Status: Active

The Chance of a Lifetime

No Place Like Home

The next morning we're all sleeping peacefully, but up before Stef and I was Alex and Mike because they had some media to do for most of the morning. I rolled over as I stretched. Looking over to where Alex was I found two notes. One from him telling me he left for media and one from Stef letting me know Mike was staying with us. I sat up slowly, stretching as I did. I got out of bed, grabbing my robe and slippers before heading downstairs. As I'm coming downstairs, Mike is coming out of the hallway where Stef's room is, along with the guest room.

"Morning." He says when he sees me.


"How's it feel to be back home?"

"Great actually."

"Nothing like being at home, is there?"


We make our way downstairs heading into the kitchen. I walk over to the counter and start to make some coffee before looking for stuff to cook for breakfast.

"So don't you have media stuff to do this morning too?"

"Yeah, I am leaving in a few."

"Ah, ok."

"I was hoping maybe Stef would be awake before I left."

"Well, why don't you try waking her up?"

"I don't know." Mike scratches the back of his neck. "We got in kinda late and I would feel bad waking her."

"Trust me, it won't be a problem."

"If you don't think it is, then I just might."

"Tell her I'm making her favorite breakfast, then she'll definitely get up." I laugh.

"Ah, so that is how to wake her up." Mike chuckles. "I will do that then."

"So, what do you want to do?" He asks.

"Hard choice since there seems to be a lot to do."

I nod and head heads back upstairs to wake her up. He slowly opens the door, peeking in just in case she is awake. Seeing her asleep, he then walks over to the bed. Looking down, he watches her for a bit while she sleeps. He then sits on the bed, leaning over her. Moving some hair that was on her face he gently starts to wake her. "Hmm." Stef murmurs into her pillow.

"Are you awake?"

"Mhm." She nods slowly.

"Good. Your favorite breakfast is being made by the way."

"Really?" She lifts her head as she rolls over. "Looks like it is time to get out of bed then." She stretches.

"And I'll be leaving in a few more media stuff."


"I'll be back later though. Like noontime."

"Yayy." She smiles.

"You can give me the rest of the tour of the house then."

"Yes I can." She nods as she sits up. "How about we go get some breakfast now?"

"Sounds good."

Mike moves so that she can get up. She walks over to her closet, grabbing her robe. Once she has that on, they head downstairs to see me in the kitchen. "Morning." She says with a yawn as she and Mike sit on a stool at the counter.

"Sleep well?" I ask.

"Actually I did. How about you?"

"Well since Alex was with me, I think you know the answer to that."

"Of course." She chuckles. "How did it feel to be in your own bed for once?"

"Better. Better than a hotel bed. Even though some of those are comfortable."

"I bet. Nothing like your own bed, that is for sure."


"Smells good by the way. You always know how to get me up in the morning."

"Yes I do."

"That is why you are he best." Stef says. "It is soo good to have you back, even if it is just for the week." She sighs.

"It's always great to be back."

"We are going to make the most out of the time you are here. Shopping, swimming, just hanging around like we used to."

"I love the sound of that."

"Figured you would."

"Oooh, we can buy me a new outfit, I wanna have a date night with Alex tonight. Can't really have too many on the road...especially now that he has a title. He'll be as busy as Mike."

"True. We can head out after breakfast, then maybe the pool for a bit?"

"Sounds good."

After I was finished cooking, I got plates and set them out. Putting the food on the plate we all began to eat, talking occasionally. Once we were finished Stef and I started to clean up. "Well, I gotta get going now." Mike sighed. "Thanks for breakfast and I'll see you both later."

"You're welcome, and alright."

After Mike left we started to clean up the dishes from breakfast.

"So...?" I say to Stef.

"So..." She giggles.

"What's going on between you two?"

"Oh I don't do you mean?"

"Like what's the relationship between you?"

"Right now...I believe friends...I mean..." She bites her lip. " know how I feel about him, but I do not know what he thinks about me...I mean, we really didn't have a chance to really talk yet."

"Well, you can have that chance tonight while Alex and I are gone."

