Status: Active

The Chance of a Lifetime

Photo Shoot

I was planning on sleeping in, but my phone started buzzing on the bedside table I left it on. I groan and reach over, feeling around until I grab it. I then look at the screen sleepily and the text says that I have a photo shoot in an hour. Setting my phone back on the table, I get up and start to find clothes. There was a knock on the door and I answered it, my clothes in hand.

"Morning." Alex says, once I open the door.

"Morning." I reply.

"What do you got going on today?" Alex asks, once I step aside letting him in the room.

"Photo shoot in an hour."

"Sounds like fun. They are always interesting."

"Yeah, but I was hoping to sleep in today at least a little bit."

"Well, it should only be a few hours. You can take a nap after you're finished."

"True...I'll think about it."

"So...." Alex starts. "Do you want someone to go with you to your shoot?" He asks, a bit nervous.

"You want to go....don't you?" I smile.

"You know I do." Alex smiles, as he moves closer to me.

"No kissing me until I'm ready."

"I know. I just wanted a good morning hug."

"Oh, that's fine." I nod.

Alex smiles and pulls me into a hug. He steals a kiss on my cheek and we pull apart. "I have to get ready now."

"Awww. Ok." Alex pouts.

"I won't be long."

"Can I come?" Alex jokes with a smirk.

"Really?" I laugh.

"Yes. I am not kidding." Alex says, as he follows me to the bathroom.

"" I laugh.

"Why not?"

"We just started going out....I think that's moving a bit too fast....don't you think?"

"Yeah. I was only joking." Alex laughs.

"I thought so." I say, before heading into the bathroom.

I change into my outfit for the day and fix my hair and apply my makeup. Once everything is done, I put everything away and head back out.

"All set?" Alex asks, once I come out.

"Yup, all set." I nod, grabbing what I need.

"Shall we?" Alex smiles, offering his arm. I accept and we walk out to the hall and head to the elevator.

"You're all ready I get that kiss?" He asks, as we go down to the lobby.

"Hmmm..." I acted like I am thinking. "Of course." I smile and Alex wraps an arm around my waist and I wrap an arm around his neck. The kiss was short, but enough.

"More later."

"I think I can manage, but it will be hard."

"You'll live."

"I'm sure, but I will try."

We step out of the elevator and head out of the hotel, out to the parking lot and make it to the car. Alex being the gentleman, opens the door for me. I thank him and he walks over and gets in the driver's side. He pulls out and we head to where the photo shoot will be. "So you're obviously coming inside with me right?"

"Of course. I'm not going to sit in the car. I want to see what they have you dress in." Alex grins.

"I kind of figured."

"They can not make you look anymore amazing then you do now though."

"You'd be surprised."

"I am sure I will be." Alex smiles. "I should prepare myself then."


"Today should be fun then."


We get out of the car and head inside, being greeted by the photographer. I'm told how many sets I'm going to be doing and I head off to change into the first outfit. Once I'm changed, I head to hair and makeup. After that, I come out in a short, black flower dress with matching jewelry, makeup and shoes.

"Wow!" Alex says shocked. "I think they might have out done themselves this time. You look beyond amazing!"

"I actually love this dress, I wonder if they'll let me keep it." I add.

"They usually let you keep the outfits from the photo shoots."

"Well...then you'll be happy in that case."

"I am sure. If not I will talk to them." Alex smirks.

"Of course."

"So, any idea what this one is going to be about?" Alex asks, as we walk out to the set.

"No idea. I'm assuming by the style of the dress that roses are involved."

"Ah. Should be interesting to see then." Alex raises a brow.

"Should be, yeah." I agree.

"Only because you are in it."

"Maybe later down the road, we'll have one to do together."

"I hope so. I would love that." Alex grins. "We will have the best pictures out of everyone." He adds.


After talking for a bit I am called over by the photographer and he tells me what he would like me to do. The set just like I assumed, had roses everywhere, even petals on the ground which gave it a real nice look.

"Wow! That is so pretty!" I say in awe, as I walk up to the set.

"It will be once you get over there." Alex says.


"You know it's true. You are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen."

"Now go do the shoot." He says, after kissing me quickly.

"Alright." I say, and head to the set for my first round of photos.

I do what the photographer asks, going through the photos with ease. Once I'm done with that set of pictures, I'm told to go change into the next outfit.

"You did amazing!" Alex says as I walk over to him, on my way to change.

"I tried."

"You did great!"

"It's not that hard to do really."

