

"Blaise! Wait up, man!" Yaxley ran past me, try to catch up with what I could only describe as the most handsome man I'd ever laid my eyes upon. I stared at the fraying folders in my locker, imagining the way in which his bronze hair bounced as he walked, lightly tapping his shoulders and covering the tanned skin on the back of his neck. His green-grey eyes looking at me with a glint that came with the smile on his lips. He'd never looked at me like that though. The only looks I got from Blaise Halvorson were glares or looks that went right through me. I wish I could just wrap myself in his long, strong arms and rest against his six pack but I knew if I did that all I would get is a hard shove, a glare and a sneer, and all the ridicule the population of Wolfgang Academy of Excellence can serve up until the next pregnant slut starts showing.

I sigh at my appearance in the mirror, it's no wonder he doesn't look at me, when I'm as fat as a hippo and the face of a wicked witch. My raven curls are pulled back in a messy plait, bits and pieces falling out as it cascades down my back. My deep blue eyes look dead, like I'm on autopilot. I pull out my worn maths folder, my chipped black nail polish, only freshly painted this morning, looked horrible against the chubbiness of my fingers. It was disgusting, I am disgusting, no matter what I do the weight just never seems to come off.

The bell rings, and the crowd starts moving like a flood into the building, towards the sea of classrooms. I snap my locker closed quietly and head towards my class. Mr Toro, a rotund middle-aged alcoholic, sat behind his mahogany desk, smiling and giving a drunken wave of welcoming to everyone who walked in the class.

"G'mornin', Missy. Sweep well?" He dozily grinned, he obviously had; no thanks to his not-so-secret stash of alcohol I bet. I nodded, hurriedly making my way to the front row seat by the open window, where I sat in almost every class. I pulled my biro pen out my bag, opening my folder to a fresh page as the rest of the class piled into the room. Sirius, Yaxley and Blaise sauntered into the room, known to the rest if us as 'the three studs', they were laughing obnoxiously and making strange pig noises, blanking tubby's welcome completely. Strolling to the back of the class, the laughing stopped abruptly, as they noticed only two chairs sat empty at the back, and the only other empty chair next to me.

"Dudes' chill! Blaise yelled, pulling his two mates apart, "no need to fight over two dumb chairs, I'll sit at the front, guess it couldn't hurt to cram some of this stupid junk." Heavy footsteps echoed closer and closer toward me, the smell of Axel, the must-have cologne for men, hits my nose and my arm hairs prickle as heat envelops me. I risk a glimpse, his eyes bore into mine paralysing me with a tempestuous feeling.

His delectably soft lips part as he whispers "Hey, I'm Blaise, Blaise Halvorson. I don't think we've met." Holding a muscular hand out for me, with an impish grin, inviting me to shake it as the other hand dumps his bag on the floor with a gentle slump. Tentatively I take his hand, terrified he will make a joke out of me, or get nauseous by the clammy thickness of my hand.
"I'm S-s-skylette, Skylette H-hart." I stammer, before quickly letting go, determined to keep my eyes on the yellowing chalk Toro loves to squeak away with. No matter how hard I try, I just cannot focus, the burn of his gaze won't go away.


The flashback ended and I opened my eyes. Mr Toro's yellow chalk squeaked against the dust on the grey chalkboard, just like it always had. The window let a small breeze float across my desk, making the pages wave. Blaise gave me a quick wink from next to me when he noticed I had awaken from my daydreams. I quickly took my tongue out at him. He scrunched his nose back and sent me a goofy face, starting a silent war.

The bell rang, ending our little war and I hastily packed my stuff into my bag. I ran up behind Blaise, putting my hands over my eyes and saying the obvious line of "Guess who?"
"Erm..." He pretended he didn't know who it was. "Yaxley?" He faked an unsure tone. "Come on, lets go get some meat on those bones of yours." His words made me look down at my hands. When I first met him, I only thought of my hands as fat and disgusting but now, I see what is really there, bony thin fingers with bumps at me joints and knuckles. This made me remember another time.


"Why won't you seal the deal?" I asked, duvet covering my naked body and my elbow propping my head up, looking down on the love of my life. His luscious lips set into a small frown.
"Sky, babe, in your condition it's just not safe to do so. You aren't physically strong enough to go through the change." He frown started to perk up slightly. "I promise that I'll help you get over your anorexia and once you're strong enough, I will most definitely seal the deal. I don't wanna live a moment of my life without you." He smiled, lifting his head up to plant a small kiss on my lips.
"You promise 'cause I don't think I can live another moment without you." I whispered back, looking into his grey eyes, counting the flickers of green.
"I promise."


