‹ Prequel: Red Petals
Sequel: Final Curtain
Status: TRAILER: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pdj2NFsfkxk

Storm Brew

Chapter 37

A tightening over my shoulders warmed me. I dug my head into the firm, soft chest and heaved a restless yawn.

A sound of an unlatching door made me squirm until my eyes opened. I saw darkness first, then focused on the little light the room detained. Dark hair came into view, strong defined lips, molded in sensual fashion—like always. I was still leaning on Aric.

It was true then, we were in a cell and I had fallen asleep.

Turning my head, I saw what had caused me to wake up. Aric must've sensed my distress because his arm retreated, letting me scramble to where Nathaniel was lying, turning himself on his back.

I covered my mouth. I was kneeling, helping him sit—Nate's back was wet. Revulsion assaulted me, thinking it was blood. I relaxed when my hand pulled away clean.

It was water.

Nate's face was wet, along with his hair. His face was pale and he was shaking.

My fingers brushed along the soaked hair line, pushing the plastered strands off his forehead.

"I'll take a wild guess," Aric called, watching as I helped Nathaniel lean against a wall. "They dunked your head under freezing water?"

My thumb brushed my boyfriend's lower lip, it was trembling badly, and discolored. I rubbed up and down his arms, hoping to get some heat into him. Of course the head was the worst. I bit my lip hating that there was nothing I could do to make it dry sooner—how long had he been gone?
"How long was I asleep?" I asked before realizing we were underground. "Sorry—"

"I'd say about five hours," my eyes bulged, Aric shrugged lightly. "I've been through this before, time became easier to tell."

I grimaced inwardly at the thought of a younger Aric going through something similar. How scared had he been? Had he thought he'd die? I just couldn't imagine a child having to face such a horrible reality. No one should have to be put through this abomination.

Sighing, I pulled Nathaniel's body to the side, making him lie on the ground, head resting on my lap. As much as he seemed to want to fight against this, I saw him losing.

My fingers squeezed the locks of ash hair and watched water drip.

"Don't let him sleep, he'll want to. Don't let him, though. His brain could stop working from all the cold." Aric informed closing his eyes.

I nodded staring down at Nate's half-closed ones. With the tip of a finger I brushed along the cane of his nose, he shifted. I kept our eyes locked.

"I don't want to fight with you..." I confessed at last, hand circling his. My aquamarine gaze filled with sorrow and pain—if we didn't make it out alive I didn't want my last moments or days with him to be mute. I needed him. "Not in this place. I need you—and if we... if we die in here I don't want our last memories to be of us mad at each other. I know you don't agree with my choice—I know that you care about me more than anyone else, but what's done is done. I can't do it over, there are no do-overs..." I just can't stand not being close to you, I thought.

Feelings of dread took over when our hands came undone, Nate had slipped his away. I was about to turn my head when I felt my top being lifted. Near my bellybutton, a chill from both cold and pleasure rippled. I leaned my head against the wall arching with content, heaving heavily as he continued up and up—then his lips were missing from my stomach only to be found again on my lips.

That kiss would've reduced me to a pool of goo if Nate's lush lips weren't so cold. Locking my hands behind his neck, I propelled forward deepening it. He sat, placing both legs on either side of mine. I wanted him closer no matter how hard it seemed—wanted us diving into each other's souls.

When I tilted closer to his body he allowed it, but when my hand fell to his bicep—he flinched.

"Oh, Nate, I'm sorry." I whispered recalling the bullet graze on his arm.

He shook his damp head, hands taking my elbows, tugging me to him. To his chest. My head was tucked under his chin as he rubbed a circle in my shoulder.

"I love you, that's why I got angry—why I don't like to this. I'm not going to lie and say I'm not pissed anymore. I am... but you're right." He tilted my chin so I'd look up. "I'd prefer to spend the little time we might have together not fighting. Just in case... you know."

In case we happen to die in here. Yeah, I knew.

The gravel hurt my knees so we changed positions. Siting side by side against the wall, my head on his shoulder. I matted Nate's hair as time went on.

