately stomp on her foot. Then just like Mike does, I back up against the ropes and run, kicking her in the face. I go for a cover, only getting a two count. I then get up, sitting her up and I hold her shoulders before driving my knee into her back. I grab her arms and pull them back, putting pressure on her back and arms. I try to keep her there, but she starts to get up slowly and away from my knee. She manages to get out of my hold, twisting my arms in return and kicking me in the leg, making me fall down. She then goes back against the ropes, hoping to dropkick me in the face, but I back up and she falls hard on the apron.

I climb over her and start throwing punches, until the ref has to pull me off. I then go for her legs, dragging her over to the ropes. But somehow she manages to kick me away and I go tumbling out of the ring to the floor. Since my back had hit the edge of the ring, I was in a good amount of pain. The ref checks on me before counting down, and Alex comes over to make sure I'm alright, helping me to my feet. He makes sure I'm okay once more and I nod, getting back into the ring, the ref backing Eve up so I can get back in. She immediately comes after me, grabbing me by the head, but with a swift motion, I move her hands and I start firing punches over and over again. Then I back up and go against the ropes, coming back and hitting her with a couple clotheslines. I use the ropes for leverage as I jump and flip, doing a moonsault and landing on her, going for a pin immediately. Unfortunately it's not enough and she kicks out. I sit up on my knees, just nodding because I know what I have to do to win.

I pick her up and drag her over to the ropes, making sure her neck is on the bottom one. I step up onto her back and use the top rope for leverage as I push her neck into the bottom rope. I let go before the ref can get to 5, and she coughs, holding her throat. She crawls into the corner, trying to recooperate from the incident. I walk over and repeatedly stomp on her in the corner, the ref backing me up again. I pick an argument with the ref, but back off. I go over and pick her up in the corner, sending into the opposite corner. When she bounces back, I roundhouse kick her in the face, before covering her and getting the win.

"Great job!" Alex cheers as he walks in the ring and raises my hand.

"Flirt with him again." I mutter to her, getting close to her face after Alex lets me go.

Eve looks like she's scared and rolls out of the ring and walks back up the ramp.

"You did great!" Alex says, picking me up and spinning me.

"No one flirts with you right in front of me." I say, only loud enough for him to hear, and not for the cameras to pick up.

"You don't have to worry, she's nothing."


"Come on, let's go back and get ready to leave." Alex says, opening the ropes for me.

I get out first and hop down, followed by him. Then we head back up the ramp, before heading backstage and back to the locker room so I can change back into my regular clothes. Once I'm done, I walk out, my bags in hand.

"I'm all set." I say once I walk out to Alex.

"We'll make it back to the hotel in time to watch the rest of the show too." I add.

"Yes we will. Hopefully we get to see Mike win."

"Hopefully. Let's just get ice for my back though, cause the way I tumbled out of the ring during the match. You saw how I hit the edge of the ring."

"Yes I did, we will get you the ice and I can help with your back if you want too."

"Let's just see how the ice helps first."

"Okay, that works." Alex nods and we head to get ice.

We stop off and he gets his things before we head out to the car and get in. Alex drives to the hotel and parks, then we head up to our rooms. When I get into my room, I drop my bag by the door after closing it and go over to the bed, falling back on it after removing the ice from my back. It takes a moment but I find the remote and turn on the tv to watch the rest of the show. After a bit, I hear a knock on the connecting door and get up and answer it. Even though I know who it is, I still answer it and let Alex into my room.

"Did the ice help at all?" Alex asks as he walks in and goes to sit on one of the beds.

"Yeah, it helped."

"Well that's good." He says. "Did we miss anything?" He adds, looking at the TV.

"No not really."

"Well that's good I guess." Alex chuckles.

"Shouldn't be too long now before the main event."

"Right." Alex nods.

"But I'm already getting tired."

"If you want, you can rest and I can tell you when the match is almost over or who wins." Alex suggests.

"I think I'll be okay, but thank you for suggesting that."

"You're welcome." Alex smiles. "Do not want you to overdo it." He adds.

"Right. Well even if I wanted to rest, I have to change first."

"Right." Alex laughs. "Why don't you go do that before Mike's match starts."

"Alright." I nod, going over to my things and searching for something to change into.

Once I find some pjs I walk in the bathroom and change. I brush my hair and wash off the makeup I had on and walk back out just in time. I go back over to the bed and crawl under the blankets and relax so I can watch. Alex walks over and takes a seat next to me and wraps his arm over my shoulder. We watch the match and as we watch I move, and wrap both my arms around him, snuggling into his side. Alex smiles down at me and holds me tighter.

"This is nice." He mumbles.

"It is." I agree.

We both snuggle in closer and turn our attention back to the tv. After a commercial break, that's when things start to turn around for Mike. Move after move after move was successful, and then we see him putting Punk into position for the Skull Crushing Finale. He delivers it, and covers Punk. The ref counts to three and Mike wins the match, which we can't believe.

"He actually did it!" I exclaim sitting up on the bed in shock.

"Ow." I add, a sharp pain going through my back where I hit it earlier tonight, from moving too fast.

"Are you alright?" Alex asks concerned.

"Just moved a little too fast."

"As long as you're sure you're fine."

"I'm sure."

We watch as Mike is celebrating in the ring with the title in his hands. Soon the screen fades and the show ends.

"Well I think it's time to sleep now."

"Right." Alex says, moving his arm.

He leans down and kisses my head and heads back to his room.

"Night." He adds when he gets to the door.

"Night." I say back, before he heads into his room to sleep himself.

Once the door is shut, I lay my head on my pillow and try to get comfortable and soon fall asleep.