Status: Active

The Chance of a Lifetime

Champion At Last

It was Monday Night and we were at the arena for RAW. I was currently making my way to the VIP entrance to meet Stef. Once I got there, I waited a bit before she showed up. After showing the guard her pass, they let her through. Noticing me, she walked over.

"Heyyy!" Stef greeted giving me a friendly hug.

"Heyy." I greet back.

"So this is what it's like backstage, huh?" She says looking around after pulling from the hug.

"Yep, lot more busy when we get further backstage."

"I'm sure."

"So, who do you want to meet first?"

"How about Alex? You talk about him so much I have to meet him for myself."

"Alright, sure."

We then walk in the direction of where Alex's locker room is. I knock on the door, waiting for a response. Once I get one, I open the door and we both walk in. "Alright, Alex this is my best friend I've been telling you about, Stefanie. Stef, this is Alex."

"Nice to finally meet you Alex." Stef shakes his hand.

"Nice to meet you too."

"Oh, forgot to tell you. A certain someone has a title match tonight." I say to you while poking Alex.

"Are you serious? That is just amazing!"

"Ziggler's going down."

"Going down hard."


"You got a match tonight too?" Stef asks me.

"Actually I do. Don't know when exactly or who against, but I do have one."

"I was hoping you had one. Finally I get to see you in an actual ring on TV. So exciting I get to be here for that."

"I'm glad."

"Tonight is turning out great already."

"Just wait until you meet Mike."

"From what you told me about him, I am sure it will be entertaining."

"Oh it will be."

"In that case, I can't wait."

"Well let's go meet him now."

"Alright." Stef says biting her lip. "It was nice to meet you Alex."

"You too."

I give Alex a quick kiss on the cheek before Stef and I head to Mike's locker room.

"He seems really nice, good catch." Stef says once we leave his locker room.

"You've been saying that for a while."

"It's true. Glad you found him."

"Now all we have to do is set you up with Mike." I nudge her.

"That would be great, but I don't think he will go for someone like me."

"I think he will."


"Yeah, I mean it takes time, you know...getting to know one another and such. We'll be in town all week so it's not like you're just meeting him tonight and not seeing him again."

"That's true." She sighs. "Speaking of that. Are you staying at the hotel all week? Your room is still set up from when you left if you wanted to stay." She says. "You can bring Alex." She nudges me.

"You know I can never say no to being home with you again."

"Then it is set. It will be great having you back home again. You both can come back after the show if you want."

"Sounds good. Being in my own bed beats a hotel room."

"I am sure it does."

Then we turn the corner and that's when I spot Mike, with his back to us as he's talking to someone. "Wait right here, I'm gonna sneak up on him."

"Okay." She nods.

I make sure to be quiet as I walk up behind him, since I have heels on. When I reach him, I tap on his shoulder but move the other way so he doesn't see me. He turns around seeing no one so he goes back to talking. I tap him on the other shoulder, doing the same thing as before, trying to keep my laughter quiet.

"Alright, who is doing that?" Mike turns around to see who is there.

"Hi." I wave innocently.

"Yoooouuuu." Mike chuckles. "I had a feeling it was you."

"Of course. I have someone that I want you to meet."

"Oooohhh. Who would that be?"

"Just follow me..."

"...ok..." Mike says as he follows me to where Stef was waiting.

"Mike, this is my best friend that you've been hearing so much about lately."

"Ah, Stefanie right?" Mike asks as she nods. "Well it is nice to finally meet you." He hold out his hand. She shakes his hand as she greets back.

"Nice to finally meet you too. Shana has told me a lot about you too." Stef says trying not to show she is nervous.

"I'm sure she did."

"By the way, congrats on winning the title."

"Thank you, I proved everyone wrong again."

"Yes you did, even though I knew you would win."

"That's what I told him."

"People need to give more credit where credit is due."

"I always agree with what Mike has to say, whatever you say you are going to do, happens."


We stand there talking a bit more before it is almost time for the show to start. "Come on, we can watch from Alex's locker room."

"Sounds good." Stef nods. "Nice meeting you Mike." She smiles.

"You too."

