Status: Active

Watch out for the Crazy Ones

The *** That Started It All


It's only mere hours until Superstars and Divas start to show up. There's only one Diva backstage of the arena today that always seems to show up early. AJ Lee. Lately she's been showing up to the arenas way early, but no one knows why. All she does is occasionally skip through the halls, minding her own business. That is until she bumps into someone, that certain someone being one of the backstage attendants that are at every show, trying to set the arena up for the show itself.

"I'm so sorry Ms. Lee. I must pay more attention to where I'm going."

"That's alright. You're a very busy man. You've got a show to get everything ready for." AJ replies, sweetly.

He nods and goes walking off, ending up walking into one of the rooms. AJ watches with a sweet and innocent look on her face. But as soon as the door closes, her smile turns to a frown and a look of pure evil comes across her face as she stares at the closed door. She stays staring at the door for quite some time before she goes back to the nice girl routine and skips away. She was formulating a plan. An evil plan to take out the attendant she bumped into. It's only a few minutes or so when she comes back to the door, but with a weapon on hand. Now it's not the usual knife because everything was basically plastic from catering and such. But she did manage to borrow, or well steal a pair of scissors that were just laying around. She had them hidden in her jeans pocket, under her t-shirt so no one would suspect anything.

So she stands outside the door for a bit, before knocking, to make it look normal. The door opens and the attendant looks confused.

"Ms. Lee? What're you doing here?" He asks as he steps aside to let her in.

"Oh, I just wanted to apologize."

"For what?"

"Well, it wasn't really your fault that we bumped into each other. It was mine. I just have the habit of skipping around without a care in the world. So I'm sorry...."

"Well that's quite alright, understandable." He nods.

"You didn't let me finish." She says, walking in circles around him, grabbing a handheld crate in the meantime, but staying behind him.

"I'm sorry.....for your clumsiness." She finishes, hitting him in the back of the head with the crate, which in return makes him fall to the ground.

He holds the back of his head as he turns around, seeing AJ with the case in her hands.

"Ms. Lee, what're you doing?"

She just cocks her head to the side and gives him that blank look.

"You won't have to worry about watching where you're going next time." She states with no emotion.

"AJ..." The attendant trails off as she tosses the case to the side.

"AJ's not here anymore." She says as she slowly takes out the pair of scissors.

Before he could say any more, she slices his throat and then plunges the pair of scissors through his stomach, and sits there with her head cocked and that blank stare as she slowly watches him bleed to death. She never removes the scissors, just leaves them there in the bloodied, lifeless body of a now former backstage attendant.

"Next time watch where you're going and don't bump into me." She says before getting up and leaving the room.

She then goes back to her normal, perky self and skips down the hall, leaving behind the dead attendant, no remorse at all.


Everyone had started to arrive at the arena for the show, to get to their locker rooms and get ready. Everything was fine and dandy, people doing the usual. It isn't until a scream is heard through the whole backstage area and everyone goes running in the direction it came from. Mike and Jennifer were one of the first two on the scene. Mike gets a glimpse of the dead body in the room and he immediately pulls Jennifer to him. "Don't look. You don't need to see that."

"Did anyone call 911 yet?" He asks.

"No." The person who found the dead body replied.

Mike just nods and pulls away from Jennifer, keeping her from looking still.

"I want you to call 911. Tell them there's been a murder. Can you do that for me?"

"Yeah sure." She nods, taking her phone out and walking off to make the call.

"What happened?" I ask when Alex and I walk up. "We heard a scream and then everyone started running over here."

"One of the backstage crew members....he's dead. From what I saw, he was stabbed...with scissors."

"Scissors? Murder? Who could do such a thing?"

"An enemy maybe? I really don't know."

"Where's Jen?"

"She's off calling 911. I wouldn't let her see the scene of the crime."

"She's gonna see it eventually though."

"I know."

As we stand around, waiting for 911 to get to the arena, more people started to crowd around. At one point they had to close the door to the room, to keep people from seeing the scene. The body was covered with a sheet thanks to the medics already there in the arena, since they're there for every show along with the trainers. Everyone just stood around, talking about what's going on.