"No. They are pretty easy. Just exhausting."


I then head off to change into my other outfit and head to hair and makeup against after doing so. Then I head out for the 2nd group of pictures.

"Looking good." Alex says as I walk by him.

"You know it."

I walk over and get ready. The photographer tells me what he wants me to do and I do all the poses and everything that he asks. Then after that, I go to change and such one last time for the last set of pictures. I change into the last outfit and head back to hair and makeup once again, for some touch ups, and a different hairstyle. Once they are done I head back out for that last shoot of the day. After that's done, I head back to change into my normal clothes, and they give me everything that I wore, putting them in bags and such. I walk out to Alex with the bags in hand and he grins.

"So, I see they let you keep everything?"


"So I get to see you in them again?"

"Of course."

"I can not wait." Alex says with a cheesy smile. "So, do you want to get lunch of head back to the hotel?" Alex adds.

"Yeah, that sounds good."

"Are we all set to head out, or do they need anything else?"

"Nope, we're all set."

Alex and I leave the set area and head back out to the car, putting all my new outfits in the backseat, before leaving and heading to lunch. Once we arrive at a place to eat, Alex parks the car and walks over and gets my door. I thank him and we walk inside, getting seated pretty quick. Alex pulls my chair out for me and I sit, as he walks over to his seat.

"So, today was fun huh?" Alex says, once he's seated.

"Oh yeah, loads of fun."

"You did a really good job. Not many of the divas can do all of that."

"I'm one of a kind."

"That you are. I am glad that you are not like the others."

"I don't want to be like the others like Kelly and Eve..."

"Who would want to?" Alex laughs. "All they do is strut their stuff and try to get things out of everyone. They do not even entertain, they just pretty much dance in the ring."

"Yeah...too many of them in this business. We need more tough divas."

"I agree. I think they should check out FCW more often, other then the newest modeling sites."

"Right. But no it's got to be all about the looks these days. Forget the skill."

"Yea. I know and they need to change that, but you have the skill and you will show them that."

"Oh I plan on it."

"You will. You have been so far. They will take notice soon enough. You will change things for the divas.

"I hope so."

"You will. You are great. You show the skill that should be shown. You are not all about the looks, and that is good."


We look over the menus and when the waiter comes back we order our drinks. When the waiter brings those back we order our food.

"So is there anything else planned for today? Or do we just have the rest of the day off?" I ask.

"I think we have the rest of the day. I do not have anything as of right now." Alex says.

"But things can pop up suddenly."

"Yes they can. but right now I have nothing."

"Hmm....well I'm sure we can find something to do."

"I was thinking we could head to this place, it is called Bush Gardens. They have some interesting things there. That is if it ok with you?" Alex suggests.

"Yeah, that's fine."

"I was hoping you would like that." Alex smiles. "So are you into any of the thrill rides there?" Alex asks.

"The only ride you'll never get me on is a rollercoaster."

"There are other rides there that are fun." Alex mentions. "Would you go on one for me?"

"For you...yes."

"Then I think we should get you on one today." Alex smirks.

"Okay." I nod.

The food gets to the table and we eat and talk every so often. After we eat, Alex pays the bill and we head out. We go to the amusement park and stay for a few hours. Alex, of course getting me on a roller coaster. It was actually fun. We got in the car and headed to the hotel.

"So, I was wondering if you wanted to do something tonight?" Alex asks.

"Well what did you have in mind?"

"Well, I was thinking that maybe we could go out and have some fun. Like to a club or something?"

"Hmm...sure. It's been a while since I've been to one."

"There is this one not far from the hotel that I have been wanting to go to, just never had anyone to go with...until now."

"Aww I feel special."

"That is because you me." Alex smiles and reaches over and grabs my hand.

"Well I'm glad."

"You should be." Alex says, as he rubs his thumb on the back of my hand.

"I don't know about you but I'm ready for a nap."

"You can catch a nap. It is still early in the day, well evening. Was thinking about going at 9 or so, this way you could take a nap."


We pull in the parking lot and Alex parks the car. We get out and I grab my things from the back and we head up to our rooms.

"I shall see you in a few hours?" Alex says once we get to our rooms.

"You know I would like that." Alex grins.

"I thought so."

I open the door and we head in. I grab some clothes to change into and head to the bathroom. When I walk out I stop in my tracks. There is Alex, sitting on the bed with NO shirt on. I bite my lip and shake my head before walking over to the bed.

"You alright?" Alex chuckles.

"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine."