I sat down in the new cafe that had opened up down the street from Blaise's house. It was cute with white wallpaper that small pink hearts and lavender swirls sprinkled all over it. The tables were round with a mixture of pink roses and purple daisies sat proud in their vase in the centre.
"Hello, young master Halvorson. What can I get you and your little missy." An ageing women came up to our table, crow feet smiling with her lips.
"Ah, just the usual please." He smiles back, his dimples in full effect.
"Alrighty then. I'll be back in a jiffy." She walked away, putting her little notebook into her apron.
"Mmm... I love the lasagne here." I smile, looking over the tables, seeing only a handful of people in the cafe.
"It's good they give extra large portions then and honestly, I can't get enough of the double chocolate dessert with extra cream and toppings myself." His smile becomes cheeky, his pearly white teeth showing.
"That's for two and you always eat my half!" I exclaim back, a matching cheek smile stretching across my face.
"They give you a small version out of sympathy." He pouts, giving me puppy eyes.
"Greedy," I mumble as the lady comes with my lasagne and his steak and three veg. The talking stopped as we started eating and another memory comes to the front of my mind.


The sun's orangey-pink light of the early morning crept its way around the blind, lighting up the small coffee-coloured room.
"Aze, just tell me." I whispered, tears threatening to overspill.
"I-I..." He stuttered to the floor and stopped. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes before his head snapped up and his gaze pierced through me. "I'm a vampire."
"W-what? No..." I say dumbly. "You... No." The cogs turning in my head, the little hints and weird actions. It all just clicks into place. "Like an immoral blood-sucking creature of the night or a sparkly fairy?"
"I'd go for the first one but were not as scary or evil as you think. We steal from the blood bank down by the mall." He smiles weakly.
"So no killing but no animals either." He nods. "Do you burn in the sun?"
"A little but a coating of high-factor sunscreen sorts that out."
"Crosses? Holy water? Stakes? Silver?" He shakes his head at the first two.
"Some of the normal ways of killing things apply like attacking the brain and heart, but we do have stronger bones and muscles so it is harder to do so."
"Do you transform like the hulk?" He chuckles and wipes his forehead, hiding a face-palm.
"Not like the hulk but our teeth and nails do extend in anger or passion. We get more irritable if we don't drink though."
"As I can imagine." I smile, reaching out to hug him. His head rests on my shoulder and his arms sliver around my waist. "I'm not scared, it's okay."
"Thank God." I hear him mumble under his breath. "Thank God."


"Miss Hart, I'm sorry to say that your weigh has led to highly problematic circumstances. It is unlikely you'll live to see next weeks as your heart has now been worn out. Your other vital organs aren't looking any better either and if an organ stops working, it could lea to a lot of pain." The doctor told me in the hospital where Blaise had taken me after I had collapsed for the third time in three days. Blaise's face was in his hands, muffling his small sobs.
"Thank you, Doctor." I mumble, looking out the small window, away from the others in the room, trying to digest the horrible fact. I'm going to die. The doctor exits the room, leaving Blaise and I alone.
"Would you rather die now or live forever?" He whispers.
"Pardon?" I say with the same volume.
"Become like me and live with me forever." He looks up, he gaze piercing through me.
"You mean..." He nods, tears still falling down his cheeks. "Yes. "


"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asks me for the umpteenth time today.
"Blaise, that is the hundred and first time you've said that, I think the answer is yes. Are you sure though, if you keep asking?" I snap back.
"Well, of course, I've been waiting for this day for ages." He said, stroking his hand lightly along my left cheek and his thumb across my bottom lip, before leaning in and letting the throws of passion consume us.

The change was a painful yet overwhelmingly intimate. The blood in my veins heated up to a intolerable temperate, my heart pumping as if I was running for me life and my muscles contracting and relaxing as if volts ran through them when they touched anything. The pain increases and I become impartial to my own screams. The pain takes over all thoughts and actions, consuming me. It lasts for what seems like hours before starting to ease off and my muscles feel stronger and my figure fuller.
"You survived."


A month had past since my change and today was finally my birthday. Blaise sat a double chocolate and cream cake in front of me, a single candle sitting next to the flake that sat in the middle. He sang happy birthday in his harmonious voice. I blew out the candle and he cut my a quarter slice, taking the other three quarters for himself.
"Pig." I mumble, biting into my slice.
"Nah, I'm a vampire."
"Coulda fooled me." I said, before he put a blob of cream on my nose. "Mature." We finish up our cake, having a small cream war for a few minutes before we decide the cream is too tasty to waste.
"Let's go see the stars." He says, leading me out his back door into the garden.

A sharp pain fills my chest as I fall to my knees. My head hits the grass and I fight to keep my eyes open.
"Sky?!" Blaise half-yells, putting his hand on my chest to pick up a bullet and loads of blood. "No!"
My eyelids become heavy, the darkness consuming me as I see Blaise's back arch and the nails on his hands and feet extend into claws. He turns his back to me as he lets out a terrifying war cry. Then he charges into the opposite direction as the darkness devours me.