"That sounds like a good idea. What do you think we should do? Stay and watch movies or go out somewhere?"

"Hmm, I say stay in and watch movies."

"Good idea. I'll ask him when he gets back and see what he thinks."


We soon finish with the dishes then head to get ready for the day. Once we were ready we then got everything we needed before heading out to the car. Since Alex took my car, we used Stef's. After getting in Stef began to drive to the mall. When we get to the mall, we park and head inside. "What did you have in mind for tonight?" Stef asks once we walk in.

"Well I was thinking dinner first of all."

"I figured that." She giggles. "I meant what kind of outfit."

"Oh, well definitely not a dress. Not this time."

"So jeans and a top?"

"Yeah, that sounds good."

Stef nods as we head to a store that has what I need. We walk in, just browsing until I spot a few things to try on. After trying the first couple things on, I move onto the last which was a white one shoulder, sleeve top and black skinny jeans. "Ooohhh...I really like that." Stef says once I come out to show her. "You should get that."

"Then that leaves only shoes and jewelry to get to match."

"Of course." She nods.

"Alright, we'll go get those once I change."

I then go back, changing into my regular clothes. Once I walk out we go pay then head to the next store. There we look for jewelry and we find a 'love' necklace, a white bow ring, classic tear drop earrings and a Lulu Frost drift cuff. I decide they will go perfect with the outfit I picked out and go to pay for them. After paying we then head to get a pair of shoes. When we get there, we split up, looking for a pair that will go good with what I'll be wearing.

Looking at various pairs and shades, Stef shows me the perfect pair of silver heels. I decided on getting those before heading to pay. "I think I'll leave him speechless tonight."

"I know you will. He is going to die when he sees you."

"He'll die when he comes back and we're out by the pool."

"That should be interesting."

"Mike may die himself."

"You never know, he just might."

"Depends on what you're gonna wear." I snicker.

"Oh I don't know...possibly my favorite suit."

"He'll die then. Probably drool or something."


"Well you know him better than I do, so I will take your word for it."

"Now off we go back home."

"Let the fun times begin." She chuckles. We then make our way out of the mall and head to the car. Once there I put my things in the back then we get in and drive off to the house. Once there I take my things and we head inside. We each go to our rooms to change into our swimsuits. After we were all changed we then headed down to the pool area. "I've got candy."

"Ooooohhhh. I want some!"

"4 different kinds of Skittles." I say as we head out to the pool.

"You know how I love Skittles."

"Yes I do."

We get to the pool, setting our towels down on the chairs that are there. We then sit down deciding to just tan for a bit. "When can I have some?"

"Any time you want. They're within reach of you."

"Yayy." She cheers, reaching over to take some then putting a few in her mouth. "Oh, these ones are good. I have not had these yet."

"I know right?"

"I think this is my new favorite flavor."

"You're gonna have to get them more often then."

"I think I might. They are so good." She says talking more.

Then we hear the door shut from inside since we left the back door open. "Guess who's back?" I laugh.

"I can not wait to see their reaction when they come out." Stef laughs too.

"Me neither."

We did not have to wait long for them to come out since Mike knew where we would be. Him and Alex walk over to the pool and stop once they see us.

"I hear no words." I snicker quietly.

"I think they have left us." Stef chuckles. "Guys? Helllloooo!" She calls.

"Huh?" They snap out of it.

"We lost you for a minute. You alright?"

"Uh yeah, we're ok."

"If you say so." We giggle.

Alex then walks over to me, leaning down and giving me a kiss as he sits next to me. Mike walks over a sits in one of the extra chairs.

"You know if you're gonna be by the pool with us, don't you wanna change?"

"We will. I just wanted to see you since I have not all morning." Alex says.


"Shush." I say. I then look over at Mike who has not stopped looking at Stef since he got out here.

"But it's so sweet."

"Only the best for her."


"Alexxx." I blush. "Go change before you have me looking like a tomato."

"I think the correct term is lobster." Stef laughs.

"He does that to her all the time." Mike laughs.

"It's cute."

"Alright you two, enough." I blush more. "Just go get changed so we can get in the pool before it gets to late...I have plans for later." I say the last part to Alex.


