I Don't Mine

Blood for Blood (KELLIN + MIKE + VIC POV)


"What the.." I said to myself. I didn't know if I should cry, break in and scream at Vic or what. I was literally torn. So I decided to break in.

Right when I broke into Vic's room, I couldn't believe my eyes. I saw him. Butt naked on top of..Jaime?

What the...How the..

"Wha.." Real smooth Kels, but that's all I could manage to say.

"Kellin..I-" Vic tried to speak to me, but then Jaime started talking.

"Didn't anyone teach you how to knock?" Jaime butted into our conversation. He pushed Vic off to the side and walked towards me. Did I mention that he was, uh, naked?

"I don't think it ever occurred to you, but Vic's mine. Not yours, he was never yours. You think he'd have feelings for a stupid retard like you? No, I didn't think so. We all know you have 'a thing' for my Vic, but let me warn you. If you dare to ever come near him again, you'll just be skin and broken bones." Jaime was clear that he wanted me away from Vic. Far as possible.

I couldn't say anything. All this time Jaime and Vic?
I just stood there silent until I saw Jaime walk up to Vic and crush his lips against Vic's.
I tried my hardest not to cry.
Vic wouldn't say a damn thing.. He doesn't care about me. Why would he? He has Jaime.
He just stood there, moving the same lips that were once against mine.
I couldn't take it anymore. So I ran. I ran out the room, the house. In tears.
Behind me, I can see Mike trying to catch up with me in the first few steps I ran out the door.
I wonder if he just wanted to ask me 'what's wrong?' or probably laugh it all in my face.

All I can do right now is give up. Give up on everything and everyone. If only Vic knew what my feelings caused for my life to be as it is now. I'm ending it all tonight.


"Kellin! Kellin! Wait up!" I couldn't catch up to him. I knew that there was no way to stop him.

What the fuck did Vic do?

I made my way back into the house and I walked by the hallway Vic's room was located.

"Why the fuck did you do that for, Jaime?!" Vic was yelling at Jaime...again?

Wait. when did Jaime get here?

"He has to know the truth, Vic! Don't you understand that he's taking you away from me? Of course not! You're just too nice. You can't even keep me happy! What makes you think you can do the same for him?" Jaime and Vic were arguing like a married couple, a married /gay/ couple.

"I can't keep you happy? I'm doing the best I possibly fucking can for you! It's always about you, Jaime! What about me? No asked if I was happy. Never. Not once. Do you even care about me, Jaime? Huh?"

"You know I fucking care! I just threatened Quinn because I want us to be safe, and happy together."

"Do you think I'm happy, Jaime?"

"I don't know.. /are/ you?"


"You're not?"


"Save it. We're done."


I heard footsteps coming out from Vic's room, assuming it was Jaime, I quickly dove onto the couch to hide the fact I was ease dropping.
Jaime angrily left the house and left it with a door slam.

I guess he was too upset to notice me.
I made my way to Vic's room.
I saw him crying.

"Hey, bro. Not your day..Huh?"

He just sobbed.

"You're not the only one." I said.

"What do you-" He sniffled. "mean?"

"It's Kellin.." I told him and he immediately stood up.

"Shit. Mike.. We need to leave to Kellin's now and fast." Vic manned up within a few seconds, I guess he was pushing the thoughts of Jaime away and focusing more on Kellin.

"What.. why?" I was seriously confused. Sad Vic then here's Macho Vic?

"He's going to kill himself. I know this because well..I kissed him..-"
That explained why Jaime was here. "and when I went to touch his leg..I felt this.. weird feeling.. and Kels kinda flinched as if it hurt."

"Fuck.. Okay. Let's take my car. It's the fastest." I didn't ask any more questions. We just left the house (don't worry. we locked it) and to our car, on our rescue mission for Kellin.


"Do not take more than two pills per day" I read aloud the sleeping pills label. I didn't care. I just didn't. But I wanted to read it, as if it's the last thing I'll ever read.

There's many ways to die:
Sleeping pills.
Loss of blood.
A loaded gun to the head.

But I wanted to do it in someway. If anyone finds me. They'll know what I did.
I opened the mirror cabinet and dropped the sleeping pills to the floor, and grabbed pain killers.