After we all said 'bye' Stef and I headed for Alex's locker room. I knock first, before heading in. After getting a response we walk in taking a seat in the couch. Alex joins us on the couch, sitting next too me putting his arm over my shoulder. "So Shauna, when is your match?"

"Didn't find out yet. We were talking to Mike so...yeah."

"Oh, how did that go?"

"Oh, just fine."

"Well that is good."

"Speaking of matches, when is yours?"

"I was told I'm closing the show with it, so the main event."

"Really?" I ask shocked. "That is great. I am so happy you are main eventing." I lean up kissing him quick. "Things are turning around for you."

"Looks that way, now to get the win and things will be great."

"Oh, I know you'll win. I'll be there for you afterall."

"Best cheerleader I can have."

"And I'll be here cheering for you too." Stef adds.

"Of course. Hope things won't get too lonely back here for you."

"They won't, same as at home. I usually watch alone so it will be fine."

"True, as long as you're sure."

"I'm sure."

"Well, I think I should head in and get ready myself, since who knows when my match will be." I say, grabbing my bag.

"Alright." Stef nods.

"Try not to be too long." Alex says to me.

"I'll try."

I give Alex a quick kiss before heading to get changed in to my gear.

"You two are so cute together."

"Well thank you. I do really like her a lot."

"From the first day we saw you, I knew that you'd be perfect for each other."

"Is that so?" Alex raises a brow.


"I am just glad that I met Shauna. She is amazing, kinda, sweet, beautiful., everything I could ask for."

"And trust me, you're everything that she could ask for too."

"I can tell. She seems her happiest whenever we are around each other."


"I plan on keeping it that way too, going to give her everything she could ever want and more."

"You should, she deserves it."

"She does and I intend of letting her know that as much as I can."


I then walked out just after they got done talking. Setting my bag down, I walked back over to the couch sitting next to Alex as he put his arm around my shoulder kissing my cheek. "Love the attire." He grins.

"Of course you do."

"I really like that." Stef says.

"Thank you."


"Almost forgot, while you were changing we were told your match is after Mike's which means your match the the third of the night." Alex says.

"Ohh, ok."

"I think they said you are going against Alicia Fox too." Stef adds.

"Oh, that'll be easy."

"From what I see, she is weak. You can take her."


"So, what else goes on back here?"

"Oh it's crazy, people walking around, promos being done, etc."

"Now I see why you stay in here as much as you can." Stef chuckles.


Soon the show starts and we turn our attention to the TV. The pyros go off then Cole and Jerry introduce the show, recapping Mike's title win last week.

"That was awesome last week."

"I still can't get over it."

"Two-time WWE Champion now."

"He is going to keep that for awhile too."


Then the show starts off with a match against Kofi and Swagger. Kofi walks out to cheers as he goes to the rings slapping hands with his fans. He gets in the ring waiting for Swagger. Swagger comes out and makes his way to they ring.

"Why do they have to start off with a boring match?"

"I know, could have been much better."

"Next two will be good though. Mike's match, then my match."

"The show will only get better from here."

We look at the screen as the bell rings and they both lock up. It was a long match, only because of the skills between the two, but in the end it was Kofi who had tapped out to the ankle lock.

"Tell me about it."

Next up was Mike's match. He walked out with the title over his shoulder as he made his way to the ring. He got in cutting a promo about how he is a 2 time champ, how everyone doubts him, and that the title is not going anywhere anytime soon.

"He is right about that, he is going to hold that for a long time."

"I sure hope so."

Mike keeps going on about everything he has done for the company when he is interrupted by Randy Orton. Orton walks to the ring telling Mike to shut up and how he is going to take the title back from him. He even goes on to mock him by saying he is awful and such.

"Someone's jealous."

"He needs to get over it."

"I don't understand the feud that Randy likes to start with Mike, I really don't."

"Neither do I, but it is all about the title now."

"Right, right."

Randy gets in the ring as he stares at the title. They argue back and forth before mike goes to walk out of the ring, having enough. Randy says he is a coward and he will get that title from him tonight. Mike gets back in the ring, accepting the challenge.

"Oh I hope he has a plan."

