I Don't Mine

Still Running Away. (VIC & KELLIN POV)

~Vic's POV~

So I have to make Quinn like me huh? This will be hard. I'm so darn awkward and weird.. I guess you can say. It took me awhile to get Tony to like me because he was sorta popular, pretty much got all the girls, but at some point people fucked him over. Mike, Jaime and I went up to Tony and we all sorta...clicked. When I met Jaime, he actually came to me when I was just sitting with Mike on the lunch tables back in Middle School and we instantly became friends.
Tomorrow I meet up with Quinn. So this will be interesting.

As I was walking out of the school's doors, I saw a familiar face smiling at me. Jaime.
No one understands me like Jaime does. He's a great guy, I love him like my own brother. We've know each other since Middle School. He was actually one of my first friends I made and after a short amount of time we became best friends. Funny, right?

"Hey, Vic." Jaime was leaning back against the pillar that held up the roof above our heads.

"Hey." I walked up to him and he grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into a tight hug.

As we pulled away he looked at me with a bright, joyful, Hi-me smile.

"Soooo.." He was rocking himself back and forth on his heels. "How was your day?"


We began walking towards my house.

"Hey, bro! Hi, Jaime!" Mike greeted us at the door as we walked in. Mike was always so hyped up everyday. We all wonder why, but we just guessed that Mike is just..Mike.

"Hey, guys." Jaime and I greeted Mike, who was sitting on the couch and Tony, who was recumbent on the recliner chair by Mike. They were both debating on which of the topics were better; Star Wars or Harry Potter?

Jaime and I made our way to the couch that was across from Mike's. As we placed our stuff on the floor, we decided to do some homework. As I reached my Science homework I remembered Quinn.

"Hey guys.."

Everyone's heads turned to me.

"You'll never guess who I walked into.." I told them everything that happened. Mike and Tony didn't seem so surprised. But Jaime...Jaime was quiet the whole time.

I looked at who walked into the cafeteria. Quinn and his buds. I turned away before any of them would notice me.

"There's this new girl in my math class. Her name is Emma...I think." Tony spoke up out of no where.

"Is she hot?" Mike asked with a smirk.

"She's way out of your league."

"C'mon. I know you're only saying that just so you can make a move on her, Tone!"

Jaime and I were chuckling and snickering at their conversation. It was funny how Mike and Tony would fight over girls. They would compete just to get one girl. There's like many other girls in the school, but I guess whenever Tony has an eye for someone, Mike is there to pitch in.

"Hey, Vic.." Jaime spoke to me in a secretive tone. "I think Quinn is staring at you again.."

As I looked up, I saw him talking to..Jesse, I think that's what his name was. I turned my head back to Jaime and looked at him with a confused look.

"I swear. He was staring at you.." For a second there.. Jaime sounded jealous?

~Kellin's POV~

"There's a new girl in my math class. Her name is Emma." Justin went on and on about how he can get with her and how he seemed to really like her.
Me, on the other hand was too worried about my tutoring session with Vic. I know we have to choose between his house or mine.. because for some reason Mr. Mullin's doesn't think we should tutor in his classroom or in the library? He said something about the setting around me would probably effect my way of learning. Bullshit. I'm nervous around Vic and I doubt I could focus whenever I'm around him. Maybe I should ditch? But then again I'd have to repeat Mr. Mullin's class again. Ugh. Why is this so complicated? I like..possibly love Vic, but he doesn't know. He probably doesn't even care. I have to tell him some point though..

"She's awesome, dude!" Justin was talking about the girl in his Math class again. I think he might actually have a real girlfriend. His last one cheated and left to move to Mexico or something like that.

"I have to go guys." I spoke up. "I have a tutoring thing with Fuentes."

By the tone in my voice, they knew which Fuentes brother I was talking about.

"Whoa. Vic?" Jesse looked sorry for me. He knew how I act around Vic. So did the other guys.

I nodded my head. "I'll see you guys later." When I started walking back to Mr. Mullin's class, I heard the rest of the guys wishing me "Good luck". Fuck. I definitely need it.

As I was a few steps away from Mullin's classroom, I took a deep breath before entering. I saw Vic. He was talking to Mullin's about some method. I don't know. I'm not into these nerd type of things.

"Um, Hey.." I finally spoke up.

"Mr. Bostwick! Please, take a seat."

I sat down on the nearest desk. Vic and Mullin's were still talking. So to keep myself busy.. I took out my phone and pretended I was texting. In my head all I could think of was; 'God, Please kill me.'
Once they were done talking, Vic came up to me.