"I heard a crew guy got stabbed." Vivian says to her boyfriend, Dolph Ziggler.

"That's the word going around." Dolph nods.

"Who could do such a thing?"

"Someone who has problems maybe? Or maybe it was suicide. We'll never know."

"Right. It's sad really. I mean we didn't personally know the guy, but everyone that travels with us turns into family."

It isn't long until 911 gets there and the EMTs leave the ambulance and get a stretcher ready. They head into the room to examine the body, before getting the coroner and they put the body in a body bag, the scissors get collected in an evidence bag, since the police arrived as well. While the body was being taken away, the police started questioning everyone.

"Can I get your names for the witness report?"

"Kandee Evans."

"Seth Rollins."

"Did you witness what happened here tonight?"

"No, we just heard this scream that resonated through the entire backstage area."

"And then we heard running footsteps and clamoring, we wanted to see what everything was about." Seth adds.

"And then we hear people talking as we're crowded around and they're saying a one of our crew guys was found dead. Possibly murder or suicide."

"We're you close with the victim?"

"Not personally. But when you travel with everyone here, fellow workers and crew members, everyone becomes family."

The officer nods and writes down everything on his notepad. After talking to them, he makes his rounds to every couple, mostly everyone who's been standing around. Soon the ambulance and everyone leave.

"Alright everyone. Obviously something tragic has happened tonight. But it's not going to affect our show. Now for those of you not ready yet, please get ready for the show since we will be starting shortly. Thank you." Stephanie McMahon announces and the crowd starts to disperse slowly, everyone heading to the locker rooms.

All the girls would be competing tonight, only because there's going to be a battle royal to determine who I face next for the Divas Championship. I didn't need to change into gear, because I would be sitting ringside on commentary to watch the match.

"Can you believe it? A murder or possible suicide, here in the WWE. This is the stuff you only see in moves." Britt remarks as she starts getting changed into her attire.

"I know. It's definitely going to be long night that's for sure, worrying about what's gonna happen next, if this is gonna happen again." Jasmine adds.

"Let's hope it doesn't." Autumn continues.

"Girls, let's not worry about this. We all have a match to concentrate on." AJ pipes up, trying to change the subject.

"Where did you come from? You weren't in here when we came in." Jasmine remarks.

"I just walked in and of course I heard what you were talking about. I just really think we shouldn't worry about it. We all have a match to see who's facing Ariana for the title at the next pay-per-view. Shouldn't we be worrying about that?"

"The crazy one makes a good point." Britt mutters to Autumn.

"It's definitely going to be crazy with all of us Divas in the ring. I really don't think there's been a battle royal as big as this one. Us four, Natalya, Kaitlyn, Naomi, Cameron, Rosa, Layla, Foxy, Aksana, Tamina, Jen, Kandee, Roxy, Alex, Lydia, Alicia, Rosie, Ana, and Vivian. The largest battle royal ever. This gonna be good." Jasmine points out.

"Oh I know right? At least it'll be a decent match for once."

"Which we don't get enough of, unfortunately."


"Well good luck girls." AJ says cheerful before skipping out of the locker room.

"Is it me or does she get weirder by the day?"

"She gets weirder by the day."


In the meantime, Roxy, Lydia, Alicia, Rosie and Ana were all standing around each other, talking about the recent happenings involving the mysterious death of the crew guy.

"Who do you think did it?" Roxy asks.

"No idea." Lydia replies.

"Suicide?" Alicia asks.

"Possibly." Rosie replies to her.

"Whatever happened, the crew guy is dead. Either murdered or suicide. We'll never know. What's more important is to focus on this battle royal for the number one contendership. It's gonna be the largest Battle Royal the WWE has ever seen for us Divas. Don't you agree?" Ana asks.

"That's true. All of us, the others and then the ones who were here before us. Definitely the largest Diva Battle Royal in history." Rosie agrees.

"Now who do you all think is gonna win?"

They all at once say 'me' and that was expected. They all get into a little argument after about who's going to win. Alexandria however is away from everyone and sitting backstage in the locker room with her boyfriend, Wade Barrett.

"If you ask me, the crew guy got what was coming for him. He wasn't really nice. Well to me anyway. But then again I don't like many people." Alexandria remarks.

"It is indeed tragic yes, but you do have more important things to focus on. Like winning that battle royal and going on to face Ariana for the Divas Championship."

"Oh I know. With you being Intercontinental Champion and with me being Divas Champion, we'll rule the WWE. Think about it."

"Oh I have and I absolutely love the thought."

"Of course you do." She grins.

It isn't long before the show had started. After the usual introductions from Cole and Jerry, they sent it into the ring where Mike was standing with Jen next to him, surrounded by the MizTV set. Once Mike's music faded, he spoke.

"Hello everyone and welcome to the most must-see talk show in the history of the WWE, welcome to MizTV! Now before I introduce my first guest, I'd like to talk a little bit about her. And yes I said 'her'. She has been making a statement ever since she got here to the WWE. From backstage brawls with other Divas, to her matches in this very ring. She's dominated every match she's been in. Let's watch the match which was the defining moment for her." Mike motions to the tron and they play my Championship match where I had beaten Kaitlyn.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, the first Diva ever to be on MizTV, and your current Divas Champion, Ariana!"

You don't get the world loose, loose. You don't get money, move move. But I do, I do. I say, y'all having a good time out there.

Then I emerge from the curtain as the chorus part of my song goes off. I raise the title in the air before heading down the ramp to the ring.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Que no pare la fiesta. Don't stop the party.

I get into the ring, the ropes being held for me by Mike, so it's easier for me to get into the ring. I thank him and walk over and take another mic from Jen as she hands it to me. I then hug her and then hug Mike. We're all friends on screen and off so it works out perfectly. He motions for me to sit and I do so.

"Welcome to MizTV Ariana."

"It's actually an honor to be on your show. And I'm not just saying that because we're friends."

"Of course not. Now you're the Divas Champion. How does that feel after only being with the WWE for about a year?"

"Oh, it feels amazing. Every Diva in the locker room dreams of getting this and I was one of the lucky ones. And I don't plan on losing it anytime soon."

"Spoken like a true champion. So, concerning this Divas Battle Royal coming up later in the show. It's one of the biggest Diva Battle Royals in history."

"It is. 23 women in the ring, all fighting for a chance at me and MY Divas Championship. And of course, yours truly will be ringside to observe. But let it be known, I don't care who wins, but whoever does, don't think you're winning this title so soon. I'm going to put up a fight so I never lose this."

"But you do understand that being the champion puts a target on your back."

"Oh yeah I know. I'm sure every title holder in the past and current knows that. What I'm saying is that I can be target for anyone, but I'm never letting go of MY Divas Championship. I'm going to be the longest reigning Divas Champion in history. And yes that means longer than Maryse's combined reigns."

"Longer than her huh? We've been hearing you tell people that, even before you won the title. Some people think you're bluffing. What are your comments to that?"

"They're jealous obviously. But hey everyone is jealous of the champion...aren't they?" I give him a look.

"Yes, yes they are."

"Jealous? No one jealous of you." We hear the voice of Aksana and turn to see her walking out. "You are joke. You don't deserve title. Aksana deserve title."

"Says the one who has bad grammar. How about you come back when you don't butcher OUR language yeah? Thank you. Awww did I hurt your feelings. Come down here and do something about it....airhead." I say, standing up and facing her direction, adjusting the title on my shoulder.

She starts to come down to the ring, but then decides against it, heading back up the ramp and heads to the back.

"What I thought....coward." I mutter under my breath.

"Hey Aksana! How about this. You come see me when you get some talent alright? Okay. Thanks." I simply say as I drop the mic. I go back over to Stef and Mike and give them a hug before leaving the ring, not happy at all that Aksana ruined my moment.

"Black haired airhead." I grumble to myself.

"Hey hey, it's alright. Don't mind Aksana." Alex says as he meets me behind the curtain, trying to calm me. "Every girl is going to be fighting for the shot at your title. So they're all going to be making comments like that."

"I know. It's just out of everyone, she's the most annoying."

"Who Aksana?" Jen questions as she and Mike walk through the curtain themselves.


"Oh I know. And she talks in 3rd person all the time. But whatever. I'll make sure she's one of the first ones thrown out of that ring tonight. Just for you."

"That would be great." I laugh. "Well I have about two matches into the show before my first backstage segment. And it's with you. This is great."

"Oh I know. Considering we're best friends on screen too. We always make backstage segments amazing."

"Yes we do. So how about it...go somewhere to watch the next two matches before our segment?"

"Yes, let's." She nods, and we walk away from the curtain to find a spot to watch the next two matches, Mike and Alex following behind us.

Meanwhile, Kandee and Lydia were backstage sitting with Seth, Dean and Roman. Seth was sitting next to Kandee, and Dean next to Lydia

"Aksana is really an airhead if she thinks she's getting past us in that Battle Royal. If anything one of us are winning, right Lydia?" Kandee asks her.

"That's why we're going to survive as long as we can. Partners in crime, just like these three." She motions to Dean, Seth and Roman.

"And mostly every Diva fears us. Feels great to have that effect on everyone around here."

"That's because they know who our boyfriends are."

"Exactly. Speaking of you two, match tonight?" Kandee asks Seth.

"Yup. Handicap match against Ryback." Seth replies.

"When is he going to realize that he's no match for all three of you at once?"

"No idea. But we'll beat him senseless until he does realize it."

"Of course you are."

As the show comes back on the air, they turn their attention to the screen where Cody and Damien were coming out first, accompanied by Rosie, who was also Cody's girlfriend.

"The following tag team contest is scheduled for onefall. First, accompanied by Rosie, at a combined weight of 462 pounds, Cody Rhodes, Damien Sandow, Team Rhodes Scholars!"

All three get up onto the ring and they hold the ropes for Rosie to get in first. They follow and pose in each corner. Cody's music is cut by Kane's pyro and then music. Him and Daniel coming out next.

"And their opponents. At a combined weight of 533 pounds, they are the WWE Tag Team Champions, Daniel Bryan and Kane, Team Hell No!"

Cody, Damien and Rosie have since exited the ring. After Kane and Daniel are in the ring, Kane hits his pyro in the ring, while Cody and Damien strategize. After they're done, they decide that it'll be Cody starting the match off against Daniel, but Cody doesn't want Daniel, he wants Kane. The crowd starts to chant 'Cody's mustache', and that distracts everyone for a moment, before Daniel tags Kane in. Cody goes right at him, only to get pushed away. They circle and Cody goes after him again in the corner, until Kane grabs him and throws him into the corner. Cody reverses and goes after him a third time in the corner, getting pushed off. It then starts to go downhill from there, as Kane hits him with a headbutt.

"Come on Cody!" Rosie cheers from ringside.

Cody comes back with a kick to the shoulder and he goes to throw Kane into the ropes, only for Kane to block it and send Cody into the ropes. When Cody comes back he drops and slides underneath Kane and through his legs, appearing behind him and when Kane turns around he gets kicked in the knee. Cody tries to keep the momentum going but it fails and he's had enough, going over and tagging Damien in.

"Let's go Damien. Cody you okay?" She cheers, then checks on Cody.

"I'll be fine. I just needed to get out of there.

When Cody climbs back up, Kane and manhandling Damien and brings him over to his corner, tagging Daniel in. Daniel climbs to the top as Damien is held where he is. Daniel jumps and hits his fists off of Damien's arm, and then continues to work on that very arm in the middle of the ring by twisting it. Damien gets out of it with an elbow to Daniel's head and bounces off the ropes, only for Daniel to trip him and then yells 'no', while kicking him repeatedly.

"Stop! Stop!" Cody yells.

Daniel then turns Damien on his stomach and stands on his legs with his feet wrapped around Daniel's legs.