"I'm sure he does."

The ref shows Randy the title then holds it up to the crowd. They circle each other before locking up. Mike pushes Randy, running and bouncing off the ropes clotheslining Randy, only to have Randy get right back up.

"I know he can get through this, I just know it." Stef says a bit nervous.

"He's beaten him before, he can do it again."

"Oh I know, just makes me nervous when the title is on the line."

"I know, that's how I'll be when Alex beats Ziggler and will have to defend too at some point."


"It's always nerve racking when someone's defending."

"Ain't that the truth."

"But for us, it's more nerve racking because....well yeah."

"Trust me, I get you there."

We look back just as Mike kicks out from a pin attempt by Randy. Mike slowly gets to his feet as Randy is going to his place. It looks like he is about to hit the RKO when Mike counters with a back breaker then a neck breaker. As Randy slowly gets to his feet Mike sets up for his finisher. He gets in position and when Randy gets up Mike hits it getting the pin and retaining the title.

"Yesss!" Stef and I cheer.

"I knew he could do it!" Stef sighs in relief.

"Proving people wrong again."

"That is what he does best."

"Every day."

"Should we head out there for your match now?" Alex asks me.

"Yeah, should be waiting, because most likely, we're gonna have to wait a while for the commercial to be over."

"Right, head there after?"

"We could, doesn't matter really."

"Well by the time we get there the commercial should be over, so we can head there now."

"Alright, gonna have to let me go in order for me to move though."

"Aww." Alex whines, letting me go.

"Good luck out there, even though I know you already got this won." Stef says to me.

"I still appreciate it."

"Anytime." She smiles. "See you after your match."

"Of course." I nod, before Alex and I head out the door.

We start walking to the curtain when we see Mike. "Hey, great job out there." I say as we reach him. "Stef's really happy you won too." I add.

"Well I am glad, did it for her mostly."

"Really? Ooooh does that mean what I think it means?"

"What do you think it means?"

"You like her don't you?"

"Well..." Mike rubs the back of his neck. "She seems really nice and I would like to get to know her more."

"Yup, he likes her." I say to Alex.

"Maybe you should go talk to her, she is in the locker by herself right now." Alex suggests.

"She said she'd be fine sitting there alone but still."

"Right. I'll stop by there before I go get changed."

"Sounds good, she'll love that."

"Do you know something I don't?"

"No, why do you ask?"

"Just wondering." Mike says. "By the way, good luck out there even though you do not need it."

"Stef told me the same thing."

"She must know you like I do."

"She does."

"We better get going before we are late." Alex says to me.

"Right, don't wanna be late."


"See you later Mike." I said as Alex and I headed to the curtain.

"So, I was thinking instead of staying at a hotel, I could go home with Stef and end up staying there. She said you can come too if you want."

"Oh, that sounds like a good idea. I am up for that."

"We can share my room too. It's better than a hotel and paying for rooms and such."

"Right, I am sure you miss being at home anyway."

"I do."

"Well now you get to be back home."


We get to the curtain just as Alicia went out. We stood there as we waited for my music to hit. Soon it went off and we made our way to the ring. Alex had walked around to stand ringside, and the bell rang once I was done doing my stuff in the ring. Alicia started my charging after me only to have me move out of the way, her hitting the turnbuckle. I took her by the hair, throwing her to the mat kicking her until I was told to back off. I then pick her up, before driving my knee into her back and pulling her arms back to apply as much pressure that I could. She screams as I apply more pressure. After being told to back off, I do then pick her up sending her into the ropes before clotheslining her. I go for an early pin, but she manages to kick out at two. Alex cheers for me at ringside as I get up, bring Alicia with me. I knee her in the stomach a few times before hip tossing her to the apron.

She twists in pain and crawls over into the corner for safety. I wait for her to get to her feet and when she does I walk over and attempt to send her into the opposite corner, but she reverses it and sends me there instead. She comes charging at me and I lift my feet up, kicking her in the face. I then hop up to the top rope and steady myself before jumping and grab her by the back of the head, slamming her face into the apron. I quickly go for the cover, Alicia kicking out at two and a half. I start to wonder what it will take to keep her down. I calm myself as I look over at Alex. I walk up to Alicia, setting her up for my finisher.