"I'm going to tutor you in your house...If that's okay?" He was so polite. It was adorable. I can feel myself melting in his presence.

"Uh..yeah. Sure." We both got up and exited the classroom.

"Mr. Fuentes." Mr. Mullin's called out and I saw Vic stop at his tracks. "Don't forget."

"I won't." Vic replied and smiled at him before leaving with me.

The whole walk to the exit of the school was so quiet. I couldn't say anything. What is there to say? 'Hey. I like you.. maybe even possibly love you. Do you feel the same way?' Fuck. No. But by the time we made it outside. I noticed Vic was stealing glances at me. He seemed...nervous. Did I scare him because I used to stare at him back in middle school? I was so paranoid, but I kept my cool. I didn't want to ruin this. Not at all.

We made it to my house and I opened the door for him like a gentleman would. I followed after him and closed the door behind us.

"Please.. sit." I threw my stuff over to the side, like I always do and sat on the nearest couch.

Vic nodded and sat next to me, placing his stuff all organized by him. Wow. I kinda felt like shit because..He was so clean and perfect.

"So. Covalent and Ionic bonds. What do you know about them?" He asked me as he was taking out some paper, worksheets, a textbook and a few pencils.

I looked at him with a blank expression. I really didn't know.. "They're uh...Bonds?" No shit. God. I was sounding like an idiot. This is ridiculous.

Vic laughed lightly and smiled at me. "You're right, but you're leaving out some important details."

That laugh was so adorable. I didn't reply to him. I looked down at my feet smiling because I honestly didn't know and because Vic was being too cute, I had to hide the fact that he had an effect on me.

Hours passed and I was so happy. "I get it now!" I was smiling really big and in the corner of my eye, I can tell Vic was smiling too.
"A Covalent bond is the chemical bond that involves the sharing of pairs of electrons between atoms and An Ionic bond is a type of chemical bond formed through an electrostatic attraction between two oppositely charged ions!"

"You're doing great, Kels." Vic called me Kels again.. He probably does remember..

"Um, Vic.." I said in a nervous voice.

Vic turned his head to face me. "Yeah?"

"You called me 'Kels'..You remember me. Don't you?" We both were silent for awhile until Vic spoke up.

"Uh. Yeah.. I do. You'd stare at me back in Middle School. How could I forget?"

I kept quiet because I felt really stupid right there. He did noticed. Fuck.

"I really didn't get why you would stare at me though. My friends used to tease around with me and say that you had a 'thing' for me" He chuckled nervously. "Silly right?"

I really wanted to pour out all my feelings to him. Every single one of them. What if he didn't feel the same? What if he would avoid me and force Mr. Mullin's to assign me a new tutor? What if he laughed and told the whole school? Fuck. I need to..I can't hold it in much longer.

"Kellin?" As Vic spoke, I snapped out of my little trance.

"I'm sorry, Vic. I was just thinking."


I felt this huge urge to tell him but I fucking can't! C'mon, Kellin. You can do this.. You can... "Nothing.." Well shit. I guess I couldn't.

"I'm not stupid, Kels. I'm pretty sure I know when something's up. Tell me. I won't judge you."

"Promise?" I bit down on my bottom lip gently.

"I promise" He gave me a smile.

That smile could literally light up the whole world. That somehow gave me the courage to actually tell him.

"Uh...You." I said it. I finally said it. It took me a couple years. All these feelings. Every single one of them was going to be spoken to the guy who I'm completely gay for.

"Me? What about me?" He really sounded nervous..

"Fuck this. Vic, I like you. Like you, like you. Ever since Middle School. I don't know if you're gay or not, but I know I'm gay for you. Everything you do just takes my breath away, I seriously shake and sweat whenever I'm around you. I hate feeling this way towards you, I do, because you might not even feel the same way. I just can't-" I was cut off. I was cut off because Vic grabbed my face and kissed me...he kissed me really slow and..passionate? I was so surprised, but I didn't care. I was kissing Vic Fuentes on my couch.
♠ ♠ ♠
The title is a song title by Handguns
CHAPTER 2. YEY. Okay. So something came up and I couldn't update sooner..BUT HERE YOU GO. It's short. Poop. BUT LATER TODAY OR TOMORROW I'M POSTING A MINI CHAPTER. It's 1/2 of Chapter 3. But in Jaime's POV. Hope you enjoy! c: