I Never Meet Him in My Life.

About my best friend.

"RACHEL!" someone yell my name from across the hallway, I stop to walk, I turn around and try to look for someone. But I can't see someone because many students are walking in the hallway as they pass me. There is really crazy traffic when some students try to get different way to their classes. Some students bump into me while they try to walk around of me without saying, "Excuse me," or "sorry." I push their backpacks to keep away from my face and body, so they won't hit me. Someone was still yelling my name, it was getting closer me. I look at the hallway, I see Morgan who is running as she shout, "Keep out of my way! Watch out for my way!" Some students move toward the locker, so she can run thought in the hallway. Her arms are waving in the air, I smile and wave back to her. I decide to stand next the lockers; I walk toward the lockers and wait for Morgan to come here. She tries to find way to get out of crazy crowds in the hallway. She pushes them and their backpacks, saying, "Sorry, excuse me." She finally arrives to the locker, "H-hey!" She said as she is painting. "I need to catch my breath!"

"No, we will be late for our class!" I told her, I pull her arm toward the class. But she stop me, I almost to slip on the floor, she pulls me.

"No...I need to breath, first!" she tiredly says. I am frustration, I pull her arm to walk, but she stops me. I sigh, I had enough with her, and I turn around to her.

"MORGAN!" I yell at her, some students stares at us but I don't care what they think. "Do you want to get a tardy and you won't play soccer for half quarter?" I shout at her as I cross my arms. I can hear some students who they are whisper to other each during they are walking to pass us. Morgan's eyes wide, her mouth open but it close, it look like she want to say but she must change her mind. She is nodding, start to walk, my arm are uncross as I walk. "Good girl. Come on, we only have one minute left." I told her but she is screams and run toward the class as everybody stares at her. I heard someone say, "Why she was screaming and running? That’s strange..." I turn around to them and hiss at them, “SHUT UP! I was fooling her. Okay. No one talk shit about my best friend! Thanks." I storm out of them, everybody was shock when I yelled at Jock Boy, I continue walk toward my class. I chuckle at myself; I shake my head that I just fooled to my best friend. It was only two minutes. Ha, I am good at fooling her.

I met Morgan Thomas when we were 9 old years. Her family moved here from France, I don't know who she is, she was shy to everybody, but I was not shy to her when my former teacher wanted me to meet her. She don't know English language, she was full French speak language. My teacher was teaches her to learned English language. She rode in my bus, in few days later; she knew little of English language. We getting know other each during we were in bus. Few years later, we became to be best friend. Now we have been best friend for 7 years and we are Junior. We are not perfect because we do argue about stupid things but we still forgiving other each.

I walk toward the class. I see Morgan stand, lean on the door, and wait for me. I arrive at my class, and then I walk into the classroom. Morgan walks behind me. "Rachel Hitchman Lang!" Morgan says my full name, but I continue to walk toward my desk. My desk is last row where it is near the window; Morgan's desk is behind me. We sit in our seats. I look at Morgan, as she turns around and stares at me. "You better not fool me, Rachel." her voice says angrily. I snug my shoulder, "ARGH...I will kill you after lunch time." I chuckle, I slap her head.

"Morgan...you know that I love to kid you. And I know that you are not going to be mad at me forever." I smile. She turns around and sits in right seat.

"Whatever. I don't care." Her hands throw in an air, I roll my eyes.



The bell just cut me as I try to remind Morgan why she yells at me.
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Do you know what happen to next? :)
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I will try to write of this next chapter if I have a time.