"Cody! Cody! Cody!" Damien yells.

Daniel grabs his arms, only for him to pull away and using all his strength, Daniel manages to lift him and slam him back down on his knees. He then tags Kane back in and with the help of Daniel, Kane is able to dropkick him while he's sitting. Kane goes for the cover, but Damien kicks out at two. The match went on for a good amount of time and at this point, Damien and Cody had the match in their control. Cody tells Rosie to bring him one of the tag titles, but Daniel gets up before she could grab them, and Cody just keeps stomping away at him. He goes for the cover, but Daniel kicks out and Cody tags in Damien. Damien works on the arm of Daniel, and he just can't catch a break, until he's in the corner and that's where Daniel gets the momentum.

"Get up Damien!" Rosie hits the apron with her hands.

"Damien! Now!" Cody screams as he inches closer to him, and tags Cody in. At the same time, Daniel had tagged in Kane and Cody stormed over to him, only to get knocked back down. He was also met with a big boot, and thrown into the corner. He's thrown into the opposite and then hit with a sideslam. He hooks the leg and Cody kicks out at two. Kane hits Damien with a cheap shot and Rosie goes to check on him as Kane climbs to the top. Cody however gets up and climbs to the top, urging Damien to get back up. When he does, he gets tagged in and they climb to the top going for a superplex, but Kane throws both of them down and takes out Cody. Damien then hits Kane with his finisher, and goes for the cover, but Daniel breaks it up. Cody grabs Daniel and hits him with Cross Rhodes, before getting out of the ring, and gets tagged in. Cody hits Kane with the Disaster Kick, but Kane kicks out. Both him and Rosie are frustrated at this point. Cody goes over to the corner and climbs to the top, going for the top rope moonsault. Kane rolls out of the way, and Daniel tags himself in as Kane delivers a chokeslam. Daniel climbs to the top and hits him with a flying headbutt. Daniel covers and gets the three count.

"Here are your winners, Team Hell No!"

Cody had rolled out of the ring at this point and Rosie went to his side to check on him. Once he's alright to walk, she helps him up and the three of them head around the ring and back up the ramp, but not before they all have a chance to glare at the two in the ring. In the meantime, Vivan was backstage with Dolph as he was getting ready for his match which was up next.

"Average match. You're going to steal the whole show." She remarks. "Despite the match being so early, but still...stealing the show every time you go out there."

"Every night." He nods. "Ready to head out there?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

He nods and grabs the briefcase and she links her arm with his and hey head out. Kofi had gone out first, and then they hit Dolph's music and then he and Vivian head out. She gives Dolph a kiss before letting him get up and into the ring. After both and and Kofi are ready, the bell rings. They circle and lock up, Dolph getting Kofi in a side headlock early on and takes him down. Kofi counters and locks his legs around his neck, but Dolph quickly gets out, only to be hit with a dropkick. Dolph goes into the corner and Kofi goes over and hits him with a monkey flip, but Dolph ends up spinning a few times before landing on his face. Vivian runs over to check on him and just as she does, Kofi gets thrown into the ringpost, shoulder first. Dolph had distracted the ref long enough for Vivian to deliver a slap to Kofi's face for what he just did just seconds prior to Dolph. Dolph and Kofi get to their feet and Kofi's hit with a dropkick. He goes for the cover, but Kofi kicks out, so Dolph gets him in a side headlock on the apron, until Kofi gets out of the hold and tries to fight back. After some time, Dolph gets Kofi in the Sleeper Hold, Kofi fading.

"Go to sleep Kofi! Go to sleep!" Vivian exclaims.

Kofi manages to get out of it and then sends Dolph to the floor. Vivian rushes to his side just as Kofi was about to suicide dive into him, but with Vivian there, he reconsiders his actions. She then gets an idea...she motions to Dolph to go around the ring to sneak up on Kofi in a way that he doesn't notice. Dolph nods and heads that way. That's when Vivian gets up onto the apron causing a distraction to both the ref and Kofi. So to cause an even better distraction she argues with the ref and Kofi while Dolph sneaks in and when Kofi gets close enough, he hits him with the Zig Zag and covers him, getting the three count. He rolls out of the ring quickly to meet Vivian and she hugs him before raising his hand in victory. After she hands him his briefcase, they both make their way to the back. As they were making their way to the back, backstage Jen and I were talking.