But somehow she had enough strength to counter and she got me into position for her finisher, the scissors kick. But I move at the last second and I quickly roll her up, ending up getting the 3 count to win the match. As the ref raises my hand, Alex climbs in carefully hugging me. "I knew you could do it, great job." He compliments, kissing my cheek.

"Next step is the title."

"You will get it, then we will both have one."

"Which will be great."

"Everything will be perfect."


We head up the ramp as we make out way backstage. We decided to stop at catering so I could grab a drink as well as something to eat. Meanwhile back in the locker room, Stef's been sitting there for a while, but there was a knock on the door. She slowly got up walking toward the door. Opening it a little to see who it was, she saw Mike. "Hey Mike." She opened the door more letting him in.

"Hey." He greets back, walking in.

"So, what brings you here?"

"Oh, just thought I'd stop by...maybe keep you company."

"Aw how sweet of you." She smiles, blushing a bit. "Come sit." She offers, patting the spot next to her on the couch.

He grins before walking over and sitting in the spot on the couch. He puts his arm on the back of the couch behind her, just looking at her for a moment. "So...enjoying the show?" Mike asked.

"Of course I am."

"Good, we are going our job then." Mike chuckled. "So...umm...what are you doing after the show?" Mike asked nervously.

"Oh, Shauna and I already planned this ahead of time. See we used to go to this club all the time when she was around, and we were gonna go after the show. You can come too if you want."

"Nice, I would love to join you guys." Mike smiled. "I was going to see if you wanted to go to the club after the show since some of us were going to go there."

"Really? Great minds think alike I guess."

"That they do." Mike chuckled again.

"Should be fun."

"Of course." Mike smiled. "You will be there." Mike whispered to himself.

"You know I'll be in town all week, we can maybe hang out some more, when I'm not doing media stuff and all that." He adds.

"That is a good idea, I think I will hold you to that offer."

"Good, because I would love to hang out with you again after tonight."

"Really?" Stef blushes a bit looking down.

"Of course. I mean, we get along great and I just met you, you seem like a great person to get to know better."

"I do try." She giggles. "I would like to get to know you better, not The Miz, the real person. You seem really nice."

"See, I am a really nice guy. Everyone just sees my character. I tell everyone that."

"To tell you the truth, I have always known you were nothing like your character and from what Shauna has told me, I was right."

"See, some people actually see that. Others just don't want to believe it."

"They really should. I believe that no one should be judged until you get to know the person for yourself, not just what they are like on TV or what others say about them."


"By the way, great match. I knew you would win."

"Did you now?"

"Of course, always a winner in my mind. I have faith in you everytime you go out there."

"Well thank you."

"You're welcome." She smiles.

Since he was still in his ring gear she could not help but to stare. Glancing over at him, she bit her lip looking away before he noticed. A short time after that, Alex and I come back from some time in catering. Walking in we hear Stef and Mike going back and forth, playing the really game.

"Now how did I know this would happen?" I say to Alex quietly.

"Because you know them both that well." Alex shrugs with a chuckle.

"Really." I add to the game we come into the room.

"Oh...hey." Stef stops hearing my voice. "Great match out there."



"So what'd you talk about?"

"Just about what we are doing later...his match..."

"Oooh, fun."

"Oh, before I forget, Mike is going to join us at the club tonight."

"Really? Things will be even more fun then."

"Yes really and you know how I do." Mike jokes.

"We will just see about that." Stef jokes.

"Oh you should see him whenever we all go out after a show." I say to her.

"That much fun huh?"

"So I guess I have competition tonight then, don't I?"

"I guess so."

"I can tell tonight is going to be fun already."


Alex and I walk over to the extra couch, sitting down. Alex pulls me closer to him as he wraps his arm around my shoulders, carefully. We look back at the TV and see the current match with Santino and Cody Rhodes has just ended.

"I like Santino and all, but why have him beat Cody?"

"Not a smart move on someone's part."

"Not really."