I used to take these before, when I broke my leg during 7th grade.
7th Grade....
Thoughts of Vic flooded my head. My mom and dad fighting. People calling me a faggot..

I couldn't take it so I punched the mirror cabinet so hard, that glass shattered everywhere. My fist was bleeding.
I tried my best to pop open the painkillers, and I did. I think I took a hand full of pills and shoved them all in my mouth. No doubt of overdosing.
As I wait for the pain killers to have an effect, I grabbed one of the glass shards and took a deep breath as I look down at the other glass shards.

I had really red eyes from crying. I was skinny as fuck. My cuts revealed on my thighs (I was wearing my boxers).

I stabbed my wrist with the glass shard and dragged it half way up my arm. I screamed at the top of my lungs as I was losing blood. I was breathing hard. Because It still really hurt. The painkillers are shit.

I began on my other wrist. Stab on wrist..drag...

Everything went black.


"Mike! The fucking door won't open! He's not answering!" Vic was panicking and crying.

Thank god our dad took me to taekwondo classes. I kicked the door open.

"We can fix the door later!" I yelled, "JUST GO UPSTAIRS AND FIND KELLIN. QUICK!" I pulled out my phone to call 911.

"Yes? Hey! Uh. Our friend is..-"

Vic ran up to find Kellin.


Fuck..Fuck..fuck.. Where the hell is Kellin?
I saw only one door with light and it was opened.
But when I got closer..
Blood. Blood all over the floor.

I hope he's alive. I hope he didn't shoot himself. I needed to explain to Kellin. Everything..

I opened the door and saw that Kellin was on the floor, wrists cut open mid-arm length. Pills on the floor. Mirror shards. I was crying because I felt responsible. I was crying because he didn't deserve this.
What will his parents think? What will happen next? Will he live?
I picked Kellin up and cleaned his wrists. Fuck. They were disgusting. I quickly took off my shirt and ripped them in two halfs. It was Jaime's old shirt so I didn't care. I wrapped them tightly around Kellin's wrists to try and stop the bleeding.

"Kellin.. If you can hear me.. You're going to be alright. Okay?"

I heard sirens going off and I heard foot steps coming up the stairs.

I yelled, "In here!! Help! Please!"

I never let go of Kellin's hand.


Mike and I were both sitting in the waiting room. Hoping that Kellin would be okay.

Then a doctor came in the room, he came up to me.

Kellin is going to live. Please. Let him live.

"Mr. Bostwick is fine. But he lost a lot of blood...So would one of you gentleman tell me your blood types? So we can help your friend?"

"I'm an O positive." I told him.

"Great! Can we please take a few pints of blood from you?"

I nodded in agreement and within a few minutes or so, they took my blood.


It was time to visit Kellin. He was awake. I was so nervous.

"Mike..can I talk to Kellin..alone? Please?" I asked him, and he just nodded.

"Sure, bro. I hope all goes well for you two." He gave me a hopeful smile as I walked into Kellin's room.

"Vic?..." His voice was adorable, barely even strong. He looked terrible. But he was still beautiful.

"Yeah, Kels. I'm here." I walked toward his hospital bed and sat on the chair that was placed there. I wanted to hold his hand. But I was afraid I'll hurt him or anything.

"Is Jaime here?.." He asked without looking at me.

"No. He's long gone."


"We.. broke up."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be."

There was an awkward silence, then Kellin broke the silence between us. "What's that? What happened?" He was talking about the bandage from where they took blood from me.

"Well, Kellin.. You lost a lot of blood, and I donated some of mine to you. To be honest, I was really scared. Scared that you wouldn't make it. I know you cut, Kellin. When we kissed and I felt your thigh.. I knew...Why?" I looked at him dead in the eye.

"As stupid as this sounds.. It's because of you. Vic, I liked you..no. Maybe even possibly loved you since 7th grade. My parents found out. They fought.. they divorced.. I got bullied for having feelings for you. Vic. You just don't understand. I love you. Okay? I love-"

I cut him off with a kiss. Not those sex-wanting kisses. This was more innocent than that. WAY MORE. As I pulled away, his blue eyes were there to greet me.

"I love you too." I said.
♠ ♠ ♠



Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Eeee.