"Yes and the quicker you get changed the sooner you will find out."

He almost jumps out of the chair and rushes inside to get changed.

"Someone is eager." Stef laughs. "If you get changed too, I have plans for us later to tell you Mike." She adds.

Mike does not say anything, he just gets up quick heading inside to change himself. "Someone else is eager too."

"It would appear so...I wonder why though?"

"Who knows." I shrug, acting like I know nothing, when I really know everything.

"Well I think I am going to head in the pool now." Stef says as she gets up.

"Alright." I nod.

She then walks over to the pool and after testing the water she jumps in. Soon after that Alex and Mike came back from getting ready. She then comes to the surface as they come back.

"Well weren't you two quick." She calls from the pool with a laugh.

"Eager." I giggle quietly.

"Can you blame me?" Alex grins.

"No, not really."

"I think it is time to get in the pool." Alex gets a mischievous look on his face.

"Uh oh."

"Looks like someone is in for it." Stef teases.

Next thing I know Alex picks me up and we are at the edge of the pool.

"Don't you dare."

"If I do?" Alex smirks acting like he is going to drop me.

"I think you know."

"Aw." Alex pouts.

"Oooohhhh." Stef snickers.

"You can place me gently into the water, but that's about it."

"As long as you get in, I do not mind." Alex says as he walks over to the steps. He then walks in before gently letting me down, not moving his hand from my waist.

"Not letting me go are you?"



"Haven't seen you all morning, I think I deserve to not let you go right now."

"I know, not that I mind."

"Come on Mike, you're not gonna be the only one not in the pool are you?"

"No, I'm coming." He says walking over to the edge of the pool before jumping in.

"Thought so."

Mike then comes to the surface and swims over to where we all are.

"So I'm assuming you want to know the plans I have for us tonight." I say to Alex.

"Of course I do." He nods excitedly.

"A date night."

"Oooohhh..I like the sound of that."

"Went out and bought a new outfit for it too."

"I can't wait to see it." Alex kisses my cheek.

"And I know you want to know what I have planned for us tonight." Stef says to Mike.

"Yes I do." Mike smiles.

"Movie night."

"Sounds fun, I'm in."


Stef just smiles to herself. We all then end up going to separate ends of the pool, Alex and I in the shallow end while Stef is in the deeper end laying on a raft as Mike just leans on the side in the middle of the pool.

"Well the week's starting off good."

"Yes it is. Finally got what I worked so hard for."

"After all you've been through."

"Exactly, all the hard work and rough times paid off."

"Now let's hope you hold onto that for a long time."

"Trust me, I plan on holding it for a long time. Going to take a lot to get it away from me."

"I agree with you."

"Now all we need is for you to get a title and everything will be perfect."

"I'm sure that'll take a while."

"It might, but if we show them how amazing you are then you can possibly get a chance sooner."

"We know how the creative team is...takes a lot to show them how worthy we are of getting any title."

"True...even though I think you deserve a shot now."

"So does Mike." Alex adds. "Right Mike?" He calls.

"Huh? Oh yeah." He nods.

"Looks like someone is distracted." Alex says to me.

"Seems so." I laugh.

"Mike, why don't you just go over there instead of staying over here staring." Alex says.

"I am not staring." Mike defends.


"...alright...I'm going." Mike says as he starts to swim over to where Stef is. Once over there, he pokes her on her one side before going under the water. She looks up to see no one then lays her head back down only to see Mike on the other side of her.

" scared me." She jumps a bit.

"My bad, sorry."

"It's were so quiet I did not hear you."

"I'm sneaky like that."

"It would appear that way..." She chuckles. "So...what's up?"

"Oh, not much."

"I was thinking...what kind of movie did you want to watch tonight?"

"Oh, it doesn't really matter, I'm up for anything."

"How about a comedy and then a scary one?" She asks. "I mean, unless you're to scared too watch one." She teases.

"Me? Too scared? Psh."

"We will just see about that."

"Yes we will."

"How about we make a bet on that?" She grins.

"What kind of bet?"