We didn't sleep. Aric was the only one truly resting. Nathaniel and I talked quietly so no one but us would hear. We talked about nonsense, musics, bands, movies, travels. I learned how Nate had been in Paris once, but hadn't gone to see the Eiffel Tower or the Louvre because he'd had to follow his adoptive Father around. He'd only seen the inside of a very wealthy mansion where he'd been scolded and, afterwards, grounded because he'd broken a vase from the eighteen century. I'd found myself giggling at the image. A ten year old Nate poking a priceless vase until—crack!

I couldn't tell him anything about my travels because I had none, except this one with him. So, I told him about my dreams. How I'd always wanted to backpack around Europe after finishing College, or see the Grand Canyon. Then I shared how Anna had gotten us into a club by flashing the bouncer. I slapped his arm when he said it sounded just like her to do something so slutty.

Anna wasn't a slut, she was just... free spirited.

We couldn't get any further because Jensen was banging on our door.


I moved my finger along the ground, drawing symbols. They meant literally nothing. It was my most recent past-time.

I wasn't certain how long we'd gone without eating. They hadn't given us anything for what Aric estimated to be nearly two days. About awhile ago, Jensen, had thrown a water bottle inside. I was so thirsty I didn't stop at Nate's warning—it had been salty water.

My throat was itchy and my thirst had been tripled.

How long did it take to die of dehydration? I was better off not knowing.

Aric and Nate had been in and out of the cellar often. Each time they returned, the bruises, cuts were deeper.

I'd been outside two times. They'd hung me on shackles, leaving my feet dangling above ground. It had been like that for hours. When they finally lowered me, my arms ached like I'd been holding up the sky; my shoulders were still throbbing. The second time, I was locked in a dark room for hours with freezing water being poured over from time-to-time. I could never sleep.

Aric had came back from his last torture session with angry whip marks on his back. It angered me they did that—that they'd already done it in the past. It made me fume how calm he always was. I tried keeping it under wraps, though.

A sigh heaved from my lungs.

My head shot up, catching a shifting just outside the door.

My eyes slitted, hoping it wasn't Vincent. He'd been here two times already. The first one I hadn't been present, the second one I had. He taunted us—especially Aric, but he never fell into it, taunting right back.

"Hey..." I rasped glimpsing through the cell bars. "You... I know you." I stated mustering energy to get up, waltzing the the bolted door. "You're... that kid from the hotel. The one who pretended to be a waiter." I looked to where Nate was laying, passed out still.

The spiky hair only seemed to have grown bigger. The face was still young shaped, there was a tiny scar on his chin, though.

"And you're boyfriend's the one who bashed my head into a wall... I swear it still hurts." He muttered rubbing it for emphasize.

I blinked softly. This guy was the first one who didn't sneer, or grin like a maniac watching us in pain. Maybe we had a shot with him. Nate had allowed him to live maybe there was something to gain there—

"Mark," I would've jumped if I wasn't already so used to people sneaking up. "You got in, mate?" Aric leaned his head on the door, next to me.

"Shh," Mark's eyes glinted with worry, darting back and forth, keeping alert for anyone else. "Don't call me that in here!" He scolded in a panicked hiss. "I'll get caught and tortured and—"

"Got it, sorry. Matter of speech," My brother whispered gaining more awareness, eyes glowing a little stronger.

What was going on here...?

"You know him?" I locked eyes with Aric. "He was the one Drew used to lure us—"

"I didn't know," Mark protected himself immediately. "I told you that. I did!" he said those words to Aric.

He nodded proving that he remembered.

Alright seriously...

"What is going on here?" I grasped my head smoothing over my temples. "You two know each other?"

"He's my mole," Aric pinned some black hair away from his eyes. "He's been for a while now. I was hoping he'd find out our Father's safe locations... but that doesn't happen unless you prove yourself to be one of the best, I guess." There was a sort of sad noise from Mark, like he was sorry for letting Aric down. "But hey, you managed to get here." He shrugged watching the dark cloud lift from Mark's face. "Are you going to bust us out now?"

Mark winced slightly.

"I don't have the key to open this lock, Jensen does..." something close to understanding flashed in Aric's irises. "Even if I did, Riley would kill me if she found out. She wouldn't like it one bit. I only managed to get called here to fill in for a guy you apparently put out of commission." He mumbled eying down the hall. "I'll be gone after another guy gets here, he's older, more experienced."

