I Don't Mine

Need I Remind You. 1/2 (JAIME POV)

I love Vic. No question about it. That fucker Quinn has something for him. The way he stares at Vic. It's the same way I look at him. During lunch I can tell he knew about his existence. I tried SO hard to get him away from Vic. So so hard. I pushed Vic hard so he can study for those tests, just so he can get into AP classes. The ones Quinn can never get into. But I guess that backfired on me. He's his tutor. Great.

"Do you really have to go, Vic?" I whined like a 5 year old child.

"Sorry, Jaime. I do. I guess I have to cancel our date." Vic sighed as he was walking away from me.

I followed him with a worried look.

"Can't you just reschedule? I really need you.."

"What's up with you, Jaime? Don't you trust me? Every time I have a new student to tutor you get jealous. I can tell. It's pretty obvious."

I hated that word. Jealous. Even more when Vic used it with me. It makes me feel like a shitty boyfriend for Vic. I do trust Vic, but not with Quinn. Am I supposed to tell him that I know Quinn has feelings for him? No. Because that's what Quinn wants. He wants to get closer with Vic and replace me. Haha. Not gonna happen.

"I love you, Vic. I'm sorry...I get it. I'm not good enough I just try so har-"

Vic cut me off with one of his 'shut up' kisses. Ugh. I hated him when he did that, but I also loved it when he knew the best times to do it.

After Vic pulled away, he smiled at me. I just feel so warm and fuzzy when he smiles. It was literally so flawless, the way his mouth curves and how his eyes seemed to shine by the reflection of the ceiling lights.

"I love you too, Jaime. Nothing's going to change that. I promise. I'll take you out to an expensive dinner tomorrow after school to make up for our date. I'll see you later."

And just like that, Vic said no other word and walked towards his math class. I had a funny feeling in my stomach that this was going to be more than just a tutor thing..
Because Vic always spoils me when he does something wrong. Canceling our date was no big deal. He does is like every time he has a student to tutor or when it's a family emergency. But expensive dinner?
Last time he fucked me over he took me to the UK, just to say "sorry". Can't wait to see what he did now.

"Hey, guys. Do you want to hang out at Disneyland? Vic and I were supposed to go there for our date..But He canceled." I tried to be happy as possible. But I couldn't. Vic and Quinn in one room.. alone... MY Vic.

"Sorry. We can't. We have to meet up with Emma in the park. She and this Justin kid invited us to paintball. You can come if you want?" Mike offered me, shoving Tony to the side.

"What the hell was that for?" Tony responded with a shove back at Mike.

"No. I'm good. I'll probably just go home, eat some ice cream and sleep." I left Mike and Tony in their little boyish game.

"Cheer up, Jaime. My brother loves you. You know that." Mike yelled out for me to hear, but I ignored it.

As I was walking home. I started to rethink everything. Does Vic really love me? Is he just saying that so he doesn't hurt me? Imagine everything that will happened if he decides to be with Quinn instead of me. I'll probably ignore him for the rest of my life and wait until he starts crawling back to me. If that ever does happen.. Should I take him back to fuck with my feelings again? Or just......move on?
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The title is a Major League song called "Need I Remind You". Perf band.
Okay. Chapter 3 will be up in like a week or so. This is short because 1/2. Yeah. It basically tells you a little more about Vic and Jaime. They're dating. You didn't expect that. Now did you? DUN DUN DUNNNNN.