Status: Active

Watch out for the Crazy Ones

Introducing The Killer

I present to you Ms. AJ Lee. To everyone she's the resident crazy chick. She's your friend one minute, but the next minute she turns on you and next thing you know, you're in a fight with her. She doesn't like being called crazy, so beware. Do not underestimate this girl. But there's one thing no one knows about Ms. AJ Lee.

Her bad side...well let's say it's scary. People who have called her crazy have gotten away with it before, but now whoever calls her crazy or looks at her the wrong way....well they're never seen again. They usually show up about a day or two afterwards. But there's one thing about that....they show up....DEAD.

No one knows she's behind all these killings because she acts all sweet and innocent most of the time. But behind closed doors is where it gets real scary and innocent people end up getting killed.
So couples and everyone...BEWARE of Ms. AJ Lee, the resident Crazy Chick.