Aric snorted, "Riley doesn't like anything except herself, her credit cards and maybe Nolan." His eyes rolled at the shallowness of it all.

"Yeah... but she really doesn't like you." Mark chimed withdrawing something from under his shirt. "It was the only thing I could get past him," he slid chocolate tablets through the holding bars. "I can tell you what I've seen them do today, doesn't look good... I gotta be quick though, before Jensen gets I'm doing more than patrolling."

"Shoot," Aric passed me the munchies. My stomach growled at the thought of food—even if chocolate would only worsen my thirst—I blushed. "You can go ahead and start." He spoke gently, nodding towards Nate. "Wake him while you're at it."

I glanced from Mark to Aric and gave him a look that said 'you've got a lot of explaining to do', then walked to my boyfriend sitting close to him.

After what felt like an hour later, Nate was quiet. He'd eaten his fill, like we all had, though I'd tried to offer some of mine because of the intense session he still refused to talk about.

"Where does it hurt worse?" I whispered under my breath.

If he told me again nothing hurt I would yell. The macho crap was driving me nuts, was it from him or Aric. Here I was, overcoming my fear of blood—trying to help them—and they were being stubborn to the point of telling me to be quiet.

Nate's eyes showed defiance, before he turned away.

Alright. That. Was. It.

"You are such idiots!" I yelled outraged.

Their eyes jumped to my heaving chest. I'd had enough of their tough-guy act. They'd rather feel pain than being helped—so be it. I was done asking them anything!

Hoping to let out some coiled rage, I kicked the strong door causing it to shake; the loud boom echoed down the Gothic hall.

I ground my teeth together. This place was getting the best of me. It was like being mentally tortured—kinda like when I'd been losing my mind when Drew's "ghost" had haunted me.

"Keep it down in there!" Jensen's voice called back gruffly.

Having lost my judgment... "Fuck you—!"

A hand wrapped up my mouth, I struggled as my body got pulled into the wall and to the floor.

"Let's not insult the guys with the weaponry. Okay?" Nathaniel cried out the next second, as I bared my teeth into his hand. "That fucking hurt!" he looked down at his hand, moving it. My teeth marks were well present.

"Oh, so you feel pain? I was under the impression you didn't." I retorted with sarcasm, flashing a bitter smile to both him and Aric. "You two are driving me insane." My gaze grew dark, stormy, making their jaws clench. "I'm trying to get my mind off the fact we're probably going to die in a hell hole and you send me away to sulk in a dark corner... Why can't you just let me help!?"

Aric looked to Nate. They held each other's eyes for a while, until Nate finally lowered his hand, gazing to me.

"Come here," he motioned me forward. His hand cupped my cheek. "I know you want to help—we both do—but there isn't anything you can do, baby. And yes, it hurts, but it's something we're used to. It'll be fine." Nate placed his lips to my forehead. "I promise,"

I had no idea how he could move after so many beatings. His face sported cuts, the T-shirt—his and Aric's—seemed had aged years, both torn and discolored. Aric's previous immaculate jeans were now ripped. Both boys looked worse for wear and I didn't see the wounds below their clothes, not all of them, anyway.

"How old do you think I am? Five?" I countered suddenly, not getting any better with his 'we're going to make it out alive' speech.

"I sure hope not because than I'd be a pedophile—" I shook my fist in front of his face ready to explode and he backed his head away. "Okay, so, what do you want me to tell you? That we're definitely going to die? Even if we cough up Anna's goddamn whereabouts?" he was tired and worn, still, he managed to pull-off a stony cold glare. "Is that what you want?"

Aric cleared his throat. We broke the staring match to glance at him.

"We should save energy for tomorrow. Our escorts are going to be here early." He mocked disdainfully.

"What happens tomorrow?" Nate questioned.

Aric shrugged, then grimaced, rubbing a shoulder blade.

"I'm not sure, all Mark knew was that Vincent was planning something by the patio, next to the pool."

Nate smirked, "Maybe it's a late welcome-to-hell-barbecue." His face became more serious. "Let's just hope he doesn't burn us."

Aric didn't say anything which didn't make me feel any better. To occupy my mind with other things—not torture or death—I focused on subject Mark.

"Where do you know Mark from?"

"He was in that gang I belonged to, back in Chicago."

"Oh..." I replied feeling a little more drowsy. "Why's he in The Order...?" I tipped my head into the wall.

"Because he volunteered," Aric uncrossed his arms. "I needed someone on the inside and he was willing to do it. I might have saved his ass a couple of times." He smirked. "He owes me. He's paying his debt."

Hmm... I crawled to the hot source on my left, resting my head on Nate's lap. Hoping he wasn't still angry from our little outburst. I smiled secretly when Nate's thumb traced circles on my shoulder.

"He tried to kill us you know..." I ratted out, snuggling into Nathaniel's leg.

"He was trying to climb up the ladder. We hadn't talked about you yet. He's sorry." Aric had his eyes closed and looked completely peaceful as he talked; like his subconscious was doing it all for him. "Drew knew he wanted to get into a higher position so she tipped him off."

I glimpsed at Nathaniel when her name came out to dance. He didn't flinch at the sound, or sneer. Maybe because his chin was on his chest; he'd dozed off.

I rubbed his knee softly hoping he'd get some good rest.

"When this is all over you're not going to want someone normal?" Aric asked suddenly. "Someone who doesn't make you wonder if he's coming home or not?"

That question took came up from behind. I'd never seen it coming, certainly not from Aric. I glanced at Nate's face, passive and tranquil, oblivious that we were discussing him and me.

"He's going to quit the Hive." I shared.

Aric tilted his head, "That doesn't mean he won't have these kinds of problems. There are people who don't really like him and sometimes the only thing keeping them away is the Hive."

Nate had said something about enemies. But it was something I was willing to risk. Were people really waiting for Nate to quit the Hive and kill him? It sounded too egocentric.

"Are you sure you're still going to want him—my brother?" He fixated my eyes with his.

My chest rose with a sharp breath.

"I..." Don't know.

"Or do you love him because your life is constantly being threatened? Because of the danger your life's been these last couple of months?"

Would I have fallen for Nate if we'd met under other circumstances? I bit my lip. Would I...?

"I don't know what I'm going to want..." who knew what could happen to make my feelings change? I hadn't chosen to fall in love, and had. I could fall out of love, I wasn't stupid.

"Of course you do," he affirmed looking at the barred window. "You'll want what everyone else wants."

A corner of my mouth deepened into curiosity.

"Oh, and what would that be?"

"Safety, for one." He cocked his head looking to the dark ceiling. "Someone who cherishes you, cares for you, loves you—someone who can give you a future, who you can have a tomorrow with."

"Is that what you want?"

Aric gave me a fleeting look before his lips shaped into a crooked grin.

"At some point everyone wants that. No exceptions,"

"Well," I said with a slight doubtful tone, despite my efforts. "I love Nate and... I..."

I couldn't say it. I couldn't say I'd still love him when this was over, but it wasn't because I'd want normal back.

"I don't know what's going to happen tomorrow, I might stop loving him—or the day after, a week from now." I shrugged, hugging my elbows when a cold breeze swept me. "It might happen to him, he might stop loving me... all I can talk about is right now—not always." I faced Aric's shinning eyes intensely. "And right now, I love Nathaniel more than anything else in the world—I'd do anything for him."

I was realistic. Fairytale love, happily-ever-afters, riding off into the sunset? Pft. If I'd ever believed them, now I didn't. I'd seen the rotten side of our world—I was being kept in a modern-day dungeon and being tortured for Pete's sake! It was disgusting, dark and cruel.

Loving someone the way I did Nathaniel was a blessing and I cherished it everyday. But I wasn't about to fool myself, there were things you couldn't stop. Love came and love went, it was something you had to accept.

Like I said though, I only cared about right now. I'd deal with what came along when it did. Actually, I hoped something came up, it was a sign that we wouldn't be stuck here forever.

"Why are you so interested in my feelings, anyway?" it was my turn to smirk. "I thought you didn't do teen-drama." The sarcasm made him chuckle.

"I don't," he said. "It goes to show how bored I am. I need entertainment." His last words were wicked and there was a glare at the door.

I wondered what he was planning or what he'd already planned with Mark—they'd been talking for quite a while.


Dragging us out when we least expected was becoming old. I didn't jump with terror anymore.

We were heading for the elevator, probably taking us to the pool-patio for whatever Vincent had planned—just as Mark had informed.