"You know, if I do end up winning the Battle Royal, it's definitely going to be fun to face you for the title at the next pay-per-view."

"Oh I know. We just have so much respect for each other that I know we can put on a great match."

"Big battle royal tonight, I'm gonna try and stay until the end."

"Of course. So many are gonna be out there, so many people to look out for. It's crazy."

"I know. But I think I can last. If I think I can, I can try at least. Not worried about who you're gonna face are you?"

"Oh no. You know worry. Because I know I can beat anyone who's going to be in that ring tonight."

"Is that so?" Kandee's voice is heard and she appears on screen for those watching. "You have yet to beat me in a one on one match."

"That's because you cheat. Learn that from The Shield? You know...Seth?"

"Cute. But if cheating is the last resort to beating you, then I'll do it. Just know that I'm winning that battle royal tonight, I will throw every Diva out of that ring to get what I want, and you're gonna wish you never won that Divas Championship." She gives me a look before walking away.

"That's what she thinks." I mumble.

"I know right. So anyway..." Jen trails off as for those watching, it goes for a commercial break.

In the meantime, Britt was backstage with Randy as he was getting ready for his tag team match he and Sheamus would be having against Primo and Epico.

"Yeah, so you two have this match won already. I mean, Primo and Epico? Come on. They could've at least gave you a challenge at least. But you know, whatever."

"Well you shouldn't worry about us Britt. You have a big battle royal to win later. You should focus on that."

"Oh I know. I'm focused. I really am. I mean sure it's the biggest Divas battle royal in history, it's not going to be easy, but I'm focused on this match. I am."

"Good because I'd love to see you go on to face Ariana for the title. Bring the title home where it belongs. And then when you win it, I'll go for a title and I'll bring that home too and we'll both be champions. Wouldn't you like that?" Randy asks.

"It does sound good. What do you think about this Sheamus?" She asks him.

"I tink it's definitely something to work towards. If you two pull it off, well then all the luck in the world to ya. Because remember, you'll both have targets on your back. See you out there." He states, leaving first.

"Don't worry about him."

"Oh I'm not. Now let's go win that match." She grins, lacing her fingers with his before they head out of the room, following far behind Sheamus.

When they finally reach the stage entrance, Sheamus was already heading out.

"You know, Rosa is most likely going to be with them tonight. She always is. She just gets on my nerves." Britt comments.

"I know she does, but you can feel free to do what you want to her. Especially if she tries to interfere."

"Gladly." Britt smirks, just as Randy's music goes off next, and then they walk out and are introduced as they make their way to the ring. Once they were in the ring and ready to go, the music of Primo and Epico went off and Rosa walked out with them.

"And their opponents, accompanied to the ring by Rosa Mendes, Primo and Epico!"

That went the way Britt had predicted, after a while of in-ring action, and when Primo was about to get pinned, Rosa jumped up onto the side of the ring apron and started yelling at Randy, who was getting distracted.

"Oh hell no bitch." Britt had stormed over and grabbed Rosa's foot and pulled her off the apron, making her hit her face off of the side of the ring.

"Stay out of the match!" Britt screams at her.

Primo went for a roll up and Randy had kicked out, and then out of nowhere hitting Primo with the RKO. He covered Primo for the pin, glaring at Epico while the ref counted to three.

"Here are your winners, Sheamus and Randy Orton!"

While they all celebrate in the ring, Dean, Seth, Roman and the two girls Lydia and Kandee were standing in the little area that leads to the crowd, a curtain seperating them all from the crowd. They're all there because the match is coming up next as soon as the commercial break is over.

"You guys so got this match. You've beaten him before, you can do it again." Kandee says as all three men get pumped up for the upcoming match.