"Let's see..." She starts to think. "If you get scared then you have to watch any chick flick I choose." She grins.

"Hmm deal. And if I win the bet, you do a media day with me."

"You're on." She nods. "You're going down."


"I wouldn't be to confident...I am know to last through those kind of movies."

"So am I."

"We will find out, won't we."

Stef then goes to get off the raft when she is suddenly splashed with water. "Heyyy." She turns to look at Mike who is looking as innocent as he can.


"You know what you did." She splashes him back.

"Do I?"

"I think you do." She splashes him again and quickly swims away.

"Ohhh, I don't think so." He says, swimming after her.

"Gotta be quicker than that." She laughs.

"Yup they get along just great." I mumble to Alex.

"They are so much alike, I don't know how they don't see it."

"Oh they'll see it....eventually."

"Let's just hope he acts quick before someone else beats him to it."


We then look over to see that Mike finally caught her.

"Noooo." She pouts. "Not fair."

"I'm just faster than you." He chuckles.

"That may be true, but what are you going to do now?"

"Hmmm...." He trails off, moving one hand and flicking her with water.

"Not that again." She giggles.

"Ah, but it's not splashing."

"You're right." She flicks him with water in return.

Then instead of splashing war, it becomes a flicking water war. They keep that up until Mike decides to try something different. He reaches down and starts tickling her on her sides.

"" She says between laughs.

"Can I?" He chuckles.


"Okay, but only because you asked so nicely."

"Mike, will you pretty please stop tickling me?" She looks up through her eyelashes.

"Of course."

"Thank you."

"No problem."

We all then just swim around freely for a few more hours before deciding to get out ad dry off. Alex comes up behind me after I wrap my towel around me, resting his hands on my hips. "Well aren't you Mr. Touchy today." I giggle.

"Mmmm...can't help it." He murmurs against my shoulder.

"Of course not."

"I can't wait to see what you are wearing tonight."

"Just a few more hours or so..."

"Awww." Alex pouts.

"You'll live."

"Trust me will be worth the wait." Stef adds. "I helped her pick out the outfit afterall."

"Oh?...I know it is going to be amazing now."

"Trust me, it is."

"I don't know about you all, but I am gonna go change out of these clothes." Stef says.


She then gathers up what she brought out then heads to the house. I nudge Mike as I nod my head telling him to go with her. He catches up with her and they walk inside. Alex and I follow shortly after. "So how do you think their movie night will go?" Alex asks me as we head upstairs.

"I think it will go good because knowing them, they will bug each other all night." I chuckle.

"The week should be very interesting."

"It definitely will that's for sure."

"So am I gonna find out what you're wearing tonight? Or do I have to wait until later when we both get ready?" I ask.

"All I am going to say, is that I have not worn them in awhile."


"That's the only hint you are getting until later."

"Well that could be anything."

"True." Alex chuckles. "One love when I wear them." He grins.

"Well I think you just gave it away now."

"Maybe I did."

"You so did."


"It's okay."

"The rest you will have to wait until later to know about."

"I can wait."

"As I can't wait to see what you are wearing."


We get to my room, heading in. I walk over, deciding to lay down for a bit since there is some time before we leave. Alex walks over, laying down next to me laying his hand across my stomach. "I'm gonna be so tired after we get back tonight."

"How about we take a nap before we go, that might help?" Alex suggests.

"That sounds good."

"I just want to get out of these wet clothes first." I add.

"Good idea." He nods.

I then get off the bed and go over picking out a tank top and a pair of shorts. I go in the bathroom, changing out of my suit. I hang it up to dry after getting changed. Once I am all done I walk out to see Alex has gotten changed himself and is laying on the bed waiting for me. I smile to myself before going back over and laying on the bed next to him. Once I lay down Alex pulls me closer to him so I am laying on his chest. I then try to hide a yawn. "Looks like you are more tired than you thought." Alex chuckles as he starts to rub her back.

"I guess so."

"Sleep." Alex whispers as he kisses the top of my head.

"I will."