Riley was present, sauntering besides Aric just to annoy him. Jensen was guiding Aric, Michael stuck with Nate and I had no idea who the hell my guy's name was, not like I cared.

Jensen was bending Aric's arms so much it surprised me how they were still in their sockets. Of all the people here who didn't like Aric—not counting his Father—Riley and Jensen seemed to hold a massive grudge against him.

We were taken near the pool like last time—maybe not so close. My head tipped forward when a hole came up. It was deep, tall in height. It was something familiar, a... a grave. That was disturbing to say the least.

They stopped us when we were inches from the brim. Vincent was on the other side looking down with crossed arms. When his eyes lifted, they coursed each one of us.

"It's been almost three days. I've been very patient—"

"Yeah you've been torturing us because we're family, tough love and all—" Aric's mocking fit was cut off by Jensen who jerked my half-brother's arms. I heard them popping. Aric managed a painful glare back at him.

Vincent cleared his throat.

"I've been merciful and you know it." I think Aric wanted to say something like 'can't argue there'. "But six members have been caught and arrested in Chicago. I'd say your friend is putting that flash drive to good use. Before she does anymore damage, say... lead people here," Vincent came around the hole, walking behind us. "We're getting serious."

Nate bit down a groan as his Mother's killer curled a hand on the injured arm. He made an involuntary step forward, Michael never released him.

"Guess what this hole is here for!" Vincent's palm gave a great pat on Nathaniel's back causing him to stumble.

He would've fallen inside if it weren't for his handler.

My eyes winced with understanding. There was a hole in front of us; deep, large, and... I dared to stretch my neck to see what was inside that had Nate so accelerated.

A glass case. One, where a person could fit. It was a coffin... made of glass.

Dread assaulted my chest and memories flooded. The first time I saw him sweating, trying to contain panic. The look in those brandy eyes when they'd lost their fire—when I'd found him alone, unconscious, hurt after Drew kidnapped him...

A breath was choked up in my lungs, suffocating me to the last of my existence. They couldn't do that. Please, please don't let them do what I think they're—

"What? No guesses?" Vincent pondered, scrunching his face. He stopped next to Aric, where Riley watched with feline eyes. "No smartass-comebacks from you, Aric? I'm shocked."

Aric rolled his eyes possibly to avoid his Father's. Everyone knew exactly why there was a hole here.

Riley skipped up to Michael's side, I could see their faint smiles.

"Someone's going down it," she sang, tracing a finger down the back of Nathaniel's neck. I saw how he wanted to shrug her off. "You're sweating—why? Are you nervous?" he pulled his head away defiantly. "Aw, I don't think he likes the idea."

Michael snorted, "Too bad."

All of a sudden, Nate was being pushed into the the hole—he fought against Michael like crazy, I could actually see beads coursing down his forehead. The fear in his eyes materialized in my soul, it was as if I felt it.

I'd reached a conundrum.

Anna and my Mom's legacy—or Nate?

Nate, the person who'd showed me that even when he had no real obligation to help me—still had. That there was still a light inside his heart after being raised by killers, and putting up with a cruel sister. Nathaniel, who'd proven that in the darkest aspects of a person there were also good ones.

There shouldn't be a choice to be made. But if I told them... We'd be dead as soon as they got the flash drive.

There's no choice, I thought again. It's best he dies in some other way then buried alive—


Everything around us stopped. The wind calmed down, the clouds looked brighter. It was like the whether was staging our turmoil.

I hadn't said it. Aric had beaten me to the punch.

"Anna went to Washington with the evidence." Aric's voice was calm, collected—no mockery ruled over it.

Vincent waved at Michael who drove Nate onto the other side, letting him fall face down on the floor breathing heavily.

I would've kept my eyes on him if Vincent hadn't stepped up to my half-brother, tilting his head.

"That's another reason," he stated capturing his son's eyes. "You've always cared too much. It's your liability, son. Though, I have to confess I expected Melissa to give in first." The comment felt like a guilt-jab in my mind and heart. I should've called out first, I shouldn't have wasted time debating something that wasn't debatable—but I had.

Nate had been so scared and... he could be buried alive right now. They all accused me of caring too much, but apparently, Aric was even worst which Nate could be very thankful for.