"Ok. Why don't you come and lay down. I know you must be exhausted." Alex says, patting the spot on the bed next to him.

"Yeah, I am." I nod, walking over and climbing onto the bed, into the spot next to him.

"Finally." Alex whispers, as he wraps his arm around me and pulls me closer to him so I am practically laying on him.

"Finally what?"

"I have been waiting all day to hold you, and now I finally get the chance to."


"It is true. It was so hard for me not to grab you at the shoot today."

"Oops." I laugh.

"You just looked so good."

"Of course."

"Now how about you get some rest. You had a long day."

"Good idea."

"Alright. Get some sleep now." Alex says. He places a kiss on my head and I snuggle into him as he plays with my hair. Before I know it I am sound asleep. He however never falls asleep, he stays awake watching me sleep peacefully.

"You are so beautiful even when you sleep, and I am glad to have you." Alex says to himself as he holds me in his arms.

I shift in my sleep, but otherwise stay sleeping. Alex keeps his arms around me, not wanting to let me go. He sits there and watches me for the next few hours. After the few hours have passed, I start to wake up and see that Alex was looking at me.

"Didn't sleep?" I ask.

"No. Was not really that tired."


"To busy watching you."


"You are beautiful when you sleep. What can I say?"

"Well I never knew that."

"Now you do." Alex smiles, kissing the top of my head.

"Well I suppose I should move huh?"

"You do not have to. We got some time before we head out."

"Okay good. Hmmm, what to do while laying here...." I trail off, before kissing him once.

"....hmmm....i don't know..." Alex muses, running his thumb over my cheek and pulling me into another kiss.

That goes on for a bit, before we pull away.

"I think we can get up now."

"Only if we must."

"Well I don't really wanna get carried away with the kissing, you know?"

"Yea, we do not want that. We can get ready now."

"You're gonna have to let me go first."

"If I have to."

"Well if you don't, I can't get ready and neither can you."

"True." Alex finally lets go and I head to get changed while Alex changes in his room.

Then my phone goes off as I'm getting ready in the bathroom, and of course it's Stef.

"Hey you! How is everything going?!" I ask once she answers.

"Pretty good. It's been quite an easy day if I say so myself."

"What have you been doing today? Anything fun?"

"Eh, not really, what about you?" She asks.

"Photo shoot earlier today, took a nap...with Alex...and now I'm getting ready to go out with him." I answer.

"Photo shoot, Sounds fun...and wait! Did you say you napped with Alex?!" She exclaims.

"Well I napped....he stayed awake."

"Awwww, how sweet! So where you guys going tonight?"

"A club."

"Sounds fun! Is it a date?"

"I don't know, but I guess you could call it that."

"Ohhh...You finally got him! So...I have to ask.....Has he kissed you yet?"

"HE DID!?!?!?! You go girl! How was it?"

"Better than I've been imagining."

"He is really that good? I remember how you always dreamed about it too."

"Oh shush."

"What? You know it is true. You have wanted to kiss him ever since you first saw him."

"Which oddly enough was when he kissed someone."

"You were wishing it was you too."

"Well I don't have to wish anymore now do I?"

"No you do not. You are the luckiest girl in the world right now!"

"I know."

"Plus...You get to go out with him AGAIN!"

"We're dating so we can do that."

"That is true, but still...Dang girl!"


"You are going out with one of the hottest guys ever!"


"But you know who is hotter, right?"

"Oh of course."

"Have I told you how lucky you?"

"Yes." I laugh.

"Well that is because you are! I should have went with you, but to late haha."


"What time are you guys heading out?"


"Ah. Should you be getting ready?"

"I am as we speak."

"Of course. Always doing more that one thing at once. You learned from the best." She laughs.

"Of course. Well I have you on speaker so I can get ready anyway."

"Should have know...So Alex can hear me?" She asks before saying.. "Alex!! I have something to tell you!" She shouts in a singing voice.

"Sorry, he's in his door."

"Oh darn. To bad, I had a few things to tell him."

"Too bad for you." I laugh.

"I can tell him when I see him in a week though."


"That is going to be fun."

"Oh yes."

"One more week. I can not wait! Already got my outfit picked out and everything!"


"You know me. When I am excited about something I plan ahead for it."


"Got my tickets the other day too. They are in a safe spot as well."


"Hey? I have a question.."


"Is it Monday yet?"

"No, not yet."

"Man! That means I have to wait a few more days." She whines.

"I thought it was Monday. Guess I should change then." She laughs.

"Monday will be here before you know it, don't worry."