Alex keeps rubbing my back as his other hand plays with my hair. My eyes start to get more heavy and before I know it, I had drifted off. Meanwhile Stef had just gotten done getting changed and was walking out of her room where she met Mike as he walked out of his room. "So wanna go pick out everything now for tonight?"

"We can do that and on the way I can show you the rest of the house."

"Sounds like a plan."

She shows him where everything is upstairs before they head down to the main part of the house. She then shows him where everything is down there as well before the go in the living room to pick out some movies or later. "We should order pizza too."

"We should, I love pizza."

"Who doesn't?"

"Honestly, I don't know."

"Pizza haters."

"Pizza haters? Really?" She laughs.

"Yes really. There are people out there who don't like pizza."

"They don't know what they are missing."


They then look for movies to watch when they both find one they like. "How about this one." Stef asks holding up the movie 'Road Trip'.


"What did you find?"

"The Devil Inside."

"You think you can make it through that one?" She teases.

"I'm positive I can."

"If you say so."

"I know so."

"Alright tough guy, how about we get the pizza ordered then start the first movie?"

"Sounds good."

Stef then gets the phone calling for the pizza, ordering what they want. When she was done she set the phone down and turned to Mike who had sat on the couch.

"So, what one are we watching first?"

"Road Trip."

"Good choice."

"Figure start off with the comedy first."

"Right, a scary move is always better at night anyway."


They decide to wait until the pizza gets there to start the movie. They pass the time by getting to know each other a bit more. Soon the pizza arrives and Stef goes to pay. After paying she goes in the kitchen getting plates before taking the pizza into the living room. She then goes to get them drinks before sitting down. Since the movie was already in, all Mike had to do was hit play to start it. Once the movie started they had their attention on the TV, well Stef did. Mike kept looking over at her. He then put his arm on the back of the couch behind her as he slowly moved his arm down to her shoulders. She looked up once she felt his hand on her and moved a bit closer to him. Then they both turn their attention back to the movie.

In the room with Alex and I, I started to wake up. Slowly opening my eyes, I look up to see Alex still sleeping. I smile to myself at how adorable he is when he sleeps. I lay there for a bit, snuggling into him not wanting to move just yet. It's shortly after that, when I feel him start to move, and he starts to wake up. He shifts in his spot, tightening his arms around me some. He slowly opens his eyes and smiles down at me. "Hey." He mumbles sleepily.

"Sleepyhead." I giggle.

"Mmm..didn't realize how tired I was."

"You were more tired than I was I guess."

"Guess so." Alex chuckles.

"All the media today." He adds.

"And the pool."


"Think we should start getting ready?"

"We should, even though I really do not want to move right now."

"Well we could stay here, but then you wont see my outfit...."

"Alright, my mind is made up. Let's get ready." Alex says eagerly.

"I thought so."

"Well..what are we waiting for?" Alex excitedly says as he lets go slowly so we can get up. I laugh at his excitement and move from the bed, grabbing the bags with everything in them before heading into the bathroom. I walk in and start doing my routine as Alex gets changed in the room itself. After getting dressed I then do my makeup before moving to my hair. Once everything looked perfect I grabbed my shoes, since I brought them in with me and slid them on. After I was all done I walked out waiting to see Alex's reaction. I, however stop where I am walking once I see him in his jeans and a light grey button down shirt.

"I think I just died."

"So you like?" Alex asks as he turns around and stops. " are not the only one..." He manages to say as he sees me.

"I think we killed each other." I laugh.

"That's for sure." Alex grins walking over to me. When he reaches me, he puts his hands on my hips as he pulls me closer to him.

"You're gonna have to behave yourself tonight until we get back you know."

"As hard is that maybe, I will do my best." Alex runs his hand over my exposed shoulder.


"What can I say...I love this shirt."

"Of course you do."

"This might be one of my new favorite shirts of yours."

"Oh boy."

"Uh huh." He leans down kissing my shoulder.

"Let's go before we never leave this room."

"Good idea."

We gather what we need before leaving my room and heading downstairs. Once we get downstairs we hear noise of laughter coming from the kitchen. "They are up to something again." I laugh as we walk into the kitchen to see them both pretty much covered in whipped cream.