"Take them back to their cell until we have confirmation, then—"

"You bastard," Riley was red with anger. Vincent didn't seem offended because she was glaring at her older brother. "How can you do this...? You care about him—" She pointed to Nate who was getting to his knees, shoulders slumped. "Who you had no contact with whatsoever all these years—above me and Nolan? We grew up with you and you never even gave us the light of day!"

She strolled to Aric. Jensen held him tightly even as she fisted a hand into the ruined T-shirt.

"What makes him so special, huh? We were your family and you just hated us, left us. You let them do that to our brother—your brother?" Her nails bared themselves into his golden skin, drawing blood. "What's so special about him—about them?" She glimpsed from Nate to me, and I found myself looking like a deer in headlights.

"For one," Aric said around a groan. "They're not pathetic like you—they can think with their own heads."

Riley pounced like a tiger. Everything about her agility was graceful, like a ice-skater, but deadly. Jensen yelled for her to get a hold of herself, struggling to keep his vice grip on Aric's arms.

Vincent watched with boredom.

"Should I stop her, sir?" Michael asked unsure, glancing from the breaking fight to his boss.

Vincent chuckled mildly as Jensen finally got tired of keeping Riley away, and threw Aric away like a rag doll. My half-sister was on him like a dog on a piece of meat.

Aric lifted his abused arms to fend off Riley, catching one of her fists with a solid hold. Everyone waited for Aric to be overpowered, she was vicious and furious and he was hurt and ill-rested. There was an echo of a dry crack as Riley's left wrist broke like a twig in Aric's hands. While she recoiled from the sudden flare of pain, he took her by the short hair, dragging her to a marble bench and busted her head against it.

Riley slumped seconds later. He breathed with relief until Jensen got the gesture from Vincent. He approached, ready to restrain Aric once more—

"Crap," I heard the guy holding me mumble, stunned.

I was too. But didn't utter a syllable. Aric had taken the shovel laying by the dug-up dirt and shoved its handle through Jensen's chest.

"Bloody hell," Aric swore when Jensen still to wanted to wrap hands around his throat. "Die already you bastard." He hissed dipping it further.

The thirty-year-old's knees gave off and I could imagine the empty, hollow gaze.

Vincent wasn't dumbstruck like Michael and my guy, he was amused but irritated at the same time.

"You are one cocky, brat." He spat with a sneer.

"Most of it came with the genes." Aric swept the dark bangs from the front if his eyes. "You have a habit of underestimating me, Dad." He drew the word out with anger and vehemency. "That always plays out in my favor, has for eleven years."

There wasn't an army rushing out of the modern house. There weren't snipers on the windows taking aim at our heads. But there were other two men coming—one of them with a taser stick.

Vincent stayed and watched as Aric avoided a fist-swing, squatting his head in the nick of time. It wasn't that I was surprised that another cracking noise echoed—I just hadn't expected it to be from behind.

Michael landed inside the hole, dropped on the glass casket with no care. The guy holding me hostage glanced to Nate who was glaring darkly, causing shivers to course him. One step closer to us, and my arms were being released as the boy prepared to take down Nathaniel.

Before Nate could take throw a punch, though...

"What the—" my elbow connected below the guy's rib cage, causing a choke.

While I busied myself with the lower dogs, Nate decided it would be a good idea to go for the gold, the big boss—Vincent. God, I loved Nate and I knew just what he was capable of, but his state wasn't very favorable, not when he wanted to throw down with—

"Ow," I winced rubbing my nose. Glancing up, I saw black mop-hair.

Aric rolled off me, taking a short breather, landing beside me.

Next thing I knew, he was pushing at my shoulder, trying to get me to move out of the way. I did and saw a blue light shimmering above us. It was one of the new thugs, one with zapping-power. Aric tackled the man after I kicked a shin, strongly. Relieved that things were going goodish for my brother, I turned to check on Nate with serious worry.

Nate wasn't fighting with Vincent, though. In fact where was—I cringed one minute, coughed the other.

A flare of intense pain and heat made me tumble to the dewy soil. Another kick to the stomach made me drab an arm around it. My eyes lit, I knew I had to move, to get up and get my own strikes in. When I showed an inclining to do so, I was struck in the chest, near the clavicle and swore I heard something snap. I looked up wishing I hadn't, the mirror image of my eyes was the last thing I needed to stare into.