Next they showed a few promos promoting the main event, which was Alex versus Dolph for the United States Title. After that was a match against Evan Bourne and Drew McIntyre, the last one before the main event.

"You're match is next....exciting."

"Getting pretty pumped myself."

"That's good."

We turn out attention to the screen once we hear the bell ring. They both go at each other, Drew taking control of the match from the start.

"This does not look good for Evan."

"Not really no."

"Well I think I'm gonna go change out of this ring gear, put my other clothes back on. I wanna look nice when I go out to the ring with you."

"Right." Alex nods.

"I'll be back."

"We'll be here."

I kiss Alex quickly before getting up and heading into the changing area. I walk in grabbing my clothes then start to change. Stef was sitting out with the guys in silence as they watched the match when Mike broke the silence. "Well, I think I should do change now." Mike said standing up. "Do you want to take a walk?" Mike asked Stef.


She then gets off the couch following Mike to the door. "Alex, could you please tell Shauna where I went?"

"Of course."

"Thanks." She smiles then follows Mike out of the room as they head toward his locker room.

I come out a short time after that, not finding Mike or her there.

"They went back to his locker room." Alex explains.

"Ah." I say setting my bag by the couch. "Looks like the match is about over, when did you want to head out there?" I ask before sitting down.

"In a few minutes."

"Sounds good." I nod then sit on the couch next to Alex.

We sit there for the few minutes that he wanted to, before deciding to get up and head out. We walk out of the locker room then head for the curtain. Once we get there we wait for Alex's music hit.

"Vickie gets involved...that's gonna be the last thing she does."

"You know her...she most likely will."

"Like I said...that'll be the last thing she does."

"Just be careful."

"I'm nothing but careful."

"I's not's her. She is very sneaky."

"I can take her down faster than anyone else has. She don't wanna mess with me."

"After tonight, she will think twice about trying anything with you around."

"If not, then she's as stupid as she looks."

"I guess we'll find out." Alex says as his music hits.

"Yes we will." I nod.

He goes out ahead of me, and I follow behind him. Alex bounces on the ramp getting pumped as he slaps hands with his fans on the way down. I follow behind him doing the same thing. Once we get to the ring, Alex hops on the side as I walk up the steps. Alex then holds the ropes open for me to climb in, him getting in after I am in. He does his poses and such in the corners, but an 'Excuse Me' interrupts him. Vickie walks out on the stage as everyone boos her and she says 'excuse me' again.

"Ohhhh, hell no. I'm shutting her up now." I say, going over and asking for a mic. "Will you just shut up so we can get this match started already?! No one wants to hear the screechy voice of yours!"

"Just introduce Dolph so he can LOSE!" I add, before tossing the mic to the side and kicking it out of the ring.

Vickie stands there speechless just as Dolph's music hits. He does his thing on the ramp before making his way to the ring with Vickie right next to him. They get on the side of the ring and after holding the ropes for her Dolph does his poses and such before he gets in himself.

"Yawn." I roll my eyes. Alex chuckles as Dolph finally finishes showing off. He takes the title off his waist and hands it to the ref. The ref holds it up, showing the crowd before showing Alex. Once that was done I gave Alex a quick kiss before getting out of the ring.

I of course mock Vickie because she doesn't get that from Dolph before one of his matches start. Once we are both out of the ring the ref signals for the bell. Alex and Dolph start by circling each other before locking up. Of course the whole time, Vickie yells with her screechy voice. I just roll my eyes and try to ignore it, saving any involvement with her being until she decides to get involved in the match. Dolph wastes no time taking Alex down to the mat. He beats on Alex in the corner, and continues the assault, putting Alex down in a powerbomb after a hurricanrana attempt.

"Come on Alex..." I say to myself. Then out of nowhere as if he heard me, before Dolph could succesfully do the hurricanrana, Alex held onto him before delivering a powerbomb of his own. Alex snap mares Dolph over and ties his arms up behind his head. It takes a while, but Dolph gets out of it, making Alex let go. Bouncing off the ropes, only leads to Dolph getting a spinebuster from Alex. Alex goes for an early pin, Vickie screams for Dolph to kick out and he does at two.