"You two are a mess."

"He started it!" Stef laughs as she points to Mike.

"I couldn't help myself." He chuckles.

"Well you are going to have fun cleaning this up."

"So much fun."

"It was, but cleaning it up is not going to be."

"Not really."

"We'll manage." Mike says.

"Yeah, as long as you do not throw anymore at me." Stef chuckles.

"I promise I won't."

"Good. I actually want to eat my ice cream before it melts."

"I think we need showers first."

"That might be a good idea. I have it all in my hair." She says after seeing on on the ends of her hair. "You really went crazy with it."

"My bad."

"I'll get you back, don't worry." She smirks.

"Uh oh." I laugh.

"You never know when it will happen either."

"Should I be worried?" Mike looks at me.

"Oh not at all."

"I hope you're right."

"It depends on what she has planned really."

"Which only I will know about and possibly Shauna." Stef adds.

"Tis true."

"Be prepared to go down."

"Oh yeah?" Mike smirks, taking more whip cream smearing it on her face.

"I think we should go before we end up getting some on us." I laugh to Alex.

"Good idea."

Alex and I then head out of the kitchen before we get all messy. We make our way to the door then head to the car.

"Made it out just in time."

"Yeah we did." I chuckle. "They seem to be hitting it off well."

"Extremely well."

"Maybe after tonight, they'll be a bit closer."


We reach the car and get in. Since I know where we are going I decide to drive so Alex will be surprised. After we are in, I start to drive. I drive to one of our favorite places to eat, find a spot and park. We then get out of the car as we head in while Alex has his arm around my shoulders. After getting in we are seated fairly quickly. "I think you'll like it here. Stef and I always come here. They have the best food."

"Everything sounds so good too." Alex says looking over the menu.

"Oh everything's better than it sounds."

"If you say it is, then I know it has to be good."

"You can choose where we go after this, since I chose a place to eat at."

"I think I have the perfect place."


"Yes and no hints either."


"You'll love it, trust me."

"I love anything you surprise me with."

"Good because it is not going to stop anytime soon."

"Not expecting it to."


"Surprises are always a good thing."

"Yes they are."

"Well your surprises anyway."

"I know how much you love them."

"I do love them."

"That is all that matters."


The waiter then comes over to take our order. After ordering we sit there and talk for a bit until the food comes out. In the meantime, Stef and Mike have cleaned up from all the whipped cream and resumed watching the rest of Road Trip. They were having a good time laughing along with the movie. Soon that one was over and Mike went to put the next movie in. "Time for the scary one."

"I am so ready for it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I am." Stef smirked, even though she was lying.

"The question is however, are you ready yourself?" She asks.

"Oh of course I am." Mike smirked as he walked back to the couch.


"Now you're sure you want to watch this one?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

"Alright." Mike says.

He then sits down and starts the movie. Stealing glances at Stef he turns his attention to the movie. The movie started and she seemed to be alright at first. But as the movie went on, it got even more creepy and scary. Mike figured Stef was getting scared so he put his arm around her shoulders. She looked up at him, trying her best not to show she was getting scared. At one point she buried her face in Mike's chest. "Too scary?"

"...just wasn't expecting that."

"You know, if you don't want to finish the movie, we don't have to."

"No, I want to."

"Alright, only if you're sure."

"I'm sure." She bites her lip, trying to be strong.

"Okay. I won't move my arm though, I promise."

"Ok, good."

"I'm here if you need me."

"That makes me feel better. Thanks." She blushes a bit.

"You're welcome, and that's good."

She leans more into him as they turn their attention back to the movie. When she jumps at certain parts, Mike rubs her arm to calm her. She relaxed into him. Her eyes soon start to get heavy and she tries to keep them open, but it is no use as she soon dozes off. Since she had fallen asleep before the movie had ended, Mike shut the movie off, leaving it in the dvd player for now, before shifting her and picking her up to carry her. Since they kept the lights off, Mike headed up the stairs toward Stef's room. He was able to open the door without waking her up. He walked in, making his way to the bed. He pulled the covers down before laying her down. He looked at her for a moment with a smile before he covered her up. He then walked to the door and was about to walk out when he heard something. "...Mike..." Stef mumbled.