"Well this is a shame," Vincent called tilting his head down at me. "You could've had potential as a killer." I felt blood trickle down my cheek where the punch hit, my head banged onto the not-so-soft-ground. "You could've been a very good addition to our organization."

An addition? I wasn't property—I was my own. No wonder Aric had ran away, all he had were reasons to leave!

"You know," his voice lowered in a alluring manner. "You could still make things turn around for you, Melissa. With Nolan in—"

I mustered a breath, "Go th' hell..." Was what I came up with, before my ribs were kicked-in one more time.

Being suspended caused a lightheaded sensation, it was strange and uncomfortable. All I wanted was to feel my feet touch the ground. My fingers numbed as I tried to prying his hands off my neck.

"You caused me more problems than Aric ever did, and he was planned. I never imagined an outsider would be such a hassle to deal with, but we're correcting that now."

A tiny gasp crawled out, the stinging came from not breathing. Oxygen was so close and so far... It felt unbearable. I wasn't ready to die, but I wasn't seeing a bright future right about now. I was seeing spots.

I flinched when a gun went off.

My body flayed, falling to the ground, contorting in all shimmers of pain. It hurt so much to do... anything. Opening my eyes, I thought: it wasn't me. I wasn't shot.

Vincent was sporting a bloody shoulder, it seeped out and out, never in of course. Because that wasn't what blood did. It came out.

Nate tackled Vincent as Aric indulged in another fight with a remaining Order member. I wanted nothing more than to erase the curling scream my ears picked up. Nathaniel's left arm went limp at his side, he crumpled to his knees.

I became desperate as I saw Vincent slamming Nate onto the marble ground—pressuring his dislocated shoulder. Nathaniel screamed—I clapped my hands over my ears.

I glanced around, frenetic.

We were so close to the pool now, if I rolled over I could fall in. What are you thinking Melissa? This isn't time for a swim—

My eyes locked on the device—the taser. Water was a good conductor for electricity. You should never mix those together, I knew it since I was a kid.

"Aric..." I wheezed, feeling my lungs fight against me. "Push... push him... push him—" I inhaled sharply, closing my eyes to gain strength, getting through the pain on my own—knowing our lives depended on it. "Push him into the pool!"

There wasn't a minute of hesitance from Aric's part. There wasn't anything like that from me, either. My hand reached for the stick, clicking it on a few times before it worked properly. I watched limbs flaying around the pool, Vincent tried grabbing the ledge, water flew everywhere.

I tossed it in.

Aric drew me from the pool side with strong arms and though their embrace hurt my bruised skin, I welcomed them as the sizzling light show played on, as well as the screaming fit from the transparent water. It sounded cruel, very unlike me, but I wished electrocution was a very painful way to die.

I kept my eyes on the water as it ended. As the screams faded.

It should've been alright now. Things should've felt safe, I should be relieved—safe. Vincent was dead. Aric and Nate should be happy. Why were they staring down at me like that...? Was there something on my face—besides the trickles of...


And it wasn't from my face. It was from my side. I began feeling it, the shaking, the ripping pain tore my insides out, it felt as if a hole was being dug inch by inch. Soon, it wasn't only my side that bled, I could feel it struggling up my throat.

There was a bullet in me.

"What did you do!?"

"She killed him—our Father. She killed him—"

There was ruckus. Wind sloshing, drowning my ears, they sounded like metal slicing through the air—like helices.

Voices, more shots and... and a lot of commotion as my vision turned into a polka-dotted screen.

"Melissa! Melissa—Mel! Don't fall..."

The voices were loud sometimes, then they faded out like dream particles. My body felt heavy, then light as a feather, floating in midair. There was always a searing fire, though. It made me afraid. I kept hearing booms in the background, lighting strikes, shattering...

A minute later, I was sinking to the bottom of the quietest seas... alone and in the dark.
♠ ♠ ♠
"It's stormy out so baby let me in
I can help I know I can
Together we're never gonna fall
Its stormy now but the sun's gonna shine again
Even the worst storms gotta end
We're better if we weather it all (yeah)
Together we're never gonna fall"
- Hedley