I glare in her direction before turning my attention back to the ring. Dolph starts to slowly get up, using the ropes for support. Alex walks over going to pick only to get an elbow to the face. Alex hold his face as he backs up allowing Dolph to get to his feet. Dolph goes for a clothesline and Alex was thinking the same thing, so they had a collision and they both went down. I wince at the contact and the look on Alex's face.

" can do need to get up..." I encourage.

I'm all calm about encouraging while Vickie is screaming at Dolph. "That's not how you encourage." I shake my head. "Come on Alex."

Alex manages to get to his feet first with my encouragement, while it takes Dolph longer with Vickie's screeching. Once Dolph is up, he turns around and is met by Alex knocking him back to the mat. Dolph recovers only to have Alex come off the ropes and knock him down again. Alex repeats a few times until Dolph is down. Alex goes for the pin, but before he could, Vickie gets into the ring to protect Dolph. "Not again, and never again." I grumble, sliding into the ring myself and standing before her, my arms crossed.

Vickie then stands up getting in my face. I can not take her screeching anymore so I push her by the shoulders causing her to fall and roll out of the ring. I hop down once she lands on the floor and lean down next to her. "You don't want to mess with me." I glare.

Vickie starts backing away as she shakes.

"That's what I thought." I say turning my attention to the ring just as Alex goes for the pin. "Come on......" I say, the ref getting close to three, but Dolph kicks out again. "Oh come on!"

Alex runs his hands over his face in disbelief. Alex then picks Dolph up and starts hitting him in the stomach. Alex then sets Dolph up for a neck breaker executing it perfectly.

"Yes. Cover him...quick."

Alex goes for the cover as the ref starts to count. Everything seemed to be going in slow motion until I heard the sound of the bell, as the crowd cheered to Alex's music going off signaling him winning the match. "He did it." I then walk over and grab the title myself, sliding into the ring and hand it to him. Alex then takes the title, raising it in the air as the ref holds his other hand in the air. Alex then turns to me, picking me up giving me a kiss. The crowd of course wasn't really expecting that so they're all in awe, some cheering like crazy. Alex puts me down and I look at him confused. After celebrating a bit, we get out of the ring and head backstage.

"I think people are really gonna like the couple idea now. Looks like we're taking that step a bit early for the storyline."

"That was my fault, I just got caught up in the moment and could not help myself."

"It happens. The fans are liking it, so looks like we don't have to wait."

"Looks that way." Alex smiles. "How about I go get changed then we can head to the club?"

"Sure, first...let's get your name on this, take this awful one off." I point to the nameplate on the title that has Dolph's name right now.

"Good idea." Alex chuckles. We then head off in the direction to get the name on the title changed.

Once we get Alex's name put on, we head back to the locker room. "I'll be right out." Alex says as he grabs his bag heading in the other room to change. I nod and sit on the couch and wait. It doesn't take long for him to change and he soon comes back out all dressed and ready to go. "All set?" Alex asks after coming out.

"All set."

I get up, grabbing my bag once I am up. I turn back around and walk over to Alex. We lace our hands together as we make sure we have everything before heading out of the locker room. On our way out to the car, we end up meeting up with Stef and Mike and then we all head out to the cars together. As we walk to the cars I notice Mike looking at Stef. I grin, not saying anything. "So, I will meet you guys at the VIP entrance of the club?" Stef says once we reach her car.

"Of course."

"Alright, see you guys there." She says before getting in her car. The rest of us make it to our cars then we all head to the club. Once there we all meet at the entrance before we are let in. We walk in and head right for the VIP section.

"I'll be right back." Stef says after we reach our section.


She then walks off to the bathroom as we all take a seat.

"So, tonight we shall celebrate your title win." I smile kissing Alex's cheek.

"Yes, I like that idea."

"I was planning on it anyway." I grin.

"Well of course you were."

"This is too big of an accomplishment for you not to celebrate."

"She's right. Remember when we went out and celebrated me winning the WWE Championship for the first time?" Mike asks.

"How can I forget that night...It was crazy, but fun." Alex chuckles.

"Wish I could've been a part of that fun. Should've joined the business earlier."