"Yeah?" He says, turning around.


"The movie scared you didn't it?"

"I apologize for picking it, but of course I'll stay."

"It's alright and thanks."

"I did buy it." She adds.

He shuts the door again, before walking over to the other side and climbing under the covers next to her. She moves closer to him and clings to him trying to feel safe. He puts his arm over her side and starts to rub her back. Just him being next to her made her feel better and she soon drifted off listening to the sound of his heart. Mike laid here watching her for a bit before going to sleep himself. Alex and I however have finished dinner and since he knew where he was going to take me next, I let him drive. He drives us a bit farther into the city before finding a place to park. We got out and started to walk around. We came to a building, then walked inside.

"What're we doing here?"

"Part of the surprise. Don't worry, you'll really love it."

"Ookay, and I know I will."

Alex leans down giving me a quick kiss as we get to the elevators. He hits the button and the doors open. We step inside as Alex hits the button for the floor he wants. He then moves closer and wraps his arm around me. We soon get to the floor and we step out. "Now, close your eyes." Alex says once we step off the elevator.

"Closing them." I state, doing so.

Alex chuckles as he puts his hands on my hips leading the way. We walk for a bit before he stops us and I know he opened a door since I felt a cool breeze hit my face. Alex then takes my hand, leading me out to where he wants me. Once there he tells me to open my eyes. I do and that's when I see the most amazing view of the city. "Alex....this is....I have no words for this."

"I knew you would love it." Alex grins, wrapping his arms around my waist as he rests his chin on my shoulder. "Only the best for you."

"Of course." I smile. I lean back into his touch, leaning up and kissing his cheek. We stay there for a bit just looking at the lights of the city, enjoying the time we have. "I think we're gonna end up getting back late. That's okay though."

"Right." Alex nods. "We can sleep in since I don't have any media tomorrow." He adds.


"Another day to ourselves."

"I like those days."

"Can never get enough of them."

"Especially this week."

"Right. It has been a busy one." Alex chuckles.

"So far."

"One more day before we are on the road again."


"We'll make the most of it. Whatever you want to do we can do that."

"Alright." I nod.

"Do you want to head back now or stay for a bit?" Alex asks noticing how relaxed I am.

"I think we can head back now."

Alex nod before leaning down and kissing my cheek. He moves his arms from my waist, linking our hands together. We then head back inside making our way to the elevator then head to the car. Once there we get in and Alex drives back to the house. When we get back, we find all the lights off when we walk in. "Looks like they went to bed early." I say as I turn on a light. "They have a mess to clean up in the morning."

"So they do." I chuckle. "Got most of it though."

"Right. Let's head upstairs."

I then turn off the lights before we head upstairs. On the way to my room, I look to see if Stef is awake and that is when I see her and Mike cuddled up. "Hey...Alex...look at this." I motion to him.

"What?" He asks walking over.

"Just look."

He walks behind me and peeks in the room. "Wow...they really hit it off."

"We don't know that for sure..."

"Well, she did let him stay with her so something happened..."


"She'll tell you in the morning...I'm sure."

"Oh, I know she will."

", how about we head to bed?"

"Sounds good."

I close the door quietly then follow Alex to my room. Alex turns on the light as we walk in then I close the door. I go get clothes to change into before going in the bathroom to change as Alex changes in the room itself. I come out of the bathroom, just as he's climbing into the bed. I do my best to focus since he is not wearing a shirt. I bite my lip as I put my clothes in the hamper. I then walk over to the bed and climb in next to him.

"Always distracting."

"Ah, but you love it." Alex grins.

"I do."

"Speak of distracting..." Alex looks at me. " always get me."

"And I don't even try."

"You don't have comes natural for you."

"I'm flattered."

"As you should be."

"We should sleep before we both get too distracted."


"I know..."

"Tomorrow..." Alex kisses the top of my head.


Alex pulls me closer to him as I lay my head on his chest. "Night."
