
Chapter one; Page one

Cristal blue eyes scanned around the room before settling on the TV.
A blond woman and brown haired man appear on screen.
“Hello world, I’m Cassie fallen” the woman smiled
“And I’m Robbie Hill, and this is world news” the man smiled as well
“Another victim was found today; it looks like the identity killer has striked again” she said softly “the police have stated that there is no need to worry because they are close to finding the murderer.”
“In other news t-click” the TV went black
The blue eyed boy stood from where he sat on the couch and walked in to the kitchen where a table stood and on that table there was a man with blond hair and terrified brown eyes. His wrists and ankles were tied to the table and a gag was in his mouth keeping him silent.
The blue eyed boy picked up a scalpel that was lying on the counter next to him
“You brought this on yourself” the boy said softly as he placed the sharp part of the scalpel against the bar code on his wrist.
“This will only hurt….a lot” with that said he shoved the scalpel in to the blond man’s wrist and yanked it down
The blond man screamed in to the gag and struggled against his restraints to no avail.
The blue eyed boy set the bloody scalpel down before thrusting his fingers in to the wound and yanking it open trying to find the little white card.
“ah-ha!” the blue eyed boy yelled as he pulled the little white card out of the blond man’s wrist and turned away from the sobbing mess of a man on the table.
He grabbed a napkin and quickly cleaned off the card before setting it down on the counter and grabbed a small hammer before he started smashing the card until it was unfixable. He put the remains of the card in a little bag and sealed it then put it in his pocket before turning back to the blond man on his table.
The blue eyed boy started undoing the straps on the man’s ankles, once he was done he moved to he’s wrists before stopping.
“In case you get any funny ideas” the blue eyed boy said as he opened a drawer to the left of him and pulled out a hand gun, before undoing the straps around the man’s wrists. The blue eyed boy stepped away from the table
“Get up” the blue eyed boy ordered
The blond man slowly sat up and moved off the table his good hand moving to the gag still in his mouth and pulled it out.
“W-what are you going to do to me?” the man asked
“Nothing if you’re good” the blue eyed boy answered
The older blond man didn’t really believe the boy but if there was any chance even the slightest chance that he could make it out of this alive he’d take it.