"Yeah, we'll be standing right here was we wait for you to come back, or do you want to meet us backstage?" Lydia asks.

"Well considering we're gonna go through the area below the stage, backstage would be good."

"Alright. We'll go there after the match is over."

They all nod. As soon as the commercial break was over, Ryback came out first, wasting no time in getting to the ring.

Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta, Shield.

Before all three men head out and through the crowd, Dean and Seth get a kiss from Kandee and Lydia.

"Good luck, even though we all know you won't need it."

They then head out and make their way to the ring, when they get there, they surround it and then attack when they enter. But mid-attack, Sheamus would come running out to save Ryback, due to The Shield's conflict with him as well. Seth works on Ryback while Dean and Roman take out Sheamus. That's when Randy comes running out to even the score and he throws Dean out of the ring before taking out Seth and Roman. Dean gets back into the ring and goes after Randy only to roll out of the ring again. Roman goes with him as well, while Ryback has Seth in the air and throws him out of the ring on Roman. Dean then gets hit with an RKO, Seth pulling him to safety, all three men have to retreat. The match would never happen.

"What in the hell was that? They can't do that, this was supposed to be a match." Kandee complains.

"Can't keep their noses out of other people's business. Never fails. Let's go, meet them by where they're going." Lydid sighs as she walks off so they can head back to the backstage area and where Dean, Seth and Roman would be coming through. That cuts to backstage where I'm walking through the halls, minding my own business until I'm stopped.



"If you think you're going to get someone easy or one of your friends to face you for the title, you're mistaken."

"It's every woman for themselves, we'll have to wait and see. And in all honesty, I don't want easy matches, I take everything as a challenge and I give it my all. I expect you to do the same in the battle royal tonight."

"Oh I will, and I will come out on top and then we'll fight for that title." She points to it before walking off.

The next match of the night would see Justin Gabriel face off against Wade Barrett. Roxy was ringside for Justin while Alexandria was ringside for Wade. It was a very grueling match, lots of close calls. Justin at one point had Wade down and went and climbed to the top rope, going for the 450, but Wade had gotten up and ran into the corner, Justin had to jump down and over him. When he turned around, he got hit with Winds of Change. Wade goes for the cover, but Justin kicks out.

"That's three ref! Learn to count!" Alexandria screams.

Wade goes stomping away at Justin before helping him up and getting him in an abdominal stretch and then lifts him up only for Justin to counter. Coming off the ropes, Justin kicks Wade in the face. He looks back and uses the ropes, hitting a springboard moonsault and goes for the pin again, Wade kicks out.

"Oh come on!" Roxy yells.

Wade's in the corner now and Justin runs, only for Wade to move so Justin hops up to the 2nd rope. Wade turns around and comes after him, only to get hit in the face with Justin's boot. Justin then climbs to the top again, going for the 450, but Wade moves yet again and Justin gets frustrated. He goes over and grabs Wade, only for Wade to rake the eyes and then hit Justin with the Bull Hammer Elbow. He gets back into the ring and covers Justin for the win. Alexandria cheers and gets into the ring, raising Wade's hand in victory, while Roxy reaches in and grabs Justin, helping him out of the ring, heading to the back while Wade celebrates. I'm on my way to the gorilla so I can head out during the break to be there for the Battle Royal. Once I get there, Alexandria is already there and waiting.

"Hope you're ready to face me for that title."

"I'm ready to face anyone. Whether it be you, someone I'm friends with or a sworn enemy. See you out there Alexandria." I say before they hit my theme.

You don't get the world loose, loose. You don't get money, move move. But I do, I do. I say, y'all having a good time out there.

I come out from the curtain and head right down to commentary, slapping some fans hands along the way.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Que no pare la fiesta. Don't stop the party.

After the commercial break, each girl came out to their theme music. We had time since it was the main event.

"The following is a Divas Battle Royal to determine the number one contender for the Divas Championship!"

Got the stars coming out over my hood and all I know now is it's going good. You got your hands up, you're rocking in my truck, you got the radio on, singing every song...