"Well you are here now and there will be many more times like that." Alex says.

"Just wait until you get the title...That is going to be an awesome night." Mike adds.

"Pun intended right?" I laugh.

"Maybe." Mike smirks.

"Oh I know that'll be a fun night."

"Yes it will be." Alex pulls me close, kissing my head. I notice that Mike looked back over his shoulder again for the fifth time in the past minute.

"What're you looking at Mike?" I ask.

"Huh?" Mike shakes his head. "Nothing..." He trails off just as Stef walks back to the table after changing into a skirt and heels.

"Alright, I am here, so let's get this party started!" Stef cheerfully says as she dances to the music.

"Well, it's started now that's for sure."

"I don't know about you guys, but I am ready to hit that dance floor."

"I'm ready." I nod.

"Boys? You ready?"

"Yeah." They nod.

Once they get up we all head out to the dance floor, saying 'hi' to a few people we know on the way. When we get out there we start dancing along to the music. I of course was dancing with Alex, while Stef was dancing with Mike. As we were dancing, Mike kept slowly moving closer to Stef. Since her back was to him at the time she did not realize until he put his arms in front of her, as he moved to the music. Once she saw him, she bit her lip as she blushed. I noticed and I nudge Alex to take a look for himself.

"Ooohhh." Alex quietly says to me.

"Things seem to be going quite well."

"They do. Next thing is to get them to go out and something together."


We dance to a few more songs before we all decide to go sit, Stef going to get us all drinks. "You sure you didn't want to go with her to get the drinks?" I ask Mike.

"I did, but I didn't want to seem to persistant."


"I just don't want her to get the wrong impression." Mike sighs. "I really want to get to know her...she seems like a really great girl."

"She is, and you have all week to get to know her."

"I am looking forward to that." Mike smiles as he looks over at her. "Uh...who is that guys she is talking to?" Mike suddenly asks.

I turn and look over.

"Oh, that's a friend of ours. See we came here a lot so we're good friends with the bartender."

"Oh..." Mike says. "Does he always flirt with you girls like that?"


"The touching of the hand, the way he is looking at her, hand on her shoulder..."

"Oh...well I haven't been around lately so I don't know what's been going on lately with him when she comes here. I know before, he never flirted with us."

"Really now?" Mike raises a brow. "I think I will go see what is taking so long."

"Don't start any trouble Mike, promise me that."

"I won't, don't worry."


Mike then starts to head over to the bar area where Stef is. Once there he leans against the counter. "Oh hey Mike." Stef says after seeing him next to her.

"Hey, just wanted to see how the drinks were coming."

"There coming. We just got to talking that's all."

"Ah, ok."

"Here you go." The bartender, Gary, smiles handing Stef the drinks.

"Thanks Gary, see you around." Stef says before her and Mike head back to our table.

When they get to the table, they put the drinks down and we each take one since they were the same. After sitting down, Mike seems to sit a little closer to Stef. He puts his arm behind her on the back of the couch they are sitting on. She looks over at him, blushing slightly.

"I think after this and a few more songs, I'll be ready to go home." I say.

"Aww." Stef pouts. "Then we should get out there while we still can."

"Well you and Mike can stay. I still have the key to get in and all."

"If that is alright with Mike...I know it has been a long day for all of you."

"I don't mind staying." He says.

"Yayyy." Stef cheers.

"Don't stay out too late." I joke.

"Me? Stay out late? Nah." Stef laughs.

"Haha suuuure."

"What?" She shrugs innocently.

"You tend to stay out late sometimes."

"I know, I just can't help it."

"We all have those moments."

"You know how I like to have fun and all...I lose track of time."


"Well lets head out before you both decide to leave."

"Yes, let's."

We all get up and head out on the dance floor. Me and Alex go off a ways, letting Stef and Mike have sometime alone.

"You know I wouldn't put it past him by the end of the week to ask her to come on the road with us."

"I think he just might. He seems really into her..I mean you saw how he got eariler when she was talking to that bartender."

"He was jealous, I know."

"Big time. I have not seen him like that with a girl before."

"Neither have I."

