
The minute a baby is born a little card is inserted in to their wrist and over that card a little bar code is put. This card tells you everything about that child, their gender, their age, their ethnicity, their height, their weight, everything. As they grow up the cards information updates its self, it even knows when that person has sex and who they had sex with, and every month everyone in the world has to report to their local scanner, where their cards are scanned and it sees everything that they have done, and if they’ve done something that the law sees as wrong then they are taken in to custody and if what they have done is bad enough they are put to death. In this cruelly perfect world people start dying off and not of old age. People are being murdered and their identity cards are being ripped from their wrists and being destroyed making it almost impossible to identify them. The government is going crazy trying to find this murderer, every one alive is being accounted for, and so who is this mystery killer? And what do they have against the identity cards?