"Introducing first, Britt Britt!"

Last night at the party, I was looking for somebody who I could take home...

"Kandee Evans!"

Rock Mafia. They try to change me, but they realize they can't. And every tomorrow is a day I never plan. If you're gonna be my man understand, I can't be tamed.

"Jennifer Halliwell!"

All it takes is a main attraction. Scattered bones underneath the fashion. Lower life on a higher plane. That's what you want. That's what they're giving away...

"Roxy Brooks!"

After a long instrumental opening to the song, Noelle finally appears.

"Noelle Mitchell!"

I'm insatiable, I can't get enough. I need to find a boy...


Scream, shout. Scream, shout. We are fallen angels..


I'm a slave for you. I cannot hold it, I cannot control it...


Let me show you what love is. Let me show you how to move your body..

"Alicia Bourne!"

You're on your knees, begging' please 'stay with me'. But honestly, I just need to be a little crazy.


Started from the bottom now we here...


I got some people saying this way. I got some people saying that way. I got some people saying there's no way. Ain't it tough.

"Vivian Orton!"

Keep reaching...


Let's light it up! Light it up, light it up, light it tonight. Let's light it up!


Romantic music then goes off and out walks Aksana. More musical music comes on and out walks Alicia Fox. Then the group music of Brodus and Tensai plays and out comes Cameron and Naomi, dancing their way to the ring. The next few were Layla, Natalya, Rosa and Tamina. Once all women were in the ring, the bell rang and the chaos ensued. It actually didn't take long for the first elimination to happen and that was Rosa, who was eliminated by Natalya. She starts to screech in Spanish, before storming off.

"Thanks for coming Rosa." I comment.

Shortly after that, Aksana had fell to the floor. Lydia and Kandee were working together and they focused on the Funkadactyls. They took a few hits before they both eliminated Cameron. But when they turned around, Naomi had dropkicked them both and they tumbled out of the ring. However they held onto the ropes so they never touched the floor. They swung themselves up and back into the ring as Naomi went after another one of the girls. Kandee and Lydid focused on Layla and Natalya now. In the meantime on my side, I was watching as Alicia Fox was trying to get rid of Jen. Jen would not budge no matter how much Alicia tried. Tamina takes advantage of that and ends up eliminating Alicia as Jen holds onto the ropes still. It was just chaos left and right and Kaityn had eventually eliminated Vivian. And in return, Alexandria eliminated Kaitlyn with a big smirk on her face. More girls got eliminated in this order, Noelle, Jasmine, Alicia Bourne, Britt, Rosia, Ana. Lydia and Kandee tried their very best to eliminate Layla and Natalya. They got Layla eliminated but Natalya snuck up on them and eliminated Lydia. That kind of pissed of Kandee so she went and grabbed Natalya and threw her out of the ring, getting rid of her from the match. Tamina had eliminated Naomi, and Alexandria had eliminated Roxy. Kandee, AJ and Jen were resting for the meantime as they watch as Alexandria and Tamina go at it. Since no one was moving, Kandee got up and got rid of both girls. All that was left in the ring was Kandee, Jen and AJ. AJ's attitude had changed. She just sat there with a blank look on her face as she watched Kandee and Jen fight it out. They were against the ropes and Jen had eliminated Kandee with a signature move and what did AJ do? She came up from behind and dropkicked her and knocked her out of the ring, AJ ultimately winning the Battle Royal.

"Here is your winner and the number one contender to the Divas Championship, AJ Lee!" Justin Roberts announces.

I stand from where I was sitting as AJ smiles oh so sweetly over at me. Even though she's smiling oh so sweetly I can see the hatred in her eyes. I take the title and raise it up in the air, showing that I'm the champion and I very well will be after our title match at the next pay-per-view. I leave the ringside area first, walking around the ring and making sure I keep a good eye on AJ, just in case she goes all crazy and attacks me from behind. She and I exchange words, words that are audible to those close and the cameras. The show ends and fades on AJ's satisfied face.