"I think he is going to let everyone know to stay away too." Alex says, motioning over as Mike is dancing closer to Stef with his hands on her hips.

"More than likely."

"How about one more song then we head back. I know you must be tired." Alex suggests.

"Sounds good."

We dance to one last song before we decide to leave. We make our way over to where Stef and Mike are to say our 'goodbyes' before we get our things. After getting our things, we leave the club and head back out to the car, and since I know where we're going, I drive. We put our things in the back before getting in and once that was done we were off. It did not take that long so we soon arrived home. After parking the car, we got our bags and headed inside. "Welcome to my home." I smile after closing the door.

"Well I should say me and Stef's home." I add, turning the lights on.

"Right." Alex chuckles. "Nice place." He says after looking around a bit.


"Welcome." Alex kisses the top of my head.

I then lead him through the house, showing him where everything is. After that was done, I showed him where we would be staying. "Lastly, this is my room." I say as we walk in. "And of course you're welcome to stay in here with me like I told you earlier tonight."

"You know I was planning on taking you up on that offer."

"Of course."

"You can put your bag over there." I tell Alex, pointing by my dresser as I walk to the bed sitting down to take my shoes off.

He nods and does so. After getting my shoes off, I go into my closet for something to wear to bed. Once I find something, I head into my bathroom as Alex gets changed in the room itself. After washing my makeup off and brushing my hair, I walk out setting my old clothes in the hamper before walking over to the bed and pulling the covers down. After climbing into bed and under the blankets, after seeing Alex I mutter 'distracting'. Alex soon finishes getting ready then walks over climbing in bed, pulling me close.

"You know you're distracting right?"

"Really?" Alex grins. "I did not know that."

"Uh huh, sure."

"Well you're quite distracting yourself right now."

"In my normal sleepwear."

"Still distracting to matter how you are dressed."

"Same goes for you."

"Well, how about we sleep before we get more distracted?"

"Yeah, that's a good idea."

I then lean up, giving him a kiss before I snuggle more into him. as he wraps his arms around me. "Night."


We then got comfortable and soon went to sleep. Meanwhile, back at the club Stef and Mike were still having a good time dancing and laughing together. After they started to get tired of the dancing, they went back to the table.

"Tonight is turning out to be great." Stef smiled as she sat taking a sip of her water.

"It is." Mike agrees.

"I am really glad you stayed..I am having a great time."

"So am I."

"It is getting pretty late. I think I should head home now." Stef sighed.


"I was thinking..." She looks down shyly. " could come back to the house if you do not want to stay at the hotel."


"Yeah. I mean, your friends with Shauna so you are more then welcome to maybe w could hang out again."

"Give you the tour of our house too."

"That is really nice...only if you don't mind."

"Would I have minded if I asked you? Of course I don't mind."

"Right." Mike chuckles. "I accept." He smiles.


"When did you want to head back then?"

"Doesn't matter."

"One more song?"


They both get up and head out for one last song. As they dance Mike watches her closely also making sure no one else tries dancing with her. When the song ends they head to get their things before heading out to their cars. Mike makes sure to stay close so that he gets to the house. They both make it there just fine and after parking Mike follows Stef into the house. She turns the lights on after closing the door and leading him in.

"So this is where we live."

"Very nice."

"I think a tour should be saved for tomorrow."

"That's fine. I can tell you are tired."

"So are you."

"Yeah, but I am used to it."


"I'll show you where you are gonna be staying." She adds, motioning for him to follow her.

He follows her as she heads towards one of the guest bedrooms. When they get there she opens the door. "Here you go." She walks him with her behind her. "There is a bathroom right through that door too." She tells him.


"No problem."

"So I guess I'll see you in the morning?"

"Yeah. See you then."

"Hug?" He asks, his arms open.

"Of course." She smiles as she walks over to him giving him a hug.

"Night." He says once they pull away from the hug.

"Night." She replies, heading for the door.

She heads out the door and shuts it behind her before heading to her room, after shutting all the lights off of course. Walking in she closes the door standing there for a minute. "Wow." She smiles to herself before going to get clothes to change into. Once she has those, she gets changed and heads right to bed, falling asleep soon after.