"I know. Just have to stay busy, that is all."

"You will."

"Yea. Have been lately. Need to stay busy, nothing really going on around here anymore."


"Yea, just been going to the gym lately..Yes, I go to the gym now..No jokes."

"I didn't say anything."

"I know...But I hated going and now I am...Something to do at least."


"Oh, did i tell you where I got a job?"


"At that coffee shop we always went to. I was there so much and knew everything that they asked it I wanted and job, and since I had nothing else I Agreed."

"Oooh yayy."

"Yea. Been there for about a month. Everyone seems nice there."


"Yea. Something, plus now I have money to actually do things..Like the gym." She laughs.

"Right right."

"But, enough about me. How excited are you about tonight?"

"I mean you get to go to a club, you get to dance, and you get to be all super closer with him." She adds.

"I know. I am excited for that. I know he can not wait."

"Just try to not cause anything that will have you going back to the hotel early."

"I will, but I do not know about Alex."

"Of course."

"We will see how it goes."

Then I hear my name being called out in the room.

"Well I think Alex is ready to go."

"Alright. Well have fun tonight and I will talk to you soon."


We both say bye and hang up.

"I'm coming." I call out to Alex.

I make sure everything looks perfect before leaving the bathroom.

"You look absolutely amazing!" Alex says, as I walk out of the bathroom.

"I tried."

"You do not have to. You always look amazing." Alex smiles as he walks over to me and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me into a hug and kissing the top of my head.

"Well tonight's gonna be fun."

"It sure is. Always a fun time when you are around. Plus dancing is always fun."

"Can't stay too a show tomorrow."

"That's right. We can make the most of it. A few hours should be good. Come back around 12 or 1 and we should be good."

"Sounds good."

"Are you ready to go?"


I grab my clutch with everything that I need and Alex and I head out of the room. Alex, of course, offers his arm and I take it as we walk to the elevator. We get to the lobby and walk out and get in his car, him getting the door for me, yet again. Alex gets in the other side and begins to drive to the club. After parking, we head inside. Finding a table we sit down and and decide what to do first.

"Do you want to go dance?" Alex offers.

"Yeah, sure."

Alex offers his hand and I take it as he leads me out on the dance floor.

"Gonna act like a goof while dancing? I've seen things online." I laugh.

"I just might."

"Oh boy."

"Told you this was going to be a fun night, didn't I?"

"Yes you did."

"So lets go have some fun."

I nod and we walk away from the table and head out onto the dance floor, the current song ending and a new one starting.

"Oh, I love this song!" I get excited and start dancing along to it.

Alex chuckles and dances along with me. I get into the song, singing along with the words and dancing around freely. Once the beat pick up so does the dancing with Alex and I. We do not realize how into the song we are until it is over and we see how close we were dancing. I just shake it off, because we're having fun.

"Did not know you could dance like that." Alex says, catching his breath.

"Well now you know."

"Yes I do." Alex grins.

The next song comes on and we start dancing along to, Alex singing along with it. That song ends soon and the next one starts up. We both dance to that song and have a great time. Once that song ends we decide to take a break and get something to drink.

"What would you like to drink?" Alex asks.

"I'll just have water."

"Aright. I'll be right back." Alex says and heads over to get some drinks.

He comes back with a couple of waters, handing me one.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." Alex says. "Having fun so far?" He asks.

"Of course."

"Good. By the way, where did you learn to dance like that?"

"Oh, back home I used to go out all the time with Stef and our friends."

"Ah, so that is how. Well you dance good."

"Oh well I try."

"You do not have to. You seem to be a natural at it."

"Well I wouldn't say I'm a natural."

"You are that good. Seem like you are."

"Well all you really have to do is get a feel for the music."

"That is true. I am starting to feel it."

"As I could tell."

"What can I say. They are playing good music here." Alex says, starting to dance in his seat.

"You're a dork."

"Am I really?"


"Lets go see how much of a dork I really am then." Alex smirks as he stands up. He offers his hand and I take it as he leads me back to the floor.

"We just sat down though." I laugh.

"Alright. We can wait a bit for if you want to."

"That would be a good idea, don't want to have my feet hurt or anything."

"We do not want that at all. We can rest."

"Speaking of clubs though, next week we're gonna go out after Raw to one with Stef. She's talking to the owner and we're gonna have a VIP section and everything."

"Oh. That sounds like fun. she must have connections."


"So I get to see you all dressed up again?" Alex smiles wide.

"Yes, you do."

"Can not wait for that. Although I do like what I see right now."

"Well of course you do."

"I always like what I see when you are around."

"Good to know. And in reference to you on the subject....I've liked what I've been seeing for a few years."

"You have?"

"Mmhmm, more than you know."

"Well, that is good to know. I did that without even trying too."

"Because you never even knew me when you first started in the WWE."

"No, but I did not know I had that impression on other people."

"Because when you started out, your character was the bad guy like Mike. So instantly people didn't like you. I saw past that though."

"Not many people do. They think that we are just like how we are when we are in the ring and that is not true. It is people like you that make us who we are."

"Well there are only certain people who can make the heel character fun for me to watch."

"And I was one of them?"

"Of course. I loved the bad guy image you had."

"I tried to play it good. Just did what Mike did and learned that way."

"Right but it all started in FCW....your heel character. You just carried it on when you went onto NXT."

"Yea, but I think I improved on it once I got on NXT."

"You did." I nod.

"That is what I was hoping to do. Better my career once I came up."

"Right, and when you turned the good guy everyone loved you."

"I noticed that. I had some loyal fans that stayed when I was heel and then came over when I changed, but a lot of people started to like me once the turn, as you said. I think they were happy I did that to Mike."

"I didn't like it, but I knew it was coming eventually. You weren't gonna stay with him forever."

"Most people thought we were. They thought it was all my fault."

"Hey, you were just doing what was set out for you. Now you have a single's career."

"Right. I could not be any happier either. For once I am not being told what to do or that it was all my fault or how I did something wrong."

"Right." I nod.

"What about you? How did you get your start?"

"Oh you know, training....the independents...FCW...the usual stuff people go through."

"Of course. Just a fan turned wrestler then?"


"That is cool. Must really love it."

"Oh I do."

"Gotta love what you do."

"Of course."

"So...Do you want to go dance some more or do you want to rest?"

"We can go dance some more."

"Lets do this." Alex laughs, getting up and offering his hand once again.

We make it out to the dance floor and start to dancing to the song that is playing. This time he starts to be a dork with a dancing. I can not help but to laugh at his dancing.

"You are crazy!" I laugh.

"I told you." He laughs too.

"Yes you did. Now I can not stop laughing."

"I know a way that can get you to stop."

"How?" I look at him confused.

He just grins, stepping closer and presses his lips to mine. I am surprised but once I realize what he is doing I start to kiss back. After a few moments we pull away and he leans his forehead against mine.

"Works every time." Alex whispers.

"Sure does." I whisper back, finally opening my eyes, looking into his.

"I knew that would work."

Alex moves his hands down to my waist and we just sway back and forth for a bit.

"One more song or head back now?" Alex asks quietly.

"I think I can manage one more song."

He nods and one more song plays as the current one ends. We start to dance and about halfway through the song I start to slow down and try to hide a yawn.

"There is not hiding that. You are tired." Alex says noticing me yawn.

I just mumble something before laying my head on his shoulder.

"Come on, lets get you back to to the hotel." Alex quietly says, as he starts to take me back to the table.

We grab whatever we brought, and leave the club, heading back to the car, getting in and heading back. When we get there we head up to our floor. Once we get there Alex makes sure I am going to be alright.

"Are you going to be alright, or do you need any help?" Alex asks once we get to my door.

"I think I'll be okay." I say, turning and attempting to open my door, but I'm a little too tired to slide the key card into the slot.

"Let me help you." Alex offers, and helps slide the key card in. Once the door was open Alex guides me inside.

"See, you are a bit more tired than you thought." Alex chuckles.

"I guess so."

I put my clutch on the table and head to my bag to find clothes to change into. Once I get them I start to head to the bathroom, only to find Alex still standing in my room.

"Just making sure you make it to bed alright."

"Awww. You are to sweet."

"If you want to, you can stay the night in here. I don't mind." I add.

"You know I would love that. I just need to go change."


Alex heads over to his room, as I unlock the connecting door and head into the bathroom to change. Once I am all set I walk out and see Alex sitting on the bed. I walk over to my bag and put my things away before climbing on the bed next to Alex and get under the covers. I reach over and turn off the light, before turning to face Alex.

"Get some sleep now. You have had a long day." Alex says, as he wraps his arms around me pulling me close to him.

I nod, laying my head on him, getting comfortable.

"Night." He whispers.

I manage to say it back and fall asleep before him. Alex watches me for a bit as he plays with my hair, that he seems to like to do, and he soon